#just added some extra details to his skin and eyebrow and lashes to match the rest of his appearance a little better + made his hair curlie
ruvviks · 4 months
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tanyatakaishi · 5 years
So as a great apology for my severe writer’s block and crashing nearly every night at 9pm after the kid is in bed and I have no energy because of the school year starting, I give you a sneak peak of a memory in the next chapter of Remember, the sequel to my digimon fanfic, Innocent Games.
Yolei wants to to have sex. Davis solicits advice. Humor, sexy times, and fluff. Daiyako. (a little steamy, nothing explicit)
Full story links: AO3 & FFN
“Yolei wants to have sex.”
Ken is looking at me like I’ve grown an extra head and I groan, falling back on my bed. “I mean I want to, too. But… what if I’m bad at it?” “I don’t think I’m the best person to talk to about this.” I sit up and my eyebrows sort of have a mind of their own, creasing together in the middle of my forehead. “Why not?” “Lack of experience?” “But you’re smart.” Ken frowns. “You guys are ready for that?” “She’s a college girl now and I’m…” My mouth turns down to match his. He already knows how insecure I am being the younger one in the relationship, still stuck in high school while Yolei goes on adulting, so I bypass that issue and go straight for the next. “I kinda thought it’d happen by now, but you know, stuff always gets in the way. Parents, digimon, roommates, maybe if you remembered condoms, we're not doing it in a car!” I finish the last few lines in my best imitation of Yolei’s voice, scolding me. “Maybe you should talk to Tai,” Ken says and I immediately feel relief flood over me. “That’s perfect! His first time was with Mimi. If he can tap that…” “Davis.”
“It was awful,” Tai says, looking at me over a laptop and a pile of textbooks. I’m pretty sure I’m interrupting him writing his term paper, but he doesn’t let on that he’s bothered. “I mean, she wasn't, but I was. She didn’t complain per se, but I could tell.”
“Um, any pointers on what not to do then?” “Don’t do it drunk.” “Perfect,” I say. “So what about with that other chick? Second time a charm?” “That’s not,” Tai starts and then he closes his laptop to smile at me. “You guys are gonna be fine. You love each other, right?” I try not to go red, but it's happening anyway. I give an enthusiastic nod and realize I look way too eager. Thank God Tai’s so cool. “Just take it slow. Use protection.” “Thanks, Mom.” “Look, if you’re wanting details, all my good advice is going to be from my most recent relationship.” Going pale, I jump to my feet and grab Veemon by the tail, yanking him off Tai’s bed. “But Agumon was getting cookies,” he cries. “Abort!” I yell, giving Tai a horrified look. “Abort!” *
Matt stares at me. “Google it.” Why didn’t I think of that? * “Google has traumatized me.” “I warned you not to click on the ads. Do you want me to install a proper antivirus software? Yours is outdated.” “That is not the problem, Izzy.” “Why don’t you try the library?” * Cody starts to type my request into the library database and does a double take. “Please don’t involve me in this,” he says. "I'm running out of options. The guys on the team were the worst. They all started heckling me for being with the same chick for three years without getting some.” (“You’re counting the breaks?”) “So what if we didn’t do it yet? They just don’t get Yolei. She's gonna want it to be perfect and she's got all these ideas on how things should go. I can’t keep track of ‘em. Like, get this, she told me about how gross this guy dating her sister was just ‘cause he spent the entire time slobbering all over her t—" “Why don’t you talk to TK?” “He’s dating Kari.” “Point taken.” * “I need medical advice.” I open a book in front of Joe’s nose the moment I enter his apartment. “How accurate is this?” He lowers his glasses to look at the pages and suddenly turns pink. “I’m not sure if my opinion on Kama Sutra would be considered medical advice.” “Why doesn’t anyone know how to have sex?” “That’s not, oh God.” “Oh, honey,” Mimi pipes in, emerging from the bathroom. I didn’t even know she was there. She slings an arm around my shoulders and grabs the book from my hands. “You’re looking for advice from the wrong gender.” “Do you live here?” I ask her. “Sometimes,” she says. I stare at her in awe. “I have so many questions for you.” Joe immediately bolts out the door. * There are literally so many feelings tumbling over and through me that I’m not sure what I say first: “wow” or “sorry.” I think it ended up coming out as a combination of the two, because Yolei is looking at me with a sort of a weird expression. Her eyes are so much easier to see without an inch of glass in the way. The brown is nearly gold, something I never really paid attention to until we started kissing each other (she always takes the glasses off so I don’t smudge them with my “face grease”). I don’t think she’s ever looked prettier than now, hair all a mess and her face soft, with those eyes and her flushed cheeks. Some of the makeup around her lashes smeared and I rub it with my thumb which makes her bat my hand away. “Don’t be sorry,” she says, combing her hair back before she turns on her pillow. We barely fit there together and my eyes take in the clock behind her head, making sure we finished well before her roommate is done with class. “That was totally normal.” My eyes shoot back to her. “That’s it?” I ask, trying not to feel offended. “You just said sorry.” “Okay, true.” I groan. “Ugh, I’m sorry.” “Seriously, stop.” She’s smiling and she slips her hand over my chest, nuzzling her face in my neck. “It’ll be better next time.” I smile so wide my cheeks hurt. “You’re not gonna dump me?” “For finishing without me? I don't think I was going to get there anyway." She flicks my nose when I pout and I snatch her hand. "It was our first time. Jeez, Davis.” I put her palm on my mouth and her fingers cover my eyes. “It didn’t hurt too much, did it?” “Only a little, same as the dozen other times you asked.” “Sorry,” I say again and she wiggles her hand out of mine and tickles my ribs. I nearly knock her in the gut with my knee, so she ends it with a firm squeeze and I feel every part of her again, pressing on every part of me. I squirm, super uncomfortable. “Okay, I gotta do something about this. I’m gross. How do you cuddle after that?” She laughs when I stand up and she has the nerve to watch me deal with things. “The movies are full of lies.” When I come back to her tiny twin bed a little less disgusting she welcomes me into her arms. My thighs trap her left calf and her stomach rises and falls under my chest.  I feel sleepy and rest my cheek on her, closing my eyes. Her fingers rake under my hair and down my neck. “I heard you borrowed Kama Sutra from the library to prepare,” she says. I slip my arms between the mattress and her back, pulling her in tight. “That was intimidating.” “Mimi said you scared Joe right out of his own apartment.” “He was totally unhelpful,” I mumble into her skin. “Mimi was amazing though.” Yolei pinches me right on my bare ass and I let out a really undignified squeak. “You should’ve just talked to me,” she says and I lift my face out of her boobs to see her squinting at me. Damn her terrible eyesight. “I've had a lot of unsolicited advice from my sisters," she says and then as an afterthought, she adds, "and Mantarou." Her tongue hangs out like she's gagging and I'm tempted to grab it with my fingers,  but I know that pisses her off and I'm gonna be smart when all my most vulnerable parts are still exposed. “Aren’t you the expert?” I grumble. “The point is, I had an idea of what to expect. You should’ve told me you were nervous.” I scoff even though it's true so she looks at me with her serious face and says, "This was supposed to be between us.” Oh no, she set me up. "You know what else is between us?" I can’t even keep a straight face. I let out a ridiculous sounding snort and her groan vibrates in her chest. I kiss her jaw before she starts to get mad and her hands relax on my back. “I’m sorry,” I tell her again, moving to the spot behind her ear. “You should be,” she says and her voice is all air. I used to have this list: a bunch of boxes I needed to check off in order to think of myself as a man. If you had told the past me I’d be checking any of them off with Yolei Inoue, I would’ve died laughing. But now that we’re here, I can’t imagine being with anyone else. If you don’t count the argument about who should put the condom on that delayed the whole thing awhile, she made it easy. All the awkward moments we spent fumbling were filled with mutual giggles and a few snide jokes neither of us took too seriously. I don’t even care about those stupid boxes anymore. “I love you,” I tell her, kissing her ear, her cheeks, her lips. She rolls me underneath, all laughter and smiles, and says it back.
