#but it does feel like Micah was more developed
starrysymphonies · 1 year
Their entire conversation from pages 156-157 BUT THISBIS MY FAVORITE EXERPT FROM IT
“Zed was out of his depth. He was cold, and lonely, and very afraid.
‘Please’ he rasped. ‘Please just leave me alone.’
Micah’s smirk faltered. He opened his mouth, then closed it and cleared his throat. ‘Listen, you’re going to be all right. I’ve seen that moldy fireball of yours take out worse than a few mummified elves. And that was without Frond babysitting you.’”
Foster WAS right, Micah DOES stop Zed from getting too angsty
And later on page 263 Zed defends him
“‘I’ll say,’ said Jett. ‘When the gods were handing out brains and Micah went for his share, they told him, ‘Sorry that girl who was just here took the last of them.’
They all chuckled at that, except for Zed, who said ‘Aw, he means well.’”
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It’s so obvious to me that book 1 was like, Micah subconsciously crushing on Zed and consciously he was like “ok I’m gonna ignore that and push him and those feelings away because thinking about him all the time is ODD” and then in book 2 he’s trying to look out for him in his own Micah-way and actually warming up to him
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entropyfox · 2 months
I’m not a Micah apologist, but…
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I think, all concern aside, Micah is an incredibly interesting character, and I’m honestly disappointed that we didn’t get to learn more about what’s going on in his head.
He doesn’t really talk about himself, not beyond the obvious. The only reason we know of his family is because of the letter Amos sent him.
He’s afraid of being vulnerable, and talking about his past leaves him exactly that: vulnerable.
The less people know about who he is, what makes him who he is, and why he acts the way he does; the less people can hurt him for it.
He knows he’s disliked. He’s lonely. He usually doesn’t hang around the campfire while the others are awake. He’s elsewhere, at the outskirts. When there’s a party, he seems to wander even further away, as if he’s trying to resist the human instinct to be in the company of others.
“Well, I… I want a friend, Arthur. I want hope. I want tomorrow to mean more than today. I want this whole damn shitshow… to have some kind of meaning…”
He knew that everything they did only made their situation get worse.
I don’t think he was much of a rat before Guarma.
I think he was desperate for some kind of consistency. He tried to get along with Arthur early on in the game, but quickly realised that it was leading to nothing.
No one is pure evil, no one is born that way anyhow, but being raised by a hateful person is bound to shape you into someone with just the same hatred and rage.
This is obviously a generational issue, this Micah isn’t a first case, he’s the third of his kind, and I can well imagine that with every generation the expectations got higher and the acts more grotesque.
He’s been groomed no matter how you look at it. Some people manage to develop their own will and step out, like Amos did, and others stick around with what they know, like Micah did.
He doesn’t know how to put that gun aside, he never had to. He was never taught how to.
He sticks to what he knows.
And he doesn’t know love. He doesn’t know empathy and mercy.
He knows anger, he takes comfort in rage.
He knows violence, and taking revenge on every little thing that dared to hurt him.
We never quite find out what he wants vengeance for.
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Does he suck? Yes. Am I excusing his behaviour? No.
Am I still obsessed with his personality and feel the need to dissect his brain to find out about every tiny thought and doubt that’s hiding away in there? Yes.
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clauscielo · 18 days
⊰⊹ pure, uncorrupted
pairing: arthur morgan & virgin!reader.
summary: you are too pure, too naive. and he hates to see other men fantasizing about tainting you. so, before someone else does - he decides to do it himself.
warnings: mentions of rape/sexual abuse, past physical/psychological abuse, corruption kink, arthur takes reader's virginity, arthur is protective, but lonely and hates himself. legal age gap, oral sex (fem receiving), p-in-v sex, loving sex, creampie - english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes!
he would never forget that day. trelawny had told them a few weeks earlier that, southwest of valentine, just a mile from the village, there was a farm: two houses and a barn. trelawny claimed there was a large amount of money hidden there, illegitimately earned by the family.   
that's why they went. micah, bill and arthur set out into the night, riding toward that farm. thieves robbing thieves.   
the family consisted of a father and two sons. they had no choice but to wipe them all out. arthur had never liked to take the lives of innocent people, but these people... they didn't feel right.   
the house was very untidy inside, grimy, and there was a padlocked door on the upper floor. while micah and bill ransacked the downstairs, he took a look at the bedrooms, and of course, kicked in the locked room door.   
you were in there. cowering on the bed, pressed against the wall, shivering and sobbing. you had heard gunshots and banging, you had tried your best not to make any noise, but they had found you. arthur was perplexed. he studied you for a few seconds, processing the situation: this family had you locked in this room. you were wearing torn and dirty rags, and your room was even more neglected. there were flies, food from days ago, and only one bed in the room.   
“it's okay, it's okay. i ain't gonna hurt you,” he finally said, slowly approaching you.   
micah arrived shortly after, and a crooked smile came across his face.   
“well look at this, morgan! i say we have some fun. bill, get up here!” his cruel words irritated arthur deeply.   
“get out of here, you foul thing! wait downstairs!” he raised his voice, and micah only let out a challenging laugh. still, he obeyed, after arthur shot him a menacing glare. 
you, still shaking and weeping on the bed, watched him. the thought that the man in front of you had protected you from the others, soothed you a little.   
arthur couldn't kill you. how could he kill you? it wasn't an option.   
“what are you doing here, girl?” he moved a little closer and noticed that one of your legs was covered in bruises.   
“i-i was... grounded,” you mumbled, between sobs. arthur frowned and clicked his tongue.   
“were those your father and brothers?” he asked, his hand hesitantly stroking your forearm, seeking to calm you.   
you nodded, hot, copious tears streaming down your flushed cheeks. he sighed.  
“they're dead. i'm sorry,” he began, and his heart shrank at your obvious expression of relief. “you can come with us, we won't hurt you. we'll take you to valentine,” he added.  
you nodded, raising your arms toward him. arthur accepted the gesture, and with his strong hands on your armpits, he lifted you and carried you in his arms, heading for his horse.   
you refused to stay in valentine that night. you begged again and again to be taken with them. and this snarling, distrustful outlaw, softened at the image of you, a forlorn young woman alone in this world that had so embittered him over the years.   
“we're taking her,” arthur said to the other men.   
“morgan! we can't afford another mouth to feed!” bill protested.   
“we're taking her,” he insisted, his tone firm and intimidating, and the others snorted.   
 it had been months since that night. you were accepted into the gang of outlaws arthur lived with, but you had a hard time adjusting. you developed an unhealthy attachment to the man who had rescued you, who you considered your hero. whenever arthur was in camp, you followed him, trying to talk to him. being close made you feel better. but he was very cold most of the time.   
“girl, really, you need to leave me alone. what d'ya want now?” he said, his tone showing irritation, when you approached to talk to him for the tenth time today.   
 your smile vanished, your expression transforming into one of pain and embarrassment. you blushed and lowered your gaze, and before you could say anything, he snorted heavily.   
 “i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i just like to be alone, you know that,” he replied, exasperated. 
 you fiddled anxiously with the edge of your blouse, pursing your lips sheepishly.  
“i just wanted to be with you for a little while,” your voice came out shaky and low. arthur's heart almost melted.   
“come,” he said, curtly, sitting down on his bed.   
“no, n-no need. i'm sorry to disturb you.”   
“come,” he repeated, louder now, as a demand.   
 you shrank back but obeyed and sat down next to him. he looked at you, his blue eyes scrutinizing your sad, anxious expression, his frown easing.   
“i can't be with you all the time,” he explained. your lip quivered, and you nodded.   
“i know. i know. i'm sorry.”  
“it's not because i don’t want to. it's because this... this thing you got with me, it can't go on,” he said, his hand stroking your hair, tucking a lock behind your ear, his actions contradicting his words. “you're gonna have to leave here someday. and if we don't stop this in time...” his words trailed off.   
“i don't want to leave.”   
“you're absolutely gonna leave. don't be silly. you don't belong in this kind of life. when you get your strength back, i want you out of here.”
 you looked at him, wide-eyed, silent.   
“don't look at me like that,” he spat, annoyed. but a second later, he sighed. “we're not doing you any good. not me, not anyone here. you understand that, don't you?”   
“i don't have anyone else. i'll be alone,” you said, your heart racing with fear.   
 arthur stroked your cheek, thoughtfully. he had grown so fond of you these past few months, that he could hardly imagine his life without you anymore. but the rational part of him knew you had no future here, not with someone like him.   
 that's why he pushed you away. that's why he tried to ignore you. he couldn't stand seeing the way you looked at him, like he was a hero, a savior. because arthur was nothing like that. arthur was a criminal, a murderer, a ruthless, bitter, outlaw with no future, someone who only brought tragedy into people's lives.   
“i don't like it when you're this mean to me,” you muttered, pouting, still hurt by how he had greeted you when you came.   
“i know. forgive me,” he whispered, looking at your hand. he wanted to take it, to feel it, but didn't dare to.   
 weeks passed. arthur hated the way the men looked at you. micah, especially. that sick, deranged bastard. he mocked your innocence, your naivety.   
“well, i've been dying to deflower that little lassie, the new one. ever since we saw her at the farm i been saying we have fun with her, but morgan won't let us,” protested micah, sipping from his bottle of whiskey, one night by the fire.   
