#just a thought I'm having after seeing the anime another time and seeing everyone's fanarts
darthlenaplant · 2 years
Mob and Reigen are Autism and ADHD solidarity
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thelaundrybitch · 10 months
A New Beginning
I found something in my drafts, and I decided to share it.
I wrote this FOREVER ago - So I'm unsure if I will continue with it.
@leosgirl82 was there when it happened. 😁😎🤩🫶🏽💃🏽
And @drowninghell made some fanart for it - Which I will be posting if it's alright with her 🥰😍💖
Tee hee
Anyways. It was something somewhere between "write what you know" and "wicked fucking self-indulgent."
Without further ado...
I give you...
Some Cowabunga 💙❤️💜🧡
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18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Or at least that’s what I tell everyone.
My name is Liz, and I work for OSHA.
You see, after I graduated with an Associate’s in Science for Occupational and Environmental Safety Management, I was offered a job with FED OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration through the federal government - The job of my dreams. So, you can imagine how ecstatic I was when they hired me. 
Everything was great for the first few months - until they brought me in on a top-secret project in New York. They told me they needed a Safety Technician who specialized in humanitarian issues and loved animals. Apparently, they thought I was their girl.
Weird, right?
So, they brought me to this gargantuan underground facility, where I was given my own office with all the latest and greatest technology and safety gadgets - even ones that hadn’t been put on the market yet; It was a fucking dream. One of those ‘too good to be true’ scenarios.
And indeed. It was too good to be true. 
They moved me to Manhattan to be closer to the facility because it was necessary for me to be on call 24/7 - which was totally fine because it was just me. 
And because they paid me WELL.
So, after a few months of puttering around, fixing compliance issues, they decided it was time for me to start in my REAL job position.
“Ms. Bueno, we will be bringing you in today, to help with the major issue we hired you for, initially.”
“Great! I can’t wait to get to work!” I said to the director.
“Good. I’ll be waiting in Section K22. Please meet me down there.”
“The high-security clearance sector?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Yes,” he replied.
I nodded, and he went to walk away but stopped at my office door. “ Oh, and Ms. Bueno?”
“Yes, sir?” I asked.
“Do make sure you use the restroom before you head down. Some of the things you see may be… Shocking,” he told me.
“Certainly, sir,” I said as he turned and left completely this time.
What the actual fuck are they doing down there. 
I met the director at the entrance to K22 - which turned out to be more secure than Fort Knox - and I was handed a white lab coat and some safety glasses by his security detail, which consisted of like seven huge dudes.
“Why are you guys all wearing bullet-proof vests, and I get this?” I asked, shaking the flimsy lab coat between my index finger and thumb.
“They seem to have a soft spot for females,” said ‘Bruce’, according to his name tag.
“Well, Bruce,” I said, unimpressed by his explanation, “OSHA clearly states that whatever PPE or other safety-related articles are donned by personnel going into an area of safety concern, those same articles need to be worn by EVERYONE that enters. Not just the men,” I stated, giving him my best OSHA inspector face. 
“She’s not wrong. Give her a vest for under her lab coat,” said the director.
That’s right. Fuck you, Bruce.
After all of my safety gear was on, they walked me down a long, brightly lit corridor that led to another door. This door could only be opened using iris recognition. 
“Ms. Bueno, what you are about to see, is one of the World’s most highly classified projects. If you tell anyone about this, you and said people will be eliminated.”
“Eliminated?” I choked out through a slightly embarrassing squeak.
“Eliminated. As in loss of life. Death. And you will be expunged - completely erased so no one knows you ever existed. Do you agree to these terms?”
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What in the HELL have I gotten myself into…
“Uh, yes?” I said, making my response sound more like a question.
“I’m not convinced, Ms. Bueno. I need to be very convinced before we go through these doors. It’s a matter of national security.”
“100%, sir. I am absolutely, 100% positive. I swear to these terms, sir,” I told him, feeling my backbone reappear.
“Good. Samuel, we’re ready for entry,” he told the biggest security staff member.
Samuel cocked his gun and stood in front of the door, in the ready position, pointing the gun at it like the zombie apocalypse was about to ensue.
I swallowed nervously.
That’s a fucking lie. I’m about to shit my pants. No wonder he had me go to the bathroom before I came down here.
Anyway, as I’m wishing I had a diaper on, the director leaned in and initiated the iris recognition scan, successfully opening the sealed door. The security detail filed in first.
I followed the director into what looked like a giant laboratory. As we got ready to turn the corner, his security detail fanned out in front of us.
“LET US OUT!” Boomed a deep, raspy voice.
*Adrenaline rush*
“Just sit down. It’s not gonna help,” said another.
“HE NEEDS HELP!” yelled the first voice.
“I know, but they aren’t gonna let us out. And honestly, I don’t even know who could, or would, help him.” came a third voice.
I saw the director from the corner of my eye, turn and look at me as I stood stock-still, looking forward, and waiting to be told that I could proceed.   
He didn’t say anything, so I turned and looked at him, my eyes the size of Jupiter. All pupil.
He nodded once, and I stepped around the corner.
May God strike me dead where I stand, if I’m lying. 
There was a giant reinforced cage, resembling jail cells, holding the fucking Ninja Turtles in them.
I shit you not.
Albeit they were a bit older than we’d seen them in movies, and they looked slightly different, but they were definitely THE Ninja Turtles.
I gathered myself and turned to the director. “What is my job here, sir?” I asked him, completely composed with a straight face.
“Health and Safety,” He said, sadness flashing across his eyes for less than a moment. “We will leave you and let you do what you need to do,” he said, leaving me alone with the caged turtle-men. 
Once I was sure I was alone, I looked around for security cameras. When I'd decided there were none - probably for top-secret and national security reasons - I took off the stupid lab coat, safety glasses, and bulletproof vest and ran to the cages.
“Oh my god, what happened to him?” I asked, squatting down and reaching an arm through the bars to check Donatello’s pulse.
The other three turned and looked at me, confused. 
“Don’t touch him,” Growled the red-banded bara.
“Who are you?” asked Leonardo, putting a hand up in a placating manner, in an attempt to get his brother to back down.
“I’m the lead Health and Safety technician for this project. They hired me six months ago for this project, but this is the first time hearing about all of this,” I said, slightly alarmed by the faintness of Donnie's heartbeat. “Now, please tell me, what happened to him,” I said to Leo, looking him directly in the eyes.
“We don’t know. They sedated him. Heavily. And took him out of the lab. He was gone for two days. He’s been like this since they brought him back,” said Leo, now kneeling in the corner of the cell so he was next to me and his unconscious brother.
“And how long ago did they bring him back?” I asked.
“Maybe three to four hours ago? It’s hard to tell. We’ve been stuck in here forever.”
“Oh God… Is he allergic to anything? Does he have any health issues?” I prodded, my eyebrows furrowed, and my face twisted in clear heartache.
“Uh, no, no. None of us do. I mean, unless you count the fact that we’re overgrown, mutated, humanoid turtles…” He said.
I couldn't help but smirk at him, “No. That’s actually quite normal. This is New York, after all.” 
Mikey huffed a stifled giggle from beside me, now standing the closest he could get to us, in his own cage.
As I started to stand up, Leo stuck his hand through the bars and grabbed my wrist. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, which were filled with sorrow and hope. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t even done anything,” I told him softly.
“Yea, but you’re going to - I can see the genuine worry on your face,” he said, my face heating up as he pulled me closer to his cage to get a better look at me.
“I need to go look through the files over by the entry door,” I whispered to him. “I need to see what they were doing to him, so I can help him.”
Leo released my wrist and wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn’t even realize I was crying. 
“I’m Leo,” he introduced himself.
“I know who you guys are. You’re kinda my childhood heroes,” I confessed, looking down.
“Thank God,” huffed Raphael, visibly relaxing.
“You’re actually gonna help us then?” asked Mikey from behind me.
I turned and looked at the orange-clad turtle, “Yes, of course.”
I turned back to Leo and leaned in closer to him so he could hear me whisper...
“I don’t know how, but I promise, I’ll help you get out of here.” 
Enjoying my work? Find my Master list HERE
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@leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @eveandtheturtles @m1dnyt3-w0lf @raphsmuneca @tmnt-tychou @snackugaki @scholastic-dragon @miss-andromeda @happymoonangel @drowninghell @raphslovemuffin80 @chicchanmooshy @xanadu-702 @pheradream-15 @jurikyu-blog @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @meowph-132 @shakeyourtrees @iheartchv @fluffytriceratops @fyreball66 @memes-in-a-half-shell @t-annuki @waterstar2016 @symmetricalkazekage @androidships007 @tinkabelle19
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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useyernamesteven · 2 years
Seen some wolfpup!Enid fanart and I'm in love! And soft!Wednesday? I do declare!
. . .
So Wednesday's out late one full moon, looking for leads on the new murder cases but so far its been difficult and more stressful than she'd like. She decides to head back to the dorms for the evening and turn in for the night, or possibly rope Enid into another "friendly" debate about the bloody history between vampires and werewolves
(Last time had seen Enid practically rabid, claws out and fangs bared, as she tried to convince Wednesday that werewolves won the Wilds of Transylvania back in 1389 fair and square. Wednesday had been so amused by her roommates rage, she'd almost cracked a smile.)
With the prospects of another riveting argument awaiting, Wednesday walks into her room and sees... well, not Enid. There's brightly stuffed animals strewn about like bodies in a massacre, Yoko and Divina are in the center of the room looking decidedly frazzled and panting, a body she presumes belongs to Ajax is on the floor and half under Enid's bed, while Bianca lounges on top of it playing with Wednesday's butterfly knife. And Enid is no where to be seen.
At first, Wednesday's incredibly annoyed bcuz, well, people. And worse its people in her room; not that she has any particular qualms when Enid invites her friends over--Enid insists they're Wednesday's friends too, and well, perhaps they are the most tolerable lot she's met at this school--but she would have liked to have been informed of such a social gathering prior to her arrival (so that she could avoid it).
But then her presence is noted by Bianca with a "oh good, you're finally here", which catches Yoko's attention who turns to the door with a exasperated "Wednesday help!" just as Divina wheezes out "close the door! don't let her out!" And Wednesday has all of two seconds to be confused before she hears Ajax give a cry from under the bed as something fast and furry darts out from beneath it. Instinct has her closing the door just in time for the creature to slam headfirst into the wood.
Its a wolf. A rather small one actually. A puppy essentially. With light fur and ears too big for its head and a set of scratches on the left side of its face-
Its Enid. It registers for Wednesday, as the wolfpup shakes its head and looks up at her with big dopey eyes and its tongue lolling out and tail a blur behind her, that this is indeed her roommate.
Wednesday turns to Yoko with a hard glare. "Explain."
And she does: Enid didn't want to spend another full moon without wolfing out again, the others offered to help her out, borrowed Goodie-now-Wednesday's book of spells, tried a transformation spell, and well...
Wednesday has 3 aneurysms during Yoko's explanation, all while the pup-Enid shreds one of her numerous stuffed animals at her feet. She presents the head of one of the bears to Wednesday, looking very proud of herself, and Wednesday kicks it away out of frustration, but it only seems to instigate more play as Enid chases after it.
"We can't change her back so we were hoping you'd know how to..." Divina adds, jumping behind Yoko when Wednesday's attention snaps back to them menacingly. Bianca snickers from Enid's side of the room, not even fazed as Wednesday glares at her as well.
After threatening, scolding, and some more threatening, Wednesday kicks everyone out so that they don't get caught by the new dorm mother and so she can conduct her research in peace. Or semi-peace. If Wednesday thought Enid's antics were obnoxious as a human, as a puppy she's an absolute terror. She's constantly yapping, destroying her plushies, and chewing every shoe she can sink her fangs into. Thankfully, she takes to chasing Thing around the room for a solid ten minutes before she flops to the ground at Wednesday's feet beneath her desk, sound asleep.
Wednesday spends a few hours looking through Goodie's spellbook but to no avail. There is no counterspell to the transformation written within, so she resigns to try the Nightshade library first thing in the morning and if that fails, summon her parents and have them send over anything useful from the Addam's Family Archives.
