#just bcs it teaches kids that it’s okay to bully others or be bullied bcs it means the person likes them which is bad for obvious reasons
starrysymphonies · 1 year
Their entire conversation from pages 156-157 BUT THISBIS MY FAVORITE EXERPT FROM IT
“Zed was out of his depth. He was cold, and lonely, and very afraid.
‘Please’ he rasped. ‘Please just leave me alone.’
Micah’s smirk faltered. He opened his mouth, then closed it and cleared his throat. ‘Listen, you’re going to be all right. I’ve seen that moldy fireball of yours take out worse than a few mummified elves. And that was without Frond babysitting you.’”
Foster WAS right, Micah DOES stop Zed from getting too angsty
And later on page 263 Zed defends him
“‘I’ll say,’ said Jett. ‘When the gods were handing out brains and Micah went for his share, they told him, ‘Sorry that girl who was just here took the last of them.’
They all chuckled at that, except for Zed, who said ‘Aw, he means well.’”
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It’s so obvious to me that book 1 was like, Micah subconsciously crushing on Zed and consciously he was like “ok I’m gonna ignore that and push him and those feelings away because thinking about him all the time is ODD” and then in book 2 he’s trying to look out for him in his own Micah-way and actually warming up to him
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Dropping some silly Shuggy content bc it's how I cope-
Shanks was found as a baby in a treasure chest. Buggy was semi-force-adopted off the streets at about 6/7. Roger really just went "Anyone gonna parent these kids" and was already signing pretend adoption papers furiously before anyone could so much as breathe.
The Roger crew tried to teach the boys school-like things, but Shanks HATED it while Buggy was just gobbling itt up like a dehydrated horse in a desert oasis.
Buggy LOVED reading (and still does in the present), but he has a soft spot for fantasy stories and fiction. He worries the others would make fun of him for it, but Shanks is Not Having That. He offers to be the one to ask for those books on the condition that Buggy read to him before bed. He acts put out and huffy about it, but Shanks can see him blushing every time he snuggles closer or asks a question.
Roger knows damn well about the truth bc he too sometimes joined story time. Buggy has that Performer Energy down to a SCIENCE.
It gets out eventually, and the crew tries to tease Buggy for it ((even though they didn't tease Shanks, and the redhead Will Remember That)). The guys ask if Buggy likes them bc he wants to be a princess, to which Shanks goes surprisingly nuclear, going on about how if Buggy was ANYONE'S princess, he'd be HIS because the princesses are smart, brave, strong and beautiful, and their knights need someone to be the brains and drive. Buggy is the brains and Shanks is his knight. Pirate princess and pirate knight!!
A few hours later, once he has successfully calmed Buggy down and Captain has punished everyone for bullying his kids, Shanks has the BRILLIANT idea of getting "married".
"Princesses can be flashy, but the warrior queen from the last book was SO COOL and I think you'd make a better queen than a princess because queens are SUPER SMART and lovely and strong and just like you!"
"You think so...?"
"Mmhm! So we just gotta make you a queen! How do princesses become queens?"
"Don't they get married?"
"Oh yeah! Then let's be married! That way you can be MY queen and I'll be YOUR king!"
They sneak into the treasury, looking for rings. There are none - at least, none that would fit. ((Shanks stole one for Buggy when they get bigger)). So they decide to do the next best thing!
They drag Roger onto the next island, make rings out of dandelions, have him officiate, and marry each other with flower rings so they're king and queen now. Then they make a wish on the dandelions.
They consider it their Real Marriage. It was officiated and everything, and they still refer to each other as Husbands ((or Wife when Buggy's feeling more femme)), and everyone is absolutely flabbergasted when it comes up in conversation.
Shanks lost his band when he gave his arm up for Luffy, but Buggy sent an 'anonymous' gift with a replacement. He wears it on a necklace now.
Buggy wears his ring on a necklace as well, or sewn into the inside of his hat or in a jewelry box he keeps under lock and key, depending on the day.
The breakup they had post-execution was smoothed over, they have an open marriage, and they still love one another in the sweetest, most cavity inducing way imaginable.
((PS, Luffy, once crowned King, mentions to Shanks that he was the closest he had to a dad. While Shanks I'd emotional, Luffy grins at Buggy and goes "so should I call you mom or dad?"))
Shooting me would've been less painful than reading this because now I am sobbing crying and shaking on the floor and I will never forget this. The whole concept about Buggy loving to read and Shanks doing it for him always makes me go insane, but the crew making fun of Buggy and Shanks protecting him without hesitating? Not even once? And telling him that they should get married? Okay. Wow. Okay. I need a second. Because this is just,,, So sweet. And Roger and Rayleigh would literally die when they told them about the idea. Like they would probably have a tiny heart attack from how cute these kids are. Rayleigh would probably go "Isn't it a bit too soon? Think about it first you idiots-" but Roger is already planning everything because his impulsive romantic ass can't wait for his kids to get married lmfao. Also, non-binary/genderfluid Buggy my beloved because me too, Buggy, me too.
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ennard-is-near · 3 months
Some Michael Afton headcanons and crack theories and whatnot
🚨 warning, If you know me irl (You know who you are, I see you) be aware that I’m not serious hahahahaha I would never be cringe hahaha 🚨
Okay, here we go:
Kid/Teenage hcs:
He’s super quiet after The Bite of ‘83. Like won’t talk to anyone or answer most questions outside of occasional one word answers. [I’ve talked about this before]
He was 13 during the Bite of ‘83.
Wasn’t really popular or a bully or anything before the Bite of ‘83. He was just like, a regular kid whose dad was well-known. It’s like if the mayor’s son was in your class or something. Yeah he’s kind of an asshole, but so is every middle school boy.
Ppl tend to avoid him after The Bite just because if you had the choice between talking to the guy who killed his brother or not doing that, you’d probably pick the latter. People felt bad for him or whatever but it’s not like they wanted to befriend him.
Cannot drive because he just never learned (William was NOT about to teach him). He walks most places.
I know this is semi-canon but he likes drawing stuff. He’s not very creative though, so he mostly draws what he sees around him. He ends of up drawing a lot of animatronics and TV show characters.
Mowed lawns and washed cars around the neighborhood for money when he was like 11-12. William was the type of dad who didn’t give pocket change and made his kids work for their own money. Michael wasn’t great at his neighborhood jobs though so people only hired him if they had money to give away and were willing to go through and fix the spots he missed.
