#john seed apologist
thepowerofyes · 9 months
you guys ever play the FC6 Collapse DLC ? Spoilers ahead
"Don't you get it ? You're gonna be taken away, you won't have brothers anymore !"
"What ? No ! No ! I was just trying to make him stop ! I just wanted him to stop !"
John did not deserve this shit bruh he just needed some love and everybody took advantage of him to the point where he doesn't even have an IDEA on how to be a normal person anymore
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johnseeddickeater · 5 months
broken, abused, manipulated, terrifying and yet…
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the flawed product means everything to me.
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madnessismylover · 2 years
Decided to make my own pinned post because I actually have stuff to link now. 
My name is Anna. My most used username is CrimsonAdri (Youtube/Twitch/AO3) and so I also go by "Crim". She/They but still consider myself as cis and not nonbinary. Demisexual Pansexual. (Though maybe more accurate phrasing would be Demi-Sexual and Pan-romantic?) My Ko-Fi.
DNI (Do Not Interact) List
The list includes but is not limited to:
Anti-LGBTQIA+ of ANY kind even if you are one of those letters, Any kind of “phobe” if it pertains to another person whose business is none of your own, Terfs, Swerfs, Radfems, MAPs (Pedos or apologists), anti-abortion, racist towards ANYONE, See full list here.
AND Do Not Interact with anything of mine that says 18+ on it if you are UNDER 18.
I’ve made the bulk of this post under the read more.
Below you will find links to my writing, masterlists, gifs, videos, and possibly other things I haven’t thought of yet.
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(always give credit when using someone else’s gifs and only if they say you can. You can use mine but only if you give credit.)
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Episode: Mystic Library - Donnie's Rap (above is 1 ver.), Raph ready to punch the mirror,
Episode: Mind Meld - Leo drowsy on phone,
Episode: Breaking Purple - "Hug it out" thought bubble,
Episode: Hot Soup: The Game - Mikey jumping around,
Episode: Pizza Puffs - Raph reacting to Mikey,
Episode: Late Fee - Looking at Donnie's arm screen,
More to come...
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My Writing Masterlist(s)
(I have many side blogs for most fandoms I write for, but there’s a few I don’t and that stuff goes here but side blogs are linked further down.)
All characters depicted and/or mentioned are 18+ unless stated otherwise.
All of my writing is also on my AO3 (but you need to be logged in to see it).
(T-c*est DNI)
All 4-1 Challenge:
January: Embarrassment (Rise!Leo x F!Reader)
February: Romance (Bay!Donnie x F!Reader)
March: The Joys of Spring! (Bay!Mikey x F!Reader)
Charming Shadows (Magic!OCs: Maeve & Calcifer & Circe) - to be added
Seeing as I've posted TMNT stuff on this blog already I'm going to put this fic here instead of on doll-in-the-walls which is where the other two fics with these OCs are posted. This is a Multi-Chapter WIP. This fic is up on AO3 as of rn but I'll post it here at some point.
✈️Far Cry🦈
(These are posted on my sideblog: candles-are-now-illegal)
Little White Planes (John/F!Rook)
Headcanons for The Seeds (&Rook) having a streamer s/o
💗Detroit Become Human💗
(This fic - sans the first chapter - is posted on my sideblog: danieldeservedbetter)
Rhodonite - (row·duh·nait) is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic. - A fic about a young woman who gives out little stone hearts to androids. Will either be x Simon or X Daniel by the end.
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Side Blogs (Where I also post writing things. Links are to the Masterlists.)
doll-in-the-walls  - Horror/slasher (i.e. Lost Boys, Stranger Things, etc.) [There are 18+ Works - Minors DNI]
Charming Eternity (Poly!Lost Boys x Maeve)
Strangely Charming (Eddie x Maeve & Steve x Calcifer)
reddeadrevival  - Red Dead Redemption 2 related works. (I no longer take requests but I have a bunch posted.) [There are 18+ Works - Minors DNI]
realworldhobbitimagines - Where all my Hobbit imagines are. Kinda like a what if the company was transported to the real world and this random OC and her brother have to deal with it. [There are 18+ Works - Minors DNI]
avengersageofimagines - All my Avenger themed works. [There are 18+ Works - Minors DNI.]
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"____ as Unus Annus" Videos
(I've made quite a few of these)
Far Cry Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Obey Me
Red Dead Redemption 2
Rise of the TMNT Part 1, Part 2
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(Moon dividers by firefly-graphics)
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dwellordream · 2 years
From Hope of Children to Object of God’s Care: Abortion in Classical and Late Antique Society
“Christian rhetoric on abortion was genuinely distinctive in Greco-Roman society. But distinctiveness was also an image deliberately cultivated by apologists in the second and third centuries. There was a subtle paradox. Apologists claimed Christian communities as networks of counter-cultural moral excellence, and their rhetoric gives the impression of a chasm in values between Christian communities and Greco-Roman society. 
Yet their works were also intended to resonate with non-Christian audiences, and their arguments drew substantively and stylistically on Greco-Roman literature. As a recent study of the oeuvre of one of these apologists suggests, the chasm looks wider from a distance than it does up close. When writing a defence of Christians addressed to the provincial governors of the Roman empire, Tertullian deflected rumours that Christians practised cannibalism by emphasizing religious aversion to bloodshed, a line of argument also adopted by Athenagoras when he wrote to the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus in 176/7.
Rejection of abortion encapsulated Christian rejection of all murder and violence: Since murder is altogether forbidden for us, it is not permissible even to destroy what has been conceived in the womb, while blood is still being gathered into a human. To prevent birth is the hastening of murder, and it does not matter whether someone takes away a soul that is born or destroys one that is nascent. What will be a human is human; the whole fruit is already in the seed.
Tertullian also outlined a potted history of child sacrifice with religious roots in the pantheon of Greco-Roman religion. Minucius Felix, probably writing after Tertullian in the early third century, made similar arguments in a dialogue between a pagan, Caecilius, and a Christian, the eponymous Octavius. Using Octavius as his mouthpiece, Minucius rooted the social practice of infant exposure and abortion in aberrant religion too. Child-murder was the disciplina of the gods. After all, Saturn devoured his own offspring. 