She gets into bed, hitting the light as she goes, tired to the point that her eyes are already closing as her head hits the pillow-
Only to fly open as Enid starts whining. And when Wednesday flips the light and looks over the side of her bed, Enid's there with floppy ears and a pitiful expression. And Wednesday knows exactly what she's doing, what she wants, and there is no way in hell. She shushes Enid, shoos her to the other side of the room, flips the light again, and rolls back over to get uncomfortable enough to sleep...
And Enid starts whining again. Louder this time. Scratching at Wednesday's bedpost for added measure.
And look, any other time and any other day, Wednesday would have kept up the routine until Enid gave in and curled up somewhere on her side of the room. But Wednesday is stressed, and Wednesday is tired, and Wednesday is willing just. this. once.
So she sighs, rolls over, grabs Enid's scruff and pulls her up. Enid's tail won't stop whacking the bedspread and she won't stop wiggling, even managing to lick Wednesday's chin before Wednesday pushes her to rest by her feet, threatening her death if she dares try it again or so much as moves from her spot. Enid curls up into a small lump with her nose pressed against Wednesday's shin and Wednesday finally reclines back and lets sleep consume her.
She wakes up the next morning oddly warm with something solid pressed against her side. And its only when she opens her eyes does she realizes she's rolled in her sleep and is now curled up on her side with a hand resting in Enid's fur as the wolfpup/roommate snoozes away beside her.
And look, its early, Wednesday is still tired, and Enid is still a nuisance, but as Wednesday's fingers brush through incredibly soft fur and Enid gives a small snuffle in her sleep, Wednesday could almost swear that she smiled.
(Just puppy!Enid antics would be too cute and she'd drive Wednesday up the freaking wall until she could turn her back to normal)
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random-conspiracy · 1 year
Blorbos (I guess?)
(Here's the thing, I have 5 minutes before I have to go back to drawing architecture plans. Don't tell anything to the Administrative-High-Secretary part of my mind.)
Time ago I did not have something as a favorite character beyond some guys I liked, but nothing more. Then Tumblr made some silly brainwashing shenanigans (blorbo) and this is the list updated to this exact moment:
Karkat Vantas (Homestuck [As if the clarifications were necessary])
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Daniel James Fenton/Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Evelyn Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once)
The Warden (Superjail)
Perseus Jackson (Percy Jackson & The Olympians)
You can bet your ass I'm completely forgetting someone. I'm pretty sure of that. I constantly have to remind myself of writting down my favorite movies/series/books/music/etc because I'm one disco night of completely forget who the fuck I am.
Everyone of these pieces of shit are crucial puzzle pieces in the way I think of myself and the world. (Ok, that sounds waaaaaaaaaay deeper than it actually is, but whatever).
Karkat Vantas: God damn it. I mean. How not to love him. He's so brave and silly and crazy and mean and full of love for his friends and full of hate for everything. When I think about "putting blorbo in situations" he's the one because is so fucking funny. I want to push him in a washing machine (full cycle) and then give him a party. About fanart, I specially like the ones where he's smiling. After the chaos Homestuck was and even before with Alternia's death traps, I really (REALLY) want him to be happy. And here me out, I'm aromantic so I don't really relate a lot with romantic crushes and stuff BUT that stupid animation of him hate-falling for Egbert broke my heart. The music, the MUSIC!!!. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. (However, Dave Strider is another cool dude, and seeing them together is the only thing that still makes me want a romantic relationship).
Harry Du Bois: I like to think about Karkat when I need comfort in my life, but the real deal in that place is for Harry. During the game I was so attached to him that when I found out about the hobocop (sleep outside, specially the trash bin thing), I was pretty sure I was going to cry if that happened. Harry is hilarious and I love him. Is a fucking mess and the most sad wet pathetic cat (I don't care about Vriska). I tried to make the best person out of Harry. Be kind, be gentle. Go to sleep and don't abuse drugs, caring for himself and for others. "You can live Harry!" I used to whisper. Now, when I find myself at 3:00 am feeling empty, drinking unhealthy dosis of coffee and energy drinks, without having taken a bath in a week I think of him. And I cry.
Daniel James Fenton/Danny Phantom: This one is slightly creepy. When I was a boy I used to have very non-traumatic thoughts like "what would happen if I died?", "would someone care?". I used to imagine myself as a ghost wandering through my funeral. And OH BOY! You can bet your ass I used to think about Danny too. Not quite dead, not quite alive. And turns out I wasn't the only one! Hahaha. A quick check of the #Corpse AU tag and holy shit. The Phandom is doing horrible things to this kid and I'm here for that. I don't have those thoughts anymore (at least not that recurrently). I like his silliness, and specially, the theme of identity. Have you ever imagined what it must be like to hold your own skull? Visit your own grave? He's the one I make suffer the most (as a way to process my own dark thoughts), hahaha, but as the others, I imagine for him a happy life. (Even if your corpse is rotting in Amity's forest).
Evelyn Wang: Until last year, I did not have a favorite movie either. That changed after 10 minutes of EEAAO. I have watched this movie at least 50 times just in the following 3 months and I cry every time. If I told you about Evelyn, what should I tell you? I love how she's a little of shit at the beggining. And I look through her eyes, wondering "what if?". I'm in my 20's but everything seems so possible. Being an architect, devouring the world, dying in a traffic accident. Everything is happening at the same time and I feel that I'm falling behind. Her journey is finding the empathy that she lacked to embrace her life. Glimpses of other worlds. A buffet of possibilities and choices. Full of inconditional love. You can look at my cover photo: Is Rock Evelyn, and her phrase "There are no rules" will forever be in my heart (and hopefully, in my skin this year). She made me want to live. (Oh my god, I'm about to cry again). And, as a extra. I know the DMS-V ADHD syptoms from memory and watching the movie was like playing bingo. I'm sorry Percy, but EVELYN? Girl, you don't have ADHD. You ARE the ADHD!
The Warden: He may be the one I care the least, in a intimate sense. BUT JESUS CHRIST!!! The energy this goof has is obnoxious. Fire, hell and rainbows. Oh boy! OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!! (And the mannerisms god lord. I want to steal his gender)
Percy Jackson: And finally, the first character I had a deep relationship with. I mean, I never was sooooo into him. He made me realize that MAYBE I wasn't what we call "straight" hashahsha. (I feel you Nico). Another goof you may say, but I really like the way the prophecy is handled about him , like the gallow of his own death. I don't have something particular for heroes, but he was a very important part of my life (the books in general) when I was a kid. I used to felt them as a part of myself in a way that I usually slept hugging them. I refused for a long time to read the last chapter of The Last Hero because that would be like throwing the last shovel of dirt in the grave of a childhood friend. Because that's what he's to me.
All these people are idiots, have menatl issues and need a hug. What else can I tell you? Probably before I see the last movie of Spiderverse, The Spot may be here too. But probably more related to The Warden than the others.
I guess you can learn more about what type of guy I am through these characters and my relationship with them. [Thx for reading]. (I'd love to learn about yours too).
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(That's it baby! Front view picures! Everyone! Smile for the photo! [They're so done ahshahs])
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I asked my youngest sibling, @galacticnbinspace , to name people in the Dream SMP as well as in Hermitcraft (not including Pearl and Gem)
Here are the results...
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Feel free to reblog with your favorites!
(I have a personal fondness for Wilbur being called Plain Ass and Keralis being called Your Face When You See Your Friend MURDER)
So you guys don't have to struggle with my bad handwriting and get some bonus commentary, here's a list of everyone's new names in order, going down each column, left to right under the cut
Dream - Dream (OFC) [The first of the DSMP people my sibling will recognize on this page]
George - Wilbur Soot 2.0 [Xey were very adamant that George looks more interesting than actual Wilbur does lol]
Sapnap - Dan [Fae had no further comments besides that he looks like a Dan]
Callahan - Pancake Cookie [.... Voi isn't wrong, he does look a little like Pancake Cookie from Cookie Run Ovenbreak]
Sam - King Gavin Free [They remembered that Gavin from Achievement Hunter uses a Creeper Skin so they associated Sam with Gavin during his King Gavin Let's Play]
Alyssa - Scene girl that I went to school with [Valid, have a nice day]
Ponk - Wrestler? [I can see where xey were getting those vibes, apparently Ponk's mask made xem think of a Luchadore mask]
Bad - BadBoyHalo [Another of the DSMP members that fae recognized!]
Tommy - Tommy [Two in a row!]
Fundy - JoJo Fox (Xey know he is Fundy but lol) [Voi knows that his name is Fundy and that he is trans fox lad, but they thought that calling him a JoJo Fox was too funny to pass up lol]
Punz & Purpled - Twins? [They know what's up! They know what's up!]
Wilbur - Plain Ass [Xey looked me dead in the eyes as xey said this btw. No emotion. Just deadpan seriousness. Nothing but Plain Ass Motherfucker.]
Schlatt - Schlatt [Fae has watched the How Bad Can I Be animatic a lot so fae can recognize him pretty easily]
Skeppy - Knock-Off Charlie [Voi was a bit miffed that Charlie's skin doesn't actually make him look like a slime person]
Eret - Knock-Off Techno [Ouch. Brutal. I'm sorry Queen. But they have a point...]
Jack and Niki - More Scene Kids [Valid, have a nice day!]
Mexican Dream - Mexican Dream (They thought Italian Dream at first until I pointed out that that was the wrong flag and corrected xemself once I informed xem that he's supposed to be the Mexican flag)
Karl - Art Student [... No comment...]
HBomb - Wannabe Pirate [It's the headband and the coat]
Techno - Techno [BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!]
Antfrost - Naked Furry [Fae died laughing when I told faem that this was the DSMP person that I asked if their name was a viable Warriors Cat name... For the record, fae told me yes, Antfrost is a viable Warriors Cat name.]
Phil - Philza [There were many jokes made about him being a weeb lol]
Connor - Sanic [Because he is not Sonic truly, he is knock-off Sonic]
Puffy - Another Art Student [Fair enough...]
Vik - Discount Steve [When your mom says that you have Steve at home /j]
Ranboo - Ranboo [We joke that voi is a Ranboo kinnie since voi is taller than most of the people in our family and voi loves Hawaiian shirts and the like]
Foolish - Foolish [I think they memorized his skin from all the times I shoved fanart in their face screaming about how people make amazing designs from that blob lol]
Hannah - Thot (Affectionate) [She has those thigh highs which means she's a thot but she's adorable so affectionately a thot]
Charlie - Charlie [After the Skeppy fake-out xey were disappointed in his plain design but said it was still better than Wilbur]
Lazar - Ginger Brave [okay at least he looks like an actual Cookie Run character right?]
Quackity - :) [Voi says that Quackity and Dream should change emoji smilies so that Dream is :] and Quackity is :) because of how their smiles on their skins look]
Tubbo - Tubbo [only guessed him by process of elimination RIP]
Bdubs - Terrifying Anime Steve [The big eyes scared them!]
Beef - A Man™ (Xey were annoyed that his skin is so plain and that there were a bunch of other fairly plain skins amongst the Hermits too)
Cleo - Modern Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) [Cleo does look like Sally ngl!!]
Cub - Appropriating for Science [fae was all squinty at Cub wearing a Pharoh outfit but gave me that response so I guess that's a win???]
Doc - Another one of you fucks!? [the context for this is that out of three groups of YouTubers that do Minecraft videos, I always seem to get attached to the ones with Creeper skins first so this was voi calling me out on my Creeper obsession lol]
Etho - Kakashi (Weeb 2.0) [Philza is obviously Weeb 1.0 lol]
False - Steampunk Scene Kid [Yeah she's got the vibes...]
Grian - Another Plain Man™ [they threw up their arms and was all "OFC! He did!" when I told them that Wilbur got inspired by Grian's skin when making his own]
Hypno - Solid Snake [Can't really argue that my dudes]
Impulse - Why are there so many Plain Men™?? [Yeah Impulse is kinda plain compared to a bunch of the others ngl]
Iskall - Duke Nukem [Honestly I have no words. Xey are correct.]
Jevin - Slime Boy :) [What it says on the tin my dudes]
Joe - Scene Phase Steve [I wanna apologize for voi but voi isn't wrong at all lol]
Keralis - Your face when you see your friend MURDER [I mean... Again... Not wrong...]
Mumbo - Geoff Ramsey??? [I used to draw FAHC Geoff in a suit with a curly moustache so they thought that was what Mumbo's skin is lol]
Ren - Vampire Steve [Not far off the mark if you like to subscribe to Werewolf Ren headcanon]
Scar - Clown Steve [........ No comment......]
