#john brigdens
irvingcoded · 10 months
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my first time ever doing @theterrorbigbang (2023) and my claim was this SPECTACULAR bridglar au fic A Stone in a Sling by @silvermagpies; please do yourself a favor and go check it out!!
READ THE FIC HERE (rated m) and if you have a moment, also consider giving the author some love while you're at it!! 💝
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yes! pt. 3 of «the Terror» cold boys acrylic portraits!!
this part turned out to be so patchy. colors and style are really unstable here :') and idk if they look like themselves, at least i tried.
but okay, still had so much fun drawing these!
(check pt. 1 )
(and pt. 2)
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
The men who fought at the Castle of Loyalty saw themselves as Christian knights for whom piety and prowess were one. 'Without loving and fearing God no man is worthy for to enter into the order of knighthood,' so it was written in George Boleyn's chivalric manual. The knight's sword was in 'similitude of a cross' to signify just as Christ had vanquished sin and death upon the cross, the knight should 'vanquish and destory the enemies of the cross by the sword.' In Le Morte D'Arthur Sir Percival was saved from sin by the grace of seeing the sign of the crucifix in the pommel of his sword, and Sir Palomedes made knights swear upon the cross of a sword. In real life, as they went to exact terrible justice on rebels in 1549, John Dudley and his captains kissed one another's swords.
Brigden, Susan. 2012. Thomas Wyatt : The Heart's Forest.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 World Baseball Classic Canada Roster
#6 Matt Brash (Seattle Mariners/Kingston, Ontario)
#20 Adam Loewen (free agent/Surrey, British Columbia)
#24 R.J. Freure (Lincoln Saltdogs/Burlington, Ontario)
#25 Noah Skirrow (Lehigh Valley IronPigs/Hamilton, Ontario)
#28 Mitch Bratt (Down East Wood Ducks/Newmarket, Ontario)
#30 Cade Smith (Cleveland Guardians/Abbotsford, British Columbia)
#32 Evan Rutckyj (Niigata Albirex/Windsor, Ontario)
#38 Philippe Aumont (free agent/Gatineau, Quebec)
#39 Trevor Brigden (Tampa Bay Rays/Toronto, Ontario)
#40 Rob Zastryzny (Indianapolis Indians/Corpus Christi, Texas)
#47 Cal Quantrill (Cleveland Guardians/Port Hope, Ontario)
#48 Scott Mathieson (free agent/Vancouver, British Columbia)
#52 Indigo Diaz (New York Yankees/North Vancouver, British Columbia)
#56 Curtis Taylor (Iowa Cubs/Coquitlam, British Columbia)
#63 Andrew Albers (free agent/North Battleford, Saskatchewan)
#77 John Axford (free agent/Norfolk County, Ontario)
#14 Kellin Deglan (free agent/Langley, British Columbia)
#44 Noah Naylor (Cleveland Guardians/Mississauga, Ontario)
#5 Freddie Freeman (Los Angeles Dodgers/Fountain Valley, California)
#13 Abraham Toro (Milwaukee Brewers/Longueuil, Quebec)
#15 Edouard Julien (Wichita Wind Surge/Quebec, Quebec)
#18 Damiano Palmegiani (Vancouver Canadians/Surrey, British Columbia)
#51 Otto Lopez (Toronto Blue Jays/Montreal, Quebec)
#74 Jared Young (Iowa Cubs/Prince George, British Columbia)
#7 Dasan Brown (Vancouver Canadians/Oakville, Ontario)
#8 Jacob Robson (Kansas City Monarchs/Windsor, Ontario)
#21 Owen Caissie (Myrtle Beach Pelicans/Burlington, Ontario)
#23 Denzel Clarke (Lansing Lugnuts/Toronto, Ontario)
#27 Tyler O’Neill (St. Louis Cardinals/Maple Ridge, British Columbia)
Manager Leo Whitt (Canada Baseball/Detroit, Michigan)
Pitching coach Denis Boucher (Canada Baseball/Montreal, Quebec)
Bullpen coach Paul Quantrill (Canada Baseball/London, Ontario)
Assistant bullpen coach Jordan Procyshen (Canada Baseball/Calgary, Alberta)
1B coach Larry Walker; Jr. (Canada Baseball/Maple Ridge, British Columbia)
3B coach Tim Leiper (Canada Baseball/Whittier, California)
Assistant coach Greg Hamilton (Canada Baseball/Toronto, Ontario)
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2nd passage of note in this letter from Henry to Edward Brigden... I’m not sure why Henry would refer to John as “Col John” here, if he is indeed referring to him, but it’s a loooooong letter, and he doesn’t mention him anywhere else so it seems likely. He’s also referring to the conduct of Col John, and that sounds like our boy.
