#jung sewoon scenario
imagineproduce101 · 7 years
You looked down at the mug of tea in front of you awkwardly, sighing as you caught sight of your reflection in the liquid, no longer hot. You’d been asked out on a date for Valentine’s Day by a co-worker, and he was an hour late, but more than likely, not showing up at all. Thinking about your predicament made you want to burst in tears-- stood up on Valentine’s Day, what a loser.
You felt miserable sitting there all dressed up, with your hair done nicely and everything. You were such an idiot to think he’d want to go out with you.
“Thank you all once again for your amazing support tonight, I hope you all have a wonderful night,” the live act, a lovely guitarist who had an amazing voice as well, said into his mic. You’d noticed him in and out during your hour at the cafe, given how he was also fairly handsome, but your anxiety and distress at getting stood up overshadowed any possible ogling. “To finish up the night, here’s Sugar.”
You tapped your foot as you concentrated fully on the performer, letting his honey-smooth vocals soothe you. He really was an amazing singer, you thought to yourself offhandedly after checking your phone once more. Just the uplifting sound of the performer’s song made you hold out hope just a little longer, and you found yourself waving over the waiter, asking for a fresh tea.
Once you had the tea, the performer finished up his act before thanking the audience once again.
“Have a happy Valentine’s Day, everyone,” the performer’s smooth voice said through the speakers, and you jolted as his eyes suddenly focused on you, a charming smile on his lips.
You sighed again, reminded of your situation as you took another sip of your tea. You checked your phone again-- an hour and fifteen minutes late. This guy really wasn’t showing up. You took a final sip of your tea, getting ready to grab your wallet and head out of the cafe.
“Taking a night to yourself?”
You coughed at the sound of that familiar smooth voice, quickly setting your mug down.
“Oh, did I startle you?” The performer’s eyes widened as he patted you on the back, “ah, I’m sorry!”
“No, no,” you waved your hand, “it’s alright. And no, I was, ah, actually stood up. Kind of embarrassing.” You felt your cheeks heat up at confessing something like that to this handsome man.
He frowned, taking the seat across from you. “Well, that won’t do. Hey, Jaehwan!”
The waiter hurried over, raising an eyebrow, “yes?”
“Could you grab two slices of that awesome red velvet cake?” The performer handed the waiter, Jaehwan, a bill, “and some water?” Jaehwan nodded, heading off to the back.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you felt your cheeks getting even more pink, “I was just heading home.”
The performer smiled at you, revealing perfectly white teeth, “it’s alright, I want to. I’m Sewoon.”
“(y/n),” you replied shyly, shaking Sewoon’s hand.
“Well, (y/n),” Sewoon said, leaning forward slightly, “tell me about yourself, I’d like to get to know you, if you’re willing to treat this as our first date.”
Your eyes widened slightly before you felt yourself shyly. “Well, for starters, I work at a start-up company doing data entry.”
The two of you ended up sitting in the cafe until closing, talking over empty plates and mugs into late in the night. Sewoon walked you home, and quickly punched his number into your phone as he stood on your front steps, cheeks a light pink under the orange light of the street lamps. You waved happily to him as he walked down the street, waving back, and a new feeling of warmth washed over you.
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wannabeone-blog · 7 years
Jung Sewoon Best Friends to Lovers!
this wondeful talented boy debuted yesterday please support him and watch his mv here
you met Sewoon on the first day of middle school
you two were in the same class if fifth grade and were seatmates and alway partners for projects
but it wasn't bc you two were friends
you two were the outcasts
neither of you had any friends in the class so you two were often left with each other as choice
sewoon was rather soft spoken and shy around people especially girls so like
he was so nervous around you half the time he didn't speak actual sentences
as the years went on you misread that as him being into you
once you two got closer you two spent a lot of time in the spare music room
in which he would practice guitar and you would do homework and sometimes you would sing together
cue you slurring your words together bc it's sewoon's angelic voice???
you started to gain feelings for sewoon in around eighth grade and you asked him to the school dance with you to go as "friends"
you started to realize how good looking sewoon was (for an eighth grader) and how attentive he was to you and you started to fall for him
but he was still like your first crush and you were overwhelmed
nearing the end of the dance he insisted he'd walk you home
he had a cute smile on his face as he watched you spin down the sidewalk
and then he got really sad because he was moving and realized tomorrow would be the last day he would see you?
when you got to your gateway you thank sewoon for walking you home
and that's when you shyly confessed to him
and his face got so red
and he apologized a million times for not feeling the same even though he did but he was leaving tomorrow and he felt so bad bc he felt like he led you on
"i know things are going to be awkward between us tomorrow, but can we act like this didn't happen and enjoy our last day before high school?" you said
"and our last day together" he whispered
he didn't expect you to hear him but you did and you shrieked so loud you woke up the neighbors
"i'm moving during the summer, i meant to tell you sooner but you've been in such a good mood,"
"t-then can you come inside?"
he nodded
you ended up calling his parents and he spent the night
normally you two crash on the couch and an air mattress downstairs but this would be your last sleepover so you dragged him upstairs and threw a set of pajamas you had that were his
and then you dragged him into your bed
and normally he was too flustered to do anything but he knew you were on the verge of crying so he spent the night with his arms holding you close and his face nuzzled into your hair
which caused you to deeply inhale bc apparently the boy didn't get the message when you told him he basically made your heart s t o p
"i-i'm sorr- is this okay?" he whispered
you hummed in response "perfect"
"hm" you mumbled half asleep
"i like you too, i just didn't want to tell you bc i'm leaving you so soon,"
"at least i got to hear you say it"
the whole day at school you two were clinging onto each other
but it was the cutest thing
all of your friends and teachers loved it
at the end of the day he walked you to the park, and he placed his favorite hoodie in your lap
he literally wore this all the time and while it was worn out you loved it
you two promised you would stay in touch
and you did
two years later you both claimed to be over your feelings
you were there when he got his first girlfriend and he was there for your first boyfriend
in which he gave you advice
and you listened to
and he lowkey planned to ruin your relationship ooPs but didn't follow through
once it got to senior year you kind of fell out of touch
due to stress to get into a good university and pass all your finals you just couldn't fit it into your schedule to text him all the time
occasionally you'd facetime and study together but that came to a stop too
by the time you finally got into university you never expected to see him again
but there he was as handsome as ever in your music class
you almost had a heart attack
sewoon saw you too and the biggest smile spread across his face
he hugged you in front of all your new classmates and you ended up sitting near each other whenever you did use the desks
you two started to hang out all the time
and your feelings started to come back
and little did you know so did his
one day sewoon was kind of sad in class
"what's wrong sewoon"
"i left something at my dorm, i was in a bit of a rush today"
you noticed he didn't have his guitar with him
and you had a break in between classes so you went to his dorm to grab it
and you noticed a sheet of paper next to his guitar
with lyrics
and you being the nosy best friend you were, you read it
and your face flushed when you realized the lyrics were about you and how he felt
you sprinted back to the university and texted sewoon to see you and it was urgent
soon enough sewoon came out
"what's wrong are you hurt"
you handed him his guitar and the lyrics
his face flushed
"o-oh you weren't supposed to see these" he chuckles nervously scratching the back of his neck "i understand if this makes things awkward between us, i can't expect you to have the same feelings as you did in middle school"
you leaned in a connected your lips
and this poor boy was so shocked and he didn't know where to place his hands
you two are the cutest couple at the university
sewoon sings the song he wrote for you all the time
you might have to take the lead in the relationship sometimes bc this boy is too shy for it
if you compliment him he blushes and his voice will get a little shaky or softer bc he's flustered
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pwjins · 7 years
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bf!sewoon— guitars, late night skypes | 1/∞
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hashtagjna · 5 years
RSC [Jeong Sewoon] *Déjá-vu?*
Random Song Challenge explanation | RSC No. 3 ❤️
About: Jeong Sewoon (solo)
Song: Dejavu by Nu’est W
Genre: fluff
Summary: You‘re experiencing a strange déjá-vu-like feeling when you meet a boy on a trip - and he does too! Coincidence? Fate?
