#unhinged rants
tomorrowusa · 2 months
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Because neither the Democratic Convention nor the virtual roll call had taken place before Biden's withdrawal, he was never the official Democratic nominee for 2024.
On the other hand, Trump IS the official GOP 2024 nominee as of last week's convention. That makes him the oldest person from any major US party to get nominated for president. And if he does get elected, he would be the close equivalent of Joe Biden's age as president during that term.
If any MAGA zombies have been telling you that Biden is too old, you can now officially switch from defense to offense. Kamala Harris is 18.3 years younger than Trump.
Republicans have been in deep denial about Trump having been born in 1946. His unhealthy diet and lifestyle don't do him any good.
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His obvious dementia will only worsen.
Donald Trump Dementia Evidence 'Overwhelming,' Says Top Psychiatrist
Most of Trump's cult will vote for him no matter how unhinged and deranged he gets.
The only way to cancel out those votes for dementotarian Trump is to actively support Kamala Harris and not waste votes on impotent third parties which have no chance of winning.
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**deep sigh** I’ve just been plagued with OC thoughts which also delved into a thought for a fic surrounding the heart pirates and specifically law which turns into more oc stuff djdnjfidjdnd.
This is all completely unhinged but if I get it out maybe it’ll stop playing on loop in my brain so I can finish my other writing also content warning for dark content/general OP canon dark ness but warning nonetheless
But imagine if there was a gaggle of marines that were either kicked out for reasons or they are still in but feel they’re not being recognized for their strength and talents and want to be higher up in the marines so their genius idea because one of them has medical experience and has heard of ceasar etc (I’m sure there’s other names I’m missing you could insert here liek Moria or somethinf I’m typing like the wind on my phone to get back to what I’m doing lol! I just really fucking hate ceasar so him okay) - but I digress- their genius idea is to raid a small island and capture the population and attempt to use them as experiments bc they want to create a fucking POISON from SEA PRISM STONE to use on LAW.
didn’t think we’d get there did you haha! But they want to do that bc they think capturing the surgeon of death would bring them enough recognition to be high up in the marines like they want, and found out from some intense paper rifling they shouldn’t have been doing etc about the stories of laws disease as a kid and figure, he has a devil fruit power, what if we could create a poison that would not only actually poison him in a way he can’t cure bc of the sea prism stone powder etc, and something that would give him effects similar to the one he had as a kid (imagining he doesn’t have scars - I like to pretend he does but for this we’ll say he doesn’t) giving him the white patches to hopefully trigger some ptsd and make him lose his will to fight even further (or just kill him either way works for them)
so these fucked up marines desiccate the island, they’re not geniuses by any means but they’re strong enough and there’s really not all THAT many inhabitants on the island especially not many that can fight and not a lot of transponder snails either so they manage to succeed in capturing the inhabitants and creating a base on the island for their experiments - they wanted this island specifically bc the tide is strong one side of the island draws in a lot of ships - used to they’d just turn around and leave bc there really wasn’t a lot there but now the marines would take over the ships/crews that couldn’t escape and use them as experiments- if they had devil fruit powers even better bc they could better test their poison on instead of just regular people as well as eating any devil fruits themselves they find as they do this to get stronger
cue/cut to where the fic would actually start w law and his crew needing to surface and get supplies etc, being close to the island deciding to see what’s there and get supplies since it did seem like there was a town there etc and have like maybe bepo Shachi peng ikkaku go looking into town for supplies and cue marine squirmishes and trying to capture them.
but my oc would enter and help them get back to their ship bc she sees bepo w them and wanted to take a chance seeing if they’d take another mink back to Zou.
My oc and 2 other girls were raised by a rabbit mink who found them on her travels when they were kids, and they happened to be on this island when the marines came some years later. They’d all been captured and experimented on at some point but all 4 (3 girls and the mink) managed to escape/ help each other escape over the years and they’ve trained and fought hard to try and help any ships that get pulled in to leave before they’re captured and won’t leave themselves till they get rid of the marines that poisoned them and the last couple prisoners are freed.
but the mink that raised them would be older and weaker now esp after being poisoned (thankfully w the test poison pre sea prism stone enhancements) and wanted to get back to Zou before she died.
