jolexnewff · 3 years
All Alone: Chapter 6
Jo was now 16 weeks pregnant and today her and Meredith were finding out the gender of the baby. Jo was really wanting a boy because Alex always wanted their first baby to be a boy, but Jo thought it was a Girl. Later that day Jo met Meredith in the lounge. She walked in in sweats and a hoodie. Meredith then said ¨Did you just roll out of bed?¨ Jo laughed ¨No it is the only thing that I can wear without my bump showing.¨ ¨Doesn't everyone know?¨ Meredith said. ¨No¨ Jo said ¨I am scared to tell everyone because then when I tell everyone they will be sorry for me.¨ ¨And you don't want them to feel sorry for you?¨ Meredith questioned. ¨No I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me I want them to be happy for me that I am having a baby.¨ Jo said. Meredith then got up and said ¨Okay then let's go find out the gender of this baby and tell everybody.¨ Jo then grabbed Meredith´s hand and said ¨Yeah lets go.¨ They both then started walking down to the OB floor when Bailey stopped them and said, ``What are you too talking about when you are suppose to be working.¨ Jo faced Meredith. Meredith then mouthed ¨Tell Her.¨ Jo sighed and said ¨I am 16 weeks pregnant Bailey and I have an ultrasound right now and Mer is coming with me because I cry every time I am alone when I have an ultrasound.¨ ¨Okay Congrats. Is it Alex´s baby?” Bailey asked. ¨No I cheated on Alex the day he left.¨ Jo said. ¨Really¨ Bailey said. ¨No It is his baby I found out the day after I got the letter.¨ Bailey then put a hand on Jo´s shoulder and said ¨If you need anything I got you even an extended maternity leave okay?¨ ¨Thank you Bailey and I don't think I need an extend maternity leave and You can tell Ben if you want I am telling people today after I find out the gender.¨ Bailey then walked away and turned around. When she turned around she screamed ¨When you are done get back to work!¨ Jo and Meredith both rolled their eyes. They then continued walking to the OB floor. They got into the room and settled in. Carina then Walked in and said ¨Good Morning You ready to find out if the baby is a bambino or a bambina?¨ Jo nodded in response. Carina put the gel on Jo´s stomach and put the probe on her stomach. She checks the size of the baby, the heart beat and everything you could check. ¨Okay¨ Carina said ¨You are having a little Bambino!¨ ¨Really¨ Jo laughed. ¨Yep there HE is.¨ Carina said. Jo had tears rolling down her cheeks. She just laid there in the thought that she was having a baby boy until the ultrasound was done. When Carina left Meredith asked Jo if she was okay. Jo responded with ¨He wanted our first to be a boy and it is but he won't be here for it.¨ Jo started to sob so Mer pulled her into a hug. Meredith then said ¨You know you could call him but I know you don´t know yet but if you are I would plan to tell him after you have your baby boy because there will be a cute baby keeping him from being mad. Jo and Meredith then went to work and worked all day. Later that night Levi and Jo were talking when there was a knock on the door. Jo got up and opened the door. It was just Meredith, Amelia, Maggie, Link and the kids. Jo said ¨Wow what are you all doing here?¨ ¨We are going to start the baby's corner. We have all of Ellis´s old things we are going to start getting ready for baby boy” Meredith said. ¨Fine come in.¨Jo sighed. Meredith and Link started moving things and Ameila, Maggie, and Levi started building the crib. They made Jo sit on the couch and chill with the kids. Zola was talking to the baby while Ellis kept poking at her bump but Bailey fell asleep on the couch. Zola then asked ¨Aunt Jo what are you going to name him?¨ Jo looked towards here and said ¨I have an idea but it is a secret you will have to wait until he is born.¨ Zola sighed and said ¨Fine¨. For the rest of the night they organized the corner talk and ate a lot of food and all Jo thought about is that her son is so loved already and he is not even here yet and that Alex would be all over her in pregnancy just like they are.
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
here with me
Jo cringes as she steps on the squeaky baby toy on the floor, “Crap!” Alex shushes her as he leans out of their bedroom door.
“Sorry,” She whispers, picking it up. Alex shakes his head, shuffling over to her spot at the end of hall, “God, I’m so glad we don’t have a dog.”
“I thought you were going to bed early because you have an early surgery tomorrow?” Alex questions Jo, following her into the kitchen. She throws the toy on the counter.
