#just didn't have strong enough vibes at the end of the day.
chemicalarospec · 8 months
My Death Note Playlists (prt 1 of my fav lyrics)
They're basically all "emo" btw.
I have two: the full playlist
and the "canon compliant" version -- which does NOT mean the songs support a canon-compliant interpretation, but that they were released before 2010. Canon timeline, you see, ignoring the 9/11 thing. (I'm a little more picky with this one in general.)
Okay now I'm just going to highlight my favorite lyrics that I blorbo brain all over (predominantly Light, and lots of Lawlight ranging from platonic murder to romantic lovers to romantic murder). It will be long, so here's a cut!
I'll pick out songs going down "full playlist" in order.
"Liar (It Takes One to Know One)" by Taking Back Sunday
Obvious, but "we're all choir boys at best" deserves attention. "It takes one to know one" shouted at the end -- all of Light and L knowing each other better than anyone.
"Juneau" by Funeral for a Friend
"I'm nothing more than a line in your book." Hey, I didn't say all these connections were good.
"Spin" by Taking Back Sunday
The whole thing is very Light to L.
"Looking for a Tornado" by Chiodos
Maybe I got a little lost while searching for my faith stuck to your cross You set fire to everything around [...] Do I believe in love; do I believe in heaven? (At the sound of church bells, they come running) All my clocks stuck on eleven; afraid if I hit my knees, I might get nothing
^ Lawlight /romantic intent /sexual intent
This is the sound of your savior running in need of anything to save you from nothing
^ bonus God/savior complex Light
"Always and Never" by Silverstein - "Don't have a heart attack"
"War Crimes" by Waterparks
kinda Light and Misa. "I wear a smile that's about a mile wide" lol. and "My death will be the fandom [sic]" for L.
"The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" by Chiodos
The title as their fake-friendship-with-murderous-intent. Lyrics as romantic dying Lawlight. +"To hide from our twisted ways/I've been hiding in this bed"
"Fist Wrapped in Blood" by Silverstein
I love toxic couples. Cannibalism couples. Violence couples. (Some tntduo vibes in this one too, xoxo tntduo, still kinda my OTP.) "A Midwestern State Of Emergency" for similar reasons (we got the wild line "Bound and gagged but I enjoy it") + "Your saving grace, my final rites"
"One Day All Women Will Become Monsters" by Chiodos <3
That title but also "Always being the blind villain" -> Blind Lady Justice Light Yagami!!! + "Rip the haunting smirk from his face"
"Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
Now I want to listen to Three Cheers looking for Death Note songs. (If I wasn't still finishing tntduo demolition lovers, Death Note demolition lovers would be sooo in.) Anyways: "I keep a gun on the book you gave me."
"Hard to Breathe" by Hawthorne Heights
"I spent my whole life lying/I just got caught." This one gets a big heading b/c that line is still the working title for my Light fic (yeah, it'll get posted. one day).
"There's no Penguins in Alaska" by Chiodos is a rare Misa moment on the playlist.
"Timberwolves at New Jersey" by Taking Back Sunday
"Literate and stylish/kissable and quiet/that's what girls' dreams are made of" and "This is you trying hard to make sure that you're seen/With a girl on your arm and your heart on your sleeve" = Light. Plus, the "me at my worst (committing murder)" theme of second half of the song
"Where Can I Stab Myself in the Ears" by Hawthorn Heights - "This is the ending, here's my surrender" & the complementing each other bridge theme. and lying.
"Why the Munsters Matter" by Chiodos
"I don't want to fit into your world/your heart/I hope I scare you"!!!!! It's NOT what happens in Death Note but it IS what Light and L are about IN MY HEAD.
"Ole Fishlips is Dead Now" is another rare Misa song. The "she's in love with herself" line but the subject is Light.
"Goldmine" by Paper Tigers
(link leads to song b/c the band is pretty indie)
Maybe that's something I admire Maybe you've made another enemy of me ... You goldmine Every little thing that you say It blows away my mind ... They say that pride proceeds the fall And that the sword is weaker than the pen
rare L to Light song on the playlist
"Your Sword Versus My Dagger" by Silverstein
Another Discovering the Waterfront track. "I'm cutting through, you're bleeding out/And I would tell the truth, but I can't help myself" + "I wasn't asking for the world" as another Light inverse/lying line (or kinda Misa) + "And I can see your face, and I can hear your name" in reference to Death Note rules lol.
"Is it Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork?" by Chiodos
"Listen up, sweetie!/We all know that you're a beautiful girl in this horrible world." - Light lol
"The solemn tolling of the funeral bells. I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours where everyday's a Bone Palace Ballet."
"Divine Intervention" by Taking Back Sunday
rare soft song -- cutesy by Lawlight standards
Despondent, distracted You're vicious and romantic These are a few of my favorite things ... Something real, make it timeless An act of God and nothing less will be accepted ... We're stubborn and melodramatic A real class act
~a little skipping ahead to songs I wrote up out of order... part two will probably come next week!~
"The Brothers Karamazov" by The Used
all of it. but especially "I'm more than just my father's son" as an inverse of Light who is so little more than the son of a cop, "I see myself in everything I hate about you/I shut my mouth to stop myself from sounding like you" as him and L, and "Take me away from who I could become" as the conflict between Light and the influence of the Death Note.
"Chemicals" by Armor for Sleep
Lyrics about "you" dying ("I can picture your coffin"!!!) and the general vibe and:
And I’m on my back, on your floor. Tell me how you fooled the world again, I like how you laugh when you tell it
^ both L and Misa work. Light's evil laugh.
Play dead, cause I’ll be playing dead with you. I’ll play you when you’re dead in a year or two.
^ Light pretending to be L after he's dead.
"Three Simple Words" by Finch
"My hand's around your throat/who will stop me now?" !!! throwback to "Until the Day I Die", which I didn't highlight but also has "hands at your throat". I like the aggressive & repetitive usage in this song better. Light to L, of course.
Tune in next week for more of the same! (btw I had a lot going on so it's still not up but will edit this when I do it)
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riality-check · 9 months
DILF!Steve concert saga, featuring Eddie POV for this part! part 1, part 2
"I have to open it."
"Gareth. I need to open it."
"The vault is sacred," Archie says.
At the same time, Jeff chimes in, "The vault was your idea, Eddie."
Eddie thunks his head against the wall. "I know. But I need-"
"They're on the last song," Archie says, putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder. It's probably meant to be comforting, but it feels patronizing as shit.
Eddie is a good friend, though. He doesn't shrug him off.
"Once they're through, I'll unlock it," Jeff says, dangling the key slung around his neck.
"But you could do it now," Eddie protests.
Gareth sits protectively on top of the black lock box. "Absolutely not."
Eddie sighs and waits for the guitar solo onstage to end, nodding his head along to the beat.
It's what he usually does when they're backstage, but this time, it brings a smile to his face. Miss Anna was a natural yesterday for her first time headbanging, and her dad is the reason Eddie wants to break the sacred vault tradition.
He wants, no, needs to know if he got the note. If he decided to write something. If he wants to go a little further than PG flirting.
Eddie for sure wants to go further than that. God. Steve's handsome face and his big hands and his thick thighs (deliciously exposed by his shorts in the summer heat) are all wonderful incentives to skip a few steps and go straight to ramming him into a mattress.
Or, with how that shirt clung to Steve's biceps and how his shorts clung to his ass, let him ram Eddie into the mattress. He isn't picky.
(He isn't desperate, either, thank you very much, Gareth. And no, he won't admit how long it's been since he got laid.)
From the house, the audience roars, and Eddie jumps off the arm of the couch he was laying on.
Gareth sighs and gets off the lock box.
"Jeff, open it," Eddie says, staring at the vault and subconsciously making grabby hands toward it.
"Is that how we ask?"
"I could always yank the key off you."
Archie sighs and, ever the peacemaker, takes the key from Jeff and unlocks the vault. The second it's open, Eddie snatches his phone and turns it on.
Please please please let the DILF text back, he thinks to himself as he waits for this stupid metal brick to turn on and give him a resolution to this whole ridiculous situation.
Because, first, Eddie doesn't really jive with kids. Sure, they flock to him in the same way they flock to every other vaguely cool-looking person, but aside from asking if he has to draw his tattoos on every day or if his mommy is okay with him having his hair that long, they generally leave him alone.
And that's okay. Eddie easily made his peace with not having kids about ten years ago. Between his strong preference for men and the way that significantly decreases those odds and the choice to not pass on his truly abysmal family history of mental illness and addiction, it seemed obvious and a lot more selfless.
But Anna was cool as hell. Smart as hell, too, in a way that made Eddie feel like he was looking back at a time before school punished him for being bright and verbose and energetic.
Anna didn't make him want kids. Again, the whole family history thing is a real vibe killer. But she did give him enough fuel, for just an instant, to think that dating someone with a kid might not be a deal breaker anymore.
Or maybe Steve was just that hot.
He whined a lot yesterday, in the hotel, about how hot Steve was.
His phone turns on, and, front and center, is a text from an unknown number:
I guess I don’t have to ask you what you do for a living. Just so we’re even on that front, I’m a teacher, and Anna’s full time job is preschool.
Eddie grins so hard he feels like his face will split in two.
"Is it him?" Jeff asks, trying to look over Eddie's shoulder.
"Of course it is," Gareth scoffs. "Look at his face."
"What did he say?" Archie asks.
Eddie takes the easier way out and lets him have the phone.
Gareth and Jeff crowd over Archie's shoulders, and Eddie watches their faces change as they read the message.
"Oh, he's bitchy," Gareth says.
"That means he's perfect," Jeff says, with a pointed look at Eddie.
Eddie shoots Archie a clear "back me up" look and gets a shrug in return because all his friends are assholes who know his type way too fucking well.
"What do I say?" he asks.
Archie tosses him the phone. "I don't know. Flirt back."
"I don't know how!"
"You ground against a guitar-"
"And kissed me onstage," Jeff continues. "But you don't know how to flirt?"
Eddie puts his head in his hands. "I didn't have enough sex in high school to know how to do this!"
"That's not an excuse when none of us did!" Gareth says.
Jeff barks out a laugh.
"Just ask if he's free tomorrow," Archie says, like the rational, wonderful friend he is. "This was the last stop of tour. It's not like you have to get anywhere else at a specific time."
"Okay. Okay, yeah, I can do that," Eddie says, hyping himself up. Before he can second guess himself, he writes back.
Since it's summer, I'm assuming you both have off. Can you fit it in your busy schedule to have dinner with a humble musician tomorrow night?
"Oh, shit, did you send it?" Gareth asks, snatching his phone.
"Wait," Archie says, like the rational, horrible friend he is. "Do we know if he's single?"
"Oh, shit," Jeff whispers.
Eddie takes his phone back and refuses to look at it. He wants to shut it down. He wants to drop it. He wants to drive to nearest river and throw it there.
"Am I a homewrecker?" he asks absently.
"Only if you succeed," Jeff says.
"He might have a wife," Archie muses. "He might be straight."
"Okay, dude, enough," Gareth says. "This was supposed to be exciting! Eddie was supposed to get ass!"
"He might be ace."
"Archie, shut the fuck up."
He holds his hands up in surrender, and Jeff pats his shoulder, a little comfortingly, a lot condescendingly.
Eddie sits down on the couch. Puts his head in his hands. Breathes.
He's flirting with a married man. He's absolutely flirting with a married man. This is a new low. This is worse than the time he licked the floor of a restaurant, drunk, for five bucks. This is worse than when he greened out in the parking lot of a Chuck E. Cheese. This is worse than when he accidentally told the gas station cashier that he loved them and immediately walked into the glass door behind him.
This is. So bad.
And then his phone rings, so it'll get worse. It has to. That's how these things go.
Eddie has always been self-destructive, so, of course, he looks at the screen.
I can't swing dinner, but how's lunch? Fair warning: it might be a playground picnic if my babysitter bails.
"Holy shit, I'm not a homewrecker," Eddie says.
"I didn't think you had it in you," Jeff says.
"He's single!" Gareth cheers.
"Can I talk now?" Archie teases.
"I'm not a homewrecker!" Eddie says, and he launches off the couch to hug the nearest person, who happens to be Jeff.
They have to get out of the venue. He has to figure out the logistics of the date and how to be normal by the time he gets there and what to wear and everything else.
But, right now, Eddie is over the fucking moon that Steve is even giving him a shot. And he hopes, giddy as all hell and hanging off of Jeff's shoulders, that Steve feels even a little bit like this.
He writes back, once he's calmed down:
Lunch might just become my new favorite meal.
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nottsfawn · 26 days
hiii, i love the vibes of your acc and can’t wait for your writing! i was wondering if you could do like a enemies to lovers “who did this to you” with theo ahh i’m a sucker for this trope. if not that’s fine! hope you have a lovely day x
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"who did it"
- theodore nott x reader ♡
TW: bruises, insults
🐇 author note: ty for making this req!! sorry cuz it took so long to came out tot, i didn't liked how it was going, but i hope you will!! ♡♡
there was nobody to help, absolutely no one. it was only you and the February moon, the only one who knew about your nocturne tears.
Cedric, your boyfriend, could be awesome. a lot of girls would define him like the real charming prince, but in reality, the only charming thing was the way he could tell you how much he loved you after kicking your poor body just because you helped a 1st year boy to do his potions essay.
every part of you body hurted, not just for the big amount of bruises in it, but your desesperation was manifested through yourself in a weak shaking. the only thing you could think about was how much you hated him. hot tears started to fall down your cheeks, making you sob and whine again, quietly.
suddenly, you felt a small step vibration from the Astronomy tower stairs, getting up.
Theodore Nott's body reveled through the ancient door, examining the space. when he saw your body in the balcony's floor, he let out a airy laugh "what's happening to you right now?" he walked in your direction, putting his arms in his chest and lying in the wall, looking at you with a sarcastic smirk.
fastly, you covered a bruise on you naked arm with your hand, squeezing your eyes in slightly pain. when you did that, he started to tease you "what's up? you don't want me to see thoose stupid draws you make in class on your skin? what did you make now? an unicorn, a bowtruckle.." playing, he took your hand off your arm, specting a dumb doodle of yours. but, instead, his pupils dilated when the purple and blue bruise got his attention, making him freeze.
"go away" you said defensively, covering it again. the desesperation was running through your veins, it couldn't be worse. the feeling of him making fun of it and telling everyone that you were in a abusive environment made your stomach ache.
your eyes started to blurry, water was born from them, the only thing you could do was getting out from there. when you turned off to go out, you felt a big hand taking your wrist, strong enough to stop you from making another step.
he pulled it, making your body be near his "y/n" he said, his cold gaze meeting your blurry and sad eyes "who did it." he demanded to know, making your spine cold. "it's nothing, theodore. my own business" you avoided answering that question, under no term you would tell him what actually happened "let me go, please" you demanded too.
he wasn't an easy guy, "ascolta" he said in your ear, with a deep voice and a foreign accent "if that little boyfried of yours did it, im going to break his jaw till he begs me to kill him, bene?" that words came out from his mouth like a dark an evil poem. "so, y/n" he repeats, in a clear tone. his hands were stroking your shoulders harder "who did it?"
you sob, giving up to his light but deep eyes. they were your missery and your miracle, a perfect sin for a girl like you. "Cedric." the name of your boyfriend left your lips like a cold breeze. "coglione" he shouted looking to another direction, frustrated. his ears were getting red and his finger bones pale. "theodore, don't be stupid, please. don't do anything" you tried to stop him by grabbing his arm. "bella," he said looking at you, with a sudden smirk on his face "i would be too dumb if I don't give that fucker what he deserves" he lifts your chin with too fingers, looking at your lips "let me take the control at least once, mhm?" after saying thoose words, his lips collisioned with yours, in a short but hungry kiss. when it ended, he just gave you a flirty wink, before getting out the tower.
the other day, you spent all the afternoon in the nursery, hearing the story of how your boyfriend got 3 bones broken by a masked student; and in the other corner of the salon, you could feel that european satisfied eyes looking at you.
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cerridwen007 · 4 months
Hard pill to swallow.
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*pics above are from pinterest and are used for aesthetics only.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 2.4k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: Joel helps you fix your problem with swallowing pills.
Notes/Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Soft!Joel vibes, lowkey daddy Joel vibes too, Joel being a teasing, filthy mouthed menace because I said so, mentions of pills (vitamins and hayfever), mentions of gagging/gag reflex, Joel lifts reader, but Joel is huge and hella strong so he can lift anyone, cumplay, oral (m receiving), finger sucking, praise/ nicknames, swearing, no y/n.
