#junhong reactions
squirrelly831 · 5 years
Running Into An Ex [Youngjae, Jongup, and Junhong]
Bit of violence with Junhong’s.
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Teagan wasn’t just Youngjae’s girlfriend, but also his make-up artist. His fans knew about their three year relationship after Youngjae left TS and at first some fans weren’t happy, but they warmed up to the idea. However, there was one girl who continued to send Teagan hate and that was Youngjae’s ex girlfriend, Yunmi. The one Teagan only knew as the gold digger.
First, it was just insults that Teagan never took to heart. They were coming from a vindictive woman and she didn’t find it necessary to react. However, after the insults weren’t working, Yunmi began to start rumors. She spread lies as an anonymous person and told the online cafe how Teagan was a cheater and a former bully at her school. It lead to more hate and Teagan silently took it knowing that no amount of words would change the fans’ minds.
Youngjae had learned about the rumors and had gone through the background to find where the rumors started and even hired a private investigator to look into it for him. He didn’t want to tell Teagan about the hate, but he had a feeling that she may already knew what was going on in his fan cafe. His fear was confirmed when there was a post about a cafe incident with Teagan. He clicked the article and his blood boiled. The picture showed Teagan, her head down as she had a drink poured above her. He glared at the attacker in the photo knowing all too well, even if it was blurred, that it was Yunmi. He bit his lip in anger as his rage grew. Youngjae called a lawyer and made an appointment. He was done.
Youngjae texted Yunmi to meet her at a cafe, the same cafe where the incident happened. He was done with her. He thought he made it clear the first time to back off, but Yunmi wouldn’t stop.
Yunmi skipped into the cafe as if she was there to meet the love of her life. When she spotted Youngjae, she grinned and rushed to the table, “Oppa! It’s been so long!”
“Not long enough” he replied coolly as she took a seat across from him. Her smile faltered as she noticed his demeanor. He wanted so much as to pour his drink on her like she did to Teagan, but he held back. Youngjae refused to stoop to her level, “I’m just going to cut to the chase.” He pulled out a paper from his jacket and handed it to Yunmi. “You’re being sued.”
Yunmi’s eyes snapped from the paper to him, “WHAT?! WHY?!”
“Assault. Harassment. Stalking. Really the list could go on, but why bother.”
“You can’t do that to me!” Her voice was high pitched as she looked at the paper.
Youngjae stood up and fixed his suit as his eyes glared at her, “I can and will. See you in court.” He walked down a couple of tables where Teagan sat waiting for him. “Let’s go, love.” He held out his hand to her. She took his hand with a small smile and the two walked out the cafe to enjoy the rest of the day together.
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Jongup was hesitant to tell his girlfriend, Mariah, about his forced partnership with his ex, Sally. It was an added hatred against TS as they knew his ex was the last person he’d ever willingly work with. However, he promised Mariah to never lie and he was a man of his word. So, one night he asked to meet Mariah at the park and that’s where he told her about TS’s plan to pair him up with Sally for her solo debut.
Mariah bit her inner cheek as she recalled his ex. Jongup rubbed her arm and she met his eyes. She let out a sigh, “I’m not happy about it… obviously. She’s an evil woman…”
“I know…” They both recalled the first few months of their relationship when Sally sent Mariah pictures of her and Jongup in bed together acting as if it was recent. Jongup had to fight hard to prove that it didn’t happen, but she had almost managed to ruin his relationship with Mariah.
His phone broke their awkward silence and Jongup tsked as he saw Sally’s number. Mariah acted first. She took the phone from him and hung up. Jongup looked at her and saw how conflicted she looked, “Babe–”
“I know… You have to talk to her. I know that, and yet…” Her eyes watered. His phone rang again in her hand again. Sally’s number on the screen again. Mariah bit her lip, “She’s a witch–I know I have nothing to be worried about, but she’s so vile and vindictive.”
When Jongup saw her tear fall he took the phone and answered it. There was a high pitch squeal on the line and Jongup held Mariah close in his arms, “Look, we may work together but that’s it. If you try to contact me outside of our scheduled times I will block you” he spoke before he hung up not giving her a chance to respond. He turned off his phone to avoid any further interruptions as he wrapped his other arm around Mariah and pulled her to his lap. He buried his head into her neck as he took in her scent. “I swear, I won’t talk to her or text her unless it is an absolute must. You trust me, right?”