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
Of Gods & Goddesses - Chapter One
A Modern Greek Mythology AU with Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The connection was immediate and the mystery behind Bucky Barnes ran deeper and deadlier than you thought. Falling in love has never been this complicated, for a goddess or otherwise. A modern reimagining of Hades and Persephone, with Bucky the God of Spring and you the Goddess of the Underworld.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (aka God!Bucky x Goddess!Reader, Persephone!Bucky x Hades!Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: New series for ya’ll! It’ll be fluff and drama and hopefully a blast to read. Please let me know what you think!
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The party was as lively as ever, the guests a display of gods and goddesses, showing off their opulence and grandeur as only they could. A black sky with white stars was the backdrop to this soiree inside, the warm glow of the party spilling out from the Stark Tower and down to the city far below.
It was the usual decadence, with glittering dresses and top shelf alcohol both flowing. The suits were cut and tailored, as prim as all those here feigned to be. The pale champagne in every delicate flute was as bubbly and light as the laughter that sounded in every corner, though the only the former was real.
“You could pretend to have fun here,” whispered Natasha in your ear, coming up from along the bar. A drink was place in your hand and you took a sip absently, eyes still out on the crowd from your little corner of the marble-topped bar, crowded with delighted party-goers.
“I do like these… parties,” you said, reasoning it was somewhat true. 
You could admit you did always enjoy the good quality champagne Tony imported in, taking another sip of the smooth liquid Nat had given you. It at least helped to pass the time more pleasantly until it was a reasonable hour to say your goodbyes and head home.
“Please, your face looks darker than your attitude usually is,” she said into her glass, taking a delicate sip of her whiskey with those all-too innocent eyes just above the crystal rim. Hard to pull off with her devilishly thick lashes and black winged eyeliner, but she did it.
You huffed and turned to her, knowing she was just trying to get a rise out of you like always. But again, like always, you fell into her trap anyway. Hardly your fault though; she was the Goddess of Strategy, Wisdom, and Warfare. Leave it to her to wheedle anyone into revealing anything.
“I’m having fun, Natasha, but thank you for checking up on me,” you said clipped and mouth setting into a bit of a frown.
This conversation, or at least the underlying intention of it, happened about every month, coinciding with this parties Tony insisted on throwing. Natasha always tried to goad you into dancing or mingling or pretending to have more fun than you probably could at these things. Sure, it was all to get you to loosen up and relax for a change, but this was not your version of relaxing.
Your home was a tad darker, quieter, softer than this, and had the added benefit of not needing sky-high heels and constricting floor-length gowns. Everything here was rather different, with a warm glow like gold had gilded every surface, every smile, every pair of gleaming eyes.
Just like fool’s gold.
You knew a fake when you saw it, and this room, however lavish, was full of them.
Everyone put on that mask of light and warmth, but underneath you felt the decay. Natasha had said- and Steve too on more than one occasion- that you it was simply more a reflection of your powers that caused you to view this world so. Always seeing the dead, hidden things underneath it all, and always judging people (intentionally or not).
Maybe that was true. But still, the reason why changed very little when it came down to it, the enchanting music and enchanted guests displayed like an open, boring book to you. After so many of these parties there wasn’t much to keep your interest.
So when you saw one dark figure muted and cold, you were stopped short.
Your champagne and friend beside you were forgotten, your eyebrow quirked and mind hummed with activity to clue in to who it was that caught your eye so.
He was taller than most here, built and admittedly beautiful. He was even more removed from the party than you, going so far as to stand out in the cool night air, separate and distant from the revelry inside.
He was leaning back against the railing, though looked anything but comfortable. In fact, he looked rather miserable. It was a kind of expression on him that looked practiced and familiar, eyes cast just slightly down along with the corners of his mouth. Eyelids blinked slow and almost weary in a way, big arms crossed tight against his chest.
But still, you felt it.
Just as you felt the supposed warmth and decay of those around you, you felt the stark contrast in that figure, that mystery god out there in the night.
He looked cold and miserable, and surprisingly full of life.
An impossibility to explain, you were drawn in like a curious moth to an out-of-place flame.
“Natasha,” you said to the woman beside you, who was signalling the bartender for two more drinks. “Who’s that, over on the balcony there?”
Natasha followed your gaze, taking a moment to spot the man in question.
“That’s Bucky,” she said, whatever spell cast over you bypassing her completely. “He only just got back a few weeks ago.”
“Back?” you questioned, eyes roaming from his ocean blue eyes and long chestnut hair, both catching the soft glow of the silver moonbeams. “Back from where?”
“That’s complicated,” she said vaguely, sipping now on her fourth whiskey of the night, passing you one too. “We don’t know where he was or why he was there yet, but do know what he was doing.”
“Adding a few extra names to your list of the dead, for starters,” she said, leaning back on the bar casually. “Which is only part of the mystery. His memory was wiped and was called the Winter Soldier, believe it or not.”
She scoffed, finding something sardonically amusing that you didn’t quite understand.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, turning to her.
“Well, it’s twistedly ironic and bit cruel, I think,” she responded, though not answering your question. At your confused looked and furrowed brow she carried on.
“He was called the Winter Soldier, set out by some taskmaster, ordered to kill people,” Natasha said. “But in actuality he’s the God of Spring, if you can believe it. That stone cold man is responsible for creating life and warmth and all that. Or least he’s supposed too.”
How hadn’t you heard of him before now? Maybe you should have mingled more at these parties, or at least visited the Tower more. But your work kept you busy, and it looked like Bucky had been part of the reason why.
“The Winter Soldier,” you whispered slowly, gaze glued back to the man standing alone. “Hmm, that’s all just awful.”
“Until he remembers more, there’s not much for Steve or the rest of us to do about it.” She took another sip. “Might as well get him back into the land of the living.”
“The God of Spring,” you again muttered absently to yourself, matching that description to the man verses the previous moniker.
Surprisingly they both fit: the cold, hard winter and the living, muted spring you both saw and felt. It was a juxtaposition and contrast that sparked something in you you couldn’t’ve remembered feeling before.
“Yeah, hardly your type,” she mused, a quick glance your way.
“Yeah,” you whispered, clutching on to the champagne flute in one hand and whiskey in the other, as though trying to use them both as anchors to keep from whisking over there. Or, for some reason you thought, whisking him away from this event completely.
