#job woes
mimikoflamemaker · 3 months
Keep your fingers crossed for me - I moved to the next level of interviewing on the job I really counted for :)
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room-on-broom · 22 days
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geminiagentgreen · 4 months
Odd day today
Communication from Foreman is nonexistant save the sole morning message.
I show up to work today late due to persistent stomach bug, story of my life.
Get to jobsite, no Foreman. Rest of crew is busy picking up trash.
Genuinely cool to see them take initiative.
Hour at most goes by, still no communication, not even chief supervisor is accessible.
Everyone else leaves.
I stuck around, went by our office to scope out if any men in charge were there.
Yes. Chief supervisor.
Leave office, grab breakfast, call CS, inevitably let him know everyone else left as I'm trying to find something else to do for work.
CS says meet up with steel guys and help them out.
Head over to steel team.
Dirt ramp leading to where I need to go is wet and muddy, and I drive a sedan.
Can't find dry alternative to get where I need to go.
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Really missing my last job right now.
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fusion-ego · 1 year
✮ Update ✮
✮ Despite my best efforts, it seems like we won't be starting to save up for our move until next month - storms don't care about your attempts to move away from the areas they affect, as it happens. We had a huge storm on July 1 that knocked out power in most of our town and did massive structural damage to multiple buildings, and we ended up having to dig into our rent fund to buy a power inverte to charge our phones until the power came back on some time the following afternoon. Ran us a good $90, if I recall. Gross.
✮ That said, we're getting closer to the day that my mom quits her job and she and my dad high-tail it to Arizona so they can live without any kids or other relatives for the first time. This is important because, well, I'm fully qualified for her job, and we're plotting so that I can get my application for it in as soon as she puts in her notice. For one, it would get me back on day shift (something I've realized I prefer for full-time work), and for two it pays at least $3/hour more than what I'm making now. Win/win, if I get hired, with the bonus of "people there love my mom" and "her boss likes me and knows my work ethic due to being one of my supervisors at the shelter last year" helping my chances.
✮ I haven't gotten my commissions posts updated yet, but I'm doing a major overhaul on my commission info. Prices are changing and "priority" commissions will probably end up being pricier than they were in the past. I'll also be offering "expedited" commissions, which will not only receive highest priority, but will be completed much quicker than others. However, unlike priority commissions (which are available no questions asked), we'll have to discuss if an expedited commission is possible at the time we start working out the details!
✮ I've said it before, but I'll say it again here - this year is the year that I'm Really Obnoxious About My Original Content, so that's something you should be looking out for. Among the things I may post about are my novel series Manipulatore, the unfinished novel An Uneasy Alliance and its prequel comic King-Killer, and my webcomic Where Dreamers Dare Not Tread.
✮ That's all for now! ✮
Current Savings: $0
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nerdfins · 1 year
I wish getting a job was as easy as The Sims makes it look. Click computer > Click Careers > Click "Join a Career."
Boom. Employed. Rake in the Simoleons.
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desdinonniying · 2 years
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Zhere was a graduation today. I was invited. I was not particularly close to zhese boys. Last spring, zhere was a graduation and I was not invited, but I was quite close to two of za zhree boys. I was overlooked and was za only one available to sit in a classroom wizh and manage za mood of a student who hates me and groans in anger and disgust upon seeing me.
Was today reparations? Fuck no. Zhis job doesn't do reparations.
Context: IRL I work at a non-profit private school funded by the state and public schools for children and young adults up to the age of 22 on the autism spectrum or with similar disorders. The semester a student turns 22, we hold a graduation.
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oh-nostalgiaa · 1 year
okay okay could use assistance with looking over and perhaps editing the newest iteration of my resume. for someone who thinks she's good with words, trying to figure out the most attractive way to describe job duties is fucking terrible.
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bermudianabroad · 2 years
Absolutely bottled the interview yesterday. Rambled through the questions, didn’t sell my skills, just made a hash of the tasks they set me to do, went over the allotted time by double what was suggested I’d need.
Just so so angry with myself. First time I’ve gotten as far as this and I just….blew it.
Extra annoying that I can see with eagle eyed clarity exactly WHERE I went wrong and what I should have said but hey.
Staircase spirits.
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mimikoflamemaker · 7 months
Ha, ha it looks like I skirted around the topic so long that things have come to drive me up the wall and force a decision from me
I feel like I want to cry, but also am too tried/angry too.
I know that I am barely more valuable than a desk chair in the coroprate world, but part of my stupid self thought that 8 years meant something.
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blorgbleg · 6 months
As someone who calls medical facilities all day I am proposing that all hold music is replaced with The Girl from Ipanema. I just need it to all be the same so my brain tunes it out please.