Mariah played with his hair as she let out a small breath or relief, “Yea, I trust you.”
The day of the comeback, Sally hopped up to Jongup, “Babe, you ready to show them how much of a power duo we are?”
Jongup gave her a pissed off look as he fixed his microphone on his back, “Fuck off, will you.” Sally’s mouth dropped. For the past months during practice, she had been all over Jongup and he had denied her at each turn. However, he’d never gone so far as to curse her out.
“Jongup?” He turned to the voice and his mood lit up when he saw Mariah with a small pastry. She smiled as she held it out, “I brought you a snack.”
Jongup said nothing as he approached her and pressed his lips to her not caring about the tantrum Sally began as she stormed off. He broke the kiss and hugged Mariah, “I’m so glad you’re here. I don’t think I could last another minute with her off stage.”
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When news broke of Junhong’s engagement to his girlfriend, Selena, of four years, fans were supportive. They knew of their relationship for about two years and after the little hate they received, the news went pretty good. The only exception to it was Junhong’s ex, Inseul, who had tried to attack Selena right after the news of their relationship. They were able to get a restraining order against her and fearing prison, she did a good job staying away from Selena and Junhong.
However, their peace ended after the engagement announcement. His ex flipped out about it and the restraining order meant nothing to her. As Selena was heading to her shared apartment with Junhong when she saw Inseul in front of her apartment pushing and pulling a cardboard box cutter blade in and out of it’s cover. Selena sent Junhong to tell him that Inseul was outside their apartment with a weapon.
“You really think a whore like you deserves him?” Inseul growled when she saw Selena. She looked crazy. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes looked like she was ready to kill, and her clothes looked like they were just something she saw and threw on.
Selena took steps away from Inseul as she realized how serious she was on trying to hurt her. Inseul leaped forward and Selena let out a scream in alarm as she jumped back. She fell back on her ass and Inseul stood over her.
“I let you have him for a few years and you think you can take him away from me forever? I think not” she growled as she rose the blade.
“Inseul please… We can talk about it.” Inseul’s arm swung down and Selena shielded her face from her attack. However when she didn’t get sliced, she looked up to see an out of breath Junhong holding Inseul’s wrist to stop her from any movement.
Junhong reached up silently and forcefully took the blade from Inseul, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it breaking it. His eyes were dark as they pierced Inseul’s eyes, “What the fuck did you think you were about to do?” His had dropped octaves and his chest vibrated as he spoke. Pissed did not even begin to describe how angry he was. He had half a mind to hit Inseul, but he restrained himself. He kept his grip on Inseul’s arm and grabbed her other as he waited for the police.
The lights of the police flashed as they approached the scene and Inseul was taken into custody. Junhong had Selena in his arms since the moment police took Inseul. He buried his head in her hair as he let out a shaky breath, “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He shook, “I was so scared when I got your text. I thought I would lose you.” She turned to face him as tears fell from her eyes. She took his face in her hands and Junhong wiped her cheeks.“I love you so much.” He kissed her.
“I love you more” she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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sohnswoo · 3 years
wouldn't be too worried, since it's a female thing. However, insists on having some warm pads here and there JUST TO MAKE SURE that you won't nag at her too much.
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pretty chill about it, wouldn't really mind it at all, the only time she would actually be the one NAGGING AT YOU is when you're leaving some dirty plates around the dorm/apartment and pretend that it was actually Lia whose at fault (she would be like ??????)
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gets everything for you. She rather gets everything one week beforehand so you will never nag at her, curse her out, whatever came to your blood possessed brain. Even gets your weird period cravings (ryujin will give you some weird glances here and then to which you would give her a death stare and within 0,0001 seconds she runs away)
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absolutely the sweetest. She's actually amazed that you never ever gave her a weird face - it would be like all the other days. (Eventually, she made sure that your 'period days/week' will go as smooth as possible and that every little thing, may it be oh, you would like to get some pasta? Chae will get it for you, you would like some ice cream in a weird ass combo? Chae will get it for you. TONS OF IT. just a pure angel <3
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"DID YOU JUST SNAP AT ME??I WAS JUST SAYIN I LOVE YOU AND THE ONLY RESPONSE I AM GETTING IS A DOOR GETTING SMASHED RIGHT INTO MY FACE??!HOW DARE YOU" 10000% makes sure that you got everything you need - meaning, chocolate bars, ice cream. still loves you tho <3
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danghyuk · 4 years
B.A.P reacting to their boyfriend’s tattoos
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As someone with tattoos himself, he doesn’t really care, or rather – he isn’t that surprised. Yongguk has a huge chest piece and his older sister is a tattoo artist, so he isn’t unfamiliar with ink and imagery on skin.
