#jun-ho's like don't care + didn't ask + i do want to go through the effort of loving you because I do love you
thegenderfucker · 9 months
yeah sure I'll watch this light-hearted K-drama about an autistic attorney, what's the worst that could happe—
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mia-vita · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Episode 11
Ok this episode made me laugh...
Reminded me that there are so many trash called humans, walking in this earth...
Made me blush and then made me mad.
So I guess it was a great one lol
The Elevator
I laughed so hard in the elevator scene when the CEO asked Young-Woo about her concerns I thought that maybe she was worried about the firm having issues with employees being in a relationship, so I was worried she was gonna spill the beans too soon about it. BUT when she started talking about kissing with the mouth open, hahahaha I was not ready for that one.
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The Window Blinds
When I saw her looking at him through the window blinds, OMG hahahaha this was another thing that made me lose it 🤣 the whole things was so damn cute. One thing I love about this show is how much I laugh in it.
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The Video Call
"He is so cute!!!!" The amount of times that I say this out loud every time Jun-Ho does something cute can be a lot. HE IS SO DAMN CUTE!!
When he told her, *Oh so you got what you wanted so you want to hang up, BUT WHAT ABOUT ME AHH??? 🙈🙉* Hahahaha
It's so nice to see that she is thinking about him, her development is beautiful.
Karma is Beautiful
It was a reality check for me the whole case this episode had. Sometimes I forget how cynical and cruel people can be. This guy seemed so loving carrying his wife in the back. At the end the Rat was cheating and ambitious AF. So much that Karma took care of it. It felt nice watching him die in his 300 million won car.
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Give the Girl a Break
I felt bad for Choi. Her story line is confusing me every episode lol, because I always try to assume where her story line is going and apparently it ends up not going there. Lol!
So from the beginning I thought that her and Kwon were gonna be a thing because... you know... They are always bickering to eachother. So that's the typical storyline. Then the Girl liked Jun-Ho, so I was like, "oh no! She is going be the annoying girl story line". Well, that didn't last long lol [Thankfully!]
Then the girl goes in a date with Min-Sik. I'm like "I don't see it. But I guess..." then she meets this guy and he is a total fiasco. I mean, give the girl a break...
Now I'm going back to square one, I think her and Kwon might be a thing at the end. Or is she going to end up giving Min-Sik a second chance after he finds her drunk somewhere with that bottle of alcohol and makes her laugh with Law jokes? Who knows...
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The Hug Chair
That scene where he hugged her, as she kept saying "Tighter" so he did. That was so wholesome to watch.
Listen that "Do you really have to buy one?, I'll be one for you... Your personal hug Chair" I think is the winner against "That's disappointing" hahahaha, OH MY GOD!!! He melts me! I swear! He is a hot sun to my ice cube heart! He is so damn cute!!! I can't stop saying that.
I get nervous when he gets close to her like that, as if it was me lol hahaha I don't know why I'm this invested hahaha... I must say, my guy kisses really cute, those lips are pretty to look at.
(His smile is absolutely gorgeous)
God please let me see more men like that in real life. I know they are out there! 🙏🏾 I acknowledge they exist! Amen!!
I have some opinions about marriage nowadays. I don't know if I ever will... But, one thing is for sure! I find a man like that, and I won't think it twice.
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The Dad!
The dad saw them! 😆 what does this mean now?
Is he going to freak out and think she is in danger and would want to move to Boston because he thinks no man will treat her well?
Is he going to be dancing Macarena because she found a loving man and will bring that stupid Info book that the mom gave him right to her office desk?
I guess we shall see...
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The Mom...
Ok! This one...
When Kwon showed up in her office talking about 1996... I was like "Dude, are you this lousy?" The Audacity!
Then the mom started to get a smiling face and I didn't like where that was going so I was like...
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Then she started to talk about getting Woo out of Hanbada and I was like...
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I kinda had hopes for you woman, but you are now in the bad people list.
