#jsut. just press the post button
madame-mongoose · 10 months
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no you know what fuck it goodnight
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flamboyant-king · 10 months
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My tablet came in, so I drew more Ling merch! I also got holographic tape, so the Gachaling stickers can come in sparkle flavor!
(Also the circle puncher can't punch through tape, so I had to show off my intricate and professional circle cutting skills. ✂️)
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dyst-blogs · 1 year
the fact that you can just make ur text bigger on tumblr is actually so funny. like you can jsut press a button to make ur post bigger
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pup-pee · 10 months
((this got unnecessarily long bc i like 2 ramble so im doing this))
so-SO 1st is that all i was just handed a cookie hold on ok cookie ate i 4got what i was OH RIGHT OK SO ALL OF MY DRAWINGS R 1000 x 1000 pixals! or most @ least, so i have a consistent size 4 each of my buttons
HERES THE TIMBER BUTTON IM MAKING!! i dont use bigger canvus bc my phone will explode in not the silly way but i also like how it turns out!
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i draw everything in ibis then like copy + paste it in2 google docs where i can size them! i usually make them a bit bigger than whats listed, 4 example 2.5 inch buttons r printed in 2.55/2.6 inches if that makes any sense ( ̄▽ ̄)"
i also select break text bc i tetris them around
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then i print them out & use a cookie cutter thing 2 cut them out! i have a button pressing machine(all manual bc im not that rich) so its all about sandwiching from there
i could fill the whole page w/that pink background to give me a "cleaner" result but honestly i dont think it changes anything? as long as u dont see the white on the front. but it IS easier 2 cut it out if the border is thicker(which is y i add a border in the 1st place plus it looks neat!)
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((this 1 got messed up in printing but since im not selling it i rly dont care LOOK @ THE CUTIES!)
sometimes the machine cramps up or i will 4get the film ontop so i have 2 redo the entire process again but i like repeated activities!
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did this make any goddamn sense? i hope so. btw my button machines name is huey :3
this coouldve been more of an ask on how i draw my buttons but ong thats even mroe boring so- dsakjdghj cause it literally jsut consists of me listening 2 wtnv dramatically & drawing @ like 1 am 4 4 hrs straight
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fauzhee10069 · 2 years
Ok its valid that u still wanna tag it ill just block u in that case!!! I do still strongly believe in not tagging negative stuff wirh the ship/character names br agree to disagree, so. Plus yeah I get very emotional about that stuff that's cuz im autistic n seeing negative stuff on my hyperfixations/special interests is always rlly icky to me but there's honestly nothing i can change about that haha.
And yes i didn't read all of that post I jsut scrolled past and read what my eyes read automatically (because i don't wanna read sth ik i won't like haha as u have said before!!! It's hust that the tumblr cutting off posts thing didn't work for me cuz it bugs a lot), so sorry for any misunderstandings on my part :) but yes I'll block u so I don't see ur posts since I don't like them!!!
Also im soeey if I came off as rude or sth in this or the last ask im just bas at phrasing xuz English isn't isn't first language and like I've said im autistic, and i often come across as aggressive n rude when im actually rlly not. N i promise I may have been upset but not aggressive at any point!!! If it reads rhat way obv that's still on me, but I just wanted to note thwt it'd not MEANT to be read that way xD
Sounds like you have calmed down a bit which is NICE.
Tbh, your argument back then would be much appreciated if you could convince me why I should love beefleaf rather than shut down my opinion.
yeah I get very emotional about that stuff that's cuz im autistic n seeing negative stuff on my hyperfixations/special interests is always rlly icky to me but there's honestly nothing i can change about that haha.
Well... understandable, still, that doesn't make it automatically obligatory for me as internet stranger to prioritize your feelings.
And yes i didn't read all of that post I just scrolled past and read what my eyes read automatically
Next time, read until the end, or at least if you don't like it, skim to the bottom for TL;DR or just press back button.
It's just that the tumblr cutting off posts thing didn't work for me cuz it bugs a lot
Yeah, that's tumblr fault.
Back then post with 'keep reading' really cuts through what's below there, tumblr now will only obscure according to their own character limit, so at best, I can only give some warnings.
English isn't my first language
And so do I
yes I'll block u so I don't see ur posts since I don't like them!
Well, go ahead. Honestly, things like this don't need to be a problem if you just block me from the start.
Goodbye internet stranger.
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reddieforakiss · 4 years
Lesbian Reddie Sleepover Drabble
I’m posting this here because it is NOT good enough for AO3 but I wrote it out so I wanted to put it sOmEwHeRe!
Rated: PG
TW: (light) internalized homophobia
Summary: Richie is a simp for Eddie and wants to kiss her so bad and is dumb about it
Female Eddie and Richie still use their respective names
Richie Laid in bed next to eddie unable to sleep. Eddie was always one to go to bed early, no matter how often she claimed she would stay up past midnight with Richie, she never could. Richie found it adorably amusing, and took no displeasure in getting to watch eddie drift off next to her. On some occasions, eddie would ask Richie to cuddle her, and of course she took her up on the offer every time. Eddie liked to be the little spoon because it “made her feel safe”, something which Richie also found absolutely adorable. Richie loved the feeling of holding eddie from behind, having her chest pressed against her warm back and her nose tucked neatly into eddies long ponytail. She always smelled like coconut shampoo, the kind she would buy at the corner store. Richie had once bought a bottle of it just to smell when she missed eddie, but decided a few days later it was too embarrassing to keep around. But right now wasn’t the time to think about stupid things like that. Richie wanted to focus on the time she had right now, to just coexist with Eddie in such a soft way.
This night Eddie didn’t ask to cuddle, and because Richie was “too much of a pussy” (her own words) to initiate it, they slept with a space between them. To Richie those few inches felt electric, moving, wanting to be filled, wanting Richie to complete the circuit and connect. Her limbs felt on fire in the conscious resistance to not reach out for Eddie. She wanted to touch her so badly, feel her dumb little cotton button up night shirt she insisted on wearing even though it seemed so inconvenient. She wanted to have her hand laid on top of eddies, longing for the few times eddie would interlace their fingers together. Just being in eddies bed should have been enough for her, wrapped in her comforting scent, being next to her warm figure, but it wasn’t. Eddie was jsut so perfect she needed her closer, closer,, closer-
Eddie stirred in her sleep before rolling over to face Richie. There it was. The closeness Richie had wanted, but now, she was too close. Beggars can’t be choosers and Richie new that, but to have Eddie Kaspbrak’s face not even 3 inches away from her own was a new level of torture. Eddies breathe ghosted over Richie’s lips with each exhale, her eyelashes that fluttered so lightly in her sleep we’re now brushing against Richie’s nose. Richie’s breathe shuttered involuntarily, turning her a whole new shade of red. This was torture. This was absolute lesbian torture and the cruel universe knew that. Eddies lips were so close. So so fucking close. Richie tried to clench her eyes shut to focus, focus, focus, but her mind always came back to the warm breath so close to her mouth.
Was this a test? Was it some sick kind of game? The one thing she wanted more than anything was so close but she couldn’t have it. Or could she? Maybe? No no that’s bad that’s so bad. Even if it is just a peck on the lips it’s not up to Richie to make those kind of choices. But god what if? What if just a small kiss, just a tiny one, to know what she’d be missing for the rest of her life.
God she was pathetic. This was all so stupid. Eddie was her best friend, she shouldn’t feel this way. She shouldn’t get butterflies every time eddie smiled. She shouldn’t get jealous anytime eddie would cuddle up with one of the other losers. She shouldn’t like her like that. She was a girl, Eddie was a girl, it was all so dumb! But if it was so dumb then why was she shaking?
Richie wanted to cry, but she couldn’t. She was a dyke and a predatory one at that. To even think of kissing her best friend while she was asleep was disgusting in itself. Richie sighed as soft as she could and pulled her face further away from eddies. She couldn’t do this. Richie turned on her side to face the wall of eddies bedroom. She closed her eyes and tried to drift off. All she wanted was to sleep now. To just go to bed and forget about it all.
Richie’s eyes shot open and her stomach sunk. Was eddie awake that entire time? Did she notice how long richie stayed there? Was it abnormal to not instantly move away?
“Richie, I know your awake”, Eddie tugged on the back of Richie’s tank top.
Richie rolled over to look at eddie who was now awake and staring intently back at her.
“What is it Ed’s?”, she tried to fake a tired smile.
“Why?”, Eddie said softly as she looked at the girl across from her, “why Richie?”. Richie’s face was blushing and her stomach was now plummeting, “why what eddie?”. Eddies scrunched up tired face pouted, “why won’t you do it?”. “Ahah, Eds I’m not quite so sure what you’re talking about her buddy”, Richie gulped. “You know what I mean Richie”, she moved closer into Richie’s space.
“Every time your over Richie, I try and I try and you never ever do it”. Now Richie was actually confused, what did eddie want?
“Eddie I’m so tired literally what the fuck are you talking about”, Richie’s anxiety and patience was running thin at this point.
“Why don’t you ever kiss me?”
“W-what?”, surely that wasn’t right.
“You never kiss me richie. And I always do stuff to make you do it and you never do and it’s dumb”, Eddie looked actually upset now. “Beverly said you liked me, and maybe she was lying but whenever I pull my moves on you you pause and it has to mean something right?”.
Richie was dumbfounded. What the actual fuck. Richie squeaked, “Moves?”.
Eddie paused awkwardly, “well, yea moves. Like I pretend to go to sleep and I get all close to you and try and get you to kiss me or whatever”, she trailed off in the last bit
“Eddie that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard”, not a smooth line but Richie was in too much shock from the situation to say anything useful
“Richie that’s mean. You can just say you don’t like me but don’t make fun of my moves okay? Bev gave me advice and you know she knows all about that kind of stuff so,”
“Eddie I do like you, but that’s so stupid”, Richie was now cracking a smile at the idea of Eddie not only liking her back, but being this dumb about it. “Then why don’t you kiss me then?”. “Well I didn’t want to be a creep Eddie,,” “EuGh okay okay whatever can we just”-
Eddie held out her soft hands to hold Richie’s face and leaned in to kiss her. It was soft. She tasted like cherry chapstick and Richie melted into it. When Eddie pulled away, Richie’s eyes were hazy. “Mmm I liked that”, she grinned awkwardly up at eddie who was now propped up on her elbow. “Yea?”, Eddie blushed, “yea.”
