#just as azem would have wanted
warlordfelwinter · 8 months
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fiver thinking about emet here got me fucked up 😭
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sntoot · 1 year
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still cryign sobbing crying over the newest installment of the ancients au (cannot recommend it enough if u like hyth n hades)
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ravenffxiv · 7 months
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MiqoMarch Day Three-Free Day
A moment of respite
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
how about "Person A taking care of a sick Person B" for solus and valeria, but you pick who is who
[Prompt list here! Thanks for the ask, I love my little royal couple. <3 I'm so sorry it took so long, I knew exactly how I wanted it to go but I couldn't seem to find the words for it. It also ended up longer than I expected so I added a keep reading break.]
"Really, Solus, I don't need to be babied over a sour stomach."
"And I disagree, as your husband I should make sure you're taken care of."
"Ah yes, except outside of being my husband you're also responsible for an entire country."
"I'm also responsible for you. Now stop arguing with me."
Valeria pouted, folding her arms over her (admittedly quite comfortable) duvet as her husband placed a quick kiss on the top of her head. His smirk didn't quite hide the worry in his gaze, though.
They had been having a nice luncheon with some important families when it had happened. Valeria had mostly been quiet as the conversation had turned to military matters, only for her stomach to suddenly rebel against her, and she only barely managed to excuse herself without embarrassing herself.
After she'd cleaned her face and set herself as right as possible, she returned to the group, but knew when she met Solus' gaze that he could clearly see her pallor and how her hands trembled so slightly.
He promptly dismissed his guests and canceled any further meetings for the day, a cacophony of protests coming from his officers. He turned on them with a waspish glare, and the protests became a chorus of 'yes Your Radiance's as he escorted Valeria away, despite her protests.
"Valer-my lady!" her lady-in-waiting and longtime friend, Noelle, burst in, correcting her too-casual greeting upon seeing Solus was there, clinging to a small tin in one hand and pushing up her spectacles with the other. "I came as soon as I heard you were ill!" Valeria's dearest husband continued an intimidating vigil next to her, so she reached out and gently pushed him aside to wave Noelle closer.
"I brought you a blend of herbal tea to help settle your stomach," she cast a nervous glance at Solus before pressing the tin into Valeria's hand. "I'm sure the medicus will have something stronger but I thought it'd help in the meantime."
"Ugh, I do not need a medicus," she grumbled. "Thanks for the tea though. I'm sure it's all I need." Valeria started to get up, only for her resident mother hen of an emperor to pluck the tin out of her hands and tuck her back in.
"I'll take care of that for you," he insisted, and she flopped back with a long suffering sigh. She heard what sounded like a suppressed laugh. Noelle quickly excused herself before scuttling away, and Solus went to the sitting room to presumably make the tea. Valeria glared at the ceiling.
She'd cared for herself perfectly adequately before she became royalty, they didn't need to fuss so much over her. It rankled against her pride to be cared for. She knew it was coming from a good place, but she couldn't help feeling that not taking care of herself was a personal failing. She picked at a loose thread on her dressing gown, only for a few moments later for her to scramble out of bed to once more empty her stomach in their adjacent washroom. She returned to a warm cup of tea on her side table, a Solus with crossed arms and an expression that screamed 'I told you so', and a medicus she wasn't familiar with.
"Really, I don't need-"
"Even if you don't," Solus took her clammy hands in his, pressing his forehead to hers. "Please just humor me?" Her shoulders slumped.
"Oh, fine," Valeria relented, letting him lead her back to bed and settling her in, taking a seat next to her as the medicus pulled over a stool and opened his case of instruments. "But you'll be feeling very foolish when it turns out I just ate something that disagreed with me."
The medicus worked quickly and efficiently and Valeria did her best to pay attention to anything else. She'd not been taken to a proper medicus since before her father died, as her step mother didn't see it as worth the trouble or cost for someone else's child, and she was discovering that watching what he was doing just made her anxiety over it worse. When she felt something sharp on her arm, she flinched away, curling it protectively against her chest.
"What are you doing?" she demanded defensively, eyeing the long needle attached to a syringe in the medicus' hand. He gave what she was sure was meant to be a reassuring smile, but it made her want to flee the room.
"I just need to take a little blood, my lady," he calmly explained. "We want to make sure you haven't been poisoned and, if so, to know what it is so an antidote may be administered. It'll take but a moment." Valeria glanced uneasily to her husband, who took her free hand in his.
