Kageyama Tobio
Goody-Two-Shoes - @universalistotalis
a piece of you with me - @heich0e
no title, but trust me! - @angstyoikawa (olympian!kageyama tobio with your ring hanging from his neck on a silver chain)
Sawamura Daichi
Sleep-Deprived - @amarimaryllis
Tsukishima Kei
By @pies-writes-and-more
how to make a guy jealous my girl
no title, but trust me! - @codename-bewareofthefangirl (Kei is needy and wants cuddles)
lying next to you - @dinosaurtsukki
2:07 am - @elysianslove
Iwaizumi Hajime
8:23 a.m. - @hajiberry
Akaashi Keiji
Fever - @let-me-simp-in-peace
fake dating, real feelings - @pies-writes-and-more
Accidental Confession - @jumoutjumin
Awake - @dokifluffs
BETWEEN THE LINES - @kuroosdarling
Bokuto Koutaru
Daddy's kisses - @anxiousbabybirdb
Miya Atsumu
Miya Osamu
INDECISIVE - @loveephia
no title, but trust me! - @kiwanopie (small amnesia drabble)
Onions aren’t the only reason why we cry - @sashimiyas
good enough - @literaltrashforeverything
osamu miya is hiding something. - @neoheros
Osamu is not the partying type. - @emmyrosee
AUDACIOUS - @kaiijo
Sakusa Kiyoomi
no title, but trust me! (sakusa kiyoomi doesn’t believe that you’re his ‘first love’.) no title, but trust me! ^2 (sakusa kiyoomi now thinks the sport is too dreadful for him to play.)
SPOILED ROTTEN bathing together, a drabble
Sunshine - @kiwanopie
MWAH - @gabseyoo
no title, but trust me! - @popkorrn (a bus ride home)
no title, but trust me! - @moonbeamwritings (mornings with gossips)
Kiyoomi is a man committed to his routines. - @heich0e
silent disco - @cosmi1k
-> Navigation.
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jumoutjumin · 4 years
Masterlist 🌸
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Attack on Titan :
•Levi Ackerman
Drabbles :
Exam Stress (modern au! Levi Ackerman × Reader) : Levi is always there to comfort his best friend during exam week.
Stupid Girl (modern au! Levi Ackerman x Reader) : Drunk (y/n) needs a ride home.
Overworked (captain! Levi Ackerman x captain! Reader) : Levi finds (y/n) working late at night, decides he must personally intervene.
Series :
When We Were Kids (underground! Levi Ackerman x Reader) : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
TW : Violence, Abuse
part one.
part two.
part three.
part four.
One shots :
Behind Her (adult! EreMika)(slight JeanKasa) : Erin spots Mikasa in a crowd, a mere spectator in her new life.
Haikyuu! :
Kuroo Tetsurou :
One shots :
Say It (Smut!) (Kuroo Testsurou x Reader) : You should have known that the only bigger tease than you is Kuroo himself.
Akaashi Keiji :
One shots :
Accidental Confession (Akaashi Keiji x manager! Reader) : Poor Akaashi never wanted you to find out like this.
Bleach :
•Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
One shots :
On Being Real (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Reader) : Grimmjow can't believe his luck.
Naruto :
One shots :
all the kindness in the world. (adult!SasuSaku) : Sasuke is especially attentive when Sakura is drunk.
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jumoutjumin · 5 years
When We Were Kids
Pairing(s) : Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
Tags : Protective! Levi, Nightmare, Chidhood friends
Warning(s) : None
preface. part one. part two. part three. part four. epilogue.
Part Five (Epilogue) : When We Were Forever
The rays of the sun lit up Levi's room. It felt just like the old times. Levi was peacefully sleeping in my lap. He sleeps so little, nowadays, so this was a relief. I ran my fingers through his black locks. His hair is so soft.
I heard a small noise. I looked down to see Levi's face looking a bit worried. His eyebrows scrunched up. I kept my other hand on his head. His grip on my hand tightened.