“Well, I was. Then I remembered that Jamie’s kindergarten class is having a Christmas party tomorrow, before the holiday break, and I volunteered to make brownies. So I made brownies, which we didn’t do after school because I got home late and then Lillian was running a fever — I forgot to tell you that earlier, before I didn’t go to bed — and so I’m making brownies at twelve AM.”
Alex wraps his arms around her from behind, leaning his chin on her shoulder. “I’ll make the brownies next time. You should’ve asked me. You shouldn’t be within a hundred feet of the kitchen anyways, so it can’t be burned down.”
Jo rolls her eyes, but relaxes nonetheless, “I’m definitely taking you up on that one next time. How was your day anyways?”
“Oh, great. A psych patient in the ICU stabbed a nurse with a pen. Needless to say, I handed that one right off to legal and psych. Other than that, an appy, and a neuroblastoma. I did a hernia repair on a kid today that reminded me of James a little bit, so obsessed with cars.”
Jo laughs, “Honestly that reminds me of you. You almost bought the batmobile years ago. Do you remember that? When you worked for Lebacches?” Alex sighs.
“Yeah.” Jo presses herself closer to him in order to feel his warmth. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“We should get a cat.”
“Alex, I hate cats.”
“Yeah, but cats are cute. And less work than dogs, which you also don’t want. We could get one of those self-cleaning litter pans. Plus James and Grace have been asking for a pet. Don’t they say that kids learn responsibility from pets?”
“Do you think a cat, two five-year-olds and a ten-month-old are a bit much in one house? Plus, I barely have time for brownies.”
“That’s why it’s perfect. The kids can feed the cat, and I’ll make sure they do. Lily will love it too. Just think about it. It might even cuddle you at the end of the day on the couch.”
“I never thought I’d be hearing my husband work harder to beg for a cat than the kids. They’ve also already drawn me a chart with these same thoughts, just harder to understand, because I think they barely understand. I’ll think about it.”
Alex grins, “You’re the best.”
“Yeah okay, whatever.” Jo grins back though, kissing him.
“Mommy, daddy, I don’t feel good.” Alex and Jo pull away from each other at the sound of a small voice coming from the entryway.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Jo sighs, walking over to her daughter. She presses her lips now to her five-year-old daughter’s forehead. “She’s running a fever too.”
“Lovely, James will indefinitely have it by dinner tomorrow night. Then me and you.”
“Oh would you stop,” Jo turns from her spot kneeling next to Grace, to face Alex, “It’s not the plague.”
“You say that now...” Alex warns, but he picks up their daughter, and sits her on a stool in the kitchen. “Hey, princess.” He coos, and Grace leans her head against his chest.
“What hurts?”
The five-year-old points to her stomach and says, “My tummy. It hurts a lot.”
“Okay, let’s get you some medicine, big girl.” Alex looks over the girl’s shoulder to see that Jo has already poured some into the small medicine cup and has a glass of water ready.
“Here you go, Gracie.” Jo hands her daughter the cup, “Drink it quick and it won’t taste so bad.” She does as such, and then takes a sip of the water.
“Let’s get you back to bed okay? Sleeping makes you feel better when you’re sick.” Jo picks her up this time and carries her down the hall to the bedroom she shares with her 10-month-old sister.
“Sleep tight.” Alex gives her a kiss on the forehead before he and Jo leave, closing the door behind them.
“Go to bed, Jo. You need your rest.”
“Come with me, it’s late now anyways.”
Alex follows Jo into their bedroom, and they both quickly get under the covers.
Calling your name in the midnight hour
Reaching for you from the endless dream
So many miles between us now
But you are always here with me
— Here With Me, Robert Koch and Susie Suh
[Such shameless Jolex family fluff. Because we’re all mourning the fact that Jo&Alex never got to have kids on Grey’s just a little bit. And I love them. There is no plot. Oops. ]
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thejolexgroupchat · 4 years
Can you maybe post links to other/more Jolex fic tumblrs that you know of because it seems like not everyone posts their stuff on ao3
I’ll just go thru and tag all the jolex writers I know off the top of my head here on Tumblr and if I didnt tag u and u write jolex, please tag yourself on this for this anon :) 
@doc-pickles @iamtrebleclefstories @odd-birds-and-booksellers @choosingmywife @kidneys4karev @cicinicole-14 @only-freakin-sunflowers @mdevonsunflower @angry-slytherin @jolexfanfics @pagingevilspawn @fan4196 @flawlesspeasant 
all of them have links on their pages to their fics, im not linking them for you I think you’re smart enough to figure it out yourself but if not well tough luck im not doing that for you… 
also fan fiction.net has a lot of fics over there as well but personally I dont usually read there unless its sent in the gc 
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mrandmrskarev · 5 years
Could you please write about Amber and Aaron visiting and meeting Jo by chance before Alex has the opportunity to introduce them?