"You know I wouldn't let anyone hurt you," he promised, and after a long moment she relinquished her arm back to the medicus. True to his word, after a quick pinch and a few moments to draw the blood it was done, a small bandage fastened around the site. He assured them he'd be back soon with results and excused himself from the room. Valeria finished her tea and, stomach feeling a bit more at ease, settled back against her pillows to wait. Solus removed his boots and settled in next to her, pulling her into his chest and despite her frustration with all this fuss over her, it was nice to pull her husband away from his duties for cuddles. Maybe she should do it more.
Evening was falling when the medicus returned. Solus didn't leave her side, simply calling 'enter' when the man knocked, and he let himself in, devoid of his pack of instruments but looking in quite a good mood.
"Well, my lady, Your Radiance, I have good news and better news," he smiled at them, and the two waited for him to continue. "The good news is the Empress hasn't been poisoned, nor is she sick. The better news requires congratulations. The Empress is carrying the first heir of Garlemald!"
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myrfing · 2 years
going like I love elidibus ❤️ In my canon he suffers even more when he dies and he and my wol will never have even an acceptable relationship.
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queseraphita · 9 months
Everytime i try to go to bed i must do battle with the creative mania running a hamsterwheel inside my head that puts on a soap opera i know gods damned well i will not be able to write by the time the sun comes up but unable to NOT stop thinking about it
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anarkhebringer · 11 months
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I'm keeping this for him I think
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astrxealis · 2 years
wanna hold pinkies with themis tbh
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capriccio-ffxiv · 5 months
I strongly prefer it when the Scions *don't* have Ancient counterparts.
I think it means more if they're part of the new souls born to the star either after Zodiark's first summoning or after the Sundering. Which is a whole thing!
Importantly, those were the souls that the Convocation were going to sacrifice to Zodiark to bring back the Ancients they lost.
To me, I think it's vastly important that G'raha, Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred, the twins, that all of them are people Emet-Selch would throw away without a second thought. That to him, you're the only one worth half a damn... And broken as you are, only half a damn. And before he lets himself accept that you really are what's left of Azem, you're just someone else he's convinced isn't a person.
But I think these are the very souls Azem left the Convocation to save, even if Azem still didn't want to break the world. And these are the souls that Venat and the Twelve did break the world to save.
To me that's so much more important than any reincarnation romance (much as I adore that kind of story too). That to Azem and to you, these people matter anyway.
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nights-at-crystarium · 2 months
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DUMPS A MASSIVE STACK OF NOTES IN FRONT OF YOU OKAY SO- No I didn't just wait and hope for someone to ask about them, why'd you think that- I'll omit the details of how they grow close and what pushes them apart, but lemme dive into the broader chemistry. A fair warning for Fragments-spoilers if you wanna experience the comic's story as it unfolds.
Vivi needs An Adult, someone who'd stand up to his unruly character, ground him in reality, protect him. Raha perfectly fills this role, but so does Emet, merely with a different flavor. Vivi needs someone who experiences isolation and dehumanization on his level: being the wol is a lonely experience. He looks for an equal. He's okay with Emet's condescending attitude, his self-esteem doesn't want for coddling, and he can talk back anytime.
The Soulmate Magnet trope's fun, but on its own it's not enough for these two. Well, it obviously is for Emet, who seizes the chance to nibble on some crumbs that are left of Azem, what's dignity in face of all-consuming desperation. Vivi, however, his whole thing is showing middle finger to his destiny, the further it goes, the more allergic he gets to the "ooooohh it was meant to be this way~" bs that gets thrown at him ever so often. Emet's careful with the order and amount of information he discloses to Vivi, like expertly boiling a frog. Manipulation or not, they mutually benefit from this relationship. Emet gets his partner back, even if it's Not Him, half of Him feels pretty damn familiar, and Vivi gets a clear escape route from his destiny. Exchanging meaningful looks and knowing chuckles with you because we can tell that he embraces his overarching, ancient destiny this way, but shhhhhh, let him enjoy his hubris.
