#just like the pres myers one
breezypunk · 9 months
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psa, just cos there are resources out there for you to make racist, bigoted and nasty mods, doesn't mean you should do it. Stop changing peoples faces, races and sexualities, just how the vanilla base game is there? well just how you don't have to play the game at all if you don't like how the characters look, just say you're a racist and a bigot and be done with it.
Btw I left the comment and 5 minutes it was gone LMAO. I guess I'm banned from their mods for good, how will I cope.
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slashersidewhore · 1 year
Slashers! First meeting their S/O
Slashers! x gn!reader
Includes Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair
Requested? Yes
Warnings: beefy murder boyfriends, fluffy shit, pre-relationship stuff, love at first sight, mentions of murder/gore/malicious intentions, violence
Michael Myers
It was Halloween night, dark eyes through holes in a white, cast of a mask staring through the second story window of an old, decrepit house
A young boy skipping by as in a blue, capped superhero, an older couple strolling on the opposite street, arm in arm minding their own in the breezy night
Eyes cast downward as the sharp ring of a doorbell shot through the old bones of the house, glint of a butchers knife tight in the grasp of the man know silently making his way through the upper hall
“Are we even supposed to be going in here?”
“Who cares, it’s tradition to check out the Myers mansion, relax”
“I don’t know, this feels wrong..”
Listening to what seemed to be two young adult, the shrill voice of one of them almost instantly striking the silent man with a headache
Michael watched from the shadows as the pair came into view, the louder of the two wearing her hair in tight pigtails, a cheerleader outfit splattered with what was obviously fake blood, a bad attempt at a murder victim
Ready to lumber from the darkness and strike down on the intruders, the man was struck to the spot he stood as you came into view, wearing another poorly, and clearly last minute, thrown on pirate costume
You were what he imagined when the perfect kill was dreamt, your face burned into his as your pictured screams of fear and pain died as did your fighting spirit, the knife once again tightened in his grip, knuckles turning a pale white, veins pulsing beneath taut skin
He wanted, no, needed to kill you
Even the thought alone send a bold chill of excitement through the otherwise lifeless body of his
“You know what would be so funny-“
The girl in pigtails spoke as she flipped around the corner, the voice shrinking in her throat quickly morphing in a scream of terror as she bumped into the large, awaiting body of the infamous Michael Myers
Although her scream was also short lived as a rough hand was immediately around her throat, lifting her from her feet and slamming her back into the adjacent wall breath knocked from her body at the impact
His other hand rose, moonlight catching the long, silver blade as it was plunged deep into her stomach, twisting, turning as her throat gave up on its scream, another shriek caused the killers head to twist like an owl
There you stood, frozen in place with hands partly covering your mouth, eyes wide, not shaking, not running, just watching as the man before you brutalized your friend
But as your eyes caught each others in the dimly lit hallway, Michaels grasp on the now corpse released, body hitting the floor with a dull thud he didnt bother to pull the knife from its placed nestled between dead flesh, not even glancing down at it
Your hands slowly fell from your face, still not shaking, but clearly stressed with sweat as you wiped your hands on the fabric covering your thighs
“I’m, sorry for breaking in”
Your voice was soft, careful but not disingenuous, Michael didn’t know how to react, unable to look away or even move
His head tilted to the left, mask bunching at the bottom, he turned on his heel and made his exit through the rickety wooden door leading to the backyard, leaving the body, knife, and you alone in the corridor
As his walk through the brisk night air flooded under the neck of his mask, the killer could feel his normally emotionless face scrunch with confusion
If hearing you scream in fear wasn’t what he thought he wanted from you, then what did he want from you?
He would have to investigate this sudden curiosity closely
Jason Voorhees
Jason was tirelessly indulging the day by sitting on the end of his cabins patio, watching the slow turn of various wild animals go by
There weren’t any campers to keep him busy, nor screams and boisterous laughter of teens trying to get their rocks off on the property, just the hum of June bugs and trees swaying beneath the gentle breeze of warm weather
That was until a shrill yelp drilled into Jason’s eardrums, bothered by the distraction from his day of calm, the man stood with shoulders squared, grabbing the awaiting machete perched against one of the patios wooden posts
Marching through the dense woods, his boots crushed leaves as he made he way to the noise from minutes earlier, hoping whoever it was was far gone
“Oh my god”
Of course they weren’t though, of course whoever this was decided to stupidly wander onto private property, clearly posted in writing on multiple trees and wire fences
Although Jason hesitated when he heard something he’d never had the pleasure of catching
“You poor thing, here I am breaking the law because of you”
Peeking from behind the thick trunk of a large oak, Jason was surprised to see a stranger kneeling in the dirt, fingers and palms cut up with minor wounds as they attempted to unwind a helpless rabbit that seemed to have gotten itself rolled in loose barbed wire
Not minding to worry about yourself, you winced as another barb caught your finger, slicing the thin flesh there as the rabbit was freed, trotting away without a care in the world
“Okay, now which way did I come in from?”
You wondered aloud, turning on your heel to go back the direction you think you came from, hoping in get back on the hiking trail you’d left behind
Jason merely watched with confusion, no malice or really any thought behind his eyes other than the urge to, protect you, from what he wasn’t sure
But he knew for certain, you weren’t someone he’d be able to forget
Thomas Hewitt
Let’s get one thing straight, Thomas doesn’t enjoy killing, him and his family was forced into it by Hoyt and his insatiable urge to feed and “care” for everyone
Most victims were easy to kill, treating him like a monster, screaming in his face curses and insults as they went out
Others he had a harder time with, the ones that just cry, plead with him for their life, promise they won’t tell the police if he lets them go
That being said, he’s never failed to kill, not once since he’s begun
That is until one summer day, when a knock at the door caught Luda Mae by surprise, wiping her wet hands on a dish towel and headed to the front door
Eyes narrowed, the older woman opened the door to reveal a young adult, you, standing there with a shy smile gracing your features, you held a pair of car keys in one hand, the other free to reach up and rub nervously at the back of your neck
“I’m sorry to bother you and, whoever else is home, but my car broke down a mile out, and I’m unable to reach anyone on my cell”
Luda Maes confusion turned to soft pity, a reserved grin taking over her lips as she moved to the left, a hand beckoning you in
“Well dear, there’s a phone in the kitchen, if you’d like I can call the towns auto shop while you wait in the living room”
Although still shaken from being practically dropped in the middle of nowhere Texas, you made your way graciously inside, thanking the woman with kind praise as you did so
Taking a seat on one of the two sofas available, your ankles crossed as you stared down at one of the keychains dangling from your car keys
You could hear the woman in the kitchen shuffling around, although you weren’t sure if you could hear anyone speaking to anyone on the phone
Curious, you slowly stood, palms sweaty as you now took a few steps from the living room, now able to hear Luda Mae speaking on the low to someone, then the sound of a corded phone clicking into its place on the wall
Heart slowing as you realized you were just being paranoid, you quickly turned on your heel to find your way back to the couch, although your trip was cut short by your feet crossing over one another, about to fall on your face when a two large hands steadied your shoulder
Gazing up, your breath caught in your throat at the absolute behemoth of a man now standing before you, a leather mask covering the bottom half of his face, thick brows furrowing as you simply continued to stare with wonder up at him
“Thank you”
Was all you could manage, voice catching as you realized your body was practically pressed up against his
“There you are dear, oh look I see you’ve met my youngest boy Tommy”
Luda Mae spoke as she entered the room, knowing look on her face as she coyly added fuel to the current fire
Pulling yourself up right and out of Thomas’ grasp, your hot face was focused on the older woman in hopes the man wouldn’t notice your sudden fluster
“Unfortunately our only truck is out with my other son, so I was thinking my boy here could be so kind as to walk you to the auto shop, you’ll be safe with him, promise”
You didn’t notice the way Thomas’ eyes followed you, too focused on thinking about being alone with a man as attractive as the one quietly standing beside you
“You’re not worried are you?”
Luda seemed to test you, but it went right over your head as you shook your head no
“He seems very reliable”
You smiled up at Thomas, unable to catch the skip in his chest as you did so
Luda Mae could only grin at the sight, ready to call up Hoyt and tell him to leave this stranger alone, as she could see a future blooming before her eyes
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent wasn’t one to leave his studio unless absolutely necessary, and even in those cases he didn’t, it wasn’t pleasant for the man
Until Bo brought home a guest, someone shaking and blindfolded as he manhandled the poor soul, although the stranger wasn’t screaming nor fighting, it was as if they’d completely given up, or knew it wouldn’t help
Vincent watched silently as his brother forced you to the ground, your knees surely hurting as they made contact with the hard, concrete floor
“Do you know what happens to people that wander where they don’t belong?”
Bo questioned menacingly, although he had a playful glint in his eye Vincent had never seen before
Silently creeping up behind his twin, the long haired man narrowed his eyes as he scanned what he could see in the dim, candle lit room of your face
The obvious old, dried tears that had found their way down your cheeks were still shining, creating lines over your soft skin
You looked to be carved of marble, painted with delicate strokes and framed with care, you were a work of art, and he hadn’t even seen your eyes yet
Placing a deft hand on Bo’s shoulder, the two exchanged looks, the shorter haired twin groaning in annoyance, although that look from before was still in his eye
Right as he was turning to take his leave, he leaned closer to Vincent, whispering to him as he passed
“I took one glance and knew you’d like them, guess I was right”
Then he was gone, foot steps disappearing as he left up the basement stairway
Vincent cautiously walked closer to you, noticing how you flinched back a bit when he made a move to pull your blindfold up, doing it slowly as to not startle you
Your watery eyes fell on his masked face, brows furrowing slightly as you glanced around the room
Vincent’s mouth soured at the idea that you were looking for Bo, of course you would be, what new comer in town wasn’t, until
“Is that man from before gone?”
You’d whispered, and if your sweet voice didn’t send Vincent into a flutter of strange emotions, your next words at the nod of, “yes”, Vincent gave you did
“Good, he scares me”
He merely nodded, unsure of how to act
“Is he going to come back?”
Vincent shrugged
Your shifted so you were sitting, wincing at the ache in your legs, eyes nervous but no longer afraid, you looked to the silent man before you
“Will you, stay here if he comes back?”
Vincent had never been so quick to nod a, “yes”
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long, but I’m back now! I’m working on what is currently in my requests but feel free to send in more!
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^ me returning after being inactive for 6 months
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noxturnals-void · 2 months
Slashers with an s/o that’s always cold
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Characters include:
Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Jesse Cromeans, Asa Emory
✨Chronic cold hands and feet gang unite✨
Tw: suggestions of nsfw (nothing described explicitly), characters being hard on themselves
Jason Voorhees:
He’s a big, warm guy.
You can cuddle against him and feel like you're hugging a heater.
Will give you bear hugs to heat you up at any time.
It can get pretty cold during the winter, so his lap is where you’ll be. He doesn’t mind.
He will hold your hands in his to warm them up whenever he notices your hands are too cold.
When you are out on walks together in the woods or around the campgrounds, you hold hands in his jacket pocket.
When you cuddle on the couch or in bed, he’ll make sure your hands and feet are always warm.
Poor guy :(
He can’t comfort you how he used to now that he’s room temperature.
He’ll still try his absolute best to keep you warm with heated blankets and fuzzy socks.
Will give your hands and feet massages to stimulate blood flow.
