#just hmu and i can get rid of the post :>
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One is different oh nooo :>
Used of the newer renders by dvinaamesca as an angle reference for this one while the colors and lighting be my own brain doing sillies, he looked too pretty from this angle sorry :<
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just deleted a shit ton of bloatware off my phone<3
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btscontentenjoyer · 1 year
get to know me 💕💕💕
so i've never done anything like this, but i thought it might be fun! feel free to talk to me about any of these things, i'm constantly bored and ready to ramble lmao. thank you to Rid for tagging me @taegularities 💞💞💞
name: you can call me ivi!
sign: virgo sun, leo moon, capricorn rising
height: i don't really know exactly, but maybe around 165?
time: 18:20 EET
birthday: 26 august
fav band/artist: bts, frank ocean, harry styles, doja cat, arctic monkeys
last movie: bones and all
last show: crash landing on you
when i created this blog: october of this year! (but i've been on tumblr for a lot longer, just been into bts since june only)
what i post: my love for other people's content that usually has to do with bts
other blogs: don't have any anymore, can't keep up with so many things at once lmao
do i get asks: not really, but i'm always down to talk about anything so hmu
followers: a bunch of lovely people <3
avg hours of sleep: like 7, but i feel like it's usually not good quality sleep :(
instrument: cannot play anything to save my life
dream job: therapist or counselor
dream trip: scotland, netherlands, france, japan, thailand, lots of places honestly
fav songs: recently have only been blasting indigo nonstop, so all of that
i tag anyone who wants to do this!
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this ask is probably annoying, i’m really sorry, but i never really read superhero comics and i’m just getting into superheroes from the.. em cee you, i guess? over the past month (actually watching h*mec*ming as i type this) and i was wondering if you’d explain some of the differences between em cee you peter and comics peter — only if you want to, of course, but it kinda seems to me like you probably have a lot to say on why you don’t like that version and you’re waiting for someone to ask?? if so, i’m curious to hear it (& i’d also love any comic recommendations, if you’ve got them to give :))
Hi, anon! Not annoying at all!
I'm not... eager to talk, I only mention it to... shall we say, clear the air? The m/cu is the most popular version of every marvel character, so, when someone wanted to talk to me about marvel, I had to assume that the conversation would go there eventually, and the last thing I wanted was for someone to approach me with love for it and to meet it with less than lukewarm enthusiasm. So, I thought, if I just pepper the fact that I don’t like it into the conversation, no one will make that mistake. Although I love you for giving me the chance, and I WILL NOW. NO TAKE BACKS.
First of all, I wouldn't give you recs off the cuff, because I don't know what you like. If you end up liking Homecoming, I might go with Untold Stories of Spider-Man. It's a flashback series, written in the 90's but set in Peter's high-school years, to expand them. I think it's a very good example of a text that modernizes the material (getting rid of all that 60's whackiness) while staying as true as possible to the source. Darker and more serious than the original, but that’s because writing had changed since then.  Maybe it had to do with the Hayes Code, too. I can think of one thing that wouldn’t have flown back then. It's still pretty different from th!Peter, but much closer than the original high-school years. Peter's also more likeable. Or, more easily likeable, I love that 60′s teenage rat bastard who can't get a grip. 
Zdarsky’s run of Spectacular Spider-Man has that hopeless-but-well-meaning vibe, too, although he’s an adult there. (It’s okay, he hasn’t acted like an actual adult since One More Day. I do think you might find USoSM!Peter more mature than Zdarsky’s Peter.) 
Hmu with more specific requests and I'll oh-so-gladly comply, you have no idea. As you’re about to find out, I’m talkative. I tried to include panels to make it a bit more bearable. I would like to apologize for any typos or mistakes, English isn’t my first language.
I guess the next order of business is to say that, unless you said it like that to avoid tagging/searching problems, there's no reason to be apologetic to me about watching/liking that Peter. I don't like him, and I think it's human nature to think your taste is better than everyone else's taste lmao, but, while I did find it... not to my taste (Peter seemed like a pushover to me, and the only thing I found actually funny, which seemed to be the point of the whole movie, was the porn joke - there's a lot of deeper issues that have to do with the em cee you as a whole, but this post isn't about that and there's plenty of people who could and have explained it better), my... anger comes from the fact that, for being a really inaccurate version of the story, it's put a lot of effort into seeming like the most accurate one to date, and that has consequences outside of any individual decisions to watch the movies or not.
The point of the movies is to bring in new readers from the audience, and the audience will want to see what they saw on the movies, so things get changed to create synergy. Dumb examples, born from the fact that I don't read those comics or haven't gotten to that part yet: last year or so, Valkyrie was killed so that she could be brought back as a Tessa Thompson look alike. Jessica Jones is a brunette, when she’s always been a redhead. Matt Murdock had a crisis or something (I think it was because he committed manslaughter, accidentally, of course, but it might be unrelated) changed his costume to one that looked like the one in the netflix show. Hell, they made a new team of the Defenders with the netflix crew! They used to have a completely different roster! Doctor Strange was there! They didn’t replace the other team, and I’m not sure either of them are still active, but still. These were just small, aesthetic examples (well, at least their consequences were - Brunhilde did die and all that, I have no idea whether she acts more like m/cu Valkyrie now, or if she did before) to get you used to the idea that there's a clear pecking order at Marvel and the movies have some big teeth.
So, people buy that that's how Peter is, so not only is all the fan content I get about that version, it also becomes more and more likely that things will get changed in the comics to make them more similar. Not just that, but people will also go into the comics with that lense and things will get twisted around. An example from a post I saw recently: there's a story in  the comics about Peter wanting to get his story out there and so he makes a deal with the Bugle that, in exchange for publishing it, he'll unmask himself publicly. As he reaches the agreed place and time to do it, a lot of people step forward in Spider-Man costume and claim to be him, letting him go through with his deal and unmask himself without exposing his real id. Now, if that somehow happened to Captain America, you'd have no doubt that it was a sign of gratitude, appreciating his heroism, you'd maybe even say it was NY giving back. And that's what it was. A show of respect to a hero. Because of the view of Peter as a smol bean, though, the op of the post talking about it immediately took it to mean protectiveness, like that of a parent to a child. Because he's so pure. 
Well-meaning, of course. Kinda condescending, when the guy was supposed to be around 30, though. It's, plainly put, a misreading. But it's all the Spider-Man fanon content you get these days.
After writing most of comes now, I went through my “peter parker” tag and found a post about the (amazing) essay “The First Thirty Years” by Peter Sanderson, published in Amazing Spider-Man #365 (if you go to that one comic reading site, it starts on page 64) that explains and touches on most of what I go into now. I’m not gonna delete all that, though. 
Now, there has been a... de-clawing of Peter since as early as the 2000's, although Straczynski held the fort well (almost too well, but if I start on that now it will sound like I just like to complain lol), but they just made him a... cleaner, more sanitized version of him, they didn't outright woobify him the way fandom does. I'm reminded of a recent comic event*, I talked about it here, where, at one point, Steve Rogers, Logan, Luke Cage and Peter are discussing berserk rages and everyone sort of agrees that it's happened to them, maybe even share some backstory... until we get to Peter. The idea being that Peter's just too pure to have those kinds of urges when... Peter's the crown prince of berserk rages (he's Logan's heir). But Marvel has seen the writing on the wall! It's the cinnamon rolls who sell these days, so we can't go around reminding people of the fact that Peter once lost it so badly he beat the Sin Eater half to death until Daredevil stopped him (and then he tried to take his anger out on Daredevil), so he, oh, only left him disabled, with a severe limp and a lisp, nothing much! It's like they want you to forget that he's a character better suited to the current Defenders than to the Avengers (although he is pretty hybrid about that).