The rest of these are Post-Scoop:
The FNaF 3 hallucinations are like a semi-regular issue for him. He occasionally just sees shit. Doesn’t have to be phantom animatronics, though. Can be more chill (by comparison lol) and like people he knew just standing there, weird shadows (especially in reflections) and sounds and voices. [I‘ve talked about this before too, sorry]
Really scared of the dark. Lights on in every room + flashlight on him at all times scared.
The power went out in his house a couple times when it snowed and (even though it didn’t get pitch black because of light from the windows) he did not like it.
He’s also the master of batteries, they’re scattered all over the house.
His power bill is so much. Like you’d drop dead if you saw it. TV and lights and air conditioning on 24/7 drive it up. His water bill is virtually nothing, though, so that’s good.
Doesn’t have issues with money because he has access to William’s bank account somehow.
Still lives in the house he grew up in. I just feel like he does.
Sort of has an issue with animals. They do not like him and will bark at and attack him whenever given the opportunity. He’s literally a dead body and animals tend to not like those. Birds will literally swoop down and attack him sometimes. He has fought two raccoons.
Absolutely a creature of the night. Only leaves the house past midnight and is back before sunrise. This is for a couple reasons, mostly just because there’s less happening at night. He carries a flashlight around when he goes out though bc he’s so scared.
Has like one guy who he’s on good terms with. It’s some random graveyard shift worker at the local corner store. He goes to the same store like every Tuesday or whatever and it’s always the same guy working there. They don’t even say that much to each other but they’re still buddies. When Michael works at the FNaF 1 location the employee is actually kinda sad because he doesn’t come in that week and he’s really confused as to where that guy could have gone or if he finally died or something. And then Michael comes in the next week and the routine continues and the employee will never know what happened that one week the weird guy didn’t come in.
Okay that’s it. <3
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findafight · 1 year
Oh yeah, in my head Robin’s coming out swiftly derails into an argument between her and her Mom because “you would disown me, don’t even try to pretend-“
I love the idea of Steve discovering she’s a Summer of love baby and uttering the phrase (or mimicking Melissa calling her a “love child”) when he wants to to shut up.
I also like to imagine, that as exams are coming up, Steve starts coming over and doing Robin’s chores for her in an effort to maximise the time they can spend together. Robin’s parents are convinced that she has bullied him into this somehow and, while initially impressed with her, are getting sick of coming into the kitchen to see Steve trying to pretend he wasn’t washing dishes two seconds ago.
Also, I know you’re a fan of Hop adopting Steve, but hear me out; Robin’s parents occasionally stand in for Steve’s (hospital etc) and Richard amuses himself by telling people they’re Irish twins (he makes himself laugh and that’s what matters). A couple of times he refers to them as “the twins” to Melissa, but it’s when he refers to them as “my twins” in conversation with someone that knows he only has one kid he realises - they kinda have two kid now.
Alternatively, they’re eating dinner, there’s an argument and when Steve buts in at the wrong moment Melissa or Robert automatically (bc they were expecting it to be Robin who was going to argue back) snap “go to your room!”
And Steve, looking out upon, gathers his plate and his glass and without hesitating takes his dinner to eat in Robin’s room (or the guest room, is their house is big enough).
Robin’s only reaction to yell “You’re 19 you Dingus, they can’t boss you around like that anymore!”
Robin arguing with her mom that she would hav totally disowned her and Melissa going "I'd only disown you if you joined the military and committed more war crimes that normal!! and even then it's iffy!! We just wanted you to feel safe!!" while Steve (moral support for Robin) and Mr. Buckley stand off to the side.
Mr. Buckley walking in of Steve looking like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar but he's actually vacuuming the drapes(have never been vacuumed before bc that's a rich people thing to do) is so funny. when asked why he's doing them for her if she didn't blackmail him or something he says "because if I do them when she's at school then she doesn't have to do them and we have more time to hang out 🥺" a la patrick "wait fo you to get back" star.
Listen okay. I am actually a fan of a cold war happening in Hawkins between a select group of adult who are all vying for being seen as parental figures to steve. Hop, Claudia Henderson and the Sinclairs (they're a team), and the Buckleys are all glaring at each other and inviting Steve for dinner and asking if he needs anything. they all think they have the Most Claim over the role lol. Steve is unaware of why everytime he says he's having dinner with Hop Mrs. Henderson invites him over a few days later, or that he says Mrs. Buckley showed hi how to troubleshoot a clogged or leaky sink Hop suggests they go fishing the next weekend, or why Richard Buckley offered to teach him his Nonna's tiramisu recipe when told Sue Sinclair baked date squares with him....
I don't really think steve and robin having a very sibling-like relationship but a few people half-jokingly calling them the twins is funny. like it's their Team Name. they aren't siblings but they're twins do you see this. Will and El are THEE Wonder Twins but Steve and robin are the ""wonder twins"" am i making sense.
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
askposting (but in the afternoon for a change)
feat stuff, the new tl4j au, anakin being anakin, and jedi survivor
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putting this one above the cut Yep you absolutely can use my art as PFP/headers!!!! just PLEASE CREDIT ME IN UR BIO or smthn!!!
(ok rest below the cut)
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you get why he was called wormie at school, i too would bully him. nerd.
