#jude recaps
srngrque · 9 months
lover of mine.
jude bellingham x fem!reader the world finds out about jude's girlfriend, and she blews up. face claim: lola tung
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realmadridwags looks like our golden boy, jude has found his lover, as fans saw him cuddling with an unknown girl on the street of madrid, holding hands too. @/yourusername seems like a lovely girl, show some love. <3
user HELLO? good morning to you too
user have you seen jude? of course he has someone
user whO is she? am i .. the other women?
user just checked her instagram and woah
> user woah as in wOAH or woah.
user time to stalk the other women, good morning everyone
user wOAH
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liked by jobebellingham, yourbestfriend and 548 others
yourusername my babygirl signed with the biggest football club today heheh. im so proud of you jude. i love you, my golden boy. <3 im so excited to see whats in store for you next bubba, i will always be with you every step of the way when you need me to, very very hala madrid.
user golden boy?? bubba?? babygirl?? give me a gUN omg they are adorable
user oh oh they are my parents ive decided
user she is fucking gorgeous
judebellingham i love you so much
yourbestfriend went to madrid without me, our friendship is in a dangerous condition girl
> yourusername you must forgive me queen
user so who is she? what's her age? is she willing to breakup with jude and be with me? whats her deal?
user JUDE MOVE you were hiding hER from us?
yourunifriendtwo HOLY SHIT thATS YOUR boyfriend? all those missed classes?? HOLY
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liked by yourbestfriend, judebellingham and 327 others
yourusername summer recap before uni start :>
user and she reads TOO?
jobebellingham vacation without me?
> yourusername you said no stop crying
user she had so many pictures of jude that we were not aware of?
user wow don't look for me, i will crying at the corner
judebellingham mine mine mine mine mine mine mineminemine only
> yourusername of course bubba
> user BUBBA im gonna go cry aGAIN ENOUGH is ENOUGH
user to see jude this much in love? i love it
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liked by judebellingham, yourunifriendone and 474 others
yourusername im twenty only (if anyone don't know, i love my boyfriend slightly more than you guys love your boyfriends)
user i accept it, IM the other women
user jude pls show off your girlfriend more
user you are so pretty, mommy
yourbestfriend my baby is twentyyy let's goo partyyyy
> judebellingham with you?
> yourbestfriend your issue is?
user so .. are you our new mommy now?
> yourusername sorry what ?
in twitter.com
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liked by yourusername, trentarnold66 and 4,839,478 others
judebellingham golden boy 2023. thank you for everyone who supported me through until this point. @/yourusername thank you for being there when i needed you. i love you, i love this, thank you once again. cheers x
yourusername i love you
trentarnold66 man of the year
user i love how yn used to call him her golden boy before he got the award naww man my heart
jobebellingham my bro <3
user congratulations jude on the hot girlfriend of course, share tips whenever possible
user couple goals frfr adOPT me i'll pay rent !!
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liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66 and 1,739,345 others
yourusername do i have your attention now
user oh she blew up holy fuck
user she is fucking gorgeous
judebellingham oh yes yes you do my girl
user jude bellingham needs to write a book about gatekeeping
user my full attention, my queen. never half, always full
yourbestfriend dinner served i fucking love it
user MOMMY?
user your face card is a credit card swipe swipe
> user unlimited swipe swipe kaching dollar signs
in twitter.com
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loverdjudeforever · 3 months
Jude recap on Sherlock Holmes’s clips:
“…The elements that I really wanted to bring out of Watson was that he was writing the books, so it was his observation, it was his translation of what was happening. What was it like to really live with this guy, rather than the genius which you might add in the book, or rather than the great cases and the way he would, you know, did his socks smell? Did he wash up? Did he use my clothes? All the funny stuff of kind of the ODD COUPLE….”
Jude admits Holmes and Watson are couple🥰🥰
I can rest in peace now
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So it may just be me and my personal interpretation, but one thing that absolutely infuriates me is the "Cardan is a genius for his banishment plan and Jude did a dumb dumb by not returning" idea that some readers have.
Because that plan, as it was, would only work if, and only if, Jude was fae.
In fact, Jude even thinks about pardoning herself, and how that would not work (given the current situation as she knows it).
