#joseph seed x female oc
titiagls · 9 months
Mother & Father of Eden's Gate Church
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How did The Father felt before The Mother ? Desperately lonely. Since the day they met, Joseph saw Destiny as his own angel, the missing part of his soul. As for the broken ballerina, she saw the man behind the Father, her new purpose caring for him while he cared for their Children.
Art by the really talented @redreart
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silverapplestock · 1 year
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Had so much fun doing this commission for @agamemgoth of Jacob Seed and their Deputy! 🥺💕 I miss drawing the Seeds 💖
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axelflare9700 · 3 months
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Joseph Seed x Deputy Riley Colt
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Chapter 45: For by Wise Guidance You Will Wage War
The Father is coming to Saint Francis With John's safe return to the veterans center thanks to Kit's intervention, Joseph arrives to meet with his brothers. Plans for war are made, family dinner is held, and Kit is facing her issues with the father figures in her life
warnings for this chapter: misogyny (both internalized and external) Kit's daddy issues affecting her mental health Religious trauma mentions of past child abuse
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kittiofdoom · 2 years
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aHHHHHHHHHHH @redreart is amazing please look at how soft this commission of Avery and Joseph is I’m CRY. All the little details and their expressions THE FOREHEAD TOUCHING and they look so happy aHHHHHHHH. 10000/10 you should commission them.
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flare-queen · 1 year
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Some fun screenshots from the arcade, with the Seeds and Deputy Riley Colt.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @thesingularityseries <3 | Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @strangefable @nightbloodbix @nightwingshero @aceghosts @madparadoxum @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @euryalex @sstewyhosseini @detectivelokis @purplehairsecretlair @jinfromyarikawa @shegetsburned @clicheantagonist @locustandwildhoney @fourlittleseedlings @poisonedtruth @vampireninjabunnies-blog @cassietrn @wrathfulrook and anyone with something to share this week <3
I'm dropping bits and pieces from Chapter 9, this it the final WIP post on it before I post the whole thing sometime later this week.
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After taking few minutes to shake off the sleep and what remained of the awful dream, Sabrina got up, her eyes focusing on their bags by the door. She knew it was time to stop avoiding the inevitable, so she picked them up and put them on the bed, methodically pulling out clothes and folding them in a dresser at the far end of the room. When Savannah's things were neatly sorted away, she moved onto her own bag, opening the zipper and taking out garments until something made her freeze and blink in confusion. What the fuck. The lacy bralette John had picked up back in her room and joked about was now in her hands, when she had put it back into her underwear drawer. To make things worse, tucked between a pair of jeans further down into the bag was what he probably deemed as the matching panties. No way. There was only one explanation, and she laughed at the ridiculous idea, until she remembered his lack of boundaries and how he was on his own in her room for a short while. But why would you even… She thought back to what she could only describe as lust filled looks he had given her then, how he always managed to invade her personal space. Thinking I'm putting these on? Watch me burn them in the fireplace, Seed.
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[John is a broody boy and misses dinner because he's conflicted af]
She was set on catching him as he came home, on not letting him sneak off without getting anwers. Even if she fell asleep on the couch, it was a better alternative than waking Savannah up with her reoccurring nightmare. As she waited she took her time to snoop around the living room, shooting another look of disgust at the portrait of Joseph. Something that kept tempting her since her arrival was a landline that was placed on a side table there. With her sister fast asleep she took the chance and picked up the receiver. Who do I even call? Sabrina didn't have many numbers memorized, aside from her ex-partner's number in Portland and her precinct's, The Spread Eagle's since Joey regularly ordered food from it for the Sheriff's Department and the one of the jail her mother was serving her time at. She knew she could depend on Leslie to believe her and get outside help, that he would go as far as finding a way to storm the County even with the lockdown Eden's Gate was enforcing. She took a deep breath and dialed his number, but the line refused to connect.
"Fuck. Why did I even think it would work?", she whispered, then set on punching in the bar's digits next. The same thing happened again, making her huff in frustration. Then another strange number that was haphazardly jotted down at the the phone itself caught her eye. "What do we have here?", she stared at it in curiosity and before she could stop herself she dialed it. Seconds passed by that put her on edge, making her question her choice as she feared who would pick up and wondered if she should hang up. Instead an automated voice finally responded, "You have one new message from September, 4th." "Voicemail, thank fuck.", she released the breath she was holding and held the receiver to her ear as the machine prompted the caller to leave a message after the tone. The voice she heard next spread goosebumps over her skin, an awful reminder of the arrest and the constant nightmare that haunted her. "After all the Atonements, all the Confessions, all that you've done for me and Eden's Gate is not enough, is it, John? I worry what has gotten into you since the Reaping had started. You ignore my calls, anytime I reach out to you I'm met with Mathias on the other side instead, telling me you're busy. It's the urges again, isn't it? You have to cast away your past, John. You need to open up your heart, you need to see that there is more love all around you. All the pain and suffering you spread will not help us in the long run. These actions will only feed the sin inside you. It will grow stronger, it will convince you to do wicked things. Those you scar too deeply, they will heal, they will become carriers of your sin. They will spread that sin to others. I've seen your death in a vision, you are destined to be slayed by your own sin. It will come back around in a new form, it's only a matter of when. I've seen you die young, I've seen you die old. The difference between the two outcomes is how much love you let into your heart. I pray that you hear these words before it's too late. I want to see you become an old man in the Paradise we prepared for. I love you brother." Joseph's voice faded away, replaced by the automated one, "Press 1 to listen to the message again. To delete the message, press 2." Sabrina put down the receiver back in its place, leaning against the table as her mind ran over what she had just heard. "What the hell…", she sighed. She doubted John had listened to the message. What worried her more was the fact Joseph seemed suspicious of his brother's behavior. "If it's so damn important, why leave it in a voicemail, Joseph?", she gritted out. Sabrina wanted to laugh at Joseph's hypocrisy masked as concern. His tone, the ultimatums, subtle guilting, all sounded way too familiar to her. He wanted John to let love into his heart, yet he was enabling him in his quest of hurting others. The Project's pointless torture he called "Confessions", was the reason he almost had died on that road that very morning, she doubted Charlie would be the last one to go after him for revenge. If Joseph wanted someone to blame, he didn't have to look far. "And Savannah is now in the middle of it all.", she bit her lip, the frustration making her restless. Joseph's warnings were a cryptic mess, hinting at someone's arrival. She had no doubt if he ever finds out about her visions, he'd declare her to be that person, convince John she would cost him his life, when she had seen him alive as disaster struck, the event his brother predicted as "The Collapse". "You're going to live, Seed. I'm going to make sure of it, then your brother will show his true face. His type always do eventually." She didn't delete the voicemail, instead retreated back to the couch and wrapped a blanket around herself. It was way past midnight when she heard the front door open and quiet footsteps carrying towards the stairs. John was either set on ignoring her completely or hadn't noticed her sitting in the dimly-lit living room.
