#jude sixx
Sunglasses at Night
Summary: Stood up, Amber Lee goes to her godparents house and after a couple pep talks, a 80’s pop hit, and a game of keep away, she’s giggling and very happy with who her parents picked her godparents.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol abuse, being ghosted
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The door slamming brought the Southern mom’s attention from the cookies that she had just shut the door on.
“Aunt Taylor?” She called and Ella came down the stairs, seeing her oldest cousin come inside. Nine year old Ella raised a brow.
“Amber? What are you doing here? Didn’t you have that date with that football jock tonight?” Taylor asked, crossing her arms.
“I thought so too. I waited at that damned restaurant for two hours before I noticed he was on AOL,” Amber growled, her eyes on the wine cabinet.
“Come here,” Taylor called, opening her arms for the young woman.
“I am sorry baby. But I don’t want you to become addicted to alcohol, baby. I’m gonna pull the godmomma card here. Amber Nicolette, look at me and you listen here good. I know you have had a shit night, but the cure shouldn’t be much more than a pint of ice cream. I know you’re growing up. But sweetie, I love you and I can’t let you ruin your life,” Taylor grasped Amber’s shoulders so the drummer would have to look her in the eyes. Blue-green eyes met now tearing up Hazel ones.
“I promise auntie,” Amber’s voice broke at her aunt’s words.
“Come here,” Taylor pulled Amber close to her. Amber leaned her head on her aunt’s shoulder, even though needing to bend so Taylor could put her hand on Amber’s head.
“It’s been so long since you called me auntie,” Taylor whispered. The last time she heard those words, Amber had sprained her ankle, and the words were spoken in agony while Nikki drove them to the hospital.
“I’ll always be your auntie. No matter if you’re 8 or 88. Don’t forget that,” Taylor told her, her own eyes filling with tears.
“Pipsqueak, I didn’t know you were coming. You mind coming into the studio for a sec. I want your opinion on some samples,” Nikki spoke with a smile, seeing his only godchild pressed to his wife. He’d ask Taylor later if Amber didn’t tell him.
“Ella, honey!”
“Yes mama?”
“Go get my tape player and my cassettes,” There was one thing that always made the Lee girl laugh and put in a better mood. While Ella turned to go find her mother’s tapes and tape player.
“There’s the little bastards,” Taylor smiled as she spotted her aviators on the coffee table.
“Got it mama,” Ella brought down the items and when she saw the sunglasses perched on her mom’s dirty blonde locks, she didn’t say a word before producing the cassette that her mom was looking for.
“You wanna get the ice cream or candy?” Taylor asked, and Ella smiled bittersweetly.
“I’ll get the ice cream,” Ella told her and the two walked to grab their items and set the table, with three spoons.
“Amber, I know you’re supposed to be doing something tonight. It was a date, wasn’t it? Was the guy a tool or something?” A murderous look filled his emerald orbs at the thought of someone mistreating Amber.
“He was a total tool, but not why you think. He never showed up,” Amber explained, tears filling her hazel orbs.
“I’m sorry munchkin. Guys suck, especially teenage boys. I hate to see you have to go through it. But I’m really afraid that this most likely won’t be the last time. Guys suck, but you’re fucking awesome! And I’m not just saying that because you’re my niece and godchild. You’re a great kid and you’ll find someone that realizes that as much as everyone does,” Nikki held a hand on her shoulder, before Amber pulled him into a tight hug.
“I love you Uncle Nikki,”
“Of course kiddo. It’s my job,”
“What’s all this?” Amber asked, seeing the tape player before Ella pressed play and stood next to her mom, and that was when Amber noticed black shades covering their eyes.
Before the lyrics game, the mother-daughter duo bobbed their heads to the beat of the 80’s hit.
Once Corey Hart’s voice filled the living room, a smile spread across Amber’s pink lips.
When the chorus came around, both mother and daughter pointed to her and sang along, making a giggle leave Amber’s lips. By the second go around, Amber had started singing along and letting her head fall back while she danced with her aunt and cousin.
“It always worked. Even when you were a baby. Used to annoy your uncle that it wasn’t rock music that got you all giggly,” Taylor tickled Amber’s sides, causing the nine year old Ella to run up and start tickling the girl that she felt was the older sister that never had biologically.
“Oh you’re on Cupcake,” Amber got into a running stance and Ella recognized it and ran towards the coffee table. Which then led to a game of keep away with the two girls. That was before Jude came down and saw that his big sister needed his help, and even at seven, he knew that he and Ella stood a chance against Amber if it was 2 on 1.
@youlightmeupfinn @buckysimp101 @hallecarey1 @kata1803 @emely-ala @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chevygirl88 @midsummereve1993
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izzystradlinswife · 1 year
Are you working on anything rn?? Also I love your writing💗💗💗
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These are the ones I got currently. The Nikki one should be out this week!!
