#jiwoo one-shot
blu-joons · 2 years
When They Comfort You Through A Nightmare ~ KARD Reaction
The sound of you shooting up immediately had Taehyung sitting up, following behind you. You raced through the house, crashing on the sofa as you wiped over your eyes.
“Y/N? What’s happened? What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked, kneeling down beside you on the sofa, resting his hand against your shoulder.
It took a few moments for you to reply as your voice faltered several times. “I had this dream, there was some guy and he was trying to take me away from you.”
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung whispered, brushing your hair out of your face. “Take a moment, try and do some deep breaths.”
“It felt so real,” you then murmured across to him.
Taehyung nodded sympathetically as he made sure to stay right by your side. “It wasn’t real, I promise you, I’m right here instead of whoever was in your nightmare, right?”
“I’m sorry if I woke you up too,” you then told him.
A chuckle came from Taehyung as, as usual, you worried about him. “Don’t be silly, I’m glad that I woke up so that I could be here for you, I don’t want you getting upset by yourself.”
“I’m feeling a lot better now, thanks to you.”
Both of your hands quickly moved and wrapped around Matthew’s arm, shaking it as hard as you could as you tried your best to catch your breath after scaring yourself awake.
“It’s too early,” Matthew mumbled, although as he stirred he noticed how firm you were trying to get him awake and listening to you.
After a few moments Matthew’s eyes opened, widening as soon as they looked at you. “I-I had a nightmare,” you stuttered, looking nervously at him.
“A nightmare?” Matthew questioned, moving his arm to wrap around you and bringing you straight into his side for protection.
“I didn’t know what else to do,” you whispered.
A soft kiss was placed to the top of your head as Matthew’s free hand wiped underneath your eyes. “You did the right thing waking me up, even if I was a little bit grumpy just then.”
“Are you not sleeping too?” You asked in response.
Matthew’s head shook as you tilted your head back to look at him. “Not the best, but I don’t think my night has been anywhere near as bad as yours. Are you feeling better now?”
“I’m feeling a lot better laying here with you.”
The feeling of your leg jolting against hers was the final straw for Somin as she shook you awake, quickly picking up on the fact that you were experiencing a nightmare beside her.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” Somin quizzed, draping her arm across your shoulders to make sure you knew that she was there beside you.
It took a moment for you to realise what was going on, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “What happened? Why did you wake me?” You asked Somin.
“You were having a nightmare,” she explained to you, watching as your shoulders dropped, “do you not remember any of it?”
“Not a single thing,” you admitted with a sigh.
Somin offered you an understanding smile as you took a deep breath in. “You were beginning to sweat beside me, not to mention the fact that you kept kicking me too.”
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” you hurriedly told her.
A laugh escaped from Somin as you began to return back to your usual self. “I think I can take a few kicks in the leg, especially knowing that you’re not as upset as I thought you’d be.”
“I’ve not got a clue about this nightmare at all.”
Your heart had never raced as fast as it did as you watched the bedroom door opened, relieved to see Jiwoo walking in, despite the fear that greeted her as she found you sat up.
“A-are you alright?” Jiwoo nervously asked you as she quickly shut the door before rushing over to the bed and sitting right beside you.
Your head shook as you buried it into your hands, “I had a nightmare, and then when you weren’t here I thought that something serious had happened to you.
“I’m alright,” Jiwoo whispered closely into your ear, “I just went to use the toilet, I promise that no one came near me.”
“Are you sure?” You shakily asked to be sure.
Jiwoo nodded as your head lifted up and met her eyes. “Whatever happened was just a dream, I’m fine, you’re fine, and there’s no one that can get here and get to either of us.”
“You’re not going anywhere else, are you?” You quizzed.
Jiwoo’s head turned to shake as she slowly encouraged you to lay back down again. “I promise that I’m going nowhere else other than underneath this duvet and cuddling up to you.”
“I like the sound of us doing that, a lot.”
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jihyoruri · 3 days
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 QUEEN OF DISASTER kang haerin x reader
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↳ warnings yn is a nmixx member , haerin is insanely infatuated with yn, swearing, fluff, crazy dorm activities
haerin didn’t have many idol friends outside of her own group. she kept to herself most of the time, and honestly, she was fine with that. there was comfort in her peace she didn’t need it to be disrupted.
that was, until kyujin bounced into her life. the girl was a burst of energy, determined to befriend every 2006 liner in the industry, including haerin.
and, as much as haerin hated to admit it, kyujin was hard to resist. her infectious laughter, relentless enthusiasm, and her skill of making haerin feel comfortable chipped away at her guarded walls.
but that didn’t stop haerin from being a bit hesitant when the girl invited her to her dorms.
“I don’t know…” haerin murmured, her gaze dropping to the floor as kyujin groaned in protest. the idea of visiting another group’s dorm felt… odd. it wouldn’t just be kyujin it would be her and six other members, people haerin barely knew.
“come on!” kyujin whined, leaning dramatically against haerin’s arm. “my members are so welcoming. they’re really peaceful,” she added, the blatant lie making haerin raise an eyebrow.
“peaceful?” haerin shot her a knowing look, one that said, you can’t be serious.
“okay okay,” kyujin looked down reluctantly, “okay, fine. maybe not all of them,” she confessed, “but at least yoona unnie is. she’s super chill! you’ll feel comfortable with her, i promise.”
haerin nodded slightly, her mind flicking to sullyoon, who seemed just as quiet and reserved as she was probably the one member she might actually connect with. but something felt off. one name was conspicuously missing from kyujin’s reassurances..
everyone knew yn.
she was the industry’s darling, a sweetheart with doe eyes and a smile that could light up a room. her voice was soft, soothing even, the kind of voice that made fans melt and left the whole country captivated. she was gentle, exactly the type of person who would put haerin at ease.
she was peaceful with the softest voice to exist, just watching videos of her talking could put people at peace.
so why didn’t kyujin mention her?
haerin let out sigh, looking away from her friends puppy dog eyes, “fine…”
kyujin’s shriek of excitement nearly made her regret it. haerin scrunched her nose playfully, rolling her eyes as kyujin threw her arms around her in a tight hug, already chattering excitedly about the visit. but haerin’s thoughts were elsewhere.
she stayed quiet while kyujin rambled about how excited she was, her mind wandering to the girls beloved member.
she doesn’t know why, kyujin not bringing yn up occupied her mind so much.
I guess you can say the beloved member of nmixx intrigued her.
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“get the hell off of me!”
haerin stood wide eyed next to kyujin, frozen in place in front of the now-closed door to her friend’s dorm
she watched in disbelief as yn shoved bae off the couch, sending the girl tumbling onto the floor.
“now now, yn that’s not even nice.” the older girl groaned from the ground, flashing the pretty girl a teasing look.
“fuck off.”
the funny thing was, this wasn’t even the most chaotic thing happening in kyujin’s “lovely” home.
haewon was belting out a very loud tune in the kitchen while yoona tried her best to help clean up the mess. lily and jiwoo were in the living room, locked in a fierce round of just dance, screaming at each other to “dance harder!”
and yet, despite the madness swirling around her, haerin’s eyes couldn’t leave the industry’s so called sweetheart, who seemed to have quite the temper on her.
“you know you love me,” bae teased, trying to get up from the ground, only to be pushed right back down by yn.
“no, i hate you,” yn snapped, glaring down at her, though her wide, doe like eyes made her look more like a pouting kitten than anything intimidating.
kyujin glanced nervously at haerin, who stared at the chaos before her. “it’s not always like this,” she lied, trying to save face.
haerin shot her a look that screamed, yeah, right.
“i know…” kyujin sighed. “i told them to be on their best behavior. sorry.”
but haerin barely acknowledged her friend’s apology, too transfixed by yn’s little tantrum. the girl had settled back on the couch now, a perfect smile on her face, while bae remained sprawled on the floor, knowing that any attempt to stand would likely result in another push
“so it’s all for show?” haerin whispered, her eyes still glued to yn..
“huh?” kyujin furrowed her brow.
haerin tilted her head toward yn, and kyujin burst into laughter. “no! yn unnie is a complete sweetheart. what you see is what you get, she’s just… well, a bit short-tempered.”
as if yn could sense they were talking about her, she glanced up, her wide eyes locking onto haerin and kyujin. suddenly, her expression softened, and she shot up from the couch.
“oh my, kyujin, why didn’t you say you were back!” yn exclaimed, crossing the room in quick strides. 
“that’s no way to welcome guests!” she turned her attention to haerin, who immediately felt her cheeks grow warm as yn got closer. “how are you? was the drive okay?” yn’s voice was gentle, her words pouring over haerin like a warm breeze. “it’s a bit loud in here, i know, but it gets better, i promise.”
“uh…” haerin tried to respond, but yn cut her off with a quick pat on the head.
“i’ll go tell haewon unnie you’re here. make yourself comfortable, haerin,” yn said, shooting her a playful wink before disappearing into the kitchen.
haerin’s face was burning now, completely caught off guard by yn’s sudden warmth.while kyujin looked at her, “told you, she’s a complete sweetheart, an angry one but sweet nevertheless.”
“uh huh…” haerin barely managed to nod, still completely dazed by yn’s charm.
she had never felt this way before, but one thing was clear she was definitely coming to the nmixx dorms a lot more often.
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haerin wasn’t sure how it happened, but visiting the nmixx dorm had quickly become part of her routine.
at first, it was all about hanging out with kyujin and adjusting to the group’s chaos. but somewhere along the way, her visits shifted focus.
instead of looking forward to catching up with kyujin, she found herself eagerly waiting for the moments when yn would be there quietly watching her from across the room, her eyes following every movement, every smile.
soon enough, her casual drop ins had turned into regular visits. she no longer needed kyujin’s invite. the group had welcomed her, and though kyujin was oblivious, haerin was only showing up for one person.
there was something about yn her soft demeanor on the surface, contrasted with her fiery personality just beneath. one second she was all sunshine and sweet smiles, and the next, she’d be fiercely ranting about whatever bothered her that day.
haerin found it captivating, the duality of her, the rawness that not many got to see. and somehow, haerin had gotten used to those passionate rants, sitting on the edge of yn’s bed as the girl vented her frustrations about anything and everything.
today was no different.
“i mean, can you believe it?” yn practically shouted, pacing back and forth in her room. her hands were animated, cutting through the air as she spoke. “i’m out here trying my best, and they have the audacity to say that about me?”
haerin sat on yn’s bed, quietly watching her. there was a small smile playing at the corner of her lips, she found yn’s fiery passion endearing.
yn's temper was always sparked by the smallest of things, someone’s comment online, a misunderstanding, or the fact that she lost in a game to lily the night before. today, it seemed like it was something she had read online, and yn was spiraling into one of her long, impassioned rants.
“they don’t know a damn thing! who do they think they are? it’s just—ugh! so annoying.” yn threw her hands up in frustration, pacing closer to haerin, her voice laced with indignation.
“and the worst part?” yn paused, finally looking at haerin, her face flushed with emotion. “i shouldn’t even care! but i do, haerin, i do.”
yn let out a frustrated sigh, dropping onto the bed next to her. their shoulders brushed, and yn turned to face her, her eyes burning with a mix of anger and vulnerability. haerin couldn’t help but be drawn in by that intensity, her heart picking up speed as yn ranted on.
before she could stop herself, haerin reached out, her hand gently resting on yn’s arm. “it’s okay,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. “you care because you’re passionate about what you do.”
yn looked at her, the fire in her eyes slowly dimming, replaced with something softer something that made haerin’s breath catch. for a moment, the room fell silent, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them.
then, before she could second-guess it, haerin closed the gap between them, pressing her lips softly against yn’s. it was tentative at first, a quiet exploration, but when yn didn’t pull away—when she kissed back just as eagerly, the kiss deepened. haerin’s hand slid up to cup yn’s cheek, her heart racing as yn responded with equal fervor, her fingers threading through haerin’s hair.
the moment was electric, full of everything haerin had been holding back for weeks. the fiery passion yn poured into her rants was now flowing through their kiss, both of them caught up in the intensity of the moment.
but just as quickly as it had started, the door to yn’s room swung open with a loud creak, and a voice rang out.
“unnie, have you seen—” kyujin’s words died in her throat as her eyes fell on the scene in front of her. her mouth dropped open in shock.
haerin and yn instantly pulled apart, wide-eyed and breathless, as kyujin stood frozen in the doorway, her face a mixture of confusion and surprise. the room was dead silent, save for the sound of kyujin’s sharp inhale.
“oh my god!” kyujin finally screamed, her voice echoing through the dorm. her hands flew up to cover her mouth, her eyes still as wide as saucers. “what is happening?!”
without waiting for a response, kyujin let out another yelp and slammed the door shut with a loud bang, leaving haerin and yn alone once again, their hearts pounding in their chests.
for a few moments, neither of them moved, the tension hanging thick in the air. then yn burst into laughter, her giggles light and infectious, her face still flushed from their kiss.
