#joy garcia
what are some weird habits that each of them have but would never admit to each other???
The Weird Habits of The Fabulous Eight
Dawn Harper: Dawn's weird habit is that she would not admit to the group is that she used to yodel when she has to sing in front of the large crowd since kindergarten.
Dicky Harper: Dicky's weird habit is that he would not admit to the group is that he used to eat shoe baloney a lot when he was a kid and still continues to do this today.
Ricky Harper: Ricky's weird habit is that he would not admit to the group is that he stills labels anything in his stuff a lot and also the fact that he can be impatient when people misspells things.
Nicky Harper: Nicky's weird habit is that he would not admit to the group is that he stills checks out his clocks in the nighttime in order to wake up in the morning to make breakfast for himself and his friends.
Sarah O'Brien: Sarah's weird habit is that she would not admit to the group is that she runs up and down in the hallway to stim a lot, she still dances in the middle of the night to listen some music.
Alex Kingsley: Alex's weird habit is that she would not admit to the group is that she sometimes that she steps on little snails because she thinks they're disgusting.
Joy Garcia: Joy's weird habit is that she would not admit to the group is that she always bite her bottom lip and pinch her arms when she is nervous.
Odette Mitchell: Odette's weird habit is that she would not admit to the group is that she always bites her nails when she gets anxious and she wishes on the stars in the night time sky when she is bored.
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oceanblueeyesoul · 1 year
I got this new Tumblr account called theharpersadventureinhogwarts and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to make a story of the NRDD AU that I created with my friend Nela after you guys saw my other Tumblr account post about the main characters' character profiles?
@theharpersadventureinhogwarts (Here is the link to my other Tumblr account)
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raining-anonymously · 2 months
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i don't know… i just can’t stop thinking about how candace’s resistance is entirely made out of kids.
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dk-thrive · 9 days
But anyway, I’m done with that. I’m done with self-doubt. I’m done with shame. I’m done with feeling weird about being ambitious. You know, the list is long. We all know what it is. I think for me, the takeaway is: Oh, we can be done with that sooner than we thought. We don’t have to take 60, 70 [expletive] years to come to that conclusion — I’m working on being done with self-doubt. I’m working on being done with shame. And I’m working really hard on finding joy.
— Julia Louis-Dreyfus, from: The Interview: The Darker Side of Julia Louis-Dreyfus” by Lulu Garcia-Navarro. (NY Times, June 8, 2024)
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maripr · 7 months
I think John Ward deserves to break down a little at the end of FAITH bc he just destroyed the cult that groomed him since childhood and abused him and his childhood friend, he's managed to protect everyone he loves, he's realized God's been with him the entire time, he has fred all the souls that were taken hostages in the rite of the second death, and he has been forgiven by the very person he wronged. He deserves to break down a bit, after things have calmed down, as Lisa and Garcia both hold him as his falls on his knees and his shoulder shake and he holds his crucifix close like he's hugging it and he wails like a child and as the tears fall on the cross once bronze, they leave golden streak, cleansing his vision of it, cleansing his heart.
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f1-stuff · 8 months
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Austin GP '23 // 📸 by Jared C. Tilton
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thesundanceghost · 1 year
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happy valentine's day have some more of these hermanos
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thegayshiptardis · 2 years
one of my favorite things about a league of their own (2022) is the amount of pure, unadulterated, utter joy.
like yeah its a war and its the 40s and theres homophobia and racism galore but every single character gets one if not multiple moments of complete bliss and love
the creators really spoiled us didn’t they ❤️
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danwhobrowses · 26 days
One Piece Chapter 1115 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back from another break
Another sneaky upload while I was coming home from work by TCB, plus other business has delayed me a bit, but now we can get to it
Secrets are pouring out, Joy Boy the pirate
Tell us more, Vegapunk
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Back with the Yamato cover story, packing a lunch with Toko and Hiyori
And we're sticking with Wano since even they have the broadcast
They have the flag up as well, Straw Hat territory
Seems they had a Den Den Mushi in Orochi's possessions
Momo muses about Joy Boy being a pirate, having learned about him from Oden's journal
Tama's still there enjoying food too, seems like she lives in the palace now
Shinobu though hasn't 'matured' to her usual look, still looks younger
G4 Base?
Oh fucking...really? XD Demaro Black doesn't miss a hustle
Fake Kid Pirates mein godt hahahaha give it up lad
I mean why would you want to pose as someone who's worth 3 billion? You know how many would kill for 3 billion?
