drmonkeysetroscans · 3 months
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The source of all evil in the world.
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strangedramacandy · 8 months
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"Apologizing" to Gwen
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starstriix · 2 months
Jo's dynamics with other characters are all usually fun and engaging due to her being such an entertaining and adaptable character herself; but they can honestly be so much more interesting if people explored them a bit more?
For example, take Jo and Lightning. They have a hilarious dynamic with Jo having to deal with Lightning's stupidity and learning to manipulate his self-centeredness to her advantage. Except one thing I don't see explored enough is their similarities??
They're both overconfident athletes who are willing to do bad shit in order to win. It makes me think that Jo might’ve had a similar upbringing to him where she had to deal with the pressure of winning? Like, a cut-throat attitude doesn't just develop out of nowhere. Except whilst I think Lightning's ego developed from being constantly praised (and eventually pressured with having to live up to others' expectations), Jo might’ve been constantly belittled and underestimated (for yknow, being a girl) and she would've had to work hard to achieve recognition from others. Episode 6 pretty much confirms that she uses a false bravado and anger to cover up feelings of insecurity. I just think their possibly similar yet different upbringings and perspectives would be cool to explore.
Jo and Zoey is one of my favourite duos! They definitely should've become friends; I think they would've been a fun dynamic, and gen 2 could've used a proper female friendship. I think them both having the "Not like other girls" aspect is quite interesting?? As well as them both initially lacking actual friendships (with Zoey's lonely childhood, and Jo's... Just Jo) which is. Pretty common amongst the gen 2 girls. Huh
Zoey could've been a MUCH more interesting character (I always just use the cool epic version of her I have inside my head). Let her be weirdddd or let her be super basic and intentionally pose as "indie" to seem cool and different. Maybe she looks down on other "basic" girls to cover up how she feels insecure around them for being weird and having unconventional interests herself idk. I think the dynamic of both Zoey and Jo hating on pretty, popular girls and overcoming that is super neat. Especially since they're both something that the other hates; Zoey is a typically feminine girl and Jo is a jockette. Let them become friends and be like "okay well you aren't so bad" and then eventually stop judging other girls for being "feminine" or "basic" pleaseeeee it'd be so good. Even better: let ALL the revenge girls be friends. I just want them to be happy OKAY? Okay.
Finally, Jo and Cameron! Another duo I'm fond of. Awesome brains/brawns combination, and the whole arc of Cam standing up to her and Jo respecting him for it is absolutely peak. Jo's elimination in roti was pretty much perfect, but I also think she could've worked well in the finale. Her being a combination of brains and brawns would have encouraged Cameron to use both, which would be a neat callback to Jo's earlier line of needing to get physical in TD. (Still think she should've rooted for Cameron over the guy who insisted that she was a dude for most of the season but whatever)
I haven't really seen this take on their dynamic, but the whole thing of Cameron's development being stunted from the over-protective environment of his upbringing and Jo being toughened by the harsh environment of hers adds a fascinating layer to their relationship. Whereas Cameron was prevented from being able to properly grow up and experience things like normal teens, Jo grew up way too soon and put more focus into winning than making positive relationships and allowing herself to just be a teenage girl (I personally believe Jo got the """tough love""" treatment). Idk I just think this would be cool to delve into and see how their opposite childhoods impacted them and their core values when interacting with each other
Cameron clearly saw her as both a role model and an opponent, which is a really fun dynamic! She was a bully, yeah, but she also presented herself as someone who was always in control and knew what she was doing, so it's understandable that Cam looked up to her. She was pretty much the opposite of overprotective too, which is probably what drew Cam to her since she didn't coddle him (and instead made fun of him LMAO). And of course, Jo learned to not underestimate the tiny nerds and gave her respect in the end. Super fun and intriguing duo, and probably the only td pair I would actually compare to siblings.
