#jorah mormont fanfiction
springdandelixn · 2 years
Prisoner of the Moon
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42783204
Soft!Dark!Jorah x F!Reader
Summary: You follow your boyfriend, Jorah, when you think he's cheating on you. But you discover something much worse.
Warnings: horror, supernatural and dark elements
Some Jorah action in the spirit of the spooky day! As always, your comments and likes are highly appreciated though re-blogging would help my story flourish better. I hope you guys enjoy even if it is just a drabble! 💛 Woof! Woof!
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“Again?” You frown as you look up at Jorah, eyebrows knitted in disappointment. “You left last month too. Can’t you stay? Sara’s throwing a Halloween party and they really want us to be there.” You try to reason, holding his wrists while he cups your face with both his hands. 
“I’m sorry, love.” He sighs, thumbs caressing your cheek. “I can’t set this aside. It’s important.” Your frown deepens when he releases you, turning his back to resume packing his suitcase. “I’ll be back in three days. I promise.”
“What is so important anyway that you have to keep going?” You challenge, feeling anger flare in your bones and you walk over to him, shutting his luggage closed. “You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you?” The accusation startles you both but you don’t back down, you cross your arms over your chest and keep your eyes locked on his. 
It’s been like this since you started dating. Every month, Jorah would leave for three days and then come back as if nothing happened. You don’t know what he’s doing while he’s away, only giving you the same reason over and over again and you tried being an understanding girlfriend. To not pry into his business. 
But it’s gone too far and your doubts begin to plague you. Your friends’ words not helping either as they keep telling you that he’s cheating.
“Why else would he be leaving every month?” They asked. 
“Maybe a family reunion?” You said in defense. 
“Girl. Family reunions don’t happen that often.”
“What?! No!” Jorah says in shock, his hands landing on your hips as he tries to pull you close. But you won’t budge. “Why would you think that?”
“Then why do you keep leaving?!” Your voice is strong and he visibly flinches at it. “I keep asking why yet you never tell me shit! What do you want me to think?!” You try to tamp down your anger but you’re too fired up to stop. 
“Please, love.” He sighs, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your head against his chest. A sigh leaves your lips all the same and you soften a little, his scent filling you so that you press your hands on his chest, closing your eyes while counting down from ten to calm yourself. “I would never cheat on you. I would never betray your trust like that.” He whispers, feeling his lips press at the top of your head. 
“Then stay.” Burying your face to his chest and slipping your arms around his neck, you pull him down to your further. “Please—” It almost sounds like a beg but you can’t help it. The anxiety has eaten you up since the third time he’s left and the mystery of it, along with your friends’ words do nothing but fuel the fire. 
He sighs and you know already know his answer. 
“We’ll talk when I get back, okay?” He mumbles against your hair, his hands moving to your face to caress it before pulling you off his chest for him to meet your eyes. “I promise. After this, we’ll talk.” 
You nod, your lips pouting as you feel tears brimming your eyes. 
“I just hope you would still love me after.” He adds and your frown deepens, arms clutching him once more as you press your face to his neck. 
“You idiot.” You mumble against his skin, tears staining your face. “I’ll always do.”
 You stare at the cabin from the driver’s seat and look around, expecting a car to drop by. But you’ve been sitting there for almost 3 hours, the dusk already upon you and still no one has come. What surprises you, even more, is that you’ve not seen any glimpse of Jorah since he entered the wooden house. 
The cabin looks—well, you can’t even begin to describe what kind of place this is. Wooden planks bar the windows and the walls look like they’ve been torn down and then patched up clumsily. You can spot a chain by the steps of the shack from where you sit, even a bear trap. And it makes you think if hunting season has already started to have such contraptions scattered around. 
“What’s he doing in there?” You ask yourself and look down at your phone when it vibrates once more, swiping away Sara’s message when you see the notification pop up. 
You wait a little longer, fingers tapping against the wheel. Once the sky is consumed by night, the full moon glowing brightly above, you’ve had enough. 
You step out of your car and make sure to lock it, shoving your hands in the pockets of your coat and slowly making your way to the cabin sitting at the edge of the forest. 
“Why is he here?” The questions continue to plague your mind.
You try the front door, and just as you expected, it’s locked. You curse under your breath and pull your coat around you tighter when the evening chill brushes against your cheeks. 