Of course, he is interested in your tattoos and would 100% support you whenever you’re considering getting a new one. Whenever you bring the topic up in a conversation, you can bet that Yongguk helps you brainstorm ideas and pulls up his phone to research various tattoo artists.
Yongguk will often find himself immersed in the pictures scattered all over your (s/c) skin and catch himself tracing the various colours on your exposed body whenever he wakes up before you. Tattoos for him is just another art form, and he loves the way they make your skin more vibrant.
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Having no tattoos at all, Himchan is a little shocked when he sees yours for the first time. However, that doesn’t mean he’s negative towards them. After the initial shock, Himchan’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t stop asking you questions. 
He secretly loves how badass they make you look and add to your overall ‘bad boy’ image, but he will constantly tease you for taking his bad boy role. Himchan also secretly loves the way other people look at you in public because you’re his gorgeous boyfriend! Though he will never admit it due to his pride. 
Since he has no tattoos, he knows very little about the process around getting one and that is the topic he will ask the most about. If you want to get a new one, Himchan would definitely ask you if he could come along, and if you got one for him, he will definitely cry. 
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He has some of his own and seeing yours would make him considering getting new ones. However, he cares the most about the messages they portray and the meaning behind them. Daehyun’s tattoos mean a lot to him and he loves to hear you talk about the stories behind your own.
Daehyun is the most likely out of B.A.P to get matching tattoos with you. Not your names necessarily, but maybe something dear to the both of you and your relationship. Your boyfriend is a sap after all.
A thing he likes to do is kissing them. Whenever you wear something that shows off the ink you got or wear nothing at all, there isn’t a single moment where his lips have been all over your skin.
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Another member who doesn’t have any tattoos and probably won’t get anyone either. Youngjae is also the member who’s the most shocked by your tattoos, but that quickly passes as you explain each of them to him and changes into understanding.
He grows rather fond of your tattoos and how they look on you. Youngjae has his favourites and he is not afraid to rank them and point out the ones he likes the least. Since he knows you are confident in them and in your own decisions, he knows that his own opinions won’t overrule your own. The ‘critiques’ often tend to make you laugh instead.
Even if he doesn’t want tattoos of his own and means they won’t fit his image and personality, he is quick to realise how good they look on you. That results in him becoming your own personal stylist some days, Youngjae is rather persuasive too because he won’t leave the flat if you’re not wearing what he wants you to wear.
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Jongup doesn’t have any either and he doesn’t really have any strong opinions regarding the topic. In fact, he doesn’t really register that you have tattoos until one of his fellow band members asks him about it or points it out.
He feels quite awkward for not noticing it earlier and it just makes him shyer to ask you about it. Because of his awkwardness and seemingly ‘disinterest’ in the topic, you ask him if they make him uncomfortable. Feeling guilty, he explains the situation really embarrassed to which you reassure him with long and loving kisses that he can ask whenever and whatever.
After getting attentive to your beautiful work, he feels a bit flustered whenever they are visible, not only for not noticing them before but also because he sees how handsome you look with them. Jongup is the least subtle being you know about, so it’s easy to spot whenever he has looked at them too long due to his red ears.
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Having looked up to Yongguk for years, it’s no surprise that Junhong has tattoos. He would be the most excited of the members when he finds out that his boyfriend has tattoos as well. There is no chance you will be able to explain them all without a lot of interruptions from him.
Junhong is the boyfriend who loves to take cool pictures, so a good chunk of the pictures on his camera roll would be the both of you wearing clothes to show your tattoos off and your bodies pressed and tangled together so the tattoos are included in the shot.
Seeing your skinned filled with them makes him smile and he will trace them whenever he has the chance, however, most of the times that result in a tickle fight. Junhong has no idea why,  but he feels extremely confident with you and by seeing you express yourself in the art covering your skin.
