#didnt interrupt progress was just annoying
libunityfan69 · 7 months
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redraw of this one... because i didnt like it before
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danadriel · 2 months
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"I got pregnant...thats one of the consequences you must take in to consideration when you do sex work and you have a womb, I did a fuck up with my birth control pills and shit happened, ok fine, my plan was to just go to a clinic and get an abortion, simple as that, but as things cant simply go straight foward in my life I was running dry on money, and it was taking ages for me to get money enough for the abortion so as consequece the pregnancy progressed, when I was able to finnaly borrow some money from a friend I was already 5 months in the pregnancy, and it was clear I was carrying multiples because my belly was really big for this stage of the pregnancy...this was disturbing me, back when my pregnancy was just a clump of cells inside me I was ok with the idea of aborting it...but now they were much more than that and I was feeling really guilt with the idea of gettting rid of them...
When the day arrived I went to the clinic trying to keep my mind focused on other things, but for my misfortune I met Sarah in the waiting room, just by looking at her I could see she was wealthy woman, just her purse alone was worth more than 3 months of my rent, she was also pregnant, contrary to me, she came to make prenatal exams and she could not shut up about it, she was so happy with the idea of being a mother she could barely contain her tongue, she started conversation with me asking about my babies and stuff, I lied to her alot and didnt told her I was there to have an abortion...talking with her made me feel even worse, to be honest I wanted to keep the babies, if I had the means to keep a family I would birth those children...But I cant! I a fucking wretch living in a shithole apartament with almost no food to speak of, I barely keep myself aflot even selling my body every night!would be cruel of me to bring children to this misery...thankfully my turn arrived before I started to cry and I was driven inside the procedure room to end this...last thing I remember was the nurse injecting something in my arm...then darkness.
I woke up with the sound of an annoying siren and its intermittent red light, I looked around and I was in some sort of medical room, but it was different , as I tried to lift myself from the bed I felt a imense weight in my belly, I looked down and my tummy was enormous! not just I was still pregnant but now I was like full term with triplets! had something went wrong with the procedure? but how the pregnancy could have progressed?? as I tried to understand my situation I noticed there was another bed at my side, and Sarah was there too! we were both hooked up to several medical machinery, once we were able to unhook ourselves we began to especulate what happened, but nothing made sense! we were both at full term pregnancy, it was like we spent months sleeping somehow! and all our stuff was gone, we were both wearing some sort of hospital gow with a armband, my one was orange and Sarah's was green, we tried to call for help but the place was deserted and the siren kept going, so we decided to leave the room and look for answers.
I was clear we were in a different place, there was no windows and no one in sight, there was several empty rooms like the one we wake up in...almost like a medical prison, we kept going for a while until we found an automatic door, as I opened it a body fell on my feet, my startle was only interrupted by noticing the corridor was riddle with bodies, they were all dressed like us, but they were tied and all had bullet wounds on their heads, they were executed! it was like some sort of war crime documentary in real life, Sarah was in shock, but we kept going trying to not trip in the dozens of bodies, in the end of the corridor there was another automatic door, and we could hear screams on the other side, we rushed to see what was happening, we entered the next room and there was a large feline woman with an axe absolutely butchering an security dressed man in the floor, we tried to retreat slowly, but the auto door locked behind us and the feline woman slowly turned towards us, she was tall and her fur was pitch black, her face had creepy yellow eyes with dark scleras and she had 4 of them! at first she seemed enraged for our intromission but as she gazed our bellies her eyes widen like a puppy, then she broke the silence:
- Oh hello...I was not expecting to find survivors in this level...especially such rotund ones! how are you both survived down here? - I don't know we just woke up!...look we don't want any trouble... - Oh I'm sorry for this rather unelegant first impression!...also I'm sorry to inform you are both are already in alot of trouble and it has nothing to do with me! - Who are you?...and where are we? - I don't know exactly, my arm band says I'm Danadriel Montresor...and we are in some sort of giant lab facility...from what I gathered they were making all sorts of experiments here and we were their guinea pigs... - Experimenting on us!? isn't this illegal? I didn't consent for any of this shit!...whos is behind it? is this some sort of government thing? - This is what I'm trying to discover by torturing the surviving employees! this place has no markings or logs of any kind, even the documents on the tables are unmarked...whoever made this place took alot of effort to keep secret. - alright...but what exactly is happening here? if we are guinea pigs and we are loose something must gone wrong in this place! - Some kind of containment breach happened around 48 hours ago...one of the black armband experiments escaped their cell and is wreaking havoc all over the facility, then I got loose and I'm now doing the same... - Black armband experiments? - Yes, you may noticed you and your friend have armbands, green means no periculosity, orange means medium periculosity, red means high periculosity, and the black armbands are for the super fucked up mutants...avoid the subjects with black armbands at all costs! they are DANGEROUS ok!? - alright...but I noticed you also have a black armband.... - oh...yeah I kinda shot myself on the foot right now...but listen I don't wanna hurt you, I'm still sound of mind...but I cant say the same for many of the others subjects...they did alot of horrible shit to people here, the corridors are full of crazies ,be careful when meeting others, also dont trust the security personel, they are shooting everyone on sight. - right...thanks for the tip, but do you know how to escape this hellhole? - I would gladly guide you both to exit if I could, but I have no idea where it is! this place is a maze of airlocks after airlocks...but I suspect we are underground, so your best bet is try to go up! - Thanks, we will try it. - I will try to meet you both again soon, but first I have a lot of security personnel to rip apart...oh yes, please take my axe, you both will need for locked doors and for extra safety! - Don't you...need it? - Nah, I recently discovered I can kill people with my bare hands!...anyway, I'm going now, good luck!
Before I could say anything Danadriel jumped over us grabbing a vent in the roof and contorting her body in unnatural ways to fit there, she was gone, but our misfortune was still in full swing, I took the axe and we continued exploring the instalation always going for stairs up, the place was full of signs of violence, bullet holes, spent cartridges and blood stains, it was like someone fought a war inside those corridors. After a while walking we found ourselves in a nicer part of the instalation, full of offices and mundane furniture, thanks to the axe we were able to break some vending machines and fill our massive hunger with potato chips and soda, not the healthiest meal but not much different from my routine, as we kept going we noticed the blood stains on the floors and walls was getting worse, we found a body of one of the security guards, he had a semi automatic shotgun and some shells on him, what upgrade! I'm no gun nut myself, but my dad was your usual gun lover redneck, and in the rare ocasions he was sober he teached me how to shoot all sorts of guns, and this experience came in handy in this situation, thanks old man!
In our quest to find an exit from that installation, we stumbled into a particularly stinky corridor, the place was covered in blood and viscera and the stench of death was unbearable, I had the impression we found ourselves in a nest, and I was right...as we turned a corner we stumbled upon 7 crazies eating and fucking mangled corpses in the floor, that was the worst case scenario, they laughed as they saw us, without wasting time they ran towards us, I pointed the shotgun and told them to stay back but they were clearly out of themselves..so I started blasting....the first one near us got a load of buckshot in his face, sending his body flying backwards, the next one I hit in the chest ending his live instantaneously, the third one got hit in the neck and his head flew away, the next 3 stood no chance, before they could even get near I shot them square in the chest, but before I could dispatch the last one the shotgun ran dry, in a rush I tried to load another shell in the chamber but the guy was already upon me! in this moment out of nowhere Sarah took the axe Danadriel gave us and split the head of the crazy who was upon me, she saved me!
I'm no stranger to killing, I became a prostitute when I was 15 and I met trouble very soon in my career, there was once a big guy who refused to pay me, so I threated to tell his wife about our encounter, he got angry and tried to choke me to death, to defend myself I broke a beer bottle and shoved it in his neck, the pig bled out to death,since that night I lost all locks that prevented me from hurting people, I had no remorse for just mowing down all those guys...but Sarah was different, she was a model wife with a picket fence life, the only violence she ever witnessed was on tv...and now she just killed a man with an axe, before she could stop and think about what was just happened I interrupted her and tried to keep control of the situation, we were able to walk few more steps but as we tried to cross the crazy nest she broke down, I can blame her , the place was like a scene from a trash horror movie terribly mangled and violated corpses everywhere.
She sat on the floor and began to cry profusely, she was holding well until now but the whole experience took a toll on her, she kept repeating she just wanted to go home and other stuff, I had no way to calm her down, I gave her some minutes, but my patience was running short, all my survival instincts were telling me to leave her behind, and I almost did...but them I remembered how many shit happend to me because people just "left me behind" because it was convenient for them...I hate my mother so much for it, and to prove myself I'm not like her I went back to Sarah, I promissed myself I would leave this place with Sarah or not leave at all!
When Sarah calmed down a little she was still without forces to continue, I sat by her side in that gore filled corridor and I asked more about her life, she told me about her 3 floor home, about her rich husband and how she used to cook something special for him everyday, her life was so perfect it sounded like something straight from a soap opera, and now she was afraid she would never see nothing of that again, then I told her about my reality, she was kinda shocked how fucked I was, and she asked what motivated me to keep going...I had no real answer for that, but them I looked at our imensely round bellies and said "we have to fight for our little ones now ", being reminded of her motherhood gave her some energy to continue, we stand up from that filthy corridor and contined our search...because that nightmare was far from over..." (Maia)
I had this idea in my mind for quite a while, finally I was able to finish it! XD
I hope this story don't give the impression I'm trying to pass some sort of "pro life" message, I'm firmly pro choice, but my characters don't need to necessarily carry the same opinions as me.
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mitts2002 · 3 years
Aight’ Bet
Hi this is my first time posting on here so I hope whoever is reading this enjoys!! This is a noritoshi kamo x reader where the nori and (Y/N) need a little push from their wonderful Gojo sensei to finally confess~
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"Dont you think (Y/N) and noritoshi would make the cutest couple!?" Gojo screamed over the phone to Utahime who sighed in response.
"I can't help but disagree Gojo, Noritoshi doesn't seem ready for a relationship plus is the only reason you rang me really to discuss our students non existent love lives?" Utahime retorted knowing that the couple would in fact be adorable yet refusing to accept that Gojo could actually be right about something.
"No Utahime! I bet if them two were able to spend a few hours together the tension would build up so high that one of them would burst and BAM a couple would be born" the blue eyed male replied, the volume of his voice increasing with each word trying to convince her that they were the highschool sweethearts the jujustu world needed.
“How could you even say that!? I get that its cute whenever they glance at each other and shy away with cute little blushing cheeks but i bet it would take more than a few hours for a whole relationship to-” “OH you bet“ Gojo interrupted an obvious smirk on his face knowing Utahime wouldn’t back down from his advances.
“you know what i meant idiot i wasn’t actually trying to make a bet with you especially after what happened last time” the black haired woman scoffed after hearing a chuckle through the phone.
“Aight’ bet! tomorrow ill bring my second years to kyoto for some training and then lets see if something happens between our precious students“ Gojo proposed excitedly as if he were a child in a sweet shop.
“you know what fine! and im only agreeing cause i know nothings gonna happen tomorrow between them i mean noritoshi is too stiff and (Y/N) always backs out last minute” utahime exclaimed not wanting to prove Gojo right. “GREAT! if i win then you will have to be my slave for 2 whole days and if you win ill be your-” “wait i never agreed to that!” “see ya tomorrow then!” Gojo had quickly rushed his farewells before hanging up relieved he avoided Utahime’s lecture.
"Alright class!" Gojo sensei yelled excitingly as he burst through the doors. This overgrown man child always had something new, it could never be a regular class where his students actually learn then were let out for a break. No Gojo Satorou had to be the most extra male on this earth and for the first time ever it worked in his second year student (Y/N)'s favour.
"What it is now?" Maki groaned with an annoyed expression on her face. No one could blame her though after all the blindfolded man put his beloved students through. "Don't be so sour maki! Be like me a sweet little mochi~ Oh and before I forget I wanted to let you all know that we will meeting with our lovely sister school for some training. Isnt that great!?" Gojo sensei had announced clapping his hands and smiling brightly.
'I wonder if training is all this is' (Y/N) thought to herself realising how sus this situation was before speaking out "wait Gojo sensei weren't we meant to learn a super secret technique today? You said that you were gonna show it us yesterday and that nothing could stop you" (Y/N) questioned as Inumaki gave a little "shake" for support.
"Well my dear (Y/N) something VERY important has come up and we must go to kyoto immediately. You have no right to deny and we will be leaving in 30 minutes so go grab whatever you kids need" Gojo sensei had practically sung before skipping out the door. What an odd man everyone collectively thought before getting up to grab whatever they needed.
30 minutes has passed and in that time panda had gathered his and maki's weapons while you and toge stocked up on cough medicine and basic medical equipment. The journey was short since Gojo had practically teleported you all there and all that was left was to approach the students.
A few figures from the distance were slowly coming into view and (Y/N) could vaguely make out that only utahime, miwa, mai, momo and noritoshi had attended this last minute joint training.
Despite the others reaching and gathering around your small group of second years giving their greetings the only thing your eyes could focus on was noritoshi’s thick black hair as it gently swayed in the breeze. Honestly it was as if the man was in a L'Oréal advert or something.
"(Y/N) stop staring we all know you both have this weird thing going on but we're here to train not flirt dumbass" Maki had whispered into your ear but little did she know that you were in fact here to flirt and not train due to a certain bet between two teachers.
“alright kids listen up! me and the wonderful Utahime sensei have set up this last minute training as its always good to train with new people and techniques. Everyone will be working in pairs“ Gojo announced before Utahime continued.
“The teams we decided on today will be Maki and Miwa, Momo and Imumaki, Panda and Mai then (Y/N) and Noritoshi. Eveyones free to do whatever they want in their sparring matches just don’t severely injure each other, me and Gojo will be watching over the matches and determine the winners“ Utahime informed all the students before they scurried off to in different spaced out areas.
"So Noritoshi how are you? Its been a while since we've last seen eachother" (Y/N) said trying not to let her nervousness show.
"I'm alright just studying and training to be honest. Although I recently started to practice cursive and can even write my own name now" he responded with pride and a small nice.
You laughed causing Noritoshi to cock his head to the side in confusion. "Is there something wrong with cursive?" His deep voice asked with clear offense.
"No no it's just that's so freaking cute and you look so happy about it too" (Y/N) teased with more laughter and ruffled his hair
"Oi don't touch my hair do you know how long it takes to do these wrap bang things?"
"Well how would I know I've never done them nori"
"Well one day I could teach you if you'd like" Noritoshi offered looking to the side trying to hide his red cheeks.
"Aww I'd love that I'm awful at doing hair to be honest so learning some new styles would be great but first we gotta get this dumb sparring match over and done with" (Y/N) moaned as she got into position.
An hour had flew by and the students were taking a break from their matches happily chatting away while the teachers spoke in private about their progress. “come on look at the way they look at eachother OH (Y/N) touched his shoulder SHES FLIRTIN-” “GOJO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR SO DAMN LOUD” “sorry but loooook they in love” Gojo cried out with fake tears in his cerulean eyes
“Alright lets just observe look theyre going to the vending machine to get some drinks like FRIENDS DO“ Utahime emphasised on the friends worried she might lose and become this awful mans slave for 2 days.
“Nori im gonna go get a drink from the vending machine do you want one?” “Actually ill just come with you if you dont mind” “OH sure thats fine does anyone else want anything!?” (Y/N) yelled to the whole group receiving a choir of get me this please or get me that and the single tuna mayo.
The walk to the vending machine was quiet but a comfortable silence had fallen upon the pair. It was always like this when you were around Noritoshi Kamo. Peaceful. She didnt feel the need to go the extra mile to entertain him or ensure he wasn’t bored in your presence as your playful banter and sarcastic remarks towards one another was enough for the both of you. 
“(Y/N) is it me or have Gojo and Utahime sensei been staring at us more than the others?“ Noritoshi questioned unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. “Um i’m not too sure i havent been really paying attention to anything other than yo-“ Embarrasment washed over (Y/N) as the words flew out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Is that so?“ Nori smirked slightly as you swore you could drop dead right here in this moment. “No i just meant that” “Meant what?“ Noritoshi interrupted leaning closer as you fumbled through your words
“OH LOOK the vending machine is right there better get those drinks“ You quickly said and scrambled away before Noritoshi could get any closer.
