#just kidding hes more entertaining derranged
fist-of-vengeance · 4 months
john locke is such an absolute nutjob and im obsessed with him. imagine having the world's most horrendous daddy issues and chosing to cope with this by forcibly adopting everyone you meet. even if they already have a father. john saw micheal's dysfunctional relationship with walt and went "okay, my son now." charlie's struggling with addiction? adoption time. oh claire's mad at him? i am her dad now and also im raising aaron. boone? my son. this random hitchhiker? my son. dude is collecting surrogate children like pokemon, and he's not even a good father figure. he frequently causes problems for the people in question. BUT BY GOD HE DOES NOT LET THAT STOP HIM
that cop eddie knew all he needed to do was get in john's car and trauma dump about his shitty father and john would immediately go "okay yeah you're my son now."
ben probably could've manipulated him twice as effectively if he used this strategy, but instead he was too busy projecting his own daddy issues by trying to make john kill his abusive dad like he did. meanwhile john is reliving the cycle getting conned by ben over and over again just like he trusted his father. they're competing in the daddy issues olympics and no one is winning
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deanmarywinchester · 4 years
1, 5, 7, 17, 18
1: what’s an unpopular ship you like?
It’s not so much an unpopular ship as I think I invented it because they barely interact in canon, but I just think Mary/Billie is fun because their thinking on how the world should work runs directly counter to each other. if Mary could find freedom with the person who wants to destroy her and if Billie could acquire winchester derrangement syndrome from someone she thinks shouldn’t exist, well I just think that would be neat. Also it would be very “he made an angel fall, in every sense of the word” if Billie fell for Mary, for yet more Dean-Mary parallels. anyway when Mary died again she should’ve gotten to be the bride of Death.
5: favorite character that appeared in only 1 episode?
Off the top of my head, Magda the demon blood kid from season 12
7: rank the Sam hairs
I have no idea but extremely baby early seasons sam hair is definitely best
17: Do you like the brother's codependency entertainment wise?
I think it makes compelling tv when they’re forced to compromise their morals for each other because Brothers Come First, but only when they/the show acknowledges that that’s what they’re doing, instead of saying that anything they do to and for each other is okay. and this isn’t the question but I think they COULD be good for each other (platonically!! obviously), but where I am right now (s13), I don’t think they ARE good for each other. but I would love to see that change so they could be extremely close without actively damaging each other.
18: Rank the writers (as many as you remember and know)
I didn’t start paying attention to them until later in the show but:
god tier: thompson, edlund, glynn, yockey, berens, Dabb When He’s Good
??? Tier: gamble (queen of constructing gay little tragedies), carver (can and will go from Great to Awful in .5 seconds and give you whiplash), perez (Stuck in the Middle With You knocked my socks off but nothing else he’s done has been as good imo)
shit tier: You Know
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