He feels bad not being able to keep you warm as well during the winter, so he builds extra big fires just for you.
Will still give you bear hugs, even if they don’t warm you up.
Michael Myers:
He never lets you go anywhere alone, but that doesn’t mean he’s all over you.
When the urge for physical touch does happen, it’s rarely PG-13.
Outside of that, it’s uncommon for him to do things such as cuddle or hug.
When he is unusually tame, you will find him holding you.
He wants to be near you. Sometimes that means you are stuck to his chest, wrapped up in his arms, or pinned onto the couch or bed under his weight.
He may or may not let you put your hands under his mask to heat them up against his neck or face.
Fair warning: only try if you’re prepared to lose a hand.
If you don’t lose a hand, something’s wrong. Might be time for his yearly vet appointment.
Thomas Hewitt aka Leatherface:
This guy can’t keep his hands off of you.
He knows your hands and feet are always cold, even during the hot Texas summer.
He’s more than willing to share his body heat.
He will constantly worry about your hands and feet being so cold. Is your heart okay? He’s always going to be worried about your health.
If you want to work outside with him, he’ll let you, but don’t think you’re doing any heavy lifting when you’ve got him around.
He won’t deny that it’s nice to have your hands against the back of his neck, under his hair, or on his forehead, like a personal ice pack.
When you sleep, he will be the big spoon to ensure you are safe and warm the entire night.
Jesse Cromeans aka Chromeskull:
Pre-superest of super glues
Oh, this cocky bastard.
You want him to warm up your hands? Don’t worry, he will put your hands to good use, and they’ll be warm in no time ;)
Relishes in you cuddling up to him for warmth.
The way you shiver, complaining about your feet being cold as you shove them between his legs has him laughing.
Will definitely spoil you rotten with gifts.
You have a collection of luxury-brand thermal socks and expensive heating packs at your disposal for when he’s not around.
He will suggest exercise. Especially at-home yoga. It's good for your circulation. It’s good for his circulation to see you in some of those poses ;)
Post-superest of super glues
He’s less cocky now that he’s lost (what he believes) is one of his best attributes. His face.
He will be distant for a while; resisting giving into your physical affection despite your hands and feet being ice cubes. He can’t be your heater until he comes to terms with his own reality first.
He still buys you gifts, more so now that he’s constantly worried you will leave him if he doesn’t.
Instead of acting all smug and arrogant about you wanting him, he will try to enjoy the fact you still want to be near him.
His affirmations that you still care about him come from you still sticking your ice-cold hands up his sleeves to make him jump, or your frozen feet sliding between his legs seeking warmth when you sleep together at night.
He would never admit it, but your cold hands on his face make him feel normal again.
Asa Emory aka The Collector:
Oh, he’s intrigued.
You have chronically cold hands and feet?
Do you have anemia? Poor circulation? Thyroid issues? Autoimmune disorder? Best believe he will force you to get checked for every possibility; if you haven’t already done so.
If nothing comes up, he will suggest exercise.
You are welcome to join him on his morning runs or occasional bouts to the gym.
Of course, he’s more than willing to warm you up in alternative ways ;)
He’s a busy man, balancing his work and extracurricular activities, so he won’t always be around for you to warm up against.
When that's the case, you have plenty of stuff he’s provided for you.
When he is around and notices your abnormally cold hands or feet, he will address it silently, handing you fuzzy socks or a heating pad.
He’s got to make sure his favorite pet stays in good health after all ;)
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french-goodbye · 1 year
If you want it good, downright iconic
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Summary: your third date with Eddie goes even better than expected.
Warnings: kissing, masturbating. 18+, MINORS DNI.
Notes: title from Gibson Girls by Ethel Cain bc Eddie would’ve loved preacher’s daughter.
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The first time Eddie asked you out, you were honestly surprised.
He now had been regularly dropping by the record store where you work, all smiles and fleeting touches, usually backed by silly teasing jokes. At the beginning you thought he might’ve liked you, but then two months went by and you thought to yourself that if he was interested, he would’ve definitely asked you out by now… right?
Turns out you were wrong and he was just bidding his time to make sure you were interest before he made a move. That happened a month ago, when he stopped by the store in his usual leather jacket and a pretty wildflower bouquet in his hands, and nervously asked if you wanted to hang out sometime.
“Like a date?” you’d asked hopefully, considering the huge crush you’d been nursing on him ever since he first walked into the store, chains hanging from his black jeans and chunky silver rings.
“If you want it to be” was all he said, fiddling with those same rings on his fingers.
Now after two official dates and many non official hang outs, he was taking you on your third one. The two of you had decided on watching the movie Halloween on the drive in by the edge of town and he had picked you up at your house earlier that night, a beaming smile on his face and a bag full of your favorite snacks on the passenger seat. Then, you couldn’t be bothered to hide your desire to squish his cheeks together and press kisses to his face until he was flushing red and pushing you away, claiming you’d be late for the movie.
After the movie, he had invited you to his trailer claiming his his uncle was on the night shift at work once more and that “he needed you to hold his hand because of how scary the movie was”. Of course you said yes, and that’s how you found yourself being led to his trailer, his hand clasped in yours swinging between your bodies.
You’re not stupid. You know what the third date usually entails, and the fact that Eddie invited you to his house when his uncle isn’t home just all but guarantees he’s thinking the same thing. It’s not like you can reprimand him for that either, since he took the first step and asked you out, you haven’t been exactly shy on telling him how attracted to him you are.
You’ve kissed enough times by now to know what he likes and what he doesn’t, but tonight was the farthest you’ve ever gone. The darkness of the drive in and the privacy of his van making it so, so easy for you to climb over the gear shift of his van and onto his lap and kiss him, kiss him, kiss him, until his van’s windows were foggy and your lips were red and spit slicked and you could feel his hardness poking your thigh for a second, before he readjusted you on his lap as Michael Myers killed Laurie’s friends behind you.
“I really don’t understand why people always die after having sex in horror movies” you complain as you take off our shoes by the front door, his hand on your elbow so you don’t loose your balance. “It’s such a puritanical take.”
“It’s the satanic panic, sweetheart. Can’t have teenagers having pre marital sex” he answers as he toes off his own sneakers and guides you to his now familiar room, that you came to know at your other non official dates, when he had forced you to come over to listen to the new Metallica album and to watch him play guitar for you.
“It’s stupid, it’s what it is” you complain, walking into his room like you own the place. You start removing your jewelry and putting it on top of his dresser.
“Oh, so you are having pre marital sex, sweetheart?” His eyes are almost dancing and he’s wiggling his brows suggestively, teasing you.
Despite his teasing jokes, you can’t help the knot that tightens in your stomach just by thinking of sex and Eddie Munson in the same sentence. You want so bad to find out everything that makes him tick, how he likes to be touched and how he’d sound if you touched him. Tonight had been the farthest you ever got together, as you sat on his lap and felt his half hard cock almost burn a whole through your dress and felt him give you a particularly nasty hickey on your neck.
You throw him a bored glance over your shoulder, trying to smother the fire in your belly as he walks closer, cornering you against his desk as his chest presses to yours.
“Is that your way of asking if I’m gonna have sex with you?” you ask boldly, but smiling and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Since it’s our third date and all.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t wanna do that” he shakes his head vehemently and you raise your brows. “I mean, you just said people who have sex in horror movies die. I’d never risk my life like that.”
“So you’d risk mine?” You scoff indignantly.
He shrugs, “yeah, sure. Why not?”
“You wouldn’t survive even if you didn’t have sex anyway” you sulk playfully, feeling his hands reach for your waist and pull you closer.
“Excuse me? I resent that statement.”
“You’re the town’s satanist, remember? You’re the first suspect,” you explain as he walks backwards towards his bed, turning you around when he’s close enough and pushing you around until the mattress hits your knees. “You gotta die so people can be sure you aren’t really the killer.”
“What about you? Are you the pretty girl who survives despite it all?” He asks, his nose rubbing against yours and his lips so, so close.
“It depends…” you begin. “Are you gonna make a move on me or are we just talking about horror movie tropes all night?”
He laughs loudly, gently pushing you backwards until you fall and bounce on his bed, squealing loudly as you do. He immediately throws himself on the bed and crawls after you.
“Oh, we’re feeling feisty today, aren’t we?” He asks, kneeling as you your legs spread wider so he can slot himself in the space between them.
“I’ve been waiting long enough for you, Munson” you tease.
“Excuse me? You could’ve made a move! What about feminism?” He complains, lowering himself until he’s on top of you and his hips are pressed between your legs and you can feel his half hard cock from your time at the drive in probing your inner thigh.
“I’m a lady!” you protest, your hands climbing up his back to pull him impossibly closer. “We don’t do that”
He smiles but leans closer and closer, until his lips brush yours, but still doesn’t kiss you. You try to kiss him but he dodges you, one of his hands sinking into the hair at nape of your neck to tug it and pull you away as he holds himself up with his other hand.
“Beg for it then, little lady”
“Eddie-“ you whine, trying to kiss him again as he grips your hair to stop you almost forcefully.
“Say please for me?” He asks pressing a wet kiss to each of your cheeks gently, a stark contrast to his hand on your hair.
“Please, Eddie. Please kiss me.” You beg, scrunching your brows almost a little desperately.
He smirks smugly but obliges, leaning down to kiss you and releasing the hold he has on your hair. You brush your tongue against his bottom lip and he lets you in, making your nails dig on his back and your legs spread open even wider so you can feel more of him.
His hand slips under your skirt and he grabs your ass, squeezing one of your butt cheeks hard. You whine underneath him, grinding your hips against his.
“Wanted you like this for so long.” He whispers when he breaks the kiss, rolling his hips to meet yours and finding you so hot and warm he can feel it through his jeans.
“Not longer than me.” You answer, wrapping your legs around his hips. “I’ve wanted to do this since you walked into the store.”
“Why do you think I walked in in the first place?” He murmurs against your lips, guiding your hips to meet his through layers of underwear and denim.
You feel infinitely more attracted to him at his admission and tug on his hair so you can kiss him again, again and again for what feels like hours, until you’re soaking through your underwear and his cock is rubbing a spectacularly good place around your clit.
He breaks the kiss to mouth on your neck, going lower until he’s reaching the neckline of your dress and sucking a mark bellow your collarbone.
“Thought so much about this,” you babble, your fingers sinking into his hair to keep his mouth on your cleavage, not really thinking about anything else but him. “Touched myself thinking about this.”
He immediately freezes on top of you and you regret your words as he pulls his mouth from your neck to see your face.
“Did you really?” He asks breathlessly.
“Yeah… is that- is that weird?” You ask self consciously and his hand shift from your ass to rub on your hip soothingly.
“Did you forget who you’re talking to? I’m the town freak,” he scoffs, squeezing your hip reassuringly. “That’s actually really fucking hot”
“You think so?” You ask, fiddling with his hair.
“Definitely” he nods rapidly, making his hair fly all over his face. You’re laughing quietly when he kisses you forcefully, but quickly. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“What did you think about when you touched yourself?”
“Eddieee-“ you whine, hiding your face in your hands.
“No, come on. Don’t hide from me.” He begs, pulling your hands away and holding them between his own.
“That’s embarrassing” you complain, playing with the rings still on his fingers.
“Why?” He shrugs. “I’ve done the same thing.”