"No." He mumbled in his sleep. He said it again, this time louder.
He looked so frightened in his sleep that I had to wake him up.
I shook him, "Levi." I had to shake him again before he woke up with a start.
"(Y/n)!" He sounded slightly anxious. Then he suddenly enveloped me in his arms.
"Fuck." Levi muttered to himself, "You're alive."
"Hey, hey, Levi." I pulled away and cupped the sides of his face with my hands, "Come on, I'll make you some tea."
"I'm here, love, I'll always be here." I promised him, my eyes filled with adoration. He looked at me wordlessly.
This was a side of Levi no one had seen. The sad, vulnerable Levi.
He jumped up on the counter and sat on it, watching me as I made tea for him. As the water started boiling, I reduced the level of heat a bit. Then I added the tea leaves. I looked up at Levi and gave him a soft smile. The aroma of the tea leaves filled the kitchen and Levi seemed to calm down a bit.
"(Y/n), you're a real beauty." He said suddenly.
"Huh?" I made a sound of surprise. My cheeks flamed up.
Levi looked away, gazing out of the window of the kitchen.
I didn't add milk or sugar, just the way he liked it.
I poured the tea into his cup and kept it on a saucer. He got down and put his hand on the small of my back, leading me to the dining table.
After Levi had nightmares, he felt at ease when he was close to someone. In this case, me, because there was really nobody else. That's how I saw it, at least.
I set his cup in front of him.
"Thanks." He muttered. He held it by the rim, as usual and blew air on the hot drink before sipping it.
I offered my hand to him and he automatically grasped it.
"What was it about?" I asked him gently.
"You." He kept the cup back on the saucer.
"I'm here, Levi." I shook my head, "I'll always be here."
"Sometimes, I wish I hadn't met you at all." He declared. I felt my chest throb. I bit my lip, looking down.
"No, not in that way." He said after noticing my reaction, "Because you're just too important to me. I can't afford to lose you."
"Yeah, well, the feeling is mutual." I giggled, relieved. His expression softened and the corners of his mouth lifted up.
Sometimes, no, most of the times, my love for him suddenly makes warmth spread across my body. It happens when he's happy and my fondness for him starts showing through my eyes.
"I've been thinking." He settled his cup on his saucer.
"I think I want to marry you."
It felt like my heart stopped beating.
He began, entangling his fingers with mine, "I've been trying to tell you all week," Then he removed a tiny box from his sweater, "And I've been carrying this bloody thing for a month now." He opened the box to uncover a beautiful, simplistic diamond ring.
My grip on his hand tightened.
"And there is no one I'd rather spend my life with."
This was just like Levi, a private proposal.
"Will you marry me?"
A tear dripped down my cheek as I cupped my hand over my mouth, nodding.
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jumoutjumin · 5 years
When We Were Kids
Pairing(s) : Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
Tags : Protective! Levi, Underground, Violence, Childhood friends
Warning(s) : Violence
preface. part one. part two. part three. part four. epilogue.
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Levi became quite attached to her. He adored her, like she was a princess. He was so fond of her that he'd often spend the entire day with her.
He didn't show it, of course. Or maybe he couldn't show it or didn't know how to show it because he'd never had a friend before.
Another strange feeling was the feeling of anger that shot through his head whenever he saw her bruised face.
She was so gentle and fragile looking but so tough at the same time. He didn't understand it.
Confusing feelings were bearable though, being away from her, for some goddamn reason, wasn't.
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jumoutjumin · 5 years
When We Were Kids
Pairing(s) : Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
Tags : Protective! Levi, Underground, Childhood friends
Warning(s) : Violence
preface. part one. part two. part three. part four. epilogue.
Part One : When We Met
Ever since I was a kid, I only knew confusion. I don't remember much, just flashes. It's normal to forget infant memories if they aren't distinct. But I remember faces, faces I don't see now. The man I live with, his face isn't one of them.
Katsuki was an old man. He gives my daily meals if I help him with the shop. He also provides shelter. He told me that he rescued me from kidnappers when I was young. When I look at him, though, I don't believe that the short old man could have rescued me. Fucking vile piece of shit.