It was not Christians who strangled their own children or left them for the beasts and birds to consume. Nor, like some women, did they ’extinguish the beginning of a future human in their own organs and commit parricidium before they give birth by drinking up medicaments’. Both Tertullian and Minucius pointedly described child-murder as parricidium. Like paedophilia today, parricidium was a technical term with an electric resonance. 
In Roman legal tradition parricidium entailed the murder of close relatives (including affines), though it progressively absorbed other socially transgressive bloodshed too, like the murder of patrons. Parricidium was among the most shocking crimes. The third-century jurist Modestinus described the punishment for murder of parents or grandparents (offenders would be sewn into a sack with a dog, cock, monkey and snake before being flung into the sea) as ancestral tradition.
In Minucius’s day, however, parricidium did not typically denote the murder of children, a legal shift which occurred later in the fourth century. By describing abortion and infanticide as parricidium, Minucius and Tertullian were refracting the Roman idiom of public morality to articulate the superiority of Christian moral norms. 
Just after addressing embryotomy in De anima, Tertullian rhetorically called upon the testimony of scripture, the ‘live wombs of the most holy women and the infants not only breathing there but even prophesying’. Rebecca’s womb was disturbed by the conflict between the unborn twins Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25. 22–3). Elizabeth rejoiced after John the Baptist leapt in her womb (Luke 1. 41). 
Mary glorified the Lord growing within her (Luke 1. 46). Tertullian ended with Jeremiah 1. 5, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’, to underline his point: God crafts us in the womb. Although the proximity to the embryotomy tangent is suggestive, Tertullian fell short of directly approaching abortion through scripture. 
Other early Christians did not. Scriptural silence on abortion, often taken for granted today, is a product of the interpretative communities and cultural contexts in which scripture is read. It also depends on what counts as scripture. For Methodius of Olympus (d. c. 311) scripture spoke loudly and clearly on abortion. God was the supreme craftsman who ‘mould[ed] us like wax within the womb from moist and infinitesimal seed’ and solicitously ensured that the ‘fetus is not strangled by the pressure of the fluids that course over it in its narrow confines’. 
This was why, Methodius continued, ‘all babies, even those from unlawful unions, are entrusted at birth to the keeping of guardian angels’: Whereas if they came into existence contrary to the will and ordinance of that blessed nature of God, how could they be committed to angels to be brought up with great gentleness and indulgence? And if they are to accuse their own parents, how could they summon them before the judgment seat of Christ with bold confidence[?] 
Methodius drew this image of divine care for nascent life and divine punishment for parents who failed to nourish it from the ‘divinely inspired scriptures’. The specific text he had in mind was the oldest surviving Christian depiction of hell, the Apocalypse of Peter, a Greek apocalyptic text composed in the first half of the second century. Methodius was referring to a particular passage from the Apocalypse of Peter which graphically visualized the punishments awaiting those who practised abortion and infant exposure. 
Women who ‘abort their children and wipe out the work of God which he had formed’ were enclosed in a feculent pit. Bolts of lightning shot out from their aborted infants, a ‘drill in the eye of those who by this adultery have brought about their destruction’. Similarly, naked men and women were confronted by the infants they had killed, who complained to God that their parents had ‘despised and cursed [us] and violated your commandment and put [us] to death. And they cursed the angel who formed [us].’ 
Beasts formed out of congealed milk leaking from the women’s breasts tormented them and their husbands because ‘they forsook the commandment of God and killed their children. But their children will be given to the angel Temlakos, but those who killed them will be punished forever.’
Women aborted, men and women exposed. Although the gendering of the offences may be a hint of gendered expectations among contemporaries, the text did not simply use abortion as a sign to expose specifically female sin. It was abortion, not sexual sin, which was being punished. On Patrick Gray’s reading, the ‘exhortative result’ was a plea against resorting to abortion even if to conceal sexual sin. This was how Methodius interpreted the Apocalypse of Peter when he invited readers to imitate the divine gaze on ‘all babies, even those from unlawful unions’. 
Neither the Apocalypse of Peter’s popularity nor its ultimate authority should be exaggerated. By the sixth century it had definitively ‘lost its battle for recognition’ in the scriptural canon. Nonetheless, it did both shape and express responses to abortion in Christian communities until at least the fourth century. In the very late second century Clement of Alexandria (d. c. 215) added his own detail. After they were ‘delivered to a care-taking (temelouchos) angel’, aborted infants would be given a chance to grow up and reach the ‘better abode’, salvation. 
They were covered by a kind of eschatological insurance, which safeguarded them from eternal punishment even if they failed in the task because they had suffered such a great wrong. The Apocalypse of Peter and its use by Methodius and Clement encapsulated what abortion meant to generations of early Christians. Abortion was murder. This was not premised on an abstract conception of the status of the fetus, however; fetal existence was understood relationally. 
First, in relation to divine love; more than a human being, the fetus was a child of God. To kill the fetus was to kill the ‘object of God’s concern’ and to counteract the ‘creative power [through which God] transforms his archetypes and remodels them according to the image of Christ’. This was a pre-Augustinian theological imaginary, a moral universe before infant baptism and its underlying doctrine of grace. Victims of abortion and infanticide would be entrusted to angels, not demons, in the afterlife.
Second, in relation to parents; abortion perverted what it meant to be a parent. The Apocalypse of Peter’s ‘tactics of intimidation’, the accusing cries and electric glares of infants killed by their parents, were part of an emerging discourse on parenthood within early Christianity.”
- Zubin Mistry, Abortion in the Early Middle Ages, c.500-900
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eli-kittim · 7 days
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Modern Christianity is a Joke
Eli Kittim
On their podcasts and platforms, Christians are constantly talking about God, Christ, and the Bible, explaining the gospel, debating about theology and prophecy, while assuming to know what scripture teaches, right down to the last detail. And yet none of them know what they’re talking about or what’s really going on. Yet they all have millions of followers flocking to their social media platforms to hear them speak, and they’re deceiving all of them (intentionally or unintentionally) with lies and misinformation. But this has already been prophesied. In fact, Matthew 24 and 1 Timothy 4:1 clearly state that the end-times will be characterized by global deception, as many false prophets and teachers will arise and mislead many. Paul himself knew that after his departure Christianity would eventually decline and become a church of heretics (Acts 20:29).