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After the realization he missed Sabrina and looking into her phone, John threw himself into Confessions even harder, convincing himself at one point he'd manage to exorcise her out of his thoughts. He found himself making Wyatt bring in Sinner after Sinner until 12 am rolled around. By then he could tell the man was exhausted and quite suspicious at the urgency he was showcasing. His people were used to him burying himself in work prior to Sabrina's arrival, but never really to that extreme, so he wrapped up the last Confession for the day reluctantly. He parted ways with Wyatt and after cleaning up and picking up his things, John got into a truck and headed back to the Ranch. On his way over he contemplated if sleeping on the couch at his office like he'd done so many times before was a better idea, but he was aching for a shower and his own bed for once. He hoped Sabrina would be asleep, that she would have taken the hint, and keep her distance. He didn't want to face her, not that night, not when no matter how much he tried to focus on the Sinners in his chair, thoughts of her poured back in little by little until he felt like he was drowning.Until the Confessions became the distraction while she turned into the main thing occupying his mind.
John parked the truck, releasing Mathias from his post for the night, the man gave him a strange look as he passed him on the way to the front door. Bennett knew his moods well after working together for years, so he left with a simple "Goodnight". He stepped inside, navigating the living room in the darkness, moonlight and memories of the layout guiding him to the stairs, to the safety of his room. "You're here.", her voice stopped him in his tracks, the one thing he had been yearning to hear the whole day, instead of Hartley's whiny voice or the Sinners' neverending screams as he released their sins. John's lack of response didn't discourage Sabrina. "I have a feeling you're ignoring me for some unknown to me reason, but I don't deal with situations like that, John.", she sighed, "You told me we'd go over the fine details of the deal, so let's talk like adults. And… Savannah waited for you at dinner." John stole a glance her way, memorizing the way her gray hair picked up the faint light from the windows as she sat on the couch. She looked almost illusory. A part of him wished she'd disappear and take the urges with her. "You gonna reply at some point or am I as good as talking to a wall here, or maybe one of the taxidermy animals? Scary fuckers." He couldn't help a smirk from emerging on his face at her undying wit, still he kept his silence, gripping the railing, while his feet remained rooted at the spot, unwilling to move. He had no idea how long he stayed like that until he heard Sabrina let out another disappointed sigh as she got up from the couch. Her footsteps nearing him, anticipation raising in him at her approach, at the unknown. What are you up to, Deputy? She simply breezed past him, her own feet hitting the first step, as she said, "Fine, play your childish games on your own, Seed. Goodnight."
He wasn't holding the railing anymore, instead grabbing her hand as she passed him and turning her around until she was facing him, one step above him, bringing them to the same eye level. John's gaze drank her in hungrily: running over the tight blank tank top that hugged her form and matching sleep pants she was wearing all in contrast to her fair skin. Her hair flowed over her shoulders in soft waves, her tattoo was peaking out under the straps, teasing him. His fingers were still wrapped around her wrist, her pulse beating against them, picking up as the seconds passed. "Sabrina.", it was the first thing he had said since entering the ranch. Her eyes narrowed in confusion, as they searched his. "So you do speak… Can we move onto full sentences next? I'm kind of on my way to bed." John's gaze shifted to her forearm, the sight of a bandage making him smile. He felt pride at the fact she had listened to him and taken care of the wound. "Okay, this is officially awkward.", Sabrina pursed her lips, the move drawing his attention to them. His free hand grabbed a piece of her hair, wrapping it around his fingers, her breath hitching as he said, "Kept you waiting again, didn't I?" She shook her head, "Nope, you're not doing this again. I have questions, John. I'm not in the mood for whatever game you're playing." He couldn't help but smile at the fire in her gaze, "Tomorrow, Deputy, we're both exhausted." "How do I know you will keep that promise? I left you a plate, you know. Even though you didn't show up." Her words held a note of disappointment while her face remained passive. "I'm sorry." "Do you mean that, or is this another act?" Sabrina wasn't holding back, her eyes shining in conviction. "I mean it, Sabrina." "Why are you avoiding me?" "Just doing us both a favor." The cryptic reply made her roll her eyes, "You're just going to keep doing this, eh? Fine, one last thing. Did you pack things for me while I was gone from the room?" John raised an eyebrow, feigning confusion while knowing full well she was talking about the lacy number he had shoved into the duffel bag, but he wasn't going to incriminate himself. Sabrina ripped her hand out of his grip, shaking her head, "Let me guess, you have no idea what I'm talking about?" "Yes.", he challenged. "You're unbeliavable. First chance I get, I'm throwing them in that fancy fireplace of yours, John." "Now that would be a shame." "I thought you didn't know what I meant? Are you getting rusty, Mr. hotshot lawyer? Losing track of your claims?", her lips curved into a triumphant smirk. "I assure you, Sabrina, nothing is rusty about me." She rolled her eyes and took a few steps up, holding the railing for security while she was still facing him, anticipating he might try to stop her from retreating again, when there was enough distance between them and no indication for anything nefarious, she turned her back, headed to her own room. As she made it on the second floor she called out, "We're talking tomorrow, Seed. I'm holding you to it." "Wouldn't expect anything else, Deputy." Good, walk away, before I do something we both regret. He waited until he heard her door close before he climbed upstairs too, preparing himself for another night where she would reign over his dreams, wearing allure like a second skin. Promising all kinds of sinful things if he just gives in. Daring him to forego Eden.