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do NOT let that child around other padawans, he WILL teach them how to make improvised explosives and every single swear word under the suns. if the jedi had a santa equivalent he would be the kid to say santa isnt real
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LMAO well I have a few versions of how I want them to meet, tho I need to work out certain bits of the plot to know which one for sure!! but omg i love that, he inherited padme's and leia's often-questionable taste in men and it mutated to be even worse
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@starsciencees wah,, yeah!! i saw a fic (sorry can't remember what its called) where cal sets up a temporary archive in cere's old room on the mantis <3
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@imperial-spy loll i've said in a couple posts i've finished the game now!! i LOVE bode he's so complicated and interesting and another primo example of how attachments bad (while cal shows how love is good!!! still!! theyre not always the same!!) and man.t he ending. ouch. oof. im a big enough person to admit when kata put her toy on bode's pyre i just suddenly lost it crying
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I WAS VERY SUPPORTIVE OF HIM GOING DARKSIDE BC THATS HOW I WAS FEELING TOO!!!! when merrin was like this isnt you cal i was like okay i love you babe but. can i at least kill this one last ISB guy. you know as a treat
also thats not the only time i said shit that came back to bite like:
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bunnimy · 4 days
little things from my MYS AU
calling this *ALMOST*-nobody-meets-until-post-college AU "My New Neighbors" since I'm terrible with coming up at titles. i don't know how much i'll be adding under the cut (the idea is only like two days old lol) but I'll add a read-more bar anyway
Aphmau still knows Katelyn and KC from the start (when they all met each other idk yet tho). They all choose to move in together now that they've graduated from college
Aph and Katelyn went to the same college while KC went to it's sister college, which specialized more in magicks. There she met Michi and June (yes, minigame-exclusive June, i like her design okay) at a mefi'wa sorority
Garroth is shy like his Side Stories persona and met Laurance in college, they were roommates their entire time there. When they met, Garroth was a complete recluse and it took a lot of effort on Laurance's part to get him to go out more often. Post-college they both live together while they try to get their careers afloat
Laurance works as a barista and a part-time bartender, using his flirtatious charms to get better tips (works very well) and settle down angry customers (does NOT work very well)
Ultima stuff isn't canon anymore, but Aaron uses a bandana to hide his face initially because he's actually an ex-child actor that came out in a god-awful controversial cereal commercial that his father's entertainment company produced, which has caused him trouble to this very day
Aaron works as a security guard
KC is a complete girlfailure and Travis is a suave but hopeless loser. The two of them have really poor love lives
Dante and Nicole are dating, they met at the martial arts dojo she teaches at and he fell for her after she flipped him upside down during a demonstration to the class
Lucinda runs an etsy-like potion shop, no refunds or returns
Michi runs an etsy-like shop where she sells curses, hexes, and spells
Vylad travels all the time and only really talks to his mom and Garroth
Zane is a trust fund baby magic artifact scholar that jumps from job to job after discovering that his degree turned out to be useless. He's a compulsive blackmailer is the only member of the HOA in the neighborhood
Garroth has been estranged from his dad family for the past 2 years due to taking off with his trust fund money after college instead of taking over the family business like he was supposed to. His dad is still trying to track him down
Zane frequently blackmails Garroth
Sasha is more gloomy and goth, has been fired from several potion shops due to her poor potion making skills. It's not that she can't make potions that work, she just can't ever seem to make them work the way she intended them to (she always ends up substituting ingredients)
Zoey moves into the neighborhood sometime after Aphmau does (because it'd be cool to add her to mystreet :D)
Cadenza lives in the bigger city and is a successful seamstress and works for a high-end fashion company
Katelyn is more cold and awkward like her earlier personality, but she still doesn't take crap from nobody
Dante knows Garroth and Laurance through Nicole, who knows them since she used to be friends with Garroth when they were kids (although they only met again very recently)
KC, Michi, and June all like to make dolls and modify dolls. KC specializes in ball-jointed dolls, Michi in plastic/fashion dolls, and June in plushies
Aph, Katelyn, KC, Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Nicole, Aaron, Zane, and Zoey all live in the same neighborhood
Lucinda, Travis, Michi, June, all live elsewhere. Michi and June share an apartment, but June mostly stays with her parents while Michi has free reign of the space
Gene, Sasha, and Zenix live together in a crummy apartment center not too far from the neighborhood
KC will still be named Nana, but to keep the idea of her fake name she'll initially go by either her middle name or just doesn't name herself after a in-universe popular manga character bc how would she have not been bullied relentlessly for that. Like imagine if Garroth changed his name to Naruto
and that's about all the ideas I have for now, im hoping to figure more things out as I go :O
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http-byler · 2 years
okay listen. I spent like 40 minutes ranting about this to someone who could care less TODAY so I feel like I gotta put it on here too bc at least you guys will care…
Mike was SO outta pocket with that snide little “she didn’t look fine” comment and I think it speaks to all the relationship problems between him & El. and to preface, I am a Mike defender til I die so this doesn’t come from a place of Mike hate/slander. that comment was just so unnecessary and petty in its delivery.
you can tell that it was just him being upset about El lying to him and not about Angela because even Will gives him a look like “wtf are you doing”. everyone else is trying to make El feel better because they know her and they know she needed that reassurance. and I’m not convinced that Mike doesn’t know the gravity of the situation for El. he JUST saw the horrific bullying she’s had to deal with and Will told him that it’s been going on the entire time. so it’s completely hypocritical of him to praise her for humiliating Troy, and even going as far as to break his arm, for bullying Mike & Dustin. why is it okay for her to use violence to stand up to his bullies, but not her own?
he knows the answer and we all know the answer. he’s just upset that she lied to him! because now he’s like, embarrassed and everything he thought he knew just, wasn’t true. his relationship for the past six months has been solely through letter correspondence, and he’s just found out that all of it was fake (or at least, that’s the extreme I think his dramatic ass would take it too). Friends Don’t Lie. that’s one of, if not, the first things he told El about friendships. and yet, in s3 he’s the one to lie to her! so again, were at a stand still because he’s mad at El for something he allows himself to do.
ultimately, what I took away from that comment and their subsequent fight scene is that they love each other, just not the way that they feel like they should.
El’s basis for relationships is based on fantasy. she learned about romantic relationships from tv shows and movies, never learning what a real relationship should be like! Mike’s basis for relationships is his parents’ marriage and his friends’ parents marriage (as well as entertainment media). we can see just how little he knows about relationships throughout s3 when Lucas has to walk him through every single aspect of it, even the concept of an “olive branch”. and honestly, it’s not bad or wrong of them to not have a good level of understanding about romantic relationships! they’re kids! even Lucas and Max, who are established as the couple who does understand romantic relationships, get it wrong sometimes.
because they don’t have a grasp on what makes a romantic relationship work, they end up jeopardizing their platonic relationship as well! because I believe they do love each other, I just think it’s platonic! they’ve been through so much together, and I think a lot of Mike’s feelings that he believes are romantic are actually just a feeling of relief that she’s still there. he watched her “die” and he had to deal with the grief of her death for a year. having her back, that feeling of joy at her being alive and the fear of losing her again, it’s all such strong emotions! emotions one could mistake for romantic feelings. especially in a time where men and women were expected to date and not “just be friends”.
