#just another day at tapops
bboyincorrect · 6 months
Fang: Being attractive is so inconvenient. How am I supposed to do things if I'm constantly surrounded by swooning fans? Ying: Open your mouth. Your personality will drive them away.
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vanillaxoshi · 3 months
More continuation of solfang! 2 parts left after this :]
Fang has long accepted that he isn't human, hes proud to be a Gogobugian with his brother. No matter how much it hurts that his bloodline dies with his brother and him
He loves being an alien, truly he does. But sometime he daydreams of how much easier things would come to him
For example; romance.
Now he has tried to flirt with someone else once just to make sure Ying wasn't making him act stupid, and it works (the poor girl tho, it was embarrassing to explain)
Somehow it works on everyone –well that is if movies and those novels are anything to go by– except the person hes trying to actually have a relationship with
To the point Ying is so tired of him, which is kinda her own fault since he never actually asked for her help
Wait why is she even doing this?
A thought for another day, because said person is currently chewing him out with his latest failed attempt. What is this.. attempt 64? He stopped counting when Haya gave him flowers (later he learns it was an apology bouquet after researching Flower Language)
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Why hasn't he confessed yet?
Something that has been circulating through his mind lately. Is it because he knows they're busy with tapops?
Is it because hes waiting for Cahaya to confess first?
Is it because hes afraid? Of what?
Everyone basically already knows of his pathetic crush, hes even willing to bet the brothers are within that group
Everyone except Cahaya of course.. is that it?
Is he afraid how Cahaya would react? Would respond?
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This was a confession arc all along-
And nice, fang looked up flower language
And ying had finally given up and given him the straightforward option which is seemingly the only option for the crush
And "isnt it already enough" the contemplating is real
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xcometstarx · 5 months
Storm Of Fire
Chapter 1: Lost and Found
It was a peaceful day on the Tapops station. To much surprise, it was calm and the cadets didn't have to do anything. The Kokotiam gang were in the library, 5 of the 7 elements with them. Our elemental boy was sitting on a bean bag, talking to Thunder, who was in another bean bag, and Quake, who was on the floor. Blaze was hanging upside down in a chair, talking to Ice, who was behind the chair, and Thorn, who was beside Ice. Fang, Gopal, and Qually were all engaged in a game of Uno, Yaya and Ying were looking over books of different planets and power spheras, and Octobot was charging in the back corner.
There was two people missing from this cluster; the youngest, light element, and the second oldest, wind element. Finding Solar would be simple: he was probably in his lab. Cyclone..thats a little bit of a challenge. He could be anywhere, doing almost anything that involved fun and pranks. Still, it was unusual for Cyclone to not be with the rest of the elements, or the gang. But, everyone needs their alone time, right?
In the main control room of the Tapops ship, was Solar. He sat there, looking at the 7 different screens he had pulled up on the main panel. He had his goggles on over his eyes as he looked at all the screens. He seemed to be focused, staring at the screens with a determined look on his face. His hands moved over the keyboard with ease, letting out a annoyed/frustrated sigh whenever he got a error message or the screen glitched.
"Cadet Solar?" A voice said, and Solar flipped his goggles up and turned around quickly in his chair, his finger tips already charged with his light beam. He lowered his hand when he saw Commander KoKo Ci and Admiral Tarung walk into the control room. He quickly did the Tapops salute, before Commander Koko Ci said, "Solar, what are you doing in here?"
Solar paused, unsure whether to cause panic over something that couldn't be true at all, or to get help because the situation was dire. Well, he was going to go with the second, because he needed all the help he could get.
"Noticed how we haven't seen Cyclone in..over 5 hours?" Solar says, resting his head on his hand, and his elbow on the chairs arm rest. He looked at Commander Koko Ci and Admiral Tarung, waiting for their responses.
"It is strange, but how do we know he just isn't somewhere hiding on the ship as a prank?" Koko Ci asked, and Solar turned around, moving a mouse to a screen, and saying, "Look."
