#john roberts im looking at you
mikaelsrose · 2 years
I've been thinking about this for the last couple of days and decided that if at the end of Theodora we don't get the option to finally die and get together with our season 1/2 LI, i swear to you, I'm not going to finish this book. it's either this or my heart which is in pieces already
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scripturiends · 1 year
the actor for robert frobisher smythe really gave his all for his performance like since day 1 all hes been doing is serve! he carries himself with such impudence such ostentatiousness his acting style is perfect for theater
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this took me a month and a half. i feel like a demon that just fulfilled their contract after thousands of years in the pit
please open for better quality
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muppet-facts · 3 months
hi! sorry if this is too vague, I was just wondering how you find the sources you use? Im interested in reading up on muppet history but I have no idea where to start (aside from the links you use as sources on your posts ofc). I was just wondering, do you just watch a segment of the show and get curious about something and look it up? What is your process?
Not too vague at all!! I love this question!
There are several books on the subject, but not many from scholarly press, but even if they are popular press, they are still interesting and good reads!
I also like looking at Henson archive posts, like the Jim Henson's Red Book posts on Henson.com. Big fan of archivist Karen Falk's work with the Henson company. Also oral history interviews on The Television Academy Foundation from cast and crew are very insightful. The oral history with Joan Ganz Cooney, although 4 hours long is very good!
But yeah, sometimes I do just go "oh I wonder about XYZ" and just start looking in various directions.
Some reading recs:
Cole, Charlotte F., and June H. Lee. The Sesame Effect: The Global Impact of the Longest Street in the World. New York: Routledge, 2016.
Greene, Bryan. “The Unmistakable Black Roots of ‘Sesame Street.’” Smithsonian Magazine, November 7, 2019. Accessed March 20, 2024. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/unmistakable-black-roots-sesame-street-180973490/.
Jensen, Helle Strandgaard. Sesame Street: A Transnational History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023.
Lesser, Gerald S. Children and Television: Lessons From Sesame Street. New York: Vintage Books, 1974.
Long, Loretta. “Sesame Street: A Space Age Approach to Education for Space Age Children,” doctoral dissertation. Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts, August 1973. https://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3815&context=dissertations_1.
Morrow, Robert W. Sesame Street and the Reform of Children’s Television. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
Sorry all the reading is basically all Sesame Street related! It's what I've been working on lately lol
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jacenotjason · 2 months
OK this will be an extremely long ask i am sorry. i love radford
i havent sent an ask to people in years but i am one of the radford fans of all time and demonic possession is a fun concept to me, so the idea of gadreel possessing him specifically makes me INSANE
i just think itd work extremely well. radford doesnt take anything seriously and doesnt understand boundaries, but he always puts his concern for others first and his well-being last. he annoys father gregor and compares him to priests hes seen in the movies, and he does spray holy water + offer free candy against kevins wishes, but he also warns rick about the trouble he could get himself into when not giving the right movie tickets, and helps kevin with his job with no pay in mind. hes annoying, but his heart is in the right place
but gadreel is the Ultimate Prankster. him trying to imitate radford would backfire Hard, because gadreels idea of fun is,, More Extreme. he allows kids to enter adult films, he steals candy and says its fine since hes friends with kevin, he tells his friends and brother to break the rules and disrespect authority, etc etc. im unsure what gadreels motives are other than to ruin everyones day, but hes doing a damn good job at it. all the blame is going to radford, and honestly, its just So Easy to blame him for it
i imagine it takes a while for most people to figure out that somethings wrong with radford. he does what he wants freely, wherever and whenever, so these mistakes could be rationalized by him having an off-day. i assume rad would look extremely tired after a days long session of gadreel torturing him (because he loves pushing the human body. bill cipher behavior). but i think what makes everyone truly concerned is when "radford" starts involving Others in his antics
it isnt like rad to encourage bad behavior. he would never tell rick to swap the prices of two items at his new job, or tell robert the best blind spots to steal from stores, or forcing kevin to take his anger out on someones property. the radford everyone knows is ditzy, but kindhearted. if theres trouble, radford would be the only perpetrator
and god, imagine how much worse it gets if "radford" gets in trouble with the police. john would be frustrated seeing his own nephew be so careless and cruel all of a sudden. itd probably even make him spiral and assume the cult had something to do with it, and that john and his family arent safe like he thought. and i think gadreel relishes in that knowledge
im also so curious as to how gadreel and radford met and how long the possession lasted, maybe it was a week? in my head, he came to radford in the form of a snake before revealing his true self and attacking, leaving no time for rad to fully process it and run away. i also assume skid and pump will have some involvement, and pumps eyes turning blue will be a clear sign that "radford" is associated with a demonic entity, or Is one. either way i love gadreels character being a "twisted" version of radfords if that makes sense
so um ya sorry for the longest ask ever. heres a drawing
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Unlike Moloch whose possessions are more brutal and obvious, Gadreel hides and youre so right! Hes here for the long haul babey!!
yes i imagine the possession lasted about a week, week and a half. Gadreel can't feel pain (at least Radfords pain i mean, he has a higher pain tolerance, as a demon yknow) so he could very well accidentally snap a bone as Radford and not even notice. What im saying is Rad is hospitalized afterwards
AUGHHH the police thing. Gadreel sees the cops and WANTS to get caught by them, just for goofs. in a "Oh what would happen if i did this :)" way.
Instead of possessing Patty in the morgue, Gadreel took the form of a snake and.... left lmao. or got noticed and thrown out bc oh my god a snake
he ended up near the candyclub and radford was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gadreel saw Radford as a hiding place and a means to have fun.
I imagine Moloch doesnt care about what his vessels look like, meanwhile Gadreel won't possess someone if he thinks theyre lame. like yeah he couldve possessed patty but then he would've had to.... do stuff. eugh. This guy looked WAY more fun.
im actually vibrating yourel iterally the coolest dawg.
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sananaryon · 9 months
Magnus Archives dudes ranked by how much I, an aroace lesbian, would want to fuck them
Jonathan Sims - 7/10
Fairly middle of the road academic, would be the worst to make breakfast for the day after, but gets point for being a mess.
Martin Blackwood - 1/10
It's good for others but the teddybear vibes dont do it for me, i'm sorry
Tim Stoker - 9/10
He seems fun and I think he'd understand that this is no strings attached, we'd have a good time.
Elias Bouchard - 6/10
Evil old men are fuckable, but loses points for being the worst.
Gerard Keay - 3/10
I wouldn't fuck Gerard, I'd make him good food and let him stay at my place for as long as he needs.
Jurgen Leitner - 5/10
Look. He gets a worse rap than he deserves. That said he loses points for probably talking too much during sex.
Michael Crew - 7/10
I like his powers and he seems like a fun guy to fuck, plus scars are hot but seeing them also involves seeing a semi-buff dude shirtless which is like my biggest turnoff.
Michael Distortion - 6/10
I am a monsterfucker but i don't like his voice.
Peter Lukas - 3/10
Bear DILF is a great vibe but i feel like he'd wanna do it in Lonely and i'm cold at the moment so that sounds awful.