You still, your brows raising in interest “you did?”
“Yeah,” he stammers, suddenly shy himself. “Is that weird?”
“No” you answer honestly, a hot star burning in your belly thinking about it. Thinking about him all alone in his room, getting hard and fisting his cock just at the mere thought of you, trying to keep quiet so his uncle can’t hear him. “What did you think about?”
“You,” he shrugs. You look at him curiously and he shrugs again. “What you’d sound like, what you’d look like if I got my hands on you… you know.”
“What else?”
“Why I am the only one baring my soul here?” He asks suddenly, his cheeks red and looking at you accusatorially.
“Sorry,” you say, scrunching your face in thought. “That’s not fair, is it?”
He shakes his head in no, “why don’t we make it a game? I tell you something and you tell me something?”
That sounds fair, you think to yourself. You do wanna know more, curiosity gnawing at your stomach to find out what he thought about you, if they’re the same things you did, if your fantasies match his.
“Fine” you agree, finally.
“So…” he teases, booping your nose playfully. “What did you think about?”
You look at him for a second, his bright brown eyes and flushed cheeks and his earnest expression. And you know in your heart Eddie would never betray you or shame you for whatever you’re about to say or do here in his room. Everything that happens in the private space between you is staying where it should be.
“Okay…” you begin, not sure where to start. “I thought about your fingers rubbing my clit, about how you’d feel with your head between my thighs.”
He looks like you’ve just told him Christmas came earlier, his hips unconsciously jerking against yours and the pressure of his grip on your hips increasing. You sigh and your hands climb up his arms to his back, rubbing your hands between his shoulder blades.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking hot” he splutters, his hips still moving slowly on top of yours and his hand digging, tightening his hold on your bare hips. “I thought about that too…how you’d like it, what you’d sound like. Thought about how you’d look with my cock in your mouth, with my cum on your tits.”
“I bet you looked so fucking good jerking off”
He suddenly leans down to kiss you again, all tongue and teeth, his hips still driving against yours. He roughly pulls away when you’re both breathless and you’re almost feeling dazed.
“Why don’t you show me what you look like when you touch yourself, pretty girl?” He murmurs, his lips still brushing against yours and tucking some loose hair behind your ear.
You nod avidly, wanting nothing but to relieve the pressure building in your lower stomach and to put on a show for him, show him what you could’ve been doing all this time if either of you had just made a move sooner. He leans away to be able to see all of you, his hands spreading your thighs when he kneels between them.
You slide your hand down your belly, lifting your dress up to your waist so your lower half is exposed. He watches avidly, following your fingers as you slip them under your underwear and find yourself wet and swollen, a moan leaving your lips at the feeling of finally being touched.
“The first time I touched myself thinking about you,” you begin, your previous shame turning into hot liquid licking down your spine at the way he’s looking at you right now. “Was after you told me you were in a band. You know what they say about guitarists, right? I kept thinking if that was true”
He exhales a laugh through his nose, pushing his hair away from his face. He squeezes your thigh meanly, like molding bread underneath his fingertips.
“You’ll find out” he promises.
“Can I take these off?” You complain, already pushing your underwear down your legs with his help and quickly getting rid of your dress too, baring yourself completely to him since you’re not wearing a bra. He casually throws your clothes over his shoulder, not caring where or how they land, his whole focus on you as he sprawls you open, forcing your thighs against his sheets so he can see your bare pussy, his hands spreading your legs so wide it almost aches.
You smear your wetness around your entrance to your clit and start rubbing it under your fingertips, slowly building a rhythm that leaves you breathless.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Such a pretty pussy, why’d keep it away from me for so long?”
He swiftly pulls his shirt over the back of his head, exposing miles of pale and inked skin. You barely have time admire him as he comes closer, so close you can feel his hard cock against the back of your hand over denim, one of his hands shifting up your thigh to brush his thumb over your ribs.
“Can I…?” He starts, looking intently at your breasts and you interrupt him.
“Yes, yes” you breathe out and increase the speed of your fingers over your clit, as he slides his hands up to experimentally brush his thumb over your nipple.
“Fuck, have been dying to get my hands on them” he admits, cupping the weight of your breast on his hands and then pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Looked so pretty with those tank tops, almost couldn’t stop looking”
You mewl underneath him, the feeling of his body so close, his fingers pulling and twisting your nipples and the knowledge of what you’re doing to him making you climb to your peak faster than usual. He takes notice of the way your hips are moving in time with your hand and squeezes your nipple harder, leaning down until you’re face to face.
“You’re gonna cum, sweet thing? Come on, show me how pretty you look when you cum for me.”
Your free hand pulls him closer by the neck so you can kiss him, exhaling into his mouth as you furiously rub your clit. Nothing but thoughts of Eddie, Eddie, Eddie echoing through your mind. He guides you through your high, whispering sweet nothings against your mouth, pressing his lips to your cheeks, your nose, your forehead as his hips grinding against your thigh.
When you’re finally done, your fingers moving away from your clit because of the sensitivity and his arms thrown over you as he lays on the spot next you, watching you in awe like you just played the sickest guitar riff ever.
“I knew you incredible before,” he says, his fingers stroking the skin of your ribs, tracing the bone underneath. “But damn, sweetheart.”
“Shut up” you complain laughingly, turning on your side to see him. His face is bright red, like he just came back from a run and his hair’s incredibly messy, more than usual and his brown eyes are so, so bright and happy.
You can’t help but lean over to press a kiss to his lips, a lingering one that goes on for a long time. The previously put out embers in your belly lighting up a fire again. You’re starting to slip your hand down his body to cup his erection when he stops you. You pull away to look at him questioning until you notice how shifty he is, and you look at his crotch only to find a wet spot there.
“Did you just…?” You begin.
“Y-yeah… listen, sweetheart, I’m sorry-” you interrupt before he can continue apologizing, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“That’s so fucking hot.” you claim matter-of-factly, still suffocating him with quick kisses on his lips.
“There’s no way you think that, you don’t have to spare my feelings-“
“Excuse me? I think the fact you were so turned on over me touching myself you came in your pants so incredibly fucking hot, thank you very much” you climb over him, straddling his body in all your naked glory and his eyes can’t seem to be able to stop roaming your body, his eyes constantly shifting from your tits, to your belly, to your hips and to your mound.
“Okay, okay. If you think so, sweetheart” he says appeasingly, his hands coming up to rest on your hips. You lean down again until you’re face to face and you can kiss his lips wetly.
“When does your uncle get home again?” You ask between kisses.
“Around 7am… why?”
You pull away to see his face and you can’t contain the beaming smile taking over yours.
“How long until you can get going again?” You question, slowly moving your hips on top of him. He watches you eagerly.
“Not long,” he answer and you can feel the damp patch of denim underneath you getting wetter as you grind against him. You also can distinctly feel his cock twitching through his underwear. “With the way you’re all over me”
You throw your head back in laughter and he digs his fingers on your hips painfully.
“Then maybe you can show me what exactly you were thinking about when you jerked off… something about my mouth on your cock and your cum on my tits?”
“You’re fucking perfect” he states seriously, like you���re the best thing since sliced bread. He pulls you down until he’s hungrily kissing you, all tongue and teeth and way too wet, but you can’t really complain.
Turns out, he doesn’t really need that long to get hard again. Who would’ve thought?
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hey love, could you do an RZ! Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, and Thomas hewitt smut where a the male!reader is tied up and sitting in their lap and they've never messed around with other boys before (or theyve never gotten themselves off) so theyre just overstimulating thr fuck outta the reader continually jacking him off till he's crying whining 🤭🤭 it can be hesd canons or whateverd easiest to write <33
Of course I can <33
I'll go with little headcannons and a little fic for each <33
Rz Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, and Thomas Heweit with a Male! s/o who's tied up in their lap
Minors please DNI!
RZ! Michael Myers
The moment you showed any sign of arousal, Michael knew.
The thing though, was he was not going to reciprocate it.
Just to see what happens (he does a little trolling)
Eventually he cant take it anymore, seeing you walk around with a boner, making little noises as you shift uncomfortably.
He ties you up, with little protest at all.
His hand wanders down your chest, tugging at your clothes slightly, but never taking anything off (cus he's such a tease)
Michael gets what he wants, so when he ghosts his hand over the raging election in your pants, he nearly begins rutting into you. He takes your pants off, and starts rubbing you slowly.
"Michael please, please go faster"
Of course he can oblige, but will he? You've been kinda bad Y/n. Getting all aroused and not coming to him.
Once he figures out he's your first, his chest swells up with pride. He is the one making you whine the way you are, HE is the one who will bring you to your first release.
Will make you cum at least 3 times
"Please michael, go faster, pleasepleaseplease, oh god." Sitting in Michael's lap was pushing it as it is, but sitting in his lap, tied up, and with a boner? Now you're asking for it.
He rubs you up and down, cock weeping with pre, whines and moans escaping from your lips. Of course, Michael is only going to continue teasing you.
As you feel your third orgasm approaching, suddenly Michael speeds up, hand twisting and rubbing your length until you burst. Shaking, tears begin to roll down your cheeks. "Please Mikey, n-no more!" "Oh fuck fuck fuck Mikey please ah fuck~" He only stops when you can't speak anymore <33
Bubba Sawyer
Goodness is he overwhelmed when you're walking around with a boner. Whenever he gets them, he immediately excuses himself, so why aren't you?
He comes up with the conclusion that you need help with your little 'problem'.
As soon as your on his lap, you're squirming. We can't have that now can we?
Once you're nice and tied up, he teases your hard on through your pants, other hand tracing your hard nipples.
Eventually, your pants come off, and Bubba makes you cum so hard you're seeing stars. 'Where did he even learn how to move his hand like that?'
He already knows he's your first, so he wants to make it special and feel good.
"Bubba please, please oh my god" as your second orgasm approaches, he keeps on at his brutal, but loving pace. "Please Bubba, I can barely see, please oh god let me cum please please please."
He leans into your neck, licking and nibbling, until he gets to a spot that's making you see stars. "Oh god Bubba right there yes, yesyesyes please!" Of course he continues, using your pre as lube. He knows you're close, so he speeds up, and takes satisfaction in the whines coming from your mouth.
Thomas Hewitt
Once he catches wind (by that I mean sees with his own two eyes) of your erection, he's immediately scooping you up to your shared bedroom.
He knows you've never done anything like this before, but that's okay cus neither has he.
He sits you in his lap and holds your wrists behind you, stroking your cock through your jeans.
"Please Tommy, just take me"
He isnt ready to completely have sex yet tho, so this is what you get for now y/n.
Your third orgasm is approaching quickly, and Tommy knows. He slows his hand, and drags out your ogasm.
Thomas knew he was your first, so of course he's making you feel good. He does not expect anything in return, so just lay back onto his chest and let him make you feel good.
"Oh my god Tommy please, please go faster" 'no, no I don't think I will.'
Of course he can't stand your whines (lovingly) so he speeds up, and let's you cum. He only stops when you beg him to <3
I hope this was okay! I'm not too well varsed in masturbation writing yet so this was good practice. Thank you so much for the request <33
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sadhornyygirl · 11 months
Day 31: Halloween Party (michael myers)
For the children, Halloween was already over. And while the party for them ended, young people from all the neighborhoods left their homes and took to the streets; the celebration for them was just beginning. Boys with pockets full of cocaine and half-naked girls headed for the nearest nightclubs. For the new generation of young people in Illinois, Halloween had stopped being just "trick or treating" and became something more wild and liberal. Alcohol, unbridled sex and drugs were then the only bases that solidified the most anticipated night of the year.
