#jooheon oneshot fluff
jooheonspinky · 2 years
Got my Number
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Characters: Jooheon x Female Reader
Genre: idol!au, fluff, smut
Synopses: A trip to see Monsta X in concert turns out to be so much more than expected.
Word Count: 10.9K
Playlist: https://youtu.be/3aSeACXczwY
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“I’m gonna go down to the gym for a bit,” I announce as I step out of the bathroom. “Wanna come?”
Draping a towel over my shoulders, I face my cousin, who is lying on the bed still snuggled beneath the comforter, a Kindle blocking her face from view.
Peaking over the device, her lips turn down, “Meh, no thanks.”
I let out a chuff in amusement even as I grab my phone and room key.
“Welp, I’ll be down there for an hour or two if you change your mind.”
I chuckle to myself, quite certain she didn’t actually hear what I said. She is already lost in whatever book she is currently reading. We’d driven down together to attend the long-awaited Monsta X concert. We had held on to our excitement until we arrived, the worry that it would be postponed, yet again, nagging at the back of our minds. All that pent-up anxiousness needed an outlet, and the gym would be the perfect place for me to get rid of some of it. 
The event was tonight, but 7:30 seemed so far away, it only being 9 am. There was no way I could wait. Taking the elevator down to the first floor, it’s not long before I’m swiping my card against the black reader and stepping into the hotel’s gym. Thankfully it’s empty, and some of the tension in my shoulders loosens up. I make my way straight for the treadmill, popping in my earbuds as I begin to play an audiobook. 
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An hour later, I’m just about to step off of the treadmill and move on to work out my arms when I hear the door click shut. Dabbing at the sweat on my face, I remove the earbuds and decide to leave instead. Looking up as I pick up my phone and room key to at least offer a smile to the incomer, I freeze for the briefest of moments as my eyes make contact with the person. 
It’s freaking Jooheon!
He smiles back but frowns as I pass by him quickly, ducking my head as I make my way towards the exit. There is no way I am staying in there…alone…with him. Nope. Screw arms today!
“가지마 (Gajima-Don’t go).” He doesn’t say it loud, but it’s enough that I can still hear him. It’s almost as if he is testing me. Maybe to see if I would respond or keep going? Either way, it doesn’t matter. Just hearing his voice has me instantly stopping and turning to face him. “You understood me?” he asks, surprised. “You know Korean?”
I shake my head, my heart beating so loud he sounds a bit muffled to my ears. “No. I can’t speak it fluently, but I do know some words.” Then, tilting my chin towards him, I add, ”That one word you said is one of them.”
He smiles sweetly, his eyes turning to little slits as he waves me over.
“So you will stay? We can work out together.”
“Uhm, are you sure?” I ask even as I look around, wondering if I’m being pranked.
“Yes, come on. I’m Jooheon,” he reaches his hand out.
“I kn-” I stop myself, wanting to give him the opportunity to have a normal interaction. Instead, I slip my hand into his, and he shakes it gently.  ”I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you,” he grins happily.
“Nice to meet you,” I chortle, then clear my throat. “I’m glad you asked me to stay. I kinda wanted to do arms anyway.”
“Ok!” he says, jubilantly clapping his hands loudly together. “I spot you; you spot me.”
I can’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm.
“You can spot me, but there is no way I’ll be able to help you if one of those bars comes down on your throat.”
He just laughs, “We won’t be using barbells.”
“Oh,” I say quietly as my cheeks warm. 
He hands me a set of dumbells, and we start, going through various arm exercises that he guides us through. By the third rep, he’s standing behind me, tapping my shoulders lightly.
“Don’t bring them to your ears. Just relax.”
I nod my head, “Got it.”
We continue on, working through various dumbbell arm exercises. I take every tip and suggestion he provides, and I’m grateful the workout has my face flushed because every word of encouragement and praise he throws my way has me overheating.
Forty minutes pass when the repetitions become more difficult to complete. I push through the burn, wondering if my heavy breathing is from the exertion or his proximity as I begin to struggle. I grit my teeth, my arms trembling through the last few v-raises as they become much too difficult to execute.
“You got it,” he cheers me on. “You're doing so good.”
“I can’t,” I groan, wanting to drop the equipment but hating to disappoint him.
“Yes, you can,” he urges as he sets his own weights down. “Let me help you a little bit.”
Jooheon steps behind me, his body so close I can actually feel the heat radiating from him. His arms extend, and I watch through the mirror as the palms of his hands glide across my skin before gently pressing up at my elbows. His breath blows across my ear, and I have to bite down on my lower lip to suppress a sigh and a shiver. Swallowing thickly, my eyes shut in order to block out the image of us in the mirror.
“OK,” I say more to myself as I try to clear my head.
“Don’t forget to breathe.” 
My eyes open, and he smirks at me through the mirror as if he knows the very inappropriate thoughts that are running through my mind.
“Right,” I nod, unable to think of anything else to say, and my face reddens even more as I try to look anywhere but at our reflections.
We lift together, his hands just barely touching me now as I focus on raising my arms without his help. We get through five before he takes the dumbbells from me.
“Good work,” he beams proudly as he puts the weights away. “I have to go now,” he informs me after glancing at his watch. “I have a concert tonight.”
“Yeah, I know,” I smile. “I’ll be there.”
“Really?” The smile he throws my way is so pleased; his eyes have disappeared into little slits again. “What seats do you have?” I tell him, and he tsks. “Let me get you something closer. I’ll leave a ticket for you at the box, ok?”
“You don’t have to,” I try and decline, not wanting him to think I want to take advantage of him.
“Let me, ok?” he insists with a pout. He looks around and grabs a brochure and pen that were near the door. “Put your first and last name here and phone number.”
“I’m here with my cousin….”
“There’s no problem. I’ll leave two tickets.”
I take the brochure and pen and find a spot where I can write my name and phone number. 
“Here you go.”
Taking it back, Jooheon asks, “Do you want to come up and have dinner with me after the concert?”
   Taken aback, I try to push down the panic and excitement as I battle within myself, wanting to say hell the fuck yes vs. I really really shouldn’t.
I mumble, “Mmm, I don’t know….”
“ I promise to be perfect gentleman.”
The glint in his eyes is telling me the opposite, and I smirk cocking an eyebrow at him, not hiding the fact that I don’t believe him. He shrugs and winks.
“Ok. Fine,” I find myself saying, a nervous flutter tickling my stomach.
“OK,” he repeats with a grin. “I’ll see you at the concert and then after.”
He slips on a face mask. Then, placing a hat over his sweaty locks, he draws the bill down low and walks me out the doors. 
“Thanks for the workout,” he murmurs through the face mask as he stops outside the gym.
“Anytime,” I shrug with a smile
“I’m going this way. Bye-bye.”
“Bye.” I walk in the opposite direction, a dazed smile on my face. By the time I step into my room, I’m wondering if the interaction has all been just a daydream. My cousin stretches drowsily in the bed but then sits up straight as her gaze lands on me.
“What happened?”
I plop down into the desk chair and wheel around to face her, my eyes still wide.
“You are never going to believe this,” I shake my head. “I’m still not sure that I even believe it myself, to be honest.”
“What is it?” she insists, pulling back the covers to let her feet plant firmly on the carpeted floor. “You’re making me nervous.”
“Guess who I saw at the gym?”
She eyes me warily even as she offers “Monsta X” with a snicker.
I cock an eyebrow at her, and she stills.
“You saw Monsta X in the gym?!”
“Not all of them, just Jooheon.”
“Jooheon?!” she nearly screeches. “As in your ultimate bias?”
I can’t help but grin now as I nod and tell her everything that happened. Suddenly my heart falls heavily into my stomach.
“I just realized he didn’t tell me his room number! How am I going to meet up with him after the concert?”
“Don’t freak out. You said you gave him your number, so maybe he’s going to call you. On the other hand, he’s probably just trying to play it safe,” she points out. “You just met, so it’s not like he can fully trust you.”
“That’s true,” I allow. 
“Now, go take a shower and get yourself a nap. I have a feeling this is going to be a loooong night for you,” she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at me.
“Stop,” I whine. 
“I’m just sayin’,” she shrugs. “Your boy deserves the Gluck Gluck 3000, so Imma need you to deliver.”
“Oh my God,” I groan with a huff.
I shove her playfully, my face flushing pink at the insinuations. She falls onto the bed, clutching at her belly as she cackles boisterously. Her laughter is still audible even after I close the bathroom door behind me.
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“That was amazing!” my cousin sighs blissfully beside me as we make our way to the car.
I hum in agreement, my heart still racing from the experience of the hi-wave and the send-off.
“It sure was.”
“Your boy really had a hard time keeping his eyes away from you,” she bumps me playfully. I could only giggle because she was right. “That one time he crouched down next to us?” She shakes her head. “I have no idea how you are still alive right now.”
“I’m not,” I clutch at my chest. “This is my ghost you’ve been talking to since this morning, actually.”
“Well, you better get back into your body, girl,” she chuckles as we approach the vehicle. “Joohoney is going to need you alive and well.”
We both burst into laughter as we get into the car. While she drives off, I rummage through the totes we were given when we arrived at the venue. 
“That was really nice of him to leave us gifts,” I murmur as I dig through the beanie, shirt, and baseball cap until I reach what I’m searching for. I take out the photocards and look at them again. “Having the guys autograph the PC’s, too? He really didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah. That was super sweet. I know I’m not alone in thinking we would have been just as happy with only the tickets,” she smiles, genuinely touched by the gesture.
“No, I agree, for sure.”
The ride back was quick, the hotel only being ten minutes from the venue. I take a quick shower, and it’s not long after that I’m standing in front of the full-length mirror eyeing myself, disappointed sighs slipping past my lips as I turn this way and that. I am not satisfied no matter which angle I present to the mirror.
It’s not like I had actually planned on meeting any of the members of Monsta X, so I hadn’t brought anything fancy to wear. In fact, I was dressed the complete opposite of fancy. I was extremely casual in a pair of dark blue regular fit jeans, the flesh of my thighs and knees peeking through the random rips on the material. My top was simple, an olive green v-neck t-shirt that I tried to dress up with the same jewelry I had worn to the concert: a silver necklace with a bee charm that dangles delicately just above my cleavage, the Jooheon version of the TTG bracelet on my right wrist.
“He already saw you sweaty and in workout clothes,” my cousin tsks at me. “Stop bashing yourself. You look great.”
“Ugh,” I groan in exasperation. “Did you see how some Monbebe were dressed? They were gorgeous. How can I compete with that? That’s probably why he hasn’t called. He took one good look at me at the hi-wave and was like, ‘nah’.”
My cousin tugs me to the bed, and we both fall back onto it.
“You need to get those negative thoughts out of your head,” she commands firmly. “He gave you better seats; he gave you a swag bag,” she counts off on her fingers. Then looking at me, she adds, “He asked you to eat with him…while you were both funky from working out. He’s gonna call.”
I meet her gaze and see assurance staring back at me. I try and fight back a smile but fail miserably.
“Well, when you put it like-”
An instrumental version of “Magnetic” cuts me off and we both gasp, shooting up off of the bed.
“Oh shit!” my cousin exclaims. “Pick it up! Hurry.”
“What if it’s not him?” I fret as I snatch up my phone. “It says ‘Unknown Caller’.”
“Really?” my cousin deadpans. “Who else would be calling damn near midnight?”
I chuckle sheepishly and swipe my finger across the screen to accept the call.
“Hello?” I answer as nonchalantly as possible.
“Hello. Is this Y/N Y/LN? “Yes. It is. Who am I speaking with?”
I look up to see my cousin grinning across from me as the unfamiliar voice comes through the speaker of my cellphone.
“My name is Alex with the Monsta X US security team. I’m calling on behalf of Jooheon. If you are still interested in accepting the invitation, he extended to you, then please meet me at the elevator lobby of the 8th floor.”
“Yeah,” I nod dumbly. “Yes. I’m still interested. I’m just a few floors down, so I’ll be up in a minute.”
“Ok. I’ll see you then.”
The call disconnects, and I grab my cousin’s hands and squeal in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She laughs and pulls me in for a hug.
“Don’t forget to breathe,” she grins. “And whatever they make you sign, just know that shit don’t apply to me, right? I need every little detail from the moment you walk into his room to the moment you leave. Got that?”
I giggle as she walks me to the door, “Oh, for sure.”
“Ok, here’s your key card, and you have your phone.” Hands on my shoulders, her eyes lock onto mine as her tone becomes serious. “If you become uncomfortable, or shit goes sideways, you call me. I don’t give a fuck what time it is. I took my shit off Do Not Disturb just for you, bitch.”
I smile fondly at her, “Well, I guess you really do love me. You don’t take your phone off Do not Disturb for no one.”
“You got that right.”
“But seriously, yes. I will call you if anything goes wrong.”
Giving me another hug, she opens the door for me.
“Now go have fun,” she winks as she wiggles her fingers at me.
I can only laugh as I step out into the hall and make my way to the elevators. Inside, I swipe the card, press the eight, and watch as it lights up. I feel my heart begin to beat unnaturally fast as butterflies flutter furiously in my belly. I’m so focused on breathing to relax that I jump when the elevator pings and the doors open. So much for calming my heart rate.
Waiting a few steps away from the doors is a man dressed in all black, possibly in his later 20s or early 30s. He motions with his hand for me to approach him. I step off of the elevator and hear the doors close softly behind me.
“You’re name?” he asks, and I answer automatically as I look around. There was no one else in this area. “ID, please.” I frown but open my phone case to provide him a view of my driver’s license. He nods, and I close the case. “I’m Alex. We’re just going to move over to the hallway. I have a form I need you to fill out. Do you know what an NDA is?” I nod. “Great. I just need you to read over it. If you agree with the terms, just sign the bottom, and you are good to go.”
“Ok,” I reply meekly.
As we come out of the lobby, we make a right into the hallway, where there is a table. Another man is sitting there, and he passes Alex a clipboard with a sheet of paper and a pen. I glance passed them to see a young woman in a pink halter top that exposes her toned abdomen. The matching mini circle skirt reveals a pair of long shapely legs. The white platform shoes she wears accentuate her lovely calves. She is absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t help but feel insecure about how I look compared to her. 
I watch as the door she’s in front of opens, and the smile on her face widens as she steps in. Whoever answers speaks too softly for me to make out which member she was there to see. 
“Here you go,” Alex draws my attention back to him as he hands me the clipboard. 
I smile weakly at him, “Thanks.”
Looking down at the sheets in front of me, I swallow thickly as I skim over the words. I would not be able to post about the encounter on social media. I would not be permitted to post pictures taken during my time with Jooheon. If I violated the terms of the agreement, I would be fined. Depending on the extent of the information released, I could also be sued. I had no plans on blabbing about my time with Jooheon…except with my cousin. No one would believe me anyway. Signing at the bottom, I return the clipboard to Alex.
“Thanks,” he smiles down at me as he passes it to the other person. “Come on.” I follow quietly behind him, my palms beginning to grow clammy. “You can keep your cellphone, but keep in mind what you just signed. Anything that happens once you are with the artist cannot be shared in any form on social media. You cannot speak to journalists or the news. Got it?”
I nod, “Got it.”
“Ok, go ahead and knock,” he instructs. “Have a good night.”
“Thanks. You, too,” I reply as he begins to walk away.
Taking a deep breath, I bring my hand up to rap my knuckles against the door. I catch sight of my watch lighting up with 00:00 just as the door opens. I feel my entire body shut down as Jooheon comes into my line of vision. When I see that he is dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black and white striped tank top, not something fancy, my body restarts, and I offer him a bashful smile.
“Come in,” he smiles back as he widens the door. “The food’s already here. Is that ok?” I look over at the coffee table in the center of the room to find it loaded with various containers of food, two shot glasses, and several bottles of soju chilling in a bucket of ice. “I was missing home, so the staff sent up Korean food.”
“I like Korean,” I nod as he draws me in closer to the food after closing and locking the door behind us. “Oh, uhm, my shoes,” I pause before going any further.
“You can leave them by the door, or you can keep them on if you want.”
I glance over my shoulder to see his shoes by the door, so I go back to leave mine right next to his. 
“So what exactly do we have?” I ask as he guides me to sit on the carpeted floor.
He hands me a pair of chopsticks and then begins to open everything, naming the different dishes as he goes. 
“This is tteokbokki, and this is mandu. Here is tonkatsu. I also have bap, uh rice, and salad.”
He smiles at me, and I glance over everything, looking for a plate of my own. Not finding one, I look back up at Jooheon.
“Uhm…is there a plate…”
He chuckles endearingly at me, a small hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes.
“No, no. We share food. We eat together from same plates.”
Right. Here’s to hoping I don’t make a mess in front of the one person I admire so much.
“OK,” I look down at everything nervously.
Jooheon grabs his phone and loads a slow R&B playlist, adjusting the volume down low before setting his phone on the table. At first, we ate quietly, letting the music fill the hushed space. I’m too focused on making sure I don’t drop anything I find I don’t feel awkward anymore. With the smooth, melodic tunes playing soothingly around us, it actually feels quite comfortable, and I let myself relax. It’s not so bad being close to him, so close our knees keep brushing against each other as we reach over for different assortments of food. No, it’s not so bad when I’m not looking directly at his face.
“It’s good, right?” Jooheon catches my attention just as I bring a thick piece of tteokbokki into my mouth.
“Mhmm,” I hum with a few nods as I try to chew through the gummy morsel enough to be able to swallow it down so I can offer a proper reply. Jooheon chuckles as I clear my throat. “Everything is so good. I skipped dinner, I’m surprised I didn’t pass out during the concert,” I admit. “But I’m glad I didn’t eat before because this is soo yummy, and I wouldn’t have had room for it.”
“Oh! Come, you have a little something….” Jooheon murmurs distractedly even as his hand reaches out towards my face. My eyes widen, and my breath catches in my throat as he palms my cheek. Just when I was starting to feel at ease, I groan internally. I feel the blood drain from my face as I wonder: Is it time? Is this his way of telling me he’s ready to…to… His eyes flick to mine, searching as he says, “You’re shaking. Are you cold?” I swallow thickly, my cheeks flushing slightly as heat creeps back up. I shake my head, and his brow wrinkles as he assures, “I’m not gonna hurt you, ya know?”
I nod, “I know.” Unable to take the intensity of his gaze any longer, I look down at my hands. Not liking that I caused him concern, I let out a shaky breath, admitting, “I just…I like you too much, so I’m just… I’m really nervous.”
Jooheon uses his index finger to lift my chin, gently forcing me to look back up at him. “But you don’t even know me.”
The slight smile he gives me deepens his dimples, but the gesture does not fool me. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes, and the ache in my heart at his tone tells of the weight the words carry. He’s right, though. I don’t know him. Not really. I see what he allows the world to see, the version of him the company portrays. But that’s just a part of him, not all.
His thumb wipes away whatever had been at the corner of my mouth, and I watch, entranced as he brings the digit to his mouth. My own lips fall slightly open when he begins to suck at his thumb, my breathing growing a smidge heavier. My thoughts stutter to a halt, and my tongue swipes slowly across my lips. Jooheon winks, removing his thumb and returning to eating as if nothing had just happened. 
Meanwhile, my heart struggles to settle down, my core is throbbing, and my underwear is beginning to grow unpleasantly damp. The rice cakes I’d just been munching on seem unnaturally thick now as my throat grows dry. I reach over for a bottle of water. Twisting off the cap, the contents are nearly gone before I realize Jooheon is watching me with a bemused smile.
“What?” I awkwardly wipe the back of my hand across my moist lips.
He chuckles, and it does nothing to help my sudden unquenchable thirst.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, a closed smile showing just how tickled he is with me. “Ready for some soju?”
Maybe that would help relax me. 
“Let’s go!”
I grab a piece of tonkatsu and watch him as he takes one of the green bottles from the ice bucket. First, he swirls the bottle around creating a little tornado inside. Next, Jooheon flips the bottle upside down and knocks the bottom with his elbow. As he brings it right-side up, he twists off the cap, and then, opening his index and middle finger, he jabs at the neck of the bottle, spilling a very small amount onto the table.
“Oh!” I exclaim, pleased by the display. “Fancy.” 
“To Y/N, for coming to see Monsta X and cheering so loudly.”
I laugh as he serves me a shot, but as he moves to pour one for himself, I stop him.
“Let me.” Jooheon’s eyebrows rise, but he doesn’t stop me. “I might not know much about your culture, but I do know you’re not supposed to pour your own shot.”
“Ok, you know what’s up.” The impressed smile on his face makes my own widen. 
I cup the bottle in both hands and pour him a shot. “To Jooheon, who worked so hard and always does his best to give us great music.”
“Aish, I’m honored, but none of that two-hands stuff, ok? We are friends, right?” 
“Uh, yes?”
He sucks his teeth at me, pretending to be upset, and I can’t help but snicker. We both pick up our shot glasses, and he lifts his up towards me. 
“Geonbae!” I parrot.
I giggle as he clinks his glass with mine before we both throw back the shots. I suppress a shiver as the liquor slightly burns a warm path down to my stomach.
“Good?” Jooheon cocks an eyebrow at me.
“Real good,” I admit. “Another?”
He pours me another shot, and I do the same for him. We swallow those up, and I can feel the liquor already easing my nerves. He says I don’t know him, but would it even be possible for me to change that? After tonight, would it even matter if I knew who he was besides Monsta X’s Joohoney? I decide that, even if it’s just for a few hours, it is worth knowing the man that’s sitting right next to me.