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archiefm · 5 years
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         ... claws my way up from hell once more and vomits onto the dash.... hello. its nora. i used to write rory bergstrom, but if u were here before that u might remember me as greta or alma putnam or..... som1 else.... an endless carousel of trash children..... this is finn, who i actually wrote for an early version of this rp abt 5yrs back now...... grits teeth..... so forgive me if im rusty i havent written him in a long time but seein honey boy gave me a lotta finn muse n im keen to get Back On The Horse yeehaww...
DYLAN O’BRIEN / CIS-MALE — don’t look now, but is that finn o’callaghan i see? the 25 year old criminology and forensic studies student is in their graduate year of study year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be judicious, adroit, morose and cynical, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he will make a name for themselves living off-campus. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her )
shakes my tin can a humble pinterest, ma’am....
finn has a bio pasted at the bottom (n written in like.... 2015.... gross) but it’s long  so if u don’t wanna read it here’s the sparknotes summary..... anyway this was written years ago n a lot of it seems really cliche and lame now but..... we accept the trash we think we deserve
grumpy, ugly sweater wearing, tech-savvy grandpa
very dry sense of humour and embraces nihilism. 
if ron swanson and april ludgate had a baby it would be finn
he was raised in derry, just south of dublin.
from a big family. elder sister called sinead. he also has a younger sister (aoife), a younger brother (colm), and a collie named lassie because his father lovs cliches (finn hates cliches but loves his dog). 
his father was a pub landlord and his mother worked at the market sellin fruit n veg when they met but got a job as a medical receptionist when she had kids cos it meant she cld be there with them in the day and work nights.
his parents met when they were p young and fiesty and rushed into marriage cos they were catholic n just wanted to have sex. his family were literally dirt-poor, but they had a lot of love i guess
hmmmmm his relationship w his father wasn’t the best cos i can’t write character who have healthy relationships w their parents throws up a peace sign. yh, had a pretty emotionally distant, alcoholic violent father n so gets a lot of his bad habits i.e. drinking as a coping mechanism and poor anger management from him BUT anyway
as a kid he was never very motivated in class, he always had a nervous itch to be off somewhere doing something else. struggled under government austerity bcso there just wasn’t the resources to support low income families where the kids had learning difficulties n needed support. fuck the tories am i right 
his mum suggested he try sports to help w his restless energy but he was never any good at football so he took up boxing and tap dance instead. he took to tap dancing like a fish to fuckin water. as adhd n found this as a really good way to use his excess energy in a creative way
had a few run ins with the police in his early teens for spray painting and graffiti, but he straightened himself out n now actually considering becoming a detective inspector??? cops are pigs.
he had a youtube channel where he posted videos of him tapdancing and breakdancing as a kid, basically would be a tiktok boy nowadays, n had like... a small fanbase in his early teens. attended several open auditions unsuccessfully, until he was finally cast in billy eliot when he was fifteen.
during billy eliot he began dating an italian dancer called nina. they became dance partners soon after and toured across the republic with various different shows (inc riverdance lol the classic irish stereotype). their relationship was p toxic tbh, they were both very hot tempered people and just used to argue and fight all the time.
he went semi-pro at tap dancing, and nina couldn’t stand being second best so she moved back to italy with her family. ignored his texts, phone calls, etc, eventually he was driven to the point where he used his savings to buy a plane ticket, showed up at her house and she was like wtf?? freaked out and filed a restraining order accusing him of stalking.
he was fined for harassment and then returned home to derry, but after the incident with nina he quit dancing for good and finished his leaving cert before heading to university in the US to get as far away from nina and his past life as poss. and basically since he quit dancing to study forensics (death kink. finn cant get enough of that morgue. just walks around sayin beat u) he’s become a massive grump and jsut doesn’t see the good in people any more.
u’ll find finn in an old man bar drinking whiskey bc he is in fact an old man at heart or sat on his roof smoking a joint, drawing wolves and lions and skeletons and shit, playing call of duty or getting blazed or at the corner of the room in a house party ignoring everyone and scrolling through twitter. is a massive e-boy. always up-to-date on memes and internet slang. has reddit as an app on his phone
not very good at communication. rather than solve his issues by talking, he’d prefer to just solve them through fighting or running away from his problems hence why he has come halfway across the world to get away from an issue which probs cld have been solved w a few apology emails.
takes a lot to phase him, but when his beserk button gets pressed he can become a bit pugnacious like an angry lil rottweiler. in his undergrad he was in a few fist fights but doesn’t really do tht any more as he doesn’t condone violence.
 in the previous version of this rp he was hospitalised like 5 times. pls, give my son a break. stop tryin to kill him. he literaly got a bottle smashed over his head and bled out all over his favourite angora rug that was the only light of his life
works at the campus coffee shop n always whines about how he’s a slave to capitalism. always smells of coffee
lives off campus with an elderly woman named Marianne, and basically gets reduced rent bcos he makes her dinner / keeps her company. they have a great bond
fan of karl marx. v big on socialism
insomniac with chronic nosebleeds
cynical about everything. too much of a fight club character 4 his own good n has his head up tyler durden’s sphincter
always confused or annoyed
basic information
full name: finnegan seamus o'callaghan nickname(s): finn age: 25 astrological sign: aries hometown: derry, ireland occupation: phd student / former street entertainer fatal flaw: cynicism positives: self-reliant, street smart, relaxed, intelligent, spontaneous, brave, independent, reliable, trustworthy, loyal. negatives: hostile, impulsive, stubborn, brooding, pugnacious, untrusting, cynical, enigmatic, reserved.
colouring: medium hair colour: dark brown, almost black eye colour: brown height: 5’9” weight: 69kg build: tall, athletic voice: subtle irish accent, low, smooth. dominant hand: left scar(s): one on the left side of his ribs from a knife wound that he doesn’t remember getting cos he was drunk distinguishing marks: freckles, tattoo of a wolf howling at a moon allergies: pollen and the full spectrum of human emotion alcohol tolerance: high drunken behaviour: he becomes friendlier, far more conversational than when sober, flirtier, and generally more self-confident.
dreams/goals: self-fulfilment, travel the globe, experience life in its most alive and technicoloured version, make documentary films, help the vulnerable in society, grow as a human being.
skills: jack-of-all-trades, very fast runner, good at thieving things, talented tap dancer, good in crisis situations, dab-hand at mechanics, musically-intelligent, can throw a mean right hook and very capable of defending himself, can roll a cigarette, memorises quotes and passages of literature with ease, can light a match with his teeth.
likes: the smell of the earth after rain, poetry, cigarettes, shakespeare, whiskey, tattoos, travelling, ac/dc, deep conversations, leather jackets, open spaces, the smell of petrol, early noughties ‘emo phase’ anthems.
dislikes:  the government, parties, rules, donald trump, children, apple products, weddings, people in general, small talk, dependency, loneliness, pop music, public transport, justin timberlake, uncertainty.fears: fear itself, drowning alignment: true neutral mbti: istp – “while their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, istps are actually quite enigmatic. friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, istp personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. istps can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.” (via 16personalities.com)
full bio (lame as fuck written years ago..... pleathe...)
tw homophobia
born in quigley’s pub on the backstreets of sunny dublin, young finnegan o'callaghan was thrown kicking and screaming into the rowdy suburbs of irish drinking culture. the son of a landlord and a fishwife, he never had much in the way of earnings, but there was never a dull moment in his lively estate, where asbo’s thrived, but community spirit conquered. at school, finn was pegged as lazy and unmotivated, though truly his dyslexia made it hard for the boy to learn in the same environment of his peers and only made him more closed-off in class. struggling with anger management, finn moved from school to school, unable to fit the cookie-cutter mould that school enforced on him, though whilst academic studies were of little interest to the boy, he soon found his true passions lay in recreational activities. immersed into the joys of sport from as young as four, finn was an ardent munster fan and anticipated nothing more than the day he could finally fit into his brother’s old pair of rugby boots.
his calling finally came unexpectedly, not in the form of rugger, but through dance. to learn to express himself in a non-academic way, he began tap dancing, finding therapy in the beat of his soles against the cracked kitchen tiles (much to his mother’s disgrace). it wasn’t a conscious choice, finn just realised one day that dance was something that made him feel. a king of the streets, finn made his fortune on those cobbled pavements – dancing and drawing to earn his keep. by default, finn became a street artist, each penny he earned from his chalk drawings saved in a jam jar towards buying his first pair of tap shoes. though many of his less-than-amiable neighbours called him a nancy and a gaybo, finn refused to quit at his somewhat ‘unconventional’ hobby, for the young scrapper found energy, life, and released anger through the rhythm of tap. soon he branched out into street dance, hip hop, break dancing, lyrical, his days spent smacking his scuffed feet against the broken patio into the night.
when he was thirteen he took up boxing, and as expected, his newfound ‘macho’ pastime conflicted with his dancing. the boxers called him ‘soft’; the dancers called him ‘inelegant’. he felt like two different people; having to choose between interests was like being handed a knife and asked to which half of himself he wished to cut away. he couldn’t afford professional training in dance, with most schools based in england and limited scholarships available. instead, he made the street his studio, racking up a small fanbase on youtube. when he was fifteen he made his debut in billy eliot at the olympia theatre in dublin. enter nina de souza, talented, beautiful and italian; ballet dancer, operatic singer, genius whiz kid, and spoiled brat. she was selfish, conceited, hell bent on getting her own way, and every director’s nightmare. finn fell for her like a house of cards. he’d always had a soft spot for girls who meant trouble. and so their hellish courtship began.
