#judd & tk fic
ellieslittleburrow · 2 months
Best lone star character to help you get out of your shitty date :
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For me it would totally be Carlos. I feel like he would be protective as hell. He's beat the bitch if needed
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
Love is Sitting on the Bathroom Floor
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: T.K. Strand, Carlos Reyes, Nancy Gillian, Mateo Chavez, Judd Ryder, Paul Strickland, Marjan Marwani
Summary: Firefighters and paramedics rarely turn down a free meal, something the 126 is about the regret as a violent case of food poisoning takes out *almost* the entire team. For the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt: Food Poisoning.
CW: Heavy emeto warning on this one!
Read on AO3
The first gurgle in T.K.’s stomach is not a cause for concern. In fact, he barely notices it. They’re bringing a patient into the hospital, an elderly woman who took a spill, so his focus is on driving, not a stray growl from his abdomen.
“Patient is a seventy-five year old female, complaining of hip and lower back pain,” T.K. tells the ER team as they roll her inside on the gurney. 
“Vital signs?” the doctor asks.
T.K. waits for Nancy to answer since she’d been riding in the back with the patient, but she doesn’t say anything. When he looks over she’s just standing there, eyes slightly glazed. “Nance?” he prompts.
She shakes her head and seems to come back to herself. “Sorry, yeah,” she says and then rattles off the vitals for the team.
“You good?” T.K. asks a few minutes later as they grab some supplies to restock the rig. “You look kind of pale.”
Pale and slightly green with an odd glassiness in her eyes that definitely wasn’t there when they started this run. 
“Yeah,” she says, flashing him a strained looking smile. “Totally cool partner. All good to go.”
It’s quiet as they drive back to the station. The growl in T.K.’s stomach is intensifying, a pinching pain now accompanying it, and he unconsciously moves one hand off the wheel to press it against his abdomen, as if that will somehow alleviate his symptoms. He hopes they have Pepto Bismol or something stocked at the firehouse, because he’s growing more and more uncomfortable by the second.
“Pull over.”
Nancy’s hoarse request catches him off-guard, temporarily distracting him from the burbling in his intestines. “What?” he asks in confusion.
She makes a choked sound, clamping a hand over her mouth as her eyes go wide with panic and T.K. quickly steers them onto the shoulder without further questions.
Nancy opens her door and practically falls to the ground, the sound of retching filling the air. T.K. grimaces as the contents of her stomach empty out onto the pavement. It’s a very long minute before she climbs back into the rig, her hands shaking as she wipes at her mouth.
“Are you okay?” T.K. asks, slightly horrified. 
She shakes her head, eyes closed, breathing deeply through her nose. “Just get us back to the station.”
If she’d looked pale before, she looks like a ghost by the time they pull into their bay. He doesn’t even have the rig in park before she shoves the passenger door wide open and makes a run for the locker room.
His own feet hit the apparatus floor and his stomach gives an extremely unpleasant lurch. He pauses, swallowing hard. What the hell?
Rooting around in the back of the rig he finds a couple antacid pills, swallowing them down and hoping they work fast. They still have six hours of their shift left. Hopefully there’s some ginger ale or something in the fridge, he thinks as he wanders back into the station. Or maybe he’ll raid his dad’s secret stash of tea…
He’s nearly knocked off his feet when someone comes barging past him. “Mateo!” T.K. calls after him, throwing up his hands in annoyance. “Where’s the fire?”
He doesn’t get an answer, just yet another disappearance into the locker room. “What the hell?” he mutters to himself. “Guys, what’s up with Mate—“
He cuts himself off as he rounds the corner and finds what looks to be most of the 126 crew sprawled out across their common area. Every one of them looks like they’re dying. 
“What is going on here?” T.K. asks.
“Sick,” Judd grunts from where he’s leaned back in a recliner, one hand resting on his stomach, the other pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Everyone?” T.K. asks as he takes in the general malaise of the crew.
He gets small nods and grunts of agreement from around the room. “Everyone except Cap,” Marjan manages to tell him, her voice small and weak. She’s curled up on the floor next to the sofa, a trash can positioned by her head.
“Bout fifteen minutes after you left.” Paul is slumped over at the table, head pillowed on his arms. “First Mateo, then Marj, then all of us.”
How is that possible? They’d been fine before T.K. and Nancy had left on their call. T.K. racks his brain, trying to figure out how they’ve all fallen ill so quickly. “Lunch,” he finally says with dawning horror.
“Seems like,” Judd tells him with a shudder.
The department had catered for them today, a thank you for a massive fire they’d all worked for hours the week before. They’d had soup and sandwiches from a local deli. Everyone except…
“Where’s my dad?” he asks.
“Calling in the other shift,” Paul grunts out, not moving from his position on the table. He cracks one eyelid. “You’re not sick?”
“No,” T.K. says, although his stomach does choose that moment to give a massive lurch that has him wondering if he’ll be next in line for the toilet. “Nancy puked on our way back in though.”
“Do NOT say puked,” Marjan growls from her position on the floor, gagging dangerously after she does so.
Mateo slinks back into the room, eyes bloodshot and heavy as he curls up onto the couch. “I’m never eating again,” he moans into a throw pillow.
“Are we out of service then?” T.K. asks.
“Engine is. And if Nancy’s down, then ambo will have to be too,” Judd says.
He’s right. With Tommy out for the twins’ Girl Scouts event, they’re already a man down. He can’t run calls by himself. 
Nancy returns and collapses onto the couch, half on top of Mateo. “Move over,” she grunts.
“Hey, get your own couch,” he shoots back, but she glares daggers at him and he grudgingly makes room.
“All right,” Owen says as he strides into the room in a way that seems to flaunt his good health. “I’ve officially taken us out of service and A Shift is on their way in.” He catches a glimpse of Nancy and his face falls. “Oh no. Not you too.”
“Sorry Cap,” she croaks, curling up into the fetal position.
“I guess I will call dispatch back,” he says with a sigh before he look at T.K. “What about you? You’re still standing?”
“So far,” T.K. says.
His dad claps him on the shoulder. “It’s that good Strand constitution. Takes more than a little salmonella to take us down!”
“How come you’re not sick, Cap?” Mateo asks.
“Oh, I didn’t eat the department lunch,” Owen tells them as he walks to the fridge. “All that processed meat and packaged sugar? No thank you. Besides, I’m on a cleanse.” He grabs several bottles of water and places them next to each of his fallen team members. “Now the most important thing for food poisoning is to hydrate. We don’t want anyone going to the ER.”
His dad’s not wrong, but his insistence that everyone needs to drink something results in a round of vomiting so intense T.K. thinks he might do it too out of sympathy. The bubbling in his stomach is becoming more of a roiling snakes situation, but he ignores it. His dad can’t be the only working pair of hands right now.
“All right,” Owen says after everyone seems to be settling back down. “Time for you all to go home. This is a firehouse, not an emergency room.”
Grace arrives fifteen minutes later to take Judd home and Nancy’s roommate comes to pick up her and Mateo. Marjan pours herself into a friends’ car right after that, while Paul insists that he’s well enough to drive himself. T.K. wonders if he makes it all the way home without puking or if he has to stop every two minutes.
“Well kid, looks like it’s just you and me,” Owen tells him once the common room has emptied out.
“Mhm,” T.K. says, pressing his lips together firmly and swallowing hard as his stomach clenches threateningly. 
“Oh no,” Owen says sadly. “Not you too.”
“Sorry,” T.K. manages before he has to turn and make a run for it.
He spends an extremely unpleasant twenty minutes on the bathroom floor, thankful that his dad insists on such a rigid cleaning regimen, before he drags himself back to the bunk room and gingerly lays himself out on his bed. He should feel better after emptying his stomach, but somehow he feels worse. 
He’s shaky and sweaty and it’s like someone is repeatedly jabbing him with a knife in his gut. It’s not good and it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better.
Owen’s voice filters timidly through the haze of pain that T.K. is in. “I’m going to leave this herbal tea here for you. It’s got lots of antioxidants.”