“SEE Nori was too intimidating and (Y/N) ran off despite clearly wanting him! its never gonna happen today“ Utahime whispered to Gojo benhind the bushes as he shook his head. “Trust me i have faith in my wonderful (Y/N) I AINT RAISED NO BITCH“ He exclaimed in response while Utahime facepalmed.
The two young adults had collected all the drinks they needed and were ready to walk back to the group. ‘come on (Y/N) you’ve liked this man forever now and everyone knows he must like you back ITS NOW OR NEVER HOE’ (Y/N) screamed words of encouragement to herself before grabbing Noritoshi’s sleeve.
“Is everything alright (Y/N)?” “I have something ive been meaning to tell you Nori, I um like you a lot and i’d like to take you out if you dont mind” (Y/N) had practically yelled at the poor boy because of her stupid nerves and adrenaline.
The silence was broken by an angelic laughter coming from none other than Noritoshi Kamo. “Well i would’ve liked to be the one to take you out but i guess sometimes its alright for traditions and stereotypes to be broken by the younger generation” Nori responded as he walked closer to (Y/N) wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a sweet kiss. The kiss was messy and clearly new to the both but filled with much love and passion that was finally being expressed by the pair.
As their lips eventually pulled away never wanting this to end, heavy breaths filled the air and cheeks flushed but all that was interrupted by a white haired male clapping in the background screaming “YES I WIN” while the other teacher crouched to the ground tears in her eyes.
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rxpertoire · 3 years
Endwalker spoilers
//Can i be real and say i didnt enjoy Zenos for like 90% of EW 
I love Zenos he’s absolutely one of my favourite characters, and I usually love when he turns up. But with Endwalker, I was just getting frustrated with his existence. Because he added nothing for most of his scenes and because there was more shit going on that I wanted to see like - stop interrupting the plot to be a sad little puppy because nobody wants to play with you Zenos
I certainly adored a few scenes with him(Though, tbh, most of those were because of Fandaniel) but god i did keep getting annoyed when it switched to a zenos scene because his progress was so stagnant for more of the expansion. And then yeah i expected some character growth after what he said to Jullus and what Alisaie said to him like... You have all the building blocks for ‘I guess i could find an actual purpose’ and not ‘i only want your attention and im gonna die about it’ 
I still love him very much though i hope hes not dead and I hope he gets... something. I do appreciate the respectful twist of ‘i want to fight you but im not gonna force it anymore im gonna stand here and hope you pay attention to me’ 
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cthomashoodstory · 3 years
Best Years but Not in the Same Way (25)
Calum Hood x Reader
Previous Part
Who Do You Love by The Chainsmokers and 5 Seconds of Summer out at February 7 and your new single I Like Me Better out today, February 26.
You were so excited to released this new single because of Calum. You made this song back before you dated him and now since you two are dating now, the song is more special to you. You and him were teasing each other on Twitter and also as promotional to our new singles.
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Since we did that on Twitter, people been asking about the relationship we have now. Some people guessing right, some people especially his fans hated you if you were around him. Your fans supporting you whoever you’re with, but some of it still shipping you and Justin. And you didn’t care what they said at all. But honestly it hurted your feelings. Their mean words really affect you but you really tried not to take into your feelings.
Being in relationship with Calum was the big step in your life since you had failed in relationship before. You never thought that you could love someone else than Justin. You really glad that you’re out of your miserable past and moved on to your better life.
Minutes later, Calum called you. “Hey babe.”
“Hi, i miss you.” You greeted him. “How you doing?”
“I’m good. I’m at the studio with the boys and I’m in the corner so they won’t hear us. What about you?”
You sipped your drink. “I’m at Julia’s because she’s throwing me a party for my new single.” “I wish i could see you right now.”
“Yeah it’s been 2 weeks since the last we met,” you could hear Michael laughed in the background. “I’m sorry Michael laughed so loud. Oh by the way Luke has been asking me nonstop about the tweets that we post at the same time. I haven’t told them that we’ve already dating. Should we announce to them or…?”
You put the glass on the table and you walked away from the crowd. “Yeah i haven’t told my friends especially Mike. They had no clue that we’ve been together for a month. Like i teased them about us, but they still not realized it. I’m kinda scared if i or we told our friends about this, they reaction would the the opposite as we thought.”
“You have a good point,” he said. “What if we posted something at midnight when we’re on our own house? Or you can come by and stay on my house? I’ll be home anytime soon.”
You check your watch on your wrist and it’s 10 PM. “Uh… this party might ended at midnight, and tomorrow i have to be on my label office by 7 AM for meeting. But i think i will stop by at your house and can you drive me home after that?”
“Sure. I’ll see you at midnight?” The call about to ended but he was interrupted and talk to someone. “What? No, she won’t talk to you… hey stop.” “Hey Miss B, congrats on your new single. We missed you bestie bye.” “Sorry Mike is so annoying.”
You laughed. “Hahaha it’s fine. Tell them i missed them. Bye see you tonight.” You hung up the call and you continue mingled with your friends.
“Hey, who you called? Calum?” Julia approach you and asked you. Then you nodded. “How you two doing? I know you two doing good. Don’t answer that.” You just chuckled.
You really grateful because you have a very supportive friends, they never pushed both you and Calum to be together because they knew and they believed in our process.
It’s midnight already, 2 AM to be exact, and you arrived at Calum’s house. The party ended at 1 AM when people start to go home one by one and only leaving you and Julia only. You went to Calum’s house by uber because nobody could drive you and you couldn’t drive either. You were so sleepy and tired but you want to see your boyfriend so bad.
You opened his house and the inside was dark. You turned the lights on and walk slowly to the kitchen. You grabbed water bottle from fridge and drank it. After that you walked to his bedroom and he was there watching some shows that you didn’t know.
“Hey,” he was so shocked when he saw you and he even got up from his bed.
“You didn’t throw away my skin care, did you?” You asked him while you opened the bathroom to find all your skin care that you put here in his house, because you ofter stay on his house for days.
“Of course it stills there. Are you staying for tonight?”
You nodded weakly. “Yes, I’m too tired to drive away to my apartment. I will figure something out tomorrow. Right now, i need to clean up and i will see you in minutes.” You waved and closed the bathroom door.
15 minutes later you finished clean up and walked out from the bathroom and joined him to the bed. You hugged him from beside. “I missed you so bad.” Then he kissed your forehead and continued watching show.
“Oh after Michael greeted you on the phone, He asked about us. Like how’s the progress, is it good or bad, et cetera. And i didn’t answer him. I was too nervous.” He held your right hand.
“What was your idea then? We posted something? Let’s do it then to surprise them, hows that sound?”
He nodded. “Great idea. Lets post something. You post something you like and i’ll post something i like, okay?” And now you’re the one nodded.
Then you posted a picture on instagram. And so did Calum.
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Within minutes you and him got so many likes and comments from fans mostly. And we read it.
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You and him read the comments and we were so happy because most of them congratulated you and him and some of them gave a bad comments.
Minutes after Mali called Calum. “CALUM THOMAS HOOD WHY YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT YOU AND SAARA ARE DATING?” She literally yelling at Calum and you laughed quietly.
“So sorry sister, we just want to surprise you and people.” He smiled and looked at you. “You can congratulate me and Saara because she’s beside me.” He pointed the camera to your face.
“Hi Mali, I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you earlier because we really wants to surprise everyone including you. But i promise you i will tell you everything starting from today.”
She cried and she wiped her tears. “I’m so happy for you and Calum. I’ve been praying everyday so you and him could be together. I knew the struggle you carried, but I’m glad that you’re dating him now. I always believe in your process and now it’s proven. I love you so much Saara. Can’t wait to tell mom and dad about it. Bye lovebirds.” The video call ended and you decided to sleep because you have to wake up early.
To be continued.
Next Part
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bodyswapmischief · 4 years
Glitch in the System: A Love Story in Quarantine
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(This story is a little different from what, I normally post, in that is doesn't involve body swap or transformations. But, I really loved writing it. And, hope you all enjoy it to)
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" Carter yelled from his room. The walls of the house reverberated, with his voice.
"Shit, dude! Whet the hell happened," Elijah came hurrying in.
"The restaurant called me. Somebody got the Corona-Virus. Now, the whole restaurant is going to close," Carter sighed out.
Elijah smiles and gives a small laugh, "Welcome to the club. Think about it this way, now you have time to relax ..."
"No, no, no, I can't do that. I need to be on the move, I need to do something to keep busy. I can't just sit on my ass all day watching T.V, no offense." Carter interrupted.
"None taken," Elijah said sarcastically. "Just, wait. I was like you when this all started. I'll give you a day, and you'll see there nothing else to do. You'll even learn to like it." He forewarned.
"Yeah, no, I am going out. So, see you later. This quarantine is not stopping me." Carter proclaimed as he gather his stuff and walked out the door.
After attempting to live a normal life, during quarantine, Carter came back to the apartment defeated. "Elijah was right, there was nothing to do." He thought to himself. But, his thoughts quickly faded, when he walked back into the apartment. He began hearing the sounds of women moaning, in sexual pleasure.
He began walking into the living room and there, with his shorts off, ilwas Elijah. He rhythmically pumped his rock hard cock, as his own moans blinded him to the fact that Carter walked in on him.
"No way! Your masturbating on the couch," Carter said perplexed. He wasn't sure if he should laugh or be mad. "The couch is the neutral zone, dude, you can do that shit in your room. I fucking eat here."
Elijah heart stopped, as he turned his head to look at Carter. With lightning speed he put on his shorts and turned off the T.V. "Oh, fuck! Dude ... I wasn't doing anything."
"Bro, I literally just saw you. It's no big deal. I'm going take a shower and try to forget what I just saw." Carter said annoyed.
"Yeah for sure, it just that I didn't expect you home so soon and your usually at work, when I do it so.." Elijah tried to explain.
"Bro. Just stop it ... why the fuck would you tell me you've done it more than once, on the couch ... I didn't need to know that shit! Fuck, dude!" Carter said frustrated.
"Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut. It's just my stress and this awkward situation ... I'm fucking rambling. It's just been hard containing this horny beast, during quarantine." Elijah referred to his cock. "And, Roxy's parent's won't let her come over, so I haven't been able to get my daily dose of sex." Elijah finished with a nervous chuckle and his face turning red, with embarrassment.
"Hey look dude, really it's okay. I'm not that mad about it. I'm more going through shock ... ha. In fact it's going be one of those times we laugh about in the future. The time I saw your dick and caught you masturbating." Carter sighed trying to calm his friend down. "Shit, I feel your pain. Ever since this whole quarantine started the booty well, has been drying out for me, too. In fact, it's been completely dry as of late." Carter continued. "Not going to lie, been masturbating non-stop ... but I have the decency to keep it in my room." He laughs.
Carter proceeded to go to the shower, while in an embarrassed fog, Elijah started straining out the apartment. Elijah was able to calm down enough to start watching tv. After some time passed, Carter came back out. Elijah was worried that Carter was going to say something but, was happily shocked when he just sat next to him.
"So what are we watching." Carter asked.
"Oh, it's a new netflix documentary about this crazy tiger guy and some chick that killed her husband. It's the first episode, so I'll just start it from the beginning." Elijah answered.
As time passed, the two young men found themselves growing more sleepier. The hours moved to the the early morning but, both guys were too invested into the show. Both, unaware of how heavy their eyelids were getting.
Carter felt heavy, but strangely comfortable and safe. Even with his eyes closed, they were blinded by the sun in the living room. The soft couch around him, his dick was rock hard. As, he begun to pulsates on something firm on top of him.
Elijah started to wake up as he felt something under him move. His own dick becoming aroused. And pulsating in return. He felt some rock hard cock rubbing at his stomach. Meanwhile, Carter started felling some pressure enlarge and grow against his thigh.
Simultaneously the illusion caused by the sleepy fog wore off, as both boys realized what was happening. They both opened their eyes and saw each others face. In a panic Elijah jump off his roommate and Carter got up off the couch.
"Dude what the fuck were you doing, to me!" Elijah yelled.
"Fuck, dude! I just felt something on me, I didn't know it was you. And, why the fuck am I trying to explain myself. Why the fuck were you sleeping on me!?" Carter yelled back
"I don't fucking know ... I guess we just crashed on the couch and in our sleep our bodies position themselves like that. Fuck, fuck, fuck!." Elijah let out.
"First, I catch you masturbating and now this. You did this on purpose you fucker. You wanted me to help relieve you of your sexual urges. I'm not fucking gay bro." Carter yelled, with his voice shaking.
""What the fuck. I ain't gay either. And, you just talked about how you couldn't get pussy either. And, you were the one that started rubbing your dick on me!!." Elijah retorted.
"Okay ... okay ... this is what's going to happen. We are going to spend the day as far apart from each other as possible. We are going to try forget this and move on. We were half asleep, it didn't mean anything. right?." Carter panicked.
"Yeah, exactly, it meant shit." Carter tried to reassure himself.
They guys walked past each other awkwardly, trying their hardest not to walk into eachother on the way to their rooms. Hours passed, and both guys starting forgetting, about the awkwardness of the morning. Endless content of videos, movies, video games, helped clear their minds.
Carter was getting restless and decided to do some work around the house. There were always things breaking and he never had time to fix them. Elijah also needed new scenery, as he was getting tired of being in his room. So, he went to the living room, to continue his t.v. viewing. The guys looked at eachother awkwardly but they continued what they were doing.
Carter started working around the house, trying to find anything that needed to be fixed. Moving around heavy furniture was the workout he needed. He removed his shirt that started to cling to him do to his sweat.
Elijah awkwardly glanced, at him. "Was he really doing that, after what just happened this morning." Elijah thought to himself. He saw as sweat dripping down his roommates body. It glistened as the sunlight reflected off his body. His abs, biceps, chest, and shoulder working to together, as the flexed and relaxed, to move the heavy furniture. "Thank god we didn't go to sleep with our clothes off. I'm glad we had layers of clothes between us. It would have been way worst, if we were having skin to skin contact." Elijah continued thinking.
He couldn't keep his eyes off his friend. And, his dick was getting hard, as thoughts of his dick pressed against Carter's warm muscular thigh came rushing back into his mind. He started imagining fucking and getting fucked by his friend. He couldn't take it anymore, so he rushed into the bathroom and went into a shower. He started jacking off. He tried to change his thoughts, but images of Carter were stuck in his mind. He tried to think off his girlfriend but it wasn't doing anything, for him anymore.
He started crying, as he kept masturbating to images of his friend. He took his cock and pumped it with the beat of his thoughts. Imagining his shirtless friend. Fucking his friend. Both of their bodies tangled in the act of love. He tried hard to think of anyone else. He thought of his girlfriend, but within a second his mind returned to Carter. He thought of hot female celebrities, but their images couldn't stand the flood of Carter in tight clothes that revealed his gym body. He even tried to think of other guys ... male celebrities, guys at the gym ... but not even they held a light to his sexual attraction for Carter.
He felt it in his core. At this moment he wasn't straight anymore. He wasn't even gay. He only had sexual feelings for one person and the person was Carter. After an hour in the shower, Elijah leaned against the shower wall panting with excasty. His body extremely tired. He couldn't believe how many times he cummed. But, for now his sexual urges seem to be satisfied. But, with his stomach rumbling, he knew he needed to eat something after the steamy masturbatical workout session he just had in the shower.
He walk out and saw, Carter, who by now was done and watching TV. A little embarrassed from what happened this morning and more embarrassed by his thoughts in the shower he said, "Hey, I'm going to cook some food, you hungry."
"Sure," Carter said not looking away from the T.V. Time continued to pass, until the aroma from the kitchen was becoming stronger. His stomach started growling, so he turn his head to see the progress of the food. He saw Elijah working hard. Food stains on his shirt from the spaghetti sauce he made. He looked so cute the way he worked. He was lucky to have him as a friend and a roommate. Unlike Carter, Elijah didnt go to the gym. But that doesn't mean he wasn't fit. He kept himself healthy with daily runs and the occasional hiking trip.
