#just dont fucking touch mack okay
angelschoir228 · 2 months
Angelschoir attempt with using theta waves♡
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Okay so before I did this I listened to the whole Renaissance live album in audio mack because in my dr those are my song and instead of Renaissance its called "The Saturn Returns Tour" and in that world I'm the beyonce of that reality like a list celebrity i could go more into it if yall want me to next post! Throughout that whole album I was visualizing being there and using my senses to immerse myself and get a feeling of how it's like being me
Okay yall I'm reporting good news!
So I didn't do only the theta waves but also used the wim hof method for like 11 minutes in order for me to like feel light head or floating and oh my god yall! It made me feel so light and my hands and fingers, toes. EVERYWHERE IN MY BODY WAS FEELING LIKE IT WAS LIGHT AND HAD NO WEIGHT TO IT!??
Since I created a Playlist and put two videos so after the breathing guidance was over I could go straight to using the theta waves without getting distracted and using my phone..unsurprisingly no ads played throughout the video..but as soon as the videos started, I calmed myself down because the lingering fear was still in my mind but I managed to transform it to positive thoughts and not be afraid..it was like I had it all in my hands..like I knew what to do. Its also like my subconscious was talking to me or something? It was a very calming voice and it guided me through..
So then I started to say affirmations in my head.
And by the time I was getting symptoms like my body was light and my head felt it was spinning and I saw flashing lights! My body was twitching like my muscles would spasm for a second.. I think that was my brain checking if I was still alive and I then told myself there's nothing to be afraid about..we are perfectly safe. Also my body felt so heavy like I got sleep paralysis but I didnt??😭
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Bro..just bro..like I'm so proud of myself that I managed to do something like this.
I tried to ground myself using my senses first I used my smelling sense..and I smelled my significant other's colonge..and cinnamon..i..I couldn't believe it actually. I used my touch sentence to feel the sheets. It was silk he likes to use silk sheets to sleep on. MY HEART WAS POUNDING!
I then used it to feel my clothes I was wearing. Which was a panda stripped onesie that he bought me cause he knows I love soft and comfortable things
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this. I scripted in my mind that I'm wearing this and lord was it comfy. I then tried to taste. Which I tasted vanilla in my mouth and I thought "probably from the cupcake I ate earlier in the kitchen" in my dr.
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me fr^^
This next part is confusing though..so all my senses were working..expect for my eyes..like I was partially there. All I saw was black. But it was like a blur?? I don't know but it was blurry for me and I think because I kind struggle with grounding. So I started to sit up in the bed and wiggled my fingers. I saw my sharp nails and the black fade marks on my fingers. My heart was pounding bro( how many times have I said this?) I then turned my head to my significant other...
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HOLY SHIT THAT MAN HIS HOT AS FUCK..LIKE HE LOOKED GORGEOUS SND ETHREAL..like I'm biting my lip and finger thinking of him like damn I really copped this fine ass man bro.
I then asked for him to wake up and that it's valentines day today(I scripted it was valentines an my DR..it was 6am when I looked at the clock)
And..yall I'm so smitten for him like it ain't funny at ALL..so he woke up and graced me with a soft smile..a loving smiling of adoration coming from him and I swear happy tear came from my eyes that he's actually there infront of me. I couldn't help myself. I just had to kiss him on his lips and forehead..it was so tender. I then grabbed his hand placed on my cheek..yall I never felt so loved in my life. He then said that got a gifts for me in the dresser next to Bed. And proceeded to open it and grabbed a couple of boxes and gave it to me. I was opened them and I swear I smiled so brightly yall. It was a ruby necklace and a ruby bracelet. He said he bought me it a few days before valentines days from a shop and said it reminded him of me and the time I said ruby reminded me of his eyes(he remembers everything about me and stuff I've said)
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Like this image of Usagi and Darien( tuxedo mask) like it's literally us I swear. I then began to pout that I didn't give him anything sadly and loomed down at the floor. He then said the greatest gift he could ever have was...
And that is enough for him..
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I'm going to give this man kids. I fucking swear yall better hold me back and lock me up before I get my hands on this dic-
So anyways I then said I have a more tempting offer for him..HAHAHA IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
I don't care what yall say I was getting on my freak on fr LMAOOOOOO
But of course I brushed over my words and pushed it away cause you know..to tease the man cause he teases me a bit to much so I took my chance to get payback..so I then leaned away from his face and acted like I didn't said shit and mentioned that we need to get dressed for the day and then we could head out for valentines day..also my cat(she's a chimera kitten..I found her in the dumpster in the ally)phobos(he named her that..his edgy ass my god)was there and she so skrunkly and so..tiny..lmao..I scripted her in from a fanfic I read which was wholesome and fluffy I couldn't help but add in to my DR
We walked into the closet to get dressed and yall that closet was long asf. Like billion dollar worthy. So then I picked out my dress which was this
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but pink and white with small hearts
But then the man was suddenly so closed to me and proceeded to cage me with his arms...OMG??? WHAT THE FUCK LORD HAVE MERCY I THINK I BECAME A WATER FALL OR SOMETHING..anyway he then said why was I tempting him so early in the day and I was like huh? Cause I already forgot my words or the offer I tempted him with..and he said that I had to face the consequences of my actions one or another and that Demons don't do well with resisting temptations and I'm a walking temptations to him..oh fuck..bro like you obsessed with me? Oh I LOVE THAT FROM HIM AND TBH HE CAN HIT IT ANYTIME AND ILL LET HIM so anyway let I them noticed that cat followed us and was watching and I was like you can't do what you're going to when there's an kitten watching..and he simply shrugged and just said that'll probably think that it parents(i fucking loved when he said that like aww he thinks of phobos like a daughter) were just loving eachother and showing love or tussling..
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I didn't stay there for long..only for like ten minutes until this reality showed up in my head and I just opened my eyes and my ASS WAS BACK HERE but..I'm taking this as a learning experience and that I have shifted my 4d was there but not my 3d
So like I'm going to end it right there cause I've said enough but like..omg he so charming and attractive like okay I did my shit when copping him and making him mine 😈
Overall I rate theta waves a solid 8/10 two points because I had a little bit of trouble but Overall it was good
Also all I could think about in my head was this song..go at the 2.22 mark and that was the part constantly playing in my mind
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thesoundofmadness · 6 years
Ref for Oc day!!