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Yoori’s B-Day Post to Jongho
ATEEZ Extra Member AU
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Yoori’s Masterlist
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mrsbangyongguk · 6 years
How mom’s look at their kids in church when the pastor talks about disrespectful and misbehaving children
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foryourkdreams · 6 years
B.A.P REACTION - Them Finding Out You Have A Crush On Them
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A/N - Sorry its a little short, I hope this is what you meant from the request! Glad you’re excited for this blog! 💚
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Yongguk -
He’d probably find it quite cute, and he’d probably end up being a tad embarrassed over it. He’d probably ask you questions about how long for and things like that, but he wouldn’t pressure you into telling him too much in case it made you uncomfortable. He would probably talk things through with you about your crush, just so he knew whether it was a serious crush or maybe just a temporary thing.
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Himchan -
He’d probably joke on with you at first saying he knew all along, and of course you do because who wouldn’t have a crush on him? But, after a little while he’d get serious about it and ask you why you had a crush on him in particular. He wouldn’t bring it up anymore if you didn’t want to talk about it, but he’d thank you if you were the one that told him about it, and he’d be glad you felt like you could open up to him.
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Youngjae -
He’d definitely be smug about it, and playfully mock you but he’d make sure not to hurt your feelings or annoy you about it. He’d probably accidentally tell the other members and then try and act like he didn’t say it because he wouldn’t want you to get annoyed at him. He wouldn’t ask any questions because he wouldn’t want you to notice how excited he was about it, but he’d definitely want to ask a lot of things.
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Daehyun -
He’d probably playfully mock you, and then start constantly flirting with you afterwards just to see your cute reaction. He probably wouldn’t tell anyone unless you wanted him too, but he’d definitely bombard you with as many questions as possible about it all. He wouldn’t be too serious about it, just because he wouldn’t want anything to get too awkward, but he’d still make sure to take your feelings into account.
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Jongup -
He’d probably get a little embarrassed and go a bit shy when he knew, he wouldn’t really know how to react so he’d just keep quiet while he tried to process it all. He’d try act as normal as possible so it didn’t make you feel awkward as well, but he’d probably end up looking adorable more than anything else. He’d definitely tell you how he was glad you told him, because he wouldn’t want you bottling your feelings up to yourself, but he’d probably keep asking you if you were serious or just joking.
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Junhong -
He’d be like Youngjae and be smug about it, he’d probably end up turning a lot of his attention towards you after he found out. He’d also end up giving you lots of hugs, and he’d play fight with you a lot, and he’d definitely keep it between you two because he liked the idea of him knowing a secret no one else knew about. He would make sure he didn’t lead you on in any form, because he wouldn’t want to hurt you in anyway, but if he liked you back, he’d more than likely end up sitting you down for a serious conversation at some point.
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topbap · 6 years
B.A.P REACTION - Being Called Cute
Anon said -
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A/N - Hope this is okay, I wrote it quite quickly
Yongguk -
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He’d probably blush a little and look away, trying to avoid making any form of eye contact, while awkwardly laughing. He’d most likely sit and rub the back of his neck while shaking his head, but not knowing what to say as he’d be slightly embarrassed.
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He’d laugh and nod, probably agreeing with your statement but he would blush a little before thanking you. He’d tell you he’d prefer being called sexy though, and not cute, because he thinks you’re the cute one.
Youngjae -
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He’d roll his eyes while laughing and tell you that he already knew that, and he’d cuddle into you saying that you were cute, too. He wouldn’t be embarrassed, but find it endearing that you though he was cute.
Daehyun -
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He’d laugh awkwardly a little and hide his face away from you, most likely covering it with his hands and mumbling to himself. He’d probably start playfully telling you to shut up, and push you away from him until you stopped.
Jongup -
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He’d do that adorable little awkward smile while he just stared at you, he’d then try and avoid any eye contact and just keep nodding his head while he tried to process what you had said to him. He wouldn’t even say anything, he wouldn’t be able to think of anything to say.
Junhong -
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He’d smile and just tell you that he already knew he was cute, and he doesn’t need you to point it out. He’d then start teasing you about being cute too, and start play fighting with you. He’d probably tell you that he wanted to be called sexy or hot by you, instead of cute, though.