Stress - Pastel Girl :) [appropriately menacing imo]
TFC - If I see one more Plain Man™, I swear to God-! [Yeah it's kinda plain but that's our Minecraft Grandpa! We go easy on him!]
Wels - A nice Lad! [Knights are always welcome in our household!]
xB - GODDAMMIT [Arguably the plainest of the Plain Men™ after Grian, xB kinda had this coming tbh]
Xisuma - Doom Bee [Initially Master Bee until I pointed out that this was a Doom Guy skin not a Master Chief Skin. We agreed that Doom Bee has a better ring to it lol]
Zedaph - Superhero? [Xey joked about him being Wonder Woman until I told xem that his name is Wormman and xey were all "Ahhhh that explains the pink and the W..."]
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ut-poppy-askblog · 3 years
The Future of Omega Timeline: Poppy's Story
I am writing this way in advance, I have finished animating all of the main cutscenes, and I'm mainly working on the music for the "Act 1 Finale", as I write. I wanted to write this to talk about the fact I even got to this point at all, and what comes next for this project.
For starters, like most usually say when they reach a milestone such as this, I never thought this project would reach this many people.
I started this project with the mindset that no one was gonna really pay attention to it. The concept has always been pretty niche, so I was mostly doing it for myself. ... And yet, two years later, the blog is nearing 900 followers.
I'd like to thank everyone that has stuck by these two years, seen the asks, read the story, done fanart for the AU...
... Of course, let's not forget to thank all of my lovely friends and team members (Dihze, Lolika, Doku, Cap'n Toad, Tyrone, AJ, Cerulean, SKL, Mrky) that helped me throughout this whole thing. This would have never been possible without them.
... I cannot stress this enough, really.
Half of the fun of working on Poppy, for me, is always the back and forth between me and my friends. Talking about hypothetical plot points, how characters would answer asks, how they'd feel about other characters, or the OT should look or sound— that is and will always be what brings me the most joy about working on a project like this.
Not to mention all the friends that I've made through working on Poppy. Jakei, Yugo, poody_blue, Cerulean, blaize.mayes, and so many more I can name off the top of my head that have influenced Poppy to become much bigger than I originally intended.
Even though I will be the first to say that this AU is not perfect, and really, it never will.... It has reached so many people and inspired others, even brought more attention to the Omega Timeline itself, that I am honestly glad it exists as it is.
Originally, I was planning to do just like, 5 sprite comics and end it in less than a year. But now I've made 3 sprite based animations, totaling around 20 minutes, and many comic pages, a 30 long original soundtrack, and the blog has almost reached 900 followers.
It's hard to believe I did all of that, even if I had a lot of help along the way.
Regardless of how reception turns out (I'm still quite unsure on how people are going to feel about it...), it's honestly a huge thing for someone like me to have reached this point.
If you don't know my history with the Undertale community, I don't tend to finish or see through most of my projects.
But now that I've finished this video, I feel I am confident enough with saying that I am going to see this project through, one way or another.
Regardless, I figure people are going to have questions After the finale is out. I've lined up some of the ones I can think off the top of my head:
"Is the blog over?"
No, not yet, obviously. It's why it's called the "Act 1 Finale". There will be more in the future.
"How many acts will there be?"
3. What the other two are like, I cannot tell you, but we have a promising outline.
"What will happen to Poppy and the rest?"
All in due time. Did you read the ask above?
"What about Poppy Buys Milk?"
Like I've said before, the game is going to happen. It canonically takes place before the events of act 1 finale, specifically before "Happy Birthday, Mon" (Present), so most of the characters are unaware of what befalls them later.
"Are there plans to redo the act 1 things?"
Only the Dusted and Poppy spar. That is genuinely the only comic I'd like to remake in some fashion. It's bad and dumb.
As for more scenarios that ocurr during Act 1's time, though, I have no comments yet.
"When will character asks return?"
Once Act 2 starts. But that will take a bit to get it out.
To make up for it, though, I will likely be posting scrapped concepts, concept art, unused or old music, and story drafts, so I hope that'll hold everyone over until we can start.
... That's all for now. Again, huge thanks to everyone for sticking around and checking this little blog. If anyone has any Omega Timeline and otherwise out of character questions, you can send them here. (I've cleared out the ask box, so I'll be able to catch them more easily).
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mackjlee9 · 3 years
Corpse x Deaf!Male!Reader [Fluff]
Every singe day, (M/n) would wake up and read all the things out there about his boyfriend, also known as Corpse Husband. He didn't had an actual reason to feel jealous with every CorpsexSykkuno edits or drawing that were out there for the world to see, but whenever a fanart quoted something that either of them had said about each other, something in his chest would burn, putting pressure onto him, and he would have a hard time calming down.
But then he would remembered how much of a good person Sykkuno and everyone else Corpse played with is, and he would feel guilty for getting jealous like that. So he decided to ask Corpse a favor.
He took a deep breath, put his phone down and look towards his boyfriend, who was sitting next to him, watching anime in his laptop. (M/n) tapped his shoulder a few times, and the curly haired male paused the episode, taking off his headphones and looking at him with a curious look in his eyes.
"What's wrong?" He said slowly for (M/n) to understand him, and he felt his hands shaking slightly, so he took another deep, shaky breath.
"Can I play..." he swallowed and thought carefully about what he wanted to say, "Among us w-with you and... your friends...?" He asked barely above a whisper, feeling extremely nervous, and worrying if he said anything wrong.
(M/n) became deaf after an accident where one of his friends was driving drunk, they were going home back from a party and all of them were wasted. He doesn't remember much, but he had the lightest injuries, because the friend that was driving died, while the other one couldn't walk anymore. The doctors told him that he was lucky, but he didn't felt like that, he was the one that invited them to that party and... one of them was gone while the other one didn't wanted anything to do with him again.
All of those things significantly dropped his self-steem, and he was in a place that he doesn't like to remember anymore, when one day, going outside with his sign language teacher, he met Corpse, who two years later, became his boyfriend and biggest support.
Corpse learned sign language just for him, after he told him he felt insecure about his voice, mainly because he couldn't hear it anymore and was scared he would be talking too loud, and Corpse understood that, respected his decision and later helped him over come his insecurities.
But, coming back to the present, Corpse touched his face gently, stroking his cheek with his thumb, and slowly asked him.
"Are you sure about that, (M/n)? I would be there helping you but... it'll be difficult." (M/n) thought for a second and then a sweet smile appeared on his face. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on Corpse's lips, pressing their foreheads together.
"I want to... m-meet your friends... th-they helped you so-so much too and... I-I'm really grateful for that." Corpse felt his heart flutter, and he felt like he could cry at any moment, but instead, he smiled and kissed him back.
"Okay, let me text them real quick."
While Corpse was busy contacting his YouTube friends, asking if they were free to play among us with someone special from him, (M/n) took his time to mentalize himself, give himself courage and confidence.
Corpse explained everyone that he just wanted to play for a bit, without streaming or anything, just chill for a while. Most of them agreed, and they got ready to spend a fun time together, kind of curious about this 'special someone' that Corpse talked about.
His brown eyes turned from his phone screen to his boyfriend, who was nervously preparing himself mentally to face this challenge. It made Corpse smile as he leaned closer and held his chin sweetly, turning his face towards him, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
"I'll be there for you, baby," he read Corpse's lips, blushing hard a few seconds later, and hiding his face in his hands. The curly haired male laughed at the male's adorable behavior, and helped him get up from the couch.
They walked into their room, and Corpse helped (M/n) set up his discord and the game, before leaving to his own recording room, promising him that he'll help him get comfortable.
(M/n) practiced a bit, playing in public lobbies with random people, and he somehow relaxed quite quickly.
He glanced at his discord set up in his laptop, and he saw that Corpse was talking to him, telling him that everybody was already in the game, and in the call, so he sent an invite link. He clicked it and he saw a lot of messages on the screen, along with what seemed to be the code in the chat, he typed it and got in.
Corpse was talking to him again, and he saw that he had his webcam on, so (M/n) could see him -he turned his on as well-, he was signing to him that they were just talking about whatever and it wasn't important, and for now, he'll introduce him to everyone else.
But before he did, Corpse looked seriously into his eyes, before signing with his hands again.
'Do you want me to tell them?' (M/n) instantly knew what he meant, and he nodded slowly, they had to know either way, it would be awkward if they didn't knew.
And so, Corpse introduced (M/n) to everyone, telling them that he's deaf so it'll take him some time to get used to things. Corpse signed to him what their responses were, and (M/n) smiled, knowing that they were very understandable of his situation.
And they played some among us together.
It wasn't after a while that (M/n) got comfortable with them, talking in chat and using his voice without insecurities, always staring at Corpse as he signed the responses he couldn't hear.
That was when, already knowing that a lot of people do, (M/n) started to flirt with Corpse openly, not even caring if he wasn't muted or everyone else was able to hear him, he just wanted to see Corpse's reaction to his voice, blushing profusely as he couldn't find any kind of response, and everyone seemed to enjoy listening how flustered Corpse got because of (M/n).
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ae0nx · 3 years
Wow. We're actually here... I really don't know what to say about this episode besides everyone is so cute! I'm not even sure if I have much to say that's 'deep' really, so join me in basically pointing out everything that was cute and a moment of the tiniest grain of salt lol
- Love that Kyo and Tohru's date was chaperoned by Uo and Hana aka Tohru's adoptive parents. Quite rightfully, I'd say lol
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Super cute! The moment where the other cat just didn't even notice Kyo was quite sad but this moment was nice to just put a metaphorical plaster on the scratch. Goodbye's are sad but exciting.
- 'Sure you're dumb, but you're a good guy that's hard to hate' my feelings about Kyo as a character in one sentence 😂
- Kyo realising that love means basically loving and accepting not only who they are now but who they were before and who they are in the future is super mature! I keep saying this... this is one of the most emotionally mature manga/anime in recent history.
- Kakeru going to uni because everyone keeps bugging him to go is... relatable (don't go art school!)
- Lol I love Kyo's intro in the show, all that shonen anime energy
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🥰! I do wish we got more time with them in the anime. It's really cute that they're still going to stay together despite the distance and that Yuki is brave enough to go far away and have new experiences even though he has a huge attachment at home.
Also, Yuki's style has kinda changed! I don't think I've seen him wear something so casual and relaxed. It's nice :)
- Lol Ritsu and Mitsuru celebrating Shigure giving up his writing career like:
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And Kagura being defiant that Tohru and Kyo will make it - so cute. Everyone is so cute!
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Hiro and Kisa gave me hella Sakura and Syaoran vibes this episode but I still stand by them being a mini version of Tohru and Kyo :3
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Ok... so... honestly... same? I really wish that we got more of a redemption tour for Akito at the end of this anime because the fact that Isuzu is the only one who holds some resentment for Akito after everything feels a bit... unrealistic. (Please don't tell me to read Fruits Basket Another or to re-read the Fruits Basket manga - partially because I already plan to - but also because I'm judging the anime as it's own entity.)
It's unfortunate because the story has been really great at showing how change is gradual and a work in process for most of its characters. And considering the gravity of Akito's actions, I feel like the audience deserved a bit more of a look into how Akito is working to change instead of her being immediately a completely different person. It's why I kinda wonder how much of an effect the curse had on Akito's personality and just her as a person. I would've accepted it if the anime ended on Akito still being awful in some ways but learning to be better in others...
It feels just a little disjointed... that's all.
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Akito looked cute this episode and her and Shigure were kinda adorable.
- wait... ARE KAZUMA AND HANA ACTUALLY GONNA BE A THING?!?! I mean, it's super cute but... er....
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- I love that Aya sees maid outfits as an essential part of a care package. Of course.
- Mayu and Hatori making plans to travel together is super cute and yes, the thought of Hatori in beach wear and sandals is kinda hilarious. Is there fanart of this yet? 😂Them poking fun at each other was nice and easy and super cute. supercutesupercutesupercute, how many times am I gonna say that this recap
- I hope Yuki and Kyo become closer friends in the future :3
- Yuki and Tohru moments always make me cry more than Kyo and Tohru moments (despite me being an avid kyoru shipper) and this was a hell of a goodbye speech. It's just so nice that every conversation that the zodiac have with each other during this episode, Tohru is brought up and it just shows how impactful she's been and how much they all love her. I wish we got a clip of their goodbye party!
