shanicetjn · 1 year
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OC Colour Wheel
I think I’ve used up my OC quota of the year.... xD
Check out the rotation GIF below.
Completed - 21 June 2023
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comunidadanamcara · 1 year
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pureblx0d · 9 months
“IN THE BACK SEAT” Bada Lee x Reader.
Summary: Bada and reader are best friends who share everything, even fantasies.
W: Nsfw, oral sex, dom!bada x sub!reader, a light mention of alcohol and smoking, like porn with a pretty poor plot, Open ending maybe(?), no readproof
You and Bada have been best friends since high school, you two basically grew up together and knew everything about the other from your favorite color to your most dirty secrets.
It was something almost natural and without taboos in your friendship, that's why you weren't surprised when after she got her driver's license and bought her first car told you that she wanted to fuck someone in the back seat.
What did surprise you is that months later she still hasn't fulfilled her fantasy and even more so that those words had been engraved in your brain.
Now, you were drinking with your classmates celebrating that exam season was over when suddenly the conversation wasn't so entertaining anymore and the beer was starting to taste like "I want to go home."
And that's what you did, you said goodbye to your friends before assuring them that you were sober enough to take a taxi on your own.
A taxi equal Bada, who had also become your personal driver.
Who was outside the bar leaning on her car smoking a cigarette wearing her practice clothes already waiting for you, when she saw you she put out the cigarette against the floor opening the passenger door for you.
"You know, you could get your own license so I don't have to be looking for you at 2 in the morning." Bada spoke half jokingly, half seriously once you were both in the car. "or take a taxi, a real one"
"Please you know that you love being my driver." And she couldn't deny it, she really didn't mind looking for you at 2 in the afternoon or 2 in the morning. if that ensured that you were going to arrive safely at your destination.
Once the car began the journey to your house, both having casual conversations about how her day was and some college gossip, your head was resting on the seat as you watched her speak.
But you weren't really listening to her, you were too focused on the way her fingers were tapping on the steering wheel and the car was filling with her smell that consisted of in her usual perfume mixed with the smell of her menthol cigarettes while in your mind the "I want to fuck someone in the back seat" repeated itself over and over again.
"What's the matter?" Bada asked when she saw how you watched her in a suspicious silence stopping at a red light.
"I want you to fuck me in the back seat" you blurted out without mincing words, You didn't know if it was the alcohol speaking for you (even though you hadn't had enough to drink) or the fact that you really wanted it.
Bada looked at you surprised, she knew that you were always direct and sincere to talk about what you wanted but she never expected you to say something like that so easily.
It's not that she hadn't thought about it before, she never thought about you romantically or sexually (at least not seriously) but that didn't mean that sometimes her mind will play tricks on her imagining you on situation like that.
"don't talk nonsense" She scoffed try to lighten the situation as she turned her attention to the road when the light turned green. "you should stop drinking"
"I'm being serious." You adjusted yourself better to look at her. "What's wrong, don't you want to do it or don't you want to fuck me?"
The answer to both questions was no, She wanted to do it and especially with you but you were is best friends, she didn't want to ruin your friendship by fulfilling a silly fantasy.
The car was silent, you regretting your proposal and Bada having an internal debate which ended in her grunting and stopping the car a few blocks from your house, At that time the place was deserted.
"In the back seat now" was the only thing Bada said before moving herself behind, you wasted no time and quickly positioned yourself on her lap, joining your lips with hers in a desperate and messy kiss.
Without stopping kissing you and in one smooth movement you ended up against the seat beneath her, her hands roaming your body as if she had been wanting that for a long time.
Bada moved her hands up your legs acknowledging that you had chosen to wear a skirt that day giving her better access to what she planned to do, her lips moved down to your collarbones as her hands began to play underwear teasing you.
She wasn't planning on stripping you even though what she wanted most was to be able to rip off your clothes But on the contrary, she only left a few kisses on your stomach before finally removing your panties.
Leaving wet kisses on the inside of your thigh when her tongue connected with your clit a gasp of surprise for the sudden pleasure escape your mouth and unconsciously your legs closed "you wanted this, now don't run"
Bada murmured into your skin, her hands gripping your hips to prevent you from moving, before connecting her lips to your pussy again, licking every part of you.
Your hand settled into Bada's hair, burying her head even deeper into you, both of you wondering why you hadn't done this before.
Bada took her time on you, making you enjoy every second of it, leaving little praises about how well you taste and how she could become addicted to this.
And she wasn't lying, this was a situation that she was going to repeat over and over again, she had many things planned for you.
It didn't take long for Bada to feel how your grip became looser and your breathing faster announcing that your orgasm was near, so she inserted two fingers. hitting your sensitive spot making you see stars.
When you managed to pronounce "I'm close" Bada removed her lips from your clit and starting to kiss you, leaving only her fingers to do the work.
"It's okay, you did well." Bada put her hands on your back holding you while you tried to catch your breath. "Let's go home so we can finish this."