Wourd Count: 1014
Written by: Admin Arin
Author’s Note: I think this song is such a good match for Sewoon, calm and mysterious! It instantly reminded me of his 20 Something MV, so inspired this story a lot ❤️
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You were sitting on the cold stone slabs of the broad stairway going up to a huge, fancy fountain. From time to time you felt some water droplets hitting your arms, because some children were wildly running around, playing with the water. You heard their happy laughters and giggles, in between the countless voices of a bunch of tourists, and seemingly the mom calling something in a language you couldn’t understand.
It has been almost two hours since you arrived in this city. You had never been here before, so you didn’t really know what to do - that you wanted to go on this trip without any kind of planning also didn’t help in that matter. You pulled your big brown suitcase closer to you, when you suddenly remembered that you bought a new sticker for it at the post office, when you ambled through the train station. While you were fumbling to get the backing paper off the sticker, you couldn’t help but to think of the guy you saw in the train station.
Several hours ago you settled down in your compartment on the train. It was one of those really old, nostalgic vintage style ones. You always wanted to go on a trip with one of those. A trip without any beforehand planning, just you and your suitcase. Just hopping on an old train, without a fixed destination, just enjoying the ride and hopping off at a station in a city that seems nice. You could finally realize that dream, which made you very excited. Looking at the worn down, but still fancy interior in a 60s style made you calm down again, feeling a nice wave of nostalgic calmness. Scanning every detail of the flowery patterns of the different fabrics incorporated into the interior design, you didn’t even notice that the train started its journey already.
During the whole ride you couldn‘t take off your eyes from the landscape rushing by. Alternating between little villages and pure nature, there were so many details to discover. The hours just flew by, until you saw a bigger city get closer in the distance. You decided that this city will be your destination, and you quickly packed your stuff together. After jumping up excitedly and a quick glance to check if you forgot anything, you left the compartment and made your way to the door area. You already felt the train getting slower, which fed your excitement even more. Being the first passenger on this part of the train to be ready to get off, you stood right in front of the door, looking outside the little window, exclaiming a few little oohs and woahs - not paying attention at all, if anybody was watching you from behind.
The train finally came to a halt, and as soon as the door was open you jumped out. Strongly gripping the handle of your suitcase, you couldn‘t help but stand there and admire the beautiful, vintage looking roof of the train station - until you were violently ripped out of your trance by someone bumping into you from behind, who was likely one of the other passengers exiting the train after you.
After turning your head you looked into the face of a young man, looking equally shocked as you. „I‘m really sorry. Are you alright?“, he asked with the softest voice you ever heard. You just barely could get yourself to nod slowly, because you were terribly confused and puzzled. Did you see him somewhere before? Your mind was flooded with a strange, persistent feeling. Your brain tried to remember something specific, but it couldn‘t. But it strangely felt like you knew him.
After he realized that you were not hurt, he put on a slight smile, adjusted the strips of his backpack and went on his way. You couldn‘t move an inch, the strange feeling still echoing in your mind. There was no chance you could’ve met this guy before. You were really good at remembering faces, and you never were in this country before. Did you just have a déjà-vu?
Your mind returned to the present when you finally got off the sticker backing paper. Lost in thoughts you stuck the little sticker of a pine tree onto your suitcase. You flinched when you were suddenly ripped out of your thoughts again - by a very familiar voice.
„I‘m sorry, we bumped into each other earlier, if you remember. Since then I just couldn‘t get rid of the feeling that I have seen you before. Could you tell me your name?“ You looked up and saw the guy from before. He had the same feeling? Did you maybe really know each other?
„I‘m Y/N“, you answered a little hesitant, still confused.
„Hmm … I don‘t remember … Maybe we could talk a bit? Maybe while eating? I really can‘t get rid of that feeling that I know you“
Strangely excited that he felt exactly the same, you nodded quickly. You grabbed your suitcase and stood up, still looking at him, still wondering where you could have seen each other. He was quite cute, so you couldn‘t help but put on a smile. You were staying like this for a few awkward seconds. He didn‘t move, he also didn‘t say anything. Your smile faded, and you asked quietly: „What‘s wrong?“
He quickly looked down and started fiddling with his shirt buttons. „You know to be honest … I lied, I have never seen you before. But when we bumped into each other … you looked really cute, and I wanted to get to know you. Seeing your smile just now I couldn‘t continue lying to you“
Your ears instantly went bright red and your face was literally burning. „Should … we go eat something together? And really get to know each other? Oh yeah, my name is Sewoon, by the way“, he mumbled a little shyly, but with a slightly sly smile on his face. You nodded, laughing, but your face still burning hot. You found it really puzzling how Sewoon basically used the same experience you just had as an excuse to talk to you. Maybe it was … fate?
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wokainight · 6 years
[BRODUCE 911] EP.16 Apartment 101
after parting ways with the rest of the group, youngmin led you to his car where he assured you that another GP had him covered for the rest of the day.
YOU: ...are you sure you're not skipping? /eyes him suspiciously.
YOUNGMIN: /grins in an endearing manner. Ofc. I told you Doctor Kang's taking over there rest of the day. He owed me one anyway /reaches over to put the seatbelt on you.
YOU: ...are you extra sure
YOUNGMIN: /chuckles. Positive! /prepares his GPS. So where did you live again?
YOU: 11 Picker Street. It's the 101 Apartment building.
YOUNGMIN: /slowly turns to look at you.
YOU: ..yes?
YOUNGMIN: ...I...live there too
YOU: /blink. Oh what a coincidence!
YOUNGMIN: What number?
YOU: 101
YOUNGMIN: /dejected. Oh, you're in level 10... Daniel and Woojin lives there... Actually Sewoon and Jinyoung also live in level 10...
YOU: /surprised. Whoa. Why is there so many people from the hospital who's living there?
YOUNGMIN: ...it's the closest apartment around with a decent model /scratches his nape. Everyone went there the moment it was built.
YOU: ...So do I practically see you all... all the time?
YOUNGMIN: /chuckles. Everyone's shifts are different so not really
YOU: What level are you on Youngmin-ssi?
YOUNGMIN: Level 8 /smiles. There's also Donghyun, Donghan, Taemin and Hyeongseob who lives there
YOU: /interested. I see
YOU: Who's Taemin? /blinks.
YOUNGMIN: He's our speech pathologist. He's a really bright and amusing kid /chuckles. I think you'll get along with him
YOU: ...by the way?
YOU: Who's Daniel and Sewoon?
YOUNGMIN: Daniel's a GP as well and he's the one taking over my evening shift.
YOUNGMIN: Sewoon's our radiologist /smiles. You'll meet the both of them soon enough
YOU: /nods attentively.
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Sewoon: Talk to him, that's what friends do.