Oliver Banks - 3/10
He'd be an 10 if he hadn't said anything to trigger my thanatophobia halfway through. He'd make good breakfast after though.
Adelard Decker - 7/10
Saved more people than Gertrude, I'd fuck him just for that.
Eric Delano - 9/10
Michael Shelley (pre-Distortion) - 3/10
Another one that just doesn't do it for me, but he's cute enough.
Mikaele Salesa - 10/10
He has sugar daddy vibes, I'd fuck him for a new ps5 and he'd pay my bills.
Breekon & Hope - 10/10
Worse ways to spend a weekend than being spitroasted by buff delivery men with sexy voices.
John Amherst - 1/10
He has every std
Maxwell Rayner - 2/10
I mean, he's hot enough but next to Manuela everyone is a 1. This is the one time i let my lesbianism influence my judgement
Jordan Kennedy - 6/10
The ants are a turnoff but I respect a working man
Jared Hopworth - 10/10
Tom Haan - 4/10
Cannibalism is hotter when women do it, I lied about not letting my lesbianism decide.
Robert Montauk - 8/10
Dilf AND serial killer? My panties are already wet
Trevor Herbert - 4/10
Points for being the same as Robert but he was mean to Daisy so fuck him in a non sexy way
Simon Fairchild - 4/10
His optimism just gets to the point of annoying, dude shut up about what a lovely day it is while im sucking you off!
Edwin Burroughs - 7/10
I wouldn't need possession to corrupt him
Raymond Fielding - 5/10
Middle of the road, I wouldn't say no but i wouldn't initiate.
Robert Smirke - 10/10
This is 100% because i study architecture and fucking Robert Smirke would give bragging rights forever.
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istherewifiinhell · 3 months
okay. heres what were all here for. tell me why the fuck im supposed to suck the dick of these uk comics
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[ID: A man holding up an aged looking paper, with a medieval style drawing of a giant metal fire breathing man. He leans forward serious asking his son "... Did it look like this?" END]
marveltf story line, MAN OF IRON, 9-12 in the UK, or.... 33-34 in the us. alright lol do whatever i guess. first published in 1985
new vibe same procedure: Script: Steve Parkouse art: John Ridgeway (9-10) Mike Collins (11-12) Colours: Joise Fermin (9-10) Gina Hart (11-12) Nel Yomtov (US)* Letters: Richard Starkings Editor: Sheila Cranna and these caps are from the UK classics idw book so: Original Series Edits by Shelia Cranna and Ian Rimmer, editorial notes and assistance by James Roberts, Collection Edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon, Collection Design by Shawn Lee (<- hey i know his work from turtles!)
*so the uk comics were part in colour and part B&W, to save costs... including the american reissues? printing costs i guess. but when reprinted in collected books, they would get the full colour treatment. whats not clear to me is WHO did those colours, its not listed anywhere i can find. ill simply have to assume its the same artists... and hope im not discrediting anyone....
AND ALSO the last page in this reprint apparently uses the US comic page, and i have a cap of that last page, so. Yomtov's in here too..... tf franchise the way u treat ur sacred texts breaks my turtles fan heart.
and lastly! the keen eyed may notice, we are back to toy accurate art, the character model designs haven't and wont make their way over until much later, I'm told.
well with all that perfectly convoluted business out of the way, lets explore what tfs is like across the pond.
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[ID: The same man, Roy, driving as he thinks to himself "What kind of bozo would want to bomb the castle? The Saxon Liberation Front? The mind boggles…" END]
[spluttering laugh] so the humours a little different!
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[ID: The boy, Sammy, climbing a tree, hand outstretched reaching for the arrow he lost. Standing, with his in the canopy is Jazz. Sammy yells in fear. END]
OKAY. so the vibes are little different
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[ID: Caption Box: And the apparition was fearful, being a Man of Iron of great height and girth, seeming unheedful of quarrel, spear or sword…" The robot from the illustration, clearly transformer, but blockier, more retro scifi, standing in the middle of a medieval battle, men with chain-mail and swords looking at him with trepidation. Caption Box: The Man of Iron forded the stream at Eldric's Cross, making great strides for the abbey… and some brave souls followed, though none dared come too close…" Two of the fighters shown following him, a body shot with an arrow lays at the other side of the river. END]
damn okay. so the vibes are ALOT DIFFERENT
(no 10) sammy dreams
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[ID: Sammy stands on a house rooftop, in his PJ's, looking down at the cobble street, where a seeker in alt mode rests. END]
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[ID: Dark and moody art, a barely seen figure towers in the shadows over the residential houses. From a higher angle, its shown to be Mirage, he stands taking up the entire street, backlit and casting shadows. END]
WHAT THE FUCK. that is terrifying
(something about beautiful black inked art + toy model makes them so CREATURE)
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[ID: Roy speaks to a man in army uniform. Roy: How large? Soldier: Well… ahh…at a rough estimate? About the size of an ocean-going liner. Roy: Whaat? Roy with a hand to his head in dismay: Well, for god's sake what is it? Solider: We don't know. I've called in extra men and we're going to excavate… END]
somethings! buried under the castle... gee well one wonders what it might be
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[ID: Close on Jazz's alt mode dashboard, its filled with lights and screen of alien language. Hes saying: But I'm not a stranger, Sammy. Deep down, you know… don't you? You've been wanting an adventure all your life… Besides. I have something to tell you. Sammy looking doubtful. Jazz continues: Something really important. Sammy has a hand on Jazz's open door: Why not just sit for a while in the front seat? Just pretend you're driving… END]
really get a kick outta this note in the printed version
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(no 11)
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[ID: Jazz speaks to Sammy on the road, a blue and white F1 car pulling up. "My name is unpronounceable in your language… so just call me Jazz! And that's Mirage right behind us!" Jazz takes a exit to a low road, a black camper truck driving alongside. "This is where we rendezvous with Trailbreaker. All set Sammy?" All three driving along, Sammy responds "Sure thing Jazz!" END]
[guitar riff] THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN. im so glad all my good friends are here.
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[ID: An fiery explosion engulfing Trailbreaker with a "Whaamf!". Wheels coming off, glass shattering, the truck top blowing to bits. Trailbreaker veering off road, a trail of fire and parts behind him calls out "Jazz! I'm hit... I'm hit BAD! END]
TRAILBREAKER NOOOO. who could have seen this coming...
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[ID: Jazz narrowing swerving a missile. Exploding behind him, and speedlines trail him, and a wreath in flame around him. The colours are almost delicate, and a reflective glow in his paint. END]
wha. this just looks so cool.... what the hell....