Note: This letter was written 2 days after Laurens’ death, although Henry didn’t know for another couple of months so that cost me a few tissues tonight.
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belindandco · 4 years
Imagine Complete Ukulele Cover
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elizabethan-memes · 3 years
Geoffrey Elton: Of course I am very proud of all my PhD students who are now historians. Diarmaid MacCulloch, John Guy, David Loades, Susan Brigden....*reads smudged writing on hand* davey stork boy
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sleep-oven · 3 years
(uuuh hello the terror community)
terror and terror adjacent people as things me, my friends, and my family have said and done:
Crozier: "My whole life is worth five thousand cans of beer."
Sir John: *anxious sigh* "The peeeace of Goood-"
Fitzjames: *gets hit in the face with a cricket bat in high school P.E, tries to play it cool while progressively fainting* ( no teeth were lost that day).
Little: 'How come nobody sends letters? all we ever get are bills..."
Hogdeson: "It's my time to shine!!!" * runs past the football he intended to kick*
Irving: * moving the cat* "Leave the saint alone you little iconoclast-"
Gore: "Look, I dont think theres up and down in a situation like this..."
Dundy: "I don't really like how it tastes." *proceeds to eat several more of the snacks in question*
Jopson: "FUCK, they found me!" * sweetest person in class slides down under the desk at the sound of police cars*.
Collins: "And they had this poster with all the cool things you could see underwater. Fish, coral, sea turtles... It was raining. I saw three rocks."
Blanky: "If a demon showed up right now pretty sure I'd fight it...
for the record THAT WAS NOT A CHALLENGE! OK?"
Peddie: "Vitamin d. As in  d e a th."
Mcdonald: "Hold up, im gonna get a glass of the Black Liquid of Capitalism (Coke)."
Goodsir: "Unfortunately, the council has come to the conclusion that there is only CRAB."
Stanley: * sarcasticaly* "Oooh my, she got pissed did she?"
Des Voux: * gets +4-ed in Uno*" I hope you die."
Jartnell: * hoists tart up in the air in the middle of the street for one (1) ripe blackberry*
Tartnell:" But you can't get run over by a motorcycle! You're tiny!! There will be nothing left!!!"
Gibson: "Everyone loves to mess with interns. When I worked at this architecture office, a guy turned to me and said ' hey, go down to the wherehouse and get me some powdered nails'  like ???????? ffs"
Brigdens: "Who's my little yakult? 😚"
Peglar: "I am your yakult 💘"
Morfin: *momentarely forgets how to go up the steps, almost cries*
Tozer: "I didn't want to tell them I am afraid of fish, so i went into the water and just stood there, very still..."
Manson: *yelling back at the loud-meowing cat* "YES. I KNOW. I'M GONNA CRY TOO. HOW ABOUT THAT?"
Hickey: *leans in conspiratorely* "Hey... wanna get 8 barrels of enriched uranium?"
Silna: * looks into the camera like she's in The Office* Are you seeing this? They're the shame of my life."
Tuunbaq: "Mőthër...Į Hűņģêŕ"
Lady Jane: "If you forget to salt your beef and it spoils I'm going to throw you out with it."
Sophia: "I am for the lesbification of Brasil England."
Adjacent folks:
JCR: "So one time I forgot a pressure cooker on the stove and went to a wedding-"
Forbes:"Hey, hey, check out this noise I can make, it's the call of nature"*deep-growls and a fish jumps out of the water*
Jane:" My neighbour broke my terrarium and didn't replace the jar like he said he would and now my plants died. Seems I'm gonna have to kill my neighbour, unfortunately."
Joseph: "Everynight I pray for you guys, you sons of bitches."