- FLASHFORWARD!!! Of course, Kyo's son just looks like Kyo lol. Of course, Kyo's son's daughter just looks like Tohru hahaha. Still cute. supercute.
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Let's stay together, always 🎶☺️
Speaking of...
Again - Beverly (Season 1, Opening 1)
Home - Toki Asako (Season 2, Opening 2)
2001 Opening
Prism (Season 2, Opening 1)
Chime - Ai Otsuka (Season 1, Opening 2)
Warps Up - Pleasure (Season 3)
Lucky Ending (Season 1, Opening 1)
2001 Ending (THOSE STRINGS!! 🎻)
Eden (Season 2, Opening 2)
Genic - Haru Urara (Season 3)
The Charm (Season 2, Opening 1)
One Step Closer (Season 1, Opening 2)
Ah... I don't know how to end this really. It's been such a joy to revisit this anime and be involved in the fandom and finally get to see the whole story animated! I feel like I've weirdly learnt a lot about myself as well as learning a lot more about the intricacies of the story.
Thanks to the followers I've gained through making these recaps and thanks to people who actually entertained my ramblings and liked them lol.
I honestly don't know if I'll keep making recaps like this for anything else... I made one on the Digimon: Last Evolution that you can check out here
And when I'm not watching and rambling about stories, I'm creating a webcomic about queer modern day pirates which you can check out here! And I create fan art and illustrations here. With a patreon right here... I am the starving artist stereotype lol
But otherwise, thanks for reading! I'll probably forget I said something and post again but for now...
See you soon!
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shinahbee · 3 years
December favorites 2020!
 So we have finally reached another year happy 2021! let's all hope this year will be kind to us, as I have mentioned in my previous favorites post, I finished my work term and now will be working on my art more
so please look out for more art coming soon!
also this maybe a little too early to think of but I was thinking of opening an etsy store to sells stickers/ keychains, this was a project that was on my mind for many years actually, but I have never really considered starting it
Please let me know if any of you would be interested if I do start one.
I would also like some ideas as to what type of characters from what show would you like to see merchandise from. I know there are some franchises that are not well known and most people wouldn’t be able to find so much as a fanart of that particular character/show
so if you could all let me know what you’d like to see in the shop I will highly consider it, with that being said I don't have any anime recs this month, mainly cause I was very busy in the month of December and have not watched any dramas or anime in a while,
so just a heads up, that part will not be included this month. The only thing I was watching is bunch of end of the year award shows, so like the drama awards and melon music awards and MAMA awards...haha that seems really boring to discuss so i'll skip that.
My friend and I were discussing and thought that they should rename these music awards as the BTS awards because they won so many lol.
 This section of the favorites is on fire! you don’t even know how far deep the rabbit hole i`ve dug myself into.
I finally was able to save my progress and crawl back up to list a few of my favorites/ updates of the old favorites and a special segment to ones that triggered a raging response due to utter frustration
Let’s start with a review of the manhwa I have read and discussed so far
 1) Whose baby is it? (ongoing)
2) Social temperature (ongoing)
3) Salad days (ongoing)
4) To be or not to be (ongoing)
5) Path to you (completed)
6) Here u are (completed)
7) BJ alex (completed)
8) No way, vampires don't exist (ongoing)
 so some updates on the previous ones that I have listed out so far, with the exception of the completed ones.
 1) Who's baby is it? ; last time I read up to chapter 72 and now they have up to chapter 126 and I have to say so much more has happened in terms of story and relationship development and I especially love the development between
yi yun and his relationship with jinyao, they are acting more and more like a married couple without even knowing it. You see a gradual change within the two of them that shifts from being very comfortably being able to talk about their problems to one another to
physical touches that would make them  both nervous, I don't mean physical in a sexual way...it's not at that point yet, it's just holding hands and being near each other makes them, nervous and as an audience I felt that nervous energy
and it makes as the audience appreciate the development even if it is slow, it becomes more realistic over time.
Needless to say, I am still a giant fan girl of this author and her story and I can't wait to see this week’s chapter
 2) social temp; I said that I have read the novel so I pretty much knows what happened in the new chapters that were just out, this manhwa is updating a little slow so I have to wait to really comment
When they go further, there is a scene soon that will be the turning point of their relationship so I am excited to see that in the manhwa
 3) salad days; There is also a slow development here as well in terms of relationship building, so far they are working on their careers as professionals and dealing with bullying and jealousy from their peers
But it's all part of life so I appreciate that the author included these aspects as an important part of the story and not just focusing on romance alone.
 4) To be or not to be; you'd think a person who had studied Chinese for 8 years would be able to read the raws....nope,LOL
So far the story is going into a good direction so I'm hoping to see how this new development will play out in their relationship
 5) no way vampires don't exist; I have and fanart and long post dedicated to this alone, so please refer to those for more details. I am happy this is updating again and hopefully all of it will be translated in no time for others to enjoy
Welcome to heaven
Okay so that is all for the old ones that I have read, I will include updates throughout my favorites now and then if it is still ongoing.
now let's look at some new ones that I have found this month, these are just a few of the ones I selected out to talk about, but I have read much more as I have said and these were the ones that were the most memorable
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 1) Unintentional love story- "Wonyoung gets unjustly suspended from work after getting caught up in a corruption scandal. But when he accidentally discovers the chairman's favorite artist Yoon Taejun living under an alias, he is tasked with a tricky new mission. Could this be Wonyoung's chance to get his job back?"
 This is the summary from the licensed lezhin website, and it pretty much sums up the story, it is still ongoing right now so I can only comment on how I feel about it so far.
I really like this story its really straight forward and focuses mainly on the two characters and how their relationship went from business partners to eventual lovers
it has minimal drama and works on moving the relationship buildup between the two main characters and I really appreciate that, it makes me less frustrated, since you know there is always that one a-hole that will never take no for an answer
i will discuss that later for the other ones I plan to discuss. But so far the story is straight forward and cute, and I really like wonyoung he is really adorable. This is a manhwa but not in the form of a webtoon, so it's black and white and read in traditional manga style
if you like a straight forward story and development please give this a read, you will enjoy it.
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 2) Karasugaoka Don't Be Shy!! - "Sou Izuhara, the leader of the crime prevention group "VOICE" that protects east Karasugaoka, realizes he's in love with the man he keeps butting heads with and leader of the rival group "Karasukai," Tetsuji Shinba...!?"
 omg finally a manga recommendation? lol. you have no idea how much trouble I had remembering the title of this manga, I didn’t save it into my bookmarks and I usually did that if I was going to talk about it in the favorites.
I went through 5 websites to figure out the name but at least it was found. This story is both comedic and cute and it was a perfect break from the dark stuff I have been reading, I don't believe it has been updated in while so I'm not sure if it will ever be picked up
but there is a decent amount of chapters to get started on. But as the description says that it is a story about two crime prevention group leaders, they look like thugs but they prevent crimes from happening, so like an anti bullying campaign that recruits volunteers. two of the leaders from the largest groups apparently doesn’t get a long
on the surface but one of the leaders Izuhara really in fact admires the other leader Shinba. they start to get along after shiba went to izuharas territory to take care of some suspicious activity on that side and accidentally discovers a whole new side to izuhara due to the fact that he wasn’t wearing his glasses and didn’t know he was talking to shinba
and invited him to hang out together for that day. lol. You probably know the direction this is heading; it all starts from interest in a person right?
anways, I never recommended a  manga yet so this would be a good one to read,it has a balance of a good romantic comedy.  
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 3) Semantic Error- "Computer science major Chu Sangwoo is the epitome of an inflexible and strict rule-abiding person. While working on a liberal arts group project with freeloaders who don’t put in any effort, Sangwoo reasonably decides to remove their names from the final presentation. But he didn’t imagine how involved he would become with the person whose study-abroad plans were messed up because of that project. The involved person: the campus star who everyone knows, Department of Design’s Jang Jaeyoung. He has everything from skills, looks, family background and good relationships except for 1 big problem: Chu Sangwoo. What happens when an engineer and an artist whose personalities are like oil and water have to work together? Jang Jaeyoung is like a semantic error in the perfect world of Chu Sangwoo. Will Sangwoo be able to debug this?"
 this has got to be one of the most accurate portrays of an antagonist relationship start off ever, it was really comedic and relatable at the same time, if you are in current group assignments and are or have suffered the same as sangwoo, please let me know cause I know I have.lol.
there’s only 16 chapters so far and I believe it hasn’t been updated in a while either so I don’t know if it is discontinued or not.
I can't wait to see the development between the two male leads, because their relationship right now in the manhwa is really hilarious and worth the read.
side note, not that this will ever be considered as a k-drama but I would like to see sangwoo being played by kim soo hyun, because he looks like him in the drama it's okay not to be okay.
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 4) Tied up in twins- " The story starts off with three friends Jiwoo, sohee and woojung who had been friends since high school began to developed complicated feeling towards one another, woojung had been in love with sohee and sohee had been in love with jiwoo who was in love with woojung, things turned for the worse when jiwoo got drunk one night out and decided to confess his feelings to woojung by going to his apartment, he found 'woojung' standing outside and invited him to go drinking, he finally was able to let out his feelings and 'woojung ' accepted them without hesitation. Jiwoo felt like he was on cloud nine at the moment and slept with 'woojung' that night after thier feelings were made mutual. Turns out 'woojung ' was not actually woojung himself but his twin brother sarang, not knowing this fact he spots sarang with a man from his past eunji that used to bully him during his military service which made him confused and angry that 'woojung ' might be playing with his feelings. Sarang then confessed that he is the twin brother  of woojung and both of them decided that that night was a mistake and that they should just forget about it as it didn't happen. Of course fate had other plans as they keep running into each other during difficult times and decided to become friends. It didn't take them long to be attracted to one another which lead them to end their previous relationship, sarang especially was suffering from his cheating boy friend's abuse and jiwoo with his one sided feelings for woojung. After a series of events sarang and jiwoo found that their feeling for each other were mutual and started to dating, which poses a lot more obstacles than either of the two had bargained for...."
 This is actually my very own summary since I can't find one for this manhwa, I also did and fanart and discussed why i really like this story in that fanart, so please check out my art for my thoughts on it! Shameless self promo....
Welcome to hell
ooo now it's time for the fun part.LOL. Now let me just say that there is sometimes a fine line that defines what shounen ai and Yaoi are, sometimes stories is listed as both because one story that starts off like shounen ai will suddenly become yaoi
I define yaoi as a story that includes all the things that i'm uncomfortable with, which is emotional trauma from sexual abuse, sexual harassment and rape, physical abuse, suicide etc
 these stories usually include some or all of the listed above and could make you uncomfortable in many ways, so as a warning if you are bothered by any of that even a little please don't read the ones I’m about to list, because there is a lot of it and there are situations that made me really sick while reading them. on the upside there is a lot of whole heartedness from the love scenes between the two main characters, although it’s like pages of sex scenes, you know from reading that it is between two people that love and trust each other.
 so you have been warned, i'm not going to spoil it in terms of story but there is something these ones i chose out have in common and that is a SICK A-HOLE THAT EVERY PERSON WANTS TO KILL.You should have seen all those comments about calling sangwoo (killing stalking) to kill theses mofos and I could agree more, these disgusting human beings made me sick.
 so let's begin...btw these are in no particular order, I was going to list these from the least worthy of dieing to most worthy of dieing but you know in the end they should just all die...lol.
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1) My Suha -"A skillful secretary by day and choosy cruiser by night, Suha is a young professional who’s in search of some no-strings-attached action. He hasn’t had much luck lately, though, since a handsome face doesn’t always match what’s in a guy’s pants. This might be why he finds himself wondering about his dreamboat boss, Director Park Jiwoon. But there’s no way he can mix business with pleasure… That is, until Jiwoon and Suha run into each other in the gay bar bathroom."
 so where to begin, um this pretty much includes all those listed above but it mainly focuses on the relationship between jiwoon and Suha, and it is not abusive and very loving in fact,I'm glad that they show the contrast between how suha's previous realtionships don't work out because of his trauma
and how jiwoon despite being an unwanted heir in his grandmother's eyes was able to give love and protection to the person that matters to him the most. So there's this scum bag...I even forgot his name but the red haired dude in this story he`s the legitimate heir to the family, who is the absolute worse and not only sexually abused Suha when they were younger and also emotionally scar both jiwoon and suha
making them feel incapable of being loved. I didn’t get a good feeling form him when he was first introduced and I was right...lol. But at least the comments section was in agreement; let me sum up my feelings in the form of this gif alone...