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Bonus scene because I know y'all love Savannah.
"Where did he go?" To his bunker. But saying that would raise even more questions, instead she replied by simply saying, "He had some business to take care of. He's a lawyer, you know, boring adult things." Torture. Kidnapping. Murder. Running a cult. Checking crimes off his list at a rate that would make him into any lawyer's worst nightmare. Hell, he'd probably represent himself. Just boring adult things. Savannah giggled, "Does he wear an actual suit?"
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skoll-sun-eater · 7 months
Dessert; FC5 oneshot fic
Here's a snippet of something I just finished.
Just experimenting with how to write different 'situations' ;)
Warnings: Slight BDSM descriptions. Nothing too graphic, but there is the air of Sub/Dom language and interactions going on.
Pairings: Deputy OC Phedra/Jacob Seed. Deputy OC Phedra/John Seed. Deputy OC Phedra/Joseph Seed.
Just the brothers tonight, with the exception of the deputy as the main guest of honor. The deputy has become a permanent part of the scenery among the Seed family.
Jacob captured her and put her through the ringer in the first couple of trials. But she has- other purposes far more beneficial than the brothers could have imagined.
They all gather around in John’s dining room and they enjoy small portions of food, quite small. The arrangement and vittles are carefully laid on John’s cedar wood table. He set out crystal glass plates with crisp beige, cloth napkins folded in triangular puffs.
“Hmm, you brought out your finest crap huh Johnny?” Jacob says, teasing his indulgent baby brother.
The look of annoyance is visible on the Baptist’s countenance. “Of course, I want to show Miss Dawson that we’re not the uncivilized animals that the resistance likes to paint us out to be.” John scoffs.
The three pull out their chairs and take their seats. But the deputy is left in idle, waiting to be told what to do next. Though she’s a guest, she acts much like a servant.
“C’mere Phedra, you have permission to sit at the table.” Jacob finally beckons to the woman. She’s being tested for her obedience.
Phedra takes a seat in between Jacob at his side and John who sits at the head of the table. Joseph sits across from Phedra facing her. She’s in his direct line of sight, it’s unnerving, how he looks at her through his yellow aviators, watching. She knows why, this dinner isn’t so much about the actual food.
“Really? Sunglasses at night?”
“Excuse me my child,” Joseph’s voice cuts through Phedra’s thoughts of belittling of his choice of attire. “Would you please pour myself and my brothers some wine?”
Phedra looks to Jacob for instruction. “Go on, if they ask ya to do something, you do it.”
Phedra rises from her seat, and reaches across for a bottle Merlot John had set on the dining table. She sidesteps her way and pours the wine into the sparkling crystal glasses.
“You look lovely this evening, my dear Miss Dawson. Quite…” John looks her up and down, like he’s surveying a tall tree from his chair. “…provocative.” He simpers at her as she retreats back to her chair.
Perhaps he isn’t wrong about how she is presented, Jacob specifically chose this dress for her tonight. A deep ultramarine blue dress, backless halter with the neck plunging down to her navel. It was quite short and fit all the contours of her athletic but full curvy figure.
Read the rest here in the link below, if interested.
Thank you for stopping by.
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titiagls · 9 months
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Hi and welcome everyone ! This blog will be dedicated mainly to Far Cry 5 (and my obsession for the Seed's brothers ^^)
Many thanks to @cassietrn for the masterlist header and to @saradika for the divider. I'm not a native speaker so please bear with me if my english is sometimes strange for you 😅
Please minors don't follow me (that means 18 or 21 depending on your country's laws, thanks).
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Whatever It Takes (In Progress) : John Seed x Male OC / Joseph Seed x Female OC / 18+
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paradlselost · 5 months
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Sort of a dump, I was really debating on just publishing this as a WIP but I was halfway through the smut and decided to just finish it. Not my best, but I tried to go for a more canon accurate John, which means he’s a major freak in this sorry :/
I mentioned it in the fic but didn’t go too deep, I kinda love toying with the idea of a more selfish deputy - humanizing them. If I were to ever write a longer fic with more of an oc-ized version of the deputy would anyone read? Let me know.
I probably won’t post about John Seed or FC5 for a little while after this. I have ideas for a Black Noir (my bbg) fic and then a Father Paul Hill one from Midnight Mass cause I love religious trauma as y’all can tell. I do also like indoctrinated!deputy so maybe maybe eventually I write about that.
2.7k words
content warnings: mentions of cutting into flesh. smut — dubcon, choking, blood play (John being a freak sorry), dryhumping, oral (m receiving), fingering, debauchery in a house of God.
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She should’ve known from the start, when the crackle of her radio sounded, interjecting her music with his voice; that this request was nothing but trouble. But rage had blinded her, wrath seeped into every pore in her body, selfishness.
It was never the Deputy’s plan to become the symbol for the resistance, even after the blades of the helicopter stopped, and smoke and fire billowed out from the engine. Even after Dutch saved her and enlisted her help, and despite the stories from countless other resistance members, she only really had one prerogative; save her friends. 
Hudson, Pratt, Whitehorse. Trapped in the claws of the cult, it was her duty to get them back, and despite the help she had been giving to the resistance, those were the only three people she cared about.
He knew this, stalking her like a cat preparing to pounce, he watched every facet of her life from the moment she ventured into Holland Valley that he could. A selfish little thing, ripe for his obsession.
John Seed was a proud man, bold and brave as he had so eloquently begged Jacob to put in his song. His pedestal as a Herald inflated his ego, the knowledge that without him Eden’s Gate wouldn’t have prospered nearly as much fueled his narcissism, which is why he surrounded himself with only the peggies who would do anything for him.
