#jonathan x sherwin
taruchinator · 1 year
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💗 General Audiences
💗 1.8k Words
💗 Written for @pridezine2022!
“Alright! You can take it off now!”
Following the instructions given to him, Sherwin went for the knot at the back of his head and pulled the blindfold away, and could only stare in bewilderment at the sight.
New Gate Middle School.
Jonathan had set up a small picnic blanket over the grass, their favorite foods served for them to enjoy a relaxing meal, as well as a single red apple on top of a copy of the brunet's favorite book: ‘The Picture Of Dorian’ by Oscar Wilde. “This is where it all began, right?”
Greetings everyone, Alice here! And a very happy Pride Month to you all! 🌈
This is a little something that's been sitting in my completed fics folder for a while, so I figured now would be the best time to show it off! It's a small story I wrote for a Pride Zine I participated in about a year ago featuring my favorite LGBTQ+ short film— In A Heartbeat! 💗
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“Jon, seriously! Where are we going?”
Sherwin giggled as he continued to walk aimlessly across an unknown territory, all the while being blindfolded and only having his boyfriend's soothing voice to guide him. He could feel the other's firm yet gentle grip on his shoulders, and a soft chuckle escaping the younger hispanic man's lips. “I promise, we're almost there!”
Today was Sherwin and Jonathan's 5th year anniversary. Because of this, the brunet had surprised the ginger that morning with some breakfast in bed and a short cuddle session before saying that there was a place he wanted to take him to. Ever since they left their apartment, Jonathan insisted that Sherwin wear a blindfold, as if not, then it would ruin the surprise.
And as such, the next thirty minute car drive toward the unknown location was filled with Sherwin asking questions, all in an attempt to take a guess as to where they were heading. Once they arrived, the brunet helped him out of the vehicle and the duo began walking. Hence their current situation, and Sherwin's growing anticipation.
He began to feel the texture of grass underneath his sneakers— even heard the occasional crunching of leaves, which shouldn't have been surprising considering autumn was right around the corner. The smell was of musky wet dirt, and for some reason the ginger thought it was very familiar.
After a couple more steps, Sherwin was forced to a stop, and heard a quick “Be right back!” before he heard the sound of footsteps moving ahead of him. It took less than a minute before he heard the voice again, this time filled with excitement that he didn't get to hear very often from his boyfriend. “Alright! You can take it off now!”
Following the instructions, the ginger went for the knot at the back of his head and pulled the blindfold away. It took a moment before his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, but when they did, all Sherwin could do was stare in bewilderment.
New Gate Middle School.
It was almost exactly the same as it was seven years ago. The entrance, the trees, the main pathway leading up to the large building with its iconic clock which ringed whenever classes were about to start.
It was all there.
A quick cough brought the ginger back to the present as he turned toward the hispanic man, and that's when he noticed it.
Jonathan had set up a small picnic blanket over the grass, their favorite foods served for them to enjoy a relaxing meal, as well as a single red apple on top of a copy of the brunet's favorite book: ‘The Picture Of Dorian’ by Oscar Wilde.
Sherwin could feel his heartbeat starting to race, but he forced himself to calm down. He's learned how to deal with the little troublemaker over the years. Yet still, he couldn't wipe the goofy grin off his face as he faced the man he loved. “Jonathan… this is…”
“Where it all began, right?” The hispano returned the loving smile as he gestured to the blanket, a silent invitation for him to sit down. Sherwin nodded and sat right next to his lover as they both enjoyed the calm breeze from under the tree— the same tree in which Jonathan had found Sherwin under all those years ago. “Figured you might like it.”
“Like it? I love it! But wait, how did we get in?” Sherwin's excitement changed to curiosity as his expression turned puzzled. Jonathan chuckled again, and then proceeded to show off the keys he had in his pockets. “Let's just say a teacher owed me a favor from a seminar I gave to his students a few months ago.”
That made sense. The brunet had decided to become a teacher due to his love of knowledge and helping children, so he made plenty of connections with other educators around the country, including some from their old middle school apparently.