Carter wanted to go up and hug him from behind, and give him a kiss, like a good boyfriend. Then images of the morning popped up in Carter's mind. What the fuck was he thinking. He's not dating Elijah. "I'm not even gay, " Carter thought to himself." But that didn't stop the images of imagining Elijah sucking his dick. And he licking Elijah's ass. As he sat, trying not to think of his friend like that, his dick started growing excited by the thoughts.
"Um dude, I going for a drive ... I've been cooped up in here to long. I need some air." Carter said gathering his things and rushing out the door.
"But the foods almost done." Elijab said a little annoyed.
"I'll eat it when. I back, I just need to go." Carter said in sexual pain as his dick was angry about being ignored.
He drove and called up his list of chicks, until one accepted his offer of sex. He was also glad because she was one of the hottest chicks on his list. He got there and straight away they started making out. But every time Carter blinked or closed his eyes he saw images of Elijah. As, his one night stand began to strip, his erection started going down. The big juicy ass, the nice pair of tits, no longer pleased him. He could feel himself panicking, as she started to strip him of his clothes.
"What your not hard yet." She said unsurprised. "And your so tensed. I got a solution for that." She proceeded to sit him on her chair. Taking his flaccid dick she began to suck. He knew he should be enjoying this, but his dick wouldn't get hard. He closed his eyes, to try imagine something that would turn him on. But, still only thoughts of Elijah filled his mind. And with these thoughts, his dicks began to harden. It was rock hard. The hardest it ever been and made even slightly bigger. He opened his eyes, but as soon as he did he saw the chicks naked body. A body he once loved looking at, but it was causing him to lose his erection. So, he closed his eyes again, as she finished sucking him off.
His dick stayed hard, and now it was his time to please her. But, as he brought his dick to her vagina, the erection started fading. "Hey look this is not working. It's to much effort and I don't like that. Your obviously going through something. You haven't been yourself. Comeback when you got your shit dealt with." She said as she got off the bed and started getting dressed.
Carter felt so embarrassed. "Yeah, I don't know whats wrong with me. No hard feelings?" He shyly looked at her.
She similed, " You aren't the only guy on my list, I can call up. But, you are ... or were the best." She jokingly sighed, as she winked at him.
On, the way home his erection came back. And, the thoughts of Elijah flooded his mind. In the garage he stayed, until he masturbated for an hour. Ashamed of himself he walked into the apartment.
Carter walked in to hear Elijah moaning his name. He walked into the living room, where Elijah was sitting on the couch. Elijah was wearing Carter's dirty clothes, from earlier that day. Shorts wrapped around his ankles, and dick poking out of his briefs, he was jacking off while looking at shirtless picks of Carter on Instagram
"What the fuck!"Carter yelled. Elijah got up with lightning speed. To scared to say anything. Carter came closer and pushed Elijah onto the couch. Elijah started bracing himself, in the fear that Carter was going to start kicking the shit out of him. A few seconds passed. "Fuck," Carter said. Elijah opened his eyes, as he saw Carter begin to kneel down. His mouth staring to envelop Elijah's dick. Instantly both of their dicks became rock hard. There were no longer need for words as they performed the dance of love.
Elijah began to help Carter strip his clothes off and Carter helped position Elijah, so that both of them could suck each others dick in unison. Elijah enjoyed the big muscled body on top of him. He felt safe in Carter's strong arms. Carter enjoyed finally having someone he could care for and love. He no longer needed a fuck list. He just needed Elijah. He loved that he could wrap his arms around Elijah's smaller yet fit body.
During a plethora of orgasms, and taking turns fucking each other, they moved throughout the house and into Carter's bedroom. They laid next to eachother panting form the intense sexual workouts they just did. Their bodies still tingling from the orgasmic rush. They cuddled like that for minutes, slowly relaxing their heart rates and bodies.
Finally Elijah broke the silence. "So what does this mean?"
Carter was shocked by the question."What do you mean?"
"What does this mean for our friendship. Is it going to be awkward around us. I mean l ... I'm no psychologist but the only reason this happened is because of the quarantine. We both are young horny guys ... and we couldn't get sex anywhere else. So, we went to eachother to get our sex fix. So, after quarantine we should psychological revert to normal." Elijah tried to explain.
Carter's heart was a little hurt. "Do you really feel that way. Or, are you just lying to yourself. I know you feel it, too. Some happened to us. There's this energy we share, now, for some reason. If you're saying this because you think that's how I feel, your wrong." He started getting choked up. " I fucking love you, and after the sex we just had, I know you love me to. And, your theory is worng, I was able to get a sex offer from one of the hottest chicks on my list. But I could only think about you. So tell me there's something between us. Because, for the first time I'm actually feeling happy. I found a part of me that been missing .. it's you. I need you ... I need this whatever it is."
Elijah eyes began to get watery, seeing Carter's pain. "No your right, there is something between us. It the most powerful feeling I've ever felt. I can't even think of my girlfriend the same way. I feel nothing for her. But, sitting here with you ... it feels ... it feels like home." Elijah smiled, but started thinking. "So, this changes a lot. I'm going have to break up with my girlfriend. Are we gay, now? What are our friends and family gonna think..." Elijah started to ramble.
But, Carter brought him out of his thoughts, "Don't worry. What ever this is; it is different. I don't feel straight anymore. But, I wouldn't say I was gay. That implies I like guys in general. The truth is I only like you. Elijah, I'm only attracted to you. This love between us it's strong. As long as we are together we can face anything. So, what if my family disowns me or we lose some friends. I'd trade everything I have for you." Carter said shaking from the truth and deep passion of his words.
"I feel the same. I only love you, too. Carter." Elijah smiled up at Carter. And Carter wrapped his muscular arms around Elijah. And, Elijah pressed his head on Carter's muscular chest. Elijah own arms wrapped around Carter. And, Carter felt safe and loved by Elijah smaller yet muscular body. They were both strong. They were in it together, whatever the future held. They were roommates, friends, equals, and now lovers. And, they both smiled knowing that with a radmon glitch in the universe, they found true love.
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shuatoyou · 4 years
unfortunate situations.
pairing; joshua x idol!reader
genre; angst? fluff? 
warnings; slight mentions of injuries i.e bruising
wc; 2400
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if joshua had to pick out one of his biggest enemies in the industry… it would be you.
since the day you two began training together the boy always had an issue with you and it was the same vice versa.
“joshua, when are you and y/n going to get over your petty little fight from literally years ago?” seungcheol asked as you walked past the seventeen boys in the company building waving at them all, joshua glared directly at you making you stop and roll your eyes all the boys awkwardly waited for the tension to pass.
“never.” he spoke with venom in his tone, almost making seungcheol shiver.
you all watched him walk off to the elevator where he got on without making any further eye contact and everyone quickly turned back to you giving you sympathetic looks but you couldn't care less.
what had happened in the past to bring you guys to this point was actually pretty easy to explain, during your trainee days with seventeen and your own group you had accidentally let out a laugh while joshua performed for his progress check, the boy had gotten angry at you for teasing him however what he didn't know was you were not actually laughing at him, and at your group mate for telling you she forgot her lines.
joshua refused to listen no matter how many times the boys had told him the actual story, he wasn't ready to let go of his grudge nor his pride so due to this the two of you swore to be enemies for as long as time even if it meant the two groups would suffer along with their members.
you sulked your way back to the dorms, you hated how he always singled you out like that and gave you dirty looks.
“at least i have the mind to not do any of that when others are around.” you mutter to yourself as you open the door taking out your frustration on it when you slam the door.
“y/n is that you?” calls out your leader, mira.
“yep.” you call back out in response making your way to your room and flopping onto your bed face first.
“whats wrong?” she asks, picking up the bag you had dropped by the doorway, a motherly instinct from her because she was always cleaning up behind you.
“take a guess” 
“don't even say that demon's name.” you moan making her chuckle.
“well whatever it is, don't worry about it. now come, we ordered food. let's have a night for ourselves and some movies.
you get up at her words deciding to join them instead of sulking in your room all alone
“i'll be down in a sec” you notify her, taking a the moment to rub off your makeup and get into comfier clothes.
throughout the movie, you find yourself occasionally thinking of joshua and you sit there puzzled on why he was running through your mind like crazy, you groan holding your head in your hands causing everyone to divert their attention from the movie to you.
“is everything okay y/n?”
“why won't he just leave me alone.” you rant and everyone stares at you with wide eyes before bursting out into laughter.
“is this seriously what you're thinking about during a movie night?” they ask. you end up looking at them all with a pained look.
“well.” one of your members drag on teasingly.
“why are you even thinking about someone you hate so much?”
“its cause i hate him so much... duh?”
“i dont think thats how hate works, y/n” she chuckles, throwing a fry at you to annoy you even further, you were ready to throw one back but the ringing of the door bell spooked you all.
“i’ll get it” you stood up to walk to the door and check through the peephole to make sure it wasn't a dangerous stranger however the person you catch a glimpse of makes you roll your eyes.
“what do you want” you spit once the door is opened and joshua is standing in front of you, much closer than you would like.
“you could be a bit nicer” he says with the same sarcasm he always uses when speaking to you.
“i could but it's you so no i don't think i will.” you fake smile to annoy him and it works because he screws up his face with furrowed brows.
“okay whatever, can you tell your leader to come here? i have to tell her something.”
“what is it?”
“well i'm not going to tell you because frankly i don't want to talk to you any further.” he sighs, leaning on the door frame.
“mmm, well you’re not exactly fun either so just tell me and i’ll pass on the message, mr hong.” you mimic his actions and lean on the door frame also.
he pushes himself off the door frame as you do that, “just tell her to come to practice room four at ten am.” with that the boy turns around and walks away.
you watch him leave, confused on why he would want to meet your leader so early, your thinking comes to an end when a voice interrupts the questions running through your mind.
“who was it y/n?” mira asks as she approaches you in the hallway.
“joshua, he said meet him in practice room four at 10” you tell her nonchalantly before going to your room instead of the living room to continue your movie night with the excuse of being worn out from the day.
everyone nods and a series of goodnights are said as you close your door and tuck yourself away into your bed for the night while wishing your thoughts would shut up and stop thinking about the boy you were supposed to hate.
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the next day began later than usual for you, barely managing to get yourself out of bed by noon you waddled over to your bathroom and got into comfy clothes you could live in for the day.
since there wasn't any official schedule today, you were originally planning on grabbing one of the performance team members (most likely soonyoung because you guys were the closest) and having a dance session. thankfully he agreed to meet you in an hour and you now had an hour to spare all alone in the company somewhere.
you booked out the practice room at the front desk and skipped over happily to it, opening the door you expected to be met with your own reflection in the mirrors but instead were met with joshua sat in the corner wincing as he held his ankle and you immediately assumed he was in pain.
your eyes widened for a second as you thought about whether you should help, not that you wouldn't but it was him and you were scared of his reaction. despite making up the cons in your head you still rushed over to him making him glance up but once he realised who you were his face somehow relaxed more but the pain was still evident in the way he scrunched up his face.
“what did you do?” you ask kneeling beside him trying to remove his hands from his ankle which was very red and bruised.
“i don't know, must've strained it” he hissed in pain and it only made you worry more.
“oh god, do i call someone?” you look around in panic wishing someone would coincidentally come in and show you the way in this situation.
“no shit y/n, call for one the boys. my phones in my bag over there.”
you nod and swiftly make your way over to the bag, browsing through it until you find joshua's phone and return back beside him.
“what's your password?”
“my birthday” he answers and you quickly type away the digits of the said day pressing the first contact you see which belongs to jun.
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unfortunately jun tells you he and the other boys are currently not at the company which makes you wonder how comes since you were meant to meet soonyoung in the first place. nevertheless you sigh trying to explain how joshua was injured.
“try getting him up to our dorms, i'll call our manager over and make my own way.”
you looked at joshua with pity explaining the situation and he nodded immediately trying to stand up off the floor but you stopped him immediately.
“you can't just put all that pressure on your foot!” you emphasise causing joshua to look at you in confusion. you look for something before turning back to him. “here it's the closest thing i have to ice right now if it’s helpful” you offer your ice cold bottle of water you had prepared for one of your breaks, he hesitantly accepts it giving you a slight nod through the pain as a thank you.
“we’ll wait for a moment then i’ll help you back to your dorm.” you offer, relaxing for a bit as the exhaustion from all the previous panicking sets in.
“you know you don't need to do all this, i can just call my manager.”
“it's fine, i'd much rather be sure you’re okay” you blurt out without realising until joshua looks at you, his gaze softened but you refused to meet his eyes so you were unknown to this.
“i'm meant to hate you, stop making my job harder than it already is.” he jokes with an awkward laugh, but the words seem to directly go to your heart because it starts thumping and it takes you everything not to bring your hand up to your chest in case he realises.
“really? you make it seem pretty easy either way” you retort, thinking back to all the times he’d react badly at everything you did even if it was unprovoked.
“does it bother you?” he asked with a genuine tone, making you turn to him.
“sometimes, i feel like it bothers me less because i channel a ton of hate towards you now.” you admit with some shame.
he hums, not answering anymore, instead he gives back the water bottle and attempts to stand up one more time only this time succeeding since you didnt stop him.
“i think i'm okay to go now,” he smiles forcefully.
you were puzzled but refused to think much of it, you were sick of him occupying your thoughts more than he needed to.
joshua held onto you the entire way, after all you had offered to help before and this counted as helping. he looked down at you a few times feeling bad you were struggling to carry his weight. you paid no mind to his frequent looks especially as you struggle to divert your conscious from the fact he was closer to you than he had been in years.
it was a weird sight to see and thankfully only seungkwan and dokyeom watched from afar as their two friends walked back up to their dorms.
“i know i didn't just see y/n helping joshua.'' seungkwan gasps, hitting seokmin to make him look over at the two who only stare in shock.
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you never expected to stay longer than maybe ten minutes helping joshua adjust and find comfort till everyone else came home.
maybe it was the fact you decided to prepare a quick fix of ramen for the two of you as you spoke about your worst encounters with the boy, dare you say the two of you bonded for the first time ever as joshua spread his legs onto the coffee table and you sat near him on the couch.
“honestly i think i was more afraid of ruining my pride that's why” joshua confesses while bursting into a laughing fit.
“you made my life hell for so long honestly even seungcheol was worried” you laugh along with him.
“okay but you weren't any better y/n.”
“you deserved it.” you subtly remind him after all he was the one who started this enemy thing between you two.
“mmm, i did. i'm sorry.” he goes quieter at the apology and for a moment you both lock eyes in silence.
“do you mean that?” you mutter, playing around with your ramen. you were nervous to hear his next few words and started regretting the fact you had sat right beside him on the couch with just a pillow separating you two.
“why not. i'm tired of acting like im so angry at you when in reality i just want to get to know you again and stop with this whole enemy act.'' joshua runs his hand through his hair just as you look up, a simple act that you never realised how effective it was.
“i’d like that too.” you smile, setting down your plate of food. for the first time in ages a genuine smile directed to the boy as you both resolve your issues.
“FINALLY!” seungkwan runs in shouting with seokmin yelling close behind him and you jump in fear and at the sigh of them.
“thank fuck i dont have to listen to another argument ever again.” seungkwan breathes out.
“where did you two even come out from?”
“oh my sweet joshua, it's 2020 we can teleport now.” seokmin states in a matter-of factly way and seungkwan agrees with the boy, nodding enthusiastically.
joshua laughs at them two while you’re still trying to recover from the moment with him and from the scare.
“okay… well i'm gonna go back to the company.” you stand up stretching, hoping to conclude the day with a dance practice session.
“where are you going?” joshua asks and the two other boys look at you just as curious.
“well, i wanted to practice which was what i intended to do in the first place” you think for a second before continuing...
“with soonyoung actually does anyone know where he is?” you wonder, mostly questioning the two members of booseoksoon.
“we know nothing dont look at us.” seungkwan puts his hands up surrendering.
“now that you mention it, I was meant to meet mira too...” joshua pipes in
“hmm weird.” you mumble.
“anyways im going to go now, feel better!” you beamed towards Joshua, as well as not forgetting to wave a ‘bye’ at the other two.
you walked over to the practice rooms feeling giddy at no particular thing but it was obvious you were happy about being on good terms with joshua.
“speak of the devil” you thought to yourself as you opened your phone to a text from the unknown number that you were sure had gotten yours from seungkwan.
