#just as i've always done. i don't have to do it alone but yk eventually in time as i go on hopefully my social anxiety will get better
johnslittlespoon · 4 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @triggerlil for the tag!! <3 i'm so late omg but this was FUN, first tag game i've done that's more author than writing snippet/drabble related :-)
tagging @air-exec, @counting0nit, @don-humes-tiny-shorts, @eternallytired17, @hauntingcontradiction
@nicijones, @bucking-mustangs-with-wings, @swifty-fox, @mangokittokatsu, anyone else who wants to! i love reading tag games like these, it's nice to learn more about the ppl behind all the brainrot :')
questions & answers below the cut! x
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count? 50,182 wtf i only made my ao3 in january lol
what fandoms do you write for?
i've written for lotssss over the past decade, but my current ao3 is just saltburn and masters of the air fics :-) for the sake of this tag i'm just gonna stick to my mota fics in my answers tho since yk. mota blog lol
top 5 fics by kudos?
i don't wanna be alone tonight – buckbucky breathe me in (exhale slow) – buckbucky you're a dog (i'm your man) – buckbucky you put your arms around me (and i'm home) – buckbucky four–by–four – buckbucky
do you respond to comments?
every single one <33 i take a long while sometimes because i get too lost in the actual writing or i get overwhelmed by the kindness lol but i always always respond eventually :')
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely i see you in the daytime (i hear you at night), my first fic for masters of the air actually that spawned as a way to vent my feelings after the dreaded third episode lmaoo </3 thought that would get those boys out of my system, and i couldn't be happier to have been more wrong <3
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ruh roh this kinda made me realize all my fics have some sorta melancholy/bittersweet ending even when they're hopeful... yad(iym) is gonna fix me fr (i think). but i guess the fuse to my fire since curt lives and the three of them are curtbuckbuckying indefinitely <3
do you get hate on fics?
i have in past fandoms but not here thankfully bc i am sensitive LOL. i've had weirdo anons that bitch about john bottoming (and i don't think those people realize it makes me inclined to write even more sub and/or bottom john to be petty SJGDK) but i wouldn't consider that hate, just bad fandom etiquette ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you write smut?
YEAHHH BABY <3 that's like. 99% of my drabbles/brainrot posts here and it takes serious self control to not just constantly write pwp oneshots, it's too much fun!! finding the balance in my chaptered fic for how much nsfw is too much is such a journey too lol, i wanna cram a spicy scene into every chapter but the part of me that adores slowburn over any other trope reins the gay brain in </3
craziest crossover?
haven't written any as of yet, but i do have my leaving!bikeriders au that i'm hoping to turn into a chaptered fic this summer, and that's exactly what it sounds like– buckbucky, but yank parts of callum's character from the leaving series and parts of austin's character from the bikeriders to create a buckbucky modern au. :-)
have you ever had a fic stolen?
i'm sure back in the wattpad days of the early '10s lol but none that i specifically remember!
have you ever had a fic translated?
in past fandoms!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
perhaps @curtsbigspoon and i cooked up like. 15k words of buckbucky thigh fucking etc months ago that i just need to get around to cutting down/editing >:-)
all time favorite ship?
i mean for me it's always a ship from whatever media i'm fixating on, so right now any variations of curtbuckbucky and cattonquick are everything to me <3 but in terms of ships that'll always have my heart, i can't ever let go of drarry, pricefield, clexa/murphamy, sciles/sterek– any from media i consumed during formative teenage years lol. but i will say i have never created anywhere near as much content for any other fandom as i have for mota :')
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
for once i actually have none that i see myself abandoning! i would notoriously abandon wips in past fandoms and probably would still, but guess who finally got on adhd meds last month after years of waiting? this guyyyy. i can start projects... and enjoy them the whole way through... and not get frustrated and trash them... who am i
i mean tbf i have at least a dozen wips that i've gotten either a few paras or few thousand words into lol but then a new shiny idea grabs my attention, but i do think i'll end up finishing most if not all of them off eventually! once i've invested enough time/words into a wip, i feel way more motivated to finish it so i'm not 'wasting' my efforts.
what are your writing strengths?
i feel most confident when i'm writing dialogue over anything else. writing conversation–heavy scenes or just straight up porn is when i overthink the least lmaoo
what are your writing weaknesses?
oh god, definitely having to spell out what's going on in a character's mind. like, i know what they're thinking as i'm writing out scenes; i can feel their emotions and all. i just have such a hard time putting it into words in a way that doesn't feel too obvious/overstated, if that makes sense. i very much prefer to show rather than tell their emotions, but sometimes it's hard to get that right, and i agonize over solo scenes the most, when i can't show what a character is feeling by way of verbal conversation with another character.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no specific opinion! sometimes it's cool to read/write, mostly i don't really have an opinion one way or another :-)
first fandom you wrote in?
lmfaooo i'm pretty sure it was either for olddd youtube ships or frerard ngl. not sure which came first bc i wrote so much at once
favorite fic you've written?
you're a dog (i'm your man) has been such a labour of love for me because i care so much about doing it justice :') so maybe that one, but if unfinished fics don't count, i actually wrote breathe me in (exhale slow) in one rushed four–ish hour sitting and was kinda neutral on it until i got a completely unexpected burst of kind and beautifully worded responses, and then i felt a tiny bit proud <3
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duckduckdove · 2 years
Weird Human Shit: Neurodivergency Edition
Wow hey so I died for a while and came back with a totally different hyperfixation? Who'd'a thunk it.
