#just ayub things
Also still not over how Ayub asked Simon in the first episode if he has to wear the uniform every day as if Simon hasn’t been going to Hillerska for a month now and they didn’t see or talk to each other in that time at all pffjjfkflglg
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alusart · 16 days
Happy 20th birthday to the bravest boy, I wish you the most normal and peaceful life, you deserve it 🎈🧡
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hilarioushilarity · 5 months
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Simon's! hand! on! Wille's! chest!
(I feel like the original photos came from twitter but anyway i'mma link to Out magazine)
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hehehereliesmysanity · 4 months
you know what i am thinking about right now, yeah wilmon but also ayub and rosh here.
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the first time ayub and rosh got to hang out with wille was that football match. they saw him so carefree and chill. he was just casually buying hot dogs and cheering for someone he barely knows. they were wandering around on their bikes with the prince. wille and simon were not a thing back then. nothing happened yet. ayub saw right through simon, of course but he didn’t know about wille. he might have just thought the prince wanted to take an adventure, running away from the boarding school and breaking the curfew, for all he knows.
the next time they saw him, only the second time if i may remind you, the prince shows up at their best friend’s door, getting straight to the point, not even a can we talk in private and all that bullshit. he tells simon directly, his body facing him completely, but simon only halfway turns to him, which tells a lot at this point. he tells him he could allow august take over, (which is, yes, twisted a little because august taking over was recently in the picture but anyway you get my point). he apologizes with a vulnerability in his voice and his eyes are bloodshot. he says he wants to be free with him and simon has the last word. then he leaves without any pressure.
this is why they are so taken aback and surprised to witness that interaction. wille completely let his guard down. his voice deflated. in front of simon, okay but in front of complete strangers---because they are still strangers to him---that’s the whole point. they don’t know, they haven’t seen how much wille loves simon and how much he is ready to do anything for him. obviously, their perspective is only limited to what simon told them and and they think wille fucked him over with empty promises, which he did at some point so they told simon to find a rebound and get over him until they saw how miserable simon looks in the football field, wondering why he can't fall in love with someone else.
but here, the crown prince shows up at the love of his life's door and tells him that and they are dumbfounded so we have this iconic line.
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that's why it hits so much harder when wille's speech happens in front of ayub and rosh.
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piebingo · 2 years
There’s something powerful about this scene:
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Wille sees Ayub and Rosh from the car yet he still goes talk to Simon. He doesn’t ask them to leave or ask Simon if they can speak in private. No, he keeps his distance, leaves Simon with his friends (his emotional support, probably, in this scene) and speaks his truth. And the first Thing he does is apologize.
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Wille doesn’t hesitate to speak freely in front of Rosh and Ayub, even though he could have some reservations. Yes, they know Wille and Simon were together but that doesn’t mean that he has to feel comfortable telling Simon about August being next in line in front of them. Them knowing about it doesn’t mean Wille has to trust them --especially when they’re the best friends of your ex whom you hurt a lot... He must know they don’t like him very much.
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And as if it’s not enough, he doesn’t ask anything of Simon. He’s only there to tell him what’s up. And by informing Simon of the situation and then going, he gives Simon the chance to think about it with his friends. Now, did they give the most helpful advice this season? Not really. I don’t know if Wille knows that but it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that Wille let’s Simon think about it with people Simon trusts.
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So yeah, I just think this is a very important moment because it’s Wille being honest about the situation, expressing his feelings which is not the easiest thing for him to do, in front of people who aren’t Simon, Felice, or his mother, who were previously the only people he was somewhat honest with. It’s also important to Simon because it shows him that Wille can like him openly --in front of certain people, at least. But those people, even if they aren’t the whole world, are important to Simon. And here, Simon is being given some important information in the open.
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princesimonsblog · 11 months
The more I watch Young Royals, the more I realize how everyone downplayed Wilhelm and Simon's feelings for each other, except Felice, but that's because she was able to see how hurt Wilhelm was after their breakup.
Rosh and Ayub suggested that Simon get a rebound to get over Wilhelm and while this comes for good intention, this to me showed how much they didn't understand how deep Simon's love for Wilhelm was. It wasn't something that Simon would forget after hooking up with someone else.
Even Linda, with how she talked about Marcus to Simon, completely seemed to brush off her son's past relationship. And I get why, she was trying to be supportive and Marcus seemed like a better partner for Simon, but again, if she understood Simon's feelings for Wilhelm, she wouldn't have said that.
Everyone at Hillerska also acted as if this was just a hookup, a phase. Henry heard Simon and Wilhelm talks in the changing room, but didn't talk about it because no one seemed like they knew what Simon and Wilhelm told each other. However, Henry did see Felice and Wilhelm kissing and immediately told Valter and the gossip spread.
