#jon snow show
lupinusalbus · 1 year
Sad Inability to See the Writing on the Wall
I was watching Kit’s appearance at the GOT Convention where he stated (somewhat apologetically) that he thought killing Dany was the right ending for the show. Its kind of sad that he has to be apologetic and also to qualify his remarks by saying something to the effect of “it’s ok if you see it differently.”  There was reportedly a backlash against him on twitter because he dared to state the obvious.
It all makes me wonder what universe Dany’s champions are inhabiting.  Do they really believe the book(s) are going to end differently for Jon/Dany when the ending makes so much sense for Jon Snow as the protagonist? He’s half Stark, half Targaryen, and he must choose between these two aspects of himself. He is effectively ending the Targaryen Dynasty by killing Dany, and plot wise, it all makes perfect sense. The two Ds made a lot of errors in judgement for seasons seven and eight, but significantly altering the end point of Jon and Dany’s trajectory from Martin’s plan was not something they would have had the temerity to do.  It's convenient to blame them though, because the books aren't published yet.
But some are apparently living in a fantasy world, even saying that Dany is going to be resurrected and will get back together with Jon Snow. It’s one of the most ridiculous theories ever. If it happened (which it won’t), it would ruin the elegance and symmetry of Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire. He will never write that, nor would he approve of it being part of any sequels about Jon based on the upcoming books.
But the character of Daenerys has been deceiving people all along. I mean those show characters who saw with their own eyes how cold blooded Dany was when possessed by her “fire and blood” Targaryen persona but remained blind to that brutality. Crucifixions and burnings were not enough to turn them against her because they became dazzled by her “charisma” and smitten by the dragons.
The Starks and Jon Snow are the antithesis of Dany, and that’s ultimately why Jon Snow had to make his choice. It’s also why Kit Harington is right.
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lawonderlandwriter · 2 years
Why is Emilia saying Dany being dead would make it “difficult” for her to come back to the character giving me even more hope for the Jon Snow Show? Sounds like Kit’s “I’m dead” S6 charade all over again.
And with it being nearly confirmed that Snow will be a limited series, I really feel like they’re taking another stab (forgive the pun) at S8. If Kit has George’s blessing and George has been insistent from the time it aired that S8 is very different from his ending, I don’t see why it would be anything else.
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jonsaslove · 1 year
Will you watch the Snow sequel if it happens?
I mean honestly? Yeah, lmao. If I watch it and it ends up being god awful than I would probably stop but at the moment knowing little about it I am at least intrigued to know what direction they want to take it. I think it has the potential to be colosally boring or just a massive mess…but as of now if it does happen I would watch it. And Jonsa aside if any of the Stark cast return (and especially Sophie 🥺) it would be impossible for me not to tune in lol. And I do love Kit!
Idk I think I said before that it confuses me what direction they could take with the show outside of Jon returning to Winterfell/Westeros and reckoning with the fallout of his identity and killing Dany, (again, Jonsa aside), and I still stand by it. I don’t think there’s much promise in a show about Jon and Tormund bumbling around North of the Wall. But even if that’s all we get I will probably still tune in lol.
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eruherdiriel · 1 year
Y'all out here worried about the plot of the Snow show, will it be bad, will other Starks show up, etc. Meanwhile, I'm worried about the important stuff: how big is the Ghost budget? If HotD can have all those dragons, then HBO can give me this one direwolf.
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christinapotter09 · 2 years
The day Sophie will be cast...
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syfygirl1998 · 2 years
Honestly did hbo learn nothing from the failed stark prequel and the current lack of interest in the targaryen prequel? and now they’re putting out a jon snow sequel…
what’s the plot gonna be? literally everyone is unalive post season eight (mostly because of incompetence by dd), not even mentioning all the characters that died in the season itself. like the entire north has starved by now, bronn has run through all the money, arya drowned or was eaten somewhere out west, the iron islands and dorne have 100% rebelled for their independence by now, gendry died via broken heart (thanks for that joe). is the whole concept jon hunting down the last rabbit while ‘why are we staying up here…there’s a giant hole in the wall’ is a running gag?
and on a more irl note, who in their right mind would sign up to do this show? after season eight the cast was literally getting death threats while the show they worked on for years was (rightfully) dragged through the mud, their sales tanked and the fandom has faded into embarrassing thing we don’t talk about.
instead of making yet another spin off of a show they ruined, hbo should consider popping grrm’s bubble and letting him finally publish now that dd are far enough away not to ruin it.
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cassatine · 2 years
"jon snow sequel," more like franchisitis strikes again. the franchise industry really be out there looking at their products like "hmm what would be most thematically ruined by a sequel" and even saying that is probably being too generous (themes are for eighth graders).
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stormborns · 29 days
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So many vows. They make you swear and swear. Defend the king, obey the king, obey your father, protect the innocent, defend the weak. But what if your father despises the king? What if the king massacres the innocent? It’s too much. No matter what you do, you’re forsaking one vow or another. GAME OF THRONES, SEASON 2
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alicent-hightowers · 5 months
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MALI’S 22K CELEBRATION ✶ JON SNOW ↬🌷+ daemon targaryen or jon snow (for @villainelle)
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dualredundancy · 2 years
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lupinusalbus · 2 months
"I hadn't really ever spoken about it, because it was in development. I didn't want it leaked out that it was being developed, and I didn't want the thing to happen where people kind of start theorizing, getting either excited about it or hating the idea of it, when it may never happen. Because in development, you look at every angle, and you see whether it's worth it. 
