superretroworld · 5 months
O Fugitivo (THE FUGITIVE, 1993)
Cirurgião famoso é falsamente acusado de matar sua esposa e passa a ser perseguido por um detetive durão enquanto busca um assassino maneta para provar sua inocência.
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kommunic8 · 11 months
Mi invento le grandi pulizie degli armadietti della cucina per avere la scusa di dedicare tutta la mattina alla nuova stagione di un podcast che mi tiene incatenata all'ascolto. Una storia super avvincente! Ed è una di quelle pochissime volte che il viaggio nel tempo non diventa noioso e mantiene una sua logica. Aiuta anche il fatto che i personaggi sono ridotti al minimo. Una chicca. Fantastico. Full immersion! Non conosco le voci di chi recitava la versione originale, cilena, ma in quella in inglese recitano Julianne Moore e Oscar Isaac. Grandi! SO già che tornerò ad ascoltarmi tutta la prima stagione, per nostalgia e perché coi viaggi nel tempo ad un secondo ascolto si apprezzano gli avvenimenti in modo diverso. TRASCRIZIONE [ENG translation below] Comincio col dire che non mi piace fare le pulizie, però ogni tanto bisogna farle. Non parlo delle pulizie normali, parlo di quelle che svuoti tutti gli armadietti, metti tutte le cose sul tavolo, pulisci benissimo dentro l'armadietto, poi prendi tutte le cose in mano, le guardi, guardi la scadenza, butti quelle scadute, quelle che non ti ricordi nemmeno più che cosa fossero, ecc. Ecco, oggi mi sono immersa in una di queste pulizie per un motivo particolare, perché mi serviva un alibi, una scusa per ascoltare una dopo l'altra tutte le puntate di un podcast che mi ha legato alla sedia quando ho sentito la prima stagione e oggi ho iniziato ad ascoltare la seconda stagione. Non ho iniziato, ho iniziato e anche finito, però mi sembrava brutto, anche perché non non ci riesco a sedermi da una parte e mettermi ad ascoltare il podcast senza fare niente. Non sto benissimo, quindi sono un po' debole, non avevo voglia di fare chilometri per ascoltarlo mentre cammino è giorno, quindi non posso andare a dormire, di solito ascolto il podcast a letto, comunque mi sono messa a fare le grandi pulizie degli armadietti della cucina e questo per colpa di Case 63, caso 63, che è la seconda stagione di un podcast fantastico, scritto originariamente da uno scrittore cileno, Julio Rojas, sicuramente avrò pronunciato malissimo il nome, anche nella versione originale in cileno, in spagnolo, si intitola "Caso 63", penso che si pronunci così. Comunque è un podcast che mi ha preso tantissimo, che mi è piaciuto tantissimo e che riesce a declinare in modo per niente banale il tema del viaggio nel tempo. L'abbiamo letto 20.000 volte e sentito 20.000 volte, si viaggia nel tempo avanti e indietro, se avete visto "Le 12 scimmie". Ecco, questa è la prima volta che un racconto veramente riesce a catturarmi e a non perdermi nemmeno per un minuto. Tutti gli episodi del podcast durano pochissimo, durano un quarto d'ora, ma veramente c'è tantissimo da raccontare. Per grosse linee è la storia di Peter Roiter che arriva, si trova in questo manicomio e dice di essere un viaggiatore del tempo che viene dal 2062. Non vi dico niente non voglio rovinarvi tutte le sorprese. Nella versione inglese gli attori principali sono Julianne Moore e Oscar Isaac. E una delle cose che fa funzionare molto bene questo podcast è che ci sono pochissimi personaggi, quindi non si perde il filo. Ascoltatelo. TRANSLATION I start by saying that I don't like cleaning, however, it needs to be done every now and then. I'm not talking about the normal cleaning, I'm talking about the ones that you empty all the cabinets, put all the things on the table, clean well inside the cabinet, then you take all the things in your hand, look at them, look at the expiration date, throw away the expired ones, the ones you don't even remember what they were anymore, etc. Here, today I plunged into one of these cleanings for a particular reason, because I needed an alibi, an excuse to listen one after another to all the episodes of a podcast that tied me to my chair when I heard the first season and today I started listening to the second season. I didn't start, I started and also finished, however it seemed bad, also because I can't sit on one side and put myself to listen to the podcast without doing anything. Anyway, it's a podcast that I was so taken with, that I really enjoyed, and that manages to decline the theme of time travel in a way that is not at all trivial. We've read it 20,000 times and heard it 20,000 times, you time travel back and forth, if you've seen "The 12 Monkeys." Here, this is the first time that a story really manages to capture me and not lose me for even a minute. All the podcast episodes are very short, lasting a quarter of an hour, but really there is so much to tell. In broad strokes it is the story of Peter Roiter who arrives, is in this asylum, and says he is a time traveler from 2062. I won't tell you anything I don't want to spoil all the surprises. In the English version, the main actors are Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac. And one of the things that makes this podcast work very well is that there are very few characters, so you don't lose the thread. Just listen.