I'm so sorry but I don't write fanfics. But let's ask to fuckyeahalexjo, jolexfanfics or flawlesspeasant , I would love to read this one too, anyone who offers to write it?
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jolexfanfics · 5 years
Ok guys, I did it...I made a Twitter 😬 send me your @s or just follow me and I’ll follow back! I’m @jolexfanfics on there as well
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dailyalexjo · 6 years
I think Camilla is the kind of person to try to compensate if she for some reason would want to take some time off during some episodes. She would make sure Jolex fans still get something decent because she's always tried to give Jolex fans hope, even during times when we got nothing. So I agree with both you and jolexfanfics, it's not on Justin or Camilla. It's on the writers who see everyone else's potential and are willing to create potential where there is none, but ignore Jolex.
Yeah, they just don’t seem to care much about Alex and Jo, be it as individuals or a couple.
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Jolex fanfic
Okay, now I think I’ll write fanfic to get me through two months without Jolex. If you have any requests, let me know.
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serendipity-cullen · 8 years
Crackship Prompts
Hey guys! It's 2 am, I'm at work a little bored, and my mind is going nuts. I've hit a little block on my Jolex prompts, but don't worry, I'm still going to write them! 😃 I guess I'm looking for a surge in creativity, so I'm willing to take crackship prompts if anyone is interested! I'm already mentally playing with April/Mark & Jo/Jackson 🙈
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jolexnewff · 4 years
Here is Chapter 4 of All Alone. Sorry it took me so long to update. I will post the 5th chapter tommorrow probably. Hope you like it!
Two weeks later Jo was 8 weeks pregnant. Those past two weeks were full of morning sick-ness, sore breasts, and Jo´s moods changing  in an instant whenever someone did the littlest things that pissed her off. Today Jo had her 8 week appointment. She was excited to see her baby and hear the heart beat again. Jo asked Meredith if she wanted to come to her appointment today because Jo also did not want to go alone. At the hospital Jo was seating in the attendings lounge drinking coffee when Meredith walked in. Meredith said ¨What are you doing?¨ she said towards Jo reaching to grab Jo´s coffee out of her hands. Mer then said ¨You should not be drinking coffee your uterus is occupied.¨ Jo then said ¨Why?¨ In a whiny voice. Mer then said ¨It could affect your babies health.¨ Jo responded with ¨I know that but Carina said I could have one cup of coffee a day and it would be safe so I am going to take the coffee in.¨ Grabbing the cup out of Meredith's hand. Meredith then said ¨Fine ONE cup a day but you have to drink this health smoothie too.¨  handing Jo a naked smoothie. Jo grabbed it and said ¨Fine but ONLY  one.¨ Meredith then looked at her phone and said ¨Come one we got to go see the baby.¨ Jo let out a groin and walked out of the lounge and towards the OB floor. Jo and Meredith then entered exam room 2. Jo took her pants off and put the paper sheet over her. A few minutes later Carina walked in and said ¨You ready to see your baby Jo?¨ Jo nodded. Carina prepared the probe when Meredith grabbed Jo´s hand because she could tell Jo was stressing. Carina then started the ultrasound and the room was filled with a loud thump. Jo and Meredith both looked at the screen in aw. Jo thought how that little thing could be the thing that is making her the happiest. Carina then said ¨The heart beat is strong and the size of the baby is great. Actually the baby is the size of a kidney bean that is why we call it ¨the little bean¨ because of its size.¨ Mer then said ¨Aw it is so freaking cute, for a fetus.¨ Carina then finished the ultrasound and handed Jo the sonogram and said ¨I will see you in two weeks for another ultrasound.¨ Jo could not hear anyone she just stared at the sonogram. Mer then asked ¨Hey, Okay?¨ Jo then said ¨Not really, he should be here holding my hand comforting me telling me to only drink one cup of coffee a day.¨ Jo then let out a sigh and Mer said ¨I know that's how I felt when I was pregnant with Ellis but it is different for you because you know he is out their leaving a life you guys wanted but with his ghost loving EX.¨  Jo and Meredith both let out a giggle. Jo then said ¨Thank you for being here for me. Also I have a couple questions.¨ Mer said ¨What's your questions.¨ Jo then said ¨One can you come to everyone of my appointments if you can and bed their when have it.¨ Mer said ¨Yes of course.¨ Jo then said ¨And can you be the baby's  godmother because you are the only person I could think that could be.¨ Mer smiled and said ¨I would absolutely love to be the baby's godmother.¨ Jo then said ¨Okay you have to get back to work so go.¨ Mer then left and got back to work while Jo sat on the exam table with her hand on her stomach. Jo then let out a cry and said to the baby ¨We are going to be fine without your daddy but I know that he loves you even though he does not know about you.¨ Jo thought at that moment that Alex would love this baby so much even if it is a little bean and that she would tell her baby that he loved her or him so very much even though he was not there to tell the baby himself.