(I will illustrate my points with extracts of Queen of Nothing (QoN), and The Wicked King (TWK) of the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black)
recap: the plan was to exile Jude, and have her return via her pardoning herself a bit later when the coast was clear (lol unintentional sea pun) of the wrath of the Undersea disturbing negotiations.
"I exile Jude Duarte to the mortal world. Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown. (...) Meaning by the King of Faerie. Or it's queen. You could have returned anytime you wanted." (QoN chap 18)
Here is where the issue lies. Jude is High Queen of Elfhame, but has literally no way to prove it. She doesn't have the powers conferred to her as queen yet, she doesn't have the trust of the people, and she doesn't have the magical inability to lie that the fae have.
Now if Cardan had proclaimed her queen, she could, but he didn't. In fact, when he first exiles her, she proclaims that he can't do that on account of her being queen, which no one believes:
"But I am the Queen of Faerie," I shout, and for a moment, there is silence. Then everyone around me begins the laugh. (...) "Deny it, then," I yell. "Deny me!" He cannot, of course, so he does not. (TWK chap 30)
Which leads to Jude seeing through the plan and pushing it away because she could not trust Cardan to do what would be needed for it:
It occurs to me that maybe he made a mistake with that phrasing. Maybe I can pardon myself. But then I remember when I insisted I was the Queen of Faerie, and the guards laughed. Cardan didn't need to deny me. He only had to say nothing. And if I pardoned myself, he would only have to say nothing again. (QoN chap 6)
Meaning for her to actually pardon herself, she would have needed to illegally enter Faerie, not get caught, get into presence of Cadan so he could confirm the claim she is rightful queen, and then pardon herself publicly. Of course many of those steps are dangerous, and she has no reason trust Cardan.
If at any point she was caught in Faerie before being pardoned and confirmed queen by Cardan, well, it pretty much almost happens in the book.
"Clap her in chains," says Randalin. Never have I so wished there was a way for me to show I was telling the truth. But there isn't. No oath of mine carries any weight. (QoN chap 16)
The only thing that stops them from trying to arrest or kill her?
"Whatever do you mean?" Randalin says. "She's-" "She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." (QoN chap 16)
Cardan even seems to be aware of it at one point (a couple hours before he names her queen in fact):
"Since you're mortal, Jude, I cannot hold you to your promises . But you can hold me to mine: I guarantee you safe passage. Come back to Elfhame with me and I will give you the means to end your exile." (QoN chap 13)
Okay, so the plan was flawed, but why make it then?
"Let me remind you that I didn't know you'd murdered my brother, the ambassador to the Undersea, until that very morning," he says. "My plans were made in haste. And perhaps I was a little annoyed. I thought it would pacify Queen Orlagh, at least until all promises were finalized in the treaty. By the time you guessed the answer, the negotiations would be over." (QoN chap 18)
So we get the entire picture: the entire thing was a hastily made plan with expected flaws (Cardan's lack of undertanding of the treatment of mortals and the consequences thereof on Jude's decisions), born from the miscommunication and lack of communication between them, that ultimately worked, only with a couple hiccups.
It makes sense to their characters, to where they are in their character growth, individually and as a couple, to their understanding of each other.
Jude, who has figured out, manipulated, and maneuvered entire coups to take the throne and subsequently took one of the highest political positions did not suddenly become an idiot ignorant of political maneuvering. And Cardan, who did not expect, want, or even took over the functions of the throne if he didn't absolutely have to, did not suddenly become a political genius.
Instead, Jude, who often works alone, trusts only herself, and consequently does not report everything to Cardan, accidentally put him in a difficult position, and Candan, who has yet to really work with Jude and take into account her limitations and differences, did not take them into consideration in the plan he had to come up with on the fly. And then the complete lack of communication (and trust) aggravated the problem.
Lo and behold, what happens after their reunion? They start working together, communicating better, and developing trust.
Character development stemming from an incident caused and aggravated from their flaws. Aka good storytelling.
I.e. when the political fantasy book with a sprinkle of romance in the background actually brings the romance to the foreground and starts working on the couple.
This is of course, my own interpretation at the end of the day.
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crackers4jenn · 3 months
Okay, now that it's the next day and my brain isn't just a swirling hormone cyclone of horny Looney Tunes noises I wanted to recap Misha's live show a little more thoroughly for my own memories, since you couldn't take photos or record.