by the time they were seventeen, the two young swans had danced in every playhouse across the republic. they were known in theatres across the country for their tempestuous personalities, their raging arguments with one another, their tendency to drop out of shows altogether without any notice, yet the money kept rolling in and the audiences continued to grow. for three years, their families continued to put up with their hysterical fights followed by passionate reconciliations. he was too possessive, and she was too wild. their carcrash of a relationship finally came to a catastrophic halt when nina broke off the whole affair and returned to italy with her family. for months finn tried to contact her, yet his phone calls, texts, facebook messages were always ignored, until finally he was driven to drastic measures and used his savings to get a plane to her home town. when finn turned up uninvited at nina’s house she freaked out – and rightly so – she contacted her agent, accused him of stalking her, and had a restraining order placed against him. finn was arrested, held in a station overnight, and charged with harassment before he was allowed to return to dublin.
after the incident with nina, finn lost the fight in his eyes. he became far more hostile, far less likely to retaliate with his own fists, and picked fights not for the thrill of feeling his own fists pummel another into a wall, but for the sensation of his own brittle bones cracking. he dropped his tap shoes in a dumpster, stopped talking to his friends, followed his father’s advice and went back to school to complete his leaving certificate. a few short months later, and finn was packing his bags, saying his bittersweet goodbyes, and travelling half-way across the globe to be as far away as possible from his past self, his mess of a life, and most of all nina. it seemed somehow ironic that the boy who had been cautioned by the garda so much during his youth for spray painting, busking without a liscence, and raucous parties would become the grumpy, aloof overseas student studying a degree in criminology; that his once reckless spirit could be crushed so easily. 
of all things that finn could be called, straightforward would never be one of them. ever since his first days in atticus, the boy was pegged as hostile, hot-headed, cynical, rude. he seemed to spend more time in his thoughts than engaging in conversation. like a ticking time-bomb, finn’s anger was of the calm kind, liable to explode without a moment’s noticed. his unpredictable personality make him something of an enigma to those who aren’t amiable with the lad, though hostile as he may appear, he harvests a good heart. loyalty lies at the centre of his affections, and whilst his friends are few in number, he makes a lifelong partner. somewhere within finn, there’s still some fight left, but mostly he has recognised that his hedonistic lifestyle did little to leave him fulfilled – mostly, it just emptied him out – and over his three years at university has resigned himself to a nihilistic predicament.
        if u wanna plot with me pls pls pls im me or like this post!! i am always game for plots i love em so excited to write with you all here r some ideas
study buddies. finn is now a phd student so has to start takin shit seriously. he gon be in the library every day doing that independent study. if he had ppl who were also regular library goers n they get each other coffees to save time.... tht wld be sweet
ppl who love techno dj sets and going super hard on the weekends!!! fuck yea
friends with benefits. exes on bad terms. ppl he tried to date but couldnt because he’s always emotionally hung up on someone else. spicy hook up plots
ppl he met touring?? maybe ppl who were also in the entertainment industry..... anyone got a character who is ex circus hit me up
does anyone else study criminology / forensics / criminal psych / law? phd students sometimes lecture so he cld be an assistant lecturer / tutor if ur character is in a younger year
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
finn goes to the skatepark and all the young boys there think he’s a gradnpa which he is! 
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Tom’s Reaction To Versace On The Floor
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Request | Masterlist | @gryffindorgodmother18  requested this
Listen guys, I really don’t write Tom fics, Tomdaya or Tom!Imagines or anything “xReader”. If you send me a request, I will do my best but I will most likely suggest someone else to you that would be willing to take your request on. 
However, this was my first request ever and I didn’t want to disappoint. I love my followers and I would sell my soul for y’all. I thought the least I could do is try. I had a fun idea so this was my best interpretation at this request. I hope y’all like it. I really, really, really tried.
Ship: tomdaya T/W: None.
Visiting his family is Tom’s priority. His brothers need him, he’s not just going to disappear on them because his life changed. Still, whenever he's home, he's being pulled in a thousand directions. His phone is off, just so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. It’s a puzzle, trying to balance everyone’s needs. He feels almost like he's on set, and he's always on edge because he's afraid his family will tell him that he's not giving them enough attention. They would never, he knows that in the back of his head. Still, he always feel guilty. He's so wrapped up in his own problems sometimes he almost forgets to call.
As he throws himself into his bed, about to sleep away the long day, he wonders why his phone isn’t demanding his attention like it usually does.
Oh wait, his phone is off.
It’s quiet for a moment, and as the phone service connects, his notifications bar blows up. He checks Twitter and it seems everyone is waiting for him to look at some music video. He gets a few texts and he finally finds the one from Harrison. Tom always check Harrison’s texts first. If anyone is going to explain, it’ll be him.
Have you seen Z in Versace On The Floor?
That’s all he sent. As if Tom was supposed to know what that meant. He assumed it was something she did for Disney, so he casually gets up to look it up. After a quick google search, he finds out that it’s a music video. Smiling, he opens his laptop and lies back down on his bed, leaning up on his elbows as he types a search into YouTube.
Tom sees Bruno Mars’ name and grins to himself. Bruno must have contacted her after LSB. Her impression of him was so great, Tom wonders if she’ll dress as him again in the video. Without even looking at the icon, Tom clicks the link and puts the video in fullscreen.
Then the video starts, and his brain spins itself into madness. She looks great. The song sounds great but he's barely listening. He just stares at his screen, the amusement on his face disappearing until he sees her enjoying herself. When she smiles in the video, he mirrors it. He wonders just how much fun she must have been having shooting this.
The best and worst part about Zendaya is she knows her effect on people. She is beautiful, funny, sweet, and charming. She knows people see this and swoon. Maybe she doesn’t agree with them the way she should, but he can feel her confidence radiating out of this video. It’s her best look yet. She could kill a man if she looked at him the way she did in the video. Tom was sure his heart was stopping already. She takes his breath away like she does in person, everytime he’d see her when he met, while they were shooting, during the press tour, jsut every day.
He’s done his part to push this out of his mind. He’s met beautiful women left and right since he made it big. It doesn’t affect his feelings for her. It’s something he’s realized he can’t fight. This video is just reminding him he's putty in her hands and she doesn’t even know it. Or he really, really hopes she doesn’t.
It's not that this is the most beautiful he'd ever seen her. The most beautiful she's ever looked was when she was sitting in sweats without makeup, on his couch drunkenly babbling about her family as they both struggled to stay awake so the night wouldn't end. That was the day he looked into the sun and realized just how fucked he was. He had the misfortune of meeting the most beautiful woman in the world, and she wasn't his. She wasn't anyone's.
His immediate reaction isn’t just shock. Honestly, it's a little jealousy. For a moment, his paranoid mind wonders if there's anything going on between her and Bruno. It takes him a minute to remind himself Z would never work with anyone she’s dating. She's too private for that. They’ve shared so many things with each other in private. He knows how she is about letting her personal life go public. They’re both so afraid of losing everything to their fame. She’s been hurt before so she won’t let herself be exposed by doing something as stupid as playing the love interest in her own boyfriend’s music video.
Besides, that thought was a reach to begin with.
Pushing away thoughts inappropriate for a coworker is not nearly as easy as it used to be. There's being professional and then there's the kind of feelings he has for her. Getting through this is like swallowing paint. By the end of the video he's spent.
He wonders if he can use this energy to motivate himself into finally asking her out.
He'll pick up his phone, call her in seconds because she's on his ‘recent calls’ list, the only staple because he always finds an excuse to dial her number.
She'll pick up and say "Tom? Are you alright?" because she always asks. Because she's always worried.
He'll tell her he's okay, and finally, finally he'll say "Z, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
But he'll never do any of that because he loves her too much to scare her away. So he links the video, he double-clicks an emote, any emote, and he posts it.
Anything else would be too much.
So he puts his phone down and convinces himself he will leave it at that.
Then he tells himself faintly that he is definitely not going to think about that video again in his weaker moments. He is stronger than this.
Except he keeps hitting the replay button.
Ask To Be On My Tag List  | Masterlist | gif by @theunholyqueens
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spaceywormy · 7 years
hey wanna see the first draft for my short story for creative writing class? no? i’m posting it anyway
Yellow Tape
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it,” Alex says, curling the cord of his earbuds around his fingers.
“Are you kidding me? You’re not some white guy in Hawaii, Ax!” DJ argues, turning around to walk backwards, facing his friend. “I beg of you, remove the goddamn floral button-down.”
“Never,” Alex says dramatically. “It’s hot out, I couldn’t wear my sweater.”
“But why did you wear a floral button-down?! It’s like you do this just to piss me off.”
Alex looks over at DJ with one eyebrow raised, a smug smile on his face. DJ goes to knock his baseball hat off, but the back of his foot catches on the uneven pavement and he stumbles backwards. He lets out a high-pitched squeak as he falls, his backpack catching the brunt of the fall. He looks up to see Alex trying and failing to hold in laughter. Alex helps him up, and they continue the walk home.
“At least I’m dressed for summer,” Alex says, bumping DJ’s shoulder with his own as he walks beside him. “I thought you were gonna pass out today in gym with your giant hoodie.” DJ elbows Alex in the ribs, which starts a shoving-fight that eventually ends with DJ stumbling into his front yard fence. A small mutt comes running up to the fence, barking like mad. DJ laughs and reaches over the fence to pet his dog, Mikha, who snaps at his hand before licking it and quieting down.
“Wanna come in?” DJ asks, turning towards Alex. Alex is staring down the road with a blank look on his face, eyes slightly glazed over. “Alex?”
Alex blinks and seems to come back to reality, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I asked if you wanted to come in.” DJ leans against the fence and drops his worn backpack on the ground next to him. “I’ve got food, and Apocalypse of the Damned 2.”
