#joanna x billy
walkiingcandle · 1 year
I wanna give slashers a hug.
I wanna give ashy boy a hug
they all deserve one
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xfactor7aurora · 1 year
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lequynhnhu · 5 months
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risky business
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
chapter two: what was supposed to be a ground breaking story has now turned into a living nightmare as *yn* *yln* tries to grapple with her new found knowledge of the upside down. eddie's mind is also preoccupied, although he's more focused on dealing with the realisation he's prettyyy sure he's just met his soulmate.
notes: part 2 to 'Bat Outta Hell' which you can read here.
Series Masterlist
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"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler."
"Come on, I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to."
*yn* was vaguely aware of Nancy and Robin's voices behind her as her eyes darted over every corner of the Wheeler residence. It was the first time in the last three days that she'd had time to focus on the finite details.
It really was exactly like Hawkins, down to the pictures on the walls and the horrible cushion covers on the couch. A carbon copy, apart from the replacement of living, breathing humans with monsters carved from her nightmares.
"*yn*? You comin'?"
The sound of her name finally forced *yn* to drag her attention away from her surroundings.
"Yeah." She nodded stiffly when she saw Nancy studying her from the top of the stairs.
"You ok?" Steve asked her as she began her ascension.
"Yeah just still trying to process the whole vecna, upside down, eleven, demadog, mind flayer, billy hargrove possession, rat explosion thing - you know?"
"Ooh don't forget the guy who cut his own eye balls out in the mental hospital!" Robin piped up from behind her as they followed Nancy into her room.
"Right of course, how could I forget."
"Oh and the Russians." Robin continued as they watched Nancy pull out a shoe box from her closet.
Of course, who could forget that Hawkins new, shiny mall had actually been an undercover base for the soviet union.
"Uh those aren't guns." Eddie stated as a pair of white ballet flats stared up at them.
"Maybe you put them somewhere else?" *yn* suggested as her eyes wandered over every inch of Nancy's room.
"There's a six year old in the house, I know where I keep my guns. Besides I threw this pair away years ago." Nancy retorted but *yn* was already preoccupied as she shone her torch across the walls.
"I didn't pick you as a Tom Cruise fan." *yn* grinned as she spotted the glimpses of a poster underneath a vine.
"Wha- I got rid of that years ago." Nancy flustered as she came to stand beside *yn*.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, this is a safe space Wheeler. Besides he is very dreamy." *yn* teased.
"He is?" Eddie crossed his arms in front of his chest, unable to hide his jealousy as he stared at the upside down's version of Tom Cruise. His question made *yn* gawk as she swung around to look at him.
"Have you seen risky business?"
"Yeah but-"
"This wallpaper-" Nancy interrupted the pair as her eyes darted around. "This is old wallpaper. And this mirror- this went to a yard sale." She was almost manic as she gestured to objects in her room.
"And you-" Her eyes landed on a soft toy placed on the edge of her bed. "You are not supposed to be here." She picked up the toy, gripping it tightly to her chest as she moved around her bed. "I gave you to cousin Joanna two years ago."
The other three watched her intently as she discarded the toy and grabbed a notebook from her bedside table.
"What is it?" Eddie asked as they watched her frantically flip through the pages.
"Nance, you're freaking me out." Robin continued as Nancy's fingers stilled and her eyes scanned the pages.
"I think the reason that my guns aren't here is because they don't exist yet."
"Well that's helpful." *yn* remarked.
"This diary should be full of entries - it's not." Nancy explained as she swung around to face them. "The last entry is November 6th 1983. The day Will went missing. The day the gate opened....we're in the past."
*yn*'s eyes grew wide as she tried to digest Nancy's words, her head spinning as it tried to make sense of yet another twist in the apparently never ending story that was Hawkins and the upside down.
"Guess I'll add time travel to my list then." She murmured causing all eyes to fall on her.
"Dustin!" Steve's frantic voice wafting up the stairs prevented from anyone responding to her. Instead they all turned and sprinted back down the stairs towards his shouts.
Eddie was the last to leave Nancy's room, his eyes finding the poster on the wall once more.
"Tom Cruise... really?" He muttered bitterly as he shot the image a glare before hurrying after the others.
Eddie knew he should be focused on more important things, like getting out of an alternate dimension in one piece. But now all he could think about was *yn* *yln* and the fact that she might just be his soulmate.
He kept waiting for the penny to drop, for her to say something that would make his turn his nose up in disgust and say "ha! I knew you were too good to be true *yn* *yln*" but so far nothing she could do or say seemed to have that effect. The fact she enjoyed risky business and thought Tom Cruise was dreamy should have sent him running for the hills, but instead he was jealous. And of Tom Cruise of all people.
In all honesty, it was kind of annoying. It was like she was some sort of virus that had nestled its way under his skin, burying itself into his consciousness.
And according to Steve Harrington, there was no cure.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter in fact."
"Wait Henderson said that?"
"Oh shit yeah, kid wooorships you dude like, you have no idea." Eddie answered as he stepped over a log.
"It's kind of annoying to be honest, like I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks but uhh guess I got a little jealous Steve." He continued as he shot Steve a smirk.
"I guess I just couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him and not a douche?" Eddie paused for dramatic effect as he shook his head.
"No way man, that like goes against all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. But I uh- guess I need to start rethinking that doctrine now after you and-" Eddie cut himself off as his eyes flitted to *yn*'s figure in front of them.
Steve followed his gaze, shining his torch on *yn* who was currently chatting animately with Robin ahead of them.
"Yeah *yn*'s pretty cool." Eddie would have gotten jealous if it wasn't for the knowing smirk on Steve's lips and the way his brow quirked up as he glanced back at him.
"Dude she's more than cool she's -" Eddie cut himself off as he stared at *yn* once more. "She's smart and funny and ridiculously hot and popular all while being metal as hell, like that combination in a chick should not exist. It's scientifically impossible." Eddie shook his head in disbelief as he watched *yn* tilt her head back and laughed at something Robin had said. The sight made his stomach twist in all kinds of weird and whacky knots.
"Do you believe in soulmates?" Eddie came to a sudden stop as he swivelled around to face Steve.
"What?" Steve's eyes grew wide as he tried to digest Eddie's question.
"You know soulmates, true love - all that crap." Eddie continued, his hands flailing as he spoke. "Because I personally am like the most cynical dude on the planet right? but right now I am pretty much convinced that that lady-" Eddie was talking again before Steve even had time to open his mouth to respond. Eddie paused as his eyes lingered on *yn* for a few moments.
"Do you think she's a witch?" Eddie turned back to Steve. "I feel like she's a witch."
"Because she already likes metal music and according to everyone that means she's practically a hop skip and a jump away from being a full blown witchcraft practicing satan worshipper. Maybe she's the real deal, maybe she's cast some sort of spell on me."
Finally Eddie took a breath as he looked at Steve imploringly.
"I am pretty damn sure *yn* *yln* is not a witch."
"How sure?"
"You said pretty sure - how sure is that? Like on a scale of 1 to 100 where does 'pretty sure' fall? 60? 40? Cause that makes a big difference Steve."
Steve inhaled sharply as he pinched the bridge of his nose in between his fingers. "Like 99 percent sure Eddie. She's not a witch, you just like her."
Eddie let out a humourless chuckle and shook his head. "I like the chocolate pudding at the cafeteria." His hands were his hips as he shifted his weight from foot to foot. "I like scaring the crap out of Jason Carver and his little jock friends. This isn't liking something this is-" He cut himself off once more as his eyes involuntarily dragged back to *yn*.
"This is like, I can't think about anything else or want to think about anything else and don't know what to do about it." A sympathetic and understanding look flashed across Steve's face.