I went with a friend who's only experience of the spn fandom is via me trauma dumping on her about it. She's seen some of the show, post-Nov 5th, but she didn't develop any sort of attachment or, you know, "mild liking" to it at all. She gave up several seasons in and declared her life all the better for it. Fair! An appropriate response, actually.
But because of this, she didn't really have an idea of what to expect from the show. Same here - I mean, I figured there was going to be a comedic element to it - but that was as specific as my understanding got. I've been watching spn con panels online for years and years, though, so I knew going in what Misha's on stage humor was like, what sort of jokes he'd probably tell. She went in blind, and she did have a fun time, but her first takeaway after was "that was.... interesting." 😂
Okay, so first of all! The venue was separate from the con, we got there a little before 7 when they were supposed to open the doors, with the show starting at 7:30. Instead, we got let in late, but most people seemed pretty chill about it. I will say, waiting in line wasn't my fave. It was very loud, we were right by the bar, there was music playing, everyone was using their Outside Voices. With my voice so hoarse, I could barely talk with my friend without her first going "What????" so I definitely wasn't making pals with anyone around. But I did overhear quite a few people who had shown up solo who were finding other people to talk to. So if you're going to a future show by yourself and you're worried about feeling anxious or awkward or lonely, don't! The fandom is friendly, they'll make you comfortable. Even with my standoff-looking ass being so quiet, people were still complimenting my hair (up in space buns) and socks (strawberries) and being generally really nice.
The first part of Misha's show was a little clunky. He came out, uttered the words "enormous cock" about his newborn self, and it took some time for him to find his pace. But after about, I don't know, ten minutes, he seemed less awkward and more comfortable being up there stared at by so many people.
He talked about his mom dressing him as a girl when he was young; painting his nails, growing his hair long, putting him in tights. How this meant that, as a child, he thought he was going to grow up to be a woman. He also talked about how this meant he was a bit of a freak in his blue collar North Eastern hometown, and he got beat up because of it.
He mentioned his mom's activism, in ways that both positively and negatively impacted him. There were quite a few tales of close calls with drugs, of a childhood sleeping in tents, of being poor, of moving constantly, of being encouraged to not live by societal rules. When he talked about his mom, there was always a lot of fondness, and at the end of the show, he was straight up tearing up reading a newspaper article about her.
He talked about getting a boner in his first sex scene, when he had a role on 24. His partner in the scene wrote "hi, Misha" on her pasties and that apparently did it for him. This story was obviously rife with "my dick is so big" jokes.
He also talked about sneaking into a Hollywood Oscar's party v. early on in his career (as in, before he had one) and mingling with the likes of Jude Law (who, of course, was at a urinal next to him admiring his enormous cock) and Brad Pitt, and Chloe Sevigny giving him her number.
He talked about his kids a bunch. His divorce was turned into a punchline or two. (But never directed at his ex-wife 💖) He brought up his new girlfriend, so I had to sit there and endure the "I bought a sex toy for my long distance lady that she mistook for a birthday present for her kid" story, which!!! I knew was coming, that's something I had heard about from previous shows. And lemme say: uncomfortable to read those words, even MORE uncomfortable to listen to him admit it aloud in front of an audience that was half cringing, half cackling.
There were a couple points where he forgot where he was going with the story he was telling, or where he kind of just spaced out, or he played up the awkwardness. And it was all very charming! He's just a charismatic guy, he's got a great stage presence. The event was like a one-man stage production slash autobiographical comedy show, and somehow him oscillating between poignant sincerity and dick humor really worked. Probably because of the aforementioned charisma. And also that he's smoking hot. I mean!! I went paragraphs upon paragraphs without saying it, so I feel I'm allowed one objectifying "awoooooga" at the end here.
Anyway, I mentioned that my friend's initial reaction to the show was "interesting" but she enjoyed herself too and laughed in shocked delight way more than she doubled over in secondhand embarrassment, so, win!!
Personally, I had a great time. I've been to a few spn conventions before and I don't really enjoy the "dance, puppet, dance!" atmosphere that sometimes happens, or how parasocial it feels, but even when Misha took off his overshirt early on and flashed some skin, no one really hooted and hollered. He did label us his therapists early on, though, so maybe we were all respecting our professional boundaries.
In conclusion: 10/10, would do it again!
