#bap requests
screwpinecaprice · 11 months
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Was stuck at some place for over a day and didn't bring any of my digital tools.
Markiplier Security Breach Ruins playthrough reference if you catch on it. :3 (Which I misspelled a word. haha)
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hauntingkiki · 2 months
Hi! Can i request a Sombra x Reader fic? Both are very sassy with each other and could be enemies to lovers if the reader is from Overwatch, or rivals to lovers if the reader is from Talon
Ooo!! I like this concept!!:3 and I’ll be doing GN for this!! (I’m not very good with OW lore so I hope I get some of it right >~<)
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You Annoy Me
Sombra x Overwatch! Reader
2nd POV
Your eyes went wide, pressing at the holographic map that was in front of your face as you jogged, your pace quickening as the time quickly ticked down. “No…no, no, no, no, no, no, no.” You muttered softly, watching as the enemy’s progress slowly inched higher, already surpassing your teams.
Reinhardt, your tank in this match, sped past you, laughing heartily before stopping a few feet in front of you. “Come on, Y/N!” He called out, holding his hammer with both hands whist making his way to the point. “The point isn’t going to stop on its own!” He beamed in a singsong tone, chuckling to himself before a voice snapped at him from the earpiece.
‘Save your breath, Rein.’ They snapped, scoffing. ‘We’re not winning this thing thanks to Y/N and their stupid plan.’
You scoffed, gasping slightly at the improper response.
You ran a hand down your face, making a sob like sound before shaking your head and turning on a heel to see the people behind you.
Your eyes darted around at two faces, not wanting to even look at the other one out so spite. Bap and Moria watched you shuffle around, the crazy scientist clicking her younger with a small head shake while the combat medic sighed sympathetically towards you.
A voice scoffed, making everyone look around for the owner. “See? Told you.” They prodded, appearing out of thin air while stepping in your direction.
Your eye twitched, looking at the Latina in front of you. You snarled, glaring daggers at her as she got closer.
She pressed a finger onto your chest, leaning into your face. “You’re not a good leader.” Her accent was thick, her ‘r’s rolled off her tongue in a way that made your eyes twitch and your stomach turn.
The two of you stared intently at one another, your gazes not leaving each others eyes as anger boiled in your chest.
Bap pulled the girl away from you, stepping in between you two. “Sombra, enough!” He snapped, handing her off to Moria.
“It wasn’t the plans fault.” You snapped back, pointing a finger in her direction, leaning towards the left to see her frame.
Sombra cocked her head at you, quirking a brow slightly. “Oh really?” She asked, almost mockingly, taking two steps forward before crossing her arms over his chest and swaying on the balls of her feet. “Whose fault was it then? The healers? The damage? Our tank?”
You swallowed nervously, groaning you threw your weapons to the floor. “I quit.” You spat, turning on a heel and stormed out of the arena.
The team watched in surprise, Moria was even shocked by your outburst.
The Latina scoffed, picking up your weapons and vanished.
You huffed angrily, shoving clothes into your suitcase, not bothering if they got wrinkled or unfolded in the process.
This was it.
You were leaving Overwatch for good.
There were some other reasons why you were finally leaving, but Sombra was your final straw. She’s been pushing your buttons ever since you showed up to join Overwatch years ago, and you finally thought things were getting better.
You shook your head at the thought, zipping the luggage closed before plopping down onto your now bear bed. You threw your face into your hands and rested your elbows on your knees, blowing a raspberry into your hands before falling back onto the bed.
A knock alerted you out of the state you were in. Throwing your hands down at your side, you quickly glanced at the door before back to the ceiling. “Come in.” You announced.
The door opened to reveal Sombra, your weapons in hand. She walked over to your bed and dropped them on the mattress. Clearing her throat, she turned away with her arms on her hips. “I may hate you.” She started, making you scoff at the sentence. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”
You glanced over to her, mouth slightly ajar at her confession. You sat up, flickering between her and the weapons on the bed. You sighed, smiling sweetly at her before standing up. “Come on.” You jokingly poked her shoulder, walking over to your door. “Let’s go tell Winston I’m staying.”
I hope you enjoyed!!:D I tried making it a little longer than my other ones and I’ll try to be consistent with the length for future posts!
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ourexolarmy · 11 months
Hello lovely, I hope you and all your loved ones are doing great 😊❤️
I would love to request ships with A.C.E, EXO, B.A.P and ATEEZ.
I also do ships, feel free to submit anytime 🤗 ~ Juliet
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Hello Dearie!~ Awe thank you, your so sweet!! We hope you are doing great as well :) And we will definitely go to your tumblr and send in a request. :) Sorry it took a bit to respond, life sorta got in the way a bit :) We hope you enjoy your results :)
Ace we shipped you with Donghun :)
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EXO we shipped you with Sehun!~
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B.A.P we shipped you with Daehyun :)
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Ateez we shipped you with Mingi~~
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~Love SkyFox and Pandaa~ -we do not own gifs-
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froggibus · 1 year
Hey can I request headcanons for overwatch characters and if their gf was drunk and asked them "would you still love me if I was a worm" with the overwatch men please (you don't have to do all of them but PLEASE include McCree and Reaper)
“Would You Still Love Me If I Was A Worm?” - Overwatch Boys
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Includes: Cassidy, Reaper, Genji, Zenyatta, Ramattra, Hanzo, Lucio + Baptiste (w gn! reader)
Genre: fluff/kinda crack?