He looked like he wanted to be here as much as you did, probably less so. You had friends like Natasha and familiarity of this routine. Plus, champagne. Bucky didn’t have any of that. 
Was that why the intrigue? The mere curiosity of a person out of place and the sympathy that came along with it? But that couldn’t explain the full extent of your captivation. Or the heat you felt on your skin, spreading across your chest and on your cheeks. How your eyes couldn’t stay off of him, memorizing every detail. How you could feel who was underneath that exterior.
Without a word you stepped off through the crowd, weaving in and out to reach this God of Spring, those two anchors in your hands not enough to hold you back. Because your mind was set. And gods help anything that got in your way of what you were set on.
A/N: Thanks for reading! If you want to be tagged in this series or put on my tag list let me know!
Permanent Tag List: @dontpanc, @smodvocate, @bunsterjonez, @buckybonky, @marveloustrashpanda, @hangirl93, @captainrogerrsbeard, @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen, @thisgirllikeme, @jjsoccer11, @innerpandablizzard-blog, @fanatic-fanfic, @mdgrdians, @christinky, @universal-death-of-a-fangirl, @cauraphernelia, @ailynalonso15, @cassiopeia-barrow, @1elboomdemsechevarria, @cameronskywalker, @rogrsnbarnes, @verygraphicink, @onlyanothersocialcasualty, @lisalisa007, @james-bucks, @zannemes
Bucky Barnes Tag List: @bexboo616, @kaaatniss, @lost-in-translating, @emabookcookie, @crazybutconfidentaf, @jitterbuck, @msruchita
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iamwhelmed · 5 years
Homesick: Chapter 4
I’m worried Raven may be a bit OOC here, even with the added stress of pregnancy, but I’m excited to post it <3
Read it on AO3
Read it on Fanfiction.net
She'd never lost her memories, that much she admitted. She'd been scared, guilty, riddled with hatred for who she'd been and the things she'd done. She knew very well that the titans forgave her, she'd seen the flowers at her feet when she woke up, but that didn't mean that she forgave herself.
That's what she told the team (minus Raven and Starfire, much to Terra's disappointment). She'd needed time, time to get more of a hang on her powers without Slade's influence, time to find herself again, understand the rock-climbing, cave-sleeping, salad-bar-devouring girl who got lost in turmoil. Beast Boy was the first to come forward, threw himself over her like a rug over tile, squeezed her with such desperation that she swore he thought he was dreaming. But he wasn't, she was there, and she took the opportunity to dig her nose into the warmth of his neck, nuzzling into the crook. When Beast Boy's kneading fingers released her as he stepped back, she smiled at him, and he smiled back; it was different from his old smile, older, she thought, but there was something else too.
Cyborg came forward and knocked her arm with his fist, teasing smile playing off the rise of his brow. She giggled and lugged him right back. "Welcome back, little lady."
"Good to be back, Cyborg."
"So," Robin stepped to the side, revealing a very different redhead from the one Terra knew, almost as though he'd stepped in front her her protectively. He might have, going by the exasperated shrug from the very slim, very casually dressed stranger. Jeans and a blue v-neck cotton shirt weren't exactly what she expected from a Teen Titan's wardrobe, but she wasn't one to judge. She turned her attention back to Robin, who had approached her with all the stern leader-ness she remembered, though he looked somewhat suspicious. She couldn't blame him, the last time she showed up at the tower without warning, she hadn't exactly been pursuing a career of altruism. "Does this mean you're back? For good?" One half of his mask got bigger, a sign he'd squinted at her with one eye.
Terra chuckled and rubbed at her arm, casting a side glance at Beast Boy, who realized why exactly she was looking to him and smiled. "Yeah sure, if you'll have me?"
There was a dead silence for a few moments, lifeless enough that she had the sudden urge to clear her throat. She waited, glancing from Beast Boy to the floor, to her other side, then back to Robin through the heavy lilt of her lashes. His face was indifferent, lips in a thin line as he scrutinized her with his stare. The stranger behind him tried to peer over his shoulder, get a better look at what was going on. Terra tried to ignore her, she was only making the twist in her stomach a million times worse. She knew she messed up, that sacrificing herself didn't make up for everything she'd done, all the horrible things she'd said, things that were true enough to her friends to hurt, but never things she sincerely thought. She'd wanted to hurt them, and she'd done that. Now she had to figure out a way to undo all of it.
Then Robin smile, offered her a hand to shake. Startled, she froze, some part of her afraid he was messing with her, but Robin would never. Slowly, she reached out and grabbed him; he shook their hands. "Welcome back, Terra."
Shopping was not her scene. Starfire knew this, and yet there they were, scouring a maternity store for a bra that would fit properly. She'd wanted to go alone, hoped she'd be less conspicuous if she kept to herself, dressed in civilian clothes, but Starfire didn't allow it. "Friend Raven, I am most concerned about the safety of both you and your unborn snarglpref! What would happen should a villain recognize you while you were on your own? I cannot allow it!"
Despite the eccentric wording, she supposed Starfire had a point.
The teenager at the counter seemed unbothered as she rang up the various bras and matching underwear, hardly sparing herself and Starfire a look as she slipped each item into the plastic bags. "Your total is $41.89."
Starfire reached into her new purse- tiny, lavender, with embroidered flowers detailing the flap- and handed the clerk the change. "Friend Raven, are you feeling unwell?"
"What? No, Star, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"Apologies, you just look… paler than a Centari Mandra."
"A what?"
"You look unwell."
Raven sighed. "Probably just the baby messing with my skin, is all." She felt fine, not even a headache from the extra bouts of emotion her little one seemed to drink in. Baby had been quiet all day, let her eat without throwing up, didn't make her cry or tear the air conditioner from the wall, so she was actually in a better place today than she usually was. Even Starfire had noticed the small smile on her face as they'd ordered their coffee and tea when they'd dropped by her workplace to pick up her check earlier. Today had been a good day.
Starfire mulled over her response, contemplating whether or not to believe her. She shrugged, ultimately deciding that it must not have been worth talking about if Raven wasn't concerned. The clerk handed them their bags, and they carried on to the next store. Starfire had been looking to indulge in some new nail polishes, and Raven planned on roaming around the spiritual store next door, maybe pick up some incense and see if the baby liked the smell. She hadn't burned any since she'd left the tower, but the growing unease, caused by the life conorting her emotions inside of her, was enough to make her consider something a little more drastic than meditation. She skimmed the rows of trinkets, books for light-reading, and walls of hats and beads and dreamcatchers, pausing at the boxes of incense. She plucked a box from the shelf. She made her way to the front after a few more minutes of wandering the small box of a store, placing the incense on the table. The guy at the counter was much friendlier than the girl in the maternity shop had been, and he smiled at her as their eyes met. It might have helped that she'd been a regular here before she'd left the tower. The television, small and cheap and hanging from the wall of the store, was turned to the news, left playing in the background as they struck up conversation. "Your usual?"
"I'm not feeling…" she nearly raised a hand to her stomach, but shook her head. She didn't want it getting out that she was pregnant. Not yet "... adventurous."
"Hey, you know I don't judge." He waved one hand aimlessly in the air, using the other to swipe the barcode across the register. "Ya know, I don't think I've ever seen you out of uniform."