You try to see if there’s a back entrance. Trudging through the leaves that are piled around the sides of the cabin, a smile forms on your lips when you spot a door. The knob twists, to your surprise, and you quietly enter the house, looking around and frowning when there’s no light coming from the inside, only a small glow from what looks like to be coming from candles. 
“Jorah?” You whisper but you get no response. 
Walking deeper into the cabin, you try to look around, turning on the flashlight from your phone and cringing at how messy the place looks. Why is he here? You ask yourself once more and stop in your tracks when you hear a low groan come from the front room. 
You swallow thickly and walk in further, holding your phone before you to illuminate your path. 
A gasp then leaves your lips when you see your boyfriend slumped on the groan. His back curled and arms splayed before him as if clawing on the floor. 
But what shocks you the most is that he’s chained! 
The metal restraints jingle as his arms continues to move. There’s another around his waist and you run to him when you notice a thicker one around his neck. 
“Jorah!” Your phone drops when you get down on your knees, hands frantically grabbing on the metal collar, finding a way how to undo it. “Who did this to you?!” You ask in panic. “What happened?”
You hear him whisper your name and you move to kneel in front of him, hands grabbing at his face as you rest his head against your thighs, carding your fingers through his hair and wiping away the sweat that continues to seep from his skin. 
“W-what are you doing h-here?” He asks. And he sounds like he’s in pain. 
“I followed you.” You confess but you have no time to feel embarrassed. “It’s a good thing I did. Where’s the key?” You look around desperately. “I’ll get you out.”
“No—no!” He groans and he moves away from you, pushing himself from the ground and standing on his knees, only for him to push himself against the wall. “Go! Leave!” He struggles as he shouts those words and you’re filled with so much confusion. “While you still have time! Please—” He doubles over and starts to growl and you feel panic surging within you. 
He’s in pain and you have no idea how to help him. 
You push on, coming closer and you frantically grab on the chain, following its path before trying to yank it from where it’s bound. 
“No! I’m going to help you!” You shout and keep pulling on the chain, only stopping when you hear a low, animalistic growl come from him. Your eyes widen as you turn to face him, seeing him double over as his fingers try to grip the wooden floor.
“Jorah?” You say his name softly the yelp when he faces you, his blue eyes long gone, replaced by pools of black and you quickly step away, fear taking over your body as you press yourself against the wall. “What’s happening? What’s wrong?!” 
“You should never have come here.” The voice that leaves him is mixed with something feral, making you freeze in your spot as you keep your eyes on him. “Should—have ne-ver—”
His voice dies down and a pained howl emits from him. Jorah’s hands reach at his back, his hands clawing on himself more and more, snarling and growling as he tears fabric and flesh all the same. Fur standing from its wake and you stare in horror at his monstrous transformation.
You quickly run to the front door and try to feel for its lock when you hear a long howl erupt from behind you. Your hands stop from their frantic search and when you turn to look back at Jorah, you no longer see him. Instead, an animal, a wolf as large as a car stares at you. 
It’s growling, paws flexing on the wooden floor. 
You stay still, hoping it would ignore you all the same. But you then scream in fear when it jumps at you. Then it whimpers as it’s pulled back by the restraints and you make to fumble on the door once more. You hear it struggling, the chains clanging harder with each pull it makes. You pray that it would hold, at least enough til you escape.
Then a snap. 
You scream once more when you look back, seeing the beast lunge at you and its claws slash against the door when you drop to your knees just in time, the wooden barrier dropping as it’s torn from the hinges. 
Then it stops when the full moon shines down on the doorway, the beast standing tall as it howls in the sky and you waste no time to get your feet underneath you and jump out of the cabin, dropping down harshly when you trip on the stairs and quickly sprint towards the trees. 
You never should have come here! You should have trusted Jorah! You can only blame yourself as you try to run as fast as you can from the feral creature, your heart pounding hard against your chest when you hear the growl once more, leaves crunching loudly against your feet then another. 
You try to look at your side for the road but you no longer see it. Only trees and more far and wide and you begin to cry once more as you try to navigate your way out of the forest and back to civilization. But you trip and a searing pain radiate from your ankle and you dread running up your bones when you try to stand back up only for you to fall on your knees once more. 
You hear a growl behind you and you turn to see the beast staring at you once again. Tears stain your cheeks as you push yourself away with your hands, dragging your injured leg and shaking when your back hits a trunk of a tree. 
“Jorah, please—!” You beg, your voice shaking as you keep your back pressed to the tree. “It’s me. Please,” 
It closes in, eyes gazing directly at your then it stops and you’re slowly filled with hope that the man you love is present within, recognizing your voice. 