Then little MISS Kwon started to nod and I was like...
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I kinda had hopes that you would turn arround when I saw the concern on your face when she asked you to do that. But dude, are you really going to be this stupid for the whole drama? No change whatsoever from you? I still have a little hope for you for some reason 😒 am I still naive? Probably...
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shiningstar-byulxx · 2 years
SYNOPSIS - One day Jun Ho left his lunch at home because of an emergency situation that had to be handled immediately. In which he told Y/N to bring his lunch if she had time which she did. As she did Y/N also bought some drinks for his co-workers for their hard work.
Yet all of Junho's co-workers have no idea that he is married because he usually takes of his ring just in case it goes missing or gets it dirty during work, so he usually leaves at home and Y/N his wife understands which he is forever grateful having a wife like her.
Hwang Jun Ho
Y/N L/N (Your/Name) (Last/Name)
Police Officers
> The gif does not belong to me nor the show squid game as well as Hwang Jun Ho
> ©shiningstar-byulxx; all my work is made by me, please don't copy, translate, repost and steal my work! Thank you!
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As Y/N turns up to the station when it was practically empty and there were no citizens there. As she walked in many officers stopped were they were doing and looked at her as they were mesmerised by her angel like aura and appearance. Y/N didn't care for the looks as she was trying to find her husband.
One of the officers quickly nudged at one of the officers to speak up which then he coughed and asked, "Sorry Ms do you need any help...?" Which then Y/N turned around and smiled towards him which made the officers on that side heart pound faster and faster.
Y/N then softly replied "Ahh yes" which made the officers falter slightly after hearing her soft, gentility voice which then listened to what she was going to say next "I was wondering where officer Hwang Jun Ho is...?" Then smiled towards them.
As they registered what she said one of replied "Ahhhh Officer Hwang Jun Ho... I believe he is getting some paperwork done" but as he said that Jun Ho appeared at the corner of the room whilst looking through the paperwork in his hand which Y/N immediately smiled and raised her ringed hand towards his direction and said, "Oh Honey!" Which Jun Ho looked up from his paperwork only to see his wife waving at him softly and having a loving smile towards him.
All of the officers looked towards Jun Ho's direction, and all together said "HONEY!" Which made Jun Ho make a surprised face whilst Y/N just softly laughed at their reactions.
As a couple of minutes passed Jun Ho and Y/N were sat on chairs as the officers interrogated them with questions which they keep looking at Jun Ho's annoyed expression and back to Y/N eye smiled face and went kept look at one face to another until the person at the front began to speak whilst pointing at them back and forth "So you are telling me you guys are married...?"
Which Jun Ho and Y/N replied "yes" which all the officers sighed until one of them questioned how long they have been married which Jun Ho and Y/N replied, "It's been almost 2 years now" which all the officers replied "WHAT!" And then "Since when?"
Which then the couple said, "Since 2 years ago" the officers were just in disbelief which then they questioned Jun Ho "Why don't you wear your wedding ring and why don't you put your wedding photo on your desk...?" Which Jun Ho replied, "I don't want it to be ruined during a job and I don't want any criminals, or anyone knowing my personal life" which then the officers then looked back towards Y/N who was still smiling and immediately questioned "If he is making you say you’re married to him tell us now" which made Jun Ho saying "Why do you guys not believe me!" with a wide-eyed expression.
Y/N chuckled softly but then said, "No he is not paying me or anything for me to say I'm really his wife" and paused for a little bit then said "Ah here's a picture of us in our wedding day then" whilst looking through her bag and then passing them their wedding picture.
The officers all huddled together which then looked back at the couple as well as being surprised Jun Ho was smiling as he usually has a stone-cold look then looked at the picture, the officers kept looking back and forward between Jun Ho sitting down and the one in the wedding photo. As they were viewing one of them asked Y/N without looking back towards them "How come you have this with you...?" Which Y/N replied "I just have it just in case of emergencies such as if I were in a accident, they would know what my husband looks like" as she said that Jun Ho looked at her with a knowing smile why exactly why she had it though as well her response was true though, but it wasn't the exact reason why.