Out of the two, it's Emet who's a sad fool making a mistake that'd cost him everything. Of course this relationship has an impact on Vivi, but at least it doesn't kill him, eh- *gets kicked*
More under the cut /o/
Emet knows that he might be sabotaging himself, but he won't stop. He's infinitely more vulnerable to the Soulmate Magnet out of the two. He acknowledges that this could easily fail, that he might have to kill Vivi, but my Emet's killed so many not-azems anyway. He trades the potential pain of tomorrow for the small illusion of comfort today. As time goes on, he dares hoping again, hoping that this time might be different, goes all in with his cards, and, well, *waves vaguely* you'll see how that goes eventually.
The line between wolgraha and wolemet in Fragments is thinner than one may expect, the divergence where Vivi fully sides with Emet hinges on one human impulse. They already feel comfy enough, but Emet still hesitates to bare too much of his heart. They simply need more time together, which they can't have in canon because everyone expects Vivi to keep killing Lightwardens. The moment Vivi sees Emet's genuine smile and realizes that he wants to save him, to make him smile again and again, is when he trades entire world(s) for that. The catastrophic divergence isn't some epic scene, but a quiet click in his head. This decision still doesn't come easy, but Vivi would do it once he's sufficiently invested in Emet. The world owes him so much anyway. Time to take back what's been taken from him.
One important difference between Vivi and his Azem: what they'd do in a trolley problem. Vivi would literally burn worlds for one person dear to him, Azem would do (and actually did) the opposite, he didn't support the Zodiark plan AND left his lovers (Emet and Hyth) because he saw himself belonging to the people as a whole. This's becoming a tangent but Vivi absolutely hates his Azem when he finds out what - who - that infamous betrayal was really about.
But yeah Vivi takes Emet's side once he learns enough about him, he generally finds his company easy and pleasant. Another difference between Vivi and Azem: Vivi's incredibly nonjudgmental, embrace your cringe kinda guy. It takes time (which, again, they don't have in canon) for Emet to stop expecting to get teased at every turn, but even in the canon timeline he grows fond of Vivi, Vivi himself, not Azem, because Vivi's kind to him in a subtle, emotionally intelligent way that Azem's never been, he's casual and easygoing and dismissive, Emet's "tsun" just has no reason to activate. He expects betrayal, and it just. Never happens. (ofc it does in canon, but again, the line between canon and divergence is super thin).
Emet doesn't awaken Azem's memories in Vivi for several reasons. Vivi doesn't remember how they were back in the ancient past, but Emet does, he knows how to hold Vivi, who doesn't need much tbh, just company, just being quiet together. He acts disproportionately tired to the 3 years he's spent being the wol, and Emet, conveniently, just wants to chill with him. Funnily, Raha's regained excitement to be alive ends up being too much for Vivi sometimes, but I'm straying off the topic.
I treat their world as a real world that has literature, fiction, tropes, and Vivi tends to dream of being seduced by a villain. He thinks "enemies to lovers" is hot. He's cringe and he doesn't care. Surely this isn't the main force that drives them together, but it's worth mentioning for giggles.
Perhaps the most deliciously fucked up thing about villain!Vivi is how normal and human he'd remain, and drag Emet back up with him. He has no interest in the unsundered world, but he'd join the labor to make Emet happy. (I think I hit Vivi's chaotic neutral alignment on the head here). As long as Emet's in charge, as long as Vivi has no real pressure of responsibility, as long as he's merely a weapon (ironically, yeah), an instrument in master's hand, he doesn't mind. This pic should make more sense now.
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Vivi finds someone who can save him from his destiny, break free from Hydaelyn, he never has to make another decision again if he's with Emet. His manic search for agency loops on itself, but hey, he DOES choose this, so arguably, this's more agency than he has as the wol. Even this early in the comic we can see that he simply wants to vibe, to be left alone. Just for that, Emet's actually better than Raha, if we dismiss the morals and destruction of worlds and all such nonsense.
When Emet's inevitably gone at the end of 5.0, it doesn't spell the end of their story. He lingers in the form of Vivi's obsession, questions that Vivi didn't get to ask him, agony of the Soulmate Magnet that Vivi's now aware of, Raha's bittersweet memories of him. He haunts this story forever. And ofc I'm writing an au on the side where he gets to live. It's not as enticing from the storytelling perspective because it's just "duh Emet lives and gets to be happy", but damn it heals my soul to indulge in that.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
When did your OC first know they were polyamorous? 