ofc law would see their scars and be T R I G G E R E D lol but he would obviously panic and ask wtf and be given the brief downlow of what my OCs know, which is mainly that the marines wanna find some surgeon of death and poison him with sea prism stone so they’re marine heros, and they spend their time trying not to be poisoned and not let the marines find that fucking surgeon lol,
which obviously would do lots of mental gymnastics for law who also has a soft spot for bepo and bepo would also want to help the mink I believe esp after being helped back to their ship and shach and peng obviously would want to help the pretty girls (look I want them to have a w for once sue me) but also just to help and after hearing all that of course the crew has to get involved, and I think it would be a great opportunity to explore a lot w the heart pirates and laws backstory and afterwards I can shuck 3/4 OCs back where they came from and keep my best girl on the crew w peng and shach thank u for coming to my Ted talk I feel so much better I know this is total crack nonsense but I needed it OUT!!!! Now I can finally fucking focus on these Shachi fics
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mythohumanism · 2 years
“Radical centrism” (defined here as grocery shopping around the pol compass, either bc of a) “pragmatic” focus of efficacy over ideology or b) uncertainty about best ideology and thus a willingness to try anything to get to one’s goal) is a terrible name for what is clearly Radical Syncretic Politics (“RadSync”). Grocery shopping across the political spectrum is self-evidently not (necessarily) centrist. Syncretists don’t (all) get the bullet (can I say this on tumbler)
(Though obviously a Syncretist who uses policies from all across the compass to reinforce the status quo can exist, and describing that person as a syncretic centrist would make sense. But that would be as a subtype of a syncretist, NOT a “radical” centrist - point is, syncCents arent the only worldview that values pragmatism and anti-ideological sentiment)
Further; (I keep editing this bc I love this post), a True “radical centrist” would explicitly Reject syncretic politics! A radical “extremist” (pseudo-extremist? Exclusionary? Absolutist? Ideological?) anti-extremist would oppose any non-centrist politics. They would reject anything outside of the status quo, and they may even do so violently! See images below for the difference between a bog standard moderate (left) and a committed radical anti-extremist, or maybe “Neo-centrist” (right).
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homoquartz · 8 months
this post is not gonna be well put together but i am having feelings
mean girls is trending right now because the musical movie just came out and i feel insane. idk why i do, it was stupid of me to think that most people Got It, no one ever gets it, it was always about the memes and the aesthetic.
the first mean girls movie was based on a nonfiction book called queen bees and wannabes. it interviewed and discussed the social hierarchy system in teen girl friendships. how they hold each other to these insane standards of heternormative femininity out of sheer terror that they won't meet those standards themselves. the way they leverage their relationships for some small degree of power in a world designed to strip them of it, even if it drags other girls down.
the "you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week and on wednesdays we wear pink" speech was not an original creation for the script. it's a QUOTE from a real teenage girl. those were REAL RULES.
then the musical came, and it was one step removed from the intended messaging of the film. OG mean girls was not perfect (and was extremely racist), but it said what needed said. the musical leaned on the comedy more, but still left a heartfelt undertone, and still critiqued the systems in place. of course no piece of media is going to be perfect, but it was about the conversation.
then this new movie comes out and it is washed over in the veneer of white hollywood feminism so thick you can't see anymore. the problematic aspects of the original movie are taken out to avoid "offending" when the offense was the point. it becomes toothless, it becomes some other thing entirely. they changed karen's line "i expect to run the world in shoes i cannot walk in" to "watch me as i run the world in shoes i cannot walk in." because choice feminism is in vogue, suddenly this character whose entire point is that she doesn't think deeply about WHY she does anything is suddenly hip to the fact that the world is against her.
i think of sokka losing his misogyny arc in the new atla. i think of the Heathers remake casting the bitchy, identical heathers as queer and hollywood-fat outcasts. as if the story, the meaning, the allegory is hidden in the sets and the jokes and the music. it's a whole new thing now, and it's a thing that means nothing in particular.
the plastics should not wear jeans. they should not have curves. their queerness should be suppressed, painful. their sexuality is not a slay, it's the only thing they think they have of value. the santa dance isn't sexy, it's shocking, it's mortifying - they are children.
they're not mean because "we are all mean." they are mean because they are girls in a world that brutalizes them and crushes them into a standardized shape. they are mean because the world is mean to them. they are mean because it gives them some power back. they are mean because it's the only weapon they have.
the landscape of femininity today has shifted to camera-ready makeup at the age of 10, stringent performative hygiene standards, and avoiding being caught on film while having a genuine emotion. the consumerism, the fatphobia, the racism, the classism, the homophobia remain. We could have had a conversation about that.