He has told me clearly before that he helps me only because he needs help with delivery of products. He has never thrown me out although he does hit me if I do something wrong.
I know that it's wrong but the underground district is where I live and the underground district is made out of wrong. But because of that, I do everything to be right about my actions.
"Deliver this to the vendor!" I heard him shout.
Wordless, I picked up the potato sacks and headed out. Minimum contact with that guy makes me less irritative.
I walked across the dirty sewer filled roads, once again hoping to get out of this place. Before I knew it, I saw a familiar man with his trolley.
"Katsuki wanted the new stock." He said. I looked at him emotionlessly. He emptied the sacks and filled it with the same potatoes.
"Here you go." He gave me a big ugly, crooked smile.
"He wants fresh potatoes." I said. Does he think I'm an idiot?
"That's what these are." 
"No, you just filled the sack with the same potatoes." I looked at him blankly.
"Now look here, you go and give this to him quietly and obediently, " His eyes gleamed, "unless you want to rebel." He took out a blade from his pocket.
"He wants new potatoes." I said. I don't care about little dipshits like him.
He tried grabbing my wrist but I jumped back. I had developed a decent fighting system that I needed if I lived here.
"I'm giving you another warning." He sighed, "Go back. I don't have anything for you."
I didn't want to take any more risks. That was also a key factor to safety in the underground. Be smart. I rolled my eyes and started trudging back.
Suddenly, I heard a loud noise and saw that a huge crowd had gathered. I wanted to see what the commotion was about so I left my rotten potato sacks and made a way for myself through the people. 
It was a fight. Not just any fight but I fight between five guys and one boy who looked my age. He seemed to be fighting off the guys and he was doing very well but suddenly, he was punched really hard.
No one seemed to do anything.
Before I knew it, I ran over to one of the guys and started pulling him away.
Whatever it was, one against five was not fair.
They started to take notice of me as I pulled one guy who stumbled over me. The boy had dark hair and a bored expression on his face.
That was enough distraction for the boy to take his advance. As one burly man threw me off, the dark haired boy flew into the air and kicked his face. Then he punched this other guy and before I knew it, he had beaten them to the point of unconsciousness.
"Tch." Was the only sound he made.
"There's nothing to look at here!" I shouted at the foolish bystanders. Low lives.
The boy looked at me. I got up from the ground and sniffed. I think my nose was bleeding.
"I could have done it alone." He scowled. He had vivid blue eyes.
He was actually really good looking.
"Yeah, right." I sniffed.
"Really. You should mind your own business." He snapped.
"Fine, I will next time." I said defensively.
I sniffed again, going over to where my potato sacks were. Only to see that they had been stolen.
Of course. What was I thinking?
I closed my eyes, containing my annoyance.
They were rotten anyway.
"What's your name?" I heard him ask.
He looked as cold as ever. But I think his intentions were otherwise.
"(Y/n), what's yours?"
"Do you get into fights often, Levi?"
"I do. Problem?" He snapped.
"Ah, no problem." I looked away to where my sacks were supposed to be. I decided to go to potato man and ask him again.
"So, I'll see you then." I said to him, going for a polite smile.
"No, you won't," He scoffed, "have you seen this place?"
I giggled, "Yeah, you're right. Do you want to join me?"
I can't remember the last time I had laughed. Wow.
His expression softened a little, "Sure."
"Where are we going?" He asked as we started walking to where the guy was supposed to stand.
"To the potato vendor." I replied, "So, I was supposed to return rotten potato sacks to him because that baka rōjin that I live with told me to and when I reached, the bēnda refused to give me new ones. So, I was coming back when I saw you and the other guys fighting. So, I left the sacks and joined in and stuff and then when I went back, right now, they weren't there, so obviously, they were stolen. Because we live here," I gestured to the dump yard, "And so now we are going back to get more potatoes that he will have to give me because he will have to."