CW: general crack, kinda dumb tbh, suggestive in Genji and Baps, Ram is Ram (lmk if I missed anything)
been in a little bit of a writing slump but this was too good to pass up lol. I want to get a bit more writing done this week so who knows how that will go. anyway, enjoy <3 hope you like it anon!
“what kinda question is that??”
looks at you in flabbergastation 
you pout and bat your eyes at him and of course, he breaks 
“you’re really not gonna let this go, huh? alright—of course I’d still love you, darlin’. I’d keep you in a lil jar and you could accompany me on my missions”
a jar????
now you’re the flabbergasted one 
jars don’t have air—he’s gonna let you suffocate?? 
what are you?? rainbow dash (sorry)??
somehow leads to him going out into the yard despite it being the middle of the night to try and find a worm
somehow finds one?? 
keeps it in a jar as a pet just to prove he would love you as a worm
even names it after you and pets it’s head and calls it “my wriggly little y/n”
weirdly wholesome experience would try again
“of all the stupid shit you could have asked me…”
he says that but he’s already considering it after the question leaves your mouth 
would he love you as a worm? 
“what kind of worm”
what do you mean what kind of worm?? does it matter?? 
obviously the pink wriggly kind 
he has to ponder this 
sits in his chair stroking his chin trying to think of how you would be as a worm
“would you still be able to talk and think or would you be an actual worm”
“it would be me if I was a worm, Gabe”
more pondering 
“I’d love you platonically but you would probably have a short life span. I’d throw you a worm funeral.”
better than any response you could have expected but would not try again
“would we still have sex”
please hit this man
he’s joking of course—he’s not that weird 
“why would you be a worm tho”
just answer the question, Genji
green cyborg ninja dude has no idea what to answer 
will you be mad if he loves your worm self more than your current self?? would you be weird if he said he would love a wormy version of you??
“I would get myself turned into a worm too and then we could have a wormy life together and a wormy wedding and little wormy kids”
“you just want to have wormy sex” >~>
“that too”
at least he’s honest?
exactly as you expected, would not try again
“a worm? like the insect?”
“yes? what other worms are there”
considers this
“is everything okay?”
poor omnic boy is so confused. are you planning on turning into a worm??? 
please reassure him it’s just a hypothetical and you’re not turning into a worm
goes on a ten minute tangent about how we are all the same in the Iris, and that he will love you no matter what form you take
honestly so wholesome + cute 
“i will care for you in this life, and the next, and all of the ones after that. even the ones where you are a worm.”
good enough would try again
way to sugarcoat it, babe
it’s only when you get upset that he sighs and pulls you into his lap
“why would you ever become a worm? is someone trying to harm you? you know I would never let anyone bring harm to you.”
you try to explain that it’s just a hypothetical but he’s already going on a tangent on what he would do if you got turned into a worm
talks for five minutes alone on how he would defeat your enemies and defend your honour 
says he would “put you out of your misery”????
“you would KILL ME?!”
“as an act of honour”
0/10 would not try again
idk bro just answer the question 
lots of sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose
“would I also be a worm or am i still human” 
only gets more confused when you say he’d be a human and you’d be a worm
probably looks up worm life expectancy and if worms are capable of love 
“would you even know who I am if you were a worm”
has to ask a million questions before he can give his final verdict 
lets out a long sigh before looking you dead in the eyes 
cute in the end but would not try again 
“would you still love me if I turned into a frog?”
that’s not the question 
somehow it turns into a discussion on if he would eat your worm self if he was his frog self? 
he insists he wouldn’t and would let you ride on his back but you insist his frog instincts would be too strong 
“babe I’ve once seen you almost eat your own finger while eating chips”
“ok and??”
says you guys could live in a swamp together and he would protect you from evil
“I could be like your own frog superhero. I could even sing you little froggy songs”
makes up this entire life of you guys living together as a frog and a worm and him serenading you by croaking songs at night 
honestly it’s the best reaction you could have gotten, would try again
“i would find you a cure and turn you back into a human”
honestly he’s very amused by this whole situation 
“but what if I want to be a worm”
“if I cure you and you want to turn back into a worm, that’s on you”
fair enough
insists he needs to ‘examine’ you so he knows you’re not turning into a worm 
makes a lot of jokes at your expense too
finally sighs and admits he would keep you in a little terrarium with all the food and nutrients you need 
“ha, so you would love me if I was a worm”
“love is a strong word”
good enough, would not try again
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hauntedhokage · 6 days
may iI request a no 22 with rin plsss
you can request anything you want bb. this might be one of my favorite prompts on the list
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prompt: a kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party. from this list
note: continuing my cat dad!rin agenda
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You’d woken up to an unplanned visitor in your bed, but happily snuggled into Rin when he kissed your head. A mumbled greeting follows, his voice still heavy with sleep though you’re not sure how much sleep he’d actually gotten since you don’t know when he’d gotten home. 