Persephone and Hades got together first, through everyone's favorite gremlin bard tricking them into going out on a date, which turned into more. In the days after they became a couple, she noticed that Hyth started to have a sort of sad kind of air about him when he was around them, and she wondered why. She could only come to one conclusion, and started to wonder if she'd known he'd pined for her before she got with Hades, would she have gotten with Hyth instead. And she found that didn't have an easy answer. So, she decided to talk to Hades about it.
That's when she found out he'd been behaving the same way around Hades too. I headcanon that while it probably wasn't taboo in the ancient world it probably also wasn't common either, so it didn't immediately occur to her that there could be an easy solution, but (with much prying and blushes) dragged the suggestion out of Hades and then (in the middle of the night because of course once Azem gets something in her head we're doing it now) proposed the idea to Hyth, who of course was all for it.
I do still struggle with the details but that's about the gist of it.
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winduphathe · 30 days
OC/Pairing Perfume Notes
It's that time of year where I try and bring back something I did that was popular once because I really want to do it again.
I want to come up with the notes of a custom perfume for your OC based off what I think would suit them/represents them best.
I can either make it relevant to their universe (i.e. use herbs, flowers only found in their universe) or keep it realistic (using real notes).
Open to non-followers too.
All you have to do is message me and tell me about them (pics definitely welcome) and I'll come up with something.
Open for: Tavs, Durges, Wardens, Hawkes, Inquisitors, WoLs, Azems, Rooks
Also interested in coming up with perfumes based off your pairings - for example something based off Karlach x your Tav, Solas x Lavellan etc.
Any questions, please feel free to ask! (And yes it's free - I'm just doing this for fun)
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misedejem · 2 months
While I don’t think everyone should be a shard, nor do I think we should meet every shard we might recognise, I like the idea that the WoL’s soul does just naturally draw in people who they have befriended before in a previous time. Maybe after the Sundering, maybe from their life as Azem.
There’s quite a number of souls we have met more than once, either as shards or in the World Unsundered. The Ancients we knew in the past would know us again in the future, and Azem played a part in many of their lives. It’s possible we’ve even met the friends, allies and foes of people from our past lives on the Source, and Ardbert’s on the First. The worlds are vast and still we always seem to find the people who we already trusted before in a different one, so much so that it could easily not be coincidence if you want to write it that way.
I just like to think that maybe the people we have met multiple shards of were people so deeply impacted by Azem on their travels that even after the Sundering, their souls were still entwined and it was easier for them to find each other again. That on the shards we do visit, some of the people we meet may have once been familiar faces to a reflection of us. And that maybe, as the WoL impacts new souls, they too will meet again and care for each other in a future life. Friendship is such an important part of our story, and others who shared our soul, so it makes sense that it would persist.
It’s probable it’s not even us. Maybe that’s just what souls do when somebody shapes them so intimately, and it just happens so often to us because we are and have always been a traveler.
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voidsentprinces · 4 months
Azem: Look...I'm JUST saying! Emet-Selch: Yes, I UNDERSTAND you're "JUST SAYING" but we have more PRESSING MATTERS to attend to! Azem: This is far more important. Emet-Selch: It most certainly is fucking NOT! Hythlodaeus: What is going on? Emet-Selch: Azem discovered a bunch of warrior lizard people in the middle of a plainland and now because they broke the Prime Directive. They are worshiping by them as some sort of Creationist God. I, believe the next step is to report to Convocation. Azem: And I believe, we need to settle who the best Powerpuff Girl is. Emet-Selch: I have already told you that it is BLOSSOM! She has the brain! She has the leadership! And she still has the brawn to toss around the baddie of the week while being restrained! As the mind of the operation, the trio would wander aimless without regard. Elidibus: In times of turmoil, it falls once again to the Emissary to mediate such affairs. Emet-Selch: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A BICYCLE! Don't just appear out of nowhere! Elidibus: I know not who this Jesus person is nor why he is committing adultry with a secondary on a bicycle but I make no promises. Now then, if Emet-Selch is so set on Blossom. We shall now open the room for other opinions on the matter. Igeyohrm: Personally, I have been of the mind that Buttercup is the best. But I am sure there are fools who would disagree. Lahabrea: I must agree with my cousin, Buttercup can kick ass and look cool doing it. Without her, the trio would lack decisive action and would be too restrained in the path forward. Hythlodaeus: Personally, I have been a fan Bubbles. She is kind hearted, speaks several languages, as well as speak with all manner of animals and creatures of the land. She is the soul of the group. Without her, Blossom and Buttercup would be at a lost when times are tougher and the world is unfairer towards them. Loghrif: Her speaking with animals also allows her utilize scouting parties and get a lay of the land quicker for when the trio is operating outside their normal jurisdiction. Lahabrea: You are mistaken whom would have time to rely on such an emotional crybaby? Elidibus: Enough, we have two for Buttercup, two for Bubbles, a single vote from Emet-Selch for Blossom. We must now hear upon which Azem has decided to either make or break the decision. Azem: ...personally I thought Mojo Jojo was best gi-- Emet-Selch: OH HERE WE FUCKING GO! Hythlodaeus: LET US LISTEN TO THE SHEPHERDS R-- Lahabrea: TO HELL WITH THEIR REASONINING! Elidibus: Venat, we might require your experti-- Venat: Professor Utonium. Elidibus: ...so about this lizard person religion. Azem: Hades is just mad I now have an entire Steppe named after me. Emet-Selch: I am mad that you almost got me killed by a tribe chieftain. Azem: She just wanted a friendly chat. Emet-Selch: She survived several meteorite spells to the FACE! Azem: Hehehyeah, the Dotharl are great.