as for El, she might have romantic feelings for Mike. it’s hard to tell sometimes if she really feels the love for him she says she does, or if that’s just her going through the motions of what she has seen portrayed. because in season one, Mike is the one to kiss her, and she is understandably surprised by this (though not upset by it). but then she disappears for a year and in that time she watches movies and shows about romance. they teach her what that kiss means and how she should act with someone she likes romantically. so when they meet again in s2, she leans in as well and this time, she knows what she’s supposed to do. and I don’t doubt that she feels differently about Mike than she does about the rest of the party members. he was the one to take her in and he was kind to her and respected her before the other boys were/did. it makes sense that their relationship is set apart from the rest of the party. but that doesn’t make it inherently romantic.
their fundamental relationship problem stems from not knowing each other. they love each other so much, and they would (they have) risked their lives for each other. But! they don’t really know anything about each other and don’t necessarily share the same interests. El doesn’t know that much about Mike as a person, but she still knows a hell of a lot more about him than he does about her. she doesn’t know that much about herself.
s3 showed us just how much of her life revolves around the men in it (hop, brenner, mike). Max was integral to El’s storyline for an abundance of reasons but the s3 storyline has got to be the most important. she’s the first person to tell her that she is her own person and that she can make her own decisions about who she is. and we’ve seen her smile and laugh a couple times in the show, but that montage was the most fun we’ve seen El have ever in the show. nothing dampens the mood and she’s learning what SHE likes and who SHE is outside of the box she’s been shoved into her whole life. and it’s only for a day. then reality sets back in and she’s sudden thrust into the role of protector again. that silly, happy, pre-teen girl we just saw is gone in a flash. she’s still figuring out who she is and it’s impossible for Mike to know her if she doesn’t know herself.
in the place of knowing each other well, they put each other on this unreachable pedestal that makes them feel inferior in their own relationship. El is “Superman” to Mike. he believes that he’s “just some random nerd” and that he got lucky that he found El. he has no idea how harmful that ideology is to her and to himself. and he hasn’t even really learned his lesson. he put her on a pedestal and was upset when she fell. and yet, he puts her right back up there, expecting a different result. she doesn’t want to be some superhero, she wants to be a normal teenage girl, she wants to be someone outside of the powers she had/has. and she reminds him that she’s not a “superhero”, as least not anymore, but in the Van he expresses the same sentiment to Will because he thinks so highly of her anyway. he bases so much of his self worth on being needed and helpful that his self esteem is practically on the damn floor. it makes it impossible for him to connect with her about insecurities because he feels like his are true and hers aren’t. he IS some random nerd and she’s NOT scary or abnormal.
now El, she sees mike as this, righteous guy who is so good in his heart that he’d never do the things she’s done. she’s put him on a pedestal as well, though it’s not as dramatic as Mike’s. she wants to impress him, make him like her more because he is good. hop is gone and brenner was literally her abuser, all she has now is Mike and she wants his validation. she wants him to believe everything is going great and that she is normal and good and everything she think he is. she doesn’t want to be spiteful or angry or violent or bad. she doesn’t want to be feared. and Mike was the first person to make her feel that way. he’s one of the only people that can still make her feel that way (besides the Byers now probably). so telling him those lies made her feel like she could still be normal. as long as Mike believes it, then maybe it can be true. but eventually, he finds out the truth, and now she’s realized (she thinks) she “doesn’t belong anywhere”.
they don’t feel comfortable enough with each other to show who they really are or express their insecurities. that’s where their relationship really fissures. so unless s5 really reworks the entire foundation of their relationship I just don’t think they can come back from all that. even after Mike’s monologue! because that monologue can still be true as a completely platonic thing. he loves her, and he can’t lose her, he’s not lying! but I don’t think it’s enough to save their relationship.
especially because the things they want from each other can be fulfilled by other people.
Hop is back, all the love and validation she needs can be provided by her family. romantic love isn’t necessarily what she needs, she just needs someone to love her for who she is, and they do.
Will accepts, understands, and loves Mike for all that he is. his good parts and his bad. and Mike feels comfortable with Will too, he seeks him out to talk about his feelings and insecurities.
the things they want so badly in their relationship with each other aren’t being met, and they could get it from other sources. so in conclusion, I believe their relationship is over for good and that Mike is a complex and flawed character who is still learning how to be himself and love himself.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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alright, so! something to note about chiyo is that she grew up with a dad who bonded with her over anime and manga. he introduced her to a bunch of oldies, watched childhood classics with her, and even indulged in stuff like naruto when she got into it. her dad used the protagonists to kinda teach her how to be a good person -- be heroic, look out for others, stand up for them, be kind, etc. and that really stuck with her.
fast forward some years, and chiyo encounters her first bully. they aren't her bully at first; they're picking on a friend of hers, and chiyo does as she was taught and stands up for her friend, chases off the bully. things are cool, fine. then they aren't.
that bully targets her, and chiyo realizes most of her classmates are more afraid of them than they are of losing her. and really, that's okay. she's a hero, right? heroes have their rough patches. they're stronger because of them. she can handle a mean kid.
but chiyo doesn't get stronger the longer this stuff goes on. she enters middle school, and it gets worse bc her classmates begin to avoid her. just being associated with her means they might be bullied, too, and what pre-teen wants to risk that? none of them do, particularly when the bullying progresses from harsh words and exclusion to pranks that leave chiyo walking home in soggy clothes or washing egg out of her hair.
chiyo realizes she's not as strong as she thought she was. she cries a lot -- not in front of them, never in front of them, but her parents see it. she tries to stop them from worrying, tells them everything's fine when it obviously isn't. eventually, teachers catch on, her parents are called, and they're called so often, it feels like.
everything is going wrong, and chiyo just wants it all to stop. she doesn't want to go to school anymore. she doesn't for a little while, thankful that her grandmother is retired and can afford to homeschool her while her parents search for another school she can attend. they find one too quickly for chiyo's liking, but they make her a deal: she'll finish the year up at home before she attends her new school.
things are much different at this new school because chiyo is different, too. she's much quieter, tending to blend into the background. she manages to befriend most of her classmates, yet she can't call any of them friends, per se. they don't really know her, which is what she wants. they can't hurt her if they don't know enough about her.
chiyo thankfully doesn't have to put up with bullies so much as cliques at this new school, but she ignores slights and attempts to get a reaction whenever they do happen. other kids tend to say something before the thought ever crosses her mind, and chiyo lets them despite the anger that sometimes flares inside her chest.
she's not going to play the hero anymore -- she's exhausted.