But it bares its teeth, fangs and all, drool spilling from the sides and you release another scream as it jumps at you, your eyes wide open, making you stare death in the face.
Fin...for now
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springlibrary · 2 years
Home Masterlist
Jorah Mormont x F!Reader
Summary: You and Jorah are enjoying a peaceful night in your home when a knock on the door surprises you both and shakes the peace you know. Sequel to Lobelia Siphilitica.
Warnings: violence, pregnancy, more to be added as the story progresses.
Part I
Part II (coming soon)
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llonelygoddess · 1 year
How they react to...Finding out you're pregnant
Romantic Pairings: Ned Stark, Margaery Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy, Jaime Lannister, Khal Drogo, Jorah Mormont, Brienne of Tarth, Missandei, Podrick, Gendry
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Ned Stark: This man is over the moon when you tell him you’re expecting. He’s raised 5 already but for you he’d raise another 5 if possible lol He’s always got his hands on your belly and asking if you need anything. His favorite thing to do is talking to the baby later at night when you’re asleep, whispering how much it’ll be loved and cared for by the both of you.
Margaery Tyrell: Thrilled. You two definitely planned this pregnancy so she’s thrilled to hear you’ve finally conceived. She’s keeping Maesters around the clock just for you and making sure you have regular check ups. You both love looking at all the fabrics and books and toys you’ll be gifting your baby. She wants this child to have everything she had and more, so beware your child may be spoiled rotten lol
Pre Reek!Theon Greyjoy: Theon doesn’t even know what to say. He’s nervous about what that would mean for you and the child title wise. Would the babe be labeled a bastard? Would you be treated as a whore? The questions will drive him crazy if you don’t bring him back down to earth. As much as he’s there for you, you have to be there for him during this time.
Jaime Lannister: In the beginning he’s more worried than anything. Knowing how crazy Cersei is he has to hide you away, promising to be with you soon. Once he finds a way to sneak away to you for good, he’s all hands on deck. He’d learn to cook a bit, take up the cleaning, even learn to stitch a little to give the baby an embroidered blanket. It’s not what you expected but considering his other kids barely know him it makes sense how serious he is about this one. He wants to get it right this time.
Khal Drogo: He sees you as his goddess, mesmerized with the way you carry his child. He kisses your belly and announces it to the whole Khalasar. During your pregnancy he doesn’t baby you, finding beauty in your strength, but he is wary of you being around the other men. They’re rough and callous and you are soft and breakable, something that keeps him up at night. Whenever he goes out riding he always comes back with a gift that he presents to you in front of everyone.
Jorah Mormont: He never thought he’d be lucky enough to have children, especially with someone as special as you. He’s definitely crying when he hears the news. He can’t help it, a family of his own is all he’s ever wanted. Even knowing how strong you are, he’ll ask you to stay home and to let him do any and all work that needs to be done. He’s heard horror stories of pregnancies going wrong and he refuses to let anything happen to you.
Brienne of Tarth: Finding out you're pregnant would be the scariest moment of her life. Which isn't to say she doesn't want kids, but the world you live in wasn't ready for a relationship like yours. Two non-men finding love within each other wasn't accepted, let alone them raising a child together. Eventually, through many talks with you and Podrick, she calms down enough to enjoy this special moment in time with you.
Missandei: When Missandei first finds out, she's immediately in preparation mode. With the life she's lived she knows how cruel and evil life can be, so she takes it upon herself to make everything as perfect for you and the babe as possible. She’s asking Danaerys for healers and compiling blankets and toys from nearby towns. You’ll want for nothing with her by your side. When she’s not in crisis mode she’s sitting with you in bed fantasizing about the languages and history she’ll teach the baby.
Podrick: He gets so overwhelmed when you tell him he faints. Poor bb. When he wakes he asks if it was a dream and when you tell him no he kisses you. He’s another one that never really thought about having a family but he’s more than ready and capable of doing it. He’s always gushing about you and the baby to Brienne or really anyone who’ll listen. Loves to put his ear to your belly and just listen.
Gendry: He never planned to have kids so young, but when you told him about the baby he realized this was his moment to step up and be better. Being a Lord now he’s able to take care of you in ways he never thought he could. Giving you a handmaid and guards is just the beginning of how he wants to support you. He worries all nine months about whether he'll be good enough for your babe, so please rub his back and tell him he'll be the best dad ever. And he will.