"Yeah I know that feeling." He muttered.
"How do you stop it?"
Steve's gaze lingered on Nancy as Eddie spoke.
"You don't."
*yn* could hear the others talking amongst themselves as Dustin Henderson gave them instructions on how to escape the upside down. Her attention however was solely on the iridescent particles that wafted up from the light source placed on the bed in front of them.
She leant forward and let her hand drift through the translucent layer, a warm tingly feeling spreading across her skin as the particles brushed against it.
Her eyes flitted to Eddie who seemed equally as mesmerised by the sight in front of them. The light cast an orangey-golden glow on his face, illuminating his large brown eyes and the rest of his features. He looked almost ethereal.
"Eddie, how far's your trailer?" Nancy's question snatched *yn*'s view away from her as Eddie turned away from the light.
"Seven miles."
"Nance, I know your house is like weirdly frozen in time and shit but... haven't you always had bikes?"
There was a pause after Robin's words as Nancy peeled through her memories trying to remember how things used to be, "yeah." She finally answered. "Some in the garage and a few in the basement I think."
"I'll go check the garage. Let's meet out front in ten." *yn* was up and heading towards the stairs before anyone could argue.
"I guess I'll check the basement then."
"I'll come with you."
Steve followed after Nancy as they made their way to the basement, leaving Eddie and Robin seated on the bedroom floor.
Silence filled the room as Eddie leant back and cast his eye over the room.
"Do you think Tom Cruise is dreamy?"
Robin raised a brow at his question. "Dude you're barking up the wrong tree with that one."
Eddie's brow narrowed as he twisted his bottom lip in between his index finger and thumb, his eyes fixed once more on the risky business poster.
"You should go check on *yn*."
The mention of her name made Eddie break out of his thoughts, blinking rapidly a few times as he stared at Robin.
"See if she needs help...." Robin trailed off as she stared at him suggestively. She was only met with a confused expression.
"With the bikes." Robin emphasised.
"Oh right, yeah." Eddie swallowed nervously as he nodded. "Good idea, I'll go do that."
Robin shook her head in amusement as she watched him scramble up to his feet. "I'll uh-" He ran a hand through his matted hair, "I'll go check and see if she needs help with the uh- with the bikes."
A tight lipped smile twisted onto Robin's lips as she raised her brows and nodded her head in encouragement.
"You do that."
Eddie nodded, sending her an awkward smile before he made his way outside.
He rubbed his sweaty palms on the front of his black jeans as he stepped outside. His heart was racing as he neared the garage and spied *yn* pulling out one of the bikes.
"C'mon Munson." He mumbled. He was Eddie "the freak" Munson, alleged cult leader and social outcast. If he could survive persecution by the entire town of Hawkins, he could talk to *yn* *yln*.
So with that he puffed up his chest, twisted his skull ring one last time and approached her.
"You need a hand princess?"
"Princess?" A small smirk twisted up onto her lips as her eyes locked with his.
On second thought, maybe Eddie would prefer to take on the entire population of Hawkins instead.
"The 'of darkness' is implied." His answer made her chuckle as she turned back to grip the handle bars of one of the bikes.
"If you don't like it I can-"
"No." She cut him off quickly as she turned back to him. "I like it." Eddie swore that despite the dark veil that the upside down threw over everyone and everything, he could see a blush rise up on her cheeks.
"Do you have a nickname?"
"Uhhh, if you count 'long haired freak' or 'satanist' as nicknames then yeah, I've got loads."
*yn*'s nose wrinkled in displeasure as he listed off all of the names. It didn't feel right calling him a freak, not anymore, not even as a joke. Not now that she knew what he was really like. He deserved a better nickname than that, but she just didn't know what.
Eddie seemed to sense her discomfort, taking a step forward as he shoved his hands into his back pockets.
"Just Eddie is fine."
His answer seemed to satisfy *yn* as a tight lipped smile curled up onto her lips.
"Alright 'just Eddie'." She teased, emphasising his name. It was the first time that she had actually said his first name out loud. It sounded good coming from her lips. It would sound even better if she was-
"I could actually use a hand." *yn*'s voice interrupted his thoughts as she pulled one of the bikes out. Eddie grinned back at her as he took one of the bikes from her.
"At your service, princess."
With that the pair pushed the two bikes out of the garage and back to the front of the house. Steve, Robin and Nancy were already there, bikes by their sides.
"Alright, we're all good?" Steve asked once the pair had joined them, glancing around the group who nodded back at him.
"Let's get the hell out of here."
*yn* gripped the handlebars tightly as she swung up onto the seat, one foot resting on the ground and the other on the peddle, ready to push off. Her eyes flitted to Eddie beside her to see he too was ready to go.
A devilish grin spread across her lips as the pair locked eyes.
"I'll race you to your trailer."
Eddie's fingers clenched around the handlebars in response, the metal of his rings glinting back at her. A wild grin spread across his lips, reaching his eyes as they shone with anticipation.
"Oh you are so on princess."
"Hey!" She called out as he took off without warning. Her mouth slack in disbelief as she watched Eddie Munson blatantly cheat right before her eyes.
"Oh you are going down Munson." All traces of humour fled from *yn*'s features as her jaw set in a determined clench and she used her left foot to launch the bike forward.
She could hear the others calling out after her as she began to pedal as fast as her legs would allow. Their voices faded into the distance as she caught up to Eddie, so close that she could almost reach out and tug on his hair.
She kept her pace for the rest of the ride, allowing him to lead the way and burn through his energy supply. That was until he took a right turn into the trailer park.
"It's right here." He shouted out to the others.
She grinned as she used his moment of distraction to dash in front of him, causing him to let out a shout of surprise.
"Oh no you don't."
Her grip on the handlebars was so tight now that her knuckles were bone white as she raced ahead, his trailer only metres away. Once she was close enough she slammed her foot down onto the ground, causing her bike to come to a teetering stop.
She leapt over one side, abandoning the bike where it fell as she sprinted towards the trailer. She let out a triumphant shout as she slammed her hand against the trailer door, signifying her victory.
"And that's how you do it." She grinned as she twirled around to face her opponent.
"Well played *yln*, well played." Eddie bowed in defeat causing her grin to widen.
"I want one of your records." She declared, placing her hands on her hips.
"Come again?"
"I know you must have some classics stashed away somewhere." Her words made Eddie raise a brow sceptically.
"As a prize for winning, I get to go through your collection and pick whichever record I want." She explained as she took a step towards Eddie.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I recall agreeing to these conditions." Eddie was unable to hide his amusement as he studied her.
"You cheating by taking a head start was your agreement Munson." *yn* challenged, crossing her arms in front of chest as she stared up at him.
"Fine." He let out a dramatic huff of defeat. "After all of this you can come over and loot my prized possessions." He grumbled, although the smile on his lips didn't match his tone. *yn* grinned at her victory, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she studied him.
"I can't wait."
There was a pause as he studied her, his eyes involuntarily darting to her lips before meeting her gaze once more.
"That's gotta be some sort of record." Robin's voice caused the pair to step away from each other as the other three arrived. "Most miles travelled inter-dimensionally." She continued as she reached Eddie and *yn*.
"Right this way ladies and gents." Eddie greeted them as he opened up the door to his trailer to lead them inside.
The five of them piled inside, their eyes all immediately flying to the red glowing hole on the ceiling.
"God damn." Steve breathed out as they all stared up at the gate.
"This is where Chrissie died, like right where she died." Eddie explained.
"This looks exactly like the one where Fred died too." *yn* murmured as she took a step closer to inspect it. It was an exact replica, the exact same one that she'd pushed herself through in the search for an eye catching headline.
