#joe constantly adopting children
stackofstories · 2 years
Finding out who is stalking Joe/the killer in S4
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byeloveyou · 2 months
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maeve && her childhood timeline
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0 - 1:     maeve is born to esther delman,   a nineteen year old music prodigy from Brooklyn.   despite her family’s concerns at the baby of the family having a baby herself   (  a baby whose father is never named  ),    they do their best to be supportive.   over the course of her first months alive merav spends more time with relatives and family friends than esther,   young woman completely incapable of bonding with a baby that doesn’t feel like her own.  when,  just before maeve’s first birthday esther returns home without her…   the delmans are all devastated,  but not at all shocked.   esther’s life falters,   yet gets back on track   &&   she chooses to believe usually quiet baby will also find happiness.
1 - 10:   if ever asked,   maeve will say she can’t remember how many foster families she was with   (   but not many  becoming an easy lie  )  even though in truth she remembers every single time they decided she simply wasn’t a fit.  she was always a tiny child for her age,  deadly silent no matter what.  whether she couldn’t or wouldn’t talk rarely seemed to matter,   she wasn’t what they wanted.   she doesn’t cry anymore  -  but she also quickly learns to keep distance between herself and a much bigger world. most of her foster families don't bother to learn her name, so merav becomes just mera or mer.
10 -  11:    fostering her is,  by far,   just mary acknowledging joe’s desperation for a child.  the geneticist is never unkind to her,  but never motherly either,  leaving her in the high school history teacher’s hands.  it doesn’t take him long to see past silence,  past her ability to hide even in an empty room,   to see the spark in clever eyes.  it starts with teaching her sign language  (   &&   constantly encouraging her to actually use it  ),    making games out of tests to see how ahead of other children she really is,   choosing harp for lessons if only try and give her an interest in something other than hiding in books and drawings.  
mary takes an interest the moment joe realises how smart maeve is,  fascinated with the potential of the big eyed little girl,  and everything changes.   suddenly everything is a lesson:  if she can be the best,   then maeve has to be.   mary’s own career in science as a woman taught her any and all weaknesses will always be a secondary glass ceiling people won’t let women forget so she won’t let maeve cling to hers.  maeve is pushed to no longer be quiet,  nightly terrors about drowning met with sudden swimming lessons.   she’s mary’s little prodigy. joe and his family nickname mer 'little maeve' after his mother, her favourite person.
11 - 13:    after her adoption,   little changes.   joe takes a few years off teaching to be a stay at home father,  working on articles he gets published and helping mary ensure maeve doesn’t falter in her studies.   genius is just hard work,   they instill into her,   she is wanted but some part of her often wonders if they’d have chosen her if it weren’t for the potential they see. her surname is legally changed to donovan, and everyone calls her maeve.
14:    maeve starts university to be a geneticist,  the first of three PhDs she will achieve by her early 20s.   the world may view her as a child,   out of place amongst adults,   but it’s not as if she was welcome anywhere else.   it’s just her and her orange bicycle,   getting from lecture to lecture,  trying to understand a world that never allows her settle. there's nobody left who remembers shy girl as anything other than maeve beatrice donovan.
for the next four years, she moves to live with a family friend closer to the university. whilst the woman is kind... she's a nurse who works night shifts, so maeve spends any time she's not studying alone.
18:    she legally changes her first name to maeve, all her papers remain published under 'm. donovan'.
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kindheart525 · 1 year
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Name: Mountain Bubba Joe Peak Nicknames: Peak, Mounty, MP Parents: Applejack and Limestone Pie Siblings: Summer Beauty, Varmint Venom, Brackish, Obsidian Future Spouse: N/A Future Children: N/A Personality: Much like his Auntie Pinkie, Mountain Peak is outgoing and cheerful with a zest for life. He stands out for being the only one of his siblings with a genuine interest in rock farming, making him the pride of the Pie family. He is always eager to complete whatever tasks and chores his mothers have lined up for him, and he strives to push his limits and constantly improve. However, Mountain Peak has different views on how to manage a farm, valuing efficiency and innovation over tradition. While his mothers are proud that their son values hard work, his tendency to deviate from valued family traditions creates friction. Cutie Mark: A heart-shaped geode shimmering with light, symbolizing his ability to get to the core of a problem and fix it.
Adopted from Abbi--Arson
Cutie mark by @monster-katnight
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By Michelle Goldberg July 26, 2024
In “Hillbilly Elegy,” the 2016 memoir that made JD Vance a celebrity, he described constantly remaking his childhood self to fit the rotating cast of father figures his unsound mother brought into their lives. “With Steve, a midlife-crisis sufferer with an earring to prove it, I pretended earrings were cool — so much so that he thought it appropriate to pierce my ear,” Vance wrote. “With Chip, an alcoholic police officer who saw my earring as a sign of ‘girlieness,’ I had thick skin and loved police cars. With Ken, an odd man who proposed to Mom three days into their relationship, I was a kind brother to his two children.”
Vance’s yearning for a father is a constant theme in the book, as is his willingness to rationalize the flaws of the men he looks up to. At one point, he is reunited with his biological father, who gave him up for adoption when he was in kindergarten. The women in Vance’s life — not just his mother, but also his beloved sister, grandmother and aunt — told him that his dad had been “mean” and abusive, but he doesn’t believe it, preferring to think that there had only been “a bit of pushing, some plate throwing, but nothing more.”
His father was a devoted Pentecostal, and for a time Vance gave up his Black Sabbath CDs and became one, too. “I’m not sure if I liked the structure or if I just wanted to share in something that was important to him — both, I suppose — but I became a devoted convert,” he wrote.
“Devoted convert” may be the role he inhabits most naturally. In 2016 Vance speculated that Donald Trump might be “America’s Hitler.” Now he’s his running mate. A lot has been written trying to understand Vance’s ideological journey, but at least part of the story seems to be hiding in plain sight in his book. In attaching himself to the most bellicose patriarch he can find, he’s re-enacting a childhood pattern.
There is, of course, nothing inherently pathological about changing one’s political views. Vance, however, swapped out not just his beliefs but his entire public persona in just a few short years. “Hillbilly Elegy” contains an indictment of “conspiracy-mongers and fringe lunatics” who spread lies about Barack Obama’s religion and birthplace. And it laments the corrosive cynicism that led many in his white working-class community to embrace these falsehoods.
Vance presented their views as self-defeating: “We can’t trust the evening news. We can’t trust our politicians. Our universities, the gateway to a better life, are rigged against us,” he wrote, adding, “You can’t believe these things and participate meaningfully in society.”
Now Vance promotes all these things. He’s argued that Alex Jones is more trustworthy than Rachel Maddow and that Joe Biden may be intentionally flooding the country with fentanyl to kill off MAGA voters. He gave a speech in 2021 titled, “The Universities Are the Enemy.”
Vance’s new worldview can be explained in part by opportunism: He was anti-Trump at a time when Trumpism seemed likely to fail. And he’s said he was “red-pilled” by the cultural upheavals of 2020, a common enough phenomenon, especially in the Silicon Valley circles he travels in. But there is something particularly extreme about Vance’s transformation, suggesting he hasn’t left behind the mutability that once served as a survival strategy.
As Gabriel Winant wrote in a perceptive essay in the journal N+1, “Hillbilly Elegy” is fundamentally a book about unresolved trauma. In one of the book’s final moments, Vance gains some insight into his own behavior by reading up on “adverse childhood experiences,” or ACEs. Kids who endure violent and chaotic childhoods like his, he wrote, “become hard-wired for conflict. And that wiring remains, even when there’s no more conflict to be had.”
His upbringing had taught him that “disagreements were war, and you played to win the game.” Understanding this, he wrote, helped him navigate his relationship with his wife, Usha. But he seems to have stopped there, rather than reckon with how his pugilistic instincts shape his approach to the wider world.
In 2020, Vance wrote an essay detailing his journey from Pentecostalism through the new atheism of Christopher Hitchens and finally into Catholicism. He portrayed his young adult rejection of religion as essentially mimetic, something he absorbed from his university surroundings rather than decided on for himself. One of the things that brought him back to religion was meeting the right-wing venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who would eventually become a patron. Thiel “was possibly the smartest person I’d ever met, but he was also a Christian,” Vance wrote. Vance converted to Catholicism in 2019. By then, he’d become part of a new conservative elite in which many leading intellectual figures were also Catholic.
Now this person of unusual suggestibility has become second in command to a first-order demagogue, giving himself over to MAGA theology. As Mother Jones reported on Thursday, Vance recently endorsed a new book called “Unhumans,” co-written by the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec, which demonizes progressives as nonpeople who must be crushed by extra-democratic means. “Our study of history has brought us to this conclusion: Democracy has never worked to protect innocents from the unhumans,” the book’s co-writers say.
It is perhaps not surprising that Vance has ended up in this milieu. Authoritarian personalities, as the German social psychologist Erich Fromm argued, long to dominate, but they long just as much to submit.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Six nuggets anon: when they have the kids. I’m not much of a smut person myself. Just fluff of Steve, singlemom!reader, and their growing family Please
I can do that! I kinda wanna put a spin on it though if you don’t mind! I kinda wanna do it like him and the reader are dreaming of the future and that’s what the fic is, like a daydream if that makes sense? Cause I thought it would be a cute take on it plus you get the cute content!
I know he said he wants 3 boys and 3 girls but I ended up doing similar to Joe because he ended up the only boy with four sisters and I was like okay with Steve that would be adorable lol
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The Harrington house was rarely ever silent.
Six kids was a hell of a lot for many people, but you and Steve managed just fine.
There was your first born, the adopted Harrington that made Steve a father. She may not have been born a Harrington, but she was a Harrington for life. Steve often joked that she was the bonus kid that prepared him for fatherhood since he’d missed the first year of her life.
The second born, another little girl was just as energetic as her big sister, but had a soft spot for her mommy. Her older sister was strictly a daddy’s girl. Other than being as outgoing as her sister, they couldn’t be more different. While your oldest was sporty, second baby girl was your sporty one.
Third and fourth born was a complete surprise as they were twins. A boy and a girl, which Steve was thrilled about. He got another girl and a boy at the same time. They were your sensitive souls, often preferring to settle with a book or for your first son—draw. They were definitely the more crafty of the bunch.
Baby number five worried you when you weren’t sure if it was a boy or girl yet. With a track record of having three girls and one boy, you were afraid he’d be disappointed if it was another girl—which to no one’s surprise, it was another girl. Steve was in love at first sight, of course. Being the youngest for a while made number five your wild child. She was used to life with four older siblings and she did everything she could to keep up with them with no problem.
Baby number six was definitely going to be your final child. As much as you loved your kids, pregnancy was exhausting. Surprisingly, Steve wanted a girl this time around. He said he was happy he had gotten a boy, but he was also really wrapped around his girls’ fingers. Baby number six was also currently still in utero. You were six months pregnant with your final girl—Steve had gotten his wish. Just like her eldest sister, you predicted that she would be a daddy’s girl as she always kicked like crazy when he was around.
Your dining room table was filled with lots of noise, a big mess, but lots of happy smiling faces. There were booster seats and high chairs, messy faces and wild hair, but the table was filled with love and laughter, just like you and Steve wanted.
Your oldest was now 8, leading the pack of Harringtons like the natural born leader she was.
Baby girl number two was now 5, starting Kindergarten soon and eager to soak up knowledge about a world that fascinated her and constantly caused her to ask a million questions.
Three and four were 3 years old, had a tight bond that only twins could have, but we’re growing an unexpected love for movie night with daddy, even when others didn’t want to watch.
Five was 18 months, toddling around everywhere, reminding you so much of her eldest sister at that age. She was stubborn and always had to be with her siblings. She was a true firecracker.
You rubbed your belly, feeling the last of you and Steve’s nearly completed family stirring inside of you.
Life was going to be even more crazy soon with a newborn in the house, but you’d manage. After all, you’d made it this far. Life might be busy and hectic for at least the next 18 years of raising children and sending them off into the world, but you knew you wanted to do it with no one else but Steve.
“Five girls?” Steve asked, pulling you out of the daydream you’d just been describing to him.
That was how you hoped life with Steve would look like down the road.
“Would you mind if that happened?”
“No, I’m already wrapped around three girls’ fingers,” Steve chuckled, rubbing your belly gently.
“Three? There better only be one in there cause I’m only planing on baby number two being in there,” you chuckled.
“Oh sweetheart,” he smiled, “The third one is you.”
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
Oh oh! Can we get some hedcanons about cherry adopting a girl who is around miya's age. Like how close would they be and how would others feel about her being his daughter now. Bonus points if uncel Joe and little missy mess with daddy blossom
Xoxo love your work so far, keep it up💙
➯ A/N: This was such an amazing request, I had so much fun writing it! Hope you enjoy :)
Also, i started watching Your Lie in April today, and its AMAZING! So much more than what I was expecting
➯ With a daughter
➯ Characters: Kaoru Sakurayashiki with a young daughter. Reki, Langa and co. are mentioned throughout!
➯ Warnings: none:)
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Having a child had never crossed Kaoru’s mind before, but when Joe had teased him about how “you treat Carla better than you would a child!”, the idea kind of stuck with him. And so, he’d spent countless nights awake, wondering to himself if it was something he truly wanted?
He’d pass parks, seeing parents with spewing babies and toddlers throwing tantrums, wondering if he could actually put up with that? But as he passed the shops, he came across a mother and her daughter, who looked around 12. He watched them pass, a grin on the child’s face as she looked into her shopping bag, examining her haul for that day. And so it was settled
He wanted a baby girl he could spoil absolutely rotten
And the search for a child carried on, and this time instead of baby shops and websites, he was browsing the shelves of Claires and other tween clothing stores. It had only occurred to him over a bottle of wine with Joe, as they were discussing if Kaoru was truly ready for something like this. Instead of a crying baby or a messy toddler, he could simply adopt someone a bit older!
It made sense too. For a single parent, an older child seemed much more doable. Of course, he wouldn’t be alone. Joe was always telling him how he’d help out, yknow, if he actually went through with the damn thing.
Not to mention, the older you get, the more difficult it is to get adopted. Babies and young children will get adopted left right and centre, whereas the child he will take home will have been there for a while. Finally, they will have a place to call a home
He spent months trying to get the approval for adoption, and one fateful day he finally got the letter that yes he could go ahead and take one home. He was ecstatic, spending the next few days finding out the location of every orphanage around his area of Japan. He messaged every single one, asking when their next visiting day was
And so it was set: Kaoru would not rest until he had found his perfect little girl
He went through orphanage after orphanage, searching for someone he could call his own. However, none of the children were lighting that paternal flame inside him. It wasn’t their fault of course, they just didn’t click with him, staring at him any time he tried to talk to them. Visit after visit, he’d go to Joe’s, ready to tell him about his recent fail.