“So,” I speak up, using liquid courage. “How have you been?”
Jooheon looks up mid-bite, “Well, we’ve been real busy preparing for the concert. I’ve been working hard on perfecting my steps….”
“I’m sorry,” I stop him. “While it’s nice to know about your work, I’m not here to interview you. I don’t want to know about Joohoney. I want to know how Lee Jooheon is.”
His eyes squint at me, his index finger pressing pensively at his lips. Had I overstepped? Maybe he didn’t understand? I only meant for him to feel like a person, not an idol, if even for tonight. I open my mouth to clarify, but at the same moment, he straightens up, and the warm smile returns to his face.
“Ok,” he starts. “Thank you for asking about me. I appreciate that.” He pats his chest as he says this. “I actually been doing really good. Of course, I miss my family, and just like anyone, I have days when things are a bit too much in my head, but now I have ways to help me work through it, so…” he shrugs.
“That’s really good to hear. I can’t imagine living the life you do,” I shake my head. “It just all seems so overwhelming.”
“Idol life is a tough one, that’s for sure, but I get to travel, meet new people, and make music, which is what I love to do. No one ever got to live their dream without some hard work, so it all seems worth it for me.”
We go back and forth, asking each other questions for some time before we realize we’ve gone through three bottles of soju. I’d been having so much fun getting to know the “real” Jooheon that the time just blew by. I’m already feeling a little fuzzy in my brain and definitely far more relaxed than when I first came in. 
Nodding my head to his latest reply, I then ask, “Ok, so what have you watched recently that you think I should watch, too?” 
“Ya! That reminds me. I was hoping we could watch a movie,” he says as he starts to get up and clear off the bottles and containers of food. “Unless you have to go….”
“No. I can stay,” I reply, maybe a little too quickly, even after I glance at my watch to see it’s almost 1:30 in the morning. Despite the food and alcohol, I’m surprised to find I’m not sleepy at all.
“Are you sure? What about your friend?” he asks, a bit too casually.
“My cousin,” I correct. “And she’s fine.”
“Ok, ok. Well, I’ll just clean up here, and we can start it.”
I help him clean up the remaining garbage. His room was different than mine in that it had a living room area, and the bedroom was separate. I glance around for a bathroom. All that alcohol was wreaking havoc on my bladder.
“Is it ok if I use the bathroom?” 
“Yeah, sure.” He tips his chin towards the open doorway beside the couch. “It’s in there.” I make my way there but stop at the entrance. Peering in, I’m surprised to see everything so tidy. I’m not sure why I’m so amazed by the neatness of the space. I just figured an idol is too busy to clean up, clothes and snacks strewn everywhere. But this looks like no one had even slept in this room yet. “It’s ok. You can go in.”
I look over my shoulder to see Jooheon smiling reassuringly at me as he wipes his hands on his jeans. He shoos me with his hands, and I head straight into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
The bathroom is clean as well, a light scent of men’s shower gel clinging to the air still. As I sit to relieve myself, I shoot my cousin a quick text.
ME: Everything's good. Jooheon’s super sweet, and we’re having a really good time just talking and drinking.
I set my phone down, finishing up, not expecting a reply, but as I button up, I hear the vibrations on the bathroom counter. Washing my hands, I dry them quickly and open the new message.
COUSIN: Talking and Drinking? Is that what adults are calling it these days? 😜
ME: 😅Nope. Everything is still PG. We are about to watch a movie.
COUSIN: 🤭Enjoy the “movie” I’ll be here reading for a bit more. Call me if you need me.
ME: I will 😘
Locking my phone, I slip it into my back pocket and look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are literally glittering in the bathroom light, and my cheeks hold a blush that tells of the laughter and maybe the alcohol we had been partaking in. I smile giddily at myself, whispering, “holy shit!” as I turn around and exit the bathroom, only to halt in place as I switch off the light.
Jooheon is sitting up in bed, legs crossed at the ankles and phone in hand as he loads a movie he is casting from the device. 
“Hey! Just in time,” he waves me over. “Come. Sit.”
“We’re going to watch it here?” I fidget with the hem of my shirt.
“Yes,” he shrugs as he stands. “Comfier. Sit. My turn,” he points behind me.
He squeezes my shoulder as he walks past me and into the bathroom. I approach the bed and look down at it. Jooheon slept here, I think to myself. I’m going to be sitting on the same bed as Lee Jooheon…with Lee Jooheon, I correct. 
Shaking my head, I force the thoughts out, put my phone on the nightstand, and climb onto the bed. By now, I think I’ve pretty much given up on the idea that anything will happen between us. Maybe he was not looking for someone to fuck tonight. Perhaps he was just wanting to have a casual night with someone outside of Monsta X. Someone to do ‘friendship’ things with. That would make sense why he picked me versus any of the pretty Monbebe I saw today. I try not to feel too disappointed as I make myself comfortable. Either way, I was having fun just hanging out with him. Propping up a few pillows behind me, I’m adjusting my shirt when he comes out. 
“Ready?” he asks as he turns off the light in the room.
“Yeah, what are we watching?”
“One of my favorite movies, if that’s ok? It’s called ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.’ Have you seen it?”
“Never heard of it,” I admit.
“진짜 (jinjja)?!”
Jooheon’s mouth drops open, his eyes wide as he stares at me. I cover my mouth as I try to hold back a giggle. He looks so cute when he looks at me with that shocked expression.
“Yeah, really,” I snicker.
“Yah! You have no idea what you’re missing!” He’s swift to sit next to me on the bed and press play from his phone. “Let’s get it!”
I let out a little laugh but quiet down as the audio begins. The movie draws me in as I feel myself relating to the male protagonist. The quirkiness of the female protagonist soon has me laughing at her antics. It’s not long before the sweetness of the blossoming relationship takes a dramatic turn.
“What?!” I scrunch my face. “Why is he crying? Was there a time jump I missed?”
Jooheon chuckles, “You have to watch and see.” I purse my lips at him, and this makes him laugh. “Stop,” he bumps my shoulder. “I won’t spoil it for you.” He pats my hand and then laces his fingers with mine. I look down at them, loving how natural it feels. Sobering up, he asks, “Is this ok?”
I nod, murmuring, “Yeah.”
We both return our attention to the movie, but my heart has started fluttering behind my ribcage. His hand is so soft, warm against mine, and I love how it feels. 
“Wait, I thought this was a rom-com,” I stiffen when things become a little strange. “Is this actually a scary movie?”
“I told you I’m not going to spoil it,” he smirks at me. “Are you scared?”
I shake my head, “I wouldn’t say scared, but maybe a little…on edge. It seems like it’s going the way of horror.”
Jooheon presses his lips together to keep his features from giving anything away. 
“I can hold you if you want. You know, if you’re scared?”
“N-” I stop myself. Am I really turning down the opportunity to be held by the one person I believe to be the most handsome man in the world? When will I have this chance again? “I mean, if that’s ok with you….”
“Yeah, come.” 
Jooheon lets go of my hand, patting the space in front of his now spread legs. I try to force any inappropriate thoughts from my head as I maneuver over his leg in order to sit where he directs me. I nestle against his torso and fight to hide a smile as he snakes an arm across my chest while his other hand settles on my hip.
Instead of feeling awkward, the position feels comfortable, and we continue to watch the movie. Occasionally the hand at my hip would squeeze, and I swear it was as if he were touching me directly in my most intimate place. Then, halfway through the movie, when he shifts his arm to stretch it, he accidentally grazes over my breast, and I audibly inhale as a jolt of electricity shoots down straight to my core. 
Jooheon stiffens for a moment. The handle I believed I had on my impure thoughts seems to disappear, and my hips shift, seeking any sort of friction to soothe the ache that had been building between my legs the whole night. Jooheon draws in a shaky breath just as his hands glide down my ribcage and to my hips. A grunt escapes my lips when he hooks his fingers into my belt loops and tugs me up high and tighter against him.
“Well damn,” I breathe.
The soft chuckle he lets out into my ear has my eyes closing. My tongue swipes slowly across my lips as his hands trail back up to cup my breasts.
“You want me to stop,” he murmurs, “just tell me.”
I nod my understanding, whispering back, “It’s ok,” as if I were afraid the spell would break.
Those beautiful hands of his that I had always admired in photographs or from my screen now squeeze at my covered tits, and I can’t even keep from arching into his palms, soft moans spilling from my lips. He reaches down for the hem of my shirt, and for a second, I feel panic. The thought of this man seeing me without clothes just seems so overwhelmingly out of this world. It’s something I never imagined would ever happen that, even as it’s currently going on, my brain just cannot wrap itself around it. He shimmies the shirt up and over my head, and I’m grateful that the only light comes from the tv. 
Jooheon picks up the necklace from my chest and asks, “Did you wear this for me?”
I can hear the smile in his words as he toys with the little bee charm.
“Yes,” I glance away from his fingers.
“That’s cute.”
“Stop,” I blush.
Jooheon chuckles then nips at the top of my ear as he drops the necklace. I let out a gasp when he returns his attention to my bra-covered globes. His thumbs brush over my nipples, the nubs instantly hardening even more. I grip onto his thighs, trying to find something to steady me. The muscle there is thick, hard beneath my palms, and my mind conjures up some very erotic images of me riding one of his thighs.
Wasting no more time, his fingers trace a path down to my jeans, where they deftly release the button. My breath catches as my attention hyper-focuses on his hand as he slides the zipper down and then slips beneath the hem of my underwear. The instant the pad of his finger glides over my clit, a shock of electric heat shoots throughout my body. The sensations feel way too good; I can no longer hold my head up and let it fall against his chest.
Jooheon delves lower and soon discovers exactly just how much I am enjoying everything so far. A mixture of a purr and groan rumbles in his throat as he swirls his finger around my juices, pulling a moan from me. Bringing his focus back to my most sensitive bundle of nerves, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind. His movements are slow at first, stoking the embers that he had already lit with his previous ministrations. I don’t even realize he’s brought a hand back up to one of my breasts until he’s pinching at my nipple. He pulls the cup down, removing the barrier, and the warmth of his hand directly on my flesh is searing hot. His thumb flicks rapidly against the pebbled nub, and the fingers at my clit also pick up the pace. 
“Oh, God!” 
I rut against his fingers, my cheeks flushing with heat not only from the pleasure that is building but also from shame. I am utterly mortified at how desperate I am for him. Yet, at the same time, I can’t stop myself. My hips roll of their own accord, faster, more desperately, and I push away all thoughts seeking more of what he is offering. I focus on how good he is making me feel. His slim fingers, slick with my arousal, slide so smoothly over my sensitive bud, making my back arch and my eyes to close tightly.
“Shit,” I pant.
I can feel his erection poking at my back, and I wish so badly he would just fuck me with it already. 
“That’s it,” he presses his plush lips to the back of my neck. “Just let go.”
He sucks at my ear, moaning softly as his fingers speed up. I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to quiet my moans.
“Let me hear you, baby.” Jooheon’s voice is low, gravelly with lust. “Say my name.”
I gasp loudly as stars burst behind my eyelids. A flood of warmth shoots through my body, and my hands push roughly down on his as my clit throbs.
“Oh, fuck, Jooheon!” I grit out as he brings me over the edge. “Jooheon!”
My hips jut forward a few more times as his fingers try to move beneath the vice-like pressure my hand has on his wanting to drag out my release. As over sensitivity soon takes over, I pull his hand away and attempt to catch my breath. Jooheon kisses my head tenderly, his hands soothingly coasting up and down my arms as he waits for me to come down from my high.
Holy shit! I think to myself. Did that just really happen?!
As the bliss of the moment slowly ebbs away and reality sets in, it’s all I can do not to freak out. I am so grateful he can’t see my face and the grin I am fighting so hard to keep from breaking out on my lips. 
“괜찮아 (Gwaenchana-Are you ok)?”
The deep timbre of his voice breaks into my rampant thoughts. Am I ok? “Mhmm,” I nod dumbly.
Hell yeah, I am!
“Let me see,” he insists.
I press my lips together as I sit up, fixing my bra before maneuvering around so that I am now kneeling between his legs. Jooheon has a very pleased grin on his face that makes it difficult to keep one of my own from finally breaking free.
“See?” I say playfully.
Jooheon lifts a hand up to my chin, his thumb swiping across my mouth. His eyes darken, the stare intense as he watches me. Instantly, my heart thrums back to life behind my ribcage. Then, like a magnet, I’m drawn down towards him. Jooheon stretches to meet me part way, and we both swallow each other's sharp inhales when our lips finally crash against each other.
And his plush lips feel even more incredible than anything I could have imagined. Jooheon wraps an arm around my lower back, pulling me tighter against him. Hands on his shoulders, I wriggle out of his hold and break the kiss. I’m going to lose my mind, with how good he looks. His cheeks are flushed, and his lips are swollen from our passionate kiss. 
“Where are you going?” he whines with a pout.
“Not far,” I tease. “Just returning the favor.”
“Returning the fav-” His voice trails off as I reach for the button of his jeans. Eyes locked on my hands, he breathes out, “Oh….”
I can’t help but giggle as he eagerly lifts his ass to help me get his jeans and boxers off. The cock that springs out in front of me is achingly pink and stiff. Knowing he got this way just from touching me greatly boosts my confidence. Tossing the pants over the edge of the bed, I look up to see Jooheon cock an eyebrow at me. 
I huff out a short laugh, “Fine.”
I hop off the bed. With my jeans already unbuttoned and unzipped, it only takes me two seconds to remove my own pants and socks. They join his pants on the ground with a hushed thump. As the movie continues to play in the background, I return to the bed to find Jooheon completely naked. In the short time it took me to take off my pants, he’d removed his tank top and socks. 
 Lying on the bed, his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip, he is complete perfection. The dim lighting the TV provides does nothing to diminish the soft glow of his tanned skin. Though he is not bulky with muscle, there are still shadows cast across his lean upper body and abdomen that beg to be traced and explored.
Crawling back between his legs, I watch the abdominal muscle beneath his skin contract in anticipation. My nipples tighten behind my bra as my own core contracts at the sight of him. I flit my eyes up to meet his heavy-lidded ones and watch his Adam’s Apple bob anxiously in his throat as I bring my mouth closer to his weeping dick. The hiss he lets out as his tip meets my tongue is music to my ears. He tries so hard to keep his eyes open, to watch as I wrap my lips around him, but his head falls back as he lets out a deep groan, hands fisting in the comforter. Flattening my tongue and relaxing my jaw, I slowly take him deeper and deeper inside my warm, wet mouth.
“Oh, shit,” he curses as he looks back down.
His pupils are completely blown out, his eyes appearing black as they watch me intently. Seeing him so wrecked because of what I’m doing emboldens me. Lifting up to lap at the tip of him, my fingers envelop his shaft. He reaches a hand out to cradle my head, urging me to take him in again. I don’t fight it, letting him guide me back down along his length. My hand and mouth work in tandem, sliding up and down his cock. Hollowing my cheeks, I swirl and curl my tongue around him, and the long-drawn-out groans that it pulls forth from him have moans and whimpers of my own vibrating up my throat. 
I can feel him growing harder against my tongue, so I’m slightly surprised when his hand shifts from my head down to my chin and tilts it up. His dick slips out of my mouth with a lewd pop, and he almost looks like he regrets stopping me.
“What?” I ask as I wipe the back of my hand across my lips.
Had I done something wrong?
“Fuck,” he breathes, closing his eyes. Looking back down at me, he pats his lap. “Come up here.”
I smile in relief and eagerly obey, straddling him. His mouth is instantly on mine, his hands sliding down to grab my ass. Wrapping my arms around his neck, it feels as if I just can’t get any closer to him. Our bodies roll against each other, and by this point, my panties are completely ruined. I feel one of his hands trail up to my bra and unclasp it. He breaks the kiss to help me remove it completely. It joins the pile on the carpeted floor. 
Delving down, his plump lips latch onto one of my nipples. My back arches, giving him easier access, and I reach behind me to grab at his cock, stroking him as he sucks on me. My hips roll, seeking friction to ease the tension that is building.
“Jooheon!” I whimper.
“Ok, baby,” he murmurs as he moves to my other breast.
Though I had cum already, seeing him like this, hearing him like this, his mouth all over me, I was ready again for another.
“Please, Jooheon,” I plead.
I was so far gone that I didn’t care; I was begging. I wanted him, needed to feel him inside me so badly; I didn’t care how needy I sounded at the moment.
He chuckles before kissing me between my breasts. Leaning back, he hooks his finger on my underwear and snaps it against my skin.
“Take these off.”
I nod, scampering off of him to remove them in record time. I throw the sodden material into the darkness beyond, drawing another chuckle from Jooheon.
“Hush,” I chastise him playfully.
He leans over to grab his wallet from the bedside table and pulls out a condom. Dropping the wallet back on the table, he makes quick work slipping the rubber on. Jooheon coaxes me back to his lap. Spreading wide, I help him guide his dick to my entrance. We both let out blissful moans as I slowly slide down his length. The stretch has my eyes closing, and I can feel his hands digging into my sides. 
Bottoming out, we both take a moment to let me adjust to the intrusion. He peppers my chest with opened mouth kisses that have another layer of slickness coating my walls and his cock. I have never been so aroused in my life. I rock my hips and feel him twitch inside me, his hands tightening at my hips. I let my hands rest on his shoulders, using them to help me lift higher only to slowly grind down on him.
“Damn, baby,” Jooheon purrs.
He matches my rhythm, and we are both panting, drawing ever so close to the release we are both seeking. At first, his hands loosen at my hips, letting me lead. The more desperate we become, his hands grip fervently to my hips, helping me move faster over him. 
“God, that feels so good!”
I’m so close that I can barely focus. My walls constrict and release around Jooheon, and his head falls back. My hands slip behind his neck, my fingers gripping the strands there. His eyes widen, flitting to mine, and I feel him pulse inside me as a deep groan rumbles up from his chest. 
Fuck, that’s so hot! He is so close; I can feel it, as am I. I roll and rock my waist, taking him in deeper. One of his hand's snakes in between us. The pleasure intensifies as his fingers find my clit; my head falls back, and my eyes shut. It’s all so much.
“Look at me, baby,” Jooheon grits out.
“Jooheon,” I whimper as I struggle to comply. 
Meeting his gaze, I let out a moan at the sight of his fucked out face. Sweaty strands of hair cling to his forehead and temples, his cherry lips look completely ravished, and his own eyes are barely opened slits, but it’s enough. It’s enough for him to see me and know he’s got me just as whipped.
“Turn around for me, baby,” Jooheon urges.
Through my haze, I manage to get off of his lap. My limbs feel heavy, but I get on my knees and forearms anyway. His palm caresses my ass and gives it a gentle smack. Fuck, I think I’m going to lose my mind! Aligning his cock with my center, I don’t even have a moment to take a breath. He’s thrusting into my soaking wet cunt with no warning.
“Oh my God!”
I can feel a jolt of pleasure instantly tremble through me. In this new position, I can feel every inch of him. Each thrust feels so deep and tight I can only babble incoherent words and curses as I push back into him. I snake my hand between my legs and delve my fingers into the slickness there. I hiss at how swollen and sensitive my clit is. Instantly, the pleasure heightens.
“That’s it, baby,” Jooheon pants. “Touch yourself.”
Glancing over my shoulder, Jooheon bites down on his lip, and my fingers speed up. The visual and sensations are just too much, and the little bit of control I had been holding onto snaps.
“Fuck, Jooheon!”
My back arches as I clamp around his dick, my walls thrumming and contracting around him. Jooheon’s thrust quicken as he chases after his own ecstasy. My face falls onto the bed, my ass lifting higher. The angle brings him deeper still inside of me, and it’s enough to push him over the edge. A long deep groan falls from his lips as his eyes squeeze shut, the grip on my hips vice-like. His hips stutter up into me, and I can’t help but moan as I feel him pulse inside of me as he cums hard. 
My body feels like jelly, and it takes the last bit of energy I have to turn my head to face Jooheon as he collapses beside me. Jooheon’s smiling face is there to greet me, and I can’t help but return the gesture.
“Hey,” he grins as he scoots closer to me.
“Hey,” I murmur drowsily.
Brushing the hair from my face, he caresses my back tenderly before kissing my shoulder.
“Gotta clean up,” he winks at me, and I can’t believe I dare to blush after all we’ve done.
Burying my face in the comforter, I nod, and he laughs. I feel the bed shift and then hear the click of the bathroom light switch. Forcing myself up, I locate my bra and underwear. After putting on the bra, I slip on the underwear, wincing to find they were still slightly damp in the crotch area. Making my way to the bathroom as well, Jooheon is just washing his hands when I walk in. He gives my ass a pat as he walks out.
“Hey,” I swat his arm in feign annoyance, and he just laughs.
I use the toilet, clean myself up, then wash my hands and face. Rinsing my mouth with the sink water, I finally feel clean enough to go back into the room. Jooheon was under the comforter staring at the TV. That’s right. The movie was still playing. It was pretty late now. Was Jooheon expecting me to leave now that everything was finished? I eye my clothes that are currently on the bedside table instead of the floor. Hmmm. Was that a hint? I approach the pile and reach out for the shirt.
“Can you stay a little longer?” he asks.
I feel a flutter in my stomach.
“Are you sure?” I ask, the initial insecurities creeping back up.