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wolfieloveswade · 4 months
Fun Random Rock N' Roll Facts: 06-01-2024:
+ Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo have been married since 1982(that's 42 years <3)
+ Axl Rose, Michael Jackson and Tom Petty are all from Lafayette, Indiana and all have talked about their immense hate for that "redneck town"
+ James Hetfield not only plays guitar and sings, he also can play the piano and has been playing it since he was 9 years old
+ Pete Townshend considers himself to be a Bisexual Catholic
+ it took Axl Rose 9 years to complete the album Chinese Democracy(1999-2008), he once told a rock journalist that "if I don't make this album the way that it's supposed to be and sound, I'm gonna die, you don't understand, I need it to be the greatest thing I've ever made"
+ Morrissey is one of the first Musicians/Rockstars to come out as Celibate(the lifestyle choice to abstain from sex)
+ Nikki Sixx wrote "shout at the devil" after having a nightmare that the devil was in his house
+ Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum was an anthem for members of the Christian Revival Movement of the early 1970s, they called themselves "Jesus Freaks", a lot of them were former hippies who wanted to get clean from drugs/drug abuse and with their new found Faith in God, they were able to, "Jesus Freaks" is still a term that some Christians use these days to describe themselves, whether or not they used to be hippie, I myself(Jimmy) would describe myself as a modern day "Jesus Freak", I've never had drug issues but I have had a hard upbringing/was lost in life before, but thanks to God Almighty, I am Saved and Redeemed
+ Michael Jackson suggested that the band Queen should release "Another Bites The Dust" as a single to promote their album "The Game" back in 1980, it became one of their biggest hits
+ Bryan Ferry said that early on in his career, the reason that he wore Glam/Eccentric Clothing was because he wanted to stand out and show others that it was okay to be different, he also said that the reason he changed his style from "Eccentric to Laid Back/Suave" was because he wanted to show that the older you get, you should also have the dignity to be classy
+ Like A Virgin was written by 2 men, Madonna heard the demo and wanted it to be "her song"
+ The term "Rock N' Roll" was coined by a radio DJ back in the early 1950s
+ Axl Rose's Sister Amy Bailey, is the head of the Guns N' Roses Fan Club
+ David Bowie and Marc Bolan were 2 of the first many Musicians/Rockstars to come out at Bisexual
+ Sid Vicious almost became a saxophone player before becoming the bassist for his best friend Johnny Rotten's band The Sex Pistols
+ Desmond Child, an openly Gay songwriter, helped the band Bon Jovi come up with their sound
+ Morrissey has been fighting for Animal Rights since 1985
+ Kirk Hammett, lead guitarist of Metallica is also an Animal Lover/Vegetarian and has been a Vegetarian since 1986
+ Paul McCartney gifted Freddie Mercury with a piano, that same piano he played Hey Jude on, Freddie played Bohemian Rhapsody on it
+ both Nick Cave and Mark Lanegan, who were both raised Agnostic, both later on in life became religious, Nick Cave considers himself to be Omnistic, Mark Lanegan considered himself to be a Born Again Christian
+ Pat Boone, a 1950s Singer who considers himself to be openly Christian, is good friends with Ozzy Osbourne, their friendship in the 1980s shocked people because Pat was seen as "The Angel" whereas Ozzy was seen as "the devil", despite this, both Boone and Osbourne believe in Christ, Boone considers himself to be a Christian, Osbourne considers himself to be Anglican(a Christian that is a member of the Church of England)
+ Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads was inspired by Alice Cooper
+ Joan Jett had to start her own record label with her band The Black Hearts because no one wanted to sign them at the time, they kept turning her and her band down, one bastard executive said to her "come back when you're dressed like a lady!"
+ Tina Turner taught Mick Jagger how to dance
+ Let It Be by The Beatles has a double meaning, it's about putting your Faith in Mother Mary during times of crisis as well as a tribute to Paul McCartney's own mother who was also synchronistically named Mary
+ During the 1980s, the Glam Metal Scene which took place on the Sunset Strip, in Los Angeles, California, a lot of Rock Bands would play at the same nightclubs where Drag Shows would happen, because of this, a lot of Musicians and Drag Queens would share make-up and dressing rooms and even some clothing
+ Manchester, England is the birthplace of the MADchester Music Scene of the 1980s and so on, many bands including Joy Division, The Smiths, Oasis and others came from and were formed in Manchester
+ Ian Curtis was trying to imitate Frank Sinatra's voice while recording Love Will Tear Us Apart
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your-astro-mami · 4 years
Lilith conjunctions in the natal chart
Lilith conjunct any planet in your natal chart allows it to have control over that part of you. Lilith wants control, independence, power. Whether you think they’re right or wrong or you’re willing to do them depends on the other parts of your chart. In this post I will be focusing on the conjunctions which in my opinion can be more significant. 
What came up to my mind was cruel intentions (not the movie, just the title). Lilith can make that part of you more selfish and egotistical, she seeks the best for herself and is willing to step over anyone and anything to achieve it.
With the Sun conjunct Lilith, it can show a very sexual persona, a very big ego, someone very daring, unapollogetic. They may have suffered but now they are ready to stand up strong and fight back anything. (examples: Kim Kardashian, James Dean, Rita Hayworth)
Lilith conjunct Ascendant can give sex appeal, charisma, sometimes in a very dark, mysterious and provocative way. Here it is connected to the appearance, the manners and the way they present themselves. They often take advantage of the way people perceive them. Lilith-Midheaven can give someone a mysterious reputation, a sex symbol status or someone who has gotten ahead in their career by using people. (AS: Marilyn Monroe, Aishwarya Rai; MC: Amy Winehouse, Penelope Cruz, Marquis De Sade - controversial writer and philosopher, Dakota Johnson - got popular through a movie about sex, but I don’t think she wants to be perceived as a sex symbol)
Lilith conjunct Moon can show troubled relationship with the mother, mistreatment or competition coming from the mother, even if you had a good relationship you may feel like you didn’t receive enough love from her.
Lilith-Venus conjunction can show a femme fatale persona. Using your femininity or charisma to get what you want from people, controlling people with your charisma and assets, relying on your beauty, how you make others feel in order to have control. Seeking independence while in a relationship, lack of satisfaction unless the relationship is on your terms, wanting to do what you want while in a relationship. It can also show multiple relationships at once or secret relationships, cheating in the worst case. I immediately thought of people with second hidden familites. Celebrity examples: Lana Del Ray and Megan Fox, alluring femme fatales or at least that’s been a part of their image they portray for the public, Kylie Jenner too. 
Lilith-Juno conjunction can show up in similar ways, but regarding long-term commitment and marriage. My grandma has Venus-Lilith conjunction and no man could ever get a hold of her, even my grandpa who was her husband. She travelled, she did what she want, she was very independеnt (In that sense, she didn’t cheat). The celebrities who have Juno-Lilith conjunction include Leo Dicaprio, Charlie Sheen, Nicolas Cage, Paris Hilton, Prince Phillip, Jeff Bezos, Not the best examples I could find, but it shows the different ways it can show up in your romantic life - some are still bachelors, some have been married multiple times, some have had secret affairs. Again, it all depends on other parts of your chart too, unless this is the only Lilith aspect you have, it’s not a significant part of your chart. Another example is Kris Jenner. I believe in both of her marriages, she had more control over her spouses, she made many choices which benefit her family in the long-term. 
Lilith-Mars can show strong action towards the things you believe in. They aren’t afraid of anything, they want to dig deep. Very sexual by nature, very dominant and seeks control. There can be a comparisson to Pluto, BUT Pluto is slower, he is cautious and has fears, he takes action step by step. Lilith has overcome her fears and is ready to seek her power and vengeance, she is bolder, she isn’t afraid of consequences as long as she gets what she wants.Celebrity examples include George Clooney, Jude Law, Nikki Sixx, Diego Maradona.