And that's how you ended up on top of the handsome masked man, trying to save his life
"Please.' He murmurs in a tone of voice that is difficult to understand, 'I've never been...'
‘Never been fucked?’ You ask, already knowing the answer. ‘That’s obvious, my dear.’
The man is looking at you like you are a wonder, ‘How?’ hisses
‘All these years, and no one loved you like this? No one bothers to show you how you should be treated, how to deal with your own desires.’ You’re not saying this to be cruel, when a drop falls on your face and you look up. Michael’s eyes are fixed ahead, he monitors his breathing as you pull away from the hickey you left on him. You catch his tear and give him a gentle kiss. 'You are handsome.' You remind him: 'Breathtaking.' He gives you a shy smile at your compliment, 'You can have it,' you promise, and his hands hit the neckline of your purple dress. ‘If you tell me your name.’
He takes his time, with with your fingers roaming his body as he explores new territory. You can't understand how no one went out of their way to arrest and catch him sooner. Maybe he built his walls too well? What made him move away from everyone but you? Are you the only one bold enough to break it up? He seems to be weighing his options, wondering wondering whether it's worth giving in to his sexual desire to reveal something more about himself, something he can't take back. And then he whispers: ‘Michael’.
You step forward and pull him onto the nearest couch. Michael follows you obediently, and you make him sit down. Michael watches, completely placid, as you run your fingers over the bulge in his pants and his hips thrust into your palm. You check to see if he's dealing with his newfound feelings, if it's not too much, but Michael's waves you on. The sound of the zipper echoes in the silence as he begins to pant, the mere thought of what's to come mixed with his repression makes him melt under your touch. ‘Michael’, you repeat his name, palming him. ‘So sweet under all that power, all that facade.’
He's hard, leaking and panting for more when you run your finger over the tip of his cock, over the slit and gather the pre-cum there, 'Hurry.' He begs, but Michael is trying to maintain some of his dignity despite his hips rising up on the couch as his other hand begins to pump up and down his length. His eyes close and his mouth opens as Michael loses himself in the sensations you are providing him. It's the most exciting sexual experience you've ever had. Being the one who takes something so precious from him, the disposition.
His first orgasm crashes over him, boyish and spurting copious amounts of cum all over his hand, staining his pants, shirt and jacket. Michael shoves his fist in his mouth to mask his screams, his hips shaking with the intensity as you go faster, jerking him off until Michael can't form words, his orgasm a blinding collision of sensation and freedom. ‘Jesus, fucking Christ.’ He hisses, his his eyes falling on you as you watch him descend. You're dripping in your pants at the sight of him. He's never looked more stunning than when he's on the verge of orgasm, like a god with his sharp features and heaving chest.
'It was good?'
He is already starting to glow with sex. Michael is still hard when he starts to go down, much to your pleasure. He has stamina and reaches for you, holding your waist as you push your pants to the side and slide down on his cock. He's filthy and wet when you impale yourself on him. Michael’s moan is guttural; your hips are already lifted as you set a rhythm, keeping your hands on his chest for support. You lie down, enjoying every inch of him, determined to get as much pleasure out of taking his virginity, from ruining him. ‘That’s it.’ You encourage: ‘Just like that. Then, when you're ready, you'll cum inside me. I'm going to let go, I'm coming with you.
That's all he needs to hear, his grip and his long, thick length already pushing you over the edge as Michael bites down harder on your hand, his rings glistening in the darkness of the room, his face scrunched up in orgasm. It's the best feeling in the world, watching him come undone beneath you, watching his muscles contract and relax beneath your fingertips as you bend down to kiss wherever you can reach. He lasted longer than you expected, and it hurts when you pull away from him. He cries as his cum drips from his core, pulling on his chest, staining more of his black shirt. Michael is completely fucked, eyes open just enough to see the cum dripping onto his stomach and he reaches out to scoop up some, wondering as you slide your pants back into place.
— I believe you won't kill me now??
You smooth out his dress, the wetness and remnants of Michael's cum soaking your pants. Michael sits up, his eyes still wide, but he's more relaxed than you've ever seen him, 'How did this happen?'
You plant a kiss on his lips, and Michael kisses back: ‘Do I have a place in your life now, Michael?’
He nods, ‘If you do that again,’
You smile at his boldness and reward him with another kiss. You straighten up and head to his door, Michael watching you go. 'Tonight, when the others are asleep. My room this time.
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rollingsins · 2 years
three’s a crowd, part one
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten (epilogue)
summary: you hadn’t expected this. to fall in love. with not one girl, but two. you hadn’t expected to ruin their friendship. love triangle au. 
pairing: emma myers x reader, jenna ortega x reader
warnings: language.
word count: 3k
a/n: first part in my love triangle fic as mentioned earlier on my blog! let me know your thoughts and what direction you want me to take with this. few ideas but I’d love to hear your thoughts! :))
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A dream job, that’s what this was. 
You could barely believe it the moment the call came in. You were going to be on a TV show - you were going to be on Wednesday. 
It was the second season of production; you’d been a little nervous at first, coming into a pre-established cast, but everyone had gone out of their way to make you feel comfortable. 
There’s Hunter with his fluffy hair and boyish smile. Joy, so friendly, so warm as she hugs you. Georgie with his accent and long, James Dean-esque haircut. 
“We’re so happy to have you.” Joy says, smile warm. She’s gripping onto your arm, “Fresh blood.” 
“Seriously.” Hunter says as he hugs you, “It’s good to have you. You’ll love it here. We’re like a family.” 
“Have you met the girls yet?” Joy asks. She looks over her shoulder, as if trying to scout them. 
The girls can only mean two people. You shake your head, a little nervous. Jenna was the show’s star, you had no idea what she’d be like. And Emma was playing your love interest. You’d never had a love interest on screen before, and the show hadn’t bothered with a chemistry test. You wondered if you’d like her. Found yourself thinking with butterflies in your stomach how you’d have to kiss her. 
“Thick as thieves, those two.” Georgie murmurs, “Never one without the other. I’ll find them.” 
He slinks off somewhere. Hunter takes your arm, walks you around the set. 
“We’re having a get together tonight.” Hunter tells you, “You should come. It’s like a pre-season celebration.”
“I’ll be there.” 
Georgie’s back, this time, two girls follow him. 
It’s Jenna, you recognise her immediately. She’s gorgeous, is your first thought. Long dark hair, dark eyes, freckles dotted across her face. It’s all you can do to stop your jaw hitting the floor. 
“I’m Jenna.” She’s hugging you. When she pulls back, the other girl is stepping forward. 
“I’m Emma” Pretty blue eyes, short, shoulder length blonde hair. You take the hand she offers, smile, a little shy. 
She’s also gorgeous, you think. In fact, the entire cast is gorgeous. Without thinking, you blurt it out. 
They all laugh. Hunter nudges your shoulder. 
“Good start. You’re going to fit in great.”
Your first day is a blur of meeting new faces, trying to remember your lines and cues. When it’s all over, you’re standing in front of the door to Hunter’s hotel room, a bottle of Grey Goose in hand. 
Hunter ushers you in. 
Georgie and Joy are on the balcony, sharing a vape between them. 
Jenna and Emma sit on the couch, speaking in soft voices. 
They’re holding hands, you can’t help but notice. Your eyes linger. Wonder why you’re a little disappointed. 
“What do you want to drink?’ Hunter’s voice snaps you out of your reverie. 
You mingle a little. Hunter tells you about his husband. Joy shows you how to mix a perfect margarita. Two or three drinks in and you’re out on the balcony, taking a breather. You don’t even notice someone behind you until you hear Emma’s voice. 
“You all good out here?” She asks. 
You turn, look at her. She’s so pretty. Is all you can think. Her blue eyes glimmer in the moonlight. 
“Fine.” Is what you say. “Just thinking.” 
She slides in beside you, nudges your shoulder. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
You bite your lip. 
“I’m nervous.” You tell her, “This is my first real acting gig.”
She hums. Brings her glass to her lips. 
“You’re doing great.” She says, “You have nothing to be nervous about. I was nervous too, my first time. It gets easier.” 
“Thanks.” You say. Your eyes flick to the room - Jenna’s nowhere in sight. 
“Where’s Jenna?” You ask. Emma looks over to you. 
“Bathroom, I think.” 
“Is she your girlfriend?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. Immediately you regret it. The drink has made you a little too bold. 
Emma laughs.  
“No.” She says, eyes sparkling. “She’s like my sister.”
Oh. You lick your lips. Your stomach flips. Elation rushes through you. The thought of them together makes you sick to your stomach, though you’re not exactly sure why. 
Emma’s watching, her eyes curious. 
“Why do you ask?”
You shrug. “No reason.” 
You take your drink in hand, scoot back over to the hotel room before you embarrass yourself any further. 
Shooting begins. It’s only been a little over a month, but it feels like you’ve known these people for years. 
There isn’t a single actor you don’t like; any one of them can make you laugh until you cry, and within weeks they start to feel like five of your new best friends. Not so surprisingly, it’s Jenna and Emma you feel closest to. Jenna’s there everyday, and despite the fact it’s her show, and you’re all essentially just set pieces to make her look good, she never treats you as though you are. She’s with you in the trenches, her calves just as sore from standing all day, laughing and joking along with everyone else. 
Emma’s a sweetheart, more thoughtful than you’d ever thought she’d be. She brings in cookies sometimes, showers one of the crew, Georgia, with flowers and gifts on her birthday. The three of you slip into a familiar routine. Every morning going to make-up together, goofing around on set. Then you’d hang out later, sometimes in each other's trailers, sometimes in each other's hotel rooms. 
The three amigos, Hunter called you once. It had a nice ring to it. 
Only, this week you hadn’t seen that much of Jenna. She was shooting constantly, sometimes fourteen hour days. It left you and Emma alone a lot of the time. Just hanging out, watching Netflix or cooking dinner together. 
“Kind of like a couple.” Joy had  teased one night over drinks, when you’d mentioned it. 
Your head had shot up and immediately your cheeks had tinged red. 
“We’re not a couple.” You’d clarified and Hunter and Joy had shared a look, “We’re not.” 
“Not yet.” Hunter had sing-songed, before darting off to pour himself another drink. 
In truth, they weren’t entirely wrong. There had been something weird, a certain vibe between you. You brushed it off. It was because your characters had romantic tension, you figured. 
But sometimes you’d catch her looking. Wondered maybe if there was something more to it. 
The thought of dating Emma made you feel strange. Fluttery, a little, in a good way. But also in a bad way. In truth, lately you’d been a little confused. Something was holding you back, but you weren’t quite sure what it was. 
It’s another one of those nights tonight. 
You’re in Hunter’s hotel room, again, sprawled across the couch with a vodka-soda in hand. Jenna isn’t working tonight, she’s sitting across from you. It’s nice to be with her again. You missed her. Her wry, sarcastic humor. Pretty eyes that sparkle back at you, as if you’re sharing some inside joke. 
You’re a few drinks in, just you and her. Hunter’s gone to fetch ice. The others will be here soon, Jenna tells you, looking at her phone. You settle into an easy conversation. 