He isn’t sure whether new members are supposed to pledge their lives to him and the cult, but it sounds so sweet when the floor pools with the blood of their atonement and he coaxes those little words from his new followers' lips. His tongue is coated in silver, he loves this new power, and she threatens to take that from him.
He knew she wouldn’t be as proactive if he crooned to her that he had a resistance member or two, and she would swing in guns blazing if he claimed to have Hudson right beside him. So, instead he played on her curiosity, that little nudge in the back of her mind that forced her to seek him out whenever he called. Like a moth to a flame.
“Fuck you, Seed!” Voice so filled with venom it might’ve burned a hole in the floor, he tilted his head at her profanity, a sadistic grin playing on his face.
Hope County was filled with little white churches, chapels with steeples that attempted to reach to the heavens above. She assumed they were much more lively before, now most were barren except on Sundays, when the peggies who could not fit onto Joseph’s compound would listen to him under random roofs of God.
This. He chose to be under the white ceiling specifically, to call her into the thing she had been fighting against. To hear her screams echo against the chipped painting that decorated the walls, for her blood to be stained on the old wooden floorboards.
Curiosity killed the cat. She was stupid enough to venture into his trap, falling to the ground when hit hard enough over the head, and now she was stupid enough to attempt to fight off the peggies that held either arm.
“Such profanity. You’re in a house of God, Deputy, mind your tongue.” He scolded her as if she was a misbehaving child, as if everything she had ever done could be chalked up to that. A spoiled rotten brat.
His fingers danced over the tools he had brought with him, his trusty tattoo gun being at the top, but an assortment of knives he also deemed fit for this occasion. Oh, the blood she would spill for him, he became giddy at the thought.
“Get off of me-! Woah woah woah- hey stop!” Yelping, she still attempted to fight off the peggies that held her arms, she shied away when he advanced toward her, tattoo gun in his hands. He had tried this before, she knew what he was doing.
“No one here to help you now, Wrath. Don’t try and fight, your atonement will hurt much less if you cooperate.” He was too calm for this situation, a practiced art he had been through hundreds of times. It was a skill, making people spill their most intimate secrets, a skill he had perfected.
The Deputy was a fighter, through and through, though John could understand Jacobs words. She was weak without her companions, without pastor Jerome stealing her from her atonement, or Nick Rye strafing his armed convoy, she was nothing now - and it was almost endearing to him.
With her hands bound, she resorted to spitting that same venom that she held in her words, marking his perfect face with her saliva. He grimaced, wiping it off his cheek before it trailed down to his beard, pretty blue eyes flashing with that same bloodlust that dictated his every waking moment.
It was shocking to even the peggies that held her when he grabbed her by her throat, pinning her to the ground and straddling her hips. His hands shook with anger - the same wrath that he deemed consumed her now making an appearance in himself. Two sides of the same coin, two heads of a snake.
Her head ached now, body feeling as though it was echoing. A second blow to the back of her head that surely would’ve knocked her out if the pain of his tattoo gun wasn’t keeping her grounded. She didn’t know how fast he had ripped her shirt, or how long it would take for him to carve her skin, but she was reduced to pained whines and pleas for him to stop.
And he relished in the noises she made. The blood that covered his hands and trickled down her chest wasn’t an unusual sight for the herald - but her being the one under him made it all the more exciting. His Deputy, his wrath, his perfect rival. The peggies that stood above him now didn’t matter, and what are they to him anyways? Expendable followers he could use, the Deputy was everything.
“Yes yes, c’mon, keep pleading…” How could he help it? Her eyes half lidded as she looked up at him, hands no longer bound by the peggies now loosely grabbing the wrist that held the tattoo gun in an attempt to stop him. She looked so pathetic under him, so why shouldn’t he grind himself against her when his pants were so uncomfortably tight?
Her words didn’t quite reach his ears, not as he waved his followers out - who hurriedly scrambled in embarrassment. The old church was silent, save for her soft sobs and his intense breathing. His hand still placed over her neck made her choke on her words, which only fueled his desire. He could crush her windpipe, her life rested in his hands, and maybe he would’ve if the nagging reminder that she was the only way he was getting into New Eden wasn’t playing in the back of his head.
His ticket, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun with her.
He removed his hand from her neck as he finished carving into her pretty skin. WRATH, her own personal scarlet letters. He hummed, looking down at her with lustful eyes, fluttering between hers and the blood that pooled on her chest and trickled down her body to the wooden floor below.
She hated the feeling that bubbled in her chest as the pain subsided, now only a dull ache danced with the look he gave her, how he rubbed the tent made in his pants against her. No doubt, a mark had been left on her neck - his handprint, a reminder. The world felt silent at this moment, when she should've pushed him off.
Selfishness. Prioritizing that small ache he gave her over what she should be doing. Finding anything to act as a weapon against him.
But she didn’t, not as his head lowered and she was greeted with his perfectly slicked back hair, shaking hands reaching to play with a strand. A soft grumble came from his throat, tongue lapping at the blood that trickled down the valley of her chest, tasting what he had drawn out of her.
“What are you doing-?” Her voice was soft, he barely heard it over the ringing in his ears. Too long had he been subjected to resorting to his hand when he thought about her, or messing up his silk pillowcases with his pretty ropes when she teased him over the radio. He had her under him, he wasn’t going to let her go now.
“Shh.” His voice was more scolding then he meant it to be, his tongue traveling from the blood he lapped at down to her budding nipple. He wasn’t gentle, and why should he be? After everything she had messed up for him, he felt it justified to bite down on her pretty flesh, pulling at the bud as much as he wanted.
He relished in the pretty, pained moans that fell from her lips, how her back arched into it. Two sides of the same coin, both reveling in whatever pain was brought to them.
The Deputy’s head tilted back, allowing him a chance to latch onto her neck as a vampire would, smearing the blood on his lips all over her pretty skin. He bit, marking her with his teeth over the forming bruises from his handprint. His hands, decorated in the crimson from his hold on the tattoo gun traveled down her body, painting her in her own red.