Lilith-Ceres conjunction. I will start this with my favourite celebrity example for this: Elvis Presley and his Madonna-Whore complex. He didn’t want to make love to his wife after she gave birth to their daughter, he also met her and kept a relationship with her since she was 14 - they had a very strange dynamic. She changed her appearance based on his likes, he was very controlling overall. He liked vulnerable women which were very different from his mother, who was apparently a very strong and controlling woman. I think the theme here is between the raw sexuality and primal attraction vs. the unconditional love, the mother-like figure. Having an unusual relatioship with the people with whom you’re supposed to have unconditional love for, having a hard time trusting the people who supposedly love you. It can be a very troubled aspect in general. Viewing the idea of love and nurture as something dangerous, something that may hurt you or take away your own control. I can see a person with this aspect being afraid of having children or having problematic relationship with their mother or caretaker, similarly to Lilith-Moon conjunction. (Charles Manson, Amy Winehouse, Ed Gein, Oprah WInfrey, Laurence Olivier)
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wildestdreamcatcher · 2 years
what are ur ocs fashion senses like?
Roxanne definitely know everything trendy, but she also creates her own trends. She has a lot of warmer tones in her closet, but specifically red. Roxanne is definitely influenced by Princess Diana's fashion as well.
Summer wears a lot of blue and white, and she also wears a lot of pastels too. She kind of uses her fashion as a way to express her emotions for example, when she's totally depressed she wears a lot of darker and more plain clothes without any jewelry. Summer also kind of dresses like Dolores Haze in "Lolita".
Lola definitely wears a lot of pink. She tends to dress more feminine and wears a lot of cute dresses and skirts. When she starts dating Kai, she starts incorporating his style with hers. She starts wearing more black, but it's still more feminine.
Jude wears a lot of darker colors. His clothes are lot more baggy and he wears a lot of flannels. Jude wears lots of baggy band tees and jeans, and the only time he wears shorts is for swimming. When he wants to go for a pop color, he wears a lot of green or dark red. Jude also kind of dresses like Shaggy from Scooby Doo and Bender in The Breakfast Club.
Lennon dresses a lot like Tom Cruise. He's a total sucker for denim and flannels. Lennon also dresses like Rob Lowe in the 80s too. He loves a good polo too.
Kai does kind of dress like Jude a little bit, but he loves leather. His clothes aren't as baggy as Jude's and he loves wearing like a dark purple. He doesn't care that much about style, but he kind of dress slightly like a werid mix between Rob Lowe and Nikki Sixx.
Vikki dresses a lot more casually. She loves denim and stripped shirts. Vikki has a lot of cooler toned colors in her closet, specifically teal and purple. She loves overalls and oversized cardigans. Vikki is a total slut for windbreaks too.
Tali wears a lot of her parents make her. She wears a lot of designer clothes, specifically dresses and skirts. When her and Lennon start dating she wears a lot of his denim jackets and flannels. Tali also gets a lot of inspo from Princess Diana too.
Marley loves boho outfits. She loves wearing her long flowy maxi skirts with her tank tops. Marley also gets a lot of inspo from Cleo, so she also kind of wears a lot of bell bottoms. She ABSOLUTELY loves flowy skirts and dresses. She wears a lot of earth tones and yellow.
Lexie wears a lot of skirts, dresses, and denim. She kind of dresses like Nancy Wheeler a little bit. Lexie does wear a lot of designer clothes too. Her clothes are often lighter colored, but her shoes always bring a splash of color.
Dakota wears a lot of sporty clothes. He gets a lot of style inspo from Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Dakota loves denim but he also loves wearing his letterman jacket.
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sadlonelyyogurt · 2 years
Summer and Jude officially became a couple at a Halloween party, and these are their costumes.
Jude's dressed as Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue, since that's one of his favorite bands.
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Summer's dressed as a fairy because she feels like that fits her vibes and she thought it would be cool
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yesss they look so cute
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julessworldd · 4 years
Cheerleader and the future rockstar
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Warnings: cussing, there’s a jock being an ass talking about the Oc in a gross, sexual way. arguing a little.
A/N: I don’t know much about Izzy’s family life, like his mom and brothers name. I think the one I had is right for his younger brother. And what year he finished high school, bare with me. Oc’s home life is sorta sucky even though she’s the rich cheerleader. she’s not snobby at all like the sterotype everyone has about cheerleaders. I will make a part 2!
@slashscowboyboots​ @roger-taylors-car​ @reigns420​ @awildkaitlynhasappeared​ @ginny-rose-sixx​ @izzysguitar​ since you liked the post last night about the upcoming fic :)
High school Au of Izzy.. Izzy falls for the cheer captain after, she offers her help on an essay in English. Here's the thing the cheerleader has loved Izzy since he grabbed her from falling down the stairs, sophomore year. 
Many know Jeff Isbelle or now Izzy for lots of things. He was the cool, stoner, who was planning on being a rockstar with his buddy, Bill Bailey. To some teachers he was hell on wheels, "The badboy" even though he barely talked. Jocks: Izzy was a creep, just another shadow, stupid stoner who needs to have better life plans. To Judith Channing Izzy was: her crush of two years, wanted to spark a conversation, but her red and black cheer uniform stopped her. Izzy hated the cheer squad because their "Loyalty" to the jocks, they were too happy for his liking at 10 am. Judith remembers when Tommy Lockeler tried to push her down the 3rd floor stairway after, she told him she thought he was nothing but a whore and didn't want to go on a date.  Felt like it was yesterday.. 
I stared at Tommy as he was putting his claim about him being a manwhore. His face got redder and redder by the minute.. 
"Keith told me you had such a tight pussy, Channing. Wanna let me test his theory out? Probably won't you're just a bitch", Tommy spat back.
"Fuck you, Tommy. You just proved my point right there! God, you're so stup-", I felt the air out of my chest leave as I tumbled backwards into someone's arms.  "Whatever", I heard Tommy stomp away. "Hey, hey. You okay?", I heard a soft but gravely voice ask. I opened my eyes to see a tallish boy with medium brown hair, hazel eyes holding me, face with concern. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for not letting me bust my head open, uh?", I said, holding my hands flat on his chest, one hand clutching his Rolling Stones' shirt. "Jeff, but I go by Izzy. Aren't you that Channing girl?", Izzy said, pulling me up, pushing a hair out of my face. "Yeah, I'm Judith. Nice to know my hero's name, Izzy", I blushed.  Izzy grinned, "What made Tommy try to commit murder after lunch anyways?" I smoothed out my uniform skirt, "Just the guy I lost my-", I realized what I was about to say to the new guy. "My hat, this summer. Tommy wanted to- '', I said, but Izzy nodded and seemed to understand what my 'hat' actually was. 