After they had a good look, they gave back her wedding photo then they agreed that they were truly married since Jun Ho never told them about his private as much. As they did Y/N raised up to give them energy drink boxes. As they all turned back from the couple to huddle to get a drink Jun Ho quickly gave Y/N a quick peck on the lips and said in a soft voice "I'll see you at home alright" which Y/N replied, "Yes and I'll make your favourite meal today for dinner and make sure to eat your lunch fighting!!" with a soft smile and then kissed his cheek.
Then she started walking towards the exit and as she did the officers noticed and asked her "Where are you going Y/N~ssi...?" Which Y/N gave a small glance at Jun Ho and then replied toward the officers "Oh I am going to pick up our 4-month year old son from my mother in law" then paused and quickly said "Have a nice day" and bowed as she walked passed them.
As she left all the officers look towards Jun Ho who was back at his desk looking down at his paperwork after he seen his wife left. As he didn't hear any noise, he looked up only to see his co-workers mouth gaping at him and then all at once shouted at him "YOU HAVE A SON!"
Which made Jun Ho chuckle and then went on to his paperwork. As he did many of the officers are just in shock as they went back to their desk to finish their work of and as they sat down, they all realised like a lighted lightbulb why she carries her wedding picture because their son would miss Jun Ho.
If you like this please give this a like, or reblog it ^^ Much appreciated!
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drama--universe · 3 years
Banryu x reader
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Requested by anonymous: Hi! I have a request! Could you do a Banryu x reader imagine, Banryu falls in love with a completely oblivious person and tries to confess his feelings to her, but reader considers it as a sign of friendship. Frustrated, he just yells that he loves her and ends up blushing. So reader also ends up confessing to him. Thanks!
A/N Alright, here it is hope its okay. Also after writing and looking him up again, can I just say that he kinda looks like Jun from Seventeen... Never noticed that until now 😅
Word Count: 1579 words
Warnings: kinda cringy
You walked the path to the Hwarang. Normally you would walk with Ah-ro, but she didn't seem like she wanted to come today. Honestly, you didn't mind it that much, you could finally enjoy the peace and quiet since she tended to a bit loud about her problems. Anyway, the walk wasn't that quiet especially after you got near the Hwarang House. Now the question remained, why was there screaming? Well, you didn't expect to see all hwarangs laying on the training ground. You made your way there and leaned over one, who happened to be Hansung, and frowned.
"What is going on?" "Noona!" He sat up and smiled at you. You smiled back at the younger boy (by only 1 year) before looking around again, seeing that most hwarangs were now looking at you. Your eyes connected with Banryu's and you looked away immediately, scrunching your nose up slightly.
Now you didn't hate him. Not really. After all you could be somewhat considered friends if anything. Although he could be incredibly rude and inconsiderate, but.... Yeah, no he was like that most of the time, but nonetheless. You had seen how his father treated the boy, when you absolutely weren't supposed to of course, and you had some sympathy for him ever since you had seen him like that. Broken in a way...
You were quickly pulled back into reality and looked back at Hansung with a raised eyebrow.
"We've been practicing for hours! Wi-Hwa has been torturing us just because we sneaked out once!" He whined, some of the hwarangs shouting in agreement, and you scoffed. Crouching down, you poked him.
"Then you should follow the rules then." You teased before getting back up. "Taking a cold shower helps with tiredness and muscle pain." You then said, making some hwarangs groan loudly and you chuckled.
"Its 's that or acupuncture." You spoke and that seemed to light a fire as they got up and walked (ran) off. You chuckled again before realizing that you were now alone. Until you noticed Banryu still sitting against one of the pillars. He seemed to be resting, his eyes closed and you inspecting his features again.