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gonegrove · 1 year
Don't mind me but imagine a little Heather on vacation in California and meeting an equally as little Billy. Anyways so five minutes in the kids are playing and Heather has learned how to make the sand equivalent of snowballs and is now pelting this random surfer kid with it because she's appalled he doesn't know what snow is, therefore has never been in a snowball fight. Truly a travesty.
She throws sand at him and he “accidentally” hits her with his surfboard and then they’re like “okay we’re blood brothers forged on the fields of war” and team up to play after. Make a sand castle and bully other kids on the beach like a little two man pack of hyenas roving around looking for prey. They talk about EVERYTHING and have that kinda like instant and intense friendship kids have when they just randomly decide to hang out with a stranger kid at a party or whatever.
It could even be a multi-day friendship if Heather’s family is at his local beach for more than just a day. Billy getting excited to go out and spend time with his brand new friend who’s super cool even if she is a girl — maybe even because she is a girl bc she’s so cool it outweighs the girlness so that like doubles the cool. He tries to teach her to surf and she teaches him some basic gymnastics stuff like a cartwheel and they play pretend— all the kinds of pretend— detectives, magicland, doctors, house (which Billy moans about being too girly but secretly likes bc he likes building a happy home even if it’s fake).
They’re both super distraught when she has to finally go back to Hawkins. It’s like a terminal diagnosis or funeral. She gives him a peck on the lips and her charm bracelet to remember her by and he gives her a shell and the surfer bracelet his mom made for him and tries super hard not to cry bc crying is for pussies but he still ends up crying a little when he hugs her super tight.
They swap addresses and PROMISE to write each other all the time and actually do! Heather’s a dramatic little thing so she’s excited for the ~✨romance✨~ (romance in the dramatic sense she’s like 8 dkdjdjdjdkcj she’s more interested in FEELING like a soap opera lady than anything else) of it all and Billy’s just excited to keep hold of his friend even distantly. When his mother leaves billy writes her A LOT but then peters out into more sporadic letters. He never fully stops, he treats letters to Heather like a confessional since she can’t see or physically confront him about what he writes.
Heather tells him about her own struggles at home, how her parents care more about image than her and her sister as people. About how hostile being popular feels but how she feels she has no choice but to duke it out. Sometimes they even call each other and they both have each other’s numbers memorized. The phone calls are rare and far between and tend to be filled with long silences while they just kinda Exist together.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
how many kids do professor presley and belle have? (I imagine 2 or 3) omg the part that really got to me is when he’s being absent and she’s worried sick! can we headcanon where maybe its months later and he gets sick again and doesn’t show up and she leaves right away and stays w him for two to three days despite him urging her to go to class? and when she’s pregnant he takes vitamins/eats better/goes on walks all bc he doesn’t want to add any stress on her by getting sick himself? i imagine by the time she graduates she’s already 3-4 months but it isn’t noticeable but they know. And he always assures her he isn’t going anywhere any time soon bc he has to be around to help her take care of their young ones
my main thought has always been four at least so you're not far off my dear sweet anon. and listen, that was always my way of trying to lean into the big daddy era elvis i set for the two of them. because he wasn't going to ever have a drug problem- in that he sort of nipped the one he developed in the army driving the tanks in the bud when he got back and found- well- that bit's a long story but suffice it to say so i don't detract from the point of this ask, i really just wanted something that had the effect of scaring belle and bringing them closer together. mildly unleashing her helpful nature that most people never really- bothered to relish in/get to really know about.
but we most certainly can headcanon that since she definitely would do exactly that. because she'd be in bed with him when he realized it was going to be a rough day, a bad day that would mean staying home and he'd try to kick her out of the bed to go to class only to have her tell him that she would be doing no such thing and honestly babying him and just trying to nurse him back to health/help him with whatever he'd need. finally manages to kick her out on that third day when he's like "goddamn belle, already feelin' loads better just go to class, ain't gonna die if ya leave me be for a few hours." and she of course smacks him in the chest for even the implication before you know- actually going to class. comes home to find him cooking a little tiredly but that's when she knows okay he's on the mend, he's fine.
and yes you're right about him taking better care of himself when she finds out she's pregnant. though he does start once she moves in since she's having none of this "him still living like a bachelor" bullshit let alone smoking as many cigars as he does/being as sedentary as he is. she gets why he has been but it's nothing she can't cure with a bunch of bullying all the pre med majors she knows. because even before she gets pregnant she just want him to be healthy for her. especially since he says and i quote. "belle, i might- i don't know if i can give ya kids." which makes the accidental pregnancy right before she graduates hilarious in hindsight.
as far as her first pregnancy goes since it's twins she shows pretty early despite not necessarily being on the thin side. so people know when she graduates and i'm saving the bulk of this for a headcanon post i got from another anon asking for more headcanons but she's going to eventually be teaching so she's immediately gonna be heading right back in to get some requirements sorted out so that she can take over an empty spot in the department. because nepotism or not elvis makes a case for her as do multiple other professors- not the ones she slept with mind you- that she'd do well as one.
basically anon i love you for this ask and you already basically get what i had planned out to be perfectly honest. i'm also truly and deeply delighted that him missing classes his as good as it did.