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michelemachadovr · 1 year
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lauralot89 · 1 year
Named Angels
Fallen angels are not included. Neither are gnostic angels because I'm tired.
Aker: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Al-Khidr: Also known as al-Khadir, Khader, Khidr, Hidr, Khizr, Kathir, Khazer, Khadr, Khedher, Khizir, Khizar, or Khilr. The Servant of God whom Moses accompanies in the Quran is identified as Al-Khidr by Islamic scholars.
Ambriel: Ambriel is an angel associated with the month of May.
Arariel: Described in the Talmud as the angel in charge of the waters of the Earth.
Ariel: An angel in Jewish and Christian mysticism. Ariel has dominion over beasts, creative forces, the North, and elemental spirits.
Arphugitonos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Artiya'il: An angel appearing in the hadith. Artiya'il removes grief and anxiety from humans.
Atid: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Azrael: The angel of death. Azrael is one of the four archangels in Islam.
Beburos: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Camael: Also known as Chamuel, Khamuel, Camiel, Cameel and Camniel. One of the twelve Kabbalah angels, Camael is assigned to the fifth sephirah in the tree of life.
Cassiel: Also known as Qafsiel or Qaspiel. In Jewish and Christian mysticism, Cassiel is described by various roles, such as the angel of Saturn the angel of the moon, the angel of tears, and the angel of temperance. Cassiel is sometimes said to preside over the death of young men.
Dobiel: Also known as Dubbiel. Dobiel is the guardian angel of Ancient Persia.
Gabriel: An angel who announces God's will to men. Gabriel is considered in archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Gabriel appears to Daniel to explain his prophetic visions. Gabriel foretold the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and the Annunciation of Jesus to Mary. Gabriel appeared twice to Muhammad. In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gabriel lived a mortal life as the prophet Noah. Gabriel was named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Gabuthelon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Haniel: Also known as Hananel, Anael, Hanael or Aniel. Haniel is sometimes listed as one of the seven archangels. In Kabbalah, Haniel is associated with the seventh sephirah.
Jegudiel: Also known as Iehudiel. Jegudiel is one of the seven archangels of the Eastern Orthodox Church tradition. Jegudiel is the patron saint of hard work and leadership and is often depicted holding a whip (as a punishment for sinners) and a crown (as a gift for the righteous).
Jerahmeel: Also known as Jeremiel, Eremiel, or Ieremihel. Jerahmeel is recognized as an archangel in Lutheran, Angelican, and Orthodox traditions. Jerahmeel is said to comfort the righteous dead in the Bosom of Abraham, or to guard heaven with St. Peter.
Jophiel: Also known as Dina, Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel, or Zuriel. In Anglican tradition, Jophiel is an archangel and in Kabbalah, Jophiel is associated with the sephirah chokmah. Some sources list Jophiel as the angel who guards the garden of Eden with a flaming sword.
Kalqa'il: Kalqa'il is an Islamic angel who guards the entrance of the fifth heaven.
Lailah: An angel appearing in the Talmud. Lailah is associated with conception, pregnancy, and the night.
Maalik: An Islamic angel of hell. Maalik carries out God's punishment on wrongdoers.
Metatron: Described in the Talmud as the heavenly scribe, Metatron is allowed to sit in the presence of God to record the deeds of Israel. Metatron was mistaken by Elisha ben Abuyah for a deity, and was subsequently lashed 60 times with a fiery rod to demonstrate that the Metatron was an angel and could be punished, unlike a god. In mystic writings, Metatron is the form Enoch took after his ascension. In Islam, Metatron is the angel of the veil and alone knows what lies beyond it.
Michael: Also known as Mika'il or Mikal. The prince of Israel and prince of the Heavenly Host. Michael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, and is the only angel explicitly identified as an archangel in the Christian Bible. In the book of Daniel, Michael fought the prince of Persia. In Revelation, Michael fought Satan and cast him out of heaven. Michael and Gabriel are the angels said to have shown Muhammad paradise and hell. In Jewish tradition, Michael prevented the sacrifice of Isaac by providing a ram. Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses believe Michael is another name for Jesus in heaven. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, Michael is the same person as Adam. Michael is named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Moroni: In angel in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Moroni was the guardian of the golden plates from which Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon, and appeared to Smith numerous times.
Muriel: Muriel is a Domination, a class of angel in the second angelic sphere. Muriel is associated with the month of June.
Nuriel: Regarded in some traditions as the same being as the angel Uriel. Nuriel is the angel of hailstorms and commands an army of 500,000 angels made of water and fire.
Pahaliah: Pahaliah is the angel of Redemption. Pahaliah is a throne, an class of angel in the first angelic sphere.
Puriel: Puriel accompanied Abraham on a journey to heaven. Puriel is tasked with examining the souls of those brought to heaven.