His hair was pulled into the typical hwarang hairstyle with a few hairs hanging loose (most likely from training). you didn't know why, but you just wanted to touch his hair. It seemed so soft... His features itself seemed to have softened, maybe because he wasn't frowning now. And for some reason he was blushing-
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked and your eyes widened as you realized that he had woken up while you were staring. You didn't even speak as your whole face heated up before you just apologized and ran off to your and Ah-ro's station. You entered and fell on the bed, letting out a loud scream in the pillow before turning around to lay on your back.
"I'm doomed..." You mumbled before letting silence taking over.
The next day, you were not doing much either. Ah-ro was spending time with her brother and nothing bad had happened yet. Hansung had come by earlier to talk, but he left an hour ago. Then again, when you hoped for something to happen you didn't expect Soo-ho and Banryu to be dragged in and both covered in bruises and cuts.
"What on earth?!" You exclaimed and the boys looked at you before looking away. "Sit." You said as you grabbed your stuff. Both boys sat down and you started with Soo-ho. You pressed a cold towel to his face before treating the small cut he had.
"Alright, your done." You spoke before moving to Banryu and doing the same. Banryu had a few more cuts than Soo-ho, which made you believe that Soo-oh had won the fight. Banryu hissed as you touched his wound, making you pause.
"Why do you guys always fight? Just ignore each other..." You mumbled before continuing. "That's like telling Soo-ho to be quiet." He grumbled and you laughed before putting everything away.
"Well... You're not wrong, but he does care of you in a way. Even with how much you fight." You said as you stood up and turned around to clean your hands.
"Then again, you're probably going to kill each other one day." You joked before sitting down again, facing Banryu once more. He was just staring at you and you frowned.
"You okay?" "I like you." He said and you smiled.
"Yeah, I really like you as a friend too." You said back, patting his shoulder before walking out. Banryu just stared at the door in disbelief.
That was the first time he tried to confess his love (even though it was on accident).
The second time was intentional. He had dropped some flowers in your room with a note that said he liked you once again, yet the one thing he had to write on it (aka his name) he forget to write down.
And now was his third time. With some convincing of his "friends" aka Soo-ho, he decided to confess to you by talking to your face again. Now he was staying in your work room, waiting for you with a frown on his face. He was getting more nervous by the minute until you suddenly came in.
"Banryu? Can I help you?" You asked with a bright smile, making him instantly relax a bit. Now he trusted you a lot, even if he didn't show it. If he had to chose any of his friends, it would be you. Because you didn't get close to him because of his position but rather because of him and that was something that was difficult to find.
"I need to tell you something important." "Really? You didn't get kicked out of hwarang, did you?" You asked, eyes wide in fear. He looked up to you, eyes wide as well.
"What? No!" He said and you nodded, smiling again before sitting next to him. He didn't move away like you expected him to and instead looked at you with a soft expression and smiled (aka the expression below).
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"Alright, what is it then?" You asked and he looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers. You waited for a few seconds, but he didn't speak up. Placing your hand on his, you leaned forward a bit so he could see you.
"I won't kill you, you know." You joked and he looked up again, staring at you before he spoke up.
"I like you a lot." He finally said and you smiled at him. "I know. You've told me before, Banryu. And I said I liked you too. I consider you a very good friend, if not my only friend." You said back and his expression fell as he pulled his hands away from yours and got up. He sighed loudly before turning to face you again, face flushed in either embarrassment or rage.
"I don't mean like a friend, stupid! I like you as more, I want to marry you when we're older! I don't want you to be with someone else because I want you to be with me! I love you!" He exclaimed loudly and as soon as the last part left his mouth, your eyes went wide and your mouth dropped. He seemed to realize what he had just said, his face flushing and turning away.
You were slightly embarrassed, but on the inside you were screaming happily. The man you had liked for ages now, had just told you that he liked you back. And you were just staring at him instead of saying something.
"Uh..." "Forget it..." He mumbled, turning to leave but you got up and grabbed his hand. He looked at you and you paused again, looking down to your intertwined hands.