"I think there's something in it." Robin murmured.
The five both crept closer as they saw a small bulge appear in the centre of the gate.
"What the hell is that..."
They all leapt back and shouted as the gooey seal covering the gate burst open, spraying gunk all over the floor. A stick suddenly appeared, removing the remainder of the seal away.
Natural light spilled into the trailer as they all shrunk back, warily waiting for something or someone to strike. When nothing happened the five exchanged glances before slowly edging forward.
*yn* held her breath as the other side of the gate finally came into view.
"No way." She heard Steve say from beside her as she stared up to see the normal version of Eddie's trailer occupied by four kids.
"Hi!" One grinned waving excitedly, who *yn* deduced to be Dustin Henderson.
*yn* could hear the others shouting greetings back as they all waved in return.
"Holy shit this is trippy." Robin awed.
"Um, who the hell is that?" The youngest of the four whom *yn* didn't recognise spoke pointing directly at *yn*.
*yn* turned to Robin, confusion on her features as she tried to piece together who was who. "That's Erica, Lucas Sinclair's younger sister. And the other's are Max, Dustin and Lucas." Robin explained.
"Right..." *yn* nodded as the names sparked recognition from when Robin had animately tried to explain every single event that had occurred in the last three years.
It was still almost impossible to get her head around that so many teenagers were involved in the cover up of the existence of an alternate dimension.
"Hello?" Erica called out once more when she didn't receive a response.
"It's *yn* *yln*!" Robin shouted back.
Erica rose a brow at the unfamiliar name, looking around at the others to see if they recognised it.
"Wait *yn* *yln* as in...." Lucas trailed off as he thought back to conversations with the basketball team. Her name had definitely been mentioned before.
"Valedictorian?" Lucas shouted back causing all eyes to fall on *yn*.
"Hopefully!" Was *yn*'s response as she watched the kids murmur amongst themselves.
"I'm sorry, who the hell is this?" Max asked.
"*yn* *yln* she's the editor of the school paper, on track to be valedictorian." Lucas answered. "The guys on the team talked about her sometimes." He hurriedly added when he saw the less than impressed look on Max's features.
"I'm sorry what the fuck is the valedictorian doing in the upside down?" Dustin exaserbated.
"Hey dweebs! Time for gossiping later, yeah?" Steve demanded as he glared up impatiently.
"Geez alright fine, not like I just saved your ass or anything." Dustin grumbled as he moved forward to grab the rope he'd made out of bedsheets.
"Get the mattress."
With that Max and Lucas hurried to grab the mattress they'd pulled from Eddie's room - bringing it out to lay directly underneath the gate.
"Those stains are um..." Eddie trailed off as he stared up at the mattress. "I don't know what those stains are."
Robin and *yn* exchanged amused glances as they watched Dustin stand above them, rope in hand.
"Not sure how these physics are gonna work but uh- here goes nothing." With that Dustin threw the rope through the gate.
The five watched as gravity kicked in and it hung down from the gate above them. Dustin gave it a tug, a grin spreading across his lips.
"And if my theory is correct...." with that he tentatively let go, the rope staying in place all by itself.
"These kids are way too smart for their own good." *yn* shook her head, completely mesmerised at the gravitational phenomenon that was occurring in front of them.
"You don't know the half of it." Steve remarked as he tugged on the rope to confirm that it was secure.
"This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my entire life." *yn* heard Erica say from above them.
She had to agree with that one.
"Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin spoke as she leapt up onto the rope, using her upper body strength to pull her up towards the hole. They watched with bated breath as she crossed through the gate, gravity suddenly pulling her down towards the mattress.
"Holy shit." Robin exclaimed as she slammed onto the mattress. "Thank god, that was fun." She chuckled as Dustin helped her up, relief flooding through the others at the sight of her smile.
The remaining four glanced around at each other, seeing who would go next.
"I'll go." *yn* offered when the other three stood silent and unmoving. She glanced up at the rope, gritting her teeth as she gripped the sheets firmly.
"Here goes nothing." She murmured before pulling herself up and wrapping her legs around the rope. She shimmied up, grimacing as she pulled herself up towards the gate.
The second her body left the upside down, gravity clung to her upper body, begging to drag her down onto the mattress. She squeezed her eyes shut and let go, letting gravity do its job as she felt her back hit the mattress with a thud.
"Jesus." *yn* chuckled breathlessly at the rush of adrenaline that pulsed through her. "That was fun." *yn* agreed as Robin extended a hand for her to take.
As she rose to her full height she glanced around to see four sets of eyes all staring back at her curiously.
"Hi." She smiled, "I'm *yn*."
"Yeah we heard." Max answered flatly.
"How the hell did you end up in the upside down?" Erica questioned.
"Incoming!" Eddie called out from above them before *yn* could answer. *yn* stepped out of the way just in time before Eddie came crashing down onto the mattress with a loud thud.
"That really is fun." He grinned, brushing his hair out of his face as *yn* bent down and offered her hand.
"Don't suppose we have time to go through those records now huh?" His eyes crinkled upwards as his smile widened at her response, his hand clasping over hers.
"Not a chance princess." The nickname made butterflies form in her stomach, her heart rate increasing as his thumb ghosted over the top of her hand and she realised how close they were standing together once he was on his feet.
"Uh..." Dustin's eyes darted between the pair his brow furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry what the hell have I missed here?"
*yn*'s lips parted in surprise when she realised that Dustin was talking about her and Eddie as he gestured between the two.
"Nancy!" Steve's unexpected and desperate shout made the seven of them pile onto the crowded mattress to look up, Dustin's question left abandoned.
*yn* stared up in horror at the sight of Nancy standing rooted in place, her eyes rolled back so far into her head that only the whites of her eyes were visible.
*yn* felt her heart pound against her ribcage as she glanced around the group, swallowing nervously before speaking.
"Is.. is that..."
Max nodded, confirming *yn*'s worst fears.
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I'm officially a *yn* and Eddie shipper hehhehe <3 and oooop *yn*'s met the gang now !!! As always, feedback would be super super appreciated and you can give it back HERE!
Tag list:
@easily-distracted-writer @ilostmysoulbruh @the-number7 @charliefox972 @mrsharringtonmunson @theravenclawlover @marianaa-mg @thescarlettvvitch @trikigirl271 @naughty-koala07 @will-on-the-internet @peachycupotea @kaishaj @not-a-sweet-but-a-sweater-girl @eddieskitty @idkimjustboredsohere @black-dhalias @catvader101 @natashaashleymarvelromanoff @gayfordabae @just-always-tired @reticent-writer @harryryles @faustlyaccused @alexandra-001
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trashpidgeon48 · 2 years
MMNI and Names
I noticed the other day that there are several names that are recycled frequently throughout all 51 mischief movie night ins so I went through the names and counted how many times each were used.