Levi observed me for a second.
"I'm trying to decide whether you're an idiot or a moron." He narrowed his eyes and said, "Definitely an idiot."
"Well if I'm an idiot, you're an even bigger idiot." I replied.
"Yes, you are." I smiled cheekily. Levi scowled at me.
"Oh, no, I'm just kidding, Levi." I chuckled at his angry expression. He looked a little surprised.
"Oh look, we're here." I said.
The man was still there, thankfully.
"Excuse me, I want new potatoes." I said to him when he noticed me.
"Didn't I give you a warning?" He took his blade out.
I stood ahead of Levi, he had no role in this.
"My potatoes got stolen. Now I want a refund." I spoke calmly.
"Refund? What's that?" He said, "And I know Katsuki sent you back so don't think you can fool me!"
He advanced and gripped my wrist, his blade ready to strike me.
But suddenly, he was on the ground. Levi on top of him.
"Get your potatoes."
I was astonished. Levi was so strong.
I started filling two sacks, ignoring the guy's pleas.
"You filthy thugs!" The vendor spat.
"Shut up already." Levi punched him.
I filled up the two sacks and piled them on top of each other. Then I lifted them up together. Levi jumped off him and started walking. The man tried to get up and pounce on us but Levi, as quick as lightening, kicked his legs off the ground. The man fell. He cursed at us.
"Thank you." I smiled at Levi, a genuine smile. Levi made a sound of acknowledgement. Damn, he really is good looking,
"Where do you live?" He asked me.
"You know that shop that sells vegetables?" He nodded.
"Yeah, there. I work with the owner and he gives me food and a place to live."
Levi nodded. He doesn't talk much.
"Where do you live?" I asked him.
"You know that place where drunkards spend their nights?" I nodded.
"I live two lanes behind that place." He said.
"So, you live with your parents?"
"I live alone. End of topic." His face hardened.
I left it alone.
"Okay." I nodded.
"I never knew my parents. Old man says that he 'rescued me from kidnappers'," I said exaggeratedly.
Levi didn't say anything.
"You don't smile much." I said to him.
"Nothing to smile about."
"Well, Levi," My eyes twinkled, "From now on, I'll give you something to smile about."
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jumoutjumin · 5 years
When We Were Kids
Pairing(s) : Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
Tags : Protective! Levi, Underground, Childhood friends
Warning(s) : Violence, cursing, abuse
preface. part one. part two. part three. part four. epilogue.
Part Two : When He Defended Me
"The fuck happened to you?" Was the first thing I heard when I saw Levi at the market square.
I gave him a small smile as a greeting, ignoring his question.
"Did that bastard do this?" He asked, gently pushing me ahead.
I shrugged.
"(Y/n), he will kill you. Look at your state." He eyed my bruised and broken body. I was limping visibly, my face black and blue, my arms in bandages, "Come with me."
"It's fine." I leaned against the wall to catch my breath.
Levi didn't say anything. He walked over to me, put on arm behind my back, the other behind my knees and swiftly picked me up.
"Levi!" I gasped.
He started walking. His house wasn't far away from where we were meeting, just a lane away. I became more and more aware of his body temperature, his warm, firm chest pressed against my cold cheek. It made my cheeks turn red.
We reached his house and he started tending to my injuries.
He lightly traced my cheek, his eyes soft. I averted my gaze.
"I need to be back in-"
"Sleep. I'll wake you up in an hour." He pushed me head lightly towards his lap.
"You sure?" I tilted my head. He nodded.
After a long time, I slept peacefully.
I woke up to gentle nudging, "It's been an hour, (y/n)."
I gave him a weak smile, wincing due to the pain, "Thanks."
"I'll drop you home."
"Don't worry about it, Levi." I gently held his shoulder for support, wincing as I steadied myself.
"As if." He snorted, helping me up, "It's dangerous for you."
I took his hand gently, his long fingers gripping mine.
"Oi, (y/n)." One of the vendors who was packing up called when we walked out of his place. Levi stiffened, glaring at him, expecting the worst as he slid a firm arm around my figure.