"Well, Keith needed to keep his mouth shut. Tommy is just an asshole, he's a jock they're all the same'', Izzy grumpled. "Yeah, you're right", I said. "Judith! We're gonna be late to practice, come on!", Erin yelled down the hall. "Thanks again, I appreciate it a lot. See ya around, Izzy", I smiled. "No problem. Have a good practice, Jude", Izzy said, reaching into his jacket pocket for his Malobros.  I watched Izzy smirk and skip down each stair, his cute ass bouncing as he went down. "Judith!", Erin yelled again, taking me away from my hero. 
Crazy how that's been two years ago, Izzy doesn't recognize me or chose to at least. After that day, I had a big secret crush on the Johnny Thunders of Lafayette. No guy gets me like Izzy does, Izzy barely knows me but he has such a big affect on me.  I walked into Mr. Allan's senior english class, there was a seat by the window, behind this dark headed boy. I sat down behind him, judging if I liked this seat. It was close enough to board, not in the very very front, nice view outside. "Oh Mike?", the kid turned around. "Oh, you're not Mike. Hi", I looked up and it was Jeff Isbelle. "No, sorry. Is this seat taken?", I asked as my heartrate rose. "No, he came in for a minute, guess he left before I noticed", Izzy said. "Okay class, let's get started!", Mr. Allan clasped his hands together. Allan was going over what we would be doing in the class before we graduated in June. Same bullshit honestly. Read Shakeperse, write essays, read other dead guys' writings. 
Two weeks later, Izzy was still seated in front of me. Making 3rd period class time hell, if you call getting to see his beautiful self plop down everyday. "Alright guys, we finished McBeth and now I'm wanting you to write about how you took the play. I'm asking if you liked the ending, if not write how you would have ended instead. You can use the books, notes we took, even chapter tests I gave back. Due in two weeks", Mr. Allan stated before sitting back at his desk.  It was getting close to 4th period, meaning I could leave for the day, no cheer practice today too. 
"Hey Judith?", Izzy asked. "Yeah, what's up?", I asked from writing my draft. "Did you keep anything from this unit? I lost my binder", Izzy asked. "Yeah, what do you want?", I smiled. "Notes, I guess. I'm not sure how I wanna write this shitty essay", Izzy grinned. Damn what a beautiful smile. I handed him every note I took on the play, side notes, everything.  "Pretty smart for a cheerleader", Izzy said, grabbing my notes. "I liked the play really well, okay?", I fought back.  "If you say so, Judith", Izzy turned back around. 
I walked in the empty room, well thought it was empty. Izzy was sitting in a desk next to Mr.Allan's desk, "Oh sorry, sir", I started to turn around. "It's okay, Judith. Actually, I need you for something", Mr. Allan smiled. I stood next to Izzy. "With what?", I asked. "Mr. Isbelle said you gave him his notes, the first day I assigned this essay. I'm just wanting to make sure he's not lying is all", Mr. Allan said. "Jeff is telling you the truth, sir. He asked if I still had anything about the play and wanted my notes for a starting point, I guess. You said we could use anything we did for the play", I said, starting to get offended he would assume Izzy stole my notes and wanted to cheat. 
"Okay, Judith. Well, since you're here go sit down.", Mr. Allan breathed out, probably embarrassed and a 17 year old girl started him out. The ball rang making Mr.Allan go out for hall duty and talk to other teachers. 
"Hey", Izzy said, standing in front of me. "Hi, Jeff", I smiled. "Thanks for backing me up with dickhead. If I tell you this, will you promise me you won't go to practice and gossip about me?", Izzy said clenching his jaw, he looked really hot. "Of course, Jeff. What's up?", I asked, rubbing my thumb over my other hand. "Your notes helped some, but I'm still stuck. Maybe, it's writer's block I need you to help me crap out this dumb essay. Please?", Izzy said. "Yeah, no problem, Jeffrey. I have cheer until 4:45, but I can meet you somewhere after.", I smiled. Izzy stared at me for a second, "Sure, that's cool. I can give you my address, mom's working late." 
I pulled up to Izzy's place, couple cars were parked outside. I decided to stay on the side of his street and yard, leaving a place for his mother. Izzy stepped out for a smoke as I got out, pulling my brother's t-shirt down. "Boyfriend's shirt?", Izzy blew out smoke from his lips. "No, brother's actually", I said, slinging my bag on my shoulder more. "Oh. Didn't know you had siblings, you gave me the spoiled only kid vibe", Izzy deadpanned. "No, three older brothers and two younger sisters.", I said, feeling small and embarrassed by Izzy. "My brother is here, just ignore him the best you can. He brought home some hamburgers, if you're hungry.", Izzy said, holding the door open. It was an average, but comfortable home. Pictures of Izzy and his brothers, with their mother lined the walls and a few tables. Tv by the wall, couple couches, chairs. Something wet touch my shein, "Sadie! Down. I'm sorry I thought Kevin set her out.", Izzy started to pull Sadie away by her collar. "She's okay. I have two dogs myself, I'm in her house, she's just checking me out. Yeah, you're a pretty girl", I said, bending down to pet her. "What kind of dogs?", Izzy said, sitting on a chair next to Sadie. "German shepherd, named Phoenix, Golden Retriever, Jagger. Jagger is new she's my baby like Phoenix", I said giggling as Sadie licked my hand. "Cool", Izzy mumbled. "Do you wanna start your essay or let me see what you have? Might not have to even start over", I got up and stood by his chair. "Damn, you're really about that essay", Izzy got up, going where I amused his room. 