Jonathan began adjusting himself on the blanket as he spoke. “I remember running outside to the courtyard trying to find you. It wasn't that hard when your hair is the shade of an orange.”
Sherwin chuckled in reply as he rubbed at the base of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah… I just wanted the earth to swallow me up so I could crawl in a hole and never be seen again.” And he truly did. The second-hand embarrassment he had felt back then from Jonathan as their classmates looked at them with judging eyes was too much for the 13-year-old to bear.
Noticing the sudden frown on the ginger's lips, the brunet quickly tried changing the subject to something more positive. “I didn't know what to think when you confessed, especially in front of everyone. So I just stood there and let people's opinions of me get in my head. And in the end I hurt you because of it. But… if none of it would've happened, I never would've gotten to know you! Nor would I have realized I was bi.”
Sherwin let the words sink in, and realized that his boyfriend was right.
After the incident, the brunet started asking him to hang out with him more often, which of course made the ginger both giddy and terrified all at once. They started getting to know each other— Sherwin learned even more things to love about Jonathan— and the hispanic boy began to enjoy the other's company to the point where some feelings began to develop whenever he was around him.
He could have never predicted Jonathan asking him out on their last day of school.
And as such, they started dating as soon as they entered high school, and have continued going strong even after graduating from college. The past five years had to have been some of the best in Sherwin's life, and it was all thanks to the man who sat next to him and loved him for who he was, despite how hard it was for him to believe.
Whenever the ginger had doubts, Jonathan would assure him that he loved him, and that he'd never regretted dating him even for one second. It was always nice to be reassured, especially with gestures like the ones from today.
“But… our anniversary isn't the only reason I brought you here.” Jonathan broke the comfortable silence in a soft voice, making Sherwin turn to him in confusion. For the first time since he's known him, the brunet seemed rather fidgety and nervous all of a sudden. It was cute, but still a bit odd. “Jon? Is everything okay?”
Jonathan shook his head and tried smiling assuringly. “Yeah, everything's fine! I just, um, didn't really plan this far ahead, hehe…”
Taking a deep breath, the hispano tried regaining his senses and took a hold of both of Sherwin's hands, making the ginger blush on the spot. Even after five years of dating, he'd never get used to physical contact like this. Jonathan looked into his boyfriend's eyes and held a firm gaze. “You know I love you, right?”
Another blush. Hearing the words leave his mouth would never stop feeling as magical as the first time. “Y-Yes, I know. And I love you too…”
Jonathan smiled. “Good. That's all that matters to me. You're all that matters to me.”
As they held onto each other, Jonathan continued talking. “I remember the day I saw you for the first time. I didn't talk to you or anything, just saw you in the bleachers with the rest of the marching band.”
Sherwin's face immediately felt like it was on fire. “W-Wait! You mean the first recital?! You were there?!”
Jonathan chuckled as he nodded. “Yup. You were in the back playing the triangle trying to keep up with everyone else. What made you stand out to me was that despite being out of rhythm, you started dancing along to the music. I thought you were the textbook definition of a nerd.”
With each word, Sherwin continued to grow red in embarrassment as he hid his face on his shoulder. “Man, I was making a fool of myself that day. Talk about making a good first impression…”
“That's exactly it, though! You made a great impression! You looked like a guy who didn't care what anyone thought of him— someone who wasn't afraid of being himself. I sorta admired that about you… And after we started dating and I got to know you, I realized just how sweet, funny, loyal and brave you were.” Jonathan finished that statement with a grin adorning his features, making him look even more handsome than he already was.
The ginger only smiled awkwardly at all the compliments as he avoided eye contact. “I wouldn't really call myself brave, though. I was always so scared of people finding out I had a crush on you… I was so scared you'd find out.”
Jonathan smiled once more as he leaned close to the young man. “But you listened to your heart. And even though it was a bit of a mess at first, you never backed out from what you said because you meant it. So I'm not backing out either.”
Letting go of one of Sherwin's hands, the brunet went for his pocket, and brought out a small blue velvet box. The ginger froze at the sight. “Is that…?”