"I want nothing from the girl, young man." He picked his nails and met my eyes, "Katsuki is going berserk. Says you ran away with his money."
A shiver passed down my spine.
"He has a gambling problem. He tells everyone I'm stealing his money." I muttered.
"Whatever that is, girl, you better hurry."
"Thank you." I nodded in respect, unable to bow.
Fuck. He's going to kill me.
"Levi." I hissed suddenly, tugging the ends of his shirt, "I haven't even started healing."
"I won't let him touch one hair on your head." He whispered back, soothingly rubbing his hand on the small of my back.
"Levi, don't get involved like last time. I don't want you in trouble."
"Just shut the hell up, idiot."
My mind was racing with
The house was open and the door creaked as we entered.
"(Y/n)!" I heard a croaky voice. I subconsciously pressed myself closer to Levi who also (subconsciously?) tightened his arm around me.
I watched with fearful eyes as he hobbled down the steps.
"Give me my money, girl!"
"Sir, you were gambling today, I don't have-"
"Don't lie!" He reached for me but Levi swift pulled me away, looking at him icily.
"Give her to me." Katsuki narrowed his eyes.
"You can try taking her." Levi snarled back, holding me closer.
He lunged forward again. Levi caught his arm and kicked his stomach.
"You punk-"
Levi punched him so hard, he fell back. I seriously think he got a concussion. I still have no idea how Levi has this inhuman strength of his, but I really don't mind during times like these.
"There. He won't do shit for at least a weak." Levi's hair fell into his pretty blue eyes. "Maybe I'll break his arm-"
I pressed my lips to his cheek, successfully shutting him up.
"Thank you."
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jumoutjumin · 5 years
When We Were Kids
Pairing(s) : Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis : In which Levi and (y/n) save each other.
Tags : Protective! Levi, Underground, Childhood friends
Warning (s) : Mentions of violence and abuse
preface. part one. part two . part three. part four. epilogue.
Part Three : When He Gave Me A New Life 
I rolled over to look at him. He was looking at the sky. He squinted as the sun shone into his eyes.
"I found something yesterday." He said. I closed my eyes under the heat of the sun.
"I stole a 3dmd from the military." He rolled over, "Two, in fact."
"Levi!" I widened my eyes.
"Don't lose your shit." He rolled his eyes, "I tried it out as well. I think I've got the hang of it."
"Wow, Levi." I looked at him in admiration, "You're amazing."
He rolled his eyes again, "I got one for you."
"Yes, love."
He widened his eyes a little, realising what he said. Warmth rushed to my cheeks and it was not because of the heat.
"Also, you're turning red. Get out of the sun." He said and I rolled over to the darker side.
He brought me here six months ago.
"Tch, now, what was I saying?"
"You got one for me." I reminded him.
"Yeah. I'll be teaching you."
"Stop saying that, it's getting annoying now."
I laughed.
"How is the old bastard?" He asked.
I averted my eyes, "He's started hitting me less, I don't know why."
He looked away.
"When was the last time he hit you?" He interrogated.
"Last week." I thought about it. It was definitely a record.
"Where did he hit you?"
"He banged my head against the wall and sprained my wrist."
"Where does he hit you generally? On your face and ribs and such, yes?"
"Is it going to be a full moon today?"
"According to the calendar, yes." I looked at him quizzically.
He stayed quiet for a second.
"Be safe, (y/n)." Was all he said.
I nodded.
His sapphire eyes bore into my brown ones. His gaze softened. He looked down to my hands. Suddenly, he pulled my hand to his.
I swear, my heart jumped out of my chest.
His thumb stroked the back of my hand and he reached for my other hand. His long slender fingers caressed my bruised wrists.
He brought them near his face and closed his eyes. He whispered again, "Be safe, (y/n)."
Later, at night, I was re-reading one of my books when I heard a loud noise.
“(Y/n)!” I heard Katsuki shout from another room.
I walked to the other room.