“do you think she's a virgin?” javier replied with curiosity.  
“please!” interjected bill, laughing. “that girl doesn't even know what screwing is.”   
 “of course she doesn't. i told her to blow me the other day and she just looked at me with those dopey eyes of hers,” micah cackled.   
 arthur overheard the conversation and felt his insides boil. listening to those nasty old men, talking so crudely about a young, proper lady like you, made him sick.   
 “what the fuck are you talking about?” arthur snarled. he snatched the whiskey bottle from micah's hand and faced him, with an annihilating glare. “if you ever talk about her like that again, you better make sure i don't hear. or i'll cut that throat of yours so you never say a fucking word again,” he said, his voice low and intense, getting micah to turn away, letting out a nervous laugh.   
 he retreated to his tent, furious, and was startled to find you there. he put his hand to his chest and shook his head. “what are you doing here, you want to scare me to death?” he wheezed, anger still boiling inside him.   
 you looked at him with a smile and showed him a flower crown in your hands. “look what i did,” you declared, proudly, your eyes on his, perhaps seeking approval in his expression. he eased back and couldn't hide a soft smile, gentle and loving. he took the floral diadem and placed it on your head.   
 “beautiful,” he whispered. you blushed heavily and pressed your lips together, excited.  
“i was reading and in the book, it explained how to make it and what flowers were ideal for it. i think it turned out really pretty,” you explained.   
 “yes. it looks very pretty. but you should be sleeping,” he scolded you.
 “i'm sorry. i was excited and wanted to wait for you to come back,” you defended yourself. he smiled.   
 he couldn't help but bring his hands to your face. you were so precious, so candid and credulous. and those abhorrent men were talking about deflowering you just a few minutes ago... it made him feel like throwing up.   
the affectionate gesture surprised you. your cheeks grew warmer. “what's wrong?” you asked, uneasy, and he dropped his hands to either side of his body.   
 “nothing. nothing,” he huffed, rubbing his face with his hand, frustrated, confused.   
 he knew he didn't do you any good. but how could he let you go? the world was full of disgusting men like micah. men who wouldn't hesitate to hurt this girl he had come to love.   
 he pushed past you and sat down on his bed.   
 “i want you to keep away from micah no matter what, do you understand? whatever he says to you. you stay away. and if he bothers you, you come and tell me immediately,” he said, without looking at you, his tone stern.   
 you didn't answer, you just nodded. you would do anything this man asked of you.   
 “are you sad?” you asked, moving closer to him. arthur was slow to answer, still not looking you in the eye.   
 “yeah. i am,” he admitted, sighing. you sat down next to him, and hugged him, trying to comfort him and also, seeking solace.   
arthur wanted to push you away, to scold you for invading his space, to urge you to leave him alone. but he couldn't do that anymore. he didn't want you to leave, and each and every time he had asked you to stay away, he had betrayed himself. he let himself enjoy your touch, your scent, and your warmth for the first time. he closed his eyes and leaned in slightly, sliding his arms around you.   
 “forgive me for being a sorry son of a bitch to you,” he whispered, very remorseful.   
“it's okay. forgive me for always being annoying.”   
 “you're not annoying. don't ever say that again,” he replied, his chest vibrating against yours every time his husky voice made itself heard. “i've been a real jerk.”   
 you fell silent. you didn't understand what this was about. and arthur was grateful for your ignorance. he wouldn't know how to comfort you, how to make you forget those nauseating words if you had heard how you were spoken of before.   
 “i need to lie down, sweetheart. i'm very tired,” he mumbled, pulling away a little. the affectionate nickname made your heart skip a beat. you nodded, watching him lie down, his expression one of displeasure.   
 “can i stay with you?” you whispered, fearful that he would say no. but he nodded without hesitation, and you settled in next to him. his heart was about to burst out of his chest. he let you snuggle up to him, and his arm slipped loosely around your waist.   
 “gonna stop by saint denis tomorrow to run some errands. wanna come with me?” he asked, and you looked up at him, your eyes widening with excitement.   
 “really?” arthur let out a chuckle and confirmed. “yes, please. i'd like that very much.”   
your excitement stirred something inside him. he felt a warmth in his chest that he had never felt before. such a sweet being like you...and your father and brothers had you locked in a filthy room, only to be discovered by men who just wanted to fuck you and leave you stranded. what would have become of you if he hadn't gone and robbed that farm with the others that night?   
“okay, sweetheart.” he used the nickname again, which made you grin like a fool. “i'm gonna sleep now, okay?” he said, and stretched his arm over you, reaching over to the bedside table to put a glass over the candle to put it out.   
 you pouted, and rested your head on his chest. “okay,” you whispered back, closing your eyes.   
 arthur was trying to hide it, but he was so nervous. it had been ages since he'd been this close to a woman, let alone a woman such as yourself. his pants had started to tighten since you first curled up with him, though he tried to act normal, his heart pounding in his chest.   
innocently, you ran a leg over his thigh, sighing. his arm tightened around your waist. he was restless, tense, and kept shifting his posture every few minutes.   
 inevitably, his eyes opened in the darkness. he couldn't sleep.   
“i like being like this with you,” you whispered when you noticed he was still awake. “it gives me... this nice, funny feeling in my tummy,” you added, and arthur let out a shaky sigh.   
“oh, yeah...?” he replied, absently, your words replaying in his mind.   
 “yes... it always happens to me when i'm around you,” you confessed, your candid statement making his cock grow harder in his pants.   
“don't get used to it,” he growled. you looked up, saddened.   
 “don't you like being like this, together?” you asked, your voice low and apologetic. arthur exhaled hoarsely.   
 “too much, darlin'. too much,” he admitted, without looking at you. he was getting carried away.   
 you slid slowly onto his lap, and his breath hitched.   
 “what in the world are you doing?” he whispered. he panicked, feeling your pelvis right on top of his erection, which he had been trying to hide all this time.   
 “i want to be real close to you,” you whispered. “do you mind?”   
 he looked at you with pleading eyes and shook his head, he was speechless. he tried to push you away, but his hands wouldn't move.
 “the book talked about this too... about men, women...” you began, your voice shy as you explained.   
 “no. we're not doing this, girl,” he protested. but he didn't really mean it. the least he wanted right now was for you to get off of him.   
 “please...” you begged. “i just want to know how it feels.”   
 his face was burning, his cock throbbing desperately in his pants, needing urgent relief. so you were indeed a virgin.   
 this wasn't right. he wouldn't take advantage of you.   
 “why?” you wanted to know.   
 “you're a virgin,” he declared, in a low gasp. you didn't respond, just shrank back a tiny bit, with shame. “my god, you're a virgin... no, i... i can't. i can't.” he covered his face.   
 arthur had never been with a virgin before. let alone a virgin with a life like yours. were you even aware of the importance of what you were asking? 
 “oh, don't do this to me, please,” he whimpered, his hands sliding over your thighs, down to your buttocks. you blushed and let out a sigh of pleasure, rolling your hips against his, trying to ease the burning between your legs. arthur let out a low moan, his eyes half closed, his cheeks red.   
 “baby... we can't... not with me,” he whispered, desperate.  
“i want it to be with you,” you murmured. and he had no more strength to resist.   
“do... do you want me to put it inside you?” he asked, pressing his pelvis against yours, making you feel his whole erection, warm and big against you.   
 “yes, please...” you begged.   
 “oh, sweetheart...” he swallowed, flustered. it had been so long since he'd last had sex, and now he had a beautiful, untouched woman in his lap, begging to be fucked. it felt like a goddamn dream. and he felt disgusting about it, but he was so turned on by the idea of taking your virginity. he felt like a hypocrite.   
 his hand slid down your ass cheek and under your nightgown. his fingers reached for your panties, his arm around your leg to touch you.   
 “you're so wet,” he murmured. he closed his eyes for a moment, the heat feeling a little overwhelming. “take off your nightgown, baby.”   
 obedient, you removed the garment slowly, remaining in his lap, your body covered only by your bra and panties. arthur exhaled, salivating, his gaze gliding over every inch of your exposed skin.   
 “you are exquisite,” he said to himself, almost as a reproach. he shouldn't have to be doing this. but he couldn't stop. he just couldn't. he began to unbutton his shirt. “can i see your tits?” he asked, rhetorically, since he knew that without complaint you would take off your bra. and so you did.   
 his lips and tongue immediately landed on the soft skin of your breasts, after having devoured you with his gaze for a few seconds. his lips left kisses, his tongue caressing and frolicking around your nipples. you moaned and stirred on his lap, immersed in pleasure and desperate for more.   
 he removed his shirt, and eagerly, unbuckled his belt. 
 “gonna get on top, it may hurt a little this way,” he whispered between kisses. you nodded, and let him grab you by the thighs, your arms around his neck as arthur changed position.   
 he laid you down gently, and his hands crawled up your thighs, spreading your legs. his eyes lowered to your crotch, the fabric of your underwear was visibly wet.   
 “darlin'... i'm not gonna last. haven't done this in a long time,” he said, his hands shaking a little, he was so horny he could barely think coherently.   