"I like you too..." You whispered, but he seemed to have heard nonetheless. You looked up through your lashes and he was just staring, not saying anything.
"You do?" He asked and you nodded, fiddling with his fingers before freezing when he actually intertwined your fingers and raised your hands slightly, not looking at you. You took at him before deciding to take initiative. You stood on your toes and leaned forward, kissing his cheek for a second before leaning back. Now he was completely red as he looked at you in complete shock.
"I wanted to do that for awhile now." You admitted and he gulped, still staring at you.
"Then again, I wanted to do this as well." you said, grabbing his face in your hands and kissed him on the lips. You pulled back in seconds and smiled at him again, ignoring how hot your face had become.
"I'll talk to you later!" You said before waving him goodbye and exiting the room. You closed the door behind you and leaned against it, smiling brightly as your hands went to cover your face. You pushed yourself away from the door and stared in front of you for a few seconds before turning with a jump when the door behind you slammed open. Your face was grabbed and you felt Banryu's lips press against yours. Your eyes wide again before closing as your hands wrapped around his arms. When he pulled back, you stared at him before chuckling.
"Get a room!" Someone exclaimed and you turned your head to see some hwarangs, including Banryu's roommates. You blushed and turned, hiding in Banryu's arms out of embarrassment.
"Just a second." Banryu said, walking down the stairs. Five seconds later, he was chasing Soo-ho through the Hwarang house with the other hwarangs laughing.
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mykpopwire · 4 years
interview: DRIPPIN sets off their journey with [Boyager]
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DRIPPIN has finally made their debut with 1st Mini Album [Boyager]
Let’s get to know more about the seven talented boys!
1. First of all, please introduce yourself.
Cha Jun Ho: Hello, I’m DRIPPIN’s Cha Jun Ho.
Hwang Yun Seong: I’m DRIPPIN’s leader and main dancer, Hwang Yun Seong.
Kim Dong Yun: Hello, I’m DRIPPIN’s all-rounder, Dong Yun.
Lee Hyeop: Hello, I’m DRIPPIN’s main vocal, Lee Hyeop.
Joo Chang Uk: Hello, I’m DRIPPIN’s third member, Chang Uk.
Alex: Hello, I’m yellow haired Alex who escaped from mullet.
Kim Min Seo: Hello I’m Min Seo, fresh high school senior in charge of bright snowdrops and innocence in DRIPPIN.
2. Can you share with us about your debut album?
Hwang Yun Seong: Boyager is a combination of word ‘boy’ means boy and ‘voyager’ which means long-distance traveller. It's also the name of an American unmanned space probe. It (Boyager) means to overcome the fear of a new world and start a new journey with curiosity and determination for dreams.
Cha Jun Ho: Our debut album Boyager is a combination of ‘boy’ meaning boy and ‘voyager’ meaning long-distance traveller. It means that we are going on a new journey with curiosity and determination of our dreams.
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Cha Jun Ho
3. Are there other group names being considered before DRIPPIN is chosen as the official name?
Cha Jun Ho: Actually, I couldn't come up with a different name. I thought about it for a long time but it didn't come out. So, as soon as I heard the cool name DRIPPIN, I got hooked.
Hwang Yun Seong: I’ve considered it, we have been thinking among us and I also put a lot of thoughts on it personally. The CEO also asked me if there’s any names that I thought of, but it’s not easy. Even when we shared our ideas, only strange things came out and it wasn’t easy. But when the name DRIPPIN came out, I was very satisfied.
Kim Dong Yun: The name DRIPPIN is the name that our CEO gave us. Before it was decided, we thought about it among ourselves but coming up with a name is harder that we thought.
Lee Hyeop: The CEO once asked me if I had any ideas on it before, but at that time no matter how much I thought about it, nothing come to my mind.
Joo Chang Uk: The members had gathered to think of a team name before, but it wasn't easy!