‘can i treat you to dinner on a day where both my legs are perfectly functional?’
your cheeks go red at the sight of the message as you type an obvious answer back.
‘of course.’
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psychopersonified · 4 years
Q’s video conference gets interrupted by a half naked man wielding a cat... 
Inspired by the multitude of wonderful fanart featuring Q and Bond in front of a computer, some clothed, some not quite 😉. And also by stories of zoom call accidents.
Tags: Freshly established relationship. Breaking the news. 
“…How much progress are we making in regards to the drag coefficient?” is the next question on Q’s mind as he reviews the R&D stage-gate checklist. Q has his attention on the tablet in front of him, marking up the design drawing with a stylus. The image is shared onscreen with the other three participants of the call. 
“Wind tunnel test results are back, the best we’ve achieved so far is using V308 design, but as expected it does come with some compromise to practicality—”
At R’s sudden pause, Q looks up and turns towards the screen displaying the participants’ video feed. 
“Sorry R I didn’t catch that, you might have cut out for a moment.” He adjusts the wireless earbuds in case they’ve come loose. 
Jenny’s image smiles widely and the others follow suit. “Sir, did you adopt a new kitty?” 
The unexpected question prompts him to look around his desk. He spies Spot lounging out of view of the webcam, by his favourite window perch having just had breakfast. Q assumes the other black and white cat, Jellicles must be somewhere under Spot’s large orange lump. 
“Uh, no?” he is a little discomfited, not knowing what brought on the bizarre tangent in the discussion. 
“Boss, you sure about this? He’s a big one. Might eat you out of house and home,” Nish joins in the ribbing. 
“Granted he’s a silent killer. Any unwanted gifts dropped off on your carpet yet?” Jamila this time. 
“What on earth are you all talking about—,“ in his own video feed minimised out of the way on the bottom right corner, Q finally catches sight of movement in the background. 
The problem with open plan living Q notices for the first time, is the lack of privacy. Not an issue if you’re living alone, but when you have house guests, it makes it trickier. Q’s webcam faces the dining area where Agent 007 is currently making a spectacle of himself. His shirtless muscular back is half turned to them. The light grey sweatpants he is wearing slung dangerously low on his hips - the tops of his well sculpted glutes artfully exposed.
Bond had wandered absently into the dining area, one arm cradling a restless black and white cat to his chest like a baby, but his attention is focused on the tablet held in his other hand. Jellicles is not happy at being ignored - headbutting Bond under the chin and attempting repeatedly to bop the human on the nose to get his attention. 
When the agent is sufficiently annoyed, he locks eyes with the cat for a moment before tipping his head to smush his nose against cat’s forehead - which causes Jellicles to meow loudly in reply. 
Q turns back to look at his monitor, all three participants on the call are staring in open-mouthed shock. He searches his desk for something to throw; a squishy stress toy in the shape of a cow would suffice. Q aims for the torso, but the toy bounces comically off Bond’s rock hard arse instead.
That catches Bond’s attention and he turns around - Q regrets not thinking this one through. He and his little audience are now treated to the frontal view, which is arguably even more distracting. The agent’s golden tan glows in the morning light - accentuating the definition of his well developed pectorals all the way to the rippling planes of the chiseled abdominals and the blonde trail of hair peeking out of the waistband. Further below, the soft cotton blend material of the sweatpants does little to hide the endowments underneath. 
Bond raises a quizzical eyebrow at him. He’d put the tablet down and caught one of the cat’s paws in his hand  in the interim - to stop it from trying to touch his nose and was kissing each little toe-bean before the interruption. Bond is in a fantastic mood this morning and Jellicles must adore him enough to allow such manhandling. 
Q scowls at him and mouths ‘I’m on a call’ while using a hand to gesture at his monitor and the webcam. Bond’s expression turns apologetically wide-eyed for a second in acknowledgment of his little gaffe. But in the next moment, he appears to brush it off -hanged for a sheep as a lamb-.
Instead of ducking out of view, he takes four purposeful strides towards Q’s desk, the cat still in his arms. Q can’t decide if disabling his video would cause more suspicion or if they should just cease with the charade - somehow ‘he’s just a friend who sleeps over and cuddles my cats’ defence doesn’t quite stack up at this point.
Behind him now and without a trace of shame, Bond bends over a shoulder to wink at the three familiar faces in the monitor. Q resists the urge to slap the man away, opting instead to glower at him. The agent senses a rebuke forthcoming, so preemptively uses the cat as a shield. He holds the black and white cat up to the webcam, then pushes the cat in front of Q’s face - Jellicles doesn’t disappoint, immediately latching on and playfully chewing on Q’s nose. 
“Ah! James!” Q tries to flinch away. The assault is over in seconds when Bond pulls the cat away but then unexpectedly returns to peck Q on the corner of his mouth before he can even protest. When Bond straightens again, the expansive view of naked chest and abs fills up most of the right side of Q’s video feed. 
Q has to half turn and physically nudge the agent away with a splayed hand against warm hard muscle. The touch a searing reminder of their activities the night before. Bond is immovable when he doesn’t want to be moved, but he relents after a second or two. His parting gift, was to dip down and nuzzle Q in the hair, using the misdirection to hook a finger around the collar of Q’s jumper, exposing the top of a well bruised collarbone. The hand then slips to caress a long line down his chest to his stomach. 
“James! Will you stop it!” Q hisses. His next reaction is to stab the bastard in the side with the blunt tip of the tablet stylus to salvage his ruined modesty. The man is a menace! 
The bloody peacock doesn’t even have the decency to retreat out of camera view after that, instead he claims a seat in the dinning area, beaming with a satisfied smile. The cat now balanced on his stomach and chest, he moves another chair around so he can prop his legs on it and stretch out, putting himself on blatant display. An artist would beg to paint such a perfect tableau. Q wants to taser the smile off his face. 
Q clears his throat, not daring to look directly at his colleagues - too flustered to offer an explanation as to why 007 was molesting him in his home. So he tries ineffectively for the pretend-it-didnt-happen route, “Um… Right. Where were we? Jenny, the wind tunnel results?....” 
Jamila blinks furiously. Nish makes a hoarse croaking, “Whaaaa…..” like air escaping his lungs. 
And R… well R just says, “Sir, I think I speak for everyone here that we’re traumatised by what we just saw, bloody traumatised. We don’t think we can continue with today’s discussion until a satisfactory explanation has been provided...” R forces Q into a corner. Two other heads nod their support for Jenny’s statement. None of them appear disapproving - but it is guaranteed they are going to take the mickey out of him. 
There is no way he is going to spill tea with Bond still within earshot. The agent’s ego is unmanageable as it is. “If I promise to reveal all on Monday, can we please get on with this?” Q tries to make his whisper sound imperious to no avail - a half naked man lounging in the background tends to undermine one’s authority. 
“Health & Safety would disagree. It’s an occupational hazard you know, to be distracted around dangerous lab equipment,” Jamila points out. The others agree. Mutiny from his top three.
“How is my personal life -your- distraction?” 
“When there is a not inconsiderable pot waiting to be distributed. Come on boss, there’s still time for me to collect my winnings if things go my way,” Nish begs while consulting his phone for the records. 
“So… he’s -James- now is he? Is this a one time slumber party or an extended sleepover?” R powers through heedless. 
Q considers his answer, he is marginally aware of the betting pool around the stupid game ‘Fluster the Quartermaster’ and its various derivative odds regarding which agent, the timeline, where, method of burn etc. - but he doesn’t want to know the specifics as he wants to maintain plausible deniability should it implode in everyone’s faces. 
Bond is still playing with he cat in the background, trying to teach it commands. Q doesn’t want to say it out loud, so he types it into the group chat on the side of the screen:
::We’re moving his things over later today.::
“Called it!” Jenny slams a hand on the table and punches the air in victory. Oh she knew it! Q taking the Friday off (or any day off for that matter) that had nothing to do with his cats was enough cause for intrigue. 
But after the suspiciously expensive gift in the form of the red Hyundai a few months ago, it was just a matter of time. It was not the cost that was the issue, Bond’s wardrobe of bespoke suits probably cost more than the car several times over - it was the sentiment behind it that gave Jenny the courage to place a sizeable bet on them taking the next step towards cohabitation. The car, she read correctly in Bond’s weird wooing language was tantamount to an engagement ring. 
Nish and the others weren’t as good as reading signs, so majority of the odds were still focused around the early stages “NO! What? Wait… When did this happen? What about first date? First snog? First shag?” Nish scrolls furiously through his phone. 
The bets have taken a far more intrusive route than Q had ever expected. “Well I’m sorry my personal life does not follow the path of standard operating procedure… now can we -please- move on?” He’s acutely aware that he is blushing bright pink from head to toe. 
Jenny shakes her head, the only person that would dare to override him, “Q, you took the day off - so take the day off. The prototype can wait. No emergencies at the moment, the castle is still standing. We’ll call if something pops up. Now bugger off and enjoy your day with -James-!” 
*Sigh* Q rubs his temples and gives in reluctantly, “Fine! Yes, alright…” . He knows when something is a lost cause and the news is likely to cause a buzz in Q-Branch that would last the whole weekend - there goes department productivity. He’d hoped to come up with a less sensational way of disseminating the news. He expects massive ribbing on Monday. 
“Oh! Permission to inform Ms Moneypenny about the change in status?” Jenny asks. The girls are having drinks tonight and it would be hell trying to conceal anything from Eve. 
“No no! I’ll… inform her myself... and please try to keep this within Q-Branch, for now?” Eve would find seven ways of killing him if she had to find out from someone else. She’d already ripped into him, calling him a bloody clueless twit when she’d found out about the car Bond bought him as a ‘birthday gift’. As cars go, it was a cheap one - but Bond’s logic to get him to accept it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to him. 
When they’ve all signed off, Q shuts down the computer and lets himself be drawn back into the life inside his flat.  Balanced on Bond’s stomach, Jellicles has miraculously learned how to give high-fives on command. 
“Get dressed please. I’d like breakfast before we head over to your place.” Q tell him as he passes behind the agent. He places a hand on James’ shoulder, causing the agent to tip his head back. Q drops a kiss on his forehead.
“By the way, have you told Eve about… this?” Q asks as he combs his fingernails across Bond’s scalp. 
“Mmm… Not yet. Was thinking of letting her know on Monday.” Bond mutters, eyes closed. The relaxed blissed out look on his face was worth enduring a million papercuts. 
“Well, that’ll be too late. Since you’ve gone and announced it with as much discretion as you conduct your missions…,” Q tugs firmly at Bond’s ears as reprimand, ”…the whole of Q-Branch will know before morning tea. Which means Eve will find out by lunch.”
Just then Q’s phone on the dinning table buzzes with an incoming call. They both pause to stare at the screen. Caller ID displays ::Moneypenny:: ominously. 
“I’ll get dressed. You tell her… She called me a dithering halfwit just last week.” Bond straightens before bolting for the bedroom. 
“Coward!” Q yells at him. He steels himself to answer the phone. When he does, he all but squeaks, “Hello Eve?—“ 
——— FIN————
Notes: The mention about the car gift is from another fic of mine and can be found here - Car troubles and Not Quite Dates.
If you liked this fic, there’s more like it on the blog. Enjoy!
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kibybun · 4 years
yandere hawks with a bad bleep darling that leaves after finding out proof he stalked her.
Hehe I may have put a little twist at the end but I hope you like it!
Hawks with a Bad Bitch for a Darling
Tw: Yandere, stalking
💣The reason Hawks liked you so much was your personality. The way you tell anyone off without hesitation and how you arent afraid to start a fight.
💥Originally he met you while patrolling. He saw you being attacked by a villain but by the time he got there you had already apprehended them When he did arrive you just scoffed and told him to do better before walking away. He was hooked.
💣From there in he tried his best to follow you and swoop in if there was trouble.
💥You honestly didnt notice. You deal with villvillains and thugs everyday, it was just a matter of time before a hero came and took care of them.
💣You did notice that he was appearing more and more. You didnt mind his company too much.
💥You also noticed that you were being followed and watched almost daily. You were annoyed by it but instead of being paranoid you like to put on shows for who ever was watching. They were watching you for a reason, why not make it entertaining?
💣Most of your performances were more towards the sexual side but you still looked badass.
💥Today it was rainy when you felt the eyes on you again. There was no one in the street, where you were walking, and you wanted to dance. You started splashing puddles and jumping around in a elegant way.
💣You didnt expect Hawks to come and catch you when you slipped.
💥You question why he's here and he simply replies with he was patrolling.
💣His answer was weak but you didnt care. You still wanted to dance, so you grab his hand and spin with him. He looks startled but quickly catches on.
💥The two of you end up a laughing mess on the ground, laying in puddles.
💣He looked at you and spoke. He asked you out.
💥You weren't surprised, you had a feeling that he liked you. You said yes.
💣After that, the feeling of being watched slowly decreased. You found it odd but didnt think anything of it as your relationship progressed with Hawks.
💥You enjoy being with Hawks. He's cocky but has a mild sweet side that was cute. Plus it was fun to talk back to him, you didnt like following his rules.
💣And that might be the reason the two of you were fighting currently.
💥You've been dating Hawks for months now, so you know he's quite possessive but it's never been this bad. You had only met up with an old friend and he had accused you of so many things.
💣You were yelling at him for ever thinking that but he just brushes you off, mumbling something that you were able to catch. He was saying how he should've kept watching you.
💥Your anger only grew as you realize it was him creeping on you.
💣He notices the big change in your temper and tries to ask what's wrong but you interrupt him with a punch. It truely didnt bother you that much but it was the trust that he never gave you that upset you so much.
💥You were done with the lies.
💣You tell him it's over and you try to walk away but grabs you roughly and pins you to the wall. It was his turn to be furious.
💥He tells you how much he's done for you and how you should be grateful.
💣His hand grips your elbow so tightly.
💥His face grows closer as his eyes darken and voice lowers. He looks excited and guilty at the same time. He says he's only doing this because he loves you and doesnt want to lose you.
💣He snaps your elbow back the wrong way.
💥You try to scream in agony but covers your mouth and kisses your face and neck ever so gently to try and help the pain.
💣He grabs the other elbow and snaps that too.
💥You cry helplessly. You were at his mercy, no way to fight back.
💣You suddenly lost all your fight from before.
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Not You
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*Not my Gif*
Can you do a John Murphy imagine where the reader is his best friend and best friends with emori (she became friends with him at camp in season 1 and went with Murphy to the city of light etc, etc.) but then they get on the ring and when Murphy and emori break up the reader and him get together? Maybe some friendship arguments with emori? If I didnt explain it well I'm sorry I don't usually request fics cause I feel awkward about it but I'm seriously lacking some John Murphy x readers in my life
Requested By: @godofavengers
Paring: John Murphy X Reader
Word count: 1146
Post Date: 4-27-19
A/N: I literally rewrote this like a thousand times, just because I never felt like it was good enough (Still kind don’t like the ending at all…), and then I realized I put off posting this so much and I felt really bad, so I hope you all like this. I didn’t really know what to do with the friendship arguments, so I tried my best with the rest of it! I really liked this request because I agree, there really isn’t enough Murphy! Keeping requesting! My inbox is almost empty! Sorry it took so long to write this… Enjoy!
- Ria
~Master List~
~Open Requests~
You grab two cups and some water before heading back over to the big window, where you left your currently-depressed-because-of-a-break-up best friend, John Murphy. Emori and Murphy had broken up last week and you’ve spent the last few days making sure he’s okay and trying to get him to return to reality. You plop down next to him as he continues to stare down at earth, completely oblivious to the fact that you were there. Sighing, you shift around soon you can lay your head in his lap, glancing up at the boy before giving your attention to the earth, think back on how you both met.
You step off the dropship, feeling the grass and dirt crunch beneath your feet and the sun cascading down across your face. You walk around the ground, cheering and screaming long with the other delinquents, until you find an open area were the other kids haven’t found. You begin to spin around slowly, taking in your new surroundings. You were completely unaware of any prying eyes while you were spinning, until he decided to make his presence known, that is.
“Well, Hello there.” He smirks, staring you up and down, obviously checking you out. You stop spinning, eyes immediately darting around trying to find the source of your interruption. When your eyes land upon his, your mouth moves into a smirk as well, ‘he’s kinda cute’ you think placing your hands on your hips.