It wasn’t until Joe came up to him with a phone number, asking if he’d been to this particular orphanage yet. Apparently they had a few children aged 12 and up, and were available for visit that Saturday. And so there he was, packing a bag and getting ready to travel to the house. This time felt different, somehow. He could feel his palms sweat, as if he could sense he would take one of them home
When he finally made it to the house, he was a nervous wreck. The lady of the house let him in with a smile, telling him the children were in the backyard playing while she bounced a baby on her hip. Cherry winced as the baby gurgled at him, glad he opted for an older child
She led him outside, gesturing at the children who were sprinting around in the vast field, hiding behind trees and bushes. It was clear they were playing a game of hide and seek. He smiled as he scanned over them, but it quickly disappeared when he noticed one little girl sitting on the step, head in her lap while her shoulders gently shook with tears
He walked over to her, bending down with a soft smile. He didn’t know where this sudden calmness came from, but that was his last priority right now. A little gash sat on the girls knee, caked with blood as it trickled down her shin. He frowned, pulling out a tissue to gently wipe it. She jumped, wincing with shock from the fresh wave of pain, and surprise. Kaoru gently wiped at her knee once more before looking up at her to attempt a conversation
“Hello, is your knee alright?” She shook her head frantically, wiping a tear away from her face. A small breathy laugh escaped him as he watched the child stand, gesturing to her leg
“Nope, not at all. I think its broken, if you ask me. All cause of that stupid thing!” She threw her arm out, gesturing to a pink board Kaoru hadn’t noticed before. A skateboard.
That’s when Kaoru realised it: I want this one
Suddenly he felt a new sense of importance, like he had to make a good impression. He walked over to the board, tutting as he looked down at it. “This is what hurt you?” He looked at it with disdain as the little girl nodded her head violently. Kaoru could see how she hurt herself, the thing was massive, especially for someone her age. It looked around the size of a board he would use.
Grinning, he picked up the board. “Well, want to see something cool?” She watched in wonder as kaoru stood on it, pushing off and turning quickly, popping an ollie over a stray toy. The little girl jumped, throwing her arms up as she cheered Kaoru on. He finished with a flourish, coming back to stand beside her. “What did you think?” She was speechless, simply moving her hands, saying scattered “wows” and making various sound effects. Kaoru smiled, certain that he could teach her more.
When he realized visiting time was coming to a close, he proposed the idea to the girl, who’s name he had come to know was Lily: he’d come back next week, and he’d bring his board. He even promised to find her a smaller boar perfect for her to learn on, saying he knew a friend who could make her one. From there he would teach her the basics of skateboarding, even a couple of tricks once she got that down. She was delighted, bouncing up and down and declaring she couldn’t wait, all the energy of someone much younger than her. Kaoru found he couldn’t stop smiling himself either
He made his way back through the house, Lily skipping alongside him. He explained the plan to the Lady, that he would come back next week for another visit. Just as he was about to leave, he turned to the lady to request one final thing from her
“Make sure no one snatches her up from me while I’m gone, yeah?”
Needless to say a bottle of wine was opened at Joe’s that night in celebration of Lily, the potential daughter
And so the weeks turned into months, and Kaoru returned each week with his board and some sweets for her and the other children, teaching her everything she needed to know about skateboarding. After a month or so she could confidently ollie without bailing, and next time he visited she displayed it with delight, watching Kaoru’s face light up with pride.
She had taken a real liking to Kaoru, according to the Lady. She refused to pay any other visitors any notice, declaring they “simply weren’t Kaoru.” This is what finally made him realise that maybe it was time to ask if she’d like to live with him from now on, where she could practice with him every day.
When he asked her, Kaoru could’ve sworn he actually saw stars in her eyes. She simply lit up, throwing herself at Kaoru, tears streaming down her face as she shouted yes, of course she would. she wasn’t the only one crying, Kaoru could barely see from the tears in his own eyes, the lady dabbing at hers with a tissue
Once the paperwork was complete and Lily was his, he felt a weight had been taken off his shoulders. He had packed her a new change of clothes the day he went to collect her, bringing Joe along with him for emotional support. Lily came flying at him the second he got out of his car, wrinkling her nose at Joe
“You never told me you had a boyfriend, Kaoru” she stuck her tongue out at him from over his shoulder while they both tried to convince her that no, they weren’t a couple, before she ran upstairs to get changed. Joe turned to Kaoru, an almost offended look on his face
“Why were you so adamant that we weren’t together??” “I dont need her worrying she’s going home to a Gorrila” “HEY”
Once they all got home, they threw a little party at Joe’s who had closed a little early specially for it. Kaoru didn’t let her out of his sight, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable with all the new people. Of course, it was only Joe, Shadow, Reki, Langa and Miya, all of whom she would meet eventually, but he still worried in case she got overwhelmed.
She made quick friends with Reki, who was ecstatic from the moment he realised she could skate. The two bonded over it, talking about tricks they’d learned, Reki shouting over at Kaoru because why hadn’t he taught him anything??
Miya was a bit standoffish at first, but when she saw the switch in his hand, the two were instantly bonding over who had better villagers in Animal Crossing, and who had passed more levels in Mario with three stars
As the months went on, Lily really settled into her new life in Okinawa, starting at school in Miyas class. The two were joined at the hip, Miya often coming home to Kaoru’s so they could practice together, or simply study and watch some movies. Reki constantly teased the shit out of the two, talking about how he heard “wedding bells”. This comment earned him a swift whack into the skull from Kaoru, warning him not to tease his little girl
Soon enough Kaoru was making her own skateboard with built-in Carla, who helped her skating improve insanely. As Kaoru said, she was definitely a chip off the old block. Langa and Reki would take her to the skate park with them, helping her land new tricks and would take videos of her to send to Kaoru
Shadow was like a chill uncle to her, bringing her flowers for her room and taking her out to get some clothes and ice cream. Joe was like an uncle too, but a much more untrustworthy one. Would he take her to the park, or would he take her to parts of downtown she definitely shouldn’t have been? Who knows, certainly not Kaoru...
Poor Kaoru can never get a minutes peace. Every second of the day she’s plotting something, waiting for him to let his guard down so she can pounce, scaring the shit out of him. When the others are around its 10x worse, all of them ganging up on him to pull pranks
As well as skateboarding, Kaoru tried to teach her how to do calligraphy. She ended up being awful, blotting the ink and smearing it with her hand. But hey, it was a fun art project that made it onto the fridge
At S, she was watched like a hawk. When Kaoru was competing,the others would be like her bodyguard, making sure no one got within 5 feet of her. She’d watch her dad with wonder, the look of awe never leaving her face since the first day she saw him skate. She can’t wait for the day she can compete, maybe even beating her own dad
The first time Lily called Kaoru “dad” was when he won a race, showing off some amazing skills and winning the insanely close match by a hair. He picked up his board, looking around for Lily. He saw her in the crowd, throwing her arms up and cheering “THATS MY DAD!! LOOK, RIGHT THERE, THATS MY DAD!” When she spotted him, a large grin spread across her face. “Nice job out there dad! You did amazing!! D’you think I can do that one day?”
Everyone was staring at her, she hadn’t even realised she had said anything out of the ordinary. Soon enough Kaoru was lunging at her, picking her up in a hug so she didn’t see the tears quickly forming on his face. With a smile he pulled away, his voice dripping with pride
“Of course you could. You’re my daughter, aren’t you?”
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diamondluxesugar · 4 years
His Money =/= Your Money
A while back I answered an ask about what I spend my money and I started thinking about how I manage my money as a young woman and how it can either make or break the future.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
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Let me start by saying that while I believe in being a kept woman, I don’t want to be 100% dependent on any man. I firmly believe in having your own AND having a partner that gives you everything you want and need. I’ve seen so many women change their lives completely because of a man, just to have his behavior change. He becomes complacent and stops providing, whether it’s financially, emotionally, or physically. Men will want to change you no matter who you are and what you do all to maintain their own ego and sense of dominance. A woman can be a neurosurgeon or a stripper and still find a man who wants her to quit her job because be a. feels inferior b. feels insecure or c. emasculated. Is that the woman’s fault? 
Bill Clinton did it with Hillary. Sidney Poitier did it with Diahann Carroll. Joe AND Arthur did it with Marilyn. Offset did it to Cardi B. Men begin relationships with beautiful, intelligent, witty women and then try to get them to change who they are, to accept less than the best, to dim their shine so the man can be seen as having won her a prize. To be honest, I don’t even really care why men are like this. The simple truth is that they all are. But now that we all know this, the question becomes how do we combat it? How do we make sure that we’ll still be taken care of even if the men in our lives wake up one day and decide screw you over because you don’t fit into what and who they want you to be?
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Answer: By having your own.
Have a job, have a volunteer organization in which you have an essential leadership role, have a successful blog or book or business. Just have SOMETHING that is more than just the spa days, hair appointments, and shopping trips. (Hell, if you’re really clever you can even turn that into a hustle, but that’s a conversation for another day) 
Having a job/transferable skills PLUS having an SD/boyfriend/sponsor(s) can be a lot to juggle, I know. I don’t know about you, but I put a lot of time and effort into my career. I’m constantly studying, developing new skills, reading the WSJ and researching anything that will give me a competitive edge. Yes, these things are time consuming and a lot less “fun” than shopping but it’s so important. I know I’ve mentioned this somewhere before, but you can’t put professional hoe on your resume. Having a job gives you security that you’ll be able to support yourself in case something goes left.
Trust me, things will go left in the blink of an eye. 
Look at the whole situation with Dr. Dre and Nicole Young. She’s trying to get $2M/month plus $5M legal fees as a settlement from him and part of the legal claim was denied. Why does she want that much? She is having trouble keeping up with her monthly expenses, Dr. Dre kicked her out of the house, he’s freezing the charges she’s making to cards, is saying that she’s embezzling money from him (and now she’s being investigated), and all types of foolishness. It’s messy and since she was “just a wife” how much of his $820M+ money is she going to get? Nicole was a lawyer before marrying him, and gave it up for him and for family. She adopted his 5 other children. How many nights do you think she was up having conversations with him about business, giving him advice, being a sounding board? Over 25 years?!
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Seems like a lot of work just to be known as the devoted wife, am I right? Now since California is a communal property state, she’ll probably leave with something, but is it really going to be close to what she is accustomed to living on? Not to mention when you have that much money you KNOW he’s not going to part easily with any of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been moving things into secret trusts and oversees accounts since before the divorce paperwork was filed. However, imagine if during these years she built up a practice with her OWN contacts and clients, had her name plastered in the credits of everything he produced, had ownership stakes in all of the companies he created. Sis would be making out like a bandit right now. She’d be able to just pick up, take her lil divorce settlement money and ride off into the sunset with a hot buff pool boy. 
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Instead she’s being dragged through the mud in court and in the press after dealing with Dr. Dre’s annoying ass for 25 years. How unfair. And if you aren’t satisfied with a celebrity example, I know women who got divorced and during the proceedings it came out that the man had an entire real estate company on the sly. Do you know how much money and how many secret deals it takes to have an entire RE portfolio on the side?
Ladies we have to play the long game. We have to have our own and whatever is being given to us needs to be the extra. 
No one can take your degrees or certificates (that his money paid for, but your brain received).
No one can take your career or professional experience(that you elevated using his money).
No one can take your connections and network (that he introduced you to, but you made your own). 
A person’s support can always be taken away, so the one thing you need to count on is yourself. Get those things that are valuable and will last you longer than this season’s designer..
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darknessisafriend · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask for hcs' about almost every Joaquin character (y'know, Joe, Theo, Arthur, Ray, and many more) when they're on Christmas with you? Going to a party, with your family, staying at home, in a shopping, gettting presents, taking you to a café or a restaurant, putting on christmas decorations at home, what you eat with them or how you enjoy the night and fireworks, stuff like that. Thank you! Love your imagines!
Hiii I wrote and before Christmas so I’m really happy! (I literally spend my days writing it from morning to late in the night) so I hope you will like it!! 
Following HCs with: Arthur/Joker, Commodus, Joe, Abbe, Charlie, Bobby, Bruno, Willie, Max, Theodore, Merrill, Freddie, Ray
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-        Christmas is Arthur’s and Joker favorite day of the year after Mardi Gras. It is a day where he can be fully himself, wear one of those ‘ugly’ knitted sweaters, listen to oldies Christmas songs. He feels people more relaxed in the streets, it must be Christmas spirit softening them a little, even in Gotham. And usually you would manage to convince Joker not to make too much trouble and stay by your side all day instead.
 -        You would be staying home together on Christmas Eve. It would be a very simple day because you didn’t have a lot of money but what is important is to be together, and it’s what you would remind to Arthur, no need for something big or fancy, just to be together in Christmas spirit.  
 -        You would buy a few decorations, but you would mostly create them yourself, spending the weekends of December making them with Arthur as you drank hot chocolate. Your flat would be colorful, filled with red and white tinsels and candy canes; you both went to a park and discreetly cut a few pine trees branches to decorate the appartement.
 -        Of course, Arthur would make the surprise to buy a Christmas tree, not too big, but it was more than enough to make you smile with happiness. And you would decorate it with anything that was shiny and candy canes too of course.
 -        For dinner you would not buy anything expensive, but luckily you and Artie were pretty good in cooking and you could manage to make delicious dishes with basic ingredients, roasted potatoes with bacon wrapped turkey and red wine gravy, and you would drink the other half of the bottle while eating. And of course, your favorite part, an apple cake topped with cinnamon and sugar.
 -        You want the night to be as relaxing as possible, you would cook with Arthur while listening to music, exchanging kisses and giggling. Then, after dinner, you two would settle in the sofa, and watch Disney Christmas cartoons while drinking hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.
 -        The next morning, Arthur or Joker would be the first awake, excited like a kid and eager to open his gift. Yes, usually with Arthur it would be one or two gifts for each of you. Arthur would have worked extra hours and saved as much money as he could to be able to buy you something nice, he bought those cute earrings you had seen once in a store front. Joker would get you more gifts and would get a bit extravagant, but it was really fun. You would get a nice suit or piece of accessories for Joker. For Arthur you would get a warm sweater or scarf so that he wouldn’t get cold when he is outside.
 -        As soon as the gifts were open and breakfast with nice pastries taken; you and Arthur would head to your grandparents’ home where you would be reunited with your parents and cousins as well. Arthur was always a bit nervous about it but once they all greeted him with a hug, he would be smiling all along, hugging back your family and playing with your cousins and nephews. He never had a family but now he had one. Joker had promised you he would never come out on Christmas, it was always sweet Arthur, otherwise your parents would have freaked out.
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-        Saturnalia was always an amazing holiday. For whole a week the whole Empire would celebrate in honor of the god Saturn. It was a very special day where the People would be pampered by their Emperor and where even slaves would be provided by table service and dining with their masters, all would party and share. Many offerings were made to the god but also to the people.