A/N: Disclosure, this is fully self indulgent and based on my struggle with swallowing pills and me wanting Joel Miller's dick in my mouth all waking hours.  Was meant to post this before Valentines, but time got the best of me. But I suppose you can consider this my Valentines present from me to you, even though it's not related to valentines at all. I swear this is the second time that writing about my struggles in a fic with Joel, it’s pretty much solved them. He is truly that man. Quickly edited, as always, so sorry if there are any mistakes. Anyways, enough babbling, I hope y'all enjoy, and any interactions with posts are very much appreciated, and I love yall so much. Have a good day bebes. 🫶❤️
You were embarrassed, to say the least, and annoyed and frustrated. For all of your life, you could never do that one thing that was a simple skill for most people, a simple and usually essential at that. You couldn't swallow pills for the life of you. Many frustrated mornings, well into your early adult years, were spent at the breakfast table with your parents, growing more and more impatient and irritated at your ‘talent’ for not being able to swallow pills no matter how hard you tried. And It's not like you didn't want to swallow pills. No, not at all. 
In fact you wish you could, it would have made your life a hell of lot easier. You would take swallowing pills over having to grind up the assorted pills for hayfever and vitamins into your drink and being forced to intigest the horrible tasting yet beneficial substances, the ones that made your eyes water and your stomach gurgle with just how bad they tasted. 
And trust me you had tried everything, sticking the pill right down your throat, damn near breaking your neck with the force you tilted your head back (to catch your gag reflex “off guard”) nearly watering boarding yourself a couple times, thinking the more water you swallow the easier right? You felt like the oblong white tablets were just ridiculing you at this point. 
You had achieved so much in your life yet you were brought down by your inability to swallow a tiny little thing for your benefit. You had not managed to find a shortage of adults and family members alike telling you, “it's all in your head” and suggesting unwarranted advice. Advice you ended up trying over and over again, knowing it wouldn't work. “It's just like swallowing food” they would say. But you knew damn right it wasn't. I mean you couldn't even swallow gum, so how were you supposed to swallow this?!
Because of all these judgemental looks and passive aggressive comments when it came up in conversation that you couldn't swallow pills, you tended to avoid the topic of conversation completely. It wasn't till a handsome man named Joel Miller came into your life, did you finally manage feel comfortable and unjudged about your inability. 
It had been a while that the two of you had been dating, nearly a year and you had never felt happier. Recently you had moved into his place and had just unfinished packing. It was a peaceful morning in Joel’s and now your own house, the morning sun shining down, warming up the frosted green grass as the birds chirps and, the smell of fresh brewed coffee filled your nostrils. The two of you sat opposite each other, drinking in the peaceful morning. This movie-like paradise was soon brought down in mood as you remembered it was time to take your daily vitamins and tablets. 
You sighed, a frown growing on your face as you anticipated yet another painful morning attempting to swallow some tablets. Joel's face mimics yours when he looks over at you from across the breakfast table. 
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked, concerned.
You sigh before explaining yourself.
“I just..I just suck at swallowing pills and I almost always end up having to crush them into a drink or whatever I'm eating and then it's disgusting. I know I'm an adult, I should be able to swallow them by now but I just can’t.” 
You try to blink away the tears from frustration as you talk, not wanting Joel to see you get so upset over something so little and stupid.
He listens with a soft frown on his face and you half expect him to scoff at you and belittle you for not being able to do something so easy. Then he locks eyes with you and sees your watery eyes and instantly his face softens.
“Aww baby, come here.” He holds out his arms and you quickly get up walking round the table to straddle his lap, burying your face into his shoulder, seeking his warming embrace to comfort you. You look up at him, when you feel the tears aren't going to spill out.
“You're not making fun of me or think that I'm being a baby?” 
He cups your face, forcing you to keep his warm gaze. “Now what would make you think that I thought that darling?” He questions.
You feel your throat constricting as you try to explain yourself, cheeks growing hot with embarrassment.
“I don't know…I just thought maybe before… you were frowning cause you don’t believe me or something.” You softly respond, embarrassed over the state you're in all over some silly little pills.
“Sweetheart of course I believe ya. I was frowning cause I hate to see my girl upset and struggling, and I was trying to think of some way to help ya.”
You sigh with relief, before resting your head back on Joel's shoulder, you sit there holding each other for a while before you're interrupted by the soft rocking back and forth of Joel's chest as he tries to quietly chuckle underneath you. 
“What’s so funny.” You ask, feeling a little irritated.
“Oh, nothing.” He responds, still with a wide grin.
“No, tell me.” You say, pouting.
He clears his throat and before he speaks in a dark tone, close to your ear sending shivers all throughout your body.
“Just thought of how good of a girl you are when you suck my dick, and how you don’t seem to have a problem swallowing my cum, do ya honey?”
Your eyes widen with the sudden lewd topic of conversation, your cheeks heat up and you lightly slap his chest.
“Joel!” you warn him, but you can't help but let the corners of your mouth lift up a little.
“That's different though.” You say quietly after a beat.
“Oh yeah? Why's that?” His eyes pierced through you, waiting for your answer.
You feel your cunt fluttering at his question, your panties dampening.
“Cause…cause I actually want to swallow your cum.” You softly admit.
He breathes in shakily as a growl-like sound softly rips through his chest. His head falls back and he slowly grinds up into your needy clothed cunt. 
“My dirty little cum slut, aren't you baby?” He groans as he cups your face with his hand.
You nod and he puts his thumb on your bottom lip, slowly dragging it downwards. Your tongue shoots out to lick it before your head dips it to take it into your mouth. You start sucking on it, needily. Needing to have some part of Joel in you.
“Needy too, apparently. Just how I like ya.” He murmurs to mostly himself as he pushes his fingers in deeper and pushes down on your tongue.
Your cunt is throbbing now, but the only thing you can think of right now is taking Joel’s fat cock into your mouth. You try and tell Joel as his thick fingers are stuffed in your mouth, so it ends up coming out as a garbled mess.
“What was that baby?” Joel teases you.
“W-wanna sl-suck your c-cock d-Joel.” 
“Can’t get enough of this fat dick down your throat can you sweetheart?” Joel growls as he removes his fingers.
You shake your head, your hands trailing over Joel's strong chest and biceps. You suck on the spot on his neck that drives him crazy, his hips start lightly thrusting up into you as a result. You grin devilishly, seeing and feeling Joel become a vulnerable mess, under your control is one of your favourite sights in the world. 
You slowly make your way down Joel's body, feeling and touching on every part of him that you can, except where you and him both want too most. When your knees finally hit the floor, you look up at him with an innocent smile. Although Joel knows your the exact opposite, he can’t help his breath stuttering and his heart racing at the stunning sight below him.
You bite your lip as you look to Joel belt, his prominent bulge just below it, silently asking for permission. He nods, spreading his legs wider. You place your hands on his knees and slowly trace your hand over his legs up to his hips, your eyes switching between looking up at Joel and his bulge that has your mouth watering. 
You unbuckle his belt, slowly, loving to tease him. But taking your time and going slow seems to make you more impatient than Joel himself, so you make quick work of unzipping his jeans and shucking them down his thick thighs, while your mouth waters. You swallow harshly, as you uncover Joel's thick and rock-hard package perfectly framed by his black boxers. 
Reaching below his elastic waistband to pull out his cock, you find yourself transfixed once again by his beautiful cock, tip flush dark red, shaft slightly curling upwards as it heavily bobs, just begging to be sucked. Your tongue darts out to slicken your lips. Your hand carefully grasps his length, Joel softly gasps, before your thumb traces over his slit and the white drop of precum, oozing out of it. 
You grin as you lower your head, placing a few teasing kisses around his head before you raise his cock up high enough that you can lick from between his balls all the way up to his slit. He shudders above you, his hand gently caressing your hair, grounding himself and connecting himself more to you, as if his dick in your mouth isn't enough. 
You let your saliva gather to the front of your mouth before slightly parting your lips to let the warm glob drip onto his flesh. You see his thighs flex from the corner of your eye as your palm encases him, spreading your moisture all over the veiny muscle. Starting out with slow hard strokes, and building it up faster, your hand struggles to meet around his girth. 
Your mouth finally latches onto his tip, tongue swirling around the bulbous head, making Joel groan deeply. You help unleash even more depraved sounds from deep in Joel's chest when your other hand reaches out to massage his hefty balls. All this encompassing stimulation has Joel racing towards the edge, his mouth spewing out dirty words and praises as he comes oh so close to his high.
“Ugh. Fuck yeah. Atta girl.”
“Just like that baby. F-fuck me that feels g-good.” 
“Fuck… I love the feel of your hot, wet mouth on my cock.”
“Going to make my heart go out on me, with how fucking heavenly your making me feel, baby.”
He clenches the muscles in his body as he tries to starve off his release long as possible, needing to tell you something first.
“Sweetheart, look at me. I-I’m going to need you to hold all my cum in your mouth baby when I finish-h. C-can you do that for me s-sweet girl?” He chokes out.
You nod slightly and moan around him, before returning to bobbing wildly on his pulsing cock. Loving the salty, musky taste of him, your pussy clenches thinking about the even more salty and delicious load soon to be filling your mouth.
You take him as deep he will go, your eyes tearing up as your throat constricts around him. You feel his balls tighten under your hand and you let his cock out ever so slightly so only his tip is encased by your stretched lips.
And before you know it Joel’s coming, a long string of curse words and moans pouring out his mouth as he does so. Your hand continues to stroke him, milking him for all he's worth. Till he is hissing through his teeth, his now spent cock sensitive and raw. 
The urge to swallow his spend is strong, but your need to listen to and please Joel stands stronger. You keep it all in your mouth, cheeks bulging out a little with how full they are.
Joel, still breathing heavily, bends over you so he can inspect your warming checks and watery eyes, you look completely wrecked and he loves it. He hums in delight seeing you patiently sitting beneath him waiting for his next instruction.
He reaches over the table to where you were sitting before leaning down closer to you again. His thumb and forefinger reaches out and takes a hold of your chin, tilting it a bit higher.
“Did so good for me sweet girl, but I need you to do one more thing for me, okay?” He whispers, his warm and inviting eyes making you melt further into the floor.
You nod in response, watching his other hand come down in front of your face, opening up to reveal your pills. He softly demands you to open your mouth, to which you oblige, before carefully placing the few pills into your cum filled mouth.
He tilts up chin so your mouth closes and seals your lips with his thumb, before moving his hand to the side of your jaw, rubbing soft circles over your cheekbone.
“Okay, I'm going to need you to be a good girl and swallow that for me.”
You give the best soft smile you can muster with a mouth full of cum before you begin to swallow Joel’s cum in small amounts, your eyes fluttering close in concentration.
 “That's it…. Good girl. Swallow it all, baby. Don’t wanna waste a drop do ya now?” He encourages you, eyes transfixed to your throat swallowing all of his cum and the pills.
The pills going down so easily you didn't feel them shocks you, as you open your eyes to a smiling, starry-eyed Joel looking down at you softly. A wide smile mimicking his, spreads over your face, before you open your mouth to reveal it, now empty, to Joel.
He reaches down to pick you up from your armpits, placing you on his lap again. You giggle as he places lots of kisses all over your face and nuzzles his nose into yours.
“I’m so proud of you my sweet, darling girl. Did so good.”
“Thank you, Joel.” You coo back, sighing softly with relief and happiness over your achievement.
“Guess we know now how to get you to swallow your pills every morning, don't we baby?” Joel teases you, holding you close to his chest as he kisses your temple.
“Indeed we do.” You reply, giggling, before resting your head on Joel's warm and sturdy chest, basking in the love and warmth of your lover.
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theladykassia · 2 months
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Sam Monroe x reader
Blurb: Sam makes your latte and accidentally confesses
Content: no triggers, just fluff. This idea came to me as I added an obscene amount of mini marshmallows to my own coffee.
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Sam Monroe was working at a coffee shop during summer to earn some extra cash for a concert he wants to go. You guys aren't exactly friends but you always smile his way whenever the opportunity presents itself. You also made it a habit to go to said cafe because 'they make the best latte there', but honestly? You just want to see your favorite emo boy. You didn't even know the place existed before a friend of yours mentioned seeing Sam.
They had joked about the way Sam seemed angry at having to treat people nicely there. Or maybe it was the fact that he had to wear an apron.
You had to see it for yourself, so you went one day. And then the next... And then the next. Soon enough it became your favorite place.
It doesn't matter how hard Sam tries to give off this 'I don't give a fuck about you or anything else' vibe, the truth is that he's a total sweetheart— well, once you dig deep enough at least. The more you spoke to him, the more you learned about him. Even when he acts annoyed at how bubbly you're being, your sweet, innocent smile, is enough to warm his whole chest, you're just that cute! He's not used to people being so nice to him all the time, and you're always trying to talk to him. Complimenting him on his fashion choices or trying to talk about your few shared interests.
Sam would notice every little detail about you, and how could he not? You went almost daily to the coffee shop. He quickly learns exactly how to make your latte. The temperature, how strong it was, how much sugar to add.
It doesn't take too long for the poor guy to develop a crush on you. But this is Sam Monroe, talking about his feelings and being vulnerable isn't his strongest suit.
He ends up learning how to make some simple latte art, a skill he doesn't particularly use often. But it's the reason why you found out that the guy was crushing on you.
This particular day you were in a hurry, so you make your order and request that is served in a disposable cup and not a mug. Sam made sure to heat up the milk to the exact temperature you like. The only difference is that this time, he made a heart with the foam and slapped a cap on it almost instantly, giving the cup to you with an uninterested look.
“Here. It's hot so don't be stupid and drink slowly. Already put the sugar in it.”
You smile sweetly, rolling your eyes with humor as you put a few dollars in the tip jar. “Thank you, Sam. You make the best coffee here, y'know? I'm gonna miss you when you quit.”
The comment makes him want to smile, but he shrugs instead. Sam bites his lip to prevent the smirk that was about to happen from forming.
“Whatever, that's what I get paid to do... It's not like it took any real effort to make it,” he says with a tone that suggested he was bored. But that's the thing, he did put his best effort into it. "And you'll be fine.”
You smile again, not being bothered by his bratty tone. You know it's nothing against you, that Sam always did that to people. You figured it was just the way he was, or that it was some sort of defense mechanism. You also heard him when he said he already added the sugar, but you always like to see how foamy your latte is, so imagine your surprise when you remove the cap and find the shape of a heart, it obviously wasn't an accident. Your eyes met with a very flustered and blushy version of Sam.
“W-why the hell did you do that! I told you it had sugar already, damn!” he complains, furiously wiping the countertop that was pretty much squeaky clean before he began 'cleaning it'. You had never seen Sam so red and embarrassed before. It was adorable, and it was making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You giggle, what else were you supposed to do? At this point you forgot how late you were to your own job. You wanted to take a picture of the coffee, but you didn't want to torture him any more.
“But... But it's so pretty, Sammy!” you praise, biting your lip shyly. “I really like it.”
The mix of you praising him, biting your lip and then giving him a nickname made Sam groan, his face getting even redder than before.
“W-whatever, it doesn't mean anything.” He grumbles, briefly looking at you. “... Unless you want it to mean something.” he adds, not being able to stop himself. Sam cringes at his own words, afraid that he only made a fool of himself. Not to be dramatic, but he felt like he could quit just because of this. “Well?”
You were not used to making bold moves like this, but you reach over the countertop for the marker he had on his apron. Sam frowned at the action, but kept watching you with curiosity.
Taking one of the flyers they had at the counter, you wrote your number on the back and handed both things to Sam.
“I'm a simple girl, I'm fine with watching a movie and grabbing some burgers afterwards” you give him one last smile before leaving the cafe. He had no excuses, you gave him your number and a first date idea. You even took the pressure of planning out the whole thing off of him. Now all you had to do was wait, and you had a feeling that he would be reaching out to you soon.
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You smile big, looking down at the heart in your cup. You had a really good feeling about this, you just hope you're right.
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lovingseventeen · 10 months
Hey, Zin! Hope you're healthy and doing fine! May I request a post about what would svt do when they have a crush on someone? This idea just popped up in my mind in a broad daylight, and I think you're the perfect writer for this 🥰
svt when they have a crush
a/n: i wrote this in a svt x you pov, i hope that's fine :))
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❀ offers to do anything and everything for his crush
❀ he sees you struggling to open a water bottle? he's ever so casually speed walking to open it for you
❀ you're about to open a door for yourself? no you're not!