“Back at ya.” You say maintaining eye contact with the boy. Being in lockup since you were 15, now being 17, you didn’t meet very many people, and definitely not someone who captivated your attention this fast with only three words.
“Names Murphy. And yours would be?”
“Y/L/N. Names Y/N Y/L/N.” The smirk on his face somehow seems to get even more cocky looking as he stretches his hand out. Your eyes narrow as you look between the outstretched hand and his face, before you accept his gesture, slightly shaking your head in astonishment.
“This is gonna be fun.” He says sending you a wink before he turns around walking away, leaving you to stare at his retreating figure.
-----------------End of Flashback--------------------
You’re pulled back to reality when you feel a pair of hands gently nudging you. You look up to see Murphy’s signature smirk staring down at you, staring up at him with shock across your features.
“You’re smiling! Wait, why are you smiling? You haven’t smiled since…” you sentence trailing off realizing you brought up the one reason you were here to help him forget. Quickly apologizing and sitting up, you take a swig of water, completely aware of the fact that Murphy is still staring at you.
“Seriously though, John, I’m glad you’re smiling, but like…. Two minutes ago, you were void to the world, and now your creeping me out with the smiles.” You release a chuckle as he rolls his eyes completely annoyed with your comment, but you know he won’t be annoyed long. I mean, this is you we are taking about. John Murphy’s best friend since the day you met.
“Yeah, you’re one to talk. ‘Void to the world’ you know, I was shaking you for like 5 minutes to get your attention. You were supposed to be making me feel better, not ignored Y/N. What the hell were you thinking about anyways?” He says trying to hide his amusement but failing as you can see the slight curl up of his lips. Now its your turn to roll your eyes as you lay your head back down on his lap gazing up to the boy’s face.
“Oh, you know, just trying to figure out why the hell I ever decided to make you my best friend. I mean, you are an awful friend, Murphy.” You say waiting for a reaction, sadly earning only a little puff of air as he throws his head back in fake laughter. “Nah, I’m just kidding. I was thinking back to the day we landed. You know, when I was in that field and you thought it was a good idea to disrupt me and introduce your stupid ass.” You smile, as Murphy lets out a real laugh, knowing you made him happy since Emori.
“I remember that day.” He says as you pull yourself off his lap, leaning up against the window so you’re completely looking at him, warmth filling your body as you watch him rub the back of his neck, still trying to hide his smile. “You looked so happy and free and well, hot.” You let out a snort as he continues on, “So I made sure that you were gonna be in my life one way or another, so then I went up to you and was happy to know you were not a total bitch like half the girls at the camp. After that, everything was great… you know, you were my best friend and we were… inseparable.” Murphy eyes darted up to meet yours during his speech, but as soon as he finished you saw him become closed off again, slouching in his spot and adverting his eyes.
“John, you are, and you will always be my best friend. And nothing will change that. Now, you are finally making progress with moving on and I will be damned if I let you ruin all that in a second. Now come on, we are moving on by thinking back.” Murphy furrows his eyebrows in confusion as you give him a smug look. “We are thinking back to all the times when we were there for each other. Oh! You remember the city of light? … God that seemed like forever ago. We were stuck in that damn room forever. And then afterward when you got stuck with Ontari? God, I can’t believe I let that happen to you. That must have been awful John. I’m… I’m so sorry.”
After a couple minutes of remembering, you and Murphy start laughing knowing that whatever happened in the past is over and even though that it made you who you are today, it doesn’t change anything. You shift in your position, so you are sitting next to him, watching the Earth.
“I’m sorry you guys broke up, John. I know how you felt about her.” You whisper reaching over and holding his hand, resting your head against his shoulder. “I’ll get over it. I knew it wasn’t gonna last forever.” Moving your head to look up at him with furrowed brows, “What do you mean?” He turns his head to look down at you, his eyes meeting yours as he rubs the back of your hand, pulling you into his lips. The warmth you felt before seemingly coming straight from him. As he pulls back his hands cup your face before simply saying, “She’s not you.”
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thequeenb · 5 years
Without you i am nothing (part 4)
Pairings: KamilahxMC
Author's note: English isnt my first language so excuse any mistakes
Plot: Amy's plan seem to work. But how Kamilah will react?
Amy's plan was dangerous. Playing with Kamilah is like playing with fire and we all know it cant end well. Amy have been trying to come up with things that would attract the vamprire's attention she even made a list. She was sitting on the couch a glass of wine in her hand.
"Hmm what about me going actually to Priya's club? No" "what about going to her office? Ugh no" frustrated she let the pen down and kept thinking until the door bell interrupted her thoughts. Amy got up and slowly opened the door i swear to god if its Kam-- "Hello snack" Priya greets as she moves inside the apartment. "Hey Priya i guess make yourself at home?" The vamprire took the list from the table shit shit shit shit oh my g-- "whats this??" Priya asks with a kind of hot-but dangerous-but also annoyed voice. Amy signed and run her hand through her hair. "Well.."
"Shhh i am reading" before she can read further she grabbed the paper from her hand. "Didn't someone tell you,you cant just look to someone's stuff without asking?" Oh god she is coming towards me "well it says my name doesn't it?" Priya put her hand on the girl's face and tilted her chin up to look at her. "Maybe i should punish you" she smiled widely as she leaned close nonono Amy pull away just d--
"Um guys?" Lily said standing in the door
Priya looked annoyed at the interruption. "Dont you have mortal things to do?" She asked clearly annoyed. "You know this is my apartment no?" Lily challenged her but Amy got between their conversation "I think its late you should go Priya"
"Not unless you come with me". Before Lily could close the door a familiar figure appeared "you heard her Lacroix. Leave" Kamilah said with anger ready to get her dangers out. "Oh looked who joined the party grandma Sayeed" she said with a grin but Kamilah wasn't having it. "Just go please.." Amy said with an apologetic look and with that the fashion designer left and let Kamilah and Amy alone. Its been so long since they were left alone. It was so long since she saw her perfect face. "What are you doing here?"
‌"Aren't you glad i saved you from death?" she said as she moved inside the apartment. "I guess none of you heard of personal space or manners" the girl said gaining an arched brow from the vamprire. "We need to talk" Amy nodded sitting on the couch looking at Kamilah who was sitting by the window the moonlight danced in her eyes. "I dont know why you do this" she looked vulnerable for a minute before she recovered. "I dont know what you are talking about" the blonde girl chuckled "Whats that on your hand?" Amy's hand felt shaky and sweaty relax Amy she doesn't know that you are a crazy phycopath who try make her jealous "its none of your business". Kamilah moved forward a dangerous look on her eye "Let me see" she reached to take the paper but Amy tear it apart quickly "i knew you are playing some kind of game mortal" she was now inches away from her lips. She wanted to kiss her and take her back but she stayed still "Kamilah why did you come here?" The vamprire Queen backed away a serious expression on her face "Work isnt the only thing i care about" she paused "i tried to move on but I couldn't.." Amy was shocked at these words, even moved. She knew Kamilah isnt good at expressing her feelings and she tried to make a step for her. "But then i saw you playing with my mind and i felt something in my chest that was unfamiliar" "jealousy you mean" Kamilah gave a sarcastic smile "i dont get jealous" the girl arched her brow and looked at her..Kamilah signed defeated "Okay maybe a little" she chuckled. Amy started tearing up she didn't knew what to do but she couldn't forgive her that easily. "Well you sure made progress..but trust me Kamilah you hurt me much..just you confessing you are jealous wont erase your actions" she felt an ache in her heart maybe it had to be over..no games not anything. "Maybe its better if we stay away from each other.." her voice was shaky before tears escaped her eyes. Kamilah was speechless she didnt want to let the one person who made her live go "Amy you dont mea--" "i actually do" Amy snapped "what if i forgive you? You will work endless hours ignoring me and find new reasons to be distant" Amy start walking around the apartment until she headed for the door. She went to the rooftop of the building looking at the sky as she walked to the edge Amy what were you thinking you love her she felt a strong arm on her shoulder. She didnt want to look around she had tears and tired eyes. "Dont do this Amy" her voice was soft "i know you are right just give me a chance" Amy was thinking what to say "earn your chance sayeed dont just demand it" that was her last words before she went back to her apartment.
Kamilah was driving furiously. She felt stupid she even open up to a mortal you see what happens when you get attached to mortals
She tried to school herself trying to convince her inner selfishness that she had nothing to fight for until memories hit her like a train.
"No matter what happens i will always be here Kamilah even if you push me" Amy said as she took Kamilah's hands in hers "you are worth the wait" the mortal smiled widely before she leaned and kissed her softly
Kamilah signed not knowing what to do..how could she win her mortal back? What more could she do?
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sequoiaofeorzea · 5 years
A start to a fic that I decided to take in writing my characters adventure into Shadowbringers.
*This is going to be long so it's still in progress*
An Eorzean Tail; The Parting Glass: A Three Part Prologue
Set at the begining of A Reqium for Heroes with fan made additions to the msq leading into Shadowbringers.
~Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
’Sé mo Shaesar, ghille mear,
Ní fhuaras féin aon tsuan ná séan,
Ó chuaigh i gcéin mo ghille mear.
Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
’Sé mo Shaesar, ghille mear,
Ní fhuaras féin aon tsuan ná séan,
Ó chuaigh i gcéin mo ghille mear.
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear~
It had been four weeks since Thancred, Y'shtola, and Urianger had fallen unconscious due to the mysterious voice anomaly.
"Ahead looms a calamity....twin dooms must be fore stalled".
The words kept repeating again, and again in Sequoia's mind day in and day out. What's worse, she couldn't sleep after all of what happend. She felt even worse for young Alisaie due to the fact they hadn't heard from Alphinaud since he left for Garlemuld with Maxima. As much as she trusts Alphinaud, she can't help but pray to the Twelve that he be safe. The twins maybe prodigies, but they were still children.
Archon, Sequoia's husband began to stir from the other side of the bed. "Good morning, dandelion" he yawned out, "How are you feeling?" He gently reached his arm over to place a hand on her face. He knew what happend.
At the time, Archon was at the Rising Stones helping Tataru with some errands. At first he didnt want to do it until Urianger decided to guilt trip him by using his very olde speech to get the miqote annoyed enough to accept. It was after Sequoia and the others return that he witnessed seeing Urianger and Y'shtola collapse. He was frightened and rushed over to his wife, trying to prevent her from doing the same. He was scared and he began to curse himself and also Cedar, Sequoia's brother, for not accompanying them to Ala Mhigo. In fact, where was Cedar during all of this?
Sequoia let out an audible sigh "I'm still processing it all. Its....I'll be okay". It was a small lie. She knew that he's always worried for her. She knew that he knew that being chosen as a Warrior of Light was taxing. She had slain primals of many, ended a 1000 year war between dragon and man, and liberated not only one nation but two under the oppressive Empire, Garlemuld in which was still a major threat. More over she has dealt with the sinister Ascians, those of which have tried to kill her and her friends many times. At the sametime she tries to balance all of her duties with her marriage. She and Archon had decided to take their marriage a step further to start a family, but the dream had to be put off due to the immediate threats impossible to ignore.
It saddens her. She wished that the world would stay saved just once for her to start a new chapter in her life.
Archon brushed the back of his hand over her cheek to comfort her to the best of his ability.
During his absence on current events, Cedar had gone to the Shroud to take a trip down memories both nostalgic and tragic. He had felt the need to visit the place where his sister and his journey began; the old cabin, their childhood home.
Bullseye, the araiman voidsent along with Kupo Cop accompanied him to the place aswell. Although he didnt mind his Bullseye, he couldnt quite understand why Kupo Cop wanted to come along when it was a personal matter. Cedar decided to let it slide for the best.
Immediately upon their arrival, Cedar was overcome with sorrow from the site of what was left of his childhood home. The cabin was barely keeping itself togather from being abandoned for almost 16 years. Nature had already reclaimed every part of the foundation, vines and other vegetation covering every ilm of the house from broken furniture, to the sink that can be seen in through the kitchen window.
Cedar got off his chocobo and approached the building. Opening the the door he instantly smelled the memory of his mothers stew boiling in the kitchen, the sound of the kettle that would almost always be forgotten before it made its presence know with its screeching. He can hear the pattering of feet and giggling of children on the top floor, with his mothers voice calling them all down for supper. He even imagined hearing his fathers voice calling down in reply, laughing while carrying and limping down the stairs with children not wanting to let go. He even imagined seeing them all singing songs with instruments and his parents telling his bothers and sisters about their time as adventures.
He was brought back to the present from the sound of broken glass. Looking down at his right foot, his eyes grew wide as he looked upon the faces under the broken shards.
It was a picture of his family. He brought the frame up carefully to examine it. The photo features his parents and his siblings all posing neutral standing up save for his mother holding a bundle in her arms; that bundle being Sequoia. And right next to where his mother was cradling his sister in her arms, a boy slightly glancing at the babe stands protectively, his little hand reaching over to let his baby sister hold his pinky. It brought a smile to the miqote face but a stray tear rolled down his cheek and he instinctively whipped it away with the back of his hand.
In the backyard a small cemetary was made where his parents and other siblings now lay at rest. He took that moments to attend to each grave stone, praying and talking to them as if they were actually their before placing a white lily at the foot of the stones.
"Wasn't expecting you to come here" a voice suddenly came out of the blue startling poor Cedar to where he jumped back and fell on his rump. He turned to his left to find an older miqote man in his early sixties. As Cedar winced in pain from his fall the other man leaned over and gave his hand out to the younger. "Seven hells, old man!" Cedar hissed out. The older miqote chuckled before replying apologetically while helping Cedar up. "I have come to visit the same as you, to visit my daughter". Both men looked over to where Cedars mother's headstone was. Cedar knew that his grandfather suffered just as much as he and his sister did, losing his only child in the massacre. Since Bealsarswall, the Garleans have been scouting around the east shourd with the family cabin being located just a few miles from the perimeter. Even thinking about it made Cedar wished there was a way to change the past.
"I...also came with a message, from the Scions." Cedar turned his head back to face his grandfather. "Is it urgent? Is Sequoia alright?! Wh-" his grandfather interrupted "HOLD YOUR BALLS BOY!"
"Language, kupo!" Kupo Cop came over with Bullseye in tow.
"Well, what is it! What's the mes-AAH!"
Suddenly, Cedar threw up his right hand to his head as his body rocked, everything strobing violently around him as he tried to collect his bearings.
Bullseye was flapping his wings frantically comeing over to try and help his master.
"What is this anomaly I'm sensing?" Says the inner apparition of Fray within Cedars soul.
Suddenly everything went black.
At the very sametime both Sequoia and Alisaie were experiencing the same thing.
"Throw wide the gates.......throw wide the gates!"
And just like before, the voice and anonomly ceased. Lyes ran over to the two stopping just short when the experiance stopped. "Was it The Call again?" Lyse asked worried.
"It was, but we can't do anything about it now." Alisaie responded. "We have to find out if my brother is alright." Sequoia agreed. And with that they left to accompany Lord Hien, Yuguri, and Maxima to Shiriyus Wall.
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oh-its-souichi · 5 years
Shigaraki X Reader
Another fic about Shig being a father? 
Hell ya 
... I can’t help it... Him being a dad just gives me... life.
Im sorry
Also the final chapter of Ultra Violence will be posted sometime this week and after that I will be continuing the Dabi fic Ive been working on.
Warning- I didn’t know how Nomu were made so I just guessed, FLUFF, Daughters name is Shi because its like "she" but spelled cool and Im lazy.
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It was all but silent in the warehouse. 
Around him was the bothersome buzzing of the machines at work while the water that the Nomu grew in sloshed around. With the attack on the Yuuai summer camp underway they were there to check on Dabi’s Nomu’s.
The patchwork villain wouldn’t shut up about it so Shigaraki, fed up, told him to meet up with his at the warehouse so they could see how the creature was progressing.
To the left of him Kurogiri was fidgeting with a control panel while Shi played with a small nail she had found while wondering around the warehouse.
Dabi stared down at her wondering if he should take the nail away from her but shrugged and turned his attention to one of the brains floating in the sickly green water. "Hey boss are you cool with her having that?" Dabi suddenly spoke the situation irking him for some reason.