So yeah basically I think we should start looking into TD relationship dynamics more because they're awesome and filled with potential. Especially Jo's because she is the best ever and if you think otherwise then you're wrong
Also have a gold star if you just read through all of that ⭐️ great work soldier
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same-name-supremacy · 8 months
Opal- The Funniest Girl around
Glenn- The Loner
Heath- The Ringleader
Danika- The Delinquent
Leshawn- The Brother with the ‘Tude
Ginnifer- The Party Girl
DJ- The Sweetheart
Lincoln- The Dumb Prince
Bryson- The Surfer Guy
Trin- The Cool Girl
Harriet- The Dweeb
Corey- The Type-A
Seth- The Geek
Jody- The Wannabe
Issac- The Psycho hose Beast
Taylor- The Jockette
Sam- The Boy next Doors friend
Kam- The Boy next Door
Justine- The Eye Candy
Noelle- The Schemer
Evan- The Bully
Elizabeth- The Homeschooled Girl
Alejandra- The Archvillainess
Simon- The Obsessive Uber fan
Yeah I swapped some of the labels around. So uh YEAH
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kpchrs · 8 months
What exactly does Eddie say/think in the part about Chrissy being “boring”? Can you post and excerpt? Idk if people are exaggerating about it
Oh my, an ask from Hellcheer side for me. What a nice surprise!
(The first one I got was an anti... Ugh, who cares about them lol)
Okay, let me copy and paste it for you! ...It's not illegal right?
Flight of Icarus - Chapter 5 (Obviously Spoiler Alert)
Chrissy Cunningham. The name comes to me in a rush, now that there’s a spark of something beyond cowed compliance in her face. Chrissy Cunningham. She’s just a sophomore, but everyone with a working brain cell knows she’s the rising queen of Hawkins High. I’m used to seeing her as just some cutout of a cheerleader, all perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect everything. It’s such a fundamentally uninteresting package that my brain just kind of skips over her, yawning at her existence.
Yeah, so. In my opinion, his thinking of Chrissy as boring is a great summary of this paragraph. But you can think on your own!
But I'll give a little bonus, this is right after the above paragraph:
But there’s another Chrissy Cunningham. I just hadn’t thought she’d survived the jump to high school. I hadn’t thought she’d even existed outside the boundaries of the Hawkins Middle auditorium. [...the long excerpt of middle school talent show flashback I can't possibly copy-paste here...] I’d thought the last four years had stamped out any trace of the unsettled, imperfect, approachable Chrissy Cunningham. But maybe I was wrong.
So this is why I think maybe Eddie thought Chrissy had gone into the dark, conformity side and just decided to forget about her cus...she's not...worth it...? Damn, his rock-solid prejudiced worldview in this book. I don't wonder why some people reject this. But right at that moment, when Chrissy tries to stop the jocks from bullying Gareth, he realises that Chrissy doesn't change and is not the typical jockette he thought she'd become.
This reminds me of an essay about Eddie that his going to the Upside Down is the moment when his worldview truly goes upside down, with Steve, Nancy, and Robin being not like his first thought. He realises that he IS someone who boxes them in roles too in the first place and that's no different than the conformity he always rejects.
If I truly use this book's interpretation then maybe up until that point, Chrissy is the only outlier in his worldview. An exception to his rule. Only Chrissy.
That's quite romantic, I think? lol
*shrug* Whether people accept this characterisation of Eddie or not doesn't really matter to me. I think the variety of opinions is great! I enjoy many interpretations in the fandom, and this is one interpretation that, okay, maybe not as romantic as I'd like but I really enjoy it nonetheless.
I need to decide my own interpretation of Eddie myself, because my interpretation right now is based on a hundred fanfics, a few essays, and one watch of S4, but so far...I don't mind the book's characterisation.
But that's only me. I haven't read beyond Chapter 6 lol
Thank you for the ask!