All the biblical doctrines that are being taught today——whether at the university, the seminary, or in social media platforms——are false. Why? Because they have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit. None of these so-called pundits have received any revelations from God in the manner that Paul describes (see Gal. 1:11-12). To preach things based on personal guesswork or mere speculation is not the same as teaching according to the Holy Spirit. John 14:26 says that “the Holy Spirit … will teach you all things.”
It’s gotten so bad that even the Pope is now teaching that it’s a dangerous heresy to have a personal relationship with Jesus outside the church. A Facebook friend of mine——a Christian apologist by the name of Marcia Montenegro——has gone so far as to condemn any attempt to open your mind and spirit to God through the prayer of stillness (which btw is still used in both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches), denouncing it as a so-called satanic practice that opens your spirit to demonic influences, even though that is precisely what the Bible requires in order for rebirth and salvation to take place. How else can God transform your carnal nature unless he recreates your identity? (Eph. 4:22-24). How can God live within you and create a new operating system unless the old one is deleted? How else can you receive the Holy Spirit, who changes your personality, turning a sinner to a saint, as it did with Paul? Romans 8:9 says categorically and unequivocally:
“if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,
they do not belong to Christ.”
Then there are the nominal Christians. These are Christians in name only. They pretend to be Christ-like but act like demons. I know a few well-known Christian writers and bible prophecy teachers who have privately sent me viruses because I criticized their views. People would be surprised to know that Richard H. Perry did such a thing when i criticized his view that George Bush represents the white horseman of Revelation. I obviously had to block him. Another famous lawyer turned author by the name of Mark L. Hitchcock took me by surprise when he reported me to YouTube, which resulted in google permanently shutting down my platform. And he did this just because I complained that his YouTube channel was deleting all my comments and articles. As a result, I ended up losing all my videos and all my content that had been running on the web for the past 12 years. I was aghast that someone of his stature would resort to this. That was so mean. It completely took me by surprise. I didn’t see that one coming. This type of spitefulness is uncharacteristic of Christian believers. Their fruits bear no love. I seriously doubt whether such a person is in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, I have lost all respect for him. I obviously blocked him, too. Good riddance!
Christianity has gotten so bad that Christian pastors are preying on crippled children, promising to heal them if they sow a financial seed to the ministry. People like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and more recently, Kathryn Krick, all falsely claim to heal people suffering of serious disorders. Then you have YouTubers who are openly deceiving people, claiming that God speaks to them. Troy Black is a case in point. He has half a million victims, I mean subscribers, who are being lied to on a daily basis.
Not to mention the fake pastors and hypocrites who are texting pornographic materials to their congregants and have inappropriate relations with them. Some pastors are even teaching that you don’t even need to believe in Jesus in order to be saved, while others, like Steven Anderson, are claiming that you don’t need to stop sinning, but only to believe in Jesus. Some Christian writers are teaching that you don’t even need God or Jesus, and you certainly don’t need to hear from them or even experience them personally. All you need is to read the Bible. There are some well-known pastors, like Justin Peters, who teach this doctrine. Not to mention those scholars, like David Bentley Hart, who claim that all people will eventually be saved, whether they believe in Jesus or not. But how exactly are we saved? Does anyone know? A well-known pastor, named Ken Raggio, recently posted on Instagram that “God changes us from sinner to saint … by … divine discipline. As we OBEY the Word.” This is totally and completely wrong! We cannot save our selves by ourselves. That’s why we need a savior. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for washing their hands but not cleansing their heart, showing that their legalism and discipline was totally ineffective in changing them from within. That’s why he said to Nicodemus the Pharisee: you must be “born again” (Jn 3:3). Only God can recreate us (2 Cor. 5:17). We are not saved by works or through personal efforts and behaviors.
And the core doctrines of modern Christianity are all wrong. The modern Christian faith centers on certain core beliefs regarding the historical birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But these events haven’t happened yet. According to the Bible, they will take place in the endtimes (see Isa. 2:19; Dan. 12:1-2; Zeph. 1:7; Lk 17:30; Acts 3:19:21; 1 Cor. 15:22-24; Gal. 4:4; Eph. 1:9-10; Heb. 1:1-2; 9:26b; 1 Pet. 1:10-11; 1:20; Rev 12:5; 19:10d). My chief objection is that the TIMING of these events is totally wrong. This is all based on a misunderstanding of Greek and a misreading of genre.
The internal evidence supports my view. It’s in both the Old and New Testaments! Zephaniah 1:7 declares that the Lord’s sacrifice will occur during “the day of the Lord” (not in antiquity). Isaiah 2:19 says that people will hide in caves when “the Lord … arises to terrify the earth.” Similarly, Daniel 12:1 puts the resurrection of the anointed prince just prior to the great tribulation. I can prove it with detailed exegesis from the Greek text. The LXX (Dan 12:1) says παρελεύσεται, which means to “pass away,” & the Theodotion has ἀναστήσεται, meaning a bodily resurrection in the end-times. In the following verse (12:2), the plural form of the exact same word (ἀναστήσονται) is used to describe the general resurrection of the dead! In other words, if the exact same word means resurrection in Daniel 12:2, then it must also necessarily mean resurrection in Daniel 12:1! Acts 3:20-21 similarly says that Christ will not be sent to earth until the consummation of the ages. First Corinthians 15:22-24 also tells us that Christ will be the first to be resurrected in the end-times! Revelation 12:5 tells us that the messiah is born in the end times, and the next verse talks about the great tribulation. Galatians 4:4 says that Jesus will be born during the consummation of the ages, expressed by the apocalyptic phrase τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ χρόνου, which is defined in Ephesians 1:10 as the end of the world! First Peter 1:20 says that although Christ was foreknown before the creation of the world, he was initially revealed “at the final point of time.” It’s supported by Hebrews 1:2 which says that Jesus speaks to mankind in the “last days,” not in antiquity. And Hebrews 9:26 says EXPLICITLY that Jesus will die for the sins of mankind “once in the end of the world” (ἐπὶ συντελείᾳ τῶν αἰώνων)! Revelation 19:10 also informs us that the TESTIMONY to Jesus is prophetic (not historical). Read Acts 10:40-41 where we are told that Jesus’ resurrection was based on visions because it was only visible “to witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God.” Similarly, 1 Peter 1:10-11 says that the New Testament prophets “predicted the sufferings of the Messiah” in advance (cf. Isa 46:10).
