#just got resell ticket
lefreck · 8 months
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okay i am dying to do a little research. please only answer if you’ve actually purchased some — i want to see what the average ends up being, not just a guesstimate for how much people are willing to spend!
reblog for sample size please!!
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c0nes · 1 year
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ranger-kellyn · 3 months
i just wanted to get tickets to go see this atla in concert event but a SINGLE ticket in the cheapest section is reselling for $249.................
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yourlocalabomination · 7 months
I just bought your ticket thank you so so so much
Honestly thank you for saving my wallet from the presale website being absolutely awful and highly unusable!
I’m sorry that Twickets added a bullshit extra £10 service fee - I intentionally sold them at face value because I 1. Just wanted money back, and 2. Wanted another starkid fan to get a ticket at the original price.
But I do hope you enjoy front row!
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maybege · 1 year
so … anybody need 4 standing vip tickets for Taylor in Gelsenkirchen?
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iwatcheditbegin · 2 years
hi!! are you going to the seattle shows in july? I went to rep tour on 5/22/18 too :’-)
I’m trying! I couldn’t get tickets and was unable to even do the verified fan thing again cause I was in ED treatment and without a phone / computers. I didn’t even see the email. An TM cancelled sales to the general public.
I hope there’s still a way. I know the demand is really high, but ticketmaster and resell sites are known to hold onto tickets to increase the value. There were seats that weren’t even showing up when I went to my show that later ended up going for like half the price the week of, and people have said that happened again so idk. Fingers crossed.
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vimbry · 2 years
"it's about the auditory experience" I tell myself buying the world's worst seat for sparks
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thedissociatives · 24 days
ok so that's two bands who i almost definitely won't be able to see on their next tours :|
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dix-rose · 9 months
people who resell concert tickets just to make money suck I hope your pillow is warm every night
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spencereid · 1 year
got waitlisted and i’m so fucking gutted :-(
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sadlazzle · 1 year
god i rlly hope i can save blondie’s hair cause the glue seepage is insane .. i rlly don’t want to reroot her
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finexbright · 2 years
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staarri · 3 months
an evening with @ staarri
c. various haikyuu characters
t. imagine this with your favorite artist or who you think they would like, fluff, gn!reader & male characters only. wc : ?
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he enjoys the concert to the fullest with you. he knows every lyric, every song, every speech, and little thing the artist says. has been or is still a diehard fan—and he is very vocal about it too. likes to sing along, if not, scream along the songs. the type of person you’d hear screeching in “unhinged fan” recordings of that artist. though he doesn’t do it that often (thankfully), and only puts on that act when they play a song he especially likes. he likes to get ready with you and suggest having matching outfits, whether it be a reference to a lyric, a song, or something the artist has worn before.
(bonus. if this is a taylor swift concert, he already has a hoard of bracelets to give for you to trade them incase you run out.)
🏐 — nishinoya, tanaka, bokuto, hinata
he’s more lowkey about it. knows the songs & the lyrics, but is mostly there to see you all happy & smiling because he got you barricade tickets to get as close to the performers as possible. he’s your social media manager, takes candid photos and videos of you enjoying the concert and the artist so you have memories to look back on. he’s not that quiet that it seemed like you dragged him along—don’t get him wrong, he likes being there. he’s just not the type to scream the lyrics like other people. if he knows you’ll enjoy the concert, he makes sure to get two tickets for different dates: the opening and the closing for that city. who knows? maybe you’ll even find yourself backstage getting your merch signed by the artist. you have no idea how your boyfriend knows about this though.
🏐 — akaashi, tsukishima, kageyama, oikawa, kuroo, sugawara, yamaguchi
you had to drag him along the concert because your friend couldn’t go. instead of reselling it, you took this as an opportunity to introduce the artist to your boyfriend with a very limited taste in music. its 50/50, either he’ll enjoy it and add some of the tracks to his playlist or he will stay silent on the ride home. this doesn’t mean he wont support you! he’s taking pictures for sure, just more you and less of the artist performing.