Somehow, you’re on the topic of boyfriends. 
“I never asked-” Jenna says, taking a long sip of her drink, “Do you have a boyfriend? A girlfriend?” 
You feel your own cheeks heat. 
“No.” You say, maybe too quickly, “Do you?”
She shakes her head. Circles her fingers around the rim of her glass. She has a strange look on her face, one you can’t quite read. 
“Do you have your eye on anyone?” She asks. Her voice is weird, weighted. Like the question is a trap. 
She’s observing you. Under her steady gaze you feel like a lab rat. 
“No.” You say, “Maybe. I don’t know.” 
“Thanks for clearing it up.” She leans back, still watching. A small smile tugs at her lips, she’s teasing you. 
“Do you have your eye on anyone?” You throw back to her, leaning forward. She licks her lips. Your stomach flips. Part of you hopes she doesn’t respond. Your chest feels tight at the thought.
“Not fair.” She says, “I asked you first.” 
Your heart thumps. She’s leaning back into her seat. 
“Is it Emma?” She asks, suddenly, “Do you like her?” 
“I think she likes me.” You say, truthfully. You wonder if she can hear your heart pounding in your chest. Your blood has turned cold. 
“That’s not what I asked.” She says. The playful teasing is gone. She’s weirdly serious. 
You swallow. Shrug, trying to appear non-committal. You wonder if she can see through it. 
“I don’t know.” You say. 
“You don’t know?” She asks, a little perplexed. 
“No. I don’t know.” You say, “I mean how do you know if you like someone? It’s complicated, right?” 
Jenna shakes her head, “Not for me. When I like someone I know it. Right away.” 
You tilt your head, annoyance fluttering through you. 
“So who is it then? This person you like so much?” 
Jenna says nothing. Watching, like she always does. You’re starting to get irritated with her stoic silence. 
The buzzer rings. It startles both of you. You rise, almost glad for the tension break, and open the door. 
It’s Georgie, smiling wide, a bottle of Gin in hand. 
“Joy’s on her way.” He declares, prancing past you and helping herself to a glass from your kitchen shelf. 
“Awesome.” You hear yourself mumble, a million miles away. 
He looks back at you, eyes twinkling, as if he knows something he shouldn’t. 
“Maybe you could invite Emma too.” 
He pours himself a healthy glass. Tops up Jenna’s cup before clamoring onto the couch and nestling into her side. Your jaw tightens as you watch them, and suddenly everything makes sense. 
You decide to invite Emma after all. 
It’s just a text. 
Bunch of the cast is over, you should come hang, would love to see you xx 
You stare at it for a while, wonder if it’s too flirty. Or not flirty enough. Or even flirty at all. 
Jenna and Georgie chat quietly on the couch as Hunter goades you into taking a tequila shot.
Then another. You look down at your phone. The liquid courage is enough for you to hit send. 
“Where’s Emma?” Hunter asks, leaning over to you. He’s tipsy, presses his weight on your shoulder. 
“I invited her.” You say, prying the tequila bottle out of his hand. 
Hunter and Joy share a knowing look. 
You catch it, irritation blooming in your chest. 
“Nothing.” Joy sing-songs. “I’m sure she’ll be here soon. If you invited her.” 
“You two are annoying on tequila.” You tell them, looking over to see if the other two are better company. They’re talking quietly. Seriously. You stare at Jenna, trying to make out her expression. She’s as hard to read as ever, the tequila doing nothing for your perception. 
Your mind wanders. You wonder if Georgie knows Jenna likes him. You imagine Jenna telling him, stuttering over her words, the composure she keeps so carefully guarded shattering in a moment of vulnerability. 
You imagine them kissing, and your stomach writhes with something snakelike. Disgust, perhaps. You swallow the lump in your throat. Reach for the tequila bottle.
Your phone buzzes in your hand. It’s Emma.  
Would love to. Excited to see you too. Be there in 5 xx 😚 
“Emma’s coming.” You mumble to Hunter. 
He smiles wide. Makes a kissy noise. 
“God help me.” You mumble. 
You don’t know whose idea it was to go swimming at midnight, seven or eight drinks in, but here you all are. 
Joy and Georgie are the first ones in, stripped down to their underwear. Hunter follows, fully clothed, too drunk to care. 
You hang back, awkwardly trying to pull your jeans off. Emma hovers next to you. Pulls her shirt over her head. It’s been awkward since she arrived. You’ve been awkward. Avoiding eye contact, answering every question with a jilted, one syllable answer. It’s much easier to talk to girls over text, you discern. It’s less stressful. 
“Hurry up!” Joy yells over at you. “The water’s amazing!” 
Emma pulls her jeans down. You look away. Jenna’s close, settling herself into a nearby pool lounger. She’s still nursing her drink. 
“You’re not going in?” You ask her. 
She shakes her head. 
“It’s too cold.” 
It is cold. You notice more so now you’re in your underwear. You cover your chest with your hands.
“Come on. Live a little.” Emma teases. “Come in with us.” 
She’s stripped down to her underwear. Kicks away her jeans. She’s a few drinks behind the rest of you but you could never tell. 
Jenna smiles. 
“Maybe in a bit.” 
Emma turns to you. Her hands brush your bare shoulder. 
“Coming?” She asks, her voice a little softer.
You nod. “Right after you.” 
She flashes you a wide smile. And with a running jump, cannonballs her way into the pool. 
You linger. Suddenly the pool is less appealing. You eye the empty seat next to Jenna. Sidle over to her and lie back, watching as the others splash each other. 
“Aren’t you cold?” Jenna’s voice sounds from beside you. You glance over at her. Lay your head back against the recliner. 
“A little.” 
Not a little. A lot. You’re shivering. You wonder if she can tell. 
“Take my jacket.” 
“Then you’ll be cold.” You say. 
“Then we’ll share.” She says, shrugging herself out of her jacket. “Come here.” 
You shuffle closer without a second thought. She tugs the jacket around your shoulders, her arm lingering. You feel her rub your arm, trying to warm you up. 
“You’re freezing.” She says, quietly. “You should put your clothes back on.” 
“I’m going swimming.” You protest. Your body hums pleasantly with the drink, the heat of her body blanketing you nicely from the cool autumn night. You sink into her, rest your head against her shoulder. 
She smells nice. You think as you lay there, her arm around your shoulders. Woody. Like cinnamon and burning logs toiled together. You should ask what perfume she wears. 
“You smell like a fireplace.” Is what comes out instead. She turns to meet your gaze, a smile tugging at her lips. 
“You smell like tequila.” She says, her eyes twinkling. 
You grimace. Tuck your head back into her shoulder. 
“You’re warm.” 
“You’re drunk.” 
“Tipsy.” You correct her. “And so are you.” 
She hums against you. “Yeah. So am I.” 
A roar of laughter draws your gaze to the pool. Hunter is trying to climb onto Joy’s shoulders, each attempt has him falling backwards into the pool. 
“I know.” You say, trying to keep your voice light. Causal. 
“You know what?” 
“Who you like.” 
Jenna stiffens against you. You reach for her hand, entwine your fingers, trying to soothe her. You want to be her friend. You want her to know she can trust you with this. You’ve thought long and hard in the hour and a half since you found out she was into Georgie.
You’re going to try, for her. 
“It’s okay.” You tease. “Your secret is safe with me.” 
You look back to the pool, eyes lock to Georgie.
He’s handsome, you have to admit. You can see why Jenna likes him. You ignore the sharp flash of jealousy that churns within you. 
You tilt your head, press a kiss to Jenna’s cheek. 
“I’ll help you get him.” 
Jenna stares at you for a long moment. Careful eyes watching. 
You tilt your head to Georgie. Jenna blinks, but doesn’t say anything. You nudge your shoulders together. 
“He’d be an idiot not to like you back, you don’t have to worry about that.” You say. “And then maybe we can go on double dates.” 
“Double dates?” She seems confused now. You squeeze her hand, look over to Emma. 
She’s smiling, hair slicked back, wet, so pretty in the moonlight. “You, me, Emma and Georgie. What do you think?” 
For a moment, you worry you’ve offended her. Her body is tight against you, expression serious. But then she relaxes. Flashes you a tiny, Jenna-like smile. 
“Sure.” She echoes, looking out to the water. “Double dates. With you and Emma.” 
Hunter’s gone. Face down on the pool recliner. One too many tequila sunrises. 
“I’m going to take him up.” Jenna says. She slips out from beneath you. Leaves you with her jacket. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“You’re not coming back?” You ask, crestfallen. The cold has already crept back in, the warmth from her body gone. You wrap yourself tighter in her jacket. 
“I’m a little tired.” She offers you a small smile. “Goodnight YN.” 
You watch as she goes, cradling Hunter against her. 
Emma’s approaching, towel in hand. Drying her wet hair. 
“You never made it in.” She says. She seems a little disappointed. 
You bite your lip. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
The crowd is filtering out. Jenna and Hunter are gone. Georgie’s helping Joy clear the empty bottles. You hold out your hand for Emma to take. 
“Walk me back to my room?”
Emma walks you back to your room. You haven’t let go of her hand. It’s sort of awkward - you’re making it awkward because you’re so nervous. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve been weird tonight.” You say, chewing your lip, “It’s just-” 
“You haven’t been weird.” She reassures. Bless her, she isn’t a good liar. Your fingers tighten around hers. Her hair is slicked back, still wet. Her eyes, so blue sparkle back at you. Your stomach flips. 
“I think I like you.” You say. 
Your heart hammers, quite unpleasantly. 
“You do?” She sounds unsure. You nod. Entwine your fingers. 
She smiles. 
“I think I like you too.” 
And then she leans down and kisses you. 
She’s a good kisser. Is what comes to your mind at first. Firm but tender. Her hand tilts your jaw up to her. She doesn’t try to slip her tongue in right away, like the boys you’ve kissed before. When she pulls away, her pupils are blown, and her lips are red with your lipgloss. 
Your heart thuds. She flashes you a lopsided smile. 
“I’ve wanted to do that since the moment I saw you.” She admits, voice deep. Honest.
You want to do it again. Tell her so. Let yourself be swept up in her.
And ignore the tiny, Jenna-sized hole in your heart that tells you to stop. 
Next part
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lebenspurpur · 2 years
Headcanons for slashers (whoever you want) finding their s/o smoking cigarettes after hiding it?
Only if you're comfortable of course, thank you :)
AN: I've added my personal thoughts whether they can roll a ciggy or not because it's hilarious.
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RZ Michael Myers
Oh, he does not care. Not even for the fact that you tried to hide it.
Michael grew up in the 90s, I am pretty sure he is used to smoking.
He will however steal your cigarettes now. Not because they're bad for you, no, he just wants to smoke too.
It will be a nice little habit, though, smoking together. Gives you an excuse to cuddle into him for warmth while you're standing outside.
Michael can not roll a cigarette for the life of him, and you can't convince me otherwise. Either he rips the paper or he loses the filter. And they always look tortured.
Cig rolling ability: 1/10
(He gets one point because at least he knows how it works in theory.)
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent isn't bothered by the smoking. What worries him a little is the fact that you tried to hide it.
He tries to assure you that he doesn't mind, in order to hopefully ease your anxieties. After all, he's got a smoking brother already. You won't be much of a bother.