“No, I should, um… I should get home. The sun’s gonna set soon.”
DJ frowns, staring at his friend. “I thought your parents didn’t care.”
For a moment, Alex looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh, I-- They’re, uh, starting to care more, y’know?
DJ pushes himself off the fence and takes a couple steps towards Alex, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
Alex shrugs him off. “I’m doing fine. My parents just want me home tonight, I dunno why.” His voice is slowly getting more annoyed, and DJ backs off.
“Okay, whatever you say.” He sighs, not wanting the day to end on a bad note. “I’ll… see you tomorrow, ‘kay?”
Alex nods. “Later.” He starts walking down the road to his house, not looking back once. DJ frowns and opens his gate, nudging Mikha back with his foot. Mikha whines, looking up at him.
“You know me so well,” DJ says quietly, closing the gate and sitting down on the grass. Mikha jumps into his lap and licks his face, making him laugh and push his dog away. “Mikha, down! It don’t feel right to be laughing.” DJ notices a nearly torn apart tennis ball lying a few feet away and stretches to grab it, tossing it across the small backyard. Mikha goes wild, running after it and barking. DJ gets up and leans over the fence to grab his backpack before heading inside, closing the door before Mikha can ram himself into the gap and get inside too.
DJ runs upstairs and throws his backpack onto his bed, taking his phone out of his back pocket. He’s not sure what it could be, but he feels like he did something wrong when he was talking to Alex. It’s not like Alex to get annoyed at him like that, especially after something as small as pushing too much during a conversation. He feels the need to apologize indirectly anyways, so DJ dials Alex’s number and starts pacing around his small bedroom.
The phone rings once. Twice. Three times. It stops ringing.
DJ pulls the phone away and stares at it, frowning. He sits down on his window ledge, leg starting to bounce as he sends Alex a question mark via text. Alex replies a moment later with “srry, cant talk. whst is it”
DJ responds back with “uh wanna have a sleepover? i got lotsa food” He waits for five minutes, staring anxiously at his phone. As soon as he had sent the text, it showed that Alex had read it. After four minutes, the three bubbles indicating that Alex is typing pop up before disappearing. They repeat this for a full minute before a short response comes in. “cant, i think im getting sick”
“that sucks,” DJ types back, lying on his back in the window seat and pressing his feet against the miniature ceiling of it. “i can bring u uhhh soup or smth”
“m jsut gonna rest.” Alex’s final response concerns DJ. Alex doesn’t have autocorrect turned on, but it’s usually a red flag that he’s upset when he’s making typos. DJ goes to ask if he’s okay, but remembers how Alex reacted when he asked that earlier today. He gives up and puts his phone down, sitting up on the seat. His stomach grumbles and he gets up to stretch and walk downstairs. His mother had left a small note on the counter, listing what she’d bought and what’s being saved for a family reunion coming up next week.
DJ grabs a soda and walks over to the couch, flopping onto his back and turning on the television. Nothing good is on, so he switches to the news to serve as background noise. As he stares at the ceiling, something catches his ear.
“The gang of rogue scalebloods known as the Talon Ring are now travelling the country, terrorizing local youths. The president has theorized that the gang is infecting people by awakening the dragon blood that may be in their systems,” the reporter on the tv says. DJ sits up and stares at the screen as pictures start flashing across it. “Half-scales all over the country are being harassed by humans who believe that any blood containing scales should be spilled.” The report suddenly stops, and switches to another scene with a man speaking urgently.
“This is breaking news for the area of Lake Fortitude. Rogue scalebloods assumed to be affiliated with the Talon Ring were seen wandering the streets of at eleven-am today. Authorities urge you to lock your doors and windows, especially half-scales. Police are searching the city for the gang. Updates on the situation will come hourly. Stay safe, citizens of Fortitude.”
DJ stares at the screen, mouth hanging open. The Talon Ring, patrolling Fortitude. No way. He springs off of the couch and runs to the front window, staring out into the street. He doesn’t see anything, save for a couple of his neighbors closing their shutters or drawing their curtains. DJ lets in Mikha and feeds him, foregoing a meal for himself. His stomach is turning slightly and he’s lost his appetite.
The thought hits him like a brick. DJ sits up, eyes wide as he snatches his phone out of his pocket and dials Alex’s number. He stares out the window at the darkening sky, relief flooding his chest when he hears Alex pick up.
“Hello?” Alex’s voice sounds scratchy, almost distorted.
“Are your parents home?” DJ demands.
“What? No.” Alex seems to realize his mistake and scrambles to fix it. “I mean-- uh--”
“I’m coming over.”
“Wait, no, you don’t know-- just, no, don’t come over” Alex begs. DJ hesitates at the sincerity and desperation in Alex’s voice, but his mind is set.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes.” DJ hang up and grabs his backpack, setting his books aside and grabbing a first aid kit and a pocketknife, shoving them in alongside a phone charger and a sketchbook. He slings the backpack over his shoulder and makes sure he locks the front door behind him as he leaves.
Alex doesn’t live too far from DJ. DJ lives on Elk Street and Alex lives on South Niman, which is only three blocks from Elk. DJ walks quickly down the street, looking behind him every few seconds. Squirrels dropping acorns from the trees turn into menacing footsteps that have DJ whirling around with his knife halfway out of his pocket after every other step. He feels his heart starting to beat faster and takes a moment to calm himself down, decidedly avoiding having a panic attack in the street. He doesn’t have much time to keep walking, though, before three police cars zoom past him and turn down Alex’s street in the distance. DJ feels his stomach drop as the worst possibility becomes the only thing he can think about. DJ starts to run.
Worn tennis shoes slap against the pavement, accompanied by the frantic breathing of the sprinting teenager. DJ turns a sharp corner, nearly tripping over himself. He keeps running regardless, not stopping until he sees a familiar house in the distance. He stops for a moment, and his heart seems to stop beating as he sees three police cars surrounding the house, lights flashing. He feels heat building up behind his eyes and doesn’t bother blinking it away before breaking back into a run, racing up to the house. As he gets closer, a police officer outside steps towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back slightly.
“Sorry kid, you can’t be here,” the police officer tells him.
“What happened?” DJ speaks past the lump in his throat, jerking the hand off his shoulder. He know he looks and sounds frantic and probably a little insane, but he couldn’t care less.
“Go home,” the officer says firmly. “You can’t be here.”
“Where’s Alex?!”
“I’m not gonna tell you again, kid--” The officer is cut off by a strangled, bloodcurdling scream from inside the house. DJ feels his heart drop from his throat to his shoes. He shoves past the officer, ignoring her shouting. He runs as fast as he can to the front door and throws it open, only to be greeted by something that makes his entire body go numb.
Alex is curled up on the floor of his living room, breathing heavily. The back of his sweater is torn to shreds and absolutely soaked in blood. Protruding from his head at the hairline are two small horns, and sticking out from his back are two glossy wings, dripping in blood. DJ feels himself stumbling backwards, his head buzzing and his mind reeling. The house is completely dark, and out of the shadows steps a creature. A creature with large green wings, two twisted horns on her head, and a thin, shining tail that tapers to a serrated point. A scaleblood.
The woman looks surprised at DJ’s appearance, but her face quickly morphs into a smug smile. Her eyes are a blend of green and yellow, and they feel like they’re burning into DJ’s skull.
“This your friend?” she asks, pointing down at Alex. DJ looks back down at Alex, whose panting has turned to pained whimpering. His new wings are twitching, and each movement draws a small, heartbreaking shriek of pain from him.
“What did you do?” DJ whispers, breaking out of his petrified state to kneel beside his friend.
“I brought him to life,” the woman answers smoothly. “You’re welcome.”
“It--” DJ swallows the lump in his throat and tries to put as much venom into his voice that he can. “It doesn’t look like it.” His voice wobbles, and the venom falls short.
DJ looks down at his friend, who’s shaking like a chihuahua. He sees tears streaming down Alex’s face and reaches down to brush one away, but jerks his hand back as Alex screams “No!”
“How do I help him?” DJ asks, looking up to stare at the scaleblood.
The smirk drops from the woman’s face, and she looks up at the police officers waiting for command outside the house. Guns are aimed at the windows, and more cars are pulling up behind the three stationary ones. “Go,” she says quietly. “Take him away from here. The other Talons and I will make a distraction. Take him to the sea.”
“To the sea?” DJ blanches. “Are you insane?”
“He needs it,” the woman insists, kneeling on the other side of Alex. “Go, now.”
DJ looks from the woman’s face down to Alex, who’s trying to take steadying breaths.
After wrapping Alex’s wings and back with as much cloth and gauze as he can find, DJ sits back and looks at his backpack. He shoves his phone in his hoodie pocket along with his charger, and keeps the knife in his jeans pocket. He takes the small bottle of antiseptic from the first aid kid and puts it in his jeans pocket. He looks down at his backpack and nods to himself, turning away from it. He nudges Alex. “I’m gonna carry you, okay?” he says gently. “Like a koala.” Alex nods wordlessly, still staring at the floor. DJ picks him up with difficulty, holding him like a baby. Alex buries his face in DJ’s shoulder, holding on tightly.
“Where do I go?” DJ asks the woman. “We’re surrounded.”
The woman’s wings fold out and she gestures towards the back door. DJ carries Alex out into the backyard and the woman grabs him, lifting him up into the air. As they’re lifted over the roof of the house, DJ sees five other scalebloods burst out the front door and attack the police. He forces himself to look away as guns go off and screams rip through the air, most of which coming from humans. He hears Alex make a pained noise and holds him tighter.
The woman drops the two of them on the rocky shore of Lake Fortitude. She drops to the ground, her wings drooping as she catches her breath. DJ loosens his grip on Alex but doesn’t let go, scooting backwards on the rocks. The woman stands up after a moment and looks at them both.
“Good luck, kid,” she says to DJ. “You’ve got a dragon on your hands now.” With that, she stretches her wings and shoots into the air, flying back in the direction of Alex’s neighborhood.