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jolexnewff · 4 years
This story has been suck in my head for such a long time and decided I would finally write it. The story is about Jo finding out she is pregnant with Alex´s baby after he left her. The story will probably be many chapters because there is so many things in my head to write down. And please give me some feed back on my writing. ENJOY the first chapter of ALL ALONE!
Link walked into the loft to Jo lying on the couch. He knew how bad of a time she was going through but she has been doing good for all that has happened in the past week and a half. She has been going back to work and  has left his couch so she has been doing good but today everything changed in her mood. He walked over to the couch and sat at the edge of it. He asked ¨What's wrong?¨ and Jo said ¨What's not wrong, My husband left me and he is the love of my life and we had a whole future planned for us. A dog, a house, babies all of it and one day he just leaves and doesn't want me. He wants his ex wife and now I am alone to do it all by myself.¨ Jo then let out a sigh. Link then asked ¨Doing what by yourself?¨  Jo then let out another sigh and said ¨Last night I noticed I was late. So I went to the store and bought like four of them. Then I came home and took them. I was scared out of my mind during those three minutes hoping that the test was negative but of course it had to be positive because the universe is like screw you.¨ Jo let out a sob she was mad that she was pregnant but also a little happy because her and Alex have wanted this in so long but now he is not there for it. Link then took Jo into a hug because she was sobbing. Link did not know what to say so he did not say anything. A couple seconds later Link said ¨Are you going to tell him you are pregnant or are you going to terminate or keep it and raise him or her yourself.¨ Jo responded with ¨He does not get to know he might be the father of this baby but he hurt me so bad and there is no way that he can hurt my kid like that. Also I wanted this, I wanted his baby and only his so I am going to be a badass single mom.¨ Jo smiled at Link and then Link said ¨Me, Amelia, Meredith, everyone at the hospital will help you and you are not alone you have a lot of people who will help you and whatever you want for the pregnancy and for the childhood will go.¨ Jo said ¨Okay but one thing you can not tell Alex. No one can tell him not a single soul except mine if I want to. Meredith can talk to him and talk to him about whatever but can't tell him okay.¨ Link then responded with ¨Okay¨  Jo thought to herself even if she did not have Alex. She had everyone at the hospital that would help her through labor and motherhood and at that moment she knew she was not all alone.
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
Sunday Candy
When Jo Karev wakes up to find her husband’s side of the bed empty, it’s almost alarming for a moment.
Alex Karev is by no means a morning person. She met him when they were already adults, but she assumed that for the entirety of his life, he had been a grumbling grouch in the mornings. It just seemed like an Alex thing to her.
No matter his morning tendencies as a child, a fully-grown Alex Karev never got out of bed on a Sunday before 8:30. If she let him, Jo figured he’d sleep all day long. So she rolls over and gets up, wondering where he is.
She knows they can’t live here forever, but she really does enjoy being able to get out of bed and immediately spot her husband, feeding their six-month-old, and eating scraps of bacon in between. Ah, the joys of living in a loft space.
Jo tilts her head at him, smiling at the sight before her. The baby has food covering her cheeks, and Alex’s hair clearly hasn’t been brushed. Jo doesn’t quite stifle her laughter, and Alex notices his wife.