He pulled up a screen with 13 icons on it; a red carrot donut, a blue tornado looking swirl, a red lightning bolt, a brown mountain, a green tree, a light blue wave, a red and orange fire, a yellow star, a green and yellow chocolate bar, a dark green spatula, a pink glowing book, a blue and yellow shoes with feathers on the back, and a orange lightning symbol, the shape of a B. "These are all trackers I put in everyone's watches, just in case." Solar said, Koko Ci and Tarung exchanging looks behind him. "Watch the blue tornado, 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘊𝘺𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴-" Solar said, tapping it, the symbol glitching, before the screen goes black for a few seconds, then turns back on, the 13 symbols still on them. Koko Ci and Tarung seemed slightly suprised, and Tarung said, "Could it be a glitch on The tracker?"
"No, because if it was the tracker, his symbol wouldn't even be showing up." Solar replied, turning back around in the chair. Solar tapped another symbol, the orange B shaped lightning, and it came up, perfectly fine, with a dot blinking in the library on a map. Solar gestured to the screen as he turned to face Koko Ci and Tarung with a face that said, 'See?' "Solar, what are you suggesting?" Koko Ci said, stepping forward. "I didn't want to cause panic over nothing, but..I think Cyclone might be in trouble."
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9misorai · 3 years
Hiii I’m just wondering why you feel disappointed in the first six episodes of boboiboy galaxy? I hope you’re comfortable with giving some criticism here because I’m genuinely curious
Hi anon! I am comfortable as long as you don't use it against me like "so you hate bbbg lah?!"
Let me be clear first. I enjoy the series. I am disappointed by it, but it's not that I don't enjoy it. Now onto your question. Excuse my english, i am bad at english.
If im being honest, i feel disappointed with the whole galaxy haha there's only 2 (or 3 if im being generous) episodes that I can genuinely say I like it. I'm not counting galaxy season 2 because I just mostly read it from Springki’s summaries.
I feel disappointed with it mostly because it's not what I expected--well of course that's the definition of disappointed. Okay I’ll try to make it quick and clear. 
I’ll fail in make it quick but I hope I can make it clear.
It’s not memorable, it’s too childish, and it’s just......not what I expected after seeing thee seasons of OG series. Especially since they say Galaxy series will have the similar vibe as the OG series and the differences are just the casts are all grown up and it’d take place mostly in galaxy. But i don’t.....feel the same vibe.
Okay for the “it’s too childish” I hope no one will use “of course it’s childish it’s a kid show!” excuse this is especially in the humor. The humor in the OG series are iconic and can make you laugh despite your age/maturity. Like the yaya’s biscuit that makes everyone got mixed up emotion, bbb halilintar regain his consciousness by terbaik, soap opera about Roy and Sasha, donat lobak merah, hatiku bagaikan kacang, etc etc. Now that I’ve rewatched all the episode, there’s only two (2) scene that makes me laugh in the first 6 episodes and one of them is in the first episode, one of the ep that I genuinely like. Which is this scene
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(the other one is the Fashion Tragedy)
Another thing that bother me:
-the villain, the appearance of Daun, and the power scale, but I’ve talked about it before so check out this post.
-Yaya, Ying, and Papazola’s rank. So here’s the thing I’ll give you some of my perspective. You know how in season 3, the Api Air/Boboibot arc, everything is sooo focused on BBB right? How other has no time to shine right? How his friends are just depending on BBB unlocking his water power instead of helping him fight Boboibot right? So there are people who criticize it, that they want other characters to have more roles instead of just cheering bbb up. Luckily mnsta at that time isn’t like today when they refuse criticism they listen to the fans which is why Yaya and Ying has more roles in Earth Day arc (the arc that just after Boboibot arc) and Kaizo arc. Then they proceed to say more or less like “of course Yaya and Ying are important characters!!” and what they do is unfairly give both of them higher rank than BBB & Gopal, whichi honestly feels like just to spite on Gopal because he complains a lot.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with Ying and Yaya have higher rank than BBB as long as it also in good reasons. But what reasons do they become lance corporal? Because they save BBB and Gopal from that monster.
