transcanadianhighway · 5 months
So i started reading Yugioh Duelist for the first time ever- i’ve been obsessed with the characters for this show since i was 12 (i am very much in my 30s now) i would give a spoilers warning but this series ended in like 2005 -so uh here are my ramblings:
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There is no warning about this at all. We are just to expected to have read the original Yu-Gi-Oh where the pharoh just kills people and like zaps their brains into outer space and shit. Kaiba lost a duel to yugi who out him in a coma to “ rid him of his evil heart and to piece together what is left of his goodself- and the Kaiba we experience is the GOOD KIND VERSION.
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I love him. Not much else to say, Pegasus is a fuckin joy.
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So we get this and also they all know about Yami and the millenium items already. My brain is warped from this.
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billythephoneguy · 16 days
You look rather stupid like that <3
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respectfullytrash · 4 months
For research purposes
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magicagrove · 2 years
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3rd rate trainer with 4th rate pokemon
Is what Kaiba would say
Drawing his whole team was a little too ambitious so here’s a mock-up of the rest of his team; (these aren’t skill based, I’m just basing these off his personality/deck bc I know damn well Jou can’t catch a legendary)
Shiny Charizard
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yuujoh · 1 year
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Some old sketchbook stuff!
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neverwavers · 2 years
bond tags under the cut! these are specifically for @devildukem's ryuji and @ofhardknoxxx's jounochi!
ryuji otogi ♦ a jack of all trades; don't be fooled though thinking he's just another pretty face. jounochi katsuya 🐉 the heart of an underdog is within; underestimating him is a costly mistake.
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endlayer · 2 years
ANZU IS SO COOL ive really appreciated the recent like. rise in anzu fans who realize she's like really really cool and strong-willed and a whole ass JOCK
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comicaurora · 1 year
Also in light of the yu-gi-oh! Rewatch, do you have any opinions on the changes to Joey's character and arc(s) in the anime compared to the manga? It always felt like the anime REALLY wants to make him into the class clown and in the process missed/ downgraded some of his stronger moments for me, but I also read the manga first and am probably biased.
I think the one Joey change I disagree with is downgrading how much of an ass-kicker he is in the manga, but I think that was part of the general suite of adjustments they made to center the anime 100% on Duel Monsters, where that was a much more gradual thing in the manga. Several other games and non-game threats took center stage early on, and alongside that, Jounochi's origins as a badass delinquent punk were a lot more centralized in the early chapters. It didn't come up much as the comic went on and got more millennium-item-based, but on the rare occasion that anyone still tried to solve their problems with violence instead of card games, Manga Jounochi just. absolutely spanked them. It was a nice way to reinforce that card games and shadow games were ONE way for the heroes to solve problems, but they weren't the ONLY way - and it also kind of highlighted that everyone the gang was dealing with, no matter how much of a tough-guy gimmick they had, was still - you know - a card game nerd. Manga Bandit Keith got absolutely stomped when he tried to throw hands and it was hilarious. It also helped make Joey's Dark And Brooding Past a little more tangible - like, oh yeah, pre-Yugi-friendship this guy was regularly winning fights with entire gangs singlehandedly, if this were a problem that could be solved with punching he would have already solved it with punching.
It also helped make Yugi and Jou's relationship more of a foil situation in the early manga, a classic Big Guy Smart Guy duo. Jou regularly bailed out Yugi from bullies and bad situations by virtue of being the scariest motherfucker on the block, and in turn Yugi/Yami would only take over and help out when a situation was contrived to be so horribly unfair that Jou couldn't get himself out of it, at which point Yami would resolve it with a combination of smarts and dark magic. This dynamic slapped, but it was mostly relegated to the Season Zero chapters that didn't make it to the anime, so I can see why it got a little lost.
I also think part of why the anime dialed back Joey's ass-kicking is because they wanted to make Kaiba cooler and more consistent character-wise, which was a big struggle with the early manga, and that meant making him a little more of an action star - frequently at Joey's expense.
That said, I don't think the anime does Joey dirty when it comes to what really matters (card games) because they use the medium of card games to highlight Joey's most consistent character trait across both mediums: absolutely refusing to give up on a fight until his body literally gives out. If I had a nickle for every time Joey lost a duel on a technicality by falling into a coma on his last turn, I'd have two nickles.
This is also why I think the non-manga filler seasons and spinoffs are some of the most fun adventures in the show. Not only do they have actual non-card-game stakes, but they let Joey do fun things like wear power armor shaped like his favorite dragon and punch people with it. I'll take the loss of Manga Jounochi if it lets me keep Joey Vs The Evil Bikers From Atlantis.
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haiii long time no post ^_^;; im not ded and i haven't fallen out of yugioh so to speak, i just haven't continued reading since it's been frustrating and fruitless trying to find a better source to read the manga online besides mangakakalot. that site is usually fine, but at some point the translations started coming from someone who was scanning and roughly translating the chinese version of the manga and their translations are... not good. like they're very poorly written and also they just look ugly TT
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as hilarious as these are, you can see the reaaon behind my frustration, yes? poor font choice, bad spacing, poor writing, low quality scans. it's frustrated me so badly i stopped reading, and ive really missed yugioh very much. ive been reading golden gash! (zatch bell!) and it's only made me yearn for reading this silly ass goofy manga again. if anyone knows better sources to read the manga (and NOT the version ala 4kidz, if they're calling jounochi "joey" and anzu "tia" i want no part of it bc the narrative gets butchered imo) (im autistic) pleasepleaseplease tell me asapyyyy T_T mangadex is excellent but it doesn't have yugioh. not duelist, at least.