 "Boys, I'm home!", A woman's voice entered the room. "Oh hi, dear. I didn't know Jeff had a girl over.", She smiled. "Yeah, I'm helping him on an english essay. I'm Judith Channing", I got up and grinned. "Channing? Channing? Is your father's name Frank?", She asked. "Yes, that's him", I said. "I went to high school with him, how is he?" "That's nice, uh he's good. Still in Chicago", I said. "Chicago?" "Yeah, business trip", I said, hoping Izzy would dash in or holler for me to come to see his room. "Does Jeff know you're here?", She asked with a worried look. "Yeah, we met outside. He went to his room for his english stuff, guess he fell to China '', I giggled. "Tell me about it, damn boy takes forever. Jeff! Did you forget about Judith? Jeffery Dean!", His mother yelled. 
"Mom, hey. Though I told you to come with me, Judith?", Izzy said standing beside me. "How was work, Momma?", Izzy hugged her. "Hi, I'm Kevin and you are?", Kevin, Izzy's younger brother checked me out. "Kev, let her alone she's with me", Izzy said, standing beside me protectively. "You're way way out of my brother's leguage. Hey Mom", Kevin said. "Come on. Holler if you need anything", Izzy grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. He grabbed my bag on the way. "Crack your door, Jeff. I mean it!", his mother yelled.  Izzy's room was nice, typical posters, navy blue bed set, desk with papers and pens, small nightstand with a picture of his family, set of records by his recorder player. I slid my shoes off by his desk and sat on the chair. Izzy flopped on his bed, unamused. 
"So what did you think about McBeth?", I asked. Izzy shrugged. "Izzy, your perspective is gonna help write this essay. Tell me", I scoffed. "Just a crazy dude that got killed for letting his power go to his side over what a couple hags had to say. I liked when he got ambushed by the people", Izzy sighed, rubbing his hair around.  "Okay, see that helps. So,you liked the ending and we can stretch your thought out into five paragraphs", I said, looking for a pencil.  "Listen, Judith I'm not in the mood for a stupid play from a dead guy from 400 years ago. Mr.Allan can go fuck himself", Izzy scoffed out. "If you didn't want me over why did you ask for my help. I do have other shit to do, Izzy", I pinched the bridge of my nose. This fucker made me drive half way cross town for this essay. "Then why did accept to come over and help?", Izzy spat back. "I don't know? Probably because I always help people who need help. It's what nice people do anyways", I rolled my eyes.
“Why did I have to ask a smart cheer captain for help?”, Izzy groaned.
“Sorry to break your little stereotype of cheerleaders being dumb and only want to fuck. You know what, Iz? I’m leaving, who cares if you finish the damn essay. Not like you care if you fail or pass, L.A won’t care either way”, I stood by his bed at his nightstand. Izzy stared up at me with confusion. “How do you know wanna go to L.A? I’ve never had a conversation with you before english”, Izzy raised up. “Bill told me you were thinking about if after graduation, he asked my help for math. We have talked before, Izzy. Sophomore year, you caught me from falling to my death after Tommy Lockeler, pushed me down the stairs. You had a Rolling stones shirt on, your hair a little shorter, guess I landed in your arms on a good day.”, I said, with tears in my eyes. “That’s you? No wonder you look familiar besides being a cheerleader. I’m sorry for being a dick, you did come out of your way for me.”, Izzy stood up from his bed. “It’s fine, Izzy. Why don’t you just bullshit it? I’m not feeling too great”, I sighed, walking to his desk for my bag. “Wait. Please don’t leave, I really need your help. I really liked the book and I’m sorta stuck.”, Izzy grabbed my wrist. 
“Okay. If I see you slacking I’m out, Isbelle”, I said. “Sit”, Izzy said, pushing his office chair to me. “Thanks”, I smiled. Izzy pushed a hair out of my face, “Sorry, it was bothering me”  I blushed, before looking away from him. Izzy chuckled, “Something you hiding from me, Judith?” “Tell you what, if you finish the essay, I’ll tell you what I’m hiding, deal?”, I bit my lip. “Deal”, Izzy smirked. Izzy’s brain was flowing and his hand was scribbling on the paper like he didn’t need me over. “Anndd done”, Izzy said, throwing his pencil in the cup he had on his desk. “Let me read it first”, I grabbed the two pages. “You lied”, Izzy whined. I scanned his paper looking for details of the play, if he had the right grammar, punctuation. “Looks good, Izzy. I’m proud”, I laid the paper down. “Thanks, now tell me why you were blushing?”, Izzy laid his hand on my jean clad thigh. “Do I have to?”, I whined. “I did my part, so it’s your turn, Channing”, Izzy said, not breaking his poker face. “Okay, don’t get mad. I have had a crush on since you caught me that day, at times I’m happy Tommy attempted to murder me that day. You happy?”, I stood from his chair and paced besides his bed. “Judith”, Izzy said.
“Hey, Judith, calm down. I have to tell you something too”, Izzy said, grabbing my hand. “What?”, I asked, scared to death he was gonna kick me out. “I like-”, “Hey dinner is ready”, Kevin opened his door, looking down at our hands. “I better get home, mom’s probably worried.”, I lied, she didn’t give a damn about me and my whereabouts. “Okay, I’ll walk you out”, Izzy said. We reached my car, “Well,thanks for the help. Guess I needed to be forced to write”, Izzy said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “No problem, I liked hanging out with you”, I smiled. Izzy nodded, “Be safe” “Sure thing. Night Izzy”, I said, unlocking my car door. Izzy stood until I turned at the stop sign from his house. I tried to skip school, to avoid the awkwardness between me and Izzy. He got really quiet after his brother barged in yesterday, at least he was nice enough to walk me to the car and waited for me to get on the main road again. 
I was headed to lunch but was really wanting to sneak out to my car and drive around for a while. Looking through the glass doors that lead to the front parking lot, I could hear my car whine for me to leave. “Fuck it”, I thought grasping the door and pushed it open. “Where do you think you’re going, missy?”, A deep male voice startled me. I turned around to see Izzy grinning. “Oh it’s just you. Come on, let’s ditch”, I smirked. Izzy nodded and opened the door. We ran down the stairs, to my car, laughing. “Why did you wanna skip? You have a good attendance record?”, Izzy asked, plopping into the passenger seat. “Just ready to leave, school was boring. I don’t have cheer practice today. You?”, I asked, starting the car. ‘Shattered’ The Rolling Stones played quietly. “Same reason as you, just fuck it. Didn’t take you as a Stones fan?”, Izzy smirked as I pulled out of the school parking lot and headed towards town. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me Izzy. My dog is named after Mick Jagger, remember?”, I smirked. Izzy nodded his head to the beat of the song, going through my cassette tape collection. 