Top 3 most used names
Dan - 7
Paul, Samantha, Penelope, and Janine - 5
Micheal, Sampson, Jimmy, Susan, Jack, Gary, Stan, James, John, and Anna - 3 Full list under the cut
Drake - 1
Dan - 7
Joe - 2
Balise - 1
Mirabel - 2
Michael - 3
Igor - 1
Batly - 1
Es - 1 
Paul - 5
Ruth - 1
Keith - 1 
Sean - 1
Kristaal - 1
Damian - 1 
Samantha - 5
Fritz - 1
Arnold - 1
Gerri - 1
Julie - 1
Sampson - 3
Helen - 1
Colin - 1
Ben - 1
Henrietta - 2
Delta Von Tussel - 1
Trev - 1
Vanessa - 1
Kev - 1
Bev - 1
Giles - 1 
Nev - 1 
Jeffries - 2
Charlie - 2
Wycombe - 1
Penelope - 5
Wicks - 1
Celeste - 1
Jimmy - 3
Grimes - 1
Nathan - 1
Anne - 1
Marcus - 2
Bob - 2
Kyle - 1
Bobby - 2
Vivian - 1
Stevie - 2
Tony - 2
JR - 1
Celine - 1 
Randolph - 1
Susan - 3
Maria - 2
Ricky - 1
Clint - 1
Jack - 3
Elisa - 1
Shelly - 2 
Greg - 1
Benedict - 1
Janine - 5
Gary - 3
Gerald - 2
Claire - 1
Jessica - 2
Emile - 1
Julian - 1
Stan - 3
Melissa - 2
Suzanne - 2
Tom - 2
Busby - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Martin - 1
Jasper - 1
Petunia - 1
Sandra - 2
Haans - 1 
Bernie - 1
Clive - 1
Espanol - 1
Bod - 1
Beard - 1
Tim - 1
Doris - 1
Todd - 1
Arthur - 2
Lucrizieta - 1
Rambo - 2
Stitch - 2
Fergus - 1
Tommy - 2
Six - 1
Hendricks - 1
Eggbert - 1
Mischief - 1
Bigglesworth - 1
Shaggy - 1
Lenny - 1
Sam - 2
Fred - 1
Velma - 1
Margarite - 1
Jaconde - 1
Ruby doo - 1
Jason - 1
Lizzie - 1
Helga - 1
Jim - 1
Steve - 1
Mark - 1
Mike - 1
Raoul - 1
Clara - 1
Hope - 1
Benny - 1
Gilderoy - 2
Tracy - 1
Chris - 1
Terry - 1
Harold - 1
Johnny - 1
Michaela - 1
Ruffles - 1
Sparky - 1
Dame Frisky - 1
Diedre - 1
Martha - 2
Trevor - 1
Buttons - 1
Ronald - 1
Lucinda - 1
Jezebel - 1
Lionel - 1
Adelaide - 1
Jimbo Jumbo - 1
Joffrey - 1
Algenon - 1
Horatio - 1
Caleb - 1
Stone fist - 1
James - 3
Pameon - 1
Mori - 1
Tallulah ballulah - 1
Jane - 2
Cameron - 1
Willy Wonka - 1
Bertie - 2
Alfonz - 1
Griselda - 1
Percival - 1
Richard - 1
Rumpole - 1
Reginald - 1
Pauline -1
Jacob - 1
Mz - 1
Iain - 1
Clarice - 1
Jeepes - 1
Bill - 1
ASDA - 1
Oscar - 1
Cloud - 1
Smithers - 1
Vinnie - 1
Lucille - 1
Erik - 1
Becky - 1
Jethro - 1
Ron - 1
Billy - 1
Molly - 2
Walliam - 2
Karen - 1
Harry - 1
Shirley - 1
Barnaby - 1
Barbara - 2
Jeremy - 2
Federico - 1
Hugo - 1
Nelson - 1
Jinx - 1
Rebecca - 1
Petulia - 1
Crystal - 1
John - 3
Gina - 1
Michelle - 1
Sid - 1
Jillian - 2
Simon - 1
Ringo - 1
Marissa - 1
Jez - 1
Monica - 1
Romulus - 1
Bez - 1
Tarquin - 1
Miranda - 1
Louise - 1 
Anna - 3
Lilibel - 1
Caruthers - 1
Morecombe - 1 
H - 1
Freeze - 1
Jasmine - 1
High Q - 1 
Jemima - 1
Felix - 1
Felicity - 1
May - 1
Phil - 1
Ann - 1
Mabel - 1
Cilantro - 1
Jill - 2
Edwin - 1
Misty - 1
Jiminy - 1
David - 1
Ray - 1
Audrey - 1
Saul - 1
Denise - 1
Carl - 2
Nick - 1
Joanna - 1
Georgia - 1
Stephanie - 1
Jordan - 1
Sybil - 1
Mutant X - 1
Lawrence Dallaglio - 1
Andrew Garfield - 1
Jolene - 1
Jerry - 1
Cassandra - 1
Katie - 1
Jenny - 1
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expirisims · 11 months
Season of Love
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It’s still dark and my SP is sending me a ton of notifications!
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Two engagements and two more break ups! It’s about time is all I’ve got to say about Adriana and Jamie! 
If I remember correctly this is the only time they have broken up and Jamie is a dog! He’s had a fling with Harold and flirts consistenly with Christina. Adriana, you can do so much better!
I’m sad about Clark and Jess, especially with a little one on the way, but they seem to be on a schedule of breaking up and getting back together too.  We’ll see what the future holds.
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It’s Billy’s turn to get up with Forrest. Aww, some cute cuddle time!
And more notifications...
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Man, Looks like we won’t be playing through a wedding with these two, but I have to agree with the notification...about dang time!
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Oooh, things are heating up!
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Phew! Billy is a collector so I had him send off a bunch of his collectables to smelt and cut. They were running low on money between the mini makeover of their room and the money to have his collection processed, but it paid off! I think we can get Otis a condo before this season is done :)
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The sun is finally rising on day two! Marsha’s Bachelorette Party is tonight, and the Wedding is tomorrow! Hmm... the last bachelor party I was in round one, but it was a doozy! X) I think I’ll do something low key for Marsha, maybe at the winery with her bridesmaids and a few close friends. Okay, the guest list is: Rayne of course, Bridesmaids-Precious and a woman named Ariane Ajjanagadde (a townie who is Billy’s best friend), Sheree, Corinna, Adriana and Joanna.  We’ll see who shows up...