“well, that’s one way to get caught,” yn said between fits of laughter, her eyes sparkling as she turned to face haerin again. “she’s never gonna let you live this down.”
haerin, still slightly dazed, let out a small, embarrassed laugh, her cheeks burning. “yeah… i wasn’t expecting that.”
yn smiled at her, the warmth returning to her expression. “i wasn’t expecting this,” she said softly, her voice taking on a gentler tone. she leaned in, brushing a stray piece of hair away from haerin’s face. “but i’m glad it happened.”
haerin felt her heart flutter at yn’s words, her breath catching in her throat. she hadn’t realized just how badly she had wanted this how much she had wanted yn.
“so,” yn whispered, her lips ghosting over haerin’s once more, “are you gonna come over just to see me from now on?”
haerin grinned, her lips curving up into a smile as she leaned in closer. “ and kyujin, but mainly you.”
before the girls lips could touch once again kyujin’s muffled voice was heard from behind the door, “I’m coming in again! and I better not see any kissing!”
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absolutebl · 1 month
We've had recent disappointments with the endings to series. For me, Last Twilight, Only Friends, and 23.5 stand out. While I loved the Sign to the end, there was that unexplained Tharn getting his freedom from Chalothorn, which made the very ending not quite perfect. And while I loved Century of Love all the way through, I know some folks were disappointed at the ending.
What are some QLs that you consider to have really strong endings?
OOOO what a great question!
10 BLs With the Strongest Endings
Some BLs had better endings than the rest of the show deserved, and some were saved by the ending, while still others built up to a good ending throughout. So I suspect it kinda depends on ones definition of strong. But here are mine (you'll never guess what's at the top? but...) it's in no particular order
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Seven Days - no but ACTUALLY think about it. That ending is truly phenomenal. It ties everything together, gives hope for their relationship without being cheesy AND is crazy romantic, plus it brings the narrative full circle. That ending shot, the direction, the plot, the characters, and the story ALL tied in a neat little bow. It ends by indicating that something is starting for them, something familiar it's just now they are together. Fabulous.
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Light On Me - on the beach, the whole friendship group, the kiss that mirrors their couple habit of cheek squiging? Peak YA BL. It reminded me of Make it Right, and that's no bad thing... for me.
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Our Dating Sim - domestic boyfriends and then the pan over to all their couple photos. So exactly them.
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To My Star - yeah, the sex scene, but remember this was when we finally realized that JiWoo not only liked him all along but actually desired him all along. The tsundere character breaking open for us to see the soft underbelly. Suddenly, all of his behavior made sense in retrospect. They used the final ultra romantic sex scene as a CHARACTER REVEAL. Fucking genius.
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Semantic Error - the BOYFRIENDS of it all, the harken back to both the anime and the manga (with that spank bank file), the teasing and then the breaking of the forth wall. It was multiple cheeky punches out to the audience in a tiny stinger of a scene. Not to mention it had a kind of BL "ending fairy" thing that connected to them both being idols. Perfectly executed.
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Love For Love's Sake - back in beach territory but wow. I mean this show starts with an ending. And it takes a lot for me to believe in the happiness of a parable about death and self worth. They managed it with this show. But that ending was killer.
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My Beautiful Man - the ending made me reassess everything about the show, the story, and the characters. The ending made me love the show. It changed my mind. It BLEW my mind. I might have kinda lost my mind. In real time.
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Unknown - there were struggles with this show and not everyone enjoyed the ending but I totally flipping loved it. FINALLY. You can't tell me that "you don't even know what I dream of" line doens't live in your head rent free.
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Unintentional Love Story - not the ending scene so much as the whole final episode, it's so good. It brings the story together, we get multiple big realizations, sad baby, learning that baby was abused too, defending baby, baby defending himself. RINGS!
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The Eighth Sense - so much peak boyfriend after so much angst. The casual language play and teasing, the stealing of the drink, just everything, and also how very very college it all is.
10 Others I just LOVE
Be Loved In House: I Do - ultra pasteurized cheese fest
About Youth - rainbow kiss cheese fest
Restart After Come Back Home - the pan around lens flare kiss and everything it MEANS
Bad Buddy - It was so CLEVER
DNA Says Love You - the claiming and then the tussle at the cafe? Gorgeous. Adorable. No notes.
Oh! Boarding House - a family gathering while the dads are holding hands behind the couch, adorable
Where Your Eyes Linger - that damn glow up
Tinted With You - perhaps... poly?
Wow... so few Thai BL. I guess this is Korea's strength in the BL sphere? Also more Japan than I expected and outsized rep for Taiwan. (I actually could have stuck a few more from Taiwan on here but they just get SO CHEESY.)
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dated mid August 2024, not responsible for great endings after that date
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Loved By Seven | Chapter 5
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Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU, Mate!AU, romance, fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Human!Reader, Peacock!Seokjin, Serpent!Yoongi, Hawk!Hoseok, White Tiger!Namjoon, Merman!Jimin, Leopard!Taehyung, Wolf!Jungkook
Summary: Hiking was just an activity to get you out of the apartment, the last thing you imagined was ending in a whole different world by touching a jewel. That not being enough you end up meeting seven hybrids, and they all claim you shared the Connection with each of them making you their partner for life.
Notes: Hi! This is the first part of the 200 followers celebration, the fifth chapter of this story; the second part is a one shot from my masterlist, I already have one in mind that I hope you'll like it. If you have any idea for what I should do when we hit 300 followers you can leave an ask. Thank you so much for the love the seires has been receiving, I'll try to mantain the same rhythm for the updates. Likes, reblogs, comments are always appreciated. English is not my first language so pardon me if anything is misspelled or grammatically incorrect. Also the main idea came from a webtoon but I can’t remember it’s name. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Support me?
With Taehyung at work and full from breakfast, you and Jiwoo explore the apartment and now you know it's way bigger than you imagine it; which makes you think that here getting a place to live is cheaper than in your world or Taehyung makes a lot of money What can be his job? I mean it definitely allows him to live quite well. You find out there are four rooms, the main one (the one you basically throw him out of), two guest rooms (with a bathroom each) and a huge library; aside from a big kitchen, the dining room, a grand living room and a laundry room. "Wow you're boyfriend lives quite good N/N" "He's not my boyfriend!" "Yet" Jiwoo chuckles at your bright face "But I do wonder what his job is" "Or the real state here is better than ours" Jiwoo adds.
Checking exploring the apartment on your list, you guys go back to the main room to take a shower "Hey Ji, can you help me unwrap this? So I can take a shower" "Sure" she sits down on the bed next to your ankle and starts taking off the bandage. With the bandage off, she goes to the drawer your clothes are in and takes the only stuff you have left "Well, we should use that washing machine we found otherwise we won't have anything to wear" Jiwoo says, taking out her clothes, and you nod at her words. Before going to get you, she puts your clothes on top of, what she thinks is, a shelf to organize your clothes to put them on after a shower or a bath Damn this is rich people type of stuff; and takes out a towel from a drawer in front of the sink.
"Let's go" Jiwoo exits the bathroom and helps you up, to hop to the bathroom; once inside you take oof your clothes, relive yourself on the toilet and enter the shower It would be nice to take a bath but I don't want to impose more than I already have. I'm sorry Taehyung I'm using your stuff again you think when you pick up a bottle of shampoo and start massaging your scalp, rinsing it out, you pick up a gel shower bottle and start spreading it on your body, but by doing that your thoughts go to the fact that you're in the same place where Taehyung's been naked just like you're now No no no no F/N don't think stuff like that, you're taking advantage of his kindness by thinking that you cover your red face with your face, and rinse all soap as fast as you can, with cold water.
With your feet really dry, to prevent more sprained ankles, you hop to where your clothes are and hop again towards the toilet to sit and dress yourself like you undressed the night before, sited. Already dressed, you hop to the sink and wash your face with Taehyung's face soap, rinse it and apply his moisturizer. You open the door and Jiwoo's waiting for you at the end of the bed to help you hop to the bed. She sit next to you to help you bandage your walk but you say with a smile "Jiwoo go wash yourself up, I got this" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, go" you point with your head towards the bathroom "Okay". By yourself, you apply the ointment and try to wrap up your ankle, it's not as good as how the doctor did but it's tight That's the important thing right? For the bandage to be tight no matter how it's wrapped up.
A few minutes later, Jiwoo's done with showering and asks, "Well, what we do now? There's nothing to eat, and there's nothing to do" "Well, we can't go out. We don't have keys, we don't know this city. As for food, we'll just have to wait until he comes back. He must have a TV somewhere, and we have to wash our clothes and the dishes from breakfast. " You two exit the room with your clothes on hand "Okay. I'll leave you at the laundry room and I'll go to wash the dishes" Jiwoo says "Deal" and you hop to the laundry room.
Jiwoo leaves you, and now you're in front of two very advanced machines Okay, I can do this, if I cracked the old washing machine at our place I can figure this ones out. You read what it says on the buttons, and look around in hopes to find a manual, which luckily you do Oh well, it's definitely easier than ours you also spot a laundry basket kinda full I should also wash his clothes, as a thank you for all the troubles you smile when picking out his clothes and putting them inside, by doing it you smell something delicious, curious by the source of the smell you bring a t-shirt to your nose it smells like white chocolate Maybe he ate something covered in white chocolate and the shirt got impregnated with the smell leaving it at that you finish with the clothes and start the machine, the cycle spends an hour washing the clothes.
Knowing it would be better to wait for Jiwoo you sit on the floor, trying not to put pressure on your ankle. After another 10 minutes Jiwoo makes an appearance "Ooohhh, you made it work" "Yeah, Taehyung left the manual handy and it was very easy, at least easier than the one at home" you chuckle "That darn thing" she grumbles "How about I leave you at the living room and when this is done I come and pass the clothes to the dryer" "I'm gonna take the offer for the lift but I want to finish the entire chore, otherwise I'll die from boredom" you pout at her "Okay" she chuckles.
Hopping to the living you still don't see anything to entertain yourselves with, not even a TV "Does he not have a TV here? Are there no TVs in this world?" Jiwoo asks scared "I don't think there aren't any TVs here I mean our worlds are pretty identical so maybe he doesn't have one because he doesn't like it" you conclude. Sitting on the couch looking at ceiling, an idea popped on your mind "Can you help me get to the library? Maybe I can find an interesting book there" "Okay, let's go", you support one of your arms around her shoulder and her towards said room.
Inside, you find a comfortable egg chair next to a large window with a beautiful city view and a big comfortable sofa which Jiwoo has already eyes on it. She plops down on the sofa "Don't you want a book?" you ask her "No, I think I'll just let dreamland call me" "Okay" you answer looking through the shelves Maybe we do have things in common, he has rows and rows of fantasy and sci-fi books you smile passing your fingers through the books' spines Apparently he also likes photography maybe it's a hobby of his you think when you see a few books on that subject.
With a book on hand, you sit on the egg chair and start reading. You're so engrossed in the story you almost didn't hear an alarm going off Wow the hour is already up you turn the chair to look at Jiwoo, but find her asleep so soundly she's snoring a little bit. Not wanting to wake her up you decide to hop by yourself to the laundry room. You support yourself with the hall walls, and hop by hop you get to your destination. Pulling out you girl's clothes and his clothes from the washing machine, without paying much attention at the white chocolate smell, you put them inside the dryer, you read the labels on it and a some information from the manual and turn it on Okay another two hours of waiting you think, leaving everything set you hop back to the library.
Inside the library, you see Jiwoo still sleeping and hop back to the comfy chair you were in. The book in your hands has you really engrossed This book is really good, I mean for obvious reasons I've never heard about the author nor the plot, but if this is a series and it's not finished and I leave miraculously back to my world I'll cry you almost hug the book from your thoughts. You keep on reading until that faint alarm is on again. Knowing is from the dryer you get up, hop to see Jiwoo This girl is sleeping way too much…or maybe she's faking it you touch her shoulder with tiny force but that only makes her turn around and wave her hand at you She's so cute you chuckle. Hopping to the library you see a watch on the wall Wow it's almost noon, I'm gonna feel hunger in any moment you pout but continue hoping to the laundry room.
You take out all the clothes and put them in a basket labeled "Clean" with coffee dots around the letters Cute you smile at the mental image of a Taehyung labeling baskets. With basket in hand, you decide it's way too far for you to hop to the library, besides your foot's been hurting a little bit from all the hopping around, so you settle for the living room. You sit on the biggest sofa, from the three available, and pull the table on the center towards you so you could have a place to elevate your foot, already settled you start folding the clothes and putting them in piles next to you on the sofa Ignore Taehyung's underwear, just ignore it, just like you've been ignoring the white chocolate smell all morning. Folding the last shirt you hear ruckus on the door and suddenly a Taehyung filled with bags comes into view once the door is open "I'm home".