“When’d you get in?”
“Two, or something like that,” he mumbles back, loosening his grip to let you scoot up to be more at his eye level. “Didn’t really care, just wanted to be in bed with you. Where’s the cat?”
“Probably in the window hammock, he came to bed with me.” Your answer earns a hum, and you smile when he carefully cups your cheek, thumb rubbing against the apple of your cheek as he smiles at you. “Watched your match. As usual you looked really hot and good at the game.”
“Thank you, honey. Missed you a lot.”
“You always do,” you tease, leaning in for the kiss when he does and smiling at the feeling you’d missed for almost a week. The first kiss after his return is always a longer one, much more passionate to make up for time lost. Rin’s touch is always gentle, even when his kisses were hungrier than they normally are and he’s trying to get you on him for the reunion sex you both loved so much. “Missed you too, by the way.”
“You always do,” he mumbles against your lips, hands on your hips to keep you where he wants you while your hand slides through the silky smooth locks and pulling a moan from him when you tug at them to angle his head up. “Love you so much.”
“I love yo- hey!” You’re cut off by a furry body squirming into the space between you and Rin, a bap to your cheek before the cat is trying to snuggle into Rin’s neck. “Damn cat is a cockblock.”
“He just missed me just as much as you did.” A kiss to the cat’s head, and you’re smiling as you slide off of Rin to go cook breakfast. “Come back.”
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unwishablestars · 6 months
Hey 👋🏽 do you suppose we could have some platonic headcanons for Cassidy where the reader hangs out with him most of the time and as a result they inadvertently pick up his accent?
please, and thank you
Catching Cassidy's Accent
Pair: Cole Cassidy x GN!Reader (Platonic)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 191
Tags: Headcanons, Platonic, GN!Reader, I tried my best<3
TWs: None
Summary: You and Cassidy have been hanging out a lot lately, and it's starting to show.
A/N: Hi Anon! Thanks for the request!<3 :3 Hope you like it!
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You and Cassidy clicked pretty quickly in your friendship
He was outgoing and welcoming when you had joined overwatch, often inviting you to join him and his buddies for lunch or training
You guys shared the same sense of humor which just made hanging out with him even better 'cause it all felt relaxed and natural
So you guys ended up hanging out pretty often, almost everyday tbh
And the other overwatch members definitely noticed this since you started catching his accent and speaking mannerisms..
Of course, the man himself was the first to catch on to this, he teases you with the fact that you now use the word "Y'all" and pronounce words like "You're" or "Your" as "yer" just like he does.
"Well look whose talking like der id'll"
(Well look whose talking like their idol)
He got side-eyed.
Friends like Genji, Bap, and Dva definitely notice the accent adaptation and say you're slowly turning into a cowboy
Pretty much becomes an inside joke within the base
All teasing definitely are in good fun though and you guys joke about it frequently<3
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Hiii hello there lovely human! Saw your spring prompts and i need to make 2 requests. Tighnari/Reader with a few prompts, basically a day in nature (let's imagine Teyvat has seasons like winter and spring bc we've never actually seen them lol). Prompts: 3, 10 and 18 + 24 after night falls. 1/2
Thank you thank you thank you, this was so much fun to write! I love Tighnari so much, he's everything to me <3 Now I want to write more about Tighnari and the seasons, hehe~
This is actually my first ever drabble, too!
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character/Pairing: Tighnari x Reader
Warnings: Very fluffy, just like his tail!
Prompts: Spring Prompts; Nature Walk, Kisses, Animals, and Chilly!
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"Nari, look!" you hiss, one hand catching his wrist while the other stretches out, pointing. His ears perk up as he follows your gesture, his gaze softening when he spots what's caught your attention. An avidya leopard is stretched out on a rock, warming herself in the sunlight, while two half-grown kittens play nearby. As you stand silently and listen, quiet little mews and growls reach your ears as they tussle together. One kitten baps the other on the head with a paw too big for its little legs, and the other kitten hisses indignantly, trying - and failing - to bite the retreating paw.
"They remind me of Kaveh and Alhaitham," Tighnari murmurs, and you stifle a laugh, nodding in agreement. The slightly smaller second kitten launches at its sibling, who easily sidesteps the attack, looking rather pleased with itself for dodging.
You watch on together as the kittens play until they tire themselves out and flop down near their mama for a nap. She affectionately licks the nearest kitten on top of the head, and you're surprised when Tighnari copies her, leaning over and kissing your cheek. He gives you a soft smile when you look at him, a playful look in his eyes. "What? Would you prefer that I licked you?" You give his shoulder a small shove, and he stifles a laugh, both of you careful not to disturb the little family.
"C'mon," he says at last, his gloved hand finding yours. "We should keep moving. It'll be dark soon, and we've gotta get home."
