#just lots of thoughts
therewithinthestars · 2 years
just finished watching cyberpunk edgerunners, lots of thoughts, but the biggest one on my mind - damn i wish studio trigger made chainsaw man instead. certain cyberpunk moments gave me the same exact feeling as certain scenes in CSM manga, it would've been so perfect
fuuckk i hope mappa does a good job, we'll see tomorrow, but god it would've been perfect 😭
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anxieteaspooks · 2 years
Tea you good?
yeah sorry just been Thinkin lately and miss people
like i Get it and all just i still miss em
i am fine however this is all just coupled with waychin the end of coffin run sorry akdns
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sincenewyorks · 2 years
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happy sunday to him only
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ok i didn't think this episode could get any better and then carpenter starts to pray and my entire heart MELTS deep down she is as unhinged and devoted as faulkner she just wants to KNOW but she's ready to do anything for her god just like faulkner she just wants to know what her sacrifice is for
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angel427 · 4 years
what if I moved blogs
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
This hits at 1 a.m. :')
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stayswaggyponyboy · 7 years
bc being an individual doesn’t have to be synonymous with being alone but it’s okay if it does
sometimes ya just gotta be ok with the fact that you exist with simply yourself.  yes i have friends. but when people think of me, they don’t necessarily associate me with other people or with my friends. they just think of me as me. and i kinda like that. sometimes it feels lonely...well frankly a lot of times, but hey...that’s ok. i like being alone a lot, i like doing my own thing, and if that means that i don’t have another pea to share a pod with, then hey, that’s what it means. i have people who mean the world to me and they know that and that’s all that matters. that doesn’t mean i have to spend all of my time with them it just means that i share all of me with them...and that’s two very different things. i am the epitome of an individual...and maybe that’s an excuse for “i don’t like getting too close to people” but i just think it means that i rely only on myself for my sense of self. and i like that. 
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animating-gravity · 8 years
im becoming extremely frustrated tonight
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comicallycute · 10 years
All I know is I’m in my two year LA break. I get to go away for a bit and learn cultural things and a new language and change my look. But it’s different this time. My heart isn’t lost at sea this time. I’m not writing a love letter to a nameless face and leaving it to decay in an Italian wall. I’m going to school and getting a new job and investing myself into new people. I smoke cigarettes now - only on a blue moon. I cry a lot, but I’m also trying a new shade of lipstick. I read new poetry and write using new words I’ve added to my vocabulary. Things are changing, the world is turning.My heart is still yours
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lewisandneil · 11 years
and then robbie is just ... I've always liked him and I love some of his songs, but to see him so vulnerable talking bout being depressive, it made me love him even more and his and gary's relationship sigh wow. 
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