We got out of my car and went to a pair of swings, Izzy groaned. “What’s the matter, afraid one of the stoners will catch you with the cheerleader?”, I smirked. “No, princess. Just haven’t swung since I was 9”, Izzy grumbled. “Suit yourself, Jeff”, I pushed my legs to swing. “You like cheerleading?”, Izzy asked. “It’s alright”, I said. Izzy lit a cigarette and watched me swing my legs back and forth. Izzy caught me as I slowed down, holding the chain, pulling me close to him. I looked in his hazel eyes, cigarette creeped on his breath. “After, I killed Kevin for bargin in on us last night. I got to thinking, we’re getting closer to graduation. I’m bailing this hoosier state, you’re probably going on to join a sorority at Purdue. I wanna tell you something”, Izzy said, breath fanning my neck. “What is it?”, I whispered. “I like you and wanna know if you’ll be my girl?”, Izzy nipped my bottom earlobe.  I pulled him into a kiss, holding his shoulders, “Thought you would never ask, Jeff” Izzy smiled down at me. “And I’m not going to college, Iz. I don’t have to pay to have friends, just so you know. Thinking about going to New York actually”, I whispered. “Wanna join me out west? Don’t go to New York, just cold as Indiana, baby”, Izzy held my waist. “I can do that”, I grinned, kissing his cheek. 
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motleycrueimagine · 5 years
This Ain’t a Love Song - Part Seven - Nixxi Sixx Fan Fiction
Words:  2664
Warnings: Language, alcol, drugs, soft smut
N/A: I’m really sorry for the delay, I finally moved and it has been really hard to find time to write something decent. I let you read now, as always taglist is open and feedbacks are really appreciated. xx
Huge thanks to @blonde-shamrock
Maya Prescott has done anything possible to fix her life. It was 1977 when she left her groupie life: no more parties, no more concerts, no more drugs, alcohol or casual sex, just to achieve a full standard life. Now it’s 1981 and after a four years disappearance  Maya Prescott unexpectedly shows up to the party of one of the most promising emerging bands of the LA’s rock’n roll scene: Motley Crue. But what should be her last ride is destined to change her life in so many unexpected ways.  
TagList: @motleycrueee  @babygal-babygal@unknownoblivion @sweetshutter
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Maya’s POV
I was awakened by a gentle touch at the height of my hips. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening; in a tangle of sheets and legs I noticed I was almost completely lying on Nikki. Still asleep and not very alert, I went along with his movement, trying to move me back to my side of the bed.
“Sorry…” I yawned passing a hand over my eyes.
“No stay here, I just had your elbow stuck in my ribcage…” the bassist explained to me and kept me from going further.
“I am not a spoon-cuddler, especially after a night of just sleeping,” I muttered looking for a semblance of personal space. I went back to give him my shoulders ready to go back to sleep.
“Let’s fuck then, so that we can cuddle and keep being socially acceptable.” I felt his fingers gently trace the profile of my spine, then climb up my side to the edge of my thong. That simple touch was enough to shake my self-control, in an instant I found myself imagining what it would be like to feel his hands wandering fearlessly over my naked body.
I turned my head just enough to see his profile beyond my shoulder; he must had taken my look as an invitation to go on because he moved my dark hair to get better access to my skin and start depositing kisses on my shoulder.
His hand had risen up to my belly to hold me and to intensify the contact between our bodies. Now my imagination was sailing towards not-so-chaste thoughts. He suddenly let go allowing me to turn around and to find him on top of me, with a triumphant smile, hair more messed up than usual. We rushed into one another lips and although the delicacy of that kiss was non-existent our bodies kept touching as if for one moment to the other one could break. My fingers were touching his neck, and through his skin I could feel his pulse accelerating. The part of me that wanted to stop him gave up at the exact moment when his fingers touched the subtle fabric of my underwear. A sigh was suffocated by the insistence of his mouth.
His fingertips were a sweet torture as they rubbed my clit on top of the fabric, I could feel my body tensing up already with impatience.
“You have no idea how damned you made me, Maya,” he murmured between a kiss whilst expertly shifting the fabric just enough to gain access to my centre. One of his fingers slipped into me and started to move in a slow peace. He had stopped kissing me, and was now just watching my lips part as he added another finger.
I could not formulate a response in that moment, I was afraid that me saying something would have brought me back to reality, because even though I wanted him now so fucking bad, I knew that by the moment I walked out of that door I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. I pulled up a little bit just enough to allow our mouths to engage in a rough, messy kiss, lasting only a few instants before he got back kissing my neck.
His bites made me silently moan while my hands reached for his erection to massage it following the rhythm dictated from his fingers.
“I want you to fuck me Nikki…” I was finally able to say. He bit me again with a hoarse groan, causing me a sweet pain I would be cursing him for over the next couple days. His fingers slipped out of me.
“I was only waiting for you to ask me, babe,” he said getting up to pull away my thong in a haste. He leaned back on me and while kissing me softly he entered in me, in the same exact moment in which Tommy decided to join us in the room.
“Sixx do you kn… oh shit. sorry. Sorry! I… I haven’t seen anything, I swear!” Tommy started rambling covering his eyes with a hand.
“Shit,” I exclaimed grabbing the covers to hide my modesty, sliding away from the bassist.
“What the fuck! What part of knocking is not clear?!” Nikki looked really mad.
“Sorry sorry sorry!” Tommy literally ran out the door, and probably went away to hide, leaving us alone again in an embarrassing silence. We stayed there, lying on our backs for a few seconds, avoiding each other’s eyes. Finally, I found the strength to get up and look for my stuff.
“Wait are you going for real?” Nikki asked pointing his elbows on the mattress.
“Well, the atmosphere is gone and plus you caught me in a moment of weakness, so…” I avoided his gaze finding my dress on the ground.
“So you’re just going to leave me here with a boner?” he asked, finally I turned to look at him. A little grin appeared on my lips.
“When you’re done jerking off, I’ll be in the kitchen with some coffee.” And as I said so I left the room.