There's also Marcus who just assumes things about Simon and Wilhelm's relationship and acts as if he knows everything while Simon didn't tell him anything.
And of course the whole "let's wait until you're 18" thing. This to me plays into the assumption that parents knows better then their children and that young queer people can't possibly know they are queer because they are kids. Obviously, this is so wrong in so many levels. Children and teenagers are their own person. Yes, they still have so many things to learn, but they are people, not mindless puppets for parents to control. So for Kristinna to tell Wilhelm "let's wait until you are 18" feels like she was hoping for Wilhelm to get into a heterosexual relationship by than and forget about Simon. Let's remember she called it an "unfortunate romance" in season 1.
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goldenn-moments · 1 year
things I need in young royals s3:
• "I love you" "I love you too"
• wille in the eriksson house, at home and at ease w at least simon and linda (maybe even Malin included??👀👀)
• simon in the palace, learning the crooks and crannies of the spots of the castle that wille found comfort in as a child (plus an awkward dinner w the in laws, hopefully followed by a royal bedroom scene, if yknow what I mean)
• rosh and ayub seeing wille again and simon being like "guys he's it for me" and the whole reconciliation that I'm sure will have to happen etc etc
• maddie becoming friends w simon and henry and walter being friendlier to simon, including him more - BASICALLY people at hillerska actually valuing simon for once, omfgs
• on the note of hillerska people, felice and simon teaming up to tease wille AT LEAST once. at least. they have so much material it would literally be criminal for them to not tease wille until he's giggling and red in the face
• more hand holding (so much. an obscene amount, actually)
• as edvin said, wille and simon smiling together
• sara redemption, but I kinda want that to be left open ended bc I doubt simon will forgive her all that easily (he will, inevitably. it's who he is. but he's put her first so many times, I want him to pit himself first for once)
• SIMON FINALLY ALLOWING SOMEONE (aka wille) TO FULLY COMFORT HIM AS HE BREAKS DOWN (I just want my boy to have a nice cry and then get all the hugs from wille)
• wille and simon being together in public and not giving a fuck (I mean, obvi they'll care abt being in the public eye. but they won't have to hide, and they'll revel in that, and that's what matters)
• on that note, also wilmon dramatic kiss (in the rain, after something intense happened, or when they're just horny as fuck I DONT CARE. just give me intense wilmon kisses I can use for edits please and thank)
• more exploration into simons family life (which I think we'll get w the sara arc, however they take it), like giving linda more screen time and bc they're probably gonna bring micke back, someone defending simon from micke if he needs it
• wille telling simon abt erik (and maybe even flashbacks??)
• august getting what's fucking coming to him
• wille AND simon breaking the fourth wall (preferably in the beginning of the first ep, bc I kinda want it to end w them walking away from us. but I'd be so down for the series ending w them both smiling at us)
• a look into how the public is reacting - ngl I wanna see the social media comments, the articles, their friends dissing those who are slandering them and at the same time showing them all the public support (I know) they're getting
• far fetched, but maybe a scene where wille and simon are having a Moment (maybe with simon in the palace👀👀) and krissy accidentally sees it and starts to finally fucking understand that taking simon away/denying him is taking away/denying her only remaining son's happiness (I imagine this taking place after an awkward dinner w the in laws)
• a celebration/party scene where wilmon are together and don't have to stare at each other from across a room or hide somewhere in order to be together
• wille defending simon (against their fellow hillerska students, the royal court, hell even micke, idc)
• simon defending wille (against someone from bjärstad who's making assumptions, krissy, the royal court, any of those idc)
-- basically the boys fighting for each other always
• more protective wille bc wille while he's being Crown Prince Wilhelm??? godDAMN
• simon and wille happy under the sun
• kinda related, maybe simon looking like he has a halo through some trick of the light??? paralleling to his glowstick halo in s1???