DJ looks down at Alex and pinches his arm to get his attention. “I’m gonna let go, ‘kay?” Alex nods, and DJ carefully lays him down on the rocks. DJ stands up, looking out onto the lake. He reaches into his hoodie pocket and takes out his phone. He turns it on and sends a text to his parents: “i love you. i’ll be back one day.”
He makes sure it sends before shutting off his phone and throwing it as far as he can, watching it disappear into the dark water with a distant splash.
wow what a journey if you’ve made it this far, i uhh applaud you cause this is long and hard to read if you didn’t like it, pleeeaaase drop an ask and tell me what i can change!! i wanna Learn and get a good grade on my assignment
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runwiththieves-blog · 7 years
I’M GONNA DO A QUICK LIL INTRODUCTION HERE SISTERS! bc i’m lame and new!!! well i’m not new to the fandom etc but this is a fresh blog and this is the first time i’ve ever posted my writings anywhere for the general public (who happens to be searching for harry styles smut) can read it and I’M GEEKIN TBQH!! anyway, hi hello – i have a name, but im gonna let u guys call me T, even tho my name starts w H. H would get too confusing should this work out the way i’m hoping it will! so i’m T. and i like writing and harry styles and so i thought i, along with everyone i scream about H to in the wee hours of the night, would probably find it beneficial if i had blog where i could do that and ppl who actually want to read about how i want him to spit in my mouth! i’ve been a silent lurker of the tags for awhile now (shoutout to @stylesunchained, @permanentcross, @jawllines, @canistay-haz for the inspo behind me finally making this godforsaken blog) (please be my friend) (i’m very intimidated by all of u). so yeah i hope this works out, and if not then it was fun to share this little bit of a something with all of u! and if it does then i’ll likely post a pt 2 to this!  if u like it like/reblog if ur into the kinda thing ig :) also my praise kink is jsut as alive as harrys and my ask box is always open to discuss either one <3
“Pet,” he starts, and you smile, because after a long moment of just standing there and listening to each other breathe, you hear the familiar nickname and know you’ve got him back. “You are the meanest, most stubborn, woman ’ve ever met. Got a bloke full on puttin’ himself out there in front ‘f thousands, 'nd you run away. Same bloke tells ya’ exactly what he means even after that, 'nd ya’ tell me I don’t mean it?” He murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear it. “Tell me how I can prove it to ya’,” he adds before you can get another word in, and he seems to already have a good idea, because his nose is brushing against yours already, but you quickly figure out that it’s going to take you asking for it before he does it, because Harry’s humble, but he has his pride, and you doubt he needs you fucking with it anymore tonight.
“’M going to start screaming if you don’t kiss me in the next three seconds,” you state, and he’s laughing as he presses his lips to yours, his hand cupping your cheek, and it’s gentle and soft and everything you ever imagined kissing Harry for the first time would be like.
And that’s how you die.
Harry’s your best friend and then you realize a lot of things, mostly that you’re an idiot
7k+, smut, overuse of the word ‘because’
It’s when you’re sitting on the couch next to him that you have your ’oh god’ moment where you realize that you’re actually really into him.
Harry hasn’t done anything to provoke this. He’s literally just sitting there, being his angel-like self because he can’t help it, it’s just who he is and you’ve accepted that. He’s beautiful and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. But you can feel it down to your toes when you look over to him and your heart nearly leaps out of your chest because he’s already looking at you, like he knows.
“’S wrong, pet? Not in the mood t'cuddle w'me today?” His voice suddenly breaks the comfortable silence you had fallen into, and you feel yourself flush down to your chest because this is Harry calling you out for being weird with him. You’re pretty sure there’s supposed to be at least a three month pining window before he starts to notice.
He’s Harry, though — not megastar Harry Styles, or the Harry his fans have dreamed up in their fantasy worlds where he takes them on luxury getaways whenever he has downtime (you guess they have no idea that he would rather watch romantic comedies and drink wine on the comfort of his own couch). To you, he’s the Harry who held your hair back while you threw up the first night you met at one of Nick’s parties. He’s the Harry who then proceeded to make his home, whenever he got to hangout with Nick and the rest of his friends, right beside you. He’s the Harry who insists that you sleep in his bed with him whenever you’ve had a bit too much to drink (and when you haven’t), instead of crashing on the couch (there are a gazillion fully furnished bedrooms in his house, you’d never have to crash on the couch, but you always crawl into bed with him instead of pointing that out). He’s the Harry who sort of just wiggled his way into your life and heart four years ago and forced you to be his best mate, whether you liked it or not, because he liked you.
So of course he notices when something is off with you. He always has, so you’re not entirely sure why you thought he wouldn’t notice when you went dead silent and put three miles between the two of you, when you had just been curled up against him like you always were on nights like this (and nights not like this, just kind of whenever the two of you were in the general vicinity of each other).
“Jus’ getting t'be a bit sleepy, I think. Think ’m gonna call it a night soon,” you say, and then you spare a glance to the clock on the wall, and it’s barely half ten, and Harry knew damn well that you almost never fell asleep before midnight, and if you did you’d wake up at three in the morning unable to get back to sleep.
The lie seems to do it’s job, though, because he doesn’t press you for further explanation, despite the fact that he’s looking at you in a way that lets you know he knows you’re bullshitting him and he’s bound to find out whatever it is that’s clearly bothering you. It almost feels like a challenge, but you know that this isn’t a game, and Harry gaining knowledge of your newest revelation would change everything, and probably not for the better.
It’s when you’re putting your answer into action that he presses further, because you’re grabbing for your keys, instead of announcing that you’re going to sleep with a kiss to his cheek, or wherever you can reach, and heading up the stairs to his bedroom. “Y'not staying?” He questions, and he’s got a pointed look about his face, and he really looks genuinely concerned, because you’ve never not stayed after a night like this. “’M supposed to meet m'mum for brunch,” you say, and you know it’s a lame excuse, because you’ve stayed over at Harry’s and went to work the next day with no problem. It also doesn’t help that he knows there’s no way your mum isn’t in town, because she would have texted him and made dinner plans a week in advance. They were close like that and you momentarily hate them for it.
He’s looking you over from where he sits and you don’t know if you’ve ever felt more small or intimidated in your life, and all he’s done is look at you. That’s all he’s done all night, really, and you feel like you’re about to claw your way out of your own skin because of it.
The three month pining window would kill you, probably, so scratch that.
“Has anyone ever told you what an awful liar you are? I mean, I know I haven’t, but that’s because you’ve never lied t'me,” he says, and the words send chills all over you skin, because you’ve been maybe not necessarily caught, but he knows there’s something going on, and you don’t know how to get yourself out of this one.
“I’ll cancel,” you finally tell him, accepting defeat, but not admitting to the lie. The fact that there is nothing to cancel isn’t something either of you bring up, even though you both know it.
“Wanna tell me why you’ve been a mile away fr’m me all night, while we’re at it?” He murmurs, and you just shake your head, setting your keys back down on the coffee table and fitting yourself into Harry’s side. “I just didn’t want t'bother you, s'all. You’ve had people all over you for a month now, w'your album 'nd all. Wanted t'give you your space,” you explain, even though you know he’ll see right through that excuse, too, if he really thinks about it, but it’s not nearly as opaque as the brunch thing.
It’s when he calls her cute and tucks her head under his chin that she knows she’s in the clear, for now at least, and she smiles silently. 
You’re in his dressing room helping him get ready for one of his secret shows when it happens again.
It’s nothing different from what you’re usually doing when you get to go to one of his shows, even did it the last couple of years that One Direction toured. You’ve seen all his bits and helped him cover each and every part of them at some point or another, so seeing him without clothes has never had a very strong effect on you (okay, well it did, because you’re human and you’re not blind to the fact that Harry’s gorgeous, but you did a damn good job of hiding it).
And he’s not even naked now, not really — he’s wearing a pair of black boxer briefs, and he’s got his shirt covering his arms, and you’re standing in front of him buttoning (and smirking up at him when he unbuttons one more of the top buttons, even though you know not to even try to start at the top and fix him up proper) from top to bottom, like you always do. It’s become something you just do, no questions asked and for no real reason, because Harry is perfectly capable of buttoning his own shirt. You just like to do it, you suppose, and he’s never had a complaint.
Your fingertips drag across his lower abdomen by accident, before you’ve finished, though, and you swear you feel like your entire body’s on fire, and he hasn’t even touched you.
“I like this shirt,” you tell him as you drag your hands over the fabric covering his tattooed chest to smooth it out. You don’t even know why you said it, it’s like you were trying to distract him from the much more intimate, in your head at least, touch before, even though he probably didn’t even notice or think anything of it if he did.
“’S the ruffles, innit? Makes all the girls wild f'me,” he says, and you know he’s teasing, but his smirk lets you believe for just a moment that he’s flirting with you.
He’s not. It’s something you decide quite easily for the both of you, because it’s easier to shut your brain down that way than let it wonder if, maybe, possibly, he might be feeling everything that you are. You’re a very humble and grounded person, and ironically enough, you pride yourself in being just that. You wouldn’t dare let yourself believe that Harry Styles would ever have any romantic interest in you.
“’S too bad I only care that this one’s wild about it,” he says, kissing your cheek, but it’s so close to your lips, just barely brushing against the corner of your mouth, that you feel dizzy from more than just his statement.
Well. Maybe that changes things little bit.
Because you’re the only one in the room with him, so it’s not like there’s some other girl lurking in the shadows that you didn’t know about. Also, he almost kissed you. Like, really kissed you. Mouth to mouth. Does he know he almost did that? Does he know that you feel like you’re going to pass out the more you think about it? Also, what does that even mean? Why does he only care that you’re 'wild’ about him? There are so many questions and you feel like you’re going to start screaming any second, so you decide a shot of tequila is the best option right now.
You’re standing at the side of stage when you realize there’s no coming back from this.
