#jreg radical centrist
centercide · 2 years
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little collab :)) random characters we know, they were randomly generated
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libunityfan69 · 7 months
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most normal radcen fan creates yet another outfit for him
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apostate00 · 2 months
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~•But when does a comet become a meteor?•~
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hielloehyy · 6 months
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thank you libunity69 for the idea 🙏🙏
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Hyakugojyuuichi 2003!!! Why's drawing Radical Centrist so fricking fun?!? :D
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Hello, im back from hibernating once again!! ^^
I havent had that much time to do any art but now i had a few days off and used them well (just ancap being a work husband and ancom being a loving albeit confused spouse and other somewhat fluffy scenarios)
Oh!! And also tobercide, i only did the first three days because i know i dont have enough time for others- so enjoy :D
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I drew these three because i can have the most fun w their designs, especially ancoms
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anarzaabloodladen · 2 years
Why is RadCen dressed like a roller skating rink
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mythohumanism · 2 years
“Radical centrism” (defined here as grocery shopping around the pol compass, either bc of a) “pragmatic” focus of efficacy over ideology or b) uncertainty about best ideology and thus a willingness to try anything to get to one’s goal) is a terrible name for what is clearly Radical Syncretic Politics (“RadSync”). Grocery shopping across the political spectrum is self-evidently not (necessarily) centrist. Syncretists don’t (all) get the bullet (can I say this on tumbler)
(Though obviously a Syncretist who uses policies from all across the compass to reinforce the status quo can exist, and describing that person as a syncretic centrist would make sense. But that would be as a subtype of a syncretist, NOT a “radical” centrist - point is, syncCents arent the only worldview that values pragmatism and anti-ideological sentiment)
Further; (I keep editing this bc I love this post), a True “radical centrist” would explicitly Reject syncretic politics! A radical “extremist” (pseudo-extremist? Exclusionary? Absolutist? Ideological?) anti-extremist would oppose any non-centrist politics. They would reject anything outside of the status quo, and they may even do so violently! See images below for the difference between a bog standard moderate (left) and a committed radical anti-extremist, or maybe “Neo-centrist” (right).
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medusajellyfish69 · 1 year
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my headcanon for how radical centrist looks :3
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thelegend2t · 1 year
The Jregswap Explanation Post
Hello, it has come to my attention that a lot of people are finding out about this old Jreg AU called Jregswap. And, if you found out about it recently, you don't really have much to go off of for information of it's short lived existence, except for this post which I'm making because of said lack of information)
Before I say the rest I would like to give credit to the main artist of Jregswap, @snalz-artt . Not only did he create the art, without him some of the most important stuff wouldn't have been recovered.
The Jregswap Extremes:
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Here we have the first Reddit post about the concept, posted by the creator. It shows who the four main extremes would be switched with: Extremes who share many characteristics with them but also characteristics of the opposite quadrant. We have:
The Communo-Capitalist: A communist who believes in the creation of Anarcho-Capitalist Free Cities, where the top 1% would be culled regularly. (Based on this video)
The Homo-Fascist: A fascist who believes very strongly in LGBTQ+ rights. (A Centricide character)
The Anarcho-Fascist: An anarchist with extremely rightist views on cultural homogeny, race and identities in general. (A Centricide character but was also conceived in this video)
The Moneytaker: A radical capitalist who corrupts the state to bend to his will. (Based on this video)
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Here's the art of the Swapped Extremes. Again, all art drawn by the person I mentioned at the start.
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Here's some art featuring the leader of these extremes, Guevara Jreg. Snalz sent this to me when I asked him to help with this post.
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Here's a comic the Jregswap team made. A dub of it was also the first Jregswap video ever made so that's cool.
The Jregswap Centrists:
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The centrists in the order of this image are:
The Social Democrat, The Populist, The Centrist, The Neoliberal and The Moderate Conservative.
We never really got to many details on these guys, they seem self-explanatory enough I guess. They also seem to be the ideologies in the most moderate positions of each compass quadrant. Socdem libleft, Populist authleft, Neolib libright and Modcon authright.
None of these characters are based on Jreg characters, except for The Centrist who appeared in The Political Compass Rap at the end.
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Here's an image of Socdem buying a non-binary flag from Geuvara.
The Jregswap Wackies:
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Here's the image the creator posted on Reddit explaining the wackies of this universe and the accompanying art.
Guntakers origin
Techprims origin
Ecofascist origin
Anarcho-Nazbol origin
Accelerationist origin (As a note, this idea was conceived before Accelerationism made an appearance in Centricide 8)
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Here's an image of this AU's Nazbol equivalent, The Bleeding Heart Libertarian. Bleeding Heart Libertarians are economically right but culturally left, this idea was conceived of before Jreg had a Pink Capitalist character.
The Jregswap Overtons:
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Here are the moderates, or as they were called in Jregswap, The Overtons!
The (Russian) Reactionary, The Classical Liberal, The Wobblie (Industrial Workers of the World) and the Democratic Confederalist.
Similar to the centrists we never got to much information on these guys, but they are all real movements so whatever.
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And here's Wobblie telling you to join a union.