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starrysnowdrop · 2 months
Dawntrail Review and Thoughts
So, it’s taken me a while to not only finish the msq but also to gather my thoughts, but here’s my review of Dawntrail, as well as what my OCs and their ships will be doing during 7.0. I’m going to be doing bullet points and trying to be as concise as I can. I’ll try not to ramble!
As expected, MAJOR spoilers for the entire 7.0 msq ahead, so please don’t click below if you don’t want to be spoiled!
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What I Enjoyed
The graphics update really shines in the Tural zones, because everything is so beautiful!! The weather effects, the textures, god it’s all stunning! I took my time just looking around at everything, and over and over I stopped and just stared at flowers, or water, or mountains in the distance.
Even the later zones were outstanding, but my favorite zone by far is Yak T’el, especially the lowlands where the Mamool Ja are from. It reminded me so much of Macalania Woods from FFX, and I already have some gposes planned in that area for a reason. It’s probably my favorite zone in game right now.
The world building in DT is excellent, and I also loved learning all about the different peoples and cultures found throughout Tural. I actually liked how the WoL is learning about Tural alongside Wuk Lamat participating in the Rite of Succession. Though the msq was slow at times in the first half, I didn’t mind it really because I was taking my time doing side quests and getting all the Aether currents along the way.
For the most part, I really enjoyed all the new characters that were introduced in DT, and I also loved that we learned about Krile and Erenville as well. I wish some characters had a bit more screen time and development, but overall the characters themselves were great, except for one that I’ll get to later.
The new lore that DT has established, especially with the key that allows travel between reflections, and now with a sort of merging/failed rejoining?? of a reflection with the Source via Alexandria, I am extremely excited to see where the overarching story is going from here. And you all saw that the key had the Azem symbol on it when it was activated, right? Yeah, that plus the fact that we got a LOT of new Lalafellin lore via Krile’s origins and such, I am eating all the lore up!! Azem AND lala lore??? I’m in heaven and I’m so excited to see how this will effect Hali’s story in particular moving forward (as she’s a lala and she is my Azem).
What I Didn’t Enjoy
I actually enjoyed the beginning of the MSQ with the rite of succession. The biggest complaint I had with it was that it was slow in some parts, but honestly that’s about it. The second half feels like it could be its own separate expansion really. But that’s also not really an issue.
After much thought, I realized that I was so disturbed by how the Alexandrian culture worked in the second half of the MSQ that the last zone didn’t hit me emotionally enough for me to care about the Endless.
I was vibing with the story up until Living Memory. I understand how Krile, Erenville, and even Wuk Lamat would be conflicted about shutting down the terminals and “erasing” all of the Endless as they say, but me as the player, it did not hit me emotionally like I suspect that it’s supposed to. I was like “okay, these people aren’t real, just shut it down. Why do I care?”
Another thing is Sphene as an antagonist. I just did not like her at all, and to me, she is one of the weakest antagonists we have had so far. I hated how the narrative was trying to convince us that Sphene was originally a good person who had good intentions, and that we should empathize with her, but it didn’t make me care at all for her in the end.