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yyyyyyayy · 1 year
i HATE spam accou ts. spam the market . lower the housing market. i want my own fucking house. i want my own koi fish pond. thst would be so gwurly core.
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jaewritesfic · 29 days
Everlasting Trio DP x DC Nobody Knows Au Pt 6
Part 5
Warning for very brief flashback implying vivisection
It is highly amusing to float to Red Robin's rooftop and see up close how intensely vigilant he's being. He looks like if a pigeon took off halfway across the city he'd fucking notice, but the ghost standing next to him and trying not to snicker goes undetected.
Poor guy. He really seems like the type to drive himself up a wall over a mystery - he's certainly been driving himself up a wall over Danny.
Danny has to force himself not to tickle the back of the guy's neck just to watch him flail.
He likes Red Robin, he really does. He didn't set out to torture the poor guy - Red did that all by himself, all Danny has been trying to do is help. 
They can't pursue him the way they have been and expect him not to try and get some entertainment out of it. It tempers the annoyance, making their obsession with finding him a game.
Danny considers the box in Red's lap.
He's been doing the same thing with each box they leave him from the beginning: grab box, open pocket dimension, yeet.
Not even Bat trackers can transmit from an entirely different plane of existence, it would seem.
And the thing Danny has discovered about having died when an entirely different plane of existence opened on top of him and merged with his DNA?
He is a pocket dimension, in a way. 
In other words, no need to expend energy to tear the fabric of reality to deposit his loot - all he needs to do is phase things into himself.
So Red will definitely notice when the box disappears from his lap and seemingly blinks out of existence, but at least he won't be seeing any neon green tears in reality open up in front of him.
That seems like a good deal to Danny.
He steps forward and reaches for the box-
Danny and Red Robin both curse and flail as the Ghostbusters theme rings out across the rooftop.
Red Robin nearly falls out of his lawn chair launching himself away from the sudden sound, almost dropping the lockbox in the process.
Danny frantically searches his pockets for his goddamn phone, pulls it out, has the fear of God struck into him at the idea of hanging up on Sam Manson and thus shoves it into his chest to go to voicemail somewhere where nobody can hear it ring.
In the dead silence that follows, Danny finds himself in something like a startled cowboy standoff where only one of the participants is actually visible.
Red Robin stands with feet braced shoulder width apart, lockbox in one hand and bo staff in the other. He is visibly bewildered and ready to throw hands.
He's staring at the space a little to the left of Danny's head, so at least he hadn't dropped his invisibility in panic.
Welp. No use trying to change plans now.
Danny lunges forward and grabs the lockbox, relishing in the squawk of shock and indignance Red Robin makes as it abruptly leaves his hand and blinks out of sight.
He doesn't anticipate how fast Red Robin will recover or move.
A hand wraps tightly around his wrist and jerks him back in an impressive estimation of where Danny might be occupying space.
Danny almost goes ghost right there. Not because he wants to, but because for a moment there are restraints around his wrists and ectoplasm on the table and bright lights and sharp blades and pain-
He swallows the growl that wants to well up in his throat as he turns and looks at Red Robin, teeth feeling a little too large and sharp in his mouth before he forces himself to calm down.
Red is staring him straight in the eyes despite Danny being able to see he's still invisible. Red’s hand looks to be wrapped around nothing.
“You're not going anywhere,” Red Robin says, voice low and slightly feral with the high of perceived victory. That, paired with the crooked smirk on his lips is kind of, uh- well. Hoo boy, that's all Danny has to say about that.
Well, he does have one other thing to say.
The way Red Robin's face falls in disbelief when Danny phases out of his grip is nothing short of glorious. Danny's already floating off the roof and out of grabbing distance before Red finishes buffering.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Danny cackles, tossing him a salute he can't even see.
“Better luck next time, Angry Bird!”
“Son of a bitch!”
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Can we talk about this Rescue Bots episode (Spellbound) because I need to appreciate how TERRIFYING it is??? Especially considering it's cannon in the Aligned Universe. This is some A+ horror.
Like damn, some of Griffin Rock's technology is more powerful than even the Decepticon's tech.
Can you IMAGINE if those creepy mind-control cell phones were used in TFP?
Legit mind control that effects humans AND Cybertronians?
And it's SO UNSETTLINGLY subtle, too. The victim's voices sound like their normal selves but just SLIGHTLY off. *shutter* The voice actors did such a good job.
