#jk i was avoiding schoolwork by doing this
alright here is the canon graduation years for fics, and also bc i think either messed up the years or something with Barty being 3 years younger?? not sure anyway here’s what i found on Wizarding World for a timeline.
1881: Dumbledoor is born.
1883: Grindelwald is born.
1892: Dumbledoor starts going to Hogwarts.
1899: Dumbledoor graduates and him & Grindelwald meet
1920: Dumbledoor starts teaching at Defense against the dark arts Hogwarts.
1926: Voldemort is born.
1927: Dumbledoor starts teaching transfiguration.
1928: Hagrid is born.
1938: Voldemort starts Hogwarts.
1940: Hagrid starts Hogwarts.
1943: Chamber is opened first time. Hagrid gets expelled.
1945: Voldemort graduates. Grindelwald is defeated.
1949: Molly is born.
1950: Arthur is born.
1951: Bellatrix is born.
1954: Lucius is born.
1955: Narcissa is born.
1959: Sirius in born.
1960: James, Remus, Peter, Lilly, Snape, & Xenophillius are born.
1961: Regulus is born. Molly and Arther start Hogwarts.
1962: Bellatrix starts Hogwarts. Barty is born.
1965: Lucius starts Hogwarts. Dumbledoor becomes headmaster.
1966: Narcissa starts Hogwarts.
1968: Molly & Arthur graduate and get married.
1969: Bellatrix graduates.
1970: Bill is born
1971: Marauders start Hogwarts.
1972: Regulus starts Hogwarts. Lucius graduates. Charlie is born
1973: Narcissa graduates. Barty starts Hogwarts. Tonks is born.
1976: Marauders become animagi. Percy is born.
1977: Cedric is born.
1978: Marauders + Lilly + Snape graduate Hogwarts. Fred & George are born.
1979: Regulus graduates. Hermione is born. James & Lilly get married.
1980: Barty graduates. Prophecy is given. Harry, Ron, Draco, and Neville are born.
1981: Lily, James & Evan die. Sirius, Barty & Bellatrix go to Azkaban. Longbottoms go insane. Ginny & Luna are born.
1982: Bill starts Hogwarts. Barty breaks out of Azkaban.
1984: Charlie & Tonks start Hogwarts.
1987: Percy starts Hogwarts.
1989: Cedric, Fred, & George start Hogwarts. Bill graduates.
1991: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, & Neville start Hogwarts. Pandora dies. Charlie & Tonks graduate.
1992: Ginny & Luna start Hogwarts. Chamber is opened.
1993: Sirius escapes Azkaban.
1994: Percy graduates. Barty breaks free from curse.
1995: Voldemort returns. Cedric & Barty die.
1996: Fred & George leave school. Battle of the ministry. Sirius dies.
1997: Dumbledoor dies. Bill & Fluer get married. Remus & Tonks get married.
1998: Battle of Hogwarts. Peter, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape, Grindelwald & Bellatrix die. Teddy is born.
1999: Hermione, Ginny, & Luna graduate.
2000: Hermione & Ron get married.
2003: James-Sirius is born.
2006: Albus-Severus, Rose & Scorpious are born.
2008: Lily-Luna & Hugo are born.
2009: Teddy starts Hogwarts.
2014: James-Sirius starts Hogwarts
2016: Teddy graduates.
2017: Albus-Severus, Scorpious, & Rose start Hogwarts.
2019: Lily-Luna & Hugo start Hogwarts.
2021: James-Sirius graduates Hogwarts.
2024: Albus-Severus, Rose, & Scorpious (will) graduate Hogwarts.
2026: Lily-Luna & Hugo (will) graduate Hogwarts.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 8 months
blurb 3 of blurb night!!
Military School
brother!roman; reader is a Roy
prompt: “it popped in my head and i weeped (jk) but i think maybe little one shot of roman having to go off to military school and leaving his baby sister who watched him sob after logan was a bitch one too many times when he was young and she was even younger so before he leaves she has to hold him and comfort him cause he's just a scared little traumatized child in a adult trench coat BDKWBD and when he comes back he is like jumping for joy and yeah happy ending we need those more often TEHE”
I love u sissy thank u for requesting <3
“Hey, come on, don’t cry.”