The Jregswap Videos:
JREGSWAP - ''Homophobic Problems'' [Pilot Episode] https://web.archive.org/web/20200628100030/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRi4sjPDRKU&gl=US&hl=en
JREGSWAP: Know Your Ideologies
Sadly, these are all the videos ever made for Jregswap, though creating an entire alternate history scenario is pretty cool I'd say.
I would again like to thank Snalz, without him I wouldn't have a link to the second Jregswap video.
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aur-el-ias · 1 year
centricide ask again! do you think there are parental bonds between the ideologies (other than Nazbol and his parents)? either "blood" or spiritual relatives. or are there none, Nazbol included?
ask me a question about centricide because i'm the closest thing ya got to jreg and everything i say makes complete sense.
Centricide spoilers and my own fanfiction "monopoly man" spoilers under the cut.
OKAY I'm really excited because this is a concept I want to explore in Monopoly Man, but it might get lost in all the subtext (which I tend to overstuff) so let me scream my truth.
There is a duality of humanity-divinity/ideology that exists in every identity of each Centricide character. You see this most clearly in Centricide 6, Identity, where N*zi finds out he's Jewish. Jreg combined a human element (DNA, physical biology) to ideological identity (political and moral belief). In a sense, we are what we believe. When your beliefs are inconsistent with your reality, something has to change. We see this happen when N*zi becomes a Z*onist, and Jreg's Blueman is obviously a criticism of the state of Israel.
In dialogue, the characters also almost talk exclusively about politics and in political terms. However, because they are political ideologies, they are talking about themselves. This sort of self-divulging creates an interesting dialogue of desire. Personal desire can be radically different from political desire. Most Centricide characters don't realize this, and that is why you see a lot of struggles with identity with the characters. Ancap famously establishes Ancapistan and starts to exploit minorities and women after the statists give him a dressing-down. Ancom becomes Post-Left. The only ideology that does not go through an identity crisis is Commie, but that is because Commie has a very solid belief in his identity that is supported by his knowledge of history.
In Monopoly Man Chapter 4, Ancap and Ancom have a conversation about Ancap's empathy. Ancap can only empathize with Ancom due to Ancom's ability of Mutual Aid. In this conversation, Ancap argues that it's not about politics anymore, and urges Ancom to stop talking about it. He has realized that his personal desire, care, and empathy for Ancom exceeds his principles of non-interference. But to talk about the person's desires as an individual is a breakaway from high-minded political theory that most Centricide characters engage in. It's almost a radical betrayal of their identity.
So what does this mean about familial ties? In my interpretation of the world in general, familial connections and love are something that is human in essence. As political ideologies and demi-gods, the ideologies struggle with this humanity-divinity conflict. Is it better to be "godly" and disengage, go the Buddhist route and sever your attachment from the world in favour of your ideals? Or is it more important to think about the people that you will impact? Your neighbours, lovers, and friends?
I think instead of family, due to the complex nature of political ideologies being born from each other but is not necessarily related or the same, I use the term "kinship." It feels quite spiritual and abstract, which I feel matches the vibe of political ideologies. So for example, Nazbol is both kin to N*zi and Commie, but is not the necessary result of the two joining together to unite and create a separate ideology. Commie and Ancom share a special connection, or "kinship", through leftist unity, but is not necessarily brothers or blood-related. The same goes with libunity and authunity. Posadist is kin to Commie but is not kin to Ancom, etc.
I think that as part-humans, they can have their own families separate from their beliefs and actions as political ideologies, but again, it can never be completely divorced. Thinking of the extremist polycule as parents and I think that'd be really cute. Their child's gonna be a mess of conflicting ideologies and end up as a centrist LMAO.
Thank you for the question! I always love your questions and seeing you on the dash <3
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centercide · 2 years
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libunityfan69 · 7 months
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redraw of this one... because i didnt like it before
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butchdykenormallen · 8 months
y’see centricide is this webseries where the four extremes of the political compass, referred to as ancom (anarcho-communist or anarkitty/anarkiddy by the one character), commie (communist, or tankie), ancap (anarcho-capitalist or kulak ig (i’m not russian but it’s not like jreg is either where did he even get that)), and nazi/authright/blueman (authoritarian right), team up to cide the centrists bc The Lore That I Won’t Explain. and 90% of the fic is shipping. probably bc ancom and commie had a questionably-romantic duet together in the form of leftist unity and when ancom left commie was like “who am i w/o him”
other characters include: the centrists (radical centrist, horseshoe theory centrist which you can make memes about bc his gimmick is saying “the way i see it, x and y are basically the same”, the others like ape-political very cool), the Wackies (homo nationalist basically nazi but gay, transhumanism who is just a guy with a tinfoil box on his head, anarcho primitivism, anarcho monarchism ig, and posadism which is also great to make memes abt because The Nuclear Sirens that follow him), and the anarchists
this isn’t really a plot summary but i can give you a plot summary but literally just watch it ok it’s on youtube by jreg
good lord this sounds like so much all the time. im so confused
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hielloehyy · 5 months
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autizmophrenia · 2 years
Hello, welcome to the Jrumblr. Would you be willing to draw RadShoe (Radical Centrist x Horseshoe Centrist)?
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ye wish be granted
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