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thoraway125 · 2 years
almost every song Sara Quin has recommended
A Playlist
A Flock Of Seagulls- I Ran
Again Me!- Boyfriend
AHOHNI- Drone Bomb Me
Alex Lahey- You Don’t Think You Like People Like Me
Allison Crutchfield- Dean’s Room
Allison Weiss- Runaway
All Of This- Perera Elsewhere
ALMA- Chasing Heights
Alycia Keys- Try Sleeping with A Broken Heart
Ani DiFranco
Annie Lennox
An Horse
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion  
ASTR- Operate
Atari Teenage Riot
A Tribe Called Red- R.E.D
Austra- I Love You More Than You Love Yourself Babes in Toyland
Bancks- Gemini Feed
Baybee- Jay Som
Beach House- Sparks, Lemon Glow
Bebe Rexha- Meant to Be
Bec Sandridge- In the Fog, in the Flame
Ben Folds
Betty Who- You Can Cry Tomorrow
Beyonce- Lemonade
Bikini Kill
Billy Idol- Mony Mony 
Bleached- Wednesday Night Melody, Can You Deal?, Flipside
Bleachers- Don’t Take The Money
BLK- My Hood - Stormzy
Blood Orange- You're Not Good Enough, It Is What It Is 
Bob Marley
Body- Julia Jacklin 
Bone thugs and Harmony
Bon Jovi- wanted dead or alive, you give love a bad name 
Britta Phillips- Mistress America
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder, Almost Crimes Bruce Springsteen- Im on Fire, Dancing in the Dark, The River, Live 1975-85 (this particular version https://youtu.be/gg3DleXrT-o) Bryan Adams
Bjork- I've seen it all 
Buck 65- Square Two
Carrie Brownstein
Caribou- Can’t Do Without You
Cassie- Me & U
Chairlift- Romeo
Charli XCX- Track 10
Charlotte Day Wilson- Work
Chloe x Halle0 Drop
Christine and The Queens- iT, Saint Claude 
Chris Walla
Classixx- Borderline
City and Colour
Cold Specks
Collide- Krasnoyarsk
Corey Hart- Sunglasses At Night
Couer de Pirate
Cyndi Lauper- The Goonies Are Good Enough, Time After Time
Cypress Hill
Dallas Green
Death Cab for Cutie 
Debbie Wiseman- Wolf Hall
DEDE- Faultline (Single Edit)
Deradoorian- A Beautiful Woman
DIANA- Confession, Perpetual Surrender
Dinosaur Jr
DJDS- Trees On Fire
Dolly Parton
Drake- No Tellin Dream- Love/Hate
Diana- Perpetual Surrender
Electrelane - Rock It to the Moon, no shouts no calls
Empress Of- How Do You DO It
Emylia Argan
Eugene Francis Jnr
Everything but the Girl
Fatima Al Qadiri- Hip Hop Spa, Szechuan
Feist- Pleasure album
Fever Ray- Mustn’t Hurry
First Aid Kit
FKA Twigs- Good To Love
Four Tet
Francis and the Lights- May I Have This Dance
Frankie Cosmos- Sinister, Accommodation 
Frank Ocean Thinking About You
Friends- I'm His Girl 
FUN Fugazi
Future Islands- Ran
George Hill
Gilligan Moss- It Felt Right
Girlpool- Chinatown
Glass Animals
Gogol Bordello 
Green Day
Grimes- Flesh Without Blood
Grizzly Bear
HAIM- Want You Back
Halsey- Now Or Never
Hank Williams
Hannah Georgas- Don’t Go, Needed Me
Hayley Kiyoko- Girls Like Girls
Holly Miranda
Hot Hot Heat
IDER- Face On
Jack Johnson
James Ilha
Jamie xx- Girl
Japanese Breakfast- Machinist
Jeremih- Pass Dat
Joanna Newsom - Have One On Me 
John Hopkins- I remember
Johnny Cash
Joni Mitchell
John Hopkins- Abandon Window, I remember
Jonathan Coulton
Justin Bieber- Purpose, Runaway Love Justin Timberlake-  FutureSex/LoveSounds Kaki King
Kate Bush
Katy Perry- Chained To The Rhythm
Kathryn Bostic- Love Theme
Kelela- Rewind- Sporting Life Remix
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kelly Lee Owens- Birds
K.Flay- Black Wave
Kid Cudi- The Commander
Kieran Hebden & Steve Reid - The Exchange Session, Vol. 2
Kimya Dawson- So Nice So Smart
Kinnie Starr
KT Tunstall- Hard Girls
Kygo- It Ain’t Me (with Selena Gomez)
Kylie Minogue
Lapsley- Hurt Me
LCD Soundsystem- Tonite
Leonard Cohen- Came So Far For Beauty
Leo Kalyan- Fucked Up
Led Zeppelin
Light Asylum- Shallow Tears
Lily Allen 
Lorde- Green Light
Lou Reed- Satellite of Love
Lower Dens- To Die in LA, Real Thing
Lucius- My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve 
Lupa J- Numb
Neil Young
New Found Glory
New Kids on the Block
New Order
New Skin- Torres
No Shouts No Calls
Nick Jonas- Jealous
Nicolas Jaar- No
Night Terrors
Nothing to be Frightened of by Julian Barnes
Now Now
Madonna- Holiday
Majid Jordan (ft Drake)- My Love
Mapei- Don’t Wait
Mariah Carey
Matthew Dear
Melissa Etheridge
Mica Levi- Death
Michelle Branch- Hopeless Romantic
Mike Elizondo
Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain
Miriam Culter- Ethel Main Title
Montaigne- Because I Love You
Moonriser- I’m Not Something Special
Moses Sumney- Doomed
Mother Mother
MUNA- Winterbreak, I Know A Place, About You album
Mykki Blanco- Loner
My Bloody Valentine
My Midnight Heart
My So Called Life
Paramore- After Laughter, Told You So
Passion Pit
Paul Williams
Porches- Anymore, Be Apart
Partner Band- In Search of Lost Time
Patsy Cline
Pattern Against User 
Perera Elsewhere- All of This
Perfume Genius- Slip Away
Phantogram- Answer 
Pheonix- J-Boy
Phil Collins- Groovy Kind of Love
Post Pavillon
Prince- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red  Corvette
PWR BTTM- I Wanna Boi
Q Tip
Rachel Cantu
Rachel Portman- Vianne Sets Up Shop
Ra Ra Riot
RAY BLK- My Hood
REM- Sweetness
Ria Mae- Ooh Love
Richard Marx- Right here waiting
Rihanna- Russian Roulette, Umbrella, Higher, Love On The Brain
Robyn- Do it Again, Love is free (moon boots remix) 
Rolling Stones
Röysksopp- Something in my Heart
Rufus Wainwright
Ruth B- If This is Love Ryan Adams
Samphaaa- Process Album 
Sample- Blood on Me
Shamir- If It Wasn’t True 
Sharon Van Etten- Everytime The Sun Comes Up
Serena Ryder- Electric Love
Shura- What’s It Gonna Be?
Simple Minds- All The Things She Said
Sinead O’Connor
Siya- Automatic
Smashing Pumpkins- Siamese Dream
Snailmail- Thinning
SNAP!- Rhythm Is A Dancer - 7” Edit
SOHN- Hard Liquor
Solange- Mad
Spoon- They Way We Get By
Steel Train
Stevie Nicks
St. Vincent, Actor
Taylor Swift- 1989
Teenage Fanclub
The Bangles
The Beaches
The Black Keys
The Courtneys
The Cranberries- Dreams on My So Called Life
The Dream- Love Hate, Love vs Money
The Enemy- Bigger Cages, Longer Chains 
The Jezabels- Hurt Me
The Killers
The Lemon Twigs
The New Pornographers
Theophilus London
The Pretenders- 500 Miles The Police- Roxanne- I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man, Little Red Corvette The Ramones
The Reason
The Regrettes- Hey Now
The Rentals- The Man With Two Brains
The Replacements
The Smiths
The White Stripes
The xx- xx (2009), Say Something Loving
Thingamajig- Miya Folick 
Tracy Chapman- Fast Car
Tom Petty
Tom Cochrane
Tony Bennet
Too Attached 
Tove Styrke- Say My Name
Tragically Hip
Tribe Called Quest
U2 - Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horse
Us- Empress of
Vagabon- Fear & Force
Vector Xing- Bubble King
Vanbot- Collide, Krasnoyarsk, Not That Kind, Moscow Veckatimest Vivek Shraya- Part Time Woman
VHS or Beta
Violent Femmes 
Warpaint- Whiteout
Waxahatchee- Silver
When I’m with Him- Empress of
White Lung- Hungry. Kiss Me When I Bleed
Whitney houston- I look to you, million dollar bill, I will always love you
Wrabel- Bloodstain
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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wickfur · 2 years
Favorite childhood Characters - Art Challenge!
I have started an Art challenge for myself where I draw all my favorite characters from childhood. The series/Movies and characters aren't really in any specific time frame per se, so it's a bunch of shows I saw as a kid and young teen.
It's a pretty long list that might become longer as I remember more shows, movies and characters. So editing of the list is a big probability. 😊 ✅ + Strikethrough = Have Drawn * (Crush) = A Character I had a crush on as a kid.