He’s performing 'Woman’ and you don’t think you’ve ever witnessed anything as provocative as this. He’s really into the song, is the thing, and you’re certain he could tell any girl in the building to drop her panties for him, and they would in a heartbeat. You’ll pretend that you aren’t part of that group.
Until he’s looking to the side of the stage, like he’s looking for someone, and once his gaze finds yours and stays there, you realize it’s you that he was looking for.
And oh. Oh.
You are definitely, undeniably part of the Drop-Your-Panties-For-Harry-Styles group. Very much so, indeed. 
He’s got the microphone stand between his legs and he’s practically grinding against it as he just stares at you — he’s been doing that a lot lately, and that’s another one of the many realizations you’ve had in the past week with Harry.
You swear you nearly pass out when he sings the line ’you flower, you feast,’ with the biggest smirk you’ve ever seen before he’s looking back towards the crowd.
And then you have to go. You have to leave and go to his dressing room for the rest of the song, at the very least, because you’re so fucking confused. Where did all of this even come from? Why is he suddenly acting as if he just can’t resist you anymore, like he’s been longing for you this whole time. Was he just lonely? Horny and unwilling to put any effort into finding someone to get his fix with? Was it just a joke? Because the ache in your heart and between your legs was no joke.
You consider leaving the entire establishment when you hear the beginning chords of the last song on the setlist, so that you don’t have to face him afterwards, but instead you find your way back to the side of the stage and watch proudly as your best friend absolutely rips this crowd apart with his talent. You want to cry sometimes because you’re so proud of Harry, you really do. You think you probably will when he heads off on his first headlining tour in a few months. Cry because you’re proud, but also because you’ll be without him for the majority of those three months. The thought tugs at something in your chest, probably your heart, and it makes your eyes sting just for a second, until you’ve pushed the tears off for the moment.
For now, you’re watching on with a smile you just can’t help as he belts out the last few lines of 'Sign of the Times,’ and you want to join in, but you’d die if his microphone were to pick up your awful howling, as well. So, you wait for the end, and then you cheer and scream with the rest of the crowd in front of him. You notice that he spares a glance back at you, and you send him a nod back as you continue your cheering, watching as he practically personally thanks each and every fan in the crowd until the stage has gone dark and the lights in the main establishment have come up, and everyone’s pushing and shoving their way out.
You’re grinning because the star of the whole goddamn show is walking over to you before he is anyone else, and you’re beaming as you wrap your arms around his neck. “You were fucking incredible,” you tell him against his neck, and you take the kiss to the top of your head as an acceptable way to say 'thank you.’
It’s when the two of you are back in his dressing room that you feel the tension build again, and you swallow the lump in your throat as you replay his question over and over again: “Where did you go after 'Woman?’”
You want to scream, shout, throw things; not because you’re angry, but because when the hell did Harry get so confrontational? Or was it just something he was doing because you were being noticeably weird with him?You don’t like it at all, despite the fact that you’re always telling him he needs to speak up more. You never meant with you. 
“Had to use the loo,” is the answer you give him, and he cocks an eyebrow at you not a moment after you’ve spoken.
“You feelin’ okay, then? You were gone for four songs after that, and I talk a lot,” he says, and it’s so matter-of-fact that you know he sees right through you, just like he had the other night when you told him you were going to brunch with your mum.
When you don’t say anything for a minute, he presses on, stepping closer to you. “I don’t understand what you’re tryin’ so hard t'hide from me, babe. First the other night, now this — what’s going on?” He questions, and his stare is intense, and it wouldn’t be if were anyone else, but as always, he’s Harry.
“I’m fine, H, just have a lot on m'mind,” you try, feeling absolutely defeated, because try as you might, it really is impossible to lie to Harry, especially when he’s looking at you the way he is. He knows something is up, because you’ve never hidden anything from him. He knew your deepest, darkest secrets three days into your friendship. He knows more about you than any of your exes ever have, and you think that could be part of what scares you so much about him. You feel like if he ever finds out, the chances of you losing him are far greater, and the idea puts a pain in your chest, because what would you ever do without Harry?
You can’t help but miserably stutter and stumble over your words when he asks you who you’ve been thinking about, rather than what, but what catches you even more off guard is him stepping until he’s nearly got you pinned against the wall of his dressing room, and you’re breathing is heavy as you stare up at this beautiful, sweaty boy who just wants to know why you’ve been treating him so differently.
“You’re all I’ve been thinkin’ about, 'f that’s any sort of encouragement,” he tells you, and you want to speak, you do — you want to say something, fucking anything, but you’re frozen and your heart is about to beat right out of your chest.
“You don’t mean that,” is what you say, for whatever reason, and you feel awful as soon as you see the way Harry’s eyebrows furrow and his lips form into a tight line, but he’s not moving away from you at all. If it were possible, you feel like you’re drowning in him even more so.
“I — of course I fucking mean it,” he argues, his eyes unmoving from yours. “I can’t believe you’d fucking say that. Have you not noticed that I spend every bit of free time I have with you? You’re the first and last person I talk to every morning and every night, and the first person I run to when I have news, 'r just something to say. You’re the first person out of everyone I know that I run to after I come off stage — of-fucking-course you’re all I think about,” he says, and although his words are nice and make you feel all warm inside, he sounds angry, and that scares you, because Harry’s never been actually angry with you.
“Harry, I — I’m sorry,” you say, and your voice is nearly a whisper and you feel like crying, because he was honest with you, and you all but said you didn’t believe him, and honestly, how could you be such an idiot? You’ve got the most beautiful man in the world standing in front of you, telling you you’re all he thinks about, and you tell him he doesn’t mean it — who does that?
“I really — I’m so sorry, Harry. I didn’t mean to upset you, I just — it’s kinda’ hard t'believe, innit? That the person you’ve got feelings for has them for you, too?” And you realize there really is no going back after you’ve said that out loud, but hopefully it could fix what’s just happened here if he knows the only reason you said it is because it’s just a tad bit unbelievable.
“Pet,” he starts, and you smile, because after a long moment of just standing there and listening to each other breathe, you hear the familiar nickname and know you’ve got him back. “You are the meanest, most stubborn, woman ’ve ever met. Got a bloke full on puttin’ himself out there in front 'f thousands, 'nd you run away. Same bloke tells ya’ exactly what he means even after that, 'nd ya’ tell me I don’t mean it?” He murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear it. “Tell me how I can prove it to ya’,” he adds before you can get another word in, and he seems to already have a good idea, because his nose is brushing against yours already, but you quickly figure out that it’s going to take you asking for it before he does it, because Harry’s humble, but he has his pride, and you doubt he needs you fucking with it anymore tonight.
“’M going to start screaming if you don’t kiss me in the next three seconds,” you state, and he’s laughing as he presses his lips to yours, his hand cupping your cheek, and it’s gentle and soft and everything you ever imagined kissing Harry for the first time would be like.
And that’s how you die.
At least, you thought you were dead because you’re pretty certain Harry’s pillowy soft lips are what Heaven is made out of, and if you were experiencing those, you had to be dead, right?
Except now, he’s got you in the back of a car, and his hand is sliding up your thigh, beneath your skirt, and it’s then, with his lips on yours, that it happens again.
You realize that he’s probably not going to be able to come back from this, either. You don’t know when it happened, or why it seems that you both had the realization that you’re fucking mad about each other at the exact same time (not that it isn’t convenient, it’s just strange), but you’re here with him and it feels like he’s using his mouth to promise a lot more than just a few heated kisses.
You pray that this isn’t just some dare, or an adrenaline thing, because you’d have to be blind or just not paying attention to not see that Harry gets hard each and every time he performs to a crowd. Like, fully erect, you’d noticed, and of course you had always teased him for his evident praise kink (’even the twitter fans know, Harry, it’s not a secret’).
But from the way he’s pulling away to whisper praises in your own ear, about how badly he wants you and all that he wants to do to you, how long he’s wanted to do these things to you, you’re starting to realize that this is very real and you aren’t being fucked with at all.
Well, you will be, hopefully, but in an entirely different sense of the word.
You’ve somehow found your way onto Harry’s lap now, because apparently the silently pining over each other thing did a bang up job of sexually frustrating both of you, so you jumped at the opportunity. If you died in a car accident on the lap of Harry Styles with his tongue down your throat, so be it.
It’s only five minutes later when you realize you’ve pulled into the driveway, but it feels like it’s been hours, and your lipstick has gone to hell already, and your shirt is hanging off your shoulders, and so is Harry’s because as it turns out: you’re just as good at unbuttoning his shirts as you are at buttoning them.
Despite your messy states, you both thank the driver as you exit the vehicle, and the rush to get to his front door would be funny to absolutely anyone else, but you don’t think you’ve ever been so desperate to get into bed with someone. Hell, he could get the door opened, closed, and locked again and take you in the corridor and you wouldn’t care. You don’t need a bed, you need his cock. And then you wonder when your self conscious started talking like a porn star.
“Are you goin’ to laugh a'me 'f I try t'dirty talk you?” He asks, and it’s a ridiculous question, because he has no idea how much you’ve fantasized about being the one he’s whispering filth to. “Absolutely not,” is of course your answer, and it’s breathless and you’ve already let your shirt hit the floor, and you’re dropping your skirt at the bottom of the stairs, leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties, which are totally cotton and not matching and not sexy at all, but Harry doesn’t seem to care, because he’s pushed his shirt off of his shoulders and is picking you up to carry you up the stairs a second later.
“Take me t'bed, please,” you murmur in his ear, kissing along his jaw with your arms and legs wrapped tight around him. Everything about this is so, so, so urgent and is happening so fast, and you wish you could slow it down, even if only for a second, because it’s all so much, but it’s not enough at the same time. And you kind of want it to be perfect and remember every little thing, as cheesy as that really is.