John: * at biology class* "uuuuhm Can I Blow  Air inTo The Ox LuNGs????"
Robert: * doesn't want to call a locksmith, dropkicks stuck door open instead*
Archie: * over one single dissected ox testicle* "Come on team, we're gonna save this calf!"
The admiralty in general: "But say are you pissed :)) like are you pissed :))))"
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gateofthesettingsun · 5 years
By Candlelight
A bit silly maybe but I had a lot of fun writing this.
12 Days of Carnivale
Day 9 (Dec 21): “by candlelight”
John Bridgens really hadn’t been expecting anyone to come knocking at his door this late. One of the crew members had been celebrated because of his birthday and it did sound like the party was starting to die down. Bridgens himself hadn’t joined, he couldn’t enjoy the rush of booze should the captain or his second need anything. So he had been reading by candlelight in his bed. But now someone was suddenly disturbing him.
Getting up Bridgens got on a pair of pants as the knocking continued. He called that it would just be a moment but this night owl seemed to not take a hint. The knocking continued, almost starting to follow a rhythm. Running a hand through his hair Bridgens headed for the door with a sigh, not in the best of moods. Though things took a turn when he opened the door to discover that the knocking disturber was no other than Henry Peglar. A heavily intoxicated Henry Peglar no less. His hand was still raised ready to knock and when he realized that the door had indeed been opened and that it was the right door too, he blinked to regain focus.
”Let me in”
”Henry, what are you-”
”Just let me in, my feet are killing me”
Peglar then proceeded to push himself past Bridgens and sitting on his bed to remove his boots. Bridgens stood stunned for a moment, shot a quick glance down the hallway before closing the door. ”I see you enjoyed the party” he teased the younger man who continued to groan and whine over the misery his feet was apparently in. Tha the couldn’t remove one of his boots didn’t help ”Might explain why you came waltzing in here instead of heading to bed” Bridgens raised an eyebrow as he asked while watching the other man struggle. Peglar breathed out heavily, the boot getting the best of him, and continued to whine ”I’ll tell you everything just help me get this off!” he pleaded. Bridgens laughed softly but took mercy on the drunk young man and pulled the boot off his foot. Peglar let out a loud sigh of relief and laid down on his back in Bridgens bed. His eyes closed and his head resting against the wall.
”Are young drunk Henry?” Not that Bridgens couldn’t figure the answer to that out but that might explain why Peglar had sought him out. Peglar’s eyes opened, though narrowed to get a better look, and a grin came to his lips
”No you silly billy! Now help me up please!” He held out a hand for Bridgens to take. WHile Peglar tried to maneuver his body Bridgens stood utterly taken back by Peglar’s behavior. The other acted so… well, silly, for a lack of better words. A small amused smile came to Bridgens lips as he took Peglar’s hand. The poor boy would be ashamed and embarrassed tomorrow, which would be most amusing for Bridgens.
The young man did have a slight wobbly stand so Bridgens could figure out what the other had been doing ”well hello sweetcheeks! Yes, I came to see you!” Peglar proudly claimed while smiling brightly at Bridgens. He stood there happy and bright like the sun, no fear or shame, straightforward and awfully goofy.
A chuckle left Bridgens, he was slightly worried that his brain was making this up as it seemed awfully unreal.”Do you have anything nice to eat?” Peglar asked, looking around Bridgens’ room in search for food. The ability to focus was not at it’s strongest.
”I’m guessing you were at the birthday celebration?” Bridgens ignored the food question, better not disappoint his beloved Henry. ”What?!” Peglar looked at Brigdens to focus on the man, he was quite loud in this state which worried the elder man.
Nevertheless, he repeated his question and got an answer. ”Oh you bet your ass I was at the celebration,” He said, almost puffing up his chest with how proud he was. Peglar was normally calm, gentle and an enjoyer of life. Had some of the crew said something? Mocked him with being boring? Which had made him go all in, maybe too much, at the celebration? Bridgens shook his head, still with a small smile, whatever the reason Bridgens loved him in both states. The sober was by far preferred though, but he found the drunken state quite endearing.
Putting a hand on Peglar’s cheek to maintain eye contact. ”How much did you drink?” Bridgens wasn’t sure how much the man could handle but it would be nice to get an idea of how far the younger man was gone.