“Thanks,” T.K. groans.
“Do you need anything? Another pillow or a blanket? I can see if we have some plain chicken broth or something. Oh! You know, I think I have some raw ginger around somewhere, maybe I can—“
“I’m fine Dad,” he grinds out.
“Okay, well, I’ll just, leave you be then. Try and…get some rest.”
T.K. would roll his eyes if he didn’t think the motion would make him puke. His dad’s bedside manner has always left a lot to be desired. When he was a kid, if T.K. got sick on his dad’s weekend, he was sent straight back to Gwyn’s apartment. He’s only gotten worse now that T.K. is an adult. 
He’s not sure how much time passes before he has to run to the bathroom again, probably fifteen minutes or so. Then it’s back to his bunk, praying that maybe he’ll fall asleep so some of the pain will go away.
He’s just collapsed back into bed when his dad returns. “Son, I’ve brought you some crackers,” he says. “The internet says to stay away from spicy foods, and these are pretty bland, so I think they’re okay. Also some ice chips. You should try just one at a time.”
“Anything I eat will come right back up,” T.K. croaks, burying his face in his pillow.
Owen looks him over. “Maybe I should feed them to you…”
T.K.’s stomach clenches and he lets out an involuntary moan, struggling to keep whatever’s still in there in place. 
“Okay, never mind, clearly you know best, paramedic and all that. Holler if you need anything!” his dad says, backing out of the room.
A small part of T.K. wonders if he should try to get himself home, but even the thought of moving makes him nauseous. There’s no way he can drive. 
The bed shifts as someone sits down on the edge of the mattress and then gentle fingers card through his hair. “Dad, go away,” he croaks, eyes still closed. Everything hurts and he doesn’t want anymore weird tea or unhelpful advice from WebMD.
“It’s me.”
He cracks an eyelid to find worried chocolate brown eyes looking down at him. “Carlos?” he says weakly. “What are you doing here?”
“Your dad texted. Something about it looking bad for him if a paramedic dies inside his firehouse,” he says, a soft smile on his lips. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
Getting to his feet is a struggle, even with Carlos’ strong, supportive arms. He’s dizzy and nauseated and he’s pretty sure he has a fever now too considering the chill that’s settled into his bones.
“Is everyone else this bad?” Carlos asks as they slowly walk to the car.
“Worse,” T.K. tells him and he can feel Carlos’ sympathetic grimace. “Wait, why do you have your dad’s truck instead of the Camaro?” he asks when they stop in front of a vehicle that is definitely not Carlos’.
“We traded for the day,” Carlos says casually, but T.K. knows a fib when he hears one. 
“Did you make your dad switch cars because you were afraid I would throw up in the Camaro?” T.K. asks, glaring at him with watery eyes as Carlos settles into the driver’s seat and hands him an emesis bag he clearly swiped from the station.
“Shh, you’re sick, don’t worry about the details,” Carlos says, a little too quickly, and it’s enough to confirm T.K.’s theory. His fiancé might be able to fool the bad guys he deals with every day, but he’s actually a pretty terrible liar. He decides that just to spite Carlos he won’t throw up for the entire ride home.
He makes it five minutes before his stomach clenches so painfully that he has to bend over and put his head between his knees to try and dull the pain. Carlos’ hand comes to rest on his back, a comforting, familiar weight. “You need me to pull over?” he asks, worry coloring his tone.
T.K. shakes his head. He just wants to get home. Also if he talks, he’s going to lose the battle with his stomach.
He makes it the entire ride and narrowly escapes barfing all over the hallway, taking himself straight to the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind him. There’s nothing left to come up, but that doesn’t stop him from retching over the toilet until every muscle in his body is screaming at him.
When he’s done he curls into a ball on the bathroom tile, wishing that memories of being in similar positions on significantly less clean floors and in far sketchier locations weren’t coming to mind.
The door creaks open. “Do you want me to help you to bed or to the couch?” Carlos asks, his sneakers the only thing visible from T.K.’s position.
T.K. shakes his head. He can’t move. He’ll just end up back here again.
“T.K. you can’t stay here on the floor.”
“It’s fine,” he manages. 
Carlos sighs and then his feet disappear. T.K. rests his cheek against the tile, its chill making him shudder. This is going to be a miserable twenty-four hours.
Carlos’ footsteps return and something drops to the floor near T.K.’s head. He cranes his neck a little bit to see a couple pillows and a blanket and the next thing he knows, Carlos is sitting next to him on the floor, back resting against the wall.
“What are you doing?” T.K. asks, his voice raspy from so much gagging.
Carlos puts the pillow in his lap and pats it invitingly. “If you’re going to be in here then I’ll be in here with you,” he says.
T.K. squints up at him. “Are you serious?”
Carlos raises his eyebrows. “Do you really think I’d be sitting on the bathroom floor if I wasn’t?”
“You don’t have to. You should go Scotch Guard the couch or reorganize the spice cabinet again,” T.K. tells him.
“Is…that what you think I do when I’m home by myself? Never mind, don’t answer that,” Carlos tells him. “I’m not leaving you here alone. Come on.”
He gently takes hold of T.K.’s arm and tugs until he finally moves, sliding himself across the floor and resting his head on the pillow in Carlos’ lap. He has to admit, it’s definitely more comfortable than lying on the floor by himself. 
Carlos’ hand touches his forehead as he brushes his fingers through T.K.’s hair, and it makes him frown. “You feel warm.”
“I think I have a fever,” T.K. says with a shiver. “I might be dying.”
“You’re not dying.”
“I feel like I am,” he says miserably.
“How is that you’re more of a baby about a little food poisoning than you are about being shot?” Carlos asks, a wry smile on his face.
“Why are you being mean to me on my death bed?” T.K. asks him with a squinty eyed glare.
“I’m sorry, is me sitting on our bathroom floor with you in your time of need not showing you enough love?”
“Your bedside manner sucks,” T.K. grumbles, but he cuddles more deeply into Carlos’ lap anyway.
“I’ll try to work on it.” Carlos’ fingers drift over T.K.’s ear and down his cheek. “Let’s give it a half hour and then see if you can keep anything down, okay?”
That sounds like a terrible and painful idea, but T.K. nods in agreement. If he doesn’t start getting some fluids back into his body soon, he’s going to be in trouble.
“Thanks for coming to get me today,” he says as Carlos pulls a blanket over him, tucking it gently into place.
“I’ll always come get you,” Carlos promises. “And hold your hand, and clean up your barf…”
T.K. chuckles then groans in pain. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“Sorry,” Carlos says with a soft chuckle of his own. “You guys should sue the department. They could have killed an entire shift.”
“No good deed goes unpunished,” T.K. says between gritted teeth as his stomach clenches again.
“Well at least we get to spend some quality time together,” Carlos says, his voice soft and soothing. 
Despite the pain in his gut and the acrid taste in his mouth T.K. feels himself being lulled toward sleep by Carlos’ gentle care. “Are you going to stay here with me forever?” he mumbles as his eyes grow heavy.
Carlos presses a kiss to his hair. “Absolutely.”
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perfectlysunny02 · 11 months
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They didn’t want him, they had made that clear, but Owen Strand did. Owen wanted him. So did TK and Marjan, and Judd, and Mateo and Paul. They wanted him, they let him know that. And he declined at first, LA, the 118, that was his home. Or at least it was. It was his home. But Owen promised, swore to him, that if he ever changed his mind, the spot at 126 would be waiting for him, it would always be his.
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alrightbuckaroo · 1 year
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thanks for the tag @carlos-in-glasses! hope you're all not too sick of the old west au just yet!
“You know,” Tommy wraps the bandage around TK’s ankle, covering the remnants of blood that’s slowly started to oxidize. He flinches slightly when she presses against the gauze firmly, ensuring it doesn’t come undone. “Judd’s not too happy with you. Might even go as far to say he’s a little upset.” 