“Yes,” he replies, pulling the comforter down for me to slide into.
What did I have to lose?
I get in, and he throws the comforter over me.
“Come closer,” he whines.
He meets me part way. Opening his arms towards me, I slide into his embrace. Tucked in comfortably against his chest, the drowsiness pulls at my eyelids.
“Good night, Jooheon,” I yawn and snuggle into his warmth.
“Good night, Y/N,” he parrots, kissing my head.
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What is that? I wonder groggily as a loud, incessant sound accosts my ears. I peel my eyes open just when Jooheon lets me go in order to lean over to grab his phone. Turning off the alarm, he groans in displeasure. Rolling back towards me, he pats my arm gently.
“Y/N, baby, you have to wake up.”
“Mmm,” I grunt with a pout and snuggle back into his chest.
I feel the bed shake with Jooheon’s amused chuckles.
“I have to get ready. We are flying out in a few hours.”
“Mmm,” I pout some more, but then I do sit up.
Throwing back the covers, Jooheon gets off the bed and turns on the bedside lamp. I crawl out after him and zombie-walk to my clothes and put them on. I fix my hair as best as I can, and then Jooheon walks me to the door. This had all felt like a dream for me, and I truly did not want it all to end already. Reaching for the door handle, I gasp when Jooheon pushes me flush against it instead, his lips latching onto me so fast my head spins. I wrap my arms behind his neck as I lift up on my tippy toes to press myself further into him.
“I wish I didn’t have to go yet,” he laments as he kisses down my neck. His hands squeeze at my ass as he grinds into me. I can barely think. Only moans and heavy breaths leave my lips. “I really had a great time.”
“Me, too,” I sigh out.
“I want more time with you,” he murmurs into my neck, “But I’m going to be late.”
“We def can’t have that,” I chuckle.
He drops a few more kisses on my lips before he pulls away.
“I hope we can do this again,” he smiles down at me, his dimples deepening.
“Well, you got my number, so,” I shrug, and he laughs.
“I’ll call you,” he nods.
“You’ll call me,” I repeat, my eyes flicking away to stare at his chest instead.
“I will,” Jooheon insists.
He pulls me gently away from the door.
“Ok,” I nod, trying to ignore the excited flutter in my heart.
He pecks my lips one last time. “Ok. I’ll see you, Y/N. Bye.”
Jooheon opens the door for me, and I step out into the quiet hall. I don’t dare look back, and after a few paces, I hear the door click shut. I see the security table ahead, and Alex is still there, keeping watch with the other guard. He stands up, and I try to avoid eye contact.
“Enjoy the rest of your day, Ms. Y/LN,” he calls as I walk past.
Oh god! I think to myself as my body flushes from head to toe.
“Thanks, Alex,” I glance up quick enough to see the knowing smile on his face. There’s no judgment, but I still feel embarrassed suddenly. “Have a great day, too.”
I ride the elevator alone, and I am thankful. Peeking at my phone, I see it’s just about 4:15 in the morning. Jesus, I am going to be the worst passenger when my cousin and I start our four-hour drive home later today.
Entering our room quietly, I grab fresh underwear and my PJs and head into the bathroom to take a shower. I could still smell the powdery fresh scent of Jooheon on my skin, and I hated washing it away, but I get under the hot stream of the showerhead and scrub my body with my body wash until I was clean again. Dried up and dressed again, I tiptoe to my bed and quietly get under the covers. After making sure my alarm for ten am is still activated, I close my eyes and fall asleep.
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“You look rough, girl,” my cousin laughs as we place our bags in the trunk of the car. “I hope Jooheon feels the same.”
I glare at her with a humph as we enter the vehicle. 
Buckling up, I admit, “I’m exhausted, my head is thumpin’ a little, and I just want to sleep for a hundred years.”
“Daammn,” she drags out the word as she pulls out of the hotel parking and onto the main road. “He wore you out that much, huh?” I let out an unladylike snort, and my cousin laughs. “So, tell me what happened. What’s he like?
“Well,” I try to fight off a smile, but my cheeks burn with the force of the grin that graces my lips. “He really is the sweetest, gentlemanly guy I’ve ever met….”
I spare no detail from the moment I stepped out of the elevator up to the moment when things got a little heated. 
“That Alex guy seems pretty cool,” she comments.
“Yeah,” I agree. “He made an awkward situation seem rather normal. Which is what makes me wonder how often they do that, you know, have people sign NDA’s?”
“Who knows,” she shrugs. “I wouldn’t be surprise if it’s quite often, and I wouldn’t be mad about it either. They are grown men, after all, and have their needs.”
“Yeah, I know,” I nod, looking out the window a bit distractedly. “It’s just; I don’t know, Jooheon said he’d call me… I just… my worry is that he goes to the next stop and hooks up with someone else… which he has every right to,” I rush to add. “I don’t know; I guess I just got my hopes up, and that’s my own fault.”
“No, I get it,” my cousin nods. “He said he’d call. Only time will tell if he makes good on that promise. It’s only been a few hours. No sense in stressing about it.”
“You’re right,” I concede. 
“In the meantime, let’s car karaoke!” she shimmies in her seat as she passes me her phone. “We got a long ass drive.”
I laugh but pull up our karaoke playlist, and we begin to sing. 
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About two hours into our drive, there is a ping on my cell from an unknown number. I open up the message and gasp as my heart rate picks up. My cousin lowers the music.
“I think it’s him,” I whisper.
“Yeah?” she glances over quickly at me before returning her eyes to the road. “What’s it say?” 
UNKNOWN: I know I promised to call, but i’ve been busy. I finally had a minute while heading to do another interview. Did you get home, ok?
I read out the message and then ask, “Do you think it’s really him?”
“I mean, who else could it be?”
“Alex?” I deadpan.
“Alex?!” she bursts into laughter. “Say that to him and see what he says.”
ME: Who’s this?
UNKNOWN: Aish. Really? Who else can it be? Did you forget me already?
ME: Well, I have to be sure. For all I know, this could be Alex.
UNKNOWN: Alex? Who is Alex?
My cousin and I burst out into hysterical laughter. 
UNKNOWN: Are you talkin about security alex?
UNKNOWN: Why would it be him?
“Ooop,” my cousin purses her lips. “Ya boy’s getting jealous.”
“Stop, no he’s not.”
But I smile at the possibility of it.
ME: If this is really you, tell me something from last night (this morning)...
I watch the three little dots blink, disappear and then reappear before his message comes through.
UNKNOWN: We watched ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.’
“Oh, yeah. It’s him,” I say after reading the message aloud.
UNKNOWN: better said it watched us😜
“If I had any doubts, he just squashed them,” I say as I pat my heated cheeks.
“What’d he say?”
“He says the movie actually watched us.”
“Ooooh, girl!” she smacks my shoulder. “That’s actually really hot.”
“Aggh, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be,” she reassures me. “Sex is natural, and if he’s making comments like that, he enjoyed his time.”
“I guess so….”
“You guess so?” She shakes her head. “I know so. Now reply to him before he thinks you are a prude.”
“Oh, Lord,” I roll my eyes playfully.
ME: Alright, you little flirt, I see it’s you. 
UNKNOWN:  Save my number. 
Me: Ok
Honey: I have a few interviews and practice, but I’ll be free around 1030 tonight. If you want to try watching the movie again I can call you.
ME: Really? We can do that?
Honey: I’m sure we can. We’ll figure it out.
Me: Ok. yeah. I’d like that.
Honey: We just got to the radio station. I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.
ME: Bye
Putting my phone away, I look out at the highway flying by. This all felt like the best dream ever. Never did I ever imagine this would ever happen.
“Alright now,” my cousin brings my attention back to the moment. “You better do your makeup and put on a nice outfit tonight. But first, you should get some sleep as soon as we get home.”
I chuckle even as I give her an incredulous look.
“Why are you always trying to put me to bed?!”
“What?” she tries to plant a stoic expression on her face but cracks a smile instead.  “I’m just saying. You have no idea how long you will stay up this time.”
We both burst into raucous laughter, and I’m so grateful at least one of us is thinking properly because my mind is already racing. My mind is just blown at having the chance to get to know the real Jooheon. 
I don’t know how long this will go on, but I’m going to take a page from my cousin's book. I’m going to let myself enjoy it all while it lasts and not waste time on the what-ifs.
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Mood board Credits
Shirtless Jooheon @ooom_xoooo
Bed sheets
Color squares
Jooheon striped shirt
100 notes · View notes
winter-dayz · 8 months
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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blizzardfluffykpop · 8 months
Summary: All cozied up by the campfire, roasting marshmallows and laughing about old times and creating new memories.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 2,940
Hyungwon X Reader
[Features: OT7! Monsta X]
[A/n: I've written marshmallow so many times while writing this that it no longer looks like the word. Anyways, if you’ve heard Hyungwon’s newest OST ‘Now’, I tried to incorporate the bridge of that song into this too~. I don’t want to spoil anything, but Jeonghan helped inspire part of this. Also, a special thanks to @jinkoh for encouraging this idea along!]
You get out of your car with cups and plates, knowing everyone has gotten the rest of the supplies. You couldn’t wait to spend the next day and a half in this lovely forest with your seven closest friends. It’s the perfect way to spend October. You make your way to the campfire, the leaves crackling under your feet. The beginning of fall felt so warm and cozy, although the weather was turning colder by the minute. 
You quicken your pace as you hear the yammering of your friends in the distance. You rush up and are greeted with several loud “Hello's,” You had arrived a little later than the rest of the crowd to your annual campfire and log cabin stay. But you couldn’t be more excited to see your boyfriend. “Won!” You cheer, and he stops what he’s doing, turns back to see you, and smiles, “(N/n)!” He meets you in the middle and kisses the top of your head, “Did you make it up here safe?” You nod, and he smiles, “I’m putting away the drinks into the coolers. I think Hoseok wants the utensils and things up at the house.” You nod and kiss his cheek before walking over to the log cabin. 
You head into the kitchen and put away the cups and plates you brought. That’s when you hear a cheer of your name, “(Y/n)!” and you turn back, “Jooheon!” He gives you a hug, “How have you been?!” You shrug and go, “Okay, and you?” He nods, “About the same, but it's nice to be back up here.” You agree, “I wonder what shenanigans we'll get up to this year.” He smirks, “I have a few ideas~” You laugh, “New games?” He nods as Hyunwoo comes in with chips and other snacks, “Anything good?” He smiles, “All of our favorites!” You grin, “Snack time is going to be great then!” The two smile and agree as you excuse yourself out of the cabin. 
You come out to see what else you can do to prepare for the big fire tonight. You grab some trash lying about and throw it away. There was nothing else to do since everyone was already starting to wind down from their tasks. You continue looking around until you spot Hyungwon leaning against his explorer, drinking a pop. And he locks eyes with you before finishing his sip as you walk over to him. He reaches into the cooler and snaps open another can, “For you~” You smile and take a drink before joining him leaning against his car. 
You tap your cans together without the risk of it spilling everywhere. You ask, “How was work?” And he shrugs, “The record store was slow for this time of year.” You nod and he asks, “How’s the office?” You shrug, “It was nice, but I was reminded of why I dislike it today.” “Why?” You ramble on about how your boss kept piling on the work, even when she knew you were leaving for a trip today. “That sucks.” You sigh, “Yeah.” He wraps his arm behind you, “But you’re here now. Your boss can shove it from here on out.” You laugh and lean into his chest, “I like the sound of that.” He hums, “Good.” You drink your pop and shiver, “It’s a little cold to be drinking pop.” He laughs, “I was thinking the same thing.” You ask, “You wanna go inside for a bit?” He agrees, and you put your free arm behind his back as you both walk back to the log cabin. 
Hoseok comes in with Changkyun after you two and says, “We finished getting the firewood for later.” And Kihyun says, “Perfect.” Minhyuk goes, “Let’s all sit back and watch a few movies until then.” Hyunwoo announces, “I’ll get the snacks!” Hyungwon and you sit in the armchair together, placing your cold pops into the two cup holders, “I feel a bit warmer now.” He laughs, “Me too.” The two of you curl up together, and he grabs the blanket from behind him. Careful of your pops, he throws the blanket over both of you. Jooheon cheers as he chooses, “The Great Pumpkin!” Hyunwoo returns with two bowls of popcorn, chips, and various little candies. 
Changkyun puts smaller bowls out to make it easier on you guys since you are all spaced out from the coffee table. You move the blanket down to reach for a bowl and scoop out some popcorn. And you turn back, “Want anything else?” He shakes his head, and you sit against his chest again. Jooheon starts the movie once everyone settles into their spots. And you enjoy the movie peacefully, giggling every once in a while as you eat popcorn.  
Once the night draws closer and you’ve all finished two movies. You join Hoseok in starting the fire, piling the wood strategically together. You douse it with lighter fluid, and the both of you stand back as he throws a lit match onto the pile. You high-five as it catches on fire, and he asks, “Do you want to tend to the fire while I go help Kihyun grill?” You nod, “Sounds fine.” You poke it with your fire stoker, coaxing it to grow bigger and brighter. 
Once all of the firewood is burning, you sit down on a log in front of it. And the rest of your friends slowly start joining you on the logs. Hyungwon sits down beside you as Hoseok passes out the plates. Kihyun comes around with roasted vegetables and smoked meat, serving everyone their fair share. You bite into a piece, “It’s as good as ever. Thanks, Ki!” He smiles, and everyone yells out their compliments as he puts the last serving on his plate. 
Kihyun gets up after finishing his first plate and asks, “Who wants seconds?!” You all cheer for another round, and Hyunwoo gets up to help him as everyone starts telling stories. Minhyuk begins, “So I’m leaving for work, right?” “Yeah,” He sighs, “The boss comes in, tells me I have more paperwork to do, and I ask if I’m getting overtime for it. And he told me ‘no’, so I told him ‘No, I won’t be doing it’. He didn’t like that. Let’s just say tomorrow. I'm having a 'friendly' talk with his supervisor in the morning. Cause I’m not going to do work, I’m not being paid for.” Hyungwon goes, “Damn right.” And he talks about the record shop and how slow it’s gotten. Although, they've put up their Halloween decorations, which is nice. 
Hoseok talks about his dance studio and the new trainees he’s teaching, and Changkyun and Jooheon tell you all about their adventures in producing music this year. You talk about your job and how your boss was piling on work for you today, even though she knew you were leaving for the day. Minhyuk pats your back, “Damn, our bosses suck.” You laugh, and Hoseok chimes in, “You could always work for one of us~” You both roll your eyes and tell him, “Some of us don’t want to live entrepreneur lives.” While Minhyuk says, “My money is for fun, I don't need to work.” You all laugh, and Kihyun and Hyunwoo bring back the food. 
“What are we talking about?” Hoseok shrugs, “Our careers.” Kihyun smiles, “Oh! I invested in the right assets this year, so I’ve been able to take fewer shifts at the bakery to supplement!” Hyungwon smirks and teases, “Young Flexer,” which causes Kihyun to groan, “I said it once, and you’ve never let me forget it…” You all laugh, and Hyungwon says, “That’s what friends are for.” He squints at him as he puts the meat onto his plate, “It’s so lovely being friends with you…” Hyunwoo passes out the vegetables and says, “I’ve been working at the gym like usual and at Hoseok’s studio these past few weeks.” Hoseok goes, “Oh! You should show them your new moves.” He shakes his head, and you all cheer, “Hyunwoo! Hyunwoo! Hyunwoo!” He puts the empty plate down and dances a few feet from the fire. You all cheer and clap as he finishes, and he gets shy, “That’s the new moves I learned…” Changkyun goes, “Damn, his moves are smooth.” You all agree before eating your second helping of food.
You take everyone’s plates and tell them you're going to wash them. As you walk back to the cabin with the empty dishes, Hyungwon comes up behind you, “You wanna wash them together?” You nod, “That would be lovely.” He smiles, takes some of them off your hands, and opens the screen door. As you fill the sink with soapy water, you ask, “Are you ready for marshmallows?” He nods, “Hell yeah, I am! It’s like the second best part of this trip.” You raise your eyebrow at him, “What’s the best part then? Because the marshmallows are like rewards…” He smiles, “Getting to spend this trip with you.” You bump him with your hip and go, “Yeah, that is pretty nice.” He pouts, “Just nice…” With your dry hand, you ruffle his hair, “It’s been my dream to spend these trips as your lover since we were younger. So, it's greater than nice.” Before kissing his cheek, he nods, “That’s better. And it's been mine, too.” You grin as the two of you work in harmony washing the dishes. When he puts the last plate on the drying rack, he goes, “All this water is getting to me…” You laugh, “You go use the restroom. I’ll put away the plates.” He nods and rushes off to the bathroom while you dry and put the dishes away. 
You decide to wait for him by the fire. You sit back down on the log you were sitting on before to see everyone starting to finish up their jobs. You rub your hands together before putting them close to the fire. Everyone starts gathering around the fire, and Hoseok stokes the flame to grow a little brighter for the marshmallows. You hear someone approach you and look up to see Hyungwon, and he pouts, “You got here before me.” You smile and pat your lap, “It’s your turn.” He raises his eyebrow and asks, “You sure?” You nod, and he grins and moves to one side of you before sitting down on your lap. You giggle as you wrap an arm behind his back, and he tells you, “You’re warm.” And he snuggles into your embrace, and you laugh, “You’re cold.” He whispers, “It feels unreal for you to hold me.” You grin as you whisper, “I could say the same.” Minhyuk whines, “You know there is more room on the logs to sit on than being all coupley!” You both smirk at each other and go, “Jealous, are we?” He rolls his eyes, and you both laugh in victory. Changkyun comes around, handing everyone a marshmallow skewer. When everyone settles into their spots, you all start roasting your marshmallows. 
Jooheon passes the chocolate bar and graham cracker plate around, and Hyungwon fashions both of your s'mores while you hold him on your lap. He hands the plate to Minhyuk before saying, “Ahh~” you laugh as you open your mouth, and he feeds you a s'more. Using your free hand, you feed him one of his. Hoseok goes, “This is the first year we’re only here for a day and a half.” Jooheon sighs, “I wish we had more time. I miss the days we would stay out here for a week or so.” Changkyun chimes in, “Some of my best memories are here.” Kihyun laughs, “Yeah, like when Joo dared you to go skinny dipping?” Changkyun laughs, “It crossed it off my bucket list. What about when you made out with that tree when you were drunk?” Kihyun groans, “I thought it was someone else... My lips hurt for weeks.” 
You both have another marshmallow sandwich while they converse. And Hyunwoo goes, “Remember how we dared those two,” he points at the two of you, “to kiss for the first time?” You smile, and Jooheon says, “And now they can’t get enough of each other…” You smile and look up at Hyungwon, “Yeah, he’s right.” He grins and kisses your nose, “Yeah, I’m so glad Minhyuk dared us.” Minhyuk says, “I’m still waiting for my thank you!” And you both roll your eyes, “Thanks, Min.” 
The stories and games continue into the night, each game growing more and more ridiculous than the last with the more drinks you each have. You were standing yelling, “Taka-Taka!” As Hyungwon and Jooheon went, “Heing-Heing” Changkyun for once able to follow your movements as you attacked him, and he did it right back at you. Causing you to fall to the ground in defeat, not expecting it. He cackles the loudest as you whine and drink another sip of beer before standing up and continuing the game.
When that game finally ends, you crumple onto the log beneath you. You murmur when Hyungwon is earshot, “You guys wear me out.” And he sighs, “Tell me about it.” You pat your lap, “I wanna hold you to recoup.” He lets out a breathless laugh as he nods before sitting back on your lap. “You’re like an oversized teddy bear.” You nuzzle your head into his stomach and relax. “This is nice.” He giggles, “That tickles.” You move your mouth away and say, “Sorry!” He shrugs, and you hold him tighter before adjusting and resting your head against his shoulder. “You okay?” You shake your head as Jooheon goes, “Alright, everyone rested for another round?” Hyungwon looks down at you, “No?” You shake your head, and he agrees, “Let’s go lay down.” 
Hyungwon tells him you're both tired, and he gets up off of you and holds his hand out to you. Tiredly, you ask, “You guys got the fire?” They nod as you accept Hyungwon’s hand. He helps you up as they wish you both sweet dreams. You two do the same and walk back hand in hand. As you get up to the cabin, you stop him, “You know this is our second time up here as a couple?” He agrees, “Yeah... Somehow, I can't believe it.” You nod, and he squeezes your hand before continuing, “I hope we continue to do this many more times.” You grin and kiss his cheek, “Me too.” Before sweeping his hair behind his ear and kissing him, he grins as he pulls back and places his forehead against yours, “It's almost unreal that you're mine.” You smile and whisper, “I'm glad this is real and that you're mine too.” He grins and holds you closer to him as you continue to the cabin and into your shared room.
You both change into comfortable clothes, and he joins you underneath the covers. You face each other for a moment before he turns you over and wraps himself around you, “It’s my turn to cuddle you.” You giggle, “Okay.” He whispers as you both start falling asleep, “You're like a deep dream to me.” You whisper back, “You're the same for me.” He hums and agrees before you both fall asleep, dreaming of each other.
The two of you sleep in while the rest are out and about doing who knows what. It isn’t until Kihyun knocks and lets you two know that they’re having lunch with or without you guys that you get up. You both repack your small backpack before joining the guys at the table. 