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 you get the point...
I heard it was going to finish soon so hopefully these emotional scars can be resolved and that suha and jiwoon stick together to get through it all. That would be a good ending for them after everything they have been through.You really need to read it in order to under stand why these events happen the way they do but please remember that suha`s inability to feel love stems from the all of his previous relationships not lasting long yes...but started with this red haired mofo. I am never going to let this dude live, let`s just say that.
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2) Crash into me- " Seung-chan is stressed. He has enough on his plate with the long hours at work, and now he can’t even get any rest at home! Every night, the lustful moaning and violent banging from the apartment upstairs keeps him awake. Just as he’s at his wits’ end, he chances upon the gorgeous, enigmatic Hyesung outside his building. Surely all those filthy sounds couldn’t be coming from such a pretty mouth? But as Seung-chan soon finds out, there’s a lot more to Hyesung"
 from that little description you’ve probably figured out what’s going on with the neighbour next door keeping seung chan awake right? well no surprise sexual abuse, after hyesung was forced to suffer from a ordeal that wasn't his fault the brother of the person that died made it seem like it was his fault and sexually assaulted him
and so this ongoing sexual abuse progressed for several years which lead hyesung feel like life is meaningless and he should just die, until he locked eyes with seung chan walking back to the apartment and thought of jumping out the window, because he had a strange feeling that seungchan who he has not met before would catch him if he did.
I just almost cried from what I just wrote...to think there’s is some a-hole out there that would drive a person to suicide like that just to satisfy his own needs or whatever...i don't even know cause it’s still ongoing...i don’t think any amount of back story will justify any kind of sympathy for this person..
from what I have read so far it seems so be going ending soon so i hope seungchan and hyesung will be able to get through all this and live in peace because of suengchan, hyesung was able to love again and find his worth and is able to fight for himself and I’m sincerely glad that he had met and trust him whole heartedly.
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3) Dine with vampire- "Caught in the clutches of an abusive relationship, Sooin longs to escape. A vampire who finds human blood repulsive, Chi-hwan only drinks the blood of other vampires. When chance brings the two together, Chi-hwan makes Sooin an enticing proposal. Chi-hwan will help Sooin get out of his living hell, and in exchange… Sooin has to let Chihwan drink his blood. Will this proposal change both their lives for the better?”
 y'all don't even get me started on the mofo in this story....I’ve never felt so much rage from staring at a 2D character on my screen, the amount of times I hissed at him...you don't even know
like I have mentioned before ever since my twilight phase I didn’t consume anything vampire related in a while, I don't really care much for the vampire aspect but I guess it's still important over all
once you start the first chapter you will immediately know why I hate the harry potter a-hole in this story..he is despicable and that’s putting it lightly...but you know he doesn’t last long cause vampire tsukiyama (lol, not his name but they look alike) shows up and kills the mofo
and saves sooin who is the person who harry potter had been sexually abusing...to the point where you guessed it, he wanted to die.
chi hwan agrees to grant any wish sooin wanted in exchange for his blood because being vampire by nature he had not been drawn to anyone’s blood for some reason and had only consumed the blood of other vampires.
of course it was a small price to pay for sooin considering all the misery he had gone through. slowly sooin discovered that love was not abusive through the many times chi hwan...lmao i almost called him tsukiyama again...and he had sex, he discovered that it was safe and gentle and enjoyable
nothing that he had ever felt before, and so they became drawn to each other more than they thought they would to the point where they genuinely care for one another, though of course chi hwan knows that one day sooin will die and he will have to live on forever alone, thus the fate of his vampire blood.
 but here’s the catch..it's not a spoiler really cause you knew it was too easy when main villain dies in chapter 4...and he’s on the front cover...which means yes harry potter mofo is back...ugh...he should have burned his body...WTF and as a vampire no less..
i'm like great now look what happened, you should have chopped him up and threw him into the incinerator!
you know that saying " mistakes were made..."
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anyways, now he's back meaning shits about to do down and i'm not ready to see it happen, right now they are going through his back story and i’m like sorry author...whatever you try to feed me there’s no way i can have any sympathy for this dick...
 so that's all i'm going to rant about for these yaoi titles...i had to go back and read some it again to know what i'm going to write about and i revisited a lot of things i’d rather not.I think the rage I felt was ignited again all of a sudden and I felt utter frustration to finish reading it again, what I am trying to say is, ya`ll need to read this once and that`s it...these aren`t stories you`d want to revisit.lol
so if you like this hell segment let me know and i'll continue it cause there’s an endless supply of content for this genre, I have a few more but i'll save those for next month.
and i'll probably come across more in the mean time to discuss, but I guess this is where fiction and reality divides, cause you know in real life if this crap exists absolutely no one will take this bull crap!
 I have been listening to the Start up soundtrack and found a lot of songs i like from it, I don't like the drama and have not finished it, but the soundtrack is bomb
I have also been liking some old pop songs and went down the rabbit hole of 90`s pop songs...Britney spears especially
 so that is all I have for this month, I'm sorry its manhwa and manga focused, i'll have time to watch anime that I need to catch up on and start some drams now so i'll have more
to discuss in the next month hopefully, so please take care of your selves in the new year as well!
take care,
INSTAGRAM: shinb_art
TUMBLR: shinahbee
DEVIANTART: she-be.deviantart.com
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 1 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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This show is kind of nice because I have no memories of the original She-Ra show, or even any of He-Man, honestly. I'm not sure if I ever watched the original, so I have no frame of reference for how the series is "supposed" to be. I can just take it and judge it as is.
Of the bat, all I know is that supposedly She-Ra and Catra get together as a romantic couple later, but I'm also a huge My Hero Academia fan and the fandom around me ships every character with every other character, so for all I know that might just be shipper wishful thinking I've been seeing and hearing. Given fandoms for Gravity Falls, Thor, and Supernatural ship even siblings together, I've learned not to trust anything except for what I see in the series for myself.
By the way, this isn't a review, just random thoughts and comments I'm having as I'm going through season 1 for the first time.
Episodes 1 and 2: Right off, I really like Catra's "No duh" response to Adora about the truth of the horde. She knows they've been lying to them and have been doing terrible things, she just doesn't care. If she and Adora play their cards right they could end up being the ones in charge and then they'd have all that power. Not necessarily to make things better but enough to where they could do whatever and live however they want. That's a good build for an antagonist. Not ignorant to the fact what they're doing is wrong, just simply so selfish that they don't care.
Episode 3: It really feels like there was no good reason why Glimmer didn't just outright introduce Adora to her mother and every reason she should have known it was a bad idea to try and hide her for a surprise. Being a former horde soldier she'd probably get treated with hostility if Glimmer brought her to the front gate but you'd almost guarantee Adora would get arrested or outright killed if she got caught while no one else knew she was there.
On the other side, we have Hordak being pretty intelligent in promoting Catra. He probably knows Shadow Weaver already doesn't like him, so it's not like he's losing anything making her upset with him, and it's clear she favors Adora way more than Catra, so that little bit of advancement towards Catra probably goes a long way in earning her loyalty to him and a person on the inside with Shadow Weaver.
Also, I'm not the only one who saw Madam Razz and immediately thought Adora had found her Yoda, right?
Episode 4: I don't know how it was in the original She-Ra and He-Man series but I kind of like She-Ra being this title from legend. Adora is not the first She-Ra, given what Razz was talking about with a Mara, so instead of being something new, impressing everyone with abilities they've never seen before, and creating the legend, Adora is placed in a position WAY over her head where she's having to live up to what came before her.
Episode 5: Calling it now, as long as her personality is genuine I think Scorpia is going to be one of my favorite characters in this show. She's...endearing, I think is the best word. She's like a mix of Kronk and a nicer Shego.
For a little bit I thought Mermista was voiced by the same actress who played Poison Ivy in the Harley Quinn animated series. She's not but they do have the same kind of Daria-ish inflections, thus by confusion. Given the prom episode, Sea Hawk feels kind of like her Kite Man.
Episode 6: Okay, now it's between Scorpia and Entrapta who are likely to be my favorites by the end of this. She's fun and quirky.
Episode 7: Quite the lore drop. Shadow Weaver was once a Mystacor sorceress known as Light Spinner. I like to imagine we'll get more on that later. Her haunting Adora reminded me of the Teen Titans' episode where Robin was similarly haunted by Slade. This didn't go as far as that but that's probably for the best, since TT had two and a half seasons to build that dynamic up with Robin and Slade while we're only now halfway through the first season.
Episode 8: Well dang. Again, I don't know for sure if Adora and Catra do end up together but boy do I buy why they're shipped together after that dance. Also, good on Bow for standing up for himself. It's clear that he'll always be Glimmer's friend and this won't change that but that doesn't mean he has to just accommodate her. I understand where her issues stem from but I am still glad he gave her a reality check. It helps him feel a little more like his own character.
Also, another nice little bit of lore and worldbuilding. Scorpia's a princess, the horde landed where her people lived, and they seemed to join them willingly.
Episode 9: Surprisingly don't have a lot to say about this other than I don't buy for a second that Entrapta is dead (EDIT: She's not). This was mostly action.
Episode 10: Not going to lie, this one kind of annoyed me a little, at least the first half. The conversation between Glimmer and her mother saved it a bit. It was a bit of a trifecta. You have the alliance breaking apart, saying that the loss of Entrapta only happened because they were all together...even though Entrapta only "died" because of her own machine obsession that caused her to deliberately walk back into the purging chamber. You have Entrapta who might be turning to the horde's side because she feels abandoned by the other princesses...even though they thought she was dead, and again it was her fault they got separated. And you have Glimmer refusing to tell her mother that Shadow Weaver's dark magic has caused her powers to go on the fritz and is causing her great pain. It just feels like none of this would be an issue if most of these people would stop being self-absorbed for three seconds and talk like any normal person would. It feels very CW drama, like something I'd see in a bad season of Arrow or The Flash. The only person whose issues I buy is Adora, who is basically a soldier who was never properly raised to deal with emotion or loss and is already struggling with the burden of being She-Ra, the legendary savior. I get why she's beating down on herself for not being able to do more even if nothing that happened was her fault.
Episode 11: JEEEEEEEEEZZZZ, that was such a good episode! Focused entirely on Adora and Catra and their past together. Like, just showing someone this episode alone could probably get them to want to watch the series. That was everything you needed to know about their dynamic and history together.
Also, that moment when Catra and her past self are looking at each other, while obviously Catra takes the opposite lesson, it reminded me of this fanart I'd once seen of Jason Todd, the Red Hood, looking at his past self as Robin. The past says to the future "You ruined everything". Catra could be happy but, ironically for someone who hates Shadow Weaver, she's probably going to be a lot like her, sacrificing everything for power and ambition.
Given the way she looked, I'm guessing Shadow Weaver is either addicted to the power of the Black Garnet or she suffered some kind of past injury and its power is the only thing keeping her going. Or both.
Episode 12: I'll be honest, Swiftwind being able to talk kind of gobsmacked and I needed a moment to recover. What a great voice they chose for that character.
So She-Ra is kind of like the legendary heroes from Rising of the Shield Hero, coming from a long line of people chosen to wield the sword. I tend to dislike chosen one types of stories because I think prophecy takes a lot of weight out of the character's actions, so this and Avatar are more what I like. The MC is special but not the only one who's ever been special and they can still easily fail. Their destiny was only to be able to use the weapon, not that they would succeed in any specific purpose.
And dang, Catra's turn against Shadow Weaver happened faster than I thought it would but I'm not complaining. That great "This is what you've really been preparing me for" speech and Hordak, again, being an intelligent villain. "Oh, this experiment could net me a MASSIVE gain and all it could potentially cost me is this rock I already gave away to someone who lately hasn't been producing any results and has been consistently disobeying me. Yeah, I'm going to let this play out."
Episode 13: That was kind of a brutal fight between Adora and Catra. Not the worst I've ever seen even in other shows for this age range (Samurai Jack, for example) but those punches are connecting and those claws are leaving marks.
Also, maybe I'm just misunderstanding the exact situation but shouldn't the good guys' side be called the Resistance instead of the Rebellion? Being a rebellion would imply they are rebelling against an established power or rule over them, but the actual conflict we are shown is the established power and rule that is the kingdoms of Eternia resisting an outside force that wishes to establish a new order over them.