TK chuckles at the mention of Judd, though it’s done more in jeer than jest. He often compares his working relationship with Judd to oil and an open flame. Perfect for destruction, awful for peace. 
TK brings his cigarette down from his lips, and looks to the side as he releases the smoke. He stares at Nancy and Marjan, both of them laughing at a joke Mateo’s just made. “Of course he is, it’s a day that ends in Y.” 
Tommy falls silent, choosing not to rally back and forth with TK. That prompts TK to look back at her, her warm brown eyes looking right at him.
He tries not to think about the fact Tommy’s wearing the face his mother used to wear. Tommy’s looking at him the way his mother used to, when would he go back to climbing the tree that had once cut his arm. 
Looking at him the way his mother used to when he would go back to swimming in the lake that had once got him sick. Looking at him the way his mother used to when he reminded her too much of his father. 
Though Tommy’s done wrapping the bandage around TK's ankle; she presses a warm hand against it, against her handiwork. Tommy doesn't need to say anything, TK knows. 
This bandage is a warning; a warning that’s telling him that next time, he might not be so lucky. 
no pressure tagging: @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes @tailoredshirt, @heartstringsduet, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @sanjuwrites, @lightningboltreader, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @sunshinestrand and of course anyone else who wants to join in. (tag me back, i want to read!)
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tkslittlesway · 1 year
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand, Judd Ryder & TK Strand Characters: TK Strand, Judd Ryder (9-1-1 Lone Star), Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), Tommy Vega (9-1-1 Lone Star), Owen Strand, Grace Ryder (9-1-1 Lone Star), Nancy Gillian (9-1-1 Lone Star), Mateo Chavez (9-1-1 Lone Star), Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star), Marjan Marwani Additional Tags: Nancy Gillian & TK Strand Friendship, Big Brother Judd Ryder, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Strangulation, Assault, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Everyone Needs A Hug, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt TK Strand, Chp1 is Hurt, Chp 2 is Comfort, grown men with emotions, mentions of 9/11, mentions of death/loss, Grief/Mourning, Found Family, Nancy and TK's friendship is important to me, put respect on nancy's name, come get yall h/c juice Summary:
On a call for a fire in a known drug house, Judd's equipment malfunctions, and he breathes in whatever the hell was being made there. In the back of the ambulance, he has a pretty bad trip.
At TK's expense.
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shes-an-oddbird · 2 years
Laughing Gas
I have no idea how intense the effects of laughing gas would be and since they are in the open air they probably wouldn't have lasted long, I just thought it would be cute for Nancy and TK to try to wrangle up the giggly boys after that scene ended. Also TK is a very good paramedic, Nancy's just got him beat this time.
Read on AO3
Summary: When Rescue 126 pulls up to the scene to find the air saturated with laughing gas and their team victims of its mild and humorous side effects, Nancy and TK's sibling rivalry makes an appearance as they compete to see who can convince the unruly 126 firefighters to put their gas masks on. Spoilers for 4x06
From the ambulance they can see the water explode into the air. Nancy breaths a sigh of relief and exchanges a look with TK whose grip loosens on the stirring wheel. They got the bomb into the water just in time. It had taken Judd no more than a few seconds after Owen sped away to usher Mateo and Paul into the fire truck and follow behind their captain. Then a minute later Tommy is loading them up too, ignoring the protests of the police and bomb squad. There was no need for them to stay where there was no threat and currently half their team was racing a bomb to the river, Judd filled them in on the way, and Tommy certainly expected they would be of more use there.
“Cap it looks like they’re clear.” Nancy says to Tommy who she can hear moving around in the back of the ambulance. “Should we turn back?”
“No, we’re needed here.”
She glances at TK who shrugs and pulls the bus to a stop next to the engine. To her surprise the rest of the 126 is gathered around the edge of the water, perfectly safe, but laughing? Hysterically laughing. Doubled over, using each other for support kind of laughing.
“Gas masks, kids.” Tommy calls to them.
“Laughing gas.” Her chemistry classes come racing back to her. TK lowers his head to the steering wheel, sniggering as they wait for Tommy to circle around, passing them each a mask.
“There’s no telling how much was created and how long it will take to dissipate, even in the open air like this.” Tommy explains. “TK the engine’s got gas masks for everyone on board?”
“Yeah Cap, I’m on it.” TK jumps out, mask securely in place, and jogs over to the rig to unload supplies.
“Nancy, help me round them up.” Tommy says and her tone is something between concerned, amused and exasperated. Today was really turning out to be quite the day.  
Wrangling four grown men who are hyped up on adrenaline and laughing gas is no easy feat. Tommy has to focus her attention on Owen, who needs to be checked out after it becomes clear he had jumped from the fake ambulance and rolled down the hill. She and TK herd the rest of them to the truck, convincing them to sit or at least lean against it while they distributed masks.
They’re laughing to much too much to be of any help and the sedative effect of the gas is starting to take affect making their limbs slow and heavy. She kneels in front of Mateo, who blinks a few times before he realizes it’s her.
“I can’t see your face.” Mateo frowns, reaching for her mask. She leans back out of reach, and he pouts at her like a child. “But I like your face.” He whines and then laughs.
“I like your face too, but I have to wear this and so do you.” She tells him as she attempts to slip the mask over his head.
“That’ll make it even harder to see you.”
“Please, if you wear it, we’ll match.” Its stupid but it does the trick. He grins at her and willingly puts the mask on. It takes a minute or so but eventually the glossy look in his eyes starts to fade.
“Better?” She asks.
“Good.” She gives one of his hands a squeeze before turning her attention on TK. He’s handed off one mask to Judd who’s not got enough coordination at the moment to put the mask on himself. The other he’s holding out to Paul who is still laughing so hard that every attempt to take it fails.
“How’s it going?” She asks, trying not to laugh herself.
“Shut up, we can’t all flirt our way to cooperation right now.”
Nancy rolls her eyes and moves to help Judd who has started recounting, with joy, the feeling of speeding down the hill and slamming the engine into the ambulance and saving the day. “I have to tell Gracie.” He says the moment Nancy removes the mask from his hands. He goes for his phone which he miraculously pulls from his pocket on the first try. His slowed movements allow her to take the phone before he can dial.
“You can call her once you put this on.” She reasons, holding the phone away from him and the mask towards him. He looks between the two, his laughter settling into concentration. She could practically hear his mind working.
He wanted to talk to Grace, to talk to Grace he needed the mask, therefore, he needed the mask first. He takes it again and his desire to speak to his wife grants him the coordination to put it on. Nancy holds the phone hostage a moment longer. She has no doubt that the man could dial Grace’s number even in his sleep but she could save him the embarrassment of a misdial just in case by waiting for the effects to wear off.
“How are you doing that?” TK complains. Paul is still maskless and laughing. All of TK’s attempts to put the mask on him are intercepted by Paul, who even in his loopy state of mind is strong enough to stop him and has now made a game of it.
“As awful as it sounds you have to manipulate them.” Nancy takes the mask and holds its out to Paul. “Come on dude, imagine if we send Marjan a selfie of us all in gas masks.” She suggests. The team had taken to trying to outdo Marjan’s selfies that she sent from landmarks and picturesque views during her road trip and while their last attempt had maybe been in poor taste, Nancy can’t see anyone objecting to one after the day had been successfully saved.
“You’re right, can’t believe she’s missing out.” Paul exclaims, taking the mask eagerly and sliding it over his head.
Nancy shoots TK an I-told-you-so look. “See.”
“You suck.” He shakes his head, not mad but clearly irritated at being bested not once or twice but three times. “I’m going to check on my dad.”
“Sore loser.” She calls after him.