Here is my current list of Characters:
A Goofy Movie - Roxanne (Crush)
American dragon: Jake Long - Jake Long
Atlantis - Princess Kida (Crush) & Audrey & Helga
Bakugan Battle brawlers - Masquerade & Shun Kazami & Julie Makimoto
Bayblade - Ray Kon
Bleach - Tōshirō Hitsugaya (Crush) & Grimmjow (Crush) & Shirosaki (Ichigo's Hollow)
Brandy & mr Whiskers - Brandy & Lola Boa & Ed
Brother Bear - kenai & Koda & Denahi & Tuck & tanana
Chip and dale Rescue rangers - Chip & Gadget
Codename: Kids Next Door - Numbuh Five✅ & numbuh Four
Code Lyoko - Odd & Yumi
Danny Phantom - Danny Phantom / Fenton✅
Detective Conan - Kudo Shinichi & Kuroba Kaito
Dink the little dinosaur - Scat & Shyler & Flapper
Digimon Adventure - Tai & Agumon
Digimon Data Squad - Marcus & Agumon / Keenan Crier & falcomon
Digimon Tamers - Rika Nonaka & Renamon & Gulimon
Digimon Adventure 2 - Kari & Gatomon / Digimon Emperor & Kimeramon
Dino Riders - Youngstar & Turret (Crush) & Rasp
Ed Edd & Eddie - Double D
Emperors New Groove / School - Kuzco & Malina
Extreme Dinosaurs - haxx✅
Fairly Odd Parents -  Timmy Turner & Cosmo & Wanda
Fillmore - Fillmore / Joseph
Gargoyles - Brooklyn
Kid vs Kat - kat
Kim Possible - Shego (Crush) & Kim Possible
Kung fu Panda 2008 - Tigress
Land Before Time - Chomper
Lilo & Stitch - Stitch
Lion King - Kovu & Nuka
Lloyd in Space - Lloyd
Meet the Robinssons - Wilbur
Metal fight Beyblade - Kyoya tatsumi
Monsters inc - Randall
Naruto / Naruto Shippuden - Gaara (crush) & Hidan & Deidara
Nascasr Racers - Carlos
One Piece - Trafalgar Law & Sabo
Pokemon - Mewtwo & Lugia
Quack Pack - Huey
Recess - Spinelli / Ashley
Road to Eldorado - Miguel
Sonic X - Sonic the hedgehog & Rouge & Topaz & Cosmo
Space Jam - Lola bunny (Crush)✅
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - Spirit
SWAT Cats - “Razor” Jake Clawson
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Donatelllo
The adventures of gummi bears - Augustus & Princess Calla & Gruffi & Cubbi
The Adventures of Zorro - Zorro & Tornado
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Jack O'Lantern
The hunchback of Notre dame - Esmeralda (Crush)
The Legend of Tarzan - Queen La (Crush)✅
The Rescuers Down Under - Jake & Joanna
Timon & Pumba/ Lion King - Timon
Treasure Planet - Jim & Amelia (Crush)
Troll Tales - Pigge
Winne the Pooh - Ior✅
Xiaolin Showdown - Jack Spicer
Yu-Gi-Oh - Yami Yugi
Yu-Gi-Oh GX - Jaden Yuki & Yubel
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s - Yusei Fudo & Crow Hogan
Characters I've drawn so far:
Space Jams - Lola Bunny (crush)
Code name: Kids Next Door - Numbuh Five
Danny Phantom - Danny Phantom
The Legend of Tarzan - Queen la (Crush)
Extreme Dinosaurs - Haxx
Winne the Pooh - Ior
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
From Wichita to Dodge City, to the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Wyatt Earp is taught that nothing matters more than family and the law. Joined by his brothers and Doc Holliday, Earp wages war on the dreaded Clanton and McLaury gangs.  Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Wyatt Earp: Kevin Costner Doc Holliday: Dennis Quaid Nicholas Earp: Gene Hackman James Earp: David Andrews Morgan Earp: Linden Ashby Ike Clanton: Jeff Fahey Josie Marcus: Joanna Going Sheriff Johnny Behan: Mark Harmon Virgil Earp: Michael Madsen Allie Earp: Catherine O’Hara Ed Masterson: Bill Pullman Big Nose Kate: Isabella Rossellini Bat Masterson: Tom Sizemore Bessie Earp: JoBeth Williams Mattie Blaylock: Mare Winningham Mr. Sutherland: James Gammon Frank McLaury: Rex Linn John Clum: Randle Mell Tom McLaury: Adam Baldwin Urilla Sutherland: Annabeth Gish Curly Bill Brocius: Lewis Smith Young Wyatt: Ian Bohen Virginia Earp: Betty Buckley Lou Earp: Alison Elliott Sherm McMasters: Todd Allen Francis O’Rourke: Mackenzie Astin Warren Earp: Jim Caviezel Mrs. Sutherland: Karen Grassle Frank Stillwell: John Dennis Johnston Sally: Téa Leoni Ed Ross: Martin Kove Bob Hatch: Jack Kehler Pete Spence: Kirk Fox Johnny Ringo: Norman Howell Marshal Fred White: Boots Southerland Indian Charlie: James ‘Scotty’ Augare Billy Clanton: Gabriel Folse Billy Claiborne: Kris Kamm Judge Spicer: John Lawlor John Shanssey: Michael McGrady Dr. Seger: Ben Zeller Stable Hand: Rockne Tarkington Mayor Wilson: David Doty Gyp Clements: Matt O’Toole Saddle Tramp: Brett Cullen Danny: Owen Roizman Gambler: Lawrence Kasdan McGee: Matt Beck Film Crew: Costume Design: Colleen Atwood Original Music Composer: James Newton Howard Producer: Kevin Costner Set Decoration: Cheryl Carasik Production Design: Ida Random Producer: Lawrence Kasdan Executive Producer: Charles Okun Director of Photography: Owen Roizman Producer: Jim Wilson Casting: Jennifer Shull Editor: Carol Littleton Art Direction: Gary Wissner Set Designer: Charlie Daboub Key Costumer: Barry Francis Delaney Set Designer: Barry Chusid Music Editor: Jim Weidman Supervising Sound Editor: Stu Bernstein Camera Operator: Ian Fox Executive Producer: Michael Grillo Hair Supervisor: Marlene D. Williams Assistant Art Director: Gershon Ginsburg Executive Producer: Dan Gordon Camera Operator: Bill Roe Foley: John Murray Script Supervisor: Anne Rapp Second Unit Director of Photography: Richard Bowen Set Designer: Tom Reta Dialogue Editor: Lewis Goldstein Executive Producer: Jon Slan Makeup Artist: Francisco X. Pérez Stunts: Gary McLarty Visual Effects Producer: Robert Stadd Chief Lighting Technician: Ian Kincaid Still Photographer: Ben Glass Dialogue Editor: James Matheny Costume Supervisor: Cha Blevins Foley: Dan O’Connell Property Master: William A. Petrotta Supervising Sound Editor: Robert Grieve Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Rick Kline Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin O’Connell Construction Coordinator: Greg John Callas Boom Operator: Joel Shryack ADR Supervisor: Jessica Gallavan Hairstylist: Elle Elliott Dialogue Editor: Alison Fisher Key Makeup Artist: Gerald Quist Makeup Supervisor: Michael Mills ADR Editor: Joe Dorn Supervising Dialogue Editor: Bobby Mackston Key Costumer: Ruby K. Manis Key Grip: Tim Ryan Location Manager: Paul Hargrave Key Hair Stylist: Dorothy D. Fox Steadicam Operator: Rusty Geller ADR Editor: Stephen Janisz Rigging Gaffer: Kim Kono Dolly Grip: David L. Merrill Costume Supervisor: Le Dawson Key Costumer: James M. George Casting Associate: Phil Poulos Casting Associate: Elizabeth Shull Movie Reviews: GenerationofSwine: Tombstone was a different beast, and that sort of overshadows this, given that one tries to be more accurate and the other goes for entertainment. Take Wyatt Earp as a biopic and it is a superb and fair film. Compare it to Tombstone which was more of a Western and it’s lacking the flair. However, it ends abruptly, and it is miscast. Cosner (and i am a fan) doesn’t really make a good Earp. Dennis Quaid who I am also a fan of, doesn’t make a good Doc. This was 1994, in the 80s I might have a dif...