*one week later*
I was singing along to Rick Springfield’s Jessie’s girl while organizing some new records that had been delivered that same morning. I had been working as a salesgirl at Remington Records for two years now and I considered it as my main job. It was a small music shop just a few blocks away from the Sunset Boulevard. Music was always playing out loud, the walls cluttered with signed pictures of bands that were yet to be discovered - Peter, the owner, collected ‘em in the hope of them gaining popularity, but by now he could count the ones who made it on just one hand.
Peter Remington Jr had inherited the shop from his father, and now he was patiently waiting for his son Jude to give up his dreams on a music career to go on with the family business.
“Do you need help, May?” Jude emerged from the back, walking towards me. He was the kind of guy every girl dreamed of, even with his feathered hair and chipped black nail polish he seemed like the classic boy next door. He could try to look as punk as he would but he looked too pure to be a rockstar.
“No honey I’m almost done,” I assured him while setting up the last records.
“Ya know my band is going to play at a party on Friday I was wondering if you wanted to come see us…” he queried. My eyes rose from the box to him.
“I would love to honey, but this weekend Mia will be with me, and ya know…” I lifted the empty box walking towards the counter. “Maybe next time,” I assured trying to hide the fact that it probably wasn’t gonna happen. It’s not that I didn’t support his dreams. I just wasn’t interested in following around a cover band whom members were pretty much only trying to gain popularity in order to fuck chicks was not my thing. You could hear the lack of passion in their performances; they didn’t care about their music, they were not able to weigh the lyrics and to give you an experience. Order Rythm… what a shitty name. Just as Mick would say: shitty name a hundred per cent of the time shitty band.
“Oh right, how is she doing?”
“She is doing great. She’s growing up so fast and she’s…” I was interrupted by the ring of the phone.
“Remington Records, Maya speaking, how can I help you?” I answered picking up the receiver.
“Oh Maya finally! I looked for you everywhere…” it was Ruby, my colleague at the club..
“Hi honey, what’s up?” I could hear an infomercial about slimming pants in the background.
“Yeah you know that I had booked this photoshoot for my book something like two months ago? Well the photographer is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, but I can’t really go. I was wondering if you were interested in taking my place.” I had spent the past weeks looking for a photographer on a budget without success.
“Uhm I would say yes but how much is that?” I asked. I was not willing to waste my savings for a photoshoot with a guy I didn’t even knew.
“Uhm I believe it is 600 but I already paid half of it, so you’ll have to pay 300 and give the rest to me whenever you have it.”
“I don’t know Ru, you know I’m trying to save up some.”
“Oh c’mon I’m gonna lose ‘em anyways so you don’t have to pay me right away.” A few seconds of silence followed, I was weighing up the pros and cons of the offer.
“Well… I guess I can do it. But I’ not gonna pay you if the photos sucks, deal?” If I was going to spend a whole month of rent on pictures they better be worth it.
“Deal!” she exclaimed, “Did I already tell you how much I love you?”
“It will never be enough. I gotta go, see you tonight Ru.”
*later that same night*
“Did you forgot to put on pants, sweetheart?” Vince’s voice joined me as soon as I climbed over the window, he jokingly gave me a glare of disapproval. I looked down at my micro-shorts: they were black denim with some cool leather fringes on the sides.
“Why? It would be such a shame not to show this nice booty.” I replied getting closer to him to kiss his cheek. His arm embraced my hip.
“How you doin?” he questioned, while I fixed his blonde Barbie hair behind his ear. I looked around at the party guests - as usual a ton of people was hanging in the living room.
“I’m doing great… Is that David Lee Roth?” My attention was caught by the singer who was sitting on a couch with a plate full of rails.
“It seems like everybody wants to party with us, isn’t it cool?” I nodded in response.
“Do you think he would mind if I ask him to sign my ass?” I questioned; Vince leaned back to admire my lower back once again.
“I believe it is worth a signature,” he agreed.
“Well then I’ll go get my autograph, but first lemme find Tommy, he has some stuff for me,” I grinned caressing Vince’s fluffy hair one more time before leaving. I walked through the crowded room looking for the drummer. I grabbed a beer on the way, waving at some people I knew. After wandering around the small apartment for what felt like an eternity, asking people for Tommy, a guy directed me towards Vinnie and Tommy’s room, where he was supposed to be with some chick he had met. I knocked on the door one or two times and then opened it since there was no response.
Bad choice.
“Fuck, we said we’re busy here!” a girl screamed stopping but not moving from her position, she sounded pretty mad. Laying on Tommy’s bed, underneath the red-haired girl wasn’t Tommy, instead it was Nikki.
“Shit.. I’m sorry I didn’t know” I apologized looking at the two of them. Nikki lifted his hand waving at me in a sort of awkward and embarrassed salutation, his pants pulled down to his ankles. I lifted my hand as well. “Well, sorry for interrupting, ehm… have fun,” I muttered awkwardly, closing the door behind me. Okay that was weird. I didn’t even have the time to process what had just happened as Tommy decided to show up right behind me. Fuck him.
“Where the fuck was you? I might have just experienced one of the most traumatizing moments in my entire life.”
“Oh you mean Scarlet?” Tommy let a hand go through his hair trying not to seem so amused, “That girl is wild isn’t she?” I gave him a hard look.
“I’m not interested in knowing what that girl does in bed. I’m more interested in the special snow you promised me.” I switched subject for the sake of my mental stability.
The drummer puffed sliding a hand in his pocket “Well May-May you know I always keep my promises.” He handed me a bag full of white dust.
“Is this for real?” I asked over excited while opening it and picking up some with my red painted nail. Tommy nodded looking at me while I snorted the little quantity of dust, the party was about to begin.
Nikki’s POV
I pulled up my black jeans looking at the lady that was now resting on Tommy’s bed. I couldn’t remember her name but for sure I would have remembered that she wasn’t the girl for me. Her experience and extravagance was not enough to compensate the desire to shut her up every time one of her annoyingly high pitched moans - that seemed fake as fuck- left her lips.
I fastened my belt and left the room without saying a word. Vince was right behind the door waiting for his turn.
“Third ride?” My question made him giggle like a three year old who had got caught doing something bad. He sneaked in letting me out. I fixed my hair walking calmly towards the party. Some girls were dancing to Bringin’ on the Heartbreak by Def Leppard. I looked around for some booze only being able to find a half empty beer.