It goes back to my point before that the way the Alexandrians use souls as a commodity and don’t seem to care that they’re using other people’s souls to extend their own lives, and that they don’t even remember their loved ones because their memories get erased so they don’t experience the pain of death, it all disturbed me so much that I just did not have much sympathy for the Alexandrians or Sphene.
What This Means for Hali
For Hali, she has recently learned Pictomancy alongside Krile, and she will be the one who is helping Wuk Lamat with the Rite of Succession; Aymeric is going with her and remains with her all through 7.0 and potentially the patch content.
She will be with Wuk Lamat, Erenville, and the others throughout 7.0, and though she will have a really hard time dealing with the Alexandrians and how they treat souls, memories, and the like, as she will be highly disturbed by it all, but she follows Wuk Lamat’s lead nonetheless.
Hali is enjoying playing the Mentor figure and being the source of advice, comfort, and the muscle whenever she is needed, while Aymeric is a tremendous help for Wuk Lamat when it comes to learning about leadership and navigating through her first days as the new Vow of Resolve.
Overall, Hali’s story follows the MSQ nearly identically, except that Aymeric is with her and they both are advisors and mentors to Wuk Lamat. After the final battle, Hali and Aymeric stay in Tulliyollal for a bit longer to actually have their vacation time.
What This Means for Yume
(Yume’s side blog: @firelightmuse)
For Yume, her DT experience will be vastly different from Hali’s. As she will be in a committed relationship with Zenos by then after she saves his life following their duel in Ultima Thule, Yume will begin DT by wandering Tural with Zenos and hunting down Tural Vidraal as a newly trained Viper.
Yume and Zenos will not be assisting in the Rite of Succession for any candidate, nor will they be involved with any of the politics. However, they will show up to help in the defense of Tuliyollal both times that the city is attacked, and they will be involved with the final battle alongside Hali and the other WoLs (shoutout to my friends’ OCs Meeps @meepsthemiqo and Astrid and Arslan @traveler-of-light).
Following the final battle, Yume and Zenos will also remain in Tural for a while (for the patch content I suspect) before they head back to their home in Shirogane.
That’s all I have for DT reactions for now. If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for taking your time reading all of this! I’m super curious as to what all of your thoughts are, so feel free to comment or send me an ask or whatever! Once again, thank you!! 💖
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gatheredfates · 4 months
I got tagged by @hylfystt to list five songs I'm into right now! As I wanted to wait until I listened to the new Bad Omens album (because I knew the songs would rotate rent free in my head) I can update accordingly. ✨
ANYTHING > HUMAN - Bad Omens & Erra
This life was all it had to be. Designed, but not for you an me. I never needed you to be anything more than human.
IT'S GOOD. IT'S SEXY. BEST SONG OF THE ALBUM. It's sooo industrial and I love it.
celestina [hushed] - Crywolf & Emalyn.
Hold my life until the beating of your precious heart decides to kill. I'll bleed for you, love.
I used this song for my Alaice edit! I love how soft/ethereal this version is. (There is also a new Crywolf album next week and I... am not ready.)
notre dame - Paris Paloma
I rarely go down there, the view's just so beautiful from here and I can see everybody at their worst points. At their worst points.
I had this song pretty much on repeat for the entirety of last week; it has no right to be this longing and this pretty.
And So My Heart Became a Void - Ursine Vulpine & Annaca
Now we're standing in the sunlight and I can't bear the sight of you. Oh, my lover, what's on your mind? You're caught between two ways of life, a way for you to find the light. One day we will reconcile but that will have to wait this time.
The whole Solace EP gives me huge Azem/Emet vibes (or, really, Azem/Any Ancient) but this song in particular just HITS right. It's love, loss and longing in a way that feels so grandiose and otherworldly, but you can still relate to the intent behind it even if it feels beyond you. I love it.
The End - Halsey
When I met you, I said I would never die. But the joke was always mine 'cause I'm racing against time. And I know it's not the end of the world, but could you pick me up at eight? 'Cause my treatment starts today.
I've been a Halsey fan for years and, as someone who has cared for people with chronic illnesses (mental & physical), as well as battling with my own... yeah. It hits a certain way. If you're going through the same, it feels very cathartic.
Tagging: @mist-touched, @clouds-of-reveries, @redmoonwanderer, @ser-corviknight, @abalathia,
@hazelkjt, @candycryptids, @riftdancing, @clockchimesthirteen, @atupda & you!
If you'd like a chance of being tagged, you can like my permanent interaction call here!
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