Raven raised an eyebrow. She'd hoped that wear a cardigan, long and black like her robe, would suffice, that she wouldn't have to deal much with the odd sensation of jeans on her legs, or the thin long-sleeved top she'd bought when her uniform had grown uncomfortably tight around her midsection. She'd hoped nobody would notice the change. "I think I'm" her eye twitched "outgrowing my uniform."
She handed him the cash, which he accepted with a cheeky grin, especially after she told him to keep the change.
"Once again, Jump City's very own Teen Titans have saved the city!" She gasped, turned to the tv to see Cinderblock on the move again, fresh out of jail. She could see her friends, see the procedures she'd come to know so well she could feel her muscles aching to move to join, to help. She reached one hand to her communicator, surprised that it hadn't rung. The fight was over before she could even register Beast Boy's T-Rex hauling into Cinderblock, or hear the burst of Cyborg's canon. The camera was full of dust, full of debris, and smudged with mud, but she could still see them, still see her family. Robin and Cyborg fist-bumped, all grins and confidence. A familiar woman strayed not too far behind, winding up what appeared to be a grappling hook, similar to Robin's. She wore a mask- Robin's mask- but she recognized the hair. Tangled limbs, lips against skin, Starfire's tears. Rage sizzled somewhere inside Nevermore, and Raven felt somewhat less inclined to hold her back.
But then her eyes landed on Beast Boy, who'd jogged into the shot shortly after he'd morphed back into himself. He was all grins and fangs, looking pumped to have been in a fight again after what Raven assumed had been a quiet three months, since she and Starfire hadn't gotten any emergency calls from Robin. Now though, she wasn't so sure. The stranger set her arm on Robin's shoulder, propped against him like he was a wall as she- well, Raven wasn't quite sure. Was she encouraging Beast Boy?
Seemed like it, because his eyes grew three times their size before he very clearly made a poorly-timed joke (or just a bad joke in general), and she watched as the other three hero's faces clenched in disgust or aged prematurely by twenty years. Affection piped up from her corner of Nevermore, egged on by Happy and only restrained by Timid. She couldn't help it, she smiled. Despite everything, despite another woman's name, despite the child that became more alive with every passing day, Affection had never quite let go of Beast Boy, and she wasn't sure she wanted her to. His smile was still big, still bright, still as boyishly handsome as it always had been, as she'd let herself acknowledge it as when she kissed him the first time. She raised two timorous fingers to her lips, hoping to recreate the pressure of him devouring her heart, but she found them a poor substitute.
Beast Boy laughed, the kind of laugh where he had to hold his sides, where he doubled over at his own stupid joke, and she at once missed him so that it swallowed her soul completely. Baby squeezed her heart, or maybe it was Affection; she swallowed. Maybe this had all been a mistake, maybe she was wrong to leave, wrong to keep this from him. He'd be scared, of course he would, but she was every bit as terrified, and what were they together for if not to support each other when the world was crashing down around them? She'd let her insecurities, maybe hormones, get in the way of reason. That'd been wrong. Beast Boy deserved to know. This was her child; this was his child. She raised her other hand to grace her swelling stomach.
And then there was a flash of blonde, and her revelation went as quickly as it'd come, but tore into her with such ferocity she thought it would have been better to never have had an epiphany at all. Terra herself, alive, wide-eyed, beautiful, she came flying over on a small slab of rock, then landed next to Beast Boy with all the grace of a classic woman. She slugged Beast Boy in the shoulder, and he grinned from ear-to-ear and slugged her back. Timid cried out, look at them, he's still in love with her. Does that mean he never loved us? Reason tried to step in (it was a friendly gesture-) but Sorrow screamed over her (look at their eyes, look at the way he's smiling, he doesn't miss us at all, this child is a bastard like us) and Rage rumbled beneath the surface (we had a purpose, our child does not, and that makes this so much worse than it already was).
The ball of glass, filled with colors and shapes that mirrored sunsets and twilight skies, stable on a podium by the front of the store, shattered in black aura. Her breath hitched, and she realized once again that she was crying. Reason spoke out, momentarily calming the other voices, though they continued to rage inside her mind. This is not the place to cry. Find Starfire and phase home. She took her incense and left without so much as a parting word to the clerk, who watched her with wide, panicked eyes as she fled the store. Had she stuck around, she might have seen the concern in them.
Perhaps that was why she'd looked unwell. She folded her cardigan over herself and rubbed slow circles into her stomach. Perhaps the baby had known what was coming…
Starfire tucked the blankets over Raven's trembling figure, brushing the strands of hair that'd fallen into her face. Streaks, still wet, still fresh, coated her cheeks like the lines on a paved road. She grimaced, pulling away to rotate her arm where Raven had clung to her as she'd sobbed. It was sore, no doubt bruised from the strength she doubted Raven normally had, but grief did funny things to people. Raven trembled under the covers, but she knew it would be a few hours before she joined the land of the living once more. Crying your eyes out for hours at a time, especially at the month of pregnancy where fatigue begins to set in, was a good way to ensure a long, dreamless sleep. She frowned and turned on their tv, careful to mute it so as to not disturb her now unconscious friend.
It was as Raven said; Terra was back, and the woman in Robin's bed was still there.
Her heart broke all over again.
For herself, for Raven, for the home she was starting to suspect they could not return to for a long time…
That woman, the one he'd let into his bed, the one she saw in her dreams, making Robin putty in her hands, pleasing him; she could never hear her name on the nights her mind graced her with such heartwrenchingly raunchy visions, but she could hear the desperation in Robin's voice, feel the euphoria he never gave her the opportunity to provide. That woman was still there, still smiling at him, still on his arm, and she felt no better once she saw the beautiful blue of her eyes. No wonder Robin had been captivated, she could see even the proudest of warriors submitting to her allure. She just never thought that he'd do so without so much as a goodbye.
Her eyes were burning, and she squeezed them shut as the tears started. She'd stayed strong as Raven wept, because she was an empath, because crying too would make things worse, but now Raven was asleep, and she could let it all out so long as she stayed silent. Her legs curled to her chest, and she wrapped her arms around them and dug her head into her knees, biting her lip to keep the whimpering at a low. Robin's hands cupping her own. Robin's boyish smile. Robin holding her face, pulling her into him, hands in her hand, lips pressed so sweetly to her own. The way he said her name, the comfort he brought her. She knew it was gone, it was all gone, so far behind her now that she couldn't even touch it, touch him. She loved him, she loved him so much, why had it ended this way, why could they not last, why could she not stay forever in his arms, kiss him, adore him, stay with him?
She thought he loved her.
She'd been wrong about that.
When Raven woke up, her eyes felt as crusty as sand, like somebody had taken a handful of glue and glitter and held both to her eyelids until they were heavy and thick with sleep. Her body, she noticed as she tried to sit up, was numb with sleep, like she'd exhausted every limb. She shook it off- must have been the fatigue, or the hours of crying. She made a note to threaten Starfire's life should she ever tell anyone she'd acted so emotional. It was out of character, though she supposed so was getting pregnant. She sat up and yawned. "Starfire, it's getting late, you should turn the tv off and get some sleep." There was no response.