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totaldramedy · 2 years
if they make another season of RR Jo and Lightning have GOT to be a team
jock and jockette!
judging from their interactions in ROTI, it's gonna be a hilarious dynamic. would love to see it
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duncankinnie · 2 years
have a randomized cast/role swap AU. every choice was made by a randomizer wheel so yell at it not me <3
Introduced in Total Drama Island:
Emma - The Country Girl (Rodney's archetype)
Ella - The Wannabe (Beth's archetype)
Rock - The Bully (Eva's archetype)
Mickey - The LARPer (Leonard's archetype)
Sam - The Loner (Gwen's archetype)
Katie - The Athletic Overachiever (Lightning's archetype)
Dave - The Psycho Hose Beast (Izzy's archetype)
Scott - The Quiet Brainiac (Scarlett's archetype)
Owen - The Doomsday Prepper (Shawn's archetype)
Scarlett - The Dweeb (Harold's archetype)
Jay - The Flirty Rival (Alejandro's archetype)
Cameron - The Funniest Guy Around (Geoff's archetype)
Jen - The Celebrity Interviewer (Blaineley's archetype)
Leshawna - The Normie with an Obsessive Streak (Dave's archetype)
Cody - The Airhead (Lindsay's archetype)
Sky - The Take-No-Prisoners Jockette (Jo's archetype)
Chet - The Indie Guy (Zoey's archetype)
Harold - The Fame-monger (Dakota's archetype)
Anne Maria - The Type A (Courtney's archetype)
Jo - The Queen Bee (Heather's archetype)
Staci - The Aspiring Supervillain (Max's archetype)
Introduced in Total Drama World Tour:
Bridgette - The Delinquent (Duncan's archetype)
Miles - The Olympic Hopeful (Sky's archetype)
Spud - The Eye Candy (Justin's archetype)
Introduced in Total Drama Revenge of the Island:
Crimson - The Devious (Scott's archetype)
Ryan - The Good Twin (Sammy's archetype)
Beth - The Party Girl (Owen's archetype)
Ezekiel - The Not-So-Successful Jock (Tyler's archetype)
Heather - The Sweetheart's BFF (Sadie's archetype)
DJ - The Chris Megafan (Topher's archetype)
Dawn - The Jersey Shore Reject (Anne Maria's archetype)
Mary - The Gamer (Sam's archetype)
Geoff - The Sweetheart (Katie's archetype)
Ellody - The Evil Twin (Amy's archetype)
Shawn - The Compulsive Liar (Staci's archetype)
Topher - The Strong, Silent Genius (B's archetype)
Carrie - The Human Soundboard (Beardo's archetype)
Introduced in Total Drama Pakhitew Island:
Max - The Schemer (Noah's archetype)
Josee - The Surfer Chick (Bridgette's archetype)
Duncan - The Super Fan (Sierra's archetype)
Sadie - The Plain Jane (Mike's archetype)
Mike - The Fairy Tale Prince (Ella's archetype)
Sammy - The Sheltered Girl in the Bubble (Cameron's archetype)
Beardo - The Geek (Cody's archetype)
Jacques - The Homeschooler (Ezekiel's archetype)
Leonard - The Army Cadet (Brick's archetype)
Alejandro - The Pageant Boy (Sugar's archetype)
Izzy - The Moonchild (Dawn's archetype)
Taylor - The Cool Musician (Trent's archetype)
Amy - The Sassmaster (Leshawna's archetype)
Sanders - The Australian Outback Queen (Jasmine's archetype)
Introduced in The Ridonculous Race:
LARPers - Mickey & Kitty
Tennis Rivals - Tom & Gwen
Geniuses - Laurie & Tyler
Vegans - Stephanie & Devin
Fashion Bloggers - Blaineley & Eva
Father & Son - Dwayne & Ennui
Adversity Twins - Rodney & MacArthur
Stepsiblings - Brick & Sanders
Rockers - Zoey & B
Mother & Daughter - Kelly & Tammy
Reality TV Pros - Dave & Harold
Goths - Sugar & Jasmine
Daters/Haters - Lightning & Courtney
Best Friends - Trent & Noah
Siblings - Lindsay & Sierra
Ice Dancers - Lorenzo & Dakota
Surfers - Josee & Justin
Police Cadets - Junior & Brody
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TD Revival Countdown
Day 33: Jo – The Jockette
I have a mixed opinion on Jo. Since Scott stirred up conflict on the Toxic Rats team, someone needed to bring conflict to the Mutant Maggots, and Jo got the job done. She was like someone had combined Eva and Courtney.