This short video will clarify everything I’ve said so far:
A Biblical Greek translation of the New Testament that changes everything we thought we knew about Jesus
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ramrodd · 10 days
Apologists Backtrack After Resurrected Jesus Failure
The written report based on eyewitness evidnce  begins with Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius that Tertullian cites in Book V, Apology frin Rinab Latin archives  At the very least, the contest of this euangelion included the Roman eye witness testimony form Mark 15:1 - 16:8. This is all Roman testimony from the soldiers of the 10th Legon who were in the Praetorium with Jesus and conducted his crucifixtion and posted the guard mount at the tomb. I ask, Palsey, do you dispute the Roman testimony in Mark 15:1 - 16:8, It was conveyed in Latin and represents the seed chrytal for all the wiritten and oral testimony of Christendom. In addition, Peter's confession in Act 10s:34 - 43 pretty well conveys' Gary Habermas's contention that Christian doctrine emerged immediately after the Ascension at Pentacost. Now, the euangelion in Mark 1:1 indcludes the contents of Pilate's euangelion and, as a post-Acts 10 document, incuudes Peter's Acts 10:34 - 43 confession that becomes the narrative arc of the Gospel according to Mark, whihc was composed by Cornelius, Pilate's Command Dergeant Major and Administrative Chief as a follw up report, in Latin, conveyed to Theophilus, Cornelius's direct report in the Itanlian Regiment of the Praetorian Guard and the Bishop of the secret Roman communion of the Talking Cross.   As a matter of theological record in the Gospel of Peter, the Talking Cross is the radification of the unilateral covenant cutting ceremony essentially identical to the covenant cutting cremony between God the Father and Abram in Genesis 15. The consequence of this covenant was that all the soldiers in the Roman legions, especially the centurions, were justified by faith in the same manner as the centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke 7. What Tertullian's citation reveals is that it was dangerous to be identified as a Christian  instantly, most likely because of the fear, anger and disgust of  Roman Senators and thei rsociety for the slaughter of Sejanus on the steps of the Senate. There is a historic cause and effect that Hegel's methods of historic analysis would pick up that is lost on the dialectical Marxism of  Bart "Giggles" Ehrman, Jimmy Tabor and John Dominic Crossan of the Jesus Seminar with their stunted Post Modern Historic Deconstructions, I mean. you trot out an ossuary with DNA you claim matches the DNA from the Shroud of Turin and Jimmy Tabor claims Jesus didn't exist because he can't find Jesus's DNA in the shit of the latrines of Qumran. He wasn't trying. Like they say, history doesn;t have the tools to deterrmine if Aristotle had any influence on Alexandrer the Great. And pilate's euangelion was written within weeks, if not days. of the reprot of the Talking Cross from his troops and the dueangelion of Mark 1:1 was formulated by Cornelius and conveyed to Rome by the time Clausius ascended to the throne and at least 7 years before Peter vetted Paul's version of Jesus with the Mark 1:1 ,euangelion in Acts 15:7 Which Paul cited 19 eimes in his Epistles. In short, the Latin sutograph of the Gospel acccording to Mark wan in circulation in Rome by 40 CE , 8 years before the Jerusalem Council in 48: CE In short, everything you and Giggles Ehrman posit regarding the Gospels is crap.
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ocelotapologist · 5 years
yes i changed my name dont @ me
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in order for me to be a john seed apologist he would have had to have done something wrong. hope this clears things up
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quentinbecks · 3 years
faith for character asks? 🥺
Thank you, Liz for allowing me to show my true colors as a Faith Seed apologist!!! No, I will not be taking any criticism.
First impression:
An absolute angel who has never done anything wrong in her life. Yet, also slightly terrifying.
Impression now:
Same as before lol. I do think Faith is both the scariest and the smartest Seed. Everyone says they would be nothing without John and his money, but the project would be nothing without her intelligence and her trickery. Money wouldn’t have gotten them very far if it wasn’t for her and the bliss tbh.
Favorite moment:
The cutscene where you have to rescue Burke from the bliss. The one where she starts out aggressive and angry and actually shoves the deputy and immediately switches to holding their hands and frolicking. I love the switch and I absolutely love Faith showing her quiet rage.
Idea for a story:
Hmmm I would love to read a fic that explores her life before becoming Faith. I wish we had gotten to know more about who she was as Rachel so we could truly understand her.
Unpopular opinion:
I personally think Faith was the only one that was actually manipulated by Joseph into becoming who she was. I think John and Jacob were trash before their brother found them, they all just escalated from being in each other’s presences/being their own biggest enablers. But she was literally just a kid trying to get over an addiction.
Favorite relationship:
Faith x Fem!Dep and Faith x Tracey thanks to you 😘
Favorite headcanon:
I love the headcanon that Faith looks up to Jacob. It makes a lot of sense to me since their ideologies line up closer than either’s does with John’s. Especially that bit where she asks if you know what hubris is… that feels like a conversation those two probably had at one point.
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florbelles · 3 years
No anon, but all the problematic and dangerous women!! You don’t think John is an innocent baby!!
jk no red flags since I agree with you/love your vibes like, 99% of the time.
