#jolly murder drones
shinkairei · 4 months
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Out of rp post
Yk i was never a huge fan of jolly but @thecoolersolver has it growing on me
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azumi777 · 1 year
Doll x J
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ilovejoll · 2 months
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mizodorito · 6 months
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^^^ one of the only non-sketch art in this sorry LMAO.. (i love yeva)
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voll for the 3 voll fans out there + under cut (SUGGESTIVE WARNING!!)
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evilrwbyfan · 6 months
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jolly belt tug making a comeback…
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stupidseafox · 5 months
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🪼Today I'm kind
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starzymp3 · 6 months
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me when theyre both insane..
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txttabloid · 5 months
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Other Fankids who will not show up soon in the fic. They are Vizzy,NThad,Jolly
If you wish to support me further please consider commissioning me
Come hangout in my personal server
Reblogs are much appreciated
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
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Me if I was a worker dron 🤑
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peacockrulz · 1 year
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Still thinking about them lkdsjfksd
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ria-writes-stories · 2 months
To each other and each other only
Genre: Romance, Comfort
Ship: Jolly
Description: Lesbians who are passive aggressive
(No one's pov)
J was walking to an abandoned building, a mall to be more specific, deserted and empty like everything on this hollow atomic wasteland of nothing but harsh coldness and- no. There are some things that are warm in this world as cold as it seems.
J pushed her head underneath Doll's arm while pulling the shorter drone on her lap holding her in a tight demanding manner yet her grip was soft and careful as if she was afraid to accidentally break her. "Idiot drone." J said upset as she held Doll closely to her, with her chest pressed against her back. "Moron useless piece of scrap." Doll answered bluntly without remorse whatsoever as she avoided J's gaze, as she continued to stare off into the distance as she was doing earlier before J picked her up and sat her on her lap. "You were gone all night. Do you have any clue where I searched for you? I even went down that hell hole!" J spat out angrily with venom, she was highly irritated of Doll's 'negligence' and 'immature behavior', she was absolutely furious with it.
"No you didn't." Doll dismissed her simply as she knew what J was referring to, or at least she thought so... "I went all the way over that dumb colony looking for you and you weren't anywhere to be seen!" J spat out angrily. "For a moment I thought you went down to the elevator." "You're annoying not an absolute worthless imbecile like N." J said angrily as Doll continued to stay as cold and blunt towards her despite how closely J was holding her. "It's not my fault if you can't use your control board disk to realize that I would never go back to the colony-" "Not even for the inexplicable amounts of oil there?" Doll's eyes slightly widen as she went quiet and slightly moved her head to the side to avoid J's gaze.
"Stop being such an annoying toaster!" J said grabbing Doll's chin and forcing her to look at her, Doll's answer? She 'slapped' J's hand away from her in a quick aggressive yet painless movement. "Shut up."
Doll was impossible to break through, yet this disassembly drone always found new ways when an old one would fail. "You were hungry, you went to the colony to feast, why didn't you leave a note or something you utter low minded incapable drone?!" "Because than you'd sit like a useless dog in one place instead of doing work like I do." J was beyond furious and Doll was acting uncaring and annoyed.
Doll knew J by now. She was like a panther. Solo and alone, deadly and dangerous but not at the top of the food chain among all of the felines or among other top predators in other places where there are bears for example. However she was fast, incredibly so, and efficient, that's why Doll wouldn't like if this yellow panther would lazy around instead of searching for what she needed so she could take it from her just because of something as irrational as 'worrying'.
J knew Doll better than anyone ever got to. You may say that their common 'passion' or primal survival need to consume other drones to survive brought them closer, because it was something they only had each other to understand for. Lizzy never understood Doll, ever. Doll was simply a token to Lizzy's popularity. Tessa never understood the struggle J went through with the overheating and the 'hollow spooky snake-crab' because she didn't want her to ever find out about it in the first place, she didn't deserve it, she had to protect her, but even so it's easy to grow lonely even with the person meant to be your friend.