Shigaraki looked briefly down at his daughter and grunted seeing no issue. It was nice she had found something to preoccupy herself with instead of badgering him.
Shi quietly hummed a song Shigaraki had heard play at the beginning of one of the magical girl series she was obsessed with. 
Well, the one she was obsessed with right now. It seemed to change every week though. 
The only reason he was aware of the change is because sometimes he got on his computer to read the news and what not he would hear two little feet tumble into the room, the pressure of her eyes falling on him. “Daddy” she would say locking her sights beginning the silent battle.
He would try to ignore her, grumbling under his breath at her while focusing on whatever he was doing that day until he just gave up.
“Uh fine. You’re so annoying.” he would groan minutes into the stare down.
Begrudgingly he would lift her onto his lap and go to the website that illegally uploaded movies and episodes of various titles, clicking on whatever caught her interest.
Usually the shows consisted of brightly colored character who were overly enthusiastic and made his head ache. His fingers would find their way up to his throat scratching ruthlessly. 
He didn’t like having to share especially with a little girl that just walks in and demands things of him without saying a single word but he found it was easier to let her watch it for a few minutes and often times he didnt give into her, like yesterday, but on days he was to exhausred to fight he would
It was better then dealing with her silently crying, having hidden herself under a blanket in a corner somewhere and then you looking at him with the damn puppy dog eyes asking "She just wants to spend time with you T"
The two of you drove him crazy. 
But secretly he liked it. 
Shi dropped the nail in her hand to the ground and wandered up to his side standing up on her tip toes staring down into the water. “For me?” He heard her say. “Huh? he said twisting his expression underneath Father, casting his sights down to her. She shifted awkwardly under his gaze feeling the pressure. Nervously she twisted the toe of her small beat up sneakers into the cement floor. She had learned in the two years she had been alive that odd things set her father off and it was not fun to be at the receiving end of his dangerous temper. “One for me?” she repeated pointing at herself. 
Shigaraki paused letting her words sink in before a smile spread across his face. “You want a Nomu?” he asked shifting his eyes from the little girl to one of the floating brains. A lightness entered his chest and he almost felt uncomfortably elated. The feeling wasn’t entirely new he had felt it before when he saw himself on the news and heard the newscasters say his name with a adorable twang of fear in their voices. 
It made him proud.
He felt proud.  
He knelt down connecting he red eyes with her similarly colored ones. “Now what would a- How old are you?” he asked. She paused prodding her bottom lip with her pointer finger. 
“56 probably” 
“56?! Are you stupi-” 
“She’s two and a half Tomura Shigraki” Kurogiri said from the work bench himself and Dabi stood by while waiting for the machine he had been using to load the program he had to install. Shigaraki cocked his head in thought. ‘It’s been two years already. What the hell’ 
Shi had been his greatest mishap.
At 18 you were introduced into his life and he quickly became intrigued by you, obsessed with you. Eventually the two of you formed a strange relationship and he found himself spending more time alone with you in his room, knocking you up in the process.
After breaking the news to All for One he was surprised the elder man was somewhat supportive. ‘It’s a little earlier then I would have liked it to be but it’s good to secure an ere.’ 
They were not exactly the words he wanted to hear but that’s all ancient history now.
He studied her childish features seeing a lot more of himself in her face then you. She had light blue hair that was slightly wavy and bright red eyes the only real difference being she was a little bit cuter. 
“What would a two year old want with a Nomu?” he asked. Shi with a determined look on her face walked away from her father (to his confusion) making her way to Kurogiri where she interrupted the conversation he and Dabi were having to tug the newspaper he had in his hand. He released it watching her shyly walk back to Shigaraki. Clumsily unfolding the paper she pointed to a picture of All Might that was printed on it. “For Game over” she said. 
Shigaraki’s breath got caught in his throat leaving him breathless, his chest tightening harshly. Quickly his brain was overrun with images of him and his daughter releasing mass destruction upon the city hand in hand, well pinky in pinky. The effects on the public seeing a small innocent child basically murder innocent civilians would shake then to their core. The heros wouldnt even know what to do.
“Well” he said “What a promising little mistake you’re turning out to be. Kurogiri give one of these to her” he said grabbing Shi lightly by the hand, twirling her around. 
Kurogiri looked away from Dabi who raised his eyebrows unimpressed. “Are you sure that is wise?” he asked warily. Shigaraki dropped Shi’s hand raising up his arms. “What kind of father would I be to deny his own daughter’s wishes and aspirations.” he said smiling down on Shi who blushed. Dabi scoffed “Where was that attitude when you yelled at her for wanting to watch that kid show? Isnt that kinda like denying her aspirations??”
Shigaraki grew irritated “ Shut up patchwork. Kurogiri can you do it or not?” he asked glaring at the man. 
Kurogiri sighed to himself. “Yes I will set it up now” he said moving himself back to the control panel silently thinking to himself. (A peek into the mind of Kurogiri- ‘WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS ABSOLUTE HELL GOBLIN THINKI-) 
Dabi flashed Kurogiri an amused look before propping himself against one of the metal tables that sat adjacent to the Nomu’s “So Shi” he said earning a glare from Shigaraki.
Shi looked at him shyly her cheeks flushed. “Once you get this Nomu of yours how are you going to take him down?” 
She thought for a moment before smiling viciously, much like her fathers smile. “Like this!” she triumphed fiercely punching Dabi in the leg making him jump slightly in shock.  Shigaraki burst out in laughter standing up to ruffle Shi’s hair. “Very good!” he praised picking her carefully up. “Next time aim a little higher.” 
Later in the evening after you had returned from shopping you expected to be berated by Shigaraki for being out to long but instead were left alone. Pleasantly surprised you retired to the bar reading one of your books when you noticed Shi and her father whispering to one another for a suspicious amount of time. You snuck a glance at them every now and then. It was very rare for him to interact with her so much. 
Breaking their secret meeting Shi wobbled over to you with a smile as bright as the sun. 
“Hi mommy” she said attempting to grapple up the stool to the right of you. “Hi Shi” you replied setting the book you had attempted to read down on the bar top. You reached your arms out to grab her and lift her up but were beat when Shigaraki picked her up with two pinkies in the air and placed her on top of the stool. You smiled at her as she situated herself, resting her head on her arms with a big yawn. Her eyes drooped and you could tell she was fighting off a powerful wave of sleep. It was a little past her bedtime. Normally Tomura was so strict about bedtime but today he didn’t seem bothered by her presence as he normally did. 
“How was today?” you asked mimicking her position feeling a finger run gently down your spine it’s owner retiring next to you, unmasking himself. Ephemerally you looked at him puzzled. “He sure is in a good mood today’ you thought becoming instantly reluctant about the situation. “Good. I got Nomu!” Shi exclaimed tiredly.
You turned your attention back to her lovingly brushing a few stray strands of hair behind her ears. “You got a Nomu?” you questioned looking to Kurogiri for some sort of explanation who only looked back at you exhausted.  ‘Great’ you thought. “Yep!” Shi said happily. “Daddy give it!” You clicked your tongue and sat up resting your eyes on your handsome boyfriend who only beamed proudly.
A chuckle slipped past your lips. “He did huh? I’m sure that is going to be very fun for the two of you especially when daddy gets to clean up whatever mess you and the Nomu make.” Shigaraki grunted at your words not liking the sound of that. 
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iamnotbrianmay · 6 years
The A Experience
Summary: The three times Roger's bandmates said 'I Love You' to him, and the three times he said it back.
Notes: I fucking loved this chapter, writing it, planning it, and reading it over and over. I don't know why but I feel like it's the best thing I have ever writen for this story, even if it's just a time skip chapter. Now, I know what you might all be thinking, you are missing stuff, Maria. What about the Moving in? Or the healing on the part of Roger? But I feel like those things deserve their own fanfic, you know? So what I'm going to do is that once I finish this story I'm going to write their stories. I have planned them out completely already, don't you worry.For all of you who want to know their lenghts:
- Moving In - Three chapters (about 10k - 15k) - Aftermath - Five Chapters (18k - 20k)
So yeah, I hope y'all are as excited as I am for these stories.
the taglist goes as follows: @seven-seas-of-why, @twotitsjohndeacon, @dancindeaky, @gee-uloser, @mozzarellamazzello, @mozzie-s, @deracine-dogma-deux, @shutupanddontjudge, @warping-reality, @demianhill , @zodiacal-dust-and-curls  
Three Months After the Incident;
Surprisingly, Deaky is the first one to say ‘I Love You’ to Roger.
It’s Friday night, and instead of being out with his friends he’s stuck at the flat with a fever. He’s lying in his bed sick and miserable, trying not to feel like the world is ending when he gets the text message that sets the night off.
—Bri: rogieeeeeeeeeee
Roger groaned as he heard the annoying ping! of his phone. He recognized the text-tone he had set for Brian— it was that alone that motivated him to turn over and grab his phone. As he quickly unlocked it his fever-addled brain reminded him that he would have to text back while looking at the painfully bright screen; something that would not help his current pounding headache.
—Bri: why didnt you coem?
Roger frowned as he read the uncharacteristically bad spelling and grammar in Brian’s texts. It was also missing the ever present addition of ‘—Bri.’ a gag that the older man was adamandant on using ever since Roger had complained about his texting style. Then he remembered that Freddie had taken Brian to the newest bar in town, an over the top place called Verona which Freddie seemed to adore, and left him and John to fend for themselves.
As far as he knew Brian never got drunk, or at least had never had gotten drunk until Roger came into his life, which was something he was not happy about. Not that Roger didn’t like when Brian had fun or went out to clubs with Freddie and John, but he couldn’t help but worry that he was a bad influence; that his actions were mirroring Tim’s.
He blinked a few times, trying to will away the drunken typing, but when he looked back the evidence was still there— as clear as day, and a painful as poison. Roger typed out a quick reply, not wanting Brian to think that he was ignoring him.
Taylor: r u drunk?
Roger started biting his lip nervously, thinking about what would follow next in the line of things that he was going to infect Brian with. His feverish brain was all too happy to provide him with answers; everything ranging from his horrible clothing and love for k-pop (of all things!) to things like smoking, sometimes even the occasional joint or other, somewhat more than harmful, substances.
Brian’s answer wasn’t comforting at all.
—Bri: ts nice!
—Bri: would be nicre if u were heer
Roger shut his phone off without answering. Unable to get comfortable, he threw the covers off and wobbled into the kitchen. So what if he was sick? He was in desperate need of a drink— maybe two—something that had been strictly forbidden by the other boys in the house now that his body was shivering with fever and he was taking medicine for his rattling cough and  sore throat.
They had been performing in an outdoor stage a week ago when Roger started to feel this way, light headed and extremely hot. As the night went on he felt progressively worse and by the time they had finished playing he was feeling like death warmed over. After their final song the small restaurant crowd had cheered and while the others had felt high with the adrenaline rush, Roger just wanted a hot drink and a place to rest, like a coffin.
The next morning he had woken up with an aching throat, runny nose and a fever. He felt as if someone was sitting on his chest and was unable to get out of bed without feeling like he was going to pass out. Sleeping alone didn’t make him feel any better; since he had moved in he and Brian didn’t need to share a bed anymore, quite possibly the only negative of his new living situation. Living with them all also meant he had a front row seat to what he had done to the older man and he wasn’t sure he deserved to share his bed anyways.
Roger unscrewed the lid from the bottle of cheap Vodka he had stuffed deep into the back of the pantry and poured himself a glass. He knew his bandmates would give him a hard time if they found out about it, but at this point he didn’t really care all that much. He only stopped when the glass was half full, clear liquid twinkling in the kitchen light, promising some relief. Roger put the cap back on and stuffed the bottle back where it belonged.
His plan to get shitfaced was regretfully cut short when he turned around to find John standing in the doorway, his head tilted to the side and his arms crossed over his chest. His stare wasn’t angry or annoyed, but a mix of curiosity and concern. “I could have sworn we told you not to drink while sick.”
Roger’s fingers twitched as his grip tightened on the glass, a little afraid that John was going to take it away from him.
“I needed a drink,” he explained.
John sighed, nodding for Roger to follow him into the living room, and for some strange reason he followed. They sat on the couch together, legs crossed, then John said something that surprised him, “If you can give me a valid reason as to why you need a drink I will let you finish that glass. I might even join you.”
Roger’s eyes widened, and he was about to ask what had come over John before the younger man interrupted him.
“We will talk about that, or about something else if you want to, until Freddie and Brian come stumbling through the door, after which we become four drunks instead of two. I promise I will do this, but you have to give me a valid reason.”
Ever since Roger had moved in John, though quiet and often introverted, had been extremely supportive, keeping him standing on his own two feet when he started to feel like the room seemed was spinning out of his control. In moments exactly like the one they were having right now. He was staring at Roger with a patient smile, one hand resting lightly on his knee and the other extended so that Roger could put the glass on his palm. It seemed like a fair trade, a reason for a drink. So nodded in agreement and handed John his vodka.
The younger man smiled, placing the alcohol on the table before turning back to Roger and started idly tracing circles on his knee. Roger sniffed twice (damn his runny nose) and thought about what to say. Fuck it he thought, before letting the words pour out of him. It was as if someone else was talking, telling John about his worries and his guilt, but he was still very much present as he watched his friend react to all he was saying. He could the various emotions in his eyes, his expression changing from neutral to angry, then flickering again to sadness. Roger heard his own voice, the tone in which he spoke, soft and sad and urgent— even if he wasn’t quite in control of the words he was saying. What he noticed most of all was how tenderly John reached out with a tissue to dry the tears (when had he started crying?) that were sliding down his cheeks as he spoke.
When Roger returned from his— well he didn’t quite know what to call it apart from an “out of body experience” but that didn’t seem quite right— he looked away from John. Suddenly he was aware and ashamed of the fact that, one, he didn’t quite know what he had said, and two, probably had over-shared to someone who didn’t want to hear his personal battles. It had been different than when he had told Brian, he had been hyper-aware of every word he was saying and how Brian would hear it; making sure that he didn’t make a fool of himself. With John however it was almost as if his mind had switched to autopilot, and he remained unable to act on anything beyond registering John’s emotions and thinking ‘Oh god, what am I doing?’
One moment he was trying to justify his reason for a damn drink, the next he was ripping open his chest, everything bared before John’s eyes. He prepared himself for anger, or disgust, or maybe even John telling him what he most feared; that he was right. He would tell him that he needed to back off; keep as far away from Brian as possible. Instead John, the least touchy-feely member of their group, leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Roger’s shoulders. Putting one hand between his shoulder blades and one on the back of his head, then resting his head on the side of Roger’s neck.
He didn’t know if it was the fever or if he’d always been that soft, but the gesture was enough to break Roger. He gripped the back of John’s shirt and was unable to stop the hot tears that escaped. John simply held him, didn’t pull away or complain about the puddle of tears and snot he was probably making on his shirt; he just let him cry for as long as he needed to.
When he finally untangled himself from John, the younger man pressed their foreheads together, and smiled at Roger, “Y’know, I love you, Rog.” he gave Roger’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
That made Roger chuckle, the last few tears that had been left in his eyes streamed down his face, and neither of them bothered to dry them, “I love you too John, don’t know how we’ll break this to Freddie and Bri though.” John smiled, glad to see even a glimmer of his friend’s regular self.
They stay like that for a few minutes, eyes closed and foreheads pressed together before John pulled back. Roger wanted to whine at the loss of contact, but John took his hand in his instead; it wasn’t quite the same, but it was still comforting.
John took a deep breath, “You aren’t like Tim, you do know that, right Rog?”
Rogers eyes flew open and he looked at John, his grey eyes watching him, his expression serious and sincere. Suddenly Roger feels a flush of anger.
“How can you say that?”
John seemed unfazed by his anger, “I find it quite easy to tell the truth.”
“Roger,” His tone is not angry, but he cuts off Roger’s rebuttal. Roger resentfully closes his mouth, his body trembling slightly as John continues. “You are not him. You will never be him. And just because you showed Brian how to enjoy more than one drink does not mean that you are following in his footsteps.”
“But John—”
“Did Brian ever refuse a drink?”