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anonymousdormhacks · 7 months
The way I complete tasks and a formal timesheet are two things that can be so incompatible
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fusion-ego · 1 year
♠ Update ♠
♣ We're not going to get into everything that's happened lately because there has been. A lot. But rest assured I have been clashing with my landlady and I am now suitably ready to straight up live in my car if I have to to get out from under her. This woman texted me, an overnight worker, at 11am to tell me "I know you are flat broke until payday, but you need to borrow money from someone and do your laundry. Also do it somewhere else," which is. Honestly only the second most infuriating thing she's ever done.
♣ My parents have a date set for their move! Mom has put in her notice at her job, and I've put in my application for the position. Chances are high that between my connections within the company and my professional references, not to mention my actual qualifications, I may actually get the job. Stoked if so, understand if not. This has been in the works since Wednesday.
♣ In a similar vein, after the "you need to borrow money from someone to do laundry" fiasco, wherein I was a lot less gracious than usual to my landlady, I was so upset and ready to leave that I started applying for jobs in Arizona that I was qualified for. I expected to hear nothing back from any of them. ... Well. Until I got an email from one of them today asking to set up a time to call and talk about the job some more, that is.
♣ It's practically the same work I was doing when I started out actually working at my current workplace, just... You know. For a minimum of $6/hour more than I was making at the time. I'm fully qualified and have experience, so the only real obstacle is having to pack up and move way sooner than I intended to. But, also, if I can get the job, you can bet your ass that I'd break my lease in a heartbeat and stiff my landlady on rent for the month to make it happen. We find out Monday or Tuesday if that's what's gonna happen! Much like the job here in town, I'll be stoked if I get it, but I'll understand if not. After all - they'd be looking at two weeks minimum for me to serve out a two weeks notice here at my current job, plus an extra three days to drive down there.... But even though I'm trying hard to be logical about it, I'm hoping this is the job I get, of the two I'm gunning for.
♣ I'm going to start posting fic updates here again! I don't much feel like listing out the names for every single fic I may be updating, so if you don't care about my writing and don't wanna see update posts for that stuff, the tag to blacklist is '#fic update'. In general a fic update post won't contain the body of the fic at all, just a link and the basic information, plus necessary tags.
♣ Again!! I will be posting original creative project stuff! Remember to either blacklist or follow the tags, '#Manipulatore Series', '#King-Killer (Comic)'/'#An Uneasy Alliance (Novel)', and '#WDDNT'/'#Where Dreamers Dare Not Tread', depending on your preferences.
♣ That's All For Now! ♣
Current Savings: $150
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Well my company announced they will be doing a second wave of layoffs, looking like a 5-8% workforce reduction. Can I survive a second round? When I haven't been busy in the last few weeks? What's even better is it's not coming for another entire quarter. So... do I just vibe and wait? Do I try and job search while knowing I might not lose my job and not be available?
Because other than this... weirdly consistent possibility of job loss I actually LOVE this job. My team is amazing, my boss is amazing, the work I do is actually the closest I can get to being a positive impact on the world while still doing marketing and design and make reasonable pay. It just fucking sucks that this is the second round of these in less than a year, and I've only been here a year. I know the economy is in a funky place but do I believe it will get better enough that I won't be super stressed continually?
The funniest part is that the same day I found out about the imminent future layoffs my old coworker reached out to me to check-in. He wants to poach me so badly. And I really liked working with him and I think he would be a great boss. I would be in a really good spot to stay comfortable as far as job security if I did switch and the timing and everything worked out. But the work is one of the least fulfilling I could do. Pros and cons.
But for now there aren't any decisions to be made. I'll keep talking to old coworker and see if that's even a possibility and stay open and up front with them. And see if I do end up no longer working at my current job in a few months I guess. Just get to be stressed about it in the meantime :(
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pookajellyfish · 2 years
Me: I mean, I don’t know what they expect me to do for them.
Coworker: You mean you’re NOT a magical unicorn?
Me: No, I’m a pissed off donkey with a machete attached to its forehead.
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anxiousangerball · 2 years
We are prepping for our Open Enrollment for 2023 benefits. The sessions open on Monday. (It is currently Thursday)
We have just learned that one of the products we will be offering isn't for all of our staff, but only those in a particular state.
Our benefits manager is about to meltdown and I think our VP is about to be murdered. RIP, I guess.
So...my day is...uh...going.
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litlecreacher · 2 years
not a coworker venting to me about another coworker over the fact that the person they were complaining about was requesting Basic Accommodations and expressing how they are Struggling because we are licherally super understaffed rn
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