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morganaspendragonss · 2 years
Hello, I adore your writing! I was wondering if you could do sick or injured TK but he’s hiding bc he just feels like he doesn’t deserve to take time off or look after himself and he maybe collapses and Judd is super big brotherly, protective, sweet and bandages him up or takes him home to look after him? If it doesn’t inspire you it’s absolutely no problem, keep up the amazing work you and writers like you are so appreciated more than you know!
if you're still here, anon, hi! and thank you so much for this prompt! i'm sorry it took me forever to get to :(
in the week running up to christmas, i am going to try to post a prompt fill every day, but i can't promise. maybe i'll only get this one out lmao. we shall see. either way, hope you enjoy!
ao3 | 1.2k
There’s some sort of irony, he thinks, that in the same year he almost freezes to death, he might actually die of heat. Summer in Texas is no joke, but there’s no way TK is going to admit to struggling to anyone, not when he knows all the jokes they’d undoubtedly make. Besides, he’s sick of being, well, sick, and he doesn’t want to see the inside of any kind of medical facility for the rest of the year unless it’s to do with his job. In which case he sees one nearly every day, but details.
And it’s just… After January, TK had to take months off while his body recovered from the accident, while he gained his strength back and learned to live with the side effects he seems to be stuck with now. One of those being migraines, which is why he doesn’t think much of it when his head starts pounding and he can’t really move his head without feeling an overwhelming dizziness and nausea. He’s been told countless times by Tommy to take time off if he needs it and TK knows that’s the sensible option, but he feels like he’s wasted half of this year at home and he hates these new limits that have been forced on him. If he is physically able to get through this, then he will.
Still, as the day goes on, he’s becoming less and less sure that he can. It’s like someone is running a drill right between his eyes without pause, but TK knows from experience that there’s no stopping a migraine once it’s begun. The best thing to do is ride it out, but today’s is worse than any he’s experienced before. The sun is unrelenting in its intensity and neither team has had much time for rest today, which means no time under any sort of shelter or even a minute to take a sip of water.
But he just pulled the rig back into the station, a blessed wave of cool air hitting them as they exit, and TK plans on making the most of the reprieve, however brief. He makes a beeline for the kitchen, grabbing a towel and running it under the faucet, then takes his water bottle from the fridge and heads up to the bunk room.
Once in bed, he pulls the sheets up so they cover his eyes and lies as still as possible, resolved not to move until another call comes in.
It works for about five minutes until TK is sweating through the covers and he throws them off, panting as a sudden breathlessness overtakes him. There’s a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach that he knows means nothing good, but he’s afraid to move – things will only go one way from here, but TK would really, really like to believe that for once it won’t.
But, of course, it does.
The churning in his stomach increases with his heart rate, and TK eventually has to throw himself out of bed and stumble to the bathroom, cursing his bed being furthest away from the hall. He barely makes it in time, the first heave taking over his body no sooner than he drops to his knees by the toilet.
And, because his body hates him, it fights against what it so clearly wants to do. Strings of bile dangle from his mouth as he heaves, his abdomen cramping painfully and his breath coming in short, sporadic gasps.
It takes a long time and several rounds of throwing up in the bowl for the nausea to subside, and with it, it takes all of his remaining energy. The smell coming from the toilet is awful and it threatens to turn his stomach again, but reaching up to flush is too much for him. TK sits in a heap on the bathroom floor, head slumped at an angle that’s sure to hurt if he stays here long enough, but he can’t care. He doesn’t have the energy; his limbs are all so heavy and his eyelids just want to droop closed, but he’s still on shift, he needs to be alert, he needs—
TK’s head jerks up from where it’s dropped to his shoulder and the pain in his head strikes a new peak. He just wants to curl into a ball and die, but whoever called his attention won’t let him; he’s grabbed by the shoulders and shaken like a ragdoll, as much as he tries to get his body under some sort of control. 
Something is held to his lips and when the water hits his throat, he greedily gulps it down, only to immediately have to force himself above the toilet as it comes straight back up again. When he comes back to himself, he registers a touch on his back, and TK manages to moan and twist in their grip until their face swims into view.
“Judd?” he slurs.
“Yeah.” Judd squints at him, then sighs and shakes his head. “Tommy sent me to check on you before she left; EMS crew got sent on a call ten minutes ago.”
“What?” TK scrambles to push himself to his feet, but his limbs betray him and if not for Judd catching him, he would have collapsed back down.
“Man, you’re a stubborn bastard, Strand,” he huffs, not letting TK go so as to keep him in place. “And you’re a damn fool if you think she didn’t know something wasn’t up. She had her suspicions too, and I think we’ve just confirmed them.”
TK rolls his head in an approximation of a shake. “It’s just a migraine. Get them all the time now. Fucking ice.”
Judd snorts. “That’s one way of putting it. But this ain’t no migraine, it’s just a nasty bit of heat exhaustion. Though, you’re lucky we figured it out because if we’d waited for you to tell us you’d be heading straight to the hospital.”
The word hospital filters through the mush that’s become TK’s brain and his eyes widen, locking with Judd’s. “No,” he says. “No hospital. I don’t… I can’t.”
“Hey, relax.” Judd rubs his arm and then, making sure TK isn’t just going to crumple, lets go and eases himself down to sit next to him. “You’re not going to the hospital, but only if you’ll let Gracie take you back to our house while this thing runs its course.”
“Can. Grace is downstairs now and she’s told me that if I don’t bring you out, she’s going to come up herself and make sure she doesn’t leave without you.”
“I’ll throw up if I get into a car.”
Judd shrugs. “I mean, take a sick bag, please, but I got a baby daughter. That car’s seen worse.”
TK sighs and squints up at Judd. “You’re not letting this go, are you?” he asks, though, in truth, he doesn’t really want him to. He can admit it now; he feels like shit, and having someone take care of him is kind of exactly what he wants and needs right now.
“Nope.” Judd grins as he stands to help TK up. “This is how we do.”
TK wouldn’t change it for the world.
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9-1-1 Lone Star Masterlist
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Click here to add yourself to the taglist!
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- Soon You’ll Get Better
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- Happier Than Ever
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decafdino · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday
once again i am tagging myself and anyone who wants to do it (even tho its almost Monday anyway)
TK turns to look at her. "How do you know that?" he asks, very much aware that it's a phrase Carlos keeps asking him.
"Given how he hasn't stopped blowing up my phone since I let him know you were here, I'd say he's pretty much already forgiven you." Judd stands in the doorway, jacket already slung over his shoulder, keys dangling from his hand. "You ready to go, or do you need another minute?"
He stands, giving Grace a quick hug. "I'm ready, I think," he says, "but I was hoping we could make a pitstop first."
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bkfe00 · 2 years
I've read through all my 'marked for later' list on AO3 and I'm sad :((
Drop your fic recommandations in the comments hihi
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harvestleaves · 2 years
Coming Out (Chapter 1)
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Prompt: Could you write something where one of Judd's kids (Wyatt, Charlie, an oc, etc) comes out to him? Maybe include him doing research online or talking to the LGBT+ 126 members and friends, basically him going all out and overthinking everything to try to show his kid how much he loves and accepts them. It's up to you, I'd basically just like some fluff with Judd and an LGBT+ kid of his if you could! Thank you!
A/N: I was going to try and make this a one-shot, but it’s going to be a muti-chapter fic, so here’s chapter one.  And send me some chapter recommendations!  You can also read this on Ao3 here.
Rating: General
Word Count: 875
"I'm gay."
To be honest, Judd wasn't all too surprised when Charlie sat him and Grace down a few days before her 14th birthday to tell them her announcement. Grace, as usual, took it in stride, saying she was proud of their daughter, and Judd told her the same, though newfound panic set in as he realized he had no clue how to raise a gay teenager.
The logical part of him knew that there wasn't really going to be anything truly different about Charlie as she started to date people, the main difference being that it was going to be girls he was going to have to tell not to break his baby's heart rather than boys. But despite Austin being a fairly progressive city, he still worried that her life was going to be much more difficult now, and he knew exactly who to call for help.
"Judd? Hey, what's up? Did you want to talk to TK? He's currently trying to get Bella ready for soccer practice," Carlos laughed as he picked up the phone, tucking it between his ear and shoulder as he filled up Bella's water bottle and packed a bag full of snacks for practice, including apple slices, cheese sticks, and granola bars.
