#jus a mention ??
time-woods · 9 months
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more of this nonsense bc im sooo normal
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didderd · 4 months
MY BELOVED—cough cough I mean uh...
Crack, sweetest boi, I would like to know what kind of food is absolutely your favorite 🫶
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Crack: Heh.. Hey Lex.
Ah... favorite? Don't think I could chose. I love most things.
..... If it's meat.. 's long as 't's not bloody... or real obviously an animal... 'n' sometimes I jus' avoid it completely... Found some vegan places I really like in some AUs over time. Love a good vegan burger.
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aka-indulgence · 2 years
So... me and @llamagoddessofficial have been cooking up an au for a while... let me show you our hmf!Sans :> (Horror Mafiafell Sans)
You're a waitress working at a bar/restaurant, and a certain skeleton has been coming back again and again. You can't help but wonder... why?
“He’s all yours, babe.”
You look up from notes on the wall. You’d like to ask ‘who?’ but both you and Lisa know there was no use. You already knew who it was. You didn’t even have to look out the circular window to check. You just stare at Lisa helplessly.
“Really?” You try, “can’t you just… a bit longer?”
Your words come out a perfect mess. Lisa understands anyway.
“Look… I don’t know how to tell you this (Y/n),” She puts a hand on her hip, “you know I can’t go back out there to him.”
You bite your lip. You know she’s telling the truth. You wish you could tell her to suck it up and go back there, no matter how scared she was but… you’re not taking chances with the current patron sitting in the corner of the bar. No one would.
For Lisa’s… and everyone’s sake, you’re not going to see what he might do if you sent her out to tell him that you won’t be serving him tonight.
You sigh, and take a peek through the window. Though elusive nowadays, it was unmistakable who the man- the skeleton in question was.
Sans was built like a tank, his form hunched over the table. Even sitting on the wide, plush red sofa, he looked like a giant, dwarfing the table and chairs like they were playsets. Monsters were already bigger than humans in general but him… he grew bigger than he used to- at least from what you’ve heard. Not like you knew the mob boss years and years ago before he got his infamous skull injury, and the blown eye in his left socket that was soaked in the blood of those who had crossed him. His mouth was set in a frown, filled with razor sharp teeth- one of which was golden.
The same scary face you saw shrouded in shadows in the alleyway, a sharp bone gripped in his large hand, dripping red.
You fled that night, not quite believing what you’d saw. That you’d just saw a skeleton kill a guy in the back of the restaurant? That it was the mob boss Sans?! He didn’t chase you then, and you hoped that’d be the end of it but then… he showed up to the bar as a patron one night.
You were almost certain then, that he had come to kill you. Especially when your dear friend Lisa had so helpfully told you that he’d asked for you in particular.
“her…” his bony finger had pointed at you. She DID tried to save you, to err on mistake- which one did you mean sir?
But every time you moved, his phalange followed. There was no mistaking who he was asking for.
You remember her panicked voice.
“He asked for you! Specifically!”
“W… huh? Why’d he ask for me? Can… are you sure-”
“YES! And I don’t know WHY!”
As reluctant as you were, you still went to serve him. You asked for his order while your grip on your pencil and notepad got slippery as your palms got sweaty. He took his time ordering, perusing through the menu with great attention, while you were praying that your legs didn’t looks as shaky as they felt. You’d never rush him, of course, even if you hadn’t seen him towering over a dead body.
You took his order, served it (stuttering), and… then he left.
… And came back. Again, and again. Every time, he’d ask for you to serve him. He always stares when you weren’t at his table (and actually, when you were at his table too). You could feel that red eye staring a hole into your back from behind. It was unnerving.
It’s a wonder why a man of his infamy would choose a bar like this. You’ve seen your fair share of criminals in this job- it was an alright-sized bar, and not exactly in the best place in town. You’ve learnt to turn the other cheek whenever they were around (and you were sure you didn’t realize just how many of the patrons were gangsters), pretend you were blind to their… occupation.