Jonathan brought the box between them, and opened it to reveal a shiny silver band. Sherwin's cheeks started feeling wet for some reason. “Sherwin, I love you. And after thinking about it for so long, I realized that I want to love you and wake up next to you every day of my life. Which is why I need to ask… will you marry me?”
The ginger stared at Jonathan as he felt the tears trickling down his cheeks. The brunet seemed nervous, holding the box firmly between them with slightly shaking hands. Almost as if he were afraid that Sherwin would say no. Like that would ever happen.
“Y-Yes! Oh my god Jon, yes!” Sherwin finally found his words as he leaped into his beloved's arms and held on tight, never wanting to let go.
Jonathan returned the embrace almost immediately as he started his own mixture of laughing and sobbing. “God the suspense was killing me! You better not do that to me at the altar, you hear me?”
“Can't make any promises if you make another speech like that!”
“Just shut up and let me kiss you!”
And so, they did. Soft lips conveyed a thousand words between them as they held onto each other like they'd never let go.
Looking into the past would always be scary to Sherwin. There were lots of things he wasn't proud of, nor wanted to remember again because of the horrible experiences his peers put him through simply because he was interested in boys.
But still, the past was what made him who he was. And it led him to the present he had today. A beautiful present, in which he was loved by the man of his dreams.
And if that wasn't good enough, then he didn't know what would be.
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cora0rr3m · 2 years
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(click for better quality)
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okamarinosuzoki · 2 years
Secret Feelings (Jonathan/Sherwin)
Jonathan was amazing, which was the reason Sherwin had fallen in love with him. [Jonathan/Sherwin]
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just-trash-talks · 2 years
Am I the only one that think that Sherwin and Jonathan form "In a heartbeat" are literally Bart and Jaime??? Yes?? Good
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elweyadriam · 2 years
Okay, how about...
Jonathan: Violence will never be the solution, it's better to settle things the right way.
X: Sherwin is an idiot.
*15 minutes later*
Sherwin: *grabbing Jonathan by the waist* J-Jona, easy, let's just get out of here.
(Let's pretend the last paragraph is in Spanish)
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honeycloves-art · 4 years
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a lovely night at home
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lost-boys-things · 5 years
Animated LGBT couples
Well, this the part 2 of a post with LGBT couples for Pride Month that I forgot to do, as I said before not all are canon or confirmed or whatever but my personal interpretation, go on:
Jonathan & Sherwin (In a Heartbeat)
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Timon & Pumbaa (The Lion King)
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Harold & Howard (The Loud House)
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Izumo & Kotetsu (Naruto)
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Touya & Yukito (CardCaptor Sakura)
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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (Batman)
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Nathaniel & Marc (Miraculous Ladybug)
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Utena & Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
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Luna & Sam (The Loud House)
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Zeb & Kallus (Star Wars Rebels)
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Well, that's it and as always you can add the couples that I forgot or those you feel need to be here
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gabs-diseno-blog · 6 years
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Hablando de pequeños fanarts... eh aquí mi pequeñísima aportación (o al menos el lineart) de una versión adolescente y genderbender de Jonathan (Joan) y Sherwin (Cherie).
Espero pronto subir la versión final!
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traaaaashboat · 7 years
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cora0rr3m · 1 year
Me hyperventilating bcs im trying not to see sp ships such as: tweek x craig, stan x kyle as sherwithan: (you shall not interfere its a canon event)
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“I’m sorry too.”
“I miss you. Where are you? And I’m so sorry" Jon’s been avoiding Sherwin for a few days. No relationship is perfect and Hiding who you are can be overwhelming. 
Don’t repost please
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jlyarts · 7 years
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tunabuna · 7 years
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so much thanks to @inaheartbeat-film for making something so so beautiful :’) 
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azulso · 7 years
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What if?
I really love @inaheartbeat-film It makes my laugh and cry
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brokenarrows21 · 7 years
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unicornioazulx · 7 years
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Support the art!!!!
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