Alex: I have never considered a name other than DRIPPIN.
Kim Min Seo: Among us, we have thought of the names as beetles and butane gas as a joke. 
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Hwang Yun Seong
4. What kind of music you wish to pursue as DRIPPIN? 
Cha Jun Ho: I want to do music that will make me think it's trendy and sophisticated even when I listen to it in the future.
Hwang Yun Seong: Rather than any kind of music, I think I’ll sing variety of new and different songs that will lead the trend in the future.
Kim Dong Yun: I want to do music that can give people joy and happiness.
Lee Hyeop: I want to be a group that shows good music and performance through our own interpretation of various topics and experiences.
Joo Chang Uk: I want to try various music so that we can be a team that is able to pull off variety of music.
Alex: Just like the name of our album, we will pursue music that will give people happiness and explore and discover the novelty of music.
Kim Min Seo: Just like our group name, I want to pursue DRIPPIN-like song with our own colour.
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Kim Dong Yun
5. Who is the artist that you look up to while preparing to debut?
Cha Jun Ho: As we worked together, I felt that our company’s Golden Child who showed us great performances even though there are a lot of people, is amazing.
Hwang Yun Seong: Seventeen’s Hoshi and Shinee’s Taemin.
Kim Dong Yun: I always look up to BTS since I was a student.
Lee Hyeop: I like and admire EXO’s Baekhyun.
Joo Chang Uk: I didn't think much about it while preparing for my debut. But after I made my debut, I was so proud of all the idols.
Alex: Stray Kids’ Felix, Han and Bang Chan.
6. Your first impression of each other?
Cha Jun Ho: At first, I thought everyone was shy because everyone was introverts.
Hwang Yun Seong: I wonder if I was in the position to lead when I first saw them. But throughout all the years I was able to be the leader as they were all so innocent. I was a baby too, but everyone else had more baby-like side so they were shy around strangers. Now we are all playing tricks on each other.
Kim Dong Yun: I thought everyone was handsome. If you look now, we sort of resemble each other.
Lee Hyeop: Most of the members were difficult to get close kind of person, timid. So, at first everyone seems to quietly adapt themselves.
Joo Chang Uk: My first impression was that the members were all gentle and considerate of each other.
Kim Min Seo: Everyone looked at me and thought I was amazing. I‘ve never seen anyone like this, but what does this mean…?
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Lee Hyeop
7. If you are a superhero, what kind of superpower would you have? 
Cha Jun Ho: Ability to stop the time.
Hwang Yun Seong: I'm greedy, so superpower like Superman.
Kim Dong Yun: I want to have mind control ability.
Lee Hyeop: Superpower to manipulate time.
Joo Chang Uk: I want to have the teleportation ability, to move comfortably from place to place.
Alex: Teleportation ability.
Kim Min Seo: The ability to feel 12 hours of sleep even after an hour of sleep.
8. What do you usually do during your free time?
Cha Jun Ho: Usually I go for practice or cleaning.
Hwang Yun Seong: I watch dance videos or sleep. I enjoy visiting good restaurants and watch movies when I have the energy.
Kim Dong Yun: I often play cell phone games or watch YouTube while lying on the bed.
Lee Hyeop: I feel like I’m resting when cooking or doing small chores at home.
Joo Chang Uk: I practice singing or just lying down watching movies.
Alex: I usually spend time with my family or enjoy playing video games.
Kim Min Seo: I usually go for practice.
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Joo Chang Uk
9. Which colour suits your personality the most?
Cha Jun Ho: Sky blue?
Hwang Yun Seong: White.
Kim Dong Yun: Orange, not very bright and it's a comfortable colour. So, I think it goes well with me.
Lee Hyeop: Yellow, mild and warm on the outside, but full of passion like the sun on the inside.
Joo Chang Uk: Indigo, not just dark, but a little calm!
Alex: Mint and white.
Kim Min Seo: Red, blue and yellow.