You don't make it home before the sun sets as you'd planned when you set out on the nature walk this afternoon, a fact that is made very clear as the warmth from the sinking sun retreats. It's quickly becoming chilly, and you shiver slightly, wishing you'd brought a jacket.
"Are you cold?" Tighnari asks, attentive as always. You nod, knowing better than to try and hide anything from him - he knows you too well.
"Come here, I'll warm you up," he says, dropping your hand and opening your arms. You gratefully step into his embrace, sighing happily as his arms close around your back, his fluffy tail curling around your legs. He's delightfully warm, and he smells incredible as you nuzzle into his neck. He always smells good, a combination of his natural scent and the various plant-based products he uses. It has a naturally calming effect on you.
Once you're warmer, you pull back slightly, ready to continue on, but Tighnari doesn't let you go yet. One hand cups your cheek as he leans closer, his nose brushing against yours. "Thank you for taking this walk with me. You mean so much to me," he says quietly, and your heart skips a beat; that's practically a love confession. Before you can respond, his soft lips press against yours, capturing your mouth in a gentle, yet passionate kiss, showing you just how much he truly cares for you.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open!  Tag List 🐝 
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ghosttoastx · 2 months
Okokok Elf Sifffin traveling with the party idea!!
So because Siffrin is so tiny in this au, they wouldn’t be able to lead the part when they’re all traveling, and because of this, that would leave Mirabelle as the next person in line to lead the party onwards (seeing as the order of the group normally is Siffrin, Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, then Bonnie).
But!! Siffrin is still designated trap finder!! Thus they would need to be near the front of the group in order to keep an eye out. So!! this is where the idea comes in.
Siffrin would inevitably hitch rides from his Friends in order to keep up with them (being so small in a world of people who take much bigger strides than you while walking has to be exhausting to keep up with).
They would primarily stay with Mira, due to her being in the front majority of the time, in order to look out for traps. He would sit either on her shoulder (as an easy place to be near her ears to talk to her if need be) or, as I prefer, sit on top of her bow (they get a better vantage point plus it’s cute!!)
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(It’s totally looks like that one episode of Bee and Puppycat:
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This one)
When spotting a trap or just generally needing to get the groups attention Siffrin would simple just bap Mira on the head to get her attention. (Me and a friend talk about this on discord yesterday, it was very silly fun times)
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Here’s a shoddily done doodle of that idea!!
I wanna go into a bit more depth with how all of this party member hitch hiking will correspond to Siffrin Touch thing (I’d also like to elaborate on Their favorite party members to hitch rides from :3). But I think I’ll do that in a later post heheh
Also feel free to ask questions and stuff!! I can be a bit slow when answering asks and requests but I promise you I’ll get to you when I have the chance!! Getting asks from people is fun :}
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
hiii! For the fluff alphabet could I request C, P, and K for Sir Pentious? He’s just such a silly snake boy and I love him :> Ty and have a nice day
-Mango Anon 🥭 (I love mangoes 😸)
C K P with Sir Pentious
You know, I've had mangoes in smoothies before but now that I think about it I've never had a mango as is.. weird.. cant even taste it in my smoothie because I put banana in it and I SWEAR banana masks everything in the damn thing
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Hes cold blooded, so he tends to steal away some of your warmth... so be sure to get another blanket! He wraps his tail around you, too. The first few times you cuddle he will retract and apologize, please let him know you're fine with it! Switches between being big spoon and little spoon.. he loves both! Expect some of the egg boiz to crawl in and join the party, usually it's when you two are snuggling up in bed
He looooves giving you quick little pecks on your mouth and cheek! The back of your hands too! He gets a little bolder when you two are in private, feeling more confident with kissing you longer and deeper. Sometimes he gets excited and his tongue subconsciously flicks out, sometimes bapping you on the face gently.. he gets so embarrassed about it.. but it's cute.. he loves when you cup his face and kiss his forehead! Loves gentle mouth kisses, too!
He tends to default to names that were common in his time. "My Beloved" "My Dear" "My Dearest" "My Darling" you get the point, but he does try to experiment and get with the times... it's a little funny watching him awkwardly calling you "babe" or "pookie" or whatever new name of endearment hes heard being used around. He likes being called "Honey" and "Sweetie",!
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If you're taking prompt requests; "quit it or I'll bite"
It was early, but not too early. The suns had both risen, their light through the patchwork curtains dappling the little room in rainbow. Vash didn't want to get up, didn't need to. He was experiencing the bliss of a low pain morning, thoughts syrup slow. The heavy quilt on the hotel bed had certainly helped, coupled with a mattress made of more than rusty springs. Not to mention the warm and sleepy Wolfwood curled up against his chest.
Vash pressed his nose to the crown of Wolfwood's head, breathing in. He started to rumble before he could stop himself, low and echoing in his chest, but Wolfwood only snuggled in closer. He was wrapped up in the quilt, only the top of his head visible.
Wolfwood had this little...cowlick? at the crown of his head. Sticky uppy bits of hair that wouldn't behave no matter how much Wolfwood tried to comb them down.