Jaehwan: Nope. I'm gonna wait 'til I'm on my deathbed, get in the last word and then die immediately.
Sewoon: That's your plan for dealing with this?
Jaehwan: That's my plan for dealing with everything. I have seventy-seven arguments I'm going to win that way.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Jung Sewoon Mafia AU
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tysm to  @ohkaypopthis as usual coming thru with the amazing a1 plot ideas wow what a legend
*the actual fic is under the read more bc it’s long as hell and i’m not tryna spam people on any of the tags yikes
you gasped, trying to catch your breath momentarily before hurtling yourself off of the building’s roof, landing hard in an open garbage dumpster, the bags just barely breaking your fall
“(y/n)-ssi,” jung sewoon, a high-up member of the 101, your own group’s absolute rival, called from the top of the building, staring down at you with cold brown eyes, “i just want to talk with you, i’m not going to hurt you.”
“bullshit,” you muttered, clambering out of the dumpster
you hadn’t trust jung sewoon’s charming voice and easy smiles when he’d first approached you inside the convenience store where you worked part-time, and you still didn’t trust him now
“(y/n), this is your last warning,” sewoon’s velvety voice said, a tinge of something much harsher in it, “stop running away and talk with me. i can get you out of SVT.”
you just groaned and hopped down from the dumpster, wincing in pain
your body already hurt, and so all the physical activity wasn’t really helping matters
you glanced up in shock at the total 180 sewoon’s voice had taken, hard, steely and calculated
“taehyun, go.”
there was a loud bang, and you let out a scream as something grazed your arm, adrenaline immediately thrumming through your body
“you fucking shot me?” you yelled furiously, feeling your head start to spin
“I told you, that was your last warning.”
the last thing you heard before you blacked out was that voice, gripping your consciousness with a cold iron grasp
the first thing that you noticed when you finally came to was how fuzzy your head and mouth seemed
“how are you feeling?
that familiar velvety voice pierced through the hazy fog in your mind, and your eyes fluttered open
you were in a hospital room, a few men staring at you
one of them was obviously a doctor, and one of them was jung sewoon
“you just can’t leave me alone, can you?” you managed to croak out despite your incredibly dry throat
sewoon just chuckled and handed you a water bottle after opening it swiftly
“we have a proposal for you.”
you eyed sewoon suspiciously after you’d taken a few sips
“who exactly is ‘we’ and what kind of proposal are we talking?”
sewoon sighed, glancing at the doctor, who frowned
“fine, i’ll take the hint,” the doctor grumbled, shuffling out of the room
“thanks, gunhee,” the other guy accompanying sewoon chirped, before bursting out into giggles
sewoon just sighed and grabbed a folder, handing it over to you
“i can’t move my right arm, dumbass,” you snapped, glaring at the reason why your arm was covered in bandages
sewoon just smiled at you and opened the folder, showing you the files inside
it was full of intel on you-- your family, how SVT had blackmailed you into joining and how you struggled to even barely support your family
“(y/n), you need help,” sewoon said firmly, levelling you with a stare
you looked back at him defiantly, not wanting to admit that yes, you did need something, anything, to get out of SVT
“SVT uses you as a pawn, nothing more,” sewoon continued, pulling up a chair next to your bed
you tried to ignore the heat that was taking over your cheeks, glancing down at the papers in sewoon’s hand to avoid his intense stare
“the 101 can help you, (y/n),” sewoon continued, “we’ve seen your abilities so far-- your talents are wasted on these low-level missions that SVT has been assigning you, and they’re far too risky for you.”
“so what are you proposing, mr. confident?” you retorted
sewoon leaned back in his chair, satisfied knowing that he’d already won half the battle
“stay in SVT for now,” he said, “i’ll check in with you frequently, and you’ll inform us about what jobs they are taking on, their focuses and such. when the time is right, we’ll transfer you to a 101 division that keeps you out of the path with SVT. we’ll also have a few members watch your family, keeping tabs and making sure that they’re safe.”
you considered his proposal, flipping through the papers that sewoon had handed you
it was an enticing proposal, but in all honesty, you were scared, not for yourself, but for your family
“(y/n), I’m fairly powerful in the 101,” sewoon’s velvety voice interrupted your musing, “I can arrange for some our best members to watch your family. they’ll be safe.”
you looked up at him sharply, a bit perturbed by how well he was able to tell what you were thinking 
“fine,” you nodded, handing the papers back to sewoon, “let’s do this.”
working with sewoon wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be
you were definitely nervous about being caught, but sewoon only checked in with you once every two weeks, and was cautious about it
other than that, you continued on your usual svt tasks, while collecting information about jobs, new recruits and plans to sewoon, who passed it on to the other members of the 101
the check-ins became somewhat of a welcome routine 
sewoon would always ask how you were doing, and bring you your favorite ice-cream if he knew you were having a particularly bad week
the two of you developed something akin to a friendship, the two of you sitting at your dining room table, chatting about whatever
it was during those late nights that you started noticing just how charming sewoon’s smile was, and just how soothing his presence was
you didn’t want to admit it, to yourself or to anyone else, but you were slowly falling for sewoon
you knew it was a dangerous path to go down, especially since you weren’t completely free from svt 
however, you did your best to ignore your feelings and focus on the job instead
one night, you received a rather cryptic text message, asking you to sneak into seungcheol’s office and to steal a flashdrive
you were able to deduce that it was sewoon, and you quickly mapped out your plan in your mind
as quietly as you could, you snuck into seungcheol’s office, carefully easing the door open
you knew exactly where the flashdrive would be-- in the second drawer of his desk
stealthily, you made your way to the desk, taking extra care to slowly open the drawer
“well, well, well, (y/n).”
you whirled around as the lights flickered on, revealing seungcheol standing in the doorway to his office, a raised handgun pointing at you
“s-seungcheol-ssi,” you managed to stammer out, hand instantly going to where you kept your own gun
“don’t even try,” your boss replied, lip curling up in disdain
he gestured, and two other members of svt appeared behind him, one of them roughly grabbing your wrists and tying them up with a thick piece of rope
you struggled momentarily, panicking at the thought of what might happen, but you were restrained before you were really able to resist
a blindfold was pulled over your eyes, and you felt something-- possibly duck tape-- being wrapped around your ankles
someone picked you up unceremoniously, prompting another wave of muffled screeches and squirming about
“now, now, (y/n), hold still,” you heard seungcheol croon, before someone petted your hair gently, “after all, we have a certain ritual for those who betray us, don’t we?”
you squirmed even more at that, knowing exactly what that ritual entailed, and it wasn’t pretty
you felt yourself being set down on another seat, presumably in a car, if the sounds and smells were any indicator
as you tried to get your hands free, a thought passed through your mind-- what if this was the night that you died?
“head for the pier, mingyu, the pier,” you heard seungcheol growl from next to you
the command made you think of something--your cellphone
in a stroke of laziness, you’d programmed it to respond when you said “hey, phone”, and then you’d be able to ask it to do whatever you wanted
“hey, phone,” you blurted out, smiling when you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket
“what was that?” seungcheol snapped
“I said, you should call jung sewoon. this is his mess, not mine,” you replied, hoping that your phone picked up the “call jung sewoon”
sure enough, your phone vibrated again, followed by a second vibration to signify that he’d picked up
“like hell I’m calling jung sewoon, what am I, an idiot?” seungcheol growled out
“I dunno, Seungcheol,” you said, thinking quickly, “you said you were taking me to the pier, right? Hasn’t the 101 beat you in a shoot-out there before? It’s like, 101 turf now, so won’t you be starting shit?”