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a-sip-of-milo · 1 year
Sorry if you dont like me ranting in your inbox like this but your recent post really resonated with me
My old school was literally named after having a community, and it was all about community and loving each other and whatever. But it had such an...outcast- I suppose- problem that the staff literally barely did anything about. The students outcasted the "weird" ones (like me) and we always were made fun of. The school was very obviously against blatant bigotry, but they were really bad with anything discreet, even when they were told directly about it by kids like me. You know it's bad when the students literally felt safe enough to say the n slur (a white kid said it, against a poc) multiple times. Yet it always seemed they cared more about kids writing in the stalls in the bathrooms than the community they always preached about. (Literally they made a whole "write your name and time you went to and came back from the bathroom" thing because of that yet did a horrible job at "fixing" the bullying/outcast problem) Hell! My mom said how she got a little annoyed too that she was never invited to or told about the facebook group that the parents apparently had despite the school being all about community. One year, the year I left, the year that was too much for me, last school year, several new kids joined the school. Apparently they were a lot more blatantly bigoted and bulliers, and rubbed off on a lot of the other students there. So suddenly they had a big bullying problem ("oh no the outcast problem we've been told about so much is now too obvious to keep avoiding") Yet they still did barely anything about it. They acted like they were trying but they really weren't doing a good job. So much of the pressure was put on the teachers (god bless those teachers btw, especially the ELA teacher, they were literally the sweetest teachers I've ever known I hope they never have to deal with something like that again), who couldn't do much because they didn't have enough power. Also the teachers were struggling to teach (and they made lessons fun!!!!) bc of the students :( I was being very blatantly verbally bullied near the end of my time there, and I remember my bully shouting out her mean comments very loudly in class (while the teacher was trying to be silly with me). And I could see the teacher know he couldn't do anything except say "just ignore it." I could tell he wanted to do more to help but... he literally couldn't. Because guess who was ignoring it? The fucking staff. The motherfuckers who talked about community soooo much Oh yeah also very very blatantly ableism last year against another classmate of mine (or well, wouldn't come across as ableism to people who wouldn't know why but definitely obvious bullying), and the staff handled it so horribly (I could rant about another thing here but you probably dont wanna hear it and this has already gone on too long lol)
Very very sorry if this was tmi/oversharing or something it's just that what you said in that post sounded like it would've come directly from my mouth so I felt like sharing /gen
(I'd get if you didn't wanna post this btw 😅)
yes, this is exactly what i mean when i say that while individuals might care, schools as a whole generally don't. I'm so sorry your school experience was so bad, that sort of thing shapes so many aspects of your life going forward and in my opinion, it's extremely important for children and teens to have positive experiences at school.
my inbox is available for people to rant in, it's okay <3
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eruverse · 2 years
More headcanons on Mongol Empire-Post Mongol Empire era:
I LOVE depicting Mongolia as a father and grandpa of many offpsring, and he did have many. So there were Golden Horde/Jochid Ulus (which was actually a combined force of Blue Horde and White Horde given to Jochi’s sons Batu and Orda, because Jochi died before Golden Horde was consolidated), Chagatai Khanate (of Chagatayids), Ilkhanate (of Hulagu), and Yuan (of Kublai). Now, rather than going with ‘Mongolia = Yuan’ like I used to, I decided to give Yuan its own personification. Why tho? For one, while Yuan’s territory did comprise of Mongolia proper and Kublai as its founder presented his state as core Mongol Empire (or, simply Mongol Empire) with his grandfather Chinggis Khan as its founder, sketchy things surrounded Kublai’s ascension as a Khagan; he was enthroned during a quriltai that was held not in Karakorum but in his own city Kaiping (in China), and it was without the votes of all four Chinggisid branches who at the time supported Kublai’s youngest brother Ariq Boke as a Khagan. All of this made his ascension illegal. What’s more, Kublai who was pretty much an usurper proclaimed himself as a ruler in a distinctly Chinese style and Yuan dynasty was established with all the legitimacy of a Chinese dynasty. Yuan therefore looked more like a breakaway/successor state just like the other Khanates than simply a continuation of the Mongol Empire that Chinggis Khan built. It stands to reason for me that I should make a distinction between Yuan and Mongolia then, since Mongolia the dude in my head represents the core of Mongols so he should be purely Mongolian with pure Mongol/nomadic characteristics. For legitimacy with the Mongolian side, Yuan would latch onto Mongolia and they would rule both China and Mongolia together. The link below is an interesting read of which I based my theory off on the separation between personifications of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty:
Besides, I just want funny family moments between Mongolia and his kids and grandkids, and the more the merrier!!
Golden Horde is a Hater and he’s so valid for it. He hates people and nothing he likes more than going to his mancave (of wide steppe) and ignoring all other kinds of existence including his own siblings by Mongolia, though he of course is loyal to his princes and princesses and would do everything for them. His rivalry with Chagatai (Khanate) reflects Jochi’s with Chagatai. Also despises Ilkhanate bc they have feuds over territories and trades. Only slightly more okay with Yuan bc Yuan is really far away and cannot bother him much though he still doesn’t want to acknowledge him because why should he. Perpetual virgin until he met chaotic deranged dumbass Timurid. Anyway, he’s a child between Mongolia and Polovtsy/Qipchak. The Polovtsy were Turkic nomads whom the Jochids subjugated and entered into their ranks (or got scattered all over the area as they fled the Mongols). They had a confederate before the Mongols came.
Mongolia: “Horde, now be good and have dinner together with me and your brothers!”
Horde: “Fuck you all now let me go back to my mancave.”
Mongolia: *spanks Horde*
Maybe I should give Blue Horde and White Horde personifications too and they are the ones who do the actual ruling while the most Golden Horde does is frolicking around, bullying little hare Russia, or being fussed over by his princesses. Anyway, they love to braid his long hair like a maiden and put beads and rings on it.
Russia sometimes mistakes Horde as a Mongol Princess because of it and Horde is so NOT amused. Cue Horde chasing Russia around.
Russia and Horde coincidentally bond over not liking studying and reading, and as kids they were illiterate. Their princes/advisors were this 👌 close to giving up teaching them to read. Horde says he’s an all powerful warrior of the steppe and he already has everything he wants and needs so why should he even study?? Meh.
At some point Horde also tried to shoot Russia’s cat because he was curious if it tasted good and that was the first time Russia smacked him. Horde was secretly impressed because apparently little hare could pack up a good punch.
Chagatai is rivals with Horde and he’s salty because his desire to make daddy Mongolia happy by besting that fucker-with-his illegitimate-Khans Horde results in Mongolia disinheriting their respective khans from the throne of Khagan altogether through Chinggis Khan. Eventually, Chagatai becomes estranged much like Horde did. His personality is serious and ruthless to a fault. Chagatai is a child of Mongolia and Qara-Khitai, who was a Khitan-ruled state in Central Asia. Khitans were a nomadic group related to Mongols as they were all similarly descended from Xianbei. Qara-Khitai however wasn’t purely Khitan because most of its subjects were Central Asian Turco-Persian Muslims under Karakhanids who then became vassal to the Khitans. Therefore by characteristics Chagatai was very much Central Asian and not Khitan… maybe Karakhanid was his actual second dad? Only Mongolia knows.
Ilkhanate is the child of Mongolia and Khwarazmian Empire (another Turco-Persian state, also both Karakhanid and Khwarezmia were descendants of Gokturks). His relationship to Mongolia is second to best, but even in time he’s more concerned with his own gains than being a filial son to Mongolia. He’s an excitable dude who’s also a wildman.