🏐 — kenma, iwaizumi, daichi, asahi
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shhhsecretsideblog · 2 months
For the birth denial asks, what about going to a play or performance and you're in labor the whole time, but you're sucking it up because it's your partners birthday and they really wanted to see it, but your water breaks/ you feel the urge to push just after the last intermission ends
Anon!!!! You beautiful person! This is my fav thing ever and I swear I’ve submitted this exact request to other birth fic writers on here before I started doing my own. So so happy to have gotten this ask. Thank you!!!!
Theatre Birth
We had booked the tickets a year ago; it was a limited run at our local theatre, guest starring our favourite actress, and it just happened to coincide with your birthday. We simply had to get tickets to see this play. So I offered to buy the tickets and we could make a celebratory night of it.
But then I got pregnant.
We completely forgot about the show with all the excitement of the pregnancy, until about two weeks beforehand when we received the tickets in the post. It was awfully close to my due date. You offered to cancel the tickets, or see if we could resell them, but we were both still desperately excited to see this limited performance while we could. I assured you I still wanted to go, it was your birthday treat and we would be fine. First babies are never early.
I didn’t tell you about the braxton hicks contractions that plagued me the day before, or the fact I’d lost my mucus plug that morning. You were too excited; it was your birthday, you had a baby on the way and you would be seeing your favourite actress that evening. I couldn’t spoil your joy, especially not for false and practice labour pains. I just had to ride them out and let you enjoy your day. I’d tell you tomorrow.
I’d managed to hide the grimaces of pain throughout the day, but when we got to the theatre the cramps were coming at such regular intervals I was forced to consider this might actually be the real thing. But we were here now and labour took hours before there would be any need to go to the hospital, so I didn’t say anything. You pulled my arm eagerly through the theatre, excitement sparkling in your eyes for this evening’s performance. Holding my heavy bump, I plastered on my best smile and waddled behind you to find the row with our seats.
The old theatre seats were upholstered in a rough red velvet that itched the backs on my legs and the size of the seats were not designed with pregnant people in mind. Needless to say I was far from comfortable. You flicked through the programme and opened your box of sweets, in a world of your own as we waited for the show to start. I shifted in my seat and rubbed the ache in my lower belly, my bump spread over the tops of my legs because the seat was too narrow to allow it to fully sit between my thighs as it usually did. Another contraction struck and I hissed through my teeth but at the same time the music started abruptly so my flinch was left unnoticed.
I’d thought seeing the play would be a great distraction from the aches and twinges, but as the waves of pain crashed with more and more intensity I couldn’t pay attention to what was happening on stage. The seat was agonisingly uncomfortable, I was sweating in my outfit, and I was regretting all my choices that had led me here. After a long hour and a half Act One eventually finished. You helped me up out of the low chair so I could make a quick dash to the toilet, with the baby so big and so active I was surprised I’d lasted the duration of the first act.
There was a long line for ladies, standard in the small theatre, but as I felt the telltale cramping of the next contraction I pulled the pregnancy card and skipped ahead of the queue. I just felt so full; my belly was tight, the baby was low, and there was so much pressure. I panted silently through the contraction as I sat on the toilet and just as it was coming to an end I felt something give and a splash echoed from the porcelain.
Oh my god, that was my waters… I thought to myself.
I sat there, a little in shock, breathing slowly to calm myself. It's okay. I’ll just clean myself up, head back to our seats to tell you, and then we could make a quick and subtle exit before the play resumed. By the time I had exited the bathroom and awkwardly shuffled along the row to get back to our seats the lights in the theatre were already starting to dim - the next Act was beginning. You offered a hand to help me get back into the chair and I don’t know why but I took it and sat back down on the itchy seat. The music started before I could tell you my waters had just broken, with everyone around us back in their assigned seats all sitting in the dark and facing the bright lights of the stage. Now completely stuck in the middle of a row I couldn’t bring myself to tell you - we couldn’t get leave now, it would mean asking about 15 people to move in order to allow my heavy and labouring body to exit the row and attracting all manner of unwanted attention. Rubbing my contracting belly, I took a deep breath. I just had to get through act two and then you and I could head straight for the hospital after the play. Everything would be fine.
It was not fine.