"No, well, yes, but I also wanted to talk to you too. Do you guys have some time to talk later? Maybe come over for dinner? Charlie's going to her friend Olivia's house for a sleepover and I wanted to get some advice from the two of you about something," Judd asked, hoping he wasn't rambling too badly.
“Judd, breathe.  Whatever is going on is going to be okay.  We’ll be there.  My mom and sisters wanted to have a girl's night with Bella anyways.  We’ll drop her off and be there around six.  Is that okay?” Carlos asked as he zipped up the cooler, moving to lean against the countertop.
“Yeah, six is great.  Thank you, I’ll see you then,” Judd said before he hung up and went to talk to Charlie, wanting to make sure she was okay with him talking about her announcement with her not-blood uncles.
Judd smiled as he watched Charlie from the doorway to her room, hunched over her desk working on some math homework before her sleepover.  She had grown up so fast, practically in the blink of an eye, and there were many times he saw himself picturing her running around as a three-year-old in a wrinkled princess dress with a fire hat on explaining she wanted to be a firefighting princess that was also a doctor.  She was such a good kid, not jaded by the world yet, and he wanted to keep her safe just a little while longer, it was his most important job.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her doorway before smiling as she looked up, moving to take a seat on her bed to talk.
“Hey, dad, what’s up?” Charlie asked curiously as she set her pencil down on her notebook before turning to give Judd her full attention.
“Hey, kiddo.  TK and Carlos are coming over for dinner while you’re gonna be at your sleepover.  I was hoping to get their advice on raising a gay teen because obviously, they have more experience, having been gay teenagers themselves.  Do I have your permission to talk to them about this?  I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to support you and they’re gonna be able to help me help you,” Judd explained gently, not wanting to overwhelm her with everything.
“Oh!  Yeah, that’s fine, I told Uncle TK and Uncle Carlos last week.  They encouraged me to tell you and mom,” Charlie smiled, a giggle slipping past her lips at the surprised look on Judd’s face.
“You told them first?” Judd asked, trying, and failing, to hide the hurt in his voice as he looked from Charlie down to his hands.
“Did I ever say or do anything to make you feel like you couldn’t tell me and your momma?” he asked nervously as he finally brought himself to look at Charlie.
“What?  Dad, no.  You and mom didn’t do anything wrong.  I just wanted to talk to other gay people first and they were the first people I thought of.  I’m sorry if that hurt your feelings,” Charlie said gently as she got up to sit next to Judd on the bed, leaning over to hug him.
“Okay, that makes sense.  I just wanted to make sure,” Judd smiled as he blinked back tears, quickly swiping one from his cheek as he returned Charlie’s hug before he moved to get up.
“Finish your homework, then I’ll drive you over to Olivia’s, TK and Carlos are gonna be here in an hour and a half and I gotta get cooking,” Judd smiled, dropping a kiss to Charlie’s forehead before he headed towards the door.
“Wait, dad?  Thank you, I love you and mom so much,” Charlie beamed as she turned back to her homework.
“I love you too baby girl,” Judd said as he paused in the doorway, before grinning and heading back to the kitchen to start making some chili for dinner with TK and Carlos.
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126simp · 2 years
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Original picture by @tarlosweeklyprompts
Warm to My Cold
Tarlos Fic for @tarlosweeklyprompts March Daily One-Word Prompt Event!!
March 1st Word: Warm
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, TK is a simp for Carlos
Relationships: TK/Carlos, Grace/Judd (mentioned), Judd & TK, Grace & TK
Characters: TK, Carlos, Grace, Judd, and Other Canon Characters in background.
I am always cold and Carlos is always warm so it works great for us when we need to cuddle or hug. I always feel like his warmth is all I need to feel warm, I don’t need a sweater or anything covering my skin to feel warm. 
I feel myself smile as I think about my boyfriend and not realize that I went into my head for too long to the point of being startled when I feel a poke to my cheek. Then I look up and see Judd laughing as he teases, “Hey T what are you thinking about?” I feel my cheeks heat up where I was poked, which definitely tells them what or more like who I was thinking about. Then I get told as much when Judd laughs again and says, “You are way too cheesy sometimes with Carlos.”
Continue on AO3
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benjaminrussell · 1 year
9-1-1 Bingo Master Post
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Here's my master post for @911bingo!
Mirror of My Mind
Relationship: TK&Nancy&Carlos, background TK/Carlos
Rating: Teen
WC: 4.2k
Summary: When TK finds himself in a forest, running for his life from something chasing him, he doesn’t immediately realise that something’s up. He’s too busy trying to escape after all. When he finds a door in a hill that leads to a space ship and Nancy defending herself with an axe, well, that’s when it becomes obvious.
Will they find out where they really are and escape?
Free Space
Welcome to Texas, Ma'am
Relationship: Carlos/TK, Gwyn&TK, Nancy&Tim, Gwyn/Zoe, Pre-Nancy/Marjan, Grace/Judd
Rating: Teen
Chapters: 9/9
WC: 36.8k
Summary: When Captain Gwyn Morgan had to rebuild her firehouse from the ground up in the wake of 9/11, the last thing she thought was that she’d have to do it again. But there she was, on her way to Austin, Texas with her son, TK, to do just that.
AKA. What if Gwyn was the firefighter instead of Owen?
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
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Future/Spec Season 4 fic - The View from the Other Side
Carlos was hurt on the job, TK has to figure out how to navigate being on the other side of the hospital bed.
TK is brought back to the present when those double doors open and a doctor finally comes out “Family of Carlos Reyes?” had both TK and Rachel out of their seats instantly.
“He is my fiancé and I am his medical proxy.” TK told the man, waiting to hear his fate.
“He lost a lot of blood, but we were able to stop the bleeding and no major organs were hit. We are more concerned with the injury to his head. We will be better able to examine him when he wakes up. He is being moved out of recovery to a room now, a nurse will be out soon to take you to see him.” The doctor informed them before disappearing back through the double doors and onto his next patient. TK and Rachel returned to their previous seats, ready to wait some more.
He knew that the next twenty-four hours would be critical and that when he goes into to see him, he won’t be awake. He can handle the medical side of this, the facts, the science of it all. What he was struggling with was knowing that Carlos was in pain, a deep intense pain that TK wouldn’t wish on anyone. He would gladly take Carlos’ place, take away his pain, but now that he was sitting on this side of it all, his view has changed. He didn’t know how Carlos was able to do this, over and over again. Right now, TK felt like he was about to burst out of his skin. How could he have done this to Carlos so many times? How many more would Carlos be able to take?
TK felt Judd’s hand on his shoulder causing him to look up at the other man. The one that had become the big brother he had always wanted. “What?” TK asked the older man.
“Come with me for a minute TK.” Judd told him, grabbing his hand to pull him up.
TK wanted to resist, argue with Judd, but there was something in his eyes that told TK to just listen. He nodded as they left the waiting room, stepping out into the fresh air.
“TK, I know where your head is at right now. You need to let it go.” Judd started.
“How do you know where my head is?” TK asked him.
“Because I have been there. You were realizing how many times Carlos has waited for word on you, and feeling guilty for it. I did that when they weren’t sure if Gracie would wake up after the truck went into the river.” Judd admitted. “She was on the radio with me when the factory blew up, did you know that?” When TK shook his head ‘no’, Judd continued “She was also in the call center when that building collapsed six months ago, she was on the phone with Wyatt. He ended up having to be the person that had to tell her that I was in that building. I am still struggling with that. What we do isn’t easy and it certainly isn’t always pretty.”
TK took a moment to really take in the words that Judd was saying. “I hate that he has had to deal with his so many times. With my track record, I can’t exactly promise it won’t happen again. I can’t promise him that he won’t have to sit by my hospital bed again, we all know that isn’t likely to happen.” TK paused, trying to put his thoughts together before continuing “I never really thought about how it felt to be on the other side of this, to be the one waiting, wondering what was going to happen. I can deal with me being hurt, but him being hurt is so much worse.”