None of them had been as scary as Sans, though. In fact, his presence alone was enough to drive away most petty criminals.
This place was nothing special. It’s a wonder why he’d choose this place out of all places, especially for a guy who doesn’t like being seen much.
… Ok, that was a lie. Everyone working knew that he was here for you. But that didn’t explain the why.
It was clear to you now that he wasn’t coming here to kill you for witnessing… what you witnessed (Why was a man like Sans doing in that nothing alleyway anyway?). But if not for that then… why did he keep coming, to keep asking for you? Maybe he had… business around here and he liked the place enough to keep coming?
Whatever it was, he was here for a reason and you just… don’t get it.
You don’t get why he wants you to be the one serving him every time he was around, but you did anyway. It’s been a couple of nights now, but you can’t say you’ve become less nervous over time.
After a small inner pep talk to yourself and wringing your hands, you push open the door, walking into the dining area. There isn’t a lot of people inside, a common occurrence whenever Sans visited. Even if it had been busy before, some people would hurriedly finish up whatever they were doing, paying all at once and leaving. You’ve even seen someone stop before finishing their meal. The rest that stayed sat uncomfortably, trying their best to ignore the menacing air that the skeleton brought with him everywhere he’d go.
It didn’t work, of course. A presence like that wasn’t you could easily ignore.
(You wish you could ignore him.)
You smile awkwardly as you walk to his table, setting his drink down. At least you had a little bit of your work cut out for you, with Lisa taking his drink order. His eye zeroed in on you as soon as he noticed you, and though you’ve been taught it’s rude to not make eye contact, with him it felt like looking him in the eye would be the wrong thing to do.
“Is there anything else you’d like?” you ask, your voice sweet and soft as ever, hiding the sound of your beating heart.
He stares.
He always stares.
You see his pupil dilate a little, then he opens his mouth.
Sans was a man of few words. He only said his order, and nothing else. It kept your meetings with him brief- even when it looked like he wanted to say something else, he wouldn’t.
This time, he spaces off for a moment, eye looking away from you. You watch his brows draw together, pinched as he concentrates on a thought. You wish you knew what he was thinking of, especially when his frown starts to peel back into a snarl, like he was angry.
You definitely weren’t expecting a hand around your waist, snatching you a second later.
You squeaked, notepad and pencil clattering to the floor, bumping against his sturdy chest. Everyone heard and turned to look, and as soon as they saw tiny you, sitting on the giant’s lap, practically all of them pointedly turned away. You wish they were still looking now- you were pleading with your eyes, help me I don’t think I’m supposed to be here!
He pushes you here and there, so that you’re sat more comfortably on his lap. Your mind goes blank, your body freezes. You could feel his chest expanding and contracting as he breathes. He sounds much calmer now that you were on his lap. Your breaths are shallow, and stop completely when you feel one arm wrap around your middle, like a restraint. His free hand raises, calling for Lisa, who you’ve just noticed is watching from the corner, clutching her apron, as clueless as you are. She approaches, trying to keep her eyes on the skeleton instead of you.
“... burgers.” he says, simply. She nods, and gives you a glance.
You furrow your brows, and you want to hiss Lisa help me! But as soon as she sees your expression she turns around, avoiding eye contact. You could almost hear her say sorry babe, can’t help you there!
You almost call out to her when a hand lands on your head. You go stiff, and after you take a quick peek at him, you look straight ahead. The monster’s phalanges start petting you, slowly, sinking into your hair, scratching your scalp. Sans let’s out a long breath, brushing your hair. A shiver runs down your neck.
… Well. I think I’ll be here for a while…
Sitting on the lap of a giant skeleton was certainly an experience. You tried distracting yourself, but it was impossible when you could feel every time Sans breathed. There was nothing you could do but sit there, playing with your apron until it was a crumpled mess, sweating a puddle onto your uniform… and maybe onto Sans’ expensive suit. You couldn’t relax, even though taking away big scary skeleton aside, he was comfortable to sit on, and he was warm… and smelled of rain and embers of a dying cigar.