"OMG Taehyung, let me help you" you try to rush, but accidentally you stand up with both feet and winced Well if it wasn't hurting before now it definitely is and quickly sit down again. Taehyung watching this closes the door as fast as he can, and runs to you leaving the bags in the sofa next to where you are, and one in particular he leaves it on top of the table "Beautiful you can't do that, you'll hurt your ankle more" he crouches next to you, only the point of his tail moving slowly "Did Jiwoo bandage you? Because it got loose" he looks up at you, with those big brown eyes of him leaving you breathless for a moment, and starts wrapping your foot  "Mmm, no, I did it myself…I swear it was tight but with all the hopping I guess it got loose" you say with red ears feeling a little embarrassed, about the bandage but also about your reaction at him. Then he notices the folded clothes next to you "Did you do the laundry?" "Yeah" you smile at him "Why didn't Jiwoo do it? You know you can't move much" your smile faded "Well, she did the dishes and she was gonna do the laundry but I told her not to because we couldn't find something to entertain ourselves with and I didn't want to feel useless " he finishes bandaging you, but you continue "So I washed the clothes while she washed the dishes and the hopped to the library, because we reckoned your apartment…it's really nice" he smiles at you at that, however you continue "And while the clothes were washing I picked one of your books and started reading, by the way I'm sorry that I've been using your stuff without asking for your permission like your shampoo, body wash, face soap, moisturizer, cooking utensils and now your books" you looked at your hands ashamed, Taehyung almost coos at this and brings his hand to your face, grabs softly your chin and lifts it up "But Beautiful…Well, first, I have a TV is right there" he points at a blank space "You just have to lift it up" you look at him confused, he chuckles "I'll show you later. Second, you're not useless you're hurt, once you're on top shape you can do anything you want" he gives you a boxy smile "And third, you can use anything you want, everything I have here is yours too" you light up like Christmas tree after he says that.
"Let's go eat now, I bet you're hungry" as soon as he says that your stomach rumbles and he laughs "I guess I'm getting to know you better, at least your eating habit" "Shut up" you mumble dreading the embarrassment you're feeling right now. He picks you up bridal style making yell a little bit "H-h-hey I can hop to the kitchen" "Nu-uh, while I'm here you won't be doing that" he sits you down in a stool and exits the kitchen. Now that he's not next to you, you feel how the white chocolate smell has increased since he got home Does it come from him? But I didn't smell this yesterday…ugh, I don't understand and even if I don't want to ask him because this makes me feel like a crazy person, he maybe knows what and why is happening.
He comes back with the bag he left at the table in the living room, and puts it on the island "Where's Jiwoo?" "She's sleeping in the library" "I'll bring her" he turns "Mmm…Taehyung?" "Yes Beautiful?" he faces you again "Can I take out what's inside the bag?" you look at him with bright hopeful eyes "Sure" he chuckles. You open the bag and take out three smaller bags, you open them and take out from each a plate with what looks like lasagna, tiny bags with bread and three bottles with what looks like the soda Taehyung gave you yesterday. You wait sited moving the leg, with the good foot, like a little kid; Taehyung watches this, walking towards you with Jiwoo beside him, and falls for you even more.
Inside the kitchen, Jiwoo sits next to you, rubbing her eyes, and Taehyung, with a pout, sits in front of you "This is one has meat, this one has chicken and this one has meat again but has extra cheese in it" he explains each plate "Can I have the cheesy one?" you ask excitedly "Sure" he takes off the wrap and passes it to you with a fork, he also opens the soda for you "Thank you" you give him a tiny smile, you've read enough romantic books to know these kind of gestures are when the person has a romantic interest in other "I'll take the one with chicken, Taehyung" Jiwoo says "Sure" he passes her the plate, the bottle and the fork. The both take off the wrap from the plate, and all three of you start eating "Wow, this lasagna is so good" you say "Yes, I'll even say it's better than yours" Jiwoo slightly punches you, joking with you "Do you know how to make lasagna Beautiful?" "Yes, sometimes" you smile at him "Then I can't to try it" he smiles at you. You're eating in silence when something pops in your mind "Taehyung, do you work nearby? I mean otherwise how can you be eating lunch with us" "I left early" he answers with mouth half full "Oh, are you sick?" you say worriedly "No? I feel fine" he answers with his head tilted to the side and animal ears standing up "Then if you're not sick how did you get permission?" Jiwoo adds "I just didn't want to be without for too long" he answers so truthfully, you can see it in his eyes, that you almost choke up with what was in your mouth "What is your job?" you finally ask, after drinking a sip of soda "I'm a model" you open your eyes as much as you can when the leopard reveals this "You're a m-mo-model?" you can't believe it, Jiwoo chuckles at this "I knew, someone as handsome as you can't have a desk job" "What kind of modeling you do?" you ask him softly "Mostly photography, sometimes runways" he answers like he's talking about the weather Well, he does it for a living so he must be comfortable talking about it "I had more shoots after the one in the morning but I told my manager to cancel the ones in the afternoon so I could be here with you" he answers before you can make the question "Are you famous? I mean you have a very nice apartment, not to mention big" Jiwoo asks "Maybe? I mean some people think I'm famous" he touches his neck in embarrassment.
You're in shock at what this man does for a living so you just keep eating the lasagna until there is nothing more to eat, not even the bread "Are you okay Beautiful? You stop talking" Taehyung asks, he's nervous because you haven't said anything since he said he's a model Does she not like it? Because I can quit and find another job more to her liking "Do you not like my job? Because I can quit and find something you like" he quickly voices his thoughts "What?!" you almost scream "You can't quit because of me…It's just that I know you're handsome" "You think I'm handsome" he smiles sheepishly, but you don't hear him because you continue your rant "Bu-but I never thought you would be a model and I'm just surprised that's all…Besides you said like we're destined or something and I'm definitely way too normal to be with someone like you" you close your mouth with your hand to stop you from saying anything else, surprised at what you just said "Are you accepting me?" he says with a big smile "I don't know" you answer truthfully "Ohh" he mumbles, a sad expression makes its way to his face, his animal ears also lose their perkiness But she said it, maybe she's just scared of accepting her feelings, I can wait for her. Jiwoo knows she has to intervene now "Uh, Taehyung, what are those bags outside?" "Let's go see what I brought you" he stands up and goes for you to lift you up "Don't say anything Beautiful, I'm not letting you hop" he says seeing how you're about to protest, so you just shut your open mouth.
He leaves you on the couch in the most possible delicate way, and sits down next to you. To leave the two love birds together, Jiwoo sits in the other couch. The first thing he takes out of one of the bags is two boxes "First, I bought the groceries so" he turns to Jiwoo "Jiwoo, can you help me accommodate them" "Sure" she answers "Now, this one is for you Beautiful" he gives you one of the boxes and you notice is a phone "and this one is for you Jiwoo" he gives her the other box "Taehyung, you shouldn't have" you gasp "Of course I had to, besides I wanted to" he smiles at you "Please open it" you do as he says, and gasp once again "It's pink, look Ji it's pink!" you show her "Mine is white" she now shows you her new phone "It already has the most important apps, and it also has my phone number" you notice he put himself in as "Tae " Cute, does he want me to call him like that? I'll have to ask Jiwoo what's his name in her phone…What if I'm imagining things and it's not something special. "I also bought you clothes, it's just a few we can go in a few days again when you're ankle is better" he looks at you, and you nod at him. "Thank you so much Taehyung, you didn't have to" you impulsively hug him, he's shocked but gets out of it fast to return the embrace Wow, hugging her like this I can smell the white chocolate even more he closes his eyes and inhales more, after a while you let each other go at the same time, and smile at each other for a few seconds He's so handsome She's so beautiful.
Jiwoo interrupts the moment to talk about something more serious than groceries, clothes o phones "Taehyung" he looks at her "he have to talk about something" he frowns but doesn't say anything "I think you've noticed how we know almost nothing about, hybrids or technology. It's not because he have amnesia or something like that" At first I did think that, but I guess it's something more he thinks "It's because we're not from this world" he open his eyes, absorbing the new information "But before we explain that to you, we would like to know about your world first and how hybrids came to be" you look at him nodding "Can you tell us, please?".
Taglist: @lovely247 @apathina @kalala22 @singukieee @tinyoonsblog @arantxaglezz @btsiguess-kpop @lachimolala22019 @goldeneclipsedragon @sophiaj650 @sukunasstomachtongue @djodjom1 @uarmyhore @to-see-without-eyyes @chatsgotmytongue @kyuupidwrites @thebisexualonesworld @minjianhyung if you don’t want to be on this taglist anymore let me know :), and if you want to be just leave a comment saying so :)
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buddhamethods · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Would Hit With My Car
(I don't have a licence and can't drive so this is just for fun OBVIOUSLY)
LISTEN, I love these characters. They are complex, they are human, they are flawed and yet you can't help but root for them. Or they are just giant assholes.
Regadless, I think they would all benefit from getting hit by a car as a little treat.
Feel free to tag yourselves and participate in a bit of lighthearted negativity and media complaining.
1) Ben From Never Let Me Go (2022)
Of course he would be on this list. Mainly because how are you, a closeted gay in a coming of age bl drama, sitting down in front of a piano next to a beautiful boy and not just completely eat his face in a passionate life altering kiss? I understand that was the whole point of the scene, but personally I would rise above the narrative that was trapping me.
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2) Dan from Not Me (2021)
Being a cop, killing Sean's father and selling NFTs is bad enough on it's own, I agree. But Dan's biggest sin was taking the cigarette out of Yok's mouth and depriving us of seeing sad First Kanaphan smoking near a body of water-THE queer cinema experience.
As it turns out, you can be gay and homophobic at the same time.
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3) Kenji from My Dear Gangster Oppa (2023)
So you have funky hair and kawnty fashion sense? Oh, you partake in fun bathtub threesomes? What, you're a little unhinged and psychotic? Perfect! THEN WHY THE HELL YOU SUCK AT BEING A VILLAIN SO HARD HUH???
Kenji you better put your helmet on, I'm turning on the engine.
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4) Kanghan from Dangerous Romance (2023)
Rich people don't deserve rights in general so Kang was already on thin ice to begin with. But being a bully on top of that? UNDER THE HOOD OF THE CAR YOU GO!
Also he is so attention starved on account of his father being a negligent asshole that he will jump in front of my car willingly just to get a drop of love from dad and Sailom.
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5) Yu Xi Gu from HIStory3: Make Our Days Count (2019)
(I'm so so incredibly sorry but I HAD to okay you don't underst- *gets shot immediately*)
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6) Mork from Fish Upon The Sky (2021)
I looked at Pond for 0.1 second and fell so embarrasingly in love that for the entirety of FUTS I saw no flaws in Mork's character at all. All he did made sense and I was blissfuly having a great time! So I'm pummeling him to the ground for my own sake I CAN'T KEEP BEING THIS STUPID ABOUT HIM HE IS OBJECTIVELY CREEPY!
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7) Vee from Love Mechanics (2022)
Was he in my "I want them carnally" list? Yes. Do I find him beautiful and incredible? Double yes. Am I smearing him on asphalt like a squished bug for causing Mark so much unnecessary pain and heartbreak? More likely than you think.
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8) Jiwoo from To My Star/ To My Star 2 (2021-22)
MY BEAUTIFUL BOY!! A crumb of healthy communication is all I'm asking for!
Jiwoo was so emotionally bricked up for the majority of both seasons that it caused ME damage. So me hitting him with my car is both a revenge plot and an attempt to let loose some of those pent up feelings of his.
(But also I'm dead meat if Seojoon finds out it was me behind the wheel. He loves that boy too much.)
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9) Zee from Twins (2023-24)
I'm volunteering to do this as public service to keep Sprite and First together without any twins switch drama. One gremlin down, one successful volleyball couple UP!!
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10) Winner from Pit Babe (2023-24)
I want to do it as an experiment. I feel like he would make a funny sound under the wheels, like when you sqeeze clown's nose or step on a rubber duck. I would also like to see how this will affect his character. Will he become even more annoying? Will it fix him completely? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!!
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(This was so fun I love inflicting imaginary violence on fictional men. If you read this far into this incoherent insanity, consider yourself tagged!💖)
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envirae · 11 months
my very first love ! — 24: break my heart?
prev // next
wc: 963
written part below the cut!
"How much of that did you hear?" He asked, he stared back at you blankly, almost as if he didn't believe you were real.
"I think a lot more than I was supposed to." You answered honestly, Riki opened his mouth to speak, but both of your phones were buzzing incessantly with texts from your captains.
He sighed, before turning his phone off and looking back at you. "Let's talk after the show. There's so much I want to say to you."
You were set to perform right after Enha, which Soobin was very much unhappy with. Thankfully, though, they actually performed their own choreo this time.
This hardly calmed Soobin down, however, because god— were they killing it.
Their power on stage demanded the attention of the audience and their charisma helped to distract from any mistakes they could have made.
Heeseung shot Soobin a smirk on their way off stage, and it took everything in Soobin not to choke him out right then and there.