Yuan (Monchu love(hate)child) is possibly Mongolia’s favorite kid because he’s best behaved to him (including paying homage to him unlike his other hopeless brats). Has an ultra high self esteem because he’s most favored by Mongolia and because he lords over the mighty China. Lots wholesome moments between daddy Mongolia and Yuan with China totally NOT having a good time.
Yuan: “I am Great Yuan, bow down to me and my Father!!”
Horde, Chagatai, Ilkhanate: *leave*
Yuan: “No, come back here!!!!”
Except for China, Mongolia obliterated his kids’ second dads they are no more 💔 maybe he tried to do that to China too (like with Song whom Kublai subjugated) but too bad for him, China is eternal.
Yes, basically the other dads of Mongolia’s brats were the countries he subjugated and took over. He killed their personifications and gave the territories to his own.
I decided to not make Timurid a direct descendant of Mongolia, however he kinda larps as Mongol Empire following Tamerlane’s massive ambition (lol good luck). He also got important territory off Chagatai and he did it by cannibalizing parts of him (!!!). Timurid is a simpleton brute with singleminded focus who’s also a poet of many vulgar poems depicting his lover Horde. Also, I guess by the time Moghulistan happened there would be another personification in place (which means Chagatai would be dead by then) but idk yet.
Initially Horde and Timurid had it SO good but Horde had to betray him following the orders of his prince Tokhtamysh, and it made Timurid so livid he got batshit insane as if possessed. He chased after Horde and burnt his important cities when he couldn’t find him, further weakening Horde when he was already weakened from civil war and conflicts. They met one last time shortly before Horde’s death, though Horde’s death wasn’t actually by Timurid’s hands.
Mongolia finds it quite tragic that he lives on while his kids and many descendants couldn’t, but such is fate. He wouldn’t actually want to switch places with them tho (for nationverses, only one’s own survival really matters), but it would be nice to have his large family around him. He would love having his dining table brimming full with his offspring and relatives during Tsagaan Sar. Mongolia misses them sometimes even though their relationship wasn’t always so good.
Mongolia himself isn’t always a good father, and while he’s pretty attentive to his kids (the ones he had in the past or the ones he has had pretty recently) he’s an emotionally independent person and likes to encourage his brats to be independent sooner. Therefore, sometimes he can be quite neglectful, and it is even more the case these days though part of it is because he himself cannot support them much in many ways. Not saying he’s a 100% chill parent though, because like any kind of patriarch he expects and could demand proper filial piety from his brats, but these days perhaps following the pattern of chill urbanized fathers who are more of good friends to their kids than just reigning patriarchs, Mongolia is much more chill (in an egalitarian sense) with his remaining kids and relatives. Spanking your kids is bad, so he no longer does it.
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animentality · 2 years
So I'm gonna be blunt- this is gonna be me ranting about TERF shit in your inbox bc I just wanna get these thoughts out somewhere, nd if you wanna add on at all, feel free. Just know that if this makes u uncomfy/you wanna delete it, no hard feelings.
You know I stumbled across one of your terf posts and I just wanna- fucking rant-
Bc istfg they hate women no matter what they do. Not just trans women, but women in general. Nothing women do are like-
uGGGghhgh Okay for example; body hair. Either-
A) the woman doesn't look feminine enough/has too much/is accused of invading women's spaces (<- this one mostly applies to facial hair but yknow)
Or B) if they DONT have body hair, like- the shave, wax, etc etc, I recently saw a take that was like- "for every woman who SHAVES or WAXES, you yourself are FORCIBLY PUSHING PATRIARCHAL IDEALS ON EVERY YOUNG GIRL WHO SEES YOU AND ARE VALIDATING THE MAN'S OF WOMANHOOD. NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER SHAVE BECAUSE IT APPEALS TO MEN"
For fucks sake. I'm not even kidding that was essentially the take when you took away the flowery language
Like. Men can shave for themself, sure!! That's totally fine. But when the Women™ they claim to love and support so much do it??
It's like. I get it. Women need to be Aware of Things In Their Minds™ bc the dangers of the world, of the patriarchy, and of misogyny are very very real- with this going double, throuple, quadruple for women of minority groups (stacking on n on). And I don't think that it's fair for us to be pushing shit on young kids/teaching them untrue/dangerous/innapropriate things.
BUT someone existing in a a public space near someone else doesnt fucking do that - most people arent fucking STARING at people's legs, nonetheless kids!! They've fallen into similar rhetoric that gets gay people killed for kissing in public, rhetoric used against people partaking in something of a different culture in public, possibly even similar rhetoric that was an excuse for racial segregation.
Yes women have a responsibility to make sure other women love themselves and their bodies. Yes it is important we show a variety of body types to make sure people don't feel alone. NO WE DONT DO THAT BY BULLYING WOMEN WHO ADHERE TO THE TYPICAL BEAUTY STANDARD/LIKE TO PARTAKE IN "STREOTYPICALLY FEMININE" BEHAVIOR
Like. You do know blaming the Women™ you love so much for indulging in "harmful stereotypes" the patriarchy and society pushes is just mean right. Because due to human variation, some women - physically or emotionally - are gonna fall into the stereotypes (physically in regards to body shape, hair/eye color, etc etc). Stop blaming women for falling into stereotypes and start blaming society for pushing said stereotypes oh my god
Sorry this was so long. Just. Fucking. Bullshit, all of it.
This is not a terf friendly space, feel free to complain at me all the time every time!
They are so annoying.
They pretend they're feminists but they just want the excuse to be female bullies, lol.
Calling your hair ugly or saying you have man hands.
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Has anyone sent you Damian yet?
Oh boy. Some people ain't gonna like this. It's 1 am and I'm choosing violence against a fictional neglected kid character :)
First impression: Oh nice he's choosing the exact right words to hit my trauma buttons from when I was being bullied at school. I am going to hate him :)
Impression now: Kid okay you deserve better but ALSO NO-ONE DESERVES YOUR SHIT OK
Favorite moment: When he gives his school supplies to George Glooman as a parting gift. It's a culmination of his actions the entire day, where he saw how upset George was and even though Damian knew it was none of his fault, he still did his best to cheer him up. It showed he has actual potential to be a good kid, if he put his mind to it.