“Good morning to you too, husband of mine.” Jo makes her way across the loft, stepping into the kitchen area. She grabs a couple of napkins off the counter, wiping the baby’s face.
“Did the baby wake you?” She asks Alex, as he picks at another piece of bacon.
“Yeah.” Jo pecks his cheek, and he finishes, “I quieted her down quickly so she wouldn’t wake you. I think we’ve been up since six.”
“Aw, poor babies.” She smiles to herself, grabbing the Cheerios down from the cabinet.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Alex grumbles. Jo pours the cereal into a bowl. The baby reaches for the bowl as she turns around, but Jo just kisses her forehead, “You’re not quite old enough for those yet; you’ll get there, big girl.”
“No, she’ll be eating things with flavor. I don’t know how you eat that crap, but you will not corrupt our children. Now bacon,” He holds it up to the baby, “that, is delicious.”
Jo takes a seat across from Alex. “You know, she may just like them all on her own,” she places her bowl down. Instead, she picks up the baby, cooing at her. “I think she looks like you, Alex. She has your nose.”
Jo takes the seat next to Alex, and he makes a face at the baby girl before closely examining her nose. “Yeah, but she’s got your eyes. I mean in the shape.”
Their daughter was born with blue eyes, and despite their best predictions, her eyes haven’t changed to brown. Alex’s dad had blue eyes, so they knew where his side of it came from, but when Jo had met her birth mother a little over two years ago, the woman had deep, brown eyes.
She could guess that her father had had green or blue eyes, but she didn’t feel the need to venture farther into that thought. She could enjoy her daughter’s surprisingly blue eyes without curiosity; she had to.
“...looks very clear, so it’s just a guess. Jo?” Alex broke Jo out of her reverie, as she bounced the baby on her knee, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Perfect.” She smiles at him. She has all she needs right here.
“I’m going to make waffles now, for the adults. You want some right?”
[Future Jolex fic. Post S16 or it can be during S16. Who knows anymore.]
ps: in true Grey’s fashion, I’ve decided to name all my fics/drabbles after songs.
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
Dance of the Clairvoyants
Being a surgeon is hard. It doesn’t get easier after four years of med school, five years of residency, and fellowships. No, it in fact gets harder; attending physicians hold the reins. You’re responsible for someone’s life, at all times.
Jo Karev knows this. She knows what hardship is, and she’s no stranger to a difficult life. But when either one of her seven-month-old twins cry, Jo feels helpless.
She finds it scarier to be responsible as someone’s mother than their doctor. Perhaps it was the years of preparation and training.
It helps that her husband is a pediatrician — a pediatric surgeon — and that he knows kids better than most. He knows what calms babies down, what makes a six-year-old and a sixteen-year-old alike smile. Alex knows kids. And so she’s never worried about him.
“Jo, where are the towels?” Alex hollers from the bathroom, steam coming from the doorway. Jo racks her brain, before remembering she threw them in the laundry machine last night.
“Give me a minute!” She yells back, shuffling over to the dryer, taking out a warm towel. She uses it to warm her hands for a moment, before opening the bathroom door, and handing it to Alex.
“You okay?” Alex looks at her with soft eyes, and Jo falters.
“Uh, yeah. Just um, thinking.”
Jo feels Alex looking through her, and he embraces her. She can’t find herself caring that he’s wet, she just relaxes into the comfort of his arms.
“I just...” Jo looks up at him, “I don’t know if I’m doing it right. Parenting, I mean. And I know you’ll say I am, because the twins are healthy and happy, but I’m so afraid they’ll hate me when they’re older. Kids don’t like moms who work all day long; they want moms who will make lunches and go to soccer practice.”
“And I worry that I’ll screw them up. I had no parents, and I couldn’t forgive my mom, even when I learned she’d been through something horrible. How could they possibly forgive me, when I don’t have that excuse?”
Alex unwraps his arms from around Jo, looking back at her. “You are a good mom.” Jo nearly rolls her eyes at this.
“You love them so much. You do. And you brag about them, to anyone and everyone. Even when it’s stupid stuff, like when James ate his food without spitting up for the first time. Our kids won’t hate you for being a surgeon. Gracie will look up to her strong mother. I promise.”
Jo leans herself against Alex’s warm shoulder, “Okay.”