• wille panicking and simon being there (wille no longer having to be alone when the world gets too much) (do not enter is written on the doorway, why can't everyone just go away? except you - you can stay)
• wille and simon goofing around and being silly, maybe like trying to cook or trying to study or trying to actually play a video game and constantly getting distracted by each other
• simon getting his daily dose of wille's scent, lmao
• SIMON AND WILLE DANCING. dancing alone in one of their rooms, giggling and tripping on each other and swaying back and forth, wille humming a song he wants simon to sing and simon giggling and singing for him. the kind of dance that isn't for anyone but themselves, where they're wrapped around each other and blissfully in love, unable to stop smiling as they twirl each other around (I also wouldn't say no to a formal dance, like a waltz, where they're dancing together in a ballroom or some shit but the whole world melts away until it's just them. or a party scene where they're w all their classmates but they only have eyes for each other. those would be nice too)
• casual touch. so much casual touch. casually holding hands while walking, one of them resting their chin on the other's shoulder as they talk to friends, an arm around the others waist as they stand, sitting in each other's laps while working in a public space, one laying their head in the other's lap, leaning against each other as other things are happening around them. just - wille and simon being casually physically affectionate and always having each other to lean on, in all ways (and ofc, them always being wrapped up around each other. I'm sure wille's need to be close to simon will help me get this)
• henry continuing his curse of being a cockblock (and someone calling him out on it, lmaoo)
• boris. I want more of boris. give me a whole episode w just boris talking to wille and simon, idc, he's amazing and I adore him
• also more of the choir teacher!!! she believes in simon and I want to see her support him more
• simon singing more and flourishing even more in that area (and wille being a love struck fool every time simon sings even one note)
• simon and wille getting invited to a girls night
• simon!!! in!!! makeup!!!! (yes, I'm aware this will likely kill wille. both wille and I are prepared to make that sacrifice if it means seeing simon in at least some eyeliner)
• simon and wille pissing of jan-olof and getting the last laugh
• actually, I wanna see jan-olof just croak. just let him die. it's what he deserves😌
• wille and simon having a good support system
• wille's album for simon growing and being able to see the album that I KNOW simon has of wille on his phone
• wille getting his sweater back and teasing simon abt it
• in general, many pretty, cinematic shots of simon and wille just generally being in love
• random, but what happens to my boy rousseau, who didn't deserve all this drama when he's just a horse who wants to eat hay and run free😔
• simon and wille being regular teenagers and being a little stupid around each other hut that's okay bc they're in love
• a parallel to their first meeting, with simon speaking up abt a social issue that these rich kids have no real idea abt, but this time wille chimes in and adds his thoughts and simon just beams at him, and wille can't help but grin bc he's finally saying what he wants to say, tradition be damned
• kinda random but simon interacting w a kid and wille, despite not liking kids all that much, just melting (I will accept simon being cute in general in substitute)
• oh, so out of left field but more of simon's extended family??? like I saw a post on here abt what linda was saying on the phone in the background of one scene, and like she was talking abt a get together??? idk man, I just want simon talking more spanish
• to go off of that, simon teasing wille and spanish and one of two things happening: 1) wille combusts and dies bc simon is killing him w that, or 2) wille surprising simon and speaking back in spanish bc he had to learn it bc he's a royal and simon combusting instead. I would like either variation please and thank
• linda being wille's mom. ik she's not perfect but I just read a fic where he called linda mama and she hugged him and he said "I love you mama" and I kinda want something like that in canon now, ngl
• OH, on the note of linda - her realizing the pressure simon takes upon himself and trying to lighten his burden bc he's her child and should be carrying it all
• wille picking up simon. we know he can do it. so let him, let him pick up his boy whenever he feels like it
• wille and simon playing with each other's hair PLEASE
• I saw a post say that simon should take up fencing to get that extra credit, and now I NEED simon w any kinda sword. please. omar, do a photoshoot or smth, I'm not above begging
• more power walks from simon and wille
• simon and wille being a power couple in general (I'm thinking twin judgemental stares as they stand w each other, glaring and backing each other up, a team in every way possible)
• just,,,, them. against the world. no matter what comes their way
thank you so so much to @mirabel-on-a-bicycle @darktwistedgenderplural @tagalongifyoudare and @retrieve-the-kraken for encouraging me to post this <3 yall are amazing
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allthefakepeople · 3 months
ok ok
i have thoughts about the four football field scenes and how they interact with the story as a whole
s1 ep2
this is the first time we see wille really let go and even though they didn't say it was, it had all the feelings of a first date with a crush, complete with the simon's teasing friends and both wille and simon being nervous. there was stuttering and cheering and they both clearly hold it in their hearts as a special night
wille lets go and allows himself to have fun, not thinking about who is watching him or why and he gets to see what simon is like when he's not at Hillerska and when they're on the back of the bikes and their hands are brushing, nothing has felt like that since wille got to hillerska
s1 ep4
THE scene of Young Royals. why is this where wille ended up? how did he end up here? these questions aren't super important but everything wille talks about in this scene about everything being fake except for his feelings for simon, which are very very real, almost gives you the sense that the last time wille felt *real* was when he had been at the football field with simon
then simon shows up and wille can barely believe it because everything has felt hopeless and everyone is being fake but simon is here and he's so beautiful and "you're really here" (there's a reason why he keeps trying to touch simon's face, he's gotta make sure it's real) and he just keeps repeating "you came!" because he can't believe it
s2 ep 3
this one seems less significant in the grand scheme of the show and maybe it is but we're at the point in s2 where simon has been trying to get space from wille and is trying to see where this thing with marcus is going (he's wearing purple) and saying things like he thinks marcus likes him for real it's not working and simon just doesn't know his feelings and "i don't understand why i can't fall in love with him" and he's fighting with pushing away his very real feelings for wille with the feelings he thinks he should have for marcus
and he's having this discussion with ayub and rosh on the football field where wille talked about how real his feelings for simon were and simon might be able be able to convince himself marcus is what he wants but that's not real
s3 ep 6
this final football field scene was basically a way to show the audience that simon was struggling with how hard it's been since he broke it off with wilhelm. he still has very real feelings for wille and it was super difficult for him to see wille at school that day and he's at this field basically to avoid going to a party where he thinks he might see wille
the second rosh starts talking about closure, simon starts fiddling with the rocks in the grass and you can almost see how he's struggling with the idea of letting go of wille and you could almost see the thoughts about wilhelm and what's real and what should be pushed away rushing through his head
this is where he ultimately decides he has not had the closure he wants to
in conclusion the second two scenes don't have as much of a punch as the first two but i think it's interesting that simon has two conversations about figuring out how he's feeling about wilhelm when they're spending time apart when he's on the exact field where he and wilhelm really connected for the first time
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I just love love love that Ayub goes to the Erikssons to have dinner with them on a school night. Makes me wonder if that’s a regular thing and if Simon goes to his place for dinner as well. The fandom mostly makes up lovely families for Ayub and Linda asks after Ayubs mum and that’s a nice exchange, but theoretically the possibilities are endless.