You serve yourself up some ramen and other goodies from the middle and eat happily. Changkyun cheers, “You guys missed it last night!” Hyungwon and you both wait for him to continue as Minhyuk sneezes, “We finished putting the fire out, and I guess we misjudged how drunk Min got…” You both raise your eyebrows, “He fell right into the ashes.” He sneezes again, “I think I still have ashes up my nose…” Hoseok goes, “We hosed him off before he entered the house.” You look at Minhyuk in worry, and Kihyun shrugs, “Don’t worry, we supplied him with clean, warm clothes.” You nod, “Good.” 
They continue telling you what went down after you two went to bed. Jooheon pouted as they told you how he dropped the rest of the marshmallows into the dirt, “I didn’t mean to! I was excited.” Hyunwoo shrugs, “He fell on his ass while ‘heighing’ knocked the open bag down.” You all cackle at that, and Changkyun ruffles his hair, “It’s okay, baby, everyone makes mistakes.” He nods and cheers up, and before long, it’s time to leave the lovely cabin. 
Hoseok asks as you guys leave, “Maybe we can do this for Christmas?” Minhyuk sneezes before saying, “We’ve never done that before.” You all agree that it would be fun. And Hyungwon suggests, “Maybe we roast marshmallows in the fireplace inside this time?” Hyunwoo continues, “And since it’ll probably be snowing, we’ll get frozen pizza to heat up here.” You suggest, “Hot cocoa?” Changkyun grins, “Hell yeah!” Kihyun says, “Maybe we can bake together?" Jooheon goes, “Maybe some of those delicious creature cookies." Everyone cheers before discussing possible dates before leaving for their respective homes. 
You arrive home first while Hyungwon drops some people off before joining you back home. He comes in to see you lying down, eating the pizza you ordered for the two of you. He sighs, “It’s nice to come home to you.” You laugh as he joins you on the couch, and you tell him, “I’m home wherever you are.”
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kwanisms · 9 months
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please note that I am no longer actively writing for monsta x and that by putting this groups in the 'archive' does not necessarily mean I will stop writing for them entirely. Any series originally planned for any members in the archive have either been put in the vault or recasted.
🔞 many of these works contain sexual content (18+ mdni) 🔞 ♤ — angst :: ♡ — fluff :: ♧ — smut ✍ — ongoing :: ⊝ — hiatus :: ⊗ — discontinued :: ✓ — completed
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— drabbles
»» Drunken Confessions ♡ s. hyunwoo
➥ 891; after her roommate, Hyunwoo, calls her drunk from the bar, Y/N goes to pick him up and bring him home only to realize she has to babysit him before he falls asleep.
»» Don't Listen to Them ♡ l. minhyuk
➥ 577; when Y/N visit her boyfriend and realize he's down in the dumps over what some so called fans have been saying about his newest piece of ink, she decides to tell him that she doesn't think that way and how much she loves all of him, including his tattoos.
»» Stay ♡ y. kihyun
➥ 694; Y/N has hidden Kihyun's pants in hopes of making him stay at her place instead of leaving for practice like he's supposed to.
»» the Interview ♡ l. jooheon
➥ 1.3k; Jooheon is just ready to get this interview over with so the group can finally get some food and rest, until his eyes land on the person conducting the interview… Y/N.
»» My Girl ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 698; Changkyun sticks up for his S/O when he overhears some stylists mocking their Korean speaking capability.
»» Rainy Days ♡ i. changkyun
➥ 786; when her plans with Changkyun go awry due to a thunderstorm, he shows Y/N that a day spent inside is just as good as a day spent outside.
— oneshots
»» Anniversary Gift ♧ s. hyunwoo
➥ 7.1k ; Y/N's boyfriend Hyunwoo takes her on a trip for their anniversary ― to a private island just south of Jeju.
»» Makeup Sex ♧ l. jooheon
➥ 4.3k; Jooheon has been ignoring Y/N recently and she finds herself missing him more than usual.
»» Give it a Chance ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 8.2k; after weeks of flirting with her, the infamous 'fuckboy' that has been invading Y/N's workspace has a chance to sweep her off her feet at another bar and after seeing him in a new light, she's tempted to let him.
»» Time for a Change ♧ i. changkyun
➥ 2k; Changkyun is known on campus as being a huge flirt and a bit of a fuckboy. Little does he know, his next target, Y/N is not the sweet and innocent girl everyone paints her as. After hooking up with her on several occasions, Changkyun realizes he has feelings for her but does she return the sentiment?
»» Jealousy ♤♧ i. changkyun
➥ 5k; Changkyun is Y/N's best friend and she notice how distant he’s become since she befriended the rest of his members, especially his hyung, Kihyun.
— miniseries
»» the Bet: 01 | 02 | 03 ♧ ⊝ s.hyunwoo
➥ --; after learning the man she thought loved her only started seeing her as the result of a bet with his friends, Y/N's life is put in jeopardy when his boss, and her father’s rival, learns about the relationship.
— series
»» Give it to You ♧✓ ot7
➥ 25k; after making a secret pact, Y/N is tasked with bringing seven souls to her boss in exchange for her freedom. will she be able to follow through and end their lives or will she disobey her orders and pay with her life?
— oneshots
»» Personal Trainer ♧
➥ oneshot; 7.6k; when her best friend begs her to go to the gym with her, Y/N is convinced she's trying to set her up with her personal trainer and after seeing him, Y/N might just be okay with that.
»» Dancing in the Dark ♧
➥ oneshot; 5.5k; it's always been just friends between Y/N and Hoseok but for Y/N, she's always wanted more. After watching her performance during a dance competition, Hoseok realizes that maybe he wants more as well…
»» Secrets ♤
➥ oneshot hybrid; 7.5k; after ending a secret 2 year relationship with Hoseok, Y/N realizes how much she really loved him and just maybe, he feels the same?
»» Noisy Neighbor ♧
➥ 6.3k; Y/N loves everything about her apartment - except her annoying and loud neighbor, Hoseok.
— drabbles
»» Lab Partners ♧
➥ drabble; 576; Y/N gets up to some shenanigans when she's supposed to be finishing a project with her lab partner, Hoseok.
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ⓘ DISCLAIMER :: MONSTER/ALIEN FUCKER ENTHUSIAST ⓘ ©️ kwanisms 2024 | all works on this blog are protected under copyright. Do not repost, continue, or translate my works. All graphics made by me. Content and support banners made by me using cafekitsune's template.
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bubbleteafelix · 2 years
Fuck Around and Find Out
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Requested: No
Paring: Male Reader x Jooheon
Genre(s): Fluff , Crack
Warning(s): Cursing, Threats( But not really)
Date Published:4/20/2022
Summary: Jooheon and M/n have a v live to do, but Jooheon had been feeling down and refused to go. But let's just say bribery goes a long way.
Note: Enjoy reading. Hopefully this make sense and doesn't sound incoherent.
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It has been a while since M/n and Jooheon had opened up to the public about their relationship. The reactions for the most part were good and lots of support from fans and fellow idols. Recently many antis have been coming at Jooheon and M/n about dating each other. It doesn’t normally bother them as they get these types of criticism quite often.
Lately, Jooheon has been in a slight episode of self dought and the hate comments about his relationship don’t help one bit. M/n has been trying not to look at the comments himself, as he was more focused on helping his boyfriend get out of his episode as well as getting him and his boyfriend through the group's recent comeback.
But it was kind of hard to do so when you have a job and performances back to back.
“Hey bubba, How are you doing?” M/n Asked his boyfriend who is lying under the covers.
“Trying to hide from the world,” Jooheon whined trying to burrow deeper into the bed hoping it would swallow him up.
“How is that going for you?” M/n questioned his boyfriend.
“Not well…” Jooheon mumbled, clearly upset. M/n Moved to the bed and sat down.
“ Well sorry to break it to you, but you have to get up we have couples vlive scheduled. You can hide from the world after we do this, it is the only thing on the schedule today.”M/n said as he shook his lover's body and began to pull the cover off of his body.
“NOOOOO! I don’t want to,” Jooheon complained pulling the cover back over his body.
“I’ll buy you ice cream after if you get up,” M/n said trying to bribe his boyfriend out of the bed.
With the promise of ice cream, Jooheon shot up. “What are we still doing here we got a live to do!" The now excited male said jumping out of bed and making a b-line to the closet. M/n chuckled as he watches his boyfriend run to the bathroom to change.
15 minutes later a cleaned-up Jooheon came out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go. “ I want strawberry,” Jooheon said walking past his boyfriend and making his way to the living room. M/n followed.
Once they got settled into the couch they started the live. “ Hello Monbebe, how are you doing?” Jooheon asked. The chat flew by with responses. They continued interacting with Monbebe giving life advice and talking about what has been happening lately. They were enjoying Themselves when a comment caught M/n’s eye.
“ M/n is mine, Jooheon I will get you back for this. I don’t know what M/n sees in you?”
Jooheon was in the middle of talking when M/n interrupted “ Honey sorry to interrupt but I need to address something. I just saw a comment threatening and insulting Jooheon and all I have to say to this person is, that Jooheon is the most beautiful, kind-hearted, Cuddly human being I have ever had the honor of meeting and sheer luck of dating. And Try and put your hands on him and see what happens because I am the living embodiment of “Fuck around and find out”. Expect to hear from the police and our lawyers.”
Jooheon just sat there stunned and kind of impressed. To say the least the chat was wild and praised M/n for standing up and speaking out against the anti. They were also both trending #1 on Twitter with the hashtags #M/N_IS_A_SAVAGE #FUCK_AROUND_ AND_FIND_OUT #SHIPNAMESTAYWILDIN
After that they soon ended the live and Jooheon got his ice cream and a little boost of confidence as well.
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capaimagines · 3 years
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lee jooheon - senses
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Pairing: hybrid!Lee Jooheon x Reader | Genre: fluff | Warnings: mentions of stress and anxiety | WC: 1.3k
Request: My request would be an hybrid au with Monsta X's Jooheon as the reader comes back home after a really rough day and Jooheon can smell the distress all over them and tries to comfort them? mostly soft if you want/can (and if you can make the reader gender neutral will be great thanks🥺🤍)
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The wolf-hybrid’s tail started wagging as a low rumble began in his chest. He could sense that you were nearby due to your scent. You were almost home from work and while it was a little later than usual, he was just excited that you were finally home so he could have you in his arms. Though, he was indeed a little concerned as to why you were home later than usual.
In all honesty, Jooheon really thought he was going to end up living on the streets of LA forever. That was until he was caught by animal services—specifically the hybrid branch—and brought him to a shelter. He believed that he would spend the rest of his life locked up in that small cage. It wasn’t that he wasn’t friendly, it was quite the opposite actually. He was very friendly, maybe even too friendly. But he was timid and shy and being a wolf-hybrid, humans were already wary of the temperament issues that could arrive. It probably didn’t help that he couldn’t bring himself to smile while he was in there which only made him look even more intimidating.
Then you had walked in, about a foot shorter than him and a warm smile on your face, your lips sticking out in a little pout. You didn’t hesitate to tell the worker you wanted to see him and after spending only thirty minutes with him in the visiting room, you were already filling out the adoption papers, not wanting to wait any longer. Next thing Jooheon knew, you were bringing him to his new forever home.
Jooheon loved living with you and he loved you more than you could imagine. You took care of him and you treated like a normal human being; not a science experiment that was conjured up in a lab. It didn’t take long for him to show his energetic and rambunctious side and you were able to match him with your own. Who knew you would be able to find your soulmate this way.
His ears turned towards the door as he heard your key enter into the lock. His black tail began wagging faster as he jumped up to go greet you. He frowned a little as he moved closer to the door. Being a hybrid, his senses were heightened. Your scent was different, you smelt a little off.
On the other side of the door, you were giving yourself a mental pep talk. You didn’t want to worry Jooheon, but you had an extremely bad day at work and the stress and anxiety were eating you alive. You spilled your coffee all over your pants at the office, then the presentation that you had worked on for weeks had suddenly gone missing from your computer. Your boss was not happy about that one, that's for sure.
So to try and make it up, you worked through your lunch break and were starving and felt lethargic, but you were working with the IT guy to try and find the file. Thankfully, he did but at that point you had already had a good scolding from your boss about how disappointed he was and that you needed to fix this and make it up to him.
Just to top it off, coming home was rougher than normal. It seemed as if everyone had decided to get off work late today and at the same time. Not that LA didn’t have enough foot, car and train traffic, all traffic by itself, but it seemed to be so much more today. You stood on the train, squished in between different bodies and you felt so uncomfortable and were not in the mood for this right now.
Your head was starting to hurt and your feet were aching, you wanted nothing more than to just take a warm shower and crawl into bed with Jooheon and hope that tomorrow brought you a better day. So you did your best to plaster a smile on your face as you opened the front door.
As soon as the door opened, Jooheon nearly knocked you over as he slammed himself into your arms. You couldn’t help but to chuckle at your hybrid, scratching behind one of his ears which you knew he liked, “Well, hello to you too,” You teased playfully and he pulled away with a large grin, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re home so late today!” He whined loudly.
"I’m sorry, bub. It was a long day today. I should have called," You briefly mentioned as you began to pet his head with a quiet apology.
Jooheon frowned again, seeing how exhausted you looked and the way your shoulders hunched over a little. He could tell you’d been running your fingers through your hair because it tousled a little and it wasn’t that windy out tonight.
Without the door blocking you, he could clearly smell the distress all over you. It was easy for him to notice with his sharp eyes that your smile didn’t reach your eyes either. He was genuinely worried, “Are you okay, dear?” He asked quietly, tail shifting in between his legs.
You sighed and offered him a tired smile. You loved your hybrid, dearly, you really did. But sometimes his heightened senses irked you. You did everything you could to try and not worry him but he still always knew. He said he could smell it.
“I’m alright, honey. It was a stressful day is all,” You said. 
Jooheon whimpered a little, burying his nose into your neck. You giggled at how it tickled, but it was comforting to you. While scenting was typically more to calm a hybrid down when they were anxious, nervous or upset, it made you feel warm inside and helped ease your tense muscles a little.
“I saved you some pizza,” He murmured into your skin and that did cause you to smile for real. 
“I could eat you right now if I wanted to. I skipped lunch,” Jooheon narrowed his eyes at you, opening his mouth to say something but you placed a hand over it before he could.
“You can scold me tomorrow, right now, let me change and eat. Then after, we can go to bed," You teased.
Jooheon sighed, deciding that he could save the scolding for tomorrow. But he wasn’t about to let you do all this on your own.
“Go change,” He nudged you towards the bedroom with a smile, “I’ll heat it up and bring you dinner in bed!” 
You chuckled as he ran towards the kitchen and you went to change. Once comfy and under the covers, you were ready to just fall asleep but your stomach had other ideas.
It growled loudly and you groaned. You peeked an eye open when you heard Jooheon chuckling and walking in with two plates of pizza, “I don’t think I can eat all of that,” You teased and he rolled his eyes at you.
 "Hey! I’m hungry again," He chuckled with a nudge as he seated himself next to you.
You scoffed down the cheesy goodness in record time, chugging the water next to you before sinking down into your pillow and under the cover. Jooheon smiled warmly at you, shutting the light off and wrapping himself around you.
He didn’t say much, but you didn’t need him to. He knew when you were overly-stressed all you wanted was affection. And Jooheon loved affection so he had no qualms about giving you all the attention you needed.
You breathed a sigh of relief, closing your eyes and kissing the top of his head. His chest rumbled a little as he lightly rubbed his nose in the crook of your neck, “Thank you, Honey,” You murmured and he only hummed in response.
Jooheon was the best hybrid in the world—even if you were biased.
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nuhogom · 3 years
Monsta X: One Shots
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Fluff = F ; Smut = S ; Angst = A ; Request = **
1. Impromptu (A, S)
2. A Cute Mess (F, S)
3. You’re Bad (F, S)
4. Awkward (F)
5. That Dang Blue Shirt (F, S) **
6. Happy Birthday! (F, S)
1. Happy Birthday! (F, S)
2. Addicted to You (F, S) **
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syuga-s · 3 years
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The Last Time
w.c 4.3k
pairing. Jooheon x gn!reader
genre. angst, a little fluff maybe, idk how to classify it but it's my take on relationships in real life(?)
a/n. (warnings) I throw some curses here and there, mention of the word "sex" once, tried to make it as gender-neutral as possible, I could really use some help about t/w, feedback is more than welcome, hope you like the fic 🧍‍♀️
Once again you were at the same bar. With the same friends. Same music. Same drinks. It's safe to say that nothing's changed in here but you.
For some reason, you were awfully quiet tonight. Everyone was away from the table by now. All of them talking and dancing in groups.
You were regretting saying yes to going out the very moment Jasmine was at your front door. But your best friend really wanted to get you out of your house.
The thing is you weren’t going to be alone, all of your friends were tagging along. I guess I need to suck it up, maybe I could have fun, despite him.
And you really tried, there was no need to make a scene anymore. All of your friends have had their fair share of nights seeing you 'talk' with him and making things awkward for everyone. It's been a while, though. You haven't seen him in exactly 2 years.
How do I explain this? There's no resentment anymore, no hate for what happened between you. But when there's a choice between spending your Friday night at the same place as him or staying at home? Well...
But tonight was clearly different. Something (Jasmine) had dragged you here and to be quite honest, it hasn’t been half bad yet. Jasmine kept waiting for you to get up from your chair to come and chat with Jackson and Changkyun. Her all-time crush and his best friend.
"In a sec!! Just let me finish this drink!" You said while you showed her your glass. She quickly nodded and turned to keep talking with those two. You have to remember to thank them later for keeping her entertained because if it weren't for them cracking jokes every single second, she wouldn't have let you off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, you decided to get a little lost in your head. Laughing to yourself because you were feeling like having a main character moment. Being the only one sat down in a place full of people. The mysterious persona drinking by themselves.
But that didn't last long.
"Mind if I sit here?" You shook your head. He put his drink next to yours and asked, "How are you?" And it somehow felt like you couldn’t have avoided this exact situation.
You released a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. "I'm sitting Jooheon, drinking… existing, you?" He forced himself to smile. Trying to hide the fact that he was still feeling uneasy around you. Nonetheless, showing you the dimples that you used to love so much.
“I can see that”, he paused, "it's been a lot since I last saw you, you look different".
You hummed softly, finally making eye contact with him. "So you expected for me to look the same?" You surely weren't going to pass up the opportunity to be passive-aggressive to him.
It still makes you happy to know that he has never minded this side of you.
"I'm teasing, I guess we both look different, it's been what? Two years?"
"I'm not sure, but it feels like a lot" He took a sip of his drink and started to fidget with the glass. Maybe you're not the only one that's changed after all.
In the two years, you were together, you never saw him like this. But let's remember the fact that you never fully knew him back then. It just feels weird to see him this anxious. Especially with you.
"I've wanted to reach out to you for a while now," You frowned at his words. "Guess I lacked a little courage" He let out an airy laugh. "I really want to talk to you".
Now it was your turn to feel tense. What is this supposed to mean? How long has he been wanting to talk? And talk about what?
You tilted your head and opened your mouth to ask him all this, but he didn't give you the chance to get the words out.
"Before you say something, please believe me I just wanna talk", "but not in here”.
"Alright then, where do you suggest we ‘talk’ Jooheon?” He took his phone out to check the time. 10:44 p.m. He pursed his lips and said, more like hesitating, "I could walk you home?"
You stared off into your group of friends. This was going to make their night interesting. Seeing you two go together again, just like all those times before.
Jooheon's been waiting for this since he saw on your social media that you were leaving the city. And Jasmine took care of letting him know that you would be coming back in about 6 months.
That was a year ago. More than 365 days waiting to be in the same room with you. Praying that you would let him talk to you. Not that you would reject him. But he was scared, he was perfectly aware he messed up everything.
As you were both saying goodbyes to your friends, you started to think about how everything had ended between you two.
You know what? Yes, maybe I was wrong in ghosting him but after all, I don't owe him anything. Just like he threw me out of his life two years ago. We didn't work out, he never communicated with me. He didn't choose me back. I just had to watch him get rid of me, no explanations, no nothing. And I find it really hard to believe that he's been dying to talk to me. What could be so important that he wants to have a proper conversation? How will I explain to him that I stopped replying for no particular reason? That I just realized that we weren't good together, and I had to let go of him? Should I tell him that no matter my hard feelings, I still thought about him constantly?
You had left each other in the cold back then.
He called your name, and you snapped back to reality. Didn't even realize you were already outside of the bar when he softly asked you, "aren't you cold?"
You smirked and told him "Well yeah, walking back home in this weather wasn't in my plans dummy, but I didn't bring a jacket though".
He used to be so attentive to you. One of the other things you used to love about him. Always concerned about you.
He simply put his jacket around you and started walking before you could complain about something as simple as this. Like you always did.
It feels nice to know that someone in this world knows you to this extent. The way you’ll react to simple things. How can you still love someone despite knowing that you don’t work together?
You realized he still has this jacket. It's the same one he gave me the first night we spent together. Why do I have to remember this now? Not fair. Maybe he wore it on purpose.
You gave a little run to catch him. Now that you were by his side, you were getting impatient, "Can you please start talking? I'm intrigued by all your seriousness".
You were kind of hating this feeling. Everything about him felt familiar. Suddenly, you wanted to cling your arm to his but thought twice about it.
He chuckled. "Well it's not super serious, I want us to have a nice conversation, you know?" You snorted at this, what does a nice talk mean?