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I don’t mean to make the differences all about his anger, but that’s arguably 616!Peter’s greatest flaw and it informs his whole character, and its removal informs m/cu’s Peter’s. He just lacks... edge.
Going back to that post I mentioned earlier, about NY protecting him, there’s something the op mentioned when they talked about Peter’s pure pureness and such. They mentioned how he directs tourists to the best hot dog stands, and helps old ladies cross the street and making kids smile at their birthday parties (I looked up that post just for you) and... I don’t remember him doing any of that. Getting cats out of trees, yes, although the only example that comes to mind is that one time he gave up being Spider-Man, moved to Portland and lost his powers, so, go figure (taking into account that I was so offended by the mischaracterization post OMD in 2008~ that I just skipped most of it until Nick Spencer took over in 2018, so there’s like ten years of comics I didn’t read). The rest, though? No. And there’s something I find interesting about that list. See, there’s something nice Peter has done plenty of times that should’ve been in that list for sure, yet wasn’t: using his webs to make shelters for homeless people caught out in the rain.
Oh! Oh! Hang on! Let me show you one of my absolute favorite Peter moments:
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Looking at those pages... what time of day do you think it is? Granted, the 80′s-90′s saw some very dark coloring, but it’s probably night, right? 
Funny story, around the late 70′s or so, Peter was once accused of like 3 different murders (or two murders and a crime, don’t quite recall). They renew their investigations and find him not guilty and officially recall the order for his arrest when he got a reputation boost after saving a building full of people from a fire, during the day, which he had never done before, allowing people to see him as something more than a shadowy figure the Bugle talked shit about. Now, this is bogus, of course he’d saved the day when it wasn’t night before, but it gives you an idea of the image Spider-Man had, and his MO. Muggings in back-alleys in the dark. Is... night the time you’d imagine for helping old ladies cross the street, or giving tourists directions to good carts, or children’s bday parties? Like, first impression, first image that came to your mind when you thought about Peter doing those things. No, right? Unlike helping homeless people stay out of the rain, that summons up a dreary image, best suited for the shadows, and the night, and the darkest parts of the city, where most would fear to tread... like Peter is. 
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(Is that from when he had a severe mental breakdown after a year of trauma and tragedy and a bit of an exaggeration of his usual menace? Yes, what of it.)
Instances where he was doing low stake good deeds like the ones are just mentioned were just filling, he was always stopping muggings and robberies and assaults and powerful and dangerous supervillains. That is, Peter was always fighting. Not being “pure”. He is good! He’s even naïve compared to some of the Defenders. But even while standing out, he’d fit right in.
Like, there’s comics fans who will tell you Peter wasn’t nice at all, just kind, and I disagree! The only reason I don’t include examples of that is because you already assume Peter’s nice and I don’t need to prove that. But he definitely had an edge. Even his niceness could be problematic (as in, it could cause problems) because he was just too intense and/or assertive. As in, he was sweet, and nice, and caring... in his way. He’s less of a child and more of a caretaker himself.
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That’s an example of him walking all over someone and things going well. 
Looking at those previous pages, though, you can see why it’s so important that Peter have his rage. So that he can rise above it. He’s fucking Achilles, is what he is. Everyone else can be as perfect and pure as they like, but Peter can rise to such heights that are only comparable (and maybe due) to his lows.
There’s also something best illustrated by what follows that interaction.
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See that anger? It’s because he cares. He gives his life up at the altar of Spider-Man because he just cares so much about people, and we all like to talk about that part (I know I do). It follows that an equal anger/hate would be directed at those that would hurt people. (“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.”)
There’s another difference: 616!Peter, as I mentioned, is intense. He’s emotional. It’s not always pretty. It’s not always good. It’s essential to him, though. I don’t know what to do with a Peter who apologizes for punching a man who’d pulled out and tried to use an alien-powered weapon in the middle of a ship full of people. Don’t you care at all????? Of course, violence is far from the only way to express care, but it’s one of Peter’s main ways. Or just being mean.
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Guy’s car: gets crushed
Peter: “You took a handicapped spot? Serves you right!”
Compared to that, m/cu!Peter’s... bland. He’s driven, I guess. It might be harder to tell because, unlike 616!Aunt May, m/cu isn’t old or disabled in a way that prevents her from keeping as close an eye on Peter as she’d like when he’s a teen, and with Tony (and all the freaking universe) knowing his id, too, he’s kept on a tighter leash.  But they went too hard with the “Spider-Man, the hero who could be you!” angle and he’s “Spider-Man, the hero who could be anyone, because he’s no one at all”. He’s Standard Hero #24.
616!Peter’s extreme independence, as a lone hero, one of the first, and the sole breadwinner of his family, consisting solely of him and his ailing, elderly aunt, after Ben’s death, is another difference between them and something else that’s essential to his character. Simply put, I don’t think he’d have made it in the circumstances he was in if he wasn’t the kind of lone wolf who’d take on the whole world on his own, if he had to, even if he might resent the loneliness (and he was so lonely), because, well... he often had to. Those sharp edges served him, even though it also tends to cut him.
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(I do want to mention that 1- the test thing is bogus, the only Avenger that got tested was Hawkeye, at his insistence and the rest’s protest and 2- they gave him a time limit to show up and when he got there they told him they weren’t ready and to wait outside the room. Most importantly, though, look at Peter’s own reaction to his anger.)
A very common attempt to shield em cee you against criticisms of inaccuracy is to say that Peter's just a kid there, of course he didn't have such an edge. Peter was worse at that age. Not as violent, granted, not by far, but much more likely to get his temper stoked. I mean... I think I gave you the worst example of Peter's rage with the Sin Eater story, so few things can compare. Oh, sure, Back in Black, where he goes on a hunt for the people who shot Aunt May and then the man who hired them, the Kingpin, but the violence isn’t worse so much as just sustained for longer. If anything, it's more controlled and colder.
But, yeah, he was hot-headed and combative. Like, maybe you can call m/cu Peter stubborn, but it's that... heroic stubbornness to do the right thing despite the odds against him (again, SH#24). Peter's angry at those odds, and the people who stack them against him. He got into two fistfights with Flash Thompson because he just couldn’t control his temper. 
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It’s not always the righteous rage of a hero. Sometimes he’s just a little bitch. A little, petty, hot-headed bitch.
There’s also the very interesting case of the “teenage superhero”. We have an idea of what that means, one that fits very well with m/cu Peter: inexperienced, sweet and naïve and not yet tainted by the cruelty of the world, “got an F bc I was out fighting Electro!”, “I will one day make it to the ranks of the grown-ups!” It’s interesting because Peter’s often called the original teenage superhero and... he wasn’t like that. He wasn’t any more naïve than he’d be when he grew up. If his youth (and take into account he was supposed to be a major) had any relevance, it’s because they made him even more emotional and a wild card.
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As you can see, he wasn’t a sweet anything. Except for his Aunt.
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(Ok, seriously, though, refer to my other comments. He can be sweet and nice and soft, it just takes a different quality than “sweet smol bean”.)
He wasn’t inexperienced. In The Amazing Spider-Man #1, he holds his own pretty well against the Fantastic Four. Want some badass teenage Peter content? Look no further than his very first Annual, where he fights the Sinister Six! Strong, fast, resourceful, a skilled fighter, that’s Peter!