So, since it's OC day and I'm gonna be posting some stories later, here's a quick Ref on my OCs, Lyra and Mack! Please be aware I've had Lyra MUCH MUCH MUCH longer than Mack and she's much more finished/polished. Enjoy~
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She's the Purple Ninja and the Elemental Master of Song! She can create music staffs and use them as ropes and ladders, hear better than most, and create optical illusions. She mostly uses her powers to distract opponents on missions. She uses songs about/based off of video games and sings and dances to do so, and uses her powers to create scenes/special effects to make it look legit. (Wouldn't you be confused if you were suddenly standing in the middle of a furby ritual? XD) Her powers work 10x better when she uses songs with lyrics than without, and they're easier to control when she uses calm and quiet songs (something like Dying in La by P!ATD), and gets a tiny bit harder to control when she uses loud and chaotic songs (something like Monster by Skillet)
Backstory: Her mother and father couldn't take care of her so they adopted her into a dysfunctional home nearly a month after birth. Quickly, not being able to stand the pain of losing his ONLY child, her father committed suicide and her mother ran away, after losing her husband and daughter. (She doesn't have any memories of them). Being born with depression and getting anxiety at a very young age, and since everyone in her household was constantly fighting, she only really trusted her younger sister, but then ran away and became a ninja to get strong enough to protect her.
Personality: Hard-headed, serious, hot-headed, cold, distant, laid back, EXTREMELY secretive,
Age: 19
Fun facts:
-likes rock and indie music
-Can't stand loud noises
-Can't use headphones because of her hearing
-Her purple eye is proof of her powers. If you're a Master of Song, the music staffs and eye glow your favorite color. That's literally the only way she knew about her powers before she unlocked them
-Emotionally fucked
-Can't stand being alone
-Really likes looking at stars
-Loves to mess with pictures in photo editing apps
-Can't stand liars and cheaters, despite constantly feeling like one herself
-Is an insomniac
-in desperate need to cry or scream 24/7 but never admits it
-Never admits to anything that involve her emotional/mental well-being cause she doesn't want anyone to worry
-Has a really good memory and will remember the most Insignificant thing you said
-Remembers quotes more than places
-Really likes horror games
-Loves learning about history
-Will often take over chores to distract herself
-over works herself 24/7
-protective of Lloyd because he reminds her of her younger sister
-her sword is actually the sword her dad used in the serpentine war
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( the Bow is supposed to be like hairties
For her pigtails)
Isn't an elemental master nor a ninja but she really likes to draw! She often draws fanart for her idols and is really into fashion! Her idols are mainly the Ninja, but she likes other people too!
Backstory: Is Lyra's younger sister, but isn't a ninja. After Lyra ran away, she was heartbroken. She wouldn't come out of her room for days and basically isolated herself for a while. But then she remembered that she had to be strong and kept believing her sister was still alive. She found Lyra on the internet and has been almost stalking her for years now. Her parents got devoirvced and she has been living with her alcoholic dad because no one else could take care of her. Her dad got arrested for drunk driving one night and, since she legit can't stand anyone else in her family, she ran off. She now lives with Lyra and the Ninja
(Like I said, Lyra is I've had Lyra for a lot longer than Mack, so she is a lot more polished. Please excuse the horrible backstory for Mack, I'm working on it)
(Also I haven't gotten a clear story on how they reunite, so don't expect that lol)
Age: 16
Personality: Very bright and optimistic. Doesn't get down easily. Oblivious, slightly like a tsundere, lowkey a little shy, scared easily
Fun facts!:
-Loves fashion
-Loves drawing
-Mega fangirl
-loves to dress up
-can't go anywhere without her phone or something to draw on
-Used to distract Lyra from all the fighting in the house
-Used to try to cheer Lyra up whenever she was sad
-Was fully aware of Lyra's depression and anxiety, didn't understand it fully, but tried her best to help with it
-she was four alright
-loves pop and upbeat music
Mack is just Lyra's little ball of sunshine and Lyra will fucking kick you in the nuts so hard that it kills your chance of having any baby and if you do it doesn't grow probably and your wife has a miss carriage if you dare touch her
Hope this clears up any sort of confusion you have with my stories about my OCs!
Happy OC day everyone!
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dylansslutt · 3 years
jj maybank: drugged
You were sitting on the sand, beer in your hand as everyone laughed around you. Having a annual pogue bonfire, tourons and kooks being here.
Your eyes flickering towards JJ every now and then, his arm around a blonde. You and him were best friends, but with the no ‘pogue on pogue macking’ rule. You never made a move.
You started getting bored, and you needed a refill so you headed towards the keg. You filled your cup up as someone spoke up from behind you.
“Mind refilling mine?” You turn around seeing a really cute brunette boy. Deep dimples touched his cheek as he smiled towards you.
“Sure.” You grab his cup filling it up. “I’m Logan, by the way.”
He was really cute. Maybe he could be a good distraction for the night?
“Y/n/n” you introduced. “You from here or visiting?” You handed him back his cup.
He took a sip, “I’m on vacation, but I know a few guys here.” You take in his outfit. Definitely kook. His shoes looked worth more than your fucking car.
“You live here?” His eyes soaking up your appearance. You nod, “those are my friends over there.” You point towards your group, not noticing jj eyes glaring at the figure next to you.
You and Logan sat down somewhere talking about random stuff. He isn’t bad, just boring honestly. You kept glancing around for your friends but you couldn’t find any in sight.
Your cup was taken out of your hands, “I’ll go get you another refill.” You go to decline but he was already walking off. You sigh and stand up. You were barely even tipsy. You wanted JJ so you can smoke a joint with him, but you can’t see over the crowd.
You glance back at Logan and see him laughing with Topper and Rafe. You roll your eyes, of course. Those were the guys he knew.
You go to walk away but Logan calls you over. “Hey! Here you are.” You fake smile and thank him. You take a sip of your drink.