❀ "oh! i got it" he'll tell you, holding the door with a strong hand as he watches you leave the room
❀ tries to be brave but the second his you lean into his face slightly (maybe even just to tease him) he's soft like putty
❀ teases, teases, and teases his crush but in a very lighthearted way
❀ maybe the two of you are hanging out and casually playing basketball
❀ if you miss he's all "ayy, why are you doing it like that" but he's so smiley as he watches you
❀ but in the end he tries to help you out, but ALSO uses this as a moment to flex how good he is
❀ charms the hell out of his crush
❀ light touches on your arms when you're talking, a hand on your back as you walk through a crowd so he doesn't lose you, casually leaning in to hear you speak a little clearer
❀ but of course he'll never cross a boundary he knows about
❀ idk i feel like he just knows how to make someone fall for him too
❀ his stomach may be tumbling whenever you smile at him but you'd have no idea
❀ somewhat gaslights himself into thinking that he doesn't have that much of a crush
❀ but the members do catch him searching for your name in the list of who liked his most recent post
❀ "do you think i look okay in this? so why they didn't like the picture?"
❀ "bro you posted it two minutes ago, they literally probably haven't seen it yet"
❀ he's always the life of any gathering, but he does get uncharacteristically quiet when you're around
❀ doesn't really know how to start a conversation (case in point - think of how he was handing stuff out at their concert that one time)
❀ but if you're eating together he does place a couple of extra things on your plate
❀ "you should have this"
❀ will also get very pink if you return the gesture LOL
❀ you'd miss it if you weren't observant
❀ but he does think of you a lot and he does small gestures that show it
❀ maybe he was walking by a shop and saw a small keychain he thought you'd like
❀ "you mentioned this show right? i saw this the other day and thought of you" he tells you
❀ he loves seeing you light up over the little keychain and he smiles whenever he sees it on your bag knowing he got it for you
❀ will avoid you for the longest time because he feels like his stomach somersaults every time he sees you
❀ but one day he can't take it anymore and he'll blurt it out directly because he feels like he might just explode if he holds it in any longer
❀ never actually announces that he has a crush on you but every single one of his members has heard ENOUGH about you that they know
❀ finds himself bringing you up in half of his conversations and he can't stop it
❀ "did you guys see y/n's post? they look so pretty in it..."
❀ he likes all of your stories where you're in the photo somehow- whether it's a selfie, a picture with a friend, or you showing off an outfit
❀ "you know what y/n said to me? they said they liked my new hair" he'll hum (he'll think about that compliment for a week)
❀ for someone who mentions you a lot he gets weirdly quiet when you're around and his members get their revenge by pointing it out LOL
❀ puppy vibes ofc - i had to do it
❀ thinks he's being subtle with how often he's glancing at his crush but he kind of isn't
❀ listens so intently when you talk, but he doesn't realize that you notice the sparkle in his eyes when he looks at you
❀ gets so pouty when he bakes a bunch of cookies and his members eat all of it before he gets to give you one
❀ someone who actually succeeds in being subtle LOL
❀ always makes sure you’re walking on the inside of the sidewalk type of guy
❀ casually never lets you pay for anything
❀ “i got it, don’t worry about it” whenever you two eat out
❀ eventually confesses in the perfect setting and perfect timing in private too - just so you don’t feel pressured either
❀ someone who'll win you a plushie at a carnival game or one of those claw machines
❀ “y/n watch this” he’ll tell you, seemingly confident in his athletic ability (secretly he’s freaking out) at one of those carnival games where you just have to shoot a basketball
❀ “so here’s the technique for these machines” he’ll also say, as he presses the button that signals for the claw to drop
❀ maybe you go home with 2 plushies that day, or 7
❀ awkward but cute laughs when you make a joke
❀ i feel like he'll compliment you in a very vernon way???
❀ "your jacket looks big on you, but in a cool way"
❀ "oh is this hairstyle new?" "oh yeah it is" *he just does a thumbs up*
❀ will try to do some kind of dance move or impersonation of michael jackson or something to impress you but it leads to him falling over
❀ he’s about to go home and delete his social media when he hears your laugh
❀ but he also sees that it’s not a mean one, and that you’re hurrying over to crouch next to him
❀ “okay king of pop” you tease, “are you okay though?”
❀ great, just when he thinks he can’t get any more smitten :’)
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kpop---scenarios · 6 days
Reckless (9) - Final
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying this story! I'm so sad it's come to an end!
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @iambangchanswife
@seungminsapuppy @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa @gabriellamarie
Previous Chapters
“I love you.” You tell Minho, grabbing his hands. “I'll always love you, but you and me, right now, cannot happen.”
His head drops, you can see his shoulders shake as you hear his breath shudder, letting it out. ”I'm sorry. But I need time. You need time. We need to heal, separately and if when I'm back in a few months, then we can see.” You whisper.
You did give him a guarantee. You couldn't. You didn't know how you were going to heal or who was going to help you heal. You couldn't tell him how you would feel in a few months. You had no idea yourself even.
“I'll wait for you. I'm going to start going to therapy, I'm really going to turn my life around to be the best version of myself for you.” He tells you.
“Don't do it for me, Minho. Do it for you. And if I'm lucky enough, I'll get to be with that version. But if someone comes into your life, don't reject them just because of me. If we're meant to be, then we will be.” You smile. “Now go, I have to finish packing and I have to be at the airport really early.”
“Can I take you?” He asks.
“Jisung is.. but you can come.” You say. He half smiles, nodding his head before turning out of your room. Your heart felt heavy and it took everything in you not to burst into tears and hold onto him for dear life. You didn't want to leave him but you knew if you stayed, things would get worse. The two of you would be toxic and you didn't want either of you to end up like that. You loved him as he loved you. And if your love was strong enough then it could withstand some distance.
“Be safe. Call me. Alot.” Jisung chuckles, giving you the biggest hug. You moved on to Jisoo, and then Hyunjin and then Chan, who all had also decided to come see you off. The last person you had there was Minho. You wrap your arms around him as he holds you so close. You take a deep breath, inhaling his scent for the last time for a while. You both pull away, you smile at him, he smiles back. He presses his lips to yours, a short, sweet peck. A tear rolls down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb, keeping his palm on your cheek.
“I love you.” He whispers.
“I love you.” You whisper back. You leave the group of the people you loved most in the world, walking through the gates to your fresh start.
When you landed, it was like you finally felt like you could breathe. You gathered your bag and went to the front doors of the airport, seeing a driver with your name on a sign. He took your bags, leading you outside to his car. The air smells different, it was almost crisper, fresher, the vibes were nicer, the people seemed happier. You immediately fell in love with the place, and you'd barely seen anything yet.
Over the next few days, you got used to your schedule, you finally met your roommate, she was so nice. You made a few friends from your classes and you felt like you were beginning to live again. As the days went on, they passed into weeks, and with every second, every minute, every hour, you thought less and less about Minho. You thought less about the agonizing months the two of you went through, the betrayal you felt from your own brother. Your mind was becoming clearer, and you were beginning to wonder if Minho was truly the right fit for you and you needed to find out if you were capable of loving someone else so passionately. So when a guy from your class asked you on a date, there was no hesitation when you said yes, and you honestly were so glad you did.
“You look gorgeous.” Keeho smiles, offering his hand to you. You happily take it, walking down the street from your dorm, following his lead. The two of you talked while you walked, looking in all the little shops, never running out of things to talk about it. It was refreshing, and so easy. There were no games, no secrecy, no toxicity and it was something you clearly had been craving. The sense of normalcy in a relationship, though you weren't sure if you were quite ready for that. You were happy enough to just be out doing things with someone new.
“So, what was your life back in your hometown?” Keeho asks. The two of you had sat down at a little restaurant with tables outside, ordering a few appetizers as the two of you learned more about each other.
“It was, um.” You pause. “Eventful?” You say, unsure of the word yourself.
“That's definitely a first.” Keeho laughs. “I've never heard someone describe their life as eventful.”
“It wasn't eventful in a good way.” You say, twiddling your thumbs under the table. “I don't really wanna get into it right now, but there are important people that hurt me, that I left behind when I came here. I needed a fresh start to clear my head.”
“You don't have to tell me anything if you're not comfortable.” Keeho smiles. “I'm glad you're here though.” He says.
“I'm glad I'm here too.” You grin. “And thank you for tonight. It's been a while since I've been this happy.”
“You have a beautiful smile. I would love to see you happy all the time.” Keeho says, just as the food is being brought out. You look down, hiding the blush that has spread across your face. Suddenly you see Minho in your head. A split second flash of his face and guilt consumed you. You knew you shouldn't feel guilty, you weren't dating him.
“You okay?” Keeho asks, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, I'm all good.” You laugh, digging into the food. “Oh my god.” You say. “This is so good.”
“Right? I could eat here everyday.” Keeho exclaims.
That night, you laid in your bed, listening to the faint snores of your roommate as you stared at your ceiling. After Keeho had dropped you off, you took a shower, and called Jisung. It took all you had not to ask about Minho, you really just wanted to know how he was doing. A single tear rolls down your cheek. You close your eyes, picturing the way Minho wiped it away that morning at the airport. You missed his touch but you had only been gone for a month. It wasn't time, you weren't done with your healing. You were just beginning, still having four months left here.
Over the next few months, you and Keeho became almost inseparable. If you weren't in class, you were studying together, going out to eat, for drinks, hanging out with other friends. The feeling was quite indescribable but you were so happy and you really liked Keeho. Until, he leaned in to kiss you, and while he was a good kisser, and it was a nice kiss, the romantic feelings, the sparks, just weren't there. It was disappointing because he was such a nice guy, but you couldn't help how you felt.
“I really like you, Y/N.” Keeho smiles as he pulls away from you.
“I like you too..” you pause. His smile fades.
“But?” He asks.
“I really wanted to feel something romantic towards you. Like, desperately. But there's someone back home.. that I apparently just can't get over.” You sigh.
“Your first love?” He asks. You nod your head. “Is he the cause of those eventful months you talked about a while ago?”
You nod your head again. “Before I left, he told me he was going to try really hard to change and to do better. And as much as I want to move on from him, it seems to be impossible.” You sigh.
“I don't think the feelings of your first love ever really go away.” He chuckles. “I know if my first love popped back up, it would be over for everyone.”
“I'm really sorry.” You say.
“Don't be. But don't lose him, like I lost mine. I was such a piece of shit to her, but I wasn't willing to change for her. If he has changed then hold onto him, but if he hasn't, don't be afraid to let him go, Y/N.”
“I'm gonna miss you.” You sniffle, wrapping your arms around him.
After Keeho dropped you off that night, you made a quick call to the airline, changing your flight to the next morning, instead of a few days later like your original flight. You were ready to go home and see everyone. When you landed, Hyunjin and Chan were waiting at the airport for you. They smiled so widely as they embraced you tightly, groaning about how they were never going to let you go again.
“It's been like a year.” Hyunjin whines.
“It was like 5 months.” You giggle.
“That's basically a year.” He sighs.
“It's good to have you home.” Chan grins, ruffling your hair.
The three of you walk out of the airport, heading to the car where you were heading to surprise Jisung at home. He had thought you were arriving for a few more days, so you were excited to shock him by just showing up.
You leave your bags with the boys, heading straight inside, hoping Jisung was actually home. You open the door, walk in. “Helloo?” You call out. “Is anybody home?”
“Y/N!?” Jisung screams, running from the kitchen. He bolts straight for you, almost knocking you over as he wraps his arms around you. “How?” He gasps. “When? How?”
“I just missed you all too much.” You laugh, holding onto him even tighter. He lets go of you, taking your hand in his to pull you to the kitchen. “I have something to show you.” He says. You get into the kitchen seeing Jisoo standing there, facing away from you.
“Are you gonna hug me or what!?” You laugh. “Also so glad you guys worked things out.”
“Well we kinda had too.” Jisoo giggles, turning around. Your mouth drops as he rubs her belly.
“It's a girl.” She sniffles.
“I'm.. I'm gonna be an auntie?” You gasp. You rush over to her, hugging her so tightly before pulling Jisung in for a hug as well. “I'm so happy for you guys.” You whine.
“Jisung as a dad, who would have thought, huh?” You hear. Turning around you see Minho standing there, a smile on his healthy looking face. He looks happy, and so good.
“Never thought I'd see the day.” You smile.
“Good to have you back, Y/N.” He says, walking up to you with his arms open. You walk into him, wrapping your arms around him. It felt so good, so right. It felt like home.
“I missed you.” You say.
“I missed you too.” He says. “How was it?”
“It was good.” You tell him, releasing him from the hug. “I met a lot of really great people.” You smile.
“Did you.. move on?” He asks.
“I hung out with this guy for a while, he kissed me, but it just didn't feel right.” You say. “But he really helped me heal and figure things out.”
“I'm glad you were able to heal, and become yourself again.” He tells you.
“Me too. You look well..did you.. move on?” You ask.
“No.” He chuckles. “I had a lot of self reflection to do and a lot of self improvement to work on. Y/N, I swear.” He pauses. “If you give me one more chance, I will never make you feel the way I did. I promise you.”
“I think.. I'd like to start over.” You grin.
He laughs. “Well in that case.. Hi, my name is Minho and I'd really like to take you out for coffee.”
“Hi Minho, I'm Y/N.. I'd really like that.”
The end.
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justwritedreams · 7 months
Sin | Jongin
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Idol!Jongin x Reader
Word count: 2.344
Genre: fluff, slight angst, smut.
Author: maari 
Warnings: MDNI!! THIS IS A +18 STORY Explict words and filthy studio sex, oral (fem receiving), sex without condom (don't do this at home), heartbroken Sehun 😞.
Note: WELL i'm proud of this one and I won't even going to deny it lol My stories with Kai are usually short so I don't fall in love with him BYE
Request: I have something we’re he’s at the studio with his s/o and they make out and end up having sex and one of the boys walks in on the (who are you pick had a crush on y/n) and gets mad because he told Kai he liked her and they argue but y/n tells x that she’s only interested in Kai
⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Y/N was trying to control her smile as her body moved on its own to the beat that sounded through the studio's speakers.
"What do you think?" Jongin asked, after the preview he played for her ended.
She looked at him, smiling proudly.
“It’s different from what you’ve done before, but it’s your vibe.”
Jongin sighed, relieved. He closed the file on the computer and turned completely to face her.
“I wanted to try new things for this album.”
“You did it, I'm sure everyone will love it as much as I love it.” she winked at him, seeing him smirk.
"Thanks for being here." he got up from the chair and sat next to her on the couch, his shoulder lightly touching hers. "Means a lot."
Y/N tried to hide her huge smile while feeling the butterflies in her stomach, that's why, unable to think of what to say, she just put her hair behind her ear, looking away a little shyly.
“Well, it’s not like I can deny you anything.” she confessed, wetting her lips with her own tongue and looking back at him.
Jongin kept his eyes fixed on her, raising an eyebrow.
"Anything?" he asked, interested and she narrowed her eyes without understanding what was going on in his head. “So if I tell you that it wasn’t for nothing that I asked you to come here.”
Jongin then brought his body even closer, cornering Y/N between the couch and his strong chest. All she did was take a deep breath, unable to take her eyes off Jongin's dark iris.
“I would tell you that I already imagined it.” she replied quietly, without any strength.
He looked at her as if she were the only woman in the world and hadn't even truly touched her.
That was enough to make her tremble all over.
Not when the heat of his body covered hers so deliciously.
Y/N saw Jongin smile widely before projecting his torso forward and bringing his face to hers so that their lips met in a slow sensual dance, just like the rhythm of the preview he had played earlier.
One of his hands went to her cheek while Y/N's trembling hands went to his chest, even though it was covered by the sweater he was wearing, she felt his heart beating quickly in her palm.
The kiss that was enough to take all of Y/N's breath away was broken by Jongin as he pressed their foreheads together. When she felt his penetrating gaze on her, she opened her eyes to find complicity there. Something that made her legs feel wobbly, as always did when she was with him.
They hadn’t yet described what type of relationship they had, they were together in secret. Nobody knew they were making out in empty hallways or in each other's houses.
It was a mutual agreement, after all, what no one knew, no one ruined, but that didn't mean that the feeling wouldn't grow because Y/N was sure that with each touch Jongin made, she fell in love even faster and deeper.
She knew that trying to stop this from happening was impossible since Jongin was addictive. It was like that the first day they met and it was still like that every time they kissed.