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coeurvrai · 1 year
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The key line flashes back to that moment at the family’s country estate when her father made a promise to her that he wouldn’t keep. “When he let you in, when the sun shone, it was warm,” she says. “It was warm in the light.” (See also: Gwyneth Paltrow talking about Jude Law’s narcissistic character in The Talented Mr. Ripley: “It’s like the sun shines on you, and it’s glorious. And then he forgets you, and it’s very, very cold.”)
- Vulture, Succession Recap: Not Widely Liked
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honeymooony · 2 months
so to recap… finn and hamish won’t leave me tf alone after I’ve rejected them 8000 times each.. and they keep doing increasingly weird shit like writing letters that they carry around in their speedos apparently or giving me their mom’s necklace even though we’re not friends.. but STEFAN… my actual ex who came all the way from canada for me and me alone gave up because I didn’t bring him back from casa and now I’m locked out of his route. but also if you do bring him back from casa he’s gonna start doing a bunch of fuck shit and you can’t get mad at him properly… the same exact fuck shit jude’s been doing that made me wanna switch back to stefan in the first place. AUGH
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opeothalmologist · 6 months
New fan of TMA (Feb 2024) who’s just started Season 4. Here were my reactions each season! 3/3 — Season 3 (with spoilers)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4A
“try not to relate to jonathan sims challenge (failed in 5 seconds)”
“the storybook concept is SO. GOOD.”
“Elias Bouchard always gaslight gatekeep girlbossing” (The one time I felt bad for Daisy lol)
In silent shock of how amazing Ep 86 is (and then Melanie and Martin look at Hot Waterfall Man)
“who… who is jude perry again”
“i did not expect gym bro horror but my god was it good”
“MIKE!!!!!!” 15 minutes later “mike….”
side-eyes at the Jonah Magnus mention, having been spoiled
“At the very least, he’s admitting to his crimes”
Did not expect Georgie to have this much backstory
“War x The End best ship”
“long pig 🐷 short pig 🐷 wide pig 🐷 narrow pig 🐷”
“Tim :(”
“Melanie :( go queen. kill Elias”
“jonathan sims world tour!”
“julia and trevor duo in the US is not what we expected but exactly what we deserved”
“i could make a venn diagram of gerard keay, nacht faust, and nico di angelo”
realizes gerry is my new fave
“taking Murder Club too literally but go off”
“Let’s goooo… TIM. DAISY.”
big sigh of relief now that Nikola is gone
“it’s giving recap episode” (Ep 120)
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button-kin-games · 3 months
A draft of my intro for Jude's World:
Parent Trapping 101
For those who haven’t seen The Parent Trap - a 1961 film starring Hayley Mills, also a 1998 remake starring Lindsay Lohan - here’s a little plot recap:  
A pair of estranged identical twins meet at a summer camp, having previously been unaware of each other’s existence. It transpires that their parents broke up when they were babies and, since neither wanted to see the other again, mum and dad each took one twin to avoid having to work out custody arrangements. The twins decide to mend their broken family by plotting ways for their parents to reunite and, they hope, fall back in love. Wacky Disney hijinks ensue. 
If you’re reading this and thinking “What an obviously terrible idea.” or “Their parents did WHAT?” - I quite agree. How did not one but two films with this premise get made? I don’t know. I do know that I have an irrational aversion to it. It strikes me as extremely conservative (something I am very not) to hinge a narrative on the idea that this couple would be better off together. Twin-splitting shenanigans aside, surely two people who made each other so unhappy are better off apart? Sometimes divorce really is the best option. One we’re frankly lucky to have access to in the majority of the western world.
To be charitable I should say that in both stories the parents in question had married young and separated due to incompatibilities which had worked themselves out in the intervening time. The thing is, their kids absolutely don’t know that. The twins just think that forcing together two grown adults with a complicated and painful history of which they are almost entirely ignorant is bound to work out well. And that’s both believable and funny to me. I want to ride along in one of their heads for a while. See what they learn from the experience. That’s what this game is.
This is a game where a child on the cusp of teenhood tries their best to mend an adult relationship they are as yet completely unequipped to understand. You could play Jude’s World with the camp, Disney-fied tone of its inspirations, or you could play for realism and explore deeper emotions and motivations of the three central characters. Either way in this story reuniting two people who’ve made the heart-rending decision to separate won’t be so easy.
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cromulentreader · 10 months
Madoc and Taryn's Relationship
Not a Taryn apologist, but girly had many reasons to have daddy issues. Madoc might have said he loved them both, but he didn’t love them the same looking at his words and actions.