“Sooo, you got a boyfriend y/n/n?” You shook your head. “That’s crazy, a girl like you? Single.”
You glance at him confused, “what you mean a girl like me?” You took another sip of your drink. It kinda tasted funny but you didn’t think anything of it.
“Oh you know...” you look at him real confused.
“No, I don’t know. Enlighten me.” You glare at him.
“It’s just rafe said you had a past on you.” You laugh at that. Rafe? Man he’s bold.
You started to feel dizzy. “You know what fuck you. I’m leaving.” You go to walk off but your balance was really off. You felt thirsty so you chugged some of your drink.
Logan grabbed your arm, “hey don’t be rude.”
You pull away from him but stumble to the ground. You know you aren’t drunk there’s no way. You glance down at the drink.
“What the fuck did you give me?” You slurred.
Logan laughed, “something that’s gonna make you feel real good.” You jerk back.
Oh fuck no. Did he just date rape your fucking drink? You glance back at the people around you, everything getting blurry. No sign of jj or the pogues.
Logan pulled you up, “why don’t you come with me?”
You couldn’t bring yourself to move away, your body feeling so heavy. The party kept getting farther away.
Logan hands kept sliding down to your ass. You got the strength to shove him away making you fall down, again, in the process.
“Leave me the fuck alone!” You try to push yourself up, but you were so weak.
Logan got angry, rejection was something he didn’t take light. “Hey, bitch! You don’t push me!” His hands gripped your shoulder, pulling you up roughly.
“Why don’t you be a good little slut like you usually are? Huh?” he laughed lightly.
your mind was going so in and out, not being able to concentrate on anything. you still in logans embrace. his hands now going for your shirt.
“no, no i-i don’t want- i dont want too.” you breathed out. logan obviously not listening, or caring, pulled off your shirt. you fall back onto the sand for the thousand time. your balance was shit.
you squirm under logan, your eyes barely focusing. “hel-help.” you mutter out.
please someone find me. please please please. are the only thoughts going through your head.
“god, you are so hot.” his hot breathe hit your neck. his hands where everywhere on you. tears rolled down your face, you thought you were about to pass out.
one second logan was on you and the next, you dont know. your head rolled around, landing on a pair of boys.
a blond boy beating the shit out of assuming logan. you cough, starting to feel real sick, you lean over throwing up everything in your stomach. you fall back onto your back groaning.
hands grabbed your arms, your eyes snapping open. you couldn’t see straight. “hey,hey. y/n. you okay?”
jj face comes into view. “jj?” you whispered.
he nods, staring down at you. you start crying. “i don- i dont- i” you start crying. you feel awful, nothing is making sense.
your eyes roll into the back of your head. you finally passed out.
ummm okay so thats that. i know for a fact there will be a pt.2 for this, lmk if you would like that though ;)) pt.2 for my other jj maybank #9 will be out soon as well. if you have anymore request lmk pls
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pitaparka · 4 years
a friend in need is a friend indeed
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request: would you ever write a reader/jj/john b three way? only write what ur comfortable with. i love reading your stuff!!!!
summary: reader, jj, and john b. are drunk. really drunk. handsome teenage boys make for fun parties and willing threesomes.
pairings: jj maybank x reader, john b. x reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: unprotected sex, protected sex, vaginal sex, male on female oral sex, female on male oral sex, drunk sex
a/n: dont have unprotected sex :(  i hope every time you think of having unprotected sex, you picture your own conception. i’d also like for people to know i write outer banks, marvel, star wars, and more! i’m still taking requests, so maybe send in an ask for an idea you’ve had in your head for a while? and we can be friends? okay, big love. later!
The alcohol was overkill. She had to admit.
It’s why she was holed up in some random boy’s kitchen, house party ensuing around her as she macked on JJ.
Her arms fit perfectly around his waist in the bright fluorescent light of the kitchen. Their lips work together, sloppy and inexperienced, but full of nerves and nerve endings that send electricity through their veins.
John B. watches from the doorway.
JJ’s hands move from her waist down to her ass, squeezing for his own pleasure. She smiles into the kiss.
“What’s up, guys?” John B. interrupts. He seemed perturbed more than angry. 
She pulls away from JJ, but keeps her arms around his neck.
“I can smell the alcohol on you,” he says, smiling at her. He moves closer to them, the loud music from the living room making it hard to hear. There are people around them too, talking obnoxiously.
“You know what would be great right now?” She says, and John B. squints at her.
“What?” He says, giving in to his curiosity. The beer he’s holding is cold and sweaty in his warm hand.
JJ leans over, her arms still around his neck, to take a sip from a red solo cup.
“Just, like… sex. Good sex.” She complains, and JJ almost chokes.
“You’re crazy.” Says John B., but he’s not entirely sure she’s kidding.
“No, she’s drunk,” argues JJ hypocritically. 
“Would you guys fuck me?” she asks, and both of their eyes widen. Before they can say anything, she reveals, “I’d trust you guys to fuck me. You seem like you’d be a nice fuck.”
JJ leans in, and says just loud enough for John B. to hear, “We could always find out?”
She gasps and pulls away from him, laughing loudly, smile wide.
John B. licks his lips and places his beer down on the kitchen counter. 
“Not now,” he says, significantly less drunk than the other two.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” JJ asks, and she grabs John B. by the arm, interlocking them.
“Right here,” she sings sweetly, and John B. doesn’t pull away.
“Oh, I’m your boyfriend now? What happened to that other guy?” He questioned, and she blushed into his shoulder.
JJ gives John B. a look.
She smiles sweetly up at him.
“Would you fuck me, John B?” She asks again, and John B. hates that he can feel himself getting a little aroused.
He huffs at her. “Not here,” he replies, and she whines.
“Aw, John B., don’t be like that.” She pouts dramatically.
“I’ll have JJ do it then,” she says, reaching out for JJ. He sandwiches her between the two and she leans her head back against JJ’s chest. His hands are on her waist again and she feels him move to the music against her. She leans up and kisses John B. on the chin.
“No you won’t,” John B. clarifies, and he pulls her closer to him, so that JJ glares, and moves closer.