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 11 months
Round 1: Poll 13
Propaganda under the cut.
Pairing 1: Fadeshipping (Jounochi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Yami Malik Ishtar)
Propaganda: Their canon interactions have so much material in my opinion. It wouldn't be fluffy or anytime but I could see Yami Marik being possessive of Joey after he ends up living.  Kind of starts off as "He's MINE to kill" lol
Pairing 2: Buddyshipping (Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor )
Propaganda: honda and jounouchi are the epitome of “idiot x idiot” they’re stupid but most importantly they’re stupid TOGETHER | They bicker like an old married couple and they're CONSTANTLY huggung/romatically fistfight/basically putting their hands all over each other. they are huge goofs.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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waffliesinyoface · 6 months
my toxic yugioh trait is that i think jounochi is a better character when he's Joey Wheelah from Brooklyn. he is a transfer student from america now. please understand.
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bestygogirl · 7 months
Match 29
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Man seeding tournaments sucks because I want both of these two to win, but if y'all disrespect Aileen again I'm gonna lose my mind.
Propaganda under the cut!
Aileen Rao
She’s both a gamer and a supermodel, an already incredible feat, but she’s also incredibly good at reading her opponents and hypnotism! She’s one of the few opponents in the series to make Yami/Yugi noticeable stressed for… multiple reasons, one involving her pet tiger and Anzu in the next room
she is one of the very few opponents who gets brought back later, and when she does she almost beats Jounochi's ass in human street fighter, a vote for Aileen is a vote for women's wrongs!
please vote for aileen
so if you don't know season 0, kaiba has four game masters he recruits from around the world to duel yugi. Aileen Rao is one of them, which means of all the people in the world, she is one of a very few people that seto freaking kaiba thinks has mad skills
and she does!
she plays this game where players put up pieces and try to guess what the other has played in order to eliminate the opponent's pieces (link explains the game better). Aileen is so good at this game that yami yugi who has a magic necklace legit thinks that she has supernatural powers for most of the game
Aileen has so much charisma that she's assumed to have hypnotic powers, getting anzu to just hold one ballet position for the entirety of her game with yami yugi
also Aileen has a tiger, which is objectively a cool character trait in any fictional media
she's also Indian-Canadian, which I think is neat because we just don't see a lot of south asian characters in ygo
she's one of my favorite yugioh characters ever and my favorite season 0 character
Tilla Mook
Goth girl goth girl goth girl
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billythephoneguy · 2 months
Hopefully I did his hair justice this time!
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namitomoon · 7 days
Episode 6 of Capsule Monsters.
Yugi has a fever and can't fight for the next battles so Jounochi, Anzu and Honda take over. Oh my god...and then Anzu is sent to the fucking sidelines to nurse Yugi back to health.
Yeah. Too fucking good to be true. God forbid a Gallop-era female Yugioh character gets even a bit of spotlight.
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bakawitch · 8 months
Could you tell us more about Jounochi?
So Jonouchi comes from a relatively low class family, and the only reason he enrols in the academy is a means of getting cash quickly. In the au, his father is still a deadbeat drunkard who's deeply in debt. Jonouchi still believes that if he could just somehow pay off his father's debt, everything would change for the better, his father would quit drinking, and his mum and sister would come back. Obviously, things don't immediately go well for him, and he ends up putting himself deeper in debt with the student council as days pass by. Eventually, he stops being able to make donations, and he unfortunately becomes a housepet to a member of the student council (wow, I wonder who). Jonouchi spends two days as a housepet, and he deeply resents it. He gets treated awfully, and people are likening him to his father, he gets bossed around, and he just all around hates it. He was already an outcast due to his family background, but this just basically made everything worse for him. He spends two days as a housepet, and by the end of the second day, he demands a chance to buy himself out. He makes a bet that he can raise the money necessary to free himself from his servitude in 3 days, and the council members oblige out of amusement. Jonouchi goes on a strategic gambling bender for the next 3 days, and miraculously, he somehow manages to raise double the amount needed. This event kick-starts his reputation as someone not to be stifled with, and many people start referring to him as the five-day-pet, since no one in the history of the school paid their debt back this fast. The fame gets a little to his head and as he pays off his father's ever increasing debt bit by bit, he starts to grow more distant from him as he realises that his father isn't going to change even if Jonouchi keeps giving him opportunities. The academy eventually becomes a home to him, and with that, the danger of becoming a housepet again increases as he will truly have no means of escape if he becomes indebted to the council again.
Hope this helped shine a little more light on who Jonouchi is in the au!
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redeyesandchilifries · 6 months
Greetings and salutations. This is Honda Hiroto... or Tristan Taylor, if that is easier. Jounochi... or Joey, that he likes to go by... dropped his phone and I decided to keep his online friends updated. I am not used to English, so I apologize if things are awkward.
We were ambushed. Industrial Illusions is empty except for two suspicious looking guys and Kujaku Mai. She started a duel with Joey and she seems very different... She is angrier. :( The building is locked down and Mai says she will not open the doors until she duels.
She used the Seal of Orichalcos...
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