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[ID: Bluesteak, smiling speaking to comms "Autobot Bluestreak to patrol leader +++ Just brushed something off your tail, Jazz+++ try to be more careful in future, hmmm? Bluestreak out+" END]
being a cunt in the work slack. king
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[ID: Jazz in profile, lit under the starry night sky, soft line-less colours defining the planes of his head in blue greys, and pitch black. To Sammy he says "Not really. It's a shuttlecraft… now stand back…" To comms "Autobot Jazz To Autobot leader+++ Approaching shuttle with Surveillance Subject+++ Request permission to board+++" END]
Wuh. Huh. Jazz u look so fucking cool right now?? And handsome.....
okay whats going on back at the castle (no 12)
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[ID: The army soldier half sitting on a desk, holding a phone to his ear, the rotary cradle held resting on his leg. He's saying "IT's not just a question of scale, sir. We simply cannot identify it. END]
whys he kinda... apparently this style of uniform is called temperate barrack dress?? that answers none of my questions im just kinda... whyd u draw him like that tho...
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[ID: A seeker, drawn in blues, walking between the ruins of the castle. Off panel someone says "It just seemed to appear from nowhere!" END]
bigfooting it up... AT A CASTLE. oh lads. im done for [blah blah he telePORTS and thats skywarps power but hes blue so WHO is it. dont worry abt it man. dont matter. they apparently change in the various times its been coloured, which is objectively funny imho. keep em guessing]
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[ID: Moody and still illustrations of a robot identical to the Man of Iron in stasis, plugged into a bed of sorts. The ship around him is dark but for strips of coloured computer like lights in the walls and floor. Caption boxes narrate: Deep beneath the Autobots feet, in a sealed chamber, a special Autobot lay waiting… He was navigator, warrior and guardian of Autobot destiny… In his long, slow, machine world, a million years were as fleeting seconds. Human history had passed over him. Small inter panels. Mid on the Guardian: Locked in his dormant brain was the location of the planet Cybertron. He waited only to be re-activated, re-integrated with his mission… Restored to life. Close on the Guardian: His attendant was no more, the link between them severed. Laying in profile, just barely defined in the pitch black: Alone in the darkness he patiently beamed his signal. The same pattern of impulses… Waiting. END]
What the actual fuck (its even more somberly dramatic than just that)
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[ID: Sammy, from a distance, staring at the castle. Caption Box: Autumn came, leaves fell. Sammy was a year older and a year wiser. He never saw Jazz again… Sammy asleep in bed, moonlight pouring through his paneled window. "But on clear, sharp nights, when stars glittered like needles and the night winds rattled his window… Then he slept a fitful, fearful sleep…" Sammy sleeping, with his dreams projected above him. "And the Man of Iron walked once more through his dreams." The End]
um well. okay! thats. fucking crazy. and this is the only tf comic this dude ever did. okay... can u tell he was from the dr who comics...... it ALSO means this doesnt actually speak at all for what the rest of tfuk will be like. which is damn funny. LIKE WOW! THAT WAS CRAZY. anyways.
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elskiee · 4 months
rating cillian murphy's movie characters that i resonate with [based on whatever the fuck i want to base it on]:
tommy shelby: a fucking cunt. he pisses me off so bad because I KNOW beneath that hard surface he's just a lover girl. i KNOW he's walking on those business meetings wearing lacy lingerie WITH thigh garters underneath his suit. and i also know he sucks cock daily. idk why he walks around all stuck-up like that. and the fact that he's SO pretty just angers me more. yeah, i'm jealous and i'm not afraid to say it! he's 6/10 for me I'll fight him to death ngl
john and emma skillpa: oh touch them and you'll fucking die <3 my SWEETIE PIES! ppl r saying their brown eyes are creepy but yall won't catch me feeling like that. they're the most beautiful and precious to me. yall don't know how much i dream of waking up to Emma's breakfast and morning notes oh my god im gonna fucking cry they're 100000000/10 for me.
neil lewis: LOSERRRR [affectionately] i absolutely ADORE him!! would i smack his face with a basketball and light him on fire? yes. would i also kiss his nose and bundle him up in a fluffy blanket? also yes! i would also throw him a casablanca birthday party for him, and he would dress up as ingrid bergman's character! and we would have so much fun [cue me pegging him later on that night]! 8/10!
kitten braden: yes so how much time do yall have here bcs this is my GIRL. words cannot express how much love i have for her. look at her. i would die for her. i would kill for her. either way, what bliss!!! 1000000000000000000/10!!
robert capa: oh yall wanna talk about wife huh. yall don't wanna see how much i SOBBED at the ending bcs WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT??? WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY MEAN BY THAT??? he's sooo wifey and i just want to smooch him and tell him that the sun is gonna be okay you don't have to go do all that <3 come back home sweetie the kids miss you <3 10/10!!
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tuesday again 2/27/2024
this is the longest ive ever been unemployed and media is only doing so much to beat back the horrors. so let’s talk about the media instead of the horrors
Come Up For Air by We The Commas, off i think one of the autogenerated spotify indie mixes?
sort of a rollicking modern little surf rock thing, they describe themselves as "surf and alternate rhythm and blue" which is pretty bang on imo. they're all brothers (their last name genuinely is Comma, which i salute as a fellow weird last name haver), and cite john mayer (i don't really hear it) and the beach boys (yes i hear this very much) as some of their influences. a song i had on loop for an entire forty minute drive and did not get tired of. spotify
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three books that MUST go back to the library tomorrow bc their autorenew is up and i was emotionally unable to get a library card without tooling around and getting a stack of books a month ago.
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thank you philip.
i really only liked the Carmilla adaptation by Amy Chu, bc it really gets at what i didn't realize was the heart of the original 1872 lesbian vampire novella: a toxic gay housing situation you have fallen into and can't get out of bc your area is so so so expensive and housing is so so so tenuous. i have read the original but not in a while, this is an excellent modern adaptation centering around a nyc social worker in the late seventies that presupposes no knowledge and intertwines the original novella in the form of a stolen rare book. (nonconsecutive pages)
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i don't have much to say about the DC young adult comic about the circus career of one of the Robins (Dick Grayson). i didn't love the loose artstyle and am not in its intended age range plus it had a bit too much therapyspeak, but it did have a clever use of a very limited color palette.
let's yank the amazon description for the detective novel, which i grabbed bc it vaguely pinged something in my brain about one of the fallout 4 sidequests and i've picked books up for worse reasons (SPOILERS):
Jacob Rigolet, a soon-to-be former assistant to a wealthy art collector, looks up from his seat at an auction—his mother, former head librarian at the Halifax Free Library, is walking almost casually up the aisle. Before a stunned audience, she flings an open jar of black ink at master photographer Robert Capa’s “Death on a Leipzig Balcony.” Jacob’s police detective fiancée, Martha Crauchet, is assigned to the ensuing interrogation. 
i simply fucking hated this authorial style and tone and ditched it two chapters in. i don’t currently have the patience for reading about a clinically insane mother and hate crimes against Jewish people. despite the fairly dark premise, the first two chapters veer into cozy mystery with very short sentences, which do not a noir make. now, it does not advertise itself as noir or neo-noir, but as an homage to noir. it is for me unbearably smug. in my most unkind heart of hearts i want to say it's like if wes anderson tried to make a noir. this is a book that wants you to know it has read other noirs. yes thank you ive read several others, that’s why im reading this one, stop reminding me of better books i could be reading.
there's some weird descriptions of womens' bodies in here. chandler (my beloved) is certainly guilty of this as well, but he lavishes a sort of equal opportunity eye on the men in his mysteries. cf the infamous daniel lavery description.