“Now. We should probably wake those babies up before we’re late for work.”
[Yet another Jolex fic! To combat the hurt we feel over JC’s departure and the subsequent mess of a storyline. Rip.]
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
I’ve Been Waiting
Jo’s breathing slows and her sobs stifle. Link slowly releases her from his embrace.
“I don’t know what to say, Jo.” Link looks at her with soft eyes and a sympathetic expression. It’s not enough.
“I just- I can’t- There are no words. There are no words. My husband left me, Alex left me.”
“He loves you; I know he does. You two just renewed your vows. You’ve told me ever since I moved to Seattle that you’ve finally gotten your happiness. You don’t know he’s gone, Jo.”
Jo walks past him, towards the counter where her untouched glass of wine sat.
“I couldn’t bring myself to drink it. I feel sick. Where else could he be? Dead in a ditch? I think someone would’ve told me. He has abandoned his life, his job, his friends. He just left; like it was nobody’s business. He got sick of his life, and of me, and now, he’s gone.” She opens the box of donuts that Link brought over, taking out a powdered sugar.
Jo sighs, “I’m sorry Link. I know you have your Amelia situation. At least I know my husband doesn’t think I’m enough. You still don’t know if Amelia is carrying your baby or not, or even if she loves you.” Link follows Jo to the kitchen of the loft, drinking some of Jo’s wine.
“Ouch. But yeah, no word there. And Jo, husband gone trumps pregnant girlfriend.”
“God, I feel so stupid. Just in October we got married, again. He promised me he wasn’t going to run. I’m better now. He was good, we were good. We wanted babies and forever. What happened?” Tears run down her cheeks, and Jo puts the donut down.
“Want to watch a crappy movie?” Link suggests.
“Yeah, whatever.” Jo says distantly.
[Uninspired 16x15 Coda/Drabble. (Im)Patiently awaiting Thursday :( ]
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angry-slytherin · 5 years
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper
At first she thinks maybe it’s revenge.
She’s shut him out before. She was hurting, so much that it manifested into numbness and anger and apathy. Acute Clincial Depression. The title, the diagnosis, the medical exemption; they didn’t ease her guilt.
Then she remembers who her husband is. That he loves her, that he never held her accountable. That her married her, twice.
And as the rain came pouring down, it hit the window like bullets. The rain came like bullets.
She’s been living in Seattle for nearly a decade now. She’s used to rain. She’s used to constant, hard, rushing rain. The smacking of rain drops against the window. But she’s not used to the anxiety of her husband not answering her calls. She is not used to is the fear running through her head all hours of the day, wondering why. Why isn’t he answering?
Every guess is worse than the next — his mother is sick, she’s off her meds, she’s dead, he’s having an affair — she stops herself before she can go any farther, before she drowns in her thoughts. She knows everyone she asks will vouch for him. He’s going through something. She knows. And she feels terrible, wishing she could have faith like they can.
Faith that her loyal, loving, caring husband is just having a hard time. But her insecurities prevent her, crawling their way into her thoughts like spiders, making her head spin, and her thoughts itch. But it’s been a hard year, and a hard life. She knows her husband, but her worries betray her; she needs to know what’s wrong. She wants to know, she needs to know.
She knows she shut him out. She doesn’t think that’s it.
[Jo Karev post S16 Ep 14 coda drabble]
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mrandmrskarev · 5 years
HI :) Do you know Jolex fan fictions you could recommend? Until the new season of Grey's I have to overcome a Jolex drought and I do this with reading Jolex fan fictions. But I already read much of them so I thought maybe you know new ones you can recommend to me. Have a great week. I'm glad to know your Jolex blog it's one of the best. :):)
Heyy, thank you soo much! You’re always so kind and it means a lot to me, thank you! ♡ I don’t know if you’ve ever read @josephinewilson‘s fanfictions! I’ve read them all years ago and I loved them, if you didn’t, I’m sure you will love them too! You should also check @fuckyeahalexjo and @jolexfanfics‘ blogs, but you probably already read all their fanfics! Let me know, btw and have a great day! ♡
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mrandmrskarev · 5 years
Fan fiction recommendations please!!
@fuckyeahalexjo and @jolexfanfics and @blancheharrington wirte beautiful fanfictions! Uhh and check these ones too [x[ they're written by JolexMyHeart on twitter! ♡
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