He began another kiss, this time faster, as their tongues met again and their hands were no longer so shy, they roamed each other's bodies.
Her neck was already marked and wet from his devoted kisses on her skin when he started to lift her blouse, making her body and also her pussy combust.
Y/N imagined it would just be another make out session they would have, her fire seemed to complete Jongin's and they couldn't keep their hands off each other, but it wasn't like that tonight.
Involved by the preview played earlier, the atmosphere in the studio became much more sensual after the kisses, which no longer seemed to be enough.
Mainly because he was between her legs when she started to take off the piece of clothing, which she promptly helped him do, considering that she wouldn't be crazy enough to stop his caresses.
His big, warm hands found her breasts and she sighed loudly, feeling her belly squirm inwardly as her panties were soaked.
Jongin had that power over her, his kisses were enough to make her go out of orbit. And he knew it, so much so that his nimble fingers promptly took off the bra she was wearing and his mouth found her breasts, giving the same attention to the hot flesh that his lips and tongue gave to Y/N's mouth.
For her, controlling the moans was an impossible task that she knew she had no control over, that's why she let the studio be filled with her sounds of pure pleasure as her hips tried to rub against Jongin's.
But he was too far away and his intentions were different at that moment, Y/N felt her whole body shiver when he lightly bit the skin of her navel and his fingers found the button of her pants.
She helped him, a little clumsily, to take off her pants and he knelt on the floor, staring at the white panties she was wearing with pure thirst, his fixed eyes made her pussy tremble, yearning for what was to come.
Her panties suffered the same fate as her clothes and her eyes rolled and closed when his finger found your throbbing clit.
Her hips rolled against his hand of their own accord and he approved, starting to move at a pace so slow that it bordered on torture.
Y/N's mouth was already dry and open, her moans were more constant and when she opened her eyes again she saw Jongin bringing his face closer to her pussy.
She trembled from head to toe before feeling his lips against her hot, wet flesh, he placed a soft kiss before extending his tongue out and closing his eyes to eat her like a starved caveman.
Y/N's hand went to his hair, squeezing the strands between her fingers as she felt his wet tongue mix against her own juice that dripped from her pussy, she moaned his name over and over as it was the only thing that her brain could remember at that moment.
His tongue was precise, he knew exactly what to do and how to make her reach orgasm, he alternated between her clitoris and her hot entrance, and he murmured in approval as he felt her inner muscles contract every time he fucked her with the tongue.
But Y/N closed her legs against his face when Jongin kept his tongue on her clit while his fingers worked quickly at her entrance, going back and forth in such a delicious movement that it didn't take long for her to cum for the first time that night.
She tried to take deep breaths as she spasmed and he drank all the juice she had released.
When their hungry eyes met, Jongin's clothes were quickly removed so that Y/N's slender hands could find his hard cock, she stroked it slowly and managed to elicit a few low moans from him. She wanted to make him as ready and thirsty as she was, and she was prepared to do it with her mouth before he stopped her.
"I need you now." He pleaded and she smiled mischievously.
Jongin sat on the couch and Y/N positioned herself on his lap, he directed his dick to her entrance and the moment their eyes met again, he made her sit hard.
Y/N moaned loudly and closed her eyes, her hands resting on his shoulders as Jongin squeezed her waist with a force that would probably leave marks.
She felt his dick pulsating inside her and without being able to control her desire, she began to move.
Moans, the sound of their skin slapping together, everything was so erotic and so right that it made Y/N feel dizzy.
He moved at the same pace, feeling her hot inside and tight enough for him to bite his own lip.
He helped her keep the rhythm but it didn't seem enough, it had to be faster, so he helped her move up and down on his dick and the sounds began to echo around the studio in perfect synchronization as her nails dug into his skin.
“You take my cock so well.”
Throwing her head back, she hugged him around the neck and he held her more tighter around the waist, getting up from the sofa so he could lean her against the wall. Y/N hugged his waist with her legs and their position made him enter deeper into her pussy, this time not only moans came out but also screams of pleasure.
Jongin thrust hard and deep, he went fast and Y/N felt her new orgasm form in her womb as her skin shivered and her toes trembled with excitement.
"Look at me. I want to face you while you cum on my cock.“ He placed a hand on her chin and made her look him in the eyes, without having the strength to look away.
He then took his hand off her face and brought it to her clitoris, where he made circular movements, making her scream even more and feel her whole body shake as the orgasm came strong.
“Babe…” she whispered, weak and breathless.
Seeing her so intoxicated as her cum dripped out, Jongin continued his thrusts until his body shook and his own orgasm came with force.
He moaned softly and buried his face in the back of her neck as they tried to catch their lost breath.
“If I had known this was the kind of thing you wanted to do with me in the studio, I would have come sooner.” she said, laughing and caressing the back of Jongin's head.
He laughed and placed a kiss on her skin before helping her get off his lap, Y/N felt her legs weak and leaned on his shoulder.
“I should have brought you sooner.” He responded and led her back to the couch.
Y/N lay down, tired and saw Jongin take her panties and helped her put them on, making her smile slightly at the gesture.
He put on his own underwear and Y/N was wearing her bra when suddenly the door was opened without delicacy.
“So that’s how it’s going to be.”
Y/N widened her eyes and covered her body with her arms when Sehun entered the studio furious and red.
Jongin remained standing, looking at his friend seriously.
“This is how you repay me after I shared a secret with you.” Sehun said, angry as he stood in front of Jongin.
"It wasn’t on purpose." he explained, the tone of his voice not so calm.
Sehun laughed, bitterly.
“Of course not, but it didn’t stop you from fucking Y/N right here.” he pointed towards the studio as she felt her face burn. “Right after I told you I liked her.”
Y/N felt her jaw drop and looked at the youngest without knowing what to think.
Did Sehun like her? Since when?
“And what did you want me to do, huh? Stop seeing her?” Jongin questioned, irritated. “You also know that I’m in love with her.”
She felt the corners of her mouth lift into a surprised smile.
She always imagined that but she never heard Jongin say it out loud, so hearing those words was a very nice surprise, knowing that he reciprocated her feelings.
“But I didn’t sleep with her right after.” Sehun accused, hurt and Y/N felt her heart sink.
“Sehun.” she called him, getting up from the couch.
One of the reasons why she wanted to admit what she felt for Jongin right away was precisely so that everyone would know what was going on between them, without any more secrets.
But she never imagined that Sehun also liked her and that he would be in the studio at the exact moment when she and Jongin couldn't control the need to be together in the most carnal and intimate way possible.
And he looked at her, completely hurt.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you felt that way.” She pressed her lips into a thin line. “If I had known, I would have explained to you earlier that I have been interested in Jongin for a long time.” He nodded silently. “It’s nobody’s fault.”
An unbearable silence fell in the studio, until Sehun sighed.
“You’re right, but that doesn’t change the fact that my friend betrayed me.”
Y/N opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out and Sehun walked away in long strides, leaving both of them with nothing to say behind.
She passed her hand over her face and looked at Jongin, he shook his head as he looked at the door.
“I think I better leave.” she announced quietly and turned to pick up her clothes.
However, he stopped her, holding her arm.
"Come to my home."
She took a deep breath before looking at him.
“Jongin, but Sehun-”
“I won’t walk away from you because of him.” he spoke firmly. "I can't anymore."
She smiled slightly.
"What do you mean?"
He smiled, moving closer to tuck her hair behind her ear and caress her cheek.
“That if being in love with you is a sin, then I will sin again.”
She bit her lower lip.
“No more sex in the studio?”
He laughed, hugging her around the waist and touching their foreheads.
“I can't promise that.” He kissed the tip of her nose, making her close her eyes. “Not after the sounds you made in here.” he kissed her cheek, purposely in the corner of her mouth. “The scenes are engraved in my head and will hardly ever fade out.”
“Then I guess we will sin together.”
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
three of us / john stones
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summary: keeping secrets from john is never easy, but telling the news is much sweeter after the treble. wc: 900 words mentions of: the ucl final, kinda planned pregnancy, established couple.
today was the day: the champions league final.
john had been waiting for it ever since that dreadful match against chelsea in 2021, when the other english team got crowned. they had to swallow the bitter taste of the loss, while seeing their rivals bask in the rays of victory and history, in equal parts.
this time around, though, it was different.
not only the vibes were different -the entire club had this strange aura only winning teams had, which was backed by their evergrowing cabinet they were filling with trophies almost every week now-, but the players, too. they trusted each other, knew each other by heart, almost having the capacity of anticipating what the other would do, and thus, being able to cover for them in case things got out of hand unexpectedly.
but you didn't really see john in a different light until recently, when you found out you were expecting your first child.
after finding out you were pregnant two weeks ago, you figured it would be better to keep it quiet. at least, after the finals: john was too focused on it, anyways, and you didn't want to bring him any more pressure he didn't need. but also, you wanted to tell him in some meaningful way, and you were too busy right now to figure out how to do it.
luckily, your symptoms weren't strong; you didn't have any food aversion or morning sickness that could alert your partner. but today, after the 95 minutes ended and the whistle was blown, signaling the end of the match, your eyes started to pour.
truth be told, your eyes had started to get a bit glassy when you saw kevin fall to the floor in the first half. you knew the functioning of the team by having seen them almost every weekend when you were cheering for your boyfriend, so you knew something was wrong when the belgian didn't quite have the ball on his feet as much as usual. obviously, it could have been due to inter's plan in defense, but you just knew something was off.
when the whistle was heard across the stadium, all emotions got loose. it truly felt like the stars all aligned, and it couldn't have gone another way. the family box for the man city players started getting empty soon enough, and you knew everyone was running towards the pitch, to give the champions of europe their deserved congratulations. 
it wasn't long until you found your boyfriend, the biggest smile on his face that only seemed to grow ten times bigger when he saw you getting closer. his long legs helped him reach you even before you could take two steps to get to him. "you did it!” you squealed, engulfing him in your arms. he had to hunch a bit to get himself to your size, and do what he meant to do all along: grab your head in between his hands to plant the biggest kiss to your lips. “you don't know how proud of you i am!" you get to say, before he’s bringing you back in for another bone-crushing hug.
"you're part of this, you know?" he says, his big, blue eyes boring into yours. his forehead is resting against yours softly, and it feels like it’s only you two inside the stadium where the match had taken place. "should i start calling you champion of europe now?" you joke, and john laughs at your quip, head tilted back and all.
"i think it'd be fine if you continue calling me love, sweetheart".
that’s when it occurs to you. you won’t get a better moment than this to announce the sweet news. you two wanted this for so long, it doesn't make sense to wait for another occasion, planning a big announcement when it feels like the correct timing is right now.
"what if i have another nickname for you in a couple months?".
john tilts his head in confusion, backing off a bit to see your face and reactions more clearly. "in a couple of months? why not now?" he asks, and you grin at his dumbfounded face. "they're a bit small now,” you begin, and he opens his eyes wide. “they won't use it for a couple of months…".
"they?" he smiles, while bringing you closer to him, hiding your stomach by his larger frame. he was gripping at your waist before, ever since he caught hold of your figure, but now he's drawing little circles with his thumbs. you don't really know if the loving gesture is due to the implication, or he's just mindlessly doing it. still, it warms your heart, just like the way he's looking into your eyes with his bright, hopeful blue ones. 
you nod, and his smile can't get any bigger than it is. "you've just made me the happiest man in the world, you know?" john grins, as he fixes a string of hair behind your ear, that had previously fallen over your eyes. his big hand rests there, on your cheek, softly caressing it and enjoying the soft moment shared between you two.
"thought you already were, with getting the treble and all" you joke, reminding the greatness of what they had just achieved. "good that we won it, then,” john says, heavy barnsley accent clear in his voice. “three trophies for the three of us".
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fredwkong · 11 months
I could maybe use your help! I found some app online that allows me to swap traits or attributes with people and I've been spending the last day going around my local gym swapping parts of myself with random guys - my biceps, my legs, my chest, even my hair and my height. I didn't realise that as well as the trait I've selected from each person, the app randomly chooses an additional random trait to swap the following day! I must have swapped stuff with like five or six guys, so worried I'm going to wake up with a bunch of random traits! Can you help?
Just as a reminder to everyone, please read the fine print before getting involved with something like this! Those EULAs can contain anything these days. You probably didn’t even realise that the app can swap traits other than physical ones.
I’m not tech support or anything, but I can at least help you reconstruct the changes that are going to happen. How about this: I’ll use my powers to make sure that you’re happy however you end up, okay?
Swap One: Attitude
Seems like whoever you swapped biceps with was sort of a swaggering asshole. I bet he’ll be better off with your old meek attitude. And with your big body, this douchey vibe will work even better.
Swap Two: Intellect
Those legs? That guy did legs every day because he couldn’t remember more than one workout split. You’re still smarter than a fifth grader, but it’s uncomfortably close. No more reading classics for you, but the guy you swapped your legs from now has the intelligence to build an even bigger body.
Swap Three: Career
You thought that you’d swapped your handsome, manly face from a male model, but that was all a cover. In fact, that guy ran an OnlyFans for his primary income. With your new body, you make way more money than he did, though.
Swap Four: Kinks
The hair came from a guy who was into body hair, sure, but you’re also about to find yourself with a love for a tight pair of briefs. They show off your dick perfectly, and once you’ve worn them for a few days they build up a really sexy smell.
Swap Five: Hygiene
Speaking of which, the guy you swapped heights with happened to be a total stink pig. You’d had a hard time getting close enough to him to activate the swap, he smelled so strong. Well, he’ll be showering more, but you might not even wash once a week from now on. Trust me, your fans will love it, and they’ll probably even pay you for your used briefs after you really grind your smell into them.
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Well, with my guidance, things seem to have gone pretty much perfectly! Hope you enjoy your new life! Please remember to properly subscribe and read the fine print next time you see a magical app that’s too good to be true. Well, if you can even read technical language anymore.
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skythighs · 2 months
Calista's Dream
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Hi there, this is my first ever attempt at writing and posting anything on Tumblr. I won't lie it's a bit intimidating. However, I decided to give it a try. I love Feyd so much that I was compelled to go for it. This will be a series. I'm not sure how long yet. I wont be following the Dune storyline fyi. This part is in 3rd person but the rest will not be done this way, it just happened and I couldn't stop it lol.All of pictures from my collage are from pintrest and I don't claim them as my own I just put them together for a little vibe.
word count:1.9k
10175 AG
“A girl! Your Grace, a healthy baby girl.” called Dr Yueh.
The rolling thunder was all the louder in the silent room. The Red Duke found himself confused, disappointed and yet joyous. He had begged Jessica for a son and yet here he stood father to a daughter. Jessica watched him closely from the birthing bed. She was covered in sweat and utterly relieved her duty was done. 
“Come name your daughter Your Grace.” Said Lady Jessica calmly.
Duke Leto walked across the room slowly and gracefully as if he didn't feel the floor falling out from under his feet. Jessica held the girl snuggly against her chest. The babe was resting peacefully; she hadn't even cried as she made her way into the world. 
“Is she well?” Inquired Duke Leto hesitantly. 
“She is quite healthy. Small but strong.” Answered the doctor. 
Jessica passed the child into his arms. Only once wrapped securely in his arms did she open her big gray eyes. His heart skipped a beat and he was overwhelmed with unconditional love for his daughter. Although she isn’t the son he asked for, she was perfect. His perfect daughter and he would cherish her until his dying day.
“Calista. Calista Atreides.”
“A lovely name.” Said Lady Jessica, smiling to herself.
“It means most beautiful, because she surely is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. Thank you Jessica, for giving me more than I could have imagined.”
Calista Atreides came with one of the biggest storms in Caladan’s history and much like a storm she was the calm that inevitably followed. 
Leto happily announced her birth and named her his heir leaving many shocked at his decision. He could still have sons even if Lady Jessica wasn’t willing to give them to him, but he was content. Now that he had Calista he didn’t want anything. She was enough, she was a part of him and he was proud. His love for Jessica grew tenfold knowing that she had given him such a gift. 
Thufir Hawat was adamant the Duke reconsider naming his daughter as heir to House Atreides. He came up with endless possibilities of such a thing ending catastrophically whenever he tried to calculate a better outcome none came forward. 
“My Duke, she could be taken away and trained by the Bene Gesserit. She would not be a true Atreides then. She would be one of them.”
Leto considered this and simply informed Thufir his beloved daughter would never be taken from Caladan while there was breath in his body.
By 10185 The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam arrived on Caladan unannounced no less stating urgent business for Lady Jessica in the middle of the night. The Reverend mother wanted to lay eyes on the girl herself. For she could barely accept that Jessica defied her most beloved Duke.