Season 1 verdict: I'm into it. I'm definitely more invested in the villains' side of things but that's not a fault of the series, that stuff is just way more geared towards me than the current princess stuff. I actively am at attention whenever the horde main characters are on screen. For the good guys it's mostly Adora and the She-Ra stuff I'm invested it. That isn't to say I have any real dislikes for that side. Bow especially I'm liking much more than I thought I might. He has kind of this gravitational pull around him. You will be his friend regardless of how much you might want to resist. He's definitely the rock for everyone else to hold onto.
Minor side note, kind of like Korra in Legend of Korra, I love how even when her powers aren't active Adora is shown to still be pretty strong physically with how easily she was lifting people up at the prom.
And I was right, Scorpia is my favorite side character.
On to season 2!
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/nyll2e/going_in_blind_watching_season_1_for_the_first/
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I just wanna remind everyone of the rules so we can all enjoy the blog together! (Updated May1 2020)
Your question is for Levi. Mun has her own blog and unless its related to something happening on the ask blog please ask me at my main account (I had my shots I swear)
Asks are answered in order I get them most of the time. I can knock them out pretty quickly but still be courteous to me and the other followers and wait between asks (unless there is a conversation)
NSFW asks are allowed! You can ask Levi about his kinks and about how he feels about less extreme fetishes. I will not allow sexual acts to occur but offers can be made and I will reply with Levi's reaction.(An example of some extreme fetishes: watersports, castration, ovipository dont look up any of these)
Dont be asking dirty nsfw shit if you are a minor! Levi isnt a pedophile you will gross him out (mum as well) violating this rule will lead to blocking! If you know someone is a minor and they are interacting with the blog in a lewd manner please tell someone! It's to protect the Mun and her followers who very much don't wanna go to jail
All NSFW ask must be asked off anon! If you are uncomfortable being public or something DM me and I'll get you set up with some horny coupons.
I am not your anime weeb snek husbando! I am a 25 year old happily engaged woman with a green aesthetic who is just really good at pretending to be Levi. We have different personalities and different interests. I don't watch that much anime. I dont listen to kpop I probably won't recognize most anime people come at me in the ask box with. Please keep that in mind when recommending media.
NO MASS LIKING OLD POSTS!!! I get people go through the blog and see all the cool asks and what not. But please... keep my notifications clear by no mass liking. Liking a bunch of posts as I post them is ok. Liking all the post from yesterday cuz you just saw it on your dash is ok. Going back and liking all the posts from "the truth hurts" event not ok
Reblogs are allowed on non-Rp post, Memes, and non-RP asks. Please do not reblog Roleplays. It shows respect towards me and other RPers. When you do reblog an asks and you aren't looking to Rp and you just wanna show it on your blog Please reblog with no text.
You are free to tag the blog in Fanart or fanfic (whether you made it or not) please note I dont approve of any Rp on any of them. If the orginal artist tagged the blog Levi will give his thoughts. I also reblog every tagged reblog I see in the notification box (unless its offensive or disgusting or doesnt focus on him)
I have a life outside the askblog
I do RP through submissions and asks!!! rules here.
Tags for the blog are (also I'm really bad about tagging my things plus I feel like I need to add more tags...)
Family matters: ask blog community tag for when we talks with eachother as demon boys
Levi answers: when levi answers a question
Snek tail: when levi talks about his snake tail and about all the fun stuff about owning one
Fandom Friday: this is every Friday event we gather all the fandom related asks and sit down and we all weeb out! This is so mun can look everything up at once and not have to tab through her phone
Fanart: we have a few artist that leave asks and sometimes draw their asks! You are free to do this as well Levi and Mun love fanart
3 lewd time: ask that are definitely NSFW
3 lewd time sorta: asks that are suggestive but not explicit
Immersa: about my headcanon that Leviathan had a mate and she was killed
Anon tags: reoccurring asks from anons that fit a theme aka mouth anon who wanted to chew on Levi's horns and suck on his tail or hate anon who bullies Levi.
People tags: sometimes we get some people who are asking questions publicly, have a sign off on anon, or roleplay a OC (which is cool we do that here) example is "shy boy asks" or "aiden asks" I normally save these for role players (forgive me if I havent made one for some of you)
Ask blog event: I'm running an event with conditions (ex "the truth hurts" event with Belphie and Levi where they drank a truth serum) there will be a unique tag named after the event for the event each time
Other tags as needed: if season 2 comes out and we learn something about Levi's past or some event that happened in the game or another topic gets asked alot I will add more.
Clovia answers/ Clovia posts: Mun Clovia posting or answering questions in Leviathan's place in most cases it's to explain things or update about the state of the blog. Levi sometimes mentions me if I had to explain a part of human culture to him(I'm faster than google sometimes)
Autistic levi answers: asks answered by Levi while I headcanon him as autistic.
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spirit-of-vengeance · 5 years
7th ROTG anniversary. Time to get emotional.
I never written this down, but now I feel the need due to the intense nostalgia and the notice of how quickly time is fleeing. I have a tale to tell, I need to share my story about how this film changed my life. Warning: it's long.
Brief into: I believed in the Santa, Easter Bunny (I really wanted in the Toothfairy too and unfortunately never heard about Jack or Sandy) even when I was 10. (Which was considered pretty old to believe) I even got into an argument with my teacher in the 3rd grade because she said 'stop being childish, they aren't real' because I was excitedly whispering with my classmate about catching the Santa this year. A boy, who ironically looked exactly like Jack Frost began endlessly teasing me and calling me stupid for still thinking he's real. On the way back home with mom I confronted her about this, not giving up until she told me whenever he was right or not. Backed into a corner, she was forced to give up. I cried every day for weeks. The magic was ripped away from me.
Year 2012, December. I'm 11 and a victim of hardcore bullying since my whole life. Students, teachers and sometimes parents. To cheer me up, mom took me to the shopping center to watch a movie. We couldn't really decide & she saw a giant poster of North smiling at people. Her eyes lit up and excitedly said 'Let's watch that! ' I followed the direction of her finger and my face scrunched in malice "I am not watching a movie with the Santa. Its stupid. I'm a big girl, I want to watch a bloody action movie! " but she was unbending. She could bribe me into it with a large bowl of popcorn; I was still grumbling when the lights went out.
The change: first snowflakes, first notes of the piano worked like magic. I immediately shut up and wondered what actually happens here. Why is it so soothing? At the first few shots of the North Pole when North is working on the ice train, I jumped in my seat and I shit you not, I thought the Santa is actually getting murdered. My eyebrow rose higher when I realized that guy with the chainsaw and swords is the Santa. Unfortunately, I can't remember more first reactions; stress, depression, traumas really ruined my long term memory. It seems silly now, but I kept the last piece of popcorn what I was munching on during it, I still have it in a little jewel box; one of my sacred memories. The car ride back to home was quiet, I was staring out of the window my mind stirring with creativity.
Aftermath: 2013-2018; while my classmates were busy getting drunk, being a petty bitch, giving oral in the toilet, (yes. I am talking about elementary school.), getting laid, I was lost in a world of wonder. I learnt 60% of my English knowledge in 3 months with reading fanfiction. I browsed deviantart for hours and laughed my ass off at the hilarious, extremely well done fanarts.
I grew up on mostly Blackice videos I wasn't 100% aware what I'm actually seeing tho, I was exposed to gay ships from a young age and plot twist, nothing serious happened😀. My mental health wasn't shit because I saw the Bogeyman and the Winter spirit kiss.
I began talking to the Moon. I cried my pain to him. Sitting on my windowstill, debating whenever I should jump or not. My extraordinarily strong bond with my mom and this film were my only lifeline. I was making it through, in my own world. My imagination created wonderful sights, scenarios; at nights I was certain I can spot Sandy on his cloud, at Christmas North trying to push himself out of the chimney cussing, at Easter that enormous bunny running around, at winters mostly yelling at Jack 'get out of my country' because I'm a summer person, going to school on a chilly yet sunny autumn day and see Pitch standing on the edge of the misty forest.
I began to change, respond to the pressure from my bullies. My personality began to morph. See the wonder in everything; like North. There's hope and spite, don't dare to give up; like Bunny. Awaken and enjoy creativity; like Sandy. Shit on the rules and have a damn good time no matter what; like Jack. Cherish memories and friends; like Tooth. Be ruthless and stand up from the most brutal blows; like Pitch. And never forget, the Moon will always be there even when he's an antisocial dick and says nothing.
My aim, my dream was to write the sequel. When I was done I wanted to send it to William Joyce. I wrote 200+ pages, but unfortunately in Hungarian. I still don't know why I stopped, why I abandoned that plan.
I was looking for ROTG posters because I wanted to email them to my friend to show what I've been obsessed with. I was just lazily staring at a Pitch poster, realizing his V neck actually never closes - then my eyes crossed the date: November 21. I let out an ungodly shriek of disbelief and mirth. Mom rushed into the living room with terror and met with the sight of me screaming in ecstasy "RISE OF THE GUARDIANS CAME OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! "
Around 2016 I became really interested in this roleplay stuff and oh god I was terrible. Cindy Flame then was an always angry Mary sue but after years of practice, expanding she is a completely built, extremely complex character, flawed, strong, tragic and ruthless; divine yet oh so human. So I was making friends online, most of them failed, I think one of them committed suicide but that belongs to an another story.
I have been lurking Tumblr for 3 years? More? Because I had no idea how this site worked and I was shy because I thought my writing is not good enough I realize now I felt right. I admired blogs from afar, read their writing and falling deeper and deeper into this fandom.
Nearing present day: I actually came to Tumblr to pursue a friend of mine. I was borderline desperate because I've thought they are one of the last one in the fandom and it scared me. The fun thing is, I actually never interacted with them after making this blog. So I break this two year old spell and hi @kingofnxghtmares it's me, Jasmine😊 You don't have to answer/interact/or anything, I wanted to get everything off my chest and finally tagging you just felt right.
So now I'm on Tumblr. And I love every second it. I've found amazing friends, insanely dynamic muses, crack threads, angst, the chance to expand my muse even more and where I belong. So there I am, wondering where 7 years went. I've grown up (somewhat), and I'm glad I was protected from the 'disaster teenage years ', drinking, heartbreak, drugs, etc instead I grew up in a magical world interviewed with reality so closely; it became an escape place when reality became too heavy.
About ROTG & finale: masterpiece. The animation is insanely lifelike yet fantasy. Every tiny, microscopic detail is perfect, the characters, the storyline, the atmosphere original and capturing. The music is gut wrenching. Everything is absolutely, 200% on point. I don't think there ever will be an animated movie which can be better than Rise of the Guardians animation and/or storywise. No 'love is the answer ' movies can ever come close this iconic masterpiece no matter how they rip it off looking at Frozen 2😒
I watched it today (I have it in Spanish as well and I only can encourage everyone to watch it, the Spanish voice acting is, 100% in my opinion Pitch's bested Jude Law, damn that rich hiss of malice was incredible ) on my 18th birthday while cuddling with mom, laughing and heavy with nostalgia. I think I will remain in this fandom for a very long time, I don't think I would ever be able to let it go due to my deep emotional ties. I would like to thank everyone who were present in making this film, the artists who still keep this fandom alive, all of my friends, roleplay partners; thank you for brightening my childhood, giving me purpose and a place to belong.