"I can be nice, as long as you tell me WHAT you wanna talk about…", "come on Jooheon, just get to the point".
"Okay!! OKAY… I-" he took a deep breath and continued, "First of all, I want to apologize to you for everything, then I want us to talk about what happened between us if that's okay with you?"
You'd be lying if you didn't say that you wanted this to happen since you drew apart the first time. You always dreamt of having an adult conversation with him.
But the dream left your mind bit by bit. Just like your heart got itself back together after he left you, piece by piece.
Overwhelmed, you could only stare straight ahead into the street. He called your name again. Now your eyes were on his, and you could see his concerns. How his mind was going miles per hour, just like yours.
"I want to apologize too,” you smiled and finally let yourself link arms with him. “It’s gonna take us a while, isn’t it?”.
The walk to your apartment took around 15 minutes. The words you exchanged with Jooheon were kept to a minimum. You weren’t gonna get into the heavy stuff right there in the street.
When you finally arrived, you gave him back his jacket. It was gonna get uncomfortable to talk with him with a piece of clothing that made you remember too much.
“Want something to drink? I have a beer, wine, you name it”. He sat on your couch while you searched for something non-alcoholic in your little fridge. “A beer would be okay”.
You got yourself some water. Otherwise, your head would be fuzzy, and wouldn’t be able to tell him all you’ve had on your mind for years.
You handed him the bottle, and you took your seat on the carpet. Your mind wandered off to the last time he was in here.
When he told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did. You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’, for you.
You remembered how your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment.
He took a swig of his drink and by the time he put the bottle on your little coffee table, it made you realize he was sitting right there, in front of you.
Finally, gathering the courage to start telling you what was on his mind. “I never thought I’d get the chance to talk to you again”.
I didn’t think so, either. We both fucked up multiple times.
You were never a couple. After 5 years, you never understood what had lacked between you. The desire was there. Now and then you had your moments of happiness. Usually on the weekends.
When you met, you weren’t looking for love or a serious relationship. At least one of you.
Jooheon was free, like the wind or like a bird. He flew back and forth and once in a while he needed to land somewhere for a while. Every so often he sought another fire, another bed, other arms that weren’t yours.
The time came when he made you feel a million things inside. Overwhelmed with words and emotions, mostly love. But also turmoil and maybe desperation.
It made you happy that he made you feel so much after being empty for months. You felt different with him. It was the kind of love you didn’t know you had in you. Didn’t even think it was possible to express about someone like this. Until him.
You didn’t need anyone else. You just needed Jooheon. Not only that, but you didn’t care for how long your love would last because you believed that the meaning of the word love was what you had built together.
A few hours together. Every so often the whole night.
But when the morning came, the nightmare started to take form. Texts at inappropriate hours, and even unanswered messages.
You started thinking that you didn’t know better. You started feeling insecure. Replaceable. Maybe he knows better than to be with me.
Desperate to know what you had. But afraid that you would ruin everything with the words “What are we?”.
Tried to convince yourself that all of this was okay. That it was a good thing that you were going slow, giving him the chance to open up to you.
Months kept passing and your trust in him was running thin. He made you feel weird on the daily. Wondering if he was seeing someone else. If he danced with someone tonight. Had they kissed? Is he having sex with someone who isn’t me? What if he’s tired of me?
You wanted to be with him, but It was starting to hurt.
I hate that when I try to get myself to think that I don’t like you anymore… you do these little things that make me love you.
When you were together, he treated you like there was no one else for him. His hand was always wrapped up in yours. Talking until dawn, about college, his family, and your relationship. Those times, you couldn’t lie to yourself about your feelings.
He was the only face you could see in the world. The only guy you’ve ever wanted to keep around. But how did we get to this point?
The day you told him you were starting to fall in love with him, all he could reply was, “I don’t know what to say, I never thought you would be in love with me”.
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Well what do you want me to say? You took me by surprise”.
“You could tell me how you feel. I’m not expecting for you to tell me you love me back, I-“
There’s no return now, you have to keep talking.
“I’m just tired of not knowing what’s in your head, I’m not sure if you want to have something with me anymore, it’s okay if you don’t so, just be honest with me”.
“I like you”. You stayed quiet after hearing this, urging him to tell you more than just three words.
“I mean, of course, I’m attracted to you”.
At that moment, you liked what you heard. But the more you thought about it, you realized that he didn’t actually care for you, or loved you. Maybe that was a greedy thought from you. Maybe you expected too much.
You were angry but mostly angry at yourself.
Why are you still waiting for him? It's been years and nothing has happened between you. Nothing ever will at this point.
You ended up telling him not to bother you again, that if this was his way of ‘loving’ you, you were better off without it.
But that was a lie, you longed for your phone to show his name, even if it was at 5 A.M. Still thinking that there was no other way to love someone.
Unable to put an end to it, months kept passing and nothing changed between you. Jooheon had many others, and you only had him.
You loved spending nights like this by his side, watching him sleep, wondering for hours about you two. Unable to explain how you could love him this much.
Maybe he did love you, but you can’t handle this kind of love anymore. It’s better for both of you to end this, whatever it was because it's driving you crazy. And you meant it this time.
Jooheon told you goodnight and planted a soft kiss on your lips like he always did.
You knew it wasn’t a simple ‘good night’ for you, this was the last time you were gonna let him in. Your eyes followed him until he closed the door of your apartment. Fighting back your tears while softly saying to yourself, “I’m always going to love you…”.
The texts at 5 A.M. came again, but this time there was no answer. Jooheon started calling and sending texts for days, but you didn’t reply. All your efforts in disappearing from him on social media weren’t stopping him.
He met someone else, yet the texts wouldn’t stop. Until one day they did.
Now and then your curiosity would get the best of you and you would see his Instagram stories with her. An older girl you had met once. They were supposed to be friends.
You wanted to avoid comparing yourself to her but, he never posted something with you. It’s a dumb thing to worry about, but it’s one of those things that sometimes matter.
You tried to understand the whole situation. Accept the fact that you two weren’t meant to be. That he didn’t see a future with you.
Your days stopped revolving around him. You focused your time on getting your degree, learning another language, going out with your friends. Even tried meeting new people.
There were a few here and there. No one was enough for you.
Your ideas of love and relationships were different now. You gave another meaning to the word love. You wanted to find someone who would love you and take care of you. A quiet kind of love, real love.
What you had with Jooheon, was something you never wanted to experience again. Days went by, even months until you saw each other once more; for the first time in Jooheon’s life, he felt a knot in his stomach, he knew he lost you, for good this time.
Months passed and Jooheon left his girlfriend. He now felt different because he looked for you in everyone, yet he couldn’t find you, and he felt empty.
He cursed himself a thousand times for not knowing how to appreciate you and the love you gave him for two whole years. Tears finally fell from his eyes, he couldn’t believe he was crying for someone, crying for love, crying for you.
He took his phone out, swallowed hard, and started typing another text.
“I miss you, and I need you with me now and always, I never thought I would say this, but I’m not happy without you. Maybe I should’ve loved you less and loved you better, I just want you to know that I’ll always be waiting for you my sweet y/n…”
But the message was never delivered. You had changed your number.
It made sense that you would do that someday. It’s been too long, but this didn’t stop him from sending you texts in the middle of the night. When he felt the overwhelming need to have his arms wrapped around you.
I still love you
(9:05 p.m.)
no, I don’t
(9:06 p.m.)
I’m confused why did this happen
(2:26 a.m.)
I want you to be happy, if this is what it takes then I’m okay with it. be happy. for me. please.
(10:45 a.m.)
I kind of hate you for changing your number
(8:57 p.m.)
I’m sorry
(1:43 a.m.)
maybe if I wasn’t so fucked up this wouldn’t have happened
(3:37 a.m.)
why can’t things be like they were before
(10:13 a.m.)
please come back to me. I need you. You need me
(1:58 a.m.)
I still want you
(4:06 a.m.)
The day you left town was the day he swore to himself to try his best to get another chance to talk to you, just once more. To make things right, not caring anymore about his pride. He just wanted to let you know everything he didn’t say when you were by his side.
That he was sorry that it took him too long to acknowledge he was wrong. That he knew he was a little too late and wishes that he could say something more meaningful than a simple “I want you back”.
“I wonder why” You smirked at him.
The more you kept making eye contact, the more you realized you didn’t feel any kind of resentment anymore. You both had grown, and while you didn’t actually need this kind of closure, you figured this was the healthiest moment to do so.
His eyes were avoiding you now, his smile was still there, but you could tell he lost a bit of his confidence. “Okay, so I’m gonna talk first, please just hear me out. I want to rip the band-aid,” He said with a forced laugh.
“I don’t know why I could never tell you that love scares me. That it scares me to be attached to someone”. His tone was soft now.
“I still play in my head the day you told me you were falling in love with me. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you not to tell me those things because you could have changed your mind any moment”.
“I never told you how I felt one of the many nights you spent with me. You were stroking my hair and I seriously felt like crying because I was fucking scared”.
“I was scared to lose you”.
“I’m sorry because I know I made you think I didn’t want you for something serious. I’m sorry for being immature”.
“I look at you now, and I’m happy to get to see you like this. You’re still everything I’ve ever wished for and more. You need to know that nothing compares to you”.
“And believe me, I don’t expect you to take my words as a way of asking you for another chance, I know I don’t deserve it… but I would really love it if you could let me show you I could love you better this time”.
You never imagined these words coming out of his mouth. Couldn’t believe how he was looking at you. Hopeful but understanding at your loss for words.
“Can I ask you one last thing?” His voice was barely audible, but you nodded at him.
“Well, maybe it’s not an actual question, but I’d like to know why you stopped talking to me”.
“Look Jooheon, I don’t know how everything I wanna say will come out, so please bear with me”.
You didn’t know where to start, either.
There were so many things to be said that you were getting nervous to start talking. Because once you opened your mouth, you didn’t know if you would be able to piece everything together.
“When everything ended I really wanted to hate you, everyone around me hated you,” you admitted to him, “except for me and I hated that”.
“I knew that all I could be able to do was cut you from my life, so I just decided to stop talking to you”.
It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth. “I admit it was a poor way of handling things, and I’m sorry for that”.
You’ve always been scared of having this type of conversation.
You let out a sigh because you never thought that the following words were gonna come out of your mouth, ever.
“I’ve only been in love once in my life, and that was when I was with you”.
“It used to frustrate me that I wasn’t able to make it work with anyone after you. I couldn’t help but compare everyone to you”.
“I swore to myself that I never wanted to go through the same thing we had, maybe because those memories are yours and I don't want anyone else messing that up, you made me feel so safe, I felt alive with you, nothing could stop me when I had you”. 

“You've been the only one I've ever wanted to see every day, no matter the hour or how busy I was, I truly wanted everything with you”.
You hadn’t noticed how he had been looking at you this entire time. He couldn’t believe that you used to feel that way about him. Still couldn’t wrap his head around hearing you say how you loved him.
You quickly wiped a tiny little tear that escaped your eye, hoping we wouldn’t notice. But he did.
You let out a nervous laugh and said, “I’m not sad, I swear, It’s just that I never thought I would say all this out loud, especially to you”.
“You don't know how many times I wanted to call you, run to you”.
“Last year before I left I wanted to see you, I kept trying to convince myself that It didn't have to mean anything, that I was just desperate for any physical touch, but from time to time, I wonder if what I really needed was just you”.
He didn’t say anything. So you just said his name out loud. “Jooheon…” Followed by a long pause.
“I feel so different now”.
“When I was far away from you, I realized that I need someone who isn’t absent when it comes to me, someone that isn’t a ghost in my life”.
While you were talking, you were watching his every move and how he couldn’t stop playing with his rings. You’re still not used to seeing him act like this.
“At this point, I want someone who will take care of me, that makes me feel safe. Someone who wants to be with me because they love me, and they love to have me next to them. I’m beyond only spending the night over, I want whole days”.
You finally got up from the floor and sat next to Jooheon. Facing him, making him do the same. He kept looking at you for a whole minute but it felt like hours.
You didn’t know what to do after his following words.
“What I realized with being away from you is that I was pushing away what I’ve always wanted. I wasn’t confident that I could meet you where you were. I felt it would be better not to waste your time back then, but that was then, and this is now…”
You kept looking at each other a little too long. Both realizing you didn't need words anymore. The love was still there.
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appleteez · 3 years
Little Drunk Clingy
Pairing: Jooheon x reader
Genre: fluff, smutish
Word count: 664
𝙰 𝙱𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢
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My eyes concentrating on the screen in front of me, I slowly type away the essay due in two days. The mass hugging my waist starts to move a bit and lets out a long whine.
“Joo, you have to stop complaining. I told you if you came over, I’d be working on my paper.” I sigh slightly at the literal giant baby koala hugging my waist and legs. Speaking of legs, I was starting to lose all feelings from them. “Do you mind changing position a bit, you’re heavy..” He raises himself up and his white head peaks from the top of my laptop. He squints at me, and pouts.
“Why do you hate me?”
“You are so dramatic when you’re drunk..” I sigh lightly putting my computer aside. He smiles and brings himself up a bit until he can hug my torso, resting his head on my chest. Jooheon went out tonight with friends, but ended up texting me all night, then proceeded to beg me to let him come over. It wasn’t surprising from him. I knew that every time he went out, he would end up at my place. Even though I would act annoyed by it, I loved it.
He shifts his head to look up at me and proceeds to smile sweetly. He looks at me for a while and my expression starts to switch to an interrogating one.
“What are you thinking about?” He says almost in a whisper.
“My paper.” I look at my computer then back at him and he pouts.
“Seriously?” I end up laughing and he tries to fight the smile creeping on his lips.
“I like it when you come over. You’re a little clingy but.. it’s cute.”
“Really?” He smiles now all happy, his eyes forming little bright crescents.
“Yeah, you become all clingy and whiny, it funny.” He raises an eyebrow.
“That’s not a compliment.”
“Well, I’m saying it as one. I don’t mind.”
“You don’t mind?” He says in a sarcastic way. “Good thing you don’t mind then.” He rolls his eyes and I laugh at his extra behavior.
“I don’t because.. You could be going to other girls places after you go party, but you always come to me. It makes me happy~” I smile at him and he looks at me surprised for a bit before smiling again.
“Well, it’s fun to come over at your place. It’s relaxing after a party~ I like just hanging out with you. It’s nice.”
“It is nice.” I laugh a bit, and he just looks at me for a bit. His eyes shift down slightly to my lips, and I natural know what it means. It’s like a universal signal. I usually try to ignore it when guys do it to me but.. It was really hard to ignore right now. Before I knew it, my own eyes were shifting down to his cute plump lips, then back up to his twinkling eyes.
His expression becomes serious and he comes up resting on his elbows, his lips dangerously getting close to mine. He stays at a dangerous distance for a bit to see if I would reject him. Once he gets the message that I was not moving, he closes the distance between us. It lasts three seconds, the perfect amount of time for a first kiss. He then leans down again, kissing me for five seconds, the perfect amount for a second kiss. For the third one, we both smile into it, and I bring my hands up to his cheeks to make him stay in place for a longer kiss. He starts to balance himself on one arm, so he can slide his hand up to my face, then down to my hip. I wrap my arms around his neck, and soon we’re making out like there’s no tomorrow, completely forgetting about my paper. Me and Jooheon weren’t dating. Just not yet I guess.
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kyun-toast · 3 years
[Monsta X] My Funny Valentine
a/n: I’m a little late to the v-day party
classic as they come: favourite flowers waiting for you in the passenger of his black bentley; city views from the 100th floor; tom ford suit and tie, heels and chanel rouge; hand firm on your waist; dinner by candlelight; plates of decadent desserts; boxes wrapped in thick paper and red satin bows; tucking your hair behind your ear to place the softest kiss on your cheekbone, a gentleman’s honour.
clandestine cake club: the smell of burnt sugar filling the air; perfect bed hair; back hugs in the kitchen; kissing chocolate from your lips; flour on his brow; gold-rimmed glasses slipping down your nose as you stir thick cream; lips the flavour of raspberries, figs, and spices; sugar-coated clichés so sweet you wouldn’t ever mind if they’re with him.
painter’s palette: wearing his white shirt; lips stained by a bottle of your favourite red; paint on your fingertips and smudges on your face; moonlight shining on your art; canvases filled with secret meanings only you two know; polaroids scattered on the coffee table; smiling into your kisses as you make a pretty mess on the living room floor.
songbird: a dimly lit studio; sat in the comfort of his hoodie scented by a dark amber cologne; divided by the thick glass of the recording booth; a song written just for you, his muse; a file stored away under the name ‘my valentine’; softly lit candles that smell just like him; you lock eyes with his that silently express – i adore you.
rose garden daydream: warm winter sunlight; silk robes and lace shorts; roses adorn every space on your floor; soft rustlings in the kitchen; the sweetest breakfast on your balcony; strawberry kisses; long hair covering his sleepy eyes and sleepy smiles; fingers tangled together in the morning sun; your very own michelangelo, the centrepiece of your rose garden.
night arcade: pure laughter that can only arise from the deepest parts of your chests; neon lights blinking in the night; sharing a slushie from two straws, faces so close you’re almost kissing; winner’s tokens exchanged for heart-shaped lollipops; giant plushies you can barely fit your arms around; lips meeting behind the secrecy of the photobooth curtain, youth captured in four black and white pictures.
whiskey blues: deep purple velvet seats and low hanging lights; slow sips from crystal glasses; a live jazz band narrating your night; the bittersweet pairing of a macallan 18 with crème brulée on your tongue; hushed voices exchanging sweet nothings; margiela’s by the fireplace staining the air at your every move; a dark twinkling in his eyes as you exchange your darkest secrets.
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yoonguurt · 4 years
And What Would You Like?
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Pairing: Jooheon x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: thigh riding, penetrative sex, protected sex (this is the right way)
You glance at your glass self staring back at you from the mirror, looking as pleased as you felt. Your eyes scan over your reflection in all its ridiculous glory, and you let out a scoff. The woman in front of you is clad in, in your opinion, the most hideous outfit known to man. Your torso is covered in a darker green shirt with oversized golden buttons, the sleeves sliced in a way that reminds you of shark teeth, and that thought kind of makes you feel slightly better. Your leggings are probably the most comfortable leggings you’ve ever worn, but the red and white stripes printed on them make you feel like a walking candy cane. You hate candy canes. You think the shoes might actually be the worst part of this outfit, they fit fine but look far too big for your feet and the same ugly green as your shirt. They have little bells on them that jingle every time you move and the sound of bells haunts your nightmares now. Then there’s the hat. That fucking hat. No, that is definitely the worst part. It’s floppy and red and just pure uncomfortable. It itches and has a weird smell no matter how many times you wash it, and in true Christmas spirit, another damn bell.
You don’t hate your job, but you aren’t sure why you came back. The pay is ok at best, the customers can be a bit assy,  but you do have your coworkers. You say coworkers, but you know you’re only thinking of one in particular. Your mind flashes an image of the cutest dimples and you know that’s the main reason you came back for a second season as one of Santa’s elves. You sigh and grab your keys and trudge out the door. Pulling into your usual spot in the mall parking lot, you feel the urge to turn your car back on and head right back home. The urge only double as you look into the mirror in your sun visor and see that stupid hat again. Your hand flies to your keys that are still in the ignition, ready to turn it and speed out of there. Your hand only has to move just a small amount and your car is ready to go, but before you make that move, you were the sweetest laugh from somewhere in your memory. You hate that just the phantom laugh has the power to make your heart flip and causes your hand to move from the keys. 
Walking through the mall doors immediately makes you want to turn around. Despite the early hour, the speakers are blaring Christmas music, and though you know why, it annoys you. The murmur of constant talking adds to your already forming headache. You can see the line already beginning to form and you already know that you won’t be getting out of here till late. You weave through the small crowd gathering near the corner of the mall where everything had been set up, rounding the corner only to pause in a bit of surprise. Everything is vastly different this year. Last year had been the first year this particular company had set up a Santa area in a mall so everything was pretty, for lack of a better word, crappy. You remember the short, raggedy green carpet that had been set up for people to line up on. It had definitely seen better days, the edges had long started to fray. The carpet let up to a single chair, that always looked like it was one ass away from collapsing. 
The difference today is striking. The green carpet had been replaced, it was still kind of stiff as if this was the first time it was being used. The shitty chair had been replaced by, well many things. The flashy new carpet led to a very large platform with stairs on either side of it. On top sat a very different chair than before. This one looked like no one had ever sat in it, it was very ornate with carvings painted in gold on the top and sides. Directly in front of the chair was a slide. You thought that part was pretty neat, a little bit of an extra reward for having to wait in such long lines.  You walk forward, slightly turning your body every now and then to keep from running into people. You greet the twins, Ella and Emma, as you pass, assuming they’re going to be the second group of partners with you this year. They each give you a wave as they stay in place at the bottom of each set of stairs, which means you’ll be at the top. As soon as you reach the top of the platform, you’re met with the sound of jingling bells. You immediately turn your back to the direction of sound, biting back a smile that really wants your face to split in a wide grin. You do your best to seem like you’re busy doing something as the sound of bells continues behind you. It doesn’t take long for the noise to stop, a whiney sound replacing the jingles. You slowly turn around to see the cutest pout you have ever seen. “ Aw come on. You know I hate when you ignore me!” The sentence was drawn out as the man before had let it out in a whine. “I know you do, Jooheon. That’s why I do it.” You laughed as you replied, knowing it would only cause him to pout at you more even though you meant nothing by it. He gives you a playful shove, pout intensifying before his face shifts into mock anger. Your playful session with Jooheon comes to an abrupt halt as a man dressed in a Santa suit walks up from a third set of stairs hidden behind the platform. You give your partner a quick huff of a laugh and shake your head as you make your way to the right side staircase and motion for the first child in line to start climbing the stairs. 