He slipped his hand below the rough fabric of her jeans, being met with a contrast, soft and delicate and slightly damp. A soft grumble left his lips at the feeling; which were still pressed against her pretty neck. He felt the way her breath hitched as he ran digits over her most delicate areas. Being so close to her neck, he felt how her muscles tightened and how her breath hitched in her throat.
Lifting her hips to meet his tattooed fingers, a small admission of need. She bit her bottom lip to suppress the noises that tempted to fall from her lips - not wanting to give him the satisfaction. They were still enemies, still rivals, at least to her. 
John on the other hand seemed to be on cloud nine, relishing in how she moved against his hand, grinding herself through the fabric of her underwear. He bit down once more, slipping her out of her jeans and grabbing her hips, sitting up and pressing his pelvis against hers.
“John- John cmon…” Head thrown back, panting as she grabbed at the blue silk of his top. He tilted his head down at her, a sadistic smirk playing on his features.
He always took what he wanted, no matter who it was, and the Deputy was no exception to this. To him, it was God's Grace that placed them both here, that gave him the opportunity to rut his hips against hers.
The bulge in his covered jeans met her underwear, fucking himself against her covered cunt. He leaned down overtop of her, panting against her ear. Hot breath on her neck, the sounds of his soft moans mixing with his heavy breaths, and of course his restricted cock grazing just over her clit every couple of thrusts, it was enough to make any girl's eyes roll back.
He stopped, only for a moment, but long enough for her to let out a needy whine, lifting her head to see what he was doing. Tattooed fingers worked the EG belt off, letting his pants pool at his ankles. He wasted no time once they were off, underwear meeting underwear as the outline of his dick was much more pronounced.
“Fuck fuck, put your head back. Fucking-… good girl.” He groaned out, one hand leaving her hips and grabbing at her pretty hair, pulling her head back against the cold wooden floor of the church. She ached, head pounding and echoing from the injuries earlier - but the feeling of him fucking himself against her needy cunt kept her grounded.
In this moment, she needed him, needed this feeling to not pass out.
He tilted his own head back, sweat casting a slick sheen over his skin. A hand dipped against the drying blood on her chest, gathering what he could over his fingertips before bringing them to his lips, sucking on the bloodied digits. He groaned around his fingers, muffling the moans that threatened to fall.
The head of his cock strained against the blue fabric of his boxers, hips thrusting sloppily against her as his hand tightened on her hips, leaving pretty marks in his wake. One thrust, another thrust, and finally another before white pooled at the head, spurting out of the tiny holes in his underwear.
Panting, he finally moved his fingers out of his mouth, cleaned off the blood and tilted his head down at her almost mockingly; he got to finish, the cum that leaked from his underwear dripping down onto hers, and she didn’t get to. He relished in that, that power he had over her.
“H-hey! Not fair!”
“Oh, Deputy. Come here, maybe I’ll let you get off.”
He grinned as he stood up, fixing himself before moving back onto one of the pews, watching her scramble over to him. He had her eating out of the palm of his hand as she kneeled in front of him. Her head pounded harder, eyes a little woozy.
“Poor baby, rest your head, sweetheart.” He teased, a sadistic grin on his face as she nodded and rested against his thigh, looking up at him with those pretty eyes of hers. He couldn’t help himself, not if she looked so pretty right there in his grasp. 
He tangled his fingers in her hair, watching her confused expression as he moved the blue fabric off of his legs, dick springing up as it was freed from the confinement of his underwear. Guiding her head over it, watching her part her pretty lips to suck on his leaking tip.
Milking his cock, swallowing the spurts of salty seed that spilled onto her tongue. She drained him for all he’s worth, looking up at him as he ran his fingers through her hair. He was soft and gentle in this moment, noises falling from his lips that told her how good she was doing. She shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be sucking off John Seed of all people.
He grinned as he watched her, once he was satisfied with the way she suckled on him, he grabbed her chin and pulled her off of him. Guiding her up to her feet, he let her loom over him. She wasn’t intimidating like this, he didn’t know if it was because he had just fucked her over their clothes or because she was relying on him for an orgasm, but she seemed almost adorable.
His lips found her neck once more as she leaned against him, nuzzling her head into his shoulder. He forced her to stand, to spread her legs to allow his fingers to feel the now wet fabric of her panties. He hummed in satisfaction, moving them aside and tracing a finger over her slick folds.
A soft gasp left her lips, grabbing onto his shoulder and attempting to move back to look him in the eye. He grumbled, forcing her in that same position as he bit down on her neck, pushing a finger inside of her at the same time. He loved the moans that fell from her lips as he pumped a digit deeper inside of her.
Another finger stretched her out, deep enough to hit those nerves that made her legs tremble. She whined, shaking against him and propping herself up as he continued to pump in and out of her. He pulled away from her neck for only a moment, watching the way she buried her face against him and laughing softly.
He added one more finger before her legs fully began to tremble, grabbing onto his shoulder. Pumping more, fully reaching those nerves, which caused her to spasm around him, her orgasm flooding around his fingers. She rocked against him once or twice, chasing her high.
“Look at you, Deputy, needing me. Did I make you feel good? Use your words.”
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direwombat · 2 years
direwombat's fic masterlist
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decided to go ahead and pull together a quick masterlist of my fic since not everything is in the same spot. will do my best to keep this up to date lol
far cry 5
jacob seed x female rook [nonspecific deputy]
fragile creatures (on collision with our judgment day) | M | currently on haitus (rip)
claim me, oh claim me | E 🔞🔞🔞| a/b/o au smut
oc: deputy sybille la roux
a room with a view | E 🔞🔞🔞| AO3, tumblr | sybille enjoys her view from jacob's room at the veterans center
the howling | M | AO3, tumblr | witch syb x werewolf jacob supernatural au
wrapped (not in linen or lace, but leather) | E | AO3, tumblr | syb gets railed while wearing a collar.
until it takes | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3 , tumblr | jakesyb + breeding kink
paperwork | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | jacob catches sybille snooping through his files. he punishes her accordingly.
