#[ aos spoilers ]
autism-swagger · 3 months
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I like to think I'm funny.
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aingeal98 · 7 months
Agents of shield is fundementally the story of two morally ambiguous jaded spies in their 50s unofficially adopting a 20 something year old girl doomed to tragedy who's never had unconditional love her entire life. And they swear to stand by her no matter what and the universe says Wanna Bet? and throws unspeakable horrors at them for seven long seasons. They can't protect the girl, can't stop her from getting hurt the way they did when they were her age. But at the end of it all they can stand by her. She can destroy the world she can push them all away one of them can literally die the way everyone she loves does sooner or later and they'll still be there. Seven seasons and multiple deaths later they're not going to stop loving and supporting her. That's their kid and she's a superhero and the best thing to ever happen to their shady spy organisation. And they're so damn proud.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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Agents of Shield text posts part 6!
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Hello i feel like it's been forever since I've had a decently long winded Star Trek post! But don't worry. I am here today bearing gifts!
I've rewatching the AOS films and I am just absolutely blown away by Chris Pine's performance at Kirk. Don't get me wrong, everyone in the film does an exceptional job, as always. But there are a few moments where Kirk conveys such reactions and emotions?? I just love it.
The first is after he's been demoted and Pike meets him at the bar to tell him he's made Kirk his first officer (clip can be found here). These are just a few photos of him in this scene that are my personal favorites.
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His ability to show how much Kirk cares for and admires Admiral Pike is sooo so good
And of course, on the other side of the emotional spectrum we have the moment that Pike dies (clip can be found here) this one was way hard to pick the key moments for me but I tried my best.
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He did just such a good job with this role.
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sun-pluto · 2 years
rip to you but i’m laughing at how some people think CP has gone evil when he literally loves his turtle so fucking much and now jin mu got rid of it. 🧍🏻‍♀️ the CP is literally counting down the seconds of JM’s remaining lifespan in his eyes LMFAO are we watching the same show???
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naocakes · 7 months
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session 5
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ryder616 · 1 year
So, fellow AoS stans who are also Trekkies, isn't Jack the Kora of Picard?
New character for the final season, related to our lead(s) kinda out of the blue? Check
Key to the seasonal plotty plot bits? Check
Key to at least part of the emotional resolution, but with an inadequate build up that makes caring for it a little harder than it should? Check
Seduced for a time by the bad guy's goals? Check
No consequences whatsoever for their part in the mess the heroes had to clean up? Check, especially for Jack, because Kora lost her mom after all
Fast-tracked through an Academy to join their rightful place in the family business? Check
Ending as the third wheel on a ship that's a new iteration of a beloved old one, whose Captain and the first mate are romantically involved? Check check check
Where the analogy breaks down is that Jack is clearly A Very Special Boy on board the Enterprise G, while if the Zephyr 3 had A Very Special Person, that would definitely be Daisy and not Kora.
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0hcicero · 2 years
Calling all readers!
Hey Fitzsimmons fans, Agents of Shield fans, and people who enjoy @atomicsupervillainess on Archive of Our Own! Did you know that’s my AO3 handle?
Would you like a return back to the Corpsey Verse with a masquerade ball, new scenes, and new stories? Would you like to see Tiny Altars Everywhere set in a grimy wartime era, and an all new sexy eldritch horror in Victorian London?
Well guess what - all of that is coming your way! But why, you may ask? It’s been years! Well, some news, friends. My cat Elwood is sick. He’s got hyperthyroidism which is making him restless, uncomfortable, anxious and stressed. It taxes his heart and liver function, and needs to be treated. The good news is that it’s a treatable condition. The bad news is that it’s expensive. I’m trying to find creative ways to pay for it, so I’m going to be adapting some of my fanfic and unpublished writings into self-publisher novellas and stories under the name of Venus Pettingill!
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So if you wanna help a girl help a cat, please watch this space for more news. I’ll be setting up a Ko-Fi account soon to assist in the process, and starting to upload some things to Amazon Kindle.
If you enjoyed my work before, enjoy it still, like sexy nerds or cute cats, please boost this post, watch this space, and keep an eye out for Venus Pettingill!
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keepinitreal4 · 2 years
so we're all gonna ignore the fact that Seo Yul's uncle had a total of two expressions when he was taken over by Jin Mu.
I was this close to switching it off at the second riduclous eyebrow raise
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autism-swagger · 3 months
Seriously though can we talk about Daisy after she's freed from Hive?? She literally goes through dopamine withdrawal, symptoms of which include (but are not limited to) anxiety, panic attacks, dysphoria, depression, agitation, irritability, suicidal ideation, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, generalized pain, and drug cravings.