Vincent can roll a cigarette.
Come on, tell me someone with hands as deft as his can't roll a cigarette (Wow, I should stop talking about his hands).
Plus, I think he smoked in his youth as well.
Cig rolling ability: 9/10 (I'm subtracting one point because I refuse to believe he's this good at everything.)
Bo Sinclair
Bo is a smoker. And he'll find it absolutely hilarious that you tried to hide your habit from him.
He will never stop his teasing.
Now that he knows that you share his preference, he can pull so many moves. Bo's the type of guy to light your cigarettes as a flirting method.
He thinks it's hot, you think it's a little ridiculous.
Bo can roll a cigarette, but he applies too much pressure. They look a little squished sometimes.
Cig rolling ability: 7/10
Lester Sinclair
Don't we see Lester smoke in the movie?
I went into heavy research and yes we see him smoke in the movie. IN THE TRUCK, to be exact, which is a crime.
So yes, Lester is a smoker too.
He won't take it too hard that you hid your habit from him, but he still reassures you that he doesn't mind.
He likes smoking with you, in fact.
Please stop him from smoking in the car.
Lester can roll a decent cigarette. Sure, sometimes they lack good structure, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm.
He is the type of lover that will pre-roll cigarettes for you, and it's super sweet.
Cig rolling ability: 7.5/10
Brahms Heelshire
I fully believe Brahms has never taken any drug in his life, ever. All his life was spent in the walls, and while his parents seem like expensive whiskey drinkers, he has probably never tried it.
So he's shocked to see his own significant other smoke.
"Don't you know that this can kill you, Y/N?"
He will forbid you to smoke, because he is a little shit brat.
However, he won't really do anything but sulk when you continue your custom. And after a while he gets used to it.
Brahms obviously doesn't know how to roll a cigarette. Not even in theory.
Cig rolling ability: 0/10
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas is surprised to see you smoking, but he doesn't mind all that much.
You're your own person, and you've got your habits.
In addition to that, he thinks it's kinda hot.
Thomas has never smoked and probably never will, but if you let him, he will try.
(I tend to think Thomas is a pretty curious, and rather experimental guy because he was denied so many things in the past. Therefor, he tries to catch up with the stuff he missed.)
Nonetheless, he does not like it.
Even so, Tommy will join you when you catch a smoke break, mostly because he wants to keep you company.
Thomas would be capable of rolling a ciggy, if he ever actually tried. I mean, come on, he sews as a hobby, and you got to have pretty skillful hands for that, too.
Cig rolling ability: 2/10
(He's only this low because he never actually tried to roll one.)
Jason Voorhees
Uh oh.
He's not a fan.
Jason will try to make you stop, most likely by finding an alternative that's actually healthy.
If it doesn't work, he'll accept it, but not without a weekly complaint.
Jason would rather die than touch tobacco. He can not roll a cigarette.
Cig rolling ability: 0/10
Otis Driftwood
Otis is also heavily entertained by the idea that you hid this from him.
Except from that amusement, you won't get much of a reaction, though. Otis smokes himself, why would he care if you do?
(I don't actually remember if we ever see Otis smoke, but come on, look at him and tell me this isn't canon.)
Otis can technically roll a cigarette, but they always look horrible. They're very... sloppy.
I also feel like he's the type of guy to smoke rolled cigarettes without a filter.
Cig rolling ability: 3/10
Baby Firefly
I feel like Baby is more drawn to vapes than cigarettes, mostly because those can taste sweet.
She probably owns a pink vape, and her favorite flavor is probably something like strawberry or strawberry cheesecake.
Nonetheless, she doesn't care if you smoke. And she will scold you a little for hiding this from her. Partners are supposed to trust each other, after all.
Baby can roll a cigarette, but it will fall apart in seconds.
Cig rolling ability: 2/10
Josef is a bit on the wine aunt trip, so he's opposed to everything that goes against his usual diet (smoothies, wok pans and dry red wine, ah and occasionally some dark chocolate).
Therefore, he won't appreciate the cancer sticks, but he'll stick up with them because he likes you.
Sporadically, he'll steal a hit, but that's usually when he's tipsy.
If you ask him if he can roll a cigarette, he'll say yes, but that is a fat lie.
Cig rolling ability: 0/10
Amanda Young
Amanda is torn between amusement and worry when she finds out about your mannerism.
She doesn't necessarily mind cigarettes, but her strong history with drugs influences her opinion a little.
Though, as long as your smoking habit stays reasonable, she won't acknowledge it that much.
Amanda can roll a pretty neat cigarette on a good day, and she will roll for you if you ask her to.
Though, sometimes her hands shake too much to hold the paper properly, and then they all look horrible.
Cig rolling ability: 6.5/10
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
Corey Cunningham
A beefy killer with baby cow eyes, perfect dark curls, and a deep, gruff voice. A tragic past, facial injuries, and a motorcycle. He's also a mechanic.
multifandom note: this is more than enough to enjoy my fics. you don't really need this for most of them.
About: Corey is a slasher from Halloween Ends (2022). He starts out as a nice young man with an abusive mother. A kid dies in a gruesome accident on Corey's watch. Corey endures constant vicious gossip and is ostracized. He's branded a killer, and then he snaps and becomes one. Michael Myers, AKA The Shape (of evil), shows him the way. Michael and Corey's sexual tension caused me to start writing fan fiction.
In fic, there are three main versions of Corey (below): pre-accident, post-accident, and post-michael aka dark!Corey, the killer, usually more dominant.
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I'll reblogging some of my fics. Shaperil is a month for celebrating slashers. If you would like a Halloween ask in your inbox, just reply "happy shaperil!" Leaving you with Corey gifs to get you acquainted. . .
credit to the gif creators.
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Corey braces Doug Mulaney for entry of Michael's blade. CONSERVATIVELY, I would say I have watched this scene 50 times.
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heretyc · 11 months
What Outlast Characters Do For Halloween
This blog is a HALLOWEEN BLOG. STARTING...now.
Jokes aside, I thought I'd do some Halloween HC's since I'm late. I mean I'm not late...what are you talking about? You're crazy. I'm gaslighting and girlbossing you.
Mentions of genitalia. Minors GTFO.
Miles -
Miles is definitely the kind of guy that goes as something funny. Couple costumes are a must, but you need to expect something hilarious. Cock and balls. Outlet and plug. Moth and lamp. Shrek and Fiona. As long as it's hilarious, he WILL want to do it. He hates Pinterest but made an account just for funny ideas.
He is def the type to walk around and hand out candy, but no one wants a giant penis handing "sour patch kids" to their children. He eventually swaps costumes with you - you're the designated balls by the way - and he paints them red and says he's a bunch of cherries.
He buys the full size candy bars but gives assholes the small versions.
A pre-teen dressed as Homelander knocked on your door once and insulted Miles. Homelander then went crying to his mom after Miles ate a full size Snickers in his face and slammed the door.
Lore accurate Homelander.
He'd also go as Michael Myers just to silently stare at people and freak them out. He DOES eat candy with the mask on. It's funny as hell, dude. When you go door to door, he will take candy, eat it with the mask on, and with the WRAPPER on, and then leave after the candy falls to the ground, smashed. The people who give you the candy are so confused.
Miles likes to go all out for Halloween, too; the outside is coated in cobwebs, and the inside is full of orange and purple lights. Expect to watch cringy horror flicks with him.
Waylon -
Waylon adores cute costumes! Mario and Peach, Bugs Bunny and Lola, Howl and Sophie. He loves seeing little bunnies and princesses and superheroes come up to the door. He's soft and gentle and hands them as much candy as possible.
He will dump the entire bowl of candy into a kid's pillow case if they're adorable. He is the type to do that. Because of this, you have to buy 5 boxes of candy. There goes your bank account!
He doesn't go all out, but he does enjoy horror flicks and posters!
When you go door to door, he's always the one to say "trick or treat" because he's precious. Who WOULDN'T give Waylon candy??
Blake -
Blake enjoys costumes that take little to no effort. Funny or cute, he likes them both as long as they're subtle. He loves going as Shaggy for Halloween. Just need a green shirt and khakis! He's already Shaggy, anyway. He solved a mystery...he just couldn't rip Knoth's face off. Or Val's mud boobs.
He buys small size candy bars and keeps the big ones for you and him. He doesn't go all out.
He goes trick or treating with you, but lets you do the knocking and "trick or treat"ing. If he sees a priest costume, he will have a mini panic attack.
Trager -
Trager is the KING of funny shit during Halloween. You're the olive to his martini. The boob to his other boob!
Yes, he'd make you go as boobs. He's a man of class.
He definitely goes all out. His lawn has a skeleton with a lawn mower. He also enjoys scaring the shit out of kids and has that automatic bowl with the skeleton hand that closes on kid's hands.
There's a fake head in the garden, and he affectionately called it "Jeremy". You can guess why.
He goes all out just to scare people. He would 100% hire a scary clown to guard his lawn.
In terms of candy, he hands out bags of sprite. He buys candy for him and you.
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Trager's door on Halloween, real footage.
You don't go door to door since last time, Trager cut someone's hand off for not giving you a full size Aero bar. Serves them right, to be honest.
Eddie -
He loves couple costumes!! He refuses to dress up unless you're involved! Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Jessica Rabbit and Roger Rabbit, and Ellie and Carl are just some of the costumes you guys wear on Halloween!
He goes all out for the kiddos! Candy apples, full sized candy bars. He loves making their nights!
He doesn't like horror flicks. He prefers romance. Romantic horror might be up his alley, though. ;)
He's wonderful with a knife, so he carves pumpkins!
You go door to door and give THEM candy instead. It's funny, but most of the time, they're appreciative.
Jeremy -
Jeremy doesn't celebrate Halloween, really. But he does love doing sexy costumes with you. Any costume that has him in a suit and you dressed to the nines is good enough for him.
He doesn't give out candy, no. He buys EVERY SINGLE BOX at EVERY SINGLE STORE and spoils the both of you. The Rich Who Stole Halloween, much???
There's a skeleton with scissors on his lawn, who he affectionately named "Richard". There's another skeleton, looking like it's about to knock Richard's head off with a golf club.
And that skeleton is named "Jeremy". Hm. Wonder why.
You don't go door to door. Jeremy thinks he's above everyone else, and he has an entire room dedicated to the candy he bought for you. It's huge.
Marta -
Marta IS Halloween!!! She started it!!! She was there to scare Jesus in the manger.
She'd go as a nun. What did you expect??
She buys full sized candy bars, but the poor dear scares kids every year. "TAKE YOUR SNICKERS...HEY WHY ARE YOU RUNNING..."
Her house is always gothic, so she's technically ready for Halloween all year. Queen!!!
She goes door to door with you, but she's more of a scary, tall body guard.
Val -
Val loves sexy costumes and will 100% dress scantily or gothic. Jessica Rabbit, a cheerleader, Morticia Addams...they will dress in anything that shows off their figure or chest, mud boobs or not. You go as Billy and Stu from Scream sometimes! They have a mask kink. This was bound to happen.
Spooky season doesn't stop their horniness, y'all. It's actually kind of scary. You'll go door to door and they will make out with you as a guy in a Michael Myers costume stares at you holding out a bowl. You can't even say "trick or treat". They insist that kissing you is a treat, though.