You can’t even count how many children you had ushered from the stairs to Santa. Your shift was longer than you remembered and your stomach has been reminding you that you needed food for hours no. It had been a very busy opening day and there just hadn’t been enough time for you to grab something to eat on your almost nonexistent break. You had just enough time to rush to the restroom on the other side of the mall and then rush back. You really can’t wait to get home and take a shower and get some sleep before you have to do it all again the next. Grabbing a broom, you help sweep and clean up the village area, all four of you working together to get it done quickly. Finishing your part of cleaning didn’t take long at all so you put your supplies away and wished everyone a quick goodnight and head to the mall entrance. Just as you push through the doors of the mall, you hear someone calling your name from behind you. You turn to see Jooheon jogging to catch up with you and you chuckle a little as you pause and wait for him. Your chuckle turns into more of a giggle when he stops in front you, hands on his knees. You can tell that he is only slightly out of breath and his posture is just an exaggeration. He jerks his head up quickly, flashing you that gorgeous smile and you will your cheeks not to blush. “Hey you wanna go get some food from the place up the street? I know we didn’t get much of a break so I thought you might be hungry and I’m already going. Wanna keep me company?” You feel your stomach do a little flip and your mind immediately tells your body to shut up and that he’s just being nice. Realizing you’ve been silent for a moment, you nod your head and start to tell him that you’re totally down for some food, but a rumble from your stomach beats you to it. Jooheon laughs and your demanding hunger grumble and nods his head toward the parking lot. “Come on then, I’ll drive.”
This was very new. You had never spent time with Jooheon outside of work. What do you even talk about? You weren’t the kind of person to get nervous easily, but you were starting to get that nervous feeling. The two of you walked to his car in silence, shoulders just barely brushing. You took a step to the side, not wanting to crowd Jooheon too much, but almost immediately you were brushing his shoulder again. Jooheon sped up slightly to make it to his car before you did, grabbing his passenger door just in time for you to step up to the car. He flashed you that boyish smile as he held the door for you and bowed slightly and made a swiping motion toward his car. The action caused you to let out a loud laugh as you sat in the seat. Once he had closed the door, you watched as he jogged around the front of the car and planted himself in the driver’s seat. He gave you another quick smile as he turned the key and buckled his seatbelt, casting you a glance to make sure you had done the same. “Safety first.” You giggled at his words, rolling your eyes slightly even though you appreciated the gesture. 
“You good with the chicken place up here?” His eyes never left the road as he spoke, voice calm. Once you gave him an affirmative answer, he nodded his head with a quick ‘cool’ as he switched lanes. The car went silent, but it was in no way an uncomfortable silence. To you, it felt like two people that had lived together for a while, two people enjoying each other’s company while still doing their own thing. You let out a small sigh of content, just enjoying the ride. “Everything ok?” This time Jooheon turned his head in your direction briefly, a look of concern on his face. You gave him a small and a nod, telling him that it wasn’t a bad sigh and he smiled back at you. As he turned into the drive, you realized that though you had passed the restaurant, you had never actually stopped here. A flash of panic shot through you, worrying that there wouldn’t like anything here. You quickly talk yourself down, telling yourself that it’s a chicken place and of course chicken tenders are an option. After your almost panic, you feel the car come to a stop as Jooheon pulls into a parking spot. 
“Pick a table, any table.” Jooheon says in his best over the top magician voice. You give him a playful shove, which he returns. His shove is a tad bit harder than you expected and you start to tip backwards. You close your eyes, preparing yourself for a fall, only to feel a pull on your arm. You feel warm breath on your cheeks and you open your eyes to find Jooheon’s face directly in front of yours. You take a moment to admire his lips up close, your breath hitching as you realize that all you had to do was lean slightly and you’d be kissing him. It feels like forever that you two stand in silence before Jooheon finally speaks. “Sorry. I guess I used a little too much force.” His voice is barely above a whisper and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn, glancing up to see that his are tinted pink too. You take a quick step back and quickly place a smile on your face. “Just check your strength next time, Muscles.” You punctuate your sentence with a small huff of a laugh. He quickly follows your laugh with one of his own and a nod as he follows you toward one of the outdoor patio tables. 
After ordering your food, there is a little bit of awkward silence between the two of you and you do your best to think of something to talk about to ease the awkwardness. “So, why a mall elf? Is it the costume?” You have a bit of a smirk playing on your lips as you wait for his answer. “I just really like kids. I know some of them can be a pain, but most of them are pretty well behaved and I really like seeing the way their eyes light up when they finally get to Santa. What about you?” That was in no way what you were expecting and there was no way you could answer that question honestly. There was no way you could tell him that the only reason you came back was because of him.  You didn’t think about the possibility of him asking you the same question. You really should have thought a little longer. “I just really like Christmas is all.” You mentally scold yourself for such a lame answer. It wasn’t like it was a lie, you really did love Christmas time, it was just a ridiculous answer. You watch as he smirks briefly before giving you a nod. “So what do you do during the rest of the year?” His eyes were focused on yours, almost burning through you. It took you a moment to answer, too focused on his chocolate globes. “Something very similar.” You pause to let out a laugh. “I work in my family’s convenience store. You? What does the cheeriest elf around do on a normal day?” He straightens his back a little and his face turns a bit serious. He’s quiet for a moment, letting his professional aura sink in a little more. “Bakery cashier Jooheon at your service.” His straight face immediately breaks, a giant smile plastered across his face. “A friend of mine owns a bakery and I work for him. He lets me off on the days I work at the mall.” Before you could respond, your food was being sat on the table. You quickly grabbed your chicken tenders, not really realizing how hungry you were until food was right in front of you. You heard a chuckle as you began to dig into your food and you suddenly felt embarrassed for shoveling food in your mouth. Your eating slowed as the two of you continued to make small talk, slowly learning more about each other.
The conversation continued well after the both of you were done eating. Jooheon checked his watch and quirked his eyebrows. “We should probably get you back to your car before it gets too late.” He motioned to sever and told her that you were ready to pay. You watched her walk back into the building quickly coming back at and setting a single ticket on the table. “How much do I owe?” Your focus was on your wallet as you flipped through it to get your cash. “Nope. I got it.” You lifted your head, eyes slightly widening to find Jooheon already handing the server her his card. He turns to face you, smile wide and eyes crinkling slightly. You’re slightly in awe at just how beautiful yet boyish he looks. You get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to pinch his cheeks but wanting to kiss him at the same time. You open your mouth to protest, only to be cut off by the server bringing Jooheon’s card back. He thanks her and she grabs the tray of trash and tells the both of you to have a good night. 
The drive back to your car is filled with soft music. The volume isn’t high, straining slightly you do your best to make out the voice. It’s not one you’ve heard before but it somehow sounds familiar. It's a smooth and honeyed sound, every now and then a growling texture making an appearance. The transition from soft vocals to the graveled rapping is seamless, you almost don’t notice the change. It leaves you feeling warm and calm and it’s very easy to get lost in the sound of the voice. You can feel yourself zoning out, trying to focus on the lyrics. You can make out enough to know that  it’s a song about wanting to confess to someone and it resonates with you. You can feel  how desperately the artist wants the object of his affection to know about  his feelings. The song is nearing its end when you finally realize you’re pulling up to your car and you really want to know who the artist is so you can look them up, but you can’t seem to make yourself ask. You both sit silently for a moment before Jooheon’s voice rings out in the air. “Thanks for coming with. See you tomorrow for the ole shift work? You give him a nod. “Thanks for the invite,I had fun.” You reach for the handle, trying not to swing the door too hard. You give him a smile and a small wave as you step out of the car and move to close the door. You hear Jooheon call your name and you pause and lean down a little to look at him. “Get home safe, yeah?” You laugh and agree, telling him to do the same as you close the door. 
You’re beyond grateful at the feeling of the hot water that falls from the shower head. Showers have always been your favorite part of the day, even to the extent of taking more than one on occasion. Most of your showers where the run of the mill get clean showers, but sometimes you would take far longer than you needed. You really liked being able to take your time, sitting down in the bottom of the tub and letting the water just run over your body. You could almost feel the weight of the day being purged from your body. Showers were your way of relaxing, and though this one was no different, you didn’t let it drag on. You were more tired than usual, which probably had something to do with the slight mental strain of being nervous about the hangout/date with Jooheon. Was it a date? You wanted to entertain that thought but you couldn’t allow yourself. Jooheon was just being nice since you two hadn’t had lunch, nothing more. Even though your brain spent energy telling yourself that was all it was, your heart still felt a small flip at the possibility of a date. 
Feeling a slight chill as you step out of the shower, you rush to grab your favorite of black sweats and plain black shirt that is just a tad too big. You quickly dress yourself and rush to put your work clothes in the dryer, flicking your heat on as you pass the thermostat. Your nightly routine didn’t consist of anything too intensive. You washed your face with a simple face wash, followed by an equally simple moisturizer and a brush of your teeth. Due to the cold, you made sure to dry your hair, not wanting to possibly get sick, which was the final piece of your routine. Your apartment has started to warm up slightly, but you still bury yourself in your bed, dragging the blanket all the way up to your chin. 
Your alarm snaps you out of sleep and you already feel your mood dip. The fog of your dreams lifts enough for you to not fully remember what it was about, but your heart is swelling with feelings of Jooeheon, which leads you to believe he played an important part in your mind's nightly escapades. It isn’t the first time you’ve dreamt of the dimpled man, and you can feel that it probably won’t be the last. Your thought drifts to the day you met Jooheon and a smile immediately graces your lips without you even realizing it. You laugh slightly at the memory, feeling so long ago even though it’s only just been a year. 
You had been sitting in a bland room waiting for your interview to start, eyes panning the room. It was just a small room with dull gray walls, the paint was slightly peeling and there was no wall art anywhere in the room. The only sign of movement was the man on the other side of the room, bouncing his leg. You could practically see the sweat starting to bead up on his forehead and you felt a little bad for him. This was obviously something he wanted and anyone could see how nervous he was about this interview. You noticed as he glanced at you, leg still bouncing only faster. You quickly react by flashing him a smile and giving him a thumbs up as a lady in slacks calls his name. He hadn’t been behind the white door for long before he came back out, this time with a large smile on his face. You had been struck by how boyish his smile had been, not expecting it. Immediately after you were struck by just how attractive the man was and how his smile seemed to fit him perfectly, even though you had never talked to him. After getting the job, you were shocked that Jooheon had been assigned as your elf partner. The company had wanted every employee to have a partner. The partners would work every shift together, the company felt that it would bring some sort of consistency in the village. As soon as you had arrived, he gave you that dazzling smile and you knew that you were going to be hooked. 
You got ready much like you had the day before, mirror mental meltdown included. You hold out hope that today will be a good day, the day before hadn’t been awful despite not getting a lunch. Your hope was very swiftly smashed as you looked at the line already forming. It was twice as long as the day before and from the looks of it, most of the kids were in no way well behaved. Your shift went by in a slow wave of crying kids and impatient mothers. While today you were given a break, Santa really needed to get a way for a few minutes, it felt like there hadn’t been a point. You did your best to maintain your cheery elf persona, and you had done a very good job of it. When it came time to leave, you moved straight toward the door. Staying and cleaning wasn’t really part of your job, but you liked to help out the mall staff, but you just couldn’t bear to be here a minute longer. You gave everyone a quick goodbye and a small wave of your hand.
Your hand is reaching for the door handle when you hear your name being called and you almost groan out loud, the only thing stopping you is the recognition of Jooheon’s voice. You stop and turn to face him, giving him a tired smile. “Hey, think you might wanna get some food again? You know, try to have some fun and get rid of this shitty mood?” You can feel yourself deflate a bit. You would absolutely love to hang out with him again, but you’re drained. You peek up at him and his face has the softest expression on it and you feel your stomach flutter and your mood soften slightly. You realize as you look at him that there is absolutely no way that you can say no to his adorable face. You finally smile a little bigger and give him a small nod. He flashes you a giant smile and grabs your hand and pulls you into the parking lot. 
You look at Jooheon in confusion as he makes no move to turn into the chicken place you went to the night before. He lets out an airy chuckle before looking at you and flashing a smile. “I thought we might check out the 24 hour diner down here.” You give him a nod and tell him that you’ve been wanting to try it for a while, just haven’t gotten the chance. He opens the diner door for you and you smile and thank him as a bell rings out from above the door. You hear someone call out a welcome to you and you nod in their direction and mutter a thank you as Jooheon leads you to a booth in the back corner of the diner. The two of you sit and almost immediately an older woman stops at your table with some menus and a question of what you would like to drink. 
The table is silent as you both study the menu, deciding what your stomach is in the mood for. You end up choosing a cheeseburger, Jooheon choosing the same. “You know, we’ve never swapped numbers.” Jooheon’s voice is a slightly higher pitch than normal, but you’re certain you would be the only one that would notice something like that. You nod and emit a small laugh when he slides his phone across the table, the new contact screen already showing. You slide him your phone before adding yourself into his contacts. The conversation is more small talk, talking about how awful the shift was and singling out the kids whose behavior made them hard to forget. You can certainly feel the weight and bad vibe of the day slowly melt away throughout the dinner. The waitress comes back once you finish your food, taking your plates and asking if you would like any dessert. You quickly order a small bowl of ice cream, Jooheon deciding that he’s fine without dessert. 
Your ice cream doesn’t take long to make it back to the table, and a smile lights up your face as the waitress sets it down for you. Everything is silent as you enjoy your dessert until Jooheon’s voice grabs your attention. “Hey, hold still.” His arm reaches across the table and you feel his finger swipe at the corner of your lip. You can feel your breath hitch and it honestly feels like time has slowed. You watch as his eyes find yours and his arm retracts to his side of the table, his finger making its way to his mouth. You hold your breath as you watch him suck the ice cream off of his finger. You can feel your mouth dry at the action and while you clench your thighs together. Your eyes stay focused on each other for what feels like an eternity, before the waitress interrupts by asking if you needed anything else. Jooheon licks his lips before turning his attention to the older woman, flashing her a smile and asking for the check. It’s silent between you two as you wait to pay. You move to get your wallet, Jooheon only shaking his head when you try to hand him your share. 
Jooheon holds the diner door open for you, walking slightly faster than you to open the door of his car. You smile as you make your way to the car door. “Thank you for such a great date I didn’t even know I was having.” Your voice is light and you laugh at your joke and you see Jooheon’s cheeks turn slightly pink. As he moves to shut the door, you glance over his form, breath catching as you see the slight strain of his pants. You take a moment to take a deep breath as you clench your thighs with more force than the last time. Jooheon makes his way around the car, his pants clinging to his thighs in a way that has you clenching around nothing and you almost let out a moan. The car ride back is silent and not the comfortable kind, it’s full of tension and it is taking all of your control to drive back the want to grip his thighs at every stop. After what feels like forever, Jooheon finally pulls up beside your car. You know you should thank him and open the car door, but you can’t seem to make yourself move. You sit in silence for a few more minutes before Jooehon speaks. “Has it really not been obvious that I like you?” 
Your head snaps to face him, his expression serious. You stare at him for a moment before you realize that you should probably answer him, but your voice seems to not work so you settle for a shake of your head. He doesn’t say anything and you finally muster up the will to make yourself speak. “I-I really had no idea.” Your voice trails off into a whisper at the end as you struggle to keep eye contact. “After interview day, I had hoped I would see you again and when we found out we were partners, I was freaking out inside. I was excited to get to know you and by the end of last season, I was chin deep in feelings for you. I kicked myself for not getting your number last year and I hoped you would be back this year.” You’re barely breathing as you take in his words. He liked you. Jooheon. Jooheon liked you for as long as you liked him. Your mind was spinning, going back and forth between shock and happiness. It took you a few moments to realize that Jooheon had gone quite and you hadn’t responded. You rushed to let him know that you felt the same, your words coming out in a jumble. “Ireallylikeyoutoolikealot.” You mentally kicked yourself, knowing there was almost no way that he understood that. It’s clear by the way he looks at you, beaming smile, that lets you know that he understood. 
There is a period of nothing but staring, neither of you really knowing what to do. Over time, you both start slowly leaning towards each other, not moving at a hasty pace. Your lips finally touch and it almost takes your breath away. It’s very sweet as Jooheon brings his hand to rest on your cheek, thumb rubbing your cheek slowly. It quickly escalates from soft and sweet to heated as his tongue swipes your bottom lip in a silent plea for entrance, which you grant without hesitation. Your makeout session takes another turn as Jooheon places his hand on your waist, squeezing slightly. When you two finally break apart, your chests are heaving as you try to catch your breath. It’s silent for another beat before Jooheon asks if you want to come back to his apartment, which you quickly agree to. He gives you another slow kiss before starting his car and pulling out of the parking lot.
You can’t give an accurate estimate at how far away Jooheon’s apartment is. It feels like days since you left the mall parking lot and Jooheon’s hand rubbing your thigh isn’t making it go any faster. His slow movement and the fact that his hand occasionally dips closer to your needy core seems to make it only drag on. The slow and sensual music on the radio making it even worse, though it does remind you to ask Jooheon about the artist. Jooheon finally pulls the car into a parking spot in front of his apartment building, not hesitating to immediately make his way out and around the car to open your door. His hand finds yours immediately and he tugs you along behind him. 
As soon as you’re in his apartment and his door is closed, your back is pushed up against it, Jooheon’s lips on yours. His hands find purchase on your waist as yours rest on his abdomen. You can feel the muscle underneath your hands and you let out a moan as you run your fingers over his defined abs. You can feel his body tense and shiver as you move your hands over his stomach. His lips make their way down your jaw and onto your neck, finding your sensitive spot almost immediately. When you let out a gasp, you feel him smirk against your neck as he continues to suckle on your neck and you just know you’ll have a mark the next day. His hands slide down to rest on your ass, squeezing and placing a small smack, causing you to let out another moan. He pulls back, lips pink and pupils blown. You’re trying to catch your breath when he takes your hand again and leads you to his bedroom. 
Neither of you bother shutting the bedroom door, making your way straight to his bed. He pulls you around in front of him, kissing you slowly as he leans you back to lay on the bed. When your back meets the bed, he climbs over you making sure to rest most of his weight on his arm while the other hand makes its way to cup your face. His lips slowly make their way down your neck before he leaves a little bite and the junction of your neck and shoulder and his tongue darts out to swipe over the spot. He leans back, resting on his knees as his hands make their way to the hem of your shirt. He looks at you with a quirked eyebrow and you nod, giving him permission. He teases as he slowly removes your shirt, bending down to litter your stomach with kisses. He moves up your body as your shirt moves higher, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. His hands move to unclasp your bra as soon as the shirt is tossed on the floor. His mouth finds your hardened bud, tongue swirling as his other hand moves to the other breast. You let out a whimper as he begins to roll your other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
He brings his mouth back to your lips, placing a quick peck on your lips as his hands make their way to the waistband of your leggings. You hold your breath as his hands move slowly down your body, his eyes fixed on your face. He grips your leggings and slowly pulls them down your body, lips ghosting over the newly exposed skin. After kissing his way back up your legs, making sure to pay special attention to the inside of your thighs, he sits back up and moves to set up against his headboard. You whine at his absence, his teasing and attention to your body having your underwear soaked. “I noticed you looking at my thighs in the car, baby. Why don’t you come up here and have a seat for me.” His voice is dripping with lust and though you didn’t think you could get wetter, you feel your juices running down your thighs. You slowly roll yourself onto your stomach, making sure to stick your ass in the air as you crawl over to his leg. You make sure to maintain eye contact as you straddle his thigh, slowly lowering yourself down. You immediately get a rush of pleasure as soon as your core makes contact with this cloth clad thigh. He lets out a groan, letting you know he can feel how wet you are. He moves his hands to your ass, giving you a slight push causing you to glide across his thigh. You let out a loud moan at the friction, hands immediately coming up to grab your breast. You open your eyes to find Jooheon’s eyes fixated on you, teeth sinking into his lower lip. 
You move your hips slowly, dragging out your pleasure. Jooheon watches you with black pupils as he gives you a push every now and then. You can feel your orgasm slowly building and your increase your pace slightly, making no move to hide the moans falling from your mouth. All at once your feel the tightening of your climax speedily increasing and your grip Jooheon’s shoulders as you lose yourself in the feeling of his thigh on your clit. When the band finally snaps, your nails dig into his shoulders and you let out a loud whine. You feel Jooheon tense underneath you as his nails dig into your ass.