”I did-didn’t have any alcohol” the other denied the truth again and Bridgens was puzzled to as why. Was he worried that Bridgens would frown upon his current state?
”Are you sure?” Bridgens asked gently, letting his smile grow and his head leaned slightly closer to the other to show that it was quite all right.
Peglar stared at him for some seconds before a burp left him ”I’m gonna get sick” He said quickly. Brigdens was quick to act but after many minutes of sitting with a bucket waiting for Peglar to be sick when nothing actually came, he finally decided to put Peglar to bed. That would be Bridgens bed though.
”So why did you come to me at this time Henry? You should just have gone to bed” Bridgens asked the younger man curled up in his bed. He had brought the other some water and the candlelight was nearing the end of its lifetime.
”Ugh, Magnus was sleeping in my spot so I came here to sleep” Peglar finally explained. Bridgens shook his head
”You should have asked him to move” he corrected the other while looking down in his book to find the line he left off.
”Well I wasn’t thinking about that, was I!” Peglar shot back
”what in gods name were you thinking about?”
”You” Bridgens turned his head to see the younger man grinning at him with red cheeks. Drunkness or love, Bridgens didn’t know. He blew out the candle and joined his beloved in bed.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 months
I have been having a very difficult time finding actual historical non fiction books written by credible authors at my local library. It seems Alison Weir and Linda Porter have taken over, with the occasional David Stark thrown in, and I was curious if you had any recommendations for any credible biographers?
I mean… I have my issues with Linda Porter and David Starkey asw, but they are both historians and specialists in their subjects, so I would argue they are both ‘credible’ biographers in that sense …
But I definitely have my own preferences as far as historians go, so if you’re looking for personal recommendations, you can check out my pinned post (to see what quotes from which biographers interest you), and more specifically, in no particular order, I would recommend :
Susan Wabuda, Julia Fox, Catherine Fletcher, Glenn Richardson, Judith Richards, Elizabeth Norton, Suzannah Lipscomb, Eric Ives, Lucy Wooding, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Susan Brigden, Melita Thomas, Lisa Hilton, Nicola Tallis, Estelle Paranque, John Guy, Pamela Gross (her one Tudor biography is difficult to find , however, although you might meet with luck if your library has an ILL program, as I did as a student) and Owen Emmerson.
As for books not strictly academic biographies, I prefer Susan Bordo’s book on Anne Boleyn in pop culture / popular memory over Russo’s, tbh, and I love all of Natalie Grueniger’s. If you’re looking for academic Tudor books, non-biographical, more focused on politics, daily (court) life, architecture > personalities , I can rec there too… since you mentioned Alison Weir, it’s worth mentioning Simon Thurley’s books on daily court life and palace architecture, most of her passages on those matters are cribbed from his books, anyways. Might as well go straight to the source > the summaries 👀
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Given Three Years For Robbing Stores,” The Border Cities Star. November 25, 1930. Page 05. ---- Sarnia, Nov. 25. - James Couzens [PICTURED] aged 22, and Arthur Gant, aged 23, were sentenced yesterday to three years’ imprisonment in Portsmouth penitentiary at Kingston, for a series of store thefts committed at Brigden and Alvinston, within the last three months. The pair were arrested by provincial police of the local detachment last Wednesday at a house near Glencoe.
Gant pleaded guilty to the theft of $50 worth of merchandise from Howard Moore’s store and also to entering the store which is located at Bridgen on a previous occasion, when nothing was taken. He also admitted the theft of merchandise valued at $5 from John Warrener’s store at Alvinston, and $103 worth of goods from Allison’s store at Alvinston. On one occassion, he took goods valued at $116.
Cuzens admitted similar offenses and also confessed entering the Commercial Hotel at Brigden.