He ate carefully, always leaning forward (squishing you against his chest) when he took a bite of his burger, making sure the crumbs wouldn’t fall on the top of your head, wiping his hands and his mouth before he leaned back. You could feel him sighing, and since he was the only thing you could notice, it felt like this was the most relaxed he’s ever been while in the bar, his breathing slow. Apparently he really liked your hair, with how his claws kept carding through it, even while he was eating. When his hands were clean, he’d let his hands wander all over you- but nothing untoward. You could feel him tilting his skull forward to look at you, while he thumbed your cheek, and his other hand roamed around your waist and belly. Though you were nervous, you could feel when he rubbed your thigh that it didn’t feel particularly… heated.
He sighs, and you feel the pressure of his skull on the top of your head. It took everything in you not to hunch over and avoid it. You screw your eyes shut when you feel him turn his skull, and it felt like he was… rubbing his cheek on you? Like he was snuggling you? Is… is that what he’s doing?
You’re not sure and your nerves are too frayed to call it that.
He didn’t stop after he finished either, his plate clean. He was still there- and subsequently, you stayed sitting on his lap- even after they closed the bar. It was just him now. Your coworkers kept the lights on just for him, and even most of them have gone.
He’s leaning back on the cushions, and he brought both his arms around you to pull you plush against his chest, almost tucked into his neck. You wondered if this was what a teddy bear would feel like, being hugged.
The bartender was cleaning up in the kitchen. It was just you and him in the dining area.
You swallowed… wondering what he wants to do. It’s past closing, late at night, just the two of you, and his hands were still (gently) rubbing you. They haven’t gone anywhere private but- what if he wanted to? … What if he wasn’t here to kill you but.. wanted you to… you don’t know, service him or something? Did he have unsavory requests for you?
You think that thought might’ve scared you even more than the thought of him killing you.
You startle when he grunts eventually, like he’s addressing you. A giant hand cups your cheeks and against your will they turn pink. Even though you were frightened, even if his touches were unsexual they still felt… intimate.
You squeak for the second time that night when both his hands pick you up, and sets you down on the sofa. You feel a ball form in your throat when he stands up and turns to you, thoughts running with all sorts of ‘what-ifs’. He takes your hand, opening it up, and then…
And then he places a thick wad of cash in it.
“... thank you.” He says, quiet.
You stare at the stack of paper on top of your hand, blinking once, before turning to the skeleton, jumping in your seat.
He was gone, just like that.
He was always quiet, wasn’t he?
You sit there dumbfounded, for what felt like minutes, your lips parted, money still sitting innocently in your hand. You think no one can blame you when the only thing you said after you sat there in silence was a very emphatic “... Huh?”
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kyo38 · 2 months
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doodles feat my two hellsing OCs
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battiegutz · 3 months
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YAYAYAYAY GOT MY LPS BASES !!!!! already started on one, not gonna start on any others until i finish her jus in case i make mistakes lol.. anyway heres th bases, the wip, and the design i drew today that i didnt intend to be an lps custom but oh well lol
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solargeist · 9 days
i can't NOT be crazy abt siffrin.... ur honour i even have a bad eye
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shoezuki · 8 months
Ok random things/hc bout the aha!sampo divinity AU i was thinkin of
Aha at some is like. Yknow what fuck it im gonna reincarnate as a human n see whats up w this. So he basically takes bits and pieces, dropped change n spilled drinks on the floors of taverns, scrapes the side of the universe, takes scripts and stories and anything made from human joy n makes a body out of it
He starts off as a kid cuz he saw kids n were like o those guys seem to have fun hell ya.
He makes sampo koski and Becomes Him. Is taken in by the masked fools cuz they are all a lil fucked up so spendin too much time w em or struggling to hide his divinity can scramble their brains only so much...... probably.