He quickly lifts you off of his thigh, placing you softly on the bed beside him.He quickly removes his clothes and you’re struck by just how gorgeous he is. You let your eyes scan his form as he removes his underwear, dick slightly slapping his stomach and you feel your mouth water at the sight. You get rid of your underwear, tossing them somewhere on the floor as you start to crawl toward him. You reach for his cock, wrapping your hand around him and giving him a slow tug. He moans a higher pitched moan and you can feel yourself clench around nothing at the sound. You move to slide your hand again before his hand wraps around yours. “Normally I would spend hours getting each other worked up, but I’ve thought about this for a while. Baby, I need you right now.” You chuckle a little bit as his flustered honesty, moving yourself to lie back down, legs spread for Jooheon to see your dripping pussy. He groans as he reaches to the drawer beside his bed and grabs a condom, ripping into the foil immediately and rolling it on himself. He looks at you with a questioning look and you know he’s giving you a chance to stop this. You response is a hand sliding down your body and dipping your finger into your entrance. You give him a come hither motion and he whines and moves forward and lines himself up with your hole. You bring your finger up, still glistening with your juices and tap his lips lightly. He eagerly opens, taking your finger into his mouth without hesitation and lets out a deep groan of appreciation at your taste.
He thrusts into you without warning, causing you to let out a gasp as you cling to his shoulders. He leans forward to bury his face in your neck, biting a little harder than before. You reach down and dig your nails into his ass, letting him know to move. He leans up from your neck, giving you a deep kiss as he pulls almost completely out of you before thrusting himself back into your core. His thrusts are soft but hit deep and you can’t help the guttural moan you let out as he quickly finds the spot inside of you that has your vision fuzzy. He realizes he’s found your sweet spot and he makes sure to hit it with every thrust. He moves his hand to play with your clit, thrusts speeding up. His fingers seem to work magic as you feel your second climax quickly approaching. Jooheon’s thrusts get sloppy as he increases pressure on your clit and within seconds you're letting go for the second time, quickly followed by a whine from Jooheon as his hips still. 
His body slumps on yours for a few moments before he leans up and gives you a soft kiss, pulling his length out of you before removing the latex from himself and tying a knot throwing it in the small can in the bathroom. He returns with a warm washcloth and he gently wipes you down, ridding you of all the dried fluid. He throws on a pair of sweatpants on himself and tugs open a drawer and pulls out a large tee and hands it to you along with placing a kiss on your temple. Out of nowhere the thought of the music from the car pops into her mind. “Oh hey. Who were you listening to in the car?” He turns to you, tips of his ears red. “Oh. Um. That was me. I play around with music in my free time.” It hits you why the voice felt comfortable and you smile wide. “It’s really good. I like it alot.” You let out a giggle as his gives you an embarrassed thanks, cheeks heating up with pink. “Do you maybe wanna stay the night and watch a movie? I can run you to get your car so it’s not in the lot all night.” You give a smile and nod your head. “I do have one condition though.” He looks at you with a confused look. “We are absolutely not watching anything that evolves elves.” He laughs and nods as he crawls into his bed and wrapping his arms around you. “No elves. You got it.”
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milfgyuu · 4 years
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PLEASE READ: Formerly Jinyoungsir & Bubblebeom. All stories marked with [M] contain explicit 18+ sexual content.  ♥︎ I am not currently creating any new content for MX at this time 7/6/22♥︎
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Group Series  →
‘Bubbles’ M.List [M] [OT7 Series Master List] 
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Sohn Hyunwoo (shownu)  →
If you can’t sleep, we could have sex [request, fluff, humor] playing cat & mouse with your best friend gets fun.
I’m scared so you hold my hand [request, fluff] sometimes losing is ok if it earns you shownu’s affection.
Multi-Chapter Stories...
Proposition [M] One | Two | Three [completed series; smut] your husband invites hoseok to your hotel room after a company dinner and things get interesting.
2:13pm [timestamp;fluff]
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Lee Hoseok (wonho)  →
Two Types  [fluff, strangers] your date is going terribly when a handsome stranger catches on and saves you from it.
Multi-Chapter Stories...
Proposition [M] One | Two | Three [completed series; smut] your husband invites hoseok to your hotel room after a company dinner and things get interesting.
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Lee Minhyuk  →
Still Hot [married/parent!au, fluff] your husband comes home from the skate park with your son and a bruised ego.
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Yoo Kihyun  →
I just like proving you wrong [romance] you and kihyun head out to the old lake house where you spent your summers growing up…if you remember how to get there.
Yours Forever [sequel; romance] your wedding day is something out of a fairytale but it would be nothing without the man at the other end of the aisle.
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Chae Hyungwon  →
None of your business  [humor, f2l] your brother’s best friend accidentally admits he’s in love with you.
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Im Changkyun  →
How is my wife more badass than me? [mafia!au, humor] you’re on a mission and he’s a little distracting.
Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed? [f2l, humor] weird goldie locks roleplay where you come home to find your friend changkyun sleeping in your bed.
No. 11 Secret Relationship [angst, romance] another argument about hiding your relationship & resolution.
Size Matters? [fluff, humor] changkyun is stressing about his tiny new bodyguard until he finds out she is both very cute and absolutely terrifying.
Fake Text #1 [spicy humor]
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Misc Group Content  →
Late Night Snack [Reaction] 
Toddler Dads [Imagine?] 
♥︎ | Main M.List | Updated 10/02/22 ♥︎
→ Please do NOT copy, repost, or translate, any of my works here on tumblr or on any other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, Milfgyuu, 2019. ©️
221 notes · View notes
blizzardfluffykpop · 5 months
Lover Boy
Summary: The two times you kissed Hui before you knew who he was, and the few that followed.
Word Count: 4,782
Fluff, Non-idol au, College au, Strangers to Lovers, & Older Brother’s Best Friend au
TW: Drinking, Food Mentions
Hoetaek (Hui) X Reader 
[Features! “Hui’s Younger Brother! Joo” Otherwise known as: (Y/n)’s best friend and roommate]
[A/n: In reality, Hui is the younger brother, and I don’t actually know Hui’s brother’s name. And yes, his name is Joo because the first Lee I thought of was Jooheon. Not based on Jooheon at all though. Inspired by: ‘Whui Is Me’ Concept #3 & #4 was originally inspired by Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen, but nothing came about from it.]
The first time you laid eyes on him, you were at a disco-themed club. He had a silver suit on and a large collared shirt. His strawberry-cream hair stood out to you in the midst of the crowd. You couldn’t see anyone else as he glided around the LED squares. He caught you staring and winked. And for the first time in a long time, you were flabbergasted.
Maybe it was the amount of liquid confidence you drank. But you danced up to him and asked if he'd like to dance with you. He smiled, and soon you were in each other’s arms and spinning around to the songs together. It took another song before you asked if you could kiss him, and he nodded. When you pulled away, you both were blushing red, but he initiated the second kiss as you two slowly rocked back and forth. 
When the night ended, and you parted ways, you realized you never caught his name, too caught up in the feeling of having his lips on yours. You sighed as you got into bed, and your roommate, who was still up, asked, “So, how was the disco?” You shook your head, “It was magical. Yet, I never learned his name.” He laughs, “Damn, you should have.” He looks at the time, “Shit, how long did you make out with him?” You look at the time and see it’s three in the morning, “I thought you were going to be home at one!” You laugh, “Did you base your sleep schedule on when I returned?” He huffs, “Yes, usually you have two drinks and come home.” You shake your head, “Yeah, but that was before I saw him.” He sighs, “Did you at least get his number?” You pout, “No.” He shakes his head at you, “And you say I’m hopeless.” You sigh, “You have me there.” 
You throw yourself onto your bed, and he follows suit, throwing himself on his own,  “Did you end up going on a date today?” He nods, “Yeah, it was successful.” You pout, “Fucker.” He laughs, “But I didn’t make any bases.” You do a little fist bump in the air, “I win!” He rolls his eyes, “At least I know her name.” You shrug, get under the covers, and go, “Whatever, good night, Joo.” “Good night, (Y/n).” 
The second time you met him, you still didn’t know he was your best friend’s older brother. You watch as his band performs at your college’s packed bar. His strawberry-cream hair still drawing you to him. But hearing his singing voice and watching as his fingers glide across the fretboard of his guitar had you enraptured. You just had to know more.
When his band leaves the stage, you return to drinking and conversing with the people around you. You're asking for a second drink. When someone asks sweetly, “Is this seat taken?” You turn your head to see him again and shake your head no, and he sits beside you. You still can't believe he came up to you, but come up with, “I didn’t know you could sing?” He grins, “It’s my major!” You laugh, and he finally tells you his name, “I forgot to introduce myself the last time we were with each other, but I’m Hoetaek, but almost everyone calls me Hui.” You grin and introduce yourself, and he says, “That’s a beautiful name.” You blush and thank him. 
You talked more than you had kissed, but you still couldn’t get enough of him. He left you starstruck. You wanted to know everything and more about him, like what his favorite songs were and his favorite kind of weather. You went back home, and your best friend was already fast asleep, having learned his lesson from last time. His name should have rang a bell, but you still couldn’t place where you’d heard his name before as you fell asleep.
You didn’t register it until you were brushing your teeth in the morning. You gasped as you brushed your teeth, “Hoetaek?” You rushed to your roommate’s photo frames, toothbrush still in your mouth. And there they stood at the beach together. Your best friend was disgruntled in the photo while Hui was smiling wildly. You clutch your shirt, not believing the coincidence. You drag your feet back and finish brushing your teeth. “No fucking way.” You had always heard about his older brother, the absolute dork, and here you were, making out with the said dork. For a dork, he certainly knew how to kiss. You went to class and shook off the thought. He probably didn’t even know you were best friends with his little brother. Just like how you didn’t realize he was your best friend's older brother. 
The next time you saw him, you were sitting with Joo on a blanket, studying on the campus grounds, when he came up. “Hey, did you get mom’s text?” Joo blinked at him before quickly grabbing his phone and looking, “Oh, she wants us this home this weekend?” He nods, “Yeah.” Joo asks, “Are you going to go?” Hui shrugs, “I have band practice.” You tune them out, fantasizing about what it would be like to kiss him again. You shook your head at those thoughts because he's supposed to be Joo's dorky older brother. But you couldn't help it. 
Joo interrupts your thoughts, “Oh, (Y/n).” You look at him, and he says, “I never introduced you to Hoetaek. Hui this (Y/n), and (Y/n), this is Hui.” His cheeks were red as he smiled at you and shook your hand, “It’s nice to meet you again.” You blushed as you shook his, “Yeah. I didn’t realize you were Joo’s older brother.” He laughs, “I didn’t realize you were his best friend.” Joo goes, “Ahem,” and you both immediately detach. Joo crosses his arms, “How do you two know each other?” You scramble to find an answer, and Hui says, “We met at the disco club two weeks ago.” Joo nods, “You could have told me you two knew each other.” You shake your head, “We didn’t realize who the other was.” He nods, and Hui gets up from the blanket, “I have to walk to class now, but I’ll pick you up on Friday night.” Joo nods, and when he is far enough away. Joo goes, “Tell me everything.” 
You blushed, “I um, I didn’t realize he was your dorky older brother. Firstly, he was an amazing dancer. And I… may have ended up exchanging a few kisses with him.” He groans, “Ew… He was the whole reason your night was magical?” You nod, and he squints, “Nothing further?” You shake your head, “Unless you consider that we met at his gig a week ago, too…” His jaw drops, “Holy fuck. You two left out a major detail…” You blush and hide your head in your hands, “I know.” He shakes his head, “I’ve always thought of you as my sibling, but you didn’t have to make it official.” You whine, “I know.” And he goes, “Again, you know he’s not cool unless he's in his element.” You pull your hands away, “You’ve said that, but I’ve met him in his element, and god he’s…” He deadpans, “I do not need to know.” You smirk and tease, “Are you sure? I thought you loved hearing the details?” He rolls his eyes, “Yes, I’m sure. I do not need to know whether or not he’s a good kisser.” You smirk, “He is.” He sighs, shaking his head, “Anyways… Do you like him?” You look down at your hands, “I think so.” He smiles, “Well, when are you gonna make a move?” You blush, “Joo...” And he goes, “Well, now that I have the opportunity for you to become my sibling officially. I want this process to speed up a little faster.” You roll your eyes and go back to studying. 
As you’re finishing your homework, you hear Joo say, “Hey, Mom!” You hear her sweet voice over the phone, “Oh, honey, I was wondering when you would get my text!” You look at him to see the smirk gracing his lips, “I was wondering, (Y/n) has nowhere to go this weekend… Can they come too?” You glare at him. And you hear her go, “Oh, of course, we love having (Y/n) over!” He tells her sweetly, “Thanks, mom!” And she asks, “Anything else, honey?” “No, we'll see you this weekend. Love you.” “Love you more!” When he hangs up, “You little-!” You tackle him immediately, and he cackles as you tickle him, “You brat!” He laughs even harder, “You’ll thank me later.” You roll off of him and finish your homework, refusing to talk to him. “I thought you loved my parents?” He asks with a pout, “I love them. You, however? Not so much.” He shakes his head, “If you say so.” You sigh, and you both walk back to your dorm room together. 
You don’t see him again until Joo opens the door and lets you in behind him. You kick off your shoes and turn to look towards the living room to see him sitting there playing guitar. If you didn't have no way back to the college, you would have taken your belongings and ran for the hills. Why is he already here? You thought you'd at least have an hour before you had to face the music. Your brain is unraveling fast, and you do everything to lie low. 
But with Joo talking to you in the hall, it was enough to be spotted by him. You gulp as he stops strumming and waves to you, and you wave back. Joo turns at that, and he smiles, “Hui! You’re home!” He grins at his brother as he gets up and hugs him. Joo whines about his hug but accepts it anyway, “I thought you were going to be late because of your band practice?” Hui shakes his head, “No, I told them I was heading home for the weekend.” Joo hums and tries to wiggle out of the hug, and Hui whines, “I thought you were happy to see me!” And Joo goes, “I was!” And he mutters, “Until you kept hugging me.” Hui laughs before he lets him go, and you both awkwardly smile at each other before he goes back to his guitar. 
You both give a quick hello to his parents before dragging your bags up the stairs to Joo’s room. As you walk to his door, you can’t get the sight of Hui out of your head. The memories of kissing him play in the back of your mind, ruining your resolve of a peaceful weekend. Joo and you take time to set up your air mattress, and he giggles, “You sure you want to sleep in my room?” You gasp, “It is my best friend privilege!” He smirks, “Yeah, but don’t you wish to sleep next to your crush?” You squint, “Oh, so that's how it is.” He smirks, “I’m teasing you forever for falling for my brother.” You groan, “I should have never told you!” He smirks, “But you couldn’t keep a secret like that from your best friend and roommate, could you?” You groan again, “I’d try.” He continues smirking, “I’d find out anyway.” You sigh, “I’m starting to see how you’re the little brother.” He pouts, “Hey, that was mean.” You roll your eyes, and with the mattress finally filled, you cap it as he unplugs the blower, and you both head downstairs. 
When you reach the kitchen, their dad looks away from the pot he's stirring, “Oh, (Y/n)! Have you ever met our eldest, Hui?” Hui, who is currently wearing an apron and cracking eggs, causing your heart to burst into a million pieces. You smile, scrubbing the heart-melting moment from your mind, “Yeah, we’ve met.” Hui turns around and smiles at you. His dad grins, “How did you two meet? I know how you met Joo. You both are roommates.” You turn red as his dad flips the vegetables in the pan, and Joo nudges you to say something. And you go, “We met at a disco night.” His dad gasps, “You know disco?” You laugh as you nod, “Yeah, I love it.” He sighs in relief, “Ahh good, you can move in forever if you’d like.” You cackle, and Joo goes, “Where’s Ma?” And Hui says, “Back in the garden.” Joo grins, “Okay, later!” 
He exits the kitchen, and you’re still standing in front of the island. Hui asks, “You’re not joining him?” You shake your head, “I know better than to leave when food is about to be served.” Hui laughs, and his dad asks, “Can you get the plates out?” You nod, walk around the island, open the first cabinet, and pull out five plates. You set them out, head to the silverware drawer, and grab utensils for everyone. They finish what they’re making as you get a seat for yourself as you do. Their dad comes over, “I’m sorry I would have gotten that out sooner! I forgot you were coming.” You shrug, “It’s okay, Mr. Lee. It’s just a chair.” He pouts, “But you’re our guest.” You shake your head, “It’s okay.” And he sighs, “Okay.” 
Hui comes over, and you ask, “When did you get here?” He looks at the clock, “About an hour and a half before you two.” You nod, and he places his dish in the middle while his dad calls for the other two to come in for dinner. Your heart is hammering out of your chest, but you try to be cool about it. He opens his mouth to say something. And before he can get a syllable out, the rest of his family returns. Joo sits beside you, and Hui sits across from both of you. You speak minimally throughout the dinner, just focused on eating and trying not to think about the man across from you. 
While Joo snores peacefully on his bed, all cuddled up, you can’t help but roll to your side again. Even after begging to whatever’s up there, you’ll fall asleep. You can’t. You sigh as you get up, deciding to get a glass of water. You fill up your glass, drink a few sips, and head back towards Joo’s room. You hear music coming from the basement with nothing better to do. You decide to investigate. You shut the door behind you and start walking down the steps. 
And that’s where you see him again. He’s playing guitar along to the radio and humming the tune. He hears your footsteps as you come down the creaky old wood and looks back at you, and you ask, “Do you mind if I join you?” He shakes his head no, and you come in further, and he goes, “I come down here when everyone’s sleeping, so I don’t wake them up.” You nod, and he gestures for you to sit beside him, “Can’t sleep?” You softly tell him no as you sit down next to him. It felt awkward to be alone with him again. Because the last time you were perfect strangers making out in a bar. And now you were in an odd dynamic of him being the older brother to your best friend. Not knowing what to say, you sit there and listen to him play along to the radio.
As the next song starts, he grins, “I haven’t heard this since I was in high school.” He starts playing along effortlessly, and you smile, “It’s Led Zeppelin.” He smiles, “Dazed and Confused.” As the song nears its end, he asks, “Did Joo invite you?” You scrunch your nose, “No, rather, he asked his mom to let me come over in front of me.” He hums, “He’s always been an odd one.” You laugh, “What about you? You never skip band practice.” He smiles, “I finally had a reason too.” You blink at him, and he says, “I heard you were staying here.” You blush, and he asks, “Do you always stay here on breaks?” You nod, “Yeah, ever since I’ve become best friends with Joo.” He nods, “Interesting.” After a moment, you ask, “Do you remember the first time we met?” He smiles, “I couldn’t forget it.” You blush, “Me neither.” He asks softly, “Is that why you can’t sleep?” You hum, “Something along those lines.” 
He stops playing and puts his guitar on its stand. He turns towards you, “Is it because my brother is your best friend?” You tilt your head, “Well, no.” He waits for you to continue, “It’s more so the fact that we’re under the same roof.” He holds his hand out to you, and you carefully take it in yours, and you ask, “Is it weird because I’m your little brother’s best friend?” He shakes his head, “No. But maybe it's a little awkward that we’re in my parent's house, though.” You laugh, “Yeah.” He smiles and squeezes your hand, “It kinda reminds me of being a teenager again.” And the two of you laugh. 
The radio starts playing a slow song by Smokey Robison, “Would you like to dance with me?” You smile, “I’d love to.” He pulls you up, and you both sway to the music, but instead of kissing, you talk. You ask, “Is it true that you’re out of your element outside of music?” He blushes, “Yeah. If you met me in the florist shop I work at, I would have shriveled up and asked Hyunggu to run the cash register.” You laugh as you softly tell him, “I would have still found you dreamy.” His cheeks are red as he asks, “Really?” You smile, “Yeah.” 
He twists you under the recessed lightning, and you two giggle as you spin around. You can’t help but get lost in his eyes and wonder what it would be like to kiss him again. You ask softly, “Would it be bad to say I really want to kiss you right now?” He giggles as he says, “No, I want to kiss you too.” You tangle your fingers in his hair as you place your lips on his, and he reciprocates. You both slowly sway to the song as you kiss. When you both pull away, he leans his forehead on yours, and you play with his pink locks. He looks into your eyes and asks, “Would you want to get breakfast with me tomorrow? Like as a date?” You can’t help but grin as you tell him, “Yes.” He kisses you again, and you both giggle into it. 
When the song ends, you sit back on the couch closer than before. You both stay up the whole night talking. As the clock reaches five in the morning, you yawn. And he smiles, “You should probably head upstairs to bed.” You yawn again and agree, “Yeah.” You get up off the couch before looking at him again, “I can’t wait for our date.” He smiles, “I can’t wait either.” You hear him yawn as you round the couch to the stairs, “Good night, Hui.” He smiles, “Good night, (Y/n).” You head upstairs, open the door, walk to the kitchen, clean your empty glass, and head to bed. When you finally rest your head on your pillow, you fall asleep. 
You wake up to Joo loudly stretching, “Dude. You’re so loud.” He rolls his eyes before he stares at you, “You weren’t here when I rolled over at one in the morning.” You look at everything but him, “I got a glass of water.” He hums, “Is that why you weren’t back until 5 am?” You sigh, “Nothing can get past you, can it?” He laughs before he asks, “So?” You sigh, “I just wanted to investigate where the music was coming from.” He leans his chin on his hand, “Yeah?” You blush, “And then we danced and talked until then.” He tilts his head, “Did you not confess?” You smile as you move the blanket away, “Something better.” 
He gasps in horror, “Not underneath my roof!!” You shake your head, “No! That’s not what I meant! And this is your parent’s roof!” He cackles, “So, what is it?” You smile, “We kissed a few times throughout the night, and he asked me to go to breakfast with him.” He gasps, “Omg?! We have to get you dressed nicely!” He pulls you up fast, and you both dig through your travel bag and find something nice to wear. “Okay, go to the bathroom! If he comes up before you’re ready. I’ll distract him.” You laugh and high-five him, “Thanks, Joo!” You rush into the bathroom and freshen up, and you hear outside Hui coming up the stairs. 