I've seen a total of one (1) post about neurodivergency in humans and how aliens react to it, which is like well and fine, it was a good post, but I haven't seen any posts like "some humans chew things. like a lot. it's bad for their teeth but they feel violently compelled to. they don't drink from a cup, they need a rubber straw because the metal ones in space are "icky"." These won't all be about neurodivergency specifically, but I wanted to hop on the band wagon and have it on my mind so here we are.
-some humans talk a lot. like. a lot a lot. sure, most of them talk a lot compared to most alien species, but some of them get really into specific things for very short periods of time and then forget about them entirely for up to a few years before going "I wonder why I stopped thinking about that" and the cycle repeats. If your human starts talking and talking and talking and talking, it's not rude to ask them to slow down.
-Imagine being an alien and most humans expect you to and initiate eye contact when starting and god forbid HOLDING a conversation. You meet another human and think "here we go again", look at them, but they just. won't look at YOU. you worry you've done something wrong until they look at you for a second and go "You're staring, are you okay?" and you remember that human norms are non-existent and that the only consistent thing about humans is the inconsistency.
-Aliens on a ship with a (relatively) strict schedule, at least in terms of work hours. In space, days are irrelevant because, yk, ship, days are very different on different planets. A day on Venus is 5,800 hours. A day on Earth is 24. You get the picture. Human wakes up at random times during the "night" to do god knows what. they're not supposed to be out of the sleeping quarters at night, but honestly, the other crewmates are too afraid to stop them. Eventually, another alien is disturbed by the sound of singing from the bathroom. There's a human bathing in the middle of the night. WHY. are they AWAKE. they're not SUPPOSED TO BE. Go the fuck back to SLEEP.
-Humans will eat anything, right? Except for some humans. Some humans will only eat like... a few different meals. They are picky eaters. They don't like the texture of rice. They love mashed potatoes for some god awful reason. They drown everything in whatever liquid is appropriate to whatever they're eating (gravy for the aforementioned potatoes, ranch for chicken, you even saw a human with KETCHUP on their macaroni and cheese. you've only ever smelled ketchup but you know better than to expect anything less from a human by now) and will not eat it without that liquid. They only eat meals THEY prepare because the way it was made was Not Right. They didn't spread mayo on both buns. They didn't put cheese between the pickles and bun. This food is Inedible and I will Starve to Death before I eat it.
-Some humans make strange noises with their mouths. Talking could be considered a strange noise, to be fair, human language is always evolving, but sometimes the noises mean nothing at all. You're confused because it has to mean SOMETHING, they just don't want to tell you, but repeating the same sound over and over again is just. strange. they do it alone. they do it with a select few crewmates around. They won't tell you what it means. They eventually tell you they just LIKE making the sound, and you leave it at that.
-Humans are social creatures, they enjoy physical contact. What's sort of strange is that some humans will go out of their way to find fake body parts to hug (*cue boyfriend pillow infomercial*). What's even STRANGER is that they will find MADE UP CHARACTERS and print them onto a pillow. Why, you ask them? They're just lonely.
-A human that likes cats so much they sometimes slow blink at other crewmates. Nobody has asked why, but they sort of want to. Humans are just weird, they tell themselves.
-Some humans hurt other humans for fun, especially when they're young and have power over them. This is called "child abuse" and often leads to something called "emotional trauma" and results in even stranger, even more instinctual behaviors from humans, and sometimes even "personality disorders".
-Imagine being an alien and a human crewmate has BPD. You're just minding your own business and they storm in, stomp around the room, then storm back out. You ask what's wrong, they go "nothing im fine" and you just. what are you supposed to do?
It's literally 12:16 AM as I hit post, I hope these aren't totally ineligible lmfao
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michu-writes · 3 years
If you're still looking for requests, how about Camilo and Bruno with a Cryptozoologist Reader? Maybe she moved to Encanto because she's heard of this magical family and then she accidentally falls in love with one of them lol. And she takes them on Cryptid hunts and is a little awkward or spooky sometimes. She has a fascination with magical artifacts and everything weird. I'd love to see something like that! Thanks so much!! I hope you're doing well, keep being awesome 😎
A/N: THIS IDEA IS SO COOL OMG!! Absolutely love Cryptid stuff ! I did a bunch of research before writing just incase, so tell me if this is good!