-        Commodus was always particularly joyful on that holiday. The first day, he always had a hard time not working but then, the next day, the real Commodus was back, joyful and relaxed. He would dedicate his days entirely to you, his nephew and the rest of the family.
-        Commodus would be dressed colorfully, wear red and gold togas and you would usually wear matching clothes, except on Saturnalia eve where you would wear purple and gold, an outfit especially made for that night. You both loved beautiful clothes and it was the occasion to shine even more.
 -        He would make sure that Lucius gets chosen as the Saturnalicius princeps, the Lord of Misrule for the whole week. And Lucius loved it, he was able to prank everyone and especially his dear uncle who at first regretted it, and then you would find him pranking back Lucius or even you, those two were children.  
 -        The whole week, Commodus would offer chariot racing in the grand arena, the greatest charioteer gathered for the most exciting races and with great rewards, as well as gifts for the public. You both enjoyed it, no blood, no deaths, pure entertainment for all.
-        It would be a huge party in the streets of Rome, people singing in the streets naked, drinking and gambling. With the Senate, Commodus would make sure to have a delicious public buffet offered to the people at the Temple of Saturn. He wants everyone to enjoy this holiday. And at night on the eve of Saturnalia, Commodus would organize a big party in the palace, where he would completely let himself go and enjoy the moment.
 -        For dinner, he would get you the finest foods from the whole Empire and even from far beyond, exotic dancers, magicians and entertainers would be invited as well to make this night unforgettable. He would make sure you smile and laugh, that you simply feel home, and it really were.
 -        “Io Saturnalia my love!” he would cheer, all tipsy, a big goofy grin on his face, coming to wrap his arms around you, almost spilling his cup of wine on you as he starts trying to dance, he wouldn’t care if he looked ridiculous, he wanted to hold you in his arms and kiss you. To be honest, drunk Commodus was probably the most adorable thing you ever saw.
 -        Commodus would be very nervous about the presents, he wants the best for you and he wants to impress you even if he knows he doesn’t have to but Commodus feels this need to constantly prove himself and his love for you.
 -        Early in the morning the day before, he would go out in the city in disguise to get your gifts, he doesn’t trust anyone else to get the best for you and choosing your gifts himself is very important to him, he wants something true, something that truly reflects how he feels for you. He would have a ring especially forged for you, with a blue gemstone incrusted in the center of it, reminding you of his gorgeous blue outfit that you loved so much. And for his nephew, his first real sword to train with him. As for you, you would get him a very fine wine from Greece and then a rather…sensual that you would were in your bedroom that night, you would be his gift in a way; and it would made him even crazier for you.
 -        After this long night of celebration, you and Commodus would take your time and just sleep as long as you could, it was the last day before getting back to work and you wanted him fully rested and ready to take care of the Empire as ardently as before. You had opened your gifts at midnight so there was nothing waiting to be done, except perhaps Lucius who was eager to take his first lesson from his uncle, but the boy was clever and let you enjoy your husband a few hours more….Io Saturnalia.
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-        Christmas with Joe would be quiet, something peaceful at home, it would mean a moment of full relaxion for Joe and perhaps the only moment where he feels like he doesn’t have to be on his guard all the time.
 -        You would spend Christmas Eve’s afternoon in an animal shelter with Joe, you two would pamper the pets and take them on a walk outside. You had discovered Joe rather enjoyed spending time with animals, especially dogs, it seemed to sooth him and you were thinking of adopting one of the dogs as his Christmas gift. So, this moment would be a good occasion as well to see which one he preferred.
 -        You would usually spend Christmas eve and Christmas day with your family, just your parents. It did good to Joe to be with other people. And your parents loved him, your father was a veteran and they understood each other. And then your mother just loved him and always offered him more cookies.
 -        You would do part of the shopping with Joe, especially to buy ingredients to cook for him and your family and then buy a few decorations. Joe would shop separately for your gift of course. And he would be in charge to get the Christmas tree and somehow he always ended up picking one that was too tall to fully fit in the living room, so he would have to climb on the stepladder and shorten the top of the trunk  and you couldn’t help but laugh. Poor Joe, he always picked up the biggest and most beautiful trees.
 -        This year Joe got you a few books, fantasy and sci-fi stories. It wasn’t his genre at all, but he knew you enjoyed it, and he hoped he had chosen well, he had made a research on internet to see which were better. As for you, well, you had gotten him the dog he was fond of at the shelter.
 -        You and Joe would cook with your parents, you would take care of the dessert with your dad while Joe and your mother did the rest. It wouldn’t be anything too complicated but there were many dishes to fill in everyone and especially Joe’s great appetite. As your mother said, a big man like him needed strength to carry on. And he truly managed to eat everything she was serving him, which you never thought was possible.
 -        As for the Christmas decoration of your house, it would be discreet but enough to remind of the Christmas spirit. The Christmas tree, a few tinsels on the walls or the banister and that was it. For everything, Joe liked to remain discreet. Still, you managed to get him to wear a Christmas sweater at home and with your family and he was the most adorable like that.
 -        The night would be spent taking your time dinning with your family, and then they would light a fire in the chimney, and drink mulled wine while talking about the many things that happened during the year. Then, your dad would put on some vinyl, oldies Christmas song; and you couldn’t resist but to get Joe to dance with, a slow dance, pressed against each other as you listened to the music.
 -        The next morning, you were the first one awake, excited to open your gifts. Well, you thought you were the first one awake, but you would soon realize Joe wasn’t sleeping by your side, maybe he was eager too. However, when you reached downstairs, you found him cooking a marvelous breakfast and not just for you but your parents as well, already wearing the Christmas sweater you had gotten him.
Abbe de Coulmier 
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-        Christmas was obviously a very important day for the Abbe, the birth of the Christ and a day of love. Which meant a lot of work for him, he was a priest after all, and he wanted to give love to people around him and the people in need. And he also wanted to make this day special for his patients, many had been abandoned by their families, and he wanted to make them feel at home, celebrating this important day together.
 -        He would encourage his patients to create decorations, some patients even crafting wood, others picking up pine tree branches to ornate the doors of their cells. Then, you and Madeleine would spend the day cooking for the dinner, the Abbe as always had managed the finances excellently and you had extra money to buy more food and ingredients and cook something more sophisticated for this day and even Yule logs for everyone. You would even convince him to cook biscuits with the patients, it made them very happy and also seeing him covered in flour was adorable, you couldn’t stop giggling and teasing him.
 -        Then, towards the end of the afternoon you would help him greet homeless and poor for the evening and night, distributing blankets to them, and sharing a warm dinner with them and a shelter for the night. So, this was a very big day for him and slightly exhausting, but the Abbe was a workaholic, he lived for other people and he loved helping.
 -        Charenton had become his family so there was no reason for him to come out of the Asylum. And also, you were there, by his side. And he loved you, even if he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t resist the temptation you were, and he wanted to make this day special for you too.
 -        He had very little money, but he had still managed to go in town, and buy you a beautiful blue scarf to keep you warm in the corridors of Charenton.  As for you, you had saved as much money as you could to buy him this beautiful chain with a little golden cross, he could wear it around his neck all day along, underneath his cassock.
 -        It would be a very heartwarming night where everyone would be reunited in the canteen, a beautiful fire lit in the chimney. Everyone would sit close to it and listen to the Marquis, standing in front of it, telling funny stories and also Christmas stories which he had agreed to tell after the irresistible request from his favorite priest. As the Marquis was getting everyone’s attention, you felt the Abbe discreetly brush his fingers against yours, to finally entwine your hands, making you blush, you would exchange a look full of love, tonight he would spend the night in your bed.
 -        To end the night, he would celebrate the midnight mass, patients and employees gathered and singing songs celebrating the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. It would be a great moment to remind everyone the values of Christmas, compassion, sharing, kindness and love.
 -        The next morning you would both be awakened by the excited cheering of the patients, eager to open their gifts. He couldn’t help but chuckle, it seems you two won’t be able to make love again this morning, but he would find another way, probably request you to his office for some reason. It wouldn’t stop him from filling your face with kisses before getting up and putting his cassock on. As you both opened your gifts with everyone else, you would know which one was his gift and he would know which one is yours; the look he would give you would be more powerful than words and you would smile in return, you felt blessed.
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-        Charlie wasn’t a Christmas guy, not all. Mostly because he kept bad memories from it, his father made it hell for him and his brother, and his mother too. Even if she had always tried to make them smile, making them eggnog, discreetly slipping a gift in their bed in the morning.
 -        Naturally as an adult, he wasn’t really down for it, except getting drunk in a Saloon. But you were there to teach him another way to celebrate Christmas, and it would be a way he would surely enjoy; and he would end up with Christmas spirit.
 -        So, obviously you would spend the day with his family, his brother and his mother. And Charlie wouldn’t be so opposed to it; at first, he might complain and say he doesn’t feel like going. But as soon as he sees his family, he smiles and greet them with a hug, he would never admit it out loud but he missed them and Christmas would be the perfect occasion to spend time together.
 -        You would have to accompany Charlie to the different stores for Christmas shopping, he always played tough guys and now he didn’t want to go shopping alone, it made you retain a laugh, your man was dumb sometimes.  Of course, once he finds something that could be a great gift for you, he would do his best to hide it behind his back, and most of the time pretend he didn’t find anything, you would roll your eyes, you knew his lying face but it was adorable. For his mother, he would some embroidered hankies, another scarf for his brother, just to tease him and for you, an expensive perfume from San Francisco. As for him, you would spend a lot of time and money with specialist to have a prosthetic arm designed for him, he still had a hard time with it and perhaps it would help him feel better and for when he rides again.
 -        You and his mother would cook, both men were terrible at cooking anything else than beans. So, out of question that they came into the kitchen, especially since last time where Charlie managed to eat half of the cookies you had made. You would also cook apples pies, and a roasted turkey that the two men had hunted earlier.
 -        As for decorations, the two men had managed to cut a pine tree that resembles a Christmas tree. You would all together decorate the tree, thanks to their mother pushing them to participate. It would be filled with red ribbons, berries, paper strings, yarn, and other homemade decoration Eli had brought. You would even hang a few cookies in the tree.
 -        When the night came, a fire was lit to keep everyone warm, after all the winter was extremely cold in this part of the country. You would eat joyfully, the boys telling their most epic and finniest anecdotes. Obviously, alcohol would be part of the night, though you tried to keep Charlie just tipsy, except if you were drunk too and joined him in messing around. You would end the night singing joyful Christmas songs together.
 -        The next morning, Charlie would be the one waking up everyone, he would even try to guess what his gifts were while everyone was still asleep. “But Charlie it’s 7 am…on Christmas.” you yawned, you couldn’t believe he was excited like a child for it, but in a way your understood him, Charlie had never celebrated Christmas and soon his brother was up as well, eager to unwrap his gifts. Charlie would be left speechless as he unwraps his gift and discovers the prosthetic arm, the only thing he would do is to hug you tightly, burying his head in your neck, and placing a kiss on your skin, before letting you put the prosthetic on him.
Bobby Green 
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-        Christmas for Bobby had become another mean to party, not as much as for New Year though. He just loved to enjoy life to the fullest unlike his family meetings where everyone was more uptight than the others.
-        So obviously, Bobby would much prefer to spend Christmas just with you, not even with his friends from El Caribe. Though, later in the evening, after dinner, you two might head to the club a little but not to work, simply dance and have fun.  
 -        You would do Christmas decorations shopping together trying to find which color would fit the best for this year; obviously you had a thing for red because it was a color that went well with Bobby too and you picked up gold as a second color; yes, this would be perfect. The very same day, arms full of bags, you would get a Christmas tree, a big fluffy one which would proudly wear the decorations you had bought.  
 -        Then, another day, Bobby would spend quite some time shopping, thanks to his job, money wasn’t a problem, but the problem was finding something perfect for you. Bobby would get you gold earrings with a little diamond on each, and the design would perfectly match with your face and he would also buy some sexy lingerie for you both to enjoy. You would get him an earring as well, the coincidence was rather funny, but it was a detail you particularly loved about him.
 -        As the evening comes, Bobby would bring you to a nice restaurant in the city center, it was a rather fancy one but not too much to avoid uptight people who couldn’t bear a laugh. It was fancy enough to fix the event in your memories. And you would enjoy a classic feast, and even Foie gras and dishes with truffles. Obviously, you would drink champagne, it would be a night of ‘excess and pleasure’ as Bobby said, and you loved this intensity.
 -        The decorations would mostly be on the Christmas tree, then you would spread little decorations everywhere, on cupboards and counters and then add many glitters which would be hell to clean up afterwards but you recognized Bobby’s great taste in decorations, he knew how to make it joyful and give a party atmosphere to a place.
 -        After the restaurant, you would head to El Caribe, at least you knew it was the best place to party in all safety. You and Bobby would just go wild, dancing pressed against each other, exchanging kisses and getting horny in no time; to the point that you would soon go back home to make love right away. Then, late in the night you couldn’t resist but open your gifts, giggling like children. So, there wouldn’t be really a Christmas morning for you, just sleeping late in each other’s arms, and it would be the best morning ever.
Bruno Weiss 
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-        For Bruno, Christmas was like any other day. He was Jewish but not practicing so he wasn’t really celebrating in any way. And he was often alone on Christmas, his girls always finding a gentleman or another way to celebrate without him. And he had expected you spend Christmas away, with your family in San Francisco; but you surprised when you asked him what he would like to do with you for Christmas, it had made him so happy that you thought about him, even surrounded by his girls, he had always been a lonely man.
 -        Bruno would spoil you during this day, actually he would dedicate his time entirely to you and that starting from the morning. He wasn’t great at cooking breakfast but at least he tried, and that only made you happy. And you were even more when he announced you that he would spend the whole day with you to prepare Christmas.
 -        He would rather enjoy shopping with you, his woman, walking hands in hands from shop to shop, his arms getting fuller of bags each time. Once again, he would spoil you, trying to fulfil you every desires, though Bruno wasn’t a rich man either; so, when you showed him an item that was too expensive, you would see it instantly, the way, he avoided your gaze, an embarrassed look on his face, he wished he could buy you anything you desired. “Hey darling, you know what? I don’t need it, it’s all good, don’t worry.” You would reassure him, tenderly kissing him on the lips. He swore to himself he would make you feel like the luckiest women in the world when you would open your gifts.
 -        You would buy many items to put in the Christmas tree and a few garlands but the most important purchase had been this new thing, electric light garlands, you had not doubts it would look perfect on the tree, and what better than to have the latest modern house items? And about that, Bruno completely agreed.