Raven looked over her shoulder. "Star, did you hear what I-?" The bed was empty, still made from this morning, though the edge of the foot of the bed seemed to have been lounged on. She raised an eyebrow. "Starfire?" She glanced to the bathroom, but the door was wide open, and there wasn't a sound to go by- running water, singing, footsteps- anything. A quick glance at the clock told her that she hadn't slept well into the next morning, because it was only two in the morning. A quick glance at the door confirmed that. Raven slid out of bed, raising an eyebrow. "Where in the world could you have possibly gone at two in freaking morning…" Her normal monotone was back, and she was thankful for that. Normalcy was what she needed right now, before the baby realized she was awake.
It'd taken her a few minutes to track Starfire's location, and a generous walk to what appeared to be some docks, but any upset that had started in her stomach had been quelled upon seeing Starfire sitting at the very edge of the docks. I get it, Baby, you like Starfire. I do too, that's why we keep her around. "Couldn't sleep?"
If Starfire was startled by her sudden company, she didn't show it. "No, I am afraid I could not."
Raven took a seat next to her. "Wanna talk about it?"
Starfire sighed, swinging her legs limply over the side of the dock, tips of her shoes brushing the edge of the water, creating ripples where she moved. Raven dangled her legs over the side in solidarity, though her own were far too short to reach the tides below. "I used to think Robin and I were destined to be together…"
"I know the feeling."
"I just-" Starfire grinded her teeth, and in the light of the moon she could see the glossy finish of her eyes "I do not understand why Robin would commit the act of infidelity! He has always been the stickler and the strict follower of the rules, and that is the biggest of them all!"
Raven shrugged. "Well Star, sometimes we're wrong about people. Sometimes we trust them more than we should. It's part of being human."
"But I am not human." Starfire looked at her, glassy eyes filled with defiance, but desperation despite the instinct. "Raven, you can feel the emotions of others, can you not? Did Robin…" She glanced back down at the water, the way her boots graced the small waves "...Did Robin ever truly love me?"
Raven sighed. "I couldn't tell you, Star. He made me promise to never use my abilities on him, and I never saw much of a reason to," until now. Starfire whimpered, pulling her legs up with her arms, digging her chin into the crook between her knees. Raven's heart broke for the second time that day, watching her process, fully, what Robin had done. "Do you think he did?"
"...I do not think so, and I am starting to fear that I am correct."
Raven wasn't much for physical affection, and maybe it was the baby (which she'd blame it on later), or maybe it was the three months of confinement to close quarters with the most physically affectionate alien on the planet, but she wrapped an arm around Starfire and pulled her into an awkward side-hug. "There, uh, there…" she tried to comfort her. If Starfire was put off, once again, she didn't show it, must have been a pretty good actress. She turned her head into Raven's shoulder and cried.
They sat there for awhile, Raven wasn't sure how long. The moon had inched further into the sky, the sounds of cars nearby came and went, men on their way home to their families, children on their way home for the summer. These were things the two of them may never have. Starfire's tears had ceased, her breathing had returned to normal, but the comfort of their embrace far outlasted the original empathetic purpose. They both needed it, support. They could not find it where it should have been, and would not find it elsewhere, so they would work with what they had as they always have.
"Aw, am I interrupting something?"
How had she not felt him? Raven and Starfire pulled away, whipping to find a shadow standing atop the warehouse behind them. There was a cape they could make out, confidence (borderline narcissism), humor in his stance. They both blinked and stood. Starfire used the adrenaline spike to call on a starbolt, and held it up in the air with the hopes they could see the intruder better. It made no difference.
He laughed. "Don't recognize me? Can't tell by my voice?" He leaped from the roof in a surprising display of acrobatics, landing a few feet before them without so much as a grunt. They both went to take a step back, only to feel their heels edging off of the side of the dock. They glanced back to the waters, once calming before, now cold and beckoning. "Now now, ladies, don't go taking a dip just yet." Starfire raised the bolt higher, in warning. He took it in stride. One shadowed hand raised an amulet, red and glittering in the moonlight, round and regal from the gold chain it hung from. "You've gotta make an attempt to beat this off me, don't ya?"
Only a foot away then, and Red X was still moving closer.
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fibula-rasa · 7 years
A Century of Glamour Ghouls: 1910s
Irma Vep in Les Vampires (1915-6)
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[Image Description: Photo of me dressed up and posed as Irma Vep (Musidora) from Les Vampires (1915-6). I’m wearing black from head to toe standing with a defiant posture in front a wall with floral wallpaper.]
The Movie
Louis Feuillade’s Les Vampires (1915-6) serials were made at a time when the cinematic forms of genres were crystallizing into the conventions we know all too well today. Les Vampires is a macabre crime-drama serial, often retroactively labeled horror.
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The film follows Philippe, a newspaper reporter, as he investigates a shadowy gang of criminals called The Vampires. Starting with a decapitated police inspector, each successive episode sees Philippe get closer to unraveling the labyrinthine world of The Vampires while alliances shift and the body count rises. Irma Vep (Musidora) is a member of the gang who moonlights as a cabaret singer. Over the course of the series, Irma emerges as the true lead, though she never repents or renounces her life of crime; a quintessential vamp.
Derided by contemporary critics, but beloved by audiences, Les Vampires is classic pulp. One film critic expressed his feelings toward Les Vampire thusly in a 1916 issue of Hebdo-Film:
"That a man of talent, an artist, as the director of most of the great films which have been the success and glory of Gaumont, starts again to deal with this unhealthy genre, obsolete and condemned by all people of taste, remains for me a real problem."
It’s understandably divisive that Feuillade ignores accepted filmmaking “rules” here and there. But the reading that Feuillade’s rule-breaking is strategic is certainly valid. The viewing experience is destabilized to create tension but not in ways that sacrifice narrative clarity. Feuillade will subtly skirt the rules by making unexpected cuts or switch within a scene from sequences that follow (what would later be termed) “invisible editing” standards to flat tableaus. Taken together, the audience is unsettled without necessarily knowing why. (Yes, 1915 audiences were already accustomed to these standards of visual storytelling!) It’s a great companion to the macabre events depicted in the films. A century later, The Witch: A New England Folktale (2015), directed by Robert Eggers, employs some of the same strategies.
I know seven hours of silent-film viewing might seem daunting but, unlike other serials from the era, Les Vampires’ installments are fairly self-contained stories. (My favorite is the fifth episode “Dead Man’s Escape.”) 
The Look
Musidora’s Irma Vep (yes, that is an anagram for vampire) is an archetypal vamp, in characterization and in aesthetic. Irma’s a master of disguise who can assume practically any role to further the aims of The Vampires and her loyalties change almost as often as her costumes.
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The Clothes
The iconic Irma Vep look is her black catsuit, which is even referenced in a ballet about The Vampires within the film. Irma is a clear predecessor of Catwoman (not the only inspiration Batman pulls from Feuillade’s crime serials btw). 
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For the closet-cosplay (or work-appropriate version), I went for an all black outfit with lace-up dress shoes.
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I don’t own a black catsuit, so I made do with black tights and a black turtleneck top. Planning ahead for the costume, black hoods are easily found on amazon. I, however, don’t have a hood in my closet, so I put another pair of (clean) black tights on my head and simply wrapped the legs around my neck and tucked the ends into the back of my sweater. Voila!