“Shut up, (y/n)’
you fell silent again, hoping that sewoon had gotten the message-- and that he even cared enough to do anything about it
a few minutes passed, and the initial nervousness of the whole situation turned into a weird passive panicking emotion that you were unfamiliar with
when you felt the car stop, you felt your heart race a bit more, knowing what was to come
maybe this really was the end, you thought to yourself
in one swift motion, seungcheol yanked the blindfold off of you, and you blinked your eyes a few times to get accustomed to the bright light
“get out of the car,” seungcheol said roughly, yanking you up
you stumbled to follow him, barely able to walk due to the restraints on your feet
“see this?” seungcheol asked, shoving you forward over the edge of the pier, so that all that was keeping you from falling was his tight grip on your shoulders, “this is where the rats who don’t understand loyalty end up. like you.”
“choi seungcheol,” you heard a cold, steely, familiar voice 
both you and seungcheol turned around at the same time, and you gasped, meeting the gaze of those familiar cold brown eyes
sewoon stood at the beginning of the pier, a few others from the 101 flanking him
“give (y/n) up, and we can settle a deal,” sewoon said sternly, eyes darting from you to seungcheol and back
seungcheol smirked at sewoon and the others from the 101, tilting his head back slightly
you felt your heart race even faster, recognizing the sinister, pure evil expression on his face
“jung sewoon, did you really think that you would get the best of me?”
“let (y/n) go, you bastard,” sewoon growled, lunging forward
in one swift motion, seungcheol shoved you over the side of the pier, and you screamed in horror as the icy cold water hit you
I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, was all that you could think as you thrashed around in the cold water, feeling your lungs burn from the lack of oxygen
then suddenly, there was warmth against your neck, your back as you were yanked upwards, and oxygen flooded your lungs again as you gasped for breath
“(y/n)!” sewoon’s rough voice entered your ear, harried and panicked. “are you okay?”
his hands quickly went to undo your gag before undoing your hands and feet, allowing you to tread water
you were exhausted, and it took all your energy just to cling to sewoon as he began swimming towards the shore
the exhaustion from the night made you hazy as sewoon helped you stumble onto shore, weighed down by your wet clothes
“they ran off when they saw we had backups, boss,” another member of the 101 ran up to you and sewoon, panting heavily 
sewoon nodded, accepting the large jacket from him and draping it over your shoulders
you were trembling, your teeth chattering from the cold of the frigid water
“(y/n), are you okay?” he asked quietly, voice now a warm, soothing tone
his eyes pierced into yours, a much softer coffee now
you nodded mutely, tears pricking at your eyes as the memories of the night rushed back to you
sewoon stared at you for a moment before pulling you into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you
you rested your head on his chest, tears streaming down your cheeks, and he rubbed your back comfortingly
“(y/n), i’m so, so sorry about tonight,” he said quietly, his voice a quiet rumble, “i didn’t think about the implications of that flashdrive, and if i could go back in time and change my decision, i would. i care about you so much, and i’m sorry to have put you in harms’ way.”
you felt him press a tentative kiss to the top of your head, drawing the dry jacket closer around your shoulders
you pulled away from him, hastily wiping your tears before looking up at the taller man
you’d always been one for impulsive decisions, and this certainly wasn’t an exception, you thought to yourself as you leaned up to kiss sewoon on the lips
he gently brought a hand to your waist, holding you closely, as though he was afraid of breaking you
and as the two of you stood there, freezing cold from the icy water, you felt a new kind of warmth spreading to the tips of your fingers and toes
if this wasn’t cohesive/didn’t flow well, it’s because it didn’t; i wrote it in like three different chunks over a four month period yiiiikes
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duringday · 7 years
fluff = ♡ angst = ☆
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Kang Daniel - Too late ☆
Kim Jaehwan - More ☆
Park Woojin - Jealous!Park Woojin ♡ - Chemistry ♡
Ong Seongwu - Boyfriend!Ong Seongwu ♡
Bae Jinyoung - Amusement park with Bae Jinyoung ♡
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Im Youngmin - Jealous!Im Youngmin ♡ - Soulmate!Im Youngmin ♡ - Best friends to lovers!Im Youngmin ♡ - Dare ♡
Kim Donghyun - Boyfriend!Kim Donghyun ♡
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Kim Donghan - Best friends to lovers!Kim Donghan ♡
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Jung Sewoon - Art major!Jung Sewoon ♡
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Jung Sewoon Enemies to Lovers Scenario!
I’ve sort of morphed together two anon requests to create my first Sewoon scenario, enjoy! (You + Jung Sewoon)
You and Sewoon were both music majors in college at a competitive music college that accepted very few students
You were majoring in piano performance, Sewoon was majoring in music composition
Sewoon was your senior at the school, and he was relatively famous at the school for being in a band and composing songs for others at the school and artists
In the band, he played guitar and sang, making him the “face” of the group, leading to widespread popularity
Because of this, you already knew exactly who he was before even getting accepted to the school
However, you (and pretty much everyone else) didn’t have any actual information on his personality outside of his music skills and band persona
He was relatively quiet in the classroom, only seen talking with his best friends Jaehwan, Youngmin, and Donghyun
(Sewoon and Jaehwan were actually caught wildly giggling together in class once, a rumor that had spread around the school earlier that year)
Basically anything that Sewoon did was talked about, but he didn’t really do anything about the attention
 You had gone through your freshman year without many problems, it was a pretty normal year
So when you returned to school for sophomore year, the last thing you expected was to find that your dorm room assignment was right across the hall from Sewoon and Jaehwan
Like you open your door and bAM thats their room ! ! 
You were pretty nervous at first about this situation, because lets be real who wouldn’t be... the two were practically celebrities at the school (Jaehwan was highly regarded by the students because of his stellar performance on a singing variety show)
It was really cool at first, being so close to Sewoon and Jaehwan on a daily basis, even though you never talked to them lol (I mean, they were practically celebrities at this point)
You would always greet them politely, though, at least at the beginning of the school year
But that got old FAST
The long nights of singing and guitar strumming quickly turned from interesting to heLLISH
Like how are you supposed to sleep if the two decide to sing the Jurassic Park theme on repeat at 3 in the morning
Soon, you were absolutely tired of the both of them (physically and mentally), and after holding back for weeks, you finally ended up bursting one night when they just wouldn’t stop singing: this time it was Sewoon doing impressions and Jaehwan maniacally laughing in response
So in a matter of seconds, you immediately switched from being some harmless neighbor to psYCHO BITCH and gave the two roommates a piece of your mind
It really was a frightening sight: you screaming at the top of your lungs in a ginormous t-shirt, your hair going every which way, a consequence of rolling around in bed for hours
Jaehwan immediately apologized, but you didn’t hear Sewoon mutter under his breath “this is a music school, what do you expect”
(good thing you didn’t hear that, or who knows what would have happened)
Anyway you thought it would be all fine and dandy after that, as you headed into your room, but as you closed your door you heard Jaehwan being the idiot he is, claiming that your hair looked like Chewbacca if he “walked straight into a hurricane”
You whipped the door back open to scream some more, only to come face to face with Sehwan’s closed door
You sighed and gave up, climbing up to your bed to attempt to save the last hours of sleep you had left
The next morning, before heading to classes, you met Sewoon in the hall outside your door coincidentally
Not the best timing; you were still pissed at the whole Chewbacca thing
“Ah, (Y/N), good morning... I see you’ve... improved your hairstyle”, he greeted you, unable to hold back a mischievous smile at his own “joke”
It was the first time he had ever called you by your name, but you weren’t starstruck at all; if anything this comment worsened your mood
You didn’t have it in you to respond, and just blankly stared at him before walking away
Your anger subsided throughout the day, but when you returned back to your dorm in the evening, you were greeted with the undeniably pleasant but to you, angering sounds of a strumming guitar and a quiet voice
You dumped your backpack in your room and immediately walked over to Sehwan’s room, banging on the door
“It hasn’t even been one day, can y’all just stop fucking playing for one second??” you screamed at the closed door, once again looking like a crazy person
“Or can you just go play in a practice room or a common room or literally anywhere el–” you continued, your rant suddenly coming to a stop when the door opened, revealing a calm-looking Sewoon, his soft eyes meeting your gaze
You were taken aback: based on looks alone, he really could be a rockstar or a boyband member or a solo artist or a CEO or a male model the possibilities are endless
Just like that, your anger was drifting away (Sewoon is Powerful), and it took all your might to keep a stern face
But that didn’t last long, when Sewoon finally spoke
“(Y/N). You realize this is a music school, right? Am I not allowed to practice in my room? This is for my career as well. Think about that,” he calmly said, closing the door
You were unable to respond to that, but still angry: just because it’s a music school doesn’t mean they have to play at night every day... right?