Without the cushioning of my waters the baby’s head was rammed against my dilating cervix. The contractions were hitting me every few minutes and I was surprised I hadn’t yet cried out from the pain. I tried to do little things to ease the pain, shifting in my seat or rubbing my belly, but the movement seemed to attract the annoyed glances from people around us. If I just stayed still and breathed through the pain, I was sure I could make it through. Occasionally you’d glance at me, checking I was enjoying the show, and I tried my best to smile through my gritted teeth.
But everything changed when the need to push presented itself. I pulled a sudden sharp gasp and my eyes widened with panic. You softly turned to look at me and your face fell at seeing the pained and panicked expression on mine.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You whispered in my ear.
“Hooo- nothing…” I breathed quietly, ignoring all my body’s cues that I might need to start pushing.
You placed a hand on my bump and felt the solid and tense surface beneath your fingers. “Are you having contractions?”
“I’m fine… hoooo… just- hold my hand.” I said, determined not to make a scene or attract attention.
Grabbing your hand I turned back to the stage, signalling you to do the same. I could do this, it wouldn’t be much longer and then we can leave quietly. Just breathe and don’t push, I told myself.
I managed to make it through half a dozen more contractions, breathing steadily and squeezing your hand whenever they hit. I could see in my peripheral vision your head turning anxiously towards me whenever I gripped your hand tight. The play felt like it was dragging on and on and on. Surely it had to end soon. The next contraction began to seize, I took a deep breath and released it slowly through the pain but the pressure was quickly building to astronomical heights. I was biting my lips to stop myself making any noise but the occasional whimper slipped through. Without control or permission I felt my body suddenly push. My fingers curled around your hand, my nails digging deep into your skin as I beared down.
Your head snapped towards me and saw my face scrunched and my chin on my chest.
“Oh my god are you pushing?!?!” You stuttered.
I could only gulp a breath as my body pushed again. The baby was right there and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. My legs parted instinctively as I slumped in the chair and lifted my knees. I could feel my lips start to open, forced apart as the head pushed its way out. And yet I remained silent, with only the occasional muted grunt sounding from my throat from a baby that was desperate to be born.
“Stop… y-you can’t be pushing. You’re not in labour… are you?” You were frazzled, unsure what to do. The performers were still on stage, the show continuing, unaware of the new life that was soon to enter the world.
I let go of your hand and scrambled to pull the fabric of my dress up. Diving beneath the clothing I put a hand between my thighs and I felt through my underwear the large round shape of the baby’s head poking out. “Fuck….” I gritted under my breath.
Unable to fully speak or explain, I just grabbed your hand and placed it on the partially crowned head. “Baby’s-coming…mnghhhhhh….” I grunted and succumbed to another push, bearing down uncontrollably with a primal need to birth right here right now.
People around us were starting to notice, but I could pay them no mind. The baby slipped further and further out with every push, filling your hand that had remained between my legs. The full crown was reached in a matter of agonising seconds and then with a sudden loud grunt the head popped out.
It was only then I became aware of the silence and the fact the people on stage had halted their performance and were staring.
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pseudophan · 3 months
i just wanted to say i've really enjoyed reading everyone's asks about whether they got tickets or not and i'm sorry i havent replied to more of you i just feel like if i post 80 asks in a row about it people might get a little bit fed up. but i love this for you! or sorry that happened! no genuinely for those who didn't get the tickets they want, don't give up just yet i had a friend get the vip ticket they wanted literally two days before the show during ii like it might not happen but it's still possible i assure you. also if your show isn't fully sold out, keep checking it now and then, you never know what might show up
be careful about resell scammers though! make sure you have proof of a ticket existing before buying one. that being said there are a LOT of phannies selling tickets rn so don't just assume everyone is a scammer either. also i know twitter is a hellscape but it's a really good place to find resale tickets, for example twitter user ticketsdan is retweeting a ton of both tickets for sale and people looking for specific tickets, so if you're really desperate for a specific kind you might as well turn on their notifs and hope for the best. the twickets app is also good, several people are already selling tickets on there and more will be eventually
not to pray on anyone's downfall but sometimes people aren't able to go to the show they wanna go to and you can get insanely good tickets like, the day before it's happening. you never know. keep looking!
i actually just wanted to make a post saying sorry for not replying to most people today but unfortunately i'm tipsy so you got all of this instead. it's all good advice though trust me i'm a seasoned professional in the dan and phil tickets game
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