Not to mention the fact that dopamine withdrawal has to chance of becoming protracted withdrawal syndrome and can last anywhere from months to YEARS. Get my girl in a detox center NOW 😭
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aingeal98 · 2 months
There are many things I dislike about the Andrew as Lash plot but the Daisy of it all gets me every time. Andrew killing so many inhumans but never her. His last act being to save her, sent by May to kill the man possessing her daughter. He rips out hearts but never hers, hers he cleanses and cradles gently. Is it because Lash's instinct is telling him that this girl will be important for the future? That she must be saved instead of killed? Or is it something much simpler? Andrew, his fondness and care for Daisy and his understanding of just how much this girl means to May. The monster can have nearly all of him, can scrape him out of his own skull, but it can't have this part of his heart. His love for May was so strong that even as Lash, even operating fully on instincts he can't understand, he still grabs the girl and runs like hell. Was Daisy saved for a special purpose? Or was she saved because of Andrew's love, and everything she did afterwards was not something Lash could predict, but simply hope for. Because it's in Daisy's nature to fight back, no matter how big and powerful the evil trying to crush her. And it's in her nature to triumph every time.
And then May, in the episode where they realise it's Andrew that's been killing people. Faced with a moral decision she doesn't feel equipped to make, after telling Andrew that he was always kinder and more empathetic than her. She relies on Coulson's orders at work because she sees that same kindness in him but this isn't work, this is something so much more personal. And so she turns to Daisy, because even more than Coulson, if she needs moral decision-making guided primarily by kindness and empathy, there is no one she will trust more with that decision than the girl who represents not just the best parts of her and Coulson but the best parts of all of SHIELD. So often in the show May is the wise mentor, trying to steer Daisy so that when life hits those rough patches (as it does very frequently) she'll have the tools in place to get back up stronger. But here May is, with all her experience and trauma, and this time she just... doesn't have the tools. She doesn't know what to do. But Daisy does. Because even before she was an inhuman, before she was a shield agent, she had a never ending amount of compassion and an unbreakable sense of moral clarity.
Daisy will wonder time and time again why so many people are comfortable sacrificing themselves for her. Why is this her fate? Why is this what they choose to do? What are they seeing that she's not?
And despite all the times that she saved the world, it's never some power of future sight that makes people like Andrew sacrifice themselves for her. It's not her power, it's not her predestined role in things, the only one who died for that reason was Raina. Everyone else who died for Daisy did it for one simple reason. Because Daisy Johnson is a good person they care about, and keeping her alive is worth the cost.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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Agents of Shield text posts part 5!
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saltroseandtopaz · 2 years
I’m at the beginning of Alchemy of Souls, and I love it. It’s amazing and I just can’t stop watching. However, there is one part that is slowly starting to piss me off a bit. We know that Jang Gang and the late emperor switched souls, because the emperor wanted to rape Jang Gang wife. Why is everyone claiming she had an affair? The poor woman didn’t know it wasn’t her husband! She was unknowingly raped and died at childbirth. Yet everyone is saying Jang Uk is the product of an affair. She’s literally the only blameless person in this whole situation! Her and Jang Uk don’t deserve any of the terrible things that happened to them. Another part that confuses me is that Jang Uk should be Jang Gang son. I mean he’s born from his body, how would he be the emperor son? Yes, I get the emperor was in Jang Gang body when he was convinced but he was still born of Jang Gang blood and DNA. I guess they’ll explain it later, but yeah that’s a weird claim to make when genetically he wouldn’t be related to the emperor.
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sun-pluto · 1 year
unrelated to anything, but i just love those tropes where character A and character B are so close that when either of them gets kidnapped/taken and a doppelgänger/imitation replaces them, the other STILL recognises the fake. and what i absolutely love MORE is when the other recognises the fake through some character flaw of the kidnapped person turned hilarious, such as this meme:
fake character A: you’re right, you’re always right
character B: hold on, [character A] would never say that
[character A’s clone]: *points at character A* Shoot them! they’re the clone!
character B: *aims gun at clone* the REAL [character A] would never pass up the opportunity to die!
or even in alchemy of souls in the mirror episode, the point is that it’s just so unfortunate for the doppelgänger to imitate someone so full of rage and distrust and then act seductive like it’s hILARIOUS. character flaws turning into something so unique and special to the person makes it hilarious and cute to me when the other characters see through the bs idk
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naocakes · 8 months
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you can't script this shit!!!!!
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ioveobi · 1 year
although I found out Ward was Hydra a few episodes into S1 (through tumblr because I like to look at posts about the shows & movies I watch 🧎🏾‍♀️) actually seeing how it happened and everything go down wasn’t really the problem for me. what broke me was seeing Fitz breakdown after finding out someone he cared for betrayed him in such a deceiving way.
I just thought back to season 1 episode 7 and how they protected each other during their mission and it’s almost (almost!) like it was all for nothing :’) I get Ward still cares for all of them in some way, but he was so caught up in pleasing and following Garrett around that he broke real relationships.
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