Also these ppl who worship him not realizing the scrawny kid they took in is aha????? Thats funny as shit
Sampo grows up normally. Well he kinda got it a bit wrong n he grows at a wayyy slower pace than humans but he jus says he got caught in a temporal anomaly or smthing.
It takes him a long time to really get a hold on his powers/presence/divinity and ends up making people go mad quite often. Sometimes on purpose.
The masked fools send him to planets, give him scripts and have him portray characters and sow chaos. He bends reality a bit sometimes to make the scripts more fun. He creates a major presence on the masked fools and becomes infamous in some planets n ships thay marginally survived him
(Some of the things he does cant be attributed to him and it puzzles people. Theres no way a mere human could change the colours of stars or rearrange galaxies n move planets a lil to the left, right? He makes entire waterbodies taste like beer and makes trees bleed when cut and flips mountains upside down)
The role he's given in Jarilo is his longest one yet. Usually he's just like a force of nature running through but this time he becomes a Person on this planet
He meets the underworld ppl and they all have different reactions to his divinity the longer he's around them:
Natasha is fairly sensitive to his power but it doesnt really overwhelm her. She hears childrens laughter when hes around and the air feels warm like sunlight that Belobog hasnt experienced since the eternal freeze and every time he brings her medicine or carries out of her requests she tastes bubblegum on her tongue. She never says anything but sometimes she Stares n it makes sampo squirm
Oleg tenses every time sampo shows up but eventually forces himself to relax. But he always has to be aware of sampo at all times, can't ever turn his back to sampo or be unarmed around him. He has no clue why and thinks theres something wrong with him and its his problem not sampos. But sometimes when he looks at sampo he can almost swear he sees something shift over his skin
Seele doesnt notice anything for a long time. She has to be around sampo for hours sometimes days without break. But eventually she just becomes irrationally angry with him. Everything sampo does grates on her brain and makes her want to attack him. She doesnt think anything of it and just assumes its because sampo is annoying.
Luka is one of the least sensitive to divinity. Any anxiety or unease he feels around sampo he just attributes to sampo being a shady guy. Sometimes sampo's laughter and his voice feels heavy in his skull though
Children in general are highly sensitive and resilient to the divine: sampo doesnt know why. Maybe because theyre brains are still developing? Because they arent stuck in their own ideas of reality n rationality like adults? Regardless Hook KNOWS sampo isnt normal. She doesnt question it, she just knows sampo makes things fun.
He finds a lot of responses with those in the underworld: some want to worship him, others want him dead, some cant look at him without feeling sick. For some reason the overworlders tend to find him more unsettling and disconcerting. Qlipoth probably has nothing to do with it but Sampo blames qlipoth
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russadler · 3 months
actually wait a damn minute
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now where is mr lawrence SIMS????
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grandmarielaylanen · 8 months
mcd out of context (part 2)
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galaxygermdraws · 4 months
so instead of get back into art after the basic recovery of my surgery, I instead replayed Mario and Luigi Partners in Time…and why does nobody talk about this game?? Hardly ever see it in the Super Mario tag. Like. It’s actually insane how dark it gets. People die. Like actually die. Not as dark as SPM but like we see the dead spirits of Toads get siphoned through tubes. They had their life force sucked out of them via genetically modified trees. Yoshis were eaten by a larger alien Yoshi and were gonna be turned into more alien Yoshis via a factory IN THE GIANT ALIEN YOSHI. We see a town that’s literally just “Christmas is Cancelled” the city. Their mayor probably died. We never see these places restored because there are no survivors to restore them. The citizens of Hollijolli village probably all died by the time the bros shut down the Vim factory. And also there’s the entire scene with the Star Gate. Like. Hello??