 -        Bruno would get you a new dress and makeup as well; it was one of his favorite things, to watch you put on your makeup, making yourself even more beautiful than you already were and that view was only for him. And you would buy him a new pocket watch, not one he bought on the black market for nothing, one with a beautiful design and your initials engraved inside the watch cover, so there would always be a bit of you with him.
 -        On Christmas Eve, you would stay home together, you would cook dinner and he would try to help. However, Bruno doesn’t have much patience so his help would be rather limited, and you would soon tell him to sit down and just keep you company. You would cook a roasted chicken, cookies and a fruit cake. However, on Christmas day, for lunch he would bring you to a restaurant, fancier than the usual restaurant he goes to; you would get smoked salmon and cocktails with champagne. And he had to admit, it was nice to have celebrations from time to time, and Christmas spirit was perhaps starting to grow on him.
 -        For the night, Bruno was more inclined to just stay home, but you wanted to show him something more, and you managed to convince him to go to a jazz club, at least to listen to the Christmas songs recreated with jazz stylings. After a while, you saw your boyfriend relaxed, so you put your hand on his, gently stroking it and by the look in your eyes, he would understand and accept to dance with you, a slow dance, embracing each other.
 -        The next morning; the air was rather chill, the both of you waking up slowly, caressed by the warm rays of the sun, snuggling a bit more in his embrace as you felt the air cooler than usual, it had snowed. You would happily open your gifts as you shared a coffee, wrapped in your warm bathrobe, a soft smile was on Bruno’s face, this peace, warmth; Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
Willie Gutirrez 
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-        Willie absolutely loved Christmas and didn’t hide it. It was a great occasion to spend time with you and your family and everyone knew Wille was a family man. He wasn’t the most churchgoing man, but this day would have a religious meaning for him as well. And actually, he would make sure the apartment you shared would be decorated for the 1st of December and he would get an advent calendar with chocolates, he loves it and you would have never thought that about Willie but it was really cute.
 -        That meant that you would spend Christmas holidays at your parents’ home. It was nice to travel a bit and change of air. And your parents just loved Willie, this hard-working young man who satisfied your every desires and who was kind and funny, to them he was perfect; and to you too of course, after all you were madly in love.
 -        Obviously, you would shop together, for everything: decorations, gifts for you and your family, food and chocolates. You would tease each other, trying to guess the gift hidden in the bag of the other, and you would have to wait Christmas morning to know which was even more exciting.  
 -        The apartment would be perfectly decorated, as if a home stylist had done it, silver and gold, the Christmas tree big and fluffy and perfectly decorated, the nativity scene underneath it. You were very proud of your decorations.
 -        Before joining your parents’ house, you and Willie would make cookies. But it would be hard to focus for you, Willie was really sexy, wearing an apron, a comfy sweater and a Christmas hat just to tease you because he knew the effect it had on you. Obviously, you would end up having sex on the counter between Christmas cookies. Once you would have joined your parents Willie would insist on helping out your mother, which would make her fall for him even more, and he would drink a glass of whisky with your father the same time while talking politics; yes, he had completely seduced them, to your greatest pleasure.
 -        Willie would also surprise you all by taking out an expensive bottle of champagne one of his acquaintances would have gifted him. Other than that, you would eat a rather classic Christmas feast, braised pork, vegetables and a few canapés.
 -        After dinner, you would all settle in the sofas in the living room, you snuggled against Willie, drinking hot spiced apple cider as your parents told your boyfriend memories of your childhood, some rather embarrassing actually but it made him laugh and he loved knowing those things about you. Your parents would be the first to head to bed; you and Willie would stay a bit more, exchanging slow and tender kisses until it was time to sleep and let the magic of Christmas happen.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by more kisses from Willie, feather-like kisses on your face, his fingers gently pushing away the strands of hair on your face. “Don’t you want to find out what Santa got you?” he’d tease you. And you would truly hesitate between considering him your Santa gift and getting up, and he knew it. And after a little you would both finally get up, happily opening your gifts. Willie would be smiling all the time, he  had family who loved him now.
Max California 
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-        Max celebrates Christmas but not in the typical way to do it. For him it is an overrated celebration, with a lot of fuss with all these decorations and Christmas movies on TV all day along and the whole picking up Christmas tree imperative. Also, Max doesn’t blend in very well with Christmas atmosphere with his look that he keeps all year along. People tend to look at him in a strange way when Christmas comes, seeing a guy all dressed in black with piercings and tattoos.
 -        It would be really fun when you boyfriend would realize that you are used to celebrate Christmas and that you rather enjoy the atmosphere. You would spare him Christmas songs and put on your headphones though you wouldn’t sometimes, just to embarrass him.
 -        You would celebrate Christmas just the two of you, you preferred to take baby steps with him, family gatherings on those type of celebrations made him uneasy because people were no fun, he couldn’t make his usual sex jokes or talk about the funniest things that happened back at the sex shop.
 -        You would manage to convince him to get a Christmas tree, and he got one in a pot so that you could plant it somewhere later. And you would accept that he chooses the decorations for it and thankfully you had no guests because this was hilarious and outrageous. Bulbs that looks like boobs, leather collars and other kinky stuff he had gotten at the shop; at least it was unique and very much Max California.
 -        As gifts, you would buy him more clothes that would perfectly match his style and you would get him a new sound system for his guitar, you didn’t want him to renounce to his passion and his dream of being a successful musician one day. As for Max well…. he would get you a few sexy things and also makeup that would perfectly match your face and look, you always loved when he did that, he was better than you at picking up those products, he really had great taste.
 -        For Christmas eve dinner you would order delivery but something out of the ordinary, something a bit fancy, your kitchen wasn’t the best to cook anyway, small and poorly equipped. And actually, you and Max would go for one of the most expensive Japanese restaurants of LA, and damn that was worth it, exotic and unique for this special night.
 -        You would move the little table to the window and open it, giving you a little view on the city. Since you two had moved from his rather questionable flat, you lived in a much better and beautiful neighborhood. After dinner you would head outside for a walk hand in hand by the beach, sharing a cigarette under the cool air and watching a few decorated store fronts; Max always finding ways to make a dirty joke.
 -        The next morning, you would wake up in your favorite way, Max tracing kisses along your thighs, that rascal never forgot his priorities, you thought, giggling sleepily and well, Christmas could wait a little more.  Obviously, after this little morning fun, you would go open your gifts under the tree while Facetiming with your parents “Oh my God Max!” you burst out laughing, you couldn’t show this gift to your parents “But baby it was a limited Christmas edition!” he’d reply, making everyone laugh even more.
 Theodore Twombly
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-        Knowing how romantic and old-fashioned Theodore is, he absolutely loved Christmas. It had been a rough period for when he was single and without anyone to celebrate Christmas with but Amy. Celebrating with a friend is much different than with your lover and family. So, he was more than excited to celebrate it with you.
 -        With Theodore you would get up before sunrise and take the car to drive to his chalet in the mountains. That already put you in the full Christmas atmosphere, it was sunny and full of snow, so much that for a while you thought you wouldn’t be able to access the chalet.
 -        You would spend Christmas eve and the next day together, just the two of you, in his chalet, lost in the mountains, it would become your little heaven frozen in time where only what you felt for each other mattered.
 -        Theodore would have shopped for your gifts the whole year, but he would have wrapped them a few days before Christmas, to keep the magic of the celebration. He would have gotten you all sorts of gifts, from an artisanal wooden carved object, to the latest video game you wanted. And you would have gotten a game too but what people call now old-fashioned one, a board game. Those were rather expensive today because people much preferred immersive virtual games now, but you were sure he would love it.
 -        Theodore would have already all the decorations you could possibly need, ready in boxes in the basement, you were honestly surprised by the choice in colors he had. You would both decorate the whole chalet, inside and outside with classic garlands and electrical garlands to, it was so much more beautiful than the holographic ones. This year, you would go for blue and white and also add candy canes in the tree because it was just too good not to put them. Speaking of the Christmas tree you would go get it in a pine tree nursery nearby.  And the great thing was that you could chose it and cut it yourself, though you left that task to Theodore, despite several tries you couldn’t manage to hit the same spot each time; it was physical but you both really had fun.
 -        You would cook Christmas eve dinner together, already dressed in your warm and comfy pajamas; the fire lit in the chimney. You would make tons of different cookies with hot chocolate and marshmallows. Theodore was vegetarian and you too so you would cook a wonderful vegetarian dinner, something simple and delicious that wasn’t too complicated to make so that you could spend the day enjoying other things as well.
 -        You would have dinner with candle lights while listening to oldies Christmas songs, it would be super romantic and you couldn’t stop smiling all the time and Theodore felt the same, it was a perfect Christmas.  Then, you would go on the balcony, wrapped in a warm blanket, Theodore hugging you from behind as you looked at the stars, the sky was clear and it was a stunning view. Actually, you don’t know how much time you stayed there, despite the cold, you both couldn’t stop looking. Though after a while it would be really cold and you would run inside to snuggle in front of the TV and watch Christmas movies, you barely payed attention to it, too busy exchanging tender kisses until you felt it was time to go to sleep.
 -        The following morning, after opening your gifts, the both of you were overjoyed with what you had gotten. And soon, your parents would join you and Theodore for a few days and they would also take you cross-country skiing, to the great joy of Theodore….he wasn’t a sport guy at all but he would follow you anywhere in the world.
Merrill Hess
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-        Christmas for Merill meant family time, he already spent a significant amount of time with his nephews and brother but less since you had moved together in a house farther down the neighborhood. And also, he was often away since he had integrated one of the best baseball team of the country. So, Christmas was a great way to be reunited all together.
-        You would spend the whole day in family, playing the snow with your nephews, obviously Merill would start a snowball fight, and he was the best at it, great aim and great strength especially when you received it right in the face. And you, on your side struggled to reach your target, and you couldn’t even run after him to get closer, he ran damn fast! At least your nephews laughed a lot at this. Afterwards, you would make a snowman competition, you and Abigail against Merill and Morgan, and Graham, would decide of the winners and it was your team who won, and the price was extra cookies.  
 -        Merill and Graham would go shopping while you watched after the children, who didn’t know at all that Santa was shopping. And in the meantime, with your nephews you would get the many boxes of decoration out of the basement and decorate the whole house so that that they would have the surprise when they come back. Though you would leave the nativity scene to Graham and his children, it was very important for them.
 -        In the meantime, the two brothers would not only buy the gifts but also food for the dinner, a menu that everyone had composed together. You had already your gift for Merill, a sled and a few DVDs of his favorite movies, as for him he would get you a tartan rug and the finest chocolates he could find, he knew how much you loved chocolate so he didn’t look at the price.
 -        For the Christmas tree you would all go together to pick it up, the children wanted the biggest one and Merill was always part of the children when it came to the Christmas tree. You and Graham would be more rational and manage to calm them down a bit and get them to chose one that would fit in the living room and 6’7 wasn’t bad at all.
 -        After playing a while outside and being frozen now, you would get to cooking, a great way to warm up again. Of course, the children were learning to cook so they participated in the elaboration of the dinner, it was a joyful moment where everyone had their importance and helped. Stuffed turkey, carrots, potatoes and an apple pie for dessert and everything in big portions because of the two growing up and the sportsman that was Merill.
 -        The night would be full of laughter and joy, after dinner you would settle by the fire and you tell Christmas tales with Graham while the three others were sitting crossed legged and listening to you, the little ones snuggled against their uncle. And then, all together you would watch Disney Christmas cartoons, there was nothing better to relax and dream of the wonderful gifts you would get tomorrow. After putting your nephews to bed, you and Merill would sleep back in his old room, reminding you of good memories, when you had started dating and your first time making love with him, it was very nice to spend Christmas here and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
 -        The next morning, you would be awakened by your nephews, running in the corridor and shouting that Santa had come and that many gifts were waiting to be unwrapped. You chuckled, thinking of Graham who had waited for them to be asleep to put the gifts underneath the tree. You wouldn’t take breakfast first, they were too impatient, and they didn’t seem very hungry, preferring to test their gifts together, including Merill with his sled, he could finally compete with his nephews as the big child he could be. But before you would convince them to eat their giant breakfast so they could play for hours in the snow.
Freddie Quell 
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-        It’s not that Freddie didn’t like Christmas, but he never celebrated it in a normal way, from his terrible childhood to Christmas in the army which was mostly a lot of drinking and sex. So, in a way, this would be his first real Christmas, with you and his family-in-law.
 -        He would let you completely guide him through Christmas eve and day. He was a bit grumpy at first because he was frustrated; he wanted to fit in and understand how to do things right. He wanted you to be happy with your man.
 -        So, it would be best if you spent Christmas eve, just the two of you; Take baby steps with Freddie and tomorrow spend Christmas with your family where he would have to bear the shitty jokes of your uncle. You would take him outside to walk hands in hands a look at the store fronts especially decorated for Christmas, just to show him the colors and decorations, the joy of the adults and children looking at it, in short introduce him to the Christmas atmosphere. You wouldn’t stay for too long because you knew he couldn’t stand still and had a limited patience but still, you were pleasantly surprised by how calm he was, a boyish smile forming on his lips sometimes, it was great step forward and you were eager to spend this day with him.  
 -        He would be the first to suggest going inside the shops and buy a few decorations for your house. Though, once inside he would be a bit overwhelmed by the crowd but also the crazy choice there was. He wouldn’t let go of your hand as you took him through the various alleys, he would be rather undecided about the color to pick, so you went for blue and gold, and he help you to pick up the shape and designs of the garlands and bulbs. And he was happy to carry out all the bags.  
 -        “Do you need to go to another shop for a gift?” you asked him once outside of that shop “No, I actually have it already.” He replied looking away, he had his gifts for you for a while because he had taken great care to choose something that would fit, he had gotten you a dress and expensive perfume. You would look at him excitedly, the way he took care of you was always very attractive to you “Well, Mister Quell if you could wait for me in the car, I have one more thing to buy…” your murmured giving him a sensual kiss on the lips, he would chuckle already knowing how it would end once at home but also happy that you were about to buy his gift, a nice kit to make cocktails and expensive alcohol that he would savor with you, reasonably.  
 -        You would stay home, you thought he would want to go to the restaurant but actually he preferred to be alone with you and have no distractions. You would decorate the house together, while he actually sang the Christmas songs everyone sang on the vessel, it was joyful songs and it was nice hear Freddie sing, it was an aspect of him you encouraged to come out. And while he finished decorating you cooked the fabulous dinner you would share, and which remained classic. Though soon you would feel his arms wrap around your waist and his lips tracing kisses along you neck; he couldn’t help it, whatever you did, you were sexy.
 -        Freddie was an unpredictable man and full of surprises. When you thought you would spend the evening in his arms at home, he would actually take you to the rooftop of a building and you didn’t understand why until a firework started and he had brought you where you would have the best view on it. Your eyes were shining all along and you snuggled in Freddie’s arms as you watch the show with him. And you would conclude the night by making love there, at the risk of getting a cold, but you didn’t care. In the end, it was Freddie who guided you through an amazing Christmas.
