in3st4bl3-00 · 2 years
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bts-trans · 8 months
240117 Weverse Translations
Jungkook's Post ❇️
단결 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-147648496)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jimin's Post ❇️
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아미에게 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-147685727)
Letter Translation: To. ARMY ARMYs, are you all healthy and doing well? Tomorrow, I will be completing my training period at the training camp. It's been slightly more than a month and sometimes it feels like time is passing very slowly, and sometimes, since I have Jungkookie by my side, it feels like time is going by quite fast. It hasn't been that long, but I already miss you so very much. I'm spending my time, often calling the members through the payphone to ask how they're doing, and Junkookie is also spending his time here, working really hard at his military duties. He's doing so well at training, all the other guys are like "Yeah, that's Jungkookie hyung". He's stuck to my side, giving me a lot of support and strength. I'll soon be going to my military base, and I'll do my best to adapt and stay well there too. Our ARMYs, please be careful not to catch a cold, stay healthy, make sure to eat well, and think only nice thoughts hehe. Anyway, even when I'm at the base, I'll write to you. I love you. -JIMIN
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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hearthvkoo · 2 months
Can you think of some more iconic Taekook lines?
A flower called you
So pretty I could die
Hung will take care of everything.
You can't live without me.
Weren't we sharing the same room?
Junkookie sings this song to me.
Junkook will do anything I ask him to.
I never lied to you.
I already know how precious you are
Me? With Taehyung? I don't know.
Should we have spicy noodles for breakfast?
I make HIM never feel like cheating.
Taehyung is the most handsome man I have ever seen.
Where were you?
Good question 💓
in addition to the ones you have already mentioned which are my favorites, I remember these others
- hyung but I never lied to you (during one of the last run bts episode)
- the closer you are, the shorter the letter
- but partner his family too !?!
- am I you friends? Introduce me well (And Tae said the word "폭로하지마" translate "don't expose", and after that he immediately said "we can't be friends")
- Taehyung hyungie hyung like this song (and play Golden hour)
- hyung Is the best at talking/ you are the best talker
- I was already feeling how precious you are
- I raised Bam when he was younger
- if I ask him to do something he will do it
- Jungkookie, showed me/recommended me this (Oh no, Oh yes)
- I'm playing games with friend and Jungkookie his here too
- I already called him in the morning, I'm going to eat it tomorrow (makguksu date)
- hyung will go first, go safely tomorrow
If anyone can think of other iconic lines, feel free to reply and add them 💜
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
This is an article from 2012 where they talk about the relationship between gays and Disneyland. I accidentally came across this article and thought a lot about jikook. I don't know whether they were aware of these back then but whatever it is it was a bold movement from jeon kid to do this. And the mickey mouse hat jimin wore . Everything that they made in 2017 have meanings and they meant it too. Only the brainless trashcookers can't see it or admit it. I've seen ex-trashcooker saying that they haven't seen gcf tokyo yet. WHY? They ofcourse know it is GCF jimin ft tokyo whereas their fav has not got any as such but they're still arguing that it was actually planned with their fav and change due to some reason as if trashcookers were the ones who charted their schedules haha.
I sometimes wonder what might have happened in Tokyo but we will never know. These days things are getting complicated both for jimin and jungkook. I wonder what might be their motive to choose Disneyland as their destination place for their first trip. I'm still screaming at the thought they stayed at the hotel where the bedroom and bathroom were separated only by a transparent window. Jimin could see jungkook shower for 50 minutes through the transparent window? Wow I'm kidding but not really. The age they visited Tokyo alone is such a crucial one here. Both might be at the peak of curiosity and they are jikook lol I'll shut up now.
Now coming into jimin who is not so into amusement park rides according to him ( who would waste money on things like this + too scared lol me too yes i'm jimin's girl ) decided to get on that coffee mug ride? Are you serious!? YES! And that's how we got the most beautiful jimin smile through jungkook's eye. What we see in golden closet film Tokyo is jimin through jungkook's eye.
At the very 1st thought jungkook is the same age as jimin's brother and jimin's is the same age of jungkook's brother but nah ! I have eyes ofcourse. I didnt get any brotherly vibes. Of course they care about eo. The way jimin caresses junkookie's head or pat his head like an elder brother. But I don't wanna bring that ear sucking moment here. We had enough and that's louder than anything. I'd like to nominate the tummy caressing part by jk.mp4 lol. Jimin didn't even flinched like he is so used to those hands. They hiding at the corner at a big party ( jitb we spotted the couples ), staring at the lips while talking, jimin gesturing to keep shut when they were asked about the comfort thing that they depend on wow that was sus , and pulling him close behind yoongi?