You 100% watch horror flicks all night. But you're not watching, if you know what I mean.
What's scary is what's in their sex toy collection. You're going to be busssyyyyy.
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I'm so close to killing the owner of Tumblr. I made a long ass post and I saved it and it didn't go through and I'm trying to contain my anger
Anyways the ask was about Michael having big older sibling reader (they were quiet, calm and kind) and then they died in any way I think is fit and reader was Michael's only hope and happiness and then years later Michael gets taken by the entity and finds reader like the spirit or something.
I think this is very interesting why not.
Dbd! Michael x older sibling! Reader.
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Everyone knew who Michael Myers was obviously. But they never exactly knew who his oldest sibling was.
News spread that The Shape had killed everyone in his family except for one of his siblings. Some believed that they got burned to death by Michael although there wasn't any use or evidence of smoke or soot. Some believed they got buried underground but no signs of pre buried dirt or body in the ground. And the most popular belief was they were alive and working with michael as an accomplice.
But you and Michael know better than anyone that none of those are true. You don't help him. In fact he hates it when you try to. Changing your last name was the best thing you've done after that incident years ago.
You work to support both you and Michael. Especially Michael since he suddenly forgets the meaning of self care when you're not around you're the reason why he's always in great shape.
You don't mind your brother's unusual hobby. Maybe you were becoming like him too or maybe you know he couldn't control it and you had no problem with that. But either one doesn't change sibling love Michael has for you, it is as big as the huge pile of bodies he killed in the past. (it's alot)
Both of you weren't that different. You both were quiet and calm. But he definitely wasn't kind at all.
It isn't hard to read Michael when you've basically been looking and reading him when he was born. And he hates it but you know he actually really doesn't. But all of those weren't that important compared to as of right now.
Michael stood near at the crashed blaring alarming car with a body too shaped like yours, drowned in blood. Although a big fire was next to it with his trusty knife clutched in his hand so tightly it looked like it was going to shatter to pieces. He was overwhelmed with emotions. He composed himself and just went to take a closer look, he couldn't just assume it was you in the car crash who coincidentally crashed in front of him. Even though the car also looked identical to yours..
He's just going to check because his curiosity is scratching at his head like untrimmed cat's nails. And when his violent brain realises its not you he'll go back home and watch you as you cook for each other's food as usual.
This isn't right.
Why does this person look like you?
He was frozen in place for the first time in his life he felt as if he couldn't do anything. You were always helping and aiding him no? You were the opposite of him, he just destroyed and killed. What was he going to do now? Healing wasn't his kind of thing oh fuck what is he going to do?
Soon the sound of siren and people shouting caught his attention. He was confused and anxious and did the only thing he knew what to do when he did. Kill.
The police and firemen stopped in their tracks slowly realising who they were seeing. They immediately got ready to attack the man. Damn Michael... Must've killed the poor person there.
But they only had a few seconds to comprehend wha was happening. One of them were.. On the ground? And an excruciating pain as more bodies make awful squelching noises as ones body feels more and more heavier.
Michael he... Must get home now. You must be waiting for him as the food is getting cold.
Weird. He was already home. That was quick. But where are you? You're supposed to be sitting in a chair as the dim light above you revealing what you have cooked and telling him "oh Michael you're back, I was waiting for you for so long. Your food is getting cold..!" where the fuck were you?
He stood still for a few more minutes he wasn't even sure if he was thinking.
And then the TV next to him turned on. The words coming out of the reporters words made him want to strangle her to death right then and there.
"as of right now multiple police officers are gathering here as it was claimed that The Boogie man had taken the life of Y/N L/N who was driving an....."
L/n... That was the fake name you legally used. it had to be a coincidence. But why was he feeling so... Sad? Sad? He was feeling sad? Instead of anger or bloodlust he was feeling sad?
Michael didn't like this feeling at all. You were always there to tell him what to do other than kill when he was feeling all kinds of emotions but you weren't here to tell him what to do now. So he had no choice but to kill. It wasn't even Halloween yet but damn the feeling was strong..
No one had known why but September 19 1979 was when Michael Myers had unpredictably struck and became one of the biggest killing spree by Michael yet.
It was later revealed that the person who died in the car crash was surprisingly related to Michael Myers. This new information had now led people to believe that Michael's sibling was indeed an accomplice for him but he no longer found them useful and therefore murdered them and went mad.
Michael wanted to display every single one of these air headed piece of shit's guts in their family's homes. But he was too busy dealing with the new unsettling emptiness inside the home you both lived in. He may go kill again. And again. And again. Just so he doesn't have to hear the annoying agitating skin crawling quietness that made the blood flowing through his ears audible.
It had been a few years. Maybe 3 or 6 he doesn't know. But one thing Michael does know is that he's now a complete mess. It was pretty obvious, his mask dirtied and scratched. His clothes were messy and untidy, his knife was rusty and had dried blood on it.
Now it was October 19. 19th being the day you died and his birth day and month. His Halloween was ruined when he was younger and now you died on his goddamn birth day. God how more unlucky can he be.
Now he was chasing after laurie yet again. But then his vision turned black and it felt as if he dropped to the ground but was somehow laying on his back.
And he opened his eyes and saw peculiar people...
It was a few minutes of a man with a ghost like mask talking his ass off to Michael who wasn't even listening and thinking about how he was so close to getting laurie (I know that ghostface didn't exist before Michael but I don't play dbd and I don't know much about it. </3)
Untill he said something along the lines of- "oh and there's this creepy, quiet but cute ghost named Y/n L/n."
Michael's neck snapped to look at what he thinks is called ghostface, Michael asked himself if he heard that right.
This caught the attention of ghostface as well as the others.
"oh, someone caught your eye I see? I mean I guess it makes sense. They're creepy and quiet like you." ghostface teased.
Michael stood up next to ghostface. Indicating that he wants to know where this person is, now.
"woah, calm down dude! You just heard of them. To be honest I didn't think you were gonna be like this, I thought you wouldn't c-"
Ghostface word's were cut short by The Shape strangling him. Ghostface was struggling to talk, panic visible in his body language. This alerted most of the killers.
"okay, I'll tell you!" and with that Michael had dropped the poor man. And had silently forced ghostface to lead the way.
"that bitch crazy..." Freddy the burnt man whispered to Frank the one with a neck tattoo and a smiley face drawn on his mask who only nodded hoping the blue suited man didn't hear them.
20 minutes later deep into the woods, ghostface has thought of talking to Michael more about the person who seemed to have completely captivated Michael.
"so about the person..." he starts and the man next to him doesn't react. Ghostface takes it as a sign to keep talking about them.
"they don't really talk much but they're kind and all that, but every October 19 and 31st they get all sad and moody and goes somewhere secluded. They once said something about their brother."
And with that Michael starts power walking to the direction they were heading and ghostface yells at him to calm down.
Michael didn't even need to hear your voice or see your face to confirm it was really you on the river nearby.
Here's a lovely clift hanger since I think my vocabulary is slipping off and I have to gain my rich words again. And I think this was going too long omg.
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So a request, how about any of your Myers having their first time with their s/o?
Pretty basic Ik ^^”
Hmmmmm, I'm tore between Werewolf Mike and Trans Mike. Like which one of them should I write on, also I don't know if I should make a full story or a Bullet points one. Hmmm
Since Werewolf Michael is really Popular on here so that's what who I'm going to write smut on. Hehehehe
Big Bad Wolf
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You didn't remember how this started and how this would end. It all started when you were thinking about him. Michael. He was out pre usual, hunting. You were home, and he was out. You think about him, but this, it was more than your usual thinking about him. Remember that time you were both in the shower and holding each other soaking wet and naked. That's the thing, you thinking about him with you in bed and him on top of you.
The heat between your legs was getting worse, hopping he comes back home.
Scratch Scratch Scratch
You snapped back when you heard the sounds of scratching at the back door. He's home. You opened the door to see him, and he's a bit bloody on his chest and arms. His mask had splatters of red on it. "Hi hun." You said to him as he walked inside as you closed the door behind him. Something must have caught him off guard cause he started to smell something. He removed his mask, thinking it was just that, but the scent still lingered. "What's the matter?" You asked him, "I smell something." Michael replied as he went over to the fridge. "Did you eat anything while you were out?" You asked him as he opened it up, still smelling what it could be. "Not much." He looked at some leftovers, "I'll probably go shower. It's probably me I smell." He said as he went to the bathroom as you giggled quietly cause it may have been true.
"Wait a minute.." Michael stopped when he noticed something. The scent wasn't from him. He looked back to you, and he walked back towards you as he started smelling you, "What? What is it?" You asked him as he smelt you. "The scent is coming from you." He said as he tried to find the scent, "What do I stink?" You said as he sniffed your neck to your arms to your chest. "No. It not that." Michael replied. He got closer to where the scent was till he got to your crouch. Michael inhaled the scent, and he shivered in ecstasy. He figured out it was, he smelt your wetness. "You were thinking about me, wheren't you?" Michael said, looking at you with a smirk from where he kneeled. You were blushing from that comment, you where definitely thinking about him all day. "Michael, I..." You said as Michael got up as he still smirked. "You thinking something naughty about me?" Michael asked as he started to kiss your forehead and rub your clothed sex causing you to cross your legs. "Michael." You said as you felt the flow of wetness starting to soak your pj shorts. "I have Michael." You said quietly. "I want our relationship to go further." You said as you felt him kissing your neck. "Really? Like what, Y/N?" Michael asked, looking at you. You leaned towards his ear to say what you want, "I want The Big Bad Wolf inside me." You whispered into his ear. Michael growled low from that comment, "You want me?" He asked. To which you replied. "I want you to mate with me." That was enough for him to growl again in delightment. "I'll meet you in the bedroom when I'm done washing up." Michael said in your ear as he stepped backwards from you, hand on your arm. "My little Lamb." He said as he reached to your hand and released to go wash up.
You were bitting your lip now. You made your way to the shared bedroom to wait for him there.
You laid on the sheets waiting for your Michael to enter the room for what you were thinking about doing with Michael all day, all week. The door opened as Michael now cleaned, and his hair damped. He looked at you with a cheeky grin on his face, making his way to the bed, getting on it calm and ready. He was thinking about your comments in the shower, and he wants to rut with you. "You ok?" He asked you, "Just nervous." You replied, 'I'm nervous too." Michael replied as he looked to your eyes. "Maybe doing this." He said as he started to kiss your lips, locking with yours as you felt his body, half naked with patches of hairs on his arms, chest, and even his lower abdomen. Maybe more under the boxers, he wore a clean pair grabbed cause he knew those would be taken off in a bit. "I want to taste you." Michael said as he traveled down to your shorts and pulled them off with your underwear too. He likes what he sees he dives in, tasting your sweet nectar. You squirm from the sensation of his tongue licking your clit, your lapia, and inside. Biting your lip as his tongue went deeper in, to your sweet spot making you gasped and grabbing his hair. He groans in delight as he pulls out, licking up the juices in his lips.