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The Makeup
Musidora’s Irma makeup is only occasionally as dramatic as other film vamps. When Irma’s not performing on stage, her makeup is more muted, a great basis for a wearable closet-cosplay makeup look.
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For the base, I applied an even layer of powder a shade slightly lighter than my skin tone and concealed under my eyes. (Obviously Musidora would’ve been wearing more face makeup and you can too! I stuck with powder to stay true to the era. ) I didn’t bother with blush or contouring since I didn’t find it necessary.
The eye makeup is dramatic and emphasizes the shape her eyes. Since this is meant to be a more wearable look, I used brown shadow create an elongated smoky eye, (1.) blending a light layer from the lashline to just below my eyebrows and smudging what’s left on the brush all along my lower lid. (2.) Then I built up the shading around the lashline by using a wet brush in the same shadow. (3.) Then I added a little extra darker brown shadow very close to the lashline. Since this look isn’t much about the lashes, I just painted on a layer of black mascara. 
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If you think this makes your eyes look too small, run liner in your lower waterline that’s either white (more striking) or a bit lighter than your skin-tone (more subtle).
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Her eyebrows are slightly rounded without much of an arch, roughly mirroring the shape of her eyes. I used a brown pencil to get the shape and softened it a bit with a cooler brown powder.
As for lips, you may be tempted to go for a purple-y wine shade, but based on how contemporary cameras captured such detail around her lips, I’d wager Musidora used a medium shade. Just dark enough to create a definitive shape. Musidora’s lips are on the smaller side so, think underlining instead of overlining to make straight, sharp lines on both upper & lower lips. I carved out the lip shape with cream concealer then used a deep pink lipstick shade.
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Shifting to the FULL COSTUME, you can follow the same basic steps but switch to dark gray and black for the eye makeup. I went into the waterline with black liner but, as with the daytime look, if you think it’s shrinks your eyes too much, line the waterline with white or a neutral shade just a bit lighter than your skin tone. Block the eyebrows out with a more solid line rather than keeping them natural. For the lips, I also went darker to match the high-contrast effect of the eye makeup.
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Hope this inspires you all in putting together your costumes this year! 
The 1920s | The 1930s | The 1940s | The 1950s | The 1960s | The 1970s | The 1980s | The 1990s | The 2000s
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kadtherine · 7 years
alec lightwood appreciation 2017
week 5 : family
Alec was going over a particular mission detail with Raj when he noticed both Isabelle and Max sneaking out of the OPS center. With a frown, he practically shoved the file in Raj’s head, stammering out a barely thought excuse before he took his leave, rushing after his siblings before either of them could disappear from his sight. He dodged returning patrols and avoided the crowded halls, where previously laughing shadowhunters pretended to busy themselves at the sight of the Head of the Institute. Alec payed them no mind, focused on following his siblings’ tracks. He eventually found them standing in front of the Institute’s front doors, both readying themselves to get out much to Alec’s confusion. He watched with crossed arms and a mix of curiosity and confusion, Isabelle wrap a thick scarf around Max’s neck, the latter mildly irritated by her fretting as he busied himself with filling a backpack. After making sure that every morsel of Max’s skin had been covered, Isabelle grabbed a leather jacket and quickly shrugged it on, taking her hair out the her jacket with a swift movement before she tied it up in a tight ponytail. Alec’s eyes widened when he watched Isabelle get her stele out of her back pocket - of all the places to keep it, he thought with aggravation - and started working on a Glamouring Rune.
Both were in the process of switching their combat boots to simple sneakers when Alec decided to make his presence known. Slipping out of his dark corner, he took a few steps toward them before Max lifted his head, a smile appearing on his face when he noticed him.
“Hey, Alec!”
“Hey…,” Alec tilted his head to the side, stuffing a hand in his pocket, “You guys are going on a trip or somethin’?”
“Simon told me about that comic store that I really want to visit,” Max informed him, bouncing on his toes in both excitement and impatience.
Alec frowned down at his little brother before looking back at Isabelle, an eyebrow cocked in question. How had the annoying mundane-turned-vampire spend enough time with Max for him to remember his name, Alec thought. Isabelle responded to his look with an eye roll and an annoyed sigh. Shrugging on her own backpack, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before fixing Max’s collar.
“Do you want to come with us?” Max offered, his tone slightly hopeful before he batted Isabelle’s hands away, “Jace is going to meet us in some coffee in a hour.”
Rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, Alec threw a quick look in a direction of the OPS, where things seemed to be strangely calm - the calm before the storm, nagged an irritating voice in his mid - before he looked up to the grandfather clock.
“It’s getting late.”
“It’s barely three,” Isabelle protested, her previous annoyance remplaced by excitement at the prospect of spending the afternoon with her brothers, “Come on, it’ll be fun. When was the last time we spend time with just the four of us?”
His jaw clenched, Alec dipped his head down, frowning at the groan in thought. He couldn’t actually remember the last time he had spend time with Isabelle and Jace because of something that wasn’t a mission. Now that he had been appointed as Head of the Institute, Alec barely had the time to see Max whenever the latter would visit. Alec looked back up and groaned when met with two matching pouts.
“I can’t. I’ve got to-”
“Oh come on!” Isabelle insisted, almost whining. “We’ll go to the zoo and we could have early dinner in Manhattan. You’ve got to come with us or it won’t be the same. I’m sure you can leave the Institute for the evening without it burning down,” she added, her tone softer.
Alec snorted, running his fingers through his hair a couple of times before he let his head fall onto the back of his neck. Looking back at his siblings, he found Isabelle staring at him, a knowing - seemingly victorious - smirk plastered on her face and her arms crossed against her chest in feigned patience while Max was holding both hands in front of his, as if begging for something. Letting his arms fall to his sides, Alec let out a sigh in resign - from the corner of his eye, he could see Isabelle’s smirk widen at his quiet abandon.
“Lemme grab my jacket.”
They stood in front of a street cart, both patiently waiting for their commands while observing their surroundings. A few steps away from them, Max stated wide eyed at the different cosplayers posing with tourists down Times Square, his bretzel forgotten in his hands. With a smirk, Alec turned back to Isabelle, the latter buried against him in search of some warmth.
“Does your special sibling outing activities include you catching a cold and/or us getting food intoxication from this dubious street cart?” he teased, propping his chin on her head.
He winced and leaned back when Isabelle responded by pinching his side. Detangling herself from Alec, she glared up at him before pulling down the scarf that covered half of her face.
“Don’t be rude,” she muttered.
At the call of their orders, Isabelle reached into his pocket, getting two bills of ten and putting them on a counter with a smile while Alec grabbed both his f their bretzels and sauces. Isabelle looped an arm through his, dragging them away from the booth before he could ask for or be given his change. She ignored Alec frowning down at her and grabbed her snack out of his hand.
“You’re aware all three bretzels only costed 15 bucks, right?”
“I wouldn’t have tipped him extra if you hadn’t been a jerk,” Isabelle knocked her hip against his, “come on, you grump. Admit you’re having fun.”