Your mind ran wild with insults and angry justifications for his behavior: He really let the “fame” get to his head, didn’t he. His band’s songs are lame anyways, whatever... 
But for the next month or so, your sleep was interrupted every day in the wee hours of the morning, after a few quiet hours from 10pm to then
Jaehwan and Sewoon thought you would be asleep by then, and resumed their practicing/singing/screaming
At first, you would confront the two every day, but after seeing absolutely no change (“we thought you were asleep sorry”), you just bought a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, which seemed to do the job (despite how uncomfortable it was sleeping with them on)
Other than those few meetings, you never met with Sewoon – the two of you just mutually and individually decided that talking with the other would not result in anything good
Jaehwan seemed politer though, and you always met him with a smile
But one night at the end of the first semester, you were surprised to hear a knock on your door – a switch from the times when you always used to bang on Sehwan’s door
You were getting ready to sleep, and opened your door... who was disturbing your nighttime routine?
It was Sewoon, looking like he hadn’t slept in days, looking like a crazy musician, and your expression immediately turned unpleasant
You were prepared to argue with him about whatever he had to say but fighting was apparently the last thing on his mind
“(Y/N), Jaehwan’s not here and I really need someone to run this piano verse by for an assignment due tomorrow; I need to experiment with the guitar while I hear it in the background, can you please help me I really urgently need this or I wouldn’t be asking” he rambled, some of his words completely incoherent
And how could you be angry at that? For the first time he looked not like this star of the school but instead like a normal college sleep-deprived kid, and you had to admit that was adorable
“Yeah, sure, let’s make it quick though,” you said, as he lead you into his room
“Sorry about the mess, I’ve kind of been busy lately,” Sewoon muttered as the two of you stepped around his strewn-about clothes and cans of energy drinks
You sat at the piano, where Sewoon set a piece of handwritten sheet music on its stand
Sewoon grabbed his guitar and sat on the bench, right next to you, your knees meeting under the piano
“Sorry about that (Y/N), I’d like to see the music as well,”
“It... it’s fine,” you mumbled, the words tumbling out of your mouth as a blush coated your cheeks: the position you two were in was... innocent but intimate
“Okay, you can start now,” Sewoon’s soft voice snapping you out of your daze
You began to sightread the music, and Sewoon’s guitar jumped out with random notes and chords, melting the sounds of both into a beautiful mixture that satisfied your ears
“Oh (Y/N), stop there hold on one second,” Sewoon breathed, grabbing a nearby pen and paper before he started furiously writing notes and rhythms
You were shocked at the sight: he really was a true musician, a genius even, and you didn’t understand the amount of effort he put into his songwriting until now
He asked you to play again suddenly, and he would pluck out the tune again in perfect harmony
At times he made you play a part over and over again before deciding if it was good enough, shocking you with how caring he was about a single measure, a perfectionist indeed
This pattern kept on going for hours: Sewoon asking you to play and then telling you to stop when inspiration hit him
Time flew by, and you had no idea how much fun you were having – sometimes you added in your own little flairs to the piece, causing Sewoon to add the bits he liked into the music permanently
Despite how much you two had despised one another, you made a good team 
Sometimes your arms would bang on one another’s while playing, causing the both of you to laugh when wrong notes were hit as a result
You really felt yourself enjoying the time you spent with him: as a performer, you practiced a lot, but you had never experienced how much creativity it took to write music
He wasn’t just this incredibly beautiful and popular guy: he was talented and hardworking as well, and you felt the respect for him welling up inside of you
In the middle of the morning, Sewoon was finally finished with his writing
“Thanks so much for your help (Y/N), I would’ve been up all night if it weren’t for you... it’s so much more time efficient when I don’t have to play both parts,”
“It’s no problem,” you mumbled back, glancing shyly at Sewoon in response
You two stared at each other for a moment, still right next to each other on the bench, before Sewoon’s gaze snapped away and broke the silence
“It’s already 2, you should get back to your room,”
What?? 2??? Already?? I haven’t even been here that long, you thought, before checking your phone and gasping in shock, making Sewoon laugh
You had given up your precious sleep to be with him, and for some reason you weren’t mad at all about that
You stood up, ready to leave, but the thoughts you’d been having escaped your mind and out your mouth
“That was actually kinda fun, sorry I stayed so late... if you need help in the future just let me know,” you said, immediately getting embarrassed at your own words
Sewoon hit you with that charming smile, replying that “it was fun, nighttime is actually when I write best, so this isn’t late for me, no worries”
“Oh that’s why you–” you began, realizing that all those noises at the middle of the night were literally Sewoon composing like he had been today
You felt like an asshole and quickly bid him goodnight before escaping his room and jumping on your bed to attempt to sleep
But even though it was the middle of the night, much past your bedtime, you couldn’t seem to stop your mind from racing and your heart from beating about what had just happened
From then on, instead of meeting Sewoon with a glare or ignoring him completely when you saw him, you would subconsciously sneak glances at him or smile or blush and get all fluffy inside
You two would actually talk sometimes now, making Jaehwan completely confused on what changed the relationship between the two of you so dramatically
You suddenly didn’t mind the nighttime music sessions, and you actually found yourself falling asleep to the sounds of Sewoon and Jaehwan’s voices singing together
You weren’t sure if you two were friends now and didn’t know if you should approach him again or what
But about a week later, Sewoon approached you himself, thanking you for your help and letting you know that he had aced the assignment
You envied his being able to come talk to you like it was nothing (but little did you know that Sewoon had been looking for an excuse to talk to you again after that night
“Oh, I’m glad everything worked out, you really worked very hard on that”
“Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without your help, (Y/N),”
*cue awkward silence of twiddling fingers and stealing glances at one another
“Uh, so to repay you for that, if you want I can help you learn some guitar, it seemed like you were really interested that night,” Sewoon coughed out, nervously glancing at you (looking like a complete 180 (or 360 as ong would say) from his confidence-exuding stage presence)
“Oh, y-yeah sure that sounds fine, I mean I’d really like that,” you replied, this whole situation not making it any easier for you to focus
“Okay, Jaehwan won’t be here again tonight so just pop in when you’re free?”