After formalities and respects were paid. Gaius demanded to be brought to Calista Atreides.
Lady Jessica led her through the corridors silently. Neither of them spoke for they both knew the true meaning of this visit. This mere girl would bring forth the Kwisatz Haderach, and she must undergo proper training despite the Duke's wishes to keep her home.They reached the girls chambers and Jessica opened the door as quietly as possible. However when they looked upon her the child was not asleep. She was looking right at them from the comfort of her many blankets and pillows.
“Cali, there is someone you must meet.” Lady Jessica coaxed her from under the mountain of blankets.
Calista sat up and looked at the Reverend mother in the doorway. She felt a strong dislike for the old croon right away. Feeling such a strong aversion to the woman she tensed once she saw her step over the threshold into her bedroom. 
“You look like a viper ready to strike, child. Why?” Asked the old woman her crows feet deepening.
Cali looked at her mother with a question in her innocent brown eyes. Eyes that were once gray like Letos.
“Speak freely Calista. Lies will do you no justice here.”
“I saw you once before, in a dream..in a nightmare.”
Mohiam lifted her head, not surprised by the revelation.
“And what happened in this nightmare?”
“I only remember the start and the finish of the nightmare. You take me away from my home, from my father.”
Jessica stroked her daughter's thick wavy hair. Hair as black as Leto's own.
“What else?” prompted Jessica.
“I die. I die before my time.”
A deafening silence fell upon the three of them.
“How do you die?”
“Bloody and split open, before my child can take his first breath, before he can live.”
Jessica gasps. Calista never mentioned any such dream to her. She saw the boy, the Kwisatz Haderach, the one she was made to bring forth into the world. The poor girl was only ten years old, and yet she knew she would die in childbirth if taken by the sisterhood. 
“And this all stemmed from you being given formal training by the sisterhood? How do I know this isn’t some ploy for you to stay on Caladan.”
“Lies would do no justice here Reverend mother. If what I said was untrue you would know.”
The finality in the statement of a mere child felt too confounding, too absolute. At only ten years old, a babe to this infinite existence of time and space this child carried an air of understanding. 
The truth of the matter was Gaius Helen Mohiam intended on taking Calista this very night to begin training as a Bene Gesserit sister. At ten years old, she had already spent too much time with her parents on caladan when normally she would have been taken during infancy to assure the best outcome of her purpose. However, this was different. She was the Duke's heir, and she was the mother of the Messiah, and somehow, leaving Caladan this night would assure her doom and that of their long-awaited plans. Not only would she die in childbirth, but so would her son. 
“You may stay here child, your mother will train you herself, but you must know you will leave Caladan one day never to return.”
“My mother told me you can’t see the future.”
Ah, there it was the Atreides defiance. Mohiam thought and with that she returned to her no ship leaving Calista tucked away safely in her bed. Her training wasn’t worth the life of all that they had waited for. Jessica was skilled enough to train her here from the comfort of Caladan, it would do.
Calista Atreides was her father's daughter. She was much more Leto than Jessica in every way that counted. She was born an Atreides, and perhaps she would die that way too, but one thing was certain she would never be a part of the sisterhood.
That very same week Leto informed Gurney to begin training Cali in combat. Ten years old was plenty old enough to learn self defense.
“Okay little duchess I want you to mimic my movements as best you can. Like this. “ he demonstrated some simple stances and movements for her to follow. She did so with ease.
“Excellent form Cali, you're a natural. Now I want you to use the movements I've shown you and strike me here.”  he pointed to his padded chest. Small but mighty indeed she fought with everything she had. He didn't even have to coax it out of her. 
“Your father will be very proud to hear of your progress Cali.”
“When will we use swords Gurney?” He smiled at that and the large scar on his face rippled.
“One thing at a time little lady. One thing at a time.”
As the years went on Calista mastered hand to hand combat as well as sword fighting which was led by Duncan Idaho. The discipline needed for sword fighting didn't come as naturally as hand to hand but with time and practice she got there. Her small stature allowed her to move quickly and efficiently. Striking fast and moving away from danger was her usual tactic. 
Over the years she did train with her mother Lady Jessica in the arts of the sisterhood however her heart was not in it as it was with her combat training. Along with combat and Bene Gesserit skills she was taught history, linguistics, and politics at an extensive level. 
When she was just thirteen her father received an order from Emperor Shaddam IV stating she was to be betrothed to Feyd Fautha Harkonnen, the Na Baron of Giedi Prime. He was just one year her senior and already quite the capable Harkonnen if the rumors were to be believed. He was vicious for one so young and Leto feared what would become of his precious Calista. A knock on his study door broke him from his deep thoughts.
“Father, can I come in?”
“Come in Cali, there's something I want to discuss with you.”
His dark haired dark eyed daughter walked to him still in her training clothes. She was still small for her age but her eyes held a wisdom he could never understand. 
“I’ve just received word on your betrothal from the Emperor himself. You are to wed Feyd Rautha Harkonnen on your twentieth birthday. In just six short years I will have to part with you- only for a time.”
“Feyd Rautha. I’ve heard of him, he is my age ,and the Barons chosen heir over his elder brother Glossu Rabban.”
“Yes my darling girl. You are very well informed on these matters it seems.” He pulled her to his armrest so she could sit with him.
She put her small hand on his cheek.
“You look very troubled by this news father. Why?”
“The Emperor forcing my hand in this makes it feel as though you’re a sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter.”
He squints his eyes as he looks at her. He wasn’t sure why he said such a thing to his own daughter but he couldn’t help being truthful at this moment, he would never lie to himself so he would grant her the same courtesy.
“I am no lamb, father. I am you. Feyd Rautha Harkonnen will have no choice but to treat me according to my station. I am a Duke's heir in my own right. I am your heir, your beloved Calista. Do not fear, fear is the mind killer.”
He smiled hearing her mirror her mothers words.
“You are me. I would like to increase your combat training. You’ve made incredible progress these last few years, but when you leave the comfort of your home I want to be certain no matter what the Harkonnen intend, you can hold your own.”
“Size doesn’t matter, skill matters, heart matters. Any man that mistakes me for a lamb will pay with his life.”
“Now you sound like Gurney.”
He kissed his daughter's forehead and sent her on her way. He had to send his reply to the Emperor. He would accept the betrothal with conditions of course. Feyd Rautha would court her properly and he would meet her family face to face on her home planet a month before the wedding. It was not much, but at least it was something.
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walrus150915 · 18 days
Happy pride, Nimona fandom :3
I gotcha some sketches! Gotta place them in different parts of the post so that you read everything
It's not just drawings I got HEADCANONS for you too!
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Off topic but I love Nimona's design SO MUCH it's so AMAZING TO DRAW AGHHH
⚧Nimona LGBTQ+ specific headcanons of mine🏳‍🌈
• I've made a conclusion that if queer flags exist in Nimona universe, as well as gay drag bars (so was confirmed in the artbook), then labels DO exist. As well as good old homophobia??? I suppose????
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• Nimona doesn't have a specific label because she thinks they are sorta restrictive. Also she just doesn't need one lol, if somebody asked her about her gender she'd say "Nimona"
• She'd wear the heck out of a "protect trans kids" shirt she bought no she ain't feeding into the capitalist machine she stole it
• There was something between Nimona and Gloreth but Nimona can't exactly say what for sure. Not exactly romantic but not strictly platonic. Homegirl had that toxic doomed kindergarten yuri going on😭
• Nimona doesn't look for romantic relationships. She explains it as "romance is for sappy dumb-dumbs" but in reality she just doesn't want to date and romantically love somebody who'll. Eventually die and leave her all by herself again yk (oh this got angsty real fast)
• Maybe one day Ballister tried to help her find her label (because he still tries to put things in boxes) and she just waved it off
Speaking of Ballister
• My man is transgender. Do I even have to explain. Read one of those posts that explain his transness better LMAO
• He started his medical transition as a teenager and had to fit right in not to disrupt the Institute's function. If he's a man then he has to transition QUICKLY so that others don't notice
• Because of that he's a transmedicalist and probably an enbyphobe at the start of the movie, thinking only one type of valid transness exists, and it's the one that is very binary and restrictive
• At the end he realizes the wrong of his ways and works on the internalized transphobia
• He came to terms with his homosexuality a bit easier. "It's always been boys" yk the drill
A couple of words about his boy lol
• Ambrosius is a painfully cisgender gay man. I genuinely apologize to all Transbrosius believers but he gives off STRONG cis vibes can't have a character with this surname dickless
• He's a trans ally but his opinions on trans issues were like. Very closed-minded. He supported but didn't entirely understand. Of course it changed as he went through ✨character development✨
• He was fully supportive of Ballister on his trans journey. Reassured him when Ballister felt like he wasn't enough, tried to make his boyfriend as secure as possible, loving every part of him
There should be a bunch of rather suggestive headcanons but this isn't that type of post LOL
No but think about Ambrosius kissing down Ballister's body and across his chest scars. This is my ultimate dream as a trans man
• Ambrosius also rocks a "protect trans kids" shirt that's for SURE
• He came to terms with his queerness as a teenager and had a whole crisis about it. As a Goldenloin he had the expectations of ✨continuing Gloreth's bloodline✨ thrown at him back in childhood so he sorta internalized that. Then boom, my boy is g a y and oh how gay he is!
• Click here to read about my headcanons on goldenheart when they had only started falling in love :D
• Ambrosius made inoffensive jokes about Ballister's transness. Like yk those goofy puns like "baby you put men in MENstruation", "omg does this make your parents transparent". Ballister smiled at them and rolled his eyes but also silently appreciated his bf's support, although expressed so stupidly
• He also made sure Ballister took proper care of his body because you know Ballister would not bind safely, being a dumb teen
Anyway yeah gay people
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Unpopular opinion but we as a fandom should start drawing Bal with a disability queer pride flag
Side characters headcanons, anyone? XD
• Diego came out as nonbinary after the events of the movie. He got that he/they swag going on
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• Also Ballister was his queer awakening FIGHT ME ABOUT IT. He had the stupidest, most childish celebrity crush on Bal. Maybe Bal formed Diego's type in men fjfhhx I like to think Diego got a boyfriend whose attitude is similar to Bal's
• Remember those news anchors? (they are so underrated omg) Well Nate Knight has a husband and Alanzapam Davis is a bi queen🙏
• Speaking of queens. Valerin is a straight ally💪💪 I imagine her being quite iconic on the Kingdom's queer side of the internet. They call her "mother" and stuff aajjaj
• the Director is homophobic, need I say more? So is Todd but I actually imagine him being a type of guy to reject his queerness
Haha mailman *winks at yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt*
• Todd had NO idea Ballister was trans. NONE
• The Kingdom has pride events!! Ambrosius and Ballister were very happy and excited to attend those as an official couple once they were out :}
• Nimona attended them every year, ofc she had to hide her true nature but it was fun for her to march along! And it was even more fun when everyone accepted her!!
Anyway yeah this was very fun to make!! Happy pride y'all, lmk what you think ;D
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ravens-two · 11 months
PICK A CARD reading
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What do you need to work on?
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Deck used: Dark Wood Tarot
Pile 1
2 of Pentacles
"We've been breathing underwater no we don't know how/ Time will keep us moving so don't turn back now" Closer every day - Chris Malinchak, Stealth
Hi, pile 1, I think it's really interesting that you picked an illustration with a person almost drowning and then this song came up. I feel like things have been difficult lately, it might be that you've been feeling like you're barely been able to keep up with everything that's going on in your life. With the 2 of Pentacles thrown in here as well, you may have been in a situation where you're trying to deal with two big things at once. Like, say for example, you're dealing with your own problems and a helping a friend deal with their problems as well. The first message that is coming for you pile 1 is that you need to prioritize because you won't be able to keep every ball in the air.
Now onto what you need to work on. The 2 of Pentacles is a card of duality and flexibility, of making space for a little bit of everything. For me this means that you need to work on not seeing things so black and white. I think that the people in this pile either have a bit of a fatalistic view of things or are super happy go lucky with no in-between. Spirit is asking you to try and look at things in a different way. Maybe things aren't all terrible - or maybe they aren't perfect. You need to recognize the good, the bad and the neutral in every situation. Also, you don't need to have a super strong and unchangeable opinion on everything. It's okay to change your mind as you grow and learn, and sometimes you won't have an opinion at all - and that is perfectly fine.
Going back to this difficult situation that you have been going through, maybe take a little bit to think about it and try to see it from a different angle. Has anything good come out of it? What is a simple thing that you could do that would make this situation better? Try to keep it as simple as possible, sometimes our fears and worries make our problems seem more monstrous than they truly are. As a last little message: be brave and keep going! You're so so strong and as your song says you're getting closer every day. Don't give up now!
Pile 2
The Sun
"Wake me when I fall" Wake me - Messages To Bears
Hey there, pile 2! First of all let me ask, how are you? Are you okay? This may not be for everyone, but I am getting deep sadness and depression vibes from this pile. There's almost a sense of mourning here. You may have recently lost someone or something that was very important to you. Some of you may have never even had this thing to begin with - like you wanted to get into a certain college but you didn't make it. Honestly the vibe here is like seeing the first rays of sunlight, but not being entirely convinced yet that it will rise indeed. I have this feeling that despite this loss and this longing you want to be hopeful, but you're not seeing enough proof that everything will be alright yet.
With the Sun card here more than working towards something (even though yes you do have to work for it) I think that what you need is reassurance. And I really want to give it to you pile 2. Yes, everything will be okay. No, the future won't undo what has been taken from you and it won't erase the pain you have been and you are going through. But you will laugh again, you will feel the sunshine on your skin again and you will feel happy and content. This was not the end. Your future is still being built and it wants to tell you that you will be alright. Side note, but the song "A quarter past five" by Avi Kaplan just came to mind because he sings something like "It turns out fine". And yeah pile 2 it does turn out fine.
Your life is currently in expansion, maybe it's really hard to see it yet, but it is. You will be safe, healthy and happy. The only thing that Spirit wants you to do is to hold on. Keep being hopeful, keep one foot after the other and you will get there. There isn't a future without pain, that's just impossible, but there is a future filled with joy and contentment ready for you.
Pile 3
The Tower
"Have I found you, flightless bird? / Or lost you, American mouth?" Flightless Bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
Pile 3, the Tower is the card of destruction, but in your reading, rather than predict disaster this card is asking you to evaluate your behaviors. Have you been unnecessarily aggressive lately? Have you been lashing out at the people who love you? Even if you don't necessarily mean to, mean words may have been quick on your tongue lately. Spirit wants you to think about these misplaced aggressions. Who are you really angry with? or What are you really angry about? There are other, healthier, ways to use this anger. Art or sports could be a way to channel this aggression in a way that would make you feel better and that wouldn't hurt your loved ones. The most important thing to realize though is that misplacing your anger/taking it out on others doesn't make you a bad person. Realizing that you're doing it and not making an effort to change though, does.
This isn't necessarily the case for everyone though. I feel like some of you are taking it out on yourselves instead of other people. Simple thoughts like "oh you're so stupid" or "you screw everything up" are signs of self-aggression. Just like the others, I ask you to stop and to think what is causing that anger and why are you taking it out on yourself. Why do you feel that you deserve bad things? This is difficult work, but that will make you feel so much better.
Others of you may be trying to make trouble on purpose as a way to gain attention. This could be literal trouble, like stealing or cheating, or it could be a more subtle form like provoking someone into a fight. Again, we make no judgments here. But ask yourself why do you feel like you can't just ask other people for their attention? What or Who is making you feel unseen? You deserve to be loved just as you are pile 3 and you don't need to be perfect or to cause trouble to deserve other's attention.
Pile 4
7 of Pentacles
"I don't love very often when I do I love too hard" Stupid Boys - Cassidi
Pile 4, according to Sasha Graham (the creator of the Dark Wood Tarot) the 7 of Pentacles is a card of slumber. For you, the work you have to do is subtle in a way, because it's hard to realize all the small little things that we do and that hurt us in the long run. Constantly and without us realizing we continue to hurt ourselves until it's hard to understand where our problems are coming from. You need to wake up pile 4. I know that there are times when we just want to curl up into a ball and daydream our days away, but what you need to do right now is the opposite of that. You need to gather your courage and wake up. Go slowly at first, just watching, paying attention to yourself. What opportunities are you losing without even noticing, because you're afraid? These could be really "simple", like being invited to go out with a group of friends and refusing because you've been anxious. You think that going out will be worse for your anxiety, but the more that you keep refusing these outings the more your anxiety grows. You are giving it power, essentially. This is just an example, but some of you might actually have anxiety (also I also have it and I know that it's really easy to talk, but very hard to actually to take action).