He rolled his eyes and bit into his salty treat as they both lazily strolled down the street, Max ahead of them and exchanging high fives with Spiderman. He was having fun. He had enjoyed their short promenade through Central Park, where both Max and Isabelle had been invited to feed the horses and responded with excited squeals. He then, had fun when they had moved further into the park’s zoo, tugging Max’s hood with an amused grin when the latter would get too close to the felines’ enclosure - like face-stuck-to-the-glass-panel-too close. He had watched fondly as Isabelle had stepped not the monkeys’ enclosure, feeding them popcorn as they climbed onto her shoulder.However, admitting to having fun was only asking Isabelle to smugly brag that she had been right and she probably drop her $5 dollar caramel bretzel to the ground while doing a victory dance.
Alec hummed in an noncommittal way, hiding a smirk when she groaned in frustration. He watched with a small smile as Max stopped in his tracks and walked back to them, a frown on his face and his soggy bretzel in his hand.
“Could I get another thing to eat when we get to the café?” he asked.
“You aren’t done with this,” Alec sighed, inwardly preparing himself for his brother’s arguing, “I thought we agreed on only getting something to drink once we get there.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t expect it to taste g- to not like it,” Max quickly corrected when Alec leveled a warning glare at him, “plus, I want some cheesecake.“
Before Alec could protest, Isabelle reached forward and plopped the rest of Max’s bretzel out of his hands before popping it in her mouth. Her mouth full, she looked up at Alec, her cheeks puffed as she grinned mischievously at him. He stared back at her, unimpressed, as she made a show of checking and swallowing the food with a loud gulp.
“Problem solved,” Isabelle said, her grin matching Max’s as she sucked salt pearls stuck on her thumb, “Where to next?”
They had decided that, next should be the infamous comic store Simon had talked to Max about. Store that was beyond crowded and did nothing to put the young vampire in Alec’s favors. While Isabelle’s arm was looped through his, Alec had to keep a hand on Max’s shoulder, stopping the over excited boy from wandering by himself and disappearing into the crowd. Max bounced from the comic section to the pop figure section, blabbering about such and such that both tired and amused Alec while Isabelle seemed to be following what he was such with no difficulty. He found himself thinking that it wasn’t only his baby brother that had been spending too much time with Simon. Before they walked out the store, Max insisted on buying a pop figure for each of his siblings - Alec ended up with a Hawkeye figure, Isabelle was the happy receivant of a Black Widow figure and all three agreed on buying a Captain America for Jace.
Isabelle, dragged them from the comic store to the Lego store where then, followed a competition between the three siblings on who coud build the most impressive monument or building. Isabelle was haflway through a perfect  Lego-repica of the Institute before a toddler rushed in and proceeded to destruct her piece, much too Alec and Max’s amusement. Isabelle lashed out of frustration, her fist crashing into Alec’s Eiffel Tower and sending Legos flying everywhere, shooting a mischievious grin in response to his protesting cries. Max was declared winnner by elimination.
They walked out of the store, Isabelle and Max ahead while Alec walked a few feet behind them. He snorted as they both began skipping in synch, arms linked together. They had to stop at a roadcrossings, laughing to themselves about something, falling silent when Alec joined them. He cocked an eyebrow at them, to which Isabelle and Max responded with smothered laughter. They sobered and resumed their skipping when the pedestrian turned green. Alec watched as they slowed down, waiting from him to catch up.
“Y’know, your hair’s getting kinda long,” Isabelle said with a frown, raking her fingers through Max’s blonde hair, “you’re in need of a haircut.”
“No, I’m not!” Max protested, batting her hand away and brushing his hair back, “Beside, it gives me an edge.”
“An edge?” Alec snorted, “You’re 11. Why would you need to look edgy?”
Max shrugged in response, oblivious to the look Isabelle and Alec exchanged over his head. Alec caught sight of Jace already in the café, sitting at a window’s seat. Jace lifted his head at the same momen and met his gaze, lifting a hand in greeting. Alec returned the greeting with a nod as he walked ahead to the café’s door, holding it opened for his younger siblings. Isabelle put both hands on Max’s shoulders and led him to the bathroom while Alec went to join Jace by the table.
“Hey, quick question,” Alec started as he caught the drink Jace slid his way, “what’s your opinion about Max cutting his hair?”
“Why should he? It’s giving him an edge,” Jace frowned, sipping on his coffee as he leaned back in his chair, “Why?”
“No reason,” Alec smirked, drumming his fingers against the table.
Narrowing his eyes at him, Jason run his fingers through his hair and crossed a leg over the other. He grinned when seeing both Isabelle and Max joined the table. Isabelle greeted Jace with a kiss on the cheek before grabbing the styrofoam cup of tea in front of her.
“Hey little man,” Jace bumped his fist against Max’ before handing him a cup of hot chocolate, “Ready to meet Lady Liberty? The next ferry’s for Manhattan is in ten,” he added while getting up.
“I thought we would’ve the time to eat before we go,” Max frowned, slightly disappointed.
As if on cue, Jace smirked and held up a paper bag, waggling his eyebrows at the younger boy.
“I gotcha, bro.” 
Chuckling at Max’s bright grin, Jace carefully slipped the paper back in his brother’s backpack before he tapped him on his shoulder, silently informing him to move forward.
“Vamos, people,” Jace prompted, earning a look from Isabelle.
The ferry’s bridge was surprisingly empty of people - Alec attributed the lack of crowds to the bad weather and the late hour. Not that it would usually deter New Yorkers or tourists, but for some reasons they had chosen to stay inside the boat. Not that he minded - according to Alec, the less people, the better. Alec had chosen to sit on a bench, safe from the big gushes of wind while keeping an eye on Jace and Max, both - dangerously - leaning over the railing and looking into the Hudson. If it wasn’t for Jace’s arm around Max’s waist, Alec would have already dragged them both away from it.
Stretching his legs over him, Alec pulled his hood over his head and downed the rest of the coffee, relishing in its warmth. He barely had the time to pull his arms away before Isabelle came to lay on him, bundled in her leather jacket, hoodie and scarf. Alec leaned his head back with a grunt and tilted it to the side so he wouldn’t get a mouth full of hair.
“Comfy?” Alec deadpanned.
“Very, thank you,” Isabelle shot back as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Alec scoffed and brushed her hair away before he wrapped his arms around her, swallowing a wince when her elbow dug into his ribs as she got comfortable. As if she heard his intake of breath, she shot him a small look and grimaced, mouthing a quiet apology. He pinced her side in respone before adjusting his hold on her. Isabelle turned back around and let out a content sigh.
“This is nice.”
Alec hummed, his hold tightening around her. A comfortable silence fell between the two, only broken by the sound of the wind and waves. Alec’s gaze turned to Jace and Max, smiling when he saw the both of them engage in an intense thumb-war. His eyes, then, fell to Isabelle at the sound of her laugh, the latter as engaged in the match as both of her brothers.
This is nice, Alec thought, almost surprised at the sound of his own laugh mixing with Isabelle. He pursed his lips, smothering his laughter when Isabelle sat up and threw him a look over her shoulder, a smirk tugging at her lips and a victorious glint in her eye. He narrowed his eyes at her.
“You really thought this through, didn’t you?”