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“With every nerve tangling... every sense honed to a razor sharp edge... the most amazing human fighting machine the world has ever known goes into action with dazzling speed and surging power!” Spider-Man fighting two leopards and Kraven the Hunter. Who spoils you like I do? Seriously, though, outside of the fact that your average comic book storyline followed a structure of “hero gets defeated by the villain at first, maybe suffers a bit of a crisis because of it, then comes back stronger from getting through that crisis and/or having gathered information on his foe during that first fight”... there's no example I can think of of teenage Peter being out-and-out inept, like m/cu Peter is. 
I’m not even sure that he spent more time at school than at the Bugle, at least on panel. We see him lie about studying and going to the library more often than we see him actually studying. His grades didn’t seem to suffer. The closest he got to getting in trouble was when he got into a fight with like 10 of his classmates, but then Flash confessed that he’d started it and the Principal was glad to let Peter off the hook. He got a full ride to what looked like a very good college (I mean, the son of renowned scientist and industrialist Norman Osborn went there) on scientific merit. In college, he struggled, yes, but he definitely wasn’t a kid by then.
He also predates the Avengers, so there was no hero-worship there, even if he were to agree that fighting bigger threats out in space made you a better or higher-ranked hero (as the m/cu does). I think it’s partly why he was so meh about joining them when they recruited them and only went for the money and because Thor convinced him he was under performing and being “irresponsible” by limiting himself to street thugs. He understood that they were just a bunch of guys, like him, only they’d gone for strength in numbers. (There’s a lot to say about Peter’s ability to work in a team and about that particular invitation to the Avengers, but that’s for another time.) There was no promotion. Heck, for a time, outside of the F4 and Pym (and Hulk, who wasn’t even reaaaaaaaally a hero), there was no one. No one but him. 
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I mean, seriously. Fourth strongest hero. The Marvel Universe was tiny. 
And it isn’t now! I get the difficulties this causes in the m/cu (I mentioned that Peter might have needed that edge under his circumstances, and the truth is, those circumstances don’t apply to the m/cu, which is just a long-winded way to say that the internal inaccuracies, that is, his personality, might have been caused by external inaccuracies), but none of the Defenders were belittled like Peter was just because they got late to the party, partly (I assume) because they got netflix shows instead of movies and they didn’t really interact with the Avengers as much, while Peter did and had to be adapted to fit, but what I said before stays true. Peter’s more of a (netflix roster) Defender than an Avenger. He belongs at street level. Also, while this was a bit of a retcon from 2001 and didn’t influence Peter’s teenage years, Jessica went to school with him. She’s supposed to be his age. Why does she get to be an adult? (The push to make him all about youth, and an actual teenager whenever possible, came from Marvel Comics first, of course, but it’s the movies that have made that version the most popular one. Also, my bitterness for modern comics just doesn’t come up as much because comics don’t come up as much as movies.)
Even while making him a teenager, they could’ve respected him enough to let him be his own hero, instead of constantly panting after Iron Man and the Avengers. Think Ant-Man... but, you know, a teen. The rest of the universe exists, but their casts don’t have a near to equal presence as that of Ant-Man’s. I’m reading the essay I mentioned before as I write this and I don’t think I could explain it better than Sanderson does when he talks about him being called Spider-Man and not Spider-Boy. It’s condescending. I just remembered that Tony literally does that in Civil War. It’s nuts, how the more I think about it, the worse it gets.
I’m outright following the Sanderson essay now, because it’s so good and it mentions things I thought of mentioning here but forgot about lol. The humor. A problem that’s much older than the m/cu, much less m/cu!Peter, but I’m talking abut this now. Spider-Man isn’t the chatter-box superhero, he’s the quipping superhero. The only writer I can remember making Peter a rambler is Straczynski, and he gets a pass, because he’s Straczynski, and part of being Straczynski means having some of the best Peter Parker repartee. It’s just... I’ll put it plainly. Peter’s actually funny. Like, on purpose and in a very self-aware, sometimes even strategic, way. He’s not funny because he’s gushing over the Winter Soldier’s arm. That’s like verbal slapstick! It’s only funny because it’s ridiculous
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“Are you trying to defeat me by talking me to death?!” Well, are you???????
Listen. Everyone has their preferences. I personally don’t like m/cu Peter because, even outside of his inaccuracies, I think he’s bland in personality and lacks a spine. The fanon version of him is even worse in that department, so it goes double. I’d be fine with that, except for the fact that stuff about him is ubiquitous and spreading over to the stuff I do like. I just wanna enjoy my Peter “you’re the only accident around here” Parker in peace... but with other people to share with. You see my struggle.
I’m not saying my version’s better (although I do like him better), it’s just... the accurate version. I get the appeal, I get that thye were trying to tell a particular story with Peter that they  couldn’t have told if  they’d stuck to his original skills, powers and personality, but maybe... just maybe... if the shoe doesn’t fit... don’t cut off your toes and heels to make it.
(If you got to the end, are disappointed by the lack of recs and are curious about the stories the panels I used are from, hmu! Or if you have more specific requests!)
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taeycngs · 5 years
might fuck around 👀 and revamp my indie 👀 just bc nothing in the tags are piquing my interest and ur girl wants to Write 
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plots please! steve and/or bucky
⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses!   There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  - so don’t be shy!
so i did one for steve, one for bucky, and one involving steve and bucky as a team. I also saw you are mostly headcanon and game based. So if any of this is like too ooc or you vibe well with au scenarios, just hmu and we can work it out!
bucky- in a sort of au setting, bucky during his winter soldier days doesn't encounter steve in the modern era first ( timing can be adjusted to fit your canon ), he encounters peter, and while winter is fully in control at this time--seeing someone so young fighting triggers something in his head. not necessarily the ability to break free of the brainwashing and constant wipes, but he can't forget his voice or his face if he's unmasked in this scenario. When Steve finally does break his brainwashing protocol with their bond and post him being able to rid himself of the Winter Soldier's voice in his head, Bucky returns to the city. He talks about the person that he had encountered and they deduce it was Peter together. And Bucky decides to thank Peter. But Peter doesn't really know what he's being thanked for. Maybe a sort of unlikely friends dynamic from there.
steve: Peter and Steve meet at a grief support group ( that natasha has forced Steve to attend to deal with the losses in his life and I assume Peter would be there for his family losses ) and while Steve's identity is well known to the public. Peter's is obviously not. We could do a scenario where they do know each other and spiderman meme point at each other like you too! Or a scenario where Steve doesn't know about Peter and Peter does know about Steve and so it's a getting to know you sort of thing. But over the course of it there's this secret burning a hole in Peter's pocket like pay day money.
steve+ bucky: If we wanted something more deeply rooted in the mcu. We could have Bucky and Steve taking on Peter post his return in Endgame as a sort of mentor/mentee relationship given Tony is gone now if we acknowledge that. Bucky would definitely be more hesitant because what if he's a bad influence on Peter? But Steve would go ham into it especially for Tony and cause he sees a lot of potential in Peter to be great.
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rk1kheadcanons · 3 years
I have a prompt idea if you’re down, no rush at all! I just love the idea of rk1k meeting in college & it just being the first time either of them experience this real and deep love for someone. Like Connor is more on the reserved side & maybe was a lil sheltered, & while Markus is more outgoing he still approaches their relationship very carefully at the start. Both of their feelings for one another develop so strong so quickly, & maybe it scares them a bit and they don’t want to admit it to the other at first just how deeply they’ve fallen for each other because their relationship is still rather new, but it just ends up evolving into this really powerful/beautiful relationship. Can u tell I’m feeling soft rn lol
It's okay Anon, we'll be soft together.