He’s got you on his bed in no time, though, and you’re practically shaking, because that’s when it happens again. That’s when you realize this is really about to happen. You’re about to fuck your best friend, and the thought should be terrifying, if for no other reason than all that you’re risking in doing so, but you’re smiling up at him as you grasp the nape of his neck and pull him down towards you so that he’s fitting between your legs and his lips are back on yours for the first time since you got out of the car. “Want you,” you whisper against his mouth, and you realize when you press up against him that there’s no foreplay even needed, because you’re already soaked through the fabric of your panties, and you can still feel where he’s been hard since he left the stage tonight.
“’S that — do you want that?” You ask, and it’s sudden and probably sounds ridiculous, considering the situation you’re currently in, but you think it’s an important question to ask. “This, I mean. Me,” you clarify, blinking up at him, and you doubt seriously that he thinks your awkward quirkiness is cute at all right now, no matter how many times he’s implied how adorable you are because of it.
“You’re the most ridiculous person I know,” is his answer, and you’re starting to think you’ve heard more insults tonight than compliments, which is weird because you always thought Harry would be the type to tell you that you’re beautiful and kiss every inch of your skin. Turns out, he’s still just as good at picking at you even when he’s got you pinned to his bed and your lips swollen from kissing him so much. “Yes, I want that. This. You,” he says after a moment, and you’re blushing as he repeats your own words back to you in confirmation.
“I want you to fuck me, Harry,” is the next thing out of your mouth, because apparently filters don’t exist anymore, and he shrugs before shaking his head. “Was hoping t'get my mouth on you first, actually,” he tells you, licking over his lips, and you’d swear it was for dramatic effect, but it was also really ridiculously hot, so you can’t even be mad at him for being a walking cliché.
As much as you want to argue with that, because you want him inside of you now (and you also argue with him about whatever it is he wants to do before you eventually give up and do it), he’s looking at you like he might die if he doesn’t have his mouth on your cunt in the next two minutes. How could you deny him, really? It’d be wrong and unjust. 
Or: you really want his mouth on you, too, but you’re willing to let Harry seem more desperate to please you than you are desperate for him to eat you out, even though you’re certain that’s not the truth by any small means.
You don’t know when he took his pants off or your underwear, you must have missed it, unfortunately, but you’re watching him as he kisses over your thighs, and you feel sort of like you just got to fast forward to the good part. It’s when he licks over you completely and presses harder on the upstroke against your clit that you know that’s what happened.
You don’t know if you moan or if you scream, because you’ve tuned everything that isn’t Harry’s mouth on you and the little noises he makes against you all the way out, and you feel a little bit like you’re floating as he sucks at your clit, and your hands had flown to his hair the second he’d started that.
“Fuck, Harry, please,” you whine, and you don’t even know what you’re asking for, but you know you need more of anything he’s willing to give you. “Taste so good, baby. ’S it feel as good as y'taste?” He murmurs against you, and his voice vibrating against you may be hotter than anything you could possibly think up for him to do to you — and you’ve thought of a lot. All you can do is nod and give his hair a tug, grinding up against his mouth, and you wonder if he notices that you’re practically riding his face while he fucks his tongue into you, licking in and around your entrance, and you could cry from how good he’s making you feel. But also because it’s Harry who is doing this to you.
It’s the Harry who would rather stay in and cuddle with you than go to a party packed with A-listers. It’s Harry, whose preferred method of clearing out a cake batter bowl before putting it in the dishwasher, is the the two of you licking it clean. Harry, who would do anything and everything for you, and never make you feel like it was anything less than what he wanted to do. It’s Harry, and he’s told you a million times how much he loves you, and even if you roll your eyes at the sentiment from time to time, you know he means it, and you always say it back.
“Harry,” you say, looking down to him and the pleasure is almost overwhelming, so it pains you to make him stop, but you just want to be as close to him as humanly possible. He can devour your cunt afterwards, or later, or something. You’ll fit him into your schedule. “I — Harry, up. Come back up here, please,” and your voice is cracking, so you swallow as you look down at him, and you don’t know why you’re near tears, but you definitely are, can feel them welling in your eyes.
“What is it? Did I do something wrong? Are you okay?” He whispers, holding you by your wrists, his thumbs gliding against the skin soothingly. “Why’re you cryin’, sweetheart? Talk t'me, please,” he murmurs, and he sounds so panicked, and it makes you feel bad because how could he ever think he’s done something wrong? This perfect, wonderful, amazing man hovering over you is clearly unaware of how fantastic he truly is. He’s looking at you with concern in his eyes, and you know he wants to comfort you, especially when you feel the warm tears trickling down your cheeks, because it’s Harry, and he won’t leave your side for hours if he ever catches you crying. Which, you don’t mind so much. But you know he needs his answer now, or he’s going to end up thinking he’s done something wrong, or to hurt you, and it’ll all be over, and you refuse to let that happen.
“No, no, no — ’m fine. Perfect, actually, just — I love you, ’s all,” is what you say, and you give him a watery smile, even when your voice gets a bit quieter and doesn’t sound nearly as rushed there at the end, because you know he knows that, especially now. There’s no way he could ever doubt it, you don’t think. He lets out a throaty laugh as he pushes his hair back where it’s fallen against his forehead, his hands dropping down to yours, holding them tightly as he leans down to kiss you for maybe the hundredth time since you first started about an hour ago, even though it feels like it’s been a lifetime. “I love you, too, you silly girl,” he assures, kissing you once again.
“No, Harry — I mean I really love you,” you murmur, breaking the kiss for a second just to say that, because you need him to know that it’s not just something you’re saying, or even being said in the same sense as you’ve always told each other. He’s looking at you with an amused expression and shaking his head, but in the fond way that doesn’t hurt your feelings. “That’s what I’ve always meant, Y/N,” he confesses, and it hits you like a ton of bricks, because it really feels like everything suddenly makes sense and all is right in the world, a love song is playing in the distance (and it’s not just in your head, so you must have missed when he turned that on, too), all the dumb things that are said in books and movies are happening to you, and you want to appreciate the moment for what it is, but you’re also going to scream if he doesn’t fuck you into his mattress soon. There’s time for talking later.
“Please, please, please fuck me. Now. Please,” and you don’t realize you’re begging for him until you’re begging for him, and it has you blushing down to your chest. “Haven’t even gotten m'dick out yet, 'nd you’re already beggin’ f'me? Love me that much?” He teases, because of course he does, but you look up at him with a new sort of determination your eyes.
You’ve got your hand on the bulge of his briefs not a second later, working over him through the fabric, and it makes your legs spread instinctively when you feel the patch of wet where the head of his cock is pressed against the fabric. It’s then that you decide you’ve had enough, and you’re doing your damnedest to try and push his boxers down. You eventually give up and he laughs and stands to tug them the rest of the way down, and it almost sounds animated, the way you gasp when you see him bare, hard, and leaking for you.
It’s not that you didn’t know Harry was a monster — he’s woken up with enough morning wood pressed against your ass and your thigh for you to be more than completely aware of just what you’re getting yourself into (or what’s getting into you, actually). But knowing it’s all for you and because of you that he’s this hard is a lot to take in.
“Y'still wan’ me?” The question catches you off guard, but you nod almost too enthusiastically for it to be anything other than embarrassing. “Tell me,” is the next thing he says, and your eyebrows knit together in obvious confusion, but your features soften as he lays you back against the bed again and offers more information on what he’s wanting from you exactly. “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside your wet cunt,” he says, and it makes you bite your lip to keep from moaning, just because Harry’s filthy, as it turns out, and your thighs are glistening with how wet you are from it all. “Want it so bad, Harry. Want — wanna’ feel you, please, all of you, every goddamn inch of your cock. Wan’ you t'fuck me until I can’t take anymore,” you whisper, and it seems to have done the trick, because the head of his cock catches on your entrance where he’s sliding between your folds, and you can feel him start to press inside of you.
You really think you could blackout when you feel the whole of him settled snugly inside of you, but it’s not until he starts to move that you have dig your nails into his shoulders and drag them down his back as he fucks back into you. “Fuck me,” you moan, your head tossed back and your hips grinding up against his. It feels so good, is the thing — he’s so big, not just his cock, but everywhere, and he’s got you pinned to the mattress as he drives into you somewhat relentlessly, and he’s stretching you so wonderfully, because he’s thick, too, and it hurts in the best kind of way.
“Wanna’ ride you.” The words leave your lips before you’ve given them permission, but Harry’s smirking at you wickedly, so clearly he’s on board with the idea. You know he is when he’s pulled out of you (and you want to die because of that) and he’s got you on top of himself now and is unhooking your bra. “Feel like I owe your tits a personal apology for not paying attention t'them sooner,” he tells you, and you lean down to kiss his stupid mouth, rocking back over his cock. You tease him like that for a long minute, just grinding against him and feeling him against you, before you’ve decided that you quite miss the feeling of him inside of you.
You start to tell him that, but then it hits you that you’ve got the power now, so you take him into your hand after that, lining him up, and you sink down on him slowly, smiling into the kiss you’re giving him, because you can’t even begin to count the number of times you’ve dreamed of this moment exactly. It feels so good to be fucking yourself on Harry’s cock, and you don’t pass up the opportunity to tell him that this time. It makes him groan as he stares up at where you’re properly bouncing on him, and you notice when his eyes drop down to watch where he’s fucking in and out of your pussy, and you swear you feel him twitch inside of you at the sight. “Takin’ me so well,” he praises, and apparently you’ve got a bit of a praise kink, as well, and you throw your head back when you feel him begin to thrust up into you, the head of him nudging against your most sensitive part each time. “Harry, fuck,” you breathe, your fingers curling and nails digging into his chest.
You’re so torn between wanting to kiss him and wanting to hear everything he has to say, that you’ve settled for just kissing his neck and his jaw, leaving a lovebite or two in your wake, listening while he tells you how beautiful you are (you were right, he is into that), how good you feel, how you’re going to make him cum, and God — you hadn’t even allowed the reality of that sink in yet. Through all of this, you had completely forgotten that you had a goal, something you wanted to accomplish, because all you’ve wanted is to be as close as possible to him this whole time.