“Sure, yeah, will do,” you replied, the both of you standing there for another second before waving goodbye and walking in different directions
For the rest of that day you couldn’t stop thinking about your meeting/lesson/date thing with Sewoon (what was it??) and zoomed back to your dorm after classes, stressing about what to wear and how you looked before giving up and settling for your normal sleep outfit
Don’t get ahead of yourself, (Y/N)...
You had no idea how you had gone from hating this guy to now... whatever you felt about him, but either way you weren’t thinking about it
That evening, you knocked on Sewoon’s door, and he opened it for your eyes to be greeted with a completely cleaned room
“Wow, Sewoon, you clean up well,”
“I assume you mean the room, not me,” Sewoon laughed back at you, as you finally looked at him, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants lol
“You look really good too,” you let out accidentally, mentally kicking yourself as you caught Sewoon’s smile at your response, teasingly raising his eyebrows
The two of you walked into his room, Sewoon telling you to take a seat on his bed because that’d be the most comfortable place for you two to sit
He grabbed his guitar and sat next to you on the bed, immediately placing his guitar into your hands
“Uh, Sewoon, isn’t this your guitar,” you whispered nervously: it must be incredibly expensive, Sewoon was known for being extremely attached to and taking perfect care of his instruments
“It’s fine, (Y/N), I trust you, for now...” he replied, poking you
He started by teaching you the strings of the guitar and how to hold it, his fingers occasionally brushing yours, and his arm purposefully holding yours to demonstrate how to carry it
You felt his chest softly pressing against your shoulder and part of your back, and you thought that there was no way you would be focusing on the actual lesson
After that though, Sewoon let you play by yourself, you quickly picking up easy tunes like twinkle twinkle little star and hot cross buns (aw)
Your “lesson” thing lasted about an hour, and you actually started learning well – Sewoon was a great teacher
The lessons became a regular occurrence, happening most nights if not all, at the same time every day: Sewoon claimed that Jaehwan had an activity every night during that time anyway, so it’d be fine for you to come over
(what you didn’t know was Jaehwan was banished to a practice room or Youngmin/Donghyun’s room every night per instruction of Sewoon SLKDFJ LOL)
Sometimes your meetings would morph into a jam session, with you either playing like a n00b on the guitar or like a virtuoso on the piano, the both of you having a lot of fun together
One day Jaehwan got tired of having to wait forever to leave you two alone, and crashed your party, screaming “JUST DATE ALREADY WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SUFFER FOR THIS”
“Wait, why are you suffering, Jaehwan,” you asked, unknowing of the situation
“SEWOON KEEPS KICKING ME OUT SO THAT HE CAN BE WITH YOU BECAUSE HE WON’T JUST TELL YOU ALREADY THAT HE–” Jaehwan exploded before Sewoon tackled him out of the room, slapping a hand over Jaehwan’s mouth, closing and hardlocking the door so that Jaehwan couldn’t even get in with his key LOL
“Sorry about that, (Y/N), I was going to tell you eventually but I guess he pretty much did the job for me,” Sewoon mumbled, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck
“I am honestly so confused right now, I barely could hear what was going on, Jaehwan honestly just seems psychotic,” you replied
“Oh, well...” Sewoon started, grasping one of your hands, “it’s pretty obvious but we’ve been spending a lot of time together and you’re a really good musician and really cute and I like you a lot,” Sewoon spewed out, as you stared in awe at his blushing face
He looks... adorable.
“UGH FINALLY!” Jaehwan screamed from outside the door (he must be listening lol), but the both of you ignored him (hah take that psycho)
“oh- oh? You do?” was all you managed to get out
“I mean, if you don’t like me that’s completely fine, I don’t have a problem with continuing to teach you guitar, I’ll just have to charge you now,” Sewoon laughed out, attempting at a joke as he let go of your hand
But instinctively you grabbed his hand with the both of yours
“No– no! That’s totally not it I mean I really like you too you’re practically a musical genius and you’re really nice to me even though I treated you like an asshole at first and–,” you awkwardly rambled, Sewoon cutting your words off by pulling you tightly into a hug
You expected him to say something, but all Sewoon was giggle like a fool and unlock the door for Jaehwan with one of his hands
“Hyung you can come in now,” letting Jaehwan fling open the door to find the two of you all cuddled up on one another
“EW I’M LEAVING THAT’S SO GROSS GET AWAY FROM ME” Jaehwan screamed, leaving the two of you alone again, laughing at whatever the hell just happened in the past 10 minutes
And that was that: you and Sewoon had somehow transformed from enemies to lovers
Lots of music dates, you willingly compromised your sleeping schedule to play music with Sewoon, sometimes writing your own
Guitar lessons continued, but... they became less innocent than before (I’ll let you decide what that should mean heh)
Nighttime karaoke was not unusual, and Jaehwan couldn’t resist participating
The two of you learned from one another, and brought different perspectives to writing and playing
You supported him at his concerts #1 fan lol and he always came to your piano performances 
so darn cuTe yay
Music truly does bring people together :’)))
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A/N: OMG this ended up way longer than I thought it would. Must be because I tried to incorporate both requests LOL whooops
also ahHH I feel so bad for not posting more in the past few days – I had to finish up exit presentations for my job but NOW I’M FREE for the most part so I promise to be a good admin and finish up all these requests! Thanks for your patience once again!!
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hime-hana · 7 years
How would dating Jung Sewoon be like: 
first of all, he is truly a sweetheart
he will be the perfect gentleman: pays for dates, opens the door for you, holds your back, lends you his jacket 
very thoughtful about basically everything 
always remembers your favorite things: how you like your coffee, your favorite ice-cream, favorite movie
and giving the fact that this boy is so passionate about music and composing and writing lyrics
the moment you become his girlfriend, you would also become his muse 
expect to have lots of songs written about you 
but he would be so shy when he sings them for you; because I think that just like every artist, he is very critical of his work 
so he would be anxious that you may not like it 
imagine his voice trembling a little whenever he asks you if you liked the song he wrote 
and afterwards the huge smile he has on his face when you tell him you loved it and it was amazing 
will compliment you a lot and not expect you to say anything back, but would be really happy if you do
the relationship will be really cute and I think he is quite a romantic person
so you could expect lots of surprise events from him 
not too big on pda, but will enjoy holding your hand and kissing the back of your palm while telling you how pretty you look when you smile 
I think he would also really love taking pictures of you 
he would have a stack of candid photos of you in his phone and look at it whenever he is away
good morning and good night texts 
“rise and shine, y/n! the sun is up and so should you. i hope you have a good day and i will meet you later for lunch.”