Vash reached around. Bap. Bap bap. He flicked at them, watching them spring back into place. Bap bap bap. God, Wolfwood had no business being this cute. His messy hair and his snaggle teeth and his perfect nose. Bap bap bap bap. The way he blushed so easily and often. Vash half regretted taking off his prosthetic before he went to bed, because he wanted to wrap Wolfwood in his arms and never let him go.
"Quit it or I'll bite," came the grumbly voice, muffled by the thick quilt.
Bap bap. "Oh noooo. So scaaary," Vash sing songed, continuing to play with his hair.
"'M serious, it tickles."
Vash felt his prey drive activate. He fought the urge to wiggle and nip at Wolfwood's ears. He wanted to see him blush, see his face scrunch up in that endearingly bashful way of his, hear him laugh until he couldn't breathe. He wanted to make his Wolfwood so happy.
"YEAUCH!" Sharp teeth chomped through his shirt and he jumped.
Wolfwood raised his head, scruffy and glaring. "Warned you."
"You bit me in the boob!" Betrayal! Treachery! A great unkindness from his Wolfwood! All bets were off and he went for his nose, his fangs gently but firmly holding him in place.
Wolfwood, a man with no sense of self preservation, started to kick at him, pulling back and headbutting him in the shoulder.
Vash rolled back, dragging Wolfwood on top of him and wrapping his long legs around him to hold him in place. Wolfwood threw his body weight over to the side, making them roll more. Vash felt the edge of the bed under his hip and threw out his arm to stop them.
Or, rather, he threw out his stump.
"Oh shIT!"
Without enough of a brace, they crashed to the floor in a tangle of limbs and blankets, stupid with laughter.
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siren-sashimi · 10 months
Sweet spot HC Scenario; [Marquis Vincent de Gramont x pastry chef!reader]
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notes: Based on an anonymous request. They meet before Vincent owns the title of Marquis. Assumed the reader and Vincent speak French with each other.
☞ So here it goes: It's the time shortly before Vincent intrigues himself into the position of the Marquis de Gramont. Still working as practicing assassin, starving for luxury, well and a breakfast after this shit night, he drags himself through the dawn, through the streets of Brussels. There're a few bakeries open, here and there but none look good enough for his taste, nothing hand made, too fatty and sugary ready mades just shoved in the oven. No he looks for something in which the balance of butter so well beaten it's almost creamy white, the flour, taste thick, the caster sugar a compliment to not a compensation for taste. He passes by a more highclass looking establishment, the fancy one with glass windows installed with the intend for the passerby's to see how the baker's are baking fresh bread, sweets, baps, cakes, and anything else human hands are capable to make out of flour. It is the bakery in which you start your formation as pâtissier, as apprentice relegated to cover the (too early) hours. You just tried out your new variant with you're still critical about: A croissant with pistachio-cream-filling. The cream tastes too strongly against the unique yet delicate nut flavour, overpowering instead of transporting the flavour.
☞ Just one minute, a single minute after the shop officially opens a roughed up looking guy stares (good grief, his big eyes and gaunt features make for a unsettling stare) at the displayed goods. Expensive clothing is nothing uncommon in Brussels (after all, not incorrect joke has it that Belgium's population is by half only European parliamentarians) but in this state, you really hope that you don't have to take care of an entitled rich prick at 6.02am... ☞ So far he orders a coffee (one of the pricey Middle Americas blends, two spoons of sugar) and your pistachio croissant variant. In spite of your initial hesitance... you would be curious how the guests like it. ☞ From the corner of your eyes you see him closing his eyes in a relaxed manner after his first sip of the coffee (good), slightly nodding when he bites of the tip of the croissant (good too, a good croissant should be something you can bake in your groggy half sleep), he bites closer to the middle, where the filling is. A crease between his brows (not good). ☞ "Pardon ? Qui l'a fait?" (Excuse me? Who made this?) "C'était moi, monsieur. Comment pourais-je vous aider?" (That was me, Sir. How can I help you?) His face contorts for a bit. "For this price..." he starts, you can smell the trouble from 5 miles ahead "this is not worth it, just mashed together." Quick deep breath. "It is still in development..." "And you offer this to guests?" (Well, you're not Neuhaus here and your chef deemed it good enough for selling.) He stands up, ready to leave, and you notice without paying. "I'm sorry, Monsieur" you intervene quickly "I can offer you anything on the house - as an excuse. Everything else is our regular offer." Speaking these word hurts your own tongue. Prick.
☞ With a quick raise of eyebrows and a shrug he sits back down, orders a chocolatine. Now you feel feisty. You choose darker, almost too bitter chocolate which the butter smoothes down, tames within the dough, while the deep cocoa flavour unfolds to dark bloom, passing the comfortable warmth of the pastry to a dark floral aroma. You'll make him get something to taste for sure. ☞ One bite of his. Eyelids collapsing in delight, chest heaving, nostrils blowing slowly, while his jaw moves slowly. You got him. Somehow his visible satisfaction feels like sweetest revenge. When he pays you can't help shooting him a quick: "This one of mine too." Prick leaves with no reaction*. You're still feeling a bit triumphant.