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Jorleesi Fic + Author Rec
In honor of Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day 2024, I wanted to do a fic rec list for my new fandom, Jorleesi (Jorah x Daenerys from Game of Thrones). Here are some of my top fic recs, and I am also including an author rec list for the amazing individuals who have contributed so much to this fandom! Happy reading and please show all of these great authors some love ❤️ here on Tumblr and AO3!
Fic Recs🔥(with my cover art)
Author recs ❣️
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@fandomsbyladymelodrama on AO3
@rileypotter17 on AO3
@salzrand on AO3
@houseofthebear on AO3
@ser-jorah-the-andal on AO3
@wildfire-1980 on AO3
@gettingovergreta on AO3
@clarasimone on AO3
@terisrog on AO3
@thank-god-and-you on AO3
@thethingswelove on AO3
@bridgr6 on AO3
@toas-tea on AO3
@khaleesa on AO3
@fanoftheknight on AO3
@squilf on AO3
I'm so sorry if I forgot to mention anyone! Thank you again for all you have given this fandom and best wishes from one of your readers! 💗💞💝 And to everyone looking for great Jorleesi fics to read - please go read and review their work!
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thelordsknight · 8 months
A Soiled Yellow Shirt
Jorah didn’t particularly engage in any form of self pleasures, whether it was indulging in the foods he may enjoy or giving himself some sort of release. He tried hard to abstain from it, as he was a knight and he lived to serve. This particular evening, was another story however.
Jorah found himself in his quarters on Dragonstone. Freshly bathed from the filth of getting quite literally flayed to cure his Greyscale. The warmer water still burned a bit on his skin, but at this moment he didn’t care. He was finally back with his Queen.
Thinking about his Queen made him a little lightheaded. She was his solace in the dark moments of thinking he wouldn’t survive Greyscale, but now that he was alive… Thinking about her brought back a different kind of feeling. One he didn’t dare think about until they reunited.
Unconsciously a groan escaped his mouth, he found his hand wondering down to his already hardening cock.
All of a sudden the fantasies were swirling through his head, about his Queen on her knees pleasuring him, riding him, her dainty hands struggling to wrap around his cock. The thought of her lips wrapping around his tip nearly sends him over the edge. A moan escapes out from him this time.
Entirely too soon for his liking, he feels his releasing coming. His hand pumping around his cock trying to coax himself. He can feel his abs tighten and the feeling of euphoria building up. Just as he can feel himself reach the climax, there’s a knock at the door.
“Ser Jorah? Are you in there?”
In a state of panic, he grabbed the closest piece of clothing to him to release his seed into, his beloved yellow shirt. Biting back a moan (partly in disappointment, mainly in pleasure) he emptied himself onto his yellow shirt. Looking down in slight disappointment for ruining his favorite shirt, he sighed. Well, at least he had a reason to not dispose of it anymore.
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That said, take two seemed to work (*grumble* after 15 more minutes of my life that I'll never get back *grumble grumble*) @salzrand annnnnd we're back on the road again <3
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Game of Thrones: Old Varyria
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samieree · 7 months
"Born in Flames || Game of Thrones" Masterlist
(fanfiction)(OC x ?😏)
[General Masterlist with list of boys I can write one-shots with here]
[Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon Masterlist]
[my works are also avaiable on Ao3: Samiere and on wattpad: _Saelin]
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Introduction + Prologue
Chapter I "Home?"
Chapter II "Long may he reign"
Chapter III "Dragons are extinct"
Chapter IV "Flames"
Chapter V "I'll take what is mine"
Chapter VI "The letter"
Chapter VII "Sworn protector"
Chapter VIII "The man"
Chapter IX "Astapor"
Chapter X "Be careful"
Chapter XI "Why?"