prompt fill | T | jacob and sybille share a moment after their battle
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | jacob and sybille have a little wrestle in the woods
prompt fill | M 🔞🔞 | Caress to the cheek after a moment together + jakesyb
prompt fill | M | Chin lift to make you look directly at their eyes that just make you follow aimlessly and without much force really. (bonus if they kiss afterward) + jakesyb
prompt fill | E 🔞🔞🔞 | sybille surrenders herself to jacob
prompt fill | T | ⛑ - Some tender first-aid + sybjoey
prompt fill | T | 💤 A few extra hours of sleep and ✋ A hand carding gently through their hair + jakesyb
fc 5 polycule au
run rabbit, run | M 🔞🔞 | jacob seed and kit cross hunt their prey through the woods
oc: augustine la roux
a mouth full of praise | E 🔞🔞🔞 | AO3, tumblr | joseph seed x cultist!original male character
confiteor | T | AO3, tumblr | in the wake of john's death, sybille goes to joseph to confess.
oc: paola orsini
wine drunk | T |
prompt fill | Gen | paola has dinner with rafe
party favor | Gen | done for oc kiss week
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axelflare9700 · 10 months
"Forgive me father for I've Sinned"
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chazz-anova · 1 year
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Fandom: Far Cry 5 Word Count: 2.1k Pairing: Faith Seed x Female Herald OC Summary: Faith is newly appointed as a Herald of the of Henbane, and has her first meeting with her new partner in Eden's Gate. Warnings: Brief mention of drug use A/N: kinda getting into's Faith's early days as a leader in the cult with this one and where her head was at! i enjoyed writing this from her pov too to really get in her head 🧠 i hope yall enjoy!
Read it on AO3!
The newly appointed Faith Seed paced in her cabin anxiously; bare feet on the smooth wood padding from corner to corner of her new home. After she’d been chosen by Joseph she’d been upgraded from the residence hall for the girls of Eden’s Gate. 
Walls of walnut wood surrounded her adorned with the country chic decor she’d become accustomed to. A mounted deer here, a cow skull there. ‘Charming.’ She thought sarcastically. Faith wasn’t one to pin down her tastes, but she knew this wasn’t it. At least now she had her own room. 
Things had been different before- equally as hard but in another way. Stuck living with cold parents, hooked on drugs and trouble. Now she had a gelid Father and was the most sober she’d been in ages. But being Faith was just another drug. People looked up to her more, listened to her. One facet of her life remained the same though- the loneliness. 
Faith completed another lap of paces as the object of her anxiety came to mind: Joseph Seed. In particular, her first meeting with him since becoming a Herald. It was only yesterday that she had been chosen from the congregation at the end of a sermon. As was custom, each Seed spoke at the dais; giving their own speech to prepare the flock for the Collapse. At the end- all was silent as the Father stepped forward. 
“Brothers and sisters, you have heard much from us today but I would beg your attention for another moment to make an announcement.” Joseph settled in at the pulpit at the center of everyone’s attention. The white paint of the church was illuminated by dozens of white candles, the creak of metal bird cages whispered from the ceiling; the congregation held their breath as they always did when their Father spoke. In classic fashion- this announcement was to be presented as an oration. Holy and eminent. “What is Faith?” Joseph’s heavy gaze looked out over them all reaching each person with his booming cadence. “Faith is what holds us together. What makes us different from the damned souls that will not walk with us in the Garden.” Answering his own question he eyed his flock- eyes filling with regret. “Our Faith, she was not ready. Not ready to do what must be done to help us survive the Collapse. When the Reaping begins, she would have led us to ruin.” Joseph spoke of the previous matron of Eden’s Gate. 
There had always been a ‘Faith’; it was a title more than anything, an identity to take on. Previously there were only two others to carry the mantle- the most recent having disappeared after a rather public disagreement with the Father. There were whispers in the female dorms, tinged with apprehension and fear as the women considered the immensity of being chosen, and the risk if one were to falter. 
“My children I am pleased to announce, after much deliberation we have found our new Faith. You all know her as a different name, but no longer. She has lent a hand to any she saw in need- she has held us aloft in hard times and flourished with us in good.” A pregnant pause as Joseph held a poignant countenance. “Rachel, if you’ll join me?” The woman startled as the last name she’d expected tumbled from his lips. 
Since then things had been a blur. There were official introductions to the Seed brothers, being introduced as their sister made her feel warm but unsettled. Like she just stepped into her dream and the world had started falling away. After an hour of mingling, the new Faith had been shown to the new cabin where she would reside.
These memories raced through her mind and she wondered what responsibilities she’d have now. Her mentation was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door, making her jump. ‘Already?’ The woman looked down at herself; she wore drab white garb as was custom of the community, her hair hung lankly past her shoulders. Shame filled her as she opened the door, hoping she wouldn’t see one of the Seeds. She may be one of them now but she didn’t yet look the part. The heavy door was pulled ajar to reveal no one. 
The birds chirped as evening faded in and the trees hung high over the cabin outside, but no one awaited her. Confusion crossed Faith’s expression and she peered from the doorway. Though no visitors awaited she spied a simple white envelope on the doormat, addressed to her (with her new name of course) and emblazoned with the Eden’s Gate cross on a wax seal. 
Stepping back into the cabin now equipped with the correspondence containing her next step, Faith took a deep breath and broke the seal. As she pulled the letter forth the aroma of jasmines and rain filled the room. Faith smiled slightly, ‘Who perfumes their letters?’ She mused as the paper unfolded revealing flowing cursive script. “Meet me at Sacred Skies Lake. We have much to discuss.” 
It took less than an hour for Faith to fluff her hair, apply some mascara, and throw on a more put-together outfit before she found a ride to the lake. People were practically falling over themselves offering to drive the new Herald; she even spotted someone get tripped trying to get to her. In the end, Jacob had ordered one of his Chosen to escort her. 
The world was painted in pinks, oranges, and splashes of purple as sunset cloaked Hope County. The water of Sacred Skies Lake shined in the final vestiges of sunlight, inviting Faith to the shore. Halfway down the woman spotted sheets of lace and silk adorning the tree branches near the water. Her flats crunched into the sand and rocks on the coast as her gaze scanned for the Father. With a start, the brunette set eyes on a different figure. 