ummmmm what's the 1% amanda are you a covert john seed fashion apologist :// i knew it on my way to BLOCK
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gtunesmiff · 4 years
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Ravi Zacharias (1946 – 2020)
When Ravi Zacharias was a cricket-loving boy on the streets of India, his mother called him in to meet the local sari-seller-turned-palm reader. “Looking at your future, Ravi Baba, you will not travel far or very much in your life,” he declared. “That’s what the lines on your hand tell me. There is no future for you abroad.” By the time a 37-year-old Zacharias preached, at the invitation of Billy Graham, to the inaugural International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam in 1983, he was on his way to becoming one of the foremost defenders of Christianity’s intellectual credibility. A year later, he founded Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), with the mission of “helping the thinker believe and the believer think.” In the time between the sari seller’s prediction and the founding of RZIM, Zacharias had immigrated to Canada, taken the gospel across North America, prayed with military prisoners in Vietnam and ministered to students in a Cambodia on the brink of collapse. He had also undertaken a global preaching trip as a newly licensed minister with The Christian and Missionary Alliance, along with his wife, Margie, and eldest daughter, Sarah. This trip started in England, worked eastwards through Europe and the Middle East and finished on the Pacific Rim; all-in-all that year, Zacharias preached nearly 600 times in over a dozen countries. It was the culmination of a remarkable transformation set in motion when Zacharias, recovering in a Delhi hospital from a suicide attempt at age 17, was read the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible by the apostle John: “Because I live, you will also live.” In response, Zacharias surrendered his life to Christ and offered up a prayer that if he emerged from the hospital, he would leave no stone unturned in his pursuit of truth. Once Zacharias found the truth of the gospel, his passion for sharing it burned bright until the very end. Even as he returned home from the hospital in Texas, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy, Zacharias was sharing the hope of Jesus to the three nurses who tucked him into his transport. Frederick Antony Ravi Kumar Zacharias was born in Madras, now Chennai, in 1946, in the shadow of the resting place of the apostle Thomas, known to the world as the “Doubter” but to Zacharias as the “Great Questioner.” Zacharias’s affinity with Thomas meant he was always more interested in the questioner than the question itself. His mother, Isabella, was a teacher. His father, Oscar, who was studying labor relations at the University of Nottingham in England when Zacharias was born, rose through the ranks of the Indian civil service throughout Zacharias’s adolescence. An unremarkable student, Zacharias was more interested in cricket than books, until his encounter with the gospel in that hospital bed. Nevertheless, a bold, radical faith ran in his genes. In the Indian state of Kerala, his paternal great-grandfather and grandfather produced the 20th century’s first Malayalam-English dictionary. This dictionary served as the cornerstone of the first Malayalam translation of the Bible. Further back, Zacharias’s great-great-great-grandmother shocked her Nambudiri family, the highest caste of the Hindu priesthood, by converting to Christianity. With conversion came a new surname, Zacharias, and a new path that started her descendants on a road to the Christian faith. Zacharias saw the Lord’s hand at work in his family’s tapestry and he infused RZIM with the same transgenerational and transcultural heart for the gospel. He created a ministry that transcended his personality, where every speaker, whatever their background, presented the truth in the context of the contemporary. Zacharias believed if you achieved that, your message would always be necessary. Thirty-six years since its establishment, the ministry still bears the name chosen for Zacharias’s ancestor. However, where once there was a single speaker, now there are nearly 100 gifted speakers who on any given night can be found sharing the gospel at events across the globe; where once it was run from Zacharias’s home, now the ministry has a presence in 17 countries on five continents. Zacharias’s passion and urgency to take the gospel to all nations was forged in Vietnam, throughout the summer of ’71. Zacharias had immigrated to Canada in 1966, a year after winning a preaching award at a Youth for Christ congress in Hyderabad. It was there, in Toronto, that Ruth Jeffrey, the veteran missionary to Vietnam, heard him preach. She invited him to her adopted land. That summer, Zacharias—only just 25—found himself flown across the country by helicopter gunship to preach at military bases, in hospitals and in prisons to the Vietcong. Most nights Zacharias and his translator Hien Pham would fall asleep to the sound of gunfire. On one trip across remote land, Zacharias and his travel companions’ car broke down. The lone jeep that passed ignored their roadside waves. They finally cranked the engine to life and set off, only to come across the same jeep a few miles on, overturned and riddled with bullets, all four passengers dead. He later said of this moment, “God will stop our steps when it is not our time, and He will lead us when it is.” Days later, Zacharias and his translator stood at the graves of six missionaries, killed unarmed when the Vietcong stormed their compound. Zacharias knew some of their children. It was that level of trust in God, and the desire to stand beside those who minister in areas of great risk, that is a hallmark of RZIM. Its support for Christian evangelists in places where many ministries fear to tread, including northern Nigeria, Pakistan, South African townships, the Middle East and North Africa, can be traced back to that formative graveside moment. After this formative trip, Zacharias and his new bride, Margie, moved to Deerfield, Illinois, to study for a Master of Divinity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Here the young couple lived two doors down from Zacharias’s classmate and friend William Lane Craig. After graduating, Zacharias taught at the Alliance Theological Seminary in New York and continued to travel the country preaching on weekends. Full-time teaching combined with his extensive travel and itinerant preaching led Zacharias to describe these three years as the toughest in his 48-year marriage to Margie. He felt his job at the seminary was changing him and his preaching far more than he was changing lives with the hope of the gospel. It was at that point that Graham invited Zacharias to speak at his inaugural International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam in 1983. Zacharias didn’t realize Graham even knew who he was, let alone knew about his preaching. In front of 3,800 evangelists from 133 countries, Zacharias opened with the line, “My message is a very difficult one….” He went on to tell them that religions, 20th-century cultures and philosophies had formed “vast chasms between the message of Christ and the mind of man.” Even more difficult was his message, which received a mid-talk ovation, about his fear that, “in certain strands of evangelicalism, we sometimes think it is necessary to so humiliate someone of a different worldview that we think unless we destroy everything he holds valuable, we cannot preach to him the gospel of Christ…what I am saying is this, when you are trying to reach someone, please be sensitive to what he holds valuable.” That talk changed Zacharias’s future and arguably the future of apologetics, dealing with the hard questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny that every worldview must answer. Flying back to the U.S., Zacharias shared his thoughts with Margie. As one colleague has expressed, “He saw the objections and questions of others not as something to be rebuffed, but as a cry of the heart that had to be answered. People weren’t logical problems waiting to be solved; they were people who needed the person of Christ.” No one was reaching out to the thinker, to the questioner. It was on that flight that Zacharias and Margie planted the seed of a ministry intended to meet the thinker where they were, to train cultural evangelist-apologists to reach those opinion makers of society. The seed was watered and nurtured through its early years by the businessman DD Davis, a man who became a father figure to Zacharias. With the establishment