Ray Elwood
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-        Ray wouldn’t get a long permission for Christmas holidays, but at least he got a few days because you two were engaged. He was excited to spend Christmas outside of the base and with you, he had missed you so much, so much time away from you, only able to write to you or call you without being able to see you or hold you in his arms; he had missed you terribly and that was more important to him than celebrating Christmas.
 -        When you reached Germany, you had no idea of how your holidays with Ray would go, it was your first time in Europe and he had given you absolutely no indications of the program, if there was one. And that’s because he had a big surprise for you. You don’t know how much time it lasted when you embraced each other at the airport but to feel his warmth, his scent wrapped around you, his lips on yours, it was the best Christmas gift you could ever receive. After that, he would bring you to the base to introduce you to his friends and also to his boss, who had become a friend in a way, but a friend he also used to do his little business. After, he hadn’t been sent here for nothing but what could you do? You couldn’t stop loving him, and as far as you knew, he didn’t kill anyone, so that was good.
 -        And he would be really proud to show his beautiful fiancée to everyone, showing that you were real and a real knockout who was engaged to him. And his buddies were really nice and fun, they made you feel comfortable in this place full of men. However, once you two were alone again, he took out of his jacket two plane tickets for Paris “Spoiler alert, that’s your Christmas gift, a couple of days together in Paris.” He revealed to you, he had more than enough money for it and he wanted to spoil you, and he knew Paris was one of your dreams. You would be speechless, what a wonderful surprise “I prefer to tell you that my gift won’t be so crazy.” You chuckled, your eyes wet with emotion “Don’t worry baby, you are my gift.” He would reassure you, filling your face with kisses.
 -        And once in Paris, you realized Ray had really gone crazy, a superb hotel room, already decorated and even with Christmas tree in it, and gifts from the hotel like chocolates and perfumes. Though, you didn’t visit the city first, as soon as the door of the bedroom was closed and that the effect of surprise had passed, you literally jumped on Ray, the both ending making love passionately, again and again until you were satisfied, actually it didn’t change much from previous Christmas, there was always a lot of sex involved, for your greatest pleasure.
 -        And to make up for lost time, Ray would have the great idea to book a table on a barge on the Seine, it would enable the both of you to see the most beautiful monuments of the city, beautifully lit during the night and while you ate a typical French Christmas dinner and of course with great wine and champagne.
 -        After dinner, you would get off the boat and go watch the beautiful and famous store fronts of the Gallerie Lafayette incredibly decorated for Christmas, Paris was just amazingly decorated and the Christmas atmosphere was very present, it was perfect. Then, you would manage to convince Ray to go Ice skating with you, and after a few kisses and puppy eyes, he wouldn’t be able to resist and would just agree. The truth is that he was really bad at it and fell all the time on his behind, you were pretty much the same, but that’s where the fun was, trying to skate decently without falling. And the both of you would end up laughing a lot, clinging onto each other and ending up falling on each other.  
 -        The day had been exhausting but worth it, it was the best Christmas holidays you ever had, and it was only starting, you still had a few days more with your fiancée. And despite exhaustion you would make love again, the Christmas atmosphere in the bedroom making it even more magical. And Ray had to admit that it really gave him the Christmas spirit and with you he was really enjoying this celebration.  And even more so when he woke up the next morning and found underneath the Christmas tree a gift for him, he picked it up and went back in the bed to open it next to you. It wasn’t something big and flashy but it had more value to his eyes, you had made a photo album of you and him, all the pictures you took together since you were together and at the end of it you had included sexy pictures of you that you had made just for him; he would have a big smile, he was loving Christmas.
Also you my dear readers, tell me with which of these characters you would prefer to celebrate Christmas with!!
Tag list: @hopelessdisasterr @skaravile @lyoongx @weirdflecksbutok @beautifulyoungprospect @stellargirlie @rosebloodstuffandthangss @clowndaddyfleck @jaylovesbats @niniitah-ah @dreamingmaria @sagyunaro @just-a-fucking-comedy @spaceinvader @radio-hoo-ha @lady-carnivals-stuff @sierraclegane @legojorny @lemondedeniname @hvproductions @syvellsworld @charlie-sisters @papercut-paranoia @jokerflecker @cigznvalentines @help-i-am-obssessed @arthurfleckjoker2019 @theartistdetective @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend @fleckcmscott @obssessedandthirsty @ridiculousnerd @stardancerluv @sgtsavoytruffle @welcometomyhiddlesfandom @sanguinandoscrivo @valentina15 @phoenixbaby88 @captain-el-writes @thedamchii @ninathefandomcollector @kiddastle @lovesickforjoaqvin @joaquins-angel @alexsportello @ohcarlesmycarles @rajacero @bring-your-holy-water   @rajacero @morrisonmercuryphoenix @fly-like-a-phoenix @the-joaq-is-extra
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missgialeah · 3 years
My dad passed away in the last few days. We decided to write an obituary that reflected his personality. Love you, Dad:
E. Nick Henery, a retired electrical engineer of Conroe, Texas, joined the immortally challenged on November 18, 2021, at the age of 79. Since he’s finally kicked his lifelong oxygen habit, he’ll catch a ride on the sin wagon in Fort Collins, Colorado at Grandview Cemetery, where he will go ahead to stake a claim on some prime real estate in the Elysian fields for the family he’s left behind. The loved ones who will someday join him at his eternal estate in the clouds are Neda Henery, his beautiful wife, and her children, Chase Whitehead and Lauren Rockett; Gabrielle N. Henery, his oldest daughter, and her wife Angela Bosco-Lauth; Giovanna L. Henery, his youngest daughter, and her husband, Dustin Tucker; and Paulette Wharton, his adopted daughter, who was pulled aboard the Henery train when she was 8. It doesn’t stop there; Nick also was a grandfather to eight grandkids: Adam and Kaelyn Ramirez, Grayson March, Masey, and Dallas Whitehead, and Tabitha, Summer, and Hailey Ray.
Nick was born Edward Nick Henery to Lawrence “Dutch” Henery and Bonnie Henery. His father worked on road crews and because of this, Nick lived the first eight years of his life in a travel trailer. (We’re pretty sure this is why he chose to leave early and make sure his family had a nice place to settle when we all get to heaven.) As a child, he enjoyed hunting, fishing, and shooting at small woodland creatures.
He graduated high school in Deep Water, Missouri where he alone brought the team to a state championship and would have gone pro if only he were a little taller. After being refused by the NBA to have the regulation height of the baskets lowered, he decided to find a new passion and went to college at the Missouri School of Mines, where he engineered a degree in 1976. (See what I did there… engineered… cause he’s an electrical engineer.)
He served his country and achieved the rank of Army Captain in Vietnam by getting eaten alive by mosquitos, never complaining about constantly soggy feet, and helping his unit stave off C-ration burnout with his stealthy-woodland-creature hunting skills. He returned home with a couple of bronze stars in his pocket.
Apparently, an engineering degree and dodging bullets in the jungle was not enough of a challenge; after Vietnam, he went back to school and picked himself up for a Master of Science in Quantitative Statistical Methods. Years later, when his oldest daughter was failing her statistics class in undergrad, he compassionately lied to her and said, “Sweetie, statistics were hard for me, too; if I can do it, you can do it.” He was exceptionally excited when his youngest followed in his nerdy footsteps by working toward a Ph.D. in Communication, Technology, and Data Analysis.
For years he worked successfully for FERC, the APPA, and SMUD (not all at the same time). However, he was a true public servant, assuring every day that superstars had the appropriate backlighting, Joe Public always had a cold Coors Lite, and his daughters were able to help Mario save Princess Peach. He downplayed the work he did and told people, “I just keep the lights on.”
In his free time, and then even more once he retired, he pumped iron at the gym, smacked a tiny, dimpled ball around a field, and aspired to become a master angler. During one of his fishing trips, he fell in the river, so for Father’s Day that year, he received a box of flies and a pair of little girls’ water wings. I’m pretty sure he wore them at his next fishing trip.
The reaper challenged Nick to a card game that he couldn’t refuse. His loving family was there to cheer him on, but despite the Ph.D. in Survival he earned during his tour in Vietnam, he was dealt a bad hand and had to cash in his chips. Someday we will meet this kind-hearted warrior in a Valhallan paradise, but until that day, Nick (Dad), you will be missed.
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d20trashcan · 3 years
Its goddamn 5am and i havent slept but I keep thinking about Gorgug, Riz, Zelda, and Crow, my FH oc, polycule. Everyone has multiple hands, people.
Like Gorgug holds Riz and Zelda, Crow holds Riz and Zelda.
Riz and Zelda are gremlins that may look calm but can go mad crazy on coffee and true crime podcasts.
Gorgug and Crow are just musical nerds that cry about being adopted by loving parents who are just trying to help their insanely tall children.
Riz and Crow are shy as hell and always stared at cause Riz is barely 5 ft and Crow is over 6'4". Crow thinks Riz is too cool. Riz thinks Crow is too cool. The Bad Kids and Chowder Clan know the truth that they are lil darlings. Riz once was able to princess lift Crow and from then on he has been training so he can do it again. Crow is great at organizing papers and documents so she helps him around the office. Also makes a great cup of joe. Once reheats Riz's coffee by putting it on her head full of fire. Riz proceeds to burn himself from boiling coffee. Somehow, they get their first kiss together from the incident
Gorgug and Riz are so fucking chill? Gorgug is down to earth and can hold down Riz's more coffee fueled moments. Will try to sing songs his parents taught him when he was young to help Riz fall asleep during their couch cuddles. Gorgug love using Riz a lap pillow when they are at Gorgug's. Riz probably is looking through files. When he finishes with one, he'll kiss Gorgug almost as a good luck charm. When they are at Riz's, Gorgug teaches Riz how to cook now that his mom is even more busy thanks to the bar exam and god knows the Gukgaks cant cook for shit. Cue stereotypical shoujo manga scenes of couples cooking with each other. Riz has a steady hand for decorating but cannot seem to understand what low or medium heat is as HIGH heat is the only way to go.
Crow and Zelda are almost cottagecore but mixed with occasional death metal didgeridoo. They sometimes go on weird musical benders during adventures. Zelda is high on adrenaline and magical satyr bloodlust. Crow in the background giving support by playing her didgeridoo. Yet afterwards, both are snuggling under weighted blankets as they watch some weird foreign horror movie. Zelda is big Spoon and always knows how to massage down the knots on Crow's back. Crow has excellent knowledge of herbal medicines and drugs and provides them constantly for Zelda's family.
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doctordonovan-a · 4 years
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headcanon:    childhood   /   backstory
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0 - 1:     maeve is born to esther delman,   a nineteen year old music prodigy from Borough Park.   despite her orthodox family’s concerns at the baby of the family having a baby herself   (  a baby whose father is never named  ),    they do their best to be supportive.   over the course of her first months alive maeve spends more time with relatives and family friends than esther,   young woman completely incapable of bonding with a baby that doesn’t feel like her own.  when,  just before maeve’s first birthday esther returns home without her...   the delmans are all devastated,  but not at all shocked.   esther’s life falters,   yet gets back on track   &&   she chooses to believe usually crying baby will also find happiness.
1 - 5:   if ever asked,   maeve will say she can’t remember how many foster families she was with  (  but not many  becoming an easy lie  )  even though in truth she remembers every single time they decided she simply wasn’t a fit.  she was always a tiny child for her age,  deadly silent no matter what.  whether she couldn’t or wouldn’t talk rarely seemed to matter,   she wasn’t what they wanted.   she doesn’t cry anymore  -  but she also quickly learns to keep distance between herself and a much bigger world.
5 1/2  -  6:    fostering her is,  by far,   mary acknowledging joe’s desperation for a child.  the geneticist is never unkind to her,  but never motherly either,  leaving her in the high school history teacher’s hands.  it doesn’t take him long to see past silence,  past her ability to hide even in an empty room,   to see the spark in clever eyes.  it starts with teaching her sign language  (  &&   constantly encouraging her to actually use it  ),    making games out of tests to see how ahead of other children she really is,   choosing harp for lessons if only try and give her an interest in something other than hiding in books and drawings.  
6 - 7:   mary takes an interest the moment joe realises how smart maeve is,  fascinated with the potential of the big eyed little girl,  and everything changes.   suddenly everything is a lesson:  if she can be the best,   then maeve has to be.   mary’s own career in science as a woman taught her any and all weaknesses will always be a secondary glass ceiling people won’t let women forget so she won’t let maeve cling to hers.  maeve is pushed to no longer be quiet,  nightly terrors about drowning met with sudden swimming lessons.   she’s mary’s little prodigy.
7 - 13:    after her adoption,   little changes.   joe takes a few years off teaching to be a stay at home father,  working on articles he gets published and helping mary ensure maeve doesn’t falter in her studies.   genius is just hard work,   they instill into her,   she is wanted but some part of her often wonders if they’d have chosen her if it weren’t for the potential they see.
14:    maeve starts university to be a geneticist,  the first of four degrees  (  three PhDs and one BA  )   she will achieve.   the world may view her as a child,   out of place amongst adults,   but it’s not as if she was welcome anywhere else.   it’s just her and her orange bicycle,   getting from lecture to lecture,  trying to understand a world that never allows her settle.