like literally, there won’t pass a day without you receiving a cute good morning text from him 
I think he won’t call you any pet names, but if he has, he chooses: “baby”, “darling”, “sweetheart” 
the reason why he doesn’t call you by a cute nickname? because for Sewoon your name is the prettiest and doesn’t want to spoil it with a nickname
movie marathons weekends 
since one of his hobbies is cooking, expect for him to feed you a lot 
he would want to take you everywhere with him and probably turns sad if you can’t come to his schedules
midnight dates in the park when is just the two of you and his guitar
he will sing you favorite song for you and then you would spend the rest of the time stargazing 
cherishes every single moment spent together with you and always wants to show you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you
ok now, he is a very private person and loves intimacy a lot
so anything that happens in the bedroom, stays there 
as I mentioned before, a very thoughtful person and this is when you’re having sex as well 
a vanilla lover who will always treat you like the most precious thing in the world
loves worshipping you and your body
he seriously thinks of you as perfection 
slow, sensual sex to some old-school love songs 
would love seeing you in white lingerie because it makes you look so innocent and so beautiful 
he is not a man of many kinks and is a pleaser in bed
would always put your needs before his and hates teasing you; so you’re always getting to the good stuff real fast
wants a communicative lover, so you would have to tell him how good it feels and how much you enjoy it
would be open to any requests you have and try to fulfill all your needs and dreams and fantasies 
although I feel like he likes discussing things before putting them in practice just to see if you comfortable enough with everything
I don’t think he would go into BDSM to be honest, anything that has even the slightest possiblity of you getting hurt is a huge no for him
very big on aftercare and extremely sweet and kind before, during and aftwerwards
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wannaonestars · 7 years
boyfriend! jung sewoon
the ideal boyfriend oh my goodness where do I start with this angel
literally an angel sometimes u swear u can see his halo and wings
he was rly good at concealing his feelings before u two got together like no one could tell he liked you
but he always brought you snacks and pastries when y’all met and that was how gwanghyun realized his bro had a crush
sewoon couldn’t even deny it when gwanghyun brought it up he just smiled a little and scratched the back of his neck LIKE HOW CUTE
he confessed to you with a song he wrote and composed :DD and he’s not the type to express a big amount of emotions (i’m pre sure this could be phrased cleaner but i’m a dumbass so this is what y’all are gonna have to stick with) but when you said yes he smiled from one ear to the other and couldn’t get it off for the rest of the day
super sweet and thoughtful?? always knows how to take care of you and what to do when you’re upset aka buying your fave drink or giving you a soft massage
literally if something between you two ever happens he always?? just immediately gets his priorities straight and resolves everything instantly 
once you were messing around with his guitar and ur stupid clumsy hands snapped the strings and you were like oh...my god.....and bc u panicked u dropped it too and got several scratches on it good job
u thought he would definitely get mad bc man guitars are exPENSIVE but when sewoon saw what happened he rushed over and actually asked u if you had hurt yourself
told u to not worry about the guitar because it’s “just a few scratches”
um wasn’t this guitar like five thousand dollars
he seems utterly amazing and flawless but he’s probably the type to forget his keys twice a week bc he’s too busy thinking about the next line to a song he’s writing
sort of an airhead sometimes? he didn’t realize you were cheating at monopoly and had stolen $5000 from the bank until you told him
but it’s ok bc he’s cute 
also he probably didn’t even get mad by how terribly he lost from your cheating he just laughed at himself for being so ditzy
your name on his phone contacts is sousuke
if u don’t understand the meaning of the above statement pls google the movie ponyo
ofc it’s definite that a talented person like sewoon would use you as his muse and compose songs with you in his mind but he’s too shy to show them to you 
after a year he had like ten songs about you written but stashed away bc he’d die of embarrassment if u ever discover it
but ALSO sewoon loves cooking!! imagine waking up to the smell of his beautiful done breakfast
sewoon in a cute ponyo apron setting down plates of eggs and bacon: a concept
even if you can’t really cook whenever you do like the tiniest thing in the kitchen like maybe peel the onions and carrots for him sewoon smiles gently and thanks you even though he probably could've done it a million times better
he cooks lunch boxes for you too like your classmates/coworkers are so envious that you have jung sewoon as ur boyfriend
he’s rly casual about skinship?? he doesn’t get embarrassed about pda at all and it may seem as if he’s nonchalant about it but you always see this satisfied smile on his lips whenever you let him drape himself over you
he’s a big fan of just loosely holding you and having your head rest on his shoulder while his rests on top of your head
just being with sewoon is so nice tho like whenever y’all are cuddling he always has an arm around your shoulders and his legs tangled with yours
let’s not forget that he smells nice [SEONGWOO VOICE] everytime everywhere and that makes cuddling with him just SOOTHING like it has the same effects as going to some high quality spa with a bunch of expensive incenses 
sewoon smells nice no matter what tho?? like it could be stinking hot day and he’d still smell like he bathed in flowers
he’s so incredibly GENTLE like it feels as if he holds your hand with just the right amount of grip...never too loose or too tight it just feels PERFECT
also sewoon’s hands are pretty af??? they’re so slender and smooth
it always feels so reassuring when you’re with him
he gives you rly sweet pep talks before a nerve wrecking presentation or a stage performance like somehow the words “you’ll do absolutely fine” sound so much better and different than when you hear it from your friends
always gives you these warm and encouraging smiles no matter what you do and once you finish whatever you had to get done and go rushing back to him he always chuckles and presses a kiss on your face
speaking of kisses sewoon’s kisses are like...rly relaxing
it’s not like his kisses feel lazy but it’s never a quick rushed peck it’s always more of a really soft and planted kind of feeling?? like once he kisses a spot on your cheek the sensation on that spot doesn’t stop burning for a while
words can’t describe how perfect he is 
but numbers can 
he’s a frickin 10/10 y’all
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ennergetics · 7 years
hp au collection: hufflepuff! sewoon
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(image credit)
sewoon | 
(this photoset is the only context you need for this imagine HAHA i’m so soft)
okay but!! imagine!!!
hufflepuff jeong sewoon 
tbh he’s a quiet one at first
but lowkey he’s the second coming of cedric diggory
like he’s either tutoring a lowerclassman outside in the courtyard
or playing the muggle guitar he carries around whenever he’s not in class and singing old celestina warbeck songs with that beautiful voice of his
(he was born to a half-blood and a muggleborn so he’s sort of immersed??? in muggle culture)
or he’s on the quidditch pitch practicing for the next match bc??? what can’t jeong sewoon do??
(besides wink lol)
it’s clear why he’s in hufflepuff bc he’s a great team player (for the most part)
but the band he tries to form in sixth year dissolves because of creative differences 
the thing about sewoon is that he’s helpful and soothing and friendly
but he’s also stubborn and driven as hell
in fact he was a hatstall??? sewoon was nearly a slytherin bc he’s very ambitious
but smth in his nature made him choose to go to hufflepuff
anyway sewoon is everyone’s friend
but you’re a ravenclaw in the same year and he just really pisses you off
bc he’s second in all the classes you’re first in, but only by a razor-thin margin 
he always manages to dodge the bludgers you whack at him when he’s trying to get the quaffle in
and you feel so soft whenever you pass by him and hear him singing
tbh you always feel like sewoon is judging you with that deadpan stare of his
he’s nothing but polite when you’re on patrol together and eventually you warm up to him
bc he’s so sweet
but he’s also a major weirdo tbh like
when both of you are studying for your NEWTs at three in the morning
he invites you to spin around on the floor with him to stay awake
and after you scourgify the dusty library floor you do, collapsing in a fit of giggles
look, okay, it’s not your fault jeong sewoon ends up being one of your best friends 
and when you eventually decide you’ll become healers together, you’re so happy to have him along for the ride you don’t notice that he can’t look you in the eye
so it comes as a shock to you when after a week and a half of being healers-in-training, he drops out of the elite program you’d both been accepted to 
you’re exhausted and now alone and it’s so, so difficult for you to power through the last couple of days
and on that thursday sewoon comes over to your flat with some pepper-up-potion-infused black tea and your favourite, sweetmint drooble’s best gum
you squint at him with tired eyes and say, “we need to talk”
“…but wake me up in half an hour please” 
“i read somewhere it’s the most optimal nap period so have a pepper up”
and he’s like…your coach…as you cram very hard for the practical exam you have the next day
he stays up with you and when you get back from your shift and test he’s asleep on your couch
you wanted so badly to fight him but??? really how can you
and on the weekends when you’re both free you watch his favourite muggle films from his childhood at his house
he plays you the potential hooks from the songs he’s writing and you try to help him figure out the harmony
(you were into music before, but being sewoon’s friend makes it impossible not to love it)
and you attend all his gigs and cheer the loudest
you laugh at his wink and try to tell him what faces to make bc the ones he has now are bad
“sewoonie you look like you’re in more pain than the people in ward 6” 
when he gets the facial expressions right
and he’s opening at a weird sisters gig and there are so many people
he looks right at you with his eyebrows slightly raised as he sings, a small smirk on his face as he gets into the music
and what the fuck is that pitter-patter in your heart
he goes to you all sweaty from his set and you hand him a towel 
did he do smth with his hair??? really like why is he suddenly so handsome
“the weird sisters’ make-up artist worked some magic on my face. what do you think?” 