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everythingkpop2x · 6 years
B.A.P reaction - to their S/O being too shy when the rest of the members are with them
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Bang Yongguk -
I don't think he'd really care or think about much since you knew you were just shy and that eventually you'll warm up to the guys on your own time and wouldn't push you to get to know them or talk to them because he knew you how it took you time to feel comfortable around new people.
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Kim Himchan -
A lot like Yongguk, he wouldn't really mind and knew you'd come around eventually but might give you encouraging comments like "You're doing well baby." or similar stuff just so you don't feel as pressured.
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Jung Daehyun -
He'd try and make you more comfortable and tell that they won't bit and not to be afraid. He might unintentionally come off as pushing but it's only because he wants his significant other and his members to get along. However if you mention that his pushing is bugging you then he'd tone it down.
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Yoo Youngjae -
Kind of like Daehyun when it comes to making you more comfortable and talk more but in a more encouraging way and not s pushy way. He'd know your limits and that you'd would eventually come around, he just want to make you feel more comfortable as you were coming around.
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Moon Jongup -
Seeing as he's pretty quiet himself he probably wouldn't mind. He'd let the members before hand that your shy so they didn't start asking a bunch of question or anything when you got there.
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Choi Junhong \ Zelo -
He'd just be encouraging by answer the members when you couldn't or just holding your hand when he noticed your nervousness. He'd also try to do moat of the talking so you wouldn't have to.
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Miscarriage [Youngjae, Jongup, and Junhong]
If it wasn’t obvious, this is angst. Eventually I’ll need write a fluffy daddy!au for B.A.P haha I feel like I’ve only written angst daddy!au for them… The parts will be linked at the bottom of this reaction.
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Everything had gone so perfect that Allison still didn’t understand how or why it happened. Youngjae left her happy and healthy at eight weeks. He had insisted that he could push back his tour, but Allison refused. She could man the fort alone while he was away for a couple of months.
During her pregnancy, she would have spotting that her doctor told her time and again was normal in the first trimester. So, she didn’t worry too much. Until one day while she was home with her friends who came out to visit her. Allison had a basket of clothes to wash and she missed a step. She let out a scream as she fell down the stairs which caused her friends to rush her to the hospital.
She was prepared to see a regular doctor as she got moved into a hospital room after being seen for other injuries. Allison came out basically unscathed minus a concussion. However, when she saw her obgyn doctor enter, the color in her skin left her. “What’s wrong with the baby?”
Her doctor approached her, “I’m just here to check something the doctor wanted to get a second opinion on.” A nurse pulled in an ultrasound and her doctor lifted her gown to get to her stomach. She put the gel on her stomach and put the probe on her. Her doctor dragged the probe around her belly once, then again slower than the last, and then one last time taking a few movements at a time. “Can you come back to my office next week?”
Allison nodded slowly, “I can… but what’s going on?”
Her doctor let out a breath, “I believe you’ve had a silent miscarriage, but I need to do a different scan to confirm it.”
Allison’s eyes widened, “What? Silen–oh god… Was it because of my fall?”
“No no no” her doctor spoke up immediately, “I hate to say, this happens a lot more than I care to admit. About 20 percent of women have a silent miscarriage. The baby just stops growing, but the body believes that it’s still carrying a baby.”
That night, Allison called Youngjae and told him what was going on. He didn’t hesitate to cancel his tour and rush back to his wife’s side. He was heartbroken of course, but he didn’t want to add to her stress.
When he arrived home, Allison had only beaten him moments before as her friend took her home. The moment Youngjae saw Allison on the couch, he ran to her side. Allison stared at her growing stomach with bitter resentment. “Alli…”
“It just keeps growing” she hissed. “It’s like it is mocking me… As if it’s just trying to hurt me” her voice shook. Youngjae took her in his arms and she kept rambling. “Just make it stop… There’s no baby… There’s nothing.” Her eyes watered as she continued to talk.
The next week came and went. Allison’s doctor confirmed that Allison had a miscarriage. The baby had shrunk in size and Allison agreed to have a d&c surgery to empty out her womb. She couldn’t handle watching her stomach continue to grow through the rest of the pregnancy.
After the surgery, Youngjae was by Allison’s sleeping figure trying to figure out what could have gone wrong. The pregnancy was going so well, so what could have caused this tragedy to happen?