[AL: Most of the records I consult have luckily survived relatively intact over the decades, though this a case where that is not true. Gant’s mugshot and release info is gone - probably accidentally damaged or destroyed decades ago. As inmate #2219, he was, like Couzens, transferred to the Preferred Class Penitentiary at Collin’s Bay, a minimum security institution and work camp near Kingston Penitentiary. Couzens, unlike Gant, only spent 9 weeks there in 1931, and was returned to Kingston Penitentiary for a disciplinary infraction: Couzens refused to work, finding the rate of work extremely exhausting compared to the high security prison, where “they don’t work you so hard...” In fact, he much preferred Kingston, where he first worked on the farm and then the ornamental grounds of the Warden’s house across the street. He didn’t take part in the 1932 riot, though he agreed with most of their demands for better tobacco, entertainment, family visits, etc. He was released in June 1933. For both men, it was their first and last time in penitentiary. Both men grew up in the rural areas around Sarnia, and worked as itinerant construction and agricultural labourers before their robbery spree. Their cases shed some interesting light on things like minimum security - which was often far more austere and demanding on inmates in terms of work and thus was not often as highly sought as one would think. First time offenders were supposed to be sent to Collin’s Bay - which was the case here - and inmates considered reformable, a kind of subject grab-bag of characteristics that heavily favoured rural, native born, young men as well as white collar criminals.]
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I was reading a letter Henry Laurens wrote to one of his friends, Edward Brigden, August 29, 1782, and I found this reference to Harry, and Lordy did it make me laugh. Henry raised two sons who do what they want, it seems like Harry found the courage to do what he wanted younger than John, though.
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loveminimag · 7 years
Don't Panic! - Slartibartfast Rally announced
Creator of the 'Lovely Crinkly Edges' of Norway honoured with classic car rally in Scandinavia from 23 August to 7 September 2017 Slartibartfast - a character from the 1980's cult book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - now has a new claim to fame: having a classic car rally named after him, which honours his great work creating the fjords of Norway - or the "Lovely Crinkly Edges", as he called them.
Organised by Bespoke Rallies, the two-week event from 23 August to 7 September 2017 starts in The Hague, Holland and visits Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Finland, before arriving at the most northerly port of Norway, Kirkenes. From there, the rally boards a Hurtigruten ferry to Bergen. Drivers disembark each day to drive the fjords, before re-joining the same ship each evening further down the coast. This unique element of following the ferry means that - for the last six days - participants have a floating hotel, where they can leave their bags while they enjoy the roads, scenery and food. Commenting on the event, Rally Director John Brigden said: "I have always enjoyed The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and this seemed to be a great opportunity to remember this pioneering and amusing series, as well as hopefully bringing it to a new generation nearly 40 years after it was first published. "For those who remember the book, there was a character named Ford Prefect, so we are hoping to hear from a Ford Prefect owner who would like to come on the event. "Coupled with that, we have some of the most spectacular roads and scenery in Europe, from the fjords themselves to the inland mountains with more hairpins than a hairdresser's salon!" The rally is open to classic cars of all ages and will provide enjoyable competition for those who want it as well as a touring class for participants who just want to take in the journey. Bespoke Rallies will be attending Race-Retro Classic Car exhibition at Stoneleigh, near Coventry from 24 to 26 February, when potential participants can find us on stand 2-216 in Hall 2 to discuss this and our other rallies. via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ll6s8a
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
tag masterlist
betteridge, thomas
borman, tracy
brigden, susan
cressy, david
doran, susan
dowling, maria
duffy, eamon
fox, julia
gristwood, sarah
gross, pamela
guy, john
hoak, dale
ives, eric
johnson, lauren
kesselring, kj
licence, amy
lipscomb, suzannah
loades, david
macculloch, diarmaid
mackay, lauren
norton, elizabeth
paranque, estelle
paul, joanne
richardson, glenn
ross, josephine
ryrie, alec
skidmore, chris
thurley, simon
wabuda, susan
warnicke, retha
wooding, lucy
dalton, heather
dunn, suzannah
gregory, philippa
hilton, lisa
perry, maria
rounding, virginia
weir, alison
the great matter [files]
the reign of queen anne
the reign of the lady anne
hampton court
primary sources
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
The rivalry between John Dudley and Edward Seymour, who in 1524 had fought-- or played-- on the same side, would rock the country when they vied for power during King Edward's minority a quarter of a century later. Deepest enmity grew between Thomas Wyatt and the Duke of Suffolk. Political and religous choices would also estrange many others.
Brigden, Susan. 2012. Thomas Wyatt : The Heart's Forest.
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