☞ What have you done wrong? Some mornings he returns, ordering the pricier coffees (always two teaspoons of sugar, preferably brown sugar - damn he has good taste) yet he rotates between different baked goods, tries out different things. You two barely talk. Most often he looks tired, sometimes a bit dishevelled, other times just like he's been up all night (bags under his eyes not helping to make his face look less haunted) although not as bad as he did when he first set foot into the place. Sometimes he comes with bags, probably he travels a lot, always wears good materials. At some point you wonder if he's either a callboy... or maybe a spy? You wouldn't be wondering if many of them shuffled around Brussels too. Maybe you shouldn't read so much Largo Winch before bed time.
☞ Some day, early December, certificate awaiting you within a few months, he walks in again, no hair straying out of place, new coat, even with... could it be? Real fur on the neck hem. "One Jamaica Blue Mountain-" "Two spoons of sugar, Monsieur?" (question out of courtesy) "Certainly. And..." Green eyes narrowing down on you "one pistachio croissant." Somehow this feels like a test... he hadn't ordered this croissant since his first visit. You think, over the time passed, you nailed it, almost pure nut flavour, cream carrying the taste, ideal medium for cream, canvas for the nutty, almost salty flavour. For whatever reason, serving this sleek peacock your croissant wakes excitement in you. Actually, apart from thinking that he too visibly displays wealth, there hadn't been too much to stir your ire against him anymore... Trying to keep yourself from following his reaction, your try to busy yourself, sorting trays, setting timers for the next baking time - kinda difficult to discreetly shoot an observatory glance when this early he's your only costumer. ☞ You heard the last crunch, you can't help but eyeing him. A smile spreads over his lips. It suits him, the way he's so well dressed, the upright posture, legs folded properly, thoughtful look, slight smile. As if he noticed you staring he looks and asks straight through the empty room: "Why are you stuck here in Brussels?" "Pardon?" He gestures around. "That's a very good place, splendid even, I would say but aren't the true masters not in France?" You have to hold back a laugh. Twat. His French is so clearly Français de l'Hexagon, it would be too easy to assume him having reservations. "I've been to France." you reply with a shrug "Paris even. It was okay." "Okay? Isn't it one of THE capitals of fine cuisine?" "Êtes-vous Parisien?" you mock "I'm afraid to say, that yeah, indeed one really learns excellency in Paris, most reputable places but... even here in Brussels you're given room to breathe. Excellency yes yet you're allowed to take time and experience, refine by reflection. By the way both, Paris and Brussels aren't actually what the countries actually are like. Too clean." He leans back, now looking at you, that comfortable smile on his face. "Not, Parisian, no. Not yet. I see you have thoughts on this matter." "Better call it experience. Here I can dabble a bit in chocolatery as well." "Aren't the best chocolatiers in France as well?" (Not wrong but more like among the best…) "The Swiss would heavily argue against it. And guess what, Jean Neuhaus was Swiss, he emigrated to Belgium." ☞ At that he laughed, baring his teeth. Strangely, for a man this tall, with such intense eyes, large teeth, broad hands, pouty lips… it gave something nice to look at. He stands up, walking up to the counter, reaching out his right hand. "Vincent." You shook it and replied in return. Vincent's hands are enrapturing, callused at the fingertips and palm, lukewarm, a bit of cold from the outside weather on the back of his hand can be left when your hands part. "I will miss this place…" he announces, giving everything around him a quick look "Things played out that I won't visit this city for a while. Yet I will miss the quality here. At my working hours it's difficult to find a decent place." Quick hesitance on your part. Judging from his calluses the possibility of a callboy-occupation diminishes. "If you want, I still got some contacts of my senior apprentices, and some from Paris even. They landed mostly good jobs or opened their own shops. I can give your their addresses, if you want to. Tell them you know me, they give you something to try. Also, it's nice to have someone who appreciates our work and isn't taking the next best thing."
Vincent huffs. "If you vouch for your friends' good craft." He takes your notes. Before he leaves he turns around and tells you: "That pistachio croissant…. Finally worth it's price." Jerk.
*In the Netherlands and Belgium people rarely tip since tipping is included in the prices. (And something, something minimum wage even in food service.) For once Vincent isn't entirely a rich jerk
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ashascoven · 26 days
Request time~.
What if you try to hide your witchy side to your close friend but you saved them with it ?
Cass, Hanzo, Sombra, Lifeweaver and/or Baptiste ?
oooooo!! wait you're kind of onto something..