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It had been a month since Maddy had her miscarriage and the pain was still very fresh and very real. She was still affected by it all and though her husband, Jongup, seemed fine, he was heartbroken. Whereas Maddy would be found weeping or screaming in frustration, Jongup was calm and collected. He helped rebuild her.
What Jongup didn’t understand was that Maddy wasn’t just upset because of the miscarriage, but because Jongup began to push her away. Physically, he was there with her. He would hold her and kiss her and tell her comforting words, but emotionally Jongup seemed to have vanished. His words weren’t loving just neutral. Maddy believed he blamed her for the miscarriage.
Her suspicions only grew when she called Daehyun since Jongup hadn’t been home in a few days. Daehyun told her that Jongup took a leave from work and hadn’t been in for weeks. He offered to call Jongup, but Maddy refused. She had an idea where she could find him, so she grabbed her keys and set off to find Jongup.
The cool air from the beach blew around her as she walked through the sand. Maddy took in the salty water smell and smiled as a weight slowly lifted off her back. She spotted Jongup on a pier looking off at the water. She went to call for him as she approached, but she saw the tear stains on his cheeks. Maddy said nothing as she approached him from behind. Her fingers grazed the side of his shirt before her arms engulfed him from behind and linked around his abdomen.
Jongup jumped at the sudden feeling and he craned his head to see the top of Maddy’s   head, “love…”
“I’m mad at you.” Maddy whispered. Jongup turned fully to face her, “You keep acting like you’re okay, but I know you’re not. I’m your wife. Why can’t you just tell me instead of disappearing for days on end.” A tear fell down her face and Jongup wiped it away. “If you’re mad at me for the miscarriage just say it… yell at me… Just tell me you hate me and I’ll understand.”
Jongup licked his lips as he tried not to cry again, “I’m not mad at you. You didn’t cause this, babe. I could never hate you.” His voice crack, “I love you.”
“Then why are you pushing away from me? We’re supposed to support each other. We’re suppose to mourn and heal together, but you’re shutting me out.” Jongup said nothing as he just pulled Maddy to him tightly. She felt him tremble and sniffle. “Don’t push me out anymore… We promised to always be there for each other.” Jongup said nothing as he pressed a kiss on the top of her head.
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The worse way to find out about a miscarriage was through the news and that was exactly how Junhong found out about Kiara’s miscarriage. She had two miscarriages in the past and the doctors could never figure out the cause. However, this pregnancy seemed to be better. She was four months in and it was the furthest one by far. The baby and Kiara were healthy and everything was just perfect.
At first, Junhong didn’t feel comfortable leaving to Europe for a small tour, but Kiara insisted that he went. She had a lot of friends in Seoul and she knew she’d be fine. So, Junhong headed to Germany, but kept constant updates on his wife.
Then one day, Kiara was chilling with Christian Yu, a friend of Junhong and hers. She was on Instagram Live with him as he worked on a track. Kiara spent time answering some questions.
Christian looked at the comments and read a few, “These ones ask why do you look sick?”
Kiara let out an awkward laugh, “I haven’t been feeling too good the past couple of days. I had a fever, but it broke. I’m still getting better.” She flashed a peace sign to the camera before she snuck off to play with Lori. Kiara grabbed a toy and threw it for Lori. She felt a sharp pain and she grabbed her stomach in a panic. Alarmed the fans began to ask more questions. She felt blood between her legs and she felt sick.
Christian looked at the comments and whipped back to see Kiara, “Ki-ki, are you okay?” He watched her eyes rolled as she collapsed, “Kiara!” He grabbed his phone and ended the live to call the ambulance. “Kiara! Hey! Kiara wake up!”
Junhong woke to missed calls by Christian, but he didn’t think anything of it until he looked at his Twitter. He noticed his name and Kiara’s name trending on Twitter and things like get well Kiara and pray for Kiara. Junhong felt like his heart stopped as he read through the comments. However, he was interrupted when Christian’s number flashed on his phone. “Hello?”
“Junhong! Fucking finally!” He let out a shaky breath, “I’ve been trying to reach you all night.”
“What’s wrong with Kiara?”