For any team, they would have been impossible to follow up.
Not for your team, though.
It was the performance of a lifetime. You don't think you had ever put this much of your blood, sweat, and tears into anything before. And now, here you were, ready to see all of it pay off.
After your performance, you and the rest of the novas sat eagerly backstage, waiting for the rest of the teams to finish performing and for scores to be announced.
This was one of the biggest, most important moments of your high school career, but you couldn't get your mind off Riki.
All the things he told Jiwoo backstage, were they true? Would you be an idiot for letting him back into your life after he had already hurt you so bad?
You were far from discreet, and the way you and Riki kept making prolonged eye contact backstage almost killed you.
Your team, along with all of the others, stood at the wings of the stage as they announced the winners. Third place had been given to a team from Daegu, and you waited in anticipation for the top two.
"In second place," The announcer began, "from HYBE academy of the arts, ENHYPEN."
You watched as the boys' faces fell. However, they sucked it up and put on a smile as they walked out.
"And finally, in first place, the Korean Junior National champions, also from HYBE academy of arts, SUPERNOVA."
You couldn't believe it.
You almost thought that you had heard them wrong. But no, you had won. You actually beat ENHYPEN. For the first time ever, they didn't take away your spotlight.
Soobin made sure to walk out with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, staring directly at the boys the entire time. He gracefully accepted the trophy, and it almost looked like he was about to cry.
You were over the moon, all the hard work you and your teammates had been put in for the past year was finally paying off. You showed ENHYPEN- and the entire school, that you were done living in their shadows. And as you looked at Riki, he smiled and sent you a thumbs up.
When Riki finally found you backstage, you didn't know what to say. You smiled at him, and you wanted to say something, but no words came out.
"Congratulations on your win. You deserved it, really." He said, a soft yet embarrassed smile on his face.
"Thanks, Riks. I really appreciate it. How'd your team take the news?" You asked, out of pure curiosity. You knew that team, and you knew they were most likely throwing nothing short of temper tantrums right now.
"Better than I thought they would, to be honest. Except for Jay, I'm pretty sure he stormed out and drove home." You laughed, and so did he. It was nice hearing his laugh, you hadn't even realized how much you missed it.
It was silent for a while before you finally looked back at him. "About earlier- I didn't mean to eavesdrop, it's just-"
"It's okay, y/n. It's all stuff I wish I would've told you before, anyways, and I hate that I never did." He cut you off, and you were a little shocked. "I never knew why I got so flustered around you before. I have never felt this nervous around someone before, ever. But when it comes to you, I go crazy."
He paused, searching for any hint of emotions in your expression, but kept going.
"I like- No, I love you y/n. And I don't care if our teams hate each other, I don't care if you think we would never work, I don't care if there are a million logical reasons why we shouldn't be together. Because I love you, y/n. And I think that's the only reason we need to tell us that we should."
"Riki, I don't even know what to say." You chuckled, cheeks bright red from the sudden confession. "I agree that there are a million reasons we shouldn't be together."
His face fell slightly as he braced himself for rejection, but you kept going.
"But I love you too, Riki. You make me want to be the best version of myself that I can be. I think we owe it to ourselves to try."
The smile that appeared on his face was so bright, you would've thought he was the one who won a national competition today. He engulfed you in a hug so tight you thought you were going to lose all air in your lungs.
"You gonna break my heart, y/n?"
"Only if you break mine first." You teased, and this time, he placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
a/n: it's finally over! i apologize for the (kinda) hiatus i took during the later parts of this smau, but that is over and i am now back! i have had so much fun writing this smau and i hope you guys had fun reading it, too :). i have an epilogue coming out and a new smau announcement very soon so please stay tuned for that!
p.s. i hope you guys noticed the tatbilb reference 😚
taglist 1 (closed): @haknom @kjrcrz @lalalalawon @123-678h @k25vi @aosbie @yenqa @wondering-out-loud @captivq @enhaz1 @luvistqrzzz @luvchungha @beomgyusonlywife @heart4hees @mrchweeee @mywons @jwnoot @jayujus @jaeyunsimswife @yumilovesloona @pagesofmiracles @eumppattv @fluerz @yjwfav @darly6n
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omegamannn · 7 months
The Omega Library 7/10
Loona/Artms/Loossemble Multiple Members -Let's go to the mall! -[CYMX-461] "My Roommates And I Were Playing Monopoly And Suddenly, One Of Them Lets Me Fuck Her Ass To Pay The Rent! Will My Other Roommate Be Okay With Us Fucking Right In Front Of Her?" -What would Zeus do? Heejin -Classic -[JHJX-210] "My Class President Caught Me Masturbating, But Instead of Stopping Me, She Made Me Touch Myself So Hard That I Came All Over Myself!" -Post match activities -Take the shot -Gift -One hop ahead of you feat. Nana -She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere -Winter weather advisory -Transcendance/Pareidolia -Transcendance/Pareidolia pt. 2 -Just another day -The Wrong Person -Aphrodite Haseul -Worth your while -Lottery Earnings -Anniversary Gowon -It's not you, it's me Olivia Hye/Hyeju -Drunken -One of the boys -Extra Hour Jinsoul -Nighthawk -Treatment -Under the sky -It's not you, it's me Kim Lip -Worth your time -Worth your risk Hyunjin -On her paws -Rave-up Chuu -CCDI-0401 -Prey -Twelve NewJeans Danielle -It started with a Youtube video -Cool with you Hanni -Plaid -Niche -Polyamorous pt. 1 -Wrong place -Con te partiro Minji -Double Fantasy -On her jeans pt. 1 -On her jeans pt. 2 -Her Highness -You don't even know my name, do you? -Stress Relieving -You can't miss a doctor's appointment
NiziU Nina -Heartris
NMIXX Haewon -Show of strength -Trouble -Beach Day -Revenge pt. 1 -Revenge pt. 2 -Untitled -Untitled pt. 2 -More than you know -Hate Haewon
Sullyoon -Diamond Eyes -Cheating Jiwoo -Sheep turned wolf(or monster)
Lily -The girl with a broken spine -Christmas gift -Perfect -A flying fuck
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honeyhotteoks · 11 months
hi everyone ♡ a little about where i've been and why i'm not posting....
so... it's no secret that i fell off the face of the earth when it comes to writing, and for that i just want to apologize. i know a lot of you have been waiting for the next chapter of tnt, further aurora updates, or just looking forward to some smutty kinktober one-shots...... but to be completely honest i haven't written in a little while.
i've been trying to but i keep coming up short, and i've been avoiding this blog ever since because i just feel bad for not being able to give you guys the stories you're waiting for. for that reason, i essentially took a creative break and decided not to respond to any messages about writing. i know that kind of sucks, but i know myself and i didn't want to promise "soon" when i knew that wasn't true.
i'm starting slowly to work on things again, and i really hope i'll be able to share some of that work with you soon, but genuinely i just needed space from working on fic and to be honest..... from the fandom. i love being an atiny, but there was a swell of negativity on twitter for a while and i've been feeling a little uninspired with the past year of content and endless touring and it all combined into me putting things off.
i'm also................................ much more of a multi now.... which i really never thought would happen but here we are. i have no idea if i'll actually start writing for any of those groups, but if i do, i hope some of you also enjoy those groups and you stick with me. a little blurb about my new biases and the groups i'm now following, etc. is at the bottom of this post.
as far as what's going on with my ateez work? here's a quick recap:
this night together: still in progress, i have ~4 chapters finished, but chap ten and some of the time skips have me a little stuck. once i iron that out and finish out the last 2-3 chapters after the arc that's written, i'll get back to posting. at this point i'd like to have it done so i can release it confidently and as a complete story. into the aurora: i have about half of book one edited, which will include some new scenes / cleaned up scenes, but nothing crazy. i'd like to start updating old chapters once everything is finalized. book two is.... slow going. i'm hoping a breath of fresh air will help, but it's still my goal to come back to these characters. one-shots: i have about 4-5 ateez one-shots that are half written. my plan is to finish these and release them as inspiration strikes to wrap them up.
thank you all for your patience, and all of your kind messages. so many people have checked in on me both anon and not, and even if i haven't responded it's meant so much as i work on coming back to writing. i may not be able to respond to all the messages since so many of them are in my inbox, but slowly i may chip away at them
i'll see you all very soon~
(so chai multi era.... in a whirlwind of discovering other kpop groups..... i've ended up a carat, a stay, a moa, and a hidden kard. again, no idea if i'll ever write for any of these groups, but.... my biases are below so who knows)
seventeen - s.coups (regularly wrecked by hip hop line + dino) stray kids - lee know + hyunjin txt - soobin (are we surprised tho) kard - bm + jiwoo (but also like basically ot4 let's be real here)
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sserajeans · 10 months
you are in love | 52. the christmas fair pt. 2 (written)
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it took the group of 12 about an hour to finish all the food they bought, trying a dish from almost every stall in the fair. from boxes of chicken and pizza to plates of corndogs and cups of drinks, the table was a mess once they were done.
deciding to play a lengthy game of rock, paper, scissors to determine the unlucky one responsible for cleaning up, leehan ended up victim after wonyoung gaslit him into thinking she did rock when he did scissors (she initially formed paper).
"can we at least watch the fireworks through the ferris wheel?" leehan sighed and started with his own trash, stuffing everything in a plastic bag.
"wouldn't it be cute to watch it together though?" jiwoo suggested as she scrolled through her pinterest feed and found cute couple pictures to recreate when the fireworks show would start.
"we can watch the first round together by the fences, then those who wants to catch it on the wheel can go?" yunjin suggested after pondering for a minute, handing leehan both her and kazuha's garbage.
"sounds cool!" y/n exclaimed as she helped danielle with an unusually large pile of garbage that the two gathered while waiting for leehan to reach their side.
"thanks guys..." leehan muttered and huffed before dumping the now overflowing trash bag into the nearest garbage can.
everyone around the table laughed at leehan's continued bitterness of having to be in charge of the garbage, despite being finished with the task. wonyoung handed him a wet wipe as minji took a candid photo and drew a garbage bag with flies around the boy. that was going to be one hell of a birthday post.
"we still got about 45 minutes before the show starts... so... games section?" kazuha asked with a knowing tone that came with a pinch of excitement.
the rest of the table cheered and nodded long as they pulled out maps of the fairgrounds, huddling up together to figure out an efficient route that would allow them to spend time together while hitting all the activity stalls they each wanted to do. (minji’s idea, and she was quite frankly, very good at it.)
to put their 45 minute activity extravaganza in summary, hanni is a good shot with a pellet gun which scared the shit out of minji, y/n could be a fisherman as an alternative career choice (while leehan cried beside her to have mercy on the fish), wonyoung can throw darts like a mad woman, and kazuha’s eyes are extremely sharp chasing around ping pong balls under cups.
“fireworks show in a minute!” yunjin announced, leading the rest of the group by the edge of the fairgrounds bounded by metal fencing to overlook the rest of the town.
“wait i’ll catch up in a bit!” y/n yelled back, doing her best to aim 5 individual sandbags into the holes in a tilted wooden board. she was oddly determined to win the stall’s grand prize, a bunny plushie that she told danielle looked “extra adorable” and that she “must win it no matter what.”
“y/n, you can win it later! come on it just struck 9:00!” danielle nagged the lee, who almost ignored her in suit of determination if it weren’t for the brief “just one more!” y/n muttered before landing the winning throw right after.
the stall’s employee handed y/n the bunny plushie, her eyes tired after entertaining the hundredth customer. the two girls raced for the metal fences where everyone else was waiting with their eyes fixed on the sky, expecting the fireworks any minute.
and just as lee y/n stumbled in front of the metal fences, the first firework shot to the sky, bursting in colors of red, orange, and yellow.
her face froze in awe at the marveling shades of colors painting the night sky, their chosen viewpoint provided near zero obstructions to block the view, so the city lights combined with the fireworks was one of the most truly beautiful sights to remember. they’d capture it in camera if any device did it justice.
this view, accompanied by her heart racing as she tried to catch her breath, created a surreal experience for y/n.
the show was scheduled to go on for another 10 minutes, so once the initial shock settled in, y/n came to the rest of her senses, and felt something warm. a soft and warm something that grazed her right hand.
if it were up to her physical instinct, she would’ve grabbed it in desperation, given the 1 degree weather they were in that caused her hands to go ice cold. but it’d be awkward, obviously, because she knew danielle was on her left since they ran there together, and she was in too much of a rush to notice who was on her right.
allowing curiosity to get to the best of her, she turned to her right, eyes locking with the damned ones she was avoiding the whole night.
of course, it was hanni, who already was looking at her before she took a glance. for almost half a minute they stared and stared, eyes never leaving the other’s.
you know what people say? how eyes are windows to the soul?
hanni’s windows were glossy, an almost clear reflection of the red heart-shaped firework shone on her brown orbs. her eyes were windows to a soul bearing what felt like the weight of losing the world. vulnerability. a look of longing.
y/n’s windows were foggy, like a translucent glass pane filled from the condensation brought by the contrast of cold and warm weather. like the emotions she's felt the past few weeks. cold, a freezing cold, but also a warmth, a comforting warmth.
to hanni pham, she was beginning to realize in that moment that lee y/n was the world. the world she felt the weight of losing. but, to hanni pham, lee y/n was also the sun. the sun in which she revolves around.
it was the perfect description. y/n, her sun.
how could she live without her sun?
the earth without the sun would lose direction, light, and warmth.
the earth needs the sun, the way hanni pham needs lee y/n. and she’d never forgive herself for how stupid and selfish she had to be, and for how far things had to come, just for her to realize that.
to realize that she may love her best friends like family, but there would always be something more for lee y/n.
did she really, finally say that in her head?
that she loves lee y/n. and that she always has. finally putting a name to the unfamiliar and bewitching pull her childhood best friend had on her.
the intimate moment felt like hours for the two, stuck in their own world, their own universe with a completely different construct of time from reality.
but remember how the eyes were windows to the soul? windows that carry all emotion and thought?
it was very clear. one could look into them and see what was going on. any outsider could.
outsiders including their friends around them.
y/n felt a tug on her shoulder.