maybe I’ll stream or let’s play this game and share it here because I think. More ppl should talk about Partners in Time. I’ll say it too: I like it more than Bowser’s Inside Story. By like a LOT. That’s my ramble for the night. Ttyd day tomorrow. Yippee
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cheswirls · 2 months
rambling here so i do not forget
warring nations have feeble peace treaty cinched with marriage except sabo's sister the bride-to-be to the crown prince dies on their journey to the kingdom, leaving sabo as the only accessible heir and therefore the eventual replacement
meanwhile ace's father's health takes a turn for the worse and he ends up being crowned king just before the arrival of his arranged spouse. he's juggling a million and one tasks he had not quite been prepared to be in charge of at this point in his life and to top it off, the person sent to marry him ends up being a man.
sabo is also in over his head because he'd been traveling as escort really but now he's forced to take the place of his late sister and stay permanently, and also the crown prince she'd been supposed to marry is now the acting king so it's all a giant mess.
arrives at the palace and leaves the carriage when his sister's arrival is announced, then has to explain to the waiting party that no he's not the same person but he can explain and no it isn't a trick or going back on the treaty, so since his traveling party has an audience with the crown why don't they all just go over so he'll only have to explain this once?
ace isn't happy but he's too stressed to see this fall through so he allows sabo to stay. makes a remark about everything for the wedding being thrown out the window so they postpone it for now. lets sabo stay in his chambers for the night bc only a certain amount of rooms had been prepped in advance and obviously none had been for his fiancee.
tentative never met to suddenly married and living in close quarters (shared room etc) relationship.
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namusass · 9 months
i cannot describe how disappointed i am in you all. im watching Ballerina on netflix and i come to tumblr and you're all thirsting after the guy? the guy who is a serial rapist and blackmails women into slavery? why on earth would you go for that when there is SO MUCH SAPPHIC CONTENT??????? do better, im so serious, these gays deserve so much more content. i wanna see so many gifsets, so much fic, these women are GAY and IN LOVE Ok-Ju kills SO MANY DUDES FOR MIN-HEE
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kittenmittenmeowchu · 3 months
It's Fitting For A Coward.
Kafka x reader
Ferocious were what described her. Cruel at her tactics and fearless in her techniques. Despite the crude acts, she remained to be somewhat graceful.
Naturally, witnessing a revolutionary assembly of such would have you jaw dropped and wide-eyed. Watching her stretch her gun and shoot the on-coming guards like pests. The twirly movement of her form was innocent compared to the bloody floor she danced on... it's truly a sight to watch.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
But I'm sure that's not what a dead woman like you should be worrying about. The eyes you're admiring are the last you'll see. Being just another extra, meant to die for no effect in the world. On the bright side dying here is better than alone, at least you'll be recorded as one of the numbers in the news. "The Stellaron Hunters Strikes Again, Killing 1,001 People From The IPC"
You're the last one left. You've watched the bloodbath happen without a shot fired. So just drop your gun, It's no use in protecting yourself, coward. It's only your weak sense and her menacing presence left.
You drop to your knees following the gun. The silence lingered, causing the clacking heels to ripple throughout the room. It stirred the wave of fears, and the tension grew colder even with the hot pools of red.
Catching her attention was easy, she wouldn't leave a witness, would she? Her steps grew close and the gun clicked. She wouldn't.
You close your eyes as the warm touch of the barrel nudged your head. It was at that moment, that your heart thumped louder than ever, your body trembled more than when you faced winter.
Then it paused. Everything stopped. A high-note ring made distinct of it all, but you felt yourself hit the ground.
Your consciousness slipped off, only to rock back from the loud chattering. Your fingers twitch. It feels so soft laying here. I could just sleep easily if it weren't for the nois- Wait a minute...
It came out incoherent at first, but then you register a girl's voice. "...hy in the hell would you bring someone part of that syndicate! A mindless criminal and in fact has low skill in combat- she doesn't look useful" She sounded bothered and annoyed.
A man's voice resounds. "It's not part of the script" He just seemed like he didn't care. Monotonous were what you'd call a voice like his.
"Calm down... I'm not breaking any script here. He never mentioned anything against this." The Woman argued.
"... hmph. just make sure to keep her out of trouble."