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domtheforestgnome · 3 months
Some moments in season 3 of Young Royals that stand out for me ep.3
The day went on, I came back from work, recorded and sent my audition video for singing competition so I'm ready for another rewatch of episode 3, season 3. Let's go!
My posts about previous episodes are here and here
Simon telling Linda what she needs to hear
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I mean - this is another unspoken fact most of us could see in season 1 and 2- Simon protect his mom and Sara for no matter what cost. We saw it with the bill from school after he took some extra lessons, we hear it now straight up from Simon.
2. Running?
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That was somehow a surprise for me. Like... he runs? Princes do that?!?!?! Kidding. But I immediately compared it to August's way of handling things... So... Wille is actually trying to help himself...? Wille why don't you go talk to Boris?
3. Safety first
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Simon wearing helmet while going with Rosh and ayub on scooters. Finally.
4. Simon crying
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I couldn't breathe. My friends needed to remind me to breathe. The way Wille diminished the comments meaning and left Simon alone with all that was just heartbreaking.
5. School Inspectorate arrival
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I mean it's about the music again. My friend was like "what is it with this music!?", and another one screamed "what? the school inspectors are here! What is it you don't understand!?". And it has such a Skam vibe. I feel like this season is the most Skamlike of them all. What do you think?
6. Wilmon kissing on the piano.
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Iconic. Very classic. I'm glad we have something like this scene with a gay couple. And it's so cool that this gay couple happened to be Wilmon.
Also Simon's hand, pulling Wilhelm down with him. Ooh!
7. Poppe!
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I was just happy I see him again <3 But also, it was so good to see him there for Felice. And them talk.
Also, I don't know what is it with those fathers, but I could find some of my father in Micke and Poppe this season and that really warmed my heart.
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I felt like I shouldn't look. AND NOONE WARNED ME! Like really...
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Why so fvcking hot gay?
9. Valborg
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The music, the fire. As my friend said: Swedes are freaking wizards.
10. This moment
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The whole sequence. Bottom Wille. But this moment. It makes me feel like I'm gonna pass out bc of the amount of electricity in this scene. But this exact moment is my favourite.
11. Micke
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Heart attack. this is what this series does really good. Makes you feel what the character feels. I thought I will jump out of my body.
12. Simon sharing photo from 1st May
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Like, after all of this... He's there, it's already ok. Why sharing it and causing more attention... Siiimoooon.
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I laughed hard though... It turned out so wrong xDDDD
13. The end of the episode
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Well... I have already seen it in a trailer, but the way it came in the episode... What did you said about breathing? Oh, I forgot to continue one.
Tomorrow is the day. Oh, I'm so sad I can't be in Stockholm. But I believe in ancient spirits that walk on this earth and protect us all, so mine will go tomorrow to Stockholm to hug some people who saved me by creating Young Royals.
Goodnight, beautiful fandom!
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the-amber-fox · 6 months
Young Royals Fic Rec List 2023
The holidays are coming early for this lovely fandom. I present you my favourite fanfics from this year to tide us all over until season 3.
Canon / Missing Moments
a running start (T) by This_time_its_just_me It’s so surreal to see him standing here in the Palace, in the Royal apartments where Wille had grown up through all the good and the bad of his life. It’s an image he couldn't have imagined, not in the sheer unremarkable and yet truly remarkable way it feels in reality. Sure he’d conjured up images of him, ghosts of memories and fantasies tangled together in a love-sick teenager's ache of loss. However, this is him here, pragmatic and tangible and real and it’s just difficult to wrap his mind around it.