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lesbianrobin · 4 years
If the Party and teen team had children, how do you think they would be as parents? I found hilarious that Mike becomes a sleepy Ted, or Nancy a Karen, or Billy takes a 180º degree turn and becomes a good father...
tbh i cannot really imagine any of the Party as parents bc in my mind they are babies... i think theoretically like they'd probably all be pretty good parents because they're more familiar than most with what it's like to be a kid and feel like you're on your own and your parents don't understand what you're going through. like i think they'd look back on their own childhoods and all the shit they went through and be like damn i can't be hands-off and leave them to handle things alone but i also can't be a controlling asshole! so i think they'd all be pretty good at it if they chose to be parents. dustin would be the most stereotypical dorky dad in the universe.
i think nancy would be a very hard mother to get along with/handle tbh unless she did a Lot of growing in her 20s/30s before having children. like she would love her kids and try her best and she'd absolutely do anything for them! ...but i don't think she really has the patience to deal with little kids and she seems like the type to set really high standards for older kids to live up to. i think she'd be the type of parent who's like a good provider and who encourages you to be your best but is pretty emotionally distant because of their own unresolved trauma and who doesn't really understand you. like i think if nancy was your mom you would have an incredibly fraught relationship until you reached adulthood and then you would start to really understand her more as a person and get along with her once you weren't living under the same roof. i don't know if she would really choose to have children though? i think there's a good chance that after everything she's been through, watching barb's parents mourn, nancy would feel like the world is too fucked and scary to bring children into it, plus she seems like she'd prefer to focus on a career and if she continues down the path of investigative journalism that might conflict a lot depending on how intense her work gets. maybe she could like foster teenagers or something once she was in her 40s or so? i think she might be good at that. also she'd be a milf and her kids would get constantly bombarded with "i'll fuck your mom" talk.
i think if robin had kids she would be a Cool Mom like she's gay so she's automatically cool for that alone but she also seems like. like she's the Fun Parent who's a little dorky and kind of sucks at discipline and maybe lets her kids get away with more than they should but she's also the mom that like all of her kids' friends go to when they can't talk to their own parents because they know robin will be nice and not make them feel bad about whatever it is. however i do also think she forces her kids to be involved with At Least One Extracurricular at all times and she probably like teaches them basic spanish and french and shit and sometimes she'll just talk to them in another language and be all disappointed and sad when they don't know what the fuck she's saying. she 100% knows that her teenage kids get tipsy when they visit uncle steve and she pretends like she has no clue because they listen to steve when he teaches them how to party safely and they won't listen if they know she's endorsing it because she's their mom and she's lame.
i think jonathan would debate a lot over having kids bc of his Familial Trauma but ultimately i do think he'd want to whether he was like Having kids or adopting or whatever. he's just a family kind of person yknow? i think he'd be a good dad although he might sometimes try too hard and have trouble like letting his kids work out their issues for themselves without intervening. like i think when his kids got to be 12-15 there would be a lot of arguments where they'd be like can you get off my dick and jonathan would be like please i just love you and worry about you and would like to know about every single problem you've ever had <3 because he would be SO conscious of not acting like his own father. however i do think (based off how he talks with will) that he would be able to like work through it and have honest conversations with his kids whenever shit did arise. also his kids would grow up watching like Classic Cinema and they'd show up to sixth grade like wow y'all have never watched the godfather? losers.
as joe keery put it i think steve would definitely be a better dad than his dad is to him! obviously steve would be an awesome dad like i genuinely think that shit is like his calling in life. like i think he'd gladly be a stay at home dad and he would be very dorky and fun and maybe a little too lax on discipline and he'd LIVE for reading to his kids and watching kiddie movies with them and having nerf wars and shit. i think he'd have a really hard time when his kids got older and he'd be very very sad whenever they wanted to hang out with their friends instead of him but robin would be like hey dumbass you're their dad they love you but you're their DAD and steve would be like shit yeah you're right :/ and deal with it (after having a midlife crisis meltdown). he would maybe be anxious about and a little strict on like drugs/alcohol/sex stuff bc of his own history but i do think he'd still be like a "you can have a glass of wine with dinner on holidays also i'm gonna tell you how condoms work and let you know that you can always ask me about anything you need" type of parent because he just doesn't want to be the way his dad was. ultimately i think he'd be good at it and his kids would love him a lot but they would also think he was like the dorkiest lamest man alive and they would be FLOORED that their friends find him cool and fun and attractive.
i can't really see kali ever wanting to have kids aaand fortunately b*lly died before we had to worry about it <3
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lilacmoon83 · 3 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 237: Information Warfare
"Good evening and welcome to the latest edition of Fabled. Your premier podcast for all the dirt and the real truth behind the fairy tale," Goldie began.
"As you know, here on the Fabled podcast, we take you beyond the writings of Henry Nolan Charming and bring you face to face with the real people in the book and how they're not always what they seem," she said.
"And even when they are...we discuss what we all know is there. A dark side," she continued.
"Tonight though, we're doing a little backstory," Grimm said.
"That's right...we're taking you back to the beginning of everything. We've told you it all. We rarely discuss what happened back in the Enchanted Forest or other realms where most of our people come from, but there is a purpose for that," she said.
"She's right...we like to discuss what came after true love's kiss and the curse that brought them all to this world. A dark curse," Grimm said.
"The same dark curse that deposited Prince Charming and his infant daughter on a rural road in Maine in 1983," Goldie replied.
"When found, Charming had clothing typical of this land and even identification on him. David Nolan of Storybrooke, Maine. A town that no one could find on a map and in the crook of his arm, a baby wrapped in a white blanket with the name Emma embroidered on it," Grimm said.
"They were taken to a hospital; a hospital that David Nolan remained in for ten years in a coma, while little Emma went off to a group home," Goldie said.
"Now, you might be wondering why we're discussing this, because most of this is described in the book, but what isn't in the book was Emma's troubled childhood," Goldie added.
"Right...Emma was adopted by a couple by the name of Nathan and Linda Swan and they sent her back when she was only three-years-old," Grimm said.
"The Swans are dead, but we have obtained Emma Swan's file from child services and it's quite interesting," Goldie said.
"Apparently, little Emma was a handful. There are tons of reports in this file that said that Emma would throw tantrums and during them, lights would flicker, sometimes lightbulbs would even explode, and electronics would even turn themselves on around her," Grimm replied.
"Naturally, most of the social workers she had listed had great difficulty in getting her adopted. One even called her a little demon and I guess we all know why that is," Goldie said.
"Right and in her file, her unruly behavior was naturally listed as the reason she was always sent back," Grimm replied.
"Of course, most fawn over the Charmings when they learn these things, but don't you think it was a clear sign that something was seriously off about her. I mean, we've even learned that her own paternal grandfather visited his son in the hospital a few times, but made no effort to take custody of little Emma," Goldie said.
"Maybe he knew what she was...and how much trouble she'd be to this world," Grimm replied.
"And she has. The Charmings have caused as much harm as they have good; that good is only done after they cause the destruction of a city," Goldie said.
"And who is there leading them all?" Grimm asked.
"Emma Swan...AKA Emma Nolan Charming-Jones," Goldie replied.
"Everyone thinks they're heroes...but we know they're capable of going dark. Her parents have...what's stopping Emma from going bad?" Goldie asked.
"I think we all know the answer to that. As long as she keeps her happy ending...she stays good, but the Savior could easily become our destroyer," Grimm replied.
"Exactly...and when we come back from our short break, we'll discuss the one Charming that can shake the entire world apart if he wants to," Goldie said, as they streamed their ads and shared a smirk. If they kept this up, Mama Snow and Daddy Charming would be beating down their door to defend their precious children.
The fireplace crackled in their living room, as Snow and David cuddled together on the sofa with two almost empty wine glasses on the coffee table. Shortly after the demise of Jekyll, they had decided they missed the coziness of their family home and decided to remodel the living quarters of the castle. Now the entire east wing consisted of their spacious bed chambers, a family room where they could gather with their kids, a private kitchen, Summer and Bobby's bedrooms, several guest bedrooms and bathrooms, and even a large outdoor veranda for family gatherings when it was warm. The staff did the chores and cleaning during the day, but it was mostly off limits to anyone but family in the evenings and mornings. Summer and Bobby especially loved the return to the coziness of their family home, yet the best of both worlds of castle life as well.
They still loved cooking for the kids too when they had time and this eliminated any friction with the staff when they wanted to use the main kitchen like before. It was definitely clear that most of the staff was not used to having royals willing to do for themselves like the Charmings. But on this evening, with Summer out and Bobby spending the night with Gideon, they were alone and left to their own devices.
He kissed her deeply and slid his hands underneath her blouse, as she mewled into his kiss. His hands on her made her gasp in excitement and she bit her bottom lip to keep a moan back, as he kissed his way down her neck. Her hands went for his belt and that was the moment his phone chose to beep. He grunted and chose to ignore the offending device in favor of kissing his way down to her collarbone. But then it beeped again. She whimpered in annoyance, as he reached for it.
"No...you have deputies for this kind of thing," she pouted. He chuckled and pecked her on the lips. He sighed, as he looked at it.
"It's Leroy," he said, as he sat up. She huffed.
"He says I need to come in and see something. Apparently, it's important," David replied.
"It's Leroy...I doubt what he says is important is that important," she argued, as she climbed into his lap and straddled his waist. He chuckled.
"You are Supreme Sheriff of the United Realms," she reminded him, as she started unbuttoning his shirt.
"That means you have deputies to handle most of the day to day operations and you can oversee. I highly doubt this requires your attention now," she reasoned.
"You're probably right," he agreed, as she kissed him deeply and he dropped his phone to the sofa. Unfortunately, it beeped again.
"Ugh...he really has a death wish tonight," Snow complained, as she prepared to toss it away, but he caught her arm and took the phone from her. He read the message and sighed again.
"He's not going to stop unless I go see what is so urgent," he said.
"He will if I tell him I'll shoot him with an arrow," she replied, with a pout. He chuckled again and kissed her pouty lips.
"Maybe...but knowing Leroy, he'll just come here instead," he said. She frowned at that and knew he was right. Leroy had always had boundary issues and was rarely appeased.
"Fine…" she relented, as she climbed off him.
"You want to come?" he asked.
"I want to come...but not in that way," she replied in a salty tone, making him laugh again.
"And I promise to help you with that in earnest when I get back," he said. She smirked.
"Okay...you better hurry back and make good on that, handsome," she replied, as she got up and kissed him passionately.
"Meanwhile, you can think about me being all alone, naked in the hot tub," she said, as she started to saunter toward their bed chambers. He blew out a breath.
"This really better be freaking good, Leroy," he grumbled, as he grabbed his sword and sheathed it on his belt, before heading out.
"Can you believe her!?" Eva cried, as she and Paul grabbed a bite at Granny's that evening after a long day at the hospital.
"Honey...you can't let her get you so worked up. You know she does it on purpose. She's constantly on your parents. It was only a matter of time before she went after the rest of you," Paul reasoned.
"I don't know...I'm with her. That lady needs turned off, permanently," Frankie agreed, as he held his and Joe's daughter.
"Easy Frankie...Paul has a point. She's just aching to get your parents to go after them and it wasn't working when she was saying stuff about them. So she's naturally going after you kids now," Joe reasoned.
"He's right," Paul agreed.
"Yeah...and Emma is an adult. That will piss them off...but they go after Bobby and your Mom is gonna put an arrow in her," Frankie said.
"I should text Emma and then Mom and Dad in the morning," Eva said.
"Or not...I mean, your parents don't even waste their time listening to Goldie's crap podcast. Neither does Emma or Bobby for that matter," Paul replied.
"I get that...but they're stoking fear about us. It's wrong...at this rate, we'll never be able to safely leave the United Realms again," Eva said.
"Maybe that's for the best," Paul replied, as he took her hand across the table.
"He might be right, honey. We lived in that world a long time. They're not kind to heroes. They build them up so they can tear them down," Frankie said.
"He's right...the propaganda is too shiny for the normies. The truth always comes out...but it takes longer and by then, the damage is done most of the time," Joe agreed. She sighed.
"I know you're right...maybe we are better off not going out there," she said. He nodded.
"Come on...let's head home. We can work on a counter for all of it. More people listen to you anyway," Paul said, as he paid the check and they said goodnight to Joe, Frankie, and their little one, before heading home for the evening.
David walked into the station in Storybrooke that evening, finding that it was mostly quiet, with what looked like routine bookings and happenings. Which begged the question as to why he was there. He headed toward the front desk, where they usually had a desk sergeant stationed during the day. At night though, it was usually just a clerk that went to the academy, but didn't quite have the makings for a beat cop. Now that they were policing the entire United Realms, they had an actual police force, both day and night shift. The station headquarters was in Storybrooke of course, complete with a much bigger, newer station with modern technology, a larger bullpen, and eight holding cells. Emma headed and managed the station headquarters and the day to day operations, while he oversaw the entire police force and the armies of Knights from all realms from their castle in Misthaven. Knights that served in various armies were considered a step higher than the Storybrooke police force, though the day of chainmail was mostly gone, with the exception of a few Kingdoms that still insisted on the old type guard. But the modern forces were akin to higher law enforcement and intelligence agencies like one might find in the Land Without Magic. He frequented the station in Storybrooke during the day, but it had been a very long time since he had visited it in the evening and probably not since it had been the old station. He knew the day desk sergeant by name, but didn't recognize the night clerk at all. He approached and then spotted Leroy coming out of one of the interrogation rooms. He almost made it past the desk when the clerk happened to look up from whatever non-work items he was doing and his eyes widened.
"Oh my Gods...it's you…" he uttered, as the middle aged man stared. David sighed.
"Yeah…just here to see Leroy," David said, hoping not to attract too much attention. He usually liked to keep a low profile, but it was increasingly harder to do these days, even in Storybrooke.
"I'm...I'm just such a huge fan. I mean...you're a legend!" the man stammered.
"It's about time you got here," Leroy grumbled, as he noticed the desk clerk that was hoping to get David's attention.
"Get back to work, Drake. Those phones and emails don't answer themselves," Leroy snapped.
"The phone isn't ringing at all," Drake said, but Leroy gave him a look and he wisely shut his trap.
"As I was saying...it's about time you got here," he grumbled.
"Really? Because whatever it is seems like it could have waited until morning. This place is dead," David argued.
"Not as dead as you'd think, chisel chin," he replied.
"Get back to work, Drake and stop working on those dumb picture books," Leroy snapped, as he led David back to the interrogation room, only to see a teen in the room about Bobby's age. David looked at him.
"He's a kid…" David said.
"Boy you're quick," Leroy retorted. David sighed.
"I mean, he's a kid and we have social workers for this stuff," he said.
"This one skips out of the system every chance he gets and is a notorious thief," Leroy replied, as he handed him the file.
"Eugene Fitzherbert...okay, yeah that's quite a list of theft for sixteen, but if you're wanting to book him as an adult, I think that's a bit harsh. Most of this stuff is petty. He needs a program, not prison," David argued.
"He needs a smack in the head, but I didn't bring you here because I think we need to try him as an adult," Leroy replied.
"Okay...then why did you?" David asked.
"He thinks he spotted Runeard at Iago's...earlier tonight," Leroy replied. David looked at the teen and then back at Leroy.
"Okay...you've definitely got my attention now. He's sure?" David asked. Leroy nodded.
"I showed him the photo of that portrait we took from Elsa's castle. He says he's sure and that's not all. He was pretty shaken up by what he heard and to get under the skin of a street rat like this one...I knew it had to be bad," Leroy said. David nodded and went into the room.
"Eugene…" David said, as he put his file on the table and took a seat across from him. The boy looked at him in surprise, like he was the last one he expected to see.
"Everything okay?" David asked.
"Uh yeah...just didn't expect him to go all the way to the top when I told him what I saw and heard," the boy replied.
"If you really did see Runeard...then Leroy was always going to call me," David replied. The teen looked uncomfortable at that and David relaxed in his chair a bit.
"Look Eugene…" he started.
"I hate that name...I don't go by that name," he said in irritation. David smirked.
"Like my son. He refuses to ever go by the name Robert and we've always called him Bobby. So what do you go by?" David asked. Eugene looked at him with scrutiny. No one ever cared or bothered to listen when he said he didn't like Eugene, let alone asked him what he liked to be called.