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when i read a chandler description of someone’s physical appearance there’s a fruity bisexual aftertaste in my mouth. Howard Norman, below, saying a woman takes great care of herself puts my hackles up. i understand the difference between an author and a character believing something and i don’t want to read a book where either the author or the character have this sort of pitying condescension towards a woman’s body. im feeling extremely terrible about my own body right now due to the various maladies, and another sort of breaking point for me is when an author repeatedly describes "naked breasts" (exact wording) pressing against someone's torso. it feels so juvenile. that's the sexiest thing you can possibly think of??? that's the sexiest way you can think of to describe an early mornign moment of intimacy???? augh i read the NYT review and it gets worse.
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shut the FUCK up. i left my apartment at 1130 PM to go put this book in my CAR. i don't want it in my HOUSE.
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Bullitt (1968, dir. Yates, free on Tubi). the baddie in this is Robert Vaughn (who i know from cowboys), a guy i fucking love to see. i can take or leave Steve McQueen but he does such a killer job parallel parking in this movie and i wish all driving movies made their leads parallel park. shockingly realistic hospital, morgue, and police work scenes, apparently was one of the big films to popularize blood squibs. also love to see a haunted man splash water on his face and stare into a mirror.
if you asked me how long the famous car chase was i would have said like 2:30? substantial but snappy. no!!! eleven minutes!! (video a bit trimmed). also a rare movie that makes a foot chase through an airport as exciting as that eleven minute car chase!!!
the mob dodging plot was a little hard to follow, but i was operating on like four hours of sleep and a rum and coke. this has got to be a tremendous movie to watch when you’re home and sick on the couch huddled under a blanket. i mean this as a compliment, as someone who watches Escape from New York whenever i feel very sick
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really wanted to get to 69 shrines before writing this post and finally did it. all the little divine beasts walking along the loading screen are SO cute i've never gotten all four before
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all the divine beasts are unlocked and the champions laid to rest! im feeling some type of way emotionally speaking about all of them telling link IMMEDIATELY that it wasn't his or zelda's fault they died
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rudania has the worst boarding mission (in order of ones i most enjoyed it's camel [SO fast and SO fun], bird [lots of time to think and plan and aim], elephant [did not make me do a tedious stealth mission but i am bad at locking on to rapidly moving things behind me, much like in real life], and lizard. the lizard stealth mission is simply unpleasant). however, my brain really clicked with the puzzles in rudania: i had to consult a walkthrough once for an optional chest. in order of interior beast puzzle enjoyment for me it's lizard, bird, elephant, and camel. really got stuck for a long time on the waterwheels with the elephant before consulting a walkthrough.
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the yiga clan stealth mission was not as hard as i thought it would be. i don't know why i put that off for two real life weeks but i will not learn my lesson and i will never improve. this boss battle was just silly.
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the vah naboris interior puzzles were not fun. idk what it was about them or my brain that made me have such a bad time, but i spammed revali's gale and skipped a lot of chests bc i was not having fun. this is why god invented the walkthrough but sometimes. shit is just too fiddly.
i did succeed on the thunder ganon boss battle first try, but i came in with extra hearts from mipha's grace, used another mipha's grace in the fight, went through five fairies and seven hearty simmered fruits that were 5x durians (which gives you 20 extra hearts or some shit). fucking nightmare. i was stuck on one hit left on ganon for like five minutes bc he got stuck in the very fast flurry attack cycle. unpleasant. deeply grateful it only made me smack him with the magnesis pillar once bc that was also really fiddly with my poor reaction time + poor fine motor skills + previously mentioned ancient controller with some drift. in order of boss battle enjoyment i think it's lizard (made me think and kept me on my toes a little but i did have to look up how to break the shield), elephant (you can just kind of tank it), bird (same), and camel (extremely not fun).
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this was WITH a fully upgraded gimp suit btw. that shit (ganon) just hits hard.
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shrine shenanigans:
crowned beast very fun, i have one or two of kass' songs left and then i hope i get to see him back in rito village with his family??? a little nervous bc i went right to the jungle spring without hearing his song first so idk if that will. count??? or softlock me.
the MOUNDS of failed cooking attempts around this shrine on the grasslands side of the gerudo barrier mountains were SO funny.
unlocked all the spring shrines. what a fun mission. what a fun climb.
went to my FAVORITE shrine!!! going into what you think will be a normal cave and discovering it is DEEP with a BIG WHALE INSIDE is top three video game whale moments (the other two are diving with the whales in ABZU and meeting the last whale in the first dishonored).
other bits and bobs:
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eggman rocks???
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this quest was really cute and i wish there was a corresponding quest for the guy hanging around the broken heart pond, but it always makes me laugh whenever a dragon shows up in the background of a screenshot. a really great touching moment but watch out for the elemental orbs rapidly approaching us
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also made me chortle. get it together barta.
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i wish the helm was upgradable but i think making me kill a molduga in order to borrow it is a pretty fair trade actually.
i originally had a really long thing here about litterbox trials and tribulations but i have decided to spare you all. you're welcome.
many balcony improvements, including putting up trellises and installing bird spikes to hopefully keep a very persistent orange tom off my balcony and away from my girls.
there are a goofy number of obstacles in the way of me making a proper planting diagram (sketchbooks buried deep in closet. flung the seeds in a box on a shelf i need to find my stepstool for. can't find pencil sharpener) so for the second week in a row that's not happening. however, sprouts.
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baby italian lettuce blend
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bush beans in the front and cucumbers + sweet peas in the back.
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blueberry-ovaries · 8 months
- oh he was blasted :(
- they carry him back to be buried 😭
- the boys are in a hole
- “tell her how handsome i am” HELL YEAH YOU ARE
- ooo they got houses!
- and rice, without beef and shrimp
-ooooh the girls are fighting, why is this man so angry at a radio
- is that a fucking maggot. i think I threw up in my mouth
- not army vs marine beef 😭
- poor Leckie is throwing up peaches
- omg a puppy ☹️
- oh my god they hit burrows and hit so badly :(
- idk whose crying but i feel so sorry for him
- oh my god direct hit guys were just… destroyed
- JP is gonna fucking die isn’t he.
- oooh they got some fancy foxholes
- 1st company is just easy company if they were marines, why are they in the shit 😭
- John Basilone is so bad ass
- i feel there is a severe lack of robert leckie
- oh he brought a gun to a fist fight
- i’m starting to think maybe it was the whole japanese fleet cause holy shit they are outnumbered
- he’s just straight up mowing guys down?!? single handley defeating the enemy?!?
- John Basilone is literally ron spiers?!
- literally gets thrown into the air and walks it off, John Basilone you are so badass
- that’s a lot of dead people
- the hospital?!? that’s insane oh my god
- manny better be okay :(
- Runner in a santa hat?!
- Leckie is a poet!!