 “i-it's okay,” you murmured sheepishly.   
 he knelt between your legs, and placed soft, warm kisses on the sensitive skin of your thighs, moving closer and closer to your center. he kissed your pussy over your underwear, and pressed his face to it, inhaling your scent.  
“delicious,” he purred, closing his eyes, sucking and kissing over the fabric. his hands, big and strong, squeezed your flesh, eager to feel you. his right hand traveled down to your crotch, pushing aside the annoying material of your panties. “what a pretty little pussy,” he growled, and glued his mouth to it, licking between your warm wet lips, sucking on your clit, devouring you like a hungry man.   
you moaned, your legs trembling. his hands pressed against your thighs, spreading them wider, and when his fingers left your panties, they again came between you and his touches.   
 “fuck,” he hissed in frustration, and roughly, he yanked them off you, sinking his face back between your legs, parting you wide and devouring you with both intensity and desperation. 
 “i'm going to put my fingers in, okay?” he warned, looking down at you, his beard wet with your juices, his cheeks red. you nodded, your gaze clouded with pleasure. his ring and middle finger teased your sensitive, dilated entrance. slowly he slid them inside, feeling the rough texture of your insides tightening around his thick digits. he moved them slowly inside you, curving and massaging your insides lovingly, while his tongue and lips fed on your juices and moans, sucking on your sensitive, sweet spot.   
 “you're so tight,” he gasped. he pulled away briefly, to pull down his pants. his cock sprung, flushed and swollen, eager for the delicious relief only you could bring him. “look how you got me, baby...” he whispered, wrapping his member in his left hand, squeezing it slowly. “how you get me, always.”   
 your pussy clenched around nothing, feeling emptier than ever. “please... arthur,” you whimpered. he looked at you, unsure, was he really doing this? you deserved better than this. something so much better than this.   
 but the urges in his body were too strong, they absolutely ruled him. he placed his cock against your center, gripping it firmly, and rubbing its tip between your lips, pressing lightly as it met your entrance, tiny but eager.   
 “darlin’... what the hell are we doing?” he said, sliding in just the tip, which was thick enough to make you whimper. “ow... baby.”   
 you felt so full. you looked down, and you could see his thick member, disappearing inside you. your pussy throbbed and squeezed him, unable to adjust to his size. he was huge.   
 before he got it all in, arthur had to pull it out a little. “you're too tight,” he let out a pitiful whimper. “i'm gonna cum.” he added with embarrassment.   
 he pulled out, taking a deep breath. he leaned down to kiss you. he kissed your lips lovingly. god, he'd been so rude, not kissing you all this time. he relished your lips, and you could feel the wetness of his beard against your chin and cheeks. he penetrated you again, and this time he entered you somewhat more easily.   
 “enjoy, sweetheart... just enjoy,” he whispered, watching your face contort in pleasure. he had to close his eyes, imagine the horses, the flowers, the bees, the smell of the barns, or he would cum right there, inside you. he pushed it all the way in, his tip pressing against your cervix. “does it hurt, honey?” 
 “no, no... i... it feels so good...” you moaned. you felt so full, his cock was so thick you felt like there wasn't an inch of you he wasn't touching right now. every little movement of his hips, pressing against yours as he nestled his face into your neck, made you shudder.   
 “fuck... yes, squeeze me like that,” he begged, closing his eyes tighter, starting to move his hips, his hands squeezing your thighs and pressing them against the bed, spreading you wide to penetrate you deeply. “thank you, thank you...” he gasped hoarsely.   
 your small hands clung to him, your nails sinking into the flesh of his back, his big, strong back, as his whole body enveloped and filled you.   
 one of his hands slipped between your bodies, and he began rubbing your clit, each thrust making his member bury itself deep and hard inside you, your tight body giving him no respite.   
 “please tell me you're close. i can't hold on much longer,” his voice sounded strained, cracked. the bed creaked beneath you, his hips slapping against your ass every time he bottomed out inside you. 
 “yes, yes, please don't stop,” you whimpered. his hot, sweaty skin clung to yours, the heat under the sheets thick. his smell, salty and masculine flooded your nostrils, and his cock filled you, again and again, your snug cunt squeezing, sucking him deeper and deeper inside.   
your orgasm was intense. you trembled beneath him, your cries and mewls getting louder, and you writhed, your pussy milking him dry. arthur frowned in concentration, letting out soft grunts and whimpers as he moved within you. he came too, couldn't help it, his legs quivering as well. his thrusts became ragged and desperate, his eyes rolled back slightly as his cum filled you, hot and thick. "oh, god," he whined quietly. his strong arms hugged you closer, pressing you tighter to him as he left you completely full of him.   
 “d-darling,” he gasped, shuddering on top of you, his strokes slowing, until he stopped. his hands, scratchy from work and guns, slid over your sweaty skin and squeezed your breasts and hips, before holding you tight. “don't leave me, please.”
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moonmeg · 7 months
A little addition to "Curious"
“D’aw and yet here ye are unable to live wi’out me”
Robyn rolled his eyes as a smile began tugging on the corners of his mouth. There was some truth to it. Micah was his best friend, the person he’d trust with his life and imagining a life without those red curls, trilled Rs and filthy tongue was impossible. At the very least, Robyn thought, it would be a rather unhappy life without Micah.
As he stared at the ceiling of the barn the thoughts came rushing back. Endless trains of thoughts pulling him from one question to the next. That was nothing new. His mind was always restless and always made it difficult for him to concentrate on something fully for a longer amount of time. It’s been this way since his childhood but this train of thoughts was different somehow. Vivan’s words didn’t let him go. Who was his “somebody else”? What does Vivian know that he doesn’t? And instead of sitting and thinking of who it is, all his thoughts could be stilled with a little glimpse into a crystal ball. The solution is right there. And Robyn certainly didn’t care much for rules. He could ask someone else to take a look but…
Micah was right. Oracle magic is not to be underestimated and knowing your future may be more dangerous than one might think at first. And what if he does suddenly know who he’s going to be with? Wouldn’t it feel forced? Like it didn’t naturally develop but because “it must happen”. That would affect the whole relationship, no? Isn’t that the nice part about romance? That you yourself don’t know what will happen. That your unknowing will make the little things and the firsts of a relationship so much more meaningful? Even the kiss with Vivian has a meaning now that it wouldn’t have had in a case of knowing how she felt and that she will kiss him.
A bunch of hay suddenly poking his face ripped him out of his deep thoughts.
“Ey!”, he exclaimed disgusted. “Ew, Mike, what the heck?!”
“Oh, sorry, was that not the wheelbarrow? Oopsies.”, Micah grinned.
“You bastard-”, Robyn started grinning himself and stood up from the hay seat, gently pushing Eilidh’s (the unicorn) head off his laps, “-I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“Come and try, Shorty.”
“Alright that’s it!”
Robyn picked up small piles of hay and threw them at Micah, who dodged them without throwing anything back. Laughing and with another pile in his hands, Robyn approached Micah. The freckled boy however, held out the pitchfork to his attacker.
“Put the pitchfork down.”, Robyn halted smiling.
“Put the hay down.”, Micah replied, “Then we’ll talk ‘bouta pitchfork.”
“You’re a very unfair opponent, good Sir. You attacked me first! Now you’re using weapons I don’t have. Make it fair. Hay against hay.”
“Only if there’s ceasefire while I put it away.”
“You have my word.”
A moment of delay. Nothing happened as they both smirked at each other. Micah placed the tool on the ground and kicked it behind him, never once breaking the eye contact with the brunet.
“Good.”, Robyn tried to suppress his smile and be fully in the role of a dueling opponent, who would ensure to be on the winning side, “Now eat hay!”.
Micah dodged the hay attacks once again, still not throwing anything back. He instead attempted to flee, running around in the barn with Robyn right behind him. Both laughing heartily in this game of chase. Robyn chased after Micah for a good minute until Micah’s reflexes were too slow and gave Robyn the opportunity to pin him to the wooden wall by the shoulders.
“Where to now, Freckles?”, he smirked up at Micah.
Micah smiled, panting and catching his breath, trying to still his heart beat along with it.
“Alright, alright!”, he laughed, “I surrender.”.
Robyn didn’t give a response. He tried to catch his own breath and only managed to stare at Micah. Stare at his face as if he’s never seen the light brown freckles all over it or the reddish brown of his eyebrows and eyelashes. As if he looked at those golden eyes for the first time and as if he first notices the chunks of red hair falling into that pale face. As if this was the first time he noticed how beautiful all those traits were together. His breath calmed.
“Rob? Ye- uh… ye can let me go now.”.
Robyn blinked rapidly a few times and pulled himself out of his thoughts.
“Oh, yes, right. Sorry.”, he let go of Micah’s shoulders and backed away, “I uh.. I spaced out for a little there.”.
Micah chuckled. “I noticed. It’s alright.”.
The redhead looked around the hay-covered barn with a long uttered “Well”.
“We better get this cleaned up again before ma dad notices.”, he rubbed his neck.
“Yeeeaah”, Robyn chuckled, “Sorry about that too.”.
“Nonsense, I got myself into this literal mess. It was fun though.”, Micah turned and smiled at Robyn.
“It was.”.
Robyn picked up a broom from the corner of the barn. He better forget about whatever that intense stare of him just was. He wasn’t staring in that sense.