And currently, it's not. Currently, it's off the table, because we all couldn't find the right story to tell that we were all excited about enough. So, we decided to lay down tools with it for the time being. There may be a time in the future where we return to it, but at the moment, no. It's firmly on the shelf." - Kit Harington
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lawonderlandwriter · 1 year
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If HBO is putting Kit and Emilia together for a Comic Con, it could be yet another “feeler” for whether they want to go through with Snow. The show has not been greenlit yet and while everyone was expecting Kit to make his announcement during the LA GOT con back in December, nothing was said about it to the point that fans weren’t even allowed to ask.
Now they’re sticking these two together for another Comic Con… it could have been any duo from the show. Could have been Kit and Peter or Kit and Sophie, Kit and Lena. But no. They got Kit and Emilia. Regardless, I’m super fucking interested to know what they’re going to say during that panel. Can it be July already please?
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
What They're Like in Bed
Includes: Robb, Jon, Sandor, Podrick
Warnings: TW under cut. 18+
Word count: 854
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Masterlist Here
Robb is defiantly a dom. He might be the biggest romantic and will do anything you ask outside of the bedroom but inside your private chambers he is in control and if you want him to do something to you, he will gladly listen to you beg for it. This man has a thing for control and loves when you call him your king and don’t think about not asking for permissions before you act.
He loves to use a mix of praise and degradation to make you squirm beneath him, calling you his pretty little whore. He likes to hold your face, grabbing your jaw or pulling up your chin, to force you to keep eye contact with him. He gets off on the humiliation but its worth it for the things he can do with his tongue. This man is like a starved wolf when he goes down on you.
Despite his dom nature he is still caring during the whole act, leaving kisses over your body and soothing any parts of you he worried he grabbed too hard. After the act is done, he is quick to scoop you into his arms and hold you, showring your head with kisses and your ears with compliments.
Jon (more headcannons here)
Jon is a switch, so you get to have it both ways. You get the desperate to please Jon who begs to even touch you and who moans shamelessly at your touch. However, you also get the Jon who likes to grab you by your hips and bend you over any table or against any wall that’s closest.
His favourite thing is to watch you cum around him or because of him. Its his favourite part of the whole thing, watching your face contort into a mix of pain and pleasure as he finally allows you to reach your peak. That can take a bit though because this man lives for edging you and teasing the shit out of you. As you do with him. Despite loving to be cared for and praised he is a massive brat who whines when he does not instantly get what he wants.
Jons quite private about your sex life and it took him a while to admit to all his kinks to you. You knew he had a mommy kink from the beginning, but he refused to admit it for so long.
Sandor would never admit it but he fucking loves when his partner is a brat. He loves to put you in your place, pinning you down with ease and fucking you senseless. He loves to grab your hips and chest or to be gripping and pulling your hair. He just loves to be able to throw you around really. It was slightly inevitable because of his size but he loves the size difference between you.
Sex with him is always pretty rough. Your body is often littered with bruises that he refuses to admit are deliberate. He wants everyone to know you’re his whether that be by leaving a hickey or two on or neck or having you moan and scream his name.
At first, he is always wary during sex that his size may hurt you or that you could do better but eventually you are able to convince him you can handle it. he struggled to understand that you liked the feeling of his spankings or him choking you, but he was more than happy to comply. after sex though he is always very careful and makes sure you are okay. he will hold you or even bathe you depending on how rough he had been.
Podrick is the definition of a people pleaser. He’s very shy and unsure of himself to start but his shy and blushy nature is what endeared you. This man subs and he subs hard. He doesn’t hesitate to do exactly what you tell him too and he won’t stop till he’s told.
He loves your body. Like obsessed with it. he’s constantly praising how good you look and begging to touch you. He will kiss every inch of your skin when you let him. However, his lips always fall back to one place in particular. He will spend hours with you riding his face if you let him. If you’re not riding your face, he’s begging for you to ride him instead.
After he builds his confidence up, he sometimes will get a bit cocky and try dom you instead. Sometimes you let him and when you do, he will pin you down and fuck you senseless into the pillow. However, he does still love to see your face when he does. Other times you quickly remind him of his place and his bratting doesn’t last too long since he is as desperate to receive praise as he is to give it. After yous are done he loves to take turns holding you and being held. however, he’s always up for another round and your post sex cuddles will soon turn into round two or cock warming while he waits for you to be ready.
A/N: Gonna do another part next of some of the GOT girls. Any specific ppl you want included (guys or gals since I'll probably do more of the guys)
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jeyneofpoole · 7 months
jon snow (special interest is taxes) versus theon greyjoy (the reason that adderall was invented) little sad gayboy duel is happening in my mind always
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christinapotter09 · 2 years
Husband: this Jon Snow Show is so stupid, what are they thinking?
Me: Uhu...
Husband: I mean they fucked his character in Seasons 7 & 8, now what?
Me: Uhu...
Husband: What, it will be like him and Tormund's crazy adventures beyond the wall? there are no more Night Walkers anyway!
Me: Uhu...
Husband: You just want him to go down to Winterfell, find marry and love Sansa, give her 5-6 children....
Me: Uhu...
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
Listen, I may think that Show!Jon Snow is completely boring, but Book!Jon Snow will always have an iron grip around my neck.
“Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it.”
“He could tell she did not believe him. If I could show her Winterfell, he thought, give her a flower from the glass gardens, feast her in the Great Hall… We could bathe in the hot pools, and love beneath the heart tree while the old gods watched over us.”
“He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it (a son), he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me.”
All of it. He wants all of it. He wants a home, a wife, a child.
I just love seeing him fight the urge to be loved and lose.
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