An easily recognizable laugh burst through the room, mixing pleasantly with the music “Oh c’mon let me go!” I turned looking for the girl that lately was the object of my desire. Tommy was holding her wrists pulling her on the couch with him while she was playfully trying to escape. She stumbled giving up on her attempt and landing straight on the drummer’s lap.
“Oh shut up, stop it!” I moved joining the duo, taking a sip of my almost empty bottle.
Tommy stopped tickling Maya’s sides as soon as I reached ‘em.
“Oh look who is gracing us with his presence,” she greeted me fixing her leopard blouse – one sleeve had slipped down her shoulder.
“That quickie lasted a little too long, Vince was so impatient waiting for you to come out,” Tommy added letting her free.
I shrugged “It’s not my fault, she wouldn’t shut her mouth… plus she…” My explanation was interrupted by Maya.
“For how much I would like to hear about your sexual encounter, I’m gonna go,” she announced lifting a black denim jacket from under Tommy’s butt.
“C’mon May-May I told we’re going but later!” The drummer protested causing her to back off a little in order to escape from his hold.
“It’s so early, are you really going home?” It was barely one in the morning.
“I’m not going home, I just wanna buy some booze down the street, there’s nothing to drink around here.” She wore her jacket ready to leave.
“You CAN’T go outside like that all alone.” Tommy glared at her shorts.
Maya rolled her eyes “Said my father…” She was not going to give up. She was so fucking stubborn it was almost annoying.
“I’m going with her,” I volunteered finishing my beer. Her pretty pouty face suddenly lit up in a smile.
“Chivalry isn’t dead after all… Let’s go.” And with that she made her way to the window.
I followed her not knowing that the 20-minute walk was going to be more interesting than the party itself.
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klsywccds · 5 years
2. 32, 47, 51
2. what would you name your future kids?
“I’ve always loved the name Aurora and go by Rory for short. I like the name Jude, too. And Rosalie. I like the long, classic names.”
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
“And don’t forget nonbinary pals! I like to think I keep it pretty equal, I like to love on everyone, but if I’m being totally honest probably more girls.”
47. turn ons
“Oh gosh! I’m blushing so hard. I’m a virgin so I don’t... really know all what turns me on and what doesn’t? Um, I can say pretty confidently that @silver-sixx fits the bill. And most other women.”
51. starsign
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motherofkittens94 · 6 years
Tagged by @proskenion04 put your library on stuffle and list the first ten songs
Hey jude the beatles
Alyssa lies Jason carroll
Hush hush pistol Annies
Monster dodie
Prayers for the damned sixx AM
Jolene - the white stripes version
Oh no marina and the diamonds
Dog days are over Florence and the machine
Sawdust in my eyes surfing magazines
Sometimes our dreams float like anchors William Whitmore
Tagging @myrxellabaratheon @blueagia @littlebirdladysansa if you want to, 😊
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
may i reserve optimus prime, and also get some fc suggestions?
yes of course ! optimus prime is on reserve for sixx for 24 hours !
*i could see jeffrey dean morgan, bob morley, kit harrington, chadwick boseman, chris hemsworth, jude law, jake gyllenhaal, or oscar isaac !
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Bedtime Memories
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Summary: While Alex is on a small tour, Ella decides she wants time with her godbaby. When bedtime comes, Addison doesn’t want a regular bedtime story.l
Ella Sixx created by @youlightmeupfinn
“Alright, you’ve got a few choices for bedtime stories tonight Monkey,” Ella smiled at the toddler in her and Alex’s bed. Alex had gone on a small US tour, and Ella wanted godbaby time, which Andy and Amber were happy to oblige.
“I don’t want a wegula stowy,” Addison spoke softly while Ella pushed back some of the baby hairs that popped free from the loose pigtail braids.
“What kind of story Princess?”
“How it was growing up with mommy and unkie Jude,”
“Well mommy was always over when I was little,” Ella started before being cut off by the three year old that pushed closer to cuddle.
“Duh! You mommy’s sissy,” Addison rolled her eyes.
“No baby girl. Your mommy isn’t my sister,”
“But you my auntie,” A small frown appeared between Addison’s brows.
“So mommy is my cousin. Uncle Jude is my only sibling,”
“What’s that?” Addison tilted her head to the side, and in that moment, she looked like her mother, just with blue eyes instead of hazel.
“It’s a word that means brothers and sissies,” Ella explained before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“You still want a story from when mommy was little?” Addy nodded her head.
“Okay. So there was one night that I had a nightmare, and mommy stayed over enough that she had her own room. I think I was around your age, and instead of going by Gamma Tay and Grandpa Nikki, I went to your mommy. And she held me tight and then when I calmed down, she took me back to my room, put me on the bed, and then told all the monsters to leave me alone and that if they kept messing with me, she’d kick their butts. And after all the monsters were gone, she laid in my bed with me until I fell asleep, and apparently she didn’t leave even after I fell asleep. Gamma Tay came by to wake us up and get breakfast going and she said that she got really scared because she didn’t see mommy in her room. But then she came to my room and when she saw me cuddled up to mommy, she went and got the camera and got a picture,”
“Does Gamma Tay still have the picture?” Addy asked and Ella nodded, remembering seeing the picture in the photo albums that her mom had pulled out over her and Nikki’s birthday when she felt nostalgic.
Sleepily, the toddler cuddled up to her godmother.
“I hope if I’m a big sissy, I’m as good as mama,” Addison yawned before her blue eyes shut. And rather than correct the toddler, Ella smiled and kissed Addison’s forehead before pulling the covers to her chin and tucking her in.
“Goodnight Monkey,” Ella smiled at the memory that felt like only yesterday of Addison being born and everyone teasing Amber about her being a monkey baby.
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izzystradlinswife · 1 year
Steven is half Italian and so is Nikki
I guess I have a fondness of guys who are Italian now
Real, I love both of them sm.
On a random second note I don't go a day without someone telling me I look like the fem version of Nikki and idk if I should be taking it as a compliment anymore
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izzystradlinswife · 2 years
Four posts in one day, you guys are so spoiled 2nd Keifer fic will be out in 15 mins.
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izzystradlinswife · 1 year
I'm making my way up in my ask box💪
I have six in docs that I'm currently writing. We'll see how many I can get out today!
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izzystradlinswife · 1 year
You guys eat up anything Nikki Sixx related and honestly understandable
Also if I can think of a scenario for this next fic I might have 3 posted today 🫣
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