"y/n! gyuvin and leehan are gonna ditch us for the wheel!" wonyoung exclaimed, pointing at the two boys racing to take advantage of the almost non-existent queue.
"wait wha- okay but what about dan-"
"hey you're not the only one who's friends with her, you know!" jiwoo, who had overheard y/n's hesitance to leave danielle and struggle to reply, gave y/n a side eye as danielle let out a soft laugh, her eyes forming crescents with the warmest smile known to mankind.
"it's fine, y/n." she said, giving her date, a slight push towards wonyoung's direction. "i'll be fine."
"OKAY! you got the green light! now y/n use your swimmer legs and RUN! are you actually gonna let the boys win??"
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @kaypanaq @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric @blue4hour @bzeus28 @keiji-jin
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mintchoccy · 1 year
NMIXX Lily Morrow
actually this is my first oneshot differently from my "Untitled" series. enjoy! (ps. inspired from this one heck of a piece. another version from that piece has been published by my friend @elryuse in their Wattpad. go check those two out!)
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"get over here!"
Lily grabs the hem of your shirt, dragging you to the stockroom owned by the PE faculty. You don't expect this behavior to your senior, who was the smartest student in the school, as well as the school's singing champion.
For a quick rundown, Lily Morrow, is your senior. Right after you enter the campus on your second year of high school, you fall in love with her, but you can't express it directly. During your first school assembly, you were starstrucked on her beauty alongside her powerful voice as a member of a girl group named &Nixx.
As the school year came by, you and Lily had little or none interactions as you are focused on your studies, so does Lily. During school assembly, you always see her performing with her group and you could only just watch there, and admire. Only admire. As she goes to perform, you could shout for her attention.
The second one could only hit her hard, as she started to lose some focus as she tried to find the source of that voice. The voice that found her happiness, that kind of admiration. However, as they finished the performance, she could look for nothing. But until then, a guy came to her, who is coincidentally trying to find her as well.
“Lily Morrow, from Performing Arts?” you asked. “Y/N Lee, from International Studies.” she replied.
As you hand her some liquids and your handkerchief as her refresher, you had just shoot your shot for her. Sounds cheesy but it was your first time to make a move on a girl for a long time. You can see that she finds it funny, but you don’t mind because that’s the way of trying. Nothing seems to go wrong, right?
Wrong. Ever since that incident, you thought she found it annoying so you decided to stop approaching her during her breaks, or even eat with her for lunch. Oftentimes, you go the other way when you see her approaching you, making her mad at you. Lily would think to herself why she feels like you annoyed her at times but in reality, it just makes things even easier for her to love you.
It would get worse when Kim Jiwoo, or Chuu, your best friend's friend always hangs out with you, making the case more difficult with her and you on her goal to get your heart.
In the school comfort room, you are inside in one of the cubicles, fapping to porn. Lily, on the other hand, is currently on her not-so-normal activity of fishing you out where you could have go. This time, you are in the men's CR, and she quickly entered inside silently.
Confusingly, you immediately halted on what are you doing because maybe there's somethin entered, but unbeknownst to you, Lily silently locked the door, putting a sign saying "under repair" to avoid suspicion. After a few minutes, you return on what are you doing.
Playing the video again, you take out your cock, and gently stroking it, imagining it was Lily's hand stroking you. "Oh god, Lily, please stroke it more", you muttered. Lily, on the other hand, was turned on at what she's hearing. Yes, she always masturbated for you, but from your voice itself really hits right to the bone.
To your cubicle, Lily sneaks at the front of the cubicle door, silently hearing those moans. "Fuck! Oh yes, that's the spot! Keep sucking me with your tongue!" You moaned. Lily wasted no time and she pulls down her panties, putting her fingers quickly to her clit.
"Mfffff, ohhhhh" Lily moaned, but not as loudly as you moaned. She muffled her moans in order to not get any attention from you and caught her jerking off to you as well. Exchanging moans back and forth, uttering out each other's sexual pents to each other.
"Fuck, you're so good Lily-ah, please suck me more!" you moaned. "That's it baby, eat my cunt even more! Fuck, feels so good!" Lily moaned.
Both of you cum intensively, with Lily falling into her knees, dragging her down to the ground, behind a closed door where you are staying.
After the session, you immediately cleaned yourself, and put the soiled tissues on a bag you brought for later disposal. However, while leaving the cubicle, you found someone who is oddly familiar to you.
"Lily?", you asked, finding her half-passed out, her skirt wet and panties ruined. From that point, you know it's checkmate.
Lily on the other hand immediately woke up and instantly looked up to you. Shocked at your state, fully clothed and ready to leave, but yet puzzled face. She then pulled you in back to the cubicle, didn't care the puddle on her spot.
"Now, I heard you moaning for me?" Lily asked. You could only send a glare on her, speechless for her aggressiveness. "Well, if you won't talk, I'll drain you again", Lily added. She won't be kidding, as she unzip you down, fishing out the cock you've just been beaten for porn. She would care at all.
Starting to stroke it up and down, she started to lick her lips, admiring the size of your dick. For her perspective, she finally had the chance to submit. But for you, you are still clueless.
"W-why are you doing this? Is this some kind of a joke for you to do against me?" You started to spew out, as she kept her hands on your length.
"No baby, this is just my first step. Remember, you are finally mine. You get it?" Lily replied. She doesn't care if you call for a thousand saints.
Keeping the pace of her hands, she could only jerk your cock off. Looking at her face, she could be the biggest winner as she only looked up and down on her precious prize, and decided to gulp the meat, savoring the taste of it.
Looking back, you could only feel the pleasure, and the electricity jolted your body for the new sensation. Sure, Lily wasn't this type of girl but for you, it was surely the weakest point you've become. No people to call to, nothing at all.
Lily worshiped your cock like a toy. Playing with her saliva, she kept sliding your dick to her mouth, then jerking it at a fast pace.
"Will you cum for me baby? Will you cum, will you cum, will you cum? I know how much you love to cum for me baby. You are my toy. You are my precious, little toy. Now brace yourself, 'cause shit's gonna be in my favor ahihihihihi.....", and with that, with the help of her saliva, her hand, and her tongue. You came harder than a pitcher throwing a 120 mph fastball as streaks of cum splattered on your owner's face. Some of it splatters to her eyelashes, her nose, and her cheeks. She then cleans your cock with her tongue, sucking until it's squeaky clean.
"Thanks for the meal, baby. Please have your things packed, you're going home with me", Lily stood up and cleansed her face with her fingers. "Hmmmmm, delicious. can't wait to taste it more later", she added with a wink.
Since then, you were bounded to her. No asks, no reasons, just she took you to her home, only to be her so-called "boyfriend" in front of her friends and family.
However, behind all that, she could only make you go down for her, doing some kinky things for her. On a leash, licking her feet, and even eating her ass whenever she's stressed out during rehearsals.
But at the same time, she would prevent you from talking with your friends, even talking with her own circle. Even in class, she would tell your teacher that you should do your work alone than in groups. You would complain, but you would likely be punished by her afterwards.
It's been 6 months since that incident, and it's Valentine's Day. Sure, no one would likely give you something like chocolates or letters. But for Lily, she received a ton of them. Being the most popular member has perks, but you don't care because she deserves it all.
Walking down the hall, some run to you, and seem to want you to know her feelings.
"Oppa! Please accept my letter. I wrote it all night for you." she said, running away again.
"Odd," you could only reply. Opening the letter, you saw the name of the sender. “Chuu? As in Kim Jiwoo from the culinary arts? I’m too flushed”, you could only say. As you keep reading the contents of the letter, someone on your way just can’t wait to confront you, and decides to drag you out of the scene.
“WHAT’S INTO YOU? WAIT! DON’T DRAG ME SO HARD LIKE THAT!” You could only cry out as your clothes started to stain with the dirt from the shoes walking around the corridor. You then looked at her face, and you know she’s not happy when you talk to other girls.
"Get over here!" said Lily, dragging you to a stockroom. Looking around the room, this is where PE teachers used to stock all of their sports paraphernalia for future use and for the Intramurals.
“Now, look at me~ you said you will not look at other girls other than me, yeah?” you only nod. “Then why”, says with diction, “you”, with anger. “Disobey”, with madness, “my rules?”, with something lewd, something I heard from the ASMRs that I watched. What is it again? Yeah, yanderes.
“Hey, don’t look away, I’m still talking to you”, grabbing your chin to look at her. “Now, what should I do to you to obey me at once?”, she added.
“I don’t know Lily, I don’t know!” You replied. Even though your muscles are quite thick, you can’t still let go from the grasps of the Australian yandere.
Laughing, she then tears the buttons of your shirt down, revealing your body. Just for the record, you even had body fats, but slashing down the visceral fats worked due to months of cardio in the gym and football practices.
Smirking, she only added insult to injury by plucking down your belt, pulling down the pants and boxers altogether revealing your cock.
Looking at it, you can’t say if she’s just taking your attention to her. But in reality, she’s too focused on taking you and your virginity away to be hers and hers only.
“Look at you, dipshit. Didn’t you know I was the reason why I kept you out of all the classwork, I kept you all from interacting with others? It’s because I want you to focus on me. ON ME! But why suddenly, you refuse to accept my offer, huh? Right now, I’m going to take you, and your cock, and your life away from them. Don’t you see, I am the only person who only loves you?” She whispered to your ear. The eyes started to turn pink, as if she’s like a real-life yandere going wild for her senpai.
Nothing to say at all, she decided to sink her way into you by lining her now naked pussy, plunging it down inside her. Muffling your moans, she found it addicting that you are finally inside of her, and no one would stop her from doing so.
“Well baby, can’t you see? I am the only one who can make you feel like this. I am the only one who can make you happy. You are the only one who can make me happy. I am the only one who can marry you. I! AM! THE! ONLY! ONE! FOR! YOU!” she said in every pound she makes against you, she speaks as your brain starts to melt from her tightness.
In deep agony, you think that this torture is endless. Thinking about it, it was the worst dream that you can imagine. You wish to the gods that this would never happen, but they didn’t bother you to listen. Every slap of her thigh to you seems to be a torture, as Lily didn’t bother you to listen to your plead, still covering your mouth from moans or pleads of help you may mutter.
She kept going and going. Pleasuring herself on the human meat dildo on her lap, the person was immobilized by her hands making you stay still, her hand still on your mouth. So maybe you’ll ask, “how I can’t use my other hands to set myself free?” Well, my other hand was crushed on the back when I got thrown out earlier, and I can’t take it back. Well, tough luck.
As she rides you, the impending orgasm leaves you in a hallucination phase. You’ve become lightheaded as Lily kept riding your cock, her orgasm after orgasm. Strike one, her eyes start to glow more pink hearts. Strike two, your back and even chest are scratched by her nails. Strike three, all hell broke loose.
“Baby?” She asked, still your dick is inside her. “You know, I always dreamt of this moment. Don’t you worry. After this, we are bound forever. And no one would ever stand in our way”, she added. As if the clock strikes twelve, so as her. She slammed on you deep, a sign that you’ve cummed, a moaning mess all over her face as she clung on your neck.
Detaching herself from you, the overflow of cum all over her pussy was leaking. Scooping and eating the leak, you could only see her face turn into a deep obsession.
“You’re officially mine”
(notes: finally, after over a year, this piece will be finally out. the wattpad version will be out too after this piece goes live.)
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honeylations · 1 year
Absolutely loved that Jiwoo fic! Any chance we could get a part 2? :)
Warnings/Notes: smutttt, dirty talk, g!p reader for spoice
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A/N: Giggled while making this HEHEEEE
After locking the room, Jiwoo pulled you in by the neck for another kiss, moaning where you pushed your tongue past her lips and wrestling her’s. It was enough to make her pussy throb.