I appreciate Jo for the conflicts she brought, but I still take issue with how she treated her teammates like how she constantly belittled Brick or bullied Cameron. She reminded me too much of Courtney with her bossiness, which I mentioned in Courtney’s post that I hated. However, unlike Courtney, Jo had the physical ability to back up her demands and was willing to do the work alongside them. Once she switched teams, she got better. She found a rival in Lightning, who actively challenged her assertive personality, and was gracious enough to compliment Cameron on outwitting her.
Her time on All-Stars was short, but that worked in her favor as there was less time for the writers to screw up her character even though it still happened to a degree. When the season started, there were potential plot threads teased such as a Duncan and Jo friendship hinted by him appreciating her zingers or a conflict with Heather hinted by their constant bickering, but both fizzled out quickly due to her early elimination. The only real positive about this was she outlasted Lightning by one episode.
I wouldn’t mind seeing Jo compete again as long as she stops bullying nerd characters like Cameron and has interesting conflicts with characters like Heather instead.
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Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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Emeline Gaius {The Longtime Childhood Friend}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Good
Christopher Cameron {The Blue-Eyed Guy}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Samuel Lane {The High IQ}-Straight Ally/Transmac, 16, Lawful Good
Adan Long {The Enthusiastic Athlete}- Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Darcy Rogers {The Astro Loving Female}-Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Jabez Rogers {The Bright Student with Mad Skills}-Asexual, 17, Lawful Good
Teagen Fuller {The Lively Cyber Chick}-Intersex/Demigender, 15, Neutral Good/Good
Sampson Gordon {The Goth Guy}-Biromantic Demisexual/Nonbinary, 16, Neutral Good
Juan Martín Andrade {The Tanned Attitude in a Can}-Bisexual, 16,  Chaotic Neutral/Neutral Good
Hanita Brown {The Strong, Silent, and Giant  Genius}- Sapphic/Butch Lebsian/Genderfluid, 16, Good
Electa Bourne {The Plays By the Rules Army Cadet}-Genderfluid/Bi-Curious/Demigirl , 16, Lawful Good
Chesiree Payne-Long {The  98 ½ Pound Brainiac}-Bi-Curious/Demigirl/Polyamorous, 14, Chaotic Good
Dwayne Galloway {The Ethereal and Mysterious Moonchild}-Abroasexual/Agender, 15, Lawful Good
Diana Brady {The Mega Queen Bee}-Mean Lesbian/Demigirl/Lipstick Lesbian, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Kyong Cheon-Sa {The Very Sweet Sweetheart}-Bisexual/Omnisexual/Demigirl, 16, Chaotic Good
Jenson Davis {The Heartless Tomboy}-Achillean, 16, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good
Joey Lee {The Cool Musician}-Demiboy/Demisexual, 16, Neutral Good/Good
Loralei  Marie Francoise Bien Aimé-Mero {The  Sassy Fashion Blogger}-Lipstick Lebsian/Girlflux, 15, Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Maximus Rich {The Total Affluent Brat}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Dawson Sharp {The Superstar Wannabe}-Pansexual, 16, Lawful  Neutral/Neutral Good
Dashanique King {The Pretty Jockette}-Demigirl/Sapphic/Transfeminine, 17, Chaotic Neutral Good
Mattie Ballard {The Gal Who’s Has a Great Personality and then Some}-Bigender/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Sophia Harrington {The Ultimate Sweet Gamer}-Omnisexual/Polysexual, 15, ChaoticGood
Kenji Hashimoto-Santana {The Playful Student}-Demi-Acesexual/Agender, 16, Chaotic Good 
Beckett Nà Zhōng-Chéng (Graceful Loyal) {The Guy Who’s Deep & Mysterious}-Polysexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Shaney Ross {The Devious & Dirt Disturber}-Nonbinary/Pangender, 16, Chaotic Neutral 