When Connor first enters college, he's still awkward and feels like this is highschool 2.0 all over again. He has no high hopes of it being better than the good times (sharing anecdotes and movie quips with Kara and Chloe in Drama class) or worst than the bad times he experienced (bullying he experienced at the hands of Gavin Reed c/o the varsity football team and fighting with his own closeted feelings).
Connor expected his experiences to just...be.
Connor didn't come here for a good time; he didn't come here for any sort of time. All he intends to do is finish his criminology degree within these four years and dip.
Within a couple of months, he's more sure of himself. He's met some good friends like Simon and Daniel, and Simon's main squeeze, Josh. Daniel and he are best bitches 4 life at the start. He then meets North in English composition and the same happens all over again. The boss WLW and MLM solidarity were real.
He grows into himself with his friends. Now recognizes that he's a hot, gay bitch that has little time for messy people and likes to keep it that way.
He wears a camouflage of the 'shy, sweet type' so he can move around and be unseen easily even as he is constantly on the swivel, partly why he decided to become a detective: he was perfect for it.
His dad thought so too. Had said he would be so dangerous in their respective field because of how he was. He knew Connor was fucking manipulative and maniacal with the cutesy face and dangerous martial arts he'd learned-he'd raised him ofc. That adorable face was a damned front and Hank would guffaw when people fell for it.
Gavin Reed was the first to get his comeuppance senior year of high school and learn this. Connor had played the scared, shy guy- he'd then proceeded to beat the sounds and colors right out of Gavin's raggedy ass.
Now Connor had a damned fan. That bitch followed him to college he was so sprung n that ass whooping. Maybe he gave him brain damage?
Connor ignored him like he did everyone else on campus he wasn't trying to see. He remained reserved and clean-cut. Very few had seen the real him.
Connor had also vowed to not look for a relationship with anyone either in college. Bootycalls? Okay. Something to scratch that itch so he could remain focus on his studies, alright, but not a whole romantic situation.
Connor was just trying to get rid of Gavin for the umpteenth time since this year had started and of fucking course the rest of the football team was there. Gavin didn't know the meaning of "no" and "personal space" and was going to press the issue.
Here steps forward this God of a man. He checks Gavin and Connor's heart in a couple of words.
Gavin's threatened; Connor's titillated.
Markus Manfred enters stage left.
Stupid Markus Manfred and his stupid face, and his stupid heterochromia and stupid kissable mouth. Literally, fuck this dude.
No, literally, fuck him against some fucking lockers in the locker room after Markus winning game right now, get in him, because, because...
God, the way Markus chased his mouth with his own. The way he'd been stripped and lifted as he weighed next to nothing, the quick yet superb preparation on the fly and then the feeling of him quickly and effectively just getting inside... Connor's one leg shook with the stimulus, his other loosely hung around Markus waist for dear life.
Rip to his pants.
He can feel how he's being physically jostled by the other's larger hands, one on his side, the other under his thigh and it's just-
Connor's face is hot and flushed and he knows it. His damned eyes keep fluttering like he's seizing, mouth open and quite possibly drooling like he cannot control his facial muscles, control the noises pouring out of himself as every stroke inside of him touches that one sensitive spot just right.
His nails bite into Markus beautiful copper skin, flecked in freckles as Connor yells out his joyous release to everyone within a three-mile radius.
When it's said and done, they both had to recap how they even got into this scenario.
Neither were complaining, not really, just really taken aback that had happened out of the blue like that and felt so natural. Markus had been chiding Gavin about being a creep, to which Connor amended he was a stalking creep. It hadn't flown over we'll with Markus since he was the captain of the team.
Gav was hazed, he was pissed and retreated. They had stayed and talked to each other. Just talked. Markus invited him to that evening game to which Connor advised he'd already be at because he was a band member. It was early and they had parted but that whole day was filled with happenstance's of Markus appearance and talking to him. The pull had been strong.
The attraction was overwhelming and it was a bit terrifying for both parties to admit. They had just been talking to each other. Nothing significant or substantial.
Markus felt maybe he was riding a gaming win high along with his obvious attraction to Connor.
Connor felt like maybe it was mutual attraction and appreciation for him.
They both left it at that. Where Connor had not seen Markus before, he now began seeing him everywhere: in passing, in some classes, he acts as a student assistant for additional credit and functions.
Connor being in the college band and having a very beautiful jock show him this sort of attention was flattering he has to admit, and that he's a bit curious about him.
Markus asks him out on an official date.
Connor really wants to scoff at him because the scared, nerdy kid inside of him says this is a trap, he's doing this for an elaborate prank, that this is somehow tied to Gavin and you will regret this.
Connor has a hard time believing that someone that looks like Markus would genuinely be interested in a person like him. Then again, he had just blown his back out magnificently not that long ago.
Markus is all warm and fuzzy, bubbly and chipper and Connor gets drunk on the free serotonin every time they meet.
He takes the plunge and says yes to the date and has never regretted it.
The conversation is immaculate, the expectations realistic and superb, and Markus is not just a jock: he's down to earth, adopted into money but lives simply. He wants to be a painter like his dad...
His father is the Carl Manfred, the famous painter and Connor feels like he had an aneurysm.
Connor tells Markus about his Lieutenant Dad, Henry 'Hank' Anderson. How he was the youngest lieutenant on the Detroit police force and Markus stupidly and excitedly smiles and says "I know! I was such a fan of your dad. He helped my dad when art thieves were stealing one-of-a-kind art from the museum!"
Connor is so damned smitten with this lovely creature that it's insane. He thinks he really might lo..like Markus a lot.
Connor's thoughts derail at the word choice a scowl on his face. What was he, 10?
Markus would run away so damned fast if he said those words to him. Just because they'd been going out and now regularly intimate didn't make it love, right? Why, then, did it bother Connor that it felt so right only with this man?
Markus notices the sour disposition Connor has, tries to get him back into the conversation, and even though Connor says he's okay, Markus knows that he's withdrawn from the conversation fully.
Unbeknownst to Connor, Markus had his strong feelings as well over the matter.
He was feeling Connor hard. It blindsided him and he knew that he needed to talk about this with Connor, lest one or both of them get hurt.
They both had fallen hard, much harder than they thought they would.
Instead of that talk Markus promised himself he was mature and level-headed enough for them both to have or even Connor just acknowledging the truth of the matter, they left the relationship in a sort of limbo, as is, neither wanting to face that four-letter word headlong in such a brutally honest way, fear that maybe just maybe what each of them had been feeling wasn't that and neither wanted the hurt if it wasn't L O V E.
I have more ideas on this one but I'll cut it for now because it's huge for a Tumblr post, lol. If it gets some interest, I have no problem with continuing it in another post of my own. HMU if you do like like. 😘
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vampish-glamour · 4 years
Better Pride Flags for Sims 4!
(Pictures and download under the cut!)
I think it was last year that Sims 4 added a pride flag item to the game. Although, it’s pretty clear that they basically searched up “pride flag” and just threw in anything and everything they could find. And they initially forgot the lesbian flag... shocker... and had to rush to add in the variants. 
But here’s the thing, I’m a petty bitch and I was really annoyed to see a lot of the included flags (including polysexual, pangender, and the flag that appropriates the black stripe for those who died of AIDS complications)... so I recoloured the object with better flag options and made it an override. Meaning that if you want to download this, you’ll see the improved flags, and not the ones that were added originally. This recolour replaces the original.
(I don’t know how many people would actually be interested in this, but I made it and figured it fit this blog’s theme so I’ll share it. Plus, people who have similar views to mine might have been just as bothered as I was. Here’s a way to get rid of the annoyance!)