Are they talking about me?
The room has grown quiet. Have they noticed?
"We know you're awake dear." The woman spoke aloud, making you blush in embarrassment.
Yep, they have.
Your eyes flew open, awkwardly sitting yourself.
well... this is quite the predicament. The infamous Stellaron Hunters are in front of you... Blade, Silver Wolf, and... The woman you thought was your death, Kafka.
Your eyes roam somewhere else, looking around the place to avoid their eyes. You notice the space was big but filled with metallics, weapons, gaming consoles, and a window behind the couch you're sitting on. Hold up, the window looks like the sky at night...
filled with...
"Space. I am in space..." You mutter to yourself in disbelief.
No that doesn't matter. What truly matters is that you were supposed to die right then and there.
Why, am I here. Why am I alive? I could have sworn she shot me. But I don't remember feeling pain?
The whirlpool of questions has you grabbing your hair tight.
It hurts... So I really am alive.
Your hands loosen as your expression darkens at the sight of her grinning.
"Why... why did you keep me alive."
The silver-haired in the background didn't seem interested and rolled her eyes, she left the room walking out without a word. Shortly after, the tall man followed.
It's only you and her now, just like before.
She stood up from her seat and approached the couch you sat on. Her hand brings weight to the couch, leaning forward so casually, she steals your breath.
And it's brought you to fumble, too shocked to react. But her soft lips lingered for a moment, her eyes were kept open, as if observing you before She pulled away, seemingly with a satisfied grin.
"Perfect, from the looks of it, you won't be complaining if I do more."
It worked, unfortunately. You stared at her, dazed and confused.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
It was just another mission for her, it didn't mean anything when she massacred the entire station. It's a place of trash anyway, a dark syndicate that's fearless in the face of the law because of its power. She expected a smooth sailing end like usual, leaving the best for last.
But she didn't expect to see a good-looking trash! what is this? A golden sack? "Under the name of ▆▆▆▆ Gray. Countless crimes are to be named. recorded to be the highest amongst the others in the station."
"You'll feel good killing this one"
Kafka scoffs a laugh from the memory.
As if. It would be a waste to have this face and body rotten.
but did she die from shock? She passed out when I shot near her head.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Kafka stifles a laugh, a smirk tugging on her lips. "She's pretty cute... I might have more fun with her than I thought."
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alibonbonn · 4 months
Of all mythological characters, Thetis' grief resonates the most with me. The loss of her son is so final, more final than mortals losing each other- mortals might still meet each other in the land of the dead when all comes to pass. Somehow her sorrow feels the most like grieving a loved one who was of a different religion, you know what I mean? Like...we're not going to the same place! and I hope they've made peace with that before their time.
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solazu1 · 3 months
I’ve seen so much shitty ship content in the marble hornets fandom since I’ve joined that I’m starting to get sick of shipping as a whole, ngl. I’m staring hard at the main contenders here, Jaylex, Brim, and Jam. Brilex is another ship I see frequently fucked up a lot too, but yea whatever. I’m not condemning people who get it wrong because I’m not the goddamn messiah of characterization either but there’s gotta be a line to be drawn, right? like with all the absurd vaguely uncensored abused x abuser content associated with jaylex, the uncomfortable brim content where every instance of hoody fucking up Tim's life on **PURPOSE** is ignored for the sake of a cuddle or for the sake of sexualization, THE HEAVY OVER-SEXUALIZATION OF BRILEX, and the fully fleshed out personalities of Tim and Jay being washed away and sacrificed for mischaracterized, stereotypical, romantic interactions that really isn’t something the character would ever do but rather something the author wants them to act out. <- honestly the last bit can be applied to all other ships too! And it isn’t my only gripe with Jam specifically but I feel like my specific criticism on it deserves another post that will probably never come haha.
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just-rainbow-thoughts · 6 months
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See the joke here is that I actually think he’s pretty good at cooking
Shut up it’s still technically the first over here
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