Roger hesitates, “No, but–”
“Did you force him to drink?”
Roger frowned, “Kind of—?”
“Oh bullshit!” John snapped, “You didn’t force him to do anything, Roger. Brian is soft, yes, but he can also be a stubborn son of a bitch. If he wanted to stay sober he would have, be it by telling you to fuck off or by sipping on a coke or something.”
“If I’m not a bad influence then why is he keep drinking more now?”
John shrugged, “Simple, he likes it.”
“That’s why,” Roger insisted, “I did that! Brian liking alcohol is my fault! Just like it was Tim’s fault that I began smoking.”
The silence that followed was deafening and John’s hard stare softened, “Look, Roger I know this will be hard to believe, but Brian had actually tasted alcohol before you came around. I will not sit by and let you torture yourself for something that is not your fault! This isn’t something that anyone can be blamed for alright? Brian is just going out and doing things normal twenty-one-year-olds do. If anything, you helped him loosen up, brought him out of his shell a little. It’s a good thing! ”
“No, I’m serious. As long as it doesn’t become a destructive habit, I don’t see any harm.”
Roger thought about that for a moment, “As long as you help him quit if it gets out of hand…”
John scoffed, “Of course we will! That’s what family is for.”
He said it so matter-of-factly, Roger yearned for that kind of belonging.  Warmth filled his chest at the thought of someday being part of their family, someday being called Deaky’s brother, or Freddie’s “constant annoyance”. Maybe even Brian’s significant other. But for the time being he would happily settle for friend, roommate, and bandmate. “Now, about that drink...”
John groaned, “I was kind of hoping that you had forgotten about that,” he reached for the glass, taking a swig before handing it to Roger, “but a promise is a promise.”
Roger brought the glass to his lips but hesitated, “Wait, do you think anything bad will happen if I drink while on this medication?”
John shook his head, “Naw, it’s over-the-counter stuff. Not strong enough to kill you, but it’s strong enough to get you hammered faster than usual.”
The grin that spread across Roger’s face was mischievous, to say the least, “Perfect.”
The funny thing was that when Brian and Freddie finally stumbled in an hour later, they were the ones who had to get John and Roger to bed, not the other way around.
Five Months After the Incident:
The next one to say I love you to Roger is Freddie.
The flat was silent when Roger woke up, except for the quiet snores coming from Brian’s side of the room. He rolled over and frowned once he saw the ungodly hour at which he woke up. Still, he was feeling much better after recovering from that god-awful flu and couldn’t help but smile at Brian’s strangely adorable snoring.
Deciding he might as well get up and make some coffee, he peeled back the covers and moved around the room as silently as he could to avoid waking the other man.
As he slowly shut the door behind him and turned towards the kitchen he realised that he wasn’t the only one awake. Usually the most likely to sleep in ‘till noon, Freddie, was deep in concentration; scribbling on a piece of paper, shoulders hunched and hair tied back into a low ponytail. There was soft murmuring every few seconds and Roger decided to clear his throat to avoid scaring him when he walked into the kitchen.
Freddie man turned around, and Roger was quick to notice his watery eyes his slightly red nose. He rushed forward then, placing a hand on Freddie’s back, “Fred are you okay? You haven’t caught my cold have you?”
Freddie made a gesture with his hand, “No, no I’m fine Roger. I don’t know what came over me.”
Okay now Roger was really worried about him. “You don’t cry easily.”
“I know.”
“And when you do, you do it in private.”
“How is it you know so much about me already and we haven’t even recorded our first album?”
“I notice things” Roger shrugged. “And we’ll get there soon. But don’t change the topic, Freddie. What’s wrong?”
The older man bit his lip, looking at Roger with misty eyes before he seemed to accept that Roger wasn’t going to back off until he got an answer. His brown eyes flickered back to the paper on the table and Roger followed his gaze.
It was quite messy, doodles and lyrics seemed twined together in a cacophony of colours and notes, but the song was there. And in between the doodles of flowers, hand-holding, and the disturbing picture of someone with their eyes, mouth and ears covered, were some of the rawest lyrics Roger had ever read.
He could hear the sad notes of a ballad, the sweet puring of John’s Bass and Brian’s Red Special, he could sense the sadness behind the piece, and for some reason dreaded getting to the end.
Then he read the last line and it all made sense. ‘... ‘cause regardless of the words I’ve said, I’ve never had the courage to say I’m sorry.’
He could see how the hands which were intertwined resembled his and Brian’s hands. One had the tell-tale scar that Roger bared on his thumb and the other hand had its nails painted white. The flowers on the sides seemed random enough, but Roger had been around Freddie enough to know anything Freddie drew was seldom random. And only after close inspection did Roger realise that the man looked like him, long blond hair, feminine features, and suffering in silence. He’d known Freddie had a knack for drawing but this was...
They were both quiet for a long time, and Roger wondered if Brian or John would wake up before they managed to say what was on their minds. The words seemed to be stuck inside of him and he found himself unable to drag his eyes away from the paper. Roger wasn’t sure he could speak to Freddie even if he wanted to.
In the end Roger he didn’t have to.
“You know, I never said sorry for what I did to you.” Freddie said quietly.
When Roger finally turned towards the older man he couldn’t help but feel pained, because his friend genuinely believed that it had been his fault, somehow. That somehow Freddie was expected to know that one of his oldest friends was an asshole behind closed doors; and that the world was small enough for Brian’s old crush to be his ex.
“You didn’t need to,” his voice came out as a pathetic croak, and Roger cursed himself internally.
“Of course I did, darling,” he whispered back, “of course I did. If it wasn’t for me you would have asked Brian on that date of yours. If it wasn’t for me, you would have had a nice night, if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t have—”
Freddie looked away, hastily brushing away a tear that had broken free.
“It was my fault that night went so horribly wrong and the worst part is that I never had the balls to say I’m sorry.”
For the first time in his life Roger Taylor was happy that he woke up at six in the morning and that he had decided to stay up instead of rolling over and going back to sleep. God knows if they would be having this conversation otherwise.
Roger was glad for the quiet of the apartment, for the fact that right now they were the only ones awake. It was only because it was so quiet that Freddie was able to hear the words Roger whispered next.
“Freddie, look at me.”
The singer hesitated before turning his head around, and Roger kneeled beside his chair so that they were at the same level.
“What happened that night was my fault as much as it was yours.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but Roger brought a finger up and placed it across Freddie’s lips.
“By which I’m saying that it’s not your fault at all.”
A loose floorboard creaked in one of the bedrooms but Roger ignored it for the time being, knowing he needed to get this off his chest.
“It’s taken me months to realise it, but what happened that night wasn’t anyone’s fault but Tim’s.” Roger finally lifted his finger off Freddie’s lip, “It took me months ‘till I realised that, and it may take you months to realise that too, but that’s okay. I’ll be here to remind you if you ever doubt it.”
There was a short silence before Freddie smiled, “I should be the one comforting you.”
“Nah,” Roger said, for the first time in months not feeling like a fragile mess.
“I’ve had more than my fair share of comforting words. Now it’s time for me to comfort you. This friendship goes both ways right?”
Freddie blinked owlishly, which was a very rare expression for him. “What did we do before you came into our lives, dear?”
“Crash, burn, and tease poor Brian mercilessly?” Roger shrugged.
They both started laughing at that, Roger leaning forward to put his head on Freddie’s lap and Freddie running his fingers through Roger’s blond locks, “Seriously Freddie, you don’t have to sorry.”
“But what if I want too?”
Roger considered that for a moment, “Then I guess I’ll take it. But only if it’s the last time you say that to me, deal?”
“The last time ever?”
“No dufus, about this particular topic! I’ve known you for a while now, give me some credit. You’re bound to fuckup something sooner or later.”
There was a short breathy laugh that filled Roger’s heart with love, and then Freddie bent down to press a quick kiss on his head. “I’m sorry, darling. For everything.”
“I know, Freddie.” Roger answered, “And it’s okay, I forgive you.” It was odd how much lighter things felt between the two of them.
For a second Roger wondered how he had gotten so lucky, how he had managed to find this small home away from home, this group of people which he understood so well. His boys, who he could fight with and insult, only to make up a few hours later as if nothing had happened. Roger also wondered how he had survived before this, before them.
“You know, I’m starting to have these really cheesy thoughts about how much I love you,” Freddie whispered as he resumed running his hands through Roger’s hair, and Roger’s feelings seemed to be amplified by three hundred.
“Oh good god,” he said teasingly, his words slightly muffled, “ you and John!? Now we’re really going to have some explaining to do to poor Brian!”
Freddie smacked his head playfully and Roger chuckled. “I love you too, Fred. Very much.”
There was another long moment of silence in which Roger considered closing his eyes and drifting off. He wasn’t comfortable, or particularly sleepy, but Freddie’s hands worked like magic on him, and the only way he managed to snap out of his haze was when Freddie spoke again.
“Okay, I know Brian said pestering you was completely off limits, but honestly darling I’m dying to know.”
Roger regretfully lifted his head to look at him, “What’s up?”
“Are you in love with him?” Freddie asked, “Or do you at least like him a little bit after all this time?”
Roger realized he didn’t feel uncomfortable talking about this with Freddie. Maybe it was the honest curiosity in the man’s voice, or the way that they seemed to be baring their souls for each other to see this morning, but Roger let out a dreamy sigh.
Then wrinkled his nose at his reaction.
“Freddie you have no idea,” he groaned, getting up and sitting up on the other chair so that he could look at the older man. His voice was no longer dreamy, it was rather like he was annoyed at himself, for betraying his feelings so easily, “I think he’s making me stupid! I really can’t find another explanation for what I feel. It’s like he walks into a room and it becomes brighter, he plays guitar and it sounds perfect, and he smiles— oh god, don’t get me started on his smile.” His head hit the table with a soft thunk.
Freddie chuckled, “You really are fucked, aren’t you?”
“Beyond belief,” he answered, matter of factly. He looked back up, “Honestly, Fred, it’s gotten ridiculous! That man could ask me to roll around on the floor like a dog and I wouldn’t even bother to ask what for.”
At that Freddie laughed loudly, throwing his head back and bringing a hand to his chest, while Roger sat across from him feeling pathetic, “It’s absurd, it really is.”
Freddie looked at him slyly, “Then tell him.”
Roger could feel his heart start to race, could hear the heavy beat. The thought of being Brian’s something terrified him beyond belief, made him feel like he was standing on the edge of a precipice, one step from plummeting to the ground. His palms actually started to sweat. Roger often thought of relationships being somewhat similar to base jumping. You put your life on the line to jump into the great unknown, all the while your actions or a faulty parachute could mean the difference between life and death. How could you do that when you don’t know how it’s going to end? Roger felt like he couldn’t rely on himself not to mess things up epically. For one, he didn’t really know how to be in a relationship. For another matter, did they ever really go well? Looking back at his past experiences, Roger just wasn’t sure.
He couldn’t do that to Brian, could he?
He couldn’t risk starting a relationship, all the while lugging his emotional baggage, his uncertainties, and his broken way of handling romantic feelings. Hell, Brian himself had admitted didn’t know what he was doing! It was terrifying and tempting at the same time because while he wasn’t sure he could give Brian what he deserved, god how he wanted to try.
“You’ll never know until you do,” Freddie said. Oh god, Roger didn’t realize he’d said that last part out loud.  “I may be a hopeless romantic but I care about my friends. You and Brian have something darling, don’t you think that’s worth the risk?”
“You think?”
“I know,” Freddie stated, “and I also know that whole ‘If you really love them, let them go’ thing is absolute bullshit, and I will murder you if you try to do that to Brian.”
“You wouldn’t murder me,” Roger said confidently.
“And why not?”
“Simple,” he replied, getting up to make them both some coffee, “who is going to help you choose your outfits? Deaky? Brian?”
Freddie made a face, “Goodness, you’re right, I can’t murder you. I’ll find another way to get you Taylor!”
Six Months After the Incident:
Unsurprisingly, the last one to say I love you is Brian.
They’d just finished recording the first song for their album after hours and hours of recordings and lyric tinkering. But by the end of the night Seven Seas of Rhye was finally ready. Which meant they only had nine more songs to record before their first album would be complete.
Brian and Roger  were under direct orders not to go inside the flat that evening unless they wanted to hear things that might scar them for life, so after recording they took off to find a nice place to eat. Somewhere they could celebrate this (significant!) small victory, their one step closer to fame and notoriety.
They walked around downtown, searching for somewhere that looked decent but cheap enough for them to properly celebrate, and in the end they settled for an 80’s themed restaurant. The bright lights and colours drew them in, and they stayed because of the smell wafting from the kitchen.
The place looked promising, with reasonable prices, great music and greasy food that seemed perfect for the occasion. Rogers stomach started growling at the prospect of a burger and fries. They slid into a booth, and he started tapping a rhythm on the rubik's cube themed table.
“D’you think we would have fit in more in the eighties?” Brian asked randomly.
The question took Roger by surprise, but he didn’t have to think twice about the answer, “Are you kidding me? Of course not! Are you crazy? What would people in the eighties think about four gays in a glam rock band? The press would have eaten us alive!”
Brian laughed, then shrugged, “I guess you have a point, but our music fits the era quite well, don’t you think?”
“Oh, perfectly,” Roger agreed, “And so do our stage costumes. But then again, I’d rather not be closeted and miserable, thank you very much.”
“What concert would you have liked to play in?”
Roger raised his eyebrows, “Is that even a question? Live Aid, of course.”
“‘Cause of Led Zeppelin?”
“‘Cause of Led Zeppelin.” Roger could imagine himself on that stage, playing for millions of people, and breathing the same air Led Zeppelin had done a few hours before, “I could kill a man to be there.”
“So could I.” Brian agreed.
The waiter arrived with the menus, interrupting their conversation, and started talking to them about the daily specials. They ended up ordering the chef recommended hamburger with cheese fries and a milkshake to share. He smiled and left them alone to discuss whatever they had been before he had arrived, walking away with a suggestive swing to his hips, and a wink towards Brian.
Roger could see the man’s appeal, his sandy blond hair, large brown eyes and long limbs. If his heart hadn’t been completely enamoured with Brian he might have even thought about asking for his number. But how could he? The guitarist was right there, looking like an 80’s god in his loose white shirt, chocolate-brown curls framing his face. Brian, however, seemed very affected by the waiter’s attention, Roger could see a blush blooming across his cheeks.
The younger man could hear his heart, and Freddie for that matter, screaming in protest as he placed his hands over Brian’s, “You could ask for his number, you know? I don’t want to stand in your way.”
Brian frowned and tilted his head in confusion, “What are you talking about?”
Roger nodded his head towards the counter where the waiter was leaning, talking to the chef, presumably about their orders.  “About blondie over there. He looked like he was interested in getting more than just your order.”
“Yeah well, he should know better than to hit on someone who’s clearly taken.” He said indignantly.
They both fell silent, the implication of Brian’s words finally hit him, and the night rapidly turned into a game of who could blush the deepest shade of red.
“ Oh god, that’s embarrassing. I’m sorry Roger. And rude, definitely more rude than embarrassing. I know we’re not, you’re not not my anything yet but I sort of— I don’t know what came over me, Rog, I’m sorry.”
The thought came unbidden Brian’s so cute when he’s jealous and Roger couldn’t contain the giggle that bubbled up in his throat. It was a nervous little thing, and it escaped him without his consent. But once he started he couldn’t stop, even though he knew how embarrassing he must sound; because of all the things he could have done, his body decided to start giggling like a twelve-year-old school girl.
And as much as he loved the way Brian was looking at him amusedly, like he had hung the moon and stars, it was very much not funny. He looked like an idiot, he sounded like an idiot, and he couldn’t stop the bloody thing from escaping his lips. He tried covering his mouth with his hand, but to his dismay Brian just seemed to think that was cuter judging by his expression.
“Oh Lord,” He said between giggles, “I hate myself.”
That seemed to be enough to make Brian join in. He started to giggle quietly, trying to cover his face with both hands, and failing miserably to contain the sound of laughter. Maybe it was how tired they both felt, maybe the lack of sleep from trying to work, study, and record an album was finally catching up to them, or maybe it was the emotional exhaustion from trying so hard to repress their feelings for each other’s sake. But by the time the waiter came back with their food they had barely said another word, yet their stomachs hurt and their eyes were wet with tears caused by laughing for so long.