“Change into something nice.” He looked me up and down when he saw me.
“Why?” I asked him, growing suspicious.
“Because I fucking say so. ”
“But why am I supposed to?” I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Don’t question me!” He shouted and raised a hand. I flinched but he didn’t hit me. He sighed and sat back.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Actually, more like banging on the door.
Katsuki got up in alarm and rushed to the door, “Stay here!”
What was happening? I grew more nervous by the second. I heard murmurs at door.
Then old man walked inside, four huge guys behind him. They eyed me, smirking.
“This is (y/n).” Katsuki introduced.
“She’s the girl?” One of the guys looked at old man. What?
Katsuki nodded fervently.
“Plain. But can be altered.” One of them said. I felt sick as they scanned me. What was happening? I hope it’s not what I’m thinking, at the very least.
“Let’s go, sweetheart.” One of the burly men said in a sickening tone. Two advanced towards me and gripped either side of my shoulders.
“What? Where are we going?”
Katsuki walked back inside his room.
The guy shoved me out of the door.
“Where are we going?!” I struggled against them.
“You’re the new member of our ring.”
Ring. Prostitution ring.
“What?! No!” I kicked the guy next to me and thrashed against the other guy. The third guy twisted my wrist and I cried out.
“Stop! No!” I screamed.
“Someone shut her mouth!”
I moved my head about, “Levi! Someone help m-” My voice was muffled by the hand covering my mouth.
I tried punching, everything I knew about fighting but four huge guys on me wasn’t going in my favour.
Suddenly, the grip on me was released as the guy on my right flew backwards. I looked up to see a flying figure landing on the last guy standing.
Levi was here.
The hand covering my mouth was removed as I saw Levi knocking all of them out in under a minute.
A prodigy, he was phenomenal.
My gaze followed Levi as he beat all of them up. He was here. His hair flew around his face as he landed blow by blow on those creeps.
Levi is here.
Quick as lightening, he reached for me. He held me tightly, one hand around my waist and the other hand on my head. His head was buried in the nook of my neck. After a few seconds of shock, I hugged him back. My head was against his chest and I could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It calmed me down. He calmed me down.
He pulled away, holding me at shoulder width and asked, “Did they touch you in any way?”
“I’m fine.” I assured him.
Katsuki rushed outside the door, “What happened?!”
“As for you.” Levi’s eyes glinted dangerously, he cracked the muscles of his neck and before I knew it, the old man was on the ground. Levi banged the man’s head against the ground and it started bleeding.
I took a sharp intake of breathe.
“He’ll be dead in no time. Blood loss.” Levi stated. He turned to look at me.
“(Y/n),” He sighed, “Let’s go. I’ll get the money, you get your stuff.”
I nodded.
I rushed to the room I lived in, not believing what had just happened. I gathered my clothes and my books. When I went down, Levi was counting the money.
“He actually has a lot of money. Those guys must have paid him in advance.” He said.
“How did you know?” I asked him.
“I’ll tell you on our way home.” He started walking out the door, gesturing for me to come.
“Yeah,” He turned around, “you’re coming home with me. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you ever again.”
His hand gripped my wrist and led me out of the house.
“Tch, I made a mistake. I should have made you run away with me last year.”
He didn’t let go of my hand.
I felt like I was on fire.
“How did I find out, you ask?” He said coolly.
“My mom was forced into it in the same way.” He looked away, “Full moon.”
I shuffled closer to him.
“Also, they wouldn’t want you battered and bruised when they involve you in such activities so no wonder that bastard wasn’t hitting you.”
I nodded.
“Other than that, intuition.”
I stayed silent.
I held his hand with both of mine, squeezing it before wrapping them around his waist.
“I owe you.” I said against his side.
“You don’t. We’re friends. I can’t let some guys take my partner in crime or beat her up.” He scoffed.
“Thank you so much, Levi.” He looked at me smiling at him and I saw his gaze soften.
“Now don’t get too ahead of yourself, start walking.”
I laughed.
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