The file is called “Petty Pride” :)
Flags included 
Rainbow (6 stripe, lavender/pink stripe, = sign, interlocking venus/mars signs, peace sign)
Lesbian (and vixenamoric), gay man, bi, trans
Battleaxe bi, longsword lesbian, warhammer gay
NEWLY ADDED (11/06/2021) - Labrys flag, rainbow and bi flags with bi venus/mars symbol
**Because this is an override, I had to have the same amount of swatches as the original. Which was... a lot. So that’s why there’s so many rainbow flags, I had to have something to fill the space.
**The flags that are the same as the original are the 6 stripe rainbow flag, the bi flag, the trans flag, and the lesbian flags.The only thing I did to them was add another layer of the fabric texture overlay because they looked kinda flat before imo.
Rainbow flags:
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Bi and trans flags:
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Lesbian (and vixenamoric) flags:
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Gay man flags:
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Weapon flags:
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(I got these from this post, made by @discoursesoda​ )
June 11th Additions:
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Keep in mind that this is an object override. The original pride flag item will not be in your game anymore, it will be replaced by this version. 
I also changed the price from 100 to 25... because who wants to pay 100 simoleons for a flag?
Here is what you’ll see in game:
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On a completely unrelated note since you can see the pack icons...hmu if you want a link to “not” pirate them...
Hopefully somebody finds use for these! Let me know if you do!  💖
Download it here! (Google drive)
Download the original (before update with the three additional flags) here! (Google drive)
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
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*Please read before requesting*
I’ve been getting some blurb and fic requests so I figured it would be helpful to make kind of a guideline of my writing. Regardless of it having a graphic or whatever this is very hastily made, but if you want an idea of my writing HERE is my multi group master list, and HERE is my nct/wayv masterlist  Also sorry if I forget anything I’m kinda dumb
Fic Requests: OPEN
Blurb Requests: OPEN
* I write as inclusive as I possibly can
- I doubt anyone has noticed, but I don’t use gendered pronouns. If pronouns are necessary for the flow I will only use they/them. These aren’t personally my pronouns but I just prefer to use them in writing and I’d prefer to not have she/her involved in requests but I’m not going to refuse a request if you do use it. I also do not use gendered pet names such as: baby girl, good girl, or girlfriend 
- that being said all readers will be written with a vagina. Sorry if that word made u cringe rip, but I don’t think I’d be able to write anything else :/
- I try not to write anything that makes it seem that the reader has a specific skin color, a specific length or color of hair, or a specific body type. I might slip up on this, and thinking back I think I have, but I want nothing more than for my writing to be able to be read by almost anyone (with a vagina obvi) 
* If you request a fic be patient
- If you request something, unless it’s just a blurb or head canon, I’m not going to be able to get to it immediately. I have my own original ideas and a whole series I’m keeping up with so it will be a minute. And I do try to keep up with the smut tags to see if my writing is showing up, so if I see that you’ve also requested the same thing from someone else, I’m going to be less inclined to want to write it, and I might just not write it at all. If you in anyway think maybe I didn’t get ur request, send it again, or send me a message asking if I got it. I probably did but I have other requests or fics lined up first.
- I post a full length work once a week, and I also have a pattern. It goes: original fic, requested fic, & series installment. This being as long as I have an active request obviously. So it will show up eventually but please just be patient 
* I’m willing to write for anyone in the groups in my bio EXCLUDING 
- Chenle and Jisung of nct
- Jeongin of stray kids
- Chen of exo 
* I write memberxReader smut
- I do not write memberxmember stuff 
- I have like one sfw work piece on here and that was more of just experimenting with the format idk if I’ll ever do that again but if u request it I might idk
* Tropes/Topics I won’t write
- Explicitly sub!idol. If he isn’t dom, he’ll be either neutral or sub leaning. I’m unfortunately personally a sub/bottom leaning switch and idk if I could write reader as a hard dom very well. But who knows maybe I’ll be in a mood one day and we’ll see what happens
- Reader w/ an certain insecurity, or a fic based around being insecure. The closest I can see myself getting is probably a degradation kink, but not everyone has the same insecurities and as someone who’s working through getting rid of my own insecurities I don’t think that would be something that would benefit my mental health trying to write. Also don’t depend on dumb boys to fix ur insecurities, especially fictional boys you’re too fun and sexy for that
- Size kink. Not everyone is built the same way or petite and acting like people who are are the only ones that consume fanfiction is irresponsible and gross. There’s other reasons I’m really not into this but that’s another rant for another day that would probably piss some people off :)
- Dilf with the reader being barely legal. Like this is actually gross and there’s no reason for grown men to be sexually attracted to teenagers. Dilf where he’s the father of another member and that member the reader r fucking high schoolers: ❌ Dilf where he has a younger child and the age gap is appropriate and not preditory: ✅
- Anything set in high school,,,, no???
- Idol/Trainee! Reader. We’re not all East Asian, I’m definitely not (I’m literally Mexican lmao) and this goes back to the inclusivity thing. Trying to read idol and trainee stuff when ur not East Asian is just, from personal experience, kind of weird
- harry potter au. JK is a raging transphobe/terf and I haven’t given a fuck about harry potter since middle school I wouldn’t know how to write it if I tried 
- royalty/medieval stuff cause similarly I don’t know much about it aside from playing skyrim and also fuck royal people
- mafia au’s, they’re repetitive and just not my thing. 
-anything fetishizing asians. Just don’t be fucking weird.
- I’m not going to sit here and act like the club x series isn’t kind of grey sometimes with the consent thing, with the nature of what’s going on in the club, it’s kind of hard to avoid, but I try to make consent clear, but with that being said I won’t write something that has 0 consent at all. (I think consensual non consent is okay but I’d probably slip in a discussion of being into that in the fic itself)
- i don’t know what to write I’m into some really freaky shit sometimes so it’s hard to think of stuff I’m giving a hard no to. If you HMU with something I don’t want to write I’ll just tell u
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videcoeur · 5 years
hey im serious come get yall free adopts. I have still about 25 designs open and all you have to do if you don’t mave mons, points or characters to trades is to write me a para or two about why you want them and i’ll most likely give it to you for free.
I just want these designs gone at this point :) I’m gonna post the available ones under the cut and if one of these interests you, just HMU my good dude and we can dealio something!
Also if you have adopts yourself you want to get rid off, lets trade maybe? I’m also open to anthro (furry) characters but I def prefer fantrolls.
Still available adopts under the cut!
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og artist @sagigo-cicada​
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Comes with old art and a mix-and-match talksprite set
And now all the single ladies
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And of course the custom grubs, there are still 5 available :*
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Customs obviously won’t be Write To Adopt unless you want the grub as is lmao
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espbee · 5 years
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i wasn’t originally going to post this since i’ve seen several other (perfectly valid) mob psycho timelines out there but you all wanted to see it so here it is!
this does not include pre-canon or the reigen spin off. the first b/c i didn’t really care lol and the second b/c i haven’t read the spin off for reasons i’m sure you already know.
almost every single one of these dates is based on canon evidence (see notes below) but a few are speculation. i go into depth under the cut so if you want to know, say, exactly what day mob buys the monkey shirt you can find out. if you want to see a specific panel hmu!