“Need you so bad” She muttered against your mouth and unbuttoned the rest of your top, letting her see the well built body Funa was touching earlier.
Her jealousy returned.
“Only I get to see and touch this, okay?” Jiwoo growled, giving a soft bite to your lower lip.
Giving her a hand, you fully removed your top and allowed her to danced her touch across your abs. “Like what you see?”
“Hm~ I’ll like it more when I ride it…and ride that cock too”
You had to bite back a groan from her words. You kicked off and your shoes and socks to the side as Jiwoo removed her heels, pulling you back in by the face to taste your lips.
“Off” You growled and pulled off her crop top and bra in one go, having Jiwoo gasp.
“Thought you’d be the soft type” She grinned, almost losing it when you groped at her breasts.
You backed her up to the bed where she gently fell with you on top. “Are you complaining?”
“Not at all. I like it rough”
“You’re so perfect” You whispered, finally latching on to one nipple that got Jiwoo arching her back.
“T-That feels good”
Her fingers danced into your hair, gently pulling when you kneaded her breast like dough. She grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at her. “I heard from someone that you’re good with your cock”
Sighing, you kissed her neck and her lips. “Minju and I agreed it was a drunken mistake. Moa was literally forcing those shots down our throats and Minju just…got too horny”
You felt Jiwoo trace a finger across your collarbones. “Was she wrong about your cock though?”
She had that challenging tone in her voice. It got you to sit up and tug off your pants, exposing your boxers and a giant dick print.
Jiwoo removed her skirt and opened her legs, showing you her wet cunt. “Gonna prove it to me?”
“No panties? It’s like you were wanting this”
She tilted her head at you. Her smirk grew wider. “What if I said I was?”
“My cock will be the only thing you’ll be thinking about, baby” You husked, grabbing her hand and placing it on your bulge.
She stroked the clothed meat slowly, enjoying the sight of a wet patch forming. “Someone’s excited”
“You can’t talk” You fired back, running two fingers across her folds before pushing them in.
“A-Ah Y/n!! A warning would’ve been nice!”
You gently pulled your digits out and then slamming it back inside. “Shut your mouth. I know you like it this way”
“Fuck, you’re right. I-I’m sorry”
“Can’t drag this shit anymore. Need you so bad, baby” you husked, fearing that you’ll explode your load just by fingering the girl of your dreams.
Your boxers disappeared within seconds and eyed the whimpering girl below you. “Wanna open up for me, princess?”
Jiwoo whined and used her index and middle finger to spread her desperate pussy. “Please Y/n. Put that cock inside me”
“Sorry wait, let me grab a condom—“
“N-No!” She almost yelled while using her free hand to grab your wrist. “I w-want it raw. Want your cum to fill me up”
Two of your fingers went back to her still spread lips, stroking it softly. “Are you sure? This is our first time having sex. I don’t want you regretting anything”
“Y/n. You’re the hottest student on campus, you study architect, you’re smart, you’re funny, you’re hot, and you got a massive dick, what’s there for me to regret?”
You chuckled and pressed a quick kiss on her nose. “You have an interesting way with words, Miss Son”
“Can I get your cock now? I’m getting impatient” She pouted.
Right. You two were in the middle of sex. You nuzzled your lips under her jaw and rubbed the tip of your cock at her entrance. “I’ll be gentle”
Jiwoo took a deep breath in when you started pushing your length inch by inch. The whole feeling was slightly painful than she expected but she needed to remember that you’re packing a lot so she clawed at your back to ease the sting. “O-Ow…”
“I know, I’m sorry. I can pull out and use my fingers instead”
“N-No, please continue. Just need some time-Oh my god!” She panted heavily when you were deep inside her.
“Fuck you’re tight. Was your ex not big enough to satisfy you?”
You winced when Jiwoo dug her nails deeper into your back. “Don’t talk about him. It’ll turn me off”
“Sorry, Princess. Are you feeling okay? Can I move?”
“You talk too much” She whispered and forced your lips down to her plump ones.
She hummed at the tongue to tongue battle before pulling away, seeing that a string of saliva connected you both. Moving your lips to her neck, Jiwoo released a deep moan when you gently pulled out and went back in.
“Yeah? Feels good?” You smiled and continued kissing her neck, ensuring you left dark enough spots and nice bite marks.
“Can feel you hitting my womb, oh my god. So good, so big” She panted.
Her face was just as beautiful as the lewd noises coming out her mouth. It was becoming difficult for you to control yourself. “I’m gonna go fucking crazy soon. I don’t wanna hurt you”
Jiwoo’s next words made your mind go blank. “I want it to hurt, baby. Ruin me so good, I forget everything”
“F-Fuck! Don’t say that, Ji…” You grunted when she clenched.
“I mean it, Y/n. Want your big dick to shape my tight little cunt. I want to beg for you again and again”
You laid your head on her shoulder and breathed heavily. “Ji, I’m gonna lose my mind…”
“Come on, sexy. Too scared you can’t fill me up enough with that sweet cum of yours? Maybe I should just get someone else to do that for me—“
Your hand went around her throat within seconds. “Don’t fucking test me, Son Jiwoo”
You felt her clench around your cock again. “God, such a slut aren’t you? Getting horny just by choking. So pathetic”
Jiwoo’s eyes rolled to the back of her head when your pace became rough, her body jumping at each thrust. Her smaller hand held yours that gently squeezed her neck. “Mmm! Just like that baby!”
You nuzzled your nose at her cheek and the skin slapping became louder as your pelvis started to become red. “Yes…Fuck yes, Princess you feel so good”
“Yes yes yes y/n! Ruin my pussy just like that!”
Your hand moved up to her cheeks and squeezing her mouth open before spitting in it. Jiwoo moaned and swallowed it straight after, looking into your dark eyes. Her walls started to tighten around your pulsing cock and she wrapped her long legs around your waist.
“Gonna cum, Princess?” You tilted your head at her.
If she wasn’t getting dicked down so good, she would’ve rolled her eyes at your fuck boy smirk. “Mhm! Don’t stop don’t stop! Please cum in me Y/n!”
Images of Jiwoo’s pussy and stomach being covered in your cum started to mess with your head, forming that burning feeling in your body. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Son Jiwoo”
“Fuck fuck fuck! I’m cumming I’m cumming!” She squealed and two of her fingers started to ferociously rub her neglected clit, tipping her over the edge.
You were gonna remember this sight forever. Jiwoo arched her back as she exploded on your cock, legs shaking violently while you pushed in a couple more thrusts.
“Fucking take it” You growled, releasing your own load of semen inside.
Thank god there was a loud ass party happening outside or else your friends wouldn’t let you breathe. Jiwoo’s legs that were around your body had weakly slid off, flopping onto the bed. You attached feather like kisses around her neck to distract her from the pain when you pulled out, seeing the mixed cum stream out her entrance.
“God damn…” You muttered, claiming that it was one of the hottest things you have ever seen.
“Was I better than Minju?” Jiwoo randomly asked while out of breath.
“That’s the first thing you’re gonna ask after our mind blowing sex?” You scoffed.
“Answer me”
You rolled your eyes and laid on the space beside her, then pulling her into your arms. Jiwoo laid her head on your chest and hugged you tightly.
“Ok to be fair, Minju and I were both drunk and virgins so the entire thing was messy. You were definitely better. Don’t tell her that though”
“What do you mean ‘messy’? Did you just shove your dick inside her without prepping or something?” Jiwoo joked but she noticed you were silent.
“Y/n seriously?”
“again, we were drunk and virgins” you defended yourself.
“Have you not learnt anything from watching porn?”
“How do you know I watch porn?”
“How could you not?” Jiwoo fired back.
She got a point.
“But Minju did say you were really good in bed so I’m assuming everything that happened after you ripped her in half went smooth”
“I had to stay still inside her for literally 10 minutes before moving. Had a cramp in my thigh but was too scared to tell her”
Jiwoo bursted into laughter and slapped your shoulder repeatedly. “You’re insane!”
“Can we stop talking about this please” You whined like a sad puppy. “Let’s talk about us”
The shorter girl smiled and gave a heart warming kiss. “Alright”
“Wanna give us a chance, Ji? I’ll treat you like a Princess I swear it” You softly pleaded while staring into her eyes.
“Y/n” she cupped your face. “I’ve been willing to give you this chance for a long time now. I’d be a crazy woman to say no to you”
“I love you so much, you don’t understand” you sighed in content and nuzzled into her hair.
“I love you too, dummy. Let’s get dressed and get out of here. I wanna cuddle in a bed that’s not Yeji’s”
You nodded and got dressed first before helping Jiwoo off the bed. You had to hold in your laughter from the way her legs shook.
Finally being dressed, you walked out the room hand in hand, and being greeted with loud cheers from your group of friends.
“There they are!!” Yunjin laughed with Chaewon still in her arms.
You both joined the drinking group and Jiwoo leaned towards Minju’s ear. “You are so right. Her cock was the best thing I’ve ever felt inside me”
Minju went red. “You’re allowed to keep things to yourself”
Jiwoo shrugged and laid her head on your shoulder. Ryujin grimaced at the endless amount of hickies on her neck. “Have fun hiding that”
A/N: Jiwoo is so mommy T^T
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ginaimiike · 4 months
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hi!! i’m alexa or lex
i decided to create a tumblr to find friends with similar interests as me! i also created a twitter (ginaimiike) & my ao3 is the same name as both! i tweet mostly on my priv (aerizyo), so if you want to follow me there, please do!
my biggest interests right now are mean girls 2024 (obvi), and i write for rejanis! i am currently writing a fic right now, i just don’t know when exactly it will drop! i’ve also always been a fan of the broadway adaptation, since i am a lowkey theatre kid. i love a lot of other musicals such as, ride the cyclone, heathers, hamilton, and so much more (including movie musicals)!
i am also a huge kpop girl group stan! i’ve been into kpop since 2016, but really got into it for twice in 2020! my ults are
twice : jihyo jeongyeon momo
aespa : giselle
kiss of life : julie
nmixx : lily jiwoo
billlie : siyoon moon sua
girls’ generation : jessica yuri
i also just love reneé rapp in general, so i also might include some stories about leighton and alicia ^^
feel free to dm me wherever and whenever! i’d love to make some new friends with shared interests as me! thank you for reading. and also please send asks! i’d be happy to write one-shots, discuss headcanons (or canon), or talk about whatever! my card is down below but also in my bio!
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smileydk · 1 year
If all it is is 8 Letters, why is it so hard to say?
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Pairing: NonIdol!Wonwoo x OC
Summary: Wonwoo and Jiwoo have been dating for almost a year now. Jiwoo has always been a lovable person, she never had a problem with saying "I Love You", but Wonwoo had a hard time expressing his emotions, and Jiwoo accepted it. But after a whole year of dating, she was growing impatient and slightly insecure about their whole relationship.
cw/tw: Fluff, slight Angst, Established Relationship
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''Is it me? Am I the problem?'' Jiwoo asked as she had her usual rant with Mingyu. ''I mean, did I say it too early? Did I scare him off? Did he think that I'm some maniac who'll hunt him down if he breaks up with me?''
Mingyu was trying to not laugh as she complained. ''Calm down woman! He's head over heels for you, and I know it!''
Jiwoo, who was stuffing her face with strawberries from Mingyu's garden, looked at her friend. ''Look, I know you grew up with Wonwoo, but I doubt you can read him like an open book. He's literally like North Korea, nobody's getting inside those walls''
''Whatever'' Mingyu walked into his, ridicolously big, kitchen. He found a bottle of wine and shrugged. It was 6 p.m, it's fine to get drunk at that hour. He also dug out a few bottles of beer, since he wasn't a wine fan.
He found two wine glasses before he walked back out to his best friend.
He held up the glasses and the bottles and smirked.
''I love you'' Jiwoo mumbled and took one of the wine glasses.
Mingyu chuckled and looked at the wine bottle. ''I don't got a cork opener'' He thought for a few seconds before he grabbed with his hands before janking a few times. To both of their surprise the male managed to open it.
''God-fucking-damn, are you the fucking hulk?'' Jiwoo asked with wide eyes.
''No, but I saw someone do it on instagram a few weeks ago. Looked fun and easy''
Jiwoo raised an eyebrow. ''My turn'' She took one of the beer bottles, put the cap between her teeh and opened it.
''You need to teach me how to do that'' Mingyu exclaimed as Jiwoo handed him the bottle.
Jiwoo poured herself a glass before she sat back down in Mingyu's, very comfortable, couch.
''Now, tell me everything. I know you're troubled''
''I'm not drunk enough for that'' Jiwoo mumbled and shugged her glass of wine, before she poured another one and shugged that one as well. ''Whatever, uhm, well... Wonwoo has still not said "I love you", and generally that's not a problem, I know I'm a bit more... lovey, but uhm, it's been a whole year!''