Just IMAGINE that in Prime.
I feel like Optimus would probably be immune (because the Matrix of Leadership is goated) but can you imagine the Jasper Trio getting mind-controlled, and all their guardians + Ratchet know SOMETHING is off, but not what? Then, slowly, the mind control spreads to the Bots? Or vice versa, the Bots go first, and the humans are like: "Something's up with my guardian."
Kinda wild that Invasion of the Body Snatchers shit 100% exists in TFP's world. Felt like I needed to acknowledge that.
Is this gonna be my next TFP headcanons post? Feeling inspired.🤔
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elbiotipo · 10 days
I'm not a linguist and I find the whole excercise of conlanging, while I love it and respect it, beyond my abilities, but I do have one thing or two to say about linguistic diversity and how boring is to have a "common" or "basic" language in fantasy or science fiction without exploring the implications.
Being a bilingual speaker of Spanish and English, and someone that because of work reasons and entertaiment tastes interacts a lot with English, I tend to see English as the equivalent of those "common" or "basic" languages of speculative fantasy. As a useful tool for communication, science technology and commerce. In real life, however, as you are aware, the expansion of English tends to undermine local languages, it's considered more valuable to know English that to know the language of your grandparents, or learn any other language you just feel curious about.
The experiences of every multilingual person are different, but in mine I know English, I write and read and listen to English a lot. But I don't consider myself an English *speaker*, I speak Spanish and more to the point Argentine Spanish, that's the culture I identify with, and it's the language I use to express my feelings and inner thoughts. I can't imagine saying "I love you" to anyone in English, to me it's just a tool I use to access to knowledge or communicate through language barriers ("basic", "common"). But interestingly, by both writing and participating in the wider English-speaker internet culture, isn't it part of my own culture, as an individual, too?
The fact is that English also has a culture(s) and a history and a corpus of literature. So when we write about "Common" or "Basic" languages in fiction we need to ask ourselves: where did they come from? How did they become the standard? Is there a literature, a canon, a culture of "Common" in your fantasy world? What about other languages, other cultures that aren't raised learning it and see it just as a tool? Because no matter the strenght of Anglophone cultural imperialism and the social value of learning English, I don't see Argentines, or for that matter Chinese, Italians or Russians abandoning their first language. And yet even in English and in all other languages (ESPECIALLY other languages, English is remarkably uniform) there is a variety of dialects. And we need to remember, once Latin was spoken only in a village in central Italy, and English in a rather remote rainy island. They weren't destined to have their future roles, history drives language.
So, when an author goes for the "universal language" explanation to avoid linguistic misunderstandings, for me, it raises more questions that I believe are worth exploring.
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nebulaeyedfish · 21 days
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greatly enjoyed Scar's most recent VOD
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 9 months
Transcript: Machine, people want us to "do the do".
How would that even work, Machine?
We don't have lips with which we can tenderly kiss.
I suppose my hand could go down here and- Oh yes. That's nice.
Audio source (YouTube)
Audio Source (Twitch)
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tulliok · 7 days
Rare little MLP rant from me incoming. (I don't like talking about my opinions on the show too much.)
I'm getting really fed up with a "debate" that keeps popping up every month in MLP's online fandom regarding the character, Cozy Glow, and how the show ended her storyline. The discourse is specifically about if her actions and motivations warranted her being sentenced to what is the equivalent of capital punishment in a children's show. 
This shouldn't even be a conversation.? Why are fans so eager to subscribe to the show's logic that a child character is irredeemable and evil and deserves to be punished that way? Like, are these fans not seeing the issue with a children's show about friendship and redemption having a storyline like this in the first place? Especially in the season that is literally about a friendship school.
The entire concept is the problem. It's ok to admit that as a fan. Watching the show's protagonists gleefully punish a young child is distasteful. Reading threads and think pieces on why it's actually ok is gross.
I have so so so many issues with season 8-9 but I'm really only willing to talk about it if I am asked about it.
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vampireharpy · 6 months
Imagine just getting a taste and being so desperate for more you arch a whaler 🙄🙄🙄
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mythohumanism · 2 years
Ive Got some mario opinions
its actually reductive to view all mario enemies (or any franchise with iterative action) purely through the lens of play or theatre; what this motion towards theatricality is actually underlining is the memetic reinterpretive nature of these characters, as totems of meaning. NOT as fixed quantities with a single, true, underlying narrative we can cleanly uncover and then use as a map for decoding all depictions of the character, and then deeming non-canonical all depictions in conflict with this unnecessarily narrow vision.