Raphael: Known in Islam as Israfel or Israfil. Raphael is regarded as an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. It is believed that Raphael is the angel in the Gospel of John who stirs the pool of Bethesda. In Islam, Raphael will blow the trumpet which signals the Day of Judgment, and the hadith lists him as the angel closest to God. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Raqib: One of two angels in Islamic tradition who records a person's actions. This record is used to confront each person on the Day of Judgment.
Raziel: Also known as Gallitsur. Raziel is the angel of secrets and mysteries, and the keeper of all magic. In Kabbalah, Raziel is associated with the sepirah chokmak.
Riḍwan: Also known as Riswan. Riḍwan is an Islamic angel who guards the gates of heaven.
Sabrael: Sabrael is an angel appearing in the apocryphal works the Testament of Solomon and 3 Enoch.
Sachiel: Also known as Sariel, Suriel, Suriyel, Sikhael, Sixael, Satquel, Satquiel, Saquiel, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Souriel, or Sachquiel. Sachiel is a cherub who is associated with charity and wealth.
Sahaquiel: Listed as one of the archangels in the Third Book of Enoch. Sahaquiel is attended by "496,000 myriads of ministering angels."
Samkhiel: An angel of Gehenna, Samkhiel is the angel of destruction. Samkhiel torments the wicked to cleanse their souls and eventually reuinte them with God.
Sandalphon: An archangel in mystical traditions of Judaism and early Christianity. Sandalphon is said to gather prayers and bring them to God. Some sources regard Sandalphon as an angelic ascension of Elijah.
Sarathiel: Also known as Serathiel. Sarathiel is an archangel in the Oriental Orthodox tradition.
Selaphiel: Also known as Sealtiel, Selatiel, or Selathiel. Selaphiel is regarded as an archangel in the Byzantine Catholic and Greek Orthodox traditions. Selaphiel is sometimes viewed as the angel in Revelation who offers people's prayers to God.
Uriel: Also known as Phanuel. Uriel is often depicted as a cherub and is the angel of repentance. Uriel is regarded as an archangel in Russian Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, and Anglican traditions, as well as in Kabbalhah. Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Uziel: Also known as Usiel. Uziel is an archangel in 3 Enoch.
Yahoel: Also known as Jahoel, Jehoel, or Yaoel. Yahoel is charged with destroying idolators and restraining the Leviathian. Some sources list Yahoel as the chief angel of the Seraphim. Another lists Yahoel as one of the names of Metatron.
Zadkiel: Also known as Hasdiel. In Kabbalah, Zadkiel is an archangel associated with the fourth sephirah.
Zaphkiel: Also known as Tzaphqiel, Tzaphkiel, Zaphchial, Zaphiel, or Zelel. Zaphkiel is the chief angel of the thrones and is regarded in some traditions as the same angel as Raphael.
Zebuleon: Named in the Greek Apocalypse of Ezra as one of the nine angels who will govern at the end of the world.
Zephaniel: Zephaniel is the chief angel of the Ishim in Kabbalah.
Zerachiel: Also known as Zachariel, Zakhariel or Saraqael. An angel who leads souls to judgment and is set over those who "sin in the spirit."
Zotiel: Zotiel is an angel mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Archangel Jophiel (or Zophiel) Talon Abraxas
Archangel Jophiel | Signs, Symbols, And Meaning Of The Angel Of Beauty
Archangel Jophiel is one of the main archangels focused on bringing illumination, understanding, and beauty into our lives so we can see our reality more positively and connect deeper with higher levels of our being.
beauty of the creator with humanity, to dispel ignorance, and promote Divine creativity in our lives.
Working as spiritual channels with my wife Maria for more than ten years, we work daily within our Mystery School with higher beings like Archangels, Ascended Masters, and other light beings, and we feel very close to Jophiel’s energy which is focused on beauty, art and the connection with the Divine mind.
In this article, you will meet and connect with the angel of beauty and enlightenment, such a great ally to have on your side, whenever you need to shift your mood or thought patterns or to bring beauty and joy into your life, Archangel Jophiel can help you connect with your truth to dispel any negativity you may struggle with.
Archangel Jophiel, the Great Angel Chief
Archangel Jophiel, also called the angel of beauty and wisdom, is one of the seven main archangels along with Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Ariel, Azrael, and Chamuel. Other spellings of his name include Jofiel, Zophiel, Iophiel, Iofiel, Yofiel, and Yofiel.
The name Jophiel means “beauty of God” as he can beautify our mind, body, and soul, by helping us to receive God’s thoughts, which contain the beauty of Divine Truth.
Archangel Jophiel’s Yellow Ray
Jophiel is said to rule over the Yellow Ray which is why he is often associated with the yellow light and sometimes with the orange light.
The yellow ray is the second ray of wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment and Archangel Jophiel works with the Ascended Master Lord Kuthumi who is in charge of the second ray.
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santoschristos · 6 months
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Prayer to Archangel Jophiel
Angel of DIVINE Wisdom of the Second Ray of ILLUMINATION
Beloved Archangel, Heavenly Guide,
I ask you to enlighten my mind with the Light of Divine Wisdom.