sewoon looks a little nervous so you grin at him and hug him tight, whispering in his ear
“ponyo, you look like a star”
and his eyes go wide, a hint of pink colouring his cheeks
sewoon’s looking at you and you’re looking at him and you’re just smiling at each other
then the weird sisters are on and you two enter the crowd and sing along
and if you’re holding hands, well, that’s for you to talk about another day
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wannaonescenarios · 7 years
we're in year 5067(idk ok??), and y/n finds herself falling further and further into depression. Tired of being alone, she orders one of the robots from the tv-catalog-show-thing?? little did she know that her robot was gonna br hella cute. robot!au with jung sewoon?? not love, but like bff??brother??friends??plz make it funny ! Thank youuuu💕💕💕💕
thanks for requesting !! sorry if im a bit rusty fndfndjkg also i tried to be funny,,,forgive me if it isn’t LOL
also i didn’t read through this, so ignore any mistakes please!
- in the year of 5067, you slowly find yourself getting lonelier and lonelier 
- it doesn’t help that technology has become so advanced that nearly everyone was addicted to it 
- and you couldn’t lie, you liked to browse the internet, but you weren’t the type to become addicted and slowly live your whole life online 
- that was mostly everyone’s fate - including your parents - hell, even school was a bore because people were on their phones or laptops half the time 
- even if you had friends, there was no doubt that most of them would prefer to listen to their tv and stay home, rather than leaving their homes smh 
- you had tried your best to convince them to come out, saying that there was new cafes open or a new restaurant. you even tried to tempt them with food 
- but your efforts didn’t convince them and you were left alone again 
- one night, you ended up watching tv late and clicking through the channels and you saw an ad displaying cheesy text on a robot 
- ‘’order your own best friend robot! program them to your liking for only $19.99!” 
- usually, you would skip through it and settle going to bed but?? this low-key peaked your interest. 
- a robot as a best friend?? was that possible? what if you ordered one and they turned out like that that movie from resident evil?? 
- but on the other hand, you were like 
- ‘’lol what could go wrong’’ 
- so you did 
- you ended up ordering straight from the tv and they told you that it would come in the few weeks since they were in high demand 
- you ended up forgetting that you ordered it a few days later until it showed up on your doorstep in a huge box 
- obviously, you had trouble bringing it in and struggled quite a lot,,,but you managed to do it
- but once you opened the box,,,it was like seeing god for the first time?? like wtf?? has god really come down to bless you??
- the robot was quite cute actually,,and looked scarily human-like. if you didn’t know what it was, you would’ve mistaken it for a human being packed into a box accidentally 
- carefully, you managed to pull it out of the box and drag it to a nearby outlet to plug it in. while it was charging, you were reading through the manual and it was pretty self explanatory, all you had to do was charge it often and make sure it wasn’t left alone for too long 
- flipping the manual to the back, you read the name on the sheet and thought it was quite fitting 
- ‘’jeong sewoon, huh?’’ 
- you thought it was a fitting name and decided to go take a nap and see if he would be fully charged once you woke up 
- and once you woke up, you locked eyes with someone else's 
- aka cue you screaming and sewoon standing there like ?? 
- you had completely forgot that you had bought him after you woke up lol yikes you got a surprise of your lifetime 
- from then on, your life wasn’t the same 
- getting used to sewoon was hard but also,,kind of exciting?? 
- of course, he knew what he was but he wasn’t sure what everything was 
- he asked lots of questions once you sat him down to the point where you had a headache and almost regret buying him lmfao 
- you had to explain everything to him and tried your best to keep everything simple but,,,there was only so much that you could do 
- once, you handed him your laptop to let him look at it and maybe get familiar idk and you went to go get water
- you came back and ended up screaming because poor sewoon ended up snapping the screen in half 
- cue him looking like a lost puppy and alarmed because you were on the floor crying 
- ‘’did you know how much that cost me?? dO YOU THINK I HAVE MONEY TO BUY A NEW LAPTOP’’ 
- ‘’you had enough money to buy me, didn’t you?” 
- ‘’lISTEN’’ 
- and another time (after buying you a new laptop), he came to you and asked what this meant and he showed you an excerpt from 50 shades of gray 
- you ended up yelling at him again bc ??? wtf sewoon??? can’t you search it up yourself?? 
- ‘’why would i search it up when i have you?? you do know what it is, don’t you??” 
- i mean yeah bUT 
- its only been like a day and this boy took off like 5 years of your life wow 
- but as time went on, he wasn’t so bad??
- he wasn’t afraid to go out with you and let you drag him around to go to cafes or amusement parks or something 
- and he cared for you deeply, like he protected you if people were getting too close or making you uncomfortable 
- he wouldn’t be afraid to stand up for the both of you, but also be a complete gentleman for other people like wtf get yourself a man like this 
having robot!sewoon would include:  late night runs to the store because sewoon doesn’t sleep lol, wanting ice cream but the store was closed but somehow,,,sewoon broke in and ripped the door off the hinges, ‘’what do we do with the door??” ‘’leave it obviously” ‘’lISTEN SEWOON WE AREN’T LIKE THAT JNDFKN’’, exploring through seoul and visiting all the malls and buying all sorts of things, visiting cafes or various other animal cafes and watching as the animals cling onto sewoon and the poor boy getting so confused by them, taking different activities together like guitar or singing classes, finding out that sewoon had a really really nice voice, even if he was a robot, sewoon helping you get ready for a date and end up accidentally ripping all your clothes while trying to tug it off the hanger because he doesn’t know his own strength, and cue you screaming bc ‘’sEWOON MY DATES GOING TO BE HERE IN 15 MINS WF JDSFNK’’ ‘’listen,, i don’t know my strength okay?? sTOP YELLING’’, all in all, a really cute and platonic relationship!! like you really hit a jackpot this time, bless u 
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Sewoon, struggling with a puzzle: Why is this so hard?
Jaehwan: You want to know what else is hard?
Minhyun: This book I’m about to beat you with?
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woojinie · 7 years
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Time flies but friendships stay
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thecleverkorean · 7 years
im now writing for Nu’est W, JBJ, MxM, Sewoon, and Samuel!!! You can check out my masterlist here and request here!!!
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