"Flynn...Flynn Rider," he replied.
"Okay...Flynn is it then," David said.
"Leroy says you saw Runeard at Iago's tonight," he said.
"Yeah...it was him, I'm sure of it. Nothing scares Iago anymore...and that guy had him ready to wet himself," Flynn replied.
"Then you heard the conversation?" David asked. He nodded.
"Iago was talking smack like he usually does and then the man grabbed his hand. It was only for a second, but Iago started turning gray. I...I've never seen anything like it," Flynn confessed.
"Yeah...he's really dangerous. I'll level with you...probably more dangerous than Jekyll was in certain ways," David said. Flynn looked at him for a moment again. No adult had ever leveled with him or told him the full truth before. It was a scary truth, but he liked it.
"What happened after that?" David asked.
"Iago told him to get out and didn't charge him for the drink, which is saying something. Iago never gives anything for free," Flynn replied.
"Did he leave?" David asked.
"Yeah...but not right away. Someone at one of the tables stopped him on the way out," Flynn replied.
"Do you know who it was?" David asked. He nodded.
"His name is Rourke...he's kind of a mercenary I think. He's really shady...no one seems to know much about him," Flynn replied.
"Oh, I know the name...and you're right, he's a mercenary, but really elusive. He used to freelance for Clayton back in Longbourne. My father told me a bit about him," David said.
"He also managed to evade capture when we took down Pleasure Island...and I still don't know how he keeps off the grid like he does," he added.
"Yeah...I couldn't hear the conversation and getting closer would have been suicide, but he gave Runeard a business card," Flynn said.
"That's interesting...and really helpful," David replied.
"Are you going to book me?" Flynn asked.
"Why did you come here if you knew we might arrest you for something?" David countered with his own question. Flynn shrugged.
"I don't know...I hate cops and stuff, but this Runeard guy seems really bad. I mean, I hate the system...but I still want a world to live in, you know?" he asked. David nodded.
"We all do...and we're not going to book you tonight," David replied. Flynn's eyes widened.
"Really?" he asked.
"No...but do you have a place to stay tonight and don't say in a car or on the street," David replied.
"I'll...I'll figure it out. I always do," he replied.
"Yeah...that's what I thought. Come on," David said.
"Come where?" Flynn asked.
"You can stay with us until we get you enrolled in school and on your feet," David replied.
"I...I can't stay in a castle," Flynn said.
"It's no big deal. We have plenty of room, as you can imagine, and our youngest is about your age. He has an empty spare room right next to his," David replied, but he could see how uncomfortable the teen was.
"But if you'd rather, just go to Granny's and tell her I sent you. She'll get you settled," David said. He nodded, a little more comfortable with that.
"And make sure you go, because I will check and I will be making sure you're headed to school tomorrow when I send my son to take you there," David said.
"I don't need school…" Flynn argued. David smirked.
"It's school or juvie," he said. Flynn scoffed.
"Fine…" he relented. He'd figure out a way to get out of it later. David stood up and opened the door, letting him out, as Leroy waited.
"Make sure he gets to Granny's and get him checked in," David said, as he started to walk back toward the desk.
"You aren't booking him?" Leroy asked.
"No...he's just a kid, Leroy," David replied.
"You're such a softie," Leroy complained, but he wasn't too upset by that, as they got to the desk and he finished scribbling notes on the report.
"Here's the report. Stop working on your comic and get this typed up," Leroy ordered.
"Of course," the desk clerk said, as he looked at David.
"I...I just want to say that you're an inspiration. Your family...and the crime fighting. It's my basis for my own comic book," he said.
"That's...great," David replied, a bit awkwardly.
"Not if your comic is about duck people that are super heroes," Leroy muttered.
"Well, good luck. I need to get home," David said.
"Wait…" Drake called and David winced, as he stopped and turned around.
"I know it's a lot to ask...but your grandson is the author and I'd love it if he would read my stuff and give some feedback," Drake replied.
"Ahh...well, Henry's not really that hard to get a hold of. Shoot him an email," David suggested.
"I sort of sent him a few...dozen," Drake muttered.
"Okay...well, I really need to go," David said, as he started to head for the door.
"Dammit Mallard...I told you to limit working on that crap here at work and then you go weird Charming out with your hero worship?" Leroy scolded.
"Sorry…" he apologized, as he sighed and looked at his comic, before going back to work on it.
"Come on kid, I gotta take you to Granny's. Charming's orders," he said, as he ushered Flynn out to the car.
"Okay boys...I got the stuff for your s'mores," Belle said, as she exited the house and into the backyard where Gideon and Bobby were having a campfire in the fire pit. Rumple sat with them, as did Neal and Tink, who had come for dinner as well.
"Thanks Mom," Gideon said, as he helped her with the stuff.
"So Bobby...your Mom texted me that you have a date to winter formal on Saturday night," Belle mentioned.
"Uh yeah...I asked Zia," Bobby said shyly.
"Way to go, man," Neal said, as he fist bumped him.
"Yeah…Mom already bought new albums for the pictures," he said, with a flush of embarrassment.
"I think it's sweet...and it would be even sweeter if my Gideon wasn't refusing to go," Belle mentioned.
"Mom...not this again," Gideon complained, making Rumple smirk slightly.
"I just don't want you to miss out, sweetie. You can go without a date," Belle urged.
"Well...you know, he could ask Olivia. She hasn't been asked yet and I know she likes you," Bobby suggested. Gideon's eyes widened.
"Dude…" he hissed.
"Oh that sounds wonderful...Olivia is so sweet. You should ask her," Belle urged.
"Yeah and then we can take pictures together," Bobby snickered.
"I hate you," Gideon grumbled.
"Don't be so shy, baby bro. Ask her out," Neal urged. Gideon rolled his eyes.
"Fine…I'll ask her," he relented.
"Good...now on with the making of s'mores," Neal said, as they got the stuff out and started roasting some marshmallows.
David got home and upstairs to their living quarters. He removed his jacket and shoes, before padding into their bedroom and into the bathroom, finding his wife in the hot tub, as promised.
"Good...you're back and I'm almost out of wine," she purred, as she undressed him with her eyes. He smirked and grabbed the bottle on the sink and filled her glass and one that was waiting for him, before leaning down and kissing her.
"Get in here," she requested. He smiled and undressed, much to her liking, and slipped into the water with her.
"I missed you," she purred, as he kissed her again.
"I missed you," he replied, in a husky tone. She was going to ask him why he was called in, but she forgot all about anything else when he started kissing her neck.
"Charming…" she mewled, as he proceeded to make love to her. After, they rested together in the bubbling water, exchanging soft kisses, before she rested her head on his shoulder.
"So...what did Leroy need?" she asked, as he entwined their fingers together and kissed the back of her hand.
"Someone said they saw Runeard at Iago's earlier...and actually came in to report it," he answered. She looked up at him.
"Really?" she asked. He nodded.
"A young man, about Bobby's age. I suspect he's either an orphan or had a troubled home life. He has a rap sheet, but it's mostly petty and we've never been able to get him to tell us which land he's from," he replied.
"He wasn't included in the system from the Good Curse?" she asked. He shook his head.
"No...he skipped under the radar somehow. But what he saw scared him enough to report it," he replied.
"What did he see?" Snow asked.
"Iago mouthed off to him...you know, like Iago does and Runeard gave him a tiny taste of what he was capable of. Iago begged him to leave and he did, but not before someone else stopped him on the way out," David replied.
"Who?" Snow asked.
"A man named Rourke...who we also don't know a lot about, other than he's a mercenary. My dad said he freelanced for Clayton a few times though back in the Enchanted Forest. He usually operated out of Longbourne," David explained.
"What did a mercenary want with Runeard?" Snow asked. He shook his head.
"Not sure...the kid didn't get close enough to hear, but Rourke handed him a business card," David replied.
"What about the boy? Don't tell me he's sleeping on the streets or in one of those skeevy motels that Iago owns on the east side," she said.
"No…I offered to let him stay here, but I don't think he was comfortable with that. I think he's still trying to figure me out," he replied. She smiled.
"So I had Leroy take him to Granny's and I made sure he knows that he's going to school tomorrow. He didn't like that, but I told him it's school or juvie," he added. She kissed his cheek.
"You're such a good man...I love you so much," she replied.
"I love you too...and I'm the man I am, because of you," he said.
"You were a good man, even before me," she reminded him.
"Maybe...but you gave me everything I knew I wanted in life and more," he said.
"There was a time that I wasn't willing to take risks and fight for anything, even my own freedom. Then when I did...I guess I never stopped fighting so when I met you, I knew that I'd do anything for you and fight for you to my dying breath. And then our children," he said, making her want to melt.
"I know...you're my hero. You have been since we met," she replied, as she kissed him tenderly.
"But I have to say...I'm very much enjoying these peaceful days when we're not all in mortal danger," she added. He chuckled.
"Me too...come on, let's go dry off and get a snack. I could go for some ice cream," he mentioned.
"Oooh...me too," she agreed, as they got out and dried off, before putting their robes on and then padding out to the kitchen.
Hermes' bubble disappeared, as they touched down in New Asgard, where Sif was waiting for them. She hugged them both with excitement and then the children.
"We missed you Aunty Sif," Ben said.
"Oh, well I missed you too, young ones," Sif replied, as she led them toward the marketplace.
"Well...things are certainly looking good around here," Fandral mentioned.
"Yes...it helps that there are more hands to spread the work to now," Sif replied.
"What do you mean?" Rose asked, as they noticed there was also a lot of construction going on.
"They reversed the snap...most everyone that died five years ago has returned," she said.
"That's wonderful...but how is that possible?" Fandral asked.
"That is a long story, but we have breakfast ready at the royal house and Thor is waiting," Sif replied.
"Then Thor is taking his Throne seriously now?" Rose asked.
"No...he has put Valkyrie in charge and she is hard at work cleaning things up around here," Sif replied.
"Then it's true...Thor is leaving," Fandral said.
"He is...but with access to the bi-frost at his fingertips, I know he plans to pop in to visit all of you soon," she said, as they arrived and found breakfast waiting for them. As they prepared to sit and eat, Thor came barging in.
"Uncle Thor!" the kids called, as the three of them rushed up to hug him. He laughed and lifted the twins effortlessly.
"Every time I see you both...you've grown a mile," he said, as he put them down and Carina hugged him too.
"And you've become a young woman," he said, as he approached them.
"Is he okay?" Fandral muttered.
"He's better now that most of the damage has been fixed...but he still needs a shave and to get back to training," Sif whispered back.
"It is so good to see you, my friend," Thor said, as they shook hands and he smirked.
"Looks like you've been busy too," he mentioned, enjoying razzing him and he shook his head.
"Yes...you remember Rose, of course and these are our second set of twins. Astrid and Gunnar," he said, introducing him to the babies that Sif and Rose were holding.
"Strong Asgardian names," Thor said, as he sat down.
"So…Sif tells us that you fixed the damage done by Thanos. That is amazing news," Rose said.
"Yes...but I should say we fixed it. The Avengers, that is. We gathered the Infinity Stones and snapped them all back. Or rather, Banner did," he explained.
"But I thought you said they were destroyed," Fandral replied.
"Ah...they were, but we used time travel and retrieved them from the past, then Banner snapped everyone back. Unfortunately, Thanos followed us back here from the past, but we killed him properly this time. Then Captain Rogers put the stones back in their places in the past," he said.
"Time travel? I've read so many books about it...it's really possible?" Rose asked excitedly.
"Truly...and though it came with its prices, most that were snapped are back now," he replied.
"That's wonderful news," Fandral replied.
"We heard about Natasha...we didn't know her well, but she did help us a great deal when Seth banished us," Rose said.
"Natasha was one of a kind," Thor agreed.
"Are you really leaving?" Fandral asked.
"Yes...it's time I be myself and not who everyone thinks I'm supposed to be. But New Asgard will be in good hands with Valkyrie and Sif," he replied.
"And you're going to space?" Ben asked in awe.
"That's right, young one...but I plan to pop in to visit you from time to time. I still need to see your Kingdom," he promised.
"We would love to have you," Rose said.
"Yes...but until then I will be off on a new adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy with Quail and the Rabbit," Thor replied.
"I think his name is Quill," Sif said.
"That's what I said," Thor replied and she rolled her eyes.
"Well...if you're not leaving right away, we'd love to spend the day with you until you go," Fandral said.
"Excellent...with the bi-frost, this world is at our fingertips," he said, as they finished breakfast and then ventured out for the day to see this world.
The next day went off mostly like any other weekday, with the work and school day commencing and Bobby met Flynn outside Granny's, as he promised his Dad he would. His parents were inside having breakfast with some of his siblings and he was done and ready to head to school.
"Are you Flynn?" Bobby asked, as the taller boy came out of the Inn.
"Yeah…" he replied with a sigh.
"I'm Bobby Charming," he said, as he put his hand out. Flynn looked at his hand and then reluctantly shook it.
"Yeah…I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are," Flynn said. Bobby nodded.
"Yeah…I guess they do," he replied.
"Look...school is not my thing so why don't we just pretend I went with you and call it good?" he asked.
"Sorry...my Dad was pretty clear that it's school or juvie for you and if he's giving you a chance with your rap sheet, then I'd say it's because he sees good in you. So take the deal," Bobby refuted. Flynn snorted and followed him, as they walked to school.
"They make you walk? No car?" Flynn asked.
"I'm fifteen and they would take me, but I don't mind walking. It's not that far," Bobby replied.
"I can get us a car," Flynn mentioned.
"One that's yours?" Bobby asked. Flynn scoffed.
"Details," Flynn muttered.
"Do you even have a driver's license?" Bobby asked.
"I'm not above stealing a car...why would I bother to get the license to drive one?" Flynn answered with his own question.
"Good point...and I bet you have a lot of great skills that you use for crime. I bet you can put them all to good use and actually learn something," Bobby said.
"Doubtful junior...your Dad is wrong about me," Flynn replied.
"We'll see…" Bobby said, as they arrived at school.
"Hey honey...we ordered for you," Snow said, as Eva and Paul arrived for breakfast.
"Yeah...you're lucky. Hope and I were going to make a claim on your pancakes," Emma joked, as she poured her daughter's milk into her sippy cup, before putting it before her.
"You okay? You seem flustered," David said.
"I take it that none of you listened to Goldie's podcast last night," Eva replied.
"Gross...no," Emma said.
"Yeah...you're the only one that listens to her trash," Leo pointed out.
"Honey...you shouldn't listen to her. She's horrible and we don't care what she says about us," Snow admonished.
"I know, Mom...but last night was different. She went after Emma pretty hard and basically said that Bobby could destroy the whole world by himself. She's pushing fear about us now," Eva said.