Isabelle kept smirking and shrugged, running her fingers through her hair before she reached into her Pocket and got a familiar device out of it. Eyes wide-opened, Alec sat up, an arm automaticaly wrapping around Isabelle’s waist to prevent her from falling, and snatched his phone out of her hands.
“Izzy! What are you doing with my phone?”
“Had to make sure you wouldn’t spend the day on it, worrying about the Institute and stuff. Plus,” she shrugged in a nonchalant way, unbothered by his annoye glare, “Mom told me to do so.”
As if it were possible, Alec’s eyes grew wider and his eyebrows climbed higher on his forehead.
“Mom- told you to do so?! Mom knows about this?”
“Of course she does,” Isabelle retorted in a ‘duh, idiot’ tone before she took his phone and shoved it back in her pocket, “How do I think I got the four of us to leave the Institute without any resistance? Beside, I’m not an idiot: I wouldn’t leave the Institute without supervision.”
Alec was torn between bein angry or amused by this entire ordeal. He couldn’t help but laugh at the satisfied grin Isabelle wore and for the umptenth time in his lifetime, Alec was relieved that Isabelle was on their side. With her genius, strength and mischievousness, she’d be able to take over the world within hours. Shifting on his lap, Isabelle began poking his chest.
“Now admit it: this was the best idea ever and I’m a genius.”
Alec grabbed both of her hands with his free one, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I never denied the fact that you were a genius. As for this being the ‘best idea ever’,” he cocked his head to the side and smirked, “day’s still young, hermanita. It could all go to hell, knowing us.” 
Letting out a scoff, Isabelle freed her hands from his grasp and gave his chest a last shove.
Late into the evening, a couple of young men could be seen racing through the streets of New York, each carrying another person on their backs and each talking trash to the other. Pedestrians hastely moved out of their way as they jumped over benches and pratically flew to cross the pedestrian crossings before it turned red.
“Come on, Alec! They’re catching up,” Max urged him on, his arms tightening around his neck as Alec took a sharp turn.
Alec risked a look back, smirking at Isabelle screaming and almost kicking Jace’s sides for him to go faster. He heard his parabatai’s muffled ‘damn it, Iz” I’m not a freakin’ horse! stop digging your heels in’ as he turned back around, nearly crashing into a couple of women. He slowed down his pace with a gasp, ignoring Max’s whining in his ear as Jace and Isabelle flew pass them, the latter cackling at them. Swallowing a curse, Alec threw an apology over his shoulder before he resumed the horse, adjusting his hold on Max.
He breathed out a sigh when catching sight of the enlightened Institute and both Isabelle and Jace sitting at the front steps. Skidding to a stop, Alec let a petulant and arguing Max off his back as he rushed to his smug siblings’.
“I demand a rematch!” he declared, stomping his feet as he climbed the stairs.
“Aw, come on, Maxi-Max, don’t be such a sore-loser,” Jace said as he got up, dusting off his hands on his pants 
Max humphed, crossing his arms over his chest and avoiding Isabelle’s hands as he pushed in the heavy front door of the Institute, closely followed by his siblings. The OPS centre was still buzzing with activity at their arrival, Maryse standing in front of a multitude of screens, her lip stuck between her teeth as she listened to whatever was being said. She looked away at the sound of the bickering, her concentration replaced by amusement. Handing her tablet to a nearby Shadowhunter, Maryse quickly got down the stairs and walked toward her four children.
“And here I was thinking that this place was too quiet,” Maryse said, her smile widened when all heads swiveled to face her. Her gaze drifting to a still pouting Max, “Did you have fun, love?”
“It was fine, I guess,” he shrugged before glaring up at Isabelle and Jace, “before these two ruined it by cheating-”
“Hey now, dude,” Jace interrupted, frowning down at Max, “we won fair and square-”
A new wave of bickering erupted between the three younger siblings, causing Maryse to throw a look at Alec. Alec responded with an eye roll, cocking an eyebrow at her as if silently telling her that it was her fault. And technically, it was. Maryse returned the look, crossing her arms and cocking a head to the side : they’re your siblings. Deal with them. With a long sigh, Alec put both hands on Max’s shoulders, putting an end to the argument.
“We’ll have our rematch, Max. Promise. Just not today, it’s getting late.”
As Max was about to protest that he wasn’t tired, a traitorous yawn escaped his mouth. Alec smirked down at him, ruffling his hair before he looked up at his mother, the latter pursing her lips in attempt to smother her laugh. Clearing her threat, Maryse leaned down so she was eye-levelled with Max and brushed away the locks of hair that fell over his eyes. 
“How about you go up, put away your things and hop in the shower? I’ll come up later to check on you;” 
Max blew out a breath and nodded, dragging his feet as he made his way to his private quarters. Isabelle shot a small, tired smile at her mother and let out a yawn of her own, pulling her hair out of her ponytail. 
“I’m going to go up too. I’ll check on Max,” she reached for her mother, giving her a short embrace, “Night, losers,” she threw over her shoulders.
“Night, Iz’,” Alec retorted with an eyeroll. 
Jace muttered something about going to see if Clary had already turned up for the night before taking his leave, oblivious to Alec’s and Maryse’s amusement. He threw a look to his mother and let out a long-suffering sigh, earning a snort from the older woman. Alec shrugged off his leather jacket with a groan and fell into step with Maryse as they made their way around the OPS centre. 
“How were things around here?” Alec asked, rolling his neck and snapping back into leader mode.
Maryse stopped in her tracks and put a hand on his arm, forcing him to turn and face. 
“I’ve been handling this Institute long before you can walk, Alec. I’ve got things under control.”
“I know, b-”
“How about you tell me how about your day?” she interrupted,wrapping an arm around his, in a similar manner Isabelle had done earlier, “Did you have fun?”  
Alec blinked down at her, wondering for a second if something had gone wrong during his absence and she was trying to hide it from. But brown eyes stared back into his and Alec only saw genuine curiosity and affection. As if sensing his hesitation, Maryse squeezed his arm, snapping him out of his train of thoughts. 
“Uh, it was fine. Max didn’t get eaten by tigers, Izzy made friends with a capucin monkey and Jace didn’t fall into the Hudson. Sounds like a pretty good day to me,” he said, flashing his mother a sheepish smile. 
“While I’m glad that all your siblings are alive and well, this isn’t what I asked,” Maryse chuckled when he frowned down at her, as if genuinely confused, “Did you had fun?” 
Alec found himself pondering over the question. Unnecessarily, of course since he had already - although, albeit relucantly - admitted to himself that Isabelle’s idea hadn’t been as bad as he had thought it would be. He remembered genuinely enjoying himself when feeding the cows at the zoo - he might have named one or two, but that was his secret to know. Alec remembered laughing at loud during their sibling competition in the Lego store, wiping tears when Isabelle’s building had been rendered to pieces - literaly. Hell, Alec already pictured where he would put the Hawkeye pop figure Max had bought him - on his desk in the office, next to a photo they had taken in Central Park last year.
 Alec looked down at his mother,the latter staring back at her with a knowing smile. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I won’t tell Isabelle, promise,” she whispered. 
“Well, in that case,” Alec snorted, “I guess I had fun.”
And while his tone was sarcastic, his words were as genuine as Maryse’s responding smile. 
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