After the duel between the twins, we get some hints on how Madoc cares for Taryn. Madoc tells Jude after she duels Taryn that she loves both. Let's recap what that love looks like. Madoc lets Taryn get engaged to Locke, knowing she will be miserable. He did not allow Jude to become a knight. The Red Coronation played a part in it, but there’s a good chance he didn’t think it would suit Jude truly to be bossed around by a Lord or Lady. 
Madoc also mentions Taryn as not a match for Locke while he sees Locke as not suitable to Jude. We can interpret that in many ways, but there’s a flattering tone to Jude. 
Finally, the way he described Cardan is not worth protecting, you could apply most of it to Taryn. She appeared more vain than Jude, uninterested in swords (although she was not bad at it per se), clever and socially apt.  
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Jude debated herself about Madoc being her father, but in her POV he only calls her foster daughter once and he believes he’s introducing Taryn. He calls Jude his daughter to faeries, regardless if they are unhappy about a mortal’s presence, but he doesn’t extend the same treatment to Taryn - even after she betrays Jude at his request. 
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kikithegr8 · 1 month
LITG S9 volume XI recap
So first of all
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I literally called my man to come down all the way from the terrace to kiss him instead of you and you still want to take me on this date?!? 😩
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Soo I guess it’s Queen of hearts then…
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Two cats? There are a million and one options. What happened?
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Mmm no sweetie, sorry.
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I didn’t even screenshot Lyle. Hamish wins best costume.
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The only thing Eddie has ever said that I could co-sign. Tash I appreciate you having my back but it didn’t work the first time and it won’t work now. I really wish Zeph was interested in her instead of me though.
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Where are his sleeves and his shirt? Why is his hair permanently blowing in the wind? I actually like the tattoos but this is super annoying!!! Clocked it a mile away. Same 💩 different sprites. Of course I smashed Lyle on the daybeds afterwards. The couples game came the next day only ones in a legit couple since ours was high jacked is Kat and Jude and Eddie was being messy boots even though I told him not to. It’s possible Kat wanted to win but then met Jude and caught feelings. The end.
Also we have 15 hair options, only 3 of which don’t look weird. If we aren’t getting hair updates, the ones available all have to be good. Half of them are ashy and several others don’t lay right.
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madockisser · 2 months
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⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ masterlist ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡
eldred/val moren/taniot analysis
balekin greenbrair analysis
dain greenbriar analysis
greenbriar princess analysis
madoc analysis/explaining my user 😭
balekin and dain parallel
Madoc and oriana parallel
balekin greenbriar theory
balekins relationship w jude and humans theory
why jude and cardan aren’t bully x victim
why did cardan throw jude’s salt?
why is cardan a sadist/cardans struggle w power
was cardan faithful to nicasia/ faerie intimacy social standards // part ii
why did cardan sent jude the coronation dress analysis
cardan defending jude 👅
bilingual cardan 😍
cardan and his feelings toward jude’s beauty
jude and taryns beauty, faerie beauty standards and nature
eva duarte appearance analysis/assumption
justin duarte appearance assumption
cardan greenbriar appearance analysis
cardan greenbriar outfit/style analysis
cardan greenbriar makeup analysis/recap
if u have any reqs or thoughts u wanna share pls feel free to use the ask thingy, and reblogs/likes are soso appreciated! 🫶🫶👅
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football-and-fanfics · 3 months
Monthly imagine posting recap: May 2024
The following imagines have been posted in May 2024:
Jude Bellingham - In the sea (SMUT)
Jude Bellingham - Knocked out (The Medic)
Curtis Jones & Harvey Elliott - Falling asleep at the other one's house
Trent Alexander-Arnold - "Catch him, he's fainting."
Cody Gakpo - "You're shaking."
Jude Bellingham - "You can barely stand."
Mason Mount - Getting items thrown at them from the crowd
Harvey Elliott - "It's alright, I'm here."
Virgil van Dijk - "Stop telling me you're okay."