Intercede for me, that I may understand the mysteries of faith and of the universe.
In your name, Archangel Jofiel, I seek Wisdom to make righteous and wise decisions in my life.
May your Divine Light, dispel ignorance and selfishness in my heart, help me to see the beauty in all things and to appreciate the Divine Creation that surrounds me.
Thank you Archangel Jofiel, for being my guide in seeking the Truth of Divine Wisdom,
help me to always find the Truth amidst the confusions and doubts of life.
I ask you to illuminate my path with your Divine Light, so I can make the best decisions that honor God and my inner self. "
Archangel Jophiel is one of the main archangels focused on bringing illumination, understanding, and beauty into our lives so we can see our reality more positively and connect deeper with higher levels of our being.
Jophiel by Mahaboka
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thecanvasofmadness · 1 year
Mírame, mírate en mis ojos, no agaches la mirada… Mírate bien, que ahí estás, ahí navegas, nadas en mis pupilas como un pétalo de Sol que ha sido arrancado tiernamente de sus flamas… Mírate, mi hermoso niño, ahí… ¿Te miras? ¿Ves la magnífica esencia que te conforma? ¿Eres consciente del color majestuoso de tu alma? Mírate, pedazo de mi vida, en estos ojos que no se han cansado de contemplarte. Te he seguido desde que surgiste del Sol como ese rayo dorado que carga con la potestad del Arcángel Jofiel, tan lleno de oro, tan pleno de sabiduría y sapiencia. Mírate y no olvides de dónde vienes. Mis ojos te lo recordarán por toda la eternidad.
Look at me, look at yourself in my eyes, do not lower your gaze... Look at yourself well, there you are, there you sail, you swim in my pupils like a sun petal that has been tenderly plucked from its flames... Look at yourself, my beautiful child, there... Do you look at yourself? Do you see the magnificent essence that shapes you? Are you aware of the majestic color of your soul? Look at yourself, piece of my life, in these eyes that have never tired of contemplating you. I have followed you since you emerged from the Sun as that golden ray that carries the power of the Archangel Jophiel, so full of gold, so full of wisdom and sapience. Look at yourself and do not forget where you came from. My eyes will remind you for all eternity.
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bellsandhazard · 1 year
Crowley is Lucifer??
So I've heard a little something something about this theory and in the Biblical sense Lucifer = Satan.
It's been knew. Satan or the devil are nicknames for Luci. The devil was in season one of GO. The whole plot revolved around Lucifer. And Crowley is the one who delivers the antichrist. I don't remember him making the antichrist. Sooo how does that work? They literally see Satan himself errupt from the ground.
It sound cool as fuck and it would be awesome if that were true, but to me it doesn't make much sense
We know Crowley was a big deal before falling and we still got the Raphael theory buuuut what does the J. in Crowley full chosen name stand for?
Possible candidates:
Jophiel means the ‘Beauty of God’ (sometimes called Iofiel, Zophiel, Jofiel) and is particularly helpful to those of us in the creative pursuits of teaching and writing of the arts.
Jophiel, we are told, is one of the original Archangels of creation. It is his job to transmit the ‘thought’ of God into the minds of man and woman. Through Divine inspiration of ‘God-ideas’ we co-create the beauty and art form in the world and some of us with much practice will reach a state of mastery, or enlightenment, where a point of complete understanding of how everything in the universe works, is finally reached.
This one could fit. With Crowley beauty and him seeing beauty wherever he looks (Aziraphale in particular) Buuuuut
Believed to be one of the Seraph he is said to have been the angel that drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. He is the ruler of the planet Saturn and cited as the intelligence of planet Jupiter.
The Hebrew name Jerahmeel, which appears several times in the Tanakh (see the article Jerahmeel), also appears in various forms as the name of an archangel in books of the intertestamental and early Christian periods.
Saint Jegudiel the Archangel also Jhudiel or Jehudiel (Hebrew: יהודיאל‎‎ Yehudiel "laudation of God" or "God of the Jews") is one of the Seven Archangels in Eastern Orthodox tradition and in the eastern rites of the Catholic Church.
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mikrokosmcs · 1 month
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Se le conoce como los ocho generales, a las ocho familias pertenecientes a la “realeza” impuesta durante generaciones. Sus herencias se remontan a la Era de la Decadencia, cuando estas mismas familias tenían un solo objetivo noble, liberar a los clanes de la destrucción creada por Honggi, un poderoso hechicero de vida que se desvió de su camino y creó siete homúnculos capaces de barrer con el planeta entero. Estas familias se encargaron de asesinar y aniquilar a los seis homúnculos, al igual que de sellar a Honggi e Ilseok en el abismo, pero también de crear las leyes que discriminaban a los usuarios de magia negra por temor a repetir la misma escena maquiavélica producida por un derroche de poder de un solo individuo. Sus enseñanzas producidas por la democracia de su elección con el tiempo se volvieron un gobierno dictador y totalitario, oprimiendo no solo a los usuarios de magia negra, sino también sumiendo a los clanes y pueblos en pobreza extrema, en prostitución, muerte y completa desolación.