"Okay…I don't like that," David replied.
"Me either...maybe we should listen," Snow said. Emma rolled her eyes.
"No...you guys, who cares what that lunatic says?" she asked.
"We don't...but if she's inciting people to be fearful of our children, that's wrong," Snow replied.
"I know, Mom...but we expected this. People were already afraid of us when they saw what we did in Seattle and then when they saw the battle with Seth, we knew that fear that was on the corners of the Internet before would become a bit more mainstream," Emma reasoned.
"We did, Princess...but it sounds like she's using certain rhetoric to radicalize people against us," David said.
"He's absolutely right...and it's exactly the type of warfare that General Mendoza and the intelligence agencies use every day," Patricia said, as she joined them.
"Then you think Goldie has been recruited by General Mendoza?" Snow asked.
"I've been listening to all of her podcasts...like Eva has and I sent Agent Harding to New York to do a little digging," she replied.
"Then you were able to pinpoint her and Grimm's location to New York?" David asked.
"Yes, but only generally speaking to the city, which wouldn't have been possible without a top notch hacker, who did a favor for Agent Harding. The VPN they're using is top of the line and I mean nearly un-hackable, so they couldn't get in to pinpoint any kind of location or even radius," she explained.
"But they got a general geographical location on the last broadcast and it's definitely coming from the state of New York," she added.
"Which means it's a pretty good guess that they're in New York City, hiding in a sea of over eight million people," Emma replied. Patricia nodded.
"I can't say with one hundred percent certainty, but yes...it's a good guess," she said.
"Any ideas on how to narrow down the location?" David asked.
"Short of getting Agent Harding killed? No...because if Mendoza is funding her, then it's too dangerous to send her in closer. But the good news is that Goldie's ratings are abysmal, especially compared to Eva's. That won't make him happy," Patricia replied.
"Do you think he'll stop funding her?" Snow asked.
"He'll threaten to...unless she finds a way to get more traffic to her trash broadcast. Whether she will or not remains to be seen. However, I think I know of a way to combat her that will probably get her to act more erratic or even slip up," Patricia replied.
"How?" David asked. She looked at Eva.
"To your credit, because you're a person of such integrity, you have yet to call her out on your broadcast. You completely ignore her, which has been effective. But now that she has gone after your family so viciously, especially your parents, I think it might be time to speak out against her," she replied.
"Now that she's gone after your siblings, especially your brother, who's still a minor, I think you can call her out and still maintain the moral high ground, so to speak," she added.
"Consider it done...I have no problem going after her and I can do it without sounding petty like her," Eva said.
"Good...because I think her purpose of going after you kids is to get a reaction from you two," Patricia replied. David sighed.
"Probably...even if we did know where she was and went barreling there, she'd spin it as aggression on our part," he said.
"Which is why this is better. This is definitely a war...but an information war and Eva is winning it against her. Ten fold," Patricia replied. Snow smiled.
"That's because Goldie is a two bit hack and Grimm's blog is abhorrent with stories that I'm sure only sadists want to read. And our baby, like all our babies, is incredibly talented," she said, as she hugged her daughter.
"She's right," David agreed, as he hugged her too.
"Thanks Mom and Dad, but I better go or we'll be late," she said to Paul. They paid their check and all parted ways for the day for their respective jobs.
Henry sat in his study, responding to some of his correspondence in New York and browsing what they had sent him. Apparently, they wanted a rebuttal to Grimm's latest blog posts, which were more twisted stories on classic characters and honestly, it was hard for him to read these scenarios when he knew Grimm would love to make his versions reality for many of the people he loved.
"Hey...you look like you could use this," Ella said, as she brought him a cocoa with cinnamon.
"Thanks...you have no idea," he said, as he took a sip.
"Ugh…I can't believe Grimm's grisly blog of horrors has that many hits," she mentioned, as she looked at the page.
"Me either...though in terms of the Internet, that's a pretty low to median amount of people," he reasoned.
"Still too many likes for my taste," she said. He smiled.
"Me too...but I think there's a reason he has no dislike button. I'm positive the dislikes would outweigh the likes," he mentioned.
"Very true...is this some of the same stuff in those manuscripts that we burned?" she asked.
"Probably...it doesn't surprise me that he digitally backed up the hard copies. Still creepy to think that he could have made all this reality if he had gotten blood from my grandparents and used it as ink," he shuddered.
"He can never get that now...and you're a much better writer than him. He's arrogant to think that he has any talent," she said.
"It's his family name...he thinks he's entitled to be the official story and some would consider him to be more official than me. A lot of movies and other stories have been based on the work of a Grimm," he reminded her.
"Mm...maybe, but you were chosen by Merlin and that makes you the official author and the best," she said, as she kissed him tenderly.
"Thanks," he said, with a smile.
"Come on...take a break. Let's go get lunch," she suggested.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea...I'm starved," he agreed, as he closed his laptop for now and they went to lunch. He would finish his rebuttal later. They exited the house and got a text on his phone.
"Who's it from?" she asked.
"Eva...she wants me to come on her next broadcast," he said.
"I guess she's going after Goldie and Grimm," he added.
"Well, it's about time after everything they've said about this family," Ella replied.
"I'm not surprised by the timing. They went after Mom and Bobby hard in their last one. If my grandparents knew where they were...they'd be toast right about now," Henry said.
"Which is probably exactly what they wanted and would have painted them as violent. This is a much better way to fight them," she reasoned.
"Agreed...though I can't say that none of us wouldn't enjoy seeing your Grams put an arrow in that blonde twat waffle," she added, making him laugh out loud.
"Yeah…I think we'd all enjoy that. But we can settle for completely discrediting her on Eva's podcast, which does bonkers numbers compared to Goldie's," he said. She smiled and nodded, as they drove to Granny's for lunch.
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redhatmeg · 4 years
It was long since I wrote my Dalton bros headcanons, and it just so happens that lately I revisited The Daltons cartoon and realized certain thing that seems to be a semi-canon (at least for certain two Lucky Luke writers who suggest some things) and I personally consider it my headcanon by now.
So you may recall this speech from Lone Riders. When I’ve seen this post for the first time, it reminded me of this scene from The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke:
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He is saying this about Bone brothers, but it’s hard not to wonder if he was also thinking about certain four bandits he encounters on a regular basis. Especially because Bonhomme’s comic seems to be set some time after the Dalton Cousins.
Now, the line from The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke may be just a line and not mean anything special; just like the speech Luke gives to Daltons was just a rouse to make them calm the fuck down, but it’s worth mentioning that in the official comics showcasing Luke’s childhood - Kid Lucky - he’s an orphan happily adopted by a bartender Aunt Martha. He has friends and, overall, a happy childhood, however, Kid Lucky is an only child, and sometimes only children wonder about how it would be like to have a sibling.
Fast forward to his adult life and Luke is constantly running after Dalton brothers, and actually got to know them over the years. In some ways he also learned to care for them (and their mother), more or less. So what if - while observing Daltons interacting with each other - Luke had moments to reflect on nature of brotherly love? Sure, on the first glance it seems that Joe is a horrible brother... and he really is... but there are moments when he cares about Jack, William and Averell. Also it’s farly normal for siblings to be assholes to one another (espeically big brothers to younger ones) and generally the eldest sibling is in charge of the younger brothers and sisters, because either fate or their parents assigned this role to them. Maybe when Luke looks at Daltons he sees an elder brother who tries to take care of his younger siblings; two brothers who consider said elder brother as soemone really cool and an authority; and an annoying little brother who pisses all three of them and yet is the apple of their mother’s eye.
And when Luke observes the interactions between Joe, William, Jack and Averell, maybe he wishes he’d have siblings too. And maybe he kinda, sorta, thinks of them as his brothers.
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oldserah · 4 years
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Thought i would just upload the complete set of Joeseph’s and Genesis’s Children in fcnd in the age/ birth order with their parents!
[they are previously posted so sorry for the spam]
Some Details: 
[can change over time but rn is all the info i have figure out for them]
Joseph and Genesis
-Genesis has 3 other children who are all adults in their 20′s / 30′s in fcnd
-Joseph has 2, dead daughter and Ethan [which while he was shoehorned into fcnd, I elected for him to be josephs bastard in my canon]
-Joe and Gen where able to take care of the kids in the bunker, because through out the game Gen stock piled stuff in Dutch’s bunker for safe keeping when she came across stuff, i.e food, baby stuff for Carmina [and in general] clothing, books, stuff for her house ect. [also helps explain how gen and joe survive in general even without kids because I doubt Dutch stored much more that stuff for himself, and stuff for his fam before they stopped talking.
-Genesis didn’t want children in the bunker, didn’t think it was a good idea. Most where accidentally conceived or they weren’t careful.
-Genesis was the Primary Caretaker of the children in the bunker, as Joseph would go off to Listen to the Voice, particularly towards the end of their stay in the bunker. However, he was a lot more Present then when they were in New Eden.
-Gen regrets leaving the bunker sometimes as it changed Joseph attention towards his children and sometimes believes it was better there.
-Ethan and his mother where welcomed into the family, Gen formed a closer bond with Ethan than Joe did although the had differences and Ethan’s Jealousy of His Half Siblings
-Gen insisted that the Children need to know about the old world in order to survive in the new one, against joseph wishes she teaches them. They settle on the kids reading educational books, although Gen teaches what she knows and about melee fighting / defence so they may survive when they leave. Gen didn’t stop this Education after they left the bunker, she just made it less obvious.
-Ezekiel is the oldest, and his bio father changes all the time as I’m trying to figure out the canon event / when he was conceived. the current three ideas are:
1. He is joseph’s kid conceived in the bunker
2. He is joseph kid conceived before the bunker
3. He’s Jacobs kid [yes, I did used to partly ship Gen with Jacob / one-night stand]
-Ezekiel, left to find his father a year or two after he left, he lives primarily in Jacobs region and dreams to travel. Carmina knows he’s a seed but encourages him / hide’s his identity to prosperity.
 Gloria, Justinia & Mercilla
-Gloria, Justinia and Mercilla [known as Glory, Justice and Mercy] are triplets. Joe and Gen thought they where twins, It was a difficult birth being alone, and Gen got pretty sick after.
-They where originally going to be all names after a heavenly virtue however only about 2 of them work as names. Joseph names them glory, justice and mercy, Gen is the one how gave the proper names that represent these. Their meant to represent some of what new Eden stands for.
-Gloria is apart of the highway men, she met them when running away / travelling in her youth after her father left. She re-joins Eden before they are attacked.
-Justinia is a leader type figure in new Eden / a preacher. She was seriously injured as a child by an animal, either a cougar or a bear that Ethan provoked when they where playing. Her leg/s are amputated below the knee and has wooden prosthetic. It’s a miracle she survives and sealed her dedication to Faith.
-Mericilla lives in Prosperity under a different name to hide that she is a seed, she had no issue with new Eden but wanted to meet other people and see the world outside of Eden / she wants both factions to get along and help each other survive.
 Edythe & Zacharias
-Edythe and Zacharias weren’t originally twins, but now likely are so Gen isn’t constantly pregnant then giving birth.
-Edythe was also originally Designed to be adopted, may still be a thing. She is also an Albino and being groomed to be a ‘New faith’ she is responsible for Bliss reproduction / editing. She makes bliss bombs. 
-Zach is a secret tinker, as new Eden doesn’t support old technology, but he’s fascinated with it. he sneak’s out to a old garage [?] where he works on car’s and bikes, although he’s young, he taught himself to drive / was taught by gen or his brother [?] He also gets called Dutch a lot as a middle name nickname thing.
-Seth is younger by a lot to his siblings. The smallest age gap is 7 years the biggest is 12. He was born just before Joseph left New Eden and is the reason Gen doesn’t leave to follow Joe or get her children back that ran away [Gloria, and Ezekiel] because he was a baby and toddler. He has abandonment issues a lot like Ethan’s. Left by his Dad but surrounded by people that worship him.
-Seth original name was Isaac, however it changed. Seth is the 3rd son of Adam and eve in the bible, was in the Book of Genesis and means compensation e.g here’s compensation for the suffering you endured gen and will endure have fun! so it seemed fitting
-Seth originally was also switching between deaf or blind, more likely Deaf but isn’t confirmed as I wanted to look into it more.
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limafm · 3 years
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HUNTER SCHAFER, TRANS FEMALE, SHE/HER, QUEER; Is that CHANDLER PIERCE I see getting a cup of joe at the Lima Bean? Sounds like them. Apparently, they’re TWENTY-THREE years old and I know from Instagram they seem to be CREATIVE but also JUVENILE and are a PART-TIME STUDENT & RINK ATTENDANT AT RINKY DINKS. Not to mention their feed reminds me of LATE NIGHT RENDEZVOUS, PAINT STAINED CLOTHES, DRUNKENLY MAKING OUT WITH STRANGERS & FADED HAIR DYE. Here’s to hoping they get out of Lima soon! 
Birthday: November 23rd, 1997
Family: Pierce
Relation: Adopted Sibling (Solo)
Birth Order: Open
For the first four years of her life, things were fairly decent in Chandler’s world growing up. Her mother and father were constantly gone, which meant she would be spending most of her time under the care of her parents’ close friends, Whitney and Pierce Pierce. Their presence in her life was an appreciated one, considering it always resulted in her playing with toys she could only dream of having at home and enjoying the company of their children. So it hadn’t been too hard for her to acquaint herself to her new life after her parents decided to up and leave, this time not coming back.
Her adoption wasn’t official right away, she was insanely grateful that the Pierce’s chose to take her in instead of sending her off to a life in the system. Getting adopted turned out to be the best thing that happened to chandler in her young life. Not only was she gifted a family that loved her unconditionally, but also the life she had secretly always wanted. She was happy to finally have a family to call her own. Between begging for the newest gadgets and making their parents sign her up for sports she’d play only to quit a month after, Chandler got to have more than an eventful for childhood doing whatever she pleased.
With the love of her family and the freedom that brought, she was able to finally begin her transition from the loveable child they all knew to the carefree women she always knew she would be. Being able to explore her passions regardless of how temporary they were helped her learned more about herself than she initially thought possible. Although most of her time was spent taking various lessons and classes, it took her getting in trouble in school for doodling on her schoolwork instead of doing it for her to realize she had a knack for drawing. Instead of punishing her, Whitney and Pierce signed her up for art classes and it’s been her favorite thing ever since.
Despite being an adult she still acts like a child and doesn’t see herself growing out of that immaturity any time soon. When she’s not trying to come up with a joke or attempting to scare people with elaborate pranks, for the most part, Chandler is a pretty chill person. Doing her best to make the people around her feel happy and comfortable. Though she’s never been in a relationship, she likes to consider herself a hopeless romantic. A trait she mostly shows around her family and friends, by getting them gifts and drawing/painting them pictures to show them she cares about them.
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