Warnings/genre: Fluff, mentions of magical artifacts and mythical creatures, fem!reader, headcanons
Bruno x cryptozoologist!fem!reader
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• Once you heard about Encanto, you were invested about it!
• A magical family and a live house? Is it for real?
• Once you moved to the town, you explored every part of it like there was no time tomorrow
• You we're really hyperfocused, looking through the casita of the Madrigals, until you bumped into Bruno.
• Almost yelling at him for getting on your way, you looked up and instantly apologized.
"Hey! What are y- Oh god.. I-I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" You frantically said, though the man looked slightly confused.
"Oh.. Nonono!! It's fine, don't worry. But uh... May I ask who you are?"
"It's just that... I haven't seen you here in this town before."
• With that, you both became friends!
• You both introduced yourselves, even though you pretty much knew a bit about Bruno already from a lot of research in a non creepy way of course
• He'd tell you everything about Encanto, the history, the family Madrigal, etc.
• He'd also show you around the casita, and you were absolutely amazed and starstrucked the moment the doors started moving on its own, as if it was waving at you.
• When Bruno told you about everyone's gifts, you got so excited! You kept begging him to have a vision, which he was denying at first because he didn't want you to hate him just like the others, but then just gave up and did it
• Was extremely surprised by the way you had literal stars on your eyes, because he's never anyone act so nice and casual to him before?
• He's always thought that he was the black sheep of the family, but by the way you talked to him, you told him otherwise.
• Whenever he talked down about yourself, you're always there to just say something like "WHAT??? How come everyone do that you?! You're literally so cool, it doesn't matter what your gift is! Looking into the future is literally what I've always wanted!"
• You would tell him everything about cryptozoology, all the obnormal magical creatures, etc.
• Bruno would be really invested on it too!
• He could literally listen to you talk about it for hours, he wouldn't complain. He loves it when you just ramble about it, he finds it cute!
• Got pretty nervous the first time you asked him if he wanted to go on a Cryptid hunt with you, because he has never done anything like that before?
• He was also a bit scared as well
• But after the small hunt, he was so happy and interested in cryptozoology :D
• He was happy to get to spend time with you all alone, he thought it was extremely fun!
• And then only a few months of knowing each other, you both eventually grew to become best friends and even develop a little crush on each other
• You we're both unaware of it, cause how can the other like you back?
• Dolores knew all along, but she wanted to keep it a secret for once and see what will happen ;)
• You will have to be the one to ask him out though, sorry
• Once you do, he immediately gets flustered and says sure!!!
• Your dates would be so cool, I feel like it would like another Cryptid hunting, but then you surprise him with like a good meal and stuff yk
• That would make his heart explode HAHAHSJDJ
• No but
• Really you both are just the best and a cute couple
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fairycosmos · 2 years
so i might be going crazy but i keep imagining all these scenarios where im like. hanging out w my friends or doing smth by myself and imagining how nice it would be to do it w them or have a convo w them, watch a movie, etc etc and im even laughing by myself in my room
and i dont have a lot of friends just like 2 ppl i talk to semiregularly but we havent gotten that many chances to hang out this year
anyways its very weird and obsessive because its not even like daydreaming about a crush yk but i do it so much that i dont finish my work. bestie i am losing it
hii noo i feel like that's so common TBH and not something you need to pick apart / crucify yourself for. i do with it ppl i've never even met 😭 full on smiling and laughing imagining stuff. like always 0.2 seconds away from talking out loud to nobody lmfaooo. it's where i get any semblance of feeling cared for LOL. if we're being real i think having a small group of friends + the isolation of the pandemic and just life in general has rendered a lot of ppl to feel quite alone and this just sounds like a side effect of that. sounds like you're looking for more intimacy and genuine emotional connection, which is literally like. the most human thing in the world im so serious. there's nothing weird about you just because you want that, even though i understand why you feel kind of odd about the way it's manifesting itself.
if it's getting to the point where it's getting in the way of you functioning normally on a day-to-day basis, it could be becoming a form of maladaptive daydreaming. here's an overview of it and a few basic ways to start work on coping with it in a more productive way if it's really making you feel guilty, uncomfortablce etc. but anyway like i said i don't think you're going mad and i don't think you should bully yourself over it at all. this probably means nothing to anyone LOL but i see ppl on tiktok talking about doing this exact thing alllllll the time like it really isn't that far beyond the realms of "normal" or whatever. but ultimately i think what's going to help the most in the long run is trying to foster more connections with ppl + take advantage of the ones you already have in any way that you can through vulnerability and consistent communication with those who love you.