I mean, excuse me? BBB and Gopal save MotoBot and you gave them rank cadets, while Ying and Yaya save a member who doesn’t listen to instruction you gave them higher rank? Is TAPOPS an organization with the goal of saving their members or saving PS? Again I have NO issue with Ying and Yaya have higher ranks, but at least gave them ranks after the PS is saved and they’re proven to be more competent than BBB and Gopal? Because honestly after all the criticism in season 3, I saw it as their ‘proof’ that they also like Ying and Yaya, not because Ying and Yaya truly deserves to be lance corporal.
Papazola’s rank also have the very same problem with it.I think at least Yaya and Ying went to save BBB, while Papazola just.......gets in the ship because he misses Cattus, driving the ship as he pleases without permission, getting them in danger, and gets Captain rank just because he’s useful at the last second?? As much as I don’t like how Kokoci randomly gives ranks to Yaya and Ying, he absurdly gives CAPTAIN rank to Papazola is just.....ugh. I can make a rationale for Yaya and Ying’s case, but Papazola one is just straight up bad writing, at least for me.
-and the last one. This is just my personal opinion as a Fang stan so this is 200% biased, but I don’t really like how Fang’s first appearance in galaxy becomes humor. This is an on going problem in galaxy because every ‘cool’ characters have at least one silly scene for them. Idk why probably mnsta is allergic to cool characters.
Although to be honest I don’t mind with silly Fang because he is silly even in OG series, with all the popularity obsession and his beloved donat lobak merah, but in episode 6 it’s just.......for me, as Fang stan, individually because I can’t speak for all Fang stan, it’s just not the silliness that I enjoy.
I definitely failed at ‘make it quick’ but I hope I make it clear for you why Galaxy, especially the first 6 episodes, is disappointing for me. And again please don’t take this as ‘so you hate bbbg lah’ I don’t, I’m just disappointed by it.
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boboiboy-cast · 7 years
Jugglenaut pauses and spares a glance at him. Boboiboy barrels on, ignoring the tightness in his chest as he pushes himself up. Ochobot is still in danger, and so are his friends. For a moment, he feels the weight of a promise press into him, but then the memory recedes just as fast as it came. It only leaves room for one thought.
He can’t let them down. Not now, not ever.
Boboiboy steels himself and meets the ringleader’s gaze head-on. “Stay away from Ochobot!” he says, trying to put as much conviction as he can into his voice.
Jugglenaut scoffs, but turns to face him. “You want another go?” the other asks, arms spread wide as he gestures at his exhaustion, “Just surrender!”
His eyes narrow at that.
He remembers  Adu Du. He remembers Ejo Jo, Bora Ra, and all the others that came after them in between. He remembers all of them, and he will probably remember Jugglenaut, too.  He will remember because he’s going to suceed in protecting his friends, in protecting Ochobot.
Boboiboy takes a breath.
“I’ll never give up!”
And then suddenly, a beam of light flashes behind him.
He whips around and stares, just like the others, because before them appears Fang and another person they haven’t seen in years. The outfit is new - Boboiboy can see the TAPOPS logo near his shoulder and wow, isn’t that interesting - but the mask is unmistakable. Absently, he hears the commander exclaim in relief.
The mask slides back and reveals Captain Kaizo, and his eyes immediately lock on Jugglenaut.
“And cut!”
Boboiboy huffs out a laugh and straightens himself up. Fang catches his eyes and gives him a grin as they both turn to the new arrival. “Welcome back, Captain” they chorus, grins widening when Kaizo simply looks at them in amusement. “A cliff-hanger, as always. I’m honestly not surprised anymore,” he says as their assistants bound over with refreshments and schedules.
Gladly accepting a water bottle, Boboiboy offers a smile in thanks as he watches their director go over the footage. A little ways off, the costume department is helping Gopal and the others out of the ‘cement,’ and Boboiboy waves when he catches their eyes. Ying sticks her tongue out to him and he laughs, knowing how much she hates the thing.