- “how bad was it” dude 😭😭 look at them…
- 1st division on the front page 😭😭
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thewingedwolf · 3 months
wait i’m gonna be so annoying and have a final thoughts here
the aesthetic & main romance has just really fallen off. they are incapable of sticking the landing in the third act & while they still have some good looks, i think there’s a certain level of playing it too safe (see Kate’s wardrobe!!!!!) and also just, bizarre makeup choices that were a bit distracting.
they also just don’t know how to keep a character waiting for their romance while building that character up over several arcs. kind of a bad trait to have for a tv show?? 😭😭 like, i love them with all my heart, but everyone has said that eloise, benedict, & colin have felt so confused at points as characters, like the writers didn’t know where to go with them. they’re just waiting for their romance instead of like, growing.
Colin was the male lead what do we even know about him beyond his inability to interact with a woman without projecting onto her.
once again the milfs outsold, agatha and violet are the best thing about this series and i don’t care how much i like violet’s lil thing with agatha’s brother, i want those two gossipy old milfs to kiss sloppy style.
it’s too goddamn short, i think this wasn’t a problem in s1 or qc bc it’s the First season so there’s not as many characters to follow but they keep introducing all these other characters that take space away from a) The Main Couple and b) The Bridgertons As A Family, and those are the draws of the series!! it’s too much for only 8 episodes, what happened to 12-18 episodes for high budget or cable shows, if they had these people on like Normal tv contracts they wouldn’t have such a hard time scheduling and have these long ass waits between seasons Either, im tired of this and i blame the duffer brothers and i want those two nerds hunted for sport.
also hyacinth and gregory are getting SO OLD OMG HURRY UP 😭😭😭
i think they did a better job this season with folding the siblings in together but it feels disjointed from s2. anthony & kate specifically feel very oddly thrown in there and idgi. i loved seeing the bridgertons using calling times as an excuse for Group Hangs, and i loved the way John pointed this out to Francesca. i liked that the ending with benedict where he’s realizing he’s the oldest still left at home with two like, toddler siblings and feeling unhappy with it, but bc they struggle with incorporating all the siblings together, we really lose that thread from last season between him & anthony that could have given benedict a way to explore his sexuality in a slutty way while also giving anthony something to do & not drop the art school thing. however, this is all detailed and would take a lot of time and they only have eight episodes. why. do 13-18 or im gonna start sending death threats to ceos. for legal reasons that’s a joke haha.
i do think in the few kathony scenes we got, they nailed the dynamic that she is the world’s most put upon eldest daughterson and he needs to be institutionalized. pls put jonathan bailey and simone ashley in another thing together so i can see them together again. this can’t be the end. be the next tom hanks and meg ryan please. he george clooney and julia roberts. i’m on my knees here.
am i allowed to say i’m glad we got a long devirginizing scene like in s1 & qc but also we did not see Nearly enough of those two fucking. more than kathony but imo still not on the level of the other two. also you could write an essay here about the sex politics of this show. i will refrain and say Is This Not The Pervert’s Show?? Can we Please get better pandering????
i think no one can handle a big cast like shonda not even her hand picked teams. qc handled having a host of characters so much better. early grey’s is really great at this. htgawm is good at this. u can tell what season she was really In That Writer’s Room. shonda pls get back in the writer’s room i need something as emotionally devastating as “meredith i’m so sorry” “you must be the woman whose screwing my husband” i need sexy like the “teach me” scene but with the freedom of streaming to get freaky with it, this cast WANTS to deliver but netflix & these writers are NOT up to the challenge!!!
i love bi benedict. even if nothing else comes of this i didn’t think they’d genuinely have benedict get intimate with and acknowledge being attracted to a man. genuinely really jazzed about that. but they Have said they want to explore his ~fluidity more and there’s so many scenarios that could be, i have no idea what the hell they mean by that askksjd. crossdressing sophie, genderbent to solomon, a trans sophie/solomon of some persuasion, im excited to see where they go!
BI FRANCESCA. MICHAELA STIRLING. PEOPLE ARE HATING BUT YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION. esp bc you could do a michaela that has like, resigned herself to a life of never feeling love only to fall in love At Her Cousin’s Wedding so well with this. these three, michaela francesca john, are gonna break my HEART i’m READY for it!
i want the resolution to one of the gay couples to include brimsley & reynolds encouraging charlotte to cure society of homophobia somehow. if we can do this with racism we can do it with homophobia. why the hell not.
listen to me. listen closely. are you listening. if we don’t get lesbian eloise what are we even fucking doing here. enough fucking around. give me a real sign this is all going somewhere. i am no longer asking.
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
random thought but i love eugene mirman's gene sounds ESPECIALLY when gene is sleeping. they're so good & cute
louise tina bob and linda looking @ gene literally exactly like this when he forgets how his song goes at breakfast LMAOO
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love that tina and louise seem to actually pay attention to what songs gene is writing and what they're about despite the fact that there are SO MANY. supportive family <3
gene's dream.... bro that was god speaking to you. like for real wtf
also im only a minute in and there are SO MANY good screenshots already he's such a cutie i love him so much!!!! <3 gene episodes my beloved
"Now I'm going to change into last night's pajamas, AKA my only pajamas, and brush my teeth with Tina's toothbrush because that's what I accidentally did last night."
"Wait, what?"
gene and tina are so silly?? 😭
me and gene share many similarities including waking up in the middle of the night every two hours for no fucking reason. like THATS relatable
MR AMBROSE APPEARANCE LETS FUCKING GOOO‼️‼️ why does his voice sound slightly sped up is he okay. does he have a new voice actor?? he sounds slightly off not like in a bad way its just strange
THERE WAS A NEW VOICE ACTOR BCUZ BILLY EICHNER WASNT CREDITED maybe bcuz its such a small appearance but thats very weird. i feel like mickey fans in season 12 episode 6 when loren did that horrible mickey impression 😭😭 also whoever did his voice in this episode wasnt credited so it was somebody from the main cast doing an impression of him. will try to figure out who. sorry episode review cancelled i need to figure out who the hell voiced mr ambrose in this episode
based on the fact that u cant obviously tell who it is i dont think its eugene mirman and probably not h jon benjiman?? dan mintz can only do one voice so its not him either. probably either john roberts larry murphy or a random crew member who they didnt bother to credit
(most likely billy eischner just wasn't avaliable to voice mr ambrose due to his movie career etc so i dont blame them but it was noticeable enough to ME that i needed to figure it out. not even a bad impression honestly the average fan wouldnt notice)
"What do you lucid dream about?"
"I do revenge stuff on people who were mean to me in high school, some fantasy and science fiction, some adult stuff I can't tell you about."
this is literally the gayest thing mr ambrose has ever said omg FHFMDDJKSKS i cant believe this drama club ass nerd was bullied in high school who could have guessed. not me thats for sure
(now somebody has to write a fanfic about mr ambrose having Adult Stuff dreams about mr frond. i want this on my desk by 3pm tomorrow)
love mr ambrose and his gay ass curly hair..... mr ambrose my beloved <33 kisses u
i dont have anything to say im just strangely invested in gene's lucid dreaming plot at this point. Love all his silly little dreams and its incredible he never seems to have any nightmares or anything!!
this is reminding me of the movie where gene had a dream and he was scared that he wasn't good at music and that people weren't going to like his performance and the aliens came down to told him to stop 😭😭💔 his insecurity that he might not be that good a musician literally makes me cry. he's so sweet and kindhearted my babyy boy
"Even successful musicians went to sixth grade, Gene."