Patricio Santángel {The Jaw-Dropping}-Transmac/Demiboy/Bisexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Neutral-Good
Solomon John {The Quiet Hunk-to-a-Munk}-Gay/Achillean, 16,  Lawful Neutral/ Lawful Neutral-Good
Isabella Alexander van Azéma {The Desirable & Classy Lady}-Aceflux/Nice Lesbian, 15, Lawful Good
Tyndall Junior Nicholas-Mathis {The Wicked DJ}-Nonbinary/Omnisexual, 15, Lawful Good 
Roméo Beauchamp {The Class Jokester}-Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good/Chaotic Good
Noémi Hinto (Dakota)-Quint {The Determined Reporter}-Bisexual/Demigirl, 15, Lawful Neutral-Good/Good
Stanley Thomson {The Mr. Chatterbox}-Gay,  16, Lawful Good
Zephaniah Wiley-Toshiaki (Bright And Happy) {The Indie Dude}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Prosperity Davison {The Affluent Brat’s Sneaky Cousin}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Tyndarus Maro {The Big Outside}-Arosexual, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Totally Spies, Danny Phantom, Total Drama Return of The Island (Belongs to and Created by David Michel & Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, Butch Hartman, and Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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rndyounghowze · 17 days
Bettye And The Jockettes
Written By: Christie Perfetti Williams
Directed By: Sara Thigpen
Presented By: Retro Productions
We were just talking about wanting a nice show with a clean happy ending. It’s nice to see a hard hitting drama or topical piece on current events. But then sometimes we’re a sucker for sappy rom-coms. It's also great to see a funny female centered drama that feels like the drama or the comedy isn’t forced. Bettye and The Jockettes by Christie Perfetti Williams are D for “All of the Above”. Directed by Sara Thigpen Retro Productions is on the air and ready to make you laugh.
Closed Door Meetings
There’s a certain amount of genius that happens when you’ve been writing for so long. Williams (who has been writing for 20 years) found a very great solution to a problem we’ve had for years. We hate when we feel that there’s an invisible “play on the other side of the door” that the plot relies on. Williams gets around this by having characters talk in the sound booth while we watch through the glass. It means that the characters can still have their “closed door meetings” but we’re clued into what’s going on.
Kept The Plates Spinning
Black boxes are sometimes the hardest but most rewarding stages to direct for. In each corner of the stage there could be multiple parts of the stories going on at once. Thigpen had to keep two or more storyline plates spinning and make sure that blocking and business never had performers running into each other. Also she had to draw our focus where it was needed. She found ways to draw our focus to booth or stage right or left when needed. Thigpen knew how to keep the plates spinning and create wonderful stage pictures in such a short place. Making a tiny space like that look large is a huge talent.
So Much Out of So Little
This was one of our favorite sets we’ve seen this year so far. Barber created a set that had depth and a life in such a small space. It also felt lived in and fatigued. Ricky used to design and build small sets like this so they recognized the hustle required to make so much out of so little. Yet it’s so highly functional and makes so much out of so little.
The Happy Ending The Works Best For Them
In a world full of plays that end on a very “meh” note it was beautiful to see a well written story with well-developed characters that has a happy ending. Happy endings aren’t anathema to good storytelling. More importantly women-centric stories are allowed to have a mix of characters of all shapes and sizes. They are all allowed to get what they want. Their happy endings don’t have to be romantic either. They get the happy ending that works best for them.