Micah was attractive to him. But that’s nothing new.
There wasn’t more to it.
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jaylleoo14 · 10 months
Its late and I need to go to sleep but i really wanna play games rn UGHHHHHHHH (game ramble below)
the sexual tension of wanting to play games, write, read or draw knowing damn well i should also be prioritizing other stuff rn😔😭
OKAY BUT I WANT TO REPLAY JOHN DOE (I havent played House Haunted YET and I also plan on playing House Haunted pt 2)
And Our Life, Beginnings and Always😔 I wanna mix up my options and choices and see different outcomes for it
and then there's Error 143.... Micah Yujin.... YOU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME I still have the game so I might go back to replay it
I havent got the time to replay Touchstarved the Demo and wanted to try pursuing Ais because I took Mhin's (omigosh i love him sm ><)
I played therapy with therapy with dr albert krueger and still havent finished Dinos other game Vincent Secret of Myers so maybe i'll get to that
Played Gavril and oooh do I love that Rat Romanian Goo man <333 Still havent played Part's BUBO yet BUT I PROMISE I WILL :(
I also really liked Trapped with Jester, it was really nice and sometimes I got endings I did not expect to get😭
SOMEONE STOLE MY LUNCH WAS SO GOOD TOO!!! I loved the art and the gameplay, it was very comical and easy going <3333 And when we went out on a date? 🤭🤭🤭 yes sir🤞😇
OMG I ALSO PLAYED MISTRICK AND MISFICTION (it was so funny oml 😭😭 The freaking way John got jealous over Chase 💀💀💀
Killer trait is also a good game and its one of the games im waiting on for more development<333 Anywho, point is I have a lot of games to catch up with 😔😔
I love visual novel games <3333
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jeschalynn · 28 days
i followed you because of obey me but I've literally found the best ever visual novels from your reblogs. (eg 14dwy , a date with death, etc)
my life is literally yours 🙇🙇🙇/silly
would you mind sharing some of your favourite VNs ?
Regardless of if you decide to share or not , I hope you have a great day/night ^^ !
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That's so nice of you to say! It's funny when people find their way here from my other blog and I feel bad because this really is just a random dumping ground of all my random interests with no cohesion whatsoever. XD
I got into the VN scene after I branched into otome games because I really like the darker content and yanderes have always appealed to me as a twisted sort of love story with the potential to have less-than-perfect endings. Granted, not all of the VNs I play are horror or yandere themed, but many of them are.
I'm going to list the ones I've played and enjoyed (listed in no particular order). I might also mention one or two that are no longer available or in development but that I liked anyway. Reminder: most of these are yandere or horror themed and are meant for adult audiences - check the content warnings on their individual game pages for more info!
14 Days With You (yandere)
John Doe+ (yandere/horror)
Invite Me In (yandere, demo)
Blooming Panic (one of the only non-yandere VNs on this list, I have replayed this SO MANY TIMES. I have three favs in this game, don't make me choooooose~)
Error 143 (Micah <3)
See Thru: Need A Friend? (yandere, OG demo - the dev is remaking it with updated graphics I think but I still love it omg)
A Cry for Help (yandere, short and sweet)
Restart Heart (yandere/dark content, multiple LIs)
My Dear Hatchet Man (yandere, demo)
Duality (yandere, two LIs, one of my favs! if you play this, I'm curious which LI you prefer >_>)
Favor - (yandere, demon-themed for starving OM fans)
Where Winter Crows Go (yandere, was previously F2P but it's now $5 to download, but it's also a complete game so I'd consider it worthwhile if it looks interesting to you)
Art Without Blood - (horror)
Darling Duality (yandere)
Please Don't Hate Christmas (yandere)
Gentle Fall (yandere, demo)
The Kid at the Back (yandere, multiple LIs, one of my favourites, I want Sol and Crowe to fight over me <3)
Special shoutout to Cannibal Sweetheart which was one of the first yandere VN demos I played/actively followed the fandom for, and I even wrote fanfic for it. I still think about it a lot and I hope the dev is doing well. <3
Interactive Fiction bonus recs, if you're interested in long-form games:
A Tale of Crowns
The Six That Thrive
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whumpcloud · 1 year
The Body (and Him) - Art Auction
thank you to @honeycollectswhump who helped me develop these guys couldn't have done it without you <3
content: heavy dehumanisation (whumpee treated as literal object), heavy dissociation, techinically pet whump (whumpee is a pet but not treated as such/doesn't really use the tropes), heavily conditioned whumpee, rescue & recovery, mentions of: gore, restraints, knives, bruising
Micah is going to vomit.
He has a reputation, he knows, so he gets invited to these sorts of private events. People he can't stand auctioning off art they don't appreciate. But he goes anyway, because he's a collector at heart, and he likes having them.
This is not a painting or a poster or a sculpture or any sort of normal art. This is a person who is so utterly lifeless that Micah wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that he was a corpse.
He stares. The boy stares back, but Micah can tell there's no conscious awareness of doing so. That's something he knows more intimately than a person should. Of the dozens of Pets who have passed through his doors, how many times has he seen that look in their eyes? Micah moves to the left and the boy's eyes don't follow.
Fuck, he's been noticed staring. Very quickly, he shoves the horror into the pit of his stomach and flashes a smile at the seller.
"I'm a little unsure what exactly the art here is," Micah says, as casually as he can manage with bile burning the back of his throat. "Would you mind explaining?"
"It's him," the man replies, gesturing to the boy. The boy is entirely still - does he even know what's going on? The lack of look in his eyes suggests not. "Well, he's more of a medium, than anything. It's a little hard to explain. Would you like to take a look through the album?"
The album? Micah takes a shaky step forward to leaf through the book sitting on the lectern in front of the exhibit.
If he could feel any more queasy, he would. Photograph upon photograph upon photograph of this boy in different positions, with different injuries. The only consistent thing is his blank-eyed stare. Micah can feel it radiating from the pages. A shudder runs down his spine. A photograph of the boy suspended upside down by ropes, patterns carved into his skin. A photograph of the boy pinned to a wall like a butterfly in moody lighting, nails through his hands and feet.
Micah shuts the book a little harder than intended.
"Is he up for auction?" Micah asks, trying to hide how strangled his voice is.
"Yes, he is," the man smiles, obviously excited at Micah's interest. "I've had him for a few years now, I'm moving on to other projects."
Other projects?! Micah bites his tongue until it bleeds. "What would you say are his most notable features?"
"I'm so glad you asked," the man says. There's a predatory glint in his eye that doesn't make it any easier for Micah to keep smiling. "As I'm sure you've noticed, he's very still. He doesn't flinch or scream, and he's barely any maintenance. Just feed him once a day, keep him hydrated, and wash him so that he doesn't get any infections. He's just a body, really."
Just a body. That's a person, you freak.
Micah is not letting him go to auction.
"How much? Right now."
Shaking someone's hand has never felt so sickening. Micah wants to scrub the feeling away until his skin is raw and bloody.
When Micah picks the boy up, he goes entirely limp in Micah's arms. Micah murmurs something about being safe now, but he has a feeling it goes in one ear and out the other.
The body is being carried. Out of the car and into the air. Air on its skin. That doesn't happen very much. He wonders, ever so briefly, if this new owner will put him outside. But then it passes and he stops paying attention to those sorts of things.
"Easy now," a voice says, and he isn't really sure what that means. "I'm laying you down, okay?"
The body is placed on a bed, and it immediately goes limp. Unfocused eyes fix on a point on the ceiling.
"...can you look at me, please?"
Its eyes dart over. Still unfocused. But he can make out a masculine figure, pale skin, red hair in a ponytail, brown eyes. Nice eyes. Gentle eyes. Oh, the body would appreciate being used gently. This owner might have really sharp knives so that the skin cuts cleanly, or big hands to leave more bruises faster, or soft ropes to hang him up. Of course, he has no say in what happens to the body. No say in anything. But the body has experienced a lot of things that have made it need rest, so if it was treated gently, that would be nice.
"I'm Micah." Master. "Are you tired? Nod for yes."
He doesn't understand the question. There's a quiet sigh.
"Does the body need rest?"
Oh, that makes sense. The body nods, though he doesn't understand why he's being asked. The body will sleep if told to sleep. But he doesn't understand a lot of things. He isn't made to understand.
"Then rest, okay? Go to sleep."
The body obediently closes its eyes and he falls into a dreamless sleep.
He wakes. Micah is still there. Just sitting by the bed. The body stares at the ceiling again.
"Oh, you're awake. I'm going to ask you to do some things now, okay?"
"...sit up, please."
That's very non-specific. Normally the body would just be positioned however a person liked. But the body is certainly capable of moving around without assistance. So it sits up on the bed, cross-legged with his hands in its lap. Default position.
Micah eyes him. The body just stares ahead. It hasn't been told to look anywhere. The wall in front of him has an oil painting of a flower. In his peripheral vision, he can see more paintings, and drawings, and statues, and other things like him. He must be another new decoration.
"...raise your left arm, straight up."
The body obeys.
"Okay, put it back down."
The body obeys and its hand returns to its lap.
Micah wants to scream. He moves so mechanically. Does he even think? Micah can't detect any thought behind his gaze.