Pulling your shirt off and taking a look at you, naked and beautiful, begging for him to be fucked. Michael attacked your lips with hus once again as he started to grind his slowly hardened cock against your heat, moan from the feeling. You pushed Michael's boxers off to free his member, getting over his pubic bone, his shaft spring free from his boxers. You were in awe of the sight of his erection, "My God Michael, you're big. You got some girth." You said, looking at his cock twitching in the cool air with precum starting to leak. Michael dipped down for more foreplay. You couldn't help but want to touch his erection now rubbing up against your throbbing clit. "Can I?" You asked Michael before finishing he guides your hand to his cock, you gripped it. It was definitely big you could barely get your fingers around his shaft, a good 4 inches around. Stroking your man's cock as he French kissed you, "How bad do you want me inside you?" Michael asked when he broke away with a small spit trail, "Badly." You replied, "How badly?" Michael asked as he gave you a quick thrush into you hand as a taste of what's to come. "Really Badly, I want you to Fuck me, Michael." You replied.
Michael smirked, "You Definitely want to mate, really, really badly." He said as he got your legs spread for him to get you bare for him. Still gipping him, you guided his tip to your soaking wet awaiting hole. "The Big Bad Wolf is going to fuck you really good." Michael said as he slowly enters into you. You moan from the stretching of him entering you balls deep into. He groans from how tight you were, giving you time to adjust to him. Michael slowly started to thrust.
You felt every inch of him rolling his hip, moan in ecstasy, gripping the sheets, and Michael. He moaned as his thrusting started to pick up when he held on tight to you, and he started to thrust hard and deep. You squealed in pleasure from it, Michael had one thing going through his mind to make this first time feel amazing for the both of you. You felt the knot in your stomach forming as he started to roll his hip with each of thrusts, which had your fingers move towards your clit to rub in between his thrusting. Wasn't long till he felt something wet hitting his abdomen as he stopped to see you finished squirting on him. You had your first orgasm and Michael wanted to see if you could do it again. He angled himself to have you squirting again, and that part of him just got really turned on from it. He started to thrust once again as you started to rub your clit again, you moaned as his thrusting continues till you felt that another one was coming closer. "Michael, I'm going to." You managed to some words out till you came once again, Michael watching it splattering onto him.
"You dirty girl." said Michael as he went back down to your lips and kissed you. His thrusting continued with quick burst every once in a while as he went. You started to feel him start to swell inside you. You also started to feel him getting bigger, as that feeling was happening. You noticed Michael was changing into his wolf form, and his erection was changing too. You tried to stop Michael mid change cause you were scared he's going to rip your holes into one big one, "Michael, Oh God, Dont Fully Transform your going to tear my hole!" You screamed to Michael, hoping he would stop changing. He put you into a new position as he thrusts became sloppy, folding you into The Mating Press his cock mid change thrusts harder and harder into until you screamed as you nth orgasm of the night rips through your body as Michael with few more thrusts howled as he drives his cock balls deep releasing his pent-up semen into your womb, filling you up with each rope of cum from his draining balls.
You were breathing really heavily from the amount of pleasure from your first time, Michael's breath fanning across your sweat drenched body as sweat drips off from his hair and brows. He changed back to human remaining inside, and you went to kiss his lips, which he obligated too. "That was amazing." You said, catching your breath, "Did I blow your mind from your first time?" Michael asked, "You Definitely did." You replied as kissed on his collarbone. "Michael?" You said, "Hmm?" He replied. "Could we do this again? But can you warn me if you start to change?" You asked him, Michael smirked and nodded. He pulled out with a wet pop after he lay beside you and made out with you.
"I love you." Michael said, "I love you too." Yoy replied, holding him tightly.
"If we're still awake later, can we eat after cool down? I'm hungry." Michael asked "Sure honey Wolf. Your usual?" You asked. "Yep, my usual." Michael said as he readjust himself on the bed.
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sadhornyygirl · 11 months
 Day 19: Thigh riding (michael myers)
 You had the idea of ​​trying something sexual with Michael, and it made him a little embarrassed that he was just in silk boxers and you were taking off your shirt, so he wouldn't feel like he was the only one exposed. It didn't really help because now he's blushing, even his neck. I'm not sure if he's more uncomfortable because he feels perverted wanting to look at your breasts or just how hard he already is.
 You gently coax him to sit on your clothed thigh, jeans waiting to become his mess.
 Tentatively, he moves closer to you, feeling more naked than ever under your lustful gaze as you pull him closer and help him sit properly on you. Smiling at the hardness pressed against his leg, he inhales shakily with the feeling.
 "Do not worry, boy." You murmur, running your fingers through his hair as he gets more comfortable.
One hand resting on his lower back, fingers rubbing lightly above the waistband of his underwear, making him shiver.
 You lean in, your lips brushing against his ear, your hot breath making him harder by the second.
 "Take as much time as you need." He shudders when he feels you pinch his earlobe, already giving a low moan before he starts to move slowly, letting out breathy moans as the fabric of his boxers catches lightly on his jeans. Your hands firmly hold his hips, urging him on. To continue.
 Compared to his cold hand going to the back of his neck, pushing his face into his neck as he moans, curling himself against you, his grinding becomes ragged as your lips attach to his neck. Michael does his best to give you more access as you start to suck him, bite him and mark him as yours,
 He cries out when you bite down again, pinching one of his nipples as he grinds faster, his other hand slipping down the back of his boxers to grip his ass tightly, and groaning as you squeeze him.
 "Such a good boy to me." Tears sting his eyes due to his encouragement and praise. He moans again, this time louder, as you hold his ass tighter, so close, his boxers soaked with pre-cum as he desperately thrusts into you again and again.
 Whimpering so sweetly, "P-please,"
 You smile, your nails scratching his bare back, making him arch into his touch. He breathes raggedly as you continue to mark his neck, already enjoying the color blooming on his normally pale skin.
 "Come for me, baby." He jerks, grinding against you one last time with a shuddering groan. Cumming in his underwear, he can feel a bigger mess dripping against him as he rides, whimpering into your neck and arms around your back, holding you against him.
 Stuttering hips are dragging him out and pushing him further against you in their euphoria as he begins to soften.
 His whole body is shaking by the time he finishes. Michael slumps against you, breathless and panting, as you gently rub his bare back.
 "Such a good boy"
 You kiss his hair and carefully move, so he falls onto the bed next to you, spread out on the soft covers, and his chest heaves as you lie down next to him, propping yourself up on one arm and wiping away the tears that escaped him. 
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letssimptogether · 2 years
(Request!)Slashers x G/N! Reader
✨Fall Dates✨
a/n: i’m sorry this is pretty past halloween y’all! i’ve been pretty sick lately but i’m doing better now so it’s fic time🥰🫶🏻
Includes: Michael Myers (OG or RZ), Jason Voorhees, and Danny Johnson
Michael Myers (OG or RZ)
You woke up way before Michael did to get to the grocery store.
While at the store, you saw where the store had their pumpkins and picked one up for Michael and you to tackle.
After grabbing the rest of your groceries, you decided to grab some of the pre-made cookie dough and some apple cider; he had no idea of the lil idea, but it’s not like he’d mind, right?
By the time you got home with groceries, Michael was anxiously awaiting your arrival, greeting you with his usual head tilt, but the second you got inside, Michael ripped the pumpkin from your hands in excitement.
He’s like a big child sometimes<3
While Michael was gutting the poor pumpkin, you were popping the halloween pre-made cookie dough onto the baking sheets.
Once in the oven, you met Michael in the living room, who already had the top of the pumpkin cut off and the seeds out.
“Which design did you think Mikey?”
Typically, he’d cringe at the nickname, but he was too focused on the pumpkin in front of him.
He pointed at a template of Frankenstein’s head, picking the booklet up to rip out the piece of paper while you put on classic Halloween cartoons.
Once the cookies were almost ready, you heated up some of the cider you got and brought the drinks and cookies out for you and Michael.
Jason Voorhees
Jason woke up before you, and quietly admired you as you slept in on the cold morning.
The cool Jersey air crept through the windows, and gave you an itch to bake.
So you and Jason make your way to the kitchen, and you pulled out ingredients to make some cinnamon rolls.
While you were mixing and playing with the dough, Jason was grabbing and putting away items as well as cleaning the dishes for you.
When he had finished, you asked him to help you roll the cinnamon buns and put them on the baking sheet.
Soft music is coming from the radio quietly, and the two of you are baking and dancing around each other before cleaning the rest of the mess up.
“Would you like to eat by the lake?” Jason signed to you.
“That sounds lovely, Jay.” You smiled at him.
He rushed to grab some thick blankets and some candles, and got set up by the lake where the two of you cuddled and ate breakfast.
It’s safe to say your guys’ day was just as peaceful as the morning<3
Danny Johnson
Danny had picked you up from work in the early afternoon, and drove you to your favorite cafe.
Once you ordered your favorite hot beverage and a pastry, the two of you drove around talking about your guys’ day.
Danny turned some RnB on the radio quietly as you both watched the scenery outside.
Tress went from a deep forest green to littered with fiery oranges and reds to lemony yellows.
“This is nice,” You hummed, reaching to hold his free hand which was resting on the center console.
“Yeah,” he smiled, “We should do this more often.”
It wouldn’t be Danny if he didn’t take pictures to treasure the moment, so the two of you pulled off to a trail, and walked around for a few minutes.
Danny was “taking pictures of the trail”-it was more pictures of you; he’s obsessed with your bright smile on your soft features<3
After his little photo shoot, Danny drove you guys to the local theater, where you both saw the latest horror movie.
You both clung to each other, out of fear or just the need to feel each other’s embrace, you didn’t know nor did you care.
In that moment, everything felt right; you could almost forget you’re dating the Ghostface himself.
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silenced-judgement · 4 months
‧₊˚ ☾. ⋅ ⋯ 𝚃𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗
✧ .
I had gone to Fred Myer with my mom the day before Mother's Day because she wanted to get new flowers for one of our flowerbeds and also some new flowers to plant. I do enjoy flowers, a lot, but I realized that we rarely get many butterflies flying through unless it's Thanatos sending one just to get my attention so he can say hi. However, since Milkweed plants attract butterflies and other pollinators, we had got one.
Here's the issue with pre-grown Milkweeds you can buy at stores; most stores if you don't want to go to a plant nursery or don't have one close by likely sell Tropical Milkweed. Which we bought. It wasn't flowered yet (thankfully).
Tumblr media
Something that people aren't aware of is that Tropical Milkweed is harmful to Monarch Butterflies.
National Wildlife Federation
The NWF link brings you to their main website while the other is their Garden for Wildfire website.
Garden for Wildlife
If anyone is planning on making a devotional garden for Thanatos, besides Poppies, milkweed is a good plant for him, but there's also the common milkweed and swamp milkweed which are different colors.
If you want you can plant this flower for anyone else (especially those who accept animal conservation as an act of devotion) and not just for Thanatos.
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Can you suggest me some romantic books with strangers to lovers trope? Doesn't matter if it's angst or 18+
I assume by 'strangers to lovers' you just mean they don't have a pre-existing relationship. E.g. not enemies to lovers or friends to lovers. So. Some that I have enjoyed, in no particular order:
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue by V.E Schwab
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang
Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door by T.J Klune
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
The Greenhollow Duology by Emily Tesh
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
The Flat Share and The Switch by Beth O'Leary
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
The Last Romeo by Justin Myers
All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic - note a slow burn, so they are kinda friends by the time they get together, but like they don't know each other at the start.
Special mention to These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever. I say 'special mention' because the romance is very me in the gothic, screwed up vibes, but if you want a more traditional romance...probably not for you. It's good though!
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