I understand the impulse to view mario and othe franchises this way - not only is it simply fun to search for these 'clues' to underlying character, but it is also genuinely enlightening to view media in this way that implies a (single, identifiable, consistent) hidden truth exists that we, the elite fans, can uncover. But there is another profound joy in accepting the opposite - that there is no real single underlying universal truth for us to discover about our favorite mario characters, that they have no Soul. The real power, the actual root of this enjoyment, is the creative process that birthed these characters and worlds, and the people behind these labors.
This is not to say that there is never a case in which there are underlying truths, intentionally put by developers, that actually in fact do lead to an intended revelation. Nor is it to invalidate the joy of such endeavors - but instead I aim to dislodge the common claim packaged with these claims: A claim to objective authority, to the exclusion of other possible readings. Part of the fun of these readings is the lack of a single unique answer being 'objectively' correct. This is not even to say that there is no value in viewing mario( and other iterative) franchises as players taking a stage - in a very real way they are, props to tell a story. But we should not view them as such, but instead use theatre as a lens to approach a metaphorical perspective, not as literal truth.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 2 months
there's been one person with multiple accounts across 3 different platforms trying to harass me for the past 2 days now it's kinda funny... cuz it's very apparent that they try to change up their writing style to appear as a different person, but it's the exact same style with the same sentiment being copy paste again and again, so im like... oh hey it's you again 😂🫵
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x4ver1a · 1 year
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nonbinarypirat · 2 months
Okay okay, SO let’s talk about the latest chapter of Iruma kun because the lore is JUICY. Spoilers for chapter 358. This also leaves me with even more questions while answering some I had before. So I actually had a post planned where I was going to ask why Delkira received a special and sublime classroom to begin with. I wondered if maybe he was a previous demon king’s son and maybe that was why he was already revered. But NOPE it seems not likely. It’s still possible, I just got the vibe was that he was miraculous in his achievements and power. So it kind of answers that question but we still have no info on his family, the king’s classroom, or how he was able to achieve so much. On the other hand we got some VERY VERY interesting lore on Mephisto-pheles. It also explains why he gave this task to Iruma since he obviously sees the potential for him to surpass Delkira in the future. He wants Iruma to know what it takes to be in power, somewhat as an advisor role like he has been for previous kings. By assisting a king you can understand how to rule. And by building up a country, you can know what it takes to lead a country. I already guessed that since he was already interested in Iruma. But this just adds an extra layer to why he is as fascinated by him as he is. GOD NISHI IS SO GOOD AT WRITING LORE. I ASPIRE to write something with as much depth and intricacies as this manga. She is my inspiration truly 🙏🏽
Like, look at Mephisto’s face here compared to after he met Iruma. Different face but same vibe.
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Now, going back to Delkira one, we get to see more of his personality and he’s so much like Iruma!!!!! No wonder everyone and their fucking mom keeps being like, “damn why tf do I see Delkira in him.” Neither strive for power for power’s sake, instead they strive for power because they see it as a step forward in their goal and desires. They both want to find their own path rather than it just being given to them. It really shocked me at first that Delkira turned Mephisto down but it actually makes so much sense why everyone is enamored by him. That is the most undemon like thing he could have done, he had the perfect opportunity to gain all the power in the world in a quick and easy way. Any other demon would have killed for that chance. They are so fucking alike and it makes me want to rage. I love it so much, I love that we are getting to see more of him as time goes on. Him and Iruma even have the same smile! Like come on.
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He even has similar jesters to Iruma!!!! This flashback is making me rethink my theories about him and his connection to Iruma. Ughhhh, I’m so fucking happy about this. Also, this nothing to do with anything but look at Delkira’s cunty lil outfit. This sheer shirt? Rolled up uniform jacket he has popped open. These tight pants with a weird belt design? I would be Delkira’s number one supporter is all I’m saying. He’s babygirl just like Iruma. Maybe that’s the requirement to be the next powerful demon king, you have to serve mother fucking CUNT if you want to rule. Anyway, I think there was more I wanted to say but I got distracted with my rant lol. I just love this lore so much, I love how Nishi handles lore drops (especially with characters) and seeing more of Delkira because I am so fascinated with him and must know more.
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