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multitudecontainer420 · 4 months
discovery - daft punk, random access memories - daft punk, cross - justice, the velvet underground & nico - the velvet underground, bjork, strawberry switchblade - s/t, klaus nomi - s/t, joanna newsom, spring session m - missing persons, the buggles - the age of plastic, visions - grimes, Geidi Primes - Grimes, hawkwind - s/t, boston - boston, don't look back - boston, out of the blue - electric light orchestra, time - electric light orchestra, halmens, radio fantasy - ippu-do, tadaima - akiko yano, take me home - cher, freedom of choice - devo, milk man - deerhoof, apple o - deerhoof, tomoko aran, Cymbals, fleet foxes - s/t, when the red king comes - elf power, mind how you go - the advisory circle, Fiona apple, stereolab, the 5000 spirits or the layers of the onion - the incredible string band, janelle monae, emotion - carly rae jepsen, kala - m.i.a., talking heads, palm grease - herbie hancock, nothing to fear - oingo boingo, dead man's party - oingo boingo, river of dreams - billy joel, tropico - pat Benatar, pamyu pamyu revolution - kyary pamyu pamyu, halcali bacon - halcali, a flock of seagulls - s/t, asia - s/t, Astra - asia, melodies memories - dorian, abraxas - santana, supernatural - santana, the low spark of high heeled boys - traffic, daniel johnston, jad fair, half japanese, whatever- aimee mann, I'm with stupid - aimee mann, hot sauce committee pt 2 - beastie boys, the charm of the highway strip - the magnetic fields, a few small repairs - shawn colvin, loveless - my bloody valentine, screamadelica - primal scream, the low end theory - a tribe called quest, are you experienced - the jimi hendrix experience, 3 feet high & rising - de la soul, flower boy - tyler the creator, call me if you get lost the estate sale - tyler the creator, lush - snail mail, return to the 36 chambers the dirty version - ol dirty bastard, tender trap- s/t, pink hearts yellow moons - dressy bessy, remission - mastodon, leviathan - mastodon, once more round the sun - mastodon, astro lounge - smash mouth, odelay - beck, three imaginary boys - the cure, wish - the cure, fantasma - Cornelius, sensuous - Cornelius, cibo matto, takako minekawa, pram, rid of me- pj harvey, to bring you my love - pj harvey, horses - patti smith, i love rock n roll - joan jett & the blackhearts, up your alley - joan jett & the blackhearts, swamp Ophelia - indigo girls, the go-go's, tragic Kingdom - no doubt, garbage - s/t, world Clique - deee-lite, towa tei, meet the supremes - the supremes, supremes a go go - the supremes, leader of the pack - the Shangri-las, midnite vultures - beck, another green world - brian eno, finding shore - brian eno & tom Rogerson, Tudo Foi Feito Pelo Sol - Os Mutantes, Gal Costa - Gal Costa, Wave - Antonio Carlos Jobim, tmbg, Psychic Chasms - Neon Indian, Bouncing off the Satellites - the B-52's, Radio - L. L. Cool J, Ghost In The Machine - the Police, Making Movies - Dire Straits, Delicate Sound of Thunder - Pink Floyd, Tracy Chapman - s/t, hyperspace - beck, schmilco - wilco, Technique - New Order, bloom - beach house, AM - Arctic monkeys, The Colour and the Shape - Foo Fighters, The Who Sell Out - The Who, Burning for You - The Strawbs, Full Circle - The Doors, i want more - can, the raincoats s/t, shonen knife - candy rock, shonen knife - genki shock, touch - Eurythmics, i will catch u - nokko, secrets of the beehive - david sylvian, japan - gentleman take polaroids, sweet revenge - ryuichi sakamoto, Hidari Ude No Yume - ryuichi sakamoto, philharmony - haruomi hosono, paraiso - haruomi hosono, s-f-x haruomi hosono, The Man In The Dark Sedan - Snakefinger, Manual of Errors - Snakefinger, Stairway To Hell / Sex Is No Emergency - Monte Cazazza, Ignobles Limaces - Ptôse, Memorial Hits - The Residents, What's That Noise? - Coldcut, People Hold On - Coldcut, Weird Feelings - The Weird Weeds, Arrest - Powerdove, To Be Free - Gary Hassay + Paul Rogers, Broods - Fat Worm Of Error, The Tunes of Two Cities - The Residents,
tango in the night - Fleetwood mac, then play on - Fleetwood mac, welcome plastics - plastics, juicy fruits, jill sobule - s/t, Beauty and the Beat - Edan, The Ecstatic - Mos Def, Fear of the Unknown - Martin Briley, Pandemonium Shadow Show - Harry Nilsson, Aerial Ballet - Harry Nilsson, ai no poltergeist - mayumi kojima, there is no other - isobel Campbell, amorino - isobel Campbell, Elephant Mountain - The Youngbloods, Their Satanic Majesties Request - the Rolling Stones, yesterday and today - the beatles, after you left - mirah, Schizophrenia - Wayne Shorter, wataru takada, Gilberto Gil - Gilbert Gil (1968), Caetano Veloso - Caetano Veloso (1967), Caetano Veloso - Estrangeiro, Os Mutantes - Os Mutantes, geek the girl - Lisa Germano, It's After the End of the World - Sun Ra, Solo Piano Venice 1977 - Sun Ra, Song of Innocence - David Axelrod, Recurring - Spacemen 3, Domine Libera Nos - The Space Lady, A Monastic Trio - Alice Coltrane, Getz/Gilberto, Very - Pet Shop Boys, Breaking Atoms - Main Source, Me Me Me - Air Miami,, Miracle - Amii Ozaki, Make More Noise! Women in Independent Music UK 1977-1987, Thanks for the Music - Citrobal, Steppin - the Pointer Sisters, Illuminations - Buffy Sainte-Marie, Sharp - Angela Winbush, wave - anri, Belinda - Belinda Carlisle, single life - cameo, kissing to be clever - culture club, robyn - honey, klymaxx, Marshall Crenshaw - s/t, Computer Games - George Clinton, the key - joan armatrading, Dirty Work - The Rolling Stones, Quatermass s/t, I Robot - The Alan Parsons Project, the cars - complete greatest hits, Hard Nose the Highway - Van Morrison, A Night at the Opera - Queen, Don't Look Back - Boston, shiina Ringo, jun togawa guernica, go-bang's, radiator music - mark beyer, tokyo reggae clash - v.a., reggae christmas - v.a., drive to heaven - v.a., ABQ =/= LAX - v.a., Rodan - Sato Michihiro, i feel for you - chaka khan, stronger than pride - sade, i just can't stop it - the english beat, top gear - television personalities, don't cry baby.... it's only a movie - television personalities, the orange juice - orange juice, volume contrast brilliance - the monochrome set, what a whopper - the monochrome set, mark Robinson teen beat records, k records, nick cave, lene lovich, sopor aeternus, karia nomoto, kyoko Koizumi, akiko wada, meiko kaji, blancmage - happy families
0 notes
slowlyhauntedcowboy · 5 months
(FANMADE) Love & Hip Hop: Los Santos Cast Members
- La Perversa (rapper)
- Yailin la Mas Viral (rapper)
- Carl Johnson (of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
- Franklin Clinton (of Grand Theft Auto V)
- Ursula (of Grand Theft Auto V)
- Ice Cube (rapper) *SPECIAL GUEST*
- Sukihana (rapper)
- Samuel L Jackson (actor) *SPECIAL GUEST*