Joo asks, “So, was it you or (Y/n) that asked first?” Hui blushes as he rubs the back of his neck, “Well, we were dancing in my room, and they asked if it was bad if they wanted to kiss me. And I told them ‘No,’ that I wanted to kiss them too.” And Joo goes, “And?” Hui turns bright red as he says, “They kissed me first.” Joo smirks, “That’s my best friend!” Hui laughs, “Then I asked them to go to breakfast with me.” Joo claps his hand on his shoulder, “You know, for being a musical nerd, I didn’t know you had it in you. But man, I can’t be prouder.” Hui wrinkles his nose, “Ouch. But thanks. So, how did your date last week go?” Joo nods before telling him. 
The two talk for a few more minutes before you return from the bathroom. Joo leaves you two to head downstairs to the kitchen and sits at the table as his parents make coffee. His mom asks, “Are (Y/n) and Hui joining us?” He shakes his head no, “You’ll see.” They both draw their attention to the stairs, waiting for the two of you to appear. 
In the quiet hallway, you tell him softly, “I like your black and white striped sweater.” He grins as he tells you that he likes your outfit. After another beat of silence, Hui asks if you’d like to hold hands on the way cause the diner is just a block away, and you smile as you agree. You walk down the stairs hand in hand, and his parents gasp as Joo grins. They whisper and ask him, “Oh, they’re going on a date?” He nods, “Yeah!” You walk over, and both bid them goodbye, and Hui tells them where you’re going before leaving. 
His dad smiles, “So, do you have all the details?” And Joo grins as if shining an apple on his shirt. He blows his hand and wipes it on his shirt, “Of course I do. They’re my brother and best friend couple.” He tells them how you two met at his gig, and his dad says, “We knew that, though.” He smirks, “Did you know the two kissed?” His parents gasped, “No, did they know each other then?” He shakes his head, “They didn’t know until after they met at his gig.” He shares a few more details before his mom asks, “How did they end up going on a date then if neither of them confessed to their feelings?” He smirks as he gets to rat them out, “They were in his room last night, and they danced to classic rock songs. And Hui finally confessed.” His mom grins, “Oh, that’s so sweet.” 
You walk hand in hand down the block, swinging your arms, talking about various things. You open the door for you two, and you both walk in and sit down across from each other at a table for two behind the interior wall. You look at Hui, admiring him as you wait for your waiter, his black beret making him look even cuter than before. You smirk, “Loverboy? Is that true?” He blushes as he remembers the branding on his hat, “For you, yeah.” You blush and look down, “Hui…” He grins, his cheeks red as he lifts your chin and winks, “You’re cute when you’re blushing.” You shake your head, “You’re cuter.” He pulls his finger away as the waiter comes over, hands you each a menu, and asks what you'd like to drink. You tell him, and he comes back shortly with the drinks and gives you time to figure out what you want for breakfast. 
He returns and gets your orders before putting them in the kitchen. Hui puts his left hand up on the table, and you smile as you catch onto what he means and place your left hand against his before interlocking your fingers. He grins and moves your hands back and forth happily, and you can’t help but grin and squeeze his hand in yours. He asks you questions about yourself, and you ask them back after answering. You smile as you realize you’re learning more about Hoetaek, the kind and silly, than Hui, the older musical nerd in the family. And you can’t help but feel endeared. 
The waiter brings your food, and your hands part to eat. He makes you laugh as whipped cream coats his lips, and he laughs as you get some on your nose. He licks his lips, and before you wipe the whipped cream from your nose, he grabs his napkin and swipes his napkin over your nose. “All better.” You shake your head and smile, and he’s grinning right back. 
You finish up your breakfast, and before he has a chance to pay, you do. And he pouts, “But I asked you out on this date. I should have paid.” You wink, “There’s always next time.” He gasps before he grins, “You’re right.” He wraps his arm around your waist, and you smile as you do the same, wrapping your arm around his. You grin, and as you walk through town, he softly hums along to the songs playing, and you can’t help but smile and do the same. You both walk-in time at each other’s pace, strolling around before heading back to his house.
When you reach the front door, he asks, “So, when we head back tomorrow. Will you attend my gig as my special guest?” You grin, “I’d love to.” He smiles and kisses your cheek before unlocking the door and letting you in first. Joo sits on the couch, watching TV. He looks at you two, “So how was it?” You blush, “It was nice.” And Hui goes, “I’m glad I got the courage to ask.” Hui asks, “You don’t mind if we’re together for the rest of the day?” Joo shakes his head, “Nah, I hang out with you two too much. I need some alone time, too.” You cackle, “As if you aren't texting people twenty-four-seven in there.” He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, but it’s hard to text people when someone is talking about how handsome my brother is.” You gasp, “Mean!” 
He cackles, “Yeah.” Before he shoos you two away, “Go have fun. You can tell me all about your date later!” You both smile, and he leads you to the basement door, “What do you say to me, you, and my favorite records?” You grin, “Well, considering your taste in music… Hell yeah.” He smiles, and you both walk down the stairs. And you dance and talk until its dinner time. 
“We organized it so it’s more comfortable for us to eat!” His dad says all cheerily, and he has you sit at the end of the table while Hui is on one side and Joo is on the other, and he happily sits across from his wife. You immediately say, “You didn’t have to.” And he shakes his head, “I was going to do this the other day, but I didn’t get time to.” The five of you laugh, and underneath the table, Hui holds your hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, and you can’t help but smile as you eat. 
Joo talks about all the shenanigans he was getting up to in sports and English studies. And the dates he's recently been on, while Hui talks about his music and band. And you tell them about your field of study. Their parents talk about their jobs and their neighbors. You can’t help but feel at home in the Lee’s house with your boyfriend, your best friend, and their parents. And yeah, you did end up thanking Joo for inviting you to his parent's house after finding out you liked Hui.
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pesiko · 3 years
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Subliminal - best friends to lovers [6.3k]
Congratulations - soccer player AU, M [4.5k]
MonX Hospital: Jooheon - [4k]
The Five Keys to Lee Jooheon - [4k]
The Stages of Lee Jooheon - [3.3k]
The Friend in Boyfriend -[2.8k]
Tough Guy - biker gang AU [2.3k]
Late Night Studies - roommate AU [1.9k]
Stud - [1k]
Snowball Fights and Cold Kisses - what the title says [1k]
I’ll Protect You - Running Man, protecting his Queen [.5k]
I See the Light - a folder on his laptop called Big Bird [.5k]
Here, Let Me Help You - duct tape, “is this okay?” [.3k]
What Are You Doing? - a drum set in the kitchen ✿ [.2k]
Can I Cut in? - best friend JH helps you meet your crush {3}
2:32am - he comes home injured
3:20am - “Stop fidgeting. You’re driving me crazy”
2:32pm - he gets protective
15:00 - hot chocolate and caramel toast
Best Friend Jooheon - “can you make a diss track abt me”
Favorite Sweaters - stop trying to sext
Wrong Number, Girlie - “are you good at math?”
Late Night Texts w Jooheon When He has Insomnia
[main masterlist] [monsta x masterlist] updated 6-2-21
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angelamazing · 4 years
Pairing: Kihyun x Reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : None
It had been 2 years since you and Kihyun broke up, it’s not a messy break up as anyone would make it out to be, it was a somewhat mutual decision.
You don’t have time for each other, he was busy with his idol life and you were busy juggling your studies and part time job, you rarely see each other and if you do, it was just for a few minutes and one of you would hurry and leave the other one.
To say it was getting complicated at that time was an understatement.
That was two years ago, and now both of you had achieved what you two had been trying to reach, he became a famous Idol and you now work for the company you’ve been wanting to be in since from the start.
Even if it was two years ago since you two last talked, the feeling still lingers in the depth of your heart, you would occasionally come across his posts on Social Media Everytime you would take a break from continous works.
You sighed as you plopped down your couch. Slumping all the way down just because you were too exhausted to even sit properly.
You reached out for your phone, checking all the e-mails your co-workers had sent you that day.
A familiar ding echoed from your phone as you were scrolling through it, then the notification banner appeared from the top of your screen , you almost dropped your phone on the process after reading the texts written on the said notification.
@yookihhh followed you on Instagram.
You coughed several times as you continously re read the notification your eyes wide as saucers.
You contemplated on wether you should open it or leave it at that, but the voice in your head says you should open it and find out why he suddenly just followed you out of nowhere after two years of having Instagram but the other part of the voice said he probably just wanted to follow for no reason I mean it’s his account he probably just needed followers. It was like a devil and an angel were arguing in your head.
You shook your head taking off all the thoughts you’d been thinking and clicked on it.
Nothing special, he just followed you.
But then as you were about to turn your phone off, another ding sounded from your phone and you almost choked on your spit seeing that Kihyun had sent you a message.
“can he read my mind through my phone?” You thought
You bit your lip as you opened the message.
@yookihhh: Hey
“hey? That's it?” you muttered as you stared at the message “after two years of not talking, you’ll just send me a ‘hey’?”
You turned your phone off placing it on the table face down.
“tch, does he think I'm going to reply to that message? Ha! he wish” you mumbled basically to yourself.
@username: Heyy!
Welp, what happened to what you said earlier? Let's forget about that.
You anxiously waited for his reply.
@yookihhh: How are you?
Your heart stuttered for a second.
@username: I’m good, how about you?
“I've been a mess since we broke up but now i’m overly ecstatic after your message” you thought smiling to yourself.
@yookihhh: i’m doing okay.
You raised your eyebrows at his message.
@username: that's good then.
You nibbled on your nails as you wiggled your thumb hovering above the screen of your phone.
@yookihhh: are you busy today?
Without thinking much, you immediately replied.
@username: no, not really, why?
You tapped your foot anxiously on the floor anticipating his next reply.
@yookihhh: I was thinking.. maybe. Can we meet up? and you know, have dinner?
Your brows shot up at his suggestion
@yookihhh: only if it's okay with you 😅
You smiled as you replied hastily.
@username: of course it is, where do you want to meet?
You were almost screaming from the inside it’s been so long since Kihyun made you feel like this, and it never change even a bit.
You made a beeline to your room almost skipping steps as you started humming to some songs while you got ready for your meet up with Kihyun.
You smiled as you tried on several dresses feeling giddy all of a sudden. But after the nonstop trying of different dresses from your wardrobe you’ve finally given up and threw the final dress on your bed sighing.
You looked up at the clock placed on the corner of your room, and realized there's not enough time for you to look good for Kihyun , I mean not that it matters since he said he just wanted to meet up and have dinner.
Having last thoughts, you just threw on random clothes from your bed consists of Jeans and a White button up tucked in front and the first two buttons unbuttoned, you put your hair in a messy bun. Looking at yourself one last time in the mirror you smiled before you went on your merry way.
You stepped inside the expensive looking restaurant feeling the cool gush of wind of the air conditioner hit you, making you regret wearing a thin fabric of clothing.
You looked around the place, stopping for a few moments before you spotted Kihyun sitting a few tables down from where you were standing.
He looked handsome, his hair brushed off from his forehead, he was wearing a Leather Jacket followed by a white shirt and a black jeans. He was looking down on his phone brows furrowed.
You exhaled deeply as you made your way towards him, you were halfway towards the table he was sitting in when he looked up and made eye contact with you.
A smile appeared on his lips as he saw you, you almost tripped on air, your heart jumping out of your chest of how breathtaking his smile was.
You mentally scolded yourself as you made your way towards him somewhat presentable while the butterflies in your stomach getting wild.
He stood up from his seat meeting you halfway and gave you a hug. You stiffened for a moment before returning the hug.
He pulled out the chair for you before making his way towards his seat.
Your hands are sweating and you probably look as red as tomato, just sitting infront of Kihyun made you nervous. It’s been two years but he can still make you feel like he's sucking the air out of your lungs.
“uh- Y/N? are you okay?” His voice cut through your thoughts.
You snapped your head towards him.
“o-ofcourse I'm fine” you stuttered
You almost want to smack yourself right then and there for stuttering without any reason.
“are you sure? You look really.. red” he asked a bit concerned.
You nodded trying to calm yourself.
“if you say so” he smiled and waved the waiter over.
You talked and talked about the things you've both been busy with and laughing at the stories he was telling you about his members from his band
You both left the restaurant with a smile plastered both on your faces.
He suggested on driving you back to your apartment to which you declined at first saying that your apartment was not that far from where you two are, but still he insists it was already dark and dangerous to walk on streets at this time.
Silence enveloped the whole car ride, only the soft music from the radio was heard and the casual humming of Kihyun together with the song.
A few turns later the car stopped infront of your apartment.
“it was nice meeting you again Y/N” he stared at you.
You nodded in agreement “i had a great time” you replied.
“honestly, I missed this” he muttered looking straight ahead.
You looked at him trying to read his expression.
“me too” you replied without having second thoughts.
“but, I missed you more than this” he said landing his gaze on you.
Your heart momentarily stopped at his words, he was looking intensely at you.
“i-uh” you almost couldn’t form the right words to give him but you settled to what you think is the best word to express what you’re feeling.
“i never stopped missing you, and honestly I never really stopped loving you either” you mumbled fiddling with your fingers.
You expected him to stiffen at your words but, he just smiled.
“i’m glad we're on the same page” he uttered.
You can feel the butterflies in your stomach going wild at both of your confession.
You smiled looking down at your hands.
You looked up when you heard him mumble your name.
He cupped your cheeks staring straight into your eyes and leaned in kissing you softly on the lips.
Your eyes went wide for a second not expecting such move from him before you kissed him back.
You felt him smile into the kiss before he pulled away and leaned his forehead with yours.
You giggled before completely pulling back.
“it’s already late, you should go now” you smiled at him while you unbuckled your seatbelt.
You were about to open the door to the passenger when he suddenly stopped you.
“wait, I have a question” he said
“what is it?”
“can.. you be my girlfriend...? Again?” he asked waiting patiently for your response.
“i think it was already settled when you kissed me” you smiled at him.
“so it’s a yes?”
You nodded. He nodded and you both nodded.
He grinned widely and gave you one last hug and a kiss on the forehead before letting you out of the car.
You stepped out of the car and turned back to knock on his window.
He rolled down the window and you ducked down.
“be careful when driving” you told him.
He smiled at you “i will, for you”
You bit back a smile and watch him drive off till he was out of your sight.
You ran towards your apartment.
You closed the door leaning on it while putting your hand on your heart and squealed loudly feeling like a school girl.
Moments later you received a text message.
Kihyun❤️: Goodnight Princess.
You threw your phone on your bed and buried your head in your pillow then screamed loud while kicking wildly in the air.
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Ramen and Hobbits~ Monsta X Imagine
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❖ Monsta X, Jooheon x reader
❖ Imagine, fluff lots of fluff, hint at smut
❖ wc: 1391
❖ Tag List: @atiny-piratequeen​ @queen-of-himbos​ @gettin-a-lil-hanse​ @kimnamshiks​ @atiny-dazzlinglight​
❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Let me know what you think!
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Jooheon sighed, if this was one of his favorite animes, he was certain there would be a large tick mark right on his forehead. Tired, just getting over his cold, and behind in work, this "Ramen cafe" was the last place he wanted to be. Slurping noodles while laughing over the video games, or perusing seemingly endless lines of books.
This cafe at one point must have been a book cafe, or library, mused the young rapper, fingers tracing down the weathered leather spine of an early translation for J.R.R Tolkiens Silmarillion.
"Do you like Tolkien? If you like his works you should check out Christopher Paolini's Eragon. It's written in a more modern style since the author is from this century but still an impressive work." Turning Jooheon blinked at the shorter figure beside him. 
Surprised to find anyone in this remote dusty corner of forgotten shelves, and slightly irritated that his piece and quiet had been disturbed by this unknown intruder. Their obviously foreign accent making him brace, ready to have to interpret for them to the best of his ability, Idol smile spreading onto his lips with a forced tightness. However, the minute your sparkling eyes met his, Jooheon found himself merely staring dumbly, all words and tension gone.
You were dazzling, earth-shatteringly beautiful as you placed a heavy bound book in his hands, explaining about the young female dragon and boy within its pages. How your eyes sparkled, the way your teeth winked at him as you spoke, the cute way you got more excited when he nodded numbly to what you were saying, pushing hair behind your ear as you practically bounced on the balls of your feet.
By god, you were so cute. Jooheon couldn't resist the goofy little smile as you beamed up at him, his heart skipping a beat as a small giggle left your curved lips. When you suddenly stopped speaking and just looked up at him expectantly for a few moments, Jooheon realized he had not truly heard what you were saying. Blinking rapidly to clear his fogged Jooheon laughed nervously, a blush coming to grace his dimpled cheeks and ears.
"Uh I-I'm sorry what was your name again?" He asked rubbing the back of his head as he stalled for time, glancing down to discern the title on the book you had handed him. The way your cheeks flushed however nearly had him blanking out a second time. As you told him your name Jooheons smile only grew.
"Thank you, I appreciate your recommendation, but to be honest I've never read Tolkien either. Could you tell me a bit about it?" Jooheon could have listened to you talk all day, the way your eyes lit up, how excited you were as you explained who J.R.R. Tolkien was, the way he had built these worlds and how he had influenced today's fantasy novels, and on; his arms slowly becoming laden down with the books you recommended. It was such a magical moment as your hand brushed his offering to help hold the heavy texts, heart skipping a beat, skin tingling where you had touched him. But he shook his head beaming, how your small form would fare under the pile of heavy tomes he didn't know.
"I got it, I'm big and strong see?" He winked at you flexing to make you laugh and instantly, losing control of the stack in his hands. Luckily your hands were as skilled as his rapping, for you quickly snatched the book out of the air and helped him prevent more from tumbling out of his arms.
"Why don't we go set these on the counter for you?" You laughed, shaking your hair from your eyes. It was only at that moment that Jooheon noticed the worker's badge on your dress, the words store manager emblazoned above it in gold English lettering.
"Thank you." He said in English eyes crinkling as he smiles.
"Hmmm actually perhaps we should take these to a table instead, less chance of someone recognizing you." Surprised at your open acknowledgment of who he was, Jooheon let you guide him to a table half-hidden behind a bookshelf, yet with a nice view of the computer area, where the rowdy voices of his members echoed out into the air between slurps of ramen and noisy chewing of tteokbokki.
"You know who I am?" He asked surprised, though, in all honesty, he knew he shouldn't have been.
"Am I not supposed to?" You asked surprised, eyebrows raising. "Monsta x is well known, plus your members have talked about you a lot when they visit."
For some reason knowing you were close to his members enough to have spoken about him thoroughly with them made him grumpy rather than happy. The odd feeling was wiped away though as you offered to bring over some snacks.
"I'm technically on break, but if you'd prefer I leave you alone to read-"
"NO!" Jooheon caught himself as he blurted out the words. "I mean no, I'm pretty hungry. What would you recommend?"
Jooheon was double startled when he pulled out his card you refused to take it, laughing and saying not to worry about it, before disappearing with his order into the kitchen area by the front desk.
"It's on the house don't worry about it." You giggled setting down two trays of the best ramen and ramune, once again pushing his card back. A small smile slipping across his face once more as you both ate, your fingers holding the chopsticks worked hard not to make a mess were so adorable to him.
"Here like this." Chuckling after you let a slice of chashu fall once more into the bowl, Jooheon scooted closer arms wrapping around you with ease, adjusting your fingers upon the two long sticks. Neither of you aware of the suddenly extra loud yelp from the members as Minhyuk spotted him at just that moment, smacking Kihyun repeatedly and pointing.
"Oh thank you!" Your blush was adorable and Jooheon made sure to tell you so, poking your cheek and serving up his best aegyo.
Unaware of his member's incredulous stares, Jooheon spent the next few hours leaning in and discussing books he'd never before had any interest in before now.
"It was really nice getting to meet you finally!" Your words eased his sadness at parting, as you locked up the store behind them.
"I'll make sure to read these so next time I visit you can tell me about the next part! Ramens on me too." Your beaming grin warmed his heart, waving to you as he left, books stacked in his other arm.
"I didn't think we were allowed to take books out of the cafe?" Wonho eyed the stack of books in his arms curious.
"She said I could since no one had taken interest in them in years. They're her favorite-" "Please tell me you got her number." Chuckled Changkyun, however as Jooheon stopped in his spot the others burst into laughter.
"It's fine one of us can give you-"
"No! I'll get it from her next time!" I'll woo her on my own thanks." Despite many offers, Jooheon was insistent, though later on when his schedule kept him from visiting and his members teasingly bragged about talking to you he did regret it...just a bit. However the beaming smile on your face when he eventually walked into the cafe proudly carrying the finished novels. The boys thought that your meeting, at last, was a wondrous thing, your personalities blended so beautifully, as well the mutual support and mutual adoration was adorable. That was until the only thing they became able to do when they went out was your cafe, where Jooheon spent hours following you around or huddled in a corner going over books or whatever else caught your fancies that week. But for you and Jooheon, your budding relationship was perfect. Even the secret after hour ramen and chill sessions that went from innocent snuggling and video game playing or reading to uh...well the intended Korean innuendo of ramen and chilling. "Can you be the elf princess to my ranger king?" He asked holding you close as you wandered down the streets together towards home.
"Cheesey!" You teased him, but of course, in the end, you agreed.
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