There’s a nudge on his shoulder, and Boboiboy turns back to his previous companions. Fang’s holding his phone out, and Boboiboy has to take a step back to avoid smacking his face with it. He shoots Fang a deadpan stare, but the other just shrugs it off with a amused smile. “Brother needs a run-down of the set locations,” the other explains as he takes the offered device.
“Wasn’t he toured?” Boboiboy frowns, but starts listing off directions anyway. Kaizo and Fang might not be brothers in real life, but they sure act like it. Though sometimes, particularly when Kaizo ends up lost between takes, he wonders which one of them is actually the older one. Fang shrugs and peers at his progress, and Boboiboy tries to nudge him back. “You know how bad he is with directions.”
“Don’t you have a map for that reason?”
“I may have lost it?”
Boboiboy raises a brow at that. “It’s in your email.”
Fang shrugs again, but there’s something in his posture that wasn’t there before. So when he finishes and Fang tries to get his phone back, Boboiboy quickly puts it out of reach. He sees the flash of panic in the other’s eyes and grins.
“Hey - ”
“What are you hiding?”
“Nothing!” Fang answers a little too quickly, wincing when he realizes that. Boboiboy tries not to laugh.
“Is it a date?” he teases, snickering when Fang flushes red. “No! It’s nothing like that,” he says, trying to reach for his phone again. Boboiboy shifts back again, but the other isn’t letting up, so they spend the next few seconds shoving at each other until another person manages to pluck the phone out of his hand.
They look up to see Kaizo staring at them in curiosity. Neither of them miss the thinly veiled mischievousness.
“What’s going on?” he asks, unlocking the phone and reading through the directions. Boboiboy lets Fang go, but even Fang knows a losing battle when he sees one. Fang huffs out a breath, crossing his arms as he says, “I was asking Boboiboy to write you directions. He’s better at that stuff than I am.” Kaizo hums, still scrolling through the phone.
“Didn’t you have a map?”
Fang expertly ignores the look Boboiboy shoots him. “I lost it.”
“Beneath the sea of fan mail in your inbox, you mean.”
Boboiboy chokes. Fang yelps and tries to grab his phone again, face flushing with renewed vigour. “Don’t look at them!” he says, practically tackling the other actor in his haste. Kaizo, to his credit, simply takes it in stride and tosses the phone back to Boboiboy. The teen scrambles to save it from an untimely death.
A few seconds later, Fang finally manages to swipe it from him.
“You two,” he starts, furiously fiddling with his phone, “Are jerks. Why are we even friends?” Feeling a little guilty, Boboiboy offers him a sheepish smile and says, “Sorry.” Fang rolls his eyes at that, apology apparently accepted, and swats at Kaizo’s hand when the other tries to ruffle his hair. “Don’t push it,” he mumbles, shooting a weak glare at the taller man.
Kaizo chuckles but backs off, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright,” he says, sharing a glance with Boboiboy, “Prank quota reached, at least for today. Want me to find out who leaked your email, though?” Fang looks up from his phone to consider for a few moments, before shrugging. “Sure,” he says, then pauses.
“What’s wrong?” Boboiboy asks, frowning.
Fang blinks at him. “It’s nothing,” he says, but his face still looks pensive. Boboiboy glances at Kaizo, but the other simply shrugs, a sign that clearly means wait for it. It takes a few seconds, but Fang eventually asks, “Do we still get fan mail in paper?” Boboiboy thinks, mind trying to place the last time they got actual mail.
“I think so, but it’s not that much. Why?”
Fang hums in thought, but it’s Kaizo who answers. “Digital mail is easier to process these days,” he says, and it takes Boboiboy all of three seconds to realize where they’re getting at. “You actually want to answer the fan mail?” he asks, “But online?” It’s not that bad of an idea, if he’s being honest, because -
“Well, it beats having your personal accounts bombarded,” Fang mutters, staring forlornly at his phone screen. Boboiboy gives him pat, trying for comfort. “You should ask Yaya,” Kaizo offers, before someone from the costume department waves at him. “She probably has ideas. I’ll see you guys for the next scene?”
“See you.”