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emilykaldwen · 7 months
I HATE how I just noticed in this gifset, Vizzy actually touches Alicent's face so she'll look back at him.
@julianemoore you are a menace and I adore this freaking set (I literally just reblogged it and then noticed it when I was looking at it again). I know I definitely notice the most visceral little things when going frame by frame and kudos to you for finding that moment.
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kokorobelleza · 4 years
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💈Enloquecido por un pelirojo... Me encantan estos tonos cálidos, glamourosos, exquisitos, sensuales y sexys😍y en @kokorobelleza fascinado con crearlos❤️👩🏻‍🦰👨🏻‍🦰🧑🏻‍🦰❤️ Son pocos pero como molan: • • #jessetylerferguson #ritahayworth #domhnallgleeson #nicolekidman #harrywindsor #richardmadden #michaelfassbender #miryamcastilla #kevinmckidd #julianemoore #jessicarabbit #juliaroberts #lucilleball #archie #amyadams #sophieturner #damianlewis #gerihalliwell #eddieredmayne #marciacross #darbystanchfield #shirleymaclaine #davidcaruso #kellylebrock #lindsaylohan #alexinagraham #edsheeran #napoleonbonaparte #eltonjohn #vivaldi (en Kokoro Belleza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAH53k9hEWd/?igshid=ivf02exaxabq
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missnevainc · 7 years
E! NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Watch #GeorgeClooney Choose Between His Famous Friends in "Who Would You Call?" Game E! NEWS http://www.eonline.com/news/888987/watch-george-clooney-choose-between-his-famous-friends-in-who-would-you-call-game $GeorgeClooney has a lot of famous friends in Hollywood. In a new game with E! News' Sibley Scoles, the Suburbicon director picked which pals he would call on for various scenarios. For instance, the Ocean's Eleven actor said he'd probably call #BradPitt over  #MattDamon to babysit the twins if he was going on a last-minute date night with his wife #AmalClooney . "Brad's got six kids. How many has he got? Matt's got four," Clooney said, pondering his response. "I guess I'd have to go with Brad on that one. He's got more kids—better juggling." Some questions were easy for The Descendants star to answer. When asked if he'd rather take dance lessons from #JenniferLopez or  #RyanGosling, Clooney was quick to pick Jenny from the Block. "See, here's the thing: Ryan, look, I know he was a teen dancer and stuff like that, but I've seen him dance as an older man. I think you gotta go with J-Lo on this one," Clooney said. "You guys agree, right? Besides, my moves are much closer to J-Lo's than they are to Ryan's. Oh, I got it going on." Other questions required a bit more thought. When asked who he'd call to bail him out of jail—#JuliaRoberts or  #JuliaMargulies—Clooney said, "Well, I'll tell you what: If it's bail, you gotta go for the richest woman." Watch the video to see Clooney answer other fun questions, including the following: - Who would he call for relationship advice? #CindyCrawford or  #RandeGerber? - Who would he call for happy hour? #ChanningTatum or  #Rihanna? - Who would he call to defend him in a courtroom if his lawyer wife couldn't make it? #SandraBullock or  #JulianeMoore ? For more celebrity news, watch E! News at 7 and 11 p.m. Via @E_TV_PR @enews
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framedepth · 7 years
Kingsman: The Golden Circle is a Golden Mess
Kingsman: The Secret Service isn’t even a film I love deeply, but I feel offended for it by the result of its 2017 sequel, Kingsman: The Golden Circle. It’s not that often that you can see so many production issues right up there on the screen, but every few minutes something happens that is clearly the result of actors having other priorities, rewrites, rushed effects, and scenes that were cut for one reason or another.