Another big thing that you need to face is fear. What are you afraid of? What is fear taking from you? What would be the worst possible outcome of something? And then I need you to realize something, you are the one in control here, not your fears. They might freak you out, but they are not in control. Let's imagine that you're in a car with your fears, you're the one driving not them. They might try to grab the steering wheel, they may scream at you to slow down, they may be annoying as shit, but you're still the one driving. You get to decide your path, not your fears.
Ultimately, pile 4 there are big opportunities ahead of you, but you need to wake up, be brave and grab them.
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sempsimps · 2 months
mychael and reader
i love mushroom oasis the vibe as a whole and the aesthetic i love it so much. and of course the mushroom boy mychael himself, and day 2 got my thinking about things, so i think i got the character right maybe and this is probably my shortest fic but the most wholesome a little context is that my version of the mc is that the reason they don't go outside much is hay fever and they miss doing stuff becuse their parents didn't let them out much so when they go out with mycheal in day two the get a new excitement to being outside.
taking a hay fever tablet/pill
the fluffiest fluff you could ever imagine
obviously this game is 16+ i believe so if your not that age tf you doing here
but this is so safe a baby could read it but don't becuse swears ig
the sun bleared onto my face my eyes slowly twitch and i stretched my limbs my hand knocking into skin and somthing fell on my face lightly and my eyes flutter open a tiny bit obscured by green and blue thing on my face.
"ah, sorry firefly i didn't mean to drop that on you"
"mh its okay i'm sorry for falling asleep and... on your lap it seems"
mycheal picked up the thing that landed on my face and i slowly sat up, yawning while rubbing my eyes to rid the tiredness. i looked towards mychael he was making a flower chain using the forget me not's, it looked pretty the blue was a lovely colour. he finished the last part of it and placed it on my head it fit quite nicely and was right above my ears resting.
"aw thank you mych"
i brightly smiled at him before i stood up and stretched with a satisfying click in my back and shoulder yawning briefly.
"by the way how long was i out for?"
mychael looked up at the sky and hummed, figuring out how much the sun moved.
"about an hour firefly"
"huh okay, best nap I've ever had"
i looked around i miss being outside, as i kid my parents never really let me out and i had the urge to climb a tree. 'ah that one looks easy enough' running over to the stump of the tree, i skipped onto the lowest bit that stuck out it was close to the ground using it to reach a big branch that was sturdy and i hoisted myself up, using the tree trunk as a foot hold doing so i got up to where my elbows were parallel to the branch but my foot slipped and chipped some bark of causing my balance to faulter and my arms wrapped around the branch to stop myself from falling off. 'shit' my feet dangled and i struggled to get them back on the tree trunk as i wasn't very strong.
"firefly what are you doing? ah! let me help you get down"
i felt hands on my waist and i stopped kicking my legs he was trying to pull me down but i used that to get up into the tree, i now sat on it crossed legged
"thank you!"
"what are you doing firefly?"
"i can see that but why?"
mychael tilted his head confused, which soon turned to worry as i stood up on the branch and held my arms out to keep my balance, while mychael was panicking beneath me. i just laughed and sat on the branch near the tip. my legs locked over, it wobbled a little as i hung backwards over the edge. i was upside down so my shirt fell a little and the crown slipped off 'damn i was hoping that stayed on' i was now face to face with mychael my hand went out to boop him on the nose.
"hiya, boop!"
"firefly you need to get down, you could get hurt"
his voice clearly had worry in it but at that i started to swing my body and tried flipping forward onto my feat, but ended on my back. luckily the ground wasn't too far away and i landed in the flowers and grass a little winded but okay 'ow fuck that hurt'
"firefly! are you okay that was quite a harsh landing, i told you to be carful. you've winded yourself"
i laid there for a second and mychael was quick to my side and helped me sit up slowly with, a careful hand on my lower back and arm. i just softly giggled.
"well that was fun."
"that was dangerous not fun, hey! take it easy firefly"
"blah come on, ive missed the outdoors let me have some fun, oh by the way is there a river near by? this weather is boiling"
"okay then.... yeah lets go i need a drink, but a are you sure your okay i know that fall wasn't high but still"
i didnt have time to respond becuse i sneezed and my eyes were getting itchy from the grass and pollen 'ah damn hay fever' reaching over to where the flower crown landed and i put it on mychael's head although a little crooked.
"i made this for you, why are you giving it to me?"
"oh im allergic to pollen and my eyes are getting bad. anyway! where is this river you said there was, lets go"
"wait your allergic? isnt that a bad thing?"
"yeah ill talk about it on the way"
he nodded and mychael lead me to a path to the right of where we were, slowly walking to he river. i told him what hay fever was.
"so basically I'm allergic to grass and pollen, and many people have that and its called hay fever. it can causes various things like a runny nose, red or itchy or swollen eyes, coughing and sneezing, so its like a cold but for like half of the year."
"that sounds awful...."
"yeah but luckily i dont have it that bad compared to others, like i just sneeze and get itchy eyes which hopefully will be solved by some fresh water and one of my tablets"
i always kept a packet of tablets on my person just in case, and luckily i didnt forget to have them with me when i left the house to find my cat, and they were quite secure in my slim pocket.
"tablet? that's a type of medicine right?"
"yep, very useful in this day and age for anyone really"
continuing to walk with the living mushroom towards a water source to hopefully keep down the uncomfortable allergy and maybe have some fun in the river, like throwing stones or somthing 'oh that sounds fun ill do that' soon i could hear the water, and mychael moved a bush out of the way.
"okay firefly, we're here"
"nice. this should help a lot haha"
walking over to the water i sat down and popped open the packet putting one in my mouth, and then swiftly cupped my hands and drank the water to get it down me, i swallowed it to get rid of any thoughts, as it was hard for me to take pills. afterwards i stood up and walked along the rivers edge slowly, coming up to a big boulder to sit on. it was partly in the water it made a nice effect in the flowing liquid and i was feeling better by the second.
"that should do it, and maybe I'll climb another tree"
"absoulutly not"
mychael gave a small sigh from behind me, not opting to sit on the large rock but instead sat besides it, near the side of the river. and i laid back taking in the pretty blue sky with minimal clouds. taking a deep breath in 'I'm gonna need more of those during the summer.... he might not like it but i rather not feel dead'
"hey.... mychael i'm running out of the tablets ill need them if im going to live with you out here"
"you want to live with me?"
"yes absolutely! i wouldn't have to pay taxes, and well society sucks"
"that's great! but what are taxes?"
"don't worry about it, but i need those pills other wise i might be really sick forever, becuse of the pollen and like its April now and only going to get worse over the summer"
"we can go get them now?"
"if you help me get some stuff from my house, as well as getting those pills, and i know you might not want me to leave- wait for real?"
i stood up quickly and stood over in shock as i held out a hand for mychael which he accepted standing up as well.
"are you sure i was thinking you'd get possessive and worry i wouldn't come back in like an hour"
"what? that's dumb you need that medicine, so why wouldn't i let you get them?"
"oh right..... god why did i think that? that was dumb! anyway we should get my meds"
i laughed at my overthinking brain and mychael joined in. and started walking in a direction and i quickly followed happily 'living in the forest sounds like the best thing ever'.
okay so i dont know how to end this one so there we go im so happy i finally got this out of my head its been stuck there for ages and now its out also thanks you to my friend who gave me motivation to finish this for them as a token and introduction into tumbler.
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horseshoegirl · 1 year
Damn Those Dog Tags: Part 14 - Sex on Fire
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📓 We have fluff! We have some smut!
This song specifically was one of the big three that inspired this fic! When I saw TGM and the scene at the end when Mav takes Penny up in his plane, this song matched the vibe, and I knew I wanted this for Jake and Liz.
Though I would love for you guys to try and guess which one is the song that inspired the whole story! Cause there is one! 👀
❗️+18, strong language, godmother reader/original female character, Mentions of an original child character, sexual themes (I mean Smut, so get outta here if you ain't +18,), FLUFF, aerophobia, and second dates.
Part 13 | Masterlist | Part 15
(Bradley's Spin-Off one shot here)
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Jake and Sadie were conniving little lunatics. 
Scratch that. Sadie was an annoying insect who knew how to push buttons to get what she wanted. Jake was a gullible poor sod who had the habit of being played by said insect more than once. Because you knew without a doubt, sitting in the front seat of Jake's truck, blindfolded without any idea where you were going, this had her name written all over it.
"Is the blindfold really necessary, Jake?"
"If you knew where I was taking you, you'd jump out of my truck in an instant."
"That's not very reassuring."
Jake chuckled, bringing your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles. "Sadie would kill me if I didn't follow through on this. After all our hard work."
"So you're doing this more for her than me," you tease. You could hear the smile in his voice when Jake replied, "The ladybug incident didn't scare you enough. Sadie's scary when she wants to be."
You chuckled softly, Jake joining in as you felt his thumb stroke across your knuckles.
Going on a date had been the last thing on your mind.
Tyler was still a major concern. Even with Cyclone keeping a watchful eye on the group of police assigned to Sadie and your case, they still needed actual leads. You hadn't paid much attention to his phone call the other day, explaining the pressure on Tyler's father to drop out of his political race or how Tyler's stupid white car was spotted on the interstate, leaving California altogether.
It should have brought you some comfort, but it didn't. The longer time stretched on, the more anxious you felt, wondering when he would make his next move.
Then there was also the matter of Bradley. Stupid, over-emotional, Bradley.
It had been days since Sadie found you in the bathtub - days since the fight. You hadn't heard from him, nor did you expect to. Maybe a tiny part of you didn't want him to reach out. But any nasty thoughts you harboured for him in the days following only managed to turn themselves into pity.
You knew his story. Mav told it enough times for you to recite it by heart. Bradley had only been two when his father tragically passed away. And Carole, his mom, had been devastated. You couldn't begin to understand the circumstances he had to go through as a kid. Each time Mav told the story, he always stressed that no love could have matched Carole and Goose's.
It's no wonder Bradley felt their loss in the way that he did. And you did feel partially guilty, wondering if talking to him about everything before it had gotten this bad would have made a difference. But it was clear he was internalizing something bigger than just hurt feelings. 
You weren't going to make the first move. That would have to be up to him.
It better be a damn good apology.
The idea of a possible date started when Sadie had called you a panicking-inducing hermit, much to Jake's amusement, scared to do anything remotely fun outside the confines of the house. Honesty? It was more to do with the fact there had been no sign of Tyler, no white car following you or sitting outside your house to encourage your paranoia.
You had gone to bed early after that, Jake and Sadie staying up playing a game of cards. You had no idea what time it was when Jake climbed into your bed, waking you up in the process when he pulled you into his chest. But it was definitely later than it should have been for a game of cards.
Jake had stayed with the two of you. Every morning you got to wake up either next to him or in his arms. The Daggers were still grounded; whether it was repairs or upper politics of the Navy, you weren't sure. But you were utterly grateful for his presence. 
It became evident that it was clearly more than a game of cards the following morning. Because in the hours after breakfast, Sadie made herself scarce. And Jake purposely kept you away from the garage, where he had parked his truck, in case Tyler decided to visit.
Sadie's maniacal laughter was another indication, so loud you could hear it through the garage walls. You were slightly concerned about what Jake was letting her do in there. 
But it all came to a head when Nat and Bob showed up at your door, telling you they were watching Sadie for the night, the Bug in question grinning ear to ear as she joined you at the door. You tried to refuse. You didn't want to leave her alone. In a surprise move, Sadie pouted at you. 
She had never once pouted over anything. No, she pushed, sassed, humoured, and produced receipts when she wanted to get her way.
 It freaked you out, so much so you couldn't bring yourself to say no. Which is how you found yourself in the passenger seat of Jake's truck, Nat and Bob standing with her on your front porch as she shouted for both of you to have a good time as he backed out of your driveway.
This was the worst possible timing. And yet, after everything they did, you felt like you owed it to them to try.
"You deserve this, darlin'." Jake's voice breaks through your thoughts, knowing you feel guilty. You squeeze his hand, dropping your chin to your chest. You have to remind yourself that Sadie is safe at home with Nat and Bob, probably arguing over music or what board game to play. And most importantly, you were allowed to take time to do things like this.
It's a few more minutes before Jake finally parks his truck, letting go of your hand and gently taking hold of your face. "Do you promise to give this a chance?"
"I don't even know what you've gotten me into. What Sadie and you got me into."
You can't see his face, so you can't tell what he's thinking. But you can imagine what he looks like right now as you feel him tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. You bet he's staring at you apprehensively, gritting his jaw, and letting out a tiny huff of breath.
"You trust me, right?"
You turn your head to place a kiss on the palm of his hand. "You know I do, Jake."
"Then trust me when I say you won't regret this." You sucked in a breath before you nodded.
Jake lets go of your face to get out of his truck, walking around to open your door and help you out of your seat. You were instantly met with the smell of gasoline and pavement, the hot waves travelling up the bare skin of your legs, and your dress slightly flowing in the wind. There's a second where you think you heard the rumble of an engine or a zoom of a plane, but Jake doesn't give you much time to think about it as he helps you step down and shuts the door behind him.
Looping your arm through his, he leads you away, walking for a bit until he stops and turns to face you, squeezing your hand.
"Stay here," he says, letting you go. You cross your arms over your chest as you wait for him, hearing the sound of keys rattling together, sliding metal and a chain dragging along the ground. And then that's it. Besides the sound of wind in your ears and a few birds chirping, you don't hear any sign of him, and it makes you wonder if he's left you alone, standing in the middle of nowhere.
Until you feel his hand gently touching your arm, and you jolt slightly. "It's just me, Liz."
He guides you forward, making you stand in one spot, hands steadying you by your elbows. You feel him against your back for a few seconds before he's working at the knot of the blindfold.
"Just remember you promised," he said before taking it off.
You opened your eyes - to Mav's plane staring back at you.
You understood why the blindfold was necessary. You would have jumped out of his truck in an instant.
"I said I would get you into a plane for our second date," he said, proud of himself. You knew where this was leading, what he wanted to do. You subconsciously stepped backwards, the words "absolutely not" escaping your lips.
You didn't get very far. Your back met Jake's chest, and he instantly had his arms around you, trapping your body against his. You turn, burying your face in his chest. "I'm terrified of flying, Jake."
"I'm going to be with you the whole time. I promise Liz, nothing bad is going to happen to you." He has the entire nape of your neck in his hand while this other hand is rubbing down the length of your spine in a comforting manner.
You don't know where your fear of flying came from. You've never been up in a plane before, a fact you certainly wouldn't admit to Jake. You were okay with heights, hikes on mountainside cliffs and long car drives.
Maybe it was the idea of not being in control of your body or being grounded.
"Jake, I don't know about this," you admit into his shirt. He presses his lips into your hair before explaining, "I won't let anything happen to you. We're just going up for a simple flight. The wind is perfect right now. There will be no turbulence. Trust me; I'm not called the best aviator at Top Gun for nothing."
He takes his hand off your neck to lift your chin. "Please," he urged, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Let me share something about my life that I love."
It was then, at that moment, you realized Jake and Sadie had something very much in common.
You could never say no to either of them.
If anyone had told you a week ago you would be sitting in the backseat of a plane, currently taxing down to a runway, you probably would have dropped dead on the spot. Even with your nerves on fire and a strong case of nausea, you let Jake help you up and into the back seat once he pulled the plane out of the hangar with little protest.
He was so excited to share this with you. Whether it was in how he helped buckle you into the seat or when he placed the headset on your head, there was a side to him you hadn't seen before. Almost giddiness, you thought, despite every internal voice you ever had screaming at you to run for the freaking hills. Even then, you were grateful you got to see this side of him.
As Jake speaks with the control tower expertly, you dart your eyes around the cabin. While there wasn't anything in terms of controls in the backseat with you, everything still looked old. The seat felt old. The buckles of the straps tying you down looked old. Even the walls looked old.
You also felt higher than you should, staring down at the plane's wings, eyes scoring the features, the colours, and the bumps. You knew you wouldn't find anything wrong. Jake was extremely thorough in his flight check, and you knew Mav cared for this thing like it was his child. But you were still scared, even believing if Sadie could do this multiple times with Maverick, who without a doubt took her for joyrides, you could handle a simple flight with Jake.