“You both are drunk,” he says, only on his second beer. The folding table in the living room has different ‘levels’ of alcohol, each increasing in strength with color. He swore he’s seen JJ with at least three different colored cups in the time they’ve been there. Which hasn’t been long. 
“No, no, I’ll…” she starts, but giggles, distractedly.
“I’ll let the both of you… do it.” She states coyly.
“ But you have to do it together,” she smiles, and the boys look at each other.
“No way,” John B. says, bluntly, arms crossed over his chest.
JJ stares at him.
“I just won’t look. It’s not like I haven’t seen your dick before,” he argues, and John B. is not drunk enough for this. 
JJ definitely is.
“It’d be really hot, John B.,” she encourages.
“No. I’m not gay.” He says, finally. 
“Neither am I, but she’s offering, bro,”
“It’s not gay, if it’s in a three way,” JJ sings horribly and lowly to John B. She giggles at them, and rubs her hand slowly up and down John B.’s arm. 
He sighs loudly.
“I’m not touching your dick, JJ, so don’t even think about it,” 
“I don’t want to touch your dick!” JJ cries, and people around him glare at the outburst. John B. shushes him.
“Is that a yes?” she asks, and John B.’s shoulders fall as he pinches his nose.
“Yeah. I guess.” He agrees, and she lets out an excited moan that shouldn’t make him so hot and bothered, but it does.
“Yay! Come on, come on,” she encourages, and both boys are following her into some poor soul’s bedroom. It’s definitely the bedroom of a teenage boy, bare and brightly lit by a red neon playboy sign. The full sided bed has a navy blue comforter and there are trophies that line his dresser. The boys look at each other, taking in the room. She makes no effort to remember it, because she’s already unbuttoning her shorts and collapsing on the half-made bed. Her legs lay off the side of the bed, for easy access of course, and she stretches, hands reaching up for the pillows haphazardly thrown at the head of the bed. Her shirt rolls up a little, and she rubs her hands over her skin, playing with the hem of it. 
She finds it funny that though he was reluctant, John B is the first one to strip down to his briefs, and she can see his half hard-on. He goes to take himself out, ready to peel her out of her remaining clothes, but she has other ideas.
“No no, not yet.” she says, and she sits up. She grabs John B. by the shoulders, and pushes him down to his knees. He looks unaware of what she wants him to do. She grabs his hair at the scalp, and slowly tugs him between her legs. He gets the hint, and she watches as John B. wiggles off her shorts and underwear.
JJ fumbles with her bra behind her. She watches these clueless boys with a smile.
He ends up just tugging it over her head and tossing it on the floor along with her other clothes.
She feels John B.’s tongue, abrupt and fast and vastly uncomfortable.
“Woah, slow down there, partner,” she says, and with her hand on his head again, she guides him with slow, stroke strokes of his tongue. 
“Much better,” she encourages, and she lays back, one hand down by her side, the other rubbing small circles into her clit.
She sticks her tongue out for JJ, and he makes quick work of shimmying out of his shorts. He doesn’t even bother taking off his boxers, his member already throbbing hard and pulsing in his hand. He gives it a couple of strokes before guiding onto her lips.
“Ohhh, aw, fuck,” JJ says, her lips and tongue teasing the tip of his cock as John B. gets to work on her entrance. He’s down between her legs, just like she showed him, teasing and licking and kissing as she rubs fast circles with her fingers.
He does something to make her moan, and JJ stops to watch.
“Oh, fuck, John B.,” she whines, “d-do that again,” 
And he complies, fucking his tongue in and out between her velvet folds, head bobbing rhythmically, fast, as she picks up the pace with her own fingers.
JJ decides he wants in on the fun, and he kneels by her head, tilting her neck up to plant firm kisses there, hard enough to bruise.
She lets out breathy gasps at the attention, and it only encourages the boys further. 
John B. grips her hips hard as JJ takes a hand to play with her breasts, nipples peaked and stiff under his heavy touch. Her other hand comes up to cup JJ’s, and he continues his unyielding kisses as she guides him, showing him exactly the amount of pressure she wants. As soon as he’s got it down, he pulls his head away to watch her unravel underneath him. Her head tilts back and she grinds her hips along John B.’s tongue.
There are whimpers from her and wet sounds from John B. and soft panting from JJ as he takes his other hand to rub himself, stroking his cock leisurely. 
“Oh my god, this is better than porn,” JJ comments, but both of the others ignore it. 
“Right there, John B., right there, fuck,” she curses, and closes her eyes to immerse herself in the moment.
“Just like that, perfect,” she encourages, and John B. licks and plunges his tongue deep, and removes it again to rub circles at her clit, replacing her hand. His tongue is wet and he licks long stripes up and down her length.
“Fuck, oh fuck, just—faster, John B., just like that.”
John B. circles his tongue faster, and it only takes a few moments for her to gasp and buck her hips up, so much so that he has to pressure her hips down to keep her there, toes curling, her legs over his shoulders, trying not to squeeze his head.
She whines and moans, and JJ has to stop touching himself because he feels like he’s going to blow his load right there on the floor.
“Oh, fuck, John B.,” she pants, and John B pulls away, watching her womanhood contract at his touch, wet cum framing where he was about to plunge his cock.
She smiles dopily at the ceiling. He is ragingly hard and almost ready to cum. 
“Guess what guys?” She starts, breathy, and they stare at her.
“I brought condoms!” She whispers excitedly, gesturing to her pants on the floor.
Normally, they’d protest, but they’re so horny they’d take any opportunity to cum inside of her.
John B. struggled with her pockets, but, condom in hand, he rips one open, pinches the tip, and rolls it onto his hard cock. It fits, and he admires her.
He rubs his cock over her entrance, playing with the wetness, and she gasps and shudders when he rubs it over her clit.
He smiles arrogantly, and slowly pushes his head in. It doesn’t take much effort, thanks to her orgasm.
He slowly makes his way in, and JJ starts stroking again, standing up to place his cock on her lips. She purses them slightly, and JJ rubs back and forth over them. John B. moans form between her legs.