None of this is to say that the movie is fully incompetent. It begins and ends with some thrilling action scenes, and on the whole is acted very well. There are jokes that land fairly well, as well as some cool ideas like the entire concept of the Statesman. But it is clear that when a sequel for the first film was demanded, writers Jane Goldman and Mathew Vaughn had too many ideas for where to go next. I feel as if they had more time to work on script, entire plotlines like Harry’s (Colin Firth) amnesia would have been refined or cut completely. But as it stands, there is entirely too much going on in this film. The A plot would be stopping Poppy (Julianne Moore) from managing to make all drugs legal across the world, but this is sidelined for an incredible amount of screentime so we can meet the Statesman, recover Harry’s memory, stir up some trouble in Eggsy (Taron Egerton) and Princess Tilde’s (Hannah Alstrom) relationship, begin a sort of relationship between Merlin (Mark Strong) and Ginger Ale (Halle Berry), and see a bizarre subplot involving the President of the United States (Bruce Greenwood) and his Chief of Staff (Emily Watson). These things are all tied vaguely into Poppy’s plot, but distract so much from each other that it really isn’t clear what Vaughn wants us to focus on. Many of these things are either introduced too early and not followed up on in such a matter that we feel it was urgent or important, or they are introduced too late and then resolved far too quickly. And something like Harry’s amnesia subplot has no bearing on much of the movie and seems to only be there so they can repeat a few things from the first movie, such as the drowning test and threatening to shoot a puppy.
If this critique feels like something of a ramble, it’s because that’s all the movie does. It doesn’t space its events in anyway that really makes sense, and as soon as one thing is put into motion five other things are happening. If a movie doesn’t allow its audience to consistently focus on one aspect, then it can very easily become boring, which is exactly what happens here. The first Kingsman has a very streamlined plot, being something of an origin movie with an extended training sequence, and a clear theme of British classicism and anti-elitism. Its sequel is very muddy in what its trying to be about. A dinner scene involving Tilde’s parents makes it seem as if they would be continuing the theme of classicism, but this is the only scene in which it is directly commented on. The idea of recreational drug use across all levels of class and status comes close to making a decent point about the divide between classes being smaller than we initially perceive, but there’s not enough of this in the film to really see if this reading holds any water.
Does it seem like I’ve been forgetting to mention that Channing Tatum is in the movie? Well, I haven’t mentioned him because what is there to mention? He has a thirty second action scene when he is first introduced, and then he is almost immediately put into a coma for the duration of the entire film. It is so clear that he had obligations to other films, and if this were an actor of any lesser caliber he would have been cut out completely. With even less screentime and importance is the great Jeff Bridges, who mumbles out some exposition then pulls a quick vanishing act. The Statesmen were not thought out beyond the initial concept of an American version of the Kingsman and the actors who would play them. There are a lot of things to nitpick about them, such as their code names not making much sense if they’re trying to be a quintessentially American organization (the consumption of alcohol did not originate in the US, Arthurian legend did originate in Great Britain), and it just goes to show you how little time was given to Vaughn and Goldman to establish them and really think out what an American branch of the Kingsman would be like.
It’s also impossible to talk about these movies without talking about their relationship to women and how it treats its female actors. With the first Kingsman ending on what is perhaps the most controversial final scene in a movie in the past ten years, you can bet people would be keeping a close eye on this subject in the sequel. The idea that Eggsy is now fully in a relationship with the subject of that divisive joke from the last movie seems to be a sort of apology for said joke. Unfortunately, that character is given nothing to do besides cry over the idea of Eggsy cheating on her and then become a mute, immobile damsel in distress. Even worse, the cred the first film bought by not making female Kingsman Roxy (Sophie Cookson) Eggsy’s love interest is quickly nullified when she is seemingly killed off in the opening 15 minutes of The Golden Circle. Vaughn tried, and seemingly failed, to argue that the joke at the end of the first Kingsman empowered women. He seems to have tried in this film to make up for it, but failed once again.
Overall, this is a boring movie. It’s not focused enough to keep juggling its superfluous side plots, nor does it contain enough action to say, “Well, at least the action scenes were cool”. It is frustratingly not saying much of anything about the various social, economic, and political issues it raises. There seems to be some set ups for a third Kingsman film, but unless they take their time to really refine a script until it makes basic sense then I won’t be interested.