(for the other readers, esp new ones, we're talking about my venture x witch! reader fanfic!! :D)
anywho, i raise... another option..
mauga ?!???? :D hear me out...
i really really really like the idea of mauga flirting with the reader just to piss venture off.. flaunting his muscles, commenting about reader's body, things about her being able to work magic on him? without knowing she actually could do that ofc...
reader doesnt care for mauga and just sees him as a knuckle-headed friend trying to flirt with any pretty woman he sees, UNTIL ?!?? he gets himself in trouble !!! THIS could be where the reader saves him with her witchcraft (somehow, ill write it, trust), and he doesnt know how it happens ?!?!? reader could even let venture take the credit of saving him, making mauga back away from lil ol' venture while theyre all smug like "yah, i did that, reader's my girl, scram!!"
on a side note, since you mentioned lifeweaver..
i think i definitely want lifeweaver and the reader to be close enough friends that they basically practice witchcraft together..
since niran's already been to the reader's house multiple times for tarot readings and tea, he's seen how decked out her house is (with crystals, jars, plants, witch themed decor, etc.), so he knows that she's a witch~
HOWEVER!!!!! out of that list, and as a lowkey weaver x bap shipper, you gave me some ideas!!! i think it'd be nice to write about niran coming to the reader for tarot / crystal ball readings on his bf!!!
imagine that the reader could also give niran tips and tricks on kitchen magic to impress his bf with his cooking.. maybee even baked goods ANDD love spells for him too?
im not too sure about cassidy or hanzo since ive never really written or read much about them outside of stuff in game, but sombra definitely sounds like another great canidate for being one of reader's friends :O
considering she's a techie.... well, she also seems to know like everything when it comes to snooping on people, so she COULD just be another friend who DOES know about reader's witchy skills.... not sure yet mmm..
BUT YOUVE GIVEN ME GREAT IDEAS!!! thank you for being my first ask ever !!! ill definitely write for your request, i hope u enjoy ur day/night!! <33
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mkys-emotes · 2 months
Tysm for the black kitty person emojis! They were perfect :D
( if your in need of requests : )
- someone putting their hand in someone elses face (affectionatley, like a "bap")
- someone booping another person
- hugging someone shorter
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funnily enough i got like 4 different requests after you sent the ask 💀💀 anyways thank you for the requests !!
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princessconsuela120 · 28 days
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summary: you and Sebastian decorate your baby's nursery.
Warnings: none, teeth rotting fluff. (y/f/n = your friends name)
Authors Note: i made the friend a raven claw and the reader is implied as a Hufflepuff but you can make it whatever. don't forget to leave requests, my inbox is collecting dust i need inspo! enjoy guys!!
DOMESTICITY WAS BLISS. It was in all its entity, love and life. You and your husband had been lost from domestic bliss all your lives. Both losing your families, and having to live on your own resources, finally feeling that love in amazing. It seemed the smile couldn’t leave your face as you felt your chest heat with love, a hand held protectively over the curve of you baby bump. Since finding out you were expecting, it was a shock to both you and Sebastian when you fell pregnant only a few months after graduating Hogwarts. Yes, being 18 and having a baby was crazy for you both, but you soon grew to love it. You had the amazing support from friends and family, Professor Fig had even bought himself a worlds best grandpa mug in finding out. Anne and Ominis had already started looking for baby clothes the second you told them. And it was amazing, all of the love that was given to you. 
But no one was more amazing than your husband, Sebastian. When he first found out he was terrified. He even disappeared for a few days, renting a room at the three broomsticks and according to Sirona, had drunk his weight in fire whiskey. You stayed with Ominis and Anne in their small cottage for his time away, until Ominis talked sense into Sebastian. Since the day he returned he hasn’t left your side, let alone let his hands stray from your stomach for more than a few minutes. And it was bliss, truly… This became even clearer to you as you and your friends worked on the nursery for the arrival of the baby in just a few months.
“Alright, green for these three, and yellow for this wall…right?” Sebastian asked, waving around his paintbrush haphazardly as he pointing to each wall in the room. You nodded, smiling at him as he raised a curious eyebrow.
“Perfect.” You replied, making him sigh happily. Yes, you were being those people and painting the nursery the colors of your Hogwarts houses, but who cares, you were 18 and new to this idea.
“It’s like the best of both worlds.” He cheered, placing his paint brush in the bucket before coming over to you quickly, rubbing your bump and kissing you lips before continuing.
“Isn’t it?” You asked, following after him before he quickly turned around, carefully pushing you back towards the doorway.
“Ah, bap-bap-bap.” 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as he stepped back into the room grabbing his bucket of paint.
“Get away. Away! You need to be at least six feet away from this new paint.” Sebastian explained, holding his arms out to symbolize 6 feet away from the paint.
“Oh come on now.”
“It’s true. The smell could seep into your brain and you might convince yourself you’re a moon calf and only come out at night.” He explained, making you laugh.
“I don’t think that’s true, love.”
“It is. Ominis told me.”
“Oh well, if Ominis told you it must be true.” You teased, making him nod as he gently pushed you away.
“Exactly. Ominis is always right.”
As if on queue, Ominis, Anne and your ravenclaw best friend, y/f/n, walk into the room.
“I am, aren’t I?” Ominis says, walking over to sit beside you and kisses your head. “How are you this evening sweetheart?” He asked kindly, making you smile as you rubbed your large bump.
“I’m lovely, thank you for asking.”
“Ominis, mate, perfect timing. Come help me paint.” Ominis scoffed.