Christian fell quiet, “How’d you–”
“Fuck… Twitter… Junhong, you need to get here fast. She needs you. They said the baby is stillborn…”
Junhong didn’t need to be told twice. He explained to the other performers why he had to drop and he rushed back to Seoul. Before he got back, Kiara had the a c-section to remove their baby boy. When he got to the hospital, he saw Kiara holding their stillborn son. She held his lifeless body close to her as she looked up at Junhong. He approached his wife and son and he cried as he looked at how peaceful his son looked.
“Isn’t he beautiful…” She wept. Junhong held onto Kiara as he reached out and touched his son’s tiny face. “Why can’t he just be asleep? I just wanted to hear him cry once… A laugh… something… This is cruel.” Of all the miscarriages, this one was by far the hardest and most painful of all for the both of them.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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lexisnowangel18 · 6 years
BAP Disney Wedding
Princess- Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Even though it’s a Disney theme, Yongguk would be on board, but nothing TOO Disney (if you know what I mean). With Yongguk in a black suit with a dark purple vest and bow tie and a green rose as his boutonniere, he would look like the gender bend of Maleficent. You are his precious princess that he promises to hold and love forever. Yongguk is still a simple man, but still kept the wedding to the theme since you picked it out. Your song was Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Rey and as you both danced, you knew you both have found your happily ever after with each other.
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Princess: Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Himchan would want to go all out for the wedding theme! It’s elegant yet dazzling (just like him!). He would wear a dark blue suit with a white vest and bow tie and a red rose as his boutonniere. There would be a mix of gold, blue, and roses as the main color theme. You both wanted to stay as close to the theme as possible, thus why your dress, ring, and song were all from the movie (not literally but you know what I mean). You dance to Beauty and the Beast by Ariana Grande and John Legend. To him, beauty was an understatement to describe you. Your kindness, brains, determination, and courage, he would tell his guest, “Belle would be jealous!” 
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Princess: Cinderella (Cinderella)
The classic Prince Charming and Cinderella would be perfect. He would be boasting around about how he couldn’t wait to marry his princess. He would be so excited to wear his white suit with light blue vest, bow tie, and rose boutonniere. You would actually have to calm him down before he went to rent a real castle and the actual carriage that was used in the live action movie. The wedding would still make everyone feel like they were in the movie with the decorations, flowers, lights, and music. You dance to A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes from the original movie. Daehyun felt that he was truly marrying a princess and knew that his life would be magical.
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Princess- Ariel (The Little Mermaid) 
A princess that matches his amazing singing~ Youngjae would have a lot of fun decorating the wedding sea theme. He would also find it cool that he can wear blue trousers and a white dress shirt with a blue bow tie and turquoise boutonniere. He gets to dress different than from traditional wedding attire. Sea shells, mermaid scale, and even having the wedding on a beach sounded like so much fun to him. Your song would be a cover of Kiss the Girl (probably by Dae). Youngjae could see his and your future as danced together as husband and wife. He can see all of the adventures you two will have from exploring the world to having little ones of your own. His love, his little mermaid.
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Princess- Jasmine (Aladdin)
Jongup would probably let you be in charge of everything! Not to say he wouldn’t help out, but seeing how you have your heart set on the wedding theme, he wouldn’t dare to change anything. He felt proud wearing his gray suit with a purple vest and bow tie and gold rose boutonniere. With the Aladdin theme, he felt that your wedding was very unique and exotic from a normal wedding. You dance to A Whole New World from the movie. However, when Ne-Yo came on with You Ain’t Never Had a Friend Like Me, clear the dance floor! Jongup couldn’t wait to take you on a magical ride to a whole new world as a married couple.
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Princess- Rapunzel (Tangled)
I can see Junhong with helping out only when you asked him to. He felt that it was your day and you should make the decisions. He wore a brown suit with a blue vest (like Flynn’s) and bow tie with a purple boutonniere. The wedding would be a mixed of purple, flowers, and the sun symbol from the movie. Junhong truly felt his wedding was taking place in a fairytale because you can feel the magic in the air. The best part would be when night time comes and the lanterns light up during the dance. You dance to At Last I See the Light from the movie. To him, you were his sun, his light, that brings so much happiness to him during his darkest days. He couldn’t wait to start your lives together as Mr and Mrs Choi.