“I know. You should have seen me trying to get to Gracie when she went into labor with Charlie. I have had to learn that we can’t control every outcome, but we can be there for the ones we love and help them through it. And like you said, with your track record you will probably be back on your usual side of things before too long.” Judd teased.
TK realized that he was starting to feel less out of control, less on the verge of a full-blown panic attack. He looked back up at the older man “Thanks Judd. I needed help getting myself out of my guilt spiral.”
Judd laughed as he put his arm around TK’s shoulders, guiding him back into the waiting room. “Anytime.”
TK was grateful that he only had to wait a few more minutes before the nurse came out to take him back to Carlos.
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callsign-dexter · 1 month
Burning Determination
Request: if your request are now closed I understand but I was wondering if you could write a fic where it’s Owen Strand x daughter reader? Maybe a sick fic where she’s determined to continue working but is like an inch away from passing out?
Pairings: Owen Strand x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, sickness, hospitals, needles, vomit
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You knew something wasn't right when you got up for work this morning. You felt way too hot, you were sweating through your clothes, and you looked pale. You so dearly wanted to stay home but you hadn't scheduled the time off and you couldn't leave your coworkers one person short. Also you were a Strand you couldn't let a little sickness stop you from working. You are the twin sister of TK Strand and the daughter of Owen Strand. 
As you got up from your bed the energy seemed to drain from you and you felt like passing out right back into bed but you needed to go to work. You stood there for a minute before everything stopped spinning and you slowly made it to your bathroom. You slowly and a little bit unsteady got in the shower and washed yourself of the sweat and then you were slowly getting out after you were done and got dressed and brushed your teeth and your hair. You were almost out the door when your stomach churned and you were heading straight to the guest bathroom and throwing up whatever you had in your stomach. When you were done getting rid of the contents in your stomach you got up flushed and rinsed your mouth out you were out the door and heading to your truck. “You can do this. It's just 3 days.” You said to yourself as you put your truck into gear and headed towards the station. You had the air blasting on you which felt really good.
Finally you arrived at the station and you parked your truck beside your dad's. You sat in your truck for a few minutes and closed your eyes and accidentally drifted off and you would know this because there was a knock on your window which jerked you awake. You looked over and saw it was Judd Ryder. You opened the door and he smiled softly at you. “You ok?” He asked and you smiled back at him.
“Yea, I'm perfectly fine. Didn't sleep well last night and decided to catch up on some sleep before going in.” You said and he nodded but didn't look convinced.
“Are you sure?” He asked
“I'm fine, Judd. I promise.” You said as you jumped out of the truck and you stumbled ever so slightly. 
“Y/N/N.” He warned and you waved him off.
“I'm fine. It was just a bad misstep. I'm ok.” You said 
“Ok ok. Just if you start feeling bad or anything please let someone know.” He pleaded
“I will. I promise.” You said and he seems satisfied with that answer. You weakly grabbed your bag and the both of you started your trek into the firehouse conversation being made along the way. You so badly wanted to stop and take a breath but you couldn't not now, you couldn't let him see you weak. By the time you reached the stairs to head up and put your stuff in a locker your head was spinning and you were on fire but you had to push through and hope not too many calls would come through. 
You were just about to start ascending the stairs when your brother's voice came to your ringing ears. “Hey, Sis. You ok?” He asked if anyone would notice how sick you were it would be your paramedic twin brother. You also know that he would be the hardest to convince along with your father.
“Hey, TK. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?” You asked, putting on a smile and he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. 
“You just seem off. You also didn't meet Carlos and I for supper last night.” He said
“Shit, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry.” You said and he smiled and shook his head.
“It's ok. Nothing to fret over. We don't hold grudges.” He said and you chuckled which made your head hurt and your body ache. You needed water. You squeezed your eyes closed and he took notice of this. “Are you sure you're ok?” He asked.
“TK I promise I'm fine. I just have a little bit of a headache, nothing a little rest, Tylenol, and fluids won't fix.” You said and he didn't look convinced but he took the answer.
“Fine. Let me know if it gets worse. Please?” He pleaded 
“I will. I promise.” You said as the bells rang signaling for the ambulance. The sound went straight to your pounding head but you didn't move not wanting to throw anyone off. 
“Well, I gotta go. You go sit and get something in you. You don't look so good.” He said 
“I will. Be safe and I love you.” You said 
“Love you too, Sis.” He said and then he was taking off and hopped into the ambulance and they were off. You sighed finally alone you made it up the stairs and to the locker room where you put your stuff and headed into the kitchen. You quickly grabbed what you were looking for and then you were going and landing yourself on the couch laying down. You put an arm across your eyes and actually drifted off. You were waking up to someone calling your name and it turned out to be your father.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Wake up.” He said and you groaned but did as you were told. 
“Hmmm I'm awake.” You said and sat up quickly and instantly regretted it. “How long was I asleep?” You asked.
“30 minutes.” Your dad said.
“Shit did I miss a bell?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No. Are you feeling ok?” He asked 
“Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine.” You said 
“It's not normal for you to sleep on shift when it's not night time. What's wrong?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nothing is wrong.” You said and he gave you that fatherly look saying ‘don't lie to me’. “I'm just trying to get caught up on some sleep. I didn't sleep well last night.” You said and he rose an eyebrow but knew that if he pushed you then you would close off. Besides after that nap you were feeling a little better. Then just as your luck would have it the bells went off and you groaned. 
“Come on. We have to get going.” He said and stood and so did you but you stood there for a minute while black dots filled your vision. Your father didn't notice and went on. After they disappeared and good to go you got up and rushed downstairs and pulled your gear on. You hopped into the truck and then you were off to the call. Having all the gear on you made your temperature start to rise and you to sweat. You were having trouble breathing but masked it well and your body was drained of energy. Any more strenuous activity and you would be passing out but that's what your job called for so you sucked it up and continued on. 
When the truck arrived at the scene it appeared to be an apartment fire and it had to be all hands on deck. You sighed and got out, legs shaking but you quickly made them stop and waited for your captain to give orders. “Y/N, Judd I want you to go in there and get anyone else out. Paul, Marjon start putting the fire out. Mateo and I will help TK, Nancy, and Tommi with rounding everyone else up and getting them medical attention that they need.” Your dad said and everyone acknowledged the orders and then you were off to do your job. Your turnout gear felt too hot and too heavy when it normally didn't bother you. The mask made it seem like it was suffocating you more and stealing your air. The oxygen tank didn't help either. You were very close to passing out but moved on. 
“You good?” Judd asked as you two began to enter the apartment.
“Yea, yea I'm good. Hey, do you mind taking the top floors and I stay close to the bottom?” You asked
“Not all. Call me if you need me.” He said and you nodded and then started to work on clearing the first floor out.
“Fire department call out!” You yelled and got nothing and so you kept calling out as you checked everywhere, each call out took your breath away but you cleared the first floor “Judd first floor is clear. Heading to second.” You said and moved on to the second floor. 
“Copy that. The 4th floor is clear. Heading to third.” He said 
“Copy that.” You said a little breathlessly and you hoped nobody caught onto it and it seemed like they didn't because they didn't say anything. “Fire department call out!” You said and that one made you a little light headed and you had to lean against the wall for a second. 
“Help! I'm trapped!” A tiny female voice said and that got you going despite the sweat dripping down your face and getting in your eyes. 
“Fire department call out!” You said 
“Here!” The voice said and you went to the 5th door on the right. 
“Are you away from the door?” You asked
“Yes.” She said and you broke down the door and found the little girl huddled in the corner, the fire just starting to make its way into the home. 
“I'm here, Sweetie. I'm gonna get you to safety.” You said and she nodded “Where are you parents?” You asked.
“They're at work. I’m with my babysitter. She got hit with something and got knocked out .” She said tears in her eyes and your heart broke. 
“Judd, I'm gonna need some help down here. I got a little girl and she said her parents are at work and she was with her babysitter but she got hit and knocked out by something.” You said 
“Copy. 3rd floor is clear. Coming down now.” He said 
“Copy.” You said and then turned to the little girl. “I'm gonna get you out of here and my friend will get your babysitter out ok?” You asked and she nodded.