Post Canon (maybe)
The equation of you Whiterabbit11 Simon is hurt and unconscious at the local hospital. Rosh watches, Ayub sleeps, and Wille is not happy.
All my loving (I will send to you) (M) @pagegirlintraining „Especially now that they’d been happily dating again for nearly ten months, Simon could’ve easily just teased Wille about being a drama queen and then kissed the pout off his lips. He didn’t, though. Instead, he kept staring at Wille’s handwriting, usually scrawly but now tidy and precise, feeling his heart slowly break for the sad, lonely boy who’d written and never sent this letter all those months ago.”
Baby, We Are Front-Page News (M) Ripki When Wille says, it was me, in front of the whole school – in front of the whole world – Simon feels simultaneously light with joy and leaden with trepidation. Once again, he is suddenly thrust from obscurity into spotlight, from normalcy into absurdity. He is certain though that together he and Wille can face anything. However, that is soon put to test, when a hurtful article about Simon hits the press.
no need for verbier (NR) starrystoryteller simon finds out about verbier
Fix Its
The daisy follows soft the sun (G) @romanticalrj Simon has two dark red seeds inked into his skin just below his belly button. He has always had them. He doesn’t remember a time when he looked into the mirror and that pair of burgundy seeds weren’t staring back at him. To Simon, the marks are an obligation. He doesn’t ever want to be tied to someone in this irreversible, caging way. But, as in most things in his life, Simon doesn’t get a choice. The seeds sit and sit on his belly for years, ignored and hidden and resented.
Ivy (M) unfortunate17 Wilhelm raises his eyebrows as well. “Pirate Captain Simon Eriksson.” He watches as Simon swallows, stepping forward to set the coins down on the countertop. He still smells like the ocean, Wilhelm notes vaguely, like sunshine and sea-salt. Ayub looks between the two of them, alarm twisting across his features until Wille sighs. “I’m not here to arrest anyone.”
obviously (M) grapehyasynth In their final year of secondary school, Simon and Wille find themselves entering a potent, secret relationship that threatens to upend both their lives. It can't last, but neither can they stop being a part of each other's lives. Over the next few years, even as everything around them changes, even as they hurt and lose each other, they keep finding themselves drawn together. Normal People AU.
Can you see me now? (T) kimmeke wilhelm needs eye surgery and has no one to help him with his recovery. he turns to his only option left: his next door neighbor simon
You're Still the One (M) queerfrogprince Simon and Wille meet on tumblr as teenagers, but when they lose contact, Simon doesn't think he'll ever hear from Wille again, much less bump into him in a supermarket in Stockholm one random afternoon. It's been five years, after all. He barely even thinks about Wille anymore. But, it seems, Wille never stopped thinking about him. Maybe it's not too late to rekindle what they had at fifteen, after all.
Hetero of the Year @girls-are-weird Prince Wilhelm is nominated for the Hetero of the Year award at the QX Gay Gala. In response, he freaks out. Simon, his popstar friend who's been pining for him for the better part of a year, worries this might mean Wille's secretly homophobic. After all, what other reason could there be for him to get so upset?
Slightly unhinged - but so worth it
Sorry this is awkward, I didn’t mean to airdrop that to you (T) @piebingo Wille accidentally airdrops his own fanfiction to a stranger in the library. (Written for the yr week 2023, the prompt of day 2: Alternate Meeting)
fighting dragons with you (T) burntromacesea “You have another knight in shining armor come to rescue you from my evil clutches and my murderous dragon,” Simon comments blandly, handing his husband a cup of coffee, “he should be here by this afternoon.” https://archiveofourown.org/works/45092605
Simon-Appreciation-Posts (T) DrogonTheDragon Wille didn't mean for it to blow up as it did. He didn’t.  … or Wille makes a secret Simon Eriksson fan account and it gets a lot more attention than he intended.
Of Dinosaurs, Unicorns and the Perfect Proposal (G) @groenendaelfic Five-year-old Wilhelm steals his Mamma’s engagement ring to propose to Simon. Linda questions her life choices.
E - Rated
One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind (E) pagegirlintraining, TheAmberFox When Wille first sees Simon, the rest of the world simply fades away. Which would be romantic and all, if it didn’t lead to him blindly stumbling into the sex shop Simon works at. Once he figures out his mistake, it’s already too late. But Wille wouldn’t be Wille if he let that stop him from pursuing the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen. If only things didn’t keep getting in the way of his plans…
Fuck the Monarchy (E) itsme_hi_imtheproblem Simon and Wille get stuck with each other when they both intern at the riksdag. Wille is intent to just get this dreaded thing over with. Simon can't believe he of all people has to work not only with an old conservative but with the literal prince. Both are surprised by the inexplicable and inevitable pull they feel towards each other.
say my name, say it loud (E) margosfairyeye (Skittery) The argument scene in the locker room in s02e04, but this time there's sex. (inspired by how much I thought there was going to be a spicy scene when I saw Simon come out in that towel)
Three Floors Down (E) emerybemery Simon hates how he can’t keep his eyes off Wille whenever he sees him. He hates how Wille seems to stare back at him with a borderline intoxicating intensity.