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eltourdearte · 5 years
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📸 by @therealpeterlindbergh 🖤El día de hoy falleció Peter Lindbergh, fotógrafo de moda a quien debemos una amplia colección Vogue con musas del cine. En el año 2008, Julianne Moore y él trabajaron en conjunto recreando una serie de pinturas artísticas. El día de hoy, rendimos homenaje a su gran trabajo. #peterlindbergh #julianemoore #photography #art #artist #vogue #fashionphotography #painting #recreatingpaintings https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AeWkAhDJV/?igshid=16fpk2wwo5q8y
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ccabralg · 7 years
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As Horas ❤ . . . #ashoras #thehours #nicolekidman #merylstreep #julianemoore
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itsvictornunes · 7 years
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#thelostworld #omundoperdido #jurassicpark #trex #tyranosaurus #julianemoore (em Isla Sorna)
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marlasomething · 7 years
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I am going to Madrid (where there os a #HardRockCafé this december...I just hope they will still have #poppysburgers #poppy #julianemoore #KingsmanFranchise #kingsman2 #kingsmanthegoldencircle #thegoldencircle #burger #crazyqueen #kingsman #myedit
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3ckgt · 7 years
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Amor por direito. Baseado em uma história real. "Diagnosticada com uma doença terminal, uma policial luta para que sua parceira receba os benefícios de sua pensão após a sua morte, mas as autoridades não querem reconhecer a união homoafetiva." Muito bom, vale a pena assistir! #AmorPorDireito #Netflix #julianemoore #ellenpage (em Santa Cruz do Sul)
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love-fairytale · 7 years
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Vamos a ver #Kingsman 2 en #Cinesa. Una pena que en #Coruna no tuviesen los pins. Bueno, traje el colgante. El martes en el blog tendréis la crítica. ¿Qué me parecerá? ¿Me gustará más que la primera? En breves sabremos. #Me #Fox #Movie #Film #Cine #Cinema #Fox #TaronEgerton #PedroPascal #ColinFirth #Photo #Pic #Love #Lovely #Pelicula #JulianeMoore #Cinesa #Saga #Franchise #Spy #Espias
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mikypotty · 7 years
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#Day3 #2Settembre #Venezia74 #GeorgeClooney #MattDamon #JulianeMoore 🎬📽 (presso Mostra del Cinema Venezia)
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#TBT #CynthiaBasinet #patrickmcmullan #gettyimages #crooner #actress #supermodel #styleicon #redhead #celebstyle #hollywood #catherinemalandrino #eventually #allofme #thestandard #santababy #softpower #refugees #asseenon #emmastone #amyadams #julianemoore #susansarandon
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elegantlydisturbed · 7 years
Candice Breitling, "Love Story" South African Pavilion - stunning testimony of human dramas, in interpretation of Juliane Moore and Alec Baldwin. #labiennaledivenezia #biennalearte2017 #biennalelive #southafrica #julianemoore #alecbaldwin #candicebreitz #lovestory (à La Biennale di Venezia)
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liliandromeda · 2 years
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10 mulheres lindíssimas com mais de 60 anos.
Quer ver como envelhecer não precisa, para as mulheres, ser no esquema de dar com uma mão (maturidade, sabedoria) e tirar com a outra (estética, funcionalidade):
1) Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid, 67 anos
(Gente, ela foi casada com ninguém menos que David Bowie! Não é para qualquer uma…)
2) Fanny Ardant, 73 anos
(E continua impecável)
3) Michelle Pffeifer, 64 anos
(Sambando na nossa cara com um close sem make)
4) Julianne Moore, 61 anos
(Diva master, maravilhosa!)
5) Andie MacDowell, 64 anos
(Linda até grisalha! “Feitiço do tempo”?)
6) Elizabeth McGovern, 61 anos
(Elegantérrima, delicada, linda!)
7) Geena Davis, 66 anos
(Acho o máximo desde um dos meus filmes preferidos da infância: “Os Fantasmas se divertem”)
8) Rene Russo, 68 anos
9) Daryl Hannah, 61 anos
(Das mulheres mais lindas que já pisou no planeta)
10) Sharon Stone, 64 anos
#sharonstone #michellepfeiffer #renerusso #geenadavis #julianemoore #darylhannah #imanmohamedabdulmajid #elizabethmcgovern #andiemcdowell #fannyardant #beauty #beetlejuice #davidbowie
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