No, that's a stupid thought. Of course he thinks. Micah should know better than to contemplate otherwise. There's a fully-formed, complex person sitting there. He just needs to find a way of communicating.
"Do you speak?" Micah tries. He has a suspicion of what the answer might be. "You don't have to say anything. Just nod if you're physically capable of speech."
He does the closest thing he can to thinking, for a moment. There definitely are vocal cords in the body's throat, so he supposes he could use them. He doesn't see a reason to. Bodies don't have a need for speech. No person has ever asked him to speak. So even though there are vocal cords, the body might not be able to form any words or sound. But he doesn't know. So the body nods. Physically capable sounds right.
"Okay," Micah says, relief in his tone. "Good. Okay. Do you have a name? Could you speak to tell me it?"
What would a body have a name for?
"Right. Of course." Micah bites his nails. He needs something to call this boy. Anything at all. "I'm… I'm going to call you Demitri, okay? So when I say Demitri, you answer to it, yeah? Nod for yes."
It's just Micah's middle name, desperately grasped in a moment of horrified panic. But it's a name. If Demitri changes it later, then he's free to. Micah's had plenty of Pets change their names more than once.
The body nods, slowly, deliberately. Demitri. That's a name you would give to a person. This owner is strange. But maybe he likes to nickname his pieces. It isn't Demitri's place to question anything, even if he was capable of doing so.
"Okay. Does the body need to eat?"
The body just eats. People must have signals that let them know if they need to do that, and Micah just doesn't realise that the body doesn't feel things like hunger or thirst.
"...fine. Scheduled mealtimes, then. But I'll go make you something now, okay?"
The moment Micah leaves, Demitri settles into the familiar emptiness of being alone. But at least the body is on a bed. A bed! The body never got to be on a bed in Master's house. Maybe this is where the body will get to lie every time it isn't being used.
That would be so… nice.
"Demitri, I'm back," Micah says, some unknown amount of time later. Time isn't really a concept Demitri grasps. "I've brought you some soup. Can you eat it yourself?"
Micah places the bowl into the body's lap. Is it supposed to eat? The body tries to hold the spoon, and all it does is slip back into the soup. There was a time where it had the strength to do that, Demitri is sure. Maybe a very long time ago, back at the start with Master.
Micah takes a deep breath, and bites his lip. "Okay. I'll feed it to you."
That requires much less effort for the body. It opens its mouth.
Micah is quiet, half-forgetting to try to keep talking like he intended. He has a bad habit of going silent when he's thinking. It isn't that he minds this - he never could, and Demitri certainly isn't the first one to need this sort of help, anyway - but there's something different about this. He's had rescues who struggle to do anything for themselves. He's had rescues who are detached from their own bodies. He's had rescues used as all manner of objects. Not all of them at once.
He's the one people go to with difficult cases. He coaxes out the ones that hide and convinces the ones who only follow orders to do something for themselves and reassures the ones that think everything they do deserves a punishment that it's all going to be okay.
Who else is going to do this? The photo album lies abandoned in the car. Pages upon pages of what Micah can only describe as horror.
And Demitri does… nothing. Gives him nothing to work with.
For the first time in the seven years he's been doing this, Micah Ullmann feels lost.
He continues to gently spoon-feed Demitri anyway.
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verdemoun · 4 months
Don't know if you've already talked about bill but how is he coping with modern times? I always imagined a modern bill becoming a car mechanic, or something adjacent, maybe even becoming a small influencer where he posts abt trucks and such (and also his dog. I just know that man gets a dog in any type of modern au)
i have not spoken about bill because bill as a character just makes me so sad fam like was he doomed to be the power hungry bastard of toxic masculinity we see in rdr1 or did the events of rdr2 actively make him that way why was everyone so mean to him like you can see the way people treats him chipping away at him it makes me want to scream but back to timewarp au
therapy. my otp is bill and therapy. man needs anger management and to unpack that emotional baggage. it would take a while but once bill made the connection sometimes when he feels angry and acts out he's actually feeling sad/upset he'd start to develop as a person really quickly.
he would be so conflicted about seeing the gang again. why does no one talk about what happened to bill in the gap between rdr1 and 2?? dutch fucking left him behind bill would've followed dutch to the ends of the earth and been the perfect obedient loyal son he always wanted and dutch just threw him away because hunting down arthur and john for betraying him was more important!!
the new main gang would've picked him up because they knew he was going to be timewarped but it would be so uncomfortable.
poor kieran would've been so terrified he had to stay with annabelle and grimshaw until bill left. he usually regresses a little whenever someone timewarps because he has obvious reason to be nervous about the gang but it would've been a full breakdown just knowing bill was coming back. bill would've felt bad about it too because he never made the connection between how the gang's teasing made him feel vs what his bullying was doing to kieran.
the rest of the gang would've gone straight back to teasing bill because that was the dynamic last time they were all together. he would've hated it and lashed out a lot. he became something after they died they better respect it but of course they just don't. bill would've barely understood modern era before he bounced.
happy stuff now i promise. he ended up hitchhiking for a bit and learning about the modern world from truckers. he would love going to bars and truck stops and dodgy mom and pop diners along the highway.
he ends up getting a job on a ranch (ironically the modern day MacFarlane which became a massive multimillion dollar operation) and still gets to ride horses almost every day. he picks up herding super quickly and gets all the validation and care he deserves. the owners love him and are really supportive and patient when it comes to dealing with his temper.
he gets a little power trip out of learning to drive the semi-truck and unlike most of the hands is always super excited and happy to go on cross-country road trips delivering things to processing facilities. his favorite thing though would be the combine harvester he will work 14 hour shifts without complaint harvesting grain.
bill loves dogs almost more than he loves his horses he cannot drive past a sign that says puppies for sale without at least stopping to look. this habit has resulted in him having five dogs and they are his new gang. his first dog was a stray he picked up on the side of the road it's a wire-haired gundog mutt just called Mutt. he also has two cattle dogs (Clem and Roanoke), a long hair shepherd called Mercer and finally a catahoula called Abel. they are all working dogs and he does not go anywhere without all of them. they all sleep on his bed and are just as happy to go on cross country road trips in the semi as he is.
he can control all of them with a whistle or non verbal commands and they are insanely well trained. Micah fucking hates him sure Baymax can bark and growl and look scary on command but the second one of Bill's dogs curls up its lips Baymax is hiding behind Micah terrified and Bill is so fucking smug about it.
through therapy and having his ideals challenged bill starts making an effort to be less racist and sexist and actually confronting some of the gang about the way they treated him in 1899 and mending those relationships because look yeah he went off the deep end after the VDLs but he does still care about them and wants to have good relationships with them he's just got to work through a lot of issues go bill i believe in you
and most importantly he finally got over the internalized homophobia and admitted to himself he's a bit/lot gay. he's not wearing beads at pride levels of comfortable with it yet but he is a classic bear who will protect the gaybies from violence with violence.
it's like a many, many years slow burn but him and alden get together because charlybird's art is one of the only reasons i gave bill a chance as a character and i am a better person for it
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charlessmiths-wife · 7 months
I’ve realised that my accounts display is highly RDR2 centric, specifically Charles - yet I haven’t made any posts in any way pertaining to either of them! And they’re my greatest loves!
So without ANY FURTHER ADO I present a few of my nearest and dearest headcanons for the gang (most of them are probably incredibly basic… also so biased to my big three of Arthur/charles/sadie)
CW!!!!!! mentions of violence
Under the cut if you’re interested!
-> Arthur has a small barely noticeable scar on his neck, just below where his beard finishes. He tells everyone he simply got it one day when he accidentally nicked himself whilst shaving - only John and Hosea know the truth. He got it when a member of an enemy gang held a knife to his neck too hard once, threatening him. It didn’t go on long enough to cause any lasting damage. Suffice to say Hosea took care of things before it reached that point.
-> Throughout his whole life, Arthur struggled to differentiate the kinds of love he felt. He loved Mary and Eliza, I truly believe it was romantically, in Mary’s case and he was aware of this, though there’s less to go off of with Eliza - but in terms of his relationship with members of the gang, that’s slightly more difficult. He knows he loves John like a brother, Dutch and Hosea like a father, and Sadie like a sister. His love for Charles is… different to all those, very much so less familial. But he died before ever figuring out what it was.
-> Charles and Sadie visit his grave every year. John also does, but not with them, he prefers to go alone.
-> After Arthur dies, Abigail tries so hard to get John to open up. He never really does. The closest he gets to doing so is when he kills Micah.
-> Sadie never EVER forgets Jake, as much as I would love to be a sadigail truther (and I truly believe there’s certainly a lil fruit in Sadie’s punch if you get me) Sadie never finds the connection she had with him anywhere else.
-> I’ve already touched on Charthur, whilst I certainly think the possibility of feelings developing was right there, I don’t think it could ever have materialised within the time frame of RDR2
-> in some hypothetical and beautiful universe in which Arthur lived, it takes years for Arthur to realise his feelings - even more so to actually act on them.
-> that is, if he chose to act on them. Something tells me Arthur would stay silent, and opt to let Charles make the first move if he wished.