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
CHARITY TO MAKE RACHEL BLAME SOMEONE: JEN FROM REAL HOUSEWIVES RECAPS (A LURKER HERE) IS DOING A LIVE CHAT TO RAISE MONEY FOR ST JUDE’S HOSPITAL. IT’S ALL GOING TO BE GIVEN IN HONOR OF PRINCESS CATHERINE AND SO FAR WE’RE ALMOST AT $16K‼️. COME ON OVER! https://ift.tt/moNu7F8 post link: https://ift.tt/IjR1txa author: ShinySerialSuccubus submitted: April 28, 2024 at 01:19AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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hendolish · 11 months
got to say that was one of the best international breaks for a while !!! quick recap of what we got:
- 2 wins and euro qualification!
- hendolish and stonesford reunions <3
- trent and jude only adding fuel to their ship
- trent/jude/hendo content x100
- rashy goal!! jude pom!!
- madders being besties (hoeing around) with everyone as usual
all in all i’m very happy :))
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darlingod · 1 year
I don't why the faeries bully Jude and Taryn when you know that they are the daughters of a bloodthirsty recap general? Not any general by the way, but general of the high king! (of course, we all know how that ended)
That's like bullying a martial artist's kid, you know you're gonna get your butt whooped.
And what was Valerian smoking to think it was okay to sneak into THE CHIEF GENERAL'S HOUSEHOLD to attack his daughter? That's so dumb. Am I going to sneak into a cop's house and get away unscathed?
Who raised that dummy? And how he know which was Jude's balcony? 🤔
Literallyyy the folk were too bold with that shit like how many people do Jude and Taryn have to threaten/kill to make the fuckers back off ???
And right?? Valerian was just bound to die at any moment with his clearly nonexistent brain cells. Even Cardan is like “only a fool would break into the generals house” so,, he said what he said he cannot tell a lie
Also the balcony comment, IKR?? I was just thinking about this, how did Valerian know which room? Lmfao like how did he even know in general that window led to her room?
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katatty · 1 year
Recap: Strangetown Round 5 (Summer) - part 4
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Johnny and Ophelia finally move into their new place, along with Ophelia’s puppy, Nyx! They’ve been engaged since last round, and have been hoping to have a nice, quiet wedding here in Strangetown.
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Ophelia had been doing occasional work as a private therapist, and she intended to start working in the local hospital, but there weren’t any vacancies, and the household needed money! So she took a job at Shiny Things lab, instead. Apparently their natural science division was understaffed.
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As a detective, Johnny’s currently investigating some of their neighbours after recieving an anonymous tip. Rather nasty child experimentation allegations…
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Housewarming party!
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During this round, Johnny collects statements from Nervous, as well as Testee...
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Nyx grows up into a large dog! Cute, too.
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The Wedding is just a small ceremony at the chapel with a few family members. Johnny takes Ophelia's last name, to honour her late parents. After all, there are plenty more Smiths to carry on their family name.
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Ophelia woke up the morning after the wedding to a suprise! Sooner than they planned, but they're both happy about it. (Ophelia has some anxieties, though.)
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Baby Jude is born! He has red hair and dark eyes. Like a little PT9 :')
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I didn't actually play Don (since I played him pleanty during the Pleasantview round), but want to quickly note he lives in Strangetown now, too. He popped up as a visitor a few times!
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Then it's the Beakers!
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The Beakers have two daughters, Calypso & Cruella. Cruella is currently off at Summer Camp, whereas Calypso is due a birthday this season.
(Unoficially) Loki has a third daughter, an alien girl named Testee. After escaping their lab, she was fostered by Lola Curious. She recently agreed to talk to the police about her childhood…
With the house getting full and a more interesting test subject arriving, the Beakers kicked Nervous Subject out long ago
They also found Bella Goth & returned her to her family, making them longtime close friends of the Goth family
Circe owns a magic lamp, and has one wish remaining
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Throughout their round, Johnny Smith keeps popping by. Loki is not thrilled!
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Circe's worried about it, but plays along with Loki when he tries to reassure her.
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A lot of the round is dedicated to Calypso's education. She and her Daddy are very close. She gets into private school and grows up into a fortune sim, with ambitions of becoming a lawyer!
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Cassie pays a visit. She's not doing too hot.
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Circe makes use of her final genie wish, turning herself into a teenager and fleeing town.
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This leaves Loki to take the fall for all their nefarious activity. He's arrested the following morning.
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Phew, and that's all! Hopefully the recap being split into so many parts wasn't too obnoxious, haha. I'll probably need to rethink how I format these in future.
Thank you for reading! If you have any thoughts, I always really appreciate comments :)
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