JJ grabs her chin firmly, and she looks up at him with doe eyes, moaning as she opens her mouth and lazily takes just the tip.
She hollows out her cheeks around him, and he takes in a shaky breath.
John B. pumps fast inside her, pulling out halfway and pushing back into her, holding her hips with a strong grip. She thinks it might bruise, but she doesn’t care. 
All of a sudden John B.’s strokes get more erratic, faster and harder than before. His breathing is fast, and she watches him as his eyes close and his head falls back, strong, slow thrusts now.
He cums, hands on her hips, cock buried deep inside her, his groans filling the space between them. His strokes are calculated, milking every single drop from himself before pulling out and collapsing on the bed next to her.
“You’re next, JJ,” John B. jokes, and JJ doesn’t say anything, moving to take his spot.
He pushes into her, and she notices. Every ridge, every vein on his cock she can feel.
JJ’s strokes are slow and deliberate to start, but then he starts to pick up speed, as does his breathing. It’s only a few seconds before he’s close.
He pumps fast and hard, with reckless abandon for a few moments before he pulls out quickly, and jerks his shaft, concentrating on the tip.
He cums all over her stomach and groans loudly right after, coating her chest with his thick white cum. He grabs a fist full of the bedspread as he shudders.
JJ lets his shoulders fall, and he hunches over. He plants kisses to the inside of her knees, and she giggles, pulling them away. He smiles at her.
There’s heavy breathing from all three of them. 
“See? That wasn’t so bad,” she comments, and the boys chuckle.
“Yeah John B., nothin’ to be afraid of, man.” JJ pants, running a hand through his hair. He tugs his boxers up over his thighs and tucks his now soft cock back into them, looking around the floor for his shorts.
“Shut the fuck up, JJ,” he says, getting up to find his pants as well.
She lays there, and one of the boys toss her a small pile of her clothes onto the bed.
JJ stares at her once he’s clothed, his seed still on her stomach.
He sighs. He hates this part.
“Go back to the party,” JJ says to John B., “I’ll clean up.” 
John B. looks at him suspiciously.
“Really,” JJ assures, gesturing to her slowly more competent state. She stares at the cum on her stomach.
“It’s okay,” she assures, but JJ is there, using some poor soul’s discarded t-shirt as a rag. It doesn’t smell as far as she can tell, and it’s soft. 
As soon as he’s done, and throws the t-shirt into a corner of the room.
“Uh, okay. We’re gonna go now,” he says, even though John B. left already.
“Okay.” She agrees. JJ slowly makes his way out of the room.
She sits up and gets dressed, ready to make her way back to the party, when John B. enters the room again.
“Where’s JJ?” He questions, making his way over to her swiftly.
“He went back to the party. I thought—” she starts, but John B.’s mouth is on hers, salty and sweet, passionate and slow. His hand grabs the back of her neck and pulls her closer, impossibly so, and there’s teeth and even some tongue.
He pulls away.
“That’s for kissing JJ earlier, in front of me,” he clarifies, and she doesn’t tell him he tastes like her.
She smiles as she watches him leave. His shirt was on backwards. 
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en-theheights · 4 years
My live reaction to episode 8:
I decided I wanted to blog out how I feel while I watch the episode so I got my tissues and my milkshake and I’m ready to go!
- the theme song is a whole bop honestly
- Dillon trying to look good for Elliot question mark??
- I don’t like Liam but I do feel bad for the kid
- Dillon is so precious like omg. I luv him so much
- Elliot don’t you dare
- of course a cliffhanger
- 😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦 LIAM WTF
- nervmind fuck Liam
- Dillon looks so scared stop Liam please!!!!!😭😭
- Dillon’a denying it😭😭
- “I thought they were going to kiss for a second” BITCH IM BALLING STOOOOOOOPPPPPPP
- him blaming it on Ruby’s parents FUCK YOU
- “you won’t be doing it under my roof” IS HE KICKING DILLON OUT STOP WTF
- he just kick Dillon out. I’m not okay
- if Liam tells someone else I will literally turn it off
- as if I care about Liam right now
- he’s about to come out to Jamie AaHhhHh
- nvm
- Elliot is really leaving ouch
- but she’s nice though
- fuck you dad!!!!!!
- “just you and me now” FUXKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUU
- the mom was at least supportive
- they hugged ouch my heart ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭
- *breathes dramatically*
- okay girl they didn’t kiss girl I almost flipped every table in my house.
Okay so that episode was crazy. I never cried this hard in my life Jesus. The fact that Jamie was only in it for like maybe 5 minutes is BEWILDERING me right now. This show really gives zero fucks about making everything always centered around Jamie and I love it. Once again Disney needs to take some notes. That was such a POWERFUL EPISODE. I kept my expectations low just because of how I was always let down with Andi Mack, but JESUS THIS SHOW SURPASSED WHAT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE LIKE. Once again this show just sums up that ANDI MACK COULD NEVER!
Now that I’ve calm down a little I’m not as mad at Liam and his dad, but they’re both still little bitches. The dad disowning his son, Liam tattletaling on him, like I wasn’t breathing throughout that whole scene. I know if it were me, I wouldn’t react like that, but for some parents it does come as a shock so maybe I can justify SOME of his actions for now, BUT it doesn’t change the fact that he kicked his son out and disowned him. But I feel like the dad’s storyline is more so targeted towards the parents that watch Jamie Johnson, rather than the kids. This is going to hopefully teach them how NOT to react if their kids come out to them, and just teach them how to be a better parent. Liam is young and he feels like he’s always in the limelight of his brother, so that’s definitely why he told their dad, and you can see that he regretted it when he kicked Dillon out. Elliot telling ruby was not the best way to go about things, but I’m glad she’s supportive. With Elliot leaving, I guess I am glad that he has a friend that knows at least.
So Dillon and Elliot obviously have a connection, but I don’t think the show will continue with Elliot’s story, or even a possible relationship between them. Hopefully they’ll bring in somebody new cause Dillon still deserves a happy relationship.