They managed to contain themselves long enough to thank the waiter, but once he had left Brian looked at him with twinkling eyes, and a mischievous expression. Roger wiped his eyes, “Brian, no. Please stop. It hurts.”
The older man put his hands up, “I’m not doing anything! I was just trying to apologize seconds before you had your hysteria attack.”
“Yeah well,” He tried to defend himself, “you started laughing with me!.”
“Couldn’t help it,” Brian said, “You’re just way too cute.”
Suddenly Roger didn’t feel like laughing anymore. He blushed madly, looking down to his greasy burger and french fries. Brian seemed to sense his change in mood, and instantly tried to make it better, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight. It seems I can’t help but put my foot in my mouth!”
“It’s fine, really Bri” Roger said as he stuffed a fry into his mouth, “I’m just not used to being the one blushing.”
“Oh,” Brian raised his eyebrows, “How so?”
Roger rolled his shoulders “Well, I’m usually the one doing the flirting, and not being a mumbling, blushing, mess. I guess you’ve changed me, Brian Harold May.”
“Have I?”
“Greatly,” Roger looked up at Brian through his lashes, the older boy was looking at him with curiosity, “I didn’t think I’d ever want to have a relationship with anyone after— well, you know.”
He stuffed another fry into his mouth, chewing and swallowing it before continuing.
“Ever since I came out of that shithole I’ve been a shag and run kind of guy. Never thought I would like someone as much as I like you.”
“And that’s why you’re trying to set me up with the waiter?”
Roger shrugged, “I don’t think I deserve someone like you. I don’t deserve you waiting for me, taking me out, indulging my tantrums and moods. I’m not worth all of this, Brian.”
Brian May never cursed openly in public, so when he felt the guitarist grab his hand and say “that’s bullshit”, he knew he was in for a rant. Roger braced himself for an angry explanation of what the guitarist thought about what Roger had just said. Maybe with a few ‘Deaky warned me about this’ thrown in there, but what he received was much better than he had expected.
“I love you, Roger Taylor,” he started, and Roger snapped his head up so fast he nearly got whiplash, “I love you for everything you are, and everything you aren’t. I love the way you play drums, the way you care for people, the way you smile, the way you giggle at the most inappropriate times. I just so happen to find you the most interesting person on the face of earth. And if that’s not worth waiting for, I don’t know what is.”
“Brian, I—”
“No, let me finish,” Brian interrupted him, “I know this might seem silly, or straight up delusional, coming from someone you only just met seven months ago, when you pretended to be my boyfriend, but I think I think I’m falling love with you. No, I know I am. So stupidly ass-backwards in love that I am willing to wait for you. And if I have to wait fifty years for my first proper kiss, or my first proper shag, then so be it.
I waited three years for someone that wasn’t worth it, I can wait a hell of a lot longer for someone who is worth everything.”
That was the first time in Roger’s life that he was left truly speechless. Sitting in the middle of the night, eating the best french fries he had ever had, looking at Brian May as the other boy stared at him like he was the most precious being in the universe. He felt as if he had forgotten how to speak, forgotten how to move, how to breathe, how to think.
His brain was short circuiting as he tried to find an answer to what Brian had just said, and then when his brain seemed to fail completely he opened his mouth and let the words that first came to mind spill, “I...I love you, too.”
“Good,” Brian leaned back and popped a fry into his mouth, “that’s all I could hope for.” He grinned.
“But I’m not ready yet.” Roger cautioned.
“And that’s okay.”
Roger blinked once, “Are you kidding me?”
Brian raised an eyebrow, “Does it look like I’m kidding?”
Brian took another sip of the milkshake, “That’s because I’m not. I was serious about waiting for you to come around. I’ll wait for as long as you need me to wait, as long as you love me too.”
Roger mulled over the idea of Brian’s love; his unorthodox, patient, unselfish way of loving. He’d wait for Roger until he was ready. That was...wow...he felt like he was floating, like the ground and all of his troubles were thousands of miles away as Brian smiled encouragingly back at him. He felt his heart flutter with something that felt suspiciously like hope.
“You really don’t mind?” He asked again
Brian shrugged, “I’ve survived twenty-one years being single. I think I can manage a few more as long as I get my daily dose of cuddling.”
He could tell Brian was joking about the last part by the glint in his eyes, but Roger smiled nonetheless, and nodded, “ I may, on occasion, need to hop in with you and take you up on that.”
“Good.” Brian grinned.
They ate the rest of their meal with an easy banter between them, chatting about everything and anything. Roger felt his shoulders relax, and his mind completely invest itself in the conversation. Brian animatedly talked about stars, and guitar chords, then about songs about stars, and Roger couldn’t help but feel that even with all the drama that had resulted, he had made the right choice by swiping right.
In the end, when the restaurant was closing and it was late enough for them to deem it safe to go back home, Roger was exhausted. They walked hand in hand, talking and laughing. And then when they got to their building Roger pulled Brian aside.
All it took was for him to look into Brian’s hazel eyes to make a choice. He stood on the tip of his toes and kissed the corner of Brian’s mouth. It was short and chaste, but Brian looked as if he had won the lottery.
“What was that for?”
“Of what?”
“Of what’s to come, dummy. Now open the door, I’m freezing!”
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godaime-obito · 6 years
my fill for @kakaobiweek2019 day 8:time travel. Kushina takes care of things; on ao3 and under the cut!
Kushina isn’t particularly happy about dying. She imagines most people aren’t, but unlike them she’s not going to put up with it. The Shinigami can bite her, she wants back in. Honestly once she woke up she didn’t remember much of being dead, so she can’t really say how she got back to life again, just that she did.
She awakens spooned against Minato. It takes Kushina a long time to convince herself to move. The worst part of being pregnant was not being able to be big spoon properly anymore.
...Is she pregnant? She’s not sure how far back she is. Maybe she just isn’t showing yet? But, maybe, she got lucky and she’s farther back than that. If she gets up and runs through Konoha she might find Rin or even Obito. On second thought, the Shinigami better hope she’ll fin Rin and Obito.
“Pretty boy,” she shouts as she hops out of bed, “I demand an emergency ramen dinner for your team.”
“What? Kushina it’s the morning. It’s too early for dinner,” Minato says bewildered.
“It’s never too early for ramen,” she retorts and throws his usual uniform at him.
Kushina and team Minato arrive at Ichiraku’s as soon as it opens. The kids are exhausted from morning training and Minato is exhausted from delaying Kushina until the stand actually opened.
She decides to sit smack between Obito and Rim instead of her normal spot, but she’s still barely able to contain her enthusiasm at seeing them.
“How’s it going kiddos?” she cheers. Now to keep them from dying somehow.
“I’ve made a lot of progress on my mystic palm efficiency,” Rin volunteers, “Obito’s been working very hard on his kanton and we’re sure Kakashi’s going to be a jounin soon.”
“Wow,” Kushina says with a smirk, “a jounin already Kaka-chan? But you’re still so cute.” He puffs up in response and gets ready to go on one of his little rants, but Kushina can’t hear him over her own laughter. She missed these little rants, after Obito died, no matter how annoying they are.
“Good luck kid,” she says after her laughter dies out, “but don’t get so caught up on your rules that you forget your teammates. When you’re a jounin you’re a leader and you have to consider your subordinates.”
“They’re not my rules, they’re the ninja rules,” Kakashi retorts.
“Look here little punk,” Kushina growls, “I’ve been a jounin years and I think I know a bit more about how the rules work than you. If I hear you’ve been leaving your teammates in the dust I’ll make you regret it.”
“Kushina, darling, I’m sure he’ll give your words plenty of consideration,” Minato reassures her. Trying to diffuse her temper before she gets more worked up. She quiets with a huff and the rest of the meal passes by with the normal sound of Kakashi and Obito bickering, which cheers her up a bit. It feels good to be back.
Kushina tries to believe in Kakashi she really does. But… she knows what a stubborn brat he is. She may take some time off to us to stalk them around on the Kanabi Bridge mission. It isn’t easy to find the time or avoid being seen, but she’s able to help pick off the Iwa nin. Obito makes it home with his two sharingan eyes, and Rin and Kakashi come back intact too. Well, Kakashi still ends up losing his left eye, but you win some you lose some.
Naruto is going to be born soon, which brings her to her second goal: not dying. Things go wildly different. She thought there may be some ripple effect from the things she’s done differently or from Obito surviving, but this is a bit much. She really isn’t sure what she did to cause this. It’s October 10th and instead of the masked man with a sharingan there’s some kind of plant demon with what may be mokuton. They seem like opposite problems, but they must be connected. Thankfully Kushina was ready to be attacked and this fucker isn’t capable of teleportation and phasing the way the masked man was. The kyuubi is still safely sealed in her, and if she could just get it to stop regrowing when either Minato or she kill it they’ll be golden.
Just when she’s worried it might wear them down before they can kill it backup arrives. Mikoto arrives flanked by a few of her clansman. Kushina couldn’t have a better best friend. The literal fire power of their kanton turns out to be just what they need. Either they successfully burn away the plant demon or they at least manage to scare it off. Kushina can’t say what happens immediately after because she just gave birth and then fought a demon, so she very reasonably fell asleep as soon as it was over.
Kakashi and Obito are late to Naruto’s second birthday. Obito’s been rubbing off on Kakashi ever since Kanabi Bridge, when they finally learned to get a long, and it’s not that surprising they’re both late. She’s still annoyed though. She will find both of those brats and drag them here.
It turns out she doesn’t have to look very long, because they’re together. They’re lying on Obito’s couch, while Kakashi is, from what Kushina can see, attempting to discover how far down Obito’s throat he can get his tongue. Fucking Sixteen year olds.
“Boys!” she screams as she climbs through the window. “Stop being horny and celebrate my son’s birth!” she adds, smacking them both over the head, “Ingrates.”
“Kushina-neechan,” Obito stutters out, rapidly turning bright red. “It’s not what it looks like,” he insists.
Kakashi just looks smug. “It is what it looks like, if it looks like I was about to get lucky,” he says, “until you interrupted.”
“Kakashi!” Obito shrieks and reflexively sucker punches him in the gut.
“You can get as lucky as you want after the party,” she says, “Get moving.” She stalks out the front door and Obito pops up from the couch to run after her, grabbing their gifts off the table as he goes. Kakashi follows after them once he regains his breath.
Obito and Kakashi are both late to their commitments the next morning, but Kakashi is big spoon and really doesn’t want to move. Obito is still happily snoring and while they’ve slept in the same bed or on the same futon before it was never like this. Never in this context. He wants to stay a while and just watch Obito’s untroubled sleeping face. The last few years have gone unexpectedly well and strangely he for some reason feels like he owes Kushina. Maybe he should take her with them to get ramen later.
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wwounu · 6 years
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Despite Junhui’s rude interruption for waking you during your sleep, he strangely didn’t reply to your text. It made you wonder why he was taking so long, but your eyelids gave in and you fell asleep.
Unless you’re Wen Junhui’s roommate: When he turns on the lights, exaggerates a long “I need help!”, carries you over his shoulder until he carefully tosses you on his bed, soon throwing a pillow at your face.
“What the?!“ You snap, using your after-sleep strength to help you sit on the bed. Although you were quick to prepare your voice for the constant yelling at Junhui, he quickly got onto his bed, facing you, while he hugged the pillow between his legs, intensely staring at you.
The small pout on his face and the childish look to his eyes were what made you gave in, heaving a sigh (And yawn) as you look back at him, tiredly frowning.
“Yes Junhui, how may I help you at this hour.”
He holds up his script for ‘Run to You’ and neatly tosses it to your lap, hiding his face in the pillow more. “Page five hundred and seventy two.”
Clueless, you turn to the page number and start to read through the scene. Meanwhile, Junhui plays with his fingers and anxiously glances from your hands to your face again and again.
“So I was doing some light reading on the script to look over the future scenes,” You scoffed at the words ‘light reading’, given the fact the transcript was very thick and the page you were on wasn’t even close to the end, “And if you look down to the end…” You follow, averting to the bottom of the page, “The scene kinda… Leads to a kiss.”
Your mind had gotten a few mixed reactions as he said that. Sure, Junhui isn’t the best when it came to girls, but by now he would know how to handle them when they approach him. You re-read the leading scene, imagining the movement of Junhui’s acting while the flow fo the scene progresses.
“Yeah, so what?” Not sure what the male is trying to imply to you, you question him. “I thought there was that once scene in Night and Rain when you kissed Kyeongmi-“
“Ah, you got it all wrong!” Junhui ruffles his hair, annoyed. “And yet you call yourself ‘Wen Junhui’s superior stan’. That was different, I kissed her on the forehead and the actual kissing scene was cut to the voice over before it happened, remember?”
“Oh!” You nodded, moments of the scene here and there.
“Now that’s dealt with… This is where I ask for your advice.”
“I mean now that I’m awake, hit me.” You answer, placing the pillow and script aside, cupping your cheeks.
“Can you help me how to kiss—“
Before he finishes, you let out the loudest cough and roughly hit your chest at the sudden offer, staring back at your roommate with the ‘are you crazy’ look.
“As much as I’m flattered, no?!” You shake your head multiple of times. “You’re Wen Junhui! You get like, all the girls — Besides Seungcheol — but does this mean…”
Junhui’s face drastically changed. “No, not like that…! I just,” He stops and aims his eyes to the ceiling to think of his words, “I dunno, I get too caught up in the moment. There’s something in me that hesitates and then expect the worst. It’s like a curse, I think ever since my first kiss I’ve had karma with girls.” He nervously laughs.
“Well, that is certainly a problem…”
“So you’ll help? All I need is advice.”
“Hm, I don’t see why not. But first let me say, ha, what a loser-“
Junhui and you simultaneously shuffle closer together, as if you were high schoolers sharing a secret, and Junhui looks at you with very intrigued eyes while you figure out how to describe a kiss.
Then again, how do you describe a kiss? Going into too much detail will make it sound too much like a fanfiction, going into little detail won’t make it through Junhui’s mind, and explaining what you can and can’t do will stress Junhui out (Which typically leads him saying “Girls are so confusing”).
Even worse, Junhui had to ask you out of all people. He even knew you were bad at explaining this as much as he was bad with girls, which made this the situation you didnt want to be in.
“First you… Next- Then, it’s like- You…” To compliment with the multiple changes of words, your hands make actions that Junhui (And you) can’t understand.
“Take your time,” Junhui chuckles with a subtle smirk, “You’re doing well so far. We have all night.”
“Just- And after that you can… Shit, no- Ignore that! Okay, look- You just need to, and after—“
It may have been the worded mess you’ve made or the utter tiredness that had taken you over, but somehow things ended up with you holding onto Junuhi’s cheeks and pressing his lips against yours.
The feeling was soft, delicate, what you wanted to explain Junhui in the first place. What you didn’t expect was that, in reality, you were kissing your roommate in the middle of the night because he isn’t good at girls and you weren’t good at giving advice either.
Slowly, Junhui pulls you closer to him as if it’s been something he’s done naturally (Which annoyed the hell out of you, and explains why he’s so innately talented) and you follow, playing with his hair. There was something wrong about it, but you weren’t going to deny there was some stress taken out of you.
When you broke the kiss, you could see Junhui’s eyes staring down at your lips, catching glimpses of your eyes, still close to you as you feel each other’s breaths.
“Just…” You quietly whisper, “Like that…”
And it wasn’t long until your senses kicked in again, and you ended up leaving the male’s room without a goodnight or any exchange of words.
Junhui, on the other hand, hugs his pillow tighter and falls back onto his bed, sweeping the script away and turning off his lights to blindly find whatever felt like his phone with his arm.
Reminiscing the moment occurred minutes ago, the male lift his phone to his ear, shutting his eyes as he desperately waits for the phone to pick up.
“Hey, Minghao? I’m in deep shit.”
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART ELEVEN — Night Owl!Junhui x Early Bird!Reader
fluff because jeru’s update made me sad :( jk iloveyouuuuu but plsupdatetooineedtoknowwhatsgoingonokthx
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • nine • ten • eleven • twelve
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