"That's a MYTH!!"
weirdly mr ambrose started sounding completely normal at some point like did his voice actor come back and just wasn't credited?? or whoever did this impression was REALLY good jfc
mr ambrose HATES these fuckign kids bro
NOT THE STARING AGAIN. why are they literally just this image every single time gene plays music in this episode im gonna cry
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love this specific frame of gene running his hand through his hair
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awww bob is such a good dad
sidenote but this subplot with tina and louise is so stupid it actually made me laugh LMAO the fucking girl cricket. thr female cricket. like what if he's gay huh what then
"or if she's not his type she also makes a great best friend. she's a good listener" THANK YOU louise for acknowledging the cricket might be gay. she's an ally 🙏
AWW GENE WRITING HIS SONG <3 eugene mirman isnt a Good singer (not hating he literally says that all the time. they have to record each line seperately bcuz he cant sing on key) so its hard to tell when they're trying to make gene's songs seem good or not but this is really sweet. u can tell he just loves music so much
why is gene's song kinda making me emotional..... like this show is usually 50/50 on if it actually wants to take gene's songwriting ability seriously but in this episode its so clear how much he LOVES music and songwriting and how talented he is at it. he has trouble with focus and commitment sometimes but thats never an issue when it comes to his music and he'd happily spend an entire afternoon writing a song from start to finish (even skipping out on dinner) because he was so hyperfocused. love how much respect they give gene in this episode tbh
deeply appreciate the "larry murphy as teddy" credit despite teddy not having one single line in this entire episode. Literally just a legacy credit at this point
I LOVED THIS EPISODE 😭😭💕 i dont think it'll be as widely popular as some other episodes this season but as a gene fan and an artist this episode really resonated with me. the ending sequence was actually really beautiful (gives me the same vibes as "your heart's not broken its only growing" tbh) and i loved gene's song and all the different costumes they put him in for his dreams!! tina and louise's subplot was really cute too. very enjoyable episode if you're a gene fan or just a casual viewer who wishes he got more focus. he's SO SWEET and so passionate <3
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speltfields · 4 months
I just want to thank you for weekly rebloging "donny big lewoski bumblebee fancam" I just got around to watching the movie yesterday and I only have to say
WHY 😭😭😭😭😭
I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it but I loved it 🧡
Do you have similar movie recommendations? I adore movies about ordinary people in weird shenanigans.
Oh man I have so many. so glad u enjoyed 🥰
going 2 post movie recs under the cut in case this gets long:
First off, other coen brothers movies will have a very similar vibe.
-Raising arizona: nic cage looking about as good as hes ever looked. more on the silly side akin to big lebowski
-Fargo: i LOVEEEE this movie. Another Buscemi Banger... It's still pretty ridiculous but the overall tone is a bit less silly.
miller's crossing is also really good, but its a lot more mobster movie than ordinary guy in a situation movie. Burn after reading is similar to the others but I dont really like that one as much.
Moving on from the coen brothers, I actually think nic cage has some other bangers in this category...
moonstruck: i just really like this one idk why, but is more rom-com than coen brothers movies tend to be. i think i just really like cher tbh.
adaptation: This Movie Is So Silly And It Made Me Cry Big Time. its about a guy who steals flowers, a woman who wrote a book about the guy who steals flowers, and the screenwriter making the movie about the book. ridiculous premise played straight situation.[this concludes the nic cage section... Unless... Ur brave enough to enjoy Con Air or Face/Off...🤨]
punch drunk love, inherent vice, the nice guys:
all some type of flavor of "some shit goes down in LA". the nice guys was one i got on by the OP of the original DBLBFF creator. A rec straight from the source
california split and mikey and nicky are both dudes rock movies where some guys find themselves in a situation. also just love robert altman and peter faulk and john cassavetes as actors. these are both on the more serious side iirc
big night: i really like this one but its not higher up because its not very lebowski-ish, but its about two brothers trying to save their restaurant.
Oh yeah, any stuff by the Safdie brothers has a touch of weirdness in the mundane at the least. It's like if the big lebowski was a lot more high stakes and made u sweat a lot while ur watching. I especially like Good Time for rpatts looking nice and grimey ans The Curse (which is a tv show but wow is it insane. it's really insane and im getting off topic but the curse is really good.)
notable mentions for movies I just really like who have interesting weird characters in situations: Dog day afternoon, ghost dog, my cousin vinny, thelma and louise, lars and the real girl, and office killer. I'm kinda losing the plot here so I'd take the earlier recs first, but all of these movies are fun in some way imo.
this got kinda long mostly because i really like talking about movies, hopefully u find something good out of those anon tysm for askingggg^_^ i think my overall theme for this list ended up being "movie with average people in a situation that will hold your attention for 90 minutes"
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If you were in charge of a live-action Aeon film, who would you cast for them?
it's not just about the looks but the ability to act as leon (and ada) and it would also help if they had combat skills. i know a lot of people like robert pattinson (for leon) but i'm skeptical
i'm also a big fan of no name actors because the problem for me specifically is that once i see an actor too much, i find it difficult to take them seriously in other roles- even if they're decent actors. they just don't change enough visually for me to see them as a different character (which ig is indicative of them not doing well in that particular role lol)
okay anyways
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people also like dylan sprouse and i do think he's a better actor than cole sjbfsj
the other obvious problems tho is that people are fancasting leon with ages that are wrong. like "young leonardo dicaprio" is fucking stupid, he's old as shit now
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gemma is a fan favourite but i really do not think she has the right voice or acting chops to pull of a realistic ada. she doesn't seem to pull off the type of coldness and to be as cut throat as ada is required to be sometimes. i do think visually, she's nearly perfect. but i don't see her fulfilling the role well
i also would REALLY prefer if the role of ada was filled with someone who was MOSTLY east asian or chinese.
lana condor is sweet, too sweet imo for ada - she has a young baby face imo
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and im doing the thing i said not to do sjdfbsjk but i do love kristin kreuk but i do think she's too old for the role now
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i loved Rina Sawayama in john wick 4 but she's japanese sjdfbsjkfs
i am not good at fan casting and i do not know many actors lol
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lustnluv · 3 months
devil night - angel and john b
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tw: mention of rape
three years ago
andrew kept his eyes on the road the entire time he drove back home. he was mad because what he thought was his wasn’t acting according to plan.
i couldn’t care less. all I could think was john b’s hands on me. how his breath tickled my neck. the look he was giving me under the mask and thst it was directed towards me. how it all happened in under an hour and how alive I felt for that hour.
then andrew had to come and ruin it.
sighing i called my mom, walking around the living room of the routledge’s house. I checked in with my mom when he dropped me off and made sure she was okay. we talked and i did my homework in her bed before I found my way walking back over here.
since my dad died this is how i spent most of my childhood. going to their house for comfort and laughter and actual conversation where I didn’t have to initiate it. my mom tried her best but it wasn’t enough. she knew and that’s why she didn’t mind me going over as much as I did. didn’t even mind that I’ll spend the night even with two boys around my age in the house.