Su poder fue tan grande, que nadie se atrevió nunca a buscar derrocarlos, simplemente temiendo por sus vidas o en caer en El Purgatorio para nunca más volver a ver a sus familias. Al menos hasta que la pequeña y diminuta chispa de la revolución, cuando dos jóvenes de clase baja, marginados y manejadores de magia oscura, derrotaron a uno de los Generales, demostrándole a su pueblo y a todas las regiones que un arcángel podía sangrar.
Miguel: Arcángel líder de los ejércitos celestiales, defensor de la fe y patrón de los soldados, primero a la derecha del gobernador y más poderoso de los ocho generales, haciéndolo el líder de estos. Controla todas las tropas y milicias dentro de la Gran Ciudad, también es quien liderea y maneja las tropas de sus demás generales, obligándolos a trabajar bajo su comando y defendiendo lo que ellos creían, era el deber ser. De temple serio y taciturno, apagado y sin vida en los ojos, desinteresado, pero sumamente sanguinario y voraz, un conquistador nato.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetrador: Namsook
Heredero: Jun Sakmin (FC: Choi Yeonjun) y Jun Wonyoung (Jang Wonyoung)
Arma y poder: Lanza divina (poder del hielo - Sakmin) y espada divina (poder del fuego rojo - Wonyoung)
Gabriel: Arcángel del mensaje del gobernador, la voz del más alto, el segundo en el trono y el más allegado a Miguel. Controla absolutamente todos los medios de comunicación, desde los hologramas televisivos, cartas mágicas y físicas, hasta los panfletos donde declaraban que la actual forma de gobernar era lo que la gran mayoría deseaba. Conocido por ser uno de los más “serios” pero iba muy de la mano con Raguel a la hora de presentarse públicamente, comúnmente este controlaba las masas con una voz melodiosa.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetrador: Hyunho y Taeim
Heredero: FC: Ningning
Arma y poder: Ninguna y control por medio de la voz (fuertemente asociados con el clan Kwon)
Rafael: Arcángel de la salud y la sanación, el tercero más cercano a la cabeza. Dueño de un prestigioso hospital donde trataban las enfermedades de los ricos, de aquellos con poder. Pero a puerta cerrada y en el edificio trasero, donde los locos caían, es donde se manipulaba los cuerpos y se experimentaba en aquellos que nadie iba a extrañar en el mundo, tirándolos a la basura cuando dejaban de servirle.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetrador: Sanhye y Namsook
Heredero: FC: An Yujin
Arma y poder: Lanza y control de la vida y la naturaleza.
Uriel: Arcángel de la abundancia, el cuarto más cercano a la cabeza. Tenía grandes minas de piedras preciosas y metales, en las cuales manejaba una gran red de esclavos comúnmente de alfas pobres o salidos Del Purgatorio que no podían reivindicarse a la sociedad. Aquí eran echados a laborar muchos de los experimentos “fallidos” de sus demás amigos, aquellos que quedaban sin alma en la prisión, los omegas y alfas violentados por Raguel o Jofiel.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetradores: Namsook y Taehwa
Heredero: FC: Hwang Yunjin
Arma y poder: Látigo y control del metal/tierra
Raguel: Arcangel de la justicia, la equidad y la venganza. El vínculo entre "humanos y ángeles" es el rostro público que presenta una sonrisa y paz a los civiles. Aclama la justicia, pero solo para los privilegiados. Su personalidad se tuerce y la locura brilla a puerta cerrada. Desprecia a los omegas y en su privacidad los tortura y violenta física, sexual y psicológicamente.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetradores: Taeim, Sanhye y Ryeohee
Heredero: FC: Seo Changbin y Lee Chaeryeong (hermanos)
Arma y poder: Espadas y control del espacio/tiempo
Sariel: Arcángel de los espíritus de los hombres que pecan. Apodado el Ángel de la Muerte, es quien vigila y se ocupa de la prisión llamada El Purgatorio, lugar temido por todos los civiles y por aquellos que manejan una magia negra. Con una actitud absoluta y certera, desprende el alma del cuerpo y los convierte en sus marionetas. Pretende acabar con todos los shadow walkers luego de que estos fueran perpetradores del asesinato de su padre en el pasado.
Muerto: Muerto
Perpetradores: Taehwa y Ryeohee
Heredero: Moon Hyuk (FC: Choi Yeonjun)
Arma y poder: Espada y control de sangre
Remiel: Arcángel de la esperanza y misericordia. Usaba el rayo y un gran martillo para invocar electricidad y matar a sus presas en prácticamente rejas conductoras del elemento. De personalidad soberbia, inestable e iracunda; se sentía inalcanzable y que nadie podría derrotarlo por lo que era un poco terco en batalla y solía dejarse llevar por sus emociones.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetradores: Ryeohee y Taehwa
Heredero: Hwang Bosung (FC: Jung Wooyoung), hermano menor.