Roman pulls you into a tight hug, and he’s keenly aware of the dampening of his shirt from your tears.
He wasn’t exactly sure how he got to this point, but he did. Military school. He’s barely a teenager; you’re barely a child.
“I don’t want you to go,” you admit quietly. He was your lifeline in this shitty family. The only one around for long enough to take care of you. What’ll happen when he’s gone? What’ll happen to you.
“I don’t, either, but he’s making me,” he says, his voice cracking. And all of a sudden, this isn’t about you anymore. Tears begin forming at his waterline, and he desperately tries biting them back.
“You’ll come back, though, won’t you?” you ask meekly. “You’ll come back big and strong.”
He laughs, but there’s no joy in the sound. “I’ll come back. I promise I will, don’t worry.”
“Will you let me write letters to you?”
He gives your shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll write to you.” He pauses. “Um, be good, okay? Don’t get into any trouble. Don’t be like me.”
You don’t know what he’s talking about. You idolize him. You want to be just like him- kind, caring, thoughtful, witty.
“Roman!” comes your father’s shout from downstairs. Your brother flinches, but gets up from the floor of your room where the two of you are sat. With shaking hands, he holds your head and presses a kiss to your crown.
“I have to go.” His voice is trembling. He makes his way to the door before stopping and looking back over his shoulder. “I love you. Don’t do anything stupid.”
And then he’s gone.
The next few years are lonely. He keeps his promise and writes you letters every so often, but they’re short and devoid of any substance. While Shiv and Kendall come home to visit you often, it’s just not the same. Neither of them sit down with you like Roman did. They don’t really take the time.
You take his advice to heart. You stay out of trouble- specifically with your dad -and just mind your business as the years go on. Life is boring. It’s lonely. But that’s how it’s going to be- you’re a Roy, and you’re the youngest. When he does come back, you’re the only one who goes to the airport for him.
The driver doesn’t actually let you go inside- too much paparazzi, too much danger. You wait patiently, fiddling with the sleeves of your shirt. It’s not as climactic as you expected it to be, but at the same time, it felt natural. Neither of you were the dramatic type, neither of you wanted to be the dramatic type. There were already too many characters in your family. Too many draining ones.
He slides into the seat next to you, the bags under his eyes defined and deep. Wordlessly, you hug, his hand clapping your back. “You’re all big now,” he says quietly.
“You calling me fat?” you ask slyly, smirk developing on your face.
“What? No!” He then notices your expression. “Oh, fuck you.” You both laugh, and you give his shoulder a squeeze. You don’t know what to say, what to do. You’re just glad he’s back in one piece.
He avoids your father for the rest of the day. You’re on the floor of your room, like you were those few years ago, finishing some schoolwork when he knocks on your door frame. “No loitering,” you tell him.
“Wanna go to Target? I don’t want to be here when Dad gets home.”
“Will you buy me something?”
“Then you’re on your own.” Despite your words, you get to your feet and fish out a jacket from your closet.
The two of you don’t really do anything in the store. He wanders around, you follow him. It’s like he’s here for the first time, his eyes snagging on displays and the shelves of colorful, junky snacks. “I haven’t had Doritos in years,” he tells you as you wind through the aisles.
“Then get some.”
“You’re just going to eat them.”
“No, I won’t,” you lie. He rolls his eyes at you but grabs a bag anyway. “Come on, we should just pig out. You look like a malnourished Victorian child.” Without waiting for him to answer, you grab things from the shelves and keep them gathered in your arms.
You spend the evening in his car, talking about life with your brother and munching on the snacks he’d gotten for himself. Life’s better now that you have a friend again.
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sadscienced · 4 years
several months ago i went 11 days without eating (jk i had one meal on the fifth day for a headache. since then ive managed to do week long fasts. but last saturday i resolved to do a two week fast. i ate one meal last night because my digestive system was so upset and i couldn't focus on my schoolwork. i thought i was gonna look super bloated today but i look amd weigh the same as yesterday before eating so! now i will finish the weel without eating (assuming i can avoid eating for thanksgiving)
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