Chapter XII "Follow the vision of a better tomorrow"
Chapter XIII "Yunkai"
Chapter XIV "Second Sons"
Chapter XV "Mother"
Chapter XVI "Happy heart, broken heart"
Chapter XVII "Meereen"
Chapter XVIII "Justice"
Chapter XIX ''A dance''
Chapter XX ''A necklace and a clasp''
Chapter XXI ''Gentle heart''
Chapter XXII ''What the Seven Kingdoms need''
Chapter XXIII ''Refusal''
Chapter XXIV ''The burden of decision''
Chapter XXV ''Lost and admiration''
Chapter XXVI ''Trust''
Chapter XXVII ''Death will bend its knee''
Chapter XXVIII ''Reunion''
Chapter XXIX ''Born in flames''
Chapter XXX ''First, you have to win with yourself''
Chapter XXXI ''Command''
Chapter XXXII ''Dragonstone''
Chapter XXXIII ''Dārilaros''
Chapter XXXIV ''A meeting''
Chapter XXXV ''Advices''
Chapter XXXVI ''We can't win''
Chapter XXXVII ''Nightmares of the past''
Chapter XXXVIII ''King's Landing''
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sprintingfox · 5 months
New fic is out! Zokla (Theon Grejoy x OC) is available on Quotev, Wattpad, and Archive Of Our Own!
Past full-length ASOIAF fics (completed):
1. Breaker, Broken (Targaryen OC x Jorah Mormont)
2. Ursa Major (Umber OC x Tormund Giantsbane)
3. Northern Sun (Lannister OC x Robb Stark)
Past ASOIAF one-shots (found in the Sprinting Fox: Unwritten book):
1. Targaryen OC x Aegon Targaryen II (HotD)
2. Targaryen OC x Otto Hightower (HotD)
3. Lannister OC (DARK HotD AU) *easter egg of this found in my Robb Stark fic!*
4. Storm OC x Jon Snow (GoT, very brief, no interaction, only fic set-up)
5. Targaryen OC x Jacaerys Velaryon (HotD)
6. Lothbrok OC x Daenerys Targaryen (GoT / Vikings)
Future ASOIAF fics:
1. OC x Viserys Targaryen (GoT S1 - onward)
2. OC x Yara Greyjoy (GoT S1 - onward)
3. HotD OC (HotD S1 - onward) *no true love interest + may have darker themes*
Potential One-Shots
OC x Cregan Stark
OC x Rhaenyra Targaryen
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thank-god-and-you · 6 months
Maybe warm soup & Jorleesi, if you are up for it :)
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance/Family
Character(s)/Relationship(s): Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen; Dany/Jorah
Summary: "But that’s the thing with words and magic, isn’t it? There’s power in it. And that’s what’s happened. The power of words has turned prophetic."
Warnings: None.
Link here on FFN and here on AO3.
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springdandelixn · 2 years
Show Me Love
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—Jorah x F!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Jorah ends up failing his quest to search for the princess and take her back to the feast in the Red Keep.
Warnings: 18+ content, oral (m receiving), Jorah is a whore haha
A/N: Because today is Thursday, I’ve decided to make a THIRSTY drabble for our favorite simp boii.
Even if this is simply a drabble, your likes and comments are highly appreciated. Tell me what you think of the story for it helps me a lot as a writer. Your reblogs will help this story flourish further. And as always, I hope you guys enjoy! ♥️
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Jorah’s hand clamps tighter on your shoulder, his head thrown back in pure bliss on the back of the chair and muscles tensing when you take him into your mouth once more. Your fingers dig into the flesh of his bare thigh while the other presses down against his abdomen which ripples in desire.
He never imagined that his search for you around the Red Keep would end up with him groaning in pleasure as you sucked down hard on his cock. He only thought about taking you back to the feast where the guests from the noble houses were wanting your attention, yet here he was, the Lord Commander of the Queensguard, shrouded in ecstasy, chest heaving as he felt a tug at the pit of his stomach.
“Princess—” He groans, but the words he wanted to say drown in his throat, whispering your name instead in the humid air that slowly fills his chambers.
Your mouth pulls back, only keeping the tip of his cock within when a garbled moan escapes his lips upon feeling you suck harder on its head. His cock stiffens, throbbing against your lips and he reaches down to wrap his fingers around the base to stop his release.
“Princess, please—” He begs.
But you don't relent. Your hand pries away his own before replacing it with your deft fingers, stroking his shaft while your tongue swirls and licks on the tip, spreading the saltiness on the pad of your tongue, humming at the taste of him.
He chokes when he tries to speak, tries to protest that a princess should not take a man’s seed in her mouth but all sense of decency drifts from his head when pleasure rolls through his body, his spine, shivering as he feels the tug in his stomach once more.
His hand reaches over to cup the base of your head, eyes blowing wide in lust as he pulls you back down on his cock, having you choke and gag around him when he hits the back of your throat. He grows feral, hungry even when your eyes shoot up to meet his. Relishing the look you give him as he urges you to take more of him, to suck on his cock like your life depended on it. His other hand reaches to cup the side of your face as he moves to thrust his hips at a faster pace.