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lizardl0ver43 · 6 years
okay what i want to know is why everyone is so sure that tj and cyrus are going to get together in 3x06?? like what substantiates that, other than the theory that cyrus will come out to his parents/already be dating tj in the funeral episode. which is literally just a theory? and one that i personally would hate to happen. i think it’s really important that andi mack deals with grief, and i think it’ll be great to see a supportive tj giving cyrus space while also just being there for him. but the idea of cyrus making a funeral into a coming out scene? like... are any of you gay? because that sounds like a worse nightmare for a gay kid than coming out at christmas or thanksgiving dinner. and the idea that all cyrus thinks about is being gay and his relationship with tj, and wouldnt be processing his grief when someone close to him dies is... just, can we stop here? it’s safe to say that tyrus isnt confirmed to have happened by then, and i dont know why anyone would want it to be either. if disney rushes this storyline, ill be imcredibly disappointed. i think everyone feels like, because tyrus is so obvious to us, it must be obvious to the normal viewer, and it would be natural for their relationship to progress faster. but i dont think yall get that like... most casual viewers arent drinking the tyrus juice (yet), and TEXTUALLY in the show, neither of their feelings have even been confirmed. tj’s have been confirmed with very strong subtext, but all we know is that cyrus doesnt have feelings for jonah anymore. for him to reveal that he likes tj in 3x04, and for them to get together in 3x06 would be sososo rushed, and i frankly hope it doesnt happen that way. i could be wrong, and they could totally rush this plotline, but im hoping for a bit more of a slow burn, with realistic conflict along the way (tj’s friends not liking cyrus? pressuring him? the cafeteria scene?) that doesnt make them miserable or anything, but rather slowly develops their relationship until the natural arc is them recognizing their feelings for each other. although we love drama, and it would be nice and exciting for us for tj’s feelings to be revealed in a dramatic way after he distances himself from cyrus, or after a jealousy plotline, since we know about tj’s feelings... i think we should also think about it from cyrus’s perspective. cyrus, who is probably scared, doesnt want to lose his friendship with tj, dreads his own feelings and, if he’s thinking about pursuing them, wants to tread with caution because, let’s reiterate- he’s gay in a small town where that’s likely scary, and he has a crush on a jock who, by societal expectations, is the most heterosexual boy on the planet (and we cant wait for disney to subvert that trope). honestly, saying this as a lesbian, gay people dont really have the privilege to treat relationships exactly the same way straight people do, at least not in most places. there are added layers of fear and internalized shit and just necessary general caution in order to not put yourself in a bad situation, and not only do i think the show should try to touch on this a little bit— only a little, because we dont want to other the show’s only gay relationship too much, we want to normalize it while also recognizing homophobia and all that, and i believe that can be done in a nuanced way that strikes a nicee balance— but i also think that this kind of cautious, slow-paced romance can be a breath of fresh air in comparison to the heterosexual relationships we see so often (especially on this show with fucking jandi), and i think it’ll culminate in a really great moment where both the audience and the characters just see the natural progression of things, and that is tyrus ;’) now maybe im being too optimistic now, but id like to hope that the route the show is going to go will more closely resemble the above than a hackneyed two-episode arc, and i guess i just reeeally dont understand why yall seem to be hoping for the latter.
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i-am-avacado · 7 years
Good Things About The Bootleg™ Long Ass Post
Long ass post about how much i love the bmc bootleg
- Jeremy looks so genuinely disappointed that his porno isn't loading in time for school to start
- I know that people giving Jer his clothes is done so Jeremy doesn't have to run around the stage putting his clothes on, but I like to think in real life they just float out of his closet and attach themselves to him
- The walk he does to the bathroom. Lil penguin
- Mr. Heere pls put pants on i know its a running theme but pls
- Brook sleepin in the bus
- the way everyone on the bus is doing their own thing: michael listening to music, brooke sleeping, chloe texting, jenna doing her nails, jake on the phone, and christine with her face in her script im dyin shes so cute
- the little dances they all do at the end of every lil segment
- uh rich hits jeremy in the nuts???? Rich thats mean
- you notice how when Michael goes behind the pillar, rich follows him all sly, opening a marker with his teeth, so you know that rich has already bullied Michael by the time he gets to Jeremy. He also shoots jeremy a look like "ill be there for you next". I like the details.
- Chloe. Rude. You scared Jenna
- Chloe hes trying to get to his locker leave him alone
- rich totally runs into Jeremy on purpose
- dont TOUcH me TALL AsS
- Rich isnt even that short its more that... He's compact???
- poor jeremy obvi gets bullied a lot im so sad
- lil handshake rich and jake do its so good
- "I navigate the dangerous hall" "BRRREEE"
- Mr. Reyes dragging rich by the ear lmao
- michael subtly jammin to his music in the background
- chrisitne standing there with her notebook pressed to her chest my Child
- her Leg thing
- so extra with the chapstick
- jeremy walking up to her and then turning and going "nope yikes"
- jake doing the sex symbol thing with his fingers when he raises his hand
- see the freaking motions rich is making at michael I'm pretty sure hes either mimicking punching him or mimicking fisting him either way gross
- Mr Reyes' bouncing
- also appreciate the costume changes Mr. Reyes/Heere/stockboy actor has to do. Respect.
- Mack Book Pro Hard Drive
- literally when Michael puts his hand to his ear and does the arm thing when hes jamming out makes me wanna die its so good and pure
- you ever notice how relaxed Michael seems at all times? Like his movements are so fluid and open and Jeremy's are shrunken into himself and stiff. The way he slurps his slushie casually before telling jeremy its fine to be a loser and the way he is so bouncy and everything. Hes okay being a loser. Also the way his face lights up when he sees jeremy is quality
- jeremy slowly bouncin to Michael's beat because even though hes in school he still gets relaxed around his best friend
- michael going "euch" while still smiling idk
- michaels face when he sees it says boyf riends
- their lame ass handshake i love them so much. Like he doesnt even have to prompt jeremy he just raises his hand and jeremy knows. Imagine how often they do this i love it
- Michael is. so fluid. He keeps doing the wavy hand motions like hes hula dancing. Also he does the thing where he taps his head with his fist and his whole body does a Wave like i don't understand but i love you
- christine is me when the cast list is posted
- the way michael looks at jeremy like "eh?" And jeremy nods like "yeah!!!!!" About christine Hes so cute
- michael teases jeremy about it. When they say "Christine canigula" and michael does the waving arm thing like "go over there nerd" and jeremy kicks him a lil like "shuddupppp"
- michaels smile is 👌
- jeremys smile is 👌
- i like to think that rich and jake lifing chrisitne up to sign the sheet happens every time there's a play
- michael taking jeremys lunch tray all soft and giving a subtle nod like "go on dude you can do it"
- michael shoving jeremy "go On dude do iiiit"
- im christine yeeting out of there
- tag urself im rich
- quality Jeremy hand flapping
- jer sounds so sad im dying bb
- michaels one leg spin before they all start singing is my sexuality
- jenna my love
- brooke like folding herself in half during the cccmon go go is cute
- Michaels face tap and then running away lmao
- cccmon cccmon gO.....no....