Arma y poder: Martillo y electricidad.
Jofiel: Arcángel de la claridad mental, sabiduría y éxito. Usualmente silencioso y tranquilo, es uno de los generales más peligrosos debido a su poder mental que puede abrir las puertas a palacios mentales construidos desde su propia imaginación, haciendo creer a otros que habitan en una realidad inventada. Tiene capacidad de romper la mente de las personas y manipularlos a su antojo. Se hace cargo de la red de inteligencia y espías del gobierno.
Estatus: Muerto
Perpetrador: Hyunho
Heredero: FC: Hwang Yeji
Arma y poder: Ninguna y control mental por ilusiones
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Mythology and Folklore Moodboards || Angels: Jophiel
Iofiel (“beauty of God”—Iophiel, Zophiel, Jofiel, Jophiel)—a companion angel of Metatron; a prince of the Law (Torah), usually included among the seven archangels and equated with Yefefiah (q.v.). According to Cornelius Agrippa, Iofiel is ruler of the planet Saturn, alternating with Zaphchiel (Zaphkiel). In his doctrine of Talismans, Paracelsus cites Iofiel as the intelligence of the planet Jupiter. According to de Bles, “How to Distinguish Saints in Art”, it is Iofiel (Jophiel) who drove Adam and Eve out of Eden. This is also the view of the Rev. R. L. Gales in “The Christian Lore of Angels.” In a work called “Angels in Art” by C. E. Clement, Iofiel is cited as the preceptor angel of the sons of Noah (Shem, Ham, and Japhet). — A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels, Gustav Davidson
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tutchando74 · 1 year
What are the fears of all your characters, including the ones from your original works
Split Drones
J: Becoming like N.
Eldritch: Death.
N: NX.
NX: Don't even know what that is.
V: Nothing really scares me.
Uzi: My life.
Doll: Не имея возможности что-либо сделать.
Lizzy: Being in danger alone.
Thad: Nothing.
Rebecca: Being away from N.
Nori: Hurting my daughter.Yeva: Теряю себя.
Khan: Alir izivcxlmrk mw yrhiv qc gsrxvsp, M lezi rsxlmrk xs jiev.
Tessa: This uneasy feeling I have.
Cyn: Nothing.
CYN?: Fear?
IT: 01000110 01100101 01100001 01110010 00111111
C.O.M: What is there to fear?
Human: I lost all my fears in the crash.
Uzi: Losing N.
N: Losing my friends.
V: Nothing.
J: Losing Tessa.
Tessa: Don't remember anything.
H: Nothing.
S: Living.
Domuz Eti: Someone as mighty as I am would never fear anything.
Cursed Ownership
N-0body: Nothing.
Uzi: My dad.
Doll: Khan.
Yeva: Khan.
Khan: Failing Nori.
Mechal: Failing the church.
D: Losing to those damn zombies.
C: We don't need to fear.
F: What's fear?
A: I can't fear anything, that's against the company.
Test Drones
N: The company.
U: M.
H: N.
Test 0: ...
N: My brother.
J: What the company plans.
V: Nothing.
Rescue Drones
N: Being useless.
θ: Places with too many people, they remember of... some times.
Ω: Urrgh (Touching)
N-o: Everything about me.
An Error Ocurred to the Virus
Deleted: [Deleted]
Java: Speaking.
Error: Not doing anything.
String: Nothing that I can rememver.
Push: Losing them.
Code: Missdjuge someone.
Script: Looking too much to the abysm.
💣︎♓︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎🙵♏︎: Staying here.
Human: Their little plan completing.
___: ...
Grafitti: Losing my brother.
Painter: Letting them suffer what I did.
After Dream
Dreamer: Myself.
Nightmare: Dream.
Blind Happines
Flowey: Those freaks.
Napstablook: What happened to my cousin.
Momma: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Shivers: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Leader: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Hot: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Protector: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Mind: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Messenger: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Seller: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Him: Not receiving happines from our savior.
Nature's tale
Shroom: I can't feel.
All Father: Nature dying.
All Mother: Nature dying.
Frisk: Death.
Chara: The monsters, the ones in the forest and the ones in my home.
Nature's Will: Mature dying.
Natural Frisk: Nature dying.
Tales from the war
Determined: They.
Patiencent: Time.
Brave: I can't fear anything.
Integrated: Not seeing the full picture.
Persevere: Giving up.
Kind: Not helping those poor souls.
Just: Being wrong on my judgement.
Asgore: Failing everyone.
Toriel: Being unable to protect my kingdom.
Gerson: Not doing my job.
Gaster: The humans power.
They: *Inaudible*
Reality Falls
Pines: What is beyond.
Star: Losing my brother.
The Amazing Fate of Gumball
Fateless Cat: I lost all my fears when I lost my fate.
Monkey wars
Primary: The militars.
Militar: Losing power.
Magic: Losing the forest.
Support: The other 3 groups.
YHWA: ...