Whatever I'm ending my rants here. I just wanted some place to rant that JIKOOK IS REAL AND MORE THAN FRIENDS OR WHATEVER. THEIR BOND IS UNBREAKABLE.
And they have done things and hinted as many things. Only blinds can't see it. That's their issue not ours. And to those who haven't seen gcf tokyo youre missing a masterplan video for how to impress your crush that's it.
thankyou 💜💛
Hi anon,
Your ask is beautiful. I love it.
It makes me wonder of all the times that jikook referenced their trip after they came back. They were smitten by each other!
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Shy and sweet and even when talking about it, they would ignore the rest of the world around them.
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And now they are in Japan again. History likes to repeat itself. Will they have a glass shower again?
What happened in Disneyland?!
With or without Disneyland (will they go to Disneyland?), them deciding on a project together (omg. this is a subunit created by jikook) and making it so they would work, travel, have fun, and spend time and end in Japan is a bold move.
We will see what comes out of this and if they end up in Disneyland again, I fear we might not make it through.
But yeah, "jikook is more than friends or whatever"...lol
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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94erz · 6 months
Gosh, desperately want to find a gifset of a VERY SPECIFIC Hoseok moment 'cause I see it all the damn time as a clip, of Hoseok making the Namjoonie-sus and Junkookie-sus joke! That's probably the most stunning he's ever looked IMO, but it's such an old clip now that even if someone did gif it before I would not be able to find it on this hell site...
Do any of my gif making moots wanna take a request 👐🥺
Like it's criminal how good-looking he is in this video, congrats to their entire team (make-up artists, hair stylists, costume designers) and his genetics for this one, changed the course of my life actually.
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jung-koook · 2 years
When the live started I was like !!!!!!!! Babe it's afternoon here, a LIVE all of a sudden!!! I love it. 4am cooking show or where I live regular day time XD. He's so dramatic it makes me happy. Also cleaning as he goes good kitchen. Etiquette also those knife skills!!!! Good job Junkookie!!!!!!!!!!!°♡
i had literally just woken up and grabbed my phone to go on twitter to see if i missed anything when i was sleeping and at the same time came the notification of his live. me too!! i love it so much!!!! jeongguk always delivering memes lmaoo. 😆 i hope he does more cooking live please jeongguk 😭 the knife part lmao not he stabbing the cutting board with the knife but then immediatly checking it to see if it did some damage LAKDSLAKDKAS gosh, i love him 😆
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
taekook hanging out with wooshik and his brother🙈 gotta say even before this photo, it was telling that wooshik, tae's best friend, followed only jungkook out of all the other bts members and not only follows but ocassionaly likes his posts, like it doesn't have to mean a romantic relationship but to all the losers out there claiming tae and jungkookie are awkward, it's pretty clear that's not the case, let's also not forget junkookie talking to wooga at hobi's listening party, anyway can't believe we actually got this photo, I'm glad they're having fun
Another ask on the same topic:
you’ve probably already heard about the bowling outing with taekook, wooshik and his brother. apparently his brother got harassed to the point where he took his IG post down. from what I’ve heard anyway because I don’t know his brother’s IG to actually check. if true, it’s really sad and annoying as hell that people resort to harassing anyone who posts about taekook hanging out together. i don’t see them doing this whenever it’s any other pair from the group hanging out.
And finally:
Have you seen the bowling photo reflection where they said TK seemed to be holding hands. What do you think?
I decided to combine these three asks all about the bowling photo mostly because I don’t want it to completely take over my blog lol.
I have a few thoughts about this.  One is that while obviously I don’t see bowling as the be-all-end-all of romantic events, I definitely do think it’s significant that Taehyung and Jungkook were out having fun with one of Taehyung’s best friends and said best friend’s brother.  That, as the first anon pointed out, is a pretty clear indication that Taehyung and Jungkook have a close relationship.
And I agree that it’s always seemed significant to me that Wooshik only follows Taehyung and Jungkook on Instagram.  It’s social media, it’s not like that by itself is necessarily a huge deal, but since we know that Wooshik is close with Taehyung, it does seem to me to be an indication that he follows Jungkook because he has a personal relationship with him as well.
As for the photo itself, I think it’s really nice that Wooshik’s brother posted it.  I really wish the fandom as a whole had responded better.  He did end up deleting it, from what I saw, and who knows if that was because of harassment in his DMs or just the constant spamming in the comments.