Both the teens offer their goodbyes as Kaizo walks off to the trailers. Then Fang takes a breath before grabbing Boboiboy’s arm and dragging him across the set. “Wha - we’re doing this now?” Boboiboy asks in surprise, before adding, “What are we even going to do?” Fang shrugs, not pausing in the slightest as he tries to look for a familiar figure in pink.
“Making a blog, probably.”
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Yayi day #3
Yes, I am going to keep updating this every day throughout February (or at least, I’ll try haha) because 1. it’s Femslash Feb, and 2. this rarepair is unbelievably underrated and it’s accidentally my otp now, so yeah. (And also brotp. Both, both are great.)
AO3 1 2
The new leaderboard was busy being constructed in the corridor. Ying paused to watch for several minutes, much as the others were doing, but it wasn’t particularly interesting. Commander Koko Ci had shown up for a while to supervise, and she dashed over to him.
“Commander! How is this leaderboard going to work? What’s the criteria to get onto it?”
He took off both pairs of sunglasses just so that he could visibly roll his eyes at her, then put them back on. “Don’t ask me, ask Yaya.”
Ying frowned. “But she won’t tell me, she says it’s a surprise…”
“Well I’m not getting involved in this poor excuse for a matchmaking attempt, so if you’ll excuse me, I won’t be answering any more questions about it.”
“Matchmaking??? What does a leaderboard have to do with–”
“What did I say?! No more questions!”
Ying hastily put her hands up in a salute. “Yes, sorry Commander!”
The Commander turned back to the leaderboard for a few seconds, before evidently deciding that he had better things to be doing, and walked off.
Well, now what? Hopefully Yaya would tell her soon, she was getting ever more curious… And seriously, matchmaking? That had nothing to do with anything. This was a leaderboard to judge who the smartest TAPOPS members were! Or at least, that was what it was supposed to be.
There was a voice from the other end of the corridor. “YING! There you are!”
She turned to see Boboiboy running up towards her. “Oh hi Boboiboy, you’re back from your mission? What’s–”
“It was terrible!” He barely managed to skid to a halt before crashing into her, wiping tears out of his eyes with his sleeve.
“Really? What happened?”
“Well I accidentally hit Gopal with a fireball and then he got mad at me and then we were so distracted we got attacked by monsters, and we didn’t even get the power sphera and the Admiral yelled at us loads, and the worst part is, Fang said he would sell me to Satan for a single red carrot donut…” He grabbed Ying’s arm for comfort. “I’m not less valuable than a donut, am I?”
Oh, so Fang had shown up for a mission after all? That was nice to hear. He didn’t spend as much time at the space station as the others, always having to go off and do his own missions or help his brother out or whatever. It would be nice to see him again – not that it had been that long, but still…
Ying gave Boboiboy an encouraging smile. “Of course you’re not less valuable than a donut! Don’t listen to him. He’s just being rude.”
Boboiboy briefly smiled back, before looking up at the half-constructed leaderboard. “What’s this?”
“Yaya was voted Official Smartest Young Member of TAPOPS,” Ying explained, “so we decided to have a leaderboard to rank everyone else too.”
“Haha, I already know you’ll be second!”
“Of course I will! But Yaya won’t tell me how everyone’s going to be ranked by smartness, like will we all be given homework? Or exams?”
Boboiboy winced. “I hope not…”
“Why not? I wouldn’t mind!”
“You’re so weird, Ying…”
She ignored that. Why no one else except Yaya seemed to like studying, she would never understand. “Do you think you could try asking Yaya? Be really adorable, offer to eat her cookies or something!”
“Yeesh, I’m not doing that! Anyway, if she won’t tell you, then there’s no way she would tell anyone else. She trusts you the most.”
Ying vaguely registered the heat rising to her cheeks. “Heh… I guess that’s true…” More true than he even knew. After all, Yaya had trusted Ying enough to come out to her…
“And I’m sure she’ll tell you soon enough, right? Once this leaderboard is built and ready for names to go on it, then she’ll have to tell you.”