A Marvellous Time Ruining Everything @earlgrey-lateatnight Henry accidentally witnesses an intimate moment between Wille and Simon. How will they deal with the fallout?
The darker stuff Watch out for the trigger warnings and tags.
when you find me, let me in (G) paintersong Simon winced with guilt as Wille’s wide eyes traced his laptop. “Crown Prince Wilhelm Denies Involvement in Viral Sex Video” glared back, and Wille blinked, stepping away from the screen, away from Simon, away from the sting of betrayal.
Everybody loves you now (M) lc2l International pop sensation Simme has announced on Instagram that he will be celebrating the end of his sold out world tour with five consecutive shows in Stockholm starting TONIGHT and running through the week. This will be his first extended stay in Sweden in four years, since he graduated from high school and flew to L.A. to sign a record deal. And what is Wilhelm supposed to do with that.
In Another Life (E) @ungaroyals Wilhelm never returned to Hillerska after winter break, and he has spent his entire life regretting it. Nearly a decade later, he runs into Simon. He had hoped he'd successfully moved on from his feelings after all these years, but clearly, he was wrong. The two spend a passionate night together, expecting it to be their last. That is until it happens a second time when the two come arrangement that suits both their needs. Friends with benefits? No, they'd have to actually be friends for that to be the case. So this is it for this year. I must confess I did not have time to read everything. So if you have things that are missing in this list put them in the comments please. I also don't know everyones tumblr, so feel free to share with your mutuals.
The list from 2022 you can find here
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ppkritts · 2 years
Okay now things I loved about this season:
- The pinning, I love pinning I can’t even deny it, so I was just eating it up.
- I looooved the kiss in ep4 and the before of it, Wille telling Simon that he gets he isn’t in love with him anymore and Simon being so shaken that Wille thought that, that he just goes to search for him.
- Like Simon is pretty self-righteous sometimes (it’s a strength and a weaknesses of his character imo) so for him to be so consumed in his love and want for Wille that he leaves his sorta boyfriend and cheats on him, it had to be a pretty big emotion.
- I loved seeing Wille be jealous lol sorry I think it suits him.
- I loved how OBVIOUS it was that Wille and Simon were still in love with one another, like I didn’t doubt it for one second, even with other love interests, and I love that they made sure we saw it all the time.
- I LOVED seeing more of Ayub and Rosh and their friendship with Simon.
- I loved Simon be adamant in pressing charges against August, again he is self-righteous.
- I liked the invert dynamic of Simon being the one who kissed Wille in a moment of weakness and then saying it was a mistake, a parallel of Wille when he did the same to him in ep3 of s1.
- I loved that scene of Wille and Simon describing the book to each other and essentially defending the other point of view, basically showing that they understood where the other was coming from.
- The whole fish motif was great, Marcus asking their names and Simon saying they don’t have any.
- Again, I would update this when i remember more things lmao
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fragcc · 5 months
The contrast on the loneliness Simon and Wille experience during s1e6
One thing I really loved about the way s1 wraps up is exactly the stark contrast between the loneliness Simon and Wille experience after everything blows out of proportion. In this post, I'll delve a bit on what aspects of their loneliness really differ and how fascinating – although utterly tragic – that is.
Spoiler ahead!
Simon is left alone to deal with the scrutiny and harrassment from the leaked video after Wille not only denies being in it but also affirms he's not emotionally involved with anyone. Simon feels his world crumble down when he finds out through Ayub about the prince’s statement.
It comes as a bullet through his heart because up until that very moment, he had believed Wille wholeheartedly. Wille had said time and time again that he wouldn't say what his mom wanted him to say, that they would face it together, and still. Simon had learned that he was thrown alone to the wolves through his friend and not from Wille himself. Simon feels betrayed by the boy he loves and decides to distance himself from him because he simply can't trust Wille not to hurt him anymore.
Simon is all alone to deal with the exposure of their intimacy, but at very least, he has friends and his mom to support him at home — although the person who mattered the most is missing.
Wille finds safety and protection in denying any involvement with Simon in that video and also basks in the crown's PR management to keep the rumors about him at bay. However, Wille feels extremely lonely in this small secured space he made for himself. He doesn't have friends to comfort him, his beloved brother is dead, his mother only cares about the family's reputation and his cousin is to blame for all of this. And, on top of that, he lost the boy he loves the moment he betrayed his trust, the moment he acted like a prince and not like someone who cares about Simon.