- yoo
- i always...sweat... This much?
- well IM jeremy (is ur dad rubbing off on u)
- just, christine. Shes so bouncy. And seems so comfortable around Jeremy? Like "hes okay with my weirdness!!!!!!"
- my child
- jeremy LIVING for christines happiness is amazing
- his smiiiiiiile at her
- her climbing on chairs
- "the man is dead let it go"
- jake doing the thing with his arm when they mention the frisbee golf team
- brook and rich are friends!!!! U see em messing around with each other in the background???? Brooke/rich?????
- hot pocket
- jeremy being so sad looking (and kind of angry looking???) When he pulls out his phone while jake talks to christine
- christines scarf lmao
- jeremy goes to the nurse for breakdowns often :'(
- hes so in love with christine im dying
- mr reyes works at the hobby lobby idk why the kids know him more from that then his actual teacher job
- Jake is actually really cute about trying to talk to Christine. Tryin to quote Shakespeare. You sweet dummy
- Rich running into mr reyes in the bathroom and the thing he does with his hands
- i told you NOT to wash that off
- hips
- rich your hips
- they are a rollin
- are you a GIRL Jeremy???
- rich
- hips
- also your squip makes you freeze and groan like you're being choked and that makes me sad
- the lisp oh my goood
- and then he slaps himself. Like thats not his squip telling him to slap himself, the squip has shocks for that. Rich slaps himself, which means he is always fighting his lisp all the time and that makes me rlly sad
- did he switch the lyrics or did i miss something? Isnt he supposed to say "hopeless" before he says "helpless"? Either way, quality
- his face when he talks about being suicidal
- idk but i like the way he leans down and then slowly rises back up
- the movement he does when he describes the squip is weird and i like it
- oh my God the way jeremy shields his face makes me sad. Rich didnt even raise his arm yet. Jeremy gets bullied Too Much and i dont like it
- rich is a bouncy motherfucker and I'm straight for him only
- Quality jeremy flapping and bouncin around
- the weird dance is cool
- all the kids in the background doing the dance with rich is creepy as fuck and i love it
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plinys · 7 years
did you see agentverbivore 's meta on why fraida is sexual assault? can you comment on it?
so like, i wasn’t going to answer this. i was off enjoying my life, i saw cars 3 which is great i cant believe doc hudson is gay and lightening mcqueen is secretly fitz and if y’all think im not gonna write a cars fraida au you’re wrong
and i come home to this
lovely anon
i was really just going to be like ??? this isnt worth my time and just go write fraida fic and dont worry guys if youre here for baby au or beach house verse or kinky framework smut well i got you covered later today
but before that, we need to talk
this is long, and doesnt cover most the important bits
first off, apologies to my one (1) mutual that is a huge holden radcliffe fan, you should probably look away for part of this meta. because im gonna put some of the blame on him
a few points from that awful meta i skimmed that was again not valid because it was written by a fs stan and these people by default cannot stand any other character looking at fs (like my girl oph may be evil, but like will daniels was not !? but man were the fs stans ready to call him abusive and sexual assualt back then so, again as proof opinions of those extra gross fs stans are not valid)
now if you are a mildly reasonable fs fan or just a normal person that ships other things, please do not let the crazies convince you of some total bullshit 
hee’s some ground facts
my girl aida, now know as ophelia, is one of the main villains of the season. she’s evil af in the later half. im not here to deny that. she’s one of the seasons villains
you know who else are tho - holden radcliffe and leopold fitz
back in 4.01 my girl was created to be a digital assistant, programmed not to lie and not to kill and generally just like a good™ person. now that got fucked up and whose fault is that
well lets have some more facts:
holden gave her the programming that it was okay to kill if it was to fill an objective he set (this allowed her to kill him later and honestly that was his bad)
fitz taught her how to lie, and holden assured her that it was okay to do so
as mack, the only person with a logical fear of robots would tell us, this is a bad idea
and then we get the darkhold
man who, from the other side, convinced aida to read the book? 
who then later enabled her to keep reading and gain all the knowledge and use it to help him create the framework and expand it and make it better
but oh man thats another good point who designed the framework? 
holden radcliffe and leopold fitz
holden specifically was the one that wanted it to grow, that encouraged her to push the simulation, that had the plan to put may into it and give her a whole different life to keep her contained
holden was also the one to have them kidnap and replace the rest of the team
wait you mean? aida was just following orders? the whole time? oh yes, thats right guys. she was
until of course
the framework
now here’s where it gets messy because
the framework 
in the framework, the darkhold has no hold on you anymore
which means, holden gets to experience regret and becomes not the villain anymore go him 
though as mentioned before this, holden’s instructions were to fix regret so people would stay in the framework and not question the narrative or want to leave
which leaves us with
coulson not a shield agent
may saving the girl (both of which ive mentioned in previous metas is why hydra rose with no one to assemble the avengers and a fear of inhumans in the public it was easy)
fitz being raised with his father (who i personally hc as hydra in the real world too but thats just me)
mace being an inhuman
and mack having his daughter
now despite what poor sad jemma simmons, and the fs stan mouth piece that daisy got to be for a brief moment (i miss a well written daisy wow) will tell you,
not having a girl in your life does not suddenly make you a super villain
maybe its idk
the hydra father you were raised with 
in a demonstrated emotionally abusive house that says not to show emotions and weakness (much like john garrett did to grant ward)
a world in which there was a fear of inhumans and a push for hydra to rise
a natural inclination for ambition
now, idk if its just me but
aida didnt make fitz evil
she followed holden orders to fix his regret, 
if anything holden made him evil but really this anger and darkness has been inside of fitz all along and if you dont believe me rewatch season 2/3. watch that scene with ward when he cuts off the air, watch him with the gun and yelling at the space rock, watch him angrily pushing things onto the ground when frustrated
this kid has been two shakes from being a villain since season two
 now to the fraida bit
if you believe ophelia on the beach scene which i do, she’s human now, able to feel things, there’s no way this girl so new to emotions that she has a panic attack thinking about people being hurt, so new that she loses herself to heart break in what is honestly just bad writing but canon so i can use it as a point here
would lie without there being an obvious tell
she’s not lying. 