10. One thing that you must do every single day.
Cha Jun Ho: Make sure to put on lotion.
Hwang Yun Seong: Dance practice.
Kim Dong Yun: Look in the mirror and check if my face is swollen.
Lee Hyeop: I must eat one meal well.
Joo Chang Uk: I must shower before I go to bed no matter what.
Alex: Wash my face with foam cleanser.
Kim Min Seo: Brush my teeth.
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11. Will "We Are DRIPPIN!" continue after debut?
Cha Jun Ho: I don't know yet, but I really want to continue it!
Hwang Yun Seong: I want to continue it! Or I'll be a little sad!
Kim Dong Yun: I'd like to keep shooting every season.
Lee Hyeop: I'm not sure, but I'd like to continue it.
Joo Chang Uk: Even if it's not We Are DRIPPIN!, I want to do more reality shows like that.
Alex: Of course I want to continue it! I really hope there will be another season!
Kim Min Seo: I want to do it! I want to shoot We Are DRIPPIN! again.
12. Your goal as DRIPPIN member?
Cha Jun Ho: I want to give more positive impact on the team!
Hwang Yun Seong: To be at the top of K-Pop.
Kim Dong Yun: I want to be a member who brings life to the team and a member that comes to mind when you think of DRIPPIN.
Lee Hyeop: I want to be the older brother whom the younger brothers can lean on comfortably.
Joo Chang Uk: I want to develop my personal skills so that our team can advance to Billboard.
Alex: My goal is to stay healthy while doing all the activities and enjoy the stage with my fans.
Kim Min Seo: I want all the members to be healthy and be as close and happy as we are now.
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Kim Min Seo
13. Lastly, can you say a few words to your fans in Malaysia?
Cha Jun Ho: Thank you for your support from afar! I’ll work hard so I hope we can meet often!!
Hwang Yun Seong: We finally debut!! Now is only the beginning, I hope we can repay you as much as your love and support and walk on flowery paths with you. I’ll lead DRIPPIN trend in the future, so please look forward to it. I’ll go to Malaysia and meet with you if I have the chance in the future. I love you so much.
Kim Dong Yun: Hello Malaysia fans!! They say it's not easy to like us from afar so thank you so much!! I’ll never forget your support and will work hard to repay you!! See you in Malaysia!!! Bye!!
Lee Hyeop: Thank you so much for waiting for us for such a long time and we will repay you with great songs and performances! I love you ❤️
Joo Chang Uk: Hello Malaysia fans, I'm Chang Uk and I finally debut as DRIPPIN. Thank you so much for waiting so long. I'll always do my best to repay the fans for all the time that they've been waiting for!!
Alex: Hello Malaysia!! Although we can't meet you face-to-face now because of the epidemic, we will try our best to meet you guys as soon as possible! Take care of your health and hwaiting!!
Kim Min Seo: Malaysia fans~ You’ve been waiting for a long time haven't you..? Thank you so much for your patience. We finally made our debut. We have prepared as much as you expected, so please look forward to it. I love you 😍😍
*Photos courtesy of Woollim Entertainment
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Watch DRIPPIN Nostalgia MV here!
Connect with DRIPPIN!
Instagram: drippin_insta
Twitter: @drippin
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jarigendut · 3 years
An ode to the playlist of my life
Note: The content of this post is based on personal experiences with some strong sentences. Read with caution.
For people whose escape method is modern entertainment, when the weather is just perfect, we encounter a story that hits too close to home and stays right by the heart, in a frequency tuned to our steps.
Years ago, when I spent my days in a boarding house for university, Reply 1994 (tvN, 2013) was that story for me. Messy romance aside, Shinchon Boarding House was full of people like me: excited, lost, scared, frustrated, wounded, but slowly crawled their way forward.
Years after, as I graduated and started working, Hospital Playlist (tvN, 2020) is the new champion.