The scene with Wille hanging up on his mom showcases this perfectly. There's a background chilling music as he talks to her, revealing how anxious and distressed he is about finding out it was August who ruined his life. And when his own mother reveals she had known it for days — inadvertently telling us that he could have done things differently if he had known too, that he could have tried being himself for once, that he didn't have to break his word to Simon — he hangs up on her and everything is silent.
Everything is quiet and Wille is alone in the school yard, small and fragile and all by himself.
(Also props to that one lone tear rolling down, really made this scene hurt that much more)
He has literally no one to turn to, not even Simon because he lost him the moment he denied having any emotional bond with him. And because of what? Because his mom said it would be worse if he didn't? The same mom that knew it should be August suffering and taking the blame in his place but decided that it was easier to deny Wille his happiness, claiming it was all a sick way to honor his dead brother?
At the very last scene of the episode, Wille hugs Simon close and apologizes to him. He says he's sorry because he knows he hurt him for nothing. He's sorry because they lost this precious thing they were nurturing together because Wille was scared and did what was best for his mother and not for them.
In that moment Wille had just removed August from his family and he just realized he couldn't trust his mother either.
Simon & Wille
He says he loves Simon, and Simon can't say it back because, in the end, it doesn't matter. Simon was left alone to fend for himself. Wille claiming he loves him won't change that fact. He can't love someone who will leave him the moment push comes to shove.
And, in the very end, Simon is once again walking alone in between all the students that recognizes him from the sex-tape with the prince that denies any involvement with him — although he has his sister by his side, supporting him through it at the moment. Meanwhile, Wille is safely seated inside his ride. There's no prying eyes around him, no distress from being judged by others. He is, however, completely alone in this small box of steel, no one to care for him for who he is.
And the worst part of it all is that he put himself there.
In conclusion, I love how painful it is to watch the way they distance themselves from each other. They both feel terribly lonely, in ways and proportions the other can't even begin to grasp, but both equally harshly. I didn't make this post to try and point out who suffered more in this whole scandal, they both suffered greatly and there's denying that. And it all makes it all the more interesting to watch the way they clash and beat their heads during s2, clumsily finding their way into understanding the other's perspective and realizing that August's revenge porn and everything that came after that doesn't define them.
Wille can right his wrongs. Simon can attempt to trust Wille again. But that shall be an analysis to another post.
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piebingo · 9 months
Some of my favourite things about Young Royals
The scenery. It is such a beautiful show, with the place they filmed at, the way they edited things. Not only is the show fun to watch but it is nice to watch. You know?
The characters. None of them are perfect and they all feel human. They all have background stories that are interesting and feel real (and that are more or less explored ofc, there’s no time to show everyone’s whole life story). Sure I’m here and stayed here for wilmon but the characters drew me in before the love story did.
The family dynamics. One of my most anticipated plot —apart from the love story ofc— are Wille’s relation with his family and the Simon-Sara drama. Lisa nailed those two dynamics. I can’t wait to see what happens with them and I know that Edvin and Pernilla, and Omar and Frida, will be able to deliver those things amazingly. They really chose actors that worked well together and I love that.
The soundtrack. It’s just really good, what can I say? I love how well it fits with the scenes, how they use the words to tell us a bit more about the story and the characters’ thoughts. A lot of those songs are now in my study playlist and they’re getting me those degrees.
Simon’s song. I really liked that storyline. First I love that they can use Omar’s talent for Simon’s singing. But I loved the way Simon was trying to move on and they showed us that, but there’s still a part of him that just couldn’t. And showing that through the song? I think that was brilliant. And then Wille not knowing it was about him, Jan-Olof refusing the choir to sing it… I really liked that whole plot line. It perfectly went with Simon’s own storyline and showed his true feelings.
How realistic they made those teenagers. They are messy and hurtful. They rewear the same clothes all the time use social media in a pretty real way. That’s not always the case and it’s refreshing to see.
The friendships. Ayub, Simon and Rosh’s friendship is definitely my favourite. They are there for Simon and support him, but don’t hesitate to call him out on his shit when needed. The other friendships are also superb but this one steals the show for me. Also I just really really love Ayub.
The way I’m so excited for season 3. They left so many good plot lines to answer and I can’t wait to see how they get resolved. Whether that be wilmon or Simon-Sara, or wtv else happening I cannot wait to see what Lisa had in mind for everyone.