The navy at Egghead are also listening intently to his broadcast, as Vegapunk goes deeper into Joy Boy's past
He's only able to cover from a few Poneglyphs he's had access to (likely the ones Ohara had) but as we expected, a great war occurred; Joy Boy vs the future World Government
Dude was THIS CLOSE to the 'wait, are we the baddies?' moment
Warcury is not happy, as he still chases Luffy and the giants through fire
Mars is pissed too, using his Conqueror's Haki to destroy as many Den Den Mushi as he can find
Vegapunk continues though; of course the WG were just known as the 'Allied Powers' a coalition of 20 kingdoms against Joy Boy's faction - which in itself is a frightening display of Joy Boy's strength, even the superpowers of today could be taken down by a couple countries united, but 20? It took 20!
Alas, Vegapunk doesn't know why the nations were in conflict, just that it was a clash of ideologies, likely control vs freedom, but he chooses not to judge the morality
Zunesha is pensive, as the broadcast emits through Zou
CARROT! We missed you dearie, she's got a fancy Duke coat but she should be in Egghead with the crew ¬_¬
Still, she marvels at Vegapunk noting how Joy Boy's kingdom was advanced beyond even modern science
Oh lord, it isn't just Demaro Black we're bringing up for joke cameos, I know that laugh, I know that headpiece!
Mother Fucking Foxy XD What is that tache man?
Seems it's just him, Porche and Hamburg sailing on a little boat, bandaged up and getting the rumblies
We go back to Stussy, who is contacted by Edison as Kaku lounges in the bubble still
Edison encourages Stussy to drop the barrier, it's useless since the Gorosei could just break through
Feels like you could've called her before diving through the barrier and nearly killing yourself bud
Saturn's also using haki to destroy the Den Den Mushi
Edison puts his confidence in the Straw Hats though
Nami contacts Jinbe, still carrying Zoro - who takes umbrage with him apologizing, since he was busy dealing with Lucci
Nami notices that the blockade is moving to their escape route, encouraging they hurry in her own way
Back to Stussy, she shows relief that the Straw Hats are likely to escape, but without Vegapunk, she wonders what remains for her, she has no purpose
Something Kaku seems pensive about, perhaps even sympathetic, since he can't suggest to her the zoo
Back to V. Nusjuro and Bonney kicks at the Gorosei as he seems to cut Oimo
Not a good landing for Sanji either
Seems V. Nusjuro's not paying full attention to the fight either, trying to use his Observation Haki to sense where the broadcast snail is
Still, he breaks free and slices at Bonney, only for her to be saved by Franky
The slash cuts the figurehead of the giant's ship, better that than Bonney's head, but now she's tuckered out since Distorted Future takes up stamina
As V. Nusjuro leaves the battle and we pan to Zunesha and the Iron Giant we confirm that the void century ended with Joy Boy's defeat
It's not the biggest revelation since the WG rule the world after all, but it also puts further context into all the regrets with Joy Boy and his comrades we have read about in the past
To limit the amount of life signs on the island, V. Nusjuro takes more drastic action, cutting the entire Labophase in half
This causes the CP agents and the bubbled Seraphim to fall to the Fabriophase below
As the Gorosei let gravity try to take those who swore loyalty to them, Vegapunk makes the latest revelation
Sea travel is perilous around the world, it's common knowledge, but a millenia ago it was not; the ancient world, the civilizations that existed in the void century, it's all underwater - they built on top of the ancient world
Also I gotta point out there's some absolutely stunning visual panels in this chapter
Koushiro and the Revolutionary Army also react to the broadcast, only he, Sabo and Dragon appear pensive
Coco Village!? Gen san how you doing! And Nojiko! Still preferred the short hair but she don't care about no global warming she has tangerines to look after XD
Vegapunk continues; before there were vast continents, which'd explain why so few would go out to sea beforehand, and with all of the evidence underwater it explains how the WG can erase a century of history, but it goes deeper - figuratively and literally
Since the void century, the sea has rose 200 METERS!
That's over 600ft; the size of the United Tower, bigger than the Great pyramid of Giza, and that's all Water Level
Naturally, the listeners - the navy - are floored by this revelation, since a Warship is only 60m, but other soldiers tell them to stop listening
There's at least some sense of loyalty - or preservation of cost - for the marines to try and 'rescue' the CP agents and Seraphim from gravity-induced splatter, a la one of their world leaders
Alas Mock Town must mock, there is one among the crowd who isn't laughing though, another one seems to have ignored gravity
Sakura kingdom - mainly Dalton - reflects on the revelation, with Kureha mulling how things continue to get interesting
Oh hey, Miss Goldenweek! Passing by as the island uses a mountain to compare the height
At Water Seven (given the Galley La jacket) Vegapunk discusses how such a thing can occur, and reveals it to have been man-made
Morgans is livid about all this BIG ASS NEWS, having to be shushed by Vivi
Vegapunk continues to show his work; there were no signs, no studies, no science to confirm a natural build up, and if it was natural it would've been made known as a world-altering event
He hints at the use of the Mother Flame, confirming his suspicions
The Gorosei - except Ju Peter, wormy is not getting a lot of love from Oda atm - look furious as Vegapunk continues to note that the sea level rises were caused by the ancient weapons
Those weapons remain dormant, waiting to be used again
And as we pan over to Imu Vegapunk reveals something both horrifying and sobering at the same time: The War Is Not Over
Every island was once a mountain
But time didn't have the influence it should have, Oda has been getting biblical with this lore drop by giving us the common religious theme of The Deluge. Flood myths exist in many religious stories and mythology (which I will keep separate to not ruffle feathers), most common because of Christianity is the flood in the Book of Genesis, which we've already touched upon in One Piece given Noah's Ark. Since we tread nearer to Elbaf it's worth noting that a flood as a role in Ragnarok also;
"the sun becomes black and the earth sinks into the sea, the stars vanish, steam rises and flames touch the heavens."