“Ok.” She said and you picked her up and made her bury her head into your turnout gear to decrease to smoke inhalation. As you were starting to walk out  Judd walked through the door. 
“Rest of the floor is clear. You go on and get her out and I'll get the babysitter out.” He said and you nodded and so you headed out of the room as fast as you could but you started to not feel good and light headed. 
“What is your name?” You asked her to try to take your mind off of feeling sick.
“Josey.” She said and you smiled.
“That's a pretty name. I'm Y/N.” You said 
“I like that name.” She said 
“Me too.” You replied as you quickly descended the stairs and out of the lobby. You were quick to take off your helmet and yell for your brother. “TK!” You shouted and he looked up and came rushing over. 
“What do we got?” He asked
“This is Josey. She was in the room with her babysitter when the fire started. Judd should be bringing out the babysitter any minute now.” He said and nodded and guided you over to a spot and you set her down as he and Tommi started to work on her and you walked away. You ripped the mask off and breathed heavily hands on your knees, you were exhausted. 
“You ok?” Marjan asked and you looked up at her.
“Yes. Why?” You asked
“You do not look good.” She said 
“I'm ok.” You said as black dots started to appear and you started to sweat more Breathing became difficult. You were getting light headed by the second. 
“Owen!” She yelled and he looked up to where she was and his eyes widened. TK looked up too and did the same thing Tommi told him to go and the two Strand men were rushing to your side. 
“Y/N!” Your dad said as he practically caught you as you started to tumble down.
“Sis!” TK said as he started to take off your heavy gear and throw your turnout coat off and then they could really see that you were soaking wet from sweat. 
“What do I need to do?” Marjan asked
“Go and grab my med kit from the ambulance.” TK said and she nodded and took off.
“You're burning up.” Your dad said as he helped lower you down to where you were sitting on the step of the firetruck. 
“I'm ok.” You said and waved him off and he shook his head.
“No you're not.” He replied as Marjan arrived with TK's get and started to get everything out. He grabbed a thermometer and quickly took your temperature and he quickly beeped. 
“103.2.” He said 
“You shouldn't have come to work if you were feeling this bad. How long have you been like this?” Your dad asked.
“Since last night.” You said as Marjan handed you a Gatorade.
“Here it'll help with your lost electrolytes.” She said 
“Thank you.” You said weakly and opened it and downed half of it. 
“I want you to go to the hospital.” Your dad said
“Dad, no. I'm fine.” You said and he shook his head.
“As your dad and your captain I'm ordering you to go.” He said and you huffed.
“Fine.” You said and then looked at TK who was holding out a hand and you took it and he helped you up and you stumbled into him and the dark spots started to dance again. Everything sounded like it was underwater. 
“Y/N.” Your dad said but you had totally gone limp in your brother's arm finally letting the darkness take over.
“Fuck. I think she just passed out.” TK said as Nancy and Tommi came over with a gurney after seeing what happened. It was a really good thing that more than one firehouse was called out. They quickly got you onto the gurney and started to take off your heavy gear, thankfully you had pants on underneath. They pushed you over to the very close 126 Ambulance and loaded you in. They were quick to start cooling you down. As TK started to place an IV you started to wake up.
“Bro?” You asked and looked at him and he smiled.
“You passed out. We're taking you to the hospital and I'm gonna get an IV with cool fluids going ok?” He asked and you nodded as he placed a tourniquet around your arm and your veins popped up but he knew they would be fragile, but he was skilled at this and placed it with practiced ease. You whimpered but didn't make another sound “It's ok, Sis. I got ya.” He said and then started the fluids and they felt like fire running through your veins but you didn't make a sound and after a few seconds it started to feel good.
“TK we're here.” Nancy said as she stopped outside of the Emergency side of the hospital and they were quick to get you out and unloaded. 
They rolled you in and TK told the nurses and doctor what happened “She passed out at a scene. Temperature was 103.2, we've had cooling material and cool IV fluids on board so it may have come down. She said that she threw up before starting her shift this morning and she took Tylenol about 3 hrs ago. She also downed half a body of Gatorade, she then stood up and passed out in my arms and no she did not hit her head.” He said and they nodded in understanding as they transferred you to a bed. He would be staying since he was family and they allowed it. 
“I'm Dr. Hedges. I see her temperature has gone down to 102. We'll continue with the cooling down and hopefully that's all it is but we'll test her for viruses.” The doctor said and TK nodded and then your dad was rolling into the ER and he was being pointed to where you were. 
“How is she?” Your dad asked, turning to the doctor.
“As I was telling your son, I'm Dr. Hedges. Her temperature has gone down to 102. I want to run some tests for any viruses and I want to keep doing the cooling down treatments.” He said and your dad nodded.
“Cooling down how?” He asked 
“Cool towel on her head and cool fluids.” Dr. Hedges said and your dad nodded.
“Whatever needs to be done.” Your dad said and Dr. Hedges nodded as a nurse came in with a towel and a bowl of water then left. Your dad got to work on dabbing your forehead and then laying the towel over your forehead.
“I'll have a nurse in to grab what is needed for the tests.” He said and both your brother and dad nodded, already starting to fuss over you. It was 10 minutes after he left that you started to wake up.
“TK?” You asked
“I'm here and so is dad.” He said pointing to him and you looked over at him.
“Dad, I'm sorry.” You said 
“It's ok.” He said and you shook your head slightly.
“No it's not. I came to work when I was sick.” You said
“It really is ok. You're a Strand you got that stubborn gene in you. You also have the need to want to help people.” He said “Both of you do.” He said and you and TK chuckled and smiled. Soon the nurse was coming in.
“Good to see you awake Ms. Strand.” She said 
“Please just Y/N.” You said and she nodded.
“I'm just gonna grab some swabs and run some tests.” She said and you nodded and she smiled glad you actually have a cooperative patient. She got the swabs and put them in the container. “I'll get these going and Dr. Hedges will be back in afterwards with the results.” She said and all of you nodded and smiled. 
“It's probably a bad cold that I got from helping those kids at the local fair.” You said 
“Hopefully that's all and nothing else. Can't have you sick sick on me. I can't deal with dad alone.” TK said and you laughed and your dad looked offended.
“What's that supposed to mean?” He asked and you both shook your head.
“Nothing, Daddy. We love you.” You said and he looked at you suspiciously.
“Love you both too.” He said and then Dr. Hedges was walking in.
“Glad to see you awake, Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“The nap helped.” You said and he smiled.
“It looks like the wet towel and cool fluids did the trick. You're temperature is down to 97.7, which is great. I got the results back and it does turn out you do have the flu and it must've been an aggressive one because the results came back very quickly. I suggest taking Tylenol every 8 hrs and get some Sudafed PE Head Congestion + Flu Severe Tablets to help with drying all the congestion up. Other than that I'm happy with your temperature and comfortable with releasing you.” He said and you nodded and smiled.
“Thank you, Dr. Hedges.” You said and the other two nodded and said the same thing.
“You're very welcome. I'll have a nurse in here with discharge papers and then you can be on your way.” He said and then was out of the room.
“Ok, so back to work.” You said 
“Oh, no.” Your dad and brother said at the same time. 
“What? I'm fine.” You said 
“You passed out in my arms and you were running a temperature. Not to mention you got sick before you even came to the station. You're not going back to work, you're going to go home and if I have to Carlos sit outside your house then I will. You're not leaving that house until you're better.” TK said and your mouth dropped open and you looked at your dad and he nodded.
“You're not going to work. You're going home. TK or I can bring your belongings to you.” Your dad said.
“But dad-” You started but was cut off by a nurse coming in with discharge papers and to take out the IV. She did so in silence while you glared at your dad and brother because you were perfectly fine to go back to work. Once the nurse was gone and the IV no longer in you, Carlos walked in. “TK!” You shrieked and looked at him.