Redemption Story
Written By: Peregrine Teng Heard
Directed By: Sarah Blush
Presented By: The Associates
“What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly”. Morticia Addams said that. We’ve all heard how the Hollywood machine can chew young hopefuls for breakfast and spit them out. This is not a question. No matter how bad it is now it used to be much much worse. Peregrine Teng Heard brings us into the parlor of Connie Lee, a washed-up Hollywood star who takes in baby-faced Billy Jay. Directed by Sarah Blush this story of Hollywood in the 70's will make you want to binge some classic Noir movies...and then take a shower.
A Predatory Hunger
This story centers on Connie’s mutation of Billy from the good boy from Astor to a Hollywood shill. In that plot, we feel a predatory hunger. That is somewhat mirrored and echoed in Billy’s other relationships (Except for Eva). Yet the other characters seemed to pull away from instead of supporting Connie and Billy’s main thread. For example, as the parallels between Billy and her son Harrison deepen our understanding of Connie’s pathology, we don’t feel Harrison needs to say a word. There is something more substantial about him as a looming threat than a real human being. When he finally speaks we thought he was a figment of Connie’s drug-fueled imagination.
Silence Spoke Volumes
Directing for alley staging is no easy feat. The stadium-style seating creates a chilling challenge, If one side of the audience sees what’s going on does the other side miss it? Or does one side get the big reveal sooner than the other? Blush handled all of this as if it were second nature. Due to no fault to Blush, some of the entrances and exits were clunky. However, that could be an occupational hazard of working on a stage like this.
Blush’s direction was mostly seen when characters had to break and become part of the crew telling Connie’s story. There’s a choreography to these scenes played mainly in silence that spoke volumes.
LORT Quality
We know how hard it is to design sets for a black box space on a budget. We know it’s almost impossible to create a set that looks LORT quality in a black-box setting. It was minimal and versatile. He created a realistic diner/apartment that allowed the performers to move around freely. Qiu’s lighting design felt like it came directly from a Noir movie. The most masterful lighting designers seem to work with shadows instead of light. Qiu’s lighting played with shadows and highlights bouncing off the glossy and leather surfaces. It enhanced that mysterious effect. We must mention the big spotlight that would occasionally invade the stage. It created a surprising and stark contrast to the rest of the staging. It immediately put us in a different world.
Containing Multitudes
These were the best performers for the parts. Each performer was able to embody the complexity of the roles. None of these characters are surface-level. Each of them is multi-layered and contains multitudes. They were able to access this complexity. They could plumb the depths, chart the expanse of these characters, and interpret them onstage. The performance is the key to this story. Each of these performers was our handhold throughout.
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theyogahousetoronto · 2 years
Yoga and Exercise are... HARD.
When I first started yoga it seemed as if everyone in the (serene torture chamber called a) yoga studio could be silent, breathe steadily and went out for carrot juice after class. I wanted to pummel these Pillsbury dough "people" that were obviously lacking normal crusty connective tissue. I also suspected their gluten-free pasta never stuck. They were too happy. I wanted evidence that I could stick with yoga when it hurt so much and there was no finish line. With all the images of lotus flowers, and hands in prayer position, no one told me how hard practicing yoga can be. I solemnly stayed with it. As a competitive bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and fitness instructor I was a dedicated jockette. It was my respect for the body’s intelligence that helped me move through physical blocks. I sensed they were related to PTSD, injury and a lifetime of pushing my physical limits. The result: no more back pain even though I have scoliosis. As an added bonus: a tenderizing of my Type 'A' personality and less need for measurable results. Which led to massive results. Now my body feels like Life is animating my actions and thoughts. I’d love to show you how.
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same-name-supremacy · 8 months
Since you told us how Jody and Noelle got together...
Could you tell us how Taylor and Alejandra got together!!
It started during World Tour, of course we have our famous “I like boys” when Alejandra helped Taylor and Eliz up. Taylor and Alejandra are talking strategy and who they want to eliminate. Taylor who talks before she thinks said “I don’t want you to get eliminated! You should last long, I’d get eliminated for you!” And man Alejandra caught some feelings for that jockette.