both of those things are wayyy easier said than done and yk i recognize that there's very little opportunity to meet like-minded ppl these days, and recognizing that that's the case - that it's not you, it's your situation - can do a lot for your self esteem imo. but i hope you can find some sense of community eventually, even online or something. personally im one mental breakdown a way from picking up a sport or something just so i see other ppl outside of a work/getting drunk setting bc the loneliness is aliveee at this point and im tired of it. ig what i'm sayinggggg lol is that i totally hear you and understand where you're coming from, and i think a lot of us do, so no worries. im officially diagnosing you with NOT losing it and being so fun and cool. mwah x
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh my gosh Shirooooo <3 bae hiiii :D that's so lucky, I hope you guys see each other :] also, how's prep going?? How does it feel to be back in school? Hope everything's well. I'm sure you're acing all your questions (as usual ;)
ooh, I overslept today morning. It was NOT pretty. I woke up because I had a school meeting and my teacher was like "Ariana switch your camera on" and (grr I was forced to) I looked so sleepy 😭 because I had literally just woke up. Talk about embarassing smh. but I have holidays till Monday! in commemoration with my second favourite holiday; Chinese New Year (it's the year of the ox ˃ᴗ˂)
aww :(( at least pretend to sleep, if I ever attempt convincing you then :] I'll hug you (and I have a firm grip when I'm half asleep 😪) flashcards?? I see!! Do you use Quizlet? I'm sure you can do it, you're capable of that (and so much more!!) I love you too, bae.
lmao it was. They've asked us to submit pictures of ourselves for this year's magazine. So thankfully, no sorting.
nah, it was a good one. You're so cute shjxjsks. Rip the pictures, but there's space for more :D oh my gosh I understand that!! Like 😭😭 do I have time for another fandom?? No. Does my brain listen?? Also no (my brain had apparently decided we're gonna be simping over Darren Criss for the next 10 business days. Don't ask me why, but I've watched every single one of the movies/series he's starred in.)
Oh btw!! I tried creating an oc (this is my first time don't judge 🥺🥺) anyways, she's so cool, I WANT TO BE HER. Or marry her, idk whichever works.
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just my dad 😌 my mom and the rest of my family have a very long way to go, but i try educating them whenever I can. Thanks for saying that, and I really hope the world changes in the future. There's literally no place for prejudice anymore :( but despite all that, the most important part is that our families love us, and although there are some things we wish could change over time, I'm so glad for that precious fact.
haha I see :'D that's right, tho I'm so happy you've settled into a schedule!! A bummer, but there'll be those teatimes, right?
that shirt. It's so cute I might cry. The frog 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺. f o r g
Aaaa yep yep. I miss you so much too. But I'm really thankful no matter how busy our lives get, we always manage to find a way to reply every once in a while. It really makes me realize that we're meant to be friends, yk? like not even the lack of time or the (unfortunate) abundance of distance can stop us. I find that special. And by God that just made me realize how much I truly love you. Which is; A LOT.
Hello!!!! Happy late valentine's day!!
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Look at this thing I made, tbh my first time making a valentine card and it was so funny. This ones for you<3
It's going well!! We had a cool party yesterday, not for Vs day (we done celebrate that here) but for Abi's day! That's basically our mentors' celebration. Our grade threw a concert for them with games and performances, and I was leading the whole show? Like, I introduced the performances and games and etc. It was nerve wrecking but I survived, and they liked it! We had huge fun. Glad I didnt have to dance. Also, we tried making that frog cake (have you seen it?) And I didnt take a pic (I asked my friend but he still hasnt so uhm) but as good as it tasted, the frog looked more like a green blob. But he (abi) liked it anyway
Ouchhh😭😭 I know, I remember one time when I overslept and literally had one minute to set everything up so I delayed hygiene and breakfast to later. When I was eventually forced to turn on my camera I looked like this
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Also that's so cool I hope your holidays were good!! Happy Chinese new year!!
Nahh I use some random flashcards app because quizlet was too heavy for my poor phone to handle, but now I fixed it so I think I should try that one. Thank you for the idea!!
OMG SHE'S SO WONDERFUL I LOVE HER SO MUCH I ADORE HER HAIR AND !!! AND !!!!!! Dont worry love she's great !!! 🥺🥺
Yeah, that's true. Too bad for my family that I dont love them😘 okay I'm so sorry for ruining the vibe, you're absolutely right !! I'm really glad too.
Well, sometimes, yeah! But usually the mentors are really busy, and it gets kinda lonely since I'm alone from my class. Well, there is one guy, but he goes home after 5, so yeah hes not here for a while
Ohh I'm always so surprised with the way you speak. I really find myself struggling with the answer when you say something as good as that because tbh all I can say is "🥺🥺🥺 yeah" but yes!!! It makes me really happy. I'm very glad to be your friend!! I love you so much, Ari ♡♡♡ I hope you're having a great day
Also, have a funnie
This is literally me with all my characters
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