feel free to use as reference when writing fanfics or meta or whatever else you might want to use it for :D just please don’t repost 
Spring of Youth Arc
it’s not super important how many days pass in ep 1 but i think it’s all within a week. might be some overlap with ep 2 (tunnel exorcism on same day takenaka quits club? according to the manga it happens later anyway)
going by anime here: takenaka quits the club monday or tuesday, tome asks mob to join the club wednesday if i remember right (also the day he goes to the girl’s high school) and he joins the body improvement club friday)
(LOL) Cult Arc
not much to say. it’s literally an afternoon and the teru arc starts the very next day
Teruki Hanazawa Arc
happens basically immediately after the cult. like mob knows dimple for like 3 days before he’s “exorcised”
fight on a friday bc it’s on weekend news
aftermath: mob in pink hoodie probably on saturday, mezato interrogates him monday
Big Cleanup Arc
shigeo mentions in the divine tree arc that student council meetings are on mondays. however only having weekly meetings would make this arc take a really long time so i’m guessing it’s semiweekly. i’m guessing the other day is thursday because ritsu says he has a meeting on the thursday that mob confesses
same monday as end of teru arc: student council meeting where ritsu suggests a big cleanup, mitsuura gives ritsu his card
thursday: big cleanup plan submitted, mezato and onigawara look for mob (for totally different reasons), ritsu in the street w/ tokugawa
next monday: student council plans to get rid of onigawara
awakening lab might be on the same day as above but i’m not sure, mob also goes on a “date” with tome that day and sees koyama for the first time. that night is when shinji’s family gets after him for not being perfect and he decides to go apeshit
i’m guessing the recorder scandal happens the next morning (wednesday?). it doesn’t actually say if ritsu awakens that exact day but i’m just going to say it does
a little bit of time goes by (about a week?) ritsu’s becoming popular and he develops his psychic power. teru vs ritsu happens somewhere here. people are complaining about the big clean up
the day that ritsu and kamuro confront onigawara in the body improvement club room is the same day that ritsu first attacks the delinquents from the other schools (monday)
im guessing a day goes by before kamuro is beaten up (tuesday), then another day before he’s beaten up again (wednesday)
kamuro is absent from the student council meeting the next thursday
ritsu only has his powers for 9 days before announcing that he’s obtained loss
7th Division Arc
one month before touichirou arrives in japan. this makes sense because it’s not like the day he arrives he’s going to attack. touichirou probably arrives in late september or early october, prepares things for a couple weeks
mob goes to shinji’s house on sunday, ritsu and mob talk on the swings monday, shinji apologizes to onigawara tuesday. the kageyama parents know about ritsu’s power by tuesday night (what was that conversation like)
Mob’s Girlfriend Mini-Arc
2 weeks long: one for the elections and one for the dating
sidenote: psycho helmet cult has gained 700 followers by now and it’s been about a month according to mezato (and the timeline!)
mob works the monday after his brother’s kidnapped jeez reigen give the kid a break
going to say it’s wednesday when shinji resigns
mezato talks to mob about running on thursday
one week later: elections! (going to say they’re on a friday). emi asks him out that afternoon
mob and emi “date” for a week. im guessing she “breaks up” with him friday and he fixes her torn up story on monday since there’s enough time for everyone to react. i think the anime has all that happen on the same day though. either way is good
Urban Legend Arc
reigen complains about four days without customers
kuchisake-onna: it’s the weekend b/c mob’s wearing a sweater instead of his uniform and also b/c i doubt mob skipped school
reigen makes his website overnight and mob’s wearing his uniform the next day which means the trip to the urban legend town has to be on sunday
the first trip to the ghost house is on a sunday (what a busy day!), and the second trip is on monday
Keiji Mogami Arc
literally the day after the ghost house wtf (so… tuesday?)
if it feels like 6 months for mob would that mean he’s almost a third year in the dream world? or already is a third year? oh no…
uh technically there’s an aftermath the next day but really the arc is one day
Separate Ways Arc
kumagawa’s birthday is in late september btw. idk if there’s any kumagawa stans out there but now you know he’s a libra
kijibayashi’s birthday: 10/5? (also the day mob finally cant take reigen’s bs anymore)
mob doesn’t show up to work for at least four days pre-birthday (probably five days since kijibayashi’s birthday needs to be on a school day)
reigen’s birthday: 10/10 (also i’m assuming this is either the day of or the day after he defeats the video game thing)
he has to have enough time to offer classes and become a local celebrity… i’d assume he offers that course at his office that friday night (10/12). he’s interviewed that day too. a few days later he goes on tv (i’m going to say 10/15)
goes to bar 3 days after the tv show (wednesday 10/17)
thursday 10/18: reporterless-day
friday 10/19: press conference, “my master… he is a good person” *sobs*)
World Domination Arc
mob has 10 days to prepare for the marathon
marathon on friday (11/2)
teru fights shimazaki for the first time saturday morning, mob doesn’t wake up until sometime in the afternoon, and rei-gun is in the evening
mob sleeps like 18 hours… oof
the kageyama parents return home monday evening
Yokai Hunter Mini-Arc
this isn’t listed as seperate from the Divine Tree Arc according to the wiki but i’m calling it a mini-arc because the broccoli isn’t really the focus
mob mentions the future prospects assignment is due in a week
seri starts working at spirits and such a few days after the wd arc ends
going to guess there’s some overlap with the future prospects assignment and that it’s due sometime during culture festival preparations because otherwise the timeline breaks
okay everyone i know culture festivals are usually on or around november 3rd but according to all canon evidence there is absolutely no way that can happen on time. there’s literally no time. it has to take place at least 2 weeks after the wd arc
going to say the culture festival is nov. 18 because that’s all that makes sense (the previous weekend is too soon, and the next weekend is after the divine tree arc
Divine Tree Arc
Friday: Tsubomi sneezes — why dont u stop doing bad things
Saturday: buys The Shirt
Sunday: Psycho Helmet
Monday: Teru, Ritsu, and Reigen all brainwashed, Mob vs Dimple part 2
Telepathy Mini-Arc
finally a nice long break :D
find out about takenaka about one month after Divine Tree Arc
aliens on New Year’s Eve/Day
inukawa’s abducted by aliens for 10 days
???% Arc
inukawa has to be back by the time school starts
Mob finds out Tsubomi’s leaving the day he gets back from winter break (monday) :(
i think he calls her two days later?
the day after that mob is hit by a fucking car (also student council day so… thursday)
Epilogue + Omakes
we all know the epilogue is on 10/10/2013
the summer omake has to be after the ???% arc but i’m not sure what day. probably july
idk what else to say other than i can’t believe i spent so much time on this
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hartsgold · 5 years
october approaches so you all either write halloween/horror-romance AU’s with me or you PERISH where you sit. here are some possibilities we can explore together:
carnival AU!!!!!!!!!! magical circus AU, only it’s spooky. claude would make one very, very impossibly sexy ringmaster with infinite charisma. we could write an AU where your muse is either a runaway from home/joins the circus and is new or as someone who’s the star act! either way it could be like vaguely unnervingly sexy you feel me. a circus who comes into town but there’s no trace of it when it leaves and sometimes people disappear? fun. cool. 
witchy au’s! covens? fellow witches. your character is looking to hex the bitch that stole their wallet and claude has just the IBS inducing mushroom-based potion  for you. you fall in love in lieu of whoever slighted you gets dysentery (not really). witch-familiar connection. you wanna play a hot shapeshifter who’s a wolf or a werecat or a bird? that’s kind of hot. come work with my man here. he’ll help u realize ur full potential while we toil and trouble together.
haunted apartment AU! claude moves into an APT in a modern AU and your character is a ghost or something and he seeks out a way to bring them back to life/to unravel the mystery of their death and find peace. that’s so sad why did i ever say that. don’t approach me about this idea or i’ll kill you where you stand 
cursed object AU! claude brings home like a cool trinket or an artifact to learn about it and it’s either haunted or possessed by a demon or a creature of some kind. what’s going on over here sexy? either way maybe he doesn’t get rid of it because it benefits him and he has a chance to learn about who knows what. 
obviously claude’s fey king AU. is a little bit unnerving, but i posted about that a long time ago where he’s the type to offer freedom to people in need but he has a bad reputation and whatnot. 
needless to fucking say, my vampire AU is free for the pickings! i would love to get into that some more soon. 
claude’s a hot dragon rider. maybe you want to write your character as a dragon shapeshifter. i don’t know your life. i’d smash and maybe so would claude. all you need to do is like this post to find out more 
sirens/scary mermaids/etc. all hot. hello. i’m right here. 
i want to write some stuff re: claude being a god, a demigod, a jinn, and i’m sure other stuff. i’m open to pretty much everything so!
if you have any ideas about horror or shit to explore, hmu. i’d love to get into a bunch of spooky stuff with friends this october! 