- Ashley Butler (Sukihana's Best Friend Forever)
- Maria Latore (Sukihana's Friend)
- Liz Macallen (Franklin's Ex)
- Tanisha Jackson (Franklin's Girlfriend)
- Big Smoke (Carl's Friend)
- Madd Dogg (rapper/of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
- OG Loc (rapper/of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)
- Joseline Hernandez
- Jhonni Blaze
- Just Brittany
- Mario D'Leon (actor)
- Trieste Kelly Dunn (actress)
- Angelina Jolie (actress)
- Tommy Vercetti (of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)
- Donald Love (of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories) *CAMEO APPEARANCE*
- Andraya (stripper)
- Daisy (stripper/rapper)
- Steven Ogg (actor) *CAMEO APPEARANCE*
- Tracey De Santa (of Fame or Shame)
- Amanda De Santa (Tracey's Mom)
- Billie (Tracey's Stalker)
- Katsuki, Ryan, Jason, and Slenderman (Billie's friends)
- Cheetah (stripper)
- Honey Cocaine (rapper)
- Sapphire (stripper)
- Luis (Vagos member)
- José (Luis' Father)
- Princess Georgina
- Ari Fletcher (social media star)
- Lo London (of Bad Girls Club)
- Rynda
- Kate McReary
- Lamar Davis (Franklin's Friend)
- Stretch
- D
- Tonya
- Nikki (stripper)
- Kiki Jenkins
- Poppy Mitchell
- Jenna
- Ashley
- Vito Scaletta (of Mafia)
- KaMillion (rapper)
- Milan Christopher (rapper)
- Erica
- Princess Nokia (rapper)
- Katsuki's Mom
- Billie's Mom
- Halle Berry (actress)
- Ariel (model)
- Sasha (actress)
- Jelaminah Lanier (of Bad Girls Club)
- Megan Thee Stallion (rapper)
- Andrea
- Joanna (Cheetah's Friend)
- MC Lyte (rapper)
- Ace Hood (rapper)
- T-Bone
- Paige
- Trevor (José's Son & Luis' Brother)
- Asia
- Haddaway (singer)
- Kat St. John (rapper)
- Playboy X (of Grand Theft Auto IV)
- Dwayne (of Grand Theft Auto IV)
0 notes
waltzforaidan · 6 months
Top 2023
Kara Jackson - Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?
ANOHNI - My Back Was a Bridge For You To Cross
Titanic - Vidrio
PJ Harvey - I Inside The Old Year Dying
Mitski - The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We boygenius - boygenius
Noname - Sundial
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
Sufjan Stevens - Javelin
Amor Muere - A time to love, a time to die
Julie Byrne - The Greater Wings
Corinne Bailey Rae - Black Rainbows
Liturgy - 93696
Kelela - Raven
Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want To Turn Into You
Fever Ray - Radical Romantics
Lana del Rey - Did you know there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
Water From Your Eyes - Everyone’s Crushed
Kali Uchis - Red Moon in Venus
Jessie Ware - That! Feels! Good!
jaimie branch - Fly or Die Flyr Or Die Fly or Die (World War)
Avalon Emerson - & The Charm
bar italia - Tracey Denim/The Twits
Joanna Sternberg - I’ve Got Me
L’Rain - I Killed Your Dog
Yaeji - With a Hammer
Arooj Aftab, Vijay Iyer, Shahzad Ismaily - Love in Exile
Amaarae - Fountain Baby
Tirzah - trip9love..???
Angel Bat Dawid - Requiem for Jazz
Cloth - Secret Measure
Genevieve Artadi - Forever Forever
Slow Pulp - Yard
Mandy, Indiana - i’ve seen a way
Allegra Krieger - I Keep My Feet on the Fragile Plan
Billy Woods & Kenny Segal - Maps
Parannoul - After the Magic
yeule - Softscars
Model/Actriz - Dogsbody
slowthai - UGLY
Bruise and Bicycle - Holy Red Wagon
Lonnie Holley - Oh Me Oh My
100 gecs - 10,000 gecs
Yves Tumor - Praise a Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consumer; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)
deathcrash - LESS
The Clientele - I Am Not There Anymore
Masego - MASEGO
Brandee Younger - Brand New Life
Olivia Rodrigo - GUTS
Feist - Multitudes
Jana Horn - The Window Is The Dream
Marina Herlop - Nekkuja
feeble little horse - Girl with Fish
Carly Rae Jepsen - The Loveliest Time
Lil Yachti - LET’S START
Slowdive - everything is alive
Anjimile - The King
Lamp of Murmuur - Satuarnian Bloodstorm
Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
Pinkpantheress - Heaven Knows
Live.e - Girl in the Half Pearl
Meerna - So Far So Good
Yazmin Lacey - Voice Notes
Laufey - Bewitched
Janelle Monáe - The Age of Pleasure
Sweeping Promises - Good Living is Coming For You
Nourished By Time - Erotic Probiotics 2
Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy
Gaika - Drift
Margaret Glaspy - Echo the Diamond
Jamila Woods - Water Made Us
Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World
Marnie Stern - Comeback Kid
Speedy Ortiz - Rabbit Rabbit
Mckinley Dixon - Beloved! Paradise! Jazz?!
James Blake - Playing Robots Into Heaven
Alice Longyu Gao - Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn and Retire
Cécile McLorin Salvant - Mélusine
Laurel Halo - Atlas
Alan Palomo - World of Hassle
Gia Margaret - Romantic Piano
Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit
Juan Wauters - Wandering Rebel
Raye - My 21st Century Blues
MSPAINT - Post-American
Militarie Gun - Life Under The Gun
Gorgeous - Sapsucker
Ratboys - Ratboys
Hotline TNT - Carthweel
Mary Jane Dunphe - Stage of Love
Jonny Nash - Point of Entry
André 3000 - New Blue Sun
Youth Lagoon - Heaven is a Junkyard
Sen Morimoto - Diagnosis
Rid of Me - Access To The Lonely
Vanishing Twin - Afternoon X
U.S.Girls - Bless This Mess
Luiza Lian - 7 estrelas / quem arrancou o céu?
Ava Rocha - NEKTAR
FBC - O Amor, O Perdão e a Tecnologia Irão Nos Levar Para Outro Planeta
cabezadenego - Mimosa
Rodrigo Ogi - Aleatoriamente
Loreta Colucci - Antes que eu caia
Polara - Partilha
Ana Frango Elétrico - Me Chama de Gato Que Eu Sou Sua
Lê Almeida - I Feel in the Sky
Jards Macalé - Coração Bifurcado
gueersh - Tempo Elástico
Mateus Fazeno Rock - Jesus Ñ Voltará
Fleezus - Off Mode
Carla Boregas - Pena ao Mar
Ítallo - Tarde no Walkíria
Idlibra - Muganga
Tori - Descese
Ema Stoned - Devaneio
Sophia Chablau e Uma Enorme Perda de Tempo - Música do Esquecimento
Crypta - Shades of Sorrow
0 notes
junetwilight · 3 years
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- Why are you making this so hard? - Joanna... - This is the only way that she’ll know what she’s done.  - Joanna, you are not thinking clearly.  - I am not crazy, Billy! Stop making me feel like I’m crazy! 
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rosethorn108 · 4 years
Burden of truth 3x01
waited three seasons for this:
proper billy and joanna moments
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merydelena91 · 4 years
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“Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge... Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried."
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serena-waldorf · 4 years
The ending of season 2 of Burden of Truth omg 😍💕😭😊😍❤️💕
If y'all know me, you know I'm a sucker for two lawyers in love hahaha.
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