I saw a lot of embarrassing nonsense from Jikookers, Taekookers, and even non-shippers, and I wasn’t even paying that much attention.  I really don’t understand how anyone thinks that kind of thing is appropriate and I wish it would just stop. 
Finally, on the topic of the reflection making it look like TK were holding hands, I’m sorry if this is disappointing, but I don’t think they were.  In the photo, it seems like Taehyung is standing at least a couple steps ahead of Jungkook, which means that in order for them to be holding hands, Jungkook’s arm would have to be extended in front of him.
It seems to me that we’d be able to tell from the position of his shoulder if that was the case, and his shoulder seems in line with the position it would be in if his arm was just at his side.  So no, I don’t think they’re holding hands in the photo.
What I take from this photo, personally, is that it’s further proof that Taehyung and Jungkook spend time together off work, that they’re close enough to spend time with not just each other’s friends but also family of each other’s friends, and that they clearly have ways to go out and have fun, even together, without being spotted by fans.  And also that in all areas of this fandom, there are people who seriously need to learn some boundaries.
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mikrokoskooks · 2 years
Would it be possible to have a fic where Jungkook has a bad stomach ache + nausea and emeto, then it gets worse to the point he asks Namjoon to drive him to the hospital?
Thank you!
Hi anon!!
Of course it would be and you're my first request/ask so tysm :) <3
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretaker: Namjoon
TW: Emeto, mentions of vom!t and stomach aches
It's dance rehearsals and Jungkook really doesn't feel well.Not feeling well even seems like a understatement he felt like utter garbage. Even though he hadn't been criticised on it yet, the youngest felt like his dancing wasn't the best he could possibly do. The moment they had their break ,instead of talking like the others, he sat quietly in the corner of the room cuddling his swirling stomach as nausea stabbed the back of his throat. Namjoon had noticed that the boy had been more vacant today and he wanted to know why.
Hey Kooks" Namjoon says softly "You okay?" No response. "Jungkook?" " huh are you talking to me? " Jungkook mutters "Yeah. Are you okay you've been awfully quiet" "I'm fine hyung. I just feel a bit off." "It's your stomach isn't it, Namjoon states sympathetically, you always say you feel off when your stomach hurts."
"Yeah. Hyung can we go back to the dorm please I really don't feel well" Poor kookie, he really didn't look well. But he wasn't actually allowed to leave dance practice unless he had actually been vomiting or had a high fever according to company rules. "Aw Kookie I really wish I we could, but you know we can't leave unless you've actually been sick." Be sick. Not an issue Jungkook was had been swallowing the horrid liquid in his mouth for ages if he needed to let it out to leave he sure would.
But maybe his mind and his stomach got mixed up about his thoughts, because when Jungkook accidentally threw up on his legs he was more than surprised. That did it for Namjoon it was definitely time for the youngest to go home.
"Joonie hyung how long till we're home" Jungkook asks discreetly rubbing his stomach. "Ten minutes is that okay" Namjoon answers looking up at the rear-view mirror to see Jungkook not in response. To be completely honest it was today though the maknae was starting to feel even worse than he did at the dance studio.
His stomach had become even more aggressive and he was sure he was going for be sick again. He could see himself In the mirror and he looked horrible. Sweaty hair, pale face,his cheeks slightly red, he really really hoped that he wouldn't throw up in Namjoon'a car tha'd be be embarrassing right. But he could manage.
"Hyung how much longer..". " Hey you alright you? don't look so good" "My stomach hurts.. And I think I might be .. " Jungkook stops and swallows harshly. "..Sick but m'not gonna do it the car cause that's gross" "Jungkookie it's okay. I don't care about the car I care about you. If you have to throw up, throw up" So that's exactly what he does he would never do it by choice but he could physically keep swallowing his vomit it was beginning to hurt.
Jungkook didn't even have to gag,unpleasant looking liquid instantly spewed out of his mouth at an alarming rate. What the he'll could have gotten him this sick? "Hyung I think should go to the hospital" He choked out. Namjoon didn't have to think twice he was already making a turn in the direction of the hospital.
"Food poisoning" A doctor says to the leader "He seems to have a bad case of food poisoning. He'll be alright in a couple days as long as you let him rest up and get him to eat something" "Okay thank you doctor" Namjoon smiles bowing his head and then turns to Jungkook. "Aish, Junkookie you almost have your Hyung a heart attack I was so worried" "Sorry hyung" the youngest smiles he still feels terrible but manages to give his hyung a small hug.