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laurasinele · 5 years
On how The Tape was bestowed (a Fictober19 newmann long fic I’ll finish one day, probably, but this chapter can be read as a stand-alone)
I wanted to post this on the 7th but shit happened, so here it is. This holds a special place in my heart because PacRim is one of my all-time-go-to-feel-good movies and, before I ever thought about fanfiction as something I could read, let alone write, I longed to know more and more about Newmann.
Prompt 7: “No, and that’s final”
Fanfic from: Pacific Rim (2013)
Tags: Newmann, friends to enemies to...?, Stacker Pentecost is very tired.
Warnings: kaiju blood? I think no warnings apply, but if some so hmu.
Doctor Hermann Gottlieb hurried after Marshal Stacker Pentecost who had just left him behind when leaving his office, refusing to continue their conversation.
"Marshall! Marshall Pentecost, sir, I beg you to reconsider", pleaded Hermann.
Pentecost turned around and rose a warning index finger at the mathematician.
"Doctor Gottlieb, I said no. And that's final".
His profound discomfort with the situation prompted him to insist, but Pentecost's stern look finally dissuaded him.
"Yes, Marshall. I apologise for the inconvenience caused".
"No need, Doctor. Now go back to the lab and keep on with your research".
Upon entering the laboratory he shared with Doctor Newton Geiszler, Hermann was greeted with cacophonous screeches coming from an outdated Hi-Fi system and some calamitous German lyrics enthusiastically sing-alonged by Geiszler himself. After an irrepressible, annoyed sigh, Hermann began his crusade against industrial metal —how he was able to recognise and name the genre of that uproarious gibberish was something beyond Doctor Gottlieb’s understanding, which was saying a lot.
"Doctor Geiszler. Doctor! Doc… DOCTOR GEISZLER!"
The said turned the volume down and smiled widely at Hermann.
"Hey, Herms, my man! How was your meeting with the Marshal? Did you get your own lab?"
Hermann felt his blood rush up to his cheeks as he blushed. Adopting his usual holier-than-thou attitude for when Geiszler was around, he denied having had such a meeting, and he beelined to his work post, wondering if Geiszler was just taking the piss as usual or he actually knew about Hermann's frustrated intentions.
"Okay, dude. You know what? I've been putting with your bullshit since day one, and I was willing to let this whole Geiszler-is-impossible-to-work-with crap and go about my business, you know, just trying to save the world and stuff. But lying to my face like this? Like, I can take rejection and I am quite used to be rejected by you but, but dude! I know you went to see Pentecost to get a lab for yourself! This might surprise you: I also know it's not the first time you do. Can you just be an adult for a minute and admit you want to get rid of me? Oh, and in the meantime, would it kill you to tell me why the fuck do I disturb you so much?"
Berated, and ashamed of having his pettiness exposed, Hermann changed his course to clash with Newton in the middle of the room.
“An adult? An adult? I assume from your choice of words that you think of yourself as one whereas you find me childish. Me! Childish! Of course Doctor Geiszler, at any given time you, amongst all people, are an example of maturity and poise! You, with your incredibly offensive body art, your early 2000s wannabe punk rocker outfits, your general loudness and… and Rammstein!”, he finished pointing at the stereo with his cane, evoking the intensity and moral weight of each and every iteration of Zola’s “J’accuse”.
“Oh, that’s rich, Herr Doktor. Sehr schön, ya? Herrlich!”, for some reason Hermann cringed whenever Newton addressed him in German, rather choosing to speak British English with a mild German accent to Newton and have Newton answer with his neutral American English. Of course, Newton would always exploit that when arguments escalated. “Ran out of arguments so you ressort to ad hominem. Was ist dein problem?”, he finished punctuating the syllables with a poking, latex gloved, kaiju blue covered finger on Hermann’s chest.
“Ach! For Peter’s sake, Geiszler, what are you thinking?! You could have contaminated me!”
“I could have…?”, Newton grunted in a high pitch, turned to his work bench, took from it a random gory piece of kaiju and brandished it in front of Hermann’s face. “If I wanted to ‘contaminate you’, I would have thrown this bladder at your stupid, pointy face!” He screamed over Hermann’s yelling.
“For the last time, Doctor Geiszler, take that alien viscera away from me!”, he said, rising his cane as a means to keep Newton at a distance.
Instead, he hit the bladder. Which exploded violently.
What followed was one of those silences so deep that your own blood thrumming in your ears gives you a migraine. And then lots of yelling and running to the ancient chemical shower the lab was equipped with.
And that is how Stacker Pentecost finally took a desperate measure to avoid any more potentially lethal incidents between the two geniuses: he had a janitor run warning tape along the laboratory and told Geiszler and Gottlieb to stay each one at his side under penalty of court-martial.
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prceteritus-a · 5 years
So I started this blog in a shitty mindset and have paid it little to no quality attention
So I’m doing a small revamp for myself and starting some things from a different perspective I’ve changed my face claim and that’s the start of it
1. Redoing tags and theme
2. Finally gonna write a full about for Rayquelle
3. Make a relationship/mains page
4. Gonna make a game plan here and always have a queue most longer threads will be posted when I get to them but asks unless day specific or I’m feeling extra motivated will for the most part be queued
Consider this post a ( Let’s keep our threads/mains call ) Like it you’re interested in being Mains in the process or even comment! If we have a thread on going let me know if you wanna keep it! I’m not planning on deleting any but if I feel no motivation for something I’ll probably delete haha if you wanna keep a thread no worries!! I would love to just hmu and we can! And if we aren’t writing yet! LET US WRITE
All ongoing threads from the last week or so are for sure safe!! I don’t plan on getting rid of anything though all my asks send are valid so don’t feel the need to delete em haha she’s not cmgonna change EXTREMELY but imma give her some upgrades make her a bit better
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hyeonmimi · 5 years
Signal Boost Please
I turn 18 on ths 6th of June and my mom is kicking me out that day. I only have $200 to my name to moveout and rent a room but everyone in my area is asking $1000 to move in ($500 deposit and 500 first months rent and i need 2 months rent lmao). I don't have a job since i just quit from my fast food job bc it was too far from my house and the commute was like an 1 and 30min. I need time while i find a new job (and that 3 week period where i have to wait to get my first check) but i dont have time. My mom is hella fucking abusive emotionally (i moved in with her 4 years ago to escape my physically abusive father so aint that funny) and has been trying to kick me out since i was 15 but now that im turning 18 she can. I have two cats and i cant CANT put them in a shelter i really cant. I already feel rlly alone I cant get rid of my cats i cant. im not asking for pity im aware how depressing i sound i just need help. ive never been homeless by myself before (it was with my dad and 4 siblings) and im scared and have no where to go. My extended family wont help me because theyre either too scared of my mom, or dont care abt my situation. Please consider donating to my paypal (listed below) i dont know how much i need to raise (over 1k but honestly even $0.50 will help i dont expect to get anything really) but ill update this post if someone donates so u guys can see
please consider donating or reblogging i dont have much time please
donations: $152
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alien-origins · 5 years
ok so I haven't been feeling that the arrangement/relationship was giving much bc it was a purely sexual thing and I was getting bored and low key disgusted.