“What? I didn't call him.” He said
“No, I was already here and heard you lot were here.” Carlos said “Wanted to make sure you or your brother hadn't landed in a coma.” He said.
“That's TK's specialty.” You said and he didn't deny it and everyone nodded knowing it was true. Finally you got up and walked out of the hospital with the three men and there was Judd in his truck waiting for the three of you. You bid Carlos a goodbye and then got in and he started off towards your house and not the station.
“Awww don't pout. You need your rest. I also got your meds that your dad texted me. Also your truck is here and here are the keys.” He said holding up the bag up and handing your keys to you which you took roughly and everyone chuckled and that made you just pout even more as he arrived at your house. You got out with TK and your dad and walked to the front door. 
“I can walk to the house myself.” You pointed out.
“Just want to make sure you're safe.” They said at the same time and you glared again at them. You grabbed your keys and unlocked the door and walked in and TK set the bag down on the table in the living room as your dad went to the kitchen and grabbed Gatorade that you had in there.
“Get some fluids in you and rest. One of us or both of us will be back to check on you.” Your dad said and you nodded and went to sit down on the couch. “Call anyone if you need anything.” Your dad added.
“I will.” You said and they nodded and then started to leave. Once Judd’s truck was gone you took that as your chance to leave. You started to make your way to the front door when a cop car caught the corner of your eye and you looked at it. “For fucks sake. Really?” You asked throwing your hands up and you mentally made a note to hit your brother “He actually went through with it.” You said. Carlos waved at you and you could see him chuckling, you waved back and then stalked off from the window and sat down on the couch. You turned on the TV and took your meds and drank some. 
Your glare slowly went away and you smiled and you shook your head. You were just glad you had people that loved you and wanted to look after you and to be honest you didn't feel up to go back to work you just wanted to lay around. You loved your dad and brother and they loved you back, if they didn't then they wouldn't be looking at for you. Although you were mad that they sent Carlos to sit outside of your house and for them making you stay home you didn't hate them. You chuckled and got comfortable on the couch and slowly you found yourself drifting off to sleep despite you sleeping at the hospital. As you drifted off you made a mental note to thank them later because without them your life wouldn't be what it was now. You were lucky and you loved them. You wouldn't trade them for anyone else. You three were stuck with each other.
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shes-an-oddbird · 2 years
Tales of a 126 Valentine’s Day
Short Valentine's Day snippets featuring members of the 126 and filled with dates, dilemmas and classic candy hearts.
Struck with inspiration and managed to write these all in the past 24 hours. They are short, sweet and poorly edited. Enjoy and Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 4 - TK x Carlos & Conversation Hearts Summary:  TK gets an idea involving the classic Valentine's Day candy, Conversation Hearts
TK had no interest in actually eating the candy conversation hearts. Frankly he thought they tasted like sugary chalk. But they were a Valentine’s Day staple and he had gotten an inkling of an idea when he saw them at the store the other day. Really he only needed one specific heart saying, but on the off chance the assorted bag didn’t have the one he needed, he grabbed three.
He had dumped out all the bags into a large salad bowl and started his search for the one he needed.
Luck was on his side today. It was right at the top. He sets it aside with a smile then looks back at the massive bowl of useless candy.
He digs through the bowl, wondering how awful he would feel if he just chucked the rest in the bin. He picks up a small pink heart and reads the saying.
TK hurries to the kitchen and grabs the small Ziploc bags as a new idea hits him.
“For you.” TK says, holding out a bag of candy hearts to Nancy. She makes a face at them.
“You actually like these things?”
“No, but it’s Valentine’s Day.” He says, waving the bag in her face till she accepts it.
“You have to read them.”
“Oh my god you’re annoying this morning.” Nancy opens the Ziploc and takes out one of the hearts. “BESTIE.” She says and her mild annoyance visible breaks. She picks another. “COOL DUDE.”
“Personally picked just for you.”
“I feel bad now, I didn’t get you anything.” She doesn’t actually feel bad but it’s cool.
“Good Morning TK.”
“Morning Cap, happy Valentine’s Day.” He holds out another bag of candy hearts. She smiles at him in amusement and it makes him think of his mom. It’s the same look she used to give him when he would hand her a handmade card on holidays or her birthday. “You’ve got to read them.” He adds as she goes to put them away.
“You really do.” Nancy confirms.
“Of course.” Tommy concedes. She extracts one purple heart. “GOAT?”
“Greatest of all time.” TK clarifies. “Pick again.”
News of the conversation hearts spreads after Nancy eats exactly three of hers and offers the rest to Mateo who genuinely likes the classic candy. His own personalized bag includes sayings like ‘NO WAY’ ‘LET’S GO’ and ‘YASS’ all of which reminded TK of Mateo’s enthusiastic exclamations.
Paul’s bag is full of ‘ALL-STAR’s and ‘YOU ROCK’s and even a few ‘WISE GUY’s, while Marjan’s is a mixed bag of ‘YOU GO, GIRL!’ ‘CRUSH IT’ and ‘FIRE.’
He’s sorted a bag for Judd and Grace to share full of ‘HUBBY’ and ‘WIFEY’ hearts as well as ‘#BLESSED’ and ‘IT’S A MATCH.’ Judd takes them with a smile and a roll of his eyes, but he gets a thank you text later that night from Grace which meant that Judd hadn’t just tossed them in the garbage.
His dad would never be caught eating a concentrated tablet of sugar and artificial coloring, but he leaves a bag of ‘WILD LIFE’ ‘LOOKING GOOD’ and ‘NEW YOU’ hearts on his desk anyways.
It’s a fun way to spend Valentine’s Day when you have to work. It’s put everyone in a good mood and he’s brought all the extra hearts in for the team to share. They spend their lunch break sorting through them for other fun sayings and picking out more to give to each other.
Nancy picks out all the ones that say ‘TE AMO’ and gives them to Mateo, excitedly pointing out that the letters can be rearranged to spell his name. Paul and TK give him all the ones that say ‘ANGEL’ which he then throws back at them. They find a few that say ‘PAGE ME’ that they don’t know what to do with. Tommy is more than happy to take them.
Marjan challenges them to stack them into a tower of hearts to see who can make one the tallest. She wins every time and losers have to eat their fallen bricks. Its sickening the amount of sugar consumed and Paul looks absolutely ill after the third collapse.
They make a game of kissing or hugging anyone who pulls the classic ‘KISS ME’ or ‘HUG ME’ hearts and Carlos walks in just as they are all trying to corner Judd who has turned the tables and grabs Paul, Marjan and Mateo in one giant bear hug.
“What are you doing here, I didn’t think I’d see you till dinner?” TK asks as Carlos surveys the counter covered in candy.
“Conversation hearts?” He asks, picking up one that appropriately says ‘HOT STUFF.’
“Don’t look at us.” Nancy defends as she willingly eats the ‘MY GIRL’ hearts that Mateo had given to her. “This was his idea, he’s been giving out personalized hearts all day, it’s causing mayhem.”
“Sounds like you.” Carlos says as he inspects the treat before determining eating would not in fact be the end of the world. “So do I get on too?” He asks. “A personalized pick?”
TK feels panic shoot through him. He had almost forgotten why he’d bought the hearts in the first place. What had he even done with the heart he had set aside for Carlos. He quickly searches the counter, there had to be another one. There just had to be.
‘ME & YOU’
All good picks but not the right one.  He desperately digs through the pile one more time.
“I’ve got it, a special one, just for you.” He stalls. There at the bottom of the bowl he finds it. He grabs the small green heart and whips around to present it to him. Carlos steps back enough to clear TK’s arm and has to squint to get a good look at the tiny print. He laughs. A gorgeous smile replaces his concerned look.
“Pretty sure I already agreed to do this.” He says accepting the ‘MARRY ME’ heart.
“Yeah well, maybe I just like hearing you say yes.” Carlos smirks and searches the table. It only takes him a second to find the one he’s looking for and he places it carefully in the palm of TK’s hand.
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