When Alejandra was in that robot suit, she stuck by Taylor. Taylor was confused about the whole thing, but hey! Robots are cool!
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They officially got together during All Stars when Alejandra got eliminated. They talked things out, cleared some air, like Alejandra manipulating Taylor during World Tour, man did Alejandra feel guilty about that. It hurt even more when Taylor confessed she felt useless after that.
They decided to take things slow but that didn’t stop them from being attached at the hip
Name refreshers here
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lastset99 · 2 years
Wendy Williams Wiki Bio, husband Kevin Hunter, Net Worth, Transgender
Wendy Williams Wiki Bio, husband Kevin Hunter, Net Worth, Transgender
Who is Wendy Williams? Wendy has risen to prominence through her nationally syndicated TV talk show “The Wendy Williams Show”, which made its debut in 2008. Before this, she was a radio DJ, and worked for a number of radio stations before she was named New York’s ‘ shock jockette’. In addition to radio and television host work, she is also a fashion designer and actress. So, do you want to find…
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Wendy Williams Hunter (Wendy Joan Williams; born July 18, 1964) is a broadcaster and writer. She hosted the nationally syndicated television talk show The Wendy Williams Show. She was a radio DJ and host and quickly became known in New York as a shock jockette. She gained notoriety for her on-air spats with celebrities and was the subject of The Wendy Williams Experience. Other endeavors include authoring several books, appearances in various films and television shows, touring her comedy show, and her product lines, including a fashion line, a jewelry collection, and a wig line. She was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame. The council of Asbury Park, New Jersey, renamed the street on which she grew up Wendy Williams Way. She was born in Asbury Park. She is the second of three children born to Shirley (Skinner) and Thomas Dwayne Williams. She was a Brownie in the Girl Scouts and volunteered as a candy striper. She graduated from Ocean Township High School. She acted as an announcer at her younger brother Thomas's Little League Baseball games. She attended Northeastern University in Boston with the intent of becoming a television anchor. She switched from television communications to the radio because she could advance her career faster. She graduated with a BA in Communications and a minor in Journalism. She was a disc jockey for the college radio station, WRBB, where rapper LL Cool Was her first celebrity interviewee. As an intern at contemporary WXKS-FM, she recapped the soap operas Dallas and Dynasty on air. She funded a $1,000 scholarship for a Black female high school student who sought to major in Communication. Subsequent recipients received internships at WBLS. She led an effort to donate money and school supplies to Asbury Park Middle School in 2009. She and her husband created The Hunter Foundation in 2014, a non-profit organization that funded anti-poverty programs and provided resources to people as they transitioned from drug addiction to recovery. The foundation closed in May 2019. She became an ambassador and honorary board member of the Lymphatic Education & Research Network. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJqdh9OvIRI-xaXhnjp8OcpHf4s0oIo-4gqGE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aromanticaries · 3 years
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Gradually, they will all lose their mind, soul and body(if ya know what I mean).
FYI my www Tumblr pals, let's make yellowjackets a success! It could be a hearsay, but it was one of their producers that hinted it could be up to season 5!?
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neworleansspecial · 3 years
“Should you be drinking that much?” - jimmy x crockett
There’s an empty bottle of bourbon next to Crockett on the table, a half drained one in his hand. He hasn’t bothered at all with a glass, something that becomes even more apparent when he takes a heavy drink straight from the second bottle. 
“Should you be drinking that much?”
Crockett just makes a noncommittal noise and drinks some more. He had confessed last week that the anniversary of his daughter’s death is coming up. It must be here. There’s a box next to the couch, one Jimmy recognizes as something his ex wife dropped off. Sitting on top, open, is a photo album of a baby with two teeth to boast about in her smile and a hospital bracelet on her wrist. Crockett follows his gaze to the photo and quickly slams the album shut. He drinks some more. 
“Come on, baby, let’s get you to bed.”
He takes the bottle away because Crockett is too drunk to really do much about it. It takes considerably more effort to get him up on his own two feet and half-carry him to bed.
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