she wanted to feel loved and human
so she took jemma’s place at the academy
now when did fitzsimmons first hook up? when did they first kiss? how long did that take? 
aida, then calling herself ophelia, wanted to be jemma simmons and like i get that. you, the fs stans, should get that. i mean isnt that why you all write self insert fanfic while slapping the name jemma on the character and pretending its the same one we see in canon?
aidas just like you
maybe a little misguided, playing a fucked up sims game of the real world
in a sense they created an alternate universe
an earth 2
and now you’re here telling me a robot, who cannot canonically feel anything more than pain, was the one to initiate sex? no, that boy def initiated it. 
the horrible example of the meta involves someone being roofed and forced into sex, but thats not what happened. she wouldnt have been the one to touch him first, wouldn’t have been the one to initiate anything because she wanted to experience love and humanity and none of that is part of it
now iain confirmed the friada sex happened, canon later told us that it happened in 4.21 and again reminded us that she could feel nothing, which important take away here
now if you say
there’s consent issues, probably dub-con ill agree
but the framework version of him, this alternate universe man very much wanted every part of that
and honestly could you blame him?
so now i am going to sit here and write my fic set in the framework verse as if it was a full earth 2 and enjoy living it up in my alternate universe sin verse
im going to write my lets ignore everything after she saves mack fix it fics because i can do whatever i want
its fandom
and theres like 4 of us shipping fraida
block the tag if you dont want to see it 
dont come up in my inbox anymore and ask my opinions or for m to justify my ship ever again, im just going to start replying with the parks & rec gif of ron with her permit to do what he wants
ye be warned
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brxkcnengineer · 4 years
out of the lab ;
s07e05 liveblog thoughts under the cut!
if i dont see fitz tonight im throwing a genuine temper tantrum
like. i will start throwing things at my tv. the episode is in half an hour
god im so happy sousa is part of the team now
lmao my mom heard the opening and yelled “is that how it ALWAYS OPENS??? ITS VERY 70S 80S???”
the smell of hot dog water is disgusting tbh
“learning to label and communicate, it’s healthy” oh my god
“stop thinking about it your brains will spill out” lmao
omg the bendeery
oh my god mack and yoyo sneaking around for a date night
is may getting drunk by touching people oh my god
“little ricky” oh my god
oh shit freddy is still alive
oh shit project insight is way ahead of schedule
“most of these are squids” oh my god
ew gideon stop flirting with daisy
okay but sousa pretending to be daisy’s fiance is sending me
patrick cutiq oh my god
uh oh chronicoms
“ill explain later, lets go” omg
enoch talking about the car’s safety and then fucking FLOORING IT
okay so they jumped 3 years
oh deke and sousa fighting
okay so jemma is forgetting things and she’s afraid without enoch there, i’m very much not okay with this
okay but sousa and daisy bonding and daisy showing sousa her phone and stuff
their outfits are from the comics i love it
oh fuck off nathaniel
i hate that daisy and sousa are kidnapped
oh macks parents
interesting. i dont…. particularly care
yay! insight’s gone!
why do i feel like jemma is gonna just… fall over at one point
wait did
did it just end?
0 notes
brxkcnengineer · 4 years
out of the lab ;
s7e04 liveblog thoughts under the cut!
the fact that toy story 3 is on right now is doing nothing for my emotional stability
im so not ready for sousa’s death
i really hope sousa lives. i really really hope
“personal tale of misery”
“you may proceed with your saga of struggle”
if they leave enoch behind again im gonna be pissed
deke spitting hard truth
has deke been kidnapped omg
the commercials being in color while the episode isnt is making my head spin
i really want fitz tonight
was that the MCR logo as in my chemical romance
the last time we were undercover on a train we got the prostitutes yell
oh my god i dont care about mack and yoyo anymore
may and jemma gushing over the little device, i love it
oh we getting philinda
“a pompous ass” listen i LOVED howard in agent carter
i hate creepy chronicom man and i hate the tilted camera angle its making me dizzy
and i dont trust this blonde lady, she’s definitely a chronicom
we love daniel sousa so much. WE LOVE DANIEL SOUSA KICKING ASS
where’s deke
i want to see fitz, where’s he, that’s more important
he was kidnapped by malick, wasn’t he
oh no whats happening to may
it’s malick isnt it. it’s malick i know it is.
all of them just being like “yep” at the hydra stuff
deke rambling about toasters is gonna be my new braincell
dont you dare let sousa die
“that’s catchy and i wish i said it”
okay malick let deke live, thank god
we love jemma taking care of people
oh enoch is so sads :(
“only simmons cares that much about stuff like that” well fuck you yoyo
oh it’s when people touch may that she panics
fuck that was one of my inhuman ideas for fitz
wow so i definitely see it in daisy’s eyes that she’s pissed at mack for changing history now and yeah tbh fuck you mack
we love that coulson did that for sousa
daisy and jemma being the paramedics is Love
may taking coulson’s hand is
wow not as romantic as i thought it would be
why do i feel like there’s 2 coulsons and now coulson is with fitz and sousa
is it the 80s next
oh 1970s
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