“Do you think she sometimes uses her gravity powers without realizing?” Ying asked.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s more gravity when she’s around sometimes. It’s stronger.”
Boboiboy thought for a second, then shook his head. “I never noticed.”
“Really? Gah, you must be so oblivious! It always happens! Whenever Yaya shows up, there’s extra gravity, like I’m glued to the floor…”
She trailed off, realizing how absurd it sounded. She hadn’t considered that other people hadn’t noticed it – she’d assumed it was so obvious that the others must feel it too. Being suddenly pulled down, or pulled towards her, in a strange heat… okay yeah, it did sound a bit weird, now that she thought about it.
Boboiboy shrugged. “I don’t know, are you sure you’re not just… um…”
“Just what?”
He grinned, clearly trying to hold back a giggle. “In love with her!”
“WHAT?” Ying knew she was blushing, and quickly tried to think of something to change the topic, because just – just – certainly not… “Excuse me? I’m not – I’m not in love with her! I’m… I’m in love with FANG, so there!”
Wait, no, why had she said that? Her voice worked faster than her brain, that was the problem!
Boboiboy, however, was looking a lot less smug all of a sudden. “Hey, what? No way! Back off! I’M in lo– uh… I mean…”
“Huh? What?”
“Nothing!” He crossed his arms. “Just… don’t bother, he already probably cares about donuts more than you…”
Ying, being hit with the realization that yet another one of her friends was gay, just gulped it all down and tried to think once before speaking. “Anyway, let’s get this straight: I am straight. I’m definitely straight. Heterosexual. And I’m not in love with Yaya. Okay? That’s ridiculous.”
“Fine, sorry…”
“Good. I’m straight. You, on the other hand…”
“Uhhh I just remembered I have to go!” Boboiboy looked down at his watch – his power watch, which never showed the time – before turning around and sprinting off at top speed.
Ying knew she could easily catch up, but there was no point. Anyway, that dumb gravity was pinning her to the spot again – Yaya wasn’t around, was she? Ying had a quick check, but no, Yaya was nowhere in sight.
Huh… seriously? Ying had never had a crush on a girl before, no way. Well, except celebrity crushes, but those were different, right? In any case, there was no chance she had a crush on Yaya. Absolutely not.
No. She turned back and glared at the leaderboard. There was another explanation for this, surely, and as the second smartest member of TAPOPS, she would make it her mission to find out.
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bboyincorrect · 6 months
Fang, sneering at Boboiboy: I wish you could block people in real life. Sai: Restraining order. Shielda: Murder.
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bboyincorrect · 6 months
Koko Ci: ...Is there a particular reason that the bathtub is on fire? Nut and Cahaya simultaneously and excitedly: SCIENCE! Koko Ci: ... Fair enough.
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bboyincorrect · 2 years
Gopal: GUYS HELP BOBOIBOY IS LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD! Fang: Calm down, we're on our way. Yaya: Ask him what his blood type is. Gopal: Boboiboy! Quick, what's your blood type?! Boboiboy: B positive... Gopal: *stressed* I'M TRYING Ying: You stupid-
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bboyincorrect · 1 year
Boboiboy: So, what's the plan? We just hide in here forever? Gopal: Not forever. Just until the girls calm down. Fang: So forever.
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bboyincorrect · 1 year
Ying: I trust Gopal. Fang: You think he knows what he's doing? Ying: I wouldn't go that far.
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bboyincorrect · 1 year
Boboiboy: I never considered you a rival. Fang: I never considered you at all.
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bboyincorrect · 1 year
Gopal: I just had a thought. Fang: I'll buy you a card to commemorate the moment.
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bboyincorrect · 2 years
Boboiboy: Urgh, I can't stand you. Fang: Then kneel.
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bboyincorrect · 2 years
Shielda: If you can't kill them with kindness, kill them. Nut: With what? Shielda: That's it.
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bboyincorrect · 2 years
Gopal: The risk we took was calculated. Fang: *about to lose it* We almost DIED! Goapl: I never said I was good at math. Fang: *loses it*
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