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when Zelo raises his arms and you can see his tattoo... that’s my kink
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bapcult · 6 years
My Fanboy Banghim social media AU
My Fanboy (Banghim) Social Media AU
Au where a collab YouTube channel (4roses) that consists of Models Daehyun and Youngjae, Dancer and part-time photographer Junhong, Dancer and fashion designer Jongup and Himchan who is a fanboy of tattoo artist and part-time rapper Bang Yongguk.
Chapter 1          Chapter 11         Chapter 21        
Chapter 2          Chapter 12         Chapter 22        
Chapter 3          Chapter 13         Chapter 23        
Chapter 4          Chapter 14         Chapter 24        
Chapter 5          Chapter 15         Chapter 25        
Chapter 6          Chapter 16         Chapter 26
Chapter 7          Chapter 17         Chapter 27
Chapter 8          Chapter 18         Chapter 28
Chapter 9          Chapter 19         Chapter 29
Chapter 10        Chapter 20         Chapter 30
Chapter 31         Chapter 41
Chapter 32         Chapter 42
Chapter 33         Chapter 43
Chapter 34         Chapter 44
Chapter 35         Chapter 45
Chapter 36        Chapter 46
Chapter 37        Chapter 47
Chapter 38        Chapter 48
Chapter 39        Chapter 49
Chapter 40
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im-whatchamccallit · 6 years
Personal Opinion
B.A.P recently said they may not be OT6 once it comes time to renew their contracts so, all I have to say is, if some members choose to not renew: fight me, TS 🙃
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B.A.P reaction to you having a itch every time you´re cuddling with them
Feel free to send in requests any time
He´ll gonna help you getting rid of this itch if you want to though he will laugh.
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It´s not that he get´s slightly annoyed because you´re squriming so much. But ... he gets annoyed. At first he doesn´t really mind but after some time he gets really annoyed and decides that you have to do something against that itch!
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Will laugh at you and maybe tickle you on purpose though don't dare to lay a hand on him.
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´What´s wrong with you!` I think you´ll gonna hear this a lot. Getting slightly annoyed he would like to hold you even closer every time you squirm.
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wouldn´t mind your squirming everytime it´s itching but would, like yongguk, rather help you getting rid of it.
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Will purposely wrap his arms and legs around you just to make you go crazy. When you finally can kick him off he suggests going into the shower to do some other stuff
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issabias · 6 years
First time with Bang Yongguk •Headcanons•
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This has been in my drafts for a while so I thought that I’d post it today 😊
~warnings⚠️~ fluffy smut (?)
You and Yongguk had been in a relationship for quite a while and you had decided that you were ready to take your relationship to the next step
It was your first time and so you were nervous
He could sense that about you
“Are you sure?”
He’d probably ask that question about a thousand times
He just wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t regret it
He loves you so much and so would never want to pressure you into something you weren’t ready for
He’d start of with light kisses deepening them as they continued
Just like how you guys would usually make out but just a little more intense
You’d grip his hair whilst his hands caressed your body
Small moans escaping both of your mouths
He’d break the intense kiss to start to gently kiss down your neck
Leaving little marks as he slowly kisses down your body
When it’s time he makes sure to ask you one more time if this is really what you want
“Yes I’m sure, I love you and I know you love me. So you’re the only person I’d ever want to do this with.”
As he finally enters you, you tense up at first trying to adjust to this new feelings
“Are you okay?” “Do you want me to stop?”
He’s so afraid of hurting you that he doesn’t move an inch until you tell him otherwise
“I’m fine, keep going.”
He begins slowly wanting to make sure you’re not in any pain
And as you get more comfortable he picks up the pace just a little bit still being as gentle as possible afraid you could break at any minute
Throughout the whole time Yongguk never forgot to tell you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
He made you feel so comfortable and special that you felt as if losing your virginity to him was the best decision you could have ever made
After your first time he made sure that you were okay and that you weren’t in any pain
He’d run you a nice warm bath and help you wash up
When it’s time to go to bed he’ll hold you as close as possible
“I love you y/n.”
“I love you too Yongguk.”
After that night you and Yongguk had felt so much closer to one another as if you had fallen even deeper in love.
A/N—> Hello everyone I really hope you enjoyed this, I called this fluffy smut because I wasn’t trying to focus too much on the details on sex and instead more on the feelings during the intimate moment shared.
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