To my all of my friends:
@paintbrushtheelf @muerte-rojo @nightmarinqs @mr-mansnoozie @gatekeeperoftheunderworld @50shadesofpitchblack @flossinspector @magicmiyeh
@black-equals-mysoul @nxghtlight @lindzem
I love all of you,
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tumblunni · 7 years
Hi, I'm the anon who sent the messages about Rotom-Cyrus to TWJ. I wanted to explain myself. There are two books in Rotom's Room: one written by Charon where he says he found out about Rotom "by pure chance." So Charon is involved with Rotom (prob why he has that card) but he isn't the one who met Rotom as a kid. I don't want to spoil exactly what happens in USUM incase you haven't reached that part but it does basically confirm Cyrus is the one who wrote that account.
aaaa that suuuuuckscos literally its fuckin a book signed by charon how was i meant to know that oh the other book right next to it isnt by charon alsoand the trading card has no meaning whatsoeverand we’re just giving more sad backstory to a guy who already had a sad backstory and nope charon has no backstory whatsoever and was just super evil and everyone was right for all these years telling me i’m a jerk for liking this characterand right when basically the same thing just happened with faba seriouslyharmless comedic villain in sun and moon, is shown apparantly redeemed in the postgame, but NOPE now its retconned and he was The Most Evil One and something something lusamine isn’t bad anymore and everything she ever did is now being done by faba in the animecos hey yknow thats what i get for giving the benefit of the doubt to ~ugly people~seriously fuckin everyone hated faba right from when he was first revealed, you had people predicting his ENTIRE PLOT based on just one picture of him and his name and no information whatsoever on his personality. we all just fucking knew what was going to happen because he’s a science man with an ‘ugly’ face and he’s ~flambouyant~and then charon fuckin literally existed to be the ~worse man~ who was added to make cyrus more redeemablethats how he was treated in both mangas. he was made more evil just so cyrus could be redeemed, which was POINTLESS because we all already believed he could be redeemed! and fuck we even all already thought he had cute moments with his pokemon as a kid, geez! there’s a hundred fanarts of that same scenario but with murkrow or zubat or magikarp or houndour or sneasel...just fuckin the pokespe manga wrote a personalityless charon who murdered a child and was outright shown not being friends with rotom and actually hating rotom and getting his ass kicked by rotomand then in DPA we get not only More Evil Charon Who Kills People but also he’s drawn really stupidly over the top scary while everyone else is big eyed shoujo dorks. and our protagonist believes that everyone is redeemable except charon. lets show cyrus committing far more evil acts than charon ever did in the game, lets show him being ooc as fuck and talking about murdering pokemon while surrounded by graves. but THAT IS OKAY and our hero will insist on saying he’s redeemable but NOOOPE charon just fuckin steals some money and has an ugly grandpa face and he gets no such sympathy. he just exists to make you forget that moment of cyrus being ooc double evil. cos we literally retconned that charon was responsible for all cyrus’s evil acts last arc, even though he wasnt even in the fuckin story yetand like now my only damn consolation here is that the character i connected with when i first played the game is AT LEAST NOT THAT EVIL. but all the potential signs of headcanoning him as not evil were all false and i just should have known it. and apparantly its a better and more worthwhile plot to just give sad childhood man another pokemon he knew in his sad childhood, and the thing i thought was Really Cool And Interesting Writing didn’t actually exist. like seriously i was fuckin literally suffering from the same abusive childhood cyrus has in his backstory back when i played dppt and i DO NOT KNOW WHY but i ended up connecting with this stupid grandpa more than him and it saved me in a dark time more than him. back then i was a stupid fuck and i hated cyrus cos i saw myself in him, like i didnt want to admit that i was in an abusive family and i wanted to hate him for daring to want to take revenge against the world that fucked him over. i felt he didnt have the right, like I didnt have the right..so yeah i didnt even fully realise cyrus’s backstory until i replayed the game as an adult, but the one thing that did hit me back then was how unexpected and cool it was to turn our opinion of this jerk grandpa on its head. like i mean whoa! i didnt hate him like everyone else did, i found him pretty funny, but still i wasnt a big fan or anything until i saw that diary entry. like charon does LITERALLY NOTHING in the plot there is no reason they should have added him in a third version, he has no reason to exist unless he was meant to be the guy who introduces rotom’s new forms also added in the game. and it was such a mind blown moment! it doesnt even make him less evil! like “whoa this evil guy used to be a good kid once” could still work even if it WASNT a sign of him having potential redeemability, like it makes him so much more personally evil and horrible if he abandoned his best friend or something. I was so dissappointed you don’t get a boss battle with him, cos i went and caught that rotom and was hyped to defeat him with the pokemon he once betrayed and like there’s NONE OF THAT ANGLE if it was cyrus. it doesnt make rotom any different than any of his other pokemon that he owns right now and we know he already cares about, cos he has a crobat.and it JUST DOESNT MAKE SENSEbecause the journal SOUNDS like charon!they both talk all smart guy style but it felt more formal like how charon talksand like how charon boasts a lot, but the journal has him boasting about his friend instead. it sounds too enthusiastic to be cyrus...and like we already know where cyrus grew up as a kid and it wasnt eterna city. and he doesnt have a secret lab in galactic hq also in eterna city, like charon does. and also he’s not like friggin fifty years old so why would his childhood poke-friend be in a wrecked abandoned house if it was just ten years ago or something. and also why would they give charon this trading card where they draw the 100% evil guy having a vaguely genuine smile on his face and not looking like rotom hates him and he’s got it caged up or anything and also why would the card’s effect be all about friendship and why would they define him as The Rotom Guy and why would they even bother to give a trading card to charon if charon is a pointless character who never did anything important and had no actual relevance to this rotom wifi event except apparantly stealing a bunch of diaries from some other guy who was really responsible for it all. and why would they bother to point out that someone signed the diary if it wasnt the guy who wrote the diary, and also we are not going to sign the diary by the guy who actually wrote it. like if it was meant to be cyrus whey didnt they make it clearer?? nobody could be expected to have figured that out!also why does charon have a second rotom room in silph co in HGSS which timeline wise means he would have had it before DPPT and he’s talking about finding a rotom by chance before he ever found this diary that doesnt really belong to him. like why would he build an entire lab of form machines if he didnt own a rotom yet? how would he know enough to make them actually work for rotom if he never owned a rotom yet?why did nintendo decide to do all this if i wasnt supposed to reach the conclusion that charon had ANYTHING to do with rotom???why didnt they make it fucking clearer. why couldnt i have been saved years of clinging to this stupid ass headcanon and basing a lot of my taste in stories on the whole concept of ‘wow that was so fucking cool how they took a one dimensional looking villain and then turned it on our head with a cool reveal and made me super eager to see future stories with him’ and hey we’re not ever gonna get those and also everyone else was right and i should just give up and agree that ugly looking granddads will always be eviland why the fuck did i somehow link my self worth to such a random ass headcanon for a random ass character like seriously could someone have properly explained cyrus’s plot to me as a kid so i could have had him stop me from committing suicide instead. like seriously if they’d just made cyrus’s grandpa less hard to find and explained the plot more clearly and explained that he was the rotom kid AAAAAAAAARGHand i really didnt fucking need this, usum, right after also people started telling me that lusamine is ~really good~ and her whole child abuse plot is gone now like ha ha ha ha fucking ha lets crush bunni on two damn levelsand what is my fucking luck that this happened to happen right on the same day when i got some stupid ass anon hate and also had a horrible nightmare about my abusive fatherlike seriously dude who sent me this ask im really sorry ive had such an incoherant babbling reply to it, its just been a really bad day for me and like.. im not freaking out because of this minor headcanon being proven wrong, its just like i was already freaking out and having some random irrelevant headcanon bullshit happen right now is REALLY bad timing to push me off the edgehopefully i can calm down and come back and give a more coherant response of like.. why i headcanoned the different thing and why I’m sad its not true, even though i’m happy for you that your personal headcanon did become true instead.but like it sucks to be told ‘nope you’re not allowed to have your favourite character, his one and only personality trait was just a misconception you had’ during such a really bad timing of such an already bad daynintendo could u give us like a sassy science villain gramps who DOES have a redemption plot? or at least a plot that isnt ‘exists to be worse than the main villain’? like seriously why did it happen twice. i was happy at original sun and moon cos it felt like faba as charon but better written but then NOOOOPEjust...god...what.what sort of fuckface up in heaven decided to throw all the bad shit at me today and not at least spread it out across the rest of the week?
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toraonice · 7 years
Hello, just wanted to say thanks for your translations! I'm sorry to hear about all the people who are culture-shocked about the differences between Japan and the west and are taking it out on you. Also, just wanted to ask because I was curious, would most Japanese people really not assume that two men with Yuuri and Victor's body language (walking with their arms around each other, Victor holding Yuuri from behind, etc.) were in a romantic relationship?
Thank you for your message! (By the way, thanks again to all the ones who have sent me positive messages, both with their names and as anonymous!)I understand that, for people who haven’t lived in both environments, it might be difficult to fully comprehend the cultural differences between Japan and Western countries. I’m not Japanese myself but I think I’ve lived in Japan long enough and interacted with enough people to be able to see both points of view (at least to an extent, though of course all people are different and it’s not just a matter of “Western” and “Japan”!).
Regarding your question… first of all, if Victor and Yuuri were real people, I think it would be different than if they are anime characters. Some people tend to see fictional characters as more stereotyped than real people, so for example, many will say that “unless a character is proved to be homosexual, they must be heterosexual by default”. Therefore some people will be convinced that there is absolutely nothing romantic between them (despite all the things they do) because “it is never stated”.
If they were two real people, I think the way a Japanese person sees them would probably be affected by their life experience and how they feel about homosexuality..
(Continue below)
In Japan homosexuality is not really talked about (though in recent years I think the situation is improving, with some wards even starting to legally recognize same-sex unions and large companies providing the same support for same-sex and heterosexual couples). You have radical people who basically think homosexuality is a myth, so unless two guys are really really obvious (they kiss, and are not drunk or clearly joking while doing it) they will be forever convinced that they just cannot be gay. Then you have the opposite: people who are disgusted by gays and will complain if two guys do as much as hold hands. They would probably think that they are a couple right away, and of course find them disgusting and against nature. Older people (over 50-60) in Japan tend to belong to one of these two categories. Younger people have softer views, but there are surveys showing how a lot of Japanese tend to believe that the homosexual population is close to non-existent just because they don’t come out, so they don’t know that they exist. Which leads me to believe that there are quite many people who will not think two guys are gay unless they have evident proof. (Then of course you have BL fangirls who will go crazy over two guys who even just touch each other, but they would not necessarily think that they are really gay)
Regarding YOI in particular, there is also the fact that Victor is a foreigner. Japanese people are not very comfortable with physical contact (of course, there are always exceptions), but they are aware of this and they know that in many foreign countries it’s normal to have more physical contact, like hugging, kissing on the cheek, etc. Before episode 10 aired many fans thought that Victor was acting the way he was with Yuuri because he was probably a “particularly handsy foreigner” and he fancied Yuuri and/or liked to flirt with him. (After episode 10 many changed their views to “Yuuri rubbed himself against him first, so Victor thought it was ok to act that intimate”)
Now, in Japan it’s not normal, even for couples, to be physically intimate in public. Kissing in the trains or in public is seen as vulgar/indecent, very passionate hugs are seen as the couple showing off (Kubo herself found couples being really intimate in public in Mexico worthy of mention). The most “intimate” thing couples normally do in public is hold hands. So if Victor only touched Yuuri or kept an arm around his waist in public people might dismiss it as “he’s a foreigner”, but if he hugged Yuuri inside a train, yeah well many would find them “suspicious”. (I would actually be very curious to see how they act in public in Japan. Like, would Yuuri let Victor cling all over him or would he refrain from physical contact because in Japan it’s seen as vulgar? Then again the world they live in is open-minded so they might not have these issues..)
Note: being drunk is another story. I don’t drink and dislike cigarette smoke, so I stay away from izakayas and rarely had the “pleasure” to look after drunk people, but one of my male colleagues at my previous workplace was known to become really handsy when he got drunk, with guys by the way… He’s married with a child and of course no one ever thought he might be gay/bi because of that. In general, it’s like if you’re drunk you are allowed to do anything (look up pictures of drunk salarymen online for examples of “anything”) and it will be dismissed as “well he was drunk”. So Japanese people might look at drunk Yuuri and think it’s ok for him to rub himself against Victor and it doesn’t necessarily mean something deeper (now, I do think the contents of the Chihoko drama might be enough to challenge these Japanese standards..).
A side note regarding foreigners and physical contact. There is a Japanese variety show called “Shinkon-san irasshai” (literally “welcome, newlyweds”) where they invite newly married couples and hear their stories. In 2013 for the very first time in over forty years they invited a homosexual couple, a Japanese guy living in France with his French husband. I actually watched this program on TV because I wanted to see how they would handle it. The news spread on Twitter and many of my followers watched it too. One of the things my followers noticed and commented about is how the French guy (who didn’t know Japanese so only spoke when talked to) kept his hand on his husband’s thigh basically the whole time, because two Japanese people, even newlyweds, normally wouldn’t show such physical contact in a TV program. By the way, after the program aired there was a little trend of fanart based on it, involving a certain ship made up of a Japanese and a foreign guy (if it aired now I’m sure everyone would make YOI fanart with Victor and Yuuri being guests and Victor keeping a hand on Yuuri’s thigh, lol).