"You can't just go without warning and expect me to not do anything. We're business partners now right? We have a common thing to work for, so that's what we will do, but I can't do it if a mute freakish little copper toy like you doesn't use her voice box to speak up what that AI-based circuit board is cooking up in there!" J said in a scolding manner as her eyes narrowed, for anyone they would seem ruthless and distant but Doll knew how to look at closer details and see her sadness.
All she had to do was listen to her voice past the fake filter of anger.
"You're an idiot, a slow minded clueless and primal animal, not even an animal would be as dumb as you are." Doll said as she refused to face J as J's grip tightened on her waist. "Yes because animals leave another when what they achieved is completed or when they realize they can't do it, and as far as I am concerned we didn't find that damned key and you know damn well I am the one in charge of keys." Owing a key means you can open whatever is hidden behind it's lock, but it can also mean you're doing the work of another, and Doll knew that full heartedly, even so, she avoided teasing J about it, she knew it was sensitive, just as J avoided talking about Doll's parents. They never talked about any of these things, they just knew.
Doll finally looked at J and simply proceeded to rest her head on her shoulder as one hand rested on her chest and the other she kept to herself. Doll didn't say anything, she just huffed as J simply warped her wings around her. She knew it was useless. She could never protect her from something she couldn't protect herself from, but that need to provide was still there, it's how she knew how to express best what her tongue never allowed her to. Doll knew that, that's why she'd allow her do these silly acts, because 'love' wasn't a word, and because if J was ever to say it she would know that she has lost her charm and everything that made her be herself, meaning that Doll couldn't stay with her anymore as to not damage her further.
J let her tail lay limp in Doll's lap, her way of showing that she trusts her, because last time her very own weapon brought to her down fall, and Doll? Well, she would caress her tail softly as she wore an eyepatch in order to hide J from the yellow devil which gave her these powers, and which was responsible for all the unfortunate events in their lives.
"Moron." "Idiot." the two spoke to each other quietly.
Only to hold each other tighter and closer to each other like they could be brought away from one another in the blink of an eye without even realizing, without even feeling it, and that was scarier than seeing the other one just perish. To be strangers is such a cruel fate to every single soul that could get along if they were to meet, and even worse if they already engaged forever, bonding each other to the other, and to rip them apart would mean that what they shared would mix up inside of them and leave the other one with a part forever missing from them and left with the missing part of the other.
Doll continued to gently hold J's stinger while brushing her thumb the pointy deadly tip of it as if it was blunt and unused and not sharp and dangerous.
J continued to hold her as she united her hands and rested them both on Doll's shoulder to keep her closer to herself, their bodies pressed against each other as they would slowly feel that curse of a heat burst within inside, threatening to send them off to hunt, but never with the desire of consuming it, not as long as they were next to each other.
"Idiot." J whispered quietly as she rested her forehead on the side of Doll's head as the Russian drone simply mumbled, sneaking a look at her when J closed her eyes.
When J was asleep, resting, Doll did the most natural thing to do. Something her parents did when they were unable to do in crowded busy days. Kissing her when she was asleep and letting her know how much the beating core in the system allowed love to flow through.
A kiss, and another, and another. Quiet soft heavenly kisses, so soft and gentle they were barely felt meaning J couldn't wake up from them. "My moron." Doll whispered quietly as she rested J's tail around her waist right at her hip to make sure that if she were to wake up and try to leave she would surely wake her up as well while trying to untie the knot at her side that kept her close and in place to her.
The end
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Sillyposting is my life
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staruzi002 · 4 months
draw me juzi NNEEOWW!!! THIS DEFF ISNT STARZY!!!!!!!😱😱😱🥶😤
it's not juzi but u also keep asking for this one so here's some jolly :3
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starlover2 · 3 days
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Sooo I made MD fankids!
Umbra is a NUzi/BiscuitBites kid
Celestine is a Vizzy/Pink Lemonade kid
And Nikolai and Galina are Jolly/Sunteddy kids
Might draw them again soon
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exotic-dinostuff · 1 year
Though this ship is unlikely to happen I like the idea.
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I can hear doll's oil levels rise at an alarming rate from all the way in Asia.
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*this is probably cannon in the au tho
Sleepy cattos
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