of the ministry, the Zacharias family moved south to Atlanta. By now, the family had grown with the addition of a second daughter, Naomi, and a son, Nathan. Atlanta was the city Zacharias would call home for the last 36 years of his life. Meeting the thinker face-to-face was an intrinsic part of Zacharias’s ministry, with post-event Q&A sessions often lasting long into the night. Not to be quelled in the sharing of the gospel, Zacharias also took to the airwaves in the 1980s. Many people, not just in the U.S. but across the world, came to hear the message of Christ for the first time through Zacharias’s radio program, Let My People Think. In weekly half-hour slots, Zacharias explored issues such as the credibility of the Christian message and the Bible, the weakness of modern intellectual movements, and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ. Today, Let My People Think is syndicated to over 2,000 stations in 32 countries and has also been downloaded 15.6 million times as a podcast over the last year. As the ministry grew so did the demands on Zacharias. In 1990, he followed in his father’s footsteps to England. He took a sabbatical at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. It was a time surrounded by family, and where he wrote the first of his 28 books, A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism. It was no coincidence that throughout the rhythm of his itinerant life, it was among his family and Margie, in particular, that his writing was at its most productive. Margie inspired each of Zacharias’s books. With her eagle eye and keen mind, she read the first draft of every manuscript, from The Logic of God, which was this year awarded the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) Christian Book Award in the category of Bible study, and his latest work, Seeing Jesus from the East, co-authored with colleague Abdu Murray. Others among that list include the ECPA Gold Medallion Book Award winner, Can Man Live Without God?, and Christian bestsellers, Jesus Among Other Gods and The Grand Weaver. Zacharias’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into over a dozen languages. Zacharias’s desire to train evangelists undergirded with apologetics, in order to engage with culture shapers, had been happening informally over the years but finally became formal in 2004. It was a momentous year for Zacharias and the ministry with the establishment of OCCA, the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics; the launch of Wellspring International; and Zacharias’s appearance at the United Nations Annual International Prayer Breakfast. OCCA was founded with the help of Professor Alister McGrath, the RZIM team and the staff at Wycliffe Hall, a Permanent Private Hall of Oxford University, where Zacharias was an honorary Senior Research Fellow between 2007 and 2015. Over his lifetime Zacharias would receive 10 honorary doctorates in recognition of his public commitment to Christian thought, including one from the National University of San Marcos, the oldest established university in the Americas. Over the years, OCCA has trained over 400 students from 50 countries who have gone on to carry the gospel in many arenas across the world. Some have continued to follow an explicit calling as evangelists and apologists in Christian settings, and many others have gone on to take up roles in each of the spheres of influence Zacharias always dreamed of reaching: the arts, academia, business, media and politics. In 2017, another apologetics training facility, the Zacharias Institute, was established at the ministry’s headquarters in Atlanta, to continue the work of equipping all who desire to effectively share the gospel and answer the common objections to Christianity with gentleness and respect. In 2014, the same heart lay behind the creation of the RZIM Academy, an online apologetics training curriculum. Across 140 countries, the Academy’s courses have been accessed by thousands in multiple languages. In the same year OCCA was founded, Zacharias launched Wellspring International, the humanitarian division of the ministry. Wellspring International was shaped by the memory of his mother’s heart to work with the destitute and is led by his daughter Naomi. Founded on the principle that love is the most powerful apologetic, it exists to come alongside local partners that meet critical needs of vulnerable women and children around the world. Zacharias’s appearance at the U.N. in 2004 was the second of four that he made in the 21st century and represented his increasing impact in the arena of global leadership. He had first made his mark as the Cold War was coming to an end. His internationalist outlook and ease among his fellow man, whether Soviet military leader or precocious Ivy League undergraduate, opened doors that had been closed for many years. One such military leader was General Yuri Kirshin, who in 1992 paved the way for Zacharias to speak at the Lenin Military Academy in Moscow. Zacharias saw the cost of enforced atheism in the Soviet Union; the abandonment of religion had created the illusion of power and the reality of self-destruction. A year later, Zacharias traveled to Colombia, where he spoke to members of the judiciary on the necessity of a moral framework to make sense of the incoherent worldview that had taken hold in the South American nation. Zacharias’s standing on the world stage spanned the continents and the decades. In January 2020, as part of his final foreign trip, he was invited by eight division world champion boxer and Philippines Senator Manny Pacquiao to speak at the National Bible Day Prayer Breakfast in Manila. It was an invitation that followed Zacharias’s November 2019 appearance at The National Theatre in Abu Dhabi as part of the United Arab Emirates’ Year of Tolerance. In 1992, Zacharias’s apologetics ministry expanded from the political arena to academia with the launching of the first ever Veritas Forum, hosted on the campus of Harvard University. Zacharias was asked to be the keynote speaker at the inaugural event. The lectures Zacharias delivered that weekend would form the basis of the best-selling book, Can Man Live Without God?, and would open up opportunities to speak at university campuses across the world. The invitations that followed exposed Zacharias to the intense longing of young people for meaning and identity. Twenty-eight years after that first Veritas Forum event, in what would prove to be his last speaking engagement, Zacharias spoke to a crowd of over 7,000 at the University of Miami’s Watsco Center on the subject of “Does God Exist?” It is a question also asked behind the walls of Louisiana State Penitentiary, also known as Angola Prison, the largest maximum-security prison in the United States. Zacharias had prayed with prisoners of war all those years ago in Vietnam but walking through Death Row left an even deeper impression. Zacharias believed the gospel shined with grace and power, especially in the darkest places, and praying with those on Death Row “makes it impossible to block the tears.” It was his third visit to Angola and, such is his deep connection, the inmates have made Zacharias the coffin in which he will be buried. As he writes in Seeing Jesus from the East, “These prisoners know that this world is not their home and that no coffin could ever be their final destination. Jesus assured us of that.” In November last year, a few months after his last visit to Angola, Zacharias stepped down as President of RZIM to focus on his worldwide speaking commitments and writing projects. He passed the leadership to his daughter Sarah Davis as Global CEO and long-time colleague Michael Ramsden as President. Davis had served as the ministry’s Global Executive Director since 2011, while Ramsden had established the European wing of the ministry in Oxford in 1997. It was there in 2018, Zacharias told the story of standing with his successor in front of Lazarus’s grave in Cyprus. The stone simply reads, “Lazarus, four days dead, friend of Christ.” Zacharias turned to Ramsden and said if he was remembered as “a friend of Christ, that would be all I want.” =====|||=====
Ravi Zacharias, who died of cancer on May 19, 2020, at age 74, is survived by Margie, his wife of 48-years; his three children: Sarah, the Global CEO of RZIM, Naomi, Director of Wellspring International, and  Nathan, RZIM’s Creative Director for Media; and five grandchildren. =====|||=====
By Matthew Fearon, RZIM UK content manager and former journalist with The Sunday Times of London
Margie and the Zacharias family have asked that in lieu of flowers gifts be made to the ongoing work of RZIM. Ravi’s heart was people.