You should have fought harder to say no. You should have fought harder to say no.
Jake turns back slightly, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "I know it might seem scary, Liz. But trust me. I got you. We'll go slow."
Jake flies in an F-18, a machine capable of much more than whatever Mav's hobby plane could do. So his definition of slow is highly relative. It makes you feel nervous, wondering what he had planned for you.
It isn't until Jake pushes the plane forward onto the runway that you realize you have to accept that this is happening. Then he's accelerating forward, and you cannot help but hold your breath.
Adrenaline floods your veins as the plane takes off, gravity attempting to pull you back down in heavy anger. You slam your eyes shut, trying to force air into your lungs. The angle seems wrong, and you have this feeling both of you will crash into something, making you turn your face into your shoulder to hide.
Even when the plane levels out and things seem okay enough, you can't open them. Your heart is in your ears, and you're trying not to hyperventilate or make a noise. You don't want to ruin this for him. Because deep down, you knew, even with all the teasing and assurances, Jake would turn the plane around for you the second he got the slightest indication you were seriously freaked out.
So, for the longest time, you keep them shut, nothing but your heartbeat in your ears and the rumble of the old engine to keep you company. Even with Jake making this ride as smooth as possible, you couldn't help but alternate between gripping the edges of the seat or hugging yourself tight.
Don't open your eyes. Don't look down. Don't open your eyes. Don't look down.
"You alright?" Jake's voice crackled through the headset. First, you nodded with a hard sallow. But then you realize Jake couldn't see you. Your voice trembled as you managed to reply with, "Yes."
He chuckled to himself, the noise warm and full of amusement. He knew. He always did when it came to you.
"Open your eyes, Liz," Jake urged gently, his voice a mix of reassurance and excitement. "I'm not going to murder you if that's what your thinking."
Despite your anxiety, a smile manages to break through at his words. Actually, they are your words from the day of the hike when you took him down that hazardous unpaved road to the thrift shop. That had been so long ago, way before anything to do with Tyler, Bradley, or even before whatever this was with him.
He had given you the benefit of the doubt then. You owed it to do the same for him now. Shuttering a deep breath, you gathered the courage to open your eyes slowly.
At first, you half expected to fixate on the view of the ground underneath the plane's wings or catch a glimpse of the shoreline or ocean. That you'd hyperventilate, witnessing perhaps an engine on fire or a piece of Mav's plane missing, flapping in the wind.
You saw none of those things.
Jake had taken the two of you further North of the airport, towards a group of mountains. You were right in the middle of them, green caps and tall peaks making you forget you were even bound to the seat of the plane.
This wasn't flying.
This felt like soaring.
Jake banked the plane around one particular mountain, a tall one at the very end of the group. It wasn't until he purposely straightened out after circling around it, did the sun fully come into view. It was already beginning its descent toward the horizon, painting the sky with various hues and shades of fiery oranges, soft pinks and yellows.
The view from the Ferris wheel at the Fair had nothing on this.
Humans weren't supposed to witness views like this. They weren't supposed to be up this high, feeling like they could touch the clouds or be this close to the sun. Or see the shine, this bright, off the peaks of mountains or even be this parallel with them.
This was only something anyone could ever dream about seeing
As the plane glided through the sky, you could feel the sun's warmth casting a gentle light on your face. You closed your eyes, not out of fear this time, but contentment, placing your hands on either side of the window and taking a deep breath.
But when you opened your eyes, your eyes began to water, and you found yourself biting your lip as you looked back toward the sun. The words spilled out of you before you knew you had said them, your voice almost sounding broken as a single tear escaped down your cheek.
"Hi, Ridely."
Because there was something about being up here, in the clouds and the surrounding mountains and feeling the sun on your face, that brought you that much closer to her. Some part of you felt guilty for refusing Mav, Nat and even Rooster, to some degree, to take you up and experience this.
She was here with you. And you had never felt more free.
"You ready?" Jake asked you. Unknown to you, he was smiling, having heard your remark. You looked at the back of his head, a grin adding to the happy tears gracing your face. "For what?"
Jake didn't give you a reply. Instead, the plane tilted, and suddenly, the world was turning on its axis. A squeal caught in your throat as you found yourself spinning upside down.
But your voice caught in your throat before you could finish your sentence, Jake laughing at your reaction.
Honestly, it wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. You didn't really know what to think about it, whether gravity would be pulling you out of your seat or seeing the world below would make you pass out.
The small part of you, still holding on to your fear, wanted to be mad at him. But the part of you, the one secretly enjoying the entire experience, won out.
The truth was, you couldn't help the laughter suddenly escaping your mouth. You couldn't help the smile as Jake accelerated the plane. Or when he let the nose dip ever so slightly to let it fall, you couldn't help the shout of exhilaration.
The rules of aviation or flight were beyond you as he controlled the plane through the air, nerves dying out and instead being replaced with pure joy.
You really could have cared less about being mad at him now.
The world below, and every problem in it, disappeared. And you were alright with that.
You didn't want to admit to yourself as Jake finally landed the plane that you never wanted that to end. Even if you should be feeling relief at being on solid ground or when he parked the plane in front of the hanger, you were high on adrenaline and sheer joy. 
You peered up at Jake's hesitant face after he helped you climb out of the plane, standing on wobbly legs. You couldn't do anything but pull him down by the back of his head and kiss him hard. He laughed into the kiss, rubbing his hands up and down your side as he spoke against your lips. "I take it your not afraid of flying anymore?"
You pull away, pressing your forehead to his chin. "Only if you are flying the plane."
It's feeding his ego, you are sure. His chest puffs out under your hands, and that cocky smirk he's known for returns, present in the kisses he's placing on your head.
"So I still have a girlfriend, then?"
You stiffen. Jake would want to put a title on this, even if it was only your 'official' second date. The both of you have done so much of this backwards, way outside the box of how 'normal' relationships were supposed to go. But in a few weeks, Jake and you went from a first date to sleeping in the same bed to him staying over for a week.
When was your and Jake's relationship ever straightforward? And as you told yourself in that bathroom at the fair, there was nothing wrong with being in love with Jake Seresin.
"I didn't know you had one," you say nonchalantly. Jake plays along, hands gripping your hips. 
"Oh, you didn't hear? Big Bad Hangman is suddenly enamoured with this assertive, savvy bartender at the Hard Deck. Turned him down flat on his ass the first time they met. Didn't stop him from wanting to be around her, though." 
"The shameless, cocky flirt who says the wrong thing at the wrong time, humbled by her and her sassy niece." He leans down to whisper in your ear. "Not to mention she's fucking hot."
You hummed, nodding your head and purposely avoiding looking at his face when he pulled back, your cheeks flaring up hard. 
"Will you look at me, Liz?"
"I can't."
Jake laughs at your reply. "You can't? Now why's that?"
"Because you're all ego right now and boastful, and you get that cocky smirk when you do," you mummer, still purposely avoiding his eyes. That cocky smirk grows even wider as Jake tugs your hips into his.
"You mean this cocky smirk?" he teases, pressing his nose to yours, maintaining his smile. You're fighting with yourself not to smile, but it's a battle you've already lost. Jake nuzzles his nose against yours before pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, still grinning. And then another to your cheek, just below your eye, before he's littering your face with them, and you laugh as you try to escape him.
"But if you really want to know," he says after you give in, smiling at him as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. "I think you were mine the second you gave me that clean slate in your kitchen."
 "I was yours?" you press playfully, quirking an eyebrow. Jake pauses for a second, making a show of having to think about his answer. Till his face lights up in recognition, and he says," Oh wait."
He makes a show of standing straighter, dropping his voice lower and making his southern accent purposely thicker. "You've bewitched me body and soul since that night in your kitchen."
"Oh," you laugh wholeheartedly, knowing precisely what he's doing. "You're not trying to, Mr. Darcy, this!?"
He frowns. "I thought you liked Pride and Prejudice."
You grin at him, your hands working through his hair before you kiss his lips, pulling back slightly to mummer against his mouth. "That was before I had a decorated hotshot Navy fighter pilot sleeping in my bed."
Jake growls, and you giggle as he bends you backwards, kissing you again.
Stowing away Mav's plane didn't take very long. The two of you were on the road with daylight still out and Jake telling you the night was far from over. He took you to your favourite takeout place before driving to an Outlook, telling you he'd like to come here to think things through.
You know he intends for the both of you to sit on the flatbed of his truck when he backs it into the parking spot, purposely making it face out towards the water. He presses a button before the two of you get out, making the back cover come off. 
But Sadie's involvement in conspiring to get you into the backseat of Mav's plane clearly didn't end with the blindfold. Because the second two of you walk around and Jake drops the tailgate, Sadie's handiwork glares back at you.
You don't know where to look first. Your air mattress sits in the flatbed with a spare mattress cover. A few pairs of blankets are covering it, and you know she would have needed help to get the two spare pillows sitting at the back, the ones you kept on the top shelf of your linen closet.
Of course, Jake could have managed this all on his own. But the dead giveaway was the lights. It only could have been Sadie who had taken the battery-operated string lights you had on the bookcase in your family room and strung them to the sides of his truck, the electrical tape you knew had been Jake's idea.
When you get over your shock, you turn to Jake, absolutely speechless that he let her do all this. He shrugged like it was no big deal. "What? I have to give her credit. Bug's creative."
He set the bag of food down before placing his hands on your waist, lifting you up to sit on the edge of the tailgate. "Get yourself comfy, darlin'."
You didn't move. For the sole fact you were wearing a knee-high dress, and if you turned to climb on top of the mattress, he'd get a pretty nice view of your ass. He shot you a look once he hopped up, and you shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "You can go first."
He chuckled knowingly. "Nothing I ain't going to see eventually."
It was nice to know Jake's ability to make you bush hadn't waned after recent events.
The two of you settled up against the pillows, takeout containers in both of your laps as you ate, talking about Sadie and what it might look like for her when he had to return to school next week. Then his phone rang. You spied the face-time ID as Jake reached for it on the blanket in front of him.
He looked guilty as he asked, "Do you mind if?"
You shook your head, smiling around the fork in your mouth before managing, "Of course not."
Jake handed you his takeout container, bringing his phone up to answer the call. But instead of his sister's face, he was greeted by the sight of a baby in a blue cap.
"Surprise!" Janet's tired voice rang out through the speaker. "Meet your nephew!"
Jake's eyes glazed over the second he stared down at his phone. His hand holding his phone slightly shook, and he reached out to grip the edge of his truck with a thump. You couldn't help yourself when you dropped the takeout containers onto the blanket in front of you and peered up over his shoulder.
"Oh my god, he's adorable."
Suddenly, the camera flipped on his phone, and Jake's sister was staring back at both of you.
Even in a hospital gown, her exhaustion evident, it was clear Janet was Jake's sister. Her hair was the same colour, her eyes the same shade of green. Her mouth was the same shape, and you were sure if she smiled, you would undoubtedly see Jake's same smile beaming back at you.
"Shit, he wasn't kidding when he said you were gorgeous."
You ducked, hiding your face behind Jake's shoulder, heat rising in your cheeks. Whether it was the quickness of your escape or Janet's revealing words, Jake seemed to snap out of his daze.
"Hey, I gotta embarrass you where I can. Call it payback for all the times you shared my dirty little secrets with Ian."
"Those weren't secrets, Jan. He needed to know what he was getting himself into."
"Bless his heart for it too."
You shook your head, chuckling into the back of Jake's shirt at their banter. Jake looks over his shoulder at you, slightly amused.
"Come out, Liz," Janet called out from the phone. "I don't bite."
"Much," Jake grumbled.
This wasn't exactly how you imagined meeting his sister, one of the few people he actually considered his family. Slowly lifting your head from behind Jake's frame, you managed a hesitant smile, gripping him for dear life. "Congratulations, Janet."
She smiled at you, replying, "Twelve hours of labour, but it was so worth it."
"What did you name him?" you asked, unable to contain the joy in your voice.
"E.J.," she said, looking down at the bundle in her arms before returning to look at the screen, clarifying, "Elijah-Jacob."
Jake drew in a sharp breath, and Janet didn't hesitate when she cried out, "As if I would name him anything else, you idiot."
Resting your chin on Jake's shoulder, you peered up at the side of his face with an affectionate smile. "Your full name's Jacob?"
But he didn't answer you, instead asking his sister, "Now, why on earth would you do something as stupid as that?"
Janet shot him a disappointed look before her eyes tracked over to you. "Liz, will you help me out here?" she said, tilting her head toward Jake.
"Glady," you replied, tapping the back of his head. Jolting under your chin, Jake faced you, slightly shocked. But you only shot him a disapproving glare.
"You're my baby brother. You risk your f-ing life day in and day out every single time you go up in that jet of yours or go out on deployments to make sure everyone else can sleep safely at night. And when you are home? I won't even start on all the shit you stand up against, not with Liz here."
Janet lets out a huge sigh before exclaiming, "So don't question my judgment or my choice. There was no way I was going to name him anything else. Suck it up."
Jake could only shake his head in disbelief, a humbling smile growing with each passing second.
"Now, hand me over to Liz. I wanna talk to her properly."
This is so backwards, you think, as Jake passes his phone over to you with a knowing smile. You are suddenly filled with nervousness you are not used to. This was the one person you knew Jake sought approval from. Everything was riding on this one interaction.
But your nerves settle instantly when she grins at you and casually mentions, "So, he managed to get you up in that death trap."
"It seems everyone knew about this little plan but me, even my niece, dead centre in the middle of it."
Janet grins at the mention of Sadie. "From what Jake has told me about her, she's a girl after my own heart."
"Sassy? Opinionated? Knows how to get her way?"
"Something more like being an insect, but I can see where the similarities lie."
You chuckle softly, feeling Jake rub your side, before you say, "You remind me of her."
"I'd love to meet her one day. And you in person. "
"I'd like that. I'm sure she'd love you."
Jake shook his head violently, and you couldn't help but laugh at him. "My nephew will get all sorts of horrible ideas if he meets Sadie. Don't start him that young!"
You gasp at him. "Are you saying my niece is a troublemaker, Jake Seresin?"
"You know she is."
You shake your head, bumping him with your shoulder.
"Please get my number from my little brother over here. I want somebody to send cute baby pics to," Janet pouts.
"Could you send me embarrassing stories?" you wiggle your eyebrows. Janet smirks, a playful look in her tired eyes. "Oh, you want them. I'll give them to you, no problem."
 Oh boy, did you like her.
"Nope." Jake tries to reach for his phone, but you are quicker, laughing at his attempts as you stretch your hand out of his reach. "You have a ten-year-old in the palm of your hand who has an honesty problem and years of embarrassing stories about me. Let me have my chance!"
"In comparison? Nope. Not even close. Give me my phone." Jake holds out the palm of his hand. And then you get an idea, shooting him a playful stare as you extend your hand farther.
"Come and get it, Cowboy."
Suddenly, Jake lurches forward, almost toppling you over. Jake's efforts to retrieve his phone only cause you to break out in a fit of giggles, your stomach cramping so much you fall over into the air mattress, Jake landing on top of you. Your grip on his phone is still tight.
"If my sister wasn't on the other end..." There is no threat in his words. Jake's smiling with you as you continue to laugh, trying to pry the device out of your hand. Janet's shout through her own laughter interrupts the two of you. "Keep it pg, you two! Literal newborn ears over here!"
Jake manages to swipe his phone back when you laugh even harder at her words. You sit up, wrapping your arms around his as you try to fit yourself into the view of his phone screen when the two of you settle.
Janet looks up at something in her room and frowns. "I gotta go. The nurse will come back any minute and yell at me, I swear."
The both of you say your goodbyes, Janet explaining more than once she was happy Jake found you. But just before he went to end the call, Janet called out his name. 
"Watch out for a package from Texas coming up there."
Jake's smile flees at Janet's words, slowly dissolving into a sombre expression. His body tenses under your touch, and you see the second his eyes darken with a deep-seated seriousness. It's a side to Jake you've only truly ever seen once before - when he found you handcuffed on the floor of the Hard Deck.
Growing up, you and Ridley had all sorts of codewords and phrases for different things. Those were the unfortunate circumstances you had to live with as a kid. So you knew right away Janet didn't mean an actual package. Whatever it was, Jake was clearly not happy about it. It was making you deeply concerned. 
Jake reaches for your thigh, grip tightening when he replies, "Yeah, okay."
He hangs up. And doesn't mention anything else about it.