-> When Arthur got sick, Sadie actually silently believed he would get better. Somewhere deep down she knew that was likely impossible - but she wanted to believe it wouldn’t happen again, she wanted to believe someone she cared for wouldn’t be taken from her for another time. It was easier for her to believe than accept reality at times.
-> John also believed silently he would get better, the gang had always pulled through, no matter what - it was hard for him to comprehend Arthur might not be around anymore.
-> out of the three of them, Charles was the only one who I believe truly accepted Arthur’s fate before it happened.
-> I think Dutch did care for John and Arthur, and the whole gang at a point. But Dutch, in my opinion, has an innate desire (more than anything) to feel in control and protect himself and his leadership. A combination of the death of Hosea and the manipulation of Micah (as well as Dutch’s own personal desires and characteristics) are what I believe led to his care for the gang dissolving into care for only himself.
-> not rlly a headcannon, more of an opinion - but Javier gets too much hate. He chose to stand against John and Arthur, but in my opinion, this seems understandable if you look at it from his perspective? His loyalty lay with Dutch because Dutch, in his mind, SAVED him. He gave him family, support, food, and, well - life, for want of another word.
-> I firmly believe that, if Shaun was still alive, he would’ve done the exact same thing as Javi.
-> (coming from the most DIEHARD FAN so please recognise this is no hate) but sometimes I think Arthur gets well.. watered down too much as being presented as a good man who was living in unfortunate circumstances. And whilst I’d say this is largely true, at least on a good honour play through - I’d also say it’s largely true for many of the other members of the gang? Sadie, John, Abigail, Javier, Charles, Lenny… I’d say they’re just some of the examples of characters who would also fit such characterisation and deserve the same sympathy as Arthur
-> John was the BEST at playing cards back in camp, Arthur never knew how. It infuriated him.
-> “Goddamn bastard… fool at damn near everything else… but a goddamn wizard at poker…”
That’s all! Feel free to add any you have yourself in the comments :)
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bcolfanfic · 3 months
Hi! Just wondering if you have any headcanons for Josie and Rosie’s daughter? I think that’s such a fun ship and would love to hear any of your thoughts about them.
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babies <3 josie is the longer hair- if any of y’all need a refresher in young vets au josie is the bucks, naomi is rosie’s kiddo that he adopted as a single dad. (though she’s also later adopted by his partner aiden that he gets w later down the line) s/o to @swifty-fox who this was developed with. we have created. so much young vets au next gen lore.
sweet girls
well. kinda. josie is a bit of a terror there for a minute.
she is bucky’s after all (: i think ive said before that while obv they both love both their kids, josie Is bucky and micah Is gale.
has had a lot of girlfriends and situationships and what have you
naomi. has- not.
knows she’s gay, is very gender non conforming just. rizzless like her father (sorry rosie)
is buddies with josie and has kinda had a littleee crush on her since they were kids but. always got the sense that josie thought she was too Cool for her.
why would she want some dweeby gnc girl a couple years younger than her when clearly she can get any pretty girl she wants <\3 ugh naomi baby.
they become a closer when naomi goes away for college bc she. struggles to make friends for a minute and josie texts her to check in and they just start talking more from there.
naomi does meet /someone/ at college and. this girl is not very nice but ahhh we cannot stop her your first gay relationship being toxic as shit is a baby gay canon event.
brings her to the big memorial day weekend reunion get together with everyone in wyoming and josie immediately does not like this girl lmfao.
surely that means nothing (:
everything kinda blows up bc josie goes into the house for something, and naomi’s little girlfriend follows her and tries to hit on her. which naomi walks in on.
and ugh god love naomi she thinks josie was the one that ‘started it’ and they just start going at it. naomi following her back out of the house yelling at her that she can have whoever she wants why can’t she let her have one thing. josie yelling at her that she didn’t do anything- her little girlfriend is a slimy little weasel, nothing good comes from latching onto the first person to pay attention to you.
draws the attention of. everyone in the yard lmfao. bucky and rosie and aiden have to run over and break it up before someone gets smacked.
josie all pouty and frustrated off with bucky and aiden rambling about how she didn’t do anything, naomi is such a good girl, she hates that her little girlfriend is so awful bc naomi doesn’t deserve that.
naomi off w rosie and curt crying because she feels like she’s just never going to be happy <\3 even her own *girlfriend* wants josie instead of her, and she gets it bc josie is perfect but. feels so stupid and broken.
eventually when everyone’s heads are cooler josie all awkward asks naomi if she wants to go on a drive to get away from everyone for a bit. get fast food or something.
and naomi is like 😐🙁 i guess
josie gets like five minutes down the road before pulling over under a tree and naomi is like ??? is something wrong with your car i thought we were getting food ???
and josie just. looks at her for a long few seconds before unbuckling and reaching across the console and kissing that girl good.
naomi kisses her back but then yanks away like she’s been burned bc. shock.
kinda immediately throws up walls nudging her off telling her she doesn’t want her pity over her own girlfriend not wanting her.
don’t do that to me jos, please
sweet josie. a terror but a good girl at heart like bucky. just sighs and tells her she’s wanted to do that since before she brought that little jerk around.
naomi still pushes back just 🫤 i don’t buy that. picking at her nails looking at her lap. tells her she can have anyone she wants she sure as shit doesn’t want /her/. all your girlfriends are gorgeous i know what your type is.
(naomi has. a lot of insecurity around the gender non confirming stuff bless her sweet heart. rosie and aiden are such good dads about it. her best friends <3.)
but josie does want her. she really does <3
tells her that. kisses her again. they end up in the backseat of josie’s falling apart car for an hour and make all the guys giggle like little girls when they rock back up to the bucks house like flushed little baby deer.
micah pushed naomi’s little POS girlfriend into the lake
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ohh-fiddlesticks · 2 months
pinned post thingo… pt 3 !
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hiii my name is 💥 micah 💥 and this is my selfship sideblog! i use he/him and im a certified transsexual 🔥 aroace and gay as well. its a complex and wondrous thing yk how it is ‼️ i’m also australian 🎉
i tend to see my selfships as more on the fictional side; i like to explore the relationships like any other relationship in fiction, meaning that it wont always be the healthiest, so… keep that in mind i guess 👍
i dont like to associate this blog too closely with my main but if you get notifs from a blog with a url starting with d and a rainbow pfp of castiel, thats almost definitely me! if u wanna know the exact url feel free to ask and i’ll let you know 👍
you can also check out my strawpage for some general info about me and an f/o list, etc. :^)
i draw sometimes ‼️ i tag all my art with “#my art”
my main f/os are dave s.trider & c.handler bing but ive also got a couple more in the bag!
proship and closely associated please kindly don’t follow 🙏 strictly nsfw or 18+ blogs preferably dni too closely also . generally tho i’ll just block people i don’t want interacting
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f/o list, sharing boundaries, etc. below the cut!
for romantic f/os, my general policy is that i’m not particularly comfortable with sharing and while you’re free to follow or interact if we share f/os, keep in mind i’m less likely to follow back— this ofc does not apply if i follow first. platonic, familial, etc. f/os im totally fine with sharing, in fact i think thats awesome
also! i have no tagging system— that being said, if you want me to tag a certain ship for filtering purposes or similar, i’d be happy to do so
characters i talk about in a romantic manner (some are f/os, some not, it’s complicated):
dave strider (homestuck) — f/o. thats my boyf riend . basically my first proper f/o i heart him lots 💗
chandler bing (friends) — f/o. thats also my boyf riend. my beloved sarcastic repressed boring yet not boring guy. this may come as a surprise but i also love him lots
hitch (ruby redfort) — f/o. i dont talk about him as much but i do love him. middle aged secret agent who’s afraid of crocodiles and is secretly silly :-)
prismo (adventure time) — f/o. also dont talk about him as much but i love him i prommy. idc that he’s 2D i will find a way to give him a kiss 🫡
jonny goodman (friday night dinner) — fictional crush or something i dont even know. i was briefly obsessed with him during my fnd interest period and i still hold him dearly and sometimes rewatch some fnd episodes and think of him
bernard black (black books) — i truly dont know tbh i just love black books and am a little obsessed with him. manny & fran too but i dont have gay little crushes on them so
jeremy usbourne (peep show) — practically an f/o atp but im in denial. side effect of my recent peep show obsession was developing a secondary obsession with this freak
characters i have some sort of weird little qpr situation with
foxy (fnaf) — idk how to explain it he was one of the first characters i started selfshipping with in some variety and i like him :-)
the nice cream guy (deltarune) — he’s a developed character 2 meeee. we’re gayass boy best friends
red guy (dhmis) — who knows but it’s not a normal friendship folks
characters that are my friendssss my familyyy etc. you get the idea
toriel & asgore dreemurr (deltarune) — my parents:)
kris & asriel dreemurr (deltarune) — my siblings:)
basically the entire rest of the main characters from the other medias ive already mentioned — my friends:)
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og-doeiika · 5 months
For the ask game: Micah: 7, 21
Arthur: 8, 12
Dutch: 4, 25
Yea!!! Thanks for asking!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Body appreciation. Micah is like unconventionally attractive.