To sum it up… Considering the fact that in Japan, more than in most Western countries, people tend to ignore homosexuality and pretend/believe that it doesn’t exist, I think it would take more for people to suspect that two guys might be romantically involved than it would take in other more open countries. However, based on how physical contact in public is perceived in Japan, depending on what they do where it’s possible that people would perceive them as a homosexual couple.
Examples of how they would likely be perceived:
-Only Victor walking with an arm loosely around Yuuri’s waist, hugging/kissing (on the cheek) as a greeting, Victor randomly touching Yuuri’s arms/shoulders/head/waist in non-sexual ways -> just friends
-Both of them walking with arms around each other, hugging inside a train and/or not as a greeting, holding hands, kissing (even on the cheek) not as a greeting, leaning against each other when sitting on a train, caressing/touching in sexual ways -> probably a gay couple
Now, this takes into consideration that Victor is a foreigner. If they were both Japanese they would probably be seen as suspicious even if they kiss as a greeting.
Of course… the above is all based on my experience in Japan with Japanese people, and Japanese people are not all the same, so there will be individual differences…
PS: If people only saw them on the rink and not in other places/in private I’m not sure whether they would think they are a couple. The “kiss” in episode 7 was probably the biggest hint (because seriously, I don’t think you would do that to a person you don’t have romantic feelings for…), but I’ve seen lots of pictures of male skaters hugging a lot or being physically intimate, so clinging to each other or wearing pair rings might not be enough.
I hope what I wrote wasn’t too messy…!
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franeridart · 7 years
I'm so glad Kirishima is getting so much spotlight, he really deserves it!!!! And it looks like hes gonna get more, since hes in the main group along with Deku, Uraraka and Tsuyu. I;m so hyped!!!
Honestly!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one interesting group tbh, Kirishima and Tsuyu’s interactions are always incredibly adorable to watch and seeing Kirishima interact for so long with pure and good people is gonna be hard on my heart (I mean, you know I’m 100% a bakusquad fan but they’re all at least in part assholes and Kiri fits with them just right, he can be just like Sero and Kaminari and I love it, but then his interactions with Amajiki have been so pure can you imagine an arc filled with that I’m already crying)
I just hope my other faves won’t completely disappear through this arc haha sigh
Anon said: So which Kacchan quote do you like best "Die your bacteria fucks, dieee!" or "BRING YOUR DAMN TRASH TO ME"?
Tumblr media
Anon said:there's a terushima week. thought i might tell you bc i miss you drawing him ;3; might wanna join? :3
Anon said:Terushima week is this next week! (@terushimaweek) Might we maaaybe see some cute lil bokuroterus sometime soon? ;)
As I’ve already said, sadly I’ve found out about this too late to be part of it - I’m not completely ruling out the possibility of doodling something one of the days, but I didn’t have the time to plan anything and I’m still in the middle of working things through with the bakushima week and bakugou’s birthday so I don’t know - they 19th is Teru’s birthday so maybe I’ll draw something for it, but it’s also a super busy day for me so it really depends on how soon I’ll be able to finish everything else I’m working on orz I’m sorry guys I seriously had no clue about this till, like, five days ago o
Anon said: What are your thoughts on KiriDeku b/c I'm not even that into it but as soon as I saw art I was like "OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING SO PURE CHOULD EVER EXIST!!!" My following thought was that'd you may have something interesting to say (as you always do, I luv it), so here I am 😁 Also, I love the blog, your amazing art, and you!! I truly appreciate all you do ❤️❤️
Awwww thank you!!! And I dunno, as things are now my opinion on a possible ship might change soon enough because it looks like their interactions amount is about to skyrocket, so anything I say right now is just a temporary answer? But generally I find their friendship incredibly adorable, though as of now I don’t think I can see anything romantic between the two... mostly because even though I’ve seen them being friendly and supportive of each other I don’t think I’ve ever seen them actually connect over anything that wasn’t Bakugou?? Being friendly and supportive is just how they both are with everyone, before I can say I ship them I’m gonna need something more singular to their relationship
I might be totally biased here considering where my main shipping lies, though haha
Anon said:HOSHIHINA!!!! YESSSSS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I think this is like.... my new OTP or well... a new OTP that I will gratefully put on the shelf next to all my other children in love!! oh yeah and THANK YOU for introducing me to both BNHA and d grey man! I'M IN LOVE!!! oH and YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! KEEP IT UP!! I WILL GRATEFULLY SWALLOW UP ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU POST IT'S AMAZING!!! YOUR OC'S TOO!!! Have a nice day!!
So much!!! HYPE in this ask!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING anon I hope you’ll have the best day!!!!!! *O* And I’m SUPER GLAD you gave dgm and bnha a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Aww the kiss. I know you posted it the other day, but it wouldn't load on my tablet. They're so cute, those two. 💜✌
*lays down forever* they are aren’t they those pure idiots !!!!
Anon said:I'm laughing so hard. Literally everyone that read the new chapter was like expectation vs reality. I love my idiots. Also yas to HoshiHina
HoshiHina is an A+ ship with A+ potential and I think I’m being slowly but surely swallowed by it - then again, what Hinata ship don’t I ship even ??? the mysteries
Anon said:To answer you question on what cheese sticks are, they're this disgusting processed cheese stick, also known as string cheese, and it's p much what it is, cheese in the form of a small stick that you can pull apart into strings and eat like that! (as you may have noticed, I'm not a fan hah) ((I don't know if you know the artist mookie, but she made a comic about bokuto eating a cheesestick whole before)
Anon said: cheese sticks = string cheese? D: they are delicious i promise
I’m seeing conflicting reports here (lol) but yes this might be a problem for me only because as I said I’m Italian but what I’m failing to see here is what kind of cheese are these things supposed to be ???
Anon said:Are you into Kuroken?
Only as very good friends, I don’t ship it romantically at all
Anon said:I love your bakushimas, SO SO SO MUCH. God, and with the latest chapter, I just can't wait for more interactions with them. God, seeing as I think Kirishima was filmed by the people that were there, I want to see Bakugou's reaction to his new move.
This took me long enough to answer that we now know Baku’s reaction was total and utter envy at how popular Kiri is LMAO - but yeah I still think Baku already knew about Kiri’s new move! After all he most probably came up with it as they trained for the license exam and I can’t believe he wouldn’t test it against Bakugou to make sure he actually turns unbreakable? Also proud-of-himself Kiri yelling at the squad to check out his new move is too much of a good image I can’t let that one go hahaha
Anon said:I started following you for Haikyuu but started boku no hero academia in order to understand what your other drawings were so I thank you (and blame you) for getting me hooked on another anime and manga :)
I’m!!!!!! HAPPY you ended up liking it???!!!! *O*
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that you're my most fave artist here in tumblr istg i go to your page everyday just to go back at the fanart you drew if you didn't have any new, but when u have, my heart just swells and i fuss over it. God bless you because you opened my eyes for bakushimanari when i was just kiribaku back then.. God i love denki sfm right now bc of you, im sad bkk week is over though ahh and laven. Jfc i love your laven pls draw them more if u can 😘 i hope you'll have a great day!!
Don’t!!!! worry anon Laven has been my #1 otp since I was sixteen at this point it’s just not gonna leave me ever, I’ll definitely draw more of it in the future! And thank you??? so much?????? Oh man!!!!!
Anon said:Everyone in class 1-A: *trains as if they're gonna be in a battle royal and need to (literally) slaughter the competition* Competition: OBSTACLE RACE YAY
Well, the anime did change the training scenes a lot lol but LMAO anon they’re highschoolers what were you expecting hahahahaha it’s already savage enough as it is, I assure you lol
Anon said:Hi hello yes are you up for some angsty stuff because my brain turns even the sweetest moment to that, like what if kaminari saw bakushima's first kiss and he becomes so sad b/c he crushes on them both but he pretends not to and starts teasing 'em like a true bro while hiding his feelings and idk it's only if you want but yeah, how's your day been?
..........I would lie if I said I didn’t think about this while drawing that kiss R I P my multishipper heart is gonna kill me BUT IT’S OKAY I’m not one for unhappy endings so consider this - Denki sees them kiss, since he’s best bro and both Kirishima and Bakugou tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves he already knew this was gonna happen so he’s like, sad but resigned it hurts and he wishes he didn’t have to see it but he loves them both so much that he can’t help but being happy for how happy they are at the same time too (sure, being part of that happiness would be a dream coming true, but he’s used to never coming first he can deal with this hahahahaha r i p)
Meanwhile a bit after the kiss once Kiri is a hundred per cent sure Bakugou isn’t going to explode his head off if he mentions his very huge crush on Kaminari he does and Bakugou’s like, shit, it’s not like he’d mind it because Kaminari is, well, he’s Kaminari and Bakugou isn’t sure why but he’s comfortable to be around and easy to talk to and he’s stupidly pretty and like, yeah, okay, he might be into him too, maybe, he isn’t admitting anything here (not like he needs to, as stated already he’s pretty easy to read), but Kaminari’s also the no homo type of het so it’s not like they can do much about this threeway crush or whatever, and Kirishima’s like sure, I know, I just wanted to be open about this to avoid trouble, which is very sensible and will cut us on a lot of miscommunication angst this is getting out of hand let’s skip ahead I always forget how much fun I have writing this kind of bullshit
For however much Kaminari swore he could deal with it and how much he’s actually managing to deal with it he’s also the same brand of open book Baku and Kiri are and while it was easy to act like friends with no romantic feelings when everyone was doing the same, trying to hide from Bakugou and Kirishima while they’re openly in a relationship turns out to be more or less impossible, mostly because he can’t seem to avoid the longing stares and sad smiles and the I have to go I just remembered I have a thing to do bye’s when it becomes too much, and Kirishima might not be the brightest but he’s perfectly in tune with everyone’s feelings and Bakugou might stomp on people’s feelings more often than not but he is the brightest which means they notice and they’re like god fucking damn it - Bakugou in nature isn’t one to talk about problems until they burst out in fits of anger, but thank god he’s got Kirishima right there and they might not be 100% sure they got the reason for Kaminari’s weirdness right but they’re exasperated and they at least want their friend to stop being weird and avoiding them, they miss him (and Kaminari seriously misses them too he feels so stupid for how big of a deal he’s turning this into) SO they corner him and talk it out cause I’m a slut for open and honest communication and Kaminari straight out starts crying from happiness and relief before they’re even done talking and Kirishima starts crying right after him because sympathetic crier supreme and Bakugou’s like you know what I changed my mind fuck both of you emotional disasters I’m out
(spoiler he isn’t really)
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attackonc · 7 years
I'm back!!!
Yesterday I was super busy so didn’t have time to watch the episode, which meant I had to force myself to not open the tumblr app haha.
Anyways some thoughts on the episode:
-my first thought when it started playing was legit that I was not ready for this. It felt so strange that after so many years and after quite some time just reading the manga and fanfics and seeing fanarts to see the anime again. It felt so surreal.
-That opening tho 😭just seeing the whole squad together, everyone still alive and even bert and reiner still in the squad.
-Dinosaurs? And was that a flying Whale?!
-Marlo 🙌
- Hange is such a bad ass! (Puts nick down and starts laughing) Oh no she is just an adorable goof
-Can someone give Moblit a drink(or another squad leader), the poor guy looks kind of burnt out :p
I just got reminded of how much I love Connie and Sascha, precious babies who just want to go home :(
Bert and Reiner before they became #traitorteam, oh how innocent
-Mike so pretty
-"Strongest soldier after Levi” Thats right give my boy some credit!
-Connie = dead inside (poor baby)
-Reiner: titan invested territory👌? Lets fucking go, u coming Bert? 😒
-Bert panic attack
-Baby eren
-Mikasa is so pure, protect her 🙏
-Levi looks more grumpy than usual 😂👌
-Boyfriend jacket ❤
-Yess mike kill em
-why does the beast titan sound so zen, like he just got back from yoga?
-MIKE 😭😭😭😭😭
-Seriously worst death in the entire series
-I'm sad :(
But i really like the first episode, my faith in the anime has been restored.
Can’t wait for next week :)
(Where the fuck is jean, we better get more jean next week 😒)
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