“You look so beautiful with your lips around me.” He growls and he watches as your eyes shine with unshed tears, chanting your name in whispers when you plant your hands against his thighs and meet him halfway, your muffled moans filling his ears and adding to the pleasure that builds within.
“You’re so perfect, princess—” He praises, throwing his head back once more when you pick up your pace, feeling your saliva pool against his inner thighs. His hand grabs a handful of your hair when he feels himself reaching his limit. Releasing an animalistic growl, he pushes you down, burying his cock fully into your mouth and spilling his seeds down your throat.
He curses lowly and pants heavily, his chest heaving as he slowly climbs down from his high. Another moan escapes him when you pull away from his cock with a thick ‘pop’ after swallowing his essence, a light giggle erupting from you before taking him fully once more, milking him dry.
“Ser Jorah?”
Panic surges in him when he hears the voice of his queen from beyond the door, quickly leaning over to you on the ground, pulling himself free from your mouth and pressing a finger to your lips, signaling to be silent.
“Are you alright, Ser?” Daenerys asks once more. “Why did you leave the feast in haste?”
He clears his throat before he speaks. “I’m quite fine, your grace. I’ve just not been feeling well and I wanted to rest before it turns into anything serious.”
His eyes dart to you when you roll your eyes at him, a playful smile gracing your lips when you move to straddle his lap.
“Liar.” You whisper against his ear and it takes all of his strength to stop himself from kissing the smug away from your lips.
“Shall I call for the maester?” Daenerys asks.
“You need not worry, your grace. I’m sure sleep will do me some g—good.” He stops the groan from escaping him, his hands grabbing tightly on your hips to stop you from rubbing your clothed cunt against his exposed length.
“Good night, your grace.” He says in finality before wrapping his arms around you, your legs locking around his waist, lifting you as he stands from his seat, and walking towards the door to make sure it's locked from within.
“What if my sister comes back and asks for your help to look for me, Lord Commander Mormont?” You ask teasingly, rubbing a finger against the scruff of his beard, a grin on your lips, making Jorah groan as he walks you to his bed. You giggle when he lays you down on the feathered mattress.
“Then pray to the seven that she doesn’t, my love, for I plan to keep you here til the morrow.” He smirks as he runs his hand up your thigh, pushing up the skirt of your dress before leaning down to claim your lips with his.
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clarasimone · 2 years
Snow Belle and London Blue meet Lady Daenerys and Lord Mormont
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Once upon a time, one beautiful spring morning, I believe I was born under lettuce leaves.
It had to be because it’s where I was found by my mistress, Lady Daenerys! Just a wee ball of white fur asleep in the smallest of all the wicker baskets to be found in Holland Park. At the farmers’ market, that is, where Mrs Turnip sold her greeneries… and one tiny rabbit, that fateful day.
“Jorah, look!” Daenerys had exclaimed. “Isn’t she adorable?”
I remember being picked up inside the softest of dainty gloves and cuddled gently, right up to Lady Daenerys’ rosy cheek. “Shall we keep her? Please say yes!”
Well, how could her Lord husband resist… with our porcelain complexion and violet eyes looking up at him with such expectation? He stanced for a second next to the stalls, his tall silhouette protecting us from the sun—and what a dashing figure Jorah Mormont cut in his peacock satin waistcoat, and chestnut long tails, especially as he couldn’t quite hide his amusement behind the ginger gruff of his beard. We barely had time to bat our long eyelashes at him before he bent down towards us feigning needing a better look.
“Mmmm,” he rumbled low, looking at one and then the other. “You are both so pretty, I’m not quite sure which one I should bring home.”
“Jorah!” Lady Daenerys exclaimed, laughing, while I silently hoped he would pick us both.
And he did! (The rest on AO3)
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llonelygoddess · 1 year
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velaryqns · 2 years
do you also take requests for tyland lannister?
I’ll write for almost anyone! Even got characters :) I will make it very clear if I won’t write for a character, I’ll post a list of characters I won’t write for soon!
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springlibrary · 2 years
Je te vois Masterlist
Dark!Jorah x Daenerys
Summary: Daenerys' life takes a different turn when her boss, Jorah Mormont, gives her the attention she didn't expect.
Warnings: noncon/dubcon elements, 18+ content, Minors DNI
Part I
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@salzrand​ <3 #DaddyLannisterIsADilf
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