His passion and life’s work centered on helping people understand the beauty of the gospel message of salvation. 
Our prayer is that, at his passing, more people will come to know the saving grace found in Jesus through Ravi’s legacy and the global team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.
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Fandoms, I swear
Sufficiently Attractive Villain = Shipping.
That’s the formula.
Shipping is a major part of fandom, whether you like it or not.
And I swear, I do not understand these antis in the Farcry 5 fandom. This is a series that thrives on its VILLAINS, not its heroes. Jason and Ajay aren’t remembered nearly as strongly as Vaas and Pagan Min are. Any fandom with a sufficiently hot or interesting villain is going to get shipped, regardless of how repulsive their actions are. Lucas Baker is one of the most popular shipping characters from Resident Evil VII, for fuck’s sake.
Why are you all so shocked that Joseph “Literally Never Wears a Shirt” Seed is getting shipped with everyone? Why are you so shocked that John “Here Let Me Leave My Shirt Unbuttoned So You Can See My Chest” Seed is so thirsted over? Why are you so shocked that Jacob “Primal Motherfucker Built Like a Brick Shithouse” Seed is the subject of many a daddy-kink fic?
They are attractive.
You don’t have to agree, you don’t have to like it, but you are petty as fuck for shading, harassing, and accusing people of being rape/abuse/whatever apologists over it.
If you have such a problem with people thirsting over villains, maybe don’t get involved in fandoms with popular villains that are regarded as attractive. It’s gonna happen whether you like it or not, so either grow up and live with it or at least shut up about it.
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canadianabroadvery · 6 years
  In a recent interview with The Corbett Report, the Ron Paul Institute’s Daniel McAdams spoke disdainfully of those ostensibly anti-interventionist libertarians who picked this moment of all times to loudly and aggressively condemn Venezuela’s president Maduro, just as the US power establishment is ramping up its campaign to topple the Venezuelan government.
“All of a sudden now there are millions of Venezuela experts in America, and many of them could not point Venezuela out on a map five days ago,” McAdams said. “And everyone has to have this disclaimer, ‘Well, I know it’s probably worse than North Korea, but the US government shouldn’t get involved.’ It’s cowardice, because once the war starts, they can say ‘Hey I never called for US intervention!’ No, but you’re a conveyor belt for propaganda. You’re a conveyor belt to get the machine ginned up for war. And so you’ve got to stand up and take responsibility.”
McAdams has for years consistently operated in the hub of one of America’s most forceful and effective branches of opposition to US interventionism, and he is absolutely correct here. On both sides of America’s political divide, the primary objections you will see to this administration’s campaign to delegitimize and topple the Venezuelan government are prefaced with a strong condemnation of Maduro followed by some feeble equivocations voicing vague objections to Trump’s actions, if that.
Even more often, what you will see is excuses made for the US government’s aggressive attempts to control who runs Venezuela, followed by some mumbling along the lines of “I don’t want us to go to war, though” dribbling out of the corner of their mouths. Some silly, arbitrary line in the sand saying that Trump’s current ongoing starvation sanctions, CIA covert ops and premeditated campaign to delegitimize and overthrow Venezuela’s government is fine, and hey, maybe arming some right-wing militias via Columbia would be fine too, but don’t send American troops to do the killing or we’ll be a tad upset.
All these wimpy, wishy washy “I oppose US interventionism sorta kinda but not really P.S. fuck Maduro” mouth noises are infuriatingly obnoxious, for a number of reasons. Firstly, someone who claims to be antiwar or anti-interventionist but reserves their objections solely for the most overt forms of warfare is not really antiwar or anti-interventionist, because warfare in modern times is designed to take many less overt forms in order to prevent the kind of attention-grabbing public objections seen over Vietnam and Iraq. A look at what the US empire did to Libya and Syria shows that hundreds of thousands can be killed, millions can be displaced, and humanitarian disasters beyond our ability to imagine can be unleashed without any overt conventional invasion.
Secondly, by wrapping your resistance to US warmongering in loud criticisms of the Venezuelan government and “Go people’s rebellion!” cheerleading, you are functioning as a pro bono propagandist for the CIA and the US State Department, and thereby helping to advance the warmongering agendas of those depraved agencies.
Before they launch missiles, they launch narratives. Before they drop bombs, they drop ideas. Before they invade, they propagandize. Before the killing, there is manipulation. The front line of any antiwar movement is a fight against mass media psyops. What you're doing matters.
 — @caitoz
A common refrain is “It’s possible to be opposed to US interventionism while also opposing these tyrannical governments, you know.” But it isn’t. Not realy. It’s impossible to oppose US interventionism while also helping to advance its propaganda narratives against targeted governments.
All US-led military agendas begin with propaganda. If the public were allowed to see the reality of war with fresh eyes, they would all instantly recoil in horror and adamantly demand its immediate end. The only reason the US-centralized empire is able to sow death and destruction around the world without this happening is because of propaganda, which is why Americans are the most aggressively propagandized people in the world: the violent agendas of the most powerful military force ever assembled are far too important to be left up to the will of the citizenry.
So before they can launch missiles, planes, and ships, they launch propaganda. They launch mass media psyops. They launch narrative control campaigns to make sure that Americans hate the leader of Targeted Nation X and want the people of Targeted Nation X to have Freedom and Democracy™. Day after day after day, they seed the idea that Targeted Leader X “must go”, until the story has become so thoroughly indoctrinated that it almost looks like the US and its allies have no choice but to intervene with increasingly violent measures.