“I’m blind, how am I supposed to help?” He teased, making Sebastian point at him.
“You know that excuse can’t work forever.” He explained, making ominis shrug.
“It’s worked for 8 years so far.”
“Ugh, whatever. Anne, come help.” Sebastian whined, making you all laugh at him as Anne giggled at her brother painting the walls carefully.
“Why are you painting anyway? We have magic you know?” Y/f/n said, flicking her wand at the far wall, covering it in green paint.
“You know what y/f/n, just because you’re a Ravenclaw doesn’t mean you’re any smarted than me, okay?” Sebastian whined, genuinely having forgetter he could have been done by now. He felt the need to prove to you that he could do it without magic, and he was confident he could. 
“Yes, but just that fact that she’s alive and breathing does mean she’s smarter than you.” Ominis remakred, making Sebastian groan, hurrying his head in your shoulder with frustration.
“You know what? If you aren’t gonna help me, kindly shut your mouth, thanks.” He hissed, flicking paint at ominis as he laughed.
“Someone has a tude.” Anne mumbled, making you nod.
“Always. When doesn’t he?” You teased, causing Seb to yell from the other room.
“Heard that!” He continued painting as Anne came to help, making him yell at her as she started painting a fluorescent blue bird. “No! Anne no, stop! The jobberknoll’s don’t go on the green wall they go on the yellow one!” He rolled his eyes, taking the paint brush and walking to the far wall, pouting as he carried his ladder. “Merlin’s beard, if I want things done I have to do them myself!” He grumbled, causing eruptions of laughter to sound in the small nursery.
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whumpasaurus101 · 1 year
hii! oml i'm like in love with ur writing ajsksemnsns
i was wondering if i could request something? i really wanna see 2 yandere, sadistic, villain whumpers x a hero whumpee ?? maybe a scene where their trying to lure hero in "going home" with them? thank you !! ^^
Okay ik i say this with every piece BUT IMMA BE HONEST i am not happy with this and i am SOOOO sorry if this is not what you were asking of. DONT BE SHY TO BAP ME AND TELL ME IF YOU WNTED SMTHN ELSE HDUIHD BUT HAVE SOME WORDS WOOO (i am also so sorry its so short, it just kinda stopped where it gave the vibes it stopped? YK? HUIDHKHDHH)
“Leaving so soon?” Villain cooed, their eyes boring into Hero as they froze. 
“They…they won…SuperVillain won..” Hero mumbled, “I’m keeping my end of the deal, I’ll lay off your territory.” Their hand wrapped around their side as the familiar dull ache crawling along their ribs sent electric bolts sparking from pain, “Co-congrats.”
Hero was soon stopped as Villain 2 stepped right in front of them. They jumped, “Whe-when did you get here?”
Villain 2 smirked before cupping Hero’s cheek, brushing their thumb along Hero’s bruised cheekbone, “The least we could do is patch you up, hm?” Hero gulped, wincing slightly from the slight tingle of pain, “I…I just want to go home, I’m really tired,” Hero practically whimpered, jesus they were weak.
Villain 2 pouted, tilting their head gently. “Come home with us,” Villain smirked, “We’ll take care of you, baby-” Hero jumped but relaxed into Villain’s hand as it gently played with their hair, “-No one else will lay a hand on you” They whispered, a fire of jealousy roaring in their chest.
Villain 2 gently moved their thumb, feeling the soft, bloodied skin , “You’re such a pretty little thing…”
Hero’s brain was full of incoherent thoughts layered one on top of each other. They were so confused. Villains were bad, they were bad but… but after getting so hurt, all they wanted was comfort. Without these two Villain’s, they would be going back to their apartment, cook up some food and just go to bed. Alone. Nobody who could just… hold them
They gulped as a tear slowly made its way down their face, “I-I’m sorry-” Their throat felt tight from holding in all this feeling. “I’m sorry I’m so weak-” Villain quickly caught them as they fell, collapsing into sobs. Villain 2 clenched their jaw and glared up at Villain, “I’m going to fucking kill SuperVillain.”
Villain nodded, their fingers carding through Hero’s curls, “Absolutely. But we need to look after our priorities. Once they’re home with us and patched up, SuperVillain’s dead meat.”
They gently turned Hero so they lay on their back against Villain. They tucked a curl behind their ear and smiled, “Don't worry, doll, we’ll protect you. All you need is us. No one else.” Villain reached for their pocket and slid the gun across the ground, nodding at Villain 2 who took it and pocketed it before walking off.
Hero whimpered at the loss of a person but the gentle touch on their chest relaxed them, “Heyheyhey, it's alright, they’ve just gone to the shop quickly, need to get you all strengthened up, you're safe with me, I promise SuperVillain will never hurt you ever again.” They felt something tug at their chest. Hero needed them. The two villain’s are the one and only things Hero ever needed, “Never.”
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runawaymac · 3 months
since you keep bapping me thru our screens, could i request a sketch boop with your choice of tf cat? it will be returned with Even More Boops
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rubbing my hands evilly
i didn't read the whole prompt oops
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