Tall with shapely legs and a flowing mane of red hair- a beautiful stranger met her eyes. The other woman was striking in an intimidating way: ruby red lips, towering in hills, and a piercing blue gaze. “Faith.” She spoke her new name and Faith rather liked how it sounded. 
“Hi… still getting used to the name I think.” 
The ginger appraised her silently before responding, “You’ll wear it well. Come, sit.” She gestured to a large blue picnic blanket spread under the swaying trees above. On the blanket was the most diverse spread of food Faith had ever seen; macaroons of every color, boards of meat from pancetta to smoked salmon, and bowls of veggies, sauces, and garnishes awaited. Gingerly the Herald took her spot at the edge of the spread. Her eyes lit up as she spotted a ramekin filled with sunflower seeds. “Yes, I was told you enjoyed those. Barbeque flavor?” The taller of them said the word as if it were foreign to her. Faith nodded with a smile and popped one in her mouth. “Of course, I’ve only seen these without the shell used as texture for salads and such but… I’m pleased if you are. My name is Antoinette.” As she spoke, she tucked the skirt of her dress politely beneath her and her lips bowed in a kind smile.
“I’m Ra…” She stopped herself, “Faith. I guess you already knew that though.” The brunette smiled sheepishly and looked down at her hands in her lap. 
“I’ll confess, I don’t know much more than yourself at present.” Annie settled back on the blanket lounging languidly like a cat in a sunbeam. “Joseph has only blessed me with crumbs of his plan, but I know both you and I are integral.” She leaned in conspiratorially, “And will be working quite closely together.” 
“Oh?” Faith urged her on, eyes lingering on Antoinette’s toned form for a moment. Muscles rippled under the criss-crossing white dress she wore. ‘Someone works out..’ With the thought she felt her tongue dart out to moisten her lips and tried to get her brain back on track. 
Antoinette nodded and reached for a slice of gouda, “Indeed- just as you were promoted tonight, I was appointed only a couple days ago.” She popped the cheese in her mouth and stared out at the water, “It was all quite sudden.” 
‘Two Faiths?’ Faith wondered and was about to ask when her companion continued.
“After the… unfortunate failings of the last Faith, I have been appointed as a guide. Someone to help and advise where needed. We have much to prepare for if Joseph’s predictions are correct, and he is not one to accept failure.” 
Silence ruled both of them a moment as they considered the consequences of ineptitude, a secret anxiety they each were too guarded to show. The new Faith looked to Annie and they shared a look of understanding; they were in this together. “Well,” Faith started as she wrapped some salami around a piece of provolone, “At least my partner in crime knows how to cook.” 
The ginger snorted brusquely but chuckled nonetheless, “That would be wishful thinking unfortunately. I have a live-in chef.” 
“In your cabin?” Faith asked, mouth open in surprise. Part of her thought this was frivolous- but part of her felt a bit in awe at the luxury. When Antoinette’s nose crinkled in distaste the brunette wondered what she’d said wrong. 
“My chalet, dear. I don’t know that I’d survive in a mere cabin.” Though Annie corrected her- she smiled light-heartedly. 
Returning the grin Faith chided, “Ah so I’ve been placed with the most opulent of the Heralds, I see.” 
“That you have, and don’t forget it.” The older woman scooted closer and Faith could smell her light perfume. It was airy and floral, making Faith want to bury her head in the other’s collarbone and lose herself in the scent. “It is you that is our Herald though, truly. Not I.” Annie watched her waiting for a response. When Faith said nothing for her confusion, Antoinette expanded on the thought- “Even if I carry the title of Herald for appearances, not just anyone can take the role of our Faith. You will keep us all on the path to the Garden, and in turn I will keep you safe.” 
The truth in her words rung out over the water, making the newest Seed feel more secure in her new role. Though she had been lonely among her fellow parishioners- she realized now that it was up to her to keep them pliant, to make them feel seen as Joseph had made her feel seen. Antoinette’s proclamation steeled her will and she felt more at ease with the title that had been thrust upon her. “I’m glad I won’t be alone in this.” She looked out over the lake- thinking this time she didn’t have to be afraid of her life changing. Not when she had the power now. 
“In light of our new partnership, I brought you something.” Annie revealed a present in the bottom of the picnic basket, pulling out a masterfully wrapped gift dressed in green paper and a white bow. 
Taking it quietly Faith’s expression was one of shock. She couldn’t recall the last present she’d received. “I don’t have anything for you though…” She intoned absentmindedly as she pulled at the bow, unraveling it between her fingers. 
“Don’t worry about that.. I’m quite hard to buy for.” Antoinette joked as she watched Faith intently. Though it was said in jest, the brunette figured this was most likely fact. 
Once all the wrappings were gone there was a white box with a silver swirling decal on top. There was a moment of apprehension where Faith glanced at the other and Annie nodded encouragingly, No more urging needed- she revealed the gift and discarded the lid. “Oh wow.” Faith breathed the words as she lifted out a white laced dress adorned with pink flowers. “Antoinette, this is beautiful!” Her hand traced down the front of the garment. 
Almost grinning at her reaction, Annie nodded- “It was a pretty penny- but well worth it. Our Faith needs to stand out.” With flourish Faith pulled out the dress completely and stood, pressing it to her body as a way to measure. “If you need any alterations simply let me know.” The ginger’s gaze took in every inch of Faith, a repressed hunger in her eyes. “We’re about the same size, I’d wager.” She reached forward to flatten the dress against Faith for a better look. A hand caressed her bare thigh as she did, making Faith shiver in a way she hoped wasn’t obvious. 
“You don’t cook but you sew?” She asked, changing her train of thought. 
“Occasionally. I know enough to get the job done.” Antoinette looked up at Faith and offered her an easy smile. 
In that smile and in Annie’s ocean blue eyes Faith’s heart fluttered and that dark shadow of loneliness loosened its grip on her for the first time in a long time. Her future was right here.