Now, however, you really want to make him cum, and you want it inside you (you’re very much on birth control and if you were to get pregnant, having a baby with Harry wouldn’t be the end of the world, and he wouldn’t be the first former member of One Direction to become a father). “Want you t'cum inside me, yeah? Fill me up,” you tell him, and you feel it when his grip on your hips tightens and he helps you fuck yourself over him faster. “Not until you cum on my cock,” he replies, and you clench around him at that, fucking down harder each time. “Need y'to touch me,” you whisper, grabbing for his wrist and guiding his hand towards your clit, “here.”
Your moans get louder the second he presses the pads of his fingers to your clit, rocking your hips harder, with more determination to get off. “I wanna cum,” you whine, and you want it so bad, now that you’ve remembered that’s part of all of this, that you could cry. You were a bit spoiled when it comes to getting your with Harry, you could say, because his fingers are quick and just right on your little bundle of nerves, rubbing in tight circles and applying just enough pressure. “Know y'wanna cum, baby. Wan’ y'to. Wanna feel y'squeezin’ me,” he murmurs, his teeth grazing over your ear. “Can y'do that f'me, angel? Come for me,” he continues, but his voice is so low and he sounds just as wrecked as you feel, and you can feel his lips brushing your skin as he speaks.
And then you’re pretty fucking sure you did, in fact, die this time.
Everything goes black, your lips parted in a silent scream, but not because you’re not trying, but everything feels too fucking good and you can’t even make a sound, aside from the pathetic sobs you’re letting out into his shoulders. You can feel your cunt pulsing around him, your clit throbbing beneath his fingers, and you’re sure he’s drenched with you, but it evens out because you feel him releasing inside you not even a minute later.
This time you moan his name, grinding yourself on his cock while he empties himself inside of you, fucking him through his orgasm, despite how tired and sensitive you are, praising him and thanking him with each and every movement, milking him for all he’s worth as you listen intently to the string of curses and your name falling from his lips.
You feel him dripping down your thighs the moment you slide off of his cock, but you only move to straddle the lower part of his torso, making a mess of his abs, and you can’t begin to explain how little care about that when you lean down to kiss him. “Thank you,” you whisper, and you don’t know why you say it, but it feels like something that needs to be said, because you are thankful for everything that’s just happened.
“I love you,” is his response, a smile tugging the corners of his lips up, and you can’t help but kiss him again. “For how long?” You question, and you’re about to explain what you mean, because you just want to know how long he’s known he loved you, like this, but he answers you with “probably forever” before you can elaborate, and it makes your heart skip a beat. He’s decided to answer the question in the ‘how long are you going to love me’ sense, you realize.
You blink down at him, like you’re surprised, but he’s just wearing his signature smirk and you feel a bit lightheaded. He seems so sure of everything he’s told you in the last day or so, and it’s so scary, but it makes you wonder how long he’s felt this way and how he figured out that you finally realized that you felt this way, too. Was he sitting on the couch beside you, staring at you instead of paying attention to The Great British Bake Off, too?
“How’d you figure out that I was just cranky ‘cos I realized ‘m in love w’you?” Is the next question you ask, and he shrugs, staring up at you and letting his fingertips drifts over your skin. “Jus’ know you, baby,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “‘Nd I remembered how red y’had gotten when y’mum told y’that we’d end up t’gether, ‘nd then y’started tryin’ t’push me away, ‘nd I knew you’d realized she was right. Plus, I did the same bit t’you when I realized. Remember when I’d hardly talk t’ya’ when I was in Jamaica? Wasn’t just ‘cos I needed t’focus on m’album,” he explains, and you laugh, because everything really does make sense now. 
You’re laying down beside him, curled into his side in what has always been your favorite position when you speak again. “I love you, too,“ you nearly whisper, and you’ve got a smile curling your lips, your hand wrapped around his wrist and your other arm slung over his chest where you’re resting your chin to look up at him. “Probably forever.”
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greekceltic · 8 years
I'm going to post this RP log because I just kind of want to. Maybe I'll make a sideblog for these. I was pinging Gale and Jacky off of Evion’s Tobias. Jacky brought a dimensionally-displaced Toby back to the house because she didn’t know what else to do with him. They tried to sneak out the front door. Things went downhill from there. Rp log under the cut..~..~..~..
Greekceltic: Gale up to that point had been okay with ignoring what went on his kitchen, but when Jacky started to get sneaky about it like she had something to hide, that was worthy of notice.    "Okay." He put his book down. "I can't ignore that. Why are you sneaking a man out of my house?" Gale looked at the two of them over his glasses. He'd been lounging on the couch with his boots propped up on the arm because like most of his furniture, it was slightly too short for him.
Evion: Tobias tensed behind Jacky, though this time he knew better than to reach for his dagger. For one, the man, clearly the lord of this castle, spoke to his guide with a tone of familiarity. It was poor manners to go around attacking acquaintance's friends. He glanced at Jacky. Better to follow her lead here.
Greekceltic:  Jacky nearly left her skin, but at least this time there wasn't a metal tub to catch her forehead. She jumped instead, clearing a couple of feet. Gale looked unimpressed, he'd seen her jump higher.  "I-" She didn't have an answer for that question because she wasn't sure herself. Maybe she was jsut embarrassed that she had brought another strange animal home. First it was Krepta. Then Alexis. Now it was Tobias. Whose name she didn't even know yet. "-He needed help." She eventually finished.    Gale looked at Tobias, his dad look never changing.  "Well, do you need help?" He asked flatly, looking more annoyed than he actually was.
Evion:  Tobias had an uncanny feeling, as if being caught by the disapproving father while fooling around with his daughter. That was an odd sense of deja vu. He wasn't sure why that feeling cropped up now, considering the circumstances were completely unalike.  Still, with the man standing there, it was hard to miss just how tall he was. He cut an imposing figure. And though it wasn't possible to make proper introductions, Tobias felt proper protocol would serve well. He took a step towards the gentleman and bowed with his left hand over his breast, kerchief still covering his face.  When he straightened up, he considered the questions. Had Tobias needed help? Yes, he nodded, that was correct. Though now that he was back in the human realm? Eeeeh... He shrugged. That was less certain.
Greekceltic:  Gale watched him bow while one eyebrow slowly rose. He'd seen that kind of etiquette before, and it wasn't widely practiced in the year twenty seventeen. He looked over Tobias at Jacky again.    "Where did you find him?" Tobias didn't exactly fit the criteria for a Jacky friend. He wasn't trembling with fear or rude.  Jacky's hands and shoulders went up. May as well come clean.  "I dunno! He was just standing on a road in the Cat's Way."   Gale looked at Tobias again, like a light had just gone off in his head.  "Oh." He looked his clothes over. Everyone seemed to be very concerned about how Tobias dressed.
Evion:  Hm, 'The Cat's Way.' So that place had a name. Tobias squirreled that detail away for later. For now, his attention remained on the tall man. Unconsciously, he stood up a little straighter as he was looked over. Hopefully the lady's answers would satisfy his curiosity without Tobias having to share more than necessary, and then he could be on his way.
Greekceltic: Tobias's body language was screaming at Gale.    Oh no.  He had a dumb idea.    "Just a minute," He waved off the impatient look on Jacky's face and sucked back a laugh as he reached toward the table for his keys. "Come here, both of you." He walked toward the front door. "There's something I need to know."
Evion: He cast a glance at Jacky, then followed after Lord Tall-Father, curiosity rising.
Greekceltic:  Gale opened the front door and stepped outside as casually as a working man going to get his mail with his morning coffee. The front yard was dark. A hundred or so feet from his door the yard ended and the trees began. In that space, was a truck, of no particularly interesting design. He stood to the side of the front steps and pointed at it as he looked at Tobias.    Time for some Gale science.    "Have you see one of those before?"
Evion:  The wide-eyed stare on Tobias's face was more answer than he needed to give.  He'd never SEEN a wagon such as this! It armored, like a knight, with thick massive wheels black as pitch and hubbed with steel. And windows! So large, surely they risked breaking under stress?  His feet carried him forward a step, then another. This thing was fascinating, and so alien in design - smooth curves and a glistening exterior, as if made of glazed pottery. What sort of steeds could pull such a monster? Greekceltic:  Jacky watched him approach the truck and a look of realization started to dawn on her face.  Gale took his expression as a no. Okay, he could shave a hundred years off the top of Tobias's timeline. Now to shave ten or twelve off his life.    There was a button on his keys that would start his truck. He pressed it. Better to put the fear of cars in him now than let him get hit by one later.
Evion:  The wagon ROARED as he approached it. Tobias gained a good foot of air while attempting to backpeddle, the combo landing him flat on his behind. And then he scrambled back several more feet, face pale and heart pounding in his ears. And unfortunately, that tentacled arm exposed, the tendrils quivering in the grass.
Greekceltic: Gale nearly doubled over. He'd been alive for twenty three hundred years and he felt like his entire life had been a precursor to that moment. He caught himself on the outside wall of the house and straightened up again, pushing his glasses back up his nose.    He saw the tendrils and the laughing tapered off, but he never stopped smiling. He did at least lift his arm and kill the truck's engine.    I didn't know I needed that on my bucket list. He crossed it off anyway.   "Okay." Funs over. They'd be lucky if they ever got Tobias to look at a vehicle again, let alone get in one. "Come inside. We've got some things to talk about."
Evion:  Tobias pushed himself shakily to his feet, heart still pounding between his ears. Whatever was in the metal wagon had stopped growling. Still, Tobias eyed it distrustfully before prying his attention away. First, to shoot Gale an annoyed glare, then towards Jacky. The girl had barely reacted to the thing - was she in on this prank? He tilted his head towards Gale and frowned accusingly. Would have been NICE if she'd warned him the lordship was a wizard of some sort too!  
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