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I'm really sorry if this wasn't how you wanted it.
<3 hope you enjoyed
+ Sorry if this didn't make sense my brain was being silly TwT
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Being on Twitter is really hard. This is part of the list of words I muted a long time ago so that I could live on Twitter and only see and read Harry and Louis content. There are more words, I just wrote a part of it here . And it's hilarious.
clown, haylor, maya, swift, tylor swift, taylor, ziam, zarry,zuquad, malik, payne, horan, Ariana, Grande,Olivia, Rodrigo, Stranger Things, Loki, Ted Lasso, follow me besties, shaill, shiallers, swifties,swiftie, narries, zarries, zarrie, z*am, zi@m, xander, houaylor, louaylor, i got tickets, ticket, merch, louies, harries, louie, harrie,niall, liam, zayn, i'm voting,Jenner, hamille, Camille Rowe, Jenner, Gigi, zigi,Hadid, kendall, hendall, Kardashian, Freddie,Tammi, clark, daisy, phoebe, briana, ,I heart awars, best fan army, teakook, junkookie, taehyung, yooungi,hobi, suga, namjoom, bts, kim namjoon, hoseok, jungkook, min yoongi, seokjing, jin
I praise your resilience and your efforts to make Twitter a good experience for yourself! 💜
I just went and checked my muted words list. I didn’t even know I had any but I still agree. 😅
I love the passive aggressive “Forever”! 😆
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At this point I am fairly confident that TK are together and in a committed relationship. No one brings in JK's name into conversations as much as Tae does and it is the most 'partner' thing to do. He says 'friends are here' and 'Junkookie is here' emphasizing on JK being different from friends. And it cannot be an unrequited thing as many antis want to suggest. Or Jungkookie wouldn't be there or at Paradise or skiing or bowling or help him even though he is not in the same team or do a grand gesture at a concert which had zero FS.
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rapmonkive · 2 years
Bora: No I didn't get it back. But it's okay. It was the little keychain of RJ with his churro. I can always re-buy it. The little boy did come up to me after and said "kookie is my favorite." Before running away. So Junkookie has a baby fan~
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Oh no, don't re-buy it. I can get you a new one at the company for free. Jin would want it that way.
Ah, Kookie has a baby fan. His fans are so young. That's adorable though. Still, some respect, child, for world wide handsome.
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meljayne · 2 years
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kookieswan · 2 years
Yoongi, you didn't have to tease her like that 😂😂😂. I'm glad you're getting your paint delivered by Junkookie himself. You 2 make an adorable couple.
“Oh, but I did! It’s all in good fucking fun though, there’s not much of that down here. A couple…? Hmm, that had a nice ring to it.”
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hearthvkoo · 2 months
For fun here is our updated TK iconic phrase list. Not in order because I'm not a calendar aficionado.
For a private conversation
A flower called you
I want JK.
My eyes are always on you.
He's sleeping next to me.
You can't live without me.
Weren't we sharing the same room?
I raised Bam when he was young
I like the mole under your lips. It inspires me.
Members and JK
Junkook recommended this song to me. 'Oh No Oh Yes'
Hung will take care of everything.
Playing games with friends. Junkookie is here too.
I already called him this morning. I am going to eat it tomorrow.
Junkookie sings this song to me.
Hung will go first. Go safely tomorrow.
So pretty I could die
I never lied to you.
Should we have spicy noodles for breakfast?
Taehyung is the most handsome man I have ever seen.
Still number one
The closer you are, the shorter the letter
But partner is family too right?
Am I your friend? Introduce me well.
Look at me, just me.
Taehungie hung, I really like your innocence.
Taehungie hungie hung likes this song.
I make him never feel like cheating.
Me? With Taehyung? I don't know.
You are the best at talking.
I already know how precious you are.
JK and Tae ITS 2
How will you live? I guess I won't.
There are so many that we could write an entire book starting from 2013 to 2024.
Thanks for updating the list with new lines 🥰💜
I also remembered “I had an adult talk with Jungkook” (Tae said to Hobi) and “yesterday I took an half body shower” (and Jungkook said the exact same thing the day before)
Let’s continue with this funny and cute list!
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Wanna braid Junkookie's slightly crimped hair.
Really? I would rather wash it, comb it, dry it and let it be free from any product, like this
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pure-posture · 2 years
沖潤子展 「さらけでるもの」
#沖潤子 #神奈川県立近代美術館 #junkooki
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