Idea for a story: Uhhh dunno. Too biased to think of something. Probably something that teaches him that he doesn't need to use power and influence to have positive interactions with people. That he can be just a kid spending time with equals.
Unpopular opinion: I am an outspoken anti of the ship. He doesn't deserve Anya, and even if/when he actually starts exhibiting decent behaviour, not only towards her but everyone else as well (no I'm not forgetting how he insulted Loid, an actual adult who to his knowledge has never done him any harm other than be a peasant I guess), his story mustn't end with a romance between them. He needs to be rejected nicely and if Anya wants to she can stay friends with him and he can learn from it. Being accepted as Anya's romantic partner (as a teenager bc holy god if earlier) won't magically fix his issues and will send a bad message that I honestly believe Endo doesn't give a shit about. Change has to come from within. Outside support can be offered, but not as a reward for his positive change.
Favorite relationship: Oof. Lol. With his dog, I guess. For me as an anime only, this has been the only interaction so far (even though it was just a memory of his) that he wasn't exercising his power and influence over someone and where he allowed himself to be as affectionate as he wanted. He showed empathy towards George but with George's blunder things must be pretty awkward between them, and though Damian loves his father and craves for his attention, Donovan is so fucking toxic that he needs to stay miles away from Damian. His brother isn't that much better either.
Favorite headcanon: Inspired by this and this fanart, that when he learns about Anya's powers he messes up one day thinking that Anya can or cannot read his mind and he fills his mind with thoughts he wants or doesn't want Anya to read, respectively. Results are disastrous. This is my ideal dynamic for them. Is this a headcanon? My post my rules so it is.
Send me a character!
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sugar-omi · 10 months
“They’re mean because they like you” is such toxic bs. Teach these kids to respect each others personal boundaries.
As a mixed kid growing up in the uk, I have hundreds of horror stories about school.
To all the kids that got bullied in school - it’s going to get better. I promise.
this this this ^^^^
i've been lucky not to go through much racism (looks at my father🤨) since i live in a predominantly black town, ALTHOUGH MY TEACHERS HAD SOME SERIOUS FUCKING MICRO AGRESSION W ME.... anyway story for another time huh
but i've had people try to bully me too and all of it is just not okay. n adults let shit happen too much, AND SOME OF THEM ARE BEHIND IT. IM THINKING ABT A COUPLE RIGHT NOW. 🫵🫵🫵🫵 fucking racist bitches
like i know the guy did have a crush on me, but he had screws loose and thought that being possessive over me AND pick on me was gonna make me like him. idk what he was thinking but he wasnt right okay
some are mean bc they're assholes n adults just wanna shrug it off as a crush so that way you "stop bothering them"
and some are mean bc they dont know how to express emotions normally because they dont have a good example, or don't wanna express emotions normally and have a healthy relationship. some are just born a little kooky/have toxicity in the fucking DNA
so either way, dont take it- its bullshit. some people know what theyre doing, some don't, but its not okay either way n its up to the adults/that person to correct their behavior
again!! IT. IS. NOT. OKAY!!! so anyone that spouts that shit abt them liking you, tell them i said eat shit bc its not cute!!! putting bugs down ppls shirt or threatening them or whatever isnt funny or cute
like come let me threaten you or put a bug down your shirt, SHARON. SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT YA OLD COOT
anyway.. this is becoming a such a ramble lol im sorry abt that 😬 ANYWAYZ !!! fuck everyone shrugging it off, bc no matter how intense the bullying or how they do it- its important n should be/should have been dealt with properly n seriously.
finally, yes its gonna get better!! bc one day you won't have to deal with the bullshit of that person/those people and one day you're not gonna be affected by it 🫶🫶🫶
im so sorry that happened btw anon, people are such terrors n karma is gonna get them!!! n if karma wont i will🫶🫶 LOL /lh
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 years
Hey babes, what's up? How you doing?
I'm... not that great actually. Grades are coming out, and I didn't do as well as I thought, so now my mom is calling me useless *family trauma go whee*. It's just that there is so much pressure to apply to foreign universities, which always involves having perfect grades, thousands of extracurriculars, fourteen start-ups, and a cure for cancer. I'm writing some fanfics right to kinda vent before I go back to studying...
Okay, so, I'm going to get straight to the point. It has been years. No, bloody generations and desi people ways are not going to change, so please don't let that get to you. Okay, so this is how it works, the older you get, the more complicated things become. Your personality, cognitive processing abilities and traits tend to lean towards whatever you are naturally good at- a thing most desi people do not understand (I am not hating on South Asian parents but it is a common trait). Though our parents are often like this because we come from deterministic countries where either being born rich or being smart enough to go abroad is considered as sucessful. Both these approaches are bullshit.
All my life I was the model A* kid of the entire family- you know what that got me in return? Cousins who hated me because their parents used me as an example for EVERYTHING and a childhood that is comprised of no hobbies, likes or dislikes, extracurriculars and actual friends. As I grew older, highschool came and even though I reached peak- my grades did not and boom: *Bloody useless* *God knows what happened to you* *You used to be a model student*.
To some extent I began to do everything to please others, since my grades weren't cutting it out for me anymore- hell I would even agree with what my 'friends' would say, only to be liked again. Gurl, I had people - my own friends- bully me for years, only because I thought, hey at least I have friends. My family wanted me to do engineering - yes, one of the three options all desi kids get. I could have, but at the end even though I got okayish grades enough to get me into an enginneeing college- my mental health was fked.
At the end, three brain docs later I was able to convince my parents how trivial these social pressures were- yes, I am grateful they agreed but even now, sometimes the desi vibes come out.
So, don't let your EXTENDED family or anyone else get to you. Hey, I came back on Tumblr bc writing makes me feel better, even if I PROCRASTINATE WITH THE REQUESTS.
Find a college/university that teaches what YOU WANNA DO- MOST UNIVERSITIES DGAF about what you got in subjects that aren't related to your degree, trust me.
Whatever happens, happens for the best, so- and try, just try to talk to your parents about chilling- or at least cooling down a bit- i know its risky but at least you'll know you tried and trust me, parents do think about things u say in the middle of the night. They are supposed to be your strength.
F*** the haters
You deserve your peace of mind, everyone does. And family trauma is a part of you, a part that you will one day be able to supress and laugh at, because you know when you grow you wont be asking a kid named Salman or Ajay what grade he got in 4th grade math, you'll be more concered with if he's happy at school.
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