That’s it for now tho I know I’m forgetting so many things. Don’t hesitate to add your favourite things or send me an ask or wtv! I love to know what stands out about the show to other people. ◡̈
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theydonthavenames · 2 years
Wille's arc appreciation post
I find it truly amazing how much Wille has grown and changed in season 2. At the beginning he was the same dramatic, hurt, chaotic, selfish, whingy (very affectionately) teenager prince we knew from season 1. He wanted Simon back badly, but he didn't have a clue how to win him back. But reality hit him in the face- Simon is still mad and he's actually trying to move on dating someone else- and with a *little* help of the biggest star of S2, Boris the Birkenstock Sossen ™️ he's gone so far and almost became a brand new person. There are a few scenes in the second half of the season where his decisions made me really proud of him. It's gonna be long, bare with!
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I think the bravest thing Wille did this season was letting Simon go in ep 4. We of course knew he was so wrong, but Wille truly believed Simon doesn't love him anymore. He didn't see all of Simon's yearning, he didn't know Simon wrote him a love song. In Wille's eyes Simon trying to move on with Marcus and as much as it hurt, he finally accepted it. I think this was the most mature decision he's made this season, and I don't know what sort of strength one must have to let the love of his life go- I was lucky enough I never had to do that- I can't even imagine how much it hurt Wille. But he did it out of love and respect to Simon. He felt broken and hopeless too, but I believe Wille's primal reasoning here was that he loves Simon so much he just wants him to be happy, with or without him. Luckily the story didn't continue that way and it literally took Simon minutes to pull Wille back.
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This one surprised me. When Simon decides to report August to the police, despite the potential damage it might have on his own and Wille's life, Wille just respects it. He told Simon he was scared, but he didn't try to change his mind. Season 1 Wille would loose his marbles in the same situation. He would probably end up shouting at Simon and calling him selfish (like he did in S1 piano room fight- which I expected). But S2 Wille trusts Simon's judgement and lets him decide for himself. Deep down he knows it's the right thing to do. And another beautiful thing that happened during this scene is Wille taking initiative to comfort Simon and hugging him. He showed Simon he supports his decision and will be there for him, no matter the consequences.
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In this beautiful little scene Wille casually turns up at Simon's house to let him know he can give up the throne for him. First of all, he is so calm and collected, and he doesn't even ask for privacy, he lets Ayub and Rosh listen to their conversation- he knows they would find out anyway, but also he's not embarrassed to show his true feelings for Simon in front of his friends (and also I'm glad they were there because they needed to hear it too). But the best thing that Wille does here, after dropping the bombshell on Simon, he just walks away. He allows Simon space and time for the news to sink in and doesn't demand any answers, not even a comment. He really shows how much he starts to empathize with Simon- he must have realised it will hit Simon like a train, but he lets Simon deal with it on his own terms. S1 Wille would be dying to know what Simon thinks and he would not hesitate to ask. S2 Wille just walks away. So mature for a 16 year old.
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And the final scene, my beloved. That 'I love you' whispered in his ear in dark Hillerska corridor worked wonders. The courage he's shown to admit it was him was unreal. But also it proves the amount of love he's got for Simon, that he doesn't want him having to compromise and keeping them as secret. He's grown to understand lies and secrets were not getting them anywhere. He was ready to break that circle and finally be true to his own feelings. Such a brave, beautiful moment, I'm so happy and proud he did that. They both deserved this ending, Wille and Simon.
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Side note finally, we now know there is this deleted scene when Wille texts Simon at the end of ep 6, when everything is in pieces again and it almost feels like Wilmon is back to square one. As sweet as the scene is, I'm really glad that they didn't include it in the final cut, because it shows that after Sara's betrayal when Simon is ultimately sad, mad, hurt to the point of rejecting Wille, he just gives him much needed space. He doesn't try to run after him, text him, reach out, I think Wille understood that Simon needed the space and time to think things through. And that paid back beautifully. In my head, this scene doesn't exist.
Wille's gone a long way in season 2. His arc is beautifully written and makes me a proud mum 🥲 I can't wait to see him grow even more in next season- I have no doubt he will.
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degreeofdisorder · 2 years
you know what's a thing i didn't realize was obvious for us as an audience but not for the characters until it happened?
when ayub says "did he just offer to give up the crown for you?"
for us as a fandom it was obvious from day 1 that wille would abdicate, but simon didn't know that (and neither did rosh and ayub obviously)
like I think this is what made the difference in the end! wille offering two years of secrecy and then coming out was still asking too much of simon who never wanted to be a secret, and who told him everything had to be on his terms
but when wille offers to straight up crumble the government of sweden just to be with simon, I think this is when simon realizes that it's not that everything has to be on wille's terms like he once thought, it's that wille just doesn't know what else to offer him bc he's never had any other options before, but he is willing to do what it takes
which is also when he realizes that he can also meet wille halfway (meaning, the two years of being a secret) bc if wille was willing to abdicate then simon can also make the sacrifice, and not just that but he realized that he was also willing to just to keep wille
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