After finishing your dinner in silence, you sat next to Jake, staring out at the horizon. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you tight to his side. At some point, you had placed both of your legs over his lap, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
It was still light out when Jake and you left the tiny airport, and the sky was now turning dark, leaving the small parking lot of Jake's outlook out secluded, the two of you alone and in utter peace. His fingers were absentmindedly stroking your skin as you both took in the last few minutes of the sunset.
"You okay?" you asked him, kissing his shoulder before looking back over the water, suddenly aware of Jake's hand slowly getting closer to the inside of your thigh. He kissed your cheek, replying, "Never better."
You don't buy it.
"You're an uncle now," you wondered aloud. Jake shrugged. "I already was one."
"But it's different. Sadie is..."
"Sadie counts." He quickly corrected you, kissing your forehead before looking back to the water. "She'll always count."
It warms you, his level of affection for her, but you cannot help but detect a sense of finality in his tone. Reaching up, you cradled the side of his jaw, turning his head back to you so you could lean up and kiss him.
Jake presses his lips to yours softly before pulling back to look at you. There's something in his eyes you cannot name.
Then his lips are back on yours, this time steady and encompassing, parting your lips with his tongue. Your grip on his face tightens as you suddenly find yourself being tilted backwards, sliding down the pillows until Jake is half on top of you. Your head is pillowed on his bicep as he kisses you, your hand still cradling his jaw. 
He then goes for your neck in a desperate breath, open-mouth kisses, sucking harder and harder. You're used to this. The two times Jake had you pinned up against him, he had marked up the side of your neck. But his hand, not trapped under your head, is wandering. Groping at your breast, sliding down your stomach to the outside of your thigh, testing his grip. 
He hikes your outside leg up, fingers brushing the sensitive part inside your thigh.
Your breath hitches.
"Is this okay?" he whispered into your ear. You hummed your reply, nodding once. But Jake grazed his nose along your jawbone lightly, fingers delicately sliding up and down the inside of your thigh.
"Words, Elizabeth."
Damn him and his accent, saying your full name.
"Yes," you gasped out, wanting him. "It's absolutely okay."
"My good girl," he says before diving back to your mouth. You know he's teasing you as he strokes your skin, making you quiver with anticipation of what is to come. But then he's reaching for the helm of your dress, lifting and folding it over your stomach, as he releases your lips in a harsh pant. 
The question is there in his eyes as he looks down at you, fingers resting just on the helm of your underwear. You swallow, opening your legs wide. Jake's eyes glaze over, and his arm flexes under your head. You're giving him this—this first experience of letting someone be with you. 
He doesn't hesitate when he starts dragging them down. You eagerly lift your hips to help him take them off. Once he gets them past your ankles, he shoves them into the back pocket of his jeans. 
Jake hisses when he takes you in, so spread out for him. "Can I touch, darlin'? Can I touch what is mine?" 
Fucking hell, Jake. Do you have a consent kink?!
"I'm yours," you gasp into the night air. "Please, Jake, Please."
Jake rests half on top of you, swallowing your whimper as he finally reaches and presses down on your clit, slow, gentle circles that have you closing your legs and sharp breaths racking your chest. Your hand shoots out and grips his wrist, feeling his muscles contract under your hand.  
"Keep them open, Liz," he warns, shifting down slightly so he can turn you and press you back against his chest. Jake slots his leg between yours, expertly thrusting his knee so your leg hooks up over his, never stopping in his efforts.
He rubs at you with ease, carefully watching how each movement makes you react before he switches to his thumb, and a single-finger probes at your entrance. You thrust your hips back into him, a strangled noise crawling out of your throat, and Jake uses it as an opportunity to push his finger inside. 
"That sound, " He breathes against your cheek. "You're driving me goddamn insane."
You used to worry back in university that you'd feel trapped if you ever found someone you trusted enough to do with this. But even with Jake poised at your back, working between your legs, you did not feel as if you weren't in control. Your body is open to the air, and Jake is only holding you down by his hand and the weight of his words. 
You feel safe. 
He adds another finger, curling them inside you, searching for something when you let out a sharp whine. It burns. The stretch. The sensations that were spreading across your groin. 
You felt full with Jake's finger's inside you, squelching sounds accompanying each time pumped them in and out of you.  "You're so tight," he moaned into your neck. "I won't have you here, but fuck Liz, the day I can have you gripping my cock." 
You bury your squeal into the flesh of his arm, your arm not currently gripping Jake's wrist, whipping out to find the side of his truck, making a string of lights fall. 
Not slow. This is not slow. 
"Knowing I'm your first." He bites the soft skin behind your ear. "That your mine." 
Your cry is muffled into this arm, and Jake glides his nose up the back of your neck to your ear. "Don't look away, Liz," he soothes. "Let me see your face."
It's the last thing you want him to see, ironically. The faces you make aren't pretty, and your eyes are slammed shut. And you were sure if you did open your eyes, you'd explode at the slight; you spread out so shamelessly open to the sky. Jake's hand between your legs, working you higher and higher off an unknown edge from the flatbed of his truck. 
But you do manage to turn your head back, Jake immediately catching your mouth with his in a desperate kiss. When he lets your mouth go, you whine out with a pant, "Fuck Jake, I can't." 
"Yes, yes, you can." Your words must have encouraged him because suddenly, his thumb is circling faster, and his fingers are pressing harder, working that spot inside you. Your eyes are screwed shut, tears seeping through as the ball in your abdomen grows tighter and tighter, nails biting into his wrist. 
"Are you going to let go for me, darlin'," he gasps into your open mouth, hovering above you. You wanted to, desperately. "Will you let me have it? 
You drop your head to his arm, the feeling too much to bear. You are on the edge of something, fire radiating from your core and making your thighs shake. Jake pants into your ear, once, twice before he moans, "Will you cum for me?"
His thumb swipes over your clit as he presses hard on that spot inside you. You keen, lights exploding behind your eyes as you arch your hips towards his hand, legs trembling as you clench around Jake's fingers. The cool breeze from the sea or the cool air from the night sky does nothing to the heat flooding your veins.
He's there. Turning your head back, catching your cries into his mouth, and taking the bruises you're pressing into his arm without flinching. In fact, he's smiling ever so slightly, watching you come apart underneath him.
You weakly turn in his hold, whimpering and trying to bury yourself into his chest as every emotion hits you at once. Jake pulls his fingers from you as you do, and you feel embarrassed at the wetness coating your thighs. Gripping the back of your leg, he rolls, taking you with him. Your body crashes limply onto his chest, and the one leg he's holding straddles his waist.
Your trembling, gripping his shirt to ground yourself and will strength back into your body.  There's a hyper-awareness you are not used to dancing across your skin - allowing you to feel the fabric of the blanket underneath you, the chill in the air, Jake's warmth, your release cooling on your thighs and covering his fingers, grasping your bare leg.
Any rational thought has gone out the window. Except for the fact you know Jake could not have gotten off from that.
He's hard against the inside of your thigh, through the denim of his jeans, the rough fabric creating friction against your clit as you rock lightly to the pulses aching in your core. He's groaning with each press, fighting with himself not to cant his hips up into you.
Even as you continue to whimper your aftershocks into his neck, you find yourself trailing your hand down his chest and to his stomach, fingers barely slipping under the waistband of his jeans, just reaching the first few strains of hair.
But Jake grunts, pulling your hand away and shaking his head. He brings it up to his mouth, kissing the palm before stating, "It's not about me right now."
He doesn't give in to the soft pleading of this name. Instead, he grips the roots of your hair at the base of your skull, ensuring there isn't an inch of space between you as he pulls you close. His other hand is gripping the bare skin of your ass, keeping your dress up around your hips and lower half exposed to the cool air.
This time, you do feel trapped.
He's holding you like you'd be carried off by the breeze, ready to disappear at any second. As if faced with another deployment, off to fight a war with the fear of never making it back. The switch in him is so sudden that the aftershocks of your recent orgasm are reduced to cooling embers, and it only adds to your unease when Jake gasps through a sharp breath, "Just let me hold you and forget about everything else."
The concern you felt for him earlier returns with a vengeance.
Jake's anxious about something, and he's not telling you why. Suddenly, the chill in the air is too cold, the blanket is too rough, and Jake's fingers and the insides of your thighs are chalky, rubbing against your skin.
You focus on breathing instead, trying to calm your rapid heart. You weren't going to hold whatever this was against him.
Because despite not knowing what to think about having your real first sexual experience in the flatbed of Jake's truck, you today were the happiest you had felt in a while, even with literal hell overtaking your life. 
But listening to Jake's heartbeat pound under your ear, the paranoia you've ignored so many times before makes a home in your chest, and the allusion that was today dissipates, and everything comes rushing back. Tyler. Bradley. And now, whatever Janet warned Jake about that was making him act this way.
It was all a possibility again.
You couldn't help but feel this silver of happiness wouldn't last that much longer.
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Part 15: Have you ever seen the rain? Coming soon
Wickett ;)
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Even if the world ends tonight | Bob Floyd
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Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x ex-gf!reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: uranium mission and all that it implies, protective Bob, and good friend Phoenix <3
'Even after breaking up. They still find ways back to each other.' With Bob?? He gives me the vibes of still being in love with his ex and the Uranium mission put everything into perspective
A/N: okay so life is getting in the way and I can't write as much as I want to. I'm not feeling like updating the two ongoing series i have rn so you're gonna get a lot of one shots in the upcoming days hahah
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This world wasn't for everyone. Bob knew that much. And yet, he didn't ask you if you wanted to be part of it. He just guessed that if you wanted to be with him, you understood and accepted the consequences. 
Being with an aviator means always fearing that every morning when your partner walks out the door, maybe that's the last time you're going to see them. You accepted that in a way, knowing the risks but also that a short amount of time with Bob in your life was better than living a life without him. 
That is what you used to tell him. But Bob knew that it had become too much for you. Because you lost that sweet, precious smile that made him fall for you. Your eyes had lost that beautiful shine, becoming voids of fear and worry. 
You stopped being yourself. And Bob knew that he was the one to blame. That he was slowly and unintentionally destroying you. 
So he did what he thought was right.
He broke up with you without many explanations. 
And boy, didn't that break his soul in a hundred pieces. 
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A few weeks later, the empty shell of what once used to be Lieutenant Robert Floyd, set foot in Top Gun again, for a special detachment. He graduated a few years prior to this, but it felt like yesterday. 
Lucky for him, none of the other aviators knew him, so he wouldn't have to answer awkward questions about his partner. 
Or so he thought. 
The night before the mission, Nat and Bob sat down in the flight deck, watching as the last rays of sun painted the clouds with orange and almost red colors. Earth was a beautiful place, and people like him, Phoenix, and the others fought every day to make sure that thousands of people could live to see another sunset. 
"Hey, Bob," Phoenix asked, looking at the wizzo when he hummed in response. "Is there anyone waiting for you back home?" 
And here it was. The dreadful question. 
"There was," he answered, taking off his glasses and rubbing the sore spots. "But I broke up with her." 
"Did she cheat?" Phoenix questioned again, and Bob could almost see how a litany of profanities gathered on the tip of her tongue, ready to destroy that girl who cheated on his friend.
"No, she didn't. She was the sweetest girl." 
"Then… what happened?" 
"This life was destroying her. She didn't smile that much, she wasn't happy." 
Phoenix's frown was as deep as the sea in front of them. "She told you that?" 
"No, I just knew." Bob said, putting on his glasses again. "She never had to tell me."
"Not even when you explained to her why you broke up with her? Weird."
Bob looked down for a second, embarrassment spreading over his body. "I never told her why I broke up with her." 
"You're shitting me."
Bob's sad chuckle confirmed that, in fact, he wasn't lying. And that made Phoenix feel ten times worse. "Bob! You were worried about her, and maybe she was as worried as you were! You lost a girl that loved you because you never sat down to ask and just assumed that she wasn't strong enough to be a Navy girlfriend?" 
"...I fucked up, didn't I?"
"Oh, buddy. That doesn't cover it." 
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Next day, after successfully destroying the target, Bob and the other members of the team find themselves in a coffin corner, being followed by missiles. The wizzo realizes that he has messed up more than he can ever put into words. Because right there and then, while looking at the sky in what could be his last living seconds, all he could think about was you, your voice, your touch, and your smile. He wants his last thoughts to be about you, and only you. 
Eventually, they manage to escape and come back to the carrier in one piece, even Maverick and Rooster, who had crashed their planes to save each other. 
After the mandatory celebrations due to a job well done, Bob sits down in the flight deck, thinking over and over about you, and how, maybe, it’s not too late to come back, apologize, and win you back. 
Little did he know at that moment that his team members had a great surprise in store. 
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“Okay guys, I think we should all head to the Hard Deck and properly celebrate that the mission is over.” Hangman says, patting Bob’s back. “And you’re coming too, buddy.” 
“I wish I could, but… I have some important matters to attend to.” Retorts Bob, grabbing his bag to step off the carrier. 
“Nope, nope, nope.” Nat insists while getting the bag from Bob’s hands. “I’m keeping your bag so you can’t leave.” 
Bob, who just wanted to get out of here and run to your house, quite literally, so he could ask for forgiveness, is getting a bit mad about his friends’ sudden interest in throwing a party. “Guys, I don’t want to be a dick, but you better give me my bag right now.”
“Woah, hermano, relax! It’s just a party.” Mickey says, placing both hands on Bob's shoulders to make him walk to the end of the deck. 
“I don’t want a damn party, I want to go and beg Y/n to take me back!” 
For the first time since they knew him, Bob raised his voice, noticing the redness of his face and ears. He’s really mad. 
“You don’t need to beg.” 
Bob almost whimpers when he hears that voice coming from behind him. He watches the faces of his friends, from Payback’s small smile, to Nat’s teary-eyed grin. He turns around, slowly, afraid that it’s just a dream, or worse, that this is just the afterlife, that he died on the mission, and he has reached his personal heaven where you, the love of his life, welcome him with open arms, like his own personal angel. 
“Y/n?” He whispers, his wobbly legs moving him slowly in your direction. “Are you really here?” 
“It’s me, Robby. I promise.” You chuckle, and Bob is starting to think that the idea of him being dead is not as absurd as it seemed in the first place. How could he hear the divine cadence of your laugh or see your shiny, beautiful eyes if he wasn’t in heaven? 
“I died in that mission, right?” He mumbles once he’s only inches away from you, your soft hands caressing his cheeks. 
“No, idiot. Nat called me and told me everything you told her about me not being happy anymore and whatever stupid thought you had.” You shake your head and take a deep breath. “Honey, my work as your partner is worrying about you. It’s the only thing I can do.”
“But I don’t want you to always be worried about me not coming back one day.” Bob insists, placing his hands over yours, which are still on his face. “You should be happy.” 
“And I’m happy, love. Because when you get back from a mission, I know that the world is a bit of a better place and that you are safe and home with me. You don’t need to push me away to protect me, okay? I’ll be with you, every day, every night, as long as you want me.” He presses his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as silent tears wet your fingertips. 
“Even if the world ends tonight?” He asks, a silly question he asked once after too many beers. It became an important thing for you two. 
“Even if the world ends tonight, there’s no other place I’d rather be. Here with you.”
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” 
“Well, from what I’ve heard, you and your friends saved the day.” You kiss his forehead, trying to make him feel better. “Robert Floyd, I know that you think I deserve better. But, be honest, can I even get anything better? You’re the perfect package!” 
“I’m not perfect.” Bob argues, opening his eyes to see a scowl on your face. 
“You might not be perfect, but you’re perfect for me, and that’s all I care about.” You finally say, a smile accompanying your words. 
Bob sighs, smiling at last, for what feels like the first time in weeks. “I love you so much, angel.” 
“I love you too, honey.” 
“Can you, like, I don’t know, kiss?” Rooster yells from a few feet away, the Dagger nodding to his words. 
“Have you been watching?” Bob asks, his eyes widening. 
“Of course! We brought her, now you kiss her and come with us to party, not only to celebrate that the mission is over, but that you got your girl back!” Javy says, looking at you. “And I’m sure that Mrs. Floyd over here wants to meet all of us.” 
“Of course I want to meet Bob’s new friends!” You nod, looking at Bob’s rolling eyes. “Come on, we stay a bit, and then we go. Just a bit.” 
“Okay, we’ll go to the Hard Deck.” He pauses for a second and tilts his head. “Did he call you Mrs. Floyd?” 
“I like how it sounds…” You sheepishly admit, walking away to introduce yourself to the other aviators. 
“Yeah… I like that too.” He mutters to himself, realizing that you’re not going to be a Navy girlfriend much longer. 
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