Once more this was a chapter where Vegapunk's broadcast takes more priority over the things we're seeing, but there are some stunning panels to enhance the revelations, we see also the Gorosei flaunting their haki showing the level they are while the monster trio remain incapacitated or indisposed. I'm at least proud of Franky coming in for some more rescue clutch action, but with Stussy I'm less convinced now that she'll be killed by Lucci, Kaku's silence is loud and maybe, just maybe, they can all see this as a way out. The CP agents are likely not to survive the fall, the Seraphim will and probably will live to fight the Straw Hats under orders of the Gorosei or York, they will likely be used more since the Pacifista are compromised. As for the revelations, a mix of stuff we assumed being confirmed and stuff that theorists have pondered and been vindicated, it's all underwater, which explains the walls in Wano, why Zou is on Zunesha's back (sidebar, how fucking long are Zunesha's legs? like it's gotta be 200m+ submerged alone), and why Water Seven's ruins run so deep.
Still, I enjoyed all the cameos, appreciated seeing Carrot again, and a Vivi cameo is always nice, plus I had to laugh with Demaro Black and Foxy, like who's next? Kuro? Morgan? Krieg? Arlong? Enel?? We have to get to Buggy and the Cross Guild at one point ofc, plus this could be an avenue to reveal the status of Perona, Moria, Weevil, etc.
but outside of that, little progress from the Straw Hats and the incident unfolding in Egghead right now, but given the revelations Vegapunk is giving the Straw Hats time, the Gorosei aren't focusing on them, they're looking for the broadcast snail - and I don't think it's even on the island.
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risetherivermoon · 5 months
sometimes i think abt lark & sparrow and henry and start crying btw
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abeinginsand · 10 months
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Terrow sketches Description in Alt and copied below
[ID: Digital sketches of Sparrow and Terry interacting as adults. The top left drawing shows Terry seating with a flustered smile while Sparrow stands happily behind him. Sparrow has their arms resting on their partners shoulders while saying welcome back. A pair of dog ears and a tail are shown floating slightly around them to show affection. Terry thanks his partner and laughs. He says their long hair tickles. The two are shown kissing with matching flower hair accessories in the top right and Terry is on one knee while kissing Sparrow's hand on the bottom right. Sparrow has on a dress and high strapped sandals on along with a few necklaces, a small beard, and long flowing sleeves. The other two drawings show Sparrow facing Terry while sitting in his lap and Sparrow carrying Terry in her arms with Terry holding onto her shoulders. There are random flowers and leaves drawn around the sketches and loving phrases too. The phrases are I love you, hold me close and don't let go, let's take care of each other, and a cozy feeling. End ID.]
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 months
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The Holdovers (2023) Alexander Payne
December 30th 2023
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twoheadedcalfsanctuary · 11 months
this playlist is sponsored by those two fics,,,,, you know the ones
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galaxina-the-pyro · 1 year
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“No he didn’t, put the wrench down, don’t listen to him.”
I’d imagine that if Phineas ever hurt anyone, especially Isabella, he’d feel absolutely awful about it. And yeah, he’s put Ferb through a lot of slapstick on a few occasions, but he never seems to realize it, and I gather that if he did he’d be very upset.
Also, Happy Late Valentine’s/Single’s Awareness Day! Hope your day was swell!
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oh-jail-for-mother · 2 years
just rewatched episode 6 of a league of their own for the third time and despite already knowing what's going to happen, i still found myself wishing that the banging on the door of the gay bar wouldn't come. it was literally all fun and games for the most part of the ep until the very last minute. i could be on my tenth rewatch and this part will still choke me up every time because the execution of the whole thing was just superb
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camyfilms · 5 months
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You know, Mr. Kountze, for most people, life is like a henhouse ladder: shitty and short. You were born lucky. Maybe someday, you entitled little degenerates will appreciate that.
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