Devil: I fear myself and YHWA.
Miguel: Nothing.
Gabriel: Nothing scares me as I tell everything.
Uriel: Nothing.
Samuel: YHWA's granted me the miracle of leading his army, I shall not fear even the Devil itself.
Rafael: I fear my fear of YHWA getting hurt, since that's a lack of belief on my part.
Jofiel: I shall not fear, since that's what the Devil created.
Zadkiel: My lack of respect in my deepest thoughts.
Avarice: Emptiness
Gluttony: Nothing to eat.
Envy: I envy fear, since everyone has it, but everyone has me too.
Lust: Ooooh, I LOVE fear!
Laziness: ...
Pride: I don't feel fear.
Adam: Not being me.
Eve: The end.
Lilith: Telling stories.
Death: Nothing.
Judgement: Hospitality's lack of judgement.
Hospitality: Judgement being wrong.
History Teller: Your twisted minds hehehe.
Blue: Something I don't know.
Red: Purple fiding a way to end me.
Purple: Losing to Red.
White: ...
Master: It.
Layers of Hopelesness
Medic: This world. This dammed world.
Brzilian legends
Enzo: Bandeirantes.
Gabriel: Mapinguari.
Maria: Boto Cor de Rosa.
I: What is fear if not something our mind makes us feel in preparation for something. Or is it?
Cicle of the Broken
Bovic: Craoline, she's unpredictable.
Craoline: Bovic, he's too smart.
Angelic Blood
Blood angel: God.
Kindergaten Nightmares
Cloudy: Losing money.
Dirty: Adults.
Sunny: Cold.
Flowy: If my meds end.
Watery: What they do.
Kid: Getting caught by them.
My myself:
Me: Losing myself in this madness.
Me: My lack of purpose. Why do I care. People have their purpose. Why do I care, My lack of purpose.
Narrator: It.
Character: Continuing in this narrative.
Devilish journey
Devil: Humans and their little shit thoughts.
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comunidadanamcara · 2 years
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pureblx0d · 9 months
“VIDEO GAMES” Bada Lee x Reader.
inspired by “Video games” By HeeJin.
W:nsfw!!!, Gamer!Bada, use of strap, sub reader, use of the word princess, not readproof, idk what more
Bada had been playing for the last two hours, which normally wouldn't bother you but she had specifically invited you to her house because according to her she missed you a lot but this new game had captured her attention.
Attention that she should be giving to you and you could get angry and go back to your house but the way she insulted when she lost, how her fingers moved easily over the game controller and how she licked her lips in concentration, had you hypnotized and kinda needy to be honest.
So you unconsciously ended up standing next to her asking for permission to sit on her lap to which she, without looking at you, simply made a place for you to wrap your legs around her waist it was like a silent tradition that you had.
She played her video games and you sat on her lap, sometimes you just hugged her for a while, other times you slept there (especially on nights when her gaming sessions lasted longer than normal) but today, something inside you was different.
Suddenly you need her to fuck you like that, you couldn't ignore the way she was dressed in gray pants and a sports top, revealing her abdomen or how her skin was covered in light sweat, but getting her out of that video game was not going to be easy.
You tried to leave light kisses on her neck (her sensitive spot) but her gaze remained fixed on the screen, moving your hips in her lap but you only managed to make her smirk while she squeezed you to her so you wouldn't move anymore, until you take her headphones a leaving her ears free and whispered, "I need you so bad."
"You can't wait right? We still have two games left" Bada murmured away from the microphone so whoever was on the other side wasn't listening to to which you obviously said a simply no.
Bada sighed while she lifted you up, lowering her pants a little, revealing her harness, which she always made sure to wear when you were around. "If you can entertain yourself and keep quiet for the rest of the game, I promise to reward you later."
and you weren't going to refuse that, you quickly took off your clothes, leaving you only in your underwear, the rest was her job and you sat on her lap again while she secured one hand on your waist while the other grabbed the control.
You put two fingers inside her mouth, filling them with saliva and then put them in your pussy, preparing yourself to take her although you were already wet enough.
You slowly filled yourself with it, causing a moan to escape your mouth which Bada quickly covered with her hand. “Remember what I told you princess .” she threatened before turning her gaze back to the game.
Your face hid in her neck giving her room to see while you moved your hips riding her at a pace that was killing you but it was the only thing you could get for now, your hands squeezed Bada's shoulders leaving your nails marked on her skin making her let out a loud "fuck".
Through her headphones you could hear someone asking her what had happened to her, to which she responded with an "They almost killed me" and her eyes warned you.
Normally she didn't mind your nails on her skin, she loved being marked by you but you were distracting her and if she lost you were going to pay for that.
Although she would be lying if she said that only that was distracting her, your breasts that moved with each thrust or how your low whimpers managed to reach the ear that she had left free, or how her hands began to itch because she wanted to take control of your hips.
But she was so close to finishing that damn game and she wanted to tease you a little too since it was very strange to see you so needy to the point that you accepted.