Her friend nodded along as he drank his beer. ''Well- wait, you've fucked, more than once- hell you've fucked more than once in my bed! You live together, which by the way happened like... two months into your relationship, but he still hasn't said "I love you"?''
''How did you know I fucked Wonwoo in your bed?'' Jiwoo's eyes widened.
''He told me after we got drunk and I forced it out of him because I wondered why my sheets were changed''
Jiwoo groaned. ''I'm gonna kill him. Now, back to the problem, how come he's said he loves chocolate, strawberries, kimchi fried rice, sweet and spicy chicken, but not me! He calls me his love, love, princess, cupcake, kitten, sweethear, dear, every fucking pet name in the book!''
''It's a lot easier to throw around the word with food and things when it doesn't mean as much, but he actually likes you, a lot, so I guess he's afraid he'll scare you off with those words''
''I said I loved him after two weeks'' Jiwoo deadpanned and downed another shot of Soju.
''Well... that I have no explanation for''
Wonwoo: Hello love, when are you getting home?
Jiwoo: Uhm, soon. I'm just helping Mingyu out with some love problems. If you wanna go to bed, it's fine.
Wonwoo smiled at his phone. He decided to go to bed. He was tired and the clock was nearing 10 p.m. Sure, it was fairly early to go to sleep, but he wanted to sleep.
But he also wanted to wait up. He had something importan to tell Jiwoo. He had built up so much courage, and hyped himself up a lot, to say this. He was sure he could this time.
He had spoken to Jiwoo's best friend, and his friend, Seokmin. The two had grown up together, much like him and Mingyu, and he knew everything about the girl. He was sure he could help him with his love problems.
Earlier that day: At Seokmin's
''Yah, what did I say about my own name''
''Dokeyom, sorry, whatever. Uhm, so... what do you think goes through Jiwoo's mind as our one year anniversary is around the corner, and uhm... I still haven't said the... three words''
Seokmin, Dokyeom dropped the beer bottle, made of glass, on the floor as Wonwoo finished his sentence. He turned to Wonwoo with wide eyes. ''What the fuck, man?''
Dokeyom didn't seem to care about his, now damaged, parquet floor. Or the glass he almost stepped in as he rushed up to his friend. Or the fact that the beer was soaking into the floor and ruining it.
Wonwoo looked at his friends like a deer caught in headlines. He slowly lowered the beer bottle in his hands. ''What!?''
''You've dated Jiwoo for a year! And you've never told her you love her? Didn't she say it after... like two weeks?''
''Well, yeah, but she's a lot more... lovey dovey than me! And you know it's hard for me to express my feelings!''
Dokyeom sat down next to his friend. ''Wonwoo, I know you've got a hard time expressing your feelings, and I know she accepted that you for all that, which is amazing, and she adores you more than anyone she's ever adored before. But if you don't grow a pair and tell her you love her soon, she's gonna feel unloved and leave''
Wonwoo raised an eyebrow as Dokyeom spoke. ''Aren't friends supposed to support each other?''
''I am! In a different way... come on! It's just eight letters, three words, one sentence, cheesy bullshit''
''If all it is is 8 Letters, why is it so hard to say?''
''Because this time, if you say it, it will actually mean something. You've said that you love a lot of things, food, material things and shit like that, but this time we're talking about a woman, whose only wish is to hear those three words from your lips, and that terrifies you. You think she's gonna run away, she's not! She loves you more than anything!''
Dokeyom sighed and raised his hand. He might regret this later, but right now it seemed like a good idea. He smacked his friend across his friend with all he had.
''Ow man! What the fuck!?'' Wonwoo's eyes were wide as Dokyeom looked at his hand. He didn't wanna admit it, but it hurt to slap Wonwoo.
''I'm helping you! You need to grow a pair of balls and tell your dream girl that you love her, or she'll slip through your fingers''
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The following day the two woke up, one of them more hungover than the other one.
Wonwoo chuckled as he got up. Jiwoo turned over and pulled the covers over her head.
He walked into the bathroom and found some aspirin and water, he got his gift and walked back to the bedroom. ''Happy Anniversary, Princess'' Wonwoo smiled as he held out the small present for Jiwoo, as well as the aspirin.
''Good morning, my love, happy anniversary to you too'' She took the aspirin's and downed them with some water, before she took the gift and handed her own gift to Wonwoo.
Wonwoo opened his gift and found a black skeleton watch in it. He'd wanted the clock for so long, but he never told Jiwoo because it was nearly 200'000₩. Jiwoo however had forced Mingyu to tell her what he wanted so she could get it.
''Woah, I never told-''
''I forced Mingyu to tell me'' Jiwoo smirked as Wonwoo admired the clock.
Jiwoo opened her own present and found two necklaces. One was Yin and the other was Yang. A smile grew on her lips. ''I tried giving you a necklace when we met for the firs time, you know what you said to me? You wouldn't wear it because your friends would call you gay''
''And I realize how stupid that was, I would happily be called gay for you'' Wonwoo smiled and took the Yang part of the necklace. ''You're the light in my night''
''You're cheesy'' Jiwoo chuckled as he helped her putting on the necklace.
''Only for you''
''Thank you, I love it. And I love you'' She smiled and kissed his cheek.
''You missed'' Wonwoo mumbled and grabbed Jiwoo's jaw in a gentle manner. He turned her towards him and kissed her lovingly. Wonwoo smiled into the kiss as he held her face in his hands. She was so tiny compared to him.
As they pulled away Wonwoo didn't let go of Jiwoo's face. He simply held it and smiled. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on. His thumb ran over her cheekbones as a smile rose to Jiwoo's lips as well.
''You're so beautiful, I-'' He took a deep breath. ''-really want some ice cream, I'll go buy some'' Wonwoo said in a rushed manner and quickly got off the bed and rushed out the room.
Jiwoo's smile dropped. She didn't know what she did wrong. Okay, it wasn't necessarily her fault, but still, she felt like it was somehow her fault.
She got changed and walked downstairs. Wonwoo was nowhere to be seen. She sighed before she headed out the door.
It was her one year anniversary with the most amazing boyfriend she'd ever had, but she was spending it walking to her best friend, in the pouring rain.
She knocked on the door and a second later Dokyeom opened the door. ''What the fuck do you want? It's before 11 a.m''
''Wonwoo just ran out on me after almost saying ''I love you'', and now I'm here because I do not know what I did wrong''
Dokyeom's eyes widened. ''What? He did what? I'm gonna kill that son fo a bitch!''
''No! Don't! I love him, a lot, but I just... I- I just want to hear one "I love you", is that too much to ask?''
Dokyeom didn't reply. He was on his phone. It was ringing. Jiwoo grabbed the phone and threw it against the wall. ''No!''
''Jiwoo! That was new!'' The man exlcaimed and ran over to his phone, which was surprisingly not broken.
''Dokyeom! That is my love life!'' Jiwoo exclaimed in the same tone. ''Look, I know you wanna solve it, but I don't want you to tell Wonwoo. I wanna tell him myself, because otherwise he'll think I'm a little bitch who tells you everything''
''You are and you do'' Dokyeom replied without looking up from his phone.
''I know! But he doesn't need to know that. Besides, I don't want to rush him into this. I know his love life before me was shit. And I respect that. I just... I need some kind of... approval, no... some kind of verbal confirmation that the man loves me! I'm an attention whore!''
''I know''
Jiwoo glared at her friend. ''I- fine, you're right. I'm just gonna head home and wait for Wonwoo to come back home''
Dokyeom sighed. He loved his best friend, and he usually teased her for everything she ranted about, but right now she actually seemed very down. And he'd never seen her so down about her relationship. It almost annoyed him that the two seemed to have such a fairytale-like relationship, and if it wasn't this serious, he would enjoy this little bump, but this seemed to be all or nothing.
He walked over to Jiwoo and held out his arms. Jiwoo smiled and wrapped her, very wet, arms around his neck in a hug. Dokyeom wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tightly.
''He loves you, okay. You guys are soulmates''
Jiwoo pulled away and chuckled. ''Thank you, you might be an asshole, but you know what to say when it's needed''
The man winked before he ushered her to stand up. Jiwoo continued chuckling and put her, drenched, jacket back on. ''See you later?'' Dokyeom nodded and waved at her as she walked back into the rain.
As she walked through the rain a train of thoughts crossed her mind. What if Wonwoo didn’t actually love her? Or what if he never actually liked her? Maybe he just-
No, positive thoughts. Dokyeom and Mingyu both told her that Wonwoo loved her more than anything. He was head over heels for her and she assumed he’d tell the two more about… those things.
She reached their shared house and unlocked the door. She spotted Wonwoo’s wet shoes and she heard the shower running.
Jiwoo walked upstairs and changed into one of Wonwoo’s hoodies and a pair of spandex shorts.
As her boyfriend walked out of the bathroom, towel around his hips and water running down his chest, Jiwoo looked up from her phone.
''Hey, uhm, sorry for earlier. I just- it’s hard. And I know it’s been a year''
Jiwoo knew this was stupid. If she was a rational person, she wouldn’t have blurted out what she did next.
But then again, she wasn't a rational person.
''Don’t you love me? It’s okay if you don’t, just tell me now so I won’t go around and believe something else''
Wonwoo sighed. ''Jiwoo, don’t be ridiculous-''
''Am I really being that ridiculous? We’ve been dating for a year. You’ve used every single pet name in the book on me, we’ve fucked, countless times, we know basically everything about each other including past, disgusting relationships, and you always tell me how much you love food, material stuff and such, but not me. I know I said I won’t rush you, but it’s been a year Wonwoo. I am a patient person, but never hearing someone saying that they love you, when you live together? After a while even the most patient person starts to lose it!''
A sigh left her lips. She felt bad. She didn’t mean to say all that. Especially not scream it in his face. But after a few weeks of bottling it up, she just exploded.
Wonwoo didn’t know what to do. She had a point. And he really did want to tell his dream girl that he loved her. That she was everything he’d ever dreamt of, but for some reason, whenever he’s about to say it, his throat just closes up and he can’t.
Maybe it’s trauma from his past relationships, or it’s just him not being a very emotional person.
Regardless he felt bad for his girlfriend. She was amazing in every aspect. She always told him how much she loved him, she always gave him space when needed, she there for him when his mother died. She really was everything he could ever want him a girlfriend.
He loved her. He did. More than anything. But he’s never been good with words, and apparently that’s not about to change anytime soon.
Jiwoo sighed and stood up. ''Look, I’m not breaking up with you. Especially not on our anniversary, but I think I’m gonna stay at Dokyeom’s for a day or two. Call me when you want me back home''
She felt bad. She knew he had a lot of trauma from past relationships. Cheaters, abandonment, pushy hi girlfriends, and a few who left him after he, apparently, said ''I love you'' too early. But she was also growing sick of waiting.
She stood up and headed out of the room. Wonwoo could only stare as she walked.
Why was he such a wreck?
Jiwoo put her shoes back on, and shuddered slightly as they drenched her socks within the second. She opened the door and stared at the rain for a short moment.
She pulled out her phone and sent Dokyeom a quick text. The walk to Dokyeom wasn't long, it only took about 10 minutes, but when it was pouring down, like it was right now, ten minutes felt ike an eternity. And JIwoo was a ridicolously slow walker. Sometimes.
Wonwoo snapped out of his frozen state when his phone dinged.
Dokyeom: What the hell dude? What did you say to her? And why is she on her way here, walking in the pouring rain, again
Wonwoo: I didn't do anything! Which might be the problem...
Dokyeom: Jeon Wonwoo, if you don't run after her, I might actually strangle you with my bare hands
Wonwoo stared at his phone. Dokyeom was right. And he was scary when he was mad, since he always acted like a sunshine.
He put on some clothes before he fell down the stairs, he'd forgotten his glasses in the bathroom, on the sink. ''Fuck, whatever''
He got his shoes and opened the door before he closed and locked it. He was celebrating, in his head, the fact that he was almost a foot taller than his girlfriend, and generally just faster than her.
But just to be sure, he broke into a blind sprint. He was slowly regretting not getting his glasses before this But that was too late anyways.
Jiwoo turned around as she heard someone behind her.
She spotted her blind boyfriend running. She chuckled as he squinted his eyes in a, failed, attempt to see anything. They both knew it was meaningless as he was blinder than most people.
As he was about to pass her, she reached out and grabbed him.
''Jiwoo? Gosh- fuck, I should've brought my glasses'' Wonwoo cursed as he ran his hands all over Jiwoo's face, causing her to giggle.
''Wonwoo, what in the world are you doing? And- did you fall down the stairs?''
''Maybe...'' Wonwoo smiled sheepishly.