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Chapter 25: As a Lion Growls    
Shout out to American Beasts having it’s 6 month birthday yesterday!! Woohoo!!
Fandom: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Deputy | Judge/John Seed, Female Deputy | Judge/Jacob Seed, Deputy | Judge/John Seed, Deputy | Judge/Jacob Seed Characters: Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Female Deputy | Judge (Far Cry), Joseph Seed, Cameron Burke, Earl Whitehorse, Mary May Fairgrave, Nick Rye, Kim Rye, Boomer (Far Cry), Grace Armstrong, Jerome Jeffries, John Seed, Faith Seed, Tracey Lader, Virgil Minkler, Hurk Drubman Jr., Sharky Boshaw, Adelaide Drubman, Joey Hudson, Peaches (Far Cry), Jacob Seed, Staci Pratt, Eli Palmer, Wheaty (Far Cry), Jess Black, Original Male Character(s), Project at Eden's Gate | Peggies, Tammy Barnes Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Religious Cults, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Swearing, Torture, Unhealthy Relationships, Animal Attack, Threats, Threats of Violence, The Seeds are Their Own Warning, Stabbing, Knives, Guns, Shooting, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hallucinations, Sexual Humor, Sexually Suggestive Dialogue, Kidnapping, Blood and Violence, More Biblical References to Lions Than You Can Shake a Stick at, Trauma, Suicidal Thoughts, Not Canon Compliant, Past Child Abuse, Deputy Joins the Cult, Social Darwinism, Obsession, Flashbacks, Enemies to Lovers, Physical Abuse, Hand Feeding, Smut, Internalized Misogyny, Hurt/Comfort, arrow wounds, Menstruation, Coercion, Manipulation, Bloodplay Summary: 
Kit makes her way back to the Wolf's Den and quickly discovers it may not be the right place for her after all. She travels back home to the Valley to find herself, and then has a meeting with Joseph.
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kittiofdoom · 2 years
"Soft hand touches with a light comforting squeeze that instantly assures you they're there." for Avery and Joseph?
Soft Touches
Words: 804 Tags: overstimulation but not in a sexy way it's the other way, slightly possessive Joseph Thank you so much for the prompt!! I blame listening to the choir versions of the songs for this. Why does the music have to go so hard? Also I put a face touch in here too because I can't help myself.
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The world was a fraction off kilter. Some small part of her recognized it was in her head, but that thought was buried under too bright lights and a cacophony of garbled noise that Ava couldn't even begin to process. Some days Ava just woke up and the world was wrong and no matter what it didn't right itself. She just had to suffer through it—that was how it had always been.
John's sunglasses sat on her nose, baseball cap pulled down to cast a dark shadow across her scowling features. She was currently curled into the smallest possible ball she could make herself on one of the church pews, head resting on her knees as Joseph conducted his sermon. The people beside her knew to give her space, even when the church was packed full they made sure to give Ava a comfortable distance not to make her uncomfortable. She was glad for it, but didn't quite know how to express that so she just kept the sentiment to herself.
Joseph was talking, but Ava couldn't hear, words lost to her in the ringing of her ears but she stared at him like he was the sun. Beautiful—radiant—bathing all those in his holy light with warmth and comfort.
He noticed her halfway through his sermon, the smallest raise of his brow in silent question—are you okay?—as he continued to speak. His gaze drifted away over the familiar faces of his flock, returning after a few words for his answer.
Ava's stillness was all the answer Joseph needed.
It was a small movement at first, descending down from the podium step by step. If he moved too quickly Ava might bolt, she was timid like that. A wounded animal that needed to be gently approached. She shuffled back in her seat but relaxed as soon as Joseph walked to someone else and ran his hands over their shoulder, then another person with their arm and a third cradling the back of their head.
He stayed like this, walking amongst his people, giving comfort with his words and touch until he'd done enough loops to get close enough to Avery. She scowled at him from underneath the brim of her hat, knowing that he'd end up here but not wanting to be singled out.
Joseph smiled and offered his hand first, waiting for Ava to come to him. It took a minute but eventually her scarred fingers and palm slid against his own.
The world shifted back into focus, just a fraction, Joseph's voice piercing through the noise.
“-we must remember to love each other, deeply, unashamed. We must support each other and carry the burden. Let love triumph over a multitude of sins,” Joseph said, squeezing Ava's hand as he spoke. “We are not made to be islands, lost at sea with nothing on the horizon but storm clouds.”
Ava relaxed, her legs sliding along the pew and tucking beside her rather than being built like a wall between them. Joseph always had this way through to her. Ava couldn't explain it, but it didn't matter how far gone she was. Joseph could always bring her back.
“If you see your neighbour struggling, reach out to them. Let His love—my love—act through you and guide the lost and the weary,” Joseph continued. His other hand reached out, the back of his fingers brushing against Ava's cheek until the bumped against John's sunglasses. The corners of his lips pulled into a thin line briefly when he looked back over to John behind him as if to confirm they did in fact belong to his brother.
“You are not alone, you are loved and protected,” Joseph didn't miss a beat in his words despite his movements. Gently, carefully, he plucked the glasses from Ava's nose, gesturing behind him with them for John to come and claim them. When he had Joseph pulled his hand away from Ava for just a moment, despite the small noise of protest she made. Her hand hovered in the space between them, lost.
Joseph reached up and removed his own sunglasses, offering Ava a smile as he slid them on her face. That was better. He then took her hand and found her once more, tracing the rough lines of scarring with his thumb. He draw them one by one in a well practiced motion, knowing the way they cut across her skin without needing to look.
Ava stared up at him, finally calm and he could see the adoration and love writ across her features, bright—radiant—beautiful. She was the moon, reflecting his light back him. Sometimes she might hide herself away in shadows, but she could never truly be hidden.
His light would always find her.
“The storm will break. I am here.”
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flare-queen · 1 year
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Deputy stuck inside the bunker with Joseph Seed, you can imagine tension was high, emotions strong and well when shit hits the fan, bad or good things can happen such as the release of pleasure.
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