and like when we met we both agreed for this to be no strings attached bc neither wanted a gf/bf. however I noticed like a year in he was catching feelings because he said "would you like to be exclusive?" and I asked what he meant and he said "that we only have sex with each other" and I said that I didn't know.
cut to like a few months later my sex drive goes down and I don't want to meet up bc it's just for sex and I tell him I'm not really wanting to do anything and he's like "oh but we can hang out still", but hanging out with him is literally sitting in his bed playing video games which isn't interesting or fun for me or watching a movie and have him dry hump me and tell me he wants me to which I get annoyed at because I EXPLICITLY said I didn't want to do anything.
and I also need to mention other things that annoyed me with him. every time in the morning I wanted to leave I always had to like come up with something like a "plan" so I had somewhere else to be and couldn't stay because dude I want to enjoy my weekend. and every time I was like "well o gotta go" and he said "it only takes 6 minutes to the train from here" but like I have smaller legs than you, want to have an extra 5 min in case and I HAVE ANXIETY which I've told him so I need extra time or I'll literally panic. so I almost missed the train several times because he would sometimes refuse to let me get up from bed and I was clearly annoyed at him like this isn't funny and idk why he thinks I'd want to miss my train bc then I'd have to wait 30 min for my bus.
time management. I'm the person that gets to class 20 min early. Gets up 2-3h before I need to leave the house and make sure I have n extra 20-30 min of I'm going to find a new place. this dude was more of a "few seconds before" type of person which gave me anxiety and just felt disrespectful of my time when HE decided time and then never managed to meet me in time. even if 90% of the time he just had to walk down to the lobby door of his apartment to get me on he'd be 10-15 min late.
however I think what was the breaking point for my tolerance was when we decided to watch captain marvel in theatres. I said I'd like to eat before and he was like "sounds good, the movie starts 21.30 so we can meet 20.35 and eat" and I'm like, weird time but okay. and I arrive 10 min early to the mall we're gonna eat at (where they also have the theatre) and I tell him I'm there. 20-30min later I get a text that says "I'll be a little late" and I'm like okaybim in the lobby. he comes through the doors 20 minutes before the movie starts and then is like "so what do you want to eat?" and I say "do we really have time for that" I'm annoyance and he's like sure we do and I'm like....sure....so we have Lebanese food but I can't eat quickly because of my anxiety and past ed so I eat half and put the rest of the shworma in my bag for later. then he wanted to go to another store to buy drinks with like 3 min left until it started. RIGHT OMG when we got there FORTY MINUTES LATE he wants to go say hi to a friend who works in a store there LIKE???!!???????
and onto kinks. he noticed me posting pics of kris wu sometimes going "omg daddy choke me😩😩" as we know I do, and he's like "you're into that?" and I'm like yea, thinking about choking. and then he asks about what I mean with daddy and I explain that's like "he's hot" it's a term used for hot men and he's like "you can call me daddy😏". and me, who only have like 5 names on my daddy list is laughing internally but I'm like whatever, sure.
next time I get to his house he asks me to call him daddy mid sex and I'm like ok??? and I do and there was nothing more to it. like 2-3 times later he goes full dd/lg and oh my gOd was it disturbing. he said stuff like "cum for daddy", "you have to keep quiet or your mom will hear" etc. and I said I didn't like talking during sex prior to this AAAAAND I TOLD HIM ABOUT MY VERY BAD RELATIONSHIP WITH MY DAD so this made me nauseous and I told him I didn't like talking like that during sex. i don't even remember his response but he did it like 2-3 more times before he stopped but like omg I felt so uncomfortable. he kept asking what kinks I had and I said I enjoy hair pulling, choking, being restrained and roughhoused but idk why he translated it into dd/lg.
I had told him vulnerable things about myself that he didn't understand like my anxiety, issues with my period pain, my relationship with my dad and some things about sugar babying. and he really thought he could fix all these things.
third thing. he sent me links to oils, meditation methods and other "natural" ways of getting rid of period pains. and I tell him thank you but if this worked I'd know already. and he's like "but it works for some" and I'm like I'm not saying it isn't, it's just the fact that I almost got immune to strong pain killers specifically made for cramps so rubbing some lavender oil on my vulva won't do shit boy.
fourth. I get that he was probably trying to be nice and give me compliments and I told him I was insecure about my tits because they're not that big. they're a size AA and A on food days I guess. but he said every time that my boobs had gotten bigger like, I'd have a F cup at this point if they actually were getting bigger and he noticed it every time. then however he started saying "your ass had gotten bigger" and it made me feel so selfcouncious. he KNEW about my ed and he KNEW I was still having issues with it so I don't understand why that comment was necessary???? I spiraled after hearing those comments and almost started dieting and skipping meals again because of those comments. and I know it's in and hot to have a big ass rn but o don't want one, love em on other people but I don't want one bc o feelnotd be disproportionate with my small chest and I already feel so uncomfortable sometimes with not being curvy and like it messes me up ......
and just being treated like a sex object in general. sure it was a sexual arrangement, but some respect please.....he would call me sexy even though I said I didn't like that comment bc I didn't see myself as sexy and didn't think it described me well (plus I look younger than I am so it makes me kind of uncomfortable). and saying only things about my body and how hot and sexy I am and it didn't make me feel good. ever. I don't think he ever complimented me on anything else but looks and it gets very boring after a while.
the end of it. as we know I'm in Korea rn studying and he knew this since months back and we hadn't talked since my bday in February and I avoided sc bc we almost only talked there but then I posted something and he replies around July/August and never stops writing even though I don't reply for 1-4 days. immature of me maybe but I was working a lot and didn't even think of replying bc it gave me anxiety to talk to him at this point.
then September. it's 1 month left until I leave and I have a LOT to fix before going and friends to say bye to. he says "can we meet this weekend" and I tell him I work weekends and I have other things to do almost every weekend up to when I leave and idk if I'll have time. he kept pushing again and again and I told him I didn't have time. then like a week left and he asks me to come over tonight and he knows I need to know these things I'm advance or I don't do it bc I'm not an impulsive person. and I tell him "honestly I don't think I will have the time to see you before I leave. I want to say bye to my close friends and my family" and he's like "wouldvevliked to see you one time before you leave though ://" butbi don't reply.
I talk to a few friends and they tell me to break it off but I only did it last week and BOY. I sent him a message on fb saying that I'm sorry but I don't think this kind of relationship works for me anymore, I'm not interested in it and won't be when I come back either probably and I say that I hope he understands. and he just replies "what kind of relationship is this?" and I say fwb at best. and he's like. .....well...I was hoping for more but I could sense you didn't want it.
but I tell him yea no I was never looking for that and we agreed on nothing more. and he's like "too bad liked your vibe" and I laughed out loud bc omg that's hilarious!!!! also fuck you. and I say sorry again and that I'm not looking for anything at all and he asks "why?" this dude has the audacity to ask WHY I don't want to suck his dick and I'm trying to be nice about it but I said "do I need more of an explanation than that I don't want to?" and he's like no, but hmu if you change your mind. he also said he wasn't looking for a normal relationship, he wanted something between fwb and a real relationship whatever that means and like ugh I'm so tired....
In conclusion I hate men and I removed him from sc and fb.
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