''Wonwoo...'' She ran her thumb over his cheekbone, which was slwoly turning into the wrong color. ''...I'm sorry-''
''It's not your fault. It's my fauly, I'm chasing you blindly, literally'' He flashed a goofy smile and laid his hands on her shoulders. ''Look, you got your rant, now it's my turn''
''Go for it''
''Kim Jiwoo, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. You've been patient for me now for a year, you've been with me for a year despite the fact that I seem to be unable to express those three words, and I've never been more greateful for anything in my life. You're always there when I need you, and you might be short, but you always seem to be ready to defend me and my honor. I... really, really like you, a lot''
Jiwoo smiled as he spoke, staring blindly past her head. ''I'm sorry for yelling earlier''
''You had every right to. I called you ridicolous, which you weren't. It's totally reasonable to doubt someone's love if they've never expressed it verbally''
''I don't need you express it verbally, I know you love me'' Jiwoo's smile softened as his hands slowly found her cheeks.
He cupped her face and ran his thumbs over her cheekbones. It was some weird habit he picked up after realizing how tiny her face was in comparison to his hands.
''I know it's cliché, but I've always wanted to kiss someone in the rain'' Wonwoo admitted sheepishly.
Jiwoo chuckled. ''Then I shall grant your wish''
She stood on her tippy-toes while Wonwoo leaned down slightly. He decided it was probably better if Jiwoo did the job so he wouldn't headbutt her, or poke her eye out with his lips.
As their lips met a loud cheer could be heard. They both recognized the voice as Dokyeom's. A moment later his scream was heard again, this time a lot more high pitched.
''Mingyu! Put me down! I'm two months older than you!''
''You're ruining their "Notebook" moment! And uhm, now, I'm gonna throw you on the floor''
''No!'' The door closed and Jiwoo could only guess what was happening behind those doors.
As the door closed Wonwoo wrapped his arms around Jiwoo's waist to pull her closer. Jiwoo smiled and wrapped her arms around the man's, ridicolously wide, shoulders.
As they both pulled away they chuckled. ''Why are we friends with them again?''
''Because we got stuck with them in junior high''
Jiwoo chuckled. ''Wanna go inside and lay down on Dokyeom’s new, white couch?''
The two walked inside Dokyeom's house, by force, and burst out laughing as they spotted Mingyu... sitting on top of Dokyeom to make sure he wouldn't ruin out and ruin their moment.
What might surprise people was the fact that this was completely normal to happen.
''Yah! I know what you're about to do, and don't you fucking dare!''
Jiwoo and Wonwoo smirked as they both eyed his new, white couch. Laying down on a new, white couch might be the same as asking for a death wish, but it was funny messing with him.
''Three'' Wonwoo smirked
''Two'' Jiwoo copied.
''One'' They chorused an threw themselves on his couch.
A shriek of horror left Dokyeom's lips, and somehow he managed to shove Mingyu from his back. He stood up and rushed towards his two friends. He quickly shoved Wonwoo of the couch and turned to Jiwoo.
''Okay, she's scary. Wonwoo, get rid of her!''
''Nah man, if you want her off your couch, that's on you''
Dokyeom sighed and shoved the girl off his couch, before hiding behind Mingyu and Wonwoo.
The girl stood up and narrowed her eyes at her friend, before chuckling. ''Sorry... uhm, I think we should head home'' She shivered slightly.
Wonwoo chuckled and nodde.d ''Your lips are blue''
''Yours are red, let's make purple'' Jiwoo replied in a teasing tone.
''Nuh-uh! You're not fucking in my house. Mingyu's bed was enough''
Jiwoo chuckled. ''Funny you say that, when I was asked to water your plants this summer, when you were in France, uhm-''
''No! Please say you're lying!'' Dokyeom looked horrified. ''I hate you guys, out!''
Wonwoo and Jiwoo were pushed out the door, quite literally, which caused them both to laugh loudly.
The rain poured down on them, since South Korea seemed to have some kind of rain period during this season.
''Let's dance!'' Jiwoo exclaimed and grabbed her boyfriend's hands and started spinning them both around in the open road.
The man still couldn't see jackshit, but he was just happy his girlfriend was happy. And judging by the loud giggles, which was like music to his ears, she was very happy in that exact moment.
As Jiwoo got a bit dizzy, she slowed down. As they slowed down Wonwoo pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. Despite them both being freezing, they stood in the rain, in the middle of the road, hugging.
''I love this, but I'm so fucking cold'' Jiwoo stuttered as her teeth clattered.
Wonwoo pulled away from the embrace and laid one of his arms around her shoulders.
''I love you'' He mumbled quietly. He wasn't turned to Jiwoo, it didn't seven seem directed to her, but they knew it was.
Jiwoo smiled widely. She didn’t wanna make a big deal out of it. But on the inside she was cheering and screaming happily.
''I love you too''
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goldenwoods · 2 months
After the frame arc, I'm getting really confused by the power levels going on here.
So: Jiwoo can one-shot the frame rookies except Duke, but those same rookies can absolutely dominate against the academy top 10?
I could...maybe buy that having detailed information about them exposed really disadvantaged the student massively. Like...way more than we'd intuitively expect. That could make sense: things like Kayden being infamously "tailored for combat" and Jiwoo absorbing multiple top ranker's force control to get to where he is maybe meant that the typical prodigy is very powerful but not all that versatile, meaning a well-calculated match pairing could screw them over easily.
But that wouldn't explain why Arthur got away alive when Duke 100% would not hesitate to kill. If the typical frame rookie could do that to Leah and Laura, Duke should have been able to do it to Arthur effortlessly given the difference between Duke and the other frame rookies.
Yeah anyway the power scaling is getting a bit confusing for me. But at least they did keep Arthur alive. I hope that means he gets a more major role at some point. I always think Arthur should've been featured more because he's the only one who properly 'lives' the awakened lifestyle as a kid. Even other kids who's raised as organisation heirs go to school and interact as normal teenagers. Arthur on the other hand practically can't comprehend how someone with Jiwoo's mindset exists, a lot like the awakened adults in the story. (Well, Sucheon comes close but he's not a prominent character either.)
He couldn't have taken all that trauma easily and I think it'll be so wasted if it just gets glossed over by the narrative. I think it could be cool if he learns to conjure his cut off arm with his ability during combat so he can fight normally again, it seems structurally similar to Wooin's ability so I'm guessing it can be molded if he trains his control more? Obviously him having an arc about adjusting to normal life in a family of awakeners would be interesting too but Idk if he's ever get to appear much if they go down that route with him :(
Edit: on second thought one possible reason why he managed to survive was probably because the first major blow he received was enough to incapacitate him but not enough to be fatal. Since the spar isn't nominally a death match, once someone gets their whole arm cut off, the adults can take the chance and drag them out of the ring before their opponent goes for their life
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hwaslayer · 2 years
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❥ please read my FAQ before anything, some questions may already be answered here!
❥ these are all my original works. all works are purely fiction and most contain mature content (18+), therefore it should not be viewed by minors. please do not repost or translate my work!
❥ key - fluff [f] | angst [a] | smut [s]
❥ fic playlists | wips
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❥ when the cat and wolf play | [a], [s]
spin-off from the bts witchers series; set in the same universe, years later 
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—one shots
❥ talk the talk
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—mini series
❥ vivrant thing | [f], [a], [s] | release: aug '24 (in progress)
inspired by the song: 'vivrant thing’ by q-tip
after getting into a little accident, wooyoung decides to do his sister a favor by pretending to be your date at the company summer party. as soon as the night ends, wooyoung would go back to his usual routine of hanging out with his boys, keeping his distance from committed relationships and being a typical brother to jiwoo. except, the favor comes with more than what wooyoung expects and he finds you occupying his mind more than usual.
—one shots
❥ after hours | [f], [s]
an invitation to wooyoung’s event leads to the unexpected— a night of revelation that deeply blurs the lines between harmless fun and the thrill of exploring something more.
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❥ everythingship | [f], [a], [s]
inspired by the movie: life as we know it ;
your relationship with song mingi is the true definition of love and hate. though annoyingly despicable at times, he’s still someone you’ve grown fond over and both of your bestfriends are to thank for that. when life-altering moments leave you and mingi in charge of your bestfriends’ 10 month old daughter, the two of you learn out how to navigate treacherous waters together.
—one shots
❥ butterflies | [f], [s]
life with your husband & daughter is always full of butterflies.
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❥ wildfire | [f], [a], [s] | release: august '24 (in progress)
assistant professor in bioengineering, incredibly attractive, lonely and divorced; that’s how most people describe san. but despite the events that have happened in his life, san has a lot going for himself. he’s a successful, sought out professor due to his brilliant contributions to science at just an early age of 32. he worked hard to get where he was now; head deep into his research, his publications, building his lab and creating a name for himself. everything was good and smooth sailing— until it wasn’t.because when he meets you, a bioengineering grad student interested in rotating in his lab, he finds himself ready to risk all the blood, sweat and tears he put in throughout the years just to keep you close— his need for you spiraling out of control like a wildfire.
—one shots
❥ crimson | [a], [s]
life has always revolved around the club, the money, the clients— that is, until a first-time experience changes everything for san, for you; causing lines to be blurred, boundaries that are crossed. he didn’t think he’d get wrapped around your finger, falling deep into your spell. after all, he did become your number one client.
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—mini series
❥ flowers on the floor | [f], [a], [s] | release: july '24 (completed)
when yeosang decided he was going to take a month-long vacation, he was mainly hoping to get away from his mundane routine and the stress of work. he certainly wasn’t expecting to meet you and build a connection unlike he’s ever known. when the end of his vacation nears, promises are made to keep the relationship alive, to keep it blossoming. but eventually, as the reality settles in and the distance continues to put a wedge into your relationship, you drop your end of the promise without any trace. despite the heartbreak, all yeosang can do is think about you— hoping the universe will lead you to each other again
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❥ project: make you love me (ft. park seonghwa) | release: july ‘23 (completed)
yunho can't stand how you're so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
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❥ untitled (ft. park seonghwa) | [f], [a], [s]
everything and everyone in your life has always been safe. you have incredibly supportive bestfriends, two fathers you adore, and your life planned out for the next 5-10 years. for hongjoong though, it’s the opposite— known to be the campus badboy, he’s someone who doesn’t take anything seriously, hates commitment and seems to encounter something new every day. when you cross paths with hongjoong, you begin to think that being safe and comfortable isn’t exactly what you want all the time.
—one shots
❥ home | [f], [a], [s]
when your home no longer feels like home.
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—mini series
❥ love you in slow motion | [f], [a], [s] | release: april '24 (completed)
seonghwa will go through hell and back for you, as long as he can continue to see that smile on your face. because to him, that smile feels like a rainbow after the rain, the warmth of the sun on a winter day. because to him, you're more than just his bestfriend— you're love. even though everyone seems to see that except you.
❥ darkness in divinity | [f], [a], [s]
as a fallen angel, seonghwa runs alongside of his leader, yoongi, his right-hand, hongjoong, and the rest of the fallen as they work to keep their underground activities alive and continue to make yoongi's power known across the city. despite the constant chaos and the darkness that surrounds him, he eventually meets you and finds a light that awakens within him. but as the stakes grow higher, seonghwa begins to question the path he's chosen— torn between his loyalty to yoongi and the group, and his need to protect you from danger that arises.
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dvineluvr · 8 months
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✩°。⋆⸜ basics.
birth name ﹕lee jiwoo
birthday ﹕october 13, 1998
zodiac ﹕libra
birthplace ﹕seoul, south korea
hometown ﹕seoul, south korea
ethnicity ﹕korean
nationality ﹕south korean
languages ﹕korean ( native ), english ( basic ), japanese ( basic )
✩°。⋆⸜ physical.
face claim ﹕jeong jinsoul
height ﹕164 cm
blood type ﹕o-
body modifications ﹕
standard lobe piercings ( both ) , tragus ( left ) , conch ( right )
lady bug tattoo ( behind ear ) , bow & arrow ( spine )
✩°。⋆⸜ persona.
mbti ﹕ENTJ ; the commander
positive traits ﹕ creative, persistent. efficient, strong-willed
negative traits ﹕cocky, controlling, impatient, perfectionist.
✩°。⋆⸜ career.
stage name ﹕jiwoo , AERIS
occupation : trainee & producer
trainee period﹕5 years
years active ﹕5 years
label ﹕DIVINE Music
position ﹕n/a
instagram ﹕ aerises
✩°。⋆⸜ background.
born as the youngest of three to a pilot and a dentist, jiwoo spent her childhood and most of her teenage years prioritizing her studies. she excelled in her studies, more specifically music. in her very rare free time, she took up composing — she learned how to play the piano and guitar. she also began writing lyrics and creating basic beats. despite her parents’ wishes, she auditioned for several companies; she was accepted into every one of them. while she could’ve trained at a big company, jiwoo decided that she would give a new, small company a chance. she began training at DIVINE Music in 2015. after three years, she was promised a spot in their upcoming girl group. those plans fell through but she was given the opportunity to write and produce for the labels active groups. jiwoo created the persona AERIS and has been active under the name since 2018.
in 2024, jiwoo joined @frshproduce for a final shot at becoming an idol.
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