“hey honey.” she answered. her voice sounding a bit tired already. i hope she didn’t take anything.
“hey mom. I should be home after we eat dinner and we could watch the good fellas again. i know you like watching robert de niro.”
“don’t make it sound like it’s something nasty angel. he’s just an attractive older man.”
“he sounds just like dad. i see why you’re attracted to him.”
“yeah he is.” there was a pause and i know she was remembering my father. “I’ll be there in an hour okay mom? bring a plate of whatever ms bradshaw is cooking.” I said in a softer voice, hoping to pry her out her daydream.
“no go out tonight and have fun. be a teenager. im tired and won’t eat whatever you bring home. plus abby already told me that the boys are back. i’m sure that they’re gonna eat more then their fair share of food today.” she joked before a yawn escaped her.
she already took her pills. “you sure?” “yes.”
“if I get pregnant tonight it’s your fault. I hope you know.”
“i would spoil that grandchild endlessly. you know that.”
“i know. bye mommy.” “bye.”
music escaped from the other side of the house where the basketball court was. that was another reason why came here so often. why my need to come here grew despite andrew’s desperation.
the sound of the basketball bouncing down the hallways. it let me know that he was here most likely alone. i didn’t even need to see him. i just had to hear that damn basketball bouncing. it was usually the highlight of my day.
making my way into the dining room i saw that andrew was already there. napkin on his lap and wearing better clothes than a hoodie and a jeans which I was wearing. he was wearing the uniform of a perfect son. sighing I sat next to him, knowing that what was expected of me. waiting for the to come in so I could be away from him.
“hello you two.” mrs routledge greeted in her tennis skirt and polo shirt. she sat at the head of the table and like her son made sure she looked like the perfect uniform of what a wife should be.
it was exhausting being here sometimes.
i was glad for more then one reason when the music from the basketball court came off and the hallway was filled with excited chatter. at least they would provide some kind of something.
they filled the room the same time ms bradshaw brought in the food and we all started to fill our plates with food. they were all standing up though. most likely going somewhere private where they could plan their activities for tonight.
“your father had some things he needs to do in the city so it’s only us for tonight.” she explained and john b rolled his eyes before mouthing over at me. “or someone.”
it was clear that those two didn’t get along and that john b hates disloyalty and the fact that everybody knows about it but pretends not to.
but his mother is the only family member that I think he loves. he’ll never hurt her by bringing up that fact in front of her knowingly.
as soon as they went to leave mrs routledge cleared her thorat and they all turned to look at her. “it’s been awhile since we had dinner at the table together. i’ll appreciate if you boys sit down.”
a chorus of yes ma’am and chairs being pulled out soon followed and she smiled before finally eating. andrew’s knuckles turned white around his cup.
don’t know why he was so mad. it’s not like they were sitting next to me. john b sat next to him at the head of the table where his dad usually sits then jj, rafe, and pope was sitting on the opposite side of us.
“i trust that you boys are going to keep it lowkey this year. nothing too big right?” mrs routledge asked as everyone settled in and started eating.
“no choice but to. can’t have jb lose his talks on going pro because of us.” rafe explained, looking a little disappointed that he had too.
“do you miss being on the same team together? i know people on your team is good honey but it’s not the same playing together huh?”
“it’s lonely but we’re all just one call away when it gets too much.” pope admitted, grabbing more of the deviled eggs that ms bradshaw put out.
“actually i’m thinking of switching to cabeiri. they have a better sport medicine program and a better basketball team.” jj spoke up and mrs routledge nodded.
“and so you can of course continue on your bromance.” andrew grumbled.
“aww don’t feel so left out. you can come join.” pope teased and jj sat back and patted his lap. “yeah we don’t want you to be to lonely now.” they chuckled along with rafe. that just made andy grip his cup tighter.
“boys.” she said and they stopped and continued eating their food.
it was quiet until mrs routledge finished and excused herself. when we heard a door closed, andrew slammed his cup down and got up. “you better keep away from her!”
a blush ran up my body as i tugged on his arm. “can you not? please?” but he ignored me. his attention was stuck on his brother who was sitting back in his seat, chewing slowly. “who?”
the cup broke in andrew’s hand as he choked out the words. “you know who i’m talking about. leave angel alone in your games.”
he smirked sipping his water before he repeated. “who?” the boys laughed as they all got up and walked out.
i swallowed before i turned to andrew who was breathing so hard it almost sound like he was having a panic attack. “i’m not yours. i think of you just as a friend. nothing more and nothing less, okay?”
“you would fuck him if he looked at you twice like the whore you are.”
“fuck you.” glaring at him, i left the table. left to clean his mess. I hate this. one brother gave me too much attention while the other one look at me like i’m nothing to him expect when he wants to use me as a pawn in one of games.
it was exhausting.
i don’t even have the energy anymore to pretend that i care to go to a party anymore. just wanna cuddle up next to my mom and watch movies with her until she falls asleep.
I escape from the back, avoiding the four boys in the garage. i’ll see what they did tonight tomorrow when it gets posted.
walking down the road to my house, i realize how dark it is. the way home is only lit by the orange light from the lamps. the leaves on the trees is still falling slowly. the wind wasn’t as bad it should be as close to the water as we are.
the peaceful walk was ruined by red lights and the bass of the song they were playing. i walked to the edge of the road. they were most likely they were wishing to party. I didn’t want to be the reason they couldn’t go anymore.
instead of rushing by me, they slow down. the driver side opened and john b stepped out. “let’s go. you’re spending the night with us.” he demanded.
“i said let’s go angel.” when I didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed my arm and led me to the passenger behind the driver. he opened the door and instead of waiting I hopped in.
i felt eyes all on me.
okay thst was a lie. i was well aware that of the four bodies that was surrounding me. john b and jj in the front. pope next to me and the one that kept my hand on the door next to me was behind me. rafe. i could smell the cigarettes coming off of him.
we were near the edge of outer banks. it wasn’t on our side of town either. it was somewhere in the cut.
we stopped at a abandoned house and before they got out, pope handed everyone their masks. expect for me. i put up my hood and made sure that it’ll cover the majority of my hair and face.
when i was done, i got out the same time as john b did. he pulled me close and dug into my pockets. “what are you doing?”
he pulled out the box of matches I had on me. “should be asking why do you have these? planning on having some fun of your own?” he asked his head cocked to the side. I heard the smile in his voice though.
he didn’t disapprove.