When you help advance those propaganda narratives, you are actively facilitating the first steps of war in a very real way. It’s the same as if you personally picked up a rifle and began picking people off; the only difference is that you’re participating in an earlier stage of the bloodshed rather than a later one. The people are just as dead in the end as if you personally had killed them with your own hands, you just helped with an earlier part of the mechanizations of war rather than a later one. Hell, the one firing the bullets is arguably in a more moral position, because at least they’re putting something on the line and reckoning sincerely with the reality of what they’re doing. The one hiding behind a keyboard and acting as a pro bono war propagandist while inserting “…but I oppose direct interventionism” at the end is vastly more cowardly and dishonest. In the end, the one with the gun is just delivering the bullet that was put in the mail by the propagandist.
Life pro tip: If you find yourself cheering for the same "people's uprising" in a foreign nation that the US State Department says you should cheer for, it's because you've been propagandized. Please revise your media consumption habits and critical thinking skills accordingly.
 — @caitoz
Over and over and over I run into this stupid herd mentality while arguing about this stuff online where people (seemingly deliberately) conflate the notion of Venezuelans sorting out Venezuelan affairs with US interventionism. I’ll be clearly and explicitly condemning US interventionism, and some foam-brained Trump supporter will come up to me saying “I don’t understand, Caitlin! Why don’t you support the Venezuelan people??”
That phrase, “the Venezuelan people,” incidentally, is exclusively used in propaganda articles to refer to those who support regime change in Venezuela, as documented here by Fair.org’s Alan MacLeod. Like the people who support their government aren’t Venezuelan people.
And I don’t mean to just single out Trump supporters here; they’re just the ones who are more vocally gung-ho for this particular intervention. For the last two years I’ve had Democrats up in my face all the time calling me a “genocide denier” and an “Assad apologist” for opposing the Syrian war propaganda and demanding to know why I hate the Syrian people. The rest of the time I’m being asked why I don��t support the Iranian people by Republicans and why I love Putin by Democrats. This mind virus is totally bipartisan.
I oppose interventionism, but I like to act as a pro bono CIA propagandist and regurgitate US State Department talking points at every opportunity." ~ Old partisan hack proverb
 — @caitoz
It is unlikely that the US war machine is gearing up for an all-out invasion of Venezuela as its Plan A. That’s not its MO. First we’re likely to see continually tightening starvation sanctions, more narrative control, more CIA covert operations, and the arming of oppositional militias within Venezuela. If that doesn’t work we can perhaps expect to see some drone warfare and a coalition being formed, with ground troops sent in only if these other measures fail to rip the country apart by themselves, and only if our rulers can manufacture consent for it. The time to begin disrupting that consent-manufacturing apparatus is now, not later.
The only thing keeping the public from using its numbers to force an end to imperialist warmongering is that most people lack a deep understanding of how horrific and widespread it is, and the only thing preventing them from developing that understanding is propaganda. By regurgitating the propaganda narratives being spouted by neoconservative death cultists like Mike Pompeo, John Bolton and Elliott Abrams, you are helping them pave the road to acts of mass slaughter as sure as if you were perpetrating it yourself.
If you wouldn’t go to a country and start killing everyone between you and its leader personally, stop helping to construct the narrative framework that is being set up to accomplish exactly that. The most powerful thing in our society is narrative. Please treat it with an appropriate level of respect.
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ramrodd · 1 year
Jesus & Paul's Apocalyptic Expectations Failed | John J. Collins PhD
Here's the thing about the Presbyterian Church is that Woodrow Wilson was a typical Southern Presbyterian slave owner who believed Jim Crow laws represented Christian Righteousness. The Presbyterian Chruch is the single largest demographic structure of white supremacy in the American culture. They agree with Wilson's legacy of Fim Crow in all things Presbyterian. It is literaly a black and white thing,  Trump was raised as a disciple of Norman Vincent Peale and the Prosperity Gospel of "The Powere of Positive Thinking". The Supply Side manifesto by George Gilder "Wealth and Poverty" is titled specifically to capture the Presbyterian white supremacist market, and provide the Fascist sophistry of Supply Side e economics as part of the January 6 conspiracy  Initiated by William F. Buckley in 1960.
I'm related to Woodrow Wilson. I've always been from the Juneteenth side of the Wilson Family Tree and fully aligned with the League of Nations and the 19th Amendment. Family from the Im Crow side of the family called me a "nigger lover" though not to my face as an old Southern tradition to avoid duels In 1863m in Hampton, Virginia, if you were serious about provoking a fight that included knives and pats and chains. call another white boy a "Nigger lover" nobody talks about Fight Club.
See, that's the thing about Presbyterian Christian Stewardship: Wealth and Poverty are literally white and black things and all things white are righteous and all things poor and black, not so much.
Now, in terms of process theology, I was raised from eight  years old until I got back from Vietnam in the Army Protestant Chapel, which, in 1972, was organically deist in the abiding spirit of George Washington and his staff at Valley Forge. The Army Chaplain, at that time, was a community servant leader fully submitted to Yaweh, Queen of Battle, without parochial differentiation. And Yaseh, Queen of Battle, was a servant  leader of the US  Constitution, As a Deist, there is no god but God: there is only the Universe, as described in Genesis 1:11 and Revelation 4.2.
The Fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever. That is the ethos of the Liberation Gospel of the Army  Protestant Chapel when I was growing up as an Army brat. I went to Vietnam on that basis. I am writing this commentary on that basis. This is the  Epistle of the Liberation Gospel of Jesus, George Washington and George C Marshall. In terms of the Presbyterian Church, Peter Marshall was the apologist for the Liberation Gospel of Washington DC when I was growing up. Three was still legacy white supremacy in the Eisenhower Presbyterians, but the seeds of wokeness found fertile soil in the hearst and souls of the Secretariate of the US Army Chief of Staff under Eisenhower.  Brown v Board opened a lot of eyes and Critical Race Theory was incubated in the faces of the white folks at Little Rock. That is the face of the core of rot in the collective soul of the Presbyterian Curch USA.
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isobel-thorm · 6 years
‘Bout to sound like a Seed apologist but like... John really was the most tame of the bunch/did the least damage because yeah what he did to Nick was abborhent but like... Nic’s smilng away and sharing a beer with everybody hours after the fact, NO OTHER PERSON INVOLVED WITH THE OTHERS CAN SAY THE SAME, CAN THEY
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ocelotapologist · 6 years
it’s a good day to remember that the heralds absolutely deserved better
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