I hope that, to you, I will become A perfect piece of memory like a sunset And will remain without regrets like a picture Oh that reminds you of our precious green days
To be frank, I did not know much about what my life would be like when I first chose medicine as my major. Then reality hit. From internship to real work, currently an ER doctor. I deal with people who think they are entitled to everything fast because they have money, people who are unable to do anything because they have no money, people who think too highly of their titles, people who talk tons but do nothing, people who only hear what they want to hear, people who don't really care working together, or people who look at me like I am a salesperson for drugs and medical tools. Contradictory needs and goals. Limited resources. Language barriers, which end up in misunderstandings. Replacing lunch with antacids because there is no time. Asking questions like, "Do I really need to smile even when they curse at me?" at 3 AM. Double it up ever since the pandemic hits as everyone looks at COVID like it's a conspiracy created by healthcare workers to fill our pockets. I 'work' even when I'm not at work. Then residency in neurology for four years if I'm good enough to pass the exams this month, with similar stuff repeating every day until I retire.
I wonder what Hospital Playlist looks like to non-healthcare professionals. I often stare at the series in disbelief. How lucky are the twin interns for having such great residents and professors to tail around. How lucky is that student who mistakenly shaved a patient's head for receiving such understanding from the patient and his family. How lucky is that foreigner with brain hemorrhage for getting support from the hospital's daddy-long-legs for his surgery and treatment, knowing that it may take weeks for him to recover. How lucky it is to have higher-ups in management who seem to be generally kind human beings. How lucky it is to work in a hospital that looks as comfy as a 5-star hotel connected to a mall. At least we have those nice things in fantasy.
On the other side, the life of the residents is something I'm very familiar with. What do people feel when resident Seok Min explains stuff like a robot? When Jae Hak shares how he gets on his knees to get his patient to accept treatment just to save him his job, looking obviously miserable and disgusting as he does it? When he breaks down in front of some fruits with a thank-you note? When life still gives him more lemons with being scammed whatsoever and he still has to stay professional? When Min Ha is at her limit handling her patients and covering for her MIA coworker? When her patient constantly calls for her, yells at her, gets into a complicated medical situation, and still has to keep her shit together to save two lives when she can barely stay awake? When her professor acknowledges her struggles and her efforts? And then to see how those little "thank you"s and "you did your best"s at the end literally pull them back to sanity, to keep their lives going no matter how hard it is?
I feel like an orange being peeled open and squeezed dry at those moments.
I'm complaining, yes. Even though I should not, since this is the consequence of choosing the major in the first place. Even if I didn't know better, it was still my choice. Alas, as Namjoon said:
I run faster than those dark clouds I thought that’d make it alright But, it turns out I’m just a mere human
To round up my misery, Hospital Playlist shows me the life I have always dreamed about. Waking up every day to a job I can do well and generally enjoy, hanging out with my friends at a restaurant when I get off work, going for karaoke or play games together when we are free, setting time away or buying things for myself, dating or divorcing when I want to, singing alone at church or wherever as I like, getting myself checked and treated when I'm sick - in short, finding that balance between the human me and the professional me. Chae Song Hwa embodies so many traits I wish to have when I'm in my 40s or 50s. Her gang reminds me of my group of (close?) friends from uni time who I only see through our group chats. It's hard not to be envious. I mean, look at Kim Jun Wan slicing Song Hwa's ex with his eyes because the latter thinks a man and a woman can't be true friends. Can my friends and I last through another 10 or 20 years? If I lose them, will I find someone else like that? The world on screen is fantasy, so I begin to wonder whether it is actually possible to reach that point in reality.
To me, who is going to wear this white coat and title and carry my kind of personal baggage for the rest of my life, Hospital Playlist is beautifully brutal. It is unbearable like a mirror at times, but it gets me regardless. So here I am, waiting for another ride with Shin Won Ho PD-nim and his gang starting tomorrow. It sounds strange to hope for another beautifully brutal story, so let's just say that I'm looking forward to spending my days with such a warm, comforting show as we all deal with the highs and lows of life.
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