But when she saw how your eyes filled with tears when you couldn't stay silent and your movements became more clumsy, she couldn't help it anymore.
When the "Game over" appeared on the screen, she did not hesitate to throw her headphones and her controller away, putting her hands on your waist guiding you making moans fill her room finally.
Her mouth quickly went to the beginning of your breasts and one of her hands was in charge of unbuttoning your bra with an almost enviable experience.
Her free hand played with your nipples while with the other she continued to control the speed. "Such a good princess for me, always taking me so well"
Her praises and her touch It was enough to put you over the edge, one of your hands slid up to her neck, choking her a little, which made Bada gasp, it was something she was never going to admit she liked.
"I'm close, I need to cum" you spoke with difficulty, feeling your legs begin to give out, You didn't wait for her permission before burying your face in her neck once more before releasing yourself.
Surprising Bada who put her hands on your back holding you tight "It's okay, you did so well darling"
"Now let me take care of you" She spoke again once your breathing normalized taking you to her bed, she was going to make it up to you for making you suffer like that.
Bada was so busy with her lips on you that she forgot a small detail, Bada had never ended the call so her gaming friends heard everything But no one dared to say anything, so one by one they left the call, giving the couple some space.
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A/N: I'm writing this at 2am without being able to sleep so I'm sorry if it has errors.
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evelyn-biassi · 6 months
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Leniel y sus camaradas siguen peleando por lograr sus objetivos para el juicio con Manfiel, mientras que Dinariel y Jofiel, descubren verdades que no podrán ser fácilmente dichas. ¿Qué ocurrirá más adelante? ¿Podrán lograrlo antes del enlace prometido y se lleve a cabo la supuesta muestra de paz? ¡Sigue leyendo para averiguarlo en la historia más dramática que jamás he escrito!
La tumba añil:
Género: Novela, trilogía, ciencia ficción, sobrenatural
Capítulos: 6
Estado: En proceso.
Descripción: En alguna parte del vacío, donde se podría apreciar solo el polvo de las primeras estrellas parpadeando entre las sombras, bastó que un par de partículas coordinaran para dar origen a la galaxia como a otros universos con miles de criaturas fantásticas que desempeñarían un papel esencial para mantener una extraña equidad que no podía evitar ser desafiada. De este modo las guerras avariciosas surgieron, dando comienzo a una lucha eterna entre el supremo de luz contra el reinado de oscuridad que, desató así el destinado nacimiento de Seitán, una líder guerrera fuerte, bella y carismática, cuya historia, daría origen al tan esmerado comienzo apocalíptico de unos sueños bajo el agua.
Link de Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/180286111-la-tumba-a%C3%B1il-%C2%A9
Link de Booknet: https://booknet.com/es/book/la-tumba-anil-b434398
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✨🦋✨Oración a los Arcángeles para abrir los caminos:
Arcángel Gabriel protege a mi familia , danos paz y armonía que las suaves palabras traigan a mi vida un nuevo viento de tranquilidad, confiado pongo en tu manos todo lo que quiero y todo lo que soy.
A ti Arcángel Zadquiel, tú que ayudas a trasmutar conflictos, que solucionas problemas de quienes te imploran hoy te pido que me ayudes a abrir un nuevo camino en mis adversidades, rocíame de tu energía para encontrar la senda de la solución.
Piadoso, Arcángel Rafael, tú que sanaste a los ciegos, a los leprosos, a los moribundos, líbrame de mis enfermedades, desde mi alma, hasta mi cuerpo, lo pongo en tus poderosas manos sanadoras.
Laborioso Arcángel Uriel tú que das trabajo y abundancia acuérdate de mí, solo pido poder trabajar honradamente y tener recompensa justa para mi bien y el de mi familia, recurro a ti para que me liberes de las ataduras laborales y traigas a mi nuevas oportunidades de mostrar mi valía.
Amado Arcángel Chamuel, tú que sientes el amor como impulsor de vida, te ruego abras mi destino a la felicidad, al amor universal, a el equilibro sentimental de mi vida y de los seres que amo, que el amor sea la espada que quite de mi camino los obstáculos y mi camino sea libre para dar y recibir.
Te imploro humildemente Arcángel Jofiel que tan ardua labor tienes en esta tierra, que gires tu mirada en mi camino y elimines de él, toda negatividad, toda mentira, todo engaño, que las personas que quieren hacerme daño se alejen de mi destino.
Poderoso Arcangel Miguel, tú que libras las batallas de dios, que impones el orden donde la luz hace falta, te pido que me ayudes, cuando las fuerzas me fallen, cuando mi fe sea débil, cuando no encuentre salida, ayúdame a encontrar el camino adecuado y a ser fuerte, acompáñame en mis batallas y abre mis caminos definitivamente.
A los 7 arcángeles celestiales imploro, que por la gracia de dios, que los 7 rayos del cielo iluminen mi destino y no me desamparen.
La Magia y el Amor de los Ángeles
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