“no. my dad used to buy these for me when he was alive. I like the smell of them.” like christmas. but I couldn’t tell him that part. i was trying to prove to him I wasn’t a kid. “became a habit to keep them on me I guess.” he didn’t say anything, just put them back in my pocket.
we waited for the rest to get out and we all walked in, pope carrying a bag.
it didn’t look that bad on the outside but the inside, it was horrible. the carpet and mattresses all had stains on it. most which looked like blood and pee. they were even some furniture that was broken. you couldn’t even tell what it was supposed to be anymore.
it smelt like something died in here. looking back at the blood stain on the mattress closest to me another though hit me. or someone.
why are they starting here? why bring me out of all people here?
“you know you shouldn’t be here angel.” rafe said coming from behind me.
“yeah something horrible happened here.” pope said coming from my right.
gulping, I turned so I can face the both of them. “like what?”
“beside from the obvious? a girl got raped here months ago. she couldn’t tell who assailants were because they all were black masks.” rafe continued. my eyes flicked over rafe’s mask. only thing you could make out was his blue eyes but they were so dark right now thst if you were far away they look black. blending in with the rest of his mask.
“a-assailants?” like multiple.
“there were so many and they kept coming thst she lost count on how many times she got fucked thst night.” that was jj coming from the other side of me.
“some got caught of course.” rafe shrugged.
“but there was some that wasn’t. still walking around waiting for their next victim to come to them willingly.” they all came closer as pope spoke.
“like four.” john b spoke from behind me and I turned to face him.
my chest felt tight. all I had was matches and just some converses on. that’s not much to defend myself with.
shouldn’t have gotten in that car. should’ve knew it was too fucking good to be true.
then they all started laughing and walking away from me. “joking. it’s just a drug den that got shut down and we’re making sure it’ll stay shut down. let’s light it up!” john b said as the others started splashing stuff around the first floor of the house.
they made sure every part of it was covered before entering the living room. they all struck a match and I grabbed my matches and lit one myself. the place stayed dark while I did so. they were watching me, all with their matches in hand expect pope who was recording this.
taking a look around, I thought about how many lives this place destroyed. how many people were hurt here. probably even killed here with how massive these blood stains were. maybe even kids were hurt here. it deserves to.
I threw the first one and watched it burst into four feet flames, going up a wall. they threw theirs and we watched as it got bigger.
“let’s fucking go!” pope shouted as he filled the living room get filled with flames. making sure to get every single detail.
“let’s go.” john b called and we all walked out. rafe carrying the bag pope carried in as pope continued filming.
he’s supposed to be the smart one. so why document this?
“make the call.” john b said to jj who took out what looked like a burner phone and walked away, dialing whoever.
looking around, nobody was outside but us. this neighborhood was completely abandoned or just didn’t have a lot of people here.
a strong hand pulled me to the car and held me against. I could smell the cigarettes on him. fucking rafe.
“why did he bring you along tonight? what did you guys do down there?” he questioned standing to his full height. “nothing happened. why don’t you ask him?”
“tell me the truth. you won’t like when I find out you lie to me.” he grumbled, coming closer to me and I push him back. “do you question all the people that he hangs out with?”
“only ones that’s not worth the trouble.”
“rafe leave her alone.” john b said and rafe backed off going to the trunk to put the bag away. pope and jj was coming to the car, both of the phones they had were in their pockets.
john b was at the passenger door and his mask was off. “come here angel.” I quickly went over to him as he got in the car. “you’re sitting on my lap. we got other people to pick up.” he said as jj got in the driver’s side.
when I hesitated, he rolled his eyes. “come on. or you’re going to be left here. and cops are coming so.” he hinted and I climbed in and made myself comfortable on his lap, trying to ignore the blush on my face right now.
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waspstar · 4 months
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nobody literally ever sends me asks so im going to answer all of these, original post here
🖖 First Trek media you encountered? a compilation of kirk being gay on tumblr. its what convinced me to watch the show 🥹 Favourite behind the scenes picture. this is hard, but probably this one.
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i do however like another one of levar and brent together. 🌀 If the holodeck was real, what would be the first thing you'd use it for? meeting xtc ❤️ Your ST comfort character/s. the emh first and foremost. but also mccoy. 👕 Character whose fashion you like. LWAXANA DUHHHH 🎼 Song/music you associate with an aspect of ST. garden of earthy delights and across this antheap both by xtc remind me so so much of chekov. oh, and one of the millions by xtc as well! supersonic by jamiroquai reminds me a lot of the emh 😒 Character who annoys you. if there are no kai winn haters im dead 🍻 Hangout at Quark's or Ten Forward? see, at ten forward i have a chance of running into barclay and he wont try to scam me. but i think id go to quark's just cuz i like the ds9 cast more. 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿 Do you ship any characters? Who? yesss my number one favorite will always be qcard, but i also love jiles and tom and harry. ❌ One storyline/plot point that you hate from your favourite ST show/movie. this is so hard, i hate so many. i think my favorite st show is ds9 (though voyager is like, really becoming close to my heart) however i will have to sayyy umm. fascination is a pretty bad plot. i did not like that. that was really weird. i love lwaxana but that was a really bad plot. i guarantee you theres worse i just cant think of any >_< 🫂 Character you'd like to be friends with. i wanna say barclay, but i feel like being his friend would be so emotionally taxing. so perhaps bashir or miles. or tom :) ✨ Has Star Trek had a personal impact on you? extremely so. star trek is a very important part of my life and i think about it every single day. i consider it a special interest. 🖊️ Do you have a favourite quote from ST? its actually not technically a star trek quote, as they took it from a book. however, the line the emh reads at the end of latent image. 🪐 Favourite alien planet. ive always been fond of risa i wanna go there 🥲 ST moment that makes you cry. lal's death. also spock dying duh 📚 Favourite ST fic you've read. theres definitely a really good qcard one ive liked but i dont remember the name and dont feel like finding it. theres a really cute quodo one i remember too. thats hard. ive read a lot over the years ☄️ Your headcanon/s about a favourite character. the way that i have all kinds of headcanons and think of some often but now theyre all gone upon being asked this. umm. oh i headcanon that barclay had a cat early on in his starfleet career that passed away. i even came up with a name for it...i cant remember what it was but it was a space themed name. i also headcanoned that he had no father and only a mom and that he was raised on mars! and that his mom died early into his childhood. thats all i got tho 🎨 Favourite piece of ST fanart. i straight up do not have it, but its this beautiful art of q holding an orb with picard suspended within it. i have it saved somewhere. 🍽️ What alien food/drink would you want to try? UGGHHH HASPERATTTT every time i see anyone eat hasperat in ds9 i get so hungry i want to try it so baddd i imagine it has a very plant based spice, a fresh kinda spiciness...and kinda like a cilantro type taste going on. it looks so goodddd. ive also personally wanted to try klingon food. unpopular opinion ig but it looks yummy 👋 An actor, writer or creator on the show you'd love to meet. id sacrifice everything to meet robert picardo. hes done everything for me simply by playing the doctor and i just want to hug him and thank him and give him a kiss on the cheek if possible. also the same goes for john de lancie, esp bcs john not only played q but also discord from mlp, another character i love.
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