I also like how despite the fandom thinking Micah-likers are all racist and nasty everyone I've talked to on tumblr has reached a similar conclusions for how they enjoy him:
He's hot
He's so evil and bad that the justice that comes for him is the hottest part of dealing with his shitty personality. There's nothing hotter than justice
He's so fun to watch going insane-o
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love humiliating him: making him lose battles, get hurt, ask for help when he doesn't want it- Humiliation that is well deserved. He is very proud so for him to be humiliated is crushing! There's nothing hotter than justice
I don't like navigating his emotions. He is so very keen on keeping a strong front that it feels out of character to write him emoting to others.... He's sooooo lame for that
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't like how the fandom uwu baby done no wrong-ifies him. My man has killed so many people. That is no to say his redemption doesn't hold any water, but I feel like people sand down his meaner qualities and perceive him in a way I find less interesting/appealing/canon compliant
I also don't like how set in stone the fandom is about their own personal HCS- that is to say I don't like how others agree on a certain HC and treat it as canon. This is more of a complaint about fandoms in general, but since Arthur's story starts with the downfall of the VDL gang there is a lot that is not revealed to the audience. There's many ways to interpret/extract THE ESSENCE from him.
It's more of a complaint for those who like or see X character and don't realize one's view and enjoyment of the character is different than theirs. Said person will judge the other and not understand the multitudes of ways one can interact with the character/media/whatever. It loops back to Micah lolol
This point sort of contradicts my first point lol-- (NO I don't like this interpretation vs. no you all should be more loose and not judge other's interpretations)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think he did some really unspeakable things in his past. Arthur's more... I wouldn't say chill, maybe his more realistic view of the world comes from fucking up, seeing fucked up things, getting fucked, doing fucked up things.... Arthur probably tortured several people, maybe watched over people as they starved, bled out- fun things
Another HC is that Arthur was a sexist, snotty little boy + young adult and then through living life he developed empathy later on. It's just a thing I see in men sometimes. I think Arthur thinks about those bad things he did. Sometimes there's guilt and sometimes there's nothing, like when he talks about killing animals for no reason.
I also think Arthur's love of animals is not universal- It's more of an observation, but like a lot of people: if the animal isn't aesthetic or useful there is no emphathy. -Like wolves, cougars, fleas, ticks, parasites- he wouldn't feel bad about killing them for no reason. Charle's bison mission probably sunk in his mind, to care for the bison, but it would take convincing for him to have empathy about killing a wolf or to consider what it means to have a healthy population of parasites in an ecosystem.
What I am saying is Arthur would be one of those people who say we should intact mosquito and wasp extinction (we should not.)
Arthur finally sees the gaps in the extent of his empathy when he's dying from TB
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would LOVE to see Dutch in my little pony, all the rdr2 characters in fact. ALL OF THEM. Can you imagine the drama???
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I learned about RDR2's story through fanfiction at first so... "Omg Arthur's dad..?!" and now that I'm playing the game.... "UGH SHUT UP DUTCH. I KNOW YOUR SINS." I am more.... neutral to him; he's okay...
I am stuck in chapter 4 and I can't help but roll my eyes at everything he says,,, 😅
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I just want to say, I love The Wedding so far. I’m a huge fan of enemies to lovers so the bully route with Micah already sounds so promising but I have a couple of questions I hope you don’t mind answering:
Has Micah always been into MC but didn’t know how to express themselves so they chose to bully them as a result or do their feelings get deeper as the story progresses? I love the kind of tension that brings to a possible romance route with a difficult background like that with a character.
Certain people express their love in many different forms; how does Micah express care or affection for someone she deeply cares for? Do they have any preferences as to how MC displays their care for them?
Final question: do you plan on doing RO POVs with The Wedding just like you did with WLGYL and The Midnight Saga(I absolutely love their perspectives and what I love about both of your projects by the way) Anyway, have a great day and great job with all your work!
Hmmm, you're asking the right questions, Anon. And thank you for the kind words, glad you love my games. 🥰
As you know, I don't really do toxic, so you are totally correct about Micah. I envisioned the bully route with Micah as the type that the one who can't really express their love and just decide to be a dick about thinking that's the way to go. And I think they love MC for who MC is, someone that never really bent to their whim, someone who is not afraid to call them out.
I'm planning to do some character development to show how everything plays out, but one main thing about this story is all the characters are flawed.
You have Danny who has anger issues and the scars they hide under their tattoos. Micah is spoiled, but deeper in the story MC will get to see another side of them. And Hayden who is a complete manipulator, and then Tar, and now Cass. I really hope I can manage to write them as in this game the characters are supposed to be complex and not lovey-dovey as the ones in Lemons.
As for the POVs. I don't know if I can get away with that in a VN. but I do plan on doing some more scenes like the one I made for Hayden. So will see. But if you're referring to like side stories in Choicescript for The Wedding, the answer is no as I'm trying to keep it away from CS as possible.
I can't wait to share the new Renpy updates.
So far it will only be PC and Mac, no phones yet.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
hello hello hello!! im so glad you're taking red dead reqs as I literally just got into the game and i'm obsessed!! <:0
may i have some soft Hosea moments? Like snuggling together to keep warm in colter? (gn reader please <3)
RAHHGGGGGG HOSEA MY DAD i love him so very much. absolutely a sweetheart. please enjoy <3 including platonic ones for my own enjoyment LOL but there are some romantic ideas too! i'm glad you're liking the game! i've been in love with these characters for so long... they are so special to me. especially john :")
gn!reader | no tws :)
soft hosea headcanons
this man. absolutely the best friend you could ever ask for. so understanding and so good at giving advice even if you didn't ask for it
he's the sweetest man in the entire world!! kind, protective, loving, understanding. he gets you when no one else does no matter what you might be going through
you swear he's lived 100 different lifetimes with how much he seems to know. it's nice, though. you always know who to go to whenever you're having trouble
if you have insomia or restless nights of any sort, hosea is by your side, no matter how tired he may be. invites you to a cup of tea and a story
he'll tell you about anything. his time before meeting dutch, the early days of the gang.. whatever you want to hear about
he insists he has a horrible singing voice but... definitely will sing you to sleep if he knows it'll help you
the warmest man alive. colter was a breeze with him by your side. with his arm constantly wrapped around your shoulders, you don't know how cold it truly is outside. he's good at keeping your focus on him
also really good at cuddling, just in general. paired with being warm, he knows how to make people feel comfortable. knows just where to put his hands to keep you feeling safe
he makes your chest feel all fuzzy. platonically or romantically, he has that effect on people :")
it's something about knowing you're safe with him around. he might not be the fastest gun, but his mind is more than capable of protecting the ones he loves. which includes you, of course
obviously... develops a major soft spot for you. he doesn't want the rest of the gang knowing about it but it's not like he's trying his best to hide it, either
he finds a lot of the things you ask for, saying he just ran into it while he was out or something, when it was clear he went looking for it to make you happy
if you develop romantic feelings for him.... he's so oblivious. he thinks he's too old for romance, and after bessie, he has trouble imagining a new relationship with anyone
he doesn't accept your feelings at first. not because he doesn't reciprocate, but because he's a bit afraid. he's a highly wanted man. he worries about the repercussions of that on you
you'll be the one doing the reassuring for once... for someone so smart he can be as dumb as a rock sometimes
he has such a kind and beautiful soul... the way he looks on the world is something entirely new to you. he sees people in a way no one else does, and it's helping you to open your eyes honestly
he sees the best in people, even despite the life he lives
if anyone says anything poorly about hosea (micah...) you will not hesitate to give them a piece of your mind
he tries to tell you to stop. it doesn't bother him, and it shouldn't bother you, either. but you can't let him go around talking about him in that way
he's one of the kindest people you've ever met. he gives everyone a second chance. even when they don't deserve one. it's more than what micah deserves, in your opinion
anyway, hosea shows his love through every single love language there is. he says he loves you so often, but it's really special whenever he expresses it physically too
he has touch a gentle touch, it's hard to picture him being an outlaw, someone as nice as he is. he has such soft hands, paired with a kind heart
he spends a lot of his spare time with you!! he indulges in your hobbies, expressing interest in everything you find yourself doing. he's genuine, too. he really cares <3
he's so good at reading you, you can't ever hide being upset from him
immediately by your side asking you what's wrong (or, if he thinks of you platonically, who broke your heart and who he has to get revenge on for it)....
he gives the best hugs... just picture it
he has so much love to give. it's a nice change of pace, honestly. he loves with all his heart, no matter what your relationship to him may be
he loves you with every bit of him there is :")
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
pretz. my friend. do you have any headcanons about sirius/micheal's relationship because i LOVE THEM AND I NEED MORE FLUFF FROM THEM AAAAAAAAAA
I love my babies!! 🥺💕💕 there'll be some Jeremy sprinkled in there sometimes but since you asked for Micah/Sirius, i'll keep it mostly between them :]
(This got so fucking long and all over the place so apologies xD)
- OKEY- so. Michael and Sirius actually met LONG before Blithe, thru Sirius' uncle, Alphard (bless him)
- Basically Alphard found Michael struggling after a Not Good Werewolf Night and brought him home to help and Sirius was living there at the time and the two immediately became friends
- Sirius is wild- but he was even wilder at the time (yk, all the high of wanting to piss off his family as much as possible) and Michael to this day does not have a clue of what the fuck he saw on the Long Boy but oh well
- Sirius was the first to fall, actually (tbh he kind of dropped from a cliff over Micah). This man doesn't have clue on how to be subtle at all. Man was head over heels- his luck is that Micah is fucking blind so they're two oblivious shitheads
- Neither of them had a proper relationship until they met so they had no clue on how it was supposed to work- it was Hard to figure it out (Andy to the rescue!! Best aunt)
- Anyway yeah, they both decided to leave Alphard be and went to spend sometime with Andy, around the same time she developed cancer so they were there to help her and Ted around the farm. It made them grow closer and understand each other better (especially Sirius learning how to deal with Michael's Lycanthropy and loosing his fear)
- Sirius is practically Andy's baby and she was the first to know he wanted to ask Michael out (woman was Tired but ayyyyyyy gotta bake a cake for themmmmmm fuck the disease cake time)
- Their first date was shit. They loved it. They got stuck in the barn because of a fucking storm but heyyy. They spent the whole night talking and by the morning they were together
- Rudy was there mooing away and they spent the whole night awake because of the fucker. Not a fun morning (Blackie and Johnny, the dogs, kept company tho, so that's cool)
- "let's sleep on the hay" "yeah, sounds good"
- Rudy:
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- They're very very open with each other. They comunicate their feelings and wants all the time, to make sure they're on the same page (mostly- )
- Sirius is too protective- he gets really emotional when Micah has troubles with people because of the Lycanthropy
- (yes it means that Sirius went to jail more than once because of thatKAKAKAKAK)
- Michael loves to dance; sometimes he just likes to grab Sirius by the hand to dance (in the rain? In complete silence? Blasting music? He doesn't care. He just loves to dance. Wherever, whenever)
- Micah suffers from chronic pains thanks to Lycanthropy. Tho his injuries and wounds do get better quicker than usual, he has many pains and they just tend to worsen during winter, when is a battle to do the simplest things.
- Sirius doesn't have a winter coat due to his genetics, but he still tries to cuddle around Micah to warm him up. Sirius also brings him tons of chocolate
- Siri has a lactose intolerance and everyone in Blithe gets some chocolate to keep spirits up every now and then, so he just stocks up his share to give them to Micah when he needs it.
- Sirius has tattoos of Michael and Jeremy all over his body, which he completely loves. (When he appeared with the first one Micah wanted to smack him in the face for being so stupid-)
- Sirius was the one to help Micah feel more confortable in his own skin. Michael was always too perfect for his own good so breaking from the mold was very hard for him
- Sirius, on the other hand, was always one of the family's black sheep. He was different - he liked to be different from that royal-ish persona (Andy and Alphard are GREAT inflences). His personality and love for being different inspired Micah to accept his condition more.
- To Michael, Sirius' enormous family is extremely overwhelming. He knows both of them are not welcomed, although some events require them having to interact
- Sirius and Jeremy help Micah with manic attacks during those; he's fully aware that he's a lowlife only allowed between the high people because of his husbands, both from big and poweful families
- Michael has endured a lot of gossip in high society about him only being with Sirius and Jerry because of their families' money, so he can use them to not be just a poor bitch
- (Untrue. But yes, people got punched over this.)
- Ok so- of all the three, the only who has a mom is Jeremy. Sirius' is dead and Micah's doesn't exist, because he was simply ✨️created✨️. Both Sirius and Micah are Euphemia's babies
- Yeah she's very likely to stand by them if they both fight with her son because she knows he's stupid :3
- Euph is one of the official chocolate providers
- (Michael and Sirius were the ones who convinced her that pirates are not that bad) (and that it was okay for her son to love two men)
- Micah does love the good side of Sirius' family tho! Hydra is his best friend, Andy and Ted are like parents for him and Rodion is like a fucked up brother as well (together with his wife and kids?? Lots of people), and Alphard the weird uncle nobody quite knows what's going on with- but he's very helpful
- And then there's Hugh, their adoptive son :] Hugh's mom was their friend back in 1928 when he was born and she had to give him up to adoption so the two took him in
- Hugh did run away from home to fight in the war and was promptly taken in by Miss Seagull after he was wounded, so he spent what? Some 70 years away from his dads, stuck in her time loop? At least Fiona was there
- They did get him back tho- fucked up lil' man. One day he disappeared then came back 70 years later with a girlfriend and one leg less. All good 👍
- Anyway Micah and Sirius just love love love their weird little family very much.
- Sirius is best uncle (ask Olive and Kanna. They'll agree)
- When time rolls around for the Full Moon, Micah's health starts to decline. He gets tired, sensitive to light, snaps more easily, has more pains and all that. Medications and potions don't really have any effect, so he has to just Deal With It(tm)
- Sirius never leaves his side during those times, as dangerous as it is. He was bitten already, more than once, and knows very well the side effects are not cool, but he doesn't care
- No way he'll let Mike feel alone during those times
- He and Jeremy will also spend the night with him in one of Blithe's prisoner cells when he transforms (both in animal form, so he won't mindlessly attack them).
- Michael feels very very scared during those times, so it's very good for him to have company
- Tho he fears A LOT that one day he'll turn back in the morning covered in blood that's not his and with two bodies next to him
- Micha made them both promise they'll fight him off if he ever attacks any of them or somehow goes loose on the ship-
- They agreedand just to be sure Pax is left with them with orders to protect the ship if Micah goes loose
- They have this little inside joke where Sirius will turn into a dog and Michael will act like he's his owner- (yes Sirius uses this for his own gain. He does tricks no dog should do for money)
- But also, Micah loves to see people desperate to understand what is fucking wrong with that fucking dog
- Sirius can't cook for shit. If it all depends on him, they'll starve to death (thank Gods Michael learned)
- Michael loves to play instruments. He got Sirius to teach him piano when they lived with Andy amd he managed to get classes on saxophone as well.
- Sirius rarely get's sick but when he does, Micah play's music for him to feel better.
- The three of them like to sneak off alone when they can, using the Loops, so they can go on dates far from everyone else.
- Sirius favorite places to go are lakes; Michael's are forests, trails and libraries; Jeremy loves to be on the beach. Everytime they want to spend time together, they sort a place and go be happy
Hummmm yeah I think that's it(?)
Again, sorry for it being so long xD I couldn't stop writing after I started KAKAKAKAK
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dcviated · 1 year
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@rfn-margot sent: New icon inspires an ask for a new season; how is Raguna handling the weather? All those leaves all over the farm and home? (And town?)
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Rune Factory is a great farm sim but like all games in its genre simplifies a lot of… things. Whether it’s the fact there’s not a single bathroom in the RF series that you can see or the quizzical state of technology. On the one hand we’re magic-wielding backwater towns and on the other we have airships and flamethrower tanks. What is it? Where even are we??? I’m reaching for concrete foundations from which to build up my own version of this world and left with so many choices I feel like I’m building my own world entirely.
Well. That’s fine.
All this a preamble for me to get into… there’s a fuckton of trees around Kardia and Trampoli. Fall comes around and we don’t have to do any raking? Are you kidding? The only person who gets an excuse is Micah in RF3 farming under a tree and I guess Ares in RF5 with the dragons up in the air… There’s gonna be leaves. Neither town Raguna has lived in are windy enough that he’d escape the wrath of leaves. But! I think he’d enjoy it! It’s busy work, sure- but there’s going to be at least one or two monster helpers with him that play in those leaves. And that brings much needed laughter to our solitary farmer. Because he needs socializing and doesn’t always get much prior to marriage.
Raguna isn’t immune to jumping into leaf piles himself. The guy can be silly, especially when people aren’t there to watch. This can and should be exploited by an ask or someone or something I am asking anyone reading this to take advantage of it and !! You know!! Don’t make me spell it out.
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As for the weather? Thriving. I was actually going to make a post about this as I’ve made in the past, that despite being a spring lad and that being his favorite the fall is not too far behind. Summer has its benefits. Winter brings its reprieves. Spring brings the work drive and readiness to develop but … Autumn is a time of settling and savoring. Whether it’s the shift of climate into more temperate ranges or the resurgence of the seasonal tastes that are oh so appealing not just to enjoy but to make for others who enjoy.
Raguna particularly enjoys those soft warm evenings with a hot mug of something spiced to drink. Sitting on the porch and listening to the growing wind whistle through the branches or brush the tips of the plants through the fields. He’s a reflective person and this is something you can do in any season, sure. But it’s the drink that makes it. A drink you can savor best when you feel the chill just start to pull at your skin.
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The cooler weather also brings with it warmer clothing. We’ve only seen Raguna in his one outfit (two others if you count the wedding scenes) but I 100% believe he is someone who likes wearing warm hats, scarves, and layers when he’s working outside. Compared to the hot season he’s escaping; this lets the lad actually break into his wardrobe! Okay, not too dramatic. Raguna isn’t stylish by any stretch, but he does have clothes and familiar pieces he likes to wear. Soft wool-lined pieces. Collars. What have you. COMFORT. COMFY.
Also sweaters. Girls wearing sweaters? Maybe that’s my bias.
Oh yeah. And Raguna grows a pumpkin patch to give to people to carve for the season!
He’ll carve some too! They look silly! Not very scary!
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And he